1 i 1 ; . . , : JVmb TTuHtdw' Dail. - - .---' Batteiy & Laienby'B new trick Uiery table is progressing rapidly. We noticed many iniproTetnents made this peasoD between thla eity and Weep ing Water. - Mr. Julias Silversmith, of the Jour nal of Commerce, called at our sanctum this morning. Sorry we were not in. The aaery now is, ia "James in the ountry," 'and ""what good did it do tumi": : - t '.r Wnite w'ttoVrng the stable pnroha?ed at the sal of build intra last week to the building occupied by Russel k Doom, to be seed aa a ware house. ' ' - ' If the paper is worse than common to day, yon can attribute it to the fact that the editor ha got home from Weeping Water Falls. I ) , J7m. Stadelman, Esq., has nhown us obm very Coo epecimens of apples and grapes front his j) lace in the west, part ffce.j : " l . Maxwell k Chapman offer a good im proved farm of 160 acres for Gale, 14 mifca west of Plattflmontb, ' near, the R. K."-' "Also, a good improved farm of 80 ere near Rock' Bluffs. " - Mr. and Mra. Walcott, of Weeping Water FaQs, will "ever have the friendly vifches of the Plattamouth delegation who Tudted Weeping Water yesterday, for the hospitable manner in which they Were entertained by them. , - i ' . me fcaow came up mis morning leaving a large amount of freight for city aaerchasta. - .- " We understand Mr. Geo. Boeck has old his brick ahop to Capt. Murphy, and that it will be occupied by au eastern jataa Boon. -. 1 Mr. Elam Parmele has taken charge of Smith's (formerly Hyatt's) Livery Stable. Mr. Smith goes cast in conse quence of ill health. - Alexander's meat market will be re coovei to Morrison's old stand in a few days, aad will be opened by Morrison k Co. ; ? Mr. J. H. Culver, .our Millford Cor mpoodent, and Mr. George W. McKin- , of Nebraska City, called at our eanc . Him uua morning. e hope to meet them in tha city often. M- T. Patrick, Esq., was in the city la4 night with some fine Stock. II iraa his way to Omaha, from the Stat fair. Mat, generally has the finest ataek in the country. Fitigerald k Mallory are paying $2 50 a day for laborers, and board them at :$i a week. They want a thousand mare hands at these prices, and will give them work all winter. Here is a splen- aid opportunity. . 'Vkaother heavy installment of immi iruu arrivea wis a. m. l hey are coming "thicker and faster' since the talk of this being the great central Rail Jwad point ef the Missouri river. Let (ham come. ' There is room yet for a few jaora. The Omaha Herald ."peaks as follows . af some articles placed on exhibition at t tta State Pair by Mrs. Kate Simpson, f this city, the work of her own hands . Among the substantial articles on , exhibition, were noticeable three , large - tmbroidered " damask curtains, which WM entered by Mrs. Kate Simpson, of -i riaUcmonth. Mrs. Simpson also exbib- 'Itea a picture representing "Jesus at the Well," embroidered in worsted, and really making a fine appearance. It BMmed to many almost impossible that r anon expression and such scenery could . d proaucea m sucn a manner. ; . ' . . He K. R. Transfer "PresidentV brongfet over one of Mallory 's pile 'driv ars last night, and this morning she took " aboard a qaantlty of ties and started 'up .tfie river. 'bhe. goes: to 'near the -ol ,wn site of bt Marys a few miles above the mouth of the Platte where ; te C. 3. k St; Joe R R. runs within a few hundred feet of the river, where a rwiteh is to be put in for the purpose of WWX ron down to the river bank. The object of this move is to commence . track laying from this city west as soon ft possible.' .The "President will bring the material from the switch to this city. ; j.um conunuea rams nave kept the bot tom land between the crossing of the St. Joe Road and this city so wet that it has feaea impossible to do anything, conse , qmeatfy .Mr. Doane has concluded to land iran at the old St Mary's town site mniil the grade can be finished opposite this city. It will only take a day or two : ' to put in the track at St. Marys. Oar big apple appears to be attracting . f eaeral attention at the State Fair. We fad th fallowing in the Omaha Herald's report of the afiair: .. "It may be truthfully asserted that the display of fruit all of which is the lrodaet of Nebraska soil has never been xaelled at any fair in this country. Es pecially is this the case in the show of apples and pears. In apples there are innumerable varieties, and the fruit is of immense growth, equalling in beauty , any of which the Eastern and Middle ctateflcan boast One apple, of the "Sweet Paradise" variety, will serve to . show what we are capable of producing. It is really a monster, weighing twenty nine ounces, and measuring sixteen inches and a half in circumference. It was raised by Perry Walker, two and a half miles from Plattsmouth, and was placed on exhibition by Mr. II. D. Hath away, of the Plattsmouth Herald. This r huge specimen was looked upon with wonder by everybody, and thpr nonft wltnwAranntmn. j :4 ir ... ., uc w tv. H,U,S W M ever aw. The Republicans fcf; JefTerpo-n and Gage counties hold a joint convention at Beatrice on the 4th of October, ;to nom inate a Representative in piac ef Nathaa'Makely reiignii. V , 1. 1 1 J J, f John Gray, late of Utchenberger k Gray, of Elixabethtowiv .BL palled pit the IIekalp thii mprning. Mr. Gray has pcmapently located here? in thViea pacity of agent Tor the Ininan and An chor Lines of Steamers between Itew York and all points in Europe. , i From Saturday' Daily. ... Dennis Dean was in the city last night. lie thinks Aahland ia ; now; .beginmp g to look up. f ' Tim. Rioridan, Esq.;' arrived yesterday from a trip to Ottumwa, his . former home. . '. '"' . Mr. Robinson is expecting an arrival of goods next week, when his advertise ment will appear in the Heraud. There will be a trotting mat?h in Ne braska City on the 10th of October, for a purse of $ 1 000. Three fast horaea will compete f the purse). , r-it---. Stadelmann has taken the awning from the front part nf, his store, and is com mencing a large business house on the Lt adjoining hiastpre oa the .wxsU. r: - Morrison ' is fixing up his' old meat market building, putting in double doors, and otherwise improving its appearance and usefulness. " , T. K. Ilaooa; EsqC; arrived i 4 thejiity to-day from Kansas City. Things have changed somewhat since Mr Hanna left: Mr. Hanna waa called to the hick bed of his child in this city. ' Forgy has leased the north end of his lot on the corner of Main ; and Sixth streets to White k Spires, who will put up a good store house thereon. Forgy will occupy the south end with his plow manufactory. We notice by the reports of the State Fair that Hon. D. McCaig, of this coun ty, has on exhibition some of the finest stock of the State. Mc takes a just pride in these thiags, aa all farmers should. By the Philadelphia Press, of Sept 28th, we see that Senator Thayer ad dressed the great i Republican iueeting in that city oa the 27th. A synopsis of his peech is given, showing that he has lost none of his fire as an orator or power as. a debater. We are in receipt of the Omaha ' Re pJJican annual poster for 1S70. The Rtjntblican is the best paper published in the West, and should be in every fam ily in the State. Its various editions, daily," trir weekly and weekly, contain vatt amount of Tadingtratter. Who can beat it? L. C. Stiles brought into our office a White Sprout potato weighing four and one-half pound which was only one potato of fifteen pounds due from a hill of one stalkthe stalk still fresn and green ana Tnea.ur ing eight feet and two inches in length. Grown by our friend H'L. R. Stiles Esq., of this city. Demorest'sTToung America is-full-of good thing, and as great a fa vorite with children as ever. One of th causes of its popularity is because rt enters right into the children's occupations and amusements, and makes itself a part of them. - We recommend it to all parents who wish to procure a juvenile periodical which combines much and varied in struction with amusement and great originality. $1 50 per annum with premium. Address 838 Broadway, New York papers have been com plaining of the scarcity of water lately, and ;adviwng the-; Gotham ites to tt?e it economically. Should the Croton river become dry, and the supply ihereby di minbhed or cut off entirely, the citizens can quench their thirst with other bev rages. Last week there were 1,711 li eences granted, and $1,085,725 received from fines and liceuces m tnat city. This, looks as if the majority of inhabit ants preferred aqwt ti'fce to Croton. But no wonder-New York ia a Democratic eity. . In Iowa the Republican press will be well represented in the Legislature of that State, if the resective candidates are all elected. The following is the list Dr. Beardsley of the Ilaick Eye, for Sen ator in Des Moines county; N. J. Hun ter of the Freeman, re-nominited for Representative in Hamilton; J. W. Ha ven of the Kecs, for Senator in Keokuk; Major John Mahin, of the Journal, for Representative in Muscatine; Lew Miles of the Monitor, .ior Representative in Wayne. Among the ex-editors nomina ted to like positions aro: Captain Frank Campbell, for Senator in Jasper, and Sam McNutt, for Representative in Muscatine. Mr. Loomis, lormerly of the Bulletin, has also bevn honored with the nomination for Auditor in Bu chanan. One or the most wonderful curiosities in the Salem, Man., Museum is known as "Heaven and HelL" It is a globe of boxwood, -i inches outsido diameter. lt is enclosed in a hard leather case beautifully wrought On owning .the glolie the two hemispheres are shown, the upper of which represents fceaven with fifty-eight full length figures. . The other represents hell and contains fifty-two figures. It is supposed to have been the work of a monk of th fourteenth century. Nathaniel Barney, one of the old-tin; Abolitionists who died lately at Nan tucket, Mass., wa once a stockholder in the New Bedford Railroad, and as such he refused for several years his share of the dividends, as lorn? as the colored man was not allowed his equal rights as a passenger in the car ; and when at last the prejudice gave way, he gave the ac cumulated dividends to hi friend, Will; iain Lloyd Garrison, for the anti-slavery cause. -' Chief Justice Chase, it is reported, has ! recently invested $22,000 in a tract of iland of fortv acres and a Landmine reH- E. A. WIGGENHOJU. Errrybodx. and mor Uo, ara going tm Snm1 mM ' - '- ' -"- HV' V To Biyheh 1 -,;j.T-. Bprlns guhlCL Bu U f I .. i V U L li .-' ar' .-. N" E,:::mQ;:K:-S:DE...OrIl E The larce-it and moct complete 'I .... - ; . STOCK "OF DR At now oo ezhibitioo at Ue 7 ew Tork Store, at f i' ; i; .;. attention to oar new DRESS-GOODS. PRINTS, DELAINS. GINGHAMS. - ' " BROWN SHEETING. BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS. CARPETS, w CLARK'S NEW THREAD. '! COTTON YARNS; BOOTS AND SHOES t'f all kindf anipriea H tdit onr emmcroafl custoaiert. A lare itock f " i: ' GROCERIES, ' . . ... ,' HARDWARE. , .! ' ' QUEENS WARE, ' ' WOODEN-WARE, ; '-' ' GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, : ' HATS AND CAPS. ' f We have a Ure stock of the celebrated GARDEN CITY GLlPPER PLOW STUBBLE and BREAKING PLOWS, and all kinds of CULTIVATORS,- REAPERS. SEEDERS,' HAY RAKES, &.C Flausmou'h April 22d. 1S69.1 M-"'R. On door wact of PLATTSMOUTH, Has wholssal: A UUIGK Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, TTJRNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, ;.r r rand - Provisions. - HIGHEST; MARKET . P1UCE PAID r: v' FOR Kinds of Country -Produce. r- - r ; a. V PIatlmotiti!,-Nebraska, Angnst 5th, r ' E3EA 8TOVB AHD IE. T. JDTJIKZIEj & CO., Wbolacal madlKcUil defclr UJ Hardwitr " and Ajjricultural Impltnarnts, STOVES, TIN, SHEET IRON, BRASS, STEEL .PLOS Of all )&BiM m tilM, wkick T tyrant U - -i. Tin Roofing, Gutters and : Spouting Done on Short Notice. . . y ' . ...,,. ; Axo exIiT itanti in thU oaDty fr tt tait ! Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove Cito mi will aot b nndrold Main (troot, it door oart of th Macoal Blk. ! PLATTBMOUTH. NEBRASKA cruize & JPlattsmoizlIi , Have . an extensive general stock of Goods that tee are constantly as sorting tt&9 trliif vee offer id tlie jpub- lie at prices tliat ent ire satisfactions i ! We., purchase thc ery best Goods at the head ff JUar kct and strictly for cashf and are prepared to compete tciih the trade rt any point rn the. Missowri river; P. SCIINASSE. m m oir GrOoas 3 w " " v i W -." -w. ESS COODS rreatly rcdaocd yricea. . We eall I'urticnlar ntylee of E. A. WIGljENHORN & CO. ' R, the Hibald Offloa, - NEBRASKA, AT EETM!. STOCK or BOOTS, SHOES ALL f John lETitzsrerald. '1869. ' - ' ; ' ' ' WARE TIN STORE best ia tk BiaxkaV 0 - v ! jRisUMmfiJsn9 vrc jknoiv must give . . - -. Wcciiing Water MilL Farmers, to whera yon can gtl tia boat Tlaar. aod the most of it.- - 35 POUNDS OF XXX FLOUR 1" POU3HD8 ; OF BBAH siren ia exehare tor food wheat. " - . - Wa ara also doinit griit work ; ana. wita ear increased facilities, feel assured that wa eaaftra tha bast and moitt Flour of any in tha Stata. 8 ATIFA CTI0V GUAKASTBKD. ; Produce Bought and Sold. IISlMf MiHCT nici rAit. Uerd a Clinton larU.'U. CUYLER SCHOLFAX Says of Weeping Water, Extract from letteito . "Aa I was tellini: you. my dear Mrs.. ftrma. I earoe on my uiulo to Weeping Water in asadty dilapidated condition a hat, an boU t stockings ia short, destituta of all tbosa aaa renient appurtenances which ornament a wall dreised man having, bean deprived at all ay the merciless savages, who even took asy aucax eaie ;;- Thinking that I mitthtin that nourishing lM obtain a aecond-hand blanket, I rod a up to store, and hitching my mule by the ears t a large freight wagoa. loaded wkh goods for tka Plattsmouth retail trade. I entered. Judge at my surprise when I was promptly met aad offered a complete outfit, from a pair f stub- try sum of nine dollar and sixty-two and oaa- . . - . , 1 i 1 ' .U. ...... A. a nM k A bail cents, me.;-'; cenva ueins goods. If "you want anything ia the miscenaneons ime.cau un mem, auu see what you want ask for it. I would remark here tnat tney are generous, uucriu, -ing aad truthful to awilt." v;, . t 'li a vat, REMtMBER THE PtACE REEBBKOS., Weeping Water. Henry: Boeck, B4lt. I FURNITURE, Lounges, Tables, Safes, BEDSTEADS. Of all datcxiptioas aad at all prioaa. Metalic Burial Cases, WOODEN COFFINS, Ready Blade, aad sold cheap foraaaa. With many thanks for past patronage. I Jnrtaa all to call and cxainiue uiy larga stock of Furni ture and Coffins. ( iaui. BAKERY! - a SECOND STREET, OPPOSITE NEW YORK STORE. PlaUsmonth, Icb., ; CONFEOTIONRIES, :r--'-: . "i . M 's. "'7. S Pies, Cakes, Cheese r and Sweet Crackers. KEFUEOT1LMS kept en hand at all times. n.HCBERTT. PLOWS! PLOWS! so:- r cp . . . CD JEZ 3- 7ST ikanufacturer of all kinds oF Farmin$; lujpleiiiciita. Such as the. oolebrated Rod .Breaking Plow. Mould Bourd Breakers, Stirring Plows. Single and JJouble Shovel, Cultivators-and li arrow. Repairing dote en abort notu e work war ranted. . . ., , - . Having had much expenenea in the busineaa, I feel aured-that I can give general tudure tion. Please give me a call before purcUaiatg elsewhere. 1 " 1 C. K. lUKQI. Plattaaaouta, Kah.. May 6. Iib7. NEW, TOBACCO STORE! on Main street, opposite Co art Ilouae. PEATTS MOUTH, I-E B., Wa have aa hnnl a large assortment ef CIGARS & TOB ACCO, Ceasis'ang of the beat qualities ef CIO ASS, FINE-CUT; plug and SMOKING TOBACCO, As we deal exclusively ill Tobacco we can sell as cheap, if not cheapr than other store ia the tjive us a call before you purchase elsewhere, as we know yon will fro away satisfied. e. us: on & co.. Febniary ll.lSfi9. tf." ' ' ' " ' ' ' fc pianos, - " ORt-AS. ITIEEODEOIVS! IUAilC. X CI . " ' 'I I II . IV X I a II' . ' ll'i III! 1, Metropolitan or Portable Orpins, or Melodeons can purchase through my Agency on as liberal terms as they ran from the maufactnrers thera slve. AU lB?fmaieaw fn!y warcsntH. Ilarlrf. J.B. WKM. I- 1 I viBkinw n Uv VinAa Pn III n. Of aJI aisea. 1SS0URB VALLEY LIFE INSUHMGE -:o: OAPITAL, &EISrRXlL, OFFICE1: No. 70 DELAWARE STREET, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. BBAITCH St. Louis, Ha., . : . 'Chicago,; III., Memphis, ' ALL POLICIES , Iivitlemls on tlic Securinff the Greateit Pecuniar y REASONS FOR INSURING IN THIS COMPANY : 1st. This is a Weutern Company, maasf ed by Western men, whose known Dnanancial charac ter, ability and position, afford ample guaranty for its eareful and saeeesfal laan&ieaient. 2d. IU Polices are all non-forreltlna. Sd. Premium all eosdi. It receives no notes aad (ives aene. Policy holders have aa laterast to pay, and no outstanding notes as lien upon their policies. -4th.' Dividends ani lossas are paid in cash. (tb. It insures at lower rates than any 'Eastern company. 6th. Its risks are in the West, where the rate of mortality is lower and the rata cf iatorest higher than in the East; hence the accumulation f divideads te the peliey holder is greater tkaa in any Eastern Company. . : 7th. It baa no restriction upon travel. , Sth. Its dividends are made apon the contrfbatiea plan. th. Its basiness is exclusively life insurance. Are the aecamulations of interest upon premiums paid, beneath Coatpaay that leaas Its assets at the highest rate of interest can give yoa the largest dividends. Eastern coassaniee iavest their moneys at 6 per cent., while this makes its investments at twelve per cent, er more. The advantage of Western investments to the policy holder appears ia the following startling figures: The amount of (1.000, invested for fifty years at 6 per cent, compound 10 " " 1J OFFICERS: H. D. Mackay, President, E. Henseley, Vice-President, Geo. A. Moore, Secretary, E. W. Eaves, Treasurer, D. fil, Swan, General Agent. J. L. Wever, H. D., Consulting Physidiari. ' EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : H. D. Hackayl " George R. Hine3, E. Henseley, H. Edgerton, , . D. W. Eaves. -:o: This Company Insnnv : any Easlcrn -:o:- TTXOW ALL MEN BT THESE PRESENCE 1Y Ki Kansas, do hereby certify that tho Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company, organized and doing business under the laws of tho State of Kansas and Missouri, has furnished the undersigned satisfactory evidence that it has invested One Hundred and Fifty Thousand iiol Iars of its capital in United States Government Bonds, of the denomination of Five-Twenties i5-'JUs) and are possessed of the satne. And I do further certify that said Company has set apart One 11 un- .1 a tu .l I .. I. . .. ' ; .1 l-.. :. i r. . . l i e . : , - , urcu x uou.uu xfii.-. ui siuu cuiu-p uuuus ir Luc ucrjeui or ALL roi.icv hol dies oi said Company ; and that 1 hold in trust and on deposit for the benefit of said iiftlicy holders the security above mentioned, and I am satislied that such securities are worth On llaudred Thousand Dollars lawful money ot the Cnited Mates of America. In witness where 1 have hereunto subscribed my J eal of Aud- I am xed, tne uuy ana year above written. I itor of Suite, j A. T110M AN. Auditor of Stat of Kansas. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITx TO DO BUSINESS. OFFICK OF SrPERISTENDFNT Of THE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT OF MlBOrH. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, That tne Missouri Valley Lite Insurance Company, a Lite As surauce Company, oranizcd under the laws of the Slat of Kam-as, and its principal otlice lo cated at the city of Lra.ven worth. .has complied wirh the requirements of the thirtieth, thirty-first, thirty-second, thirty-third and thirty-fourth sections of an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, entitled "Ad act for tbe incorporation and regulation of Life Assurance Compa nies," approved March loth, a. d. l3y, so far as the said requirements are applicable thereto. And pursuant to the thirty-sixth section of said Act, tbe said Missouri Valiey Lite Insurance Company is hereby authorized to do busiue) as a Life Assurance Company within tbe said State of MUsouri, subject to the several provisions and requirements of the Act aforesaid, until the first day ol Feb ruary, iu the year of our Lrd" eighteen hundred and seventy. In testimony woereot. i. tt yll Ya jvisu. unaer.-ignea. beai oi insurance ise- I nient oi saiu oiaie oi partment ol state or --my seal or oniee. at Missouri. J July. a. D.lHj9. buperimeiKicni ot me Wbeeeab. Abram B. Covalt. State Agent for cated at i.eavenwortu. tvansas. nas niea in this Company, ana a statement under oath, showing law of the citate of Nebraska, entitled "An Act February 15lh. 1804: approved February 12th, 1)0; undersigned ssrisiaciory evidence mac ii is poHsecd oi Five Hundred Thousand Dollars of aetual capital, invested in the stocks of at least par value, or in bonds ar mortgages oo real estate worth double the amount for which the sam? is mortgaged : and whereas, said Company has filed in this office a written instrument, underthe seal of the Company, signed by the President and Secretary thereof, authorizing the said Abram B. Covalt to acknowledge service of process for and in behalf of said Company., consenting that service of process upon him shall be taken and held to be as valid as if served upon the Company, according U tbe laws of this State or any other State, and waivinc all claims of error by reason of such service : and whereas. Abram B. Covalt has furnished satisfactory evidence that he is tbe authorized Acent of said Company. Therefore be it known by these presents, that in pursuance of the aforesaid Act. I, John flilles pie. Auditor of the State of Nebraska, do hereby certify that Abram li. Covalt, Esq.. has full su thoritv to act as State Airent tor the said MissourilVaiiev Life Ins.i ranee Com nan v in h .r V braska, and to do and perform all acts for and in behalf of said Company authorised by his ap pointment as such agent, and by the laws of this State, until the 31st day of January, a. n. 1870. in wnness wnereoi. i cave suoscrioeu niy namo, v. s. affixed this 1st day of April, a. d. 13o9. GOOD TRAVELING SOLICITORS WANTED. -:o: State Agent for Ifebraskaand .torlbern Kansas. Lb! liviIq liExaaiaeri PtJlTTSMO UTIL COMPANY. - - $500,O00;OO :o:- :o:- OFFICES: ;; : Tenn., Indianapolis, Ind., San Francisco, Cal. NON-FORFEITING. :o:- ConlriEiutloii I5lnn, Advantaje tt the Policy Holders- -:o: interest, ia , f 19,420. It : " - J17.290.a " " lll.aoC.M -:o:- at lower r tea f linn Company. AUDITOR OF STATE OFFICE, 1 Topkica, Kavsas. February 2th. 1;9. J That I. A. Thomas, Auditor of the State of name, and caused tbe seal of my office to be ftupenntendent of the Insurance Depart- iviissouri. nave riereta ei my nana ana auixed tne city oi ftt. x,ouis, Missoon. this 20th day of Signed. ' WYLLYS KING. insurance JJeprtment of th Slat f Missouri. CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY. (To expire on the 31st day of January, 1870.) IsSrBANCE DEPARTHErlT. OFFICE OF STATE AmiTOB, - ' Lrr.f!.w. Sfhraki. Anril l.lto'M t the Missouri Valley Life Insurance Company, lo omee a copy ol tne Act ot incorporation ot said it condition, as re uired by the fifth section ot a in Relation to Insurance Cnmnjinipa " nitrnpil and whereas, said Company has furnished the aua caused tne nem ot tne Aaditnr s office to be JOHN GILLESPIE, State Auditor" Vll l ! WIIISBI !.!. ."tlOMlVlaL' AdverUsainontJ from J. 0. Jfns. Jr.. AdrsA I absaaa a v v wj IMPORTAN TO BOTH SEXES, 'bare aaiata falsa delleaey aad ttf cUDf almoet to yradery. ia raard t . eeating .pbysiciaa ia certain akaladies, Tk aedioeJ faosilty raooguia it. aad are ds,,. lies ef Ue Uic. aitieted, aekoowleilae the rwik ef U. ad safler ia eilene. The sruiij f laia airoaLar ia t tiraseut ah aliat U in rae ligUt- . Uaadreds ef lives are lost every yar, Me which have beea aegleoted or Uuprbperl, t4. Jo toe saVsa ol yoaog aiea titer seea. M aaology, aud yet in aaany eaeee the, aita,P a esrra tbesbaelvan with Ue aectrasat, aad la jsMaec shorlaa their iivee, aad pa asiperable rcaanaat efaiiaUuce with their tiled wita the poL-a ef a stifled, bat aot ear! 4isea. which auuat'- iaevitably be traaeaiMa ao the third and foarth Aaneralioaa. . Tiih yoemg woanaa there eeeaastomeiMetaa, aad ytt their atnert sacrer, will not eeaoealiii faU. Ary intelligeat phyeieiaa wae waUi bese streets ran recognise among the ledis. t aertaiu iatalliblc tokens known to aiea. aa4 ef vhich the auB'erers are.ulica totally trauraat, the ravages of that wide spread aooerrt. , whites. Auy intelligeat phyiciaa can poietvti iu his .daily .walk-t 'koures-of Unsaud kibarwi aooiplaints. In bi th sexes, ta xitfuoof atick they uiiiivt iguere. Th etlacated ealtrer knows the physician,can detect this. The toiaa knowi that the auflercr knows it. and iu nine cates out of ten, the afflicted individual fails to consult the man whom he knows is e, Misaaf. both of the eomplaint and the meant of cure. Kuowiug dat health can be reitorrg. who can restore it', they deliberately alio then, elves to b4ine suere wrecks of fcumaaily, 0i to transmit d it eased . coastitutioaa W Wttr descendants. v , " .. ; ; : . . 1 ",To Youngr Men. Ta every community there ar east asajha of young mm afilicted with seminal weakma, aocturual emissions, lassitude, debility, and tit other attendant symptoms of secret dirordir, andertuiuing the constitution, aud totally c troying its victim, mentally and physical!!, sooner or later. The disease a progressive, atd. if not chec ked, dixtinesa, loss of memory, -enntrollable procrastination ia basiness. i:u in the back, side and knees, yeliowink dmul from the mouth during sleep, act failure ef til physical energy suun follows. JKroia this eitft is a series of short steps to an early grave, er U confinement of a limatio asylum. almy of these young men have responded U advertisements ol so-called Ueuevolent "iua oiatioss." or unscrupulous quarks ia dintcl eities, and after having been swindled of thnr money by one and another, have atandoti hope and pronounced themselves incurable Dr. Stoddard practices on th "no cure, ta pay" principle, aud proposes to forfait ll.uuv twl all fees if ho fails to cur any own ui toinistl weakns where his treatment aud direetMiai are followed. He uses no iwitl remedies soot but vegetable modirines. aud his peculiar trsat iiipnt must receive tho cudonciuent of all intelligently pursu it. To married Ladies There are ladies who, from delicate coaitits Uous, indigont circumManres, or aa already as merous otl'iring, do not wish to become mnlhtn. To such is offered a safe and sare remedy agaiui conception. Success warranted ia every aat; guaranteed as containing no ingredients in Us least injurious to the feeblest temperament. Leuriiorrbae, or Whites, positively aad per manently cured. Cases of long standing, hoe ever aggravateil. must yield to this remedy. 1) r. Stoddard has also infallible moathly ailh for restoring disordered or irregular periods of menstruation. Sent by mail, secure from s servntion Price. $." per box. These are no patent medicines ar other law bugs, but carefully prepared compounds, from formulas in use by the most duninguitbed snd scientific physicians in this country, and which have nerrr been advtrtid befort All medicines warranted to give satlafactios or money refunded. Strictest secrecy oberd. AH letters promptly answered. Call oa er " dxeas, . , DR. STODDARD, 612 Tenth Street (Up Stairs, Rooms Nos. 1 tsd 2) . between Douglas and Faruham, Oiutha, Hob. P. O. Ulass Box lu5. . g-oji fv.EOICAL DISPENSARY, Corner Farnsnam and 13th strttls. Entrance on Thirtenth SUat, OMAHA, NEBRASKA, A rermanciit Inslitullon, Established exclusively for th tree tit ent f I'llI VA TE J DISEASES, In all their different stages. Cures wafTtsttd. The physician in charge of this lustitutioa bs had many years espcrience in c?es ot venrl DHlure. and his practical knowledge of evrf symptom consequent on or arising frora tAtj treated enses of venereal complaints, will best great benefit to those calling upon him lr con sultation, and be would caution those having secondary symptoms remaining te be at o- properly cured before the constitution broom' undermined, the health broken down, snd Ois intellectual and mental faculties destroyed. mercury u.ei. ew oanes cured in sil hoars. All cases of Impoiriice, SpfrmatorrhieB (Nemlnal WeakneM) cured by a new and rJTectual treatment.' Cos sultation free, and strictly confidential, frensa Safes, SI ; three for i.50 by mail. TO THE LADIES. , , The Doctor would state that he devote hi personal attention to all classes of emal Vt- eaes. ii is great female tteme-iy lor in uo- strur-ion of the menses can be obtained by call ing at the otlice. or ajtdresfing a leuer io it. Km ZtT. Omaha. Nebraska. etcb.s- ing tbe price.;i).')i. Liwlies in a certs i a eondi- ,..r. .V.,.Ml,t Tw.i take this medicine, as it will surelv produce miscarriage, friend for eirealsf to "Married Ladies Only," which contains I": able information to every married lady. All correspondence treated confidential and prcintt ly attended to on the receipt of a reasonable fee. Office hours from a. m. to I p. m. buudsy from 3 to 6 in th afternoon. aagttyl o 70 H .d Q 0 0- ro r to a. . -2 a U3 rn TV t1 o H o e o o o a. e o 2S I" rn s H W h a . V. ? 99 r-S ii t a w cr - i CO 0 0 CI BLACiCSr.llTHiriC! . JP UIC E & LAM B INO Have opened a shp an Sixth street, south ( Main, where they are prepared te do all wort J" tho Blackamithing line on short notic ana the best styl. Shoeing. Reoalrim', apd Up kinds wf ist!B wrrit dora immtSr. (