Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 07, 1869, Image 2

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OCT. 7, I soy.
TfiiK ri:imiii.i"aw votkks or
. a. .a tnim -
1 '"MUT 'Vtw ul If cVvMUiy, Ki ruuroiMM)
liou. hereby announces trimsell Man independ
ent Republican Candidate for said ofiiec. and
irwiucfc if, discharge his duties. to
thp-bfttr his anilities. - B. Homo.
-W-tiVe taken tvnie pitta to ixcef
tain tke sentiment of the Republicans
d convention hell at ..Weeping ater,
and jliuoat.-Cvtry ainjjin Jed , uiaa tays
readily, ,t)ay,Lt was an outrage .oji the
poopl and aliviiM.fUe coadem(iel in the
A tno'naJM'e 'or'thlsgentlemW his"
lcn announced il oue'of .the notorious
Coitmiitlee oa TredehtiaTs at the"Weep
ing Watt Tafia ' Meeting, we deem' it
batfut i6 hinf to ' etale that le was op
rySe3 (oTtlte outrageous proceedings,
sJi left 'the CbflTeniiori at the time' the
Hattrifctodtfi' 'delegates did, and only
went back under protest, jiotbeing fully
Mtkficd what course he, ,m a representa
tive of, Hhe? lepublicaas of ,liuwopd,'
oraair to u4ve kckx kicked
A JB.i Doom Company (political
qmpajaj) ha? started out to defend the
frUiot, pf Jlr. Clapp at Weeping Water,
we-Retire to say that Mr. Itaao l'pll&rd
Hul ta a friepd,tbat his , (Clapp'f), n
duct; wm outrageous, and that ihe ought
U Jcme been kicked the room,"..
What 408. ClappV.cluiipion Mr.
Doom, think of that? .
wtu' vor irproBT the ivoxi.
We ptated before. the aasetabied dele
gates at Weeping Water that two of the
prominent acton in tlte bogus outfit from
this precinct had proclaimed ia advance
that they would not- support any nomi
nee of that contention. ' We barobeen
reftqatedly ask6d to name them, and at
the risk of causing people' to.' think we
exaggerated if we rsfuae longer to name
them, we state that the two men are J.
E. Doom arid D: H. -Wheeler.' --We will
give the evidence if the parties deny the
statement. : J ;- " i : : a."
. .- j .. -. .. i .-.
' Mr".1 Editor : trt reply to an article
irt lfowt yesterday's isSue, I hare only to
ttay1 thU 't rmay have stid that if the
Weeping Water Convention shotrTa nonj-
lnate, ainutrthy t men (for iatance as
JIatlaway)r I. would not bupport them;
Hut the' Weeping Water Convention
nominated none but good nienj and I
heartily ,tupport the nonuneea. The
people have cast a.side the "baruados,"
and taken new men. Now, Mr. Hath
away, what are" you going' to do, will
you bolt the convention? if k, eay .sor
like a nan ; add if you are going to nup
jort the nominees, -stop your abuse of
private citizens., r I am not a candidate,
luid cannot waste tiuie jq a ncwpajer
controver:y with you. If you think that
yoUr"" attacks' on me do you any: good,
keep, fhem up, as -1 assure you they do
notjiurt xue. J, can etand anything but
tintiae from you.'
"Please answef one qnestioii : Had I
lxn n6minated for any office by thcltc
yuohcaii -Conveutiou, would you- have
veed for me ? . . , ; J. E. Doosi. .-
s Ovst. 5th, 18o9.' -
,TVe ari not disputing that you "may
have said", almost, anything. If it Is
possible for you to do anything straight
forward in political matter;!!, wo would
be pleased o hare you answer us one
question, which w pertinent to the times;
did you, or did you not say, before the
delegates were elected in thi.i precinct tb
Le fcbdnty convention, without any con
dition. that upon one point yourself and
Maj., Wheeler agreed, and that was that
you would not support the nominees of
theWeepingWater Convention. Wre
can furuudi, tlia proof if Mr. Daom de
nies it. ; , ; . .
InTgard to Mr. Doota's qaotstion as
to whether "or not we are goinj to "bolt"
ths convention, it comes from him with
a very bad grace. Does b remember
last fall? And as to whether or not we
would support him, probably he had bet
ter wait until he gets a nomination for
some , offica 'in a nepullican Cbnven-
. . 4 . .... .
'froa Daily Plattsmoch IIeivald.
Sir. I saw the fallowing in your pa
per of this date: 4 , ,
t The Tool Riptdiated. - : ::
r- We nnderstand Mf. W. W. fowin,
one of thsrmen who ,4run" the "Hon
orable Chairman" of the Weeping Wa
ter outfit, already despines the tool he
' has no- further-ose for. lie mid, oo last
Saturday evening, to Mr. ' -.Eikenbary,
Chat it wu oatraxeous the way Mr. Clapp
ruled, but that they did not like to "kick
a horse that 7 teas carrying tea ter for
JtAem. i .-a i ' ,
Tlcase publish ia your next issue that
the above statemcat is absolutely untrue.
I'fcudtain wrLfc 'D. Clajip in every rul
ing which he established at the Repub
lican CoBvcutioa at Weeping Water.
W. W. Erwin.
FlatLsxaouthy Oct. 4th-1869 0 p. ni.
' Immediately optm the receipt of the
above, we sent to Mr. Kikenbary to as
certain how the matter f-tood, and he
ends us the following:
Krr Herald : In conversation with
AN'.. W. Erwin last Saturday evening, he
rtatcd that they did - get a little aculdug
gery on , but he "did not want to
curie a horse that carried him safe over,"
or words to that effect . He. referred te
Clapp, as we were talking about his con-
dtrct as eliairman of the convention, i
- ; ' ' . ' "' ' Henry Eikenbary.
'' .' jMarV Twain understands ncwypapcr
Te.onabilities He says: 'Mr. Greeley
"is going to lecture en the Uyron scandal.
We have no authority for: making thus
statement, but then it makes an interest
Sag item of news, and the inexorable
TuiMncss of a ncwppajcr is to collect in
teresting news."
Ttir"Vn frh'A?d taring been' solicited ty
staunch K'iublicaivf the. County..' who dt-
rinuii u. ITij. tt-runtiioul iiriAiulinffd ill LIIO III
; Kik Hkrai.d: We wti? that; X J
Doom is out in the HALhf S'attfnliiy J
evening to uphold the action of I D.
Clapp. You - have already substantially
Stated the fucts,in regard to the proeeed-ings-
how' r"le. convention was called to
order befi rrr the hutir and while - a con- j
siderablc jiuwber pf the nienibtm of the ,
cMivention Tre outside of tlic house J
aud;at the ttore. After .thp apjwint- '
nu?ut of Clapp as Chairman, and a Sec- j
retar)', the chaii mau then said that he
bclicvcd-tbe appointment of a committee
oa eredentiaLs .was in order; .Maxwell
heu inovad that a committee of five on
ereJe'UAbj.consisting of S. M. Kirkpat-
rick,, S... !, Hobsoji,- J.' E.' lieaty, Amos
Tefft and Y. 1) Latta (Jr. latta stated
that he was not a delegate,, when the
motion, wad amended to include W. JL.
Jlobbs Lc elected ; the chair ruled the ,
motion out of order and refused to en
tertain it. . I. II. Wheeler then mad-: a
motion that, a committee of five be p
puinted on credentials, which the eliair
man entertained and was about to put,
when Mr. Maxwell moved to .amend. by
inserting the above names as members of
the committee ; , Mr. CIapj. ruled the
amendment out of jorder . and refused to
entertain U. Mr. Maxwell then apje8led
from his decision to the convention, when
Clapp became very boisterous, ruling
the appeal out of erdcr an 1 stated if
Maxwell did not quit disturbing the con
vention he, would have, him ; put out of
the house ; all this time the bogas dele
gates from this place were clamoring f Ur
have the motion put for , the chair to
appoint the committee on credeutials-r-r
which he immediately did and declared
it carried, the bogus delegates voting
for the motion. No motion was made or
carried that ,Mr. Maxwell should take
his seat, as stated by Mr. Doom. "At
this stage of the proceedings the chair
man pieked up from, the, table a hV-t of
names written out, prepared at the store
beforje coming into the convention, which
Iiq proceeded to read, j Four .of the men
appointed were known by the chairaiau
to be opposed to the admission of the
I'lattsmouth delegates. The committee
having pnjudytd the ,caxe made no at
tempt to arrive at the facts, and reported
in favor of the', bogus delegation ; , the
question then came ; up, before the con
vention on the adoption of the report of
the committee on credentials admitting
the bogus delegation, and they were re
jected by the convention as theyfwould
have been in committee before a Jiiir
committee. The chair made but little if
any attempt to keep order, and a portion
of the, time the confusion ,was so f;rcat
tluit it was diificult to tell what was be
ing done. Our delegation was then re
jected by a majority of one, . J. H.
Brown, not even a bogus delegate, but
acting.witk them, then made a motion
that a half of each delegation be admit
ted, which the chair immediately put and
declared carried, the voting so far as we
could obf-erve being nearly all done by
the bogus delegates. Wheeler, durixg
the noise and disturbance, moved that
Clapp be elected permanent chairman, and
instantly, as though afraid he , would
lose his case, , put the. motion and de
clared it carried the whole thing did not
occupy a quarter of a luiuuto the rot
ing being almost entirely done by the
bogus delegation, as Wheeler well knew
that the convention by a fair vote icould
not elect Clapp as chairman. A large
number of the members were anxious at
this stage to adjourn, as the nominations
if made, would bo a mere farce, at best,
aud a motion was made to that effect by
S. M. Kirkpatrick which the chair re
fused to notice, - declaring it "out of or
der."; Rules for the government of
deliberative bodies are drawn from the
rules of practice of Legislative bodies?
and are adopted to secure fairness, to
protect the rights of uuHoritici- and to
expedite business. Our laws provide,
Rev. Statutes ; page 24J ; Sec. 2, and
4, that "At '1 o'clock in the afternoon of
the day of the meeting of the Legislative
assembly some erson churning to be
elected a member shall call the House to
order to. which he belongs, and tle per
sons present claiming seats in that house
t-hali elect a clerk for the ti mo being ;
Sec . 3 "provides that the clerks
this, elected shall file the certificates
presented by members who thus appear
to be elected- Sea 4 provides . that
when the House is Ahus temporarily or
ganized it shall, elect a committee of
five, who shall examine and report ujou
the credentials of those claiming to be
elected members. Tho object of this is
to secure fairneasand prevent, packiog.
and the fact that . a ; party's scat is con
gested when he has. a lawful certificate,
does not prevent , him from acting as a
member until ousted. We have evi
dence establishing the. fact that there
was an arrangement between a few indi
Yidaahi to take possession of the con
vention, to this end J. K. Dool'i and
others in the-arrangemect; circulated re
ports to excite' the feelings of the com
munity, conveying the idea that the
Plattsmouth delegation were pledged to
support the old county officers, which re
ports were rcithoutmnj foundation', other
stories of like ' import were circulated
with like - intent. Mrl " Doom is) ' well
aware that " he " and W. " C. Jenks
and James Simpson, candidate ' for
Couuty Commissioner,' (the' last two
were members of the Committee on
Credertials) had declared their in
tention, before the meeting of th Con
vention, of opposing the admisnion of
the Plattmouth lclegation, and that
was the main reason why they w re se
lected by the Chair,' the convention
was not the : voice of the Republicans of
Cass county. Anv lawfullv elected mem-
ler, even if his scat is contestetL, has a
right to make 'a motion or nominate a
Comniittec on CretlentialK, be ds uot
thereby select his own judges, as any
mcmbcr may move to strike out and in
sert nny name he may choose, and it is
the Convention and not the individual
. that selets, as the convention must pass
j upon each motion and anieidruenlthere
I to, and the convention thereby adopt- or
! reject a- It fOs nt
The-whole proceedings wctk character
ixed hjf an uttCT'lisregard of-principle,
the ruSnjs of jtlvc Chairmao, refafing to
put uutious properly made or Jo" permit
ajpeals to be taken from his rulings
which were agnirwt every principle of
right and justice, he being , sustained
throu shout by the noisy demonstration
of the bogus delegation from this place
who took a leading ami active jart in
its- Bianagement , f rum the first-r-w hose
tool lie . was, attd hail been selected be
cause of his esjxcial fitness for tliat pur- ,
pose.: ! - - -
The whole thing is a fraud aud out
rage upon -the Republican party of our
county, and ought to be denounced by
every citizen : irrespective of part not
wishing:. to establish a '. precedent by
which a dozen men could assemble in the
office of a hotel without notice, and then
assisted by. two or three outsiders elect
themselves delegates, and as such be en
titled to seats over delegates lawfully
elected after due notice. As the princi
ple leads to interminable confusion, and
violates every principle of justice we re
fused to take any part in the convention.
Wm. Woodruff. .
Perry Walker.' '
(. If Rlack.
' ' - J. W. CARIWrrilEIW. ,
j M. L Wiiim
v (;. E. FtRiY.
Y II. Amisn. ;
i ' II. J. RoIIWER.
Tbe PlattMunoittli oml MomiarN,
Office W. Jock, of Commerce,
" Omafia, Neb., Sept. 30, 1G. j
Hon. A. J. Parker and others. '
. (jF.xtlemen: Agreeable to your in
structions for making an examination of
the coal measures near Plattsmouth, I
take pleasure in giving you a concise sy
noposis of my preliminary examinations
of that locality, together with an opinion
as to the existence of coal veins in suffi
cient paying strata. .
I left Omaha, Wed neslay forenoon,
September 29th, reached Plattsmouth at
7 p. m. On the 30th I visited your
mine about three-fourths of a mile in a
southerly direction and on the embank
ment of the Missouri river, from Platts
mouth. ; The opening of your coal bed,
as re presented herein, is about ;y feet
from the river, and alout 30 feet from
the surface. The embankment is nearly
20 degrees from a perpendicular line
westward. The opening of the seams as
shown herein, exhibit from five tw six
well developed and compact bituminous
shale, which on the exterior -surface
varv from one to two inches in thickness,
' The adit or exploring drifts which is
now in about 22 or 23 feet, and running
with the coal bed, show that these meas
ures increase in thickness, as chown by
the following illustration : -
Here follows an illustration of the
mouth of the drift
Tlie several layers of bituminous shale
are lateral deposits, dipping - about 15
degrees; the upjier layer appears to be a
detritous; then follows a strata of calca
reous limestone. The intereallations arc
deposit of grit, sand and limestone The
lower beds under the bituminous
strata appear to be red clay and soft
white lime stone. The . specimens of
coal now in my possession, marked Nos.
1 , 2 and three, were taken from various
jHjrtions of the drift No 3 measuring
in thickness about two inchos, which
fact is higlily encouraging, and that as
explorations are contiuued a constant in
crease may be anticipated. The whole
series of bituminous shale and intereal
lations measure 2 feet and 10 inches, or
nearly 3 feet. Tho bituminous shale
may bo traced for miles along the em
bankment of the river. The upheavals
are extensive, and rise to a hight of from
150 to 250 feet above the river's surface.
1 have had scarcely time to make a mi
nute examination of the paUeontological
remains; suffice to say that Professors
Newberry, Hayden, Capellini, Heer and
Merk have established that this vicinity
lias a well defined carboniferous iieriod,
but wnich lieloiigs, probably to the tertian-
or past nleiosene era."
The several shafts sunk by your super
intendent west of tlie strata, are in my
opinion a useless expenditure of money;
while an adit six foot high and three
feet wide, would have accomplished
much simmer a proper development of
your coal nieasui-'.
1 have iusirueted your superintendent
to continue the exploration of the adit
first pierced into the coal strata, particu
larly hi. since tin; indications have ter
minated so favorably; should,' however,
the deposit become extinct, of which I
entertain no possibility, he shall open an
adit at a lower point along the embank
ment. I opine the coal measures will
increase with every foot of excavation in
to the strata.
I regard the dcvclopement of these
coal veins which are so eligibly located
in this market, as one of the greatest
auxiliaries to our young State's resour
ces. The character of the coal thus far ex
tracted is of a highly bituminous naturc,
entirely free from sulphur or foreign ele
ments. I would srladlv furnish vou with
a complete analysis of t he coal, but must
forego that privilege, since I am looking
daily for an analytical apparatus for the
proper examination of coal ami minerals
which I have sent for. '
Believing that the enterprise of coal
mining in Nebraska, and your mine in
Plattsmouth, will be one of success, I
trust that the above brief remarks will
be acceptable to you, as I am . sincere in
my assertions.
I am. very respectfully,
' Your obedient servant,
JirLiti8 Silversmith, M. E.
Omaha, Sept, 30, 186y. :
The Denver AViot of the 30th ult.
makes the following estimate of the po
litical complexion of the Colorado Legis
lature recently elected. ,
We figure Republican majority of
seven in the territorial House ot llepre
sentatives. The democrat will have the
Council by two majority, if they succeed
in manipulating the returns in Gilpin
county : otherwise it will be a tie. unless
Swarns of lark county, is induced to
return from Kansas.
Denver PselQe Railroad.
We yesterday paid a visit to the end
of the track, six and a half miles from
here. Captain Clayton, who has charge
of the const ructiont infoms u.s that little
hs been done during the past week for
want of spikes, but that everything is
now in readiness for vigorous work, and
that the road will be speedily put through.
Cheyenne Argvs, '29th.
' ' The total , assessed value of the per
sonal property in Illinois for 1869, U
1 1 24,388,283. Of this sum 27,702,942
is the value ef horses :' 915.497,350 is
I the value of neat cattle ; $19,843,329 ia
the value of food and merchandise : $ 1 7,
j 400,485 is the value of moneys ana cred
i it. These figures are from the returns
j of the ataessors, and are retlly much be
r low the actual value of the prwperts. .
Why is this coxmrry in winter like the
''Black Crook?" Because there is so
many bare b'nibs to be seen.
r'Sjle'crai"l"''" reel.
New York, telegrams state that the
Oeld Kxiiaiige Bank (ls in the hands of
a receiver, the wildest excitement, par
alleled, perhaps not equaled by the fimn
tic chads of last" Friday, iervades Wall
street. Houses, long regarded as solid
and impregnable, are tumbling in every
direction. These principal failures: are
pretapitating iufo a wholesale ruin a mul
titude of weaker firms ,aml individuals,
t'loom, dismay and ruin show themselves
on every hand as consequences of last
Friday's reckless gold gambling. If tho
coniDliuAtioiui were confined to the bulls
and bears on ' that nemorablelccasion, T
the country would look on with content.
Unfortttnatcly,iOias been in the power of
those, who produced the recent flurry in
the gold market to drag innocent persons
into the general maelstrom ' of financial
perturbation. The present condition of
affairs is grave enough to call for earnest
thought, and especially .ou the part of
those controlling the use of Wall street
capital. . Within a few days, even be
fore the scenes of Friday,' we have seen
Government bonds decline two or three
percent, arid a fall:. in. 'stocks, ranging
from five to teu per cent. Moreover,the
speculation in gold has so deranged the
foreign exchanges that sterling bills have
fallen very far below iiar, which has act
ed as a severe obstruction to the export
trade of the country. These derange
ments have also produced timidity among
money lenders to such an extent that the
late prosecutions for violations of the
usury laws have been wholly forgotten,
aud borrowers upon stocks, wanting funds,
have been mulcted 1, J, and even 11 per
cent, for the use of money for a single
daj. Indeed, many commercial borrow
ers have found it almost impossible to
get their paper discounted, even at the
extraordinary rate of twelve per cent
for the best names.
Well may the country stind in amaze,
and demand governmental interposition.
We havej however, little confidence in
the restraining effects of Congressional
legislation. " The experiment of law was
once tried, and proved entirely inade
quate. We have no assurance that sim
ilar interference would work out better
results now. Financiers do not fully un
derstand the workings of greenbacks and
gold there lies the whele difficulty.
Chicago liejwblicnn. . ' . i:
We make some 'extracts from an Ad
dress of Hon. George . W. Frost, deliv
ered at the State Fair.
. . '. MANUFACTTIlES. ' '
"Are we going t tWe East for bur
wagons, 'and agricultural implements,
and furniture, or for any of the hand
iwork that is formed from wood, when
we can purchase tjlc new material as
cheap or cheaper than our neighbors,
and when we can raise food .enough for
the sustenance of millions of human be
ings form our fertile soil? And the same
may be said .of our wool. Shall we send
it through a dozen, hands to - Europe to
be manufactured, and each take a profit
when, we have streams idle that would
turn our spindles, and millions of tons of
coal, waiting in the Rocky Mountiins to
drive our steam engines? Shall we send
our hides from mountain districts to the
Atlantic coast, , to be tanned and man
ufactured, when we have only to trans
port the material for tanning; and our
own population, who ought to subsist in
this fertile country much more cheaply
than iir the East, manufacture them for
home consumption ? The questions can
be multiplied indefinitely, and they are
grave questions which must le fairly met,
and in which even' fanner I address to
day is interested. The wealthy of the
State, the success ef the community, and
the value of his own individuali property,
are all affected by these results. Give
Nebraska City, for instance, any of
these manufacturing advantages, and
how rapidly would the value of real
estate advance li this vicinity. And we
must not think these things are very
distant they are at our very doors.
Abroad 1 see by the papers, you have
commenced several branches here, and
they are but the harbingers of hundreds
ana thousands of interests which will
spring up within the State.'
"The cereals next claim our attention.
What is the great staple of the State.
We stand at the head of all the wheat
growing States, except California, in the
E reduction of the greatest number of
ushels per acre. Our soil is vtry iecu
liar: wheat grows well on both hijjh and
low land, perhaps bettpr du the bluffs ;
and in analyzing the soil, we find in dig
ging down the bluffs just as good soil
ninety feet below as at the surface, and
the soil seems to lo perfectly inexhaust
ible. Land which has been cropped for
fifteen years without dressing, bears just
a good crops as when the virgin soil was
first broken.
Oats brijyr the cultivator almost mar
velous crops.
Dr. Miller, editor of the Herald, a
short time since exhibited to an editorial
arty from the Last a sample from a
lield which yielded 100 bushels to the
Corn is a very profitable crop, compar
ing very favorably with the other W es
ern States, but this year being far in ad
vance of them. In traveling several
times through all the States between
here and New York, the remark was
made everywhere by passengers who
came through both in the spring and
autumn, thut our cornfiields were the
finest that they had seen on the whole
Also yields very rich returns, and al
though but little comparatively has been
raised here, yet the present year has
given us some fine fields, and the fact is
demonstrated that it is henceforth to be
an article not only raised for home con
sumption, but to be shipped to the vari
ous markets where it is in demand. The
demand here, at present, is much great
er than the supply."
"Of vegetables I do not care to speak.
The statements are so marvelous of what
wee an produce in this Western country
in that line, that they would hardly be
credited. I will say, however, in con
firmation of this, that one cabbage, raised
in this county, lasted my family all winr
ter. It weighed fifty-two pounds.
There was one which was sent to New
York, to the office of the Union Pacific
Railroad Com pan-, which weighed fifty
seven pounds, and report says that it
lasted the whole Board of Directors all
the year.
To be seriois, though, the root crops
are something wouderfuL IT we could
only induce our farmers to raise the sugar
beet, I believe we could, in a very short
time, manufacture our own sugar, and
save the importation of this indispensible
There is nothing which so much hin
ders the farmer's progress as the insane
idea which possesses many to cultivate
large farms. He d-s not need a great
unwieldly farm to ren over and not to
cultivate. It is much better to improve
twenty acres well, than to attempt to
cultivate forty and raise a crop of weeds.
It cofcts much more to plow and plant
the forty, and there Is. on the whole,
quite as much profit. The old idea is a
good one, "a little farm well tilled." and
one which is worthy to be looked after
by every one who t ills the soiL Still the
great idea sfter all is to cultivate just as
much land as can be douc well, and no
OfHeiAl Opinion .appointment.
WasUINUTON, D. C, Oct 6. Attor
ney General Uoar has, s in - response to a
letter from General Sherman,, Secretary
of War. delivered . au -.officii! opinion
touching the matter of the suspension of
certain claim agents from 'practice in the
War Department, by order of the Secre
tary, on account of alleged dishonesty
andfraudulent practices. The opinion
fully sustains the Secretary's actios. .
John McDonald, of Sc "Louis, has
been appointed Supervisor of Internal
Revenue, vice Marr, and been assigned
to the district composed of Missouri,
Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico.
In the Supreme' Court to-day in the
matter of IJenjainin Brown and j others,
chflrged with niurder'in Texas, in -.June
last, is on trial.,. W. I Joyce, formerly
member of Congress from South Caroli
na, asked leave to file a motion for a writ
of habeas corpusv Tho motion was di
rected to be argued .on Friday next. ; It
alleged that the prisoners nre now being
tried by a Military Commission.
Deeinlon on Privateer Coining; Into
Our Porto.
WAsniSGTOx, October 5. Upon the
reception of the news that the privateer
Cuba had put into the port of W'ilming
tonj N. C. , and was under seizure by the
United States Marshal the President
called a Cabinet meeting. After con
sultation it was decided that a privateer
could come into a port of any nation un
der stress of weather, and remain twenty
four hours without detention or molesta
tion. She will bo allowed twenty-four
hours to remain and obtain supplies, and
full be released by the Marshal after the
expiration of the time, deducting the
time she, was under Beizure. ' "
I.y neb In a It- R. IK-lMloture Bendy
for Uuitliirwt.
Memphis',' Oct 6. The stock of the
Memphis and Tennessee Railroad belong
ing to the city, and amounting to $300,
HX) was sold to day, to the agent of the
road for $40,000.
Two negroes ; confined in the jail at
Somervillo for' dragging a young lady
from her house' iand attempting to vio
late her person, were taken from the
jail on last Friday night by a mob and
hinrg. . 1 ' ' '
'Nashville, Oct. f. The House
commenced its organization to-day, and
both branches of the legislature nre
neady for business.
: F: NEWARK."-
':TrlpI Harder.' ...
New York:, Oct 7.-A terrible mur
der was committed, at No. 2 Cherry street
last evening by Henry Ayouy, n China
man, the victnnsjeing his wife, and a
Chinaman nannS?" Active. From all that
can be learned the murdered man had
taken undue liberties with the wife.
The irate . husband closed, the bloody
scene by stabbing himself, . ; ;
Alanson Robinson was to-day . elected
Director of the Northwestern railroad,
in place of Benedict, resigned.
KeriOus Charsre Affaiiitt Ctipt. If all,
. the Aretle Lsplvrcr. .
New York, Oct (' A warrant was
applied for defore Recorder Martindale,
in Jersv-City, yesterday, against Capt.
Hall, the Arctic explorer, on a charge of
murderinar Pat Coleman, a seaman, at
Repulso Bay. Tho Record ar refused to
grant the warrant ou tho ploa of a want
of jurisdiction.
Tbe Privateer t'nba.
. Wilmington, Oct. 6. No new de
velopeuiente concerning tho status of the
Erivateer Cuba, but " the public mind
ere is unanimous in the opinion that
she will be released as soon as investiga
tion is made.
Oreat DaoK by Rlorm.
Hartford, Oct. 5. Reports of dam
age by the storm continue to eome in,
and the loss in all parts of the State is
very large. Up north the country is
flooded. At Mech&nicsvillc three houses
were carried away and a woman drowned.
Three men were drowned in this city
last night On the Troy & Boston rail
road, hist night, a passenger and freight
train collided, and three employees wera
injured. Afterwards, the same passen
ger train was thrown into the Hoosick
river, at Hoosick Falls, by a wash on the
railroad track, three lives lost and the
conductor seriously injured.
The loss to the West Troy lumbermen
by the freshet will reach $ 100,000. The
town of Manchester suffered more than
any other iu this vicinity, not a bridge
being left in town, and not a water
wheel is running there to-day. The loss
to mill dams and property is estimated
at $3X,000; to roads and bridsres, $30,
000. Cherry & Bro.'s loss is ? 100,000.
Bethlehem, Pa., Oct. 5. That por
tion of Bethlehem between Lehigh nver
and Monocacy creek is underwater. An
immense amount of valuable lumber has
been swept awaj'. Westport is com
pletely inundatod. The iron bridge op
posite the Mauvion House at Mauch
Chunk was swept away : 27 coal barges
went over the dam at that point and
were completely wrecked. Broadway is
entirely under water and several houses
have been washed into the stream.
Booms at White Haven are all broken,
and great rafts of timber are floating
down. The Lehigh and Susquehanna
It- R. sustains heavy damage, being
washed at many points.
HU Loaia KarUeta.
St. Louis, Oct 6.
Flour Quiet and unchanged. Supers
sold at 4 5X34 75; extra 4 i5(5 00;
XX 5 25(5 7; XXX 5 75 iM).
Wheat Slow and irregular. Sales of
No 2 red fall at 1 05fl 08; No 1 do at
1 10(VA1 15; choice 1 20(1 25; No 2
white at 1 10; choice do 1 20; No 2 Ne
braska spring, 959S.
ICorn 1 ull except choice yellow and
white, which is firmer; sales of mixed
in bulk ut 73; choice yellow in bulk, 77
79; sacked 93(.S8; choice white,
Oats Opened firmer and closed dull
at 43(5;43! in elevator. .
Barley Steady for best qualifies; low
grades neglected; sales at 1 Until 15 for
ve Dull at 82(283.
W'hiskv Higher, sales at 116.
Mess Pork Dull at 32 25(3,32 50.
Shoulders IS 18$.
Dry-Salted Meat 15J.
mi . .
Chicago Live Moek. Market.
Chicago, .Oct 5.
Cattle quiet ; prices firm with a little
better feeling for upper grades ; receipts
1064 ; sales of 220 head at $3 75450
for fair to good cows ; $4 90 for stock
era. A little girl in Lapnrte, Indiana, saved
up all her five cent pieces until she had
enough to purchase a copy of Webster's
Unabridged. "Had the a father, had
she a mother, had she a sister, bad she a
brother," or hadn't she any grown up
persons to save hr fim doing such an
extraordinary foolish thing ?
Kehferler County Republican TlenetL
Commissioners George . Lawrence'
Wm. Davis, Robert CL Kinney.""
Probate Judee Obediah HalL ; !
Sheriff A. J. VaBLlIottsen - . i
County Treasurer Quartus B. Skin
ner. 'ontv Clerk John W. F. Williams.
i , County. Surveyor Klon E. Greenraan.
f ' Supenntendvnt of Public Instruction
James- iiiUV tt-itr-t.-w.a-i., -.
Coryuer-rJobn Ccller. r .
U(e County.
The Republicans of Gage county met
in convention at Beatrice on Saturday
last, and nominated the following county
ticket: '
Commissioner S. M. Hazen.
j Probate Judge A. C Peaae.
j Sheriff Daniel Freeman. .;.
! Coroner L P. ChandUr.
.Treasurer H. P.iWebb..
Clerk D: K Marsh. - ' I
Surveyor Alfred Gale. ;
Superintendent Schools L P. Filley.
- -A llnir Toetb.' - r t .
On Tuesday last 'wo were v shown a
monster tooth ! measuring eight inches
across one side and nineteen - inches in
circumferences and weighing six pounds
and a quarter.
This huge monster was found in the
bank of a small stream, tributary to the
Great Nemaha river between Falls City
and Rulo, Richardson county, Neb.
When found.the undeciivednortioii'of the
roots, about six inches in length, remain
ed in thej;round,while the eonicle projec
tions were exposed which .attracted the
attention of the finder. : ; :
Judging from the size and shape of
tne tootn, tne jaws 01 mis carnivorous
animal were evidently , very large, and
not known to the present animal king
dom. This tooth is for sale by the find
er, John Heters, and can be seen, at this
office. Jftmaha Journal.
' Aovlee toOirla.
I hav alwus sed, giv a woman choice
ov three men for a ' husband, and the
chanco is -she. will ; manage to loo so all
three ov them. .
Everyboddy luvs tew drive -four-in-hand
better than they do a single boss.
If you hav got three thank the lord
fur his goodness, aud freeze fast tu one
uv them tuonst.
The more you look for perfecshun the
more blemishes you will conic acrost, and
the more suckers you git into your net
the more cyo will hanker for, and the
more danger Ihcre is of the nets burst
in? and letting awl the fish leak out
1 can't tell you which one of the three
feljows you had better suarc but mi ad
vice iz,.tew tak one which you find your
self the most anxious to plese, and to
keep on doin'- so after.yu are; one flesh,
and if yuTaiif t a happy pair," your hus
land is siiuply a mean cuss. -rJoth Bil
lings. " . . .
Mark Twain witnessed seme of the
"Old Masters" in Milan, one of whose
pieces, "The Last Supper," by Leonardo
de Vinciy has long" been celebrated by;
travelers, poets, and artists, but never
pictured so well as in this wise ;
Th)sj)icturc is about thirty. feet long,
and ten or twelve feet high, I - should
think, and the figures are at least life
fho. It "is one of the largest ir Europe.
The colors are dimmed with age ; the
countenances are scaled and marred, and
nearly all expresion is goue from them ;
the hair is a dead blur upon the wall,
and there is no life in tho eyes.. Only
the atitudos ere certain.
People come here from all parte of tin:
world, and glorify this masterpiece.
They stand entranced before it with bated
breath and parted lips, and when they
speak, it is only in the catching ejacula
tion of raptures.
"O, wonderful !"
"Such expression !''
"Such grace of attitude !"
"Such dignity ! "
"Such faultless drawing 1"
"Such matchless coloring !"
"Such feeling!"
"What delicacy of touch !"
"What sublimity" of conception 1"
A vision ! vision !
1 only envy these people j I envy them
their honest admiration, if it le honest
their delight, if they feel delight I
harlor no animosity toward them. 'But
at the same time the tlought will intrude
itself ujon me.
How can they see what is not visible?
What would you think of a man who
looked at some decayed, blind, toothless,
jRK-k marked Cleopatra, and said :
"What matchless beauty ! What soul !
What expression 1 What would you think
of a man who gazed upon a dingy, foggy
sunset, and said; "What sublimity !
What feeling! richness of coloring!
What would you think of a man who
started in ecstacy upon a desert of stumps
and said: "Oh my soul, i mv beating
heart, what a noble forest is here 1"
Innocents Abroad. ,
A' New York rarer, lamenting over
the degeneracy of the age as shown in
the decadence of the Democratic party,
touchingly refers to the good "old Dem
ocratic times" when whisky wan sold as
low as fourteen cents a gallon.
rANTEI A purchaser for rfr acres of
IT land iidioiiiing l'lutteinouth. Apily to
rAVTEn A'puroliaier for'nltecn acre 6t
land aOjoininr i'lattFniouth. Aiiy t
rANTEIi A purchaser fur aRenidenee
with two tcrw or lanl and itnprivpmm.
Apply tu tsPL'RLOCK k WINDHAM.
"11 'ANTED 50.000 Endbcla Wheat tO.fOO
11 UufheN OmU. Fur whirh the highest mar
ket price will be paid in cuh.
1iH)K SALE. Seveaty-fiva Lota in the City of
PlatUnouth. Apply to .
VV)R SALE. Two toU in Glenwood. Cheap.
i1 septSl - S. DIKE.
1."VR SALE A half section orLand. Tying in
six milca of Plattsmouth. Two years time
riven on half the pun-hace money. Apply to
auKl'Jtf- . fcPLRLOtKJt WINDHAM.
IXR SALE. R?i acre of laud adjoioiDf
l'latt.-mouth. Enquire of
eptS S. DUKE.
14"OU SALE. The southwest quarterof section
11. township 12 north, ranc 12 east. En
quireof (feptSj t5. DLKE.
170R PALE OR RENT The property be
longing to D. Marquett will be sold or
rented on reasonable terui.v The house con
tnin 6 rootun. There if- al.o a turpc cistern with
filter, a cellar, a stable, and other conveniences.
.Apply to X. M. M A LETT,
septltf m
ITOR SALE. A Farm situated a mile and a
half south of Eight Mile Jrove. fenced and
70 acres broke. For particulars apply to
I.XR SALE. A Farm containing 320 acres,
situated four mile from Plattxtnouth, all
fenced, and 2D0 aretf under cultivation.
angl2tf SPUKUK.'a" A Wl.VDUAM.
0 CATV V.mi hundred mTpx.
II t 1 .1 .It.... 1 .11 mil frnm
IX)R SALE. An iair roved Kara, situated A-j
miles from tbe city of Plattsmouth. 1(1
particulars apply to
. aug 12tf SFURLOCK k WINDHAM..
ITOR SALE. A Farm containing ISO acres,
situated 5! miles from Plattsmouth, and 1 V
acres broken, lem-cd, u a i-tory-uud-a-half
pine hnuc.
J. E AMMAN & 00.
i ji
(Successor to J. M. Hinohtnaa.)
Druggists & Apothecaries.
Drucs aud Mrtlleiues,
Toilet: CrOOdS
i ! Far MeehanUal aad Medicinal purpose '
Kep eonstanUy a haad a faU and wuU assorted
stock of
r -1 ' r i if
Phyideians" prescriptions carefully compound
ed by an ezporiemd Druggist. " None but. the
purest medicines used. All goods warrantod as
represented. Call and see. "
- - - - m
' Main Street, South Side.
TEUM8 CASH. " ' " lJ
On the Weeping Water.
Good: .Whbat Wanted;
Exchange of Flour for Wheat as u sual.
Wheat received bri' Storage;
...''. . . 1 i.T
with tbe privilege of the use of Fanning Mill in
cloaaiog. . . . .- - . .r. j-. ." ' .
late of Nebraska City Mills, haa been employ ed
as miller, ana sntiHtaction will le riven
i- -.. a,
Sheldon 61 Bayley,
Are In reculpr of a large lot of lro risi and
from Ne- York, whirh ar oflTi-rwI at fTie luwest
price for cash, or in exchange for produce of ull
Golden Syrui for $1 -per cI.
" T lbs. sucnr Tor Ii
Cuil and see fur yourself.
One of the prettiest, altogether the cheapest,
and many say the best pitpor ever iniblislied for
young puuple. t-ixnd for it and any w here you
saw this advertisement. Specimen sent for
stamp. Look out for news about the Hrioht
Sipk. ...........
Oct. T d 2 in. Publishers. Chicago. III.
John Paulsliue, 1 District Court. Cusscounty.
vs. r Nebraska,
Blacker A McPUail.J, To Nwreiubor Term.
To Llacker .V : MePhail :
Yruu are hereby notified that I have com
menced an actio aguinst you in the lii.-trict
Court in and for the county of Caw and State et"
Nebraska, wheroin I claim or Sou the sum 'of
$100. with interest on that sum from the first
day of January. A. 1. IStVS for money by you
received for my use : that I have caused an at
tachment to be issued in said cause, and your
property, to wit : the N. W. of the N. AV.
and S. J-i of N. W. M. and the N. K. H of the N.
W. l-i. all in Sec. T. 1. It. i:t. all in the
county ot tJass and statc 01 Nebraska, hns ncen
attached thereon : and, that nnlesH you appear
and pluad to said action on or befro the loth
day of November, A. D. judgmcnk willlie
rendered against you in said cunsc, and said
property orderod to be cold to satisfv the same
witfieo.sts. JOHN PAL'lJjTlNK.
oct"4 Ujr W. McLkKKON, his uttorucy.
Alice Toomey, by her husband
and next friend, lluury
llenry Toomey,
Mary E. Taylor, Ophelia Tay
lor. Rnfua Taylor and Lilly
District Court,
Cars coauty,
To November
Term. 1W.
TA Mary E. Taylor. Ophelia Taylor, Rufua Tay
lor and Lilly Taylor:
Ton are hereby notified that I have filed a pe
tition in the District Court of Cans county and
Late of Nebraska, wherein I claim to be the
ownerorthe u-liowiug described real estate:
W U ofS W ,ec 27, T 10, R 12: N 'A of r E
H. .Srec 2S. T 12. ft 12; 8 EM of N E li. bee 17. T
lo, K IS: S E of S W.Sec 34. T lo. R 12; N WW
of N E li .Sec 2S. T 1 J. R 13: s K 'A of N E K of
See 16, T 12. R 13: EkofN E V4. Sen 3S. f 11,
R 12: E li of S E li. Sec 3.5. T 11, R 12: Jf X of
Sec 28. T12. R12: all of said county,
lying and being in tbe county of Cass and rUate
of Nebraska, and pray iu said bill that the same
be conveyed to me; that unless you appear and
plead, answer or demur to said bill, on or be
fore the l.Hh day of November, A. D. , the
allegations therein contained, will be taken as
true, and a decree rendered in said cause rn ac
cordance with the prayer in said petition.
By Strickland, Ha sly Sc MtLiNaox, for com
plainant. oetw4
In District Coat 2d Judicial Dirtriet wilfcisaad
for Cav county, Nebraska.
Maria Harper, 1
against Notice f
Senate Harper. J ' ' '
To Senate Harper, aoa-reai-detit.
defendant, you are hereby notified that
Maria Harper on the 11th day of reptember,
l5f, filed a petition in the District Court of the
2d judicial District within and for Cass county,
Nebrai-ka, the object and prayer of said petition
is to obtain a decree of said Court, dissolving
the Bond of Mstritcony ezistiuc between your
self and said plaintiff, and decreeing that said
Iaintiff shall have the custody and control of
eaa Harper and Maggie M. Harper, infant
childrca of aaid plaintitt and defendent.
You are required to answersai l petition on er
hefore the 1st day of November. iMjV.
By Maxwell A Chapman, Attorneys.
eptl6w5. . . '
Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the
12tk day of October next, at the usual place of
holding elections in the several l'recints (or as
near as practicable , in Ca Ceaaty, Nebraska,
an Election wiil be held for.
One County Commissioner for the Third Dis
trict; . .
One Probate Judge; . . - . - ;.
One fiheriil': .:.;"
One Coroner: - . - '
One County Treasurer;
One County (Jlerta " - .-, - ; f.
One County Surveyor; ., , '
One County Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion; One Senator for Cass. Sarpy, Saundors, Sceard
and Butler Counties. '
Two Justioe;' of the Peace:
Two Constables; ' "
One Assessor;
Three Judges of Electiuftai , .
Two Clerk of Elections;
One Road Supervisor for each Roal Dist-iet.
which election will be opened at eight (Ko elock
in tbe morning, and will continue open until
ix itjo 'dock in lae afternoon ol the same day.
By order of - . .
This 8lU day of -ejtember. A. D. 18o.
,H. SPL'ULoCK. Couuty Clerk."
O.IA ACRK-S of LAND to trade f..r TOWN f
LOTS. 'Aptdy to . i
Oit.Tdtf. SIM It LOCK fi WINDHAM, j
Marble1 "Works.
o3 l 'V!XD : t'.ii ir
A. M
fi?.t.TO,.:;;.v;::;;, ;.
Farttishtd i.mvil' ind neatly mt tha vrf
j VVelrVarrrit; Satisfa'cticnl.
j X H S A , i 4 MERGES A BH0..
; Main streH near6t!sVJTiWuV 'J.'!)',
To 15 F, Adams, C.tswfWT.vJessie Cook. w.
C.wles, J. Hayes. .Lv-Jh' Woad,F. A. Whaa, O
( hilds. J Pfoil'er. iU-uixslf Lveoy, Jcbn K
Dean, Walter C Lal.iwir tw LuaMi f. -i
1M9 tS J.. '
Kast, Yi in Kneppor na H''-rfilh. L h Kruth
I ltfrfitl. V h Keath.
111, K right. I ililla,
A Wilkinson: R C An'
'hohipson. J 5K'ooy.
W V Rramlon. J II I'.row
jr.. li W ZeigfflCi Laura A
rtcsson, J !taner.- T , I nompson. J HR tnuy
llei--s of Julia A' llartliltoa.' Josi-ph t-'rtdh.
llci of Agustus liall; ti-n-resiilelit ownts r
the unknown owners ofendt T anMthf fol
lowing described lot!( or parcejs of land: Von
aill take notice that llif'IMleVue, Aslilnn-I and
Liucolu lail Road 'wupaDjf. hjia, 1mUU as
road thro-jch and ui-on le fallowing dofribe.1
real eta te.Teing uU aud parcels oiiauds vwned '
by vou or any of you. and lying und ltvuig.-uuatcd.
in Sarpy county. 'Nebraska, and i Ltlirm
t it and additions thereto inlaid lA'uaty. U it
. - LOT
, . , . , i
fi w ".?
N E of S E
K W ofS W
S W ofS W
. 6. .
31 '.
1 -II
' U
.14 .
- 14 -:
t . .--.
-ll. .
" '
" ' 'U
i-. ! J! , .!
; 13
, 1
LOT I U K, 1 LOT I B K. LOT r1 W)h
"i '
12445C I'l J 4 ':. a V234' J J.
H e., I Jv-T , Ul l '
7hJlV (.!'' 11 12
1112 6 - ' It S 4
Lit 3 South Iiviiot:,Ajiat-rsina.A.Hition.
' Lots. 2 3 North Division, AliderMt'a AddHto..
loswH HeirevueCitjr. . '
And yon or each and ant of you are further
notified thnt said Rait Road Company dem'res to
take bold and appropriate laid real estate or
portions of ttaid real estate for the use of its road '
for main track, sidp track.-and depot ground!, '
and if tho said feba-reideutirtks otunknowa
owners a abwre specified shall not within
thirty 'days after the completion of this publi-.
ration.' to-wit the 14th day of October. LSi), ap.
dy to tho Probate Judge of said county ot Sarpy
toliuve the da uutgc asonsnad by ata diaintre-tiL
I'rehdderi of said county, selected by said Vt
Late Judge, as provided in chapter tvctitv-n
(2& of Ute Rovued Statute ef tbetateof -
braska, and aiuendntenta thereto. said ()Tiipaay
will proceed to hare lb a .da Bag ameH.-4 as'
therein provided by law. - -
Dated lbi 16th Uj ef SepfmhSjrr a.Tb. 19.
taptl6w4X f Pree't.B., A. Lllu. R. Ct
.''loacc. .. ; . ,
David Pearce of tke State of MissoarL ea
renident, defendant, will takenotice that Torarr
M. MassueU'of bel Staieiof 'ebmka, Cass
county, did on the .4 lb. day of Supteiubsr. a. .
1 att 1.;. ..M;t r.. ; i, n li;...:.. . e il.
j --.-, nil- likfl I'uil hid l-willlll , I'Ulb I'l BV
'2l Judicial IMstrirt of the Stato of Nebraska.'
within and for . county, against Ihe said
David Pearce. defendant, setting forth that oa
the Sd day of March, a. r. 116r5 was indebted te
plaiatftf in'the ram t-f Two llandro! Dollars
with interest from the 3d day of March. Ii6. a
111 per coal. fen aervicirs hefor tbattinersa
dcred as attorney and solicitor ia atleiHlingie
certain actions fr drfmdaut and for money pai.
for the uc of said defendant and at his rtiuent.
That on said 4th' dny f September, 4. i. la,
philntiff canned an order of allarbment to t
issued out of the Clerks olhce of said Distrirt
Caart. and eaued the fidlowing ral enlace to be
Mttuched. -vr i 1 1 Tbe undivided ene baif of
the west half oflut No twehetU'') in block lwso-:
ty-seven'i7i as dsinatad epon tke recorded
plat of tlia rity- uf t'latttnusutn in Casscoaoty,
Nebraska. And the said David P hereby
notified that he is required to appear and ao
ewer said petition an or eiorJ the irst day vf
Nevornber. A.b. SHV. ...
Dale 1 treplamber 11th. 1.
eptlw4. . , '
' liEfiA I4 , NOTICE-
Frederick Fuehs', it "iioii-resiije'iif of tbe Stat
of Nebra-ka. will take notice -that WiTiiaui t.
Donelau. tsf thn State of Nebraska, did. the
17tli day of September, Ai D. 1. file his peti
tion in tbe District Court of the H'Tend-Jwd total
District of tbe State of Nebraska, in and foe
Cass Conn ty, against him. the said Frederick
Fuchs. defendant -netting- .fort btimc on the BtV
day of June. 1H.VJ, (hat tbe sai l Frederick Fucht
was indebted to hiin the sit id Win. K. lHielan,
in the snm of flH on account nt gnmN. neara,
and merchandise, Ijefore' that time sotd nnd d-
li enr.1 ba the shhI pUnrtilf to tliw sai.l iletemt
aitt, ul tbe deienduuu rMUot, ui prying Ibat
said Frederick 1 uclis pay sail win now i-laisned
to be due. wilh Interest on Ihe same, from ttio
Mt'.t .lily of June A. D. K9. . Aug saul Frederirk
will further take uoln e that an order ot ntlaeb
incia has issuel agiunst his property in ,tk
above action, and that theshuriu' d said evuuty,
has attache 1 the following deseri bed property,
to-wit: The ea.t half of lot nine in bl.u k four
teen, aa desigunted nfijihe recorded phit of tbe
city of I'lattsmnuth. 111 said county, and the
said Frederick Kapha is nolifie.1 that h is re
quirerl to appear nnd answer said petition, on er
before the third Monday nftc lite 21st day of
October next, or the said petition a i! lo take a
t true, and judgment rendered accordingly.
By W it.LiTT PoTTfcctit, lis Attorney.
Archibald Wiggins and Elizabeth "Wirjlns af
the State of Missouri, will take notice that Dea
m Dean, of Sanndenr connty, in the .State of
Nebraska, did on the 1st day of September, a: .
1M!9. file bis petition in the District Court of tbe
2d Judicial 'District of lae.'SUM et Nebraska,
within and for KaunJers county, against the saKJ
Archibald Wip-gitis and Elizabeth Wiftrins. dt-fendanf.-.
setting forth thut on the 4th day Jons,
4. i. lHi.), they werethe ownert in fee simple of
the sonth west quarter of section No onU)i
township No twelve il2) north of range Ne nine
east of 6th P. in Sounder county, Ne
braska; thf on- said defendant sold te
George Borders and Joseph Hume the undit
ded two thirds of said pcemisoa; that ia tua
ei utiuii of the deed for said l-remisea. if tarn
take, the person who was present did au sun
ei ribe the said deed as wiUiosa.- That fM. the 8tk
day of September. lKi2, defendant Xi, u one
Samuel J Ross the remaining undivsUd one
third, and in the cxeeutiooyif the Miii Jdeed t
him'thei ns mt'-takeafi- a -ftiiM made
by purties, and the acknowledgement lack
ing in form. That the'said Samuel JJKossUUln4
conveyed H ef h iirtere-rt in thei LtutisM
to the said Joseph 11 ume. That the aaid Joseah
Hume, arjd the heirs oheaid tiewgc liitjers
(lift tjitiotve Berdcrj. having ti itAl 4t t left Ike
aaii premises to plaintiff. And Kaying tbat tbt
said defendants may be ordered execute and
deliver to plaintiff . Knod nod. ratiaient deed in
f.-e simple to said premises; correcting the mis
take made in said deeds as above set forth. And
Ike wtid Arclri bald Wiggirnrand Ulisak-lk Wir
gins are hereby notified that they are required
to appear and answer said petition 01 or Wors
the 1st day ef November, a. . lHuV.-ir tbe taxS
will be taken as true and a decree rendered a .
By T. M.'MliKjcrrT alfy for pl'ff. - iJtY
& Misb-tnri Kixit Raitroud i"Uj?!iojy
ji rtbr(tlc ,
X'.ticc Is hrety tha hit Thnrtdar. the
fU day of Muber. a. d. 1SH. there mill b
iteld a HiwofchjtMee', Meeting- trftk'tiia'lit-
11a el Company, and. for fc tr&lVftctiua id" uther
bosincse. ,
" T ; , '' f "i t 1 iWNr I HlKLtr'O.V,-''j
- 1 t . it C. F:PEfcKIN4,' I .
Three t,nS Incorporator ofK. A- M. lf.. fe.
it Nebraska. , -
Plaft-muuth. Scplemlter 20. 1sl9. sji3S".
Suiprcved Farm nnd Tim
c' ber For Sale- 1
The fittm Ts' about 20 miles west from Platt
TMonUt. 2 milw wt of lloevsr's, ea- the Mag
road, ou eeri-e. has been ia euUtvauon a !(
house upon it. nnd plenty &f slock water: "
southwest of section 27. town 12. range 11 l
aerrs. and eonueetoil erjth H .If t'lt T nnd 4'otk
oast of southeast -4 of section UO. same town:
and range. tiatiies tst-and aiu 100 aerss, mskiaf
Z'M and fU-VJJ acres. Alo, thf northwest. ef
unrthwevt H ef ceetn IU. town." T. range 44, ia
Mills county, Iowa, due east from PlatUmoiH
nnd "nc mile front the riyer-keavr tjimber." rff
terms addrr -; f. H. S'fjJM03 '.,
tnsyCrf. fjfr owmkT. ftfwa.
78911 a ' 1 16' r9 1 1234
Mil 12 3 V 12 3A 678 3
8 12 - , 6. 1478 ' 37 10lll2
101U2; 8 S6. 49 . allof
178. -SO; .44 !. 114. 2H
84r.H12 119 12 - 1M- 1S37K
10 1112 lhS I 45. . 1 ISC J 123V1U
1112 1S7. .x . . ..:
orasKit. i tee 01 tne iturlingtou jau
snuri 1t Viilruad Caiepaoj in Nobrk, i
the city of Pattt! ua-1 Sti,l6 f NtUfJai
W.r tbe purimao t,t electing i -nliiictori ef