Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 21, 1869, Image 3

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    m line vts'.-
She &ra$fca UraltL
Charles Wellsamlt, who etbbed
Charles Reinhardt at Nebraska City some
two weeks ago, has been held to bail
in the sum of $1,.0J for hie ajijierance
at the next term of the District Court.
The case of William Broa l.lus, indict
ed for manslaughter, in that he nhot and
killed George Davis, came up in the Dis
trict Court at Omaha last week, and on
,Sitnnly the jury brought in a verdict or
pu;lty, and his sentence waa placed at
ti vi? years in the Penitentiary. The ?-j,uWi-"'i
thinks he was either guilty of
murder or not jruihy of any crime.
A fuio pair of mares wen; stolon from
J. A. Chenowoth, near Ashland, Saiin
ih'r.s count, on the night of tlie 14th.
.The-horse Mealing gentry should be
watched .-harly, and when caught dealt
with severely. It is about time hore
ftealin? a a bu-inis occupation was in
tt rfcat'd with in Nebraska.
No country wm over blessed with liner
'fall weather than is Nebraska. We have
had a very wet nummcr, but the fall is
likely to be one of the fik-aaantest ever
known. Farmers have the advantages
of fine weather in which to take eare of
the heavy crops produce 1 by the .sum
iaT rains.
Three months aro thero were only a
few mechanics in I'lattsmouth, and they
. were begging fur small jobs. To-day
there an; ten times the numtxr, and it
is almost irapoisible to secure one for
even a day. They are all busy and hun
dreds more are needed. Come alone.
Hon. Ieo. Ij. eybolt hascarchased
a lot in the south part of town in Young
t Hays Addition and will commence
the -,-,-.-tioi of a dwelling thereon in a
few day. Rents are too high for any
man who can procure a lot on which to
isirice Mr. Woodman ha returned to
the city, with his health comph tely re
stored, the work of eon-truetimr the
Railroad westward is Lcitii: pu.-hed with
renewed vigor. Mr. Woodman is a
thoroughgoing man and allows nothing
to lag which he ha.s anything to do with,
lie gives his personal attention to every
department of the business connected
with the interest of the Company, and
sees that every thing moves with precis
ion. Jl.n bty' Z.u7y,
The .-tcamer Tempest paid four cents
a tie for unloading her cargo yesterday.
The '"Medical Nine" and the " Legal
Nine" were to phi- a game of Rase Rail
at Nebraska Citv last Saturdav.
The steamer Tempest came up venter
day morning with twelve hundred ties
for the P.. k M. R. R.
Hou. T. M. Marquett.j arrived from
Riirlingfoi! yesterday, when; he has Loea
ou bu-i:n-s connected with the R. it M.
R. R.
Hon. 1'. W. Hitchcock came down
from Omaha Saturday, remaining in the
city over Sunday, and left for Lincoln to
d.iy. -
' Should any ofteir daily sub-erib-rx fail
to get their paper regularly, the' will
please notify us at once, in order that we
may ascertain the cause.
A. L. Day, Ksq.. of Muquokcta Iowa,
is in the city looking after his lauded in
terests in this section. He will remain
lor a week or two.
We hear it stated as a reason why the
Otoos did not boat the Red Stockings,
t hut they were afraid the Red Stockings
would "feel bad" about it, so far away
from home.
Judge Child's informs us that he can
neither rent a house or hire board for
himself and family in the city. Kvery
j laee is full. We ii.f have more hous
es. Who will build them?
If you want a 5ne cigar or a good arti
cle of tobacco you should go to Ij. Rrom
k' Co.'s. They deal excln-ively in ci
irars, tobacco pipes, etc., and of course
keep the best in the market.
It is astonishing to the "natives" to
r-oe the piles of new goods at Clark &
Plummer's. They are "going in on their
uerve," and propose to keep a full Mock
of everything in their line. Stop and ex
amine their goods.
Co!. A. B. Puller was in the city to
day. Wc learn from him that there is a
tie between Mr. Stocking and Mr. Bar
greene. candidates for county commission
er. The balance of the Republican
ticket was elected. Walker had ajuiajority
of five for county clerk.
A huckstering chap was detected in
Glenwood last week, trying to play a
new dodge on. a resident of that city.
1 11 bought some hogs, weighed them in
his wagon, and afterward removed the
cushen stuffing, and filled xett and in
its stead, and came back to have the
weight of his wagon deducted. He was
caught in the act and hooted out of
tpwn. "
There is a geueral complaint among
our lumber dealers that they are unable
to gvt lumber here fast enough to supply
their customers. The lumber is taken
as.fst it arrives. Next month we
will have through trains from Chicago,
and then lumber, a? well as other articles
of merchandise, can be had on time and
in any desired quantity.
One of the scouting parties out under
direction of Gen. Augur, recently discov
ered an old camp, a lot of camp equip
age, some canned fruits, two tripods,
and a silver fork, with the name of James
Tackson engraved thereon. This was
l-ttween thirty and fcftv jnilcs south-east
of Ft. McPherson. Itl thought prob
able this was Nelson Buck's camp.
The camp had evidently been deserted.
Some parts of a wagon were also found
An hundred new dwellings could be
rented in I'lattsinouth within three days
time. Who will build them.
Huberty Si Goodman II. Huberty
and F. R. Goodman have reopened
their Bakery formerly on Second Street,
one door south of Masonic Block, on
Third Street, where they will be pleased
to see their old customers. They are
both excellent bakers, and can get you up
anything you want, in the very best of
The work of driving the piles for the
R. R. bridge between Main and Granite
streets was completed Saturday, giving
the I1Erai.i thrt required item. The
driver u.-ed on this work was operated
by horse power; ajid while it did not
make quito as good "time" as the bt ;am
driver, yet it Ptrack quite as hard blows,
and was "run" by a jolly set of boys,
who could appreciate a good joke.
We have some graduates in the art of
Mealing in this city. We have often
heard of persons who could "steal the
loots off your feet," but never knew the
thing to lie successfully did until yester
day. A railroad hand drew his pay Sat
urday, bought a pair of calf boots at the
R. R. Store, got gloriously drunk yester
day, lay down to sleep it ofl", and when
he came to found some fellow had reliev
ed him of his new boots.
We learn from Mr. Haley, one of the
contractors for the rock work on the R.
R, west, that six different culverts are
being built between this city and the
Platte bottom, all of which are under
way. The walls of these culverts are
three feet in thickness, and the covering
is made of huge rocks six feet long and
eighteen inches in thickness each one
of them being a load for a pair of hordes.
The rock is all brought from Vivian's
quarries, fiur miles below the city. The
rock work on a railroad is a heavy item
in the cost of construction.
Vow Tvietluv' h'tUy.
Mr. McGiiniis is litting up a boarding
house in the south part of town.
Moses Stocking, Ksq.. of Saunders
county, is in the city.
Mr. Sieh of the Miil firm of Rohwer Si
Sieh, is erecting a neat residence south
of their mill.
Simpson. Mickehvait Si Co. received a
quantity of cottonwood lumber by the
Steamer Tempest last Sunday.
Mr. Hillings has erected another house
on one of his lots south of Rohwer Si
Siehs Mill.
A man was knocked down in front of
"Thompson's Sunny Side" last night,
and his face beaten to jelly.
Milton Swalley.of the Weeping Water
country, was in the city to-day. We
had not seen "Milt." for many years be-
Sain. M. Chapman and his bride
came down from the Bluffs yesterday,
and at once took possession of their own
household. That's sensible.
There arc thirteen prisoners in the
I jail, and no loom for more. Some ar
I rangenient uiu.t be made to either work
prisoners on th ; street, or to prevent so
many rows and consequent arrotv
Gen. John A. Dix. the oi l hero, who
oi acred the first Democrat of New Or
leans who attempted to pull down the
American flag, to be &hot in his tracks,
was in Des Moines last week.
See "Notice to Teachers" under the
head of Special Notices. Teachers
should be on hand at the examination, as
we understand it is held that they cannot
get certificates unless they are examined
at the appointed time.
The "Red Stockings" of Cincinnati
played with the "Otoes" at Nebraska
City, last week. The Otoos came very
near beating they seored 3 while the
Red St'jckings scored oo.
The proprietor of the Exchange Sa
loon struck Jim Burns over the right
temple with a tumbler this afternoon,
cutting an artery. He bled profusely,
and it took considerable effort to Mop
the flow.
What about those Avenues? If any
thing is to be done in regard to the open
ing of them, the sooner it is done the
better, liefore any more improvements
are made along the lines of thcui.
The Nebraska City Press says "we learu
that the people along the Nemaha bot
tom are suffering to some extent with
fever and ague and other diseases pro
duced by the overflowing of that stream
this season. This is quite unusual for
Nebraska and may never occur again."
Mr. WiHardP. Buck, ofPontiac, 111.,
son of Nelson Buck, who is supposed to
have been killed i the Indians this
summer, arrived in" town to-day. He
will endeavor to secure an escort fir the
purpose of making a search for sume
trail of his father and party.
There are more battered countenances
in this city just now than is usual in
towns of the same number ofinhabitants.
An unusually large number of -people
"run against knot holes" and hurt the
appearance of their faces. Pay day
was last week that's what's the mat
ter. Nine hundred families have settled in
the single county of Colfax, in this State,
since the first day of March last, so says
Mr. Greenman, a resident of the county,
and a reliable gentleman. Many other
counties in the State have done equally
as well, and we have no doubt Saunders
county has done Letter.
Sheriff Johnson informs us that the
county jail is now -completely filled with
prisoners, mostly "police ducks," and
that he had to pile up several new ar
rivals this morning in the jail yard. We
expect to see a'doteh or two of these
boarders on the county out "breaking
rock' ' some morning, all linked together,
not exactly in bonds of love, but with
' links of iron.
Some half dozen teams have been
engaged in hauling ties from the Main
street landing for the past two days.
This will be done away with in a few days
As soon as th-i R. R. Lriucling is complet
ed, the ties will be loaded onto the
cars at the landing.
The Glenwood Opinion tays some par
ties in that city recently sent away from
home for their job printing, and that
nearly all the names in the job were
spelled wrong. The Opinion, nppears to
think it is "good enough for them."
The "boys" in the Opinion office do good
work wc have seen their specimens,
and know.
The Daily IIkuald, though small and
mo lest, contains mnre reading matter
than four-fifths of the dailes of double
its size. It is set in small type, and our
object is to get the greatest possible
amount of reading matter in the smallest
possible space. Compare it with other
dailies of the west, outside of Omaha,
and see how many of them contain more
actual reading matter, aside from ad
vertising notices.
The Nebraska City Press of the 10th
says "Ira Woods of Wyoming precinct
was committed to jail a few days ago for
contempt of court. His wife had sued
him for divorce and the court after the
trial made an order that he should pay
her attorneys fees to the amount of fifty
dollars, which he refused to do. He
payed it yesterday, however and was re
leased." The Brownville Advertiser says the
editor of the Democrat was but recently
discharged from the rebel army, to which
the editor of the Democrat pleads guilty,
only thinking it has been some time
since, and concludes he should not now
hi held responsible for what he done live
or six years ago or in other words, he
v:ants to be Itt alone, lie is not the
first one of his kind to make that re
quest. Prom Wtdi-enlt'v' Unity.
Another freeze la.-t night.
The fixtures for Railroad switches,
etc., arrived on the President yesterday.
The Nile came up last night, and left
a large quantity of freight for city mer
chants. A btnall pli.tform car came over yes
terday, for use on tills side of the old
Councilman Gass informs us that
steps were taken last evening to increase
the police frcc of this city.
II. N. Orr, Ksq., arrived from Prom,
ontory yesterday, where he has been on
A dray was brought into requisition
this morning to dear the streets of
drunken men such as were dead drunk,
and unable to maintain a perpendicular.
Sheriff Johnson has commenced tv
build an extra eorrall inside of which to
stow feiiows who have been struck with
Messrs. I" ix & Haley, contractors on
the R. R. received W barrels of cement
yesterday, and are expecting another lot
in a few days. It takes "lots" of ceme nt
to lay those huge rocks in.
- - --
The Omaha Herald gives up all hope
of a comiiu ncenient b:ing made thin year
on any of the numerous railroad lines
which it would like to see starting out
from Omaha.
Mr. J. H. Smdi and Hon. .Marcus
Brush, of Ashland, were in the city last
night. Mr. Snell started out several
wagons loaded with lumber for their new
hotel Imilding.
See advertisement of "Valuable Farm
for Sale," by M. Stocking. This is one
of the best farms in Cass county, and
there is 'money in it' for whoever pur
chases it.
Thos. Doane Esq.. Chief Eengincer
of the B. Si M. R. R. in Nebraska, left
the city yesterday for a trip to Califor
nia. He combines bussness with pleas
ure, and will be absent about ten days.
Marshal Murphy has apjK.inted H.
N. Orr and G. W. Bellows as deputies.
Drunkenness will not now be quite so
projiinent on the streets as heretofore.
Mr. Bellows had a job of taking care of
half a dozen men in less than ten min
utes after he was appointed.
The reporter of the Omaha litpuLliean
spent "half an hour at the railway depot"
in that city recently, and teils, through
the columns of the paper, what he saw
during that half hour. He don't say a
word about seeing the west end of the
B. & M. R. R. R. because it wi-u't
Will our city council do something to
establish better order in the city. Un
less strenous measures are adopted it
will soon be unsafe for a man to walk the
streets of Plattsmouth in brond day, and
ladies will not dare to brave insult by
making their appearance on the streets
at all. Let us have ?omo police regula
tions. We have good officers, but they
are hampered in their action. We also
need some sistem of working prisoners
who do cot pay their fines. The good
of the city demands that these things be
looked into at oiic
A man named Vincent was severely
injured yesterday at Mr. Muttz's resi
dence, by being caught in the tum
bling rod to a threshing machine.
His clothes caught, bringing him to
the ground ; but the tpaee between the
rod and the ground was so small that his
body could not pass through, hence his
cscaK from being dashed against the
ground sufficiently hard to break his
bones if not to kill him. As it was, his
clothes he'd firm enough to stop the ma
chine, though not until the pressure was
so great as to tear the skin from his side
in a frightful manner. There are no
bones broken, and he is not considered
dangerously hurt, unless it should trans
pire that he has lieen injured internally
more than i now developed.
The tollowin proceedings were had in j
the Recorder's Court,Oct. 1 Oth and 20th,
IbGT. .
John Pox, arrested Oct. ISth and
lodged in jail over night, on charge of
disorderly conduct. Plead guilty.
Judgment for fine and costs, $12. In de
fault of payment or security, was com
mitted to jail, subject to work on the
Edward Cowhey, arrested, Oct. 19th,
on chargf Jof drunkenness and disorderly
conduct. Plead guilty. Judgment for
fine and costs, 511. In default of pay
ment or security was committed to jail,
subject to work on the streets.
David Fitzpatrik, arrested Oct IPth,
on a charge of drunkennesand disorderly
conduct. Plead gu'Ity. Judgment
against him for the sum of $11, fine and
cost. In default of payments or security,
defendant was commitod to jail, sub joct
to work on the streets.
Patrick Kenny, arrested Oct. PJth,
on a charge of drunkennes and disor
derly conduct. Plead guilty. Judg
ment rendered for the sum of $11, fine
and costs. In default of payment or se
curity defendant was committed to jail,
subject to work on the streets.
October 20 Dennis Kaine, arrested
Oct. 10th, and confined in jail over night,
on a charge of drunkenness and disturb
ing the peace and quiet of the city.
Plead guilty. Judgment was rendered
for fine and costs 11, which was paid
and defendant discharged.
Dr. Ilayden, United States geologist
returned to Denver last Saturday, from
his summer tour through Colorado, and
from thence proceeded to California.
The final report of his examination of
Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico
will not be ready until a year from this
We learn from Mr. A. G. Barnes, of
this city, that Mr. Stanley Meecham, of
Trumbull county, Ohio, was one of the
unfortunates wjth Mr Nelson Buck,
whose entire party is mppposed to have
becu killed by theUniians near the Re
publican river. V f Meecham was aged
about 22 years, andjhad recently come
west. He was an old time acquaintance
of Mr. Barnes, with whom he left such
things as be possessed that he did not
desire to take with him on the trip west.
In reading an odd old book the other
day, we came acrors the following capi
tal fragment upon Friendship, and even
if it were quite a century old, it would
certainly be good for another century at
"When you hear Paul praise Peter
you will find Peter praises Paul in turn,
and this they call being friends.
And often the relation between them
amounts to no more than this that one
sc ratches the other's back, that the other
may scratch his again, and so they make
fools of each other; for do you see, in
this, as in many other cases, each of
thoiu is his o- friend, and not the
other's. This is what I am in the habit
of calling "cMer-sfalk-friemlship !" If
von look at a voung c'der-sta'.k, it arx'P.r-
stocky and well rooted, but eut it off and
you will find it hollow within and full of
a dry spongy substance. Now the very
first and fundamental law of fricwlshi
is. surely, that one should be another's
A genius out West has just patented
a machine for making chestnuts out of
sweet potatoes. He is a brother to the
old man who put handles to prickly
pears, and then sold them for curry
Clark & Phimmer are opening the
finest assortment of clothing ever bro't
to this market, manufactured from the
best material expressly for custom trade.
Buy a good article and save money.
Shoddy does not pay. diw It.
There is no mistake Clark Si Pluni have the most complete stock of
Hats, Caps and tents furnishing goods
offered in the citv. (Uw It.
.V fresh supply cf ladies, children and
mioses dines, at (.'lark & Pluuimers, lat
est styles. dw 1 1.
Headquarters for dress goods, shawls
and trimmings at Clark Pluuimers.
tkw It.
Cold weather is coming, but Clark &
Plummer are in advance with a new as
sortment of all wool blankets, diw It.
Ladies will find a full line of wrap
pers at Clark Si Pluuimers, cheaper than
ever. diw It.
An endless variety of Qucensware and
Glassware just received at Clark & Plum
mer" s. di.w It.
Farmers can make money by taking
their proJuce to Clark & Plumuicrs.
diw It.
Clark & Pinuiuier are receiving a fresh
supply of groceries, they keep the be;-t
and sell low. d&w It.
Ei-Sing Omaha Mineral Water -for
sale at the City Hotel,
sc. 10s PyJ. E. Holland, Agent
All iersons knowing themselves in
debted to us either by Note or Account
will pleae call and settle imedjately.
A'allerys Si Ku9hcr are now recjiving
the largest assortment of Boots sad
8hoes ever brought to this market. Call
and examine them. Nothing charged
for showing goods.
Vallerys & lluifuor are just in receipt
of a large stock of Pry (Joods.
Vallerys & Ilu2"uer have just received
a. few more Kirby lleapers on which they
will give good time.
Bacou and Lard for which we will give
the highest market price.
Vallery.s St Hurry er.
Vallerys Si Ruflner are agents for the
Schuttler Wagons which they are selling
at reduced prices.
Vallerys & Ruifner are. agents for the
Grover Si Baker sewing machines, the J
pest m market. I all and see tlicm.
At h rpsirlmie nf M T, Whitf in thi f'lty. !
on tho Hth of Hotctx-r. lsiO. br I'". J- M'1 !
W-r. Mr. .Sam. M. Chapman and Mis. arau K.
l'L TJi am.
If vou wjut cheap clothing, or anything in
that line, call at W. SriUKLMAX's.
$1200 and all Expenses Paid.
See adTertisementof AtnerirHnShutUeSewinj
Hacbina in our adrortUing columns. ly
Pay Up.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to
me will pleee call and pay up immediately. A
word to tho wise, etc.
iClOtf C. E. tORCY.
All persons indebted to the underrind are
reiue.-ted to call at her rei-idi-uee. eighteen miles
we-t of I'liittsmouth, and settle tha same imme
diately. .
If All Parlies Indebted to Us
Will call and settle the fame, they will eave
themselve? both eitr trouble and expense. fir
we murt have oil accounts nnd notes due us
paid, and that immediately, as we are going
East and tiuit have th money.
September 2d. 1809.
Just Received,
The largest ctoek of the latent style of Clothing,
Furnishing Goods. Hats, Caps, Hoots, .shots,
etc., that was ever brought west of tho Mississ
iippi river. The prices are lower than before
the war. Call and examine before purchasing
elsewhere. WM. STADELMANX.
Oct. 7th w3
Mrs. Kate Simpson has the agency of the above
celebrated instruments. Any person desirous of
obtaining a first class Organ or Mclodeon with
all the latest improvements such as vox jubi
lant!. Jre.. are requested to call at her residence
and cot circular.
Plattsmouth Aug. id:f.
Acting in obedience to Sec. 80 of School Law
of Nebraska. I hereby announce that a Public
Examination will be held on the first Saturday
in Xoveuiber. 1SC0. at the School House in
Plattsmouth. Said Examination to commence
at lO oV.ock a. in. All persons intcrc-ted in
educational matters n-e invited.
W. A. PATTKPSOX. Co. Supt.
Public Instruction.
Oct 1 Sdl w t.
rKEX L P l!y the sub.-, liter, ou Weeping
1 Water, in Liberty Precinct, on the 1st ot
October, IHAK one dun colored inure poncy,
white lace, ten or ekven year old; al-o. one
sorrel horse, three vears old. Mar in forehead,
STHAYED From thn undersigned, tea miles
...west irom Pl.ittsnsoii:!:. twenty head of sheep
ten of them old sheep, the others Inmbrf. Ouu
black one. one with bell on and lonu bonis, one
wilh one bind leg otl' just below the gaiuoreil
joint, 'there is one black laui, and one Imtk
Iamb wilh very heavy horns. Any peisoii fciv
ins intoriiialion of their wherabouts v.ii! be
suitably rewarded. V.'.M. CilLCM'Z.
Alice Toomev, by her husband I District Court, i
:md next liiend, jienry Ca.-s county,
Toouiey, Nebraska,
Mary E. Taylor. Ophelia Tay
lor, iluius laylor and Lilly To November
Taylor. J Term, laiyj.
To Mary E. Taylor, Ophelia Taylor, It u fild Tay
lor and Lilly Taylor:
vou are hereby notified that I have filed a pe
tition in the District t'ourt of Cuss county und
btale of Ncoraska, wherein 1 claim to be the
owner of the following described real estate:
W i ol S W 'j. See -7. T M. K VI: N i of S E
1 i. Sec S. T 1-'. K VI; S K ' . of N 11 1 .. See 17. T
Ki. It H: S E ol S V.', sec :u. T 1". K 1: N V l4
ot N K 1 1 See T in. Kb!: S L :i ot N i; '4 ol
See lo. T 1U. H l:S: E of N E 'i. Sec ;". T 11.
H V' : E I j ot S K ' ,. Sec :V. 'i ll, K I J : X ot
S E '-4, ec -S. T i-. It 1-; all of said lands
lying and being ia the county ol Cass and State
o;' Nebraska, and pray in (.aid bill that thes-uiue
be convejed to me; lhat unless yiwt appear and
plead, answer or demur to said bill, on or !.e
lore the 1 th day oi'Noveiuber. A. 1'. H'!'. t'e.e
Hlle'at inns therein contained, will be takeu as
true, and a decree rendered in said cause in ac
cordance with the prayer in said petition.
By Stiucklasd, Hasiiv Jt McLknnax, t r coin
tdainant. oct7v4
C.FAiXl. .Tll'j;
John I'uulstiac. ) District Court. Casscounty,
vs. r Nebraska,
lilaeker A Mcl'hail. ) To November Term, IK .
To Ulacker k McPhail :
You are hereby notified that I have com
menced an actiot against you in the Disttict
Court in and lor the county of Cass ami State of
Nebraska, wherein 1 ctaiia of you the sum of
Slot), with interest on that sum lioia the lirst
day of Jai.uary. A. D. ISOs. ii.r umney by you
received for my use : that I have caused an at
tachmrnt to be issued in said cause, uiid y. ui
property, lo wit : liie N. V,'. !4 ot llie N. . 1 i.
and S. f -. of N. W. M. and the N, E. i of the N.
V. ' ull iu See. T. 1.1. Jv. IS. ull in tho
county of Cass and State of Nebraska, has been
attached thereon ; and, that unless you appear
and plead to said action on or before the l'.th
day of November, A. D. IS.)'.', judgment will be
rendered nwtinst you in eaid cause, and said
property ordered to be sold to satisfy the sumo
with costs. .IUHN TAI LSTINE.
oct7w4 I5y V". McLknnas, his attorney.
To the Stockholders of tin Burlington
Missouri liiscr Railroad Company
in A'7;vr.v.,a .-
Notice is hereby piven that on Thursday, the
28th day of October. A. D. ISO1.', there will b
held a Stockholders' Meeting of the Uurling
ton i Missouri ltiver Kailroad Company iu Ne
braska, at the office of the Burlinjrtou & Mis
souri Kiver Kailroad Company in Nebraska, in
the city ol l'laUstnonth and State of Xtbraska.
for the purpose of electing seven Directors of
said Company, and for the transaction of other
Three of tho Incorporators of L. t M. 11. T!. Co.
in Nebraska.
11 attsm outii, Sipteiubcr CO, lso9. scp2;w5w
Notice is hereby yriven to ell partus having
business before the County Co'iiiiiissir.nrs Court
the nature of which will re-juire the lilir.jc of pa
pers, that tbe re.iusite papers must be iiled wilh
th County CU-rk before the lirstday of each sea
session ol said Court, to obtain a heariiiff upon
any such luiitt-rs as they may desire to brin
bei'oie tiie Court.
Tho rapidly increasiu? business ef t!i Court
makes this order of imperative necessity: that
a regular order of bnsii.e.-s may be previously
arranged. whereby the Loaxd may iuore.-ystcuiut-ieaHyan.l
with greater celerity Uisateh the
business brought be!. .re them.
IJy order of the Loord.
m.ir26'09. Clerk Cast, county. Neb.
Ia District Court 2d. Judicial District within
and for Ccs County Nebraska.
Daniel Likenbcrry
David Chedcster
and A. I'.ain
To David Chedester and A. Uain nan resi
dent defendants, yoji are hereby notitied that
Daniel L.kenberry will take the testimony of
various witces.-es. bcfre A. II. Stutsman. No
tary I'ublic. at Chariton. Lu.-as county, Iowa,
at l) o'clock a. m., of Thursday, the ist day v
October. 1S !.-. and continue until 1 o'clock p. m.
of said day, and to adjourn from day to day until
all the depositions arc taken said depositions
to be used in the trial of a cause in the District
Court of tbe :id Judicial District of Cas county,
Nebraska, in an action wherein Daniel Liken
bcrry is plaintiff, and David Chedester and A.
Uain are defendants.
By MixwtLi, & CiiAiMAS. Atty.
Probate Itfoice
Notice is hereby iriven that on the 2TIU day of
September, a. i. ,;'.. M'illiam Snyder deposited
a paper with the Probate Judge of Casj county.
Sla'.iufr it to be the ia-t Will and Testament of
Krederiek .S-.hluati, late of Ca5 county de
ceased. Now. th"ref.Tc. the witnote to sui.l Will. and
all persons interested wiil eppear on Tuesday,
the iiUh day ot U-tober a. i. I's.itt. hi o'clock
m. at the office of the l'robate (,'ourt in tue City
of l'lattsaioath. where said Will wili be consid
ered to admitto Probate. WM. . tAHK.
Sept 30 ISOi vl. Pn.bate J udgo
ImproTcd Farm Tor Sale.
I wiil sell at public auction ou the premises of
Mr. James Bate, the Southwest haJ' of
Southwest quarter ('4J ol" Sectiou one 1 . u:id
the Last half t'.j of r-outheHst quarter ('.- of
Section 2, Town eleven Ul. Kantro w.i u tl-.
Frame li.iu.-c. Stable and pood well water
and stock water on each fjO acres, two a. : -.-s of
planted V uluut troes cud ten lu-rws -i;o 1 tnu- j
ber land. The baid In ads is situated otio-hIfi
mile west of tik'ht Mile Urove. To be jid i
without reserve ou Thursday, Oct. 7th-
Term? of Sale : Prt cash and the rsmaluder i
on time to suit purch:t?er. 1 ' ' ' i
Sold in tkl acre tracts if desired.
Stock and Furniture will be sol i next xiiout'j, '
of whUh due notice will be civen.
F. S. Wiijti:, Ancioneer.
?ltni-er C. 1 ''.'.
r'.r-. -.
Boots, Shoes, Z".. lC:.
;aug-t''tf i
DOOM. nilO. A; CO.
li.ivo n l Sfii.-k of
Press ( ioods,
White Good.
Press roods,
Press Goods,
Press Giod-j
Pieix" GoikIs,
Piece Goods,
While Good.;,
AV'hite ( Joods,
White Good.-,
ihown Muslins,
Urown Mu-liiis,
lirown Muslins,
Piece (ioods
Bleached Muslins, Pemins, blue Si brown
Bleachtid Muslins, Pemins, blue Si brown
Bleached Mucins. Pemins, bl te& brown
Shirting, check and stripe,
Shirting, check and stripe,
Shirting, chi:ck and stripe.
Choije Bio Coffee, A Coffee Sugar,
Choice Bio Coffee, A Coffee Sugar
Choice Bio Coffee, Brown Sugar,
Syrup, 1 Brown Sugar,
Doom, Bro. Si Co. have jut received
another largo lot of Glass and Queens
ware. Syrup, Salt Fish,
Syrup. Salt Fish,
Pried Fruit, Queensware,
Pried Fruit, Queensware.
Pried Vruit, Queensware,
Glass Ware.
Glass Ware.
(J la-s Ware.
And a genend stork, to which they call
the attention of the Fanners mid Public
generally. Have the le.-t selected stock
and make the lowest prices. Remember
the place, the west corner in the Big
Brick. Main street, Plattsmouth Neb.
PoomBuo. i Co.
Agents for Birdsall's Threshers, Buffalo' Pitts .Threshsrs,
Geiser Threshers.
Kev Yorker, Cuckcys, John P. Manny'o, Climax.
PLOWS : Industrial, Dixon, GranU Detour, Skin
ner, Ircn Beam, Red &. Mould Board Breaker.
Sulky Rakes, Revolving Hay Rakes.
Little Giant Fan &1iiis,
Johnson's Corn Shellers,
Wier s Valkinp CornFle'.vc,
Van Brunt Broad Cast Seeder,
Buckeye Drill & Broad Cast Seeder.
Union Corn Planters.
Serge CancfftiSIs, Bei;s&c.
Every Implement Warranted.
Plattmoutli, Augusts. lCV.
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals,
Toilet Soaps, . Brushes, all Svinds, Perfumery, ami
Fancy Toilet Articles, Toys, Trusses, Supporters,
shoulder Braces, (irass and (iarden Cecils,
For lncu-cinal pnr;.ose.
Paint;!, Oils, Varn;s!ies and Dye Stuffs,
Stationary, Carbon Oil, Lamps, Chimnevs,
(jllass and Putty, also,
Ilavin? been enpnf;cd in tl!inK Dru?s and (Sroceries in this city for the past scroti yea", we know
the ol' the coii:r in our line of trade, and are prepared with a. luJi.- stock of Hoods of the
best ciaality to those w'tuts st very low prices.
Flattsinouth. Nebraska, April 2d. 1S-.S.
I lave rciuoved their Lumber Yard to corner of
.And have on hand and receivinu l.'imber in "iifTiient ritK-ntics to 'fill r.V.J- r lcr. at prices
to fiuif purchasers. Wc have lo 01: hu:id and lor sale at low figures
50 Barrells cT Cement, 250 Bushes P'ast&rift'j Hair,
v': 20 BarrcHs of i Vj.v.
We invito all to cull and .'e us at cur new place o : i t) -s .
l'l i't-inouth. ychr-kn. ?cf.icm:cr 1, i.O, d-v
3?2:UiK2a2os:tia, iVbrawki!. I
t All parties indebted to us by o;en iu -!
count or not;. now oik1 or p i t. O ac ii ;.-1
! iav the same by the -k r :.: h,
Au?ut.) And all ' f.o:a
j th-; tl'Xh of AuL-u-t t'i tic i-t of ..i'Tc:n
j her ma be paid promptly for wo
I .-ha;l be obliged to protc.-i if not paid at jmoi, i!to. i v .
Agents for BirdH's Threshing Ma
chines, Buffalo Pitt Threshing Machines,
New Yorker Self Baker Reaper, ' Buck
eve" Mower and Reaper. J. P. Manny's
' Reaper and .'ow-r, Wi-r's Walking
Cultivator; Broad Cast Seed Sower, Rod
and Mould Board Breakers. Stubble
j plows of all kinds,
j Kveiy Implement W'ai nintl.
Ju'-t vecoived !0O barrels of Salt.
POCM, I'iV. cV Co.
PoorTiKo7& co.
Pealers in Staple and Fancy Pry (Joods,
Grocei-s, Boots, shoos, Glass and Queens
ware. lOtH) seamless bag.- for sale by
Poom. Bit'i. Si (.
We would advi.-e all parties wanting a
rood ani-!c of Tea go to Pooiti--' and get
it, they have the best Tea that we have
ever seen in this city.
. f you want to get .-ome A Ao. 1 Su-
t jr Cured ilam.-, o to
PtlO.M, P.HO. & Co.
1000 dozen egv.s.
L0!'h) fresh butter.
by Pou.M, Brto. Si Co.
(Late of loom. Ur. X Co.,i
' .- 5y -(- -r-t --;.!
. ii : . ,J.v. ;',.iv-.- ( . t-.-i. ;
. ;. - - -, v. ; L.:;
i ''.' j "T -!-. ' -r t: ' - )
B trlingtan Brittse Finished
Burlington & Missouri River
In connection witTi
Chicago Burlington & Qtiinc
It A I I. It O Dm
Prop R-.S to the Tcblio ib inokt d.r.ct, ure mvi
safe route to
Oiiio, IUino'u, Ind.aiin. lVtmsylvuniu, New loik.
and New Kngland.
Psseuzers have the choicoofthc varionn routej
centering in
Baaaige Cltcehed through to Ottumxca.
RatM invariably tu low a by other routoa.
M4T JJuy your Couren Tick rts at
Ottumwa via Burlington
Pul1mau'a elegant Sleeninc Curs nn all niiiht
trains. C. K. 1'Ll KINS.
A. K. TOrZ ALTN. bup't.
Own. Ticket i. Hu'r Aij t.
U. C. MtiRTON.
cp!7 UeuT t'luifht Ag't
2T '. TTi 3Vt,
And dculer iu nil kinds of
Furniture and Chairs.
iniai) sritKKT, (near Maia) .
Plattsrrxuth, - - - Neb.
l!eia:riiif and Vnri;i.-hins ceatly J'.-i.e. .
C o-ruucral i iiticudcd at tho rhorlest notice.
I no 1 1.
Einders and Paper Dealers,
Have ojiened n shop' on Sixth strait1, sf.tith of
Main, whero they are prop-red to tioiill work in
the lilacksiuithiu,' line on short notice und in
the best tlle. fchoeir.a. li(; inir, and all
kinds of custom work done i-roimdiy. .-iu'i!'
Tlie following from
TIMES, one of tho
most reliable news
papers in the United
States. What can
be more convincing?
Tub CrxciNN'ATi Daily Timeu
of March 21, 18G1, says:
The Scandinavian
remedies appear to
be growing in favor
with the public, if
we may judge, by
the testimonials con
stantly received by
the proprietor. A
letter from Wiscon
sin, to be found in
our advertising coh
umns, announce that
among the physi
cians of the locality
it is becoming ,'.vcry
popular, and what is
verv unusual, is Ijrc
ing adopted by them
in their practice, a
a cure for many dis
eases which' they ca?
not treat effectually
any other way.
Wc understand thai
the immense .'.-trade
carried on for sev
eral years in these
medicines has dur
ing the present year
nearly doubled.
Their process of
operation is by a
thorough purifica
tion of the blood,
and a consequent
eradication of disease.
i t