U L v Slip g cbrasslw gcraUl J". StaJeliuann has added a luncli room to hii lakory and confectionery. F. taItcr is erecting a paint ehop on I Rock fctrcct. Jlurj'hy 14 having his four fclory build l ingon Main t trett, filled between the Btad iing with hrick. r Coachi.-i are aliout to commence run ning between Denver and the end of the track of the Denver l'aiilie lt.'IfT Jlr. Van Annand has opened a boot - itnd 'hoe .-hop in Mergers & IJro'.s "buiMiiiF, ricar Sixth street. r " Another locomotive lor use lrom th.- 'i city westward is at Hamburg. It will be on tins .siie in a iew uays. The Ojsttr supper last nipnt, under the supervision of the (Jool Templars, was well attended, and a f:m; time gen era!: wj- had. Harper's Weekly for Saturday the 23d inst. contain:- illustrations of the relics found by Capt. Hall, during bis lecent arctic expedition. Lincoln county, with its GO legal voters, is the only strictly Democratic county in this State eo far as heard from. Democracy if a heavy thing, is it not ? The K. 11. Co. will commence the erection of Machine shops in this city soon. They have a large quantity of material for them here. O. II. Mathews is making collections for the IIekai.d ofitce. We hope those whom he calls upon will be prepared tj liquidate all demands, without unneces aary delay. Track laying is being pushed rapidly on the other ide of the rirer, "and if iho weather hold favorable through trains will run before the loth of 2io Tember. Chauwy Wiltsc, Jlsq., contemplates Opening a business house in this city. We hope he will decide to do so, f'.ir he is. a wide awake man jv.at the kind we like to tee doing business in Plattsinouth. The doctors and lawyers of Nebraska City played a game of ball a few days since, and the papers of that burg makes this fact the basis for three and four column article, telling all about it. See advertisement of I'. M. Green, auction and commission merchant. Here is the place to take your goods , that you want told, and to go if you want to buy. Deputy Marshall, Jesse Turner, gave us a call to-iay. lie was on his way to the southern part of the State. We are always plea-cd to s e Jesse's smiling .'ounter:anee within the Hi:rau san; tuin. A l;!!ie or Swede nann-d Jeorge Law on. was found dead in a well at the. Washington House in Omaha 3at Thurs day morning. It is uncertain whether ho fell into the well by accident or whether ho intended to commit R'li fide. I. MeClu.-koy, Dentist, will be in the city on Tuesday the L't'th and remain until Saturday the 31st He can be found at Ir. Livingston's office, on Main ireet. during his stay. McCluskey has been doing work in this city for several years r.-i l we have yet to hear the first complaint in regard to his work. We are in receipt of the October number of that most excellent Masonic journal, The Ki t ryrrex, published by GuilLert, Rarnes Si. Co. of Dubuque. Every Mason tdiould have this publica tion, as il teaches more of the craft than can be obtained at to Fii;all an expense in any other mauuer. Send $2 for a year, and try it. The IlERALP is the only paper in the State that has published the complete ;AiBcial list of awards made at the State li'air, together with the report of the Committee on Fruits and Flowers. There were gross errors in the awards as pub lished in all the other papers in the State. Samuel Ruby got into a muss to-day with the bar tender at the City Hotel, and got a severe cut on the chin from coming in forcible contact with a tum bler. He was taken before Recorder Wtdls, fined $-1, and went to jail, sub ject to work out his fine on the rtrects. "The way of the transgressor," etc. Some one is around distributing circu lars entitled the "Platform of the Working Men's Party." We have not read the document, but conclude it is a cheap way of establishing a party. The principled enunciated may be all veil enough, but has the thing got Jeemsey'B endorsement to enter the sa cred precincts of this Scnritorinl dis trict ? The Ilivck-Eye of recent date says: "While the passenger train on the I. &' M. R. II. was coming dowr Tuesday, jufat this side of Mt Pleasant, some vagabonds by the road side, threw stones into the cars. The traiu was stopped by the conductor, the rascals were caught and made to pay for the damage done. There should be a heavy penalty for such acts of vandalism as the above." from Frihiy't Daily The first snow of the season was visible tLk' morning. The quantity was very s mall, j-fct it was snow. The wind has blown from the North all day, and overcoats and mittens have been in demand. A &vr cords of good oak wood are ""ranted at the Herald office, immedi ately. "Fidelia" isn't Clerk of Cass county, and he appears to be troubled with 'chronic democracy,'" if we may judge froml-is letter to the JTeicf, written sln-e the tl.-ction. There are fully 2,0TK) voters :n Cass county, Jin ! only a little over '.00 votes were polled at the recent election. Wild fieese have been going South for the" past three day.-:, and wi-at'inT-wi::" people predict .some cold weather this winter. I A fire occuned in Council Ulufis last night, which destroyed the waron shop and dw,:l!i!!g of J,. (Jonden, and the dwelling of lr. O.-Lorne. John K. Clark has moved the "An derson warehou.v;" to the we-t side of Second .street, w here it is to be fitted up fur a Lii.-i.'ics.- house. 15-twoen now and the time the river closes there will be a vast amount of J'ailroad material landed in 1'lattMiioutli enough to build sixty iniles of lu.id. The Tempest came up last night, and j unloaded a large number of stoves for I Mr. (I'ubce, who is about opening a stove and tin .-tore in this place. ('apt. Palmer, proprietor of the Platte Valley House, ha-i been in the city sev eral day.j, 1 joking after his interests he re. Capt. is a live man, ju it the kind wo want in J'l.tlt. -mou: h. C 'Id weather is a pretty good antidote for drunkenness at least there ?.rz fewer drunken men lying around promi-cuously to-day than heretofore. Let us have plenty of cold weather. The President brought down five and a half car loads of iron last evening; and Mr. I'rown, clerk of the boat, informs us that eleven car loads more are at the landing on the other side. Tlie btieking plaster trade in this city ! must be pretty food now. About half' the men you meet on the f-treets have little pieces of pla -iter sticking on their faces. The great cry this fall has been i"r lumber. From five to ton teams can be seen almost any time at the var: lumber yards, await ins the arrival of hr.nl. t from the other side of th.' r-Vw-r. Wou't it l.v f!..-;-io;n wlf-n tho ears run into town ioa Jed , direct frosu tl.v pir.eries. Throiich iho kindness of Mr. Wood man wc 1-arn that the pra ding on the other Id- of the river is all fini-hed e-i-. pt a Mnall amount necessary to fx-t down to the river from the main track, and that track laying is being pushed with all pos.-ible speed. Lo;k out for through trains in a very short time. The travel we t from this city is im inenje. The westward b j.md ; oarhes pro bade 1 every d:iy, and it is often th-j case that extras have to be sent out to aicoiiimoJate traveler. Aside from those who tiav.l by public c-mveyauce. then: is a c-:iant stream of wugoti loaded with families and household goods wendlnir tit -ir wav we. t. Th j Nebraska City X, i .- says: "We learn from Col. Y'i'pnin. who ha ; ju t arrived IVoia h:s f.;rni on t'a. I'ne, that the iiu.'.iiit.ju & Missouri Uai'road Company arc r:ov fr;!' .t or !..:! ensatreu" in The -Colo- C; al, iiu'ivms -as that Til') acrs of la-id l:uvs f.o.:-.'' i tvivierci the Company for a town-site. '.niostoii It will pay some wide-awake man to establish a coal yard in litis city. In less than thirty days from da-o we can get -o.il direct fr.cn the coal field- ol Iowa, which can le furnished at a cheaper rate than wool, especially at the advanced prices for the latter. , Who wants to make a fortune by establishing a coal yard, ri.rbt a.viy? Track layins on The Ik & M. II. R. in Nebra-ka will be prosecuted with vir or until the ground freezes, when the work will probably he suspend fr the winter. It is the policy of this Compa ny to build no poor road. con.;ejuently they will not, probably, lay track on fro zen ground. They have the reputation, amontr railroad men, of building the best roads in the United States. from Saturday's Ihiiti. We are sorrv to K arn that Chas. La- zenby, Esq., is lying very sick; Grading on the dejiot gionnvls south of Main street was resumed again to-day A new jewelry establishment has been O'toned at StadehiKinn's old stand. Lincoln has p i ssed ordinances prohib iting the earn 3 of I"ho. The "S I't'ivr Winter" haspa-se l, arid plea -ant weath-T hoij for a couple ag i n t je ru.e we n;.:;;s ar 3-at. A ft-t freight line is about to be c-tabh-died between the Atlantic and the Paeilic. -V Teacln'r's Institute h is been in sea sion at Ottilia for the pa.-t three or four d;i i s. Four more car loads of iron were brought over by the President this morning and unloaded. The 15. & M. locomotive, "Eagle," arrive ! at the landing on the other side at 3 o'clock this morning. The new Congregational Church build ing is progressing rapidly. Mr. Leakey laid the foundation last week. There w ill be work for a thousand la borers :"n and around Plattsmouth fioru date until winter sets in. A man came in on the Lincoln stage last evening, and being a "stranger in a strange land" he purchased some fool and sat himself down on a poods box to eat. While engaged in tins "laudable enterprise" a couple of "roughs" ap proached him struck him on the head with what he supposes to have been a "slung shot," rendering him nearly senseless, v.hcu they proceeded to "go through him" in the most approved "foot pad" style. To all appearance the victim was a well behaved gentleman, but like most sensible men he carried little available funds about his person, consequently the thieves got poorly paid f r their tmub'e. E. A. WICiaE.NUORX. GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Everybody, and more too, are going to 33. A. WIGGENHOHN 8c Co., To buy their :H 2331:50. mine! gnx-rrT, m erOOods AT THE iSTE"W YOR K STOEE. The larpeyt and moat complete STOCK OF DRESS GOODS Arc nour oa e.hii'.ti"n at tj-.c. New York tnre. at nreatly reduced pricof. We cull particular atter-tiun to cur new styles of DRESS-(iOODS. PRINTS, L-ELA1NS. (HNGHAMS. UROWN SHEETING. LLEACIIED COTTONS, BALMORALS. CARPETS, ' CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YARNS ROOTS AND SHOES of all kinds and price! to suit cur umuarou eutomers. A largo stock of (JROCFRIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, WOODEN-WARE, (I LASS WARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, 1 1 ATS AND CAPS. We havfl a hre tnck of the celebrated GARDEN CITY CLIPPER PLOW. STUBBLE nnd BflEAKIN J PLOWS. "! all kind, of CULTIVATORS, REAPERS. SEEDERS, HAY RAKES. &.C PiattMi.outh Anril22J. lSGU. E A. WItiuKHOHN & CO. era If 'a One door went of PLATTSMOUTH, ITA.S a laikm: sto:-k OK FURNISHING- GOODS, HATS, CAPS, EOCTS, SPIOES and Provislorss- HIGHEST MARKET ITtlCE PAID FOR ALL SSinds of Country Produce. Pkitt-mou'.b, Nebraska, August 5th, 18G9. We capiat sire general ' siocJc or teooilH tlial 7vs $rc constantly an sorting ujf9 whif we oiler to il&e iff lic at jprices tlsat ire lasow must give en t ire stst infltrctiott We purdtasc the very best Goods at the head J Mar ket and xtrivthj for cash, and are prepared- to comptti trilfi the ir tde at any )oint on the Missouri liver. 3T073 AID IE. T. ZDTJKIE & CO., "WThoIeaale and'Ectail dealers in STOVES, TIN, SHEET IRON, BRASS, S T IE E Hi .PLOWS Of a-'l kinds and riio, rhih we wa.rra.ct the best in the market. Tin Roofing, Gutters and Spouting Done on Short Notice. Are exclusive ApenU in this county for the ale ot Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove Gire u a call re not be undersold Main street, next coor caat of the Masonic ElwA, PLATT8MOUTII. XEJJIJAKKA r. gcnsxssE. 0 I the Kesald Office. - NEBRASKA, AT Til? SSOES Eul y - - Xj i -:o: CAPITAL, - - GEISTTillLL No. 70 DELAWARE STREET, -.).- BKAITCH: Si. Louis, ftlo., Chicago, HI. Crlemphis, -:or- VLL POLICIES L -:o:- Securinur the Grcate&t Pccuuiary -:o:- NSU REASONS FC3 iKSURi.NG 1 THIS CC&PAHY : lsU This is a Wesitru Cuuipsay. uianaEcl by tn-, -.Lility and paciitlo.i, alynl aa.;:! caaranty for its carei'ul nnj $ucs-ful management. 21. Its l'oliio? are all non-furft-il ing. S I. Prnaiaai nil mi!i. It receives no notes and sivee none. I'oliey lioliitr hava no iuttrit: to pay, .!h1 no outstfeaJine note? a lions upon their ilick', 4th. Iivii!cnda tn' lo?fos are paiil in cash. th. It insures at lower rite; than ar.y E-tern eomrany. Cth. IU risks are in the West, whtiro the rate of mortality is !.vor and (he rat of iattrc-U higher thrtr. in the E.ut ; hence the accumulation of Hi idends to th policy fc ider i greater than in any Eastern Company. 7th. It has no restriction npnn tr:!Vfl. 6th. I;e diidcnds are made nron ti:e cptrilvat.'.n ilru Vth. lie business i exclusively life insurance. :o: Are the accumulations of interest upon premiums r'id, lunee the Compjr.y that 'ojns it assets at the hiphejt rie of intie-t can sive yon the largest dividends. Eaxtera companies inves-t their moneys at G ereent., while this makes it.? invetil'.ent: at twelve fer cent, er more. The advantage of MTe.-iern investments to the policy holder appear? in the JW'.'owing stanlins fijrure: The amount of 1.000, invested forCf:y ycrs ot 6 per esut. coinpoua 8 " M) " " It " OFFICERS : H. D. Mackay, President, E. Henseley, Vice-Fres:dent, Geo. A. Hilocre, Secretary, E. V7. Eaves, Treasurer, D. EI. Swan, Genera! Arent. J. L. Wcver, M. D., Consulting Physician. FXEOUTIYE COMMITTEE : . H. D. R-Iackay, George R. Nines, E. KcnseEey, H. Edgsrton, D. VV. Eaves. -:o:- TJai5 Conapanr Iniares liny XSnslcirit T.-NOV ALL MEN P.Y TIIESIi: PRESEXCE: That , A. Thomas. Auditor of the' i5tate of Ilk. . Kansas, do Lerehy cerliiy that the Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company, organised and doir.p l.usincr-i under t jo liiw of tho .-f'iito nf Iv:;o-;i" mid 'Mi"Fo.i'r:. Ii.is furTihod the under--itched ftni-tnetoTy cvidi.n"f thnt it ha- invested tine liuu-lr; ! i;d Fitly VLouanl Dol lars of its etil-ital in ( aiied -;ates Go veiif.neiit lion ,1s, :t the den on. in ition ol Fivo-'1 w Pi. tics '-Ll'-1 an i rrt p .-.i ? i of the v.-in. An 1 I do I'nr'hr t ify .hut -ti I Oi ip.my hitf ..ft apiit one Hun dred i'tiu'ind J) jllnrs "t said Unite 1 fri:.t.' bt .vi-. t'.-r th t"utJt o!" At.Li'OLiCY Ht. i.Dfras ot F.iid Con, duii v ; and that 1 tiol I in iru-tt :md n delol ..r :U hent-hf of said policy hohters the PuritT above mentioned, and 1 m sutiirtiej th:tt sued above tnentionct. and 1 am Siitihe-J that mail socurit te.- a-e wiirtti One XluinlroU Ibousaad Dollui8 lawful money of tho United States of America. I In witness where I hive hereunto -tH-'.-riln"! my rrrn-. ."rl c;,iicd the seal cf r::y o!Tce to b (.Seal ot Aud-I alii xM, ine day eui year i.Lot e wr.tlen. Utorof St-tc A. IlioZ.iA;'", Auditor of State of Khei. ci:util'icatj: of autikhuty to do business. Orn-F. " SrrEr.;j TK pkst cr the TssrRNrK Dkpahtvent of Mwwrit. IT IS HEREBY Ciili'flr'ILI. iSaJ t!.e Mionri Valley L,i- I ;iu ..nee t n-pai.;. . a L'.'e I 8iirau;'C Company, organized under the law? nf tho State of Kiin'if. nnd ii i-rine:.ii ol.iee lo- I cated at the city ol Leavenworth, has complied w ith the rciuii -ci.it ins of i iie thiriiuih. i;:ir:y-first, thirry-.'econil, thirty-lhir i and tl.irty-bnirth reoti.u of an Act ol the liciu ral A.-.-nnoly ol the Jl!.t.- ol .ii..liri. cnli.lt l .In a.-. Pr t!ie in orr. nition jinj regulation ol Luc As.Juran. e ( oinpii nicr." r.p i ' i di.i" -li iolii. a. l. lit .'. -i '.'.ir in the .s i. : re iiiirciiici!.' tre at'fdiei.i.!c tl;"ret'. And purMi: lit to the thirty-.ixih s .yiiuu .f said Act. the said i i'iuri Valley Lite lu.-ai i.ii.je t'oiop iny i? ben ny authorized to do business as a Lil'o A-.uraa"e Ccin!any within the sa'd t'at' ot Mimuri. aubject to the several piovi-tin- in.l rcquirevient of the Act afore.-ai 1, until the first day of Feb ruary, in the year of our Lord evhfcen hrnd-e'i nnd seventy. In testimony whereof. 1. Wyllys K imi. nnder-'ipn' d. Scpcrintendent of the In:if.in e I-nirt-( Seal of Insurance De- I mcnt of :iid tate of Mi --"Hiri. have hert-fo "t roy ban i and affixed parttnent of .-'ta.teof my itea! of othee, at the eitv f St. Lou:.', -i i.--::: i. : tl..y of (. Mjuri. J Juiy. a. 7..1-f.'.i. ..siRiiod, V i l.LYS W Nii. Superailci: i;i:t of t'.'.e Inuninve .Department of the Stuie of Misnoiiri. CERTIFrCATE OF AUTHORITY. vTo eil ire on ihe aist day r,i .Taiu -iry, JS?).; Inscbancr Dbpastmest, OiVick of State Atditor, 1 LlM.i.LN, Nebraska. April 1. lviy. ( Whxhkas, Abram B. Coralt. State Agent f-r the Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company, bl eated at Leavenworth, Kans, htis filed in this c Sice a copy cf the Act of Incorporation of said Company, and a statement under oath, t-bowin;: ir condition. a required bv the tii'ih section ot a law ot the r-tatc of Nebraska, entitl'il "An Aet in l'..la?ijn to Insurance Companies."' np proved February lth, 1V4; arprox-trd Ftbruiry 12:h. and whereas, said Compaoy ha turni-iheti the untlersiiied satilaotory evidence tha.t it isjio.-jeed of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars of actual capital, invested in the stot k f at leat par value, or in bondj or morrtrases ca real e.r.te worth double the amount for whk-h the .-rime is Uiortcaseil : and whereas, t-aitl Cotcpany hiia iel in this ofii'.'e a wriLten ii.trcinc r c. urt!c rrho of tbe Companv, iuned hv the J'rf-ii! c r. t and Secretary thereof. siu'Jiorizias taer-ui-t Abraiu Ron bell S-tate. ha fci There pie. Av - L . inorny ii. aria.-.T.iaie Asreni rinean . issouri b rusk a, and to d. end perform cl! :.?t. ftr and in foin'-aiCtit as suc'i sicent ana t y ttio lavs ot tnis n witcc-? whereof. I have sr.'ts.-ribed my mine, l. 8-j affiled this 1st day of April, a. d. 1So'.. -:o: in oenaii or ?au toinpany. e.,tienin ; ttiat servit: ' i pmc, upon !.:r.n ..-riali c.e t:ken :tnd i i i '. .-, "v i vitii ?tty . v CJv(tJ to be m va'.H us if erve.i noun t'i fomnanr. ii'-r iiiu t. the i octbU r'i:e ..r .-.nv .t:.T i Hoiue. .cbrak . ity. ..... . ' an 1 waivine it!! elaimjt f err' r bv re ioi . V n:-h .-ervice; .ir.,i whare.ia. ll.mn I: l'..-.it ' Are ;u-:t r.-fii ir.:' a Ii. Ko! l'i,:ij,!t' (1 i n...i i aii .. '. 4 .. . t.v mlthfH inHri,... rv ..-i i - i,.,t ... ,1 ,..).. r; ..i a ,t ..t -:.. .' T'.t'rh..n direct lrom U'arM,a county, i. v.. iit- l .rlj.jvivliv. It i t- 'lUtv fore be it known by thes.-j preM.n'.t. that in i.uru:i:i-c oi ihe aiorc--.il A ' I. ,T. hi C :l : f - i 1 '" -;o- iuiw. , . . ,. , -r iditc.r of lhn State of Xebmsk.i. do herebv eertitv that Ahnici 1. xif.itt. L".-.. i i- :u!i i - - -- - - j fji'i 4 j," ' j, i ' J GOOD TRAVELING SOLICITORS WANTED. -o:- 1. IS. COJ 2JLT9 Stale 4gcnf for ehraskaniid .onlici n Ii.au Ea. J. W. MARSHALL. Agent. ) pr (TT7'y-j'irTf R. B- LIVINGSTON. Ked. Examiner, f -'i - XI Ot i . Ill VALLEY IF1 IB SuU-'JUlI Kit k - - $500,000.00 OFFICII:: LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. OFFICES: Tenn., Inilianapolis, Snd., San Francisco, Cal. NON - FORFEITING. Advaritajo to th.e Policy Holders- Wwicrn men, hose known finanancial oaiirae- inlet-1, i " " - " :o: S lVl.M.ll .W1.1 UToijO-bS S18.9oS.U at lower titles lfiiiia Company. AUDITOR O? STATS OFFICE.) Toi-kka, Kansas. February "6th. IStifl. secu:ii!e. - a"e wiirth One ilumlrod Thousand Dollar li. Co-, alt to acitm;v.ieui.e rvit--c.d . process lor t ev lic ip.:iran-e Ioti.ii behalf of aid Company authorized by Mate, until the slit day of January, a. !. l-7'.i. I and c--Ufel th Seal of th" A.i "ito-'s e-ftn-e to be I JOHN uILLEsl'J L. State Auditor. 1 S. BLOOMS Q'QVif ! BOYS' AD CHILDREN'S CLOTHIWC;: I-latG & Gaps, Boots bnoes,:.:.rij BLANKETS, HU38ER GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC.-- jV.-nn St ret f, Second Door 7w7 of Court JourJ P!altr,rrsot!th, Web-T ERAKCH HOUSE : Broadway, Council Bluffs, !owa. '3Jaw-; . ' rr'. 'i .1 I V '--T-.V .:. " 3) K T rr 3 S T , Vi'a Ir. L'vinssi.uiV .-'Ti.-c .tuviup tlic lrtst week in OMril lll'Mltil. i'ost Oftioe will if rrir :V.uy imniS touUyS , F U R W ST ORE! ---;:.-v;,...'v-jh & K--fA UAiiiC 8J LAkt -5 . AnJ ile.i'.er in all !'.:u " i-f JXXruitlirG ClUfi CLlCi il"3. PiattsriGui! - - - Meb. Kc):iir';ne m l Varnishing nentlv c"ono. 3-Fuiierul.s attcnJcJ ut the shortos: notii-o. i no.ll. A C5DOD QKARSOEt FOIi A GOOD BARGAIN i i I Havinc eoiiipli'tid the pl.itlinp and vec rdiac tf sy tin; he's' Addition ( the City of t'iatti ! mouth, 1 uiii now jirt'i'are i to in the Addition t n a-n. !'' r '.. l:inisi.ie one half carh dowu: t 'le .tiior half pja!l in one vi'iir, nt t"ii p-r e-nt. iulT! per anr.iirn fn ni dale i' pnr.-l::: mai! ti.i l. Tt 1)0 n'i:ro1 l.yiiior.tr.'tKc-oiithein.i.crty. ri-r-r- D. 1)1, Donation to Churches. ',' j ;,-ii.us (len-tua- I wilt five : the fidiowi:-. rtl i'u i.x- B iptHt Ciiurch, ! 't 3.' in block ; To J.iiv'rv;i;.'-n -J ('liir-h. 1- t '' in l)loclcC: To tho Aid io1i-t Liiiii'.-il. ( 1 iti IjIim k 1.'; 'i'o t '." :i: r.tili'.. t '!)iirfci. I ! in k '1 : 7h" Kpi-'.'tp:l Ch!tv h. .t 12 in bl'-K 10; 'I'.. !! 1'i i i.vri.. ;:iii t'tmrcli. I t 1 :'i i'lork '1 : I tii.- hri.i!:t-: 'a-f! lot 1' ::i ! k 5: j To lii.- .v.:ht:i:; Chin. !n i in l.!).d: i: ) in my Addition i: tiiv (, .tj ot i '..it-;uo ii h, npun 1 the t'ollowir.!" con lir-iin -. vli.: Thi i (!. nhull I mwi on said uj a. durf;it. a .-.tiiia ila j "nild::iu for paldie w..rh:p. w itfiiri fivo year fn.;n '.hif iiMl.; ; :tud. i'l -:ii; ol lilur.i on the part i . CI i Ci.itn-h or CLa:-.: i-oinply wit!i a'xve i '.rdirion. turn and in that cie tin lot or Iot.s shull revert to uf. I J?. DUKE. fOcnatisn io Pubiis Schools. I hereby hiiv:te for the ui"j of Tuhiio Diftrirt Serio us. i..t jo iti Uioi-k o. ": t r," iit:Ii si ii- or Miin itret. n:td Lot 111 ill Block iTJ. on tin; Hootii .-ill.. t' Mui.i ;ii-ft, in my iJ iiiion to ih" City oiriattfiitouta. . i. Dl'KK. 5,000 Acres cf Land for 8a!o in this oounf y. A!-:o, K.-ir-ti: stil l.o;a n thi i-ity. Ht low pi i'rp. - I'arti.'ul.tr iittci-.tin iriv-n to th" buyin and tiAllmir oi r il oi at.e. exai'iir.iu; titloi". ii t pay ing tHS'ib Jo- ii'. . i 1 Ms. iS. i.'K K, ilicl L.- v-td Ak-Hiit. ' Lot for Ten Dollars- I wi!l pdl t piirti'-.t l.sirouy of bu ii: iiift ui:d j iiprf..i:it'. o; ti:'- lo-. in th; ul';oi'i. d list ; in my vd iin'oii to l'l:iti5,n...nth. ut ten d llur j per lot, L.:idi.r ihe loPuwinp ei :i.liii.i;i. r:.: . build on the lot par-ha-d a dwellinir nouseof, Iho D-'yon nare'insiiK will w regu .rin in the foilnvin dimr n:in. to-wit: foe hoe I to hf not ie! ih 'iilixJ-1 feet, with f tui y not l.,n..r th'in S l'et. Th-.- tr.-ini- iro -t be troTl and n'thstantial: liouc well s.lint?led; L und nion i either oi bn' k or ior;e. i here uni -t Oe.ikncn- comnleid on or In 1. re J mm ja: 1 t, 1 .0. I ?ive'n bon 1 tor i .'ol to the pr;y wh- buy socn r pro'iH"" h in -i le-nia upon con;piin wit.i tliO aoo-,... e odit. '.Ti!! give a fold r.ud st.rii. ir n! v . rrt'c'y l.i.r-1. Selcctious may o-j uajc frota the a-c-'jinp.tny- ! i . . ' . i u ; i..t, o . i ,.i i ;,. l a . 1 . .t 14 in blo.k i: Lot '.-in blo-kl": Lot i: in blo:-k : Lot. ' ! t in b)o.-k L) : Lot. A in blo-k -2: Jjoti! 2 and s in blocK -5: Low .tni 11 in ob-ck -ti: Lot 5 in Mock 27 ' Lot? H ri1 "7 j in IiPhu Ld; Lota 4 aua I in tiionn a; Luiiiii Hock 's"'. S. DfehE. Pla'.' mouth. Aim;.-"'!''. i'i rMI -i-e ' " in bltM-kl: Lota 4 sud 4 ta biuk ZU: Lot Z ill r. V-r . esrM it: m i? t.i e ' !' :-: i-::. ts.M.i-: and VJLW STRF.Zr, PI.ATTPKOrTH. .VKB. I am r rep-red t j k-r-:ntuodatetbe p ihiic with iort, Oirriipr. Ljss ''-' A -V. 1 IJivrre. cn short notice and reasorub! term'. A llacg wii! ;unto thc U.:uiibo-itlandins.aa.lt'i ai! pi.rts oftbeeity -vheu .lefir.tL r.'. Capt.D. Ltaoo'fc CO., "VholeiJe atd ret-il dealers in wines anjj liquors A!o a very. hoiee selection ef !,KALEK4 IS. ar- jif rit w? "k i 1 1 1 1 i Fruits, Confectloneriss, Toysjrceonimeiidod to-Mk NCTlCiNS, 2CCKS, bTATlONKKY- Plattsmouth. AustJotf. &c- I $20,GCQ Worth of Property j KJK SAI,IC j Consistiaofl in.is.with tiiii' ero.ljoiuins.near I'latteuiotith. iruteriy in I'UU.-i'iou'.h City, hones, ca'tle, wagons, etc. i For further nartteular jrs of or ad -Irc- ,' . V.. l .'T.VIV. . o tT ' : .t'. -.iTv-r til i HALL'S-;:;:: VEGETABLE SICILIAN mm n HP-k mmninilllBin mmir-,lT Mm KLNtVilbH-v fuS lis the only perfcctoii n3 i l fZT, scientiiiC'iiiy riiejj-irea. prcjiaration ot lU Ktnt. , . r no lever olTcrcd to the j)ub4' fitbi'Ulbb MX ims no competitor,.. GRAY iin merit. Uy.iU n..; niip OKAY IIAIU is eooa., 11 J 1 11 jrctoroa to its , original 1U 'youthful color ' nnd I .liancy, wbicli in 60 mvob , i whose hair istliin or thJUng.i j I'UL'Ji't, lout will, by the use of tHi ! FFiOMC'TES 1 1''"? w-er,floon scciUgoo-VV I t-jti lelU-ftf, n.s hy its tonie artd - LilUW ill! hrur -lands will bo lntit(', AND rn(1 1,10 hriil' fiVow(lhfcy' n i and stro'j;ag: la." In gsHoa"'"! j Tjurnrn ot liaMKCss it will creato is cooling, and till.i'ys all itt-hiiig ; and. hritatica jof ONE 'the ec;ilp. ItdoesnotetninVi POTTT' .he f.'.Jit as Jo t?yt'r ljul :muh?i5 the o:d; white and L.t., ' o i ii ist vVi'"! iillbiiLII ;t js tl0. best acdfinoi UP ccotion:ic:il trcparation la .t THE I1"0 worl' i'"inc6sf' rriTiyiT jlnst ho much longer. benl A "Hi. ,n. onr Treatise cn"ih LOCKS ! hair, free to "is!!, by maLU"" .' -I -.'-'- i:-S 1 Sold Ly kl Cruiuis'.s .nd Dtalen In ifcdicloa. cooi:, ccouRH'itico.'; Gen'l Ageat3 for ITorth-'VT'eBtera Btats 87 DEA.R302N SXHEZT, CniCAaO,ILl " Wo. the Drar'rt -t' of Platt-ninutlT. rail th'n tX tcntioii ft our . u-oiuiut t- t'mrli'lt'rt mi!tat!ird '" l i'v i.1 i!n- wud-!i'i'si ' fTio.uy of Jpr. floharii' oltlln isnt.Tf. nr. nmuja i rrinuiii'ui'g liMMj.i J'li's. W'c ha hcen f-inm t'c"" m"di-, ciacf loru. Ynoiih toki.ow t!i-it 11 f ar- wia ni m. (I i i.e. nod tliat the crii'.culeu of cwfoe puldithel are title. ' i Reed Hie jollijxi'.ig letter froi on." 'of the eldest and thhi.'i' rdialle yrcccnj ineiybants i the cilj of DorenjxjrL, f i i'-'i Frikxi) Walton Agreeably ;o my proaiise to you yhen; here, If write you, 'or mhll e a i I o n i f y o u see proper, ' a',- 'true M&i'&t mail of tiic good'eP fects of : Kobriclt n .bclfersMpon mv.se 3f. S 1 1 f .T x ti iJiI iLLl n' J I ' ' t ' w-' p t h r i 1 '.l I t ( - - " -vu,.. esiioii for a. lon 1 1 me, a t i ended , wj ill t;.;lI'4 ft f 1 I. "Itt Cl Vlil 4-iHi.. iiC j tie ! i In vly a ft er eaiiwg? w in fbilutiately: aiJ old soldier fHcnd . . . . ft ?,-- , -'P Z r. ' fi 1 'f 911 v.ik.w ' J - - ' ' iJrWI J ' I ' ""' Ilif 2' Ci t b ? i ' Vil t L i i ' 11 ii Zr& f , 4,. ,-. . " . - , -"S:2 4i vti.v v.; ..- . k. - . v. t ? , 2 t ? n i - 1 . r a. ( snea , a ml tv n: v .-rr ?:-; iov 1 va:i rcklocl 'at oisec, " T s A " uov? , . v-'"'l' j .......S.i r - i '- j V Oil 111 IlOtu JU V ii Cif ii .srv-n -;4 ,'.':ii ILAii tlti ' . ( 12. Iv.i . 1 v t :. :Mt rk visit '-, r otjier incdicijie ylirCt Jj' CO I !1 R1C I1CC il ' LZ ! I win -uo aii iiey rt vr ... to directions. Oiirs truij; ' AVJr ""-.'T-VxV-'A i lVilV it. m il . 1 i r. ,. - , , , , -.-, Of tllC l.l'ltl i J'OU. ' I .-A VI .V-Aiir9" it. T "Y!j 1 lo-.VD. iiixiii, L.ivfnt'v ii! ii ' i li ! I I S '(, ; tit ii ! 1 f .: ;i i I ..m.-ir.t.u: :i, i . I a ".;-'.iiaifcaiS,(i. faviriTO