Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 16, 1869, Image 3

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    the g:rfragha guratfl.
from Sa'urdan'g DatTy.
8. II. Mallory, Railroal Contractor,
ftrrivH J ia the city last night.
The steamer "Flirt" went down the
error tbU mornin:?. We are glad she has
f one lor we alvCay did diilite a flirt.
-P.. D. Matfon, Esq.. of the OU Ite-Hji-!"
Cedar Island (Platte linr) Ferry
it in the city.
Jlr. More ha charge of business
matter in csnnection with the Railroad
i this place during Mr. Woodman's ab-
Mr. Paul ITill, of Boston, arrived in
the city ieveral days eince, to take
hargo of the R. R. transfer buinet at
ibis plar?.
Thore U a rumor that Salt Creek
feriti? wai injured duiing the recent
Ligh' waters but we are unable to a.cer
teiu anything definite.
A waioa loaded with strai.eM, etc., on
caeiiie. and "benzine" on the other, up
aet on the '"rwrpjine" side to-day, neur
the corner of Main and Sixth street.
A proportion m to be submitted to
the voters of Otoe county to borrow $30.
GOO f t bridge purjtoses. We suppose it
Bje.ius to build tho bridges for President
"WLit-j'H rad.
S-me of the fust youn? men of F'latti
mouth have n new name fur whiskey.
Instead of Hakim; for whiskey they call
for h '"dose of cmnrnwi ilutvrf.anre.."
Th"' an; apt to require .Sheriff Johnson
er Marshal .Murphy as un Antidote.
We learn from the Sioux City Timn.
that, the Dakota County, Nebras-ka, sate
was Mown 6pen and robbed on Tuesday
oixht, and three hundred dollars in county
warr.iii'us and three hundred dollar in
eurrcney taken.
JudK Tubba, of Mills county, sold
1200 .icres of land one day this week, for
the i-nu Mitn of $40,000. The land id
ituated 8 miles east of Qlcnwood, on the
lino of the U. & M. R. li., and h:i.s prob
ably rsJO acres more under cultivation.
- ( Jcoryv Francis Train ha cea.sed to be
n objector a subject of reportorial in-
' ter.-.-X to C;i!itoriua scribes. I rom ten
-columns tliev irive him two lines. Even
his own orwi at, Ourtha eoiupresst'st a
ten column npeech into les than four
oluuus. II w are tho mighty fallen.
Mr. Jonathan Ad;ma showed us a
bunch of Concord grapes this morning
Wfcitfhiii; live oumws, raised on a three
year oi l vine. They are very large and
fine. N'jbra-ka will yet prove one of the
finest grape growing States in the Union,
except, probably California.
Tho Southern yVrtMnan my: We
have been intoriU'vl by our friend Z. P.
ThorLton that the Engineer is now actual
ly at work .surveying the Trunk Road.
This jjurely means" bu.r;ess. puh th
good work on. When will the grading
tx counnencej ; will came one please
k:p '.:) pasted.
Tu Chicatro, Rurlinton & Quirtey
Esi!ro:ii t'oiiij .my have determined to
put up h new freight hou.-"e at or near
the site of the lately burned depot 3t
Quincy, to be of bri-?k, fr proof through
out, .'.0 f:.'. in width by 3o) or 400 in
.length, and to oust about t2.',(.HJ.
.We are in receipt of a pamphlet pub
licati .u i-i't Le jemiuni ht and roKula-
- f ions of the Feend nnnual Fair of the
Mills County Aid n'tural Sivi?tr, to be
hdd at rle:iw.-oi, September .uth and
0.?t il r 1 -t an 1 ''d. The panjphk t wis
ione st the OpiuttM ofiec, ;id ik a credit
to thut e-tHblihmont.
A nor!f-l mare wa stolon from Win.
. Meru ns la "t, tive milcr; wK from
PlftTUmuth. She wns taktn about
m',...n .v'..l. in.l Mr 1. -,..- .im .
-po tht? tiiefto have (rone ei. It i-wuppo-t'd
fh a taken by u (Icrman
who had bfen "topping a, his hou-e, but
!ft jft.ft-rl y moiiti:..
Tho O Id JVilovr of Omaha gav.- &
fian j i' t last Tii Tiday veniii to the
oft!ie Uniird Slti's fl.-r the purpose of
iktirtirK fr SnTi Krarieiso to attend a
wWmi of th (Jr.!ol LiJcre ofthel'ni
jtei Stat.v. The bn-jnet is nid U have
fcv n h 1 pl--..did a'iii'.r.
An VisJii,ji .sys: "):it live 'inn.
irith a uiojr. rate uijciint of rapitil and
w.JTiy, i worth more to a town than a
o'-n millionairess who .shut their money
p in mortiraires and unimpr-svel real
wwtc. " Whereupon Sol. Miller ro
ttarks: ''True as (Jospel. Irrd. (e!id
Borne liv men along thirf way.
Mr. Wni. Porter, raised this year, on
TttAftrm two an J a half miles south-wet
from Plaft-mouth. over llOO bushels of
barley. Tho wet weather injured hi.s
ror.s vcrv materially, both before and
iter cutting, yet Mr. Porter thinks he
dou full as well as he would off the same
land in wheat. He purpo.sea ."owing one
hundred bushels next season. We .ee
o re;vn why barley should not be a
ry profl table crop in Nebraska.
Vr i it ni V I.o...11
'ieHr?. ir. 11. yiiKi:i. u. x "mil,
John Tavlor, T. C. Rrunner, E. E.
l'n-neli. E. C. EHL-. A. M. Schcllor and
J. S. Nielnls, (.f Omaha, and John Q.
(to:, W. W. Wat-on, Walter Nelson,
Jtenrj- McLomes an'l David JiCach. ot
Rellevtie, were iu the city yesterday
evening for the purpose of instituting a
Lodge of tho Knights of Pithias. A
number of our citizens were initiated into
tho mysteries of the order.
We visited Hesser's Pic Nic Gardens
yesterday, and found everything nr a
Vrander scale than we had supposed.
For in.-tanee his floral department con
tain ovrrjive hundred different varirlie
of flowering plants, embraeing all the
choice varieties known to American fior
i?t. Ho i.s enlarging hishot house to
more than double its former size, and
rUl do an extensive business in the flor
ist line. His vegetable garden is on the
fame marniSeent scale having every
thing in atundinoe. Sme idea may le
frmod, wli"n we say he has now in his
garden, ready for market, over ten tiw
of Linen Rhubarb. Hess-r i a thor
ough going a tive man, and will furni.-h
n thing in his line on the most reason
aluo terms. He has about fifty acres of
ground in cultivation, mostly devoted to
market gardening.
o ifjmd-tn't JJixily.
Mr. Rayless, of Council RlnflV, in
th city.
CoL J. S. Sharp, of Memphis, Tcnn.,
rriwd in the city Friday. He is stop
ping with his fon, E. S. Sharp.
('has. Iazenby had purchased what
L haid to be the fastest horse west of the
Missouri river. He paid $1,500. .
Lazenhy tt Buttery are about opening
a new Livery Stable in the city. They
have some fino stock and Bonie fine car
riages. An emerald Islander pfaggering up the
n lewalk the other evening, was herd ro-lilo-iuising
thusly: ''I'm a'drunken IrL-h-
Tr'. A T' ft
Ioora, Bro. & Co. have just received
a large lot of boots and shoes direct from
the ea-t. They have some of excellent
Alfred A. Hart is painting the scene
at the driving of the last epike of the
rrans-contincntal rail wa vs. The central
figure, Rev. John Todd, troubles the
painter. To be truthful of it is to be
unartititio. To be artistic is to be un
truthful. It L frojxxl t-o leitvt Mr.
A son i of Rev. Geo. R. Davis, Er,i.-o-pal
miiaster ut Brownviile, Iia. takeu a"
po-ition on the local e'litorial department
of the Omaha Hernld. He is said to i
a talented and promising young man.
The ICth of September is the day fixed
u pon for the Laying of the corner stone of
the State University at Lincoln. Aj
propriate ceremonies will be held upon
that occasion.
Some common thief relieved Mr. Bcl
low's iocJcotbook oi'?"0 last Friday mor
uinir, at th(! I'latte Valley House. He
lodged in the same room with Mr. Bel
lows, got up early, rilled his pockets and
Messrs. Tidball & Idlings have ho't
out Simpson, Miekelwait & Co.'s lumber
yard at Ashland, and they are in town
making arrangements to send out a large
quantity of lumber. They appear like
thorough business men.
Jesse Scott, a teamster on the Rail
road, and a pretty clever fellow when he
lets whiskey alone, got too heavy a load
of benzine aboavd to-day, got into a
''mas.'" and loaned the School Fund $10
to get out of it.
The Piattmouth of to-day i.s not the
Plattsmouth of six months ago. Then
we had a peaceable, quiet' town, with
only an oeca-ional light and an occasional
petty tht'ft; but now we find the place
tilled with "roughs ' and every day or two
somebody is robbed. This change is
perfectly natural, however unpleasant it
mav be in some resi.ects. Then we had
little money in circulation and little
business doing ; but with the advent of
Rail Roads and the necessary accompa
niment of capital, men who live by
their wits come al.-o.
from TuriJiy'i Daily.
Candidates announced in the Herald
for $3.
Carpenters are putting the shelving in
Billing'9 new building. .
Ottumwa, Iowa, is expecting to Jbe a
great Railroad centre, it looks like her
chances were good.
Wm. Melor.e has taken a job of stcn?
work on the railroad, out about fourteen
W. J. Hyatt, came in from L?n?ola
Saturday. He is buii ling a new Liviry
Stable in Lincoln.
The last few da3s have been very un
favorable for railroad work. It has rain
ed almost constantly.
Workmen have commenced tearing
away the old buildings on Engles proper
ty, ready for the erection of the ne w eii
hee. We saw a Nanemond sweet poLato
hist evenimr, raised by Chas. Wolcott,
Esq., which weighed four jjountU. That
is very heavy fir a Narisemond.
ft e T ' m:iv . : i c tl:
r" u,:ii r a.rri:,tu ,r-lu ur
cngo this afternoon, via th.? Chicago &
Northwestern road. He informs us that
from ten to twenty miles of the railroad
track along I cr nver it under wafer.
Maj. Bayless. of Council Bluffs, i-ailed
on us to-uay. lie has been in tae city
looking after his Real Estate interests
here. He leaves for home in the morn
ing. We understand that property in Glen
wood has nearly doubled during the past
ten days, in consequence of the pros
pects of the Rock Island running down
Keg Creek to the bridge at this place.
If it docs not. rain too hard, grading
will be commenced south of Main street
I to-morrow. The trajk will extend down
j to the present Ferry Landing, and tho
; grounds will bo graded about seventy
I feet in width.
The Omaha liajuhJicnn makes a poii
... ,i .... .: v
lit. UiH.ll 'II I liv dl u.tkl i Jil Ul .W!l(fjl-
! tion on the Text Book question. If any
oae has proof of corruption, now is the
tim to "'.swint it in; an 1 if they have
uot, why
The Fremont T, u-h:' to us en-
; !irge i to un ciL'lit cohimu paper, and
! giving other ovidnw of tinancia! s::c-
cf. f remont isvi;i -! the ift :n
nor !
I tiwns of th St-;-. and the
V. i'jnr is I
i do;:gcu tliat p.iTjer, ink rnl i -.alns can ;
I do to t;ake it the cvtt town in tiio State,
Theevd oiTfX-tH of keenii.e Bi-.ncy
; t.:iut tlie hou--e
i demonstrated iu
is been pretty well
tliix locality. Bank i
j vauirs were ma to to Keejt money in.
J If a ina:j not wish to te a Suit for
! thieves be should not carry money about
witu hiiu or keep it anoui iii pionuse.-'.
Wo hear it eitrrenrlv
tho fellow who robbed Mr. Kohrell Sun
day night, recently broke jail atOiiiaha,
where he was conSned for knocking a
man down and relieving him of some
thing near $200 in money ami a gold
watch. He is evidently not a new hand
at the buinesw.
' Fidel is" writes from this county to
the Nebraska Citv At-tr as follows:
' Fruit growing in this county is a do '
ended sueeess. 1 ho other day we walked
through Mr. Oldham's orchard and ob
served many of the trees heavily ladened
with tine apples. One little sprig ;m
particular attracted attention: It. meas
ured twelve inches in length and bore
nineteen apples. Mr. Oidiiaiu as a
plumist is successful. lie showed us a
twig .seventeen inches long, f:o.u ubi-'Ii
i were taken mor than a hunJ ed plum.s.
How about Nebiasia not pro racing
The I'ypuhlicin of Sunday morning
says: "J. B. Mclouall, Employing
Agent of Fitzgerald & Mallory, arrived
yesterday from 1'lattsmouth. Mr. Mc
Donald is connected with the Burling
ton and Missouri Bivcr Railroad, lie
leaves for the south to-morrow nioru
ing." We heard a "Real Estate Ag'.nt say
yctenlay that lie had received more
than fifty applications tor houes diuintr
the past two wecks.and that he could rent
two hundred dwellings inside of one
month if he on y had them to rent.
Why will not some one build more hon
es. There i more roony in it than
in any other one thing we know o
from Wei.!cdty' Daily.
The Cass County Republica-i Conven
tion will be hold at Weeping Wa:cr
on the 20th inst.
Get your sweet to lh re tdy, for there's
ftoing to be a thumping big crop of .-we it
potatoes this year.
Hon. H. T. Clark, President of the
Bellevue, Ashland k Lincoln It, R , wis
in the'eity to-day.
A fire broke out in Baulton Bros,
house, -in Ottumwa, last Saturd iy, bu;
was extinguished before serious datu-ifje
was done.
r Mr. William A. O'Neill and Miss.
Victoria Gingry were married, by Judge
Gage, at the residence of W. S. Wct,
on Sunday, the twelf th day of Septem
ber. L. F. Heed, Esq., left yesterday for a
trip east, where he will purcha-e a large
stock of goods for the house of Reed
Bro's, Weeping Water. He will be ab
sent about a week.
Mr. Burger, of Ro -k Bluffs Preeiact
has an excellent briek residence nearly
completed. Nothing rpoaks so well for
a country as to see the farmers putting
np this class of houses. It shows taste,
comfort, and solidity.
Parties engaged iu grading the ptreets
of Omaha have come acro-s the bodies of
three persons, which, from indication-,,
have been buried a long time, the Ili-.r-alj
pupposcs licfore 'he town of O naha !
The NVnka O.y Ar. says: "The
'Kctm Bank',' staril in tbi-ifv a few
days s'.ucq. su. ntli at ab?4 liour on
Saturday evening." ' fltiTresTdebt and
Cashier going to Iowa; leaving beverel
FUtall bills unpaulr t - ft
' ThaT)e'moci-acy'm Irerhont -eovxnty,
Iowa, ha-sgot into a ver" bad 'mi.x."
The Union bolts the nominations of the
convention. andcVimsto speak for a
majority of the ptrty. rTere apiears to
be a .fTamble- Wit soiL'swd ail cannot
be Hiiccessfull. '
Mr. Kelly, of Iowa, one of the sub
eontractorson the Midland Pacific railroad
Is sending for his family and will make
Nebraska City his permanent home.
He is a railroad maii Yif largi!e.tpcrieoee
and will make a good citizen. Xews.
D'K's Mr. Kelley expect a ''permanent"
and life long jo5 uii tho Midland ?
The Ottumwa Couri-r of lat Satur
day nays: "Mou. Theo. Me I. Price ac
comjhshed '.the leat thii aiternopij of
walking four times across Main street on
a wire stretched from the roof of Sam.
Gossages store to" that of Eimisi Bal
lon!, to the delight of an extensive
crowd of spectators."
Mr. West has tent us specimens of
five different varieties of grapes raised by
him the Coneoid, Delaware, Diana,
Kirk, and Amper which are as fine
siieciiiieus as one "would wish lo taste.
Hereafter grapes ian 1-e counted as jone
of the staple crops of Nebraska.
John McGce jind Jilward Dunahoo
eoninn'need a fovi-ible argument, with
tieir fists, in the Star of the West sa
loon, yesterday evening, and wire taken
before Recorder Wells by the .Marshal.
Wm. Kerwin was al-o arrested for inter
fering to prevent the arrest of the other
two. MeGee took st deep interest in
the youth r.f thi iity, und gave $10
for the benefit of the school fund. Dun
ahoo and Kerwin were discharged
Kerwin pleading that he did not know
the Marshal was an officer. ;
. - -1 - 1 - -- - tt
Vallera A Itnffhei are just in receipt
of a large stoek of Dry Goods.
Vallerys & RuflV;er have just received
afewmoi e Kirby Reapers on which they
will give good tiite.' T ! .'. v N : i. '
If yoi want a goo I Thre.diing ?Iachine
you can procure one at Vallerys !c Riiif
ncr's who are how receiving the J. I.
Cox & Co.'s Machine.the most complete
Machine ever put up.
Also nircnts for the Woodbury Climax
and PittL's Horse Power.
WANTEO. . ' k
Bacon and lard for which we. will give
the highest market price,
" 1
Vallerys & are agents for the
I Sehuttler Wagon winch they are selling
at reduced irices.
If you want the lightest pinning Mower
in use go to Vallerys fc Ruffncr's, and
buy the KnifTin. !
Va'lerj's & I!u9'ncr.are agenta fqr the
Grover & Baker sewing machines, the
be-t in market. Call and see thepi.
'' - -!
IlErtALi) Okkice, )
Wednesday Evening, V
Sej-r. 14th; )
Wheat R ee;pt !.j.iv!i: .-'viprajnts
much h.-avier tha i w? -k previous; slight
decline in commoner grades; good wheat
firm, netvithsrandin; depression in Chi
cago an J Si. Ijfmis Markets. No. 1 red
we quote at S'Ji v. little offered; No
rsnuing, from v.r'.S0, this grade seems
lo l e in givit demand, receipts heavier
y far than last week; No. 3 brought 5.1
(o"."'. c ir'id-rable offered; reiectcd 45(i?.
i '; - - . u''.r
1 4 1. TV f t T
! . noavicr, M.ppjrnant
! u ':s, s.tciie !, f ), .... sack K-'M'
1ats Demand much greater than
supplv. No 1 onts ;;Ky 3rv
j:vn-j.:cff,-r-d, iiMoK furBucksve Drill fit - Broad Cast
broht s-ssr, y j Union
l.Rr.F.T NoiiO offorcj tills WB'Ji:.
? Potatoes Otily f-inall lot -t upon tlic
markor, ytt; a fow heavy lotsoSercd, lut
no buyers at the jruros wanted 2!(2 '-.n
lcr bu; hcl. HOcts paid ibr several small
: no net;
All pontons indebted to the unler-i?ncd are .1 tocail and. settle immediately.
WAN r to.
, ritouaito reat rontuining; five or .ix rooras.
Apply iiaracditttely to C. W. LUXT. i
, , ' Railroad Oilice.
l'.atta'nouth, Xei.rt'ka Scpteuibor 11. dtit.
- Mm -
$)2C0 and tl: x dnso5 Paul.
b''e aivcrtisomentof American ShuttleSowinr
Ma:hijie ia our advertisinj columns. ly
Py Up.
AH persons know ins themsilvea indebted to
rr.e will- pNnise c;ill pay up immediately. A
wort to the we, et.
wlotf ' C. E. Focut.
Mrs. Kt Simpsoii halbe r.gencyof theahove
celebrated instrum.jr.ts. Any person dcALTou of
oblair.ii.g n first dsn Orcia or Melodcon with
all the liten i!nprvc:iiats sj-a a vox jubi
lan'i. A'u. are requ-jtej to ejll at hrr residence
nnd pet circular, v: r' '
I'latteniouth Anjr. 1C:T, -
All perona Indebted tf the uncriKned are
rc-4,-s:.ei! t call af. h - r.s. i:;i-2. c i?hteen miles
w-r; ot ria:iiajnu:i. m i se:.'t the . iu;;ui
Ui.iteiy. tt:.U-.J K'-.SE A XX I'SCKEU.
' - - - - - r - f
ir a:' rj-f.-.ficD'9i '. l- .
"iriil c&U and sci'.Ie .iie p.inie, tht-y wi.l save
tLeroscIve-i bo:h et t .r.a )!f an 1 cxren.-e. for
we 'nnt have .ill sfi'-o.jc.s aaJ notes due us
pii'l. nn l that iimrK-dialel-. as we ara coicf
Eartt and must have the inpae;-.
September 2 J. IBffa ' W'f ' J
iOtUTiON. ' -Tl:e
copartnership hererofore exiptiiifr under
tbenarae and style f liwaa. Ero. Jt Co., is this
Jayisolved by mutual onsent. R. G. and E.
Doom will continue 'tho Dry (roods an 1 Grocery
buiii' at thaol 1 slau l, uader the firm na:n.)of
Doom. l!ro. Jt Co.. sn l settle all th bu?ijet:i of
the old 5nu. .1. E. Doom will tuke charge of
the Farm Impietacr, :a.
. . J. E. DOOM
riattfmonth. A iust2c,h ISoy.
fJffflCtnt-fOMri MithMMMI mafJJfMf Off
Ykga io race. "
Josephine XtsiiU of Plea'aut liill in the
State of M n-souri. will take n.,.ict. tui Jos-ej.n
Xesbitt of ;be eounly ol'Hauuders iu tne state ot
Xe'?n.aka. did on the -d duy of sepleiuoer A. D.
lNV.t. nee his petiti u .n the Difirioi Court uf the
1 Judicial DUtri4 of the ante ot Xrbi wka
within and lor Sms aers County, atrpm.-t the
said deiVudaut Jo-j.bino X,bitt, sei.i.ijr forfh
that the said plain. .f Trarf married to .'aid de
lta lent on or ihe i:U day ol January IhoT,
and that said de.'c jti tut ha been willfully ab
sent from wtid piaia'ili for more than two years
Iat pa.-t. and praj ug but thesaidp!u;ulia may
bed.r !edr!U itd d;:'cn,l.un.auJ for such j
other aud nitrher ttliesn, iu inii ami sottd ;
conciene he to enii'iiKl tt.'i M.aid Jikhv I
paiue Xe. ii.t is nc;:Gcd t!ia: fha i required to
apM:ar and anwer raid pc.i.iun oa or before
the lt tijy of Octcl.r ,
paiod fjtpt.fmbtr -d. lv'Si.w5
, . JOSEl'lt II. NESBITT.,
m 7 rTIf? "Hew
2iOOOc- V
i -we3:o:li!es.ajl:e
'.I,, 'P
Boots, Shoes j
Aucuit 23. Wi.
, ; DOOM, BRO. & 0. !
have a Irrge Stock of
Dress Goods ' " ' White Goods,
Dress Goods, . . White Goods,
"Dre Good " r" Vftute Goods,
fvr--Drcs Goods, White Gtvjds,
Piece Goods,-0-'' 1 1 ' Brown 3Iulins,
Pioc floods, . BTOwOIusJins,
Bleached Muslins, Dcmins, blue&trowii
Bleached Muslins,' Iemins, blue & hrown
Blenched Mu.Jins, Demins, blue & brown
Shirting, check and stripe, f
: Shirting, check and stripe,
Shirting, check and stripe, ,-j ; ... .
Choice Rio Coffee, , A Coffee Sugar,
Choice U'O Co Tee, , A Coffee Sugar
Choice Rio "Coffee Brown Sugar,
Syrup, Brown Sugar,
T & havjufc Trcseiyea
anotntr large lot of Glass and Queens-
Sytop,' u - ' - - ' '
Drieel Fruit, , . v
Dried Fruit,
Dried Fruit,
k Salt Vish,
Salt Fish, J
Gias Ware,
Glass Ware,
Glass Ware,
And a gcn"ral stock, to which they call'
the attention of the Farmers and Publio
generally. Have the i selected stock
and make the lowest prices. Remember
the place, " the west corner in the Big
Brick, Main street, Plattsmouth Neb.'
. -. Doom, Bro. & Co.
Agents for Birdsall's Threshers, Buffalo Pitts' Threshers,
Geiser Threshers.
Uqi Yorker, Buckeye, John P. Manny's, CWniax.
PLOWS:-Industrial, Dixon, Grand Detour, Skin
ner, SrcnBeam, Rod & Mould Board Breaker.
Sulky Hay Rakes, Revolving Hay Rakea.
Little Giant Fan-Kills.
Johnson's Corn Shellers,
; Wier's VValkinc Corn!P!cws;i-::. - '
v Every Implement Warranted.
Plattsmoath. Aut&t 26, ls6y. . - - - -
& ;
' '" .
Druss, Medicines, Chemicals
Toilet Soaps, , Brushes, '
Fane' Toilet Articles, - Toys, Trusses, Supporters,
liou:deri3racet!, lirass and iarden heetls,
For modicinal purposes,
Pnmt? Oils,1' 1,v VHrnishes and;
Stationary. f Tarlotf Oil, -.Lamps,
(ilass and t'uttv,
M-ni-uP? -71' -CTiOXt' i V, ' &c.' ;.vc.
HaTiair been enfrirKl in ceiling Drujr" And -rceries in thiscity for the pstseyen years, we know
the wauia of tUe people iu our ue vi tr i-i. ;:U are prepared wiLh a large etoek of Goods ol tie
oci uaiiiy to supply iisose wata at e.-j pr.cts.
, i " ' ' : r
Plattstaouth. Nebraska. April 2d. 1SC8.
Lumber, Lath5 Shing
Have recioved their Liuiiber Yard to the corner of .
And have on band and are receiving Lumber in
to imit purchafer. We hare also on hand and
50(Barre!ls pC Cementu '
SOU'--- -v ' Lime,
V inriie all to call and ?ee n at our new pliice
Plattsmoutli, EiTcbrala.
0(AlLpaj;jtie iriote&.tp;"Us by-open -ac
count or notes now due or past due,must
pay the same by the 20th of this month,
(August.) And all notes due us from
the 20th of August to the 1st of Septem
ber must be ' pai4 pTpmpiW. fr w.9
shall be obliged to protest if not paid at
Agents for Birdsall's Threshing Ma-chines.Buffalo-Pitt
Tlireshing 3iachint;s,
New Yorker Self Rak'er Ilea per, "Buck
eye" Mower and Reaper, J. P. Manny's
Reaper and Mower, Wicr's Walking
Cultivator; Broad Cast Seed Sower, Rod
and Mould Board Breakers, Stubble
plows of all kinds. !
Every Implement Warranted.
Just received lOo barrels' of Salt.
, j:)oot, Bito. & Co.
Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,
Grocer? Boots, shpcf i Glas3;and Queens-
ue. 1 1 a in r ; V l- f :
10K) seamless bags for sale by
" Doom, Bro. & Co.
. , -i t ... r - -
We would aduse all parties wanting a
good article of Tea go to Dooms' and get
it; tnty have the best Tea that we have
ever seen in this cite.
If you want t get some A No. Su
gar Cured llatus, go to
, Doom, Bbo. &. Co.
100U Uoxen eggs.
2000 lbs fresh butter.
" by Doom. .Bro. & Co.
(Late of Dom. Bro. & Co..)
J Van Brunt Broad Cast Seeder,4
Cotw Plant ors. .C
Ccrrn Poen Mllr D!l Jr.
. h V w t tV . 0
all ' Kinds, :
Perfumerv, and
?)ve Stuff.
i hirr.npys, ;
also, . .
i i u i . . i : - v . .. .
rnfficiont qua n ties to .5.11 all orders, and at prices
for sale at low figures ' . , r '
250 Bushels Plastering Hair,
500 Coa?, -r
1 1 -
of bai;oesc.
I grvreoy,' miosklvait ox
la- PUtrict Court, Second Judicial Distnot,
witiiin and lor Cass county, .Nebraska.
Levi Kufterholti, I . ,
against -Notice.
Tka, 11. Alexander, i
M Xo Alexander, non-rosiJent, defou'l-
, You arS harebyaotified that Lrvi Ruf tcriinlu
ht. on the 1st tiay of opteiubr. ltvj-i, alt t LU
pcaition in the District Cuui t tt tho -Second Ju
dicial Distri.-t within and tor Cass county, Xe
hrafka. the object aud prajer of which it to rc
fono l ilccd to as to ciprtM the true aud full
BTnouTitef pnnideriitiou bid and paid ly It. J.
iI'f'H'f t heritf's Bale, on the lijth dy of
tion 2t, in T. 11. N.of K. 13 t. ol 6th P. M.. ?old
as your property, on a judgment reuderfi against
you in said Court on tho 1 dth day of. December,
IsOKVuich lrat oftatKl is now uwncd and in
the poesetwion f plaintiff and to n movo a cloud
from plaincitu Utlo to mid traot of lani by rea
son ef uid -toiisiake.- Vast ar reiiaired to
answer uaid petition on or before the Wh day of
Oetober. 1SG&. LEVI KUtf'l'ERlloLlZ.
By Maxwell A Cuatmas.
neptlw5 llis Attorney.
Atliuiiiistratrix Sale.
Notice is hereby (riven that in pursuance of a
decretal crdir of Dale made by 11 if Honor
Wconre B. Lake; Judjo of the Second Judicial
District within and for Cass county, Xebra.-ka.
at his Chambers in Omaha City, on the 7th duy
of May. lvjy. 1 will, on the 1'tth day of Septem
ber. lsy. at the front door of the Court House in
therify of PliitUmouth. Casn county, Nebraska,
at the hour of 2 o'clock p. iu. of said day, offer
for sale to the highest and best bidler ail the
rixht. title nni interest of Samuel J. Smith, de
cease J, ia and to the we?t hull ) of the north
west quarter CD of section No. fifteen, township
No. twelve north, range No. twolro k.. Oth P. W..
ntuatt in Cifrn eoanty, Nebraska.
i.talit will riain (K fur 1m ua for tho pf of
one hoar. Terms
Administratrix estate ol Samuel J. Smith.
By Maxwell A Cuapmah.
- Mpt2w5, f f" ." , Her Attorney.
Notice in hereby riven t all parti! hsring
bunineso before llie County Cotuinisnii-uoni Court
the of which will require the filing: of pa
pers, that the requsitc papers must bo tiled with
the County C.erk before the first day of each tjea
seeion of said Court, to obiuiu a hearing upon
any aueh inn t tern ua they uiny dire to bring
before the Court.
The rapidly iucrea.injr business of the Court
taiKi'fl this or-ier of imperative necessity; that
a regular Order of bu.iness may be previously
arraiiued.whercby the Hoard may moronyatcuiat
icully aud with greater eelurity dupaieU tha
builiii.'r, brouL'bt before them.
By order of the Hoard.
- Bar26'69. Clerk Caa coouly. Nth.
Having rotapiettfl tU platting and recording
of toy (1lkk'8 Addition to the City of i'latta
tuoutli, I ttm now prepared to toll
in the Addition at reaouablo rates. Term art
one half ca.-h down; tiie other half payable in
on ytMir. at ten per cent, interest per annum
from date of purchase until paid.
To be secured
by morifr.K on tae property.
Donation to Churches.
I will (rive to the fallowing religious deaomi
nations, viz:
To the Baptist Church, lot 12 in block 27 ;
To the (VingTea'ational Church, lot LO in block 23;
To the MotiiodL-t Church, lot 1 in block 12:
To the Catholic Church, lot 6 in block :!3;
To the Epincop:iI Church, lot 12 in block 13 :
To the Precbyteriun Church, lot 1 in block :
To the Christian Church lot 1 in block ! ;
To the Lutheran Church lot 1 in block 'Si;
in my Addition to the City ot l'lattMuouth. npoli
the following; conditions, viz: That they hall
erect ou said lot, a above donard, a auitahle
buildina for public worship, within tive yrart
from thia date ; and, in cj.m of failure on ih j
part of said Church or Churchca to e.iroply with
the above condition, then and in that case th-i
aaid lot or lots shall revert to me.
Donation to Public Schools.
I hereby donate for the u.-'e of Public District
.School. LotlU in Block f, on the north side ot
Main street, mid Lot 10 in lilnck 'Jl!, on the iouth
aide of Main tttreot, in uiy addition to the CiU
of riatuoiuuth. 6. 1UKE.
5,000 Acs es of Land for Sale
in this county. Also, Houses and Lots in this
city, at low prices.
Particular attention given to the buying and
selling of real estate, examining titles, and pay
ing taxes 1'cr non-resident,!". tj. DL'KK.
Ileal Estate Agent.
Lot for Ten Dollars,
1 will .-"ell to parties ueirous ot building and
improin, uny of the lots iu the subjoined list
in my audition to IMritU'uiouth, at ten doilata
prr lot. under the following condition, rit:
The person pun-hatting will be required to
liutld ou the lot purchased a dwelling house of
the following dhr.eusion, to-wit: 'the house
to be not leas than ixli feet, with atory not
io-er than 8 feU The frame must be good and
inib-tsnthtl; houce well shingled; foundation
either of brick or stone. There tnuat be a kitch
en, of hot leaf than 10x14. Building must b
eoinpleted on or before January 1st. 170. Will
give a bond for a deed to the party who buys an
soon us purciiaso is made. mid upon complying
with the above conditions, will give a good and
aufrici, nt Warranty Deed.
Selections may be made from the accompans1
ing list;
Low 5 and 8 in block 3; Lot 8 in block 4; Lot
14 iu block l-;Lot9iu block 18: lxt 12 in
elock 1:0; Lot l, i) end 14 iu block -1 : Lot & in
block -J; Lot:" 2 and 6 in block 'Six Lots 0 anl
11 in block 20: Lot 6 iu block 21 ' Lots 1:1 und 17
in block LS; Lots 4 and 7 in block '2'J; Lot '2 in
Plattamouth, Aug.2fitf. Office in Covrt House
Rar3 Chance for Investment!
, . . ' - . .
-a f
IX tiie town or
Ashland, Nebraska.
Monday, September 27th, IS69. and Coi
tinuir.g from day to day cntil every
Alternate B.'ack is Sold.
:.h; C Htif Cash, Balance ia t a
'.:, M..'n inierait at 10 per eM.
tl C'c-atr of Sanndnra
.-C'-ir:-, :u it.! l.-' Uiieiuallcd by any
Cibi.' i.;.r.J u iw. i- iir ij.eie. The Burlinir;
tou J Jlin.u.-i Ki.'er K,iii:oad, the Omaha.
tu 's Li:;ccln ltHi.i'-ad. i.he Fremont,
Aru'and .i'LiuL-olu tLuuoj.i. aii ceiiire at tins
fa-. ortii l'c.iti:y. una every cne of them wili km
epeeai'y bull;. two of ;ho.-e roads (the li. or M.
K. li. und Uie ()., ii. d L. li. li.) being now un
der coui'.ruciioi. ; tha first ia nearly all graded,
aud the contract fji' its couapieiion b first Jooe secured.
So other point in th,e State haaso Cne and l
tensive a , '
and it is undoubtedly destined to be tne prinei
pai inanaractunng point in the State, sit jaisd
at tb3 outlet ol the richest valleys, and furiiif tea
thi? young and prosperons fiwn ia destined t
tike a prominent Etaud auiong the nioat iui
porianc cities of the State.
Parries seeking investments in town properfc-'
in Nebraska will lind it to their interest to x
amiue peculiar advcntajrM of this ciiy. A
look at the map will convince any man that na
ture has designed this locaii:y for a proparona
and exleasive eiiy. Liiioo'in. the Capital vi this
Stats;, is 27 miles np .-".': Creek, southwest;
I'lattftnouth is 30 milt ea.t. on il.ssouri river,
at di'juu ot 1'l.iUe river: Fremont i mile
northwest, on the U. P. It. K.. and Omaha ia
miles northeast from AUland.
Remember the Time, 27th September, 1369
For farther particulars, address
A. B. FJlfL.W3,
A8U LAXD, yE3.:
or, MIIIiEft & OLRK.
At Clark & Plummer's.
Farmers wishing to-purchase wilt find itt
tbeir adrantaee to wed in their erdtra sul,
. -
.1 -
UaaiMjcattTwcsi DrAitTMKT cr thii riim,
Cuir-f (ifABTKBJIATB'8 trHCK.
Omaha. Nkk., Au.-nkt Kb. 1t)'J. )
Healed biun. in iuplicae. with guarantee
sijncd cy twor,spr'rrsirie person, not bidders,
wnl bo received m this c3ice until ten o'el:k A.
M. on Monday, jepietaber twentieih. lloV, for
the delivery of one fcuodre-i and seventy th
aand tl7'J.WXJ) ponmla tf
and five hundred tb.ouand (jdC.'CC). pounds of
fine third of the whole quantity to be delivered
each month from Uie perleciiuu of the cotitraot
untii all U delivered.
The grain to be of good niorrbactable qnalirr.
free from dirt or chad, subjoct to iipectua and
weight, the weight of sacks to be deducted, and
the oats and barley to be in burlap sacks of the
usual size; the corn to be in gunny sacks all
well sewed.
The right to reject any or all bids ia leeerrtxt.
A copy of this advertisement must be attached
to each bid. Bids will be received for tn thoa
saud UO.lsiO1 pounds or more not exceeding the
quantities firm stated. Blank bids can be ob
tained from Quartermaster nt either Post named.
By vrder of Bvu JJaj. tier.. Angur.
Cvt. Brig. Genl.
augSfiiS Ch. Qr. Mt.
Council IlIuflTsi,
Iealor in the celebrated Sleek A McCftinmom
Pinnos and other Muical iiiMrumenta.
All initruments warranted five years. o21yl
Real Estate Office
Homested Directory.
Government Lands selected from persooarea
aminatiori. Free Homestead selectected. sur
veyed and secured. Lands, in eecond hand a ad
improved farms bought and sold. Titles exam
ined and Coveyanees madf.
li ft k it kb sea: John B. Turner, late Pres't ft.
& O. I'. K. It.: Lee County National Bank. Dix
on. III.; Kob"t llarrLS. Sup't C. B. A U K. K.;
Any Banker in Whiteside county. IU.; Register
and Receiver of Land Otucv. Lincoln. oll'tH.
vSaiiit Im & Omaha
. Trf- SWeeky
The ahove Line of Steamers will leave Plntls
mouth every other day throughout the er'ire
season, connecting at Piatt -mouth with the Bur
lington A Missouri Kivcr Lailroad for.tii eaat,
nonh and south, aud at the following points
with railroad connections. Council BluP.Oaiaha,
St. Joseph, Leavenworth and Kansas Cuy. For
freight or passage apply at our
xbv-11 Agento.
Probate Notice
rMTTSMorrti. Nea.. ."ept. 5th, lfW.
Ia rhe n utter of tiie erfate of J. F. Pearson.
dei4rcd.ii"v ail peron3 interested ia said estate
win take notice that K. li. Coleman will make
hi finiil ttlc of aid estate on Thursday the
Siith day of S.epterubsr. a. o. IS'19. at my office
in the e-ty of PlatL-uio-ith, at 9 o clock a iu. of
that lay. WILLIAM D. (JAOK.
ept4)w3. ' Probate Judge.
37"tll BtOcK
tfbAfV I.Iiioaii 11 Bin Kuril . TVi. liAit v.ri.
ety in cultivation ; very largo ant. tender. Good
roots $1,.V) per dozen ; $;.tf I per hundred.
A fine collection of Tulip iiult. a-ssortcd
variouea. Lurge Bulbs 5( cents per doxon: 8-i.Od
per hundred; small Bulbs ccuU per dozen;
41,'iO per hundred. v rn
t'eouics lea vaneneri; cents eacc; .oo
per dozen.
A large stock of !
etc., and a general assortment of Bedding and
(ireenhouse Plants.
All ytntnjua i i . v, i,i.u... . . j "
will do well to call or aend in their order..
Plants boxed aud delivered iu naiuruouia
free of charge. Send ordt-rs to
septS. '". ' ' PUtuuiouth. Neb.
A. B. Sharp, of Fulton County, in the State of
Qeorgi i, will take notice that Jonathan N.Wisa,
ofthri CTfiuntT of Cava, and SiaLO of Nebraska.
did on the -th ilay of Ai gu't, A. I). WW. file
bis petition in the District Court of the rieeoud
Judicial Bistrict of the tflate tf Nebraika, in
and for Cuss County, ag-nint the said A. B.
tharp, deten.iiint, settieK forth that plaintiff
made the -oiiowing inven ntnt lor deli ndant, to
wit : Located and purchased of the L'ui'ed .State
tho following described rel estate, to wit : The
north -eiust uUHrter of the uorth-ea-st ituarterof
section No. twenty -one (2l. and the nortb-west
quarter of the north-west .juarter of section. .o.
twenty-two il, in towuup No. ten 1 10'. north
of rar se No. six tb, east of tho sixth prini-ipal
meridian, in Lancaster County, Nvoritska.
Also the e.iht half of the uth-west qu.'irler. and
the north-west quarter of the aouth-wst quar
ter of section No. fifteen (13. and the north
east quarter of section No. twenty-five and
the north-c.iit quarter of section N"". thirty
three (X',i. in townchip No. eleven (11'. north
ofrunireNo. eleven ill', east of the sixth (rt)
principal meridian, in Ctisa County. Nebraska,
and the south hull of the north-west quarter of
"eetion No. thirty-four in town-h p No.
tw ;lve (2. north of ranire No. eleven (11, e:it
of the six:h oil principal meridian, in Cass
Co inly. Nebraska, and the south-t. jiiHrtir
of auction No. eifrtit ih . the north halfnf the
southwest ; of se-rion No. :o irt-en tl4, ari l tho
sou ii-w-.t iu;ir'er o! section No. twenty-one
i.l;. in township No. eleven til . norfhof riiTijre
Nn. tw.-tvtvl.", enst of the sixth (6) principal
iieri iian. iu Chs. t'oim:y, Neonuka. alr-o pur
chued :he south halt of lot No. iix t), in blo-k
So. tnirty-two in the City of Plattsmouth,
as the sine is designated upon the published
plat of said cily. and also the outh-eat quarter
of section No. eighteen (H;. townhip No. seven
'v7i, north ot raiie No. thirteen ll.'ii. east of the
sixth ;'." principal meridian, iu Otoe County,
Nebraska, aud al.-o loaned and invented mo'iey
In tax sales for defendent: that on tho U"tn
d ly of April. I1'", plumtiil entered into partner
saip with dci-ndent for the purpose of taking
care of und sclliug said rr.l estate and r.i an ag
ing said investments. Aid the object and pray
er of said petition is to have the partnership
dissolved, a receiver appointed; to have sutd real
estate and partnership eUectit sold, and that the
proceeds be divided after payment of all ju.U
debts between the parties hereto, in a-cordanee
with their respective ribt. And tho fi.i l A.
B. Sharp is hereby notilied that L is refjuire i
to appear and answer .-aid petiton on or before
me lithday of I fetoler. or ju Igcmcnt Will
be taken asninslbitu in.aecordHuee with grayer
of said p'tiliou. Jonatuan N. Vt ts.
By T. M. aiAHiiiaTT, Lis Attorney.
aug2Cwl. i
... Notice.
In District Court 2 J. Jdfc:al Diitrict witiin
and for Ca-s County Nebraska.
Banial Kikenberry
ag.iinst WnflcfL
David Chedesier pouco.
and A. Bain J .
To David Chedester and A. Bain noa resi
dent detend.tnts. vou and each ot you are here.
by notified thnt Daniai I iker.berry on the iwtij
day f Augut 1J filc'l bis petition iu the of
fice ol the Clerk of the District Court within and
lor Cass County Nebrit-k-i., the object and prayer
of which is to obiuiu a itircrtjo of Kaid Court re
f.-ind nc ai d ecttlutf aside a cerUnii contract
iavie tiy taintitt n'i ftt'A Cluyl-ster Vr the tj E
ofN K 4 d sec ;';aJthe W M of N W
of sec 'Si in T 11 N ot R 1. E ofti p. M.. and to
decree s.nd contract null and void and iorever
ticoar satd Chedester f: 5m nil cUi:n or equity to
sH.i l tra--tsoi laud and ti enj.iu s-ud B un from
oeiiverin-an escrow iti hu ijttoes!d'ja trom
Pi'I itia. convaying said tr-ts of lai d to said
Ch d ster or Iron recording said escr-iw
ir the ctEofcofthe Recorder of Cass County
Vou aro rrqnired to answer said petition on
or DCioro ia loin nay of ctooer
By Maxwell Jt CuariiAi, A '.-.
or. n. n .TTCLUsKEir,
vViIllaat Dr. Livingston's offi-re darine the
l.i-.t vwk in each month - M r.lers lell at the
ma ! k fFifiiini ' "J"' '
Notice is herebr given that in pursnnn': of a
decretal order made by his ilonorti o. B. Lake,
Judge of tht .second Judicial District C'iiurt
within, and tui Cai County. StaUof Nel.raska.
at his Chamber iu OmuhaCity. on May the 7th
A D W-.. 1 will, on the itl dy of lSeptembfr
a v I'.' at the front Ujor of the Court llouse in
tho city of Bellevue. fllrpr County, NVbraki,
olfer for sale at publio auction, ut the lionr -f
one tl) o'clock p. ui. fnid day to the highest
and beat bidder, all the rirht. title and interra
of Ephr.'tim Colon, deceased, in aud to the fol
lowinc de-cribed real r.tate, situated in tjarr
County. Nebraska, to-w it r Commencing at J.
F. Seam's southeast corner, thence runiiig
north 'J chains and ten links to the bank of
Platt'J river, ruuning thmiee eat 3 chains and 8
links down the bank of said Platte mer. theiic
running south 11 chains und V) luiks to the
bank ot said river, thence meandering the back
of said Platte river to tb j4aee et begiainf,
'ontniniug 2 and acres, in section No lis.
township No 13. range no 12 east, 6 P. M, tsaie
will remain open tor bids for tho f pace of on
hour. Terms ca.h. . ' .
Admr. of estate of l'.phraim Colow, dec ft.
By MAXwstt A Chai man. his attorneys.
September d. IStjtf wo)
Kstray Notice
Taken p by the aubseribor in ElmwoiI Pre
cinct, Cass County, a brown lilley, tw years ol4.
with star iu forehead. ... ,
August 15th. lC9.-Srt. -d w.
Prob.itc Iolicc
Probate Ofiicx. Aug. 30th. A. I,lf.
In the manor of the twtKte of Eiward I- Keu-
It is ordered by the Court that mil having
claims against the said estate, that tbey will file
the same in Probate Court bv the 30IO dajr of
November next.
S. R. S.Mlllt. AaininiA-.raiot.
Plattsmouth Cass County Nebraska.
Thif farm ii situated one and a half miles be
low Keel M ill, on Weeping Water, and cou
tiius 100 acres, 60 acres timber. The entira
tract is uu i r fence, and !i acres in cultivation.
Weeping Water runs through ouo coruo:- of Uie
farm. Two dwelling hounds on the priuiisoa.
Price $ t,.S.
I will also sell the growing crop AO acr
Hheat and Sfteen ares corn, togetLtr with ail
my tarming utensils.
jm2'J P S. PTREETtR.
Builders, Attention I
1m u s es tltl
Are now prepared to furnish all sortaof building
material at re3ucei price.
Call and see thorn. aDflOdtr
Corp.r Mail tnd Second Streets,
keep oolistantly oa hand tha be(t of all kind of
which he will furnish to customers at the bM of
rates for cash. jurGeiall
XI WARRANTY. Mortgage. Quit Claim Deia.
yy thaWle Mortgage. Bonds. Summona, hab
paenaa. Execitions kept constantly on hand, and
all o-her Btanks done on ahsrl notioa at the
ilKKALU Uffioe,
The following from
TIMES, one of the
most reliable news
papers in the United
States. What can
be more conv incing?
. -.
Thb Cncisxati Daily Times )
op March 21, 18G1, nays:
The Scandinavian
remedies appear to
be crowinc in favor
with the public, if
we may judge by
the testimonials con
stantly received by
the proprietor. A
letter from Wiscon
sin, to be found in
our advertising col
umns, announce that
among the physi
cians of the locality
it is becoming very
popular, and what is
very unusual, is be
ing adopted by them
in their practice, as
a cure for many dis
eases which they caii
not treat effectually
in any other way.
We understand that
the immense trade
carried on for sev
eral years in these
medicines has dur
ing the present ycai
nearly doubled.
Their process of
operation is by a
thorough purifica
tion, of the blood,
and a consequent
eradication of dis
fr. Oaic wll b pt'w;tr sirs tr ' irTq