V She aubtaslta gtrtaM. PLATTE MOUTH, NEBRASKA. TiiUllSDAY, SEPT. 16, 1800. BEIM .tlm Colled on lit 39tl of Srp timber. PLATTSJiorTn. t?--pt. Yith. 103. pursuant to PcVn - Wo"tuS.J1. Kirkpatrick.Johu IU(motio; W. Jo chosen Secretary f the me.wlin,(:aamttel Richardson, it waj dc terrnined.to hold a dei-ju i j,cHcj to i0lj t 1 o'clock p. rn.. . recornended Oninotlonof Mr- j , their deleKntes tbe County Cuuut.on l following Oa motion ot Mr. Kirk ; ulttt ioll in war adopted a tne -delcEate at Iar?e County tyavenuon One PMt , tor each Precinct. n.l e f(J. Uraut an.i fives the IoIIowidk ;,.,: 11 delrrutee. Mt. l'l-asiit riatT?raouwi t 5 Rock Blufli Oreapolis Louisville Liberty Aop W-pirip W ter JCig-ht Mile Grove E'.mwood Salt Crock Store Creek 4 4 4 2 6 3 i coutn uenu . ii..,-,i. Oa motion tue "tf'u AT .Ch'.n W. C. Ji"3.8ec'y II N. Orr, Eaq., of tlie U. P. R. arrived ' city last Friday. 1 le pur cLad, this morning, the property, cor ner Marble and Fourth street.--, of Cba. Lazenly, fur the consideration of l500. Mr. Orr will remove hi family to thin city in a tdiort time, and tale up a per manent residence with u. In a quiet htudio. working away a.-: true merit always does, without blowing about it an arti-t of no mean ability Romeo V.'ernoi has been quietly paint ing a picture, "The birth of Christ." He h-Jki y.ut finished it. It is a painting any man might be proud to paint If some of our citizens with to procure valuable painting, besides encouraging art, hero is a chance. On Friday evening la-it, while Win. Wiles, in company with his- son-in-law and families were on their way to their homes in Union County, Iowa, were preparing to Livouack for the nLrht, seven miles wer-t of Platt.srooutli, his lit tle .son, about five year. old, climbed to the top of one of the loaded wagons, and falling therefrom, broke his left thuli bone near the hip bone. Dr. Rawlins went to the relief of the little sufferer, and, with the aid of chloroform, thut greatest boon which science has given to Buffering humanity, soon made him com fortable. Thb accident will compel Mr. Wilea to leave part of his family ii Ptattsmouth, until the lit'.!; boy ca:i travel. In couacjuence of th bad weather, the Catholic Festival has been postponed until Thursday evening of thid week. THE BHIDi:lVESTIOX. It is now rumored in well informed circles that the great Railroad Bridge of the upper Missouri if to be built at Piatt -mouth, where the 13. & M-. 'the Kock Island, the Chilicothe, and other im portant lines will et-ntre. There appears j to be rca-son in this, especially as we are reliably informed that the building of a bridce at Omaha has been abandoned. ! It makes a shorter line for the Kock Is- I land Road to connect at Plattsmouth j with the western line than it does for it to connect at Omaha. It makes its line in Iowa only a few miles longer, and the line west of the Missouri river is short ened more than three times as much ai the Iowa line is lengthened. WOrLDST NELL. The JWv. says that the Democratic Board of Education for Nebraska City have been offered "a nice thing" to rec ommend a certain set of School Books, and that they actually refuted it. Such ac tion on the p irt of a Democratic Board is certainly worthy a notice in the public prints being such an unnatural and uncom mon thing, we suppose. A little further along, however, tho News exposes these cret of this apparent unnatural action by the declaration that said books contain 'political speeches from Sumner, Lincoln, Ben. Wade, and others." That lets the cat out, Morton. Will Morton please tell U3 whether the publishers who of fered this "nice thing" to the Dem ocratic Board of Nebraska City are among the list of those whose hooka were adopted by Superintendent Reals, or are they among the list of publishers who endeavored to buy their books on ! the rmponntendent a list and cot ; snubbed, and who are now crying "stop thief." How is it, Morton? Who are those fellows' that are ,:on the buv?" IF.UIU 1,1. A S." Not the unkempt, buttcrnuttcd, shot- ! ffunfratermtvwho nreved unon friend I a and foe in the late "onpiVantness," but the more dangerous, because more un crnpulou?, brigand in policies. This in dividual can always lie found as soon as the political horizon lowers with the pent up verbosity, and other usual accompa niments of a political campaign. At most any other period you will find hita in that camp of demoralization, "demo cracy, mere are, perhaps, lew ot the political free riders, who are so danger ous to society as this same individual. Without one particle of conscientious feeling devoid of everything like prin ciple except, like Lucifer, the determi nation to make mischief. You will al ways recognise tha political guerrilla by his propensity to blacken and defame to tear down and trample to lie with the face ofa saint, and whieper evil council with the voice of a syren. To the repub- lican he is always a raaieai to. me democrat, ho is most wonderfully con K?rvative to the oit and out conerhcad j tho lois of your active supoi t will prove, h3 Lanienti republican mlsrale. There j do 0 grievous a svrong to the principles is no t,hade or color of sides h is not j you cherished, and tor which so many r.f amply supplied with he has uniforms our best citizens gave up th'dr lives; do for all s-jrvices, arid sails under any and j not, we repeat, relax yostr hearty assist rery flag as the occasion require.". Ho ance and co-operation, bat-join 3-our puty j fraternises wi'Ji even- one, and always j in the war against the co-xmi-m enemy of j 3aptaliisconverratiouto tho ooca-ion, your country at tha pu'b- in the ap- j f rtrt?iro Wh'-. rt 'ilir rfffdr, If- V rrvhlriT plctioa. Iet it the pri r- cature he's a garriila a ?ort of non-des-cript no o::e tfts any real pure feeling of fc-ympathy with hiai everybody, on all sides of politics, cur.-'C him, except when they can t.---e fciin and this nitikcs him button-hole every fellow 1.9 Com ?s acepjr-s, ju:t to kc if there a:nt wune thow for sympathy, or what is nnro in portant to him, for ain r plunder. Ily the very want of true priuiip'es he is forced to be a gurilla. Xow and then he heads a niiscd ju.n 1 of, political . frre hooters in tome ob.?urc cni horse local ity, and makes u raid, the effect of whit h is to make him poorer by some little in birniSeant position, which he haa the satisfaction cf knowing ha stole of honest men. He cairios off eome pi ayune political o3icc, but he never rist; to an appreciation of fall manhood, for his gueriila nature precludes that, and men cjVA principles avoid: him ad t'iey would iatan. Often ii the cour .? of his sel'i.-h career his cous-'icnee rel-'.ke him. and then yxi will tse-; him, with a dejected look, whispering here and wlii- ! perin.; there, afraid of hi. own shaddow, until the horizon lowers ajain, and then ho recruits up Lis little sq'iad for new de predations on the pub'ic, hoping to drown the accusations cf the? still f smail voice within him, in a repetition of the evil cour.-es in which lie Lad fallen. Be ware of hitu. reader; when you meet this cla.?s of political gaorill is remember that all such are outlawed of God and man, and avoid him as you would the evil one. Excising e. ' Our facetious and witty brother quill of the X'LraUca Siate Journal grows lumiuous over the discovery that the Bill passed by both Houses of our State Legislature, signed by both presiding officers, and knowu as "a bill defining the rights of occupying claim ants," although a clear cxpre-rion of the will of the peo ple of this State, and voted for 1 y as good lawyers as there are in Nebraska, M.7T? iiot tiynrd by the Governor. Ev idently the '"Professor"' did not know this interesting little episode of Legisla tion, until lie ".-ouiht the Goverfioi' and asked him what he did with it." Now, how does it happen that the executive signature is refused (or the bill ml-lai 1 and not signed) to a till which had passed all right, and that another bill which is repudiated by the people, an I indefinitely postponed by an overwhelm ing majority, backed by opposing memo rials with signatures enough to bury any law, should be vamped up and an at tempt made to foLt it on the people ? The jocular, witty and erudite Professor may ply his occupation of jesting over the-e matters to his heart's content, if content ensue from suoh occupation, but the people of Nebraska don't seo thep jint to theic ca.lv ivero-r; tni'Ie.' over wrong. We hs:-; -. to k'un:: why that bill seas noCrign dly the Executive, aulwe happ' n to kno-.v why the Herd Law, o caiieJ, tchs signed. We do not propose to contrib!ite to any glass ca-es for either of these bills, but there is a glas which, we c:n hold up fur tlie ediScation and gratification of oar amiable and jocular friends at Lincoln, which we believe it would do them good to look at. If half the attention wis bestowed on the effort to do right, which is heap-id upon tracks in the wrong dircctlou, (here would be n ii"ccs-l ty ior t lie ex trava gr.nt outbu rst of w:,tieism hy oar T.!e'ant brother of Journal. The Section Line idmd Bill i.i another of a-pioes M'itii tha Herd Law. There is no use of trving to civer KEPlULIfAS DUTIES The approaching fall election reminds ; uij. of au imperative duty which tills to the lot of every lover of his country to perform without fear, favor or affection, j In every township, county and State the machinery by which the will of the poo- I pie, composing the two antagonistic par ties, becomes known, and takes form, is already at work. Resting from their tri umphant labors in the past the Republi can voters meet one at every turn with the commonplace remark that "then; are no political issues at stake this fall." This is but a disguised confession of want of interest not designed intentionally it is true, but for want, of a stimulus to call up the heat and vigor of Republican svmpnthies. What, we ask every sound Republican, is the result of this want of interest? For an answer look at Cahiornia. It is the great aim of au i'cmocrats to disorganize our party. Look over the entire Union and you will be surprised to find with what unanimity this same old Dem ocratic party feeling the ' hopelessness ofa fa5r strugele for principle is Mcau'y working every petty local aim- culty to its advantage. We admit that little is gained, as the immediate resulv of this course, which can profit the De mocracy at present but we. foresee the inevitable harvest of turpitude, on the citizens of this great Union, if this is permitted muh longer. It should he tue constant aim pt every Kepu dioan to use his utmost endeavors, vkhin the law, to defeat aV. the machinitions of a larty which boldly attempted to ruin the union of the States which to-day seeks to depreciata . the country's credit abroad, and which cannot" point to a sin gle political event of its history in the last twelve year-, that is not stained and bespattered with humiliatim and dis grace. To thofe Republicans whose political hearts are' sore from disappointment, wc tay be of good cheer ; do not, for the sako of gratifying penonal ammo-ities, or showing to your neighborhood what up those little matters; let cur excellent V V " V' "4'UUU-M-U friend of the State Jval aid in getting ! Was dujy thj an extra session of the Legilatu and i Vc t autaontyot tlicUove:- we reckon that his propensity for jc.ting mr h::iit 1 U tho will have an ample field ; ' will he do it? I f'10 M-f -.f ( 'p ernor, i ,i i anu t.ie mvn.v dv siot show that ho re- ! of whole-souled and sound Republican?, to bury the little lijcal jealousies ind heartburnings, which; are inseperablo from great political conflict, and behev-j ing in the principles which gave tcrlfci to our party; which rescue! our nationality fioiu Pemocratie aspiration; which wiped out theblnrs and stains of slavery from our glorious fair:' which caMlallsilf il J to th a landless in the Homestead Tl'.w ;" which rescued the wnus of our own btate by the' building of th world s commcr- cial bigllwiy aemsM it and, whlili, though the arbitrament of the sword, proved to the world that the first, great utterances of our Constitution were not a lie, but a living, burning truth in all American h :arts. and that 11 men icere Lorn equal;" Believing in those axioms, and proud of what his party has accom- pu-neu, we rope every true Kepublican will buckle on tlie armor of his principles, and join in the general charge again t ihe old enemy on e more this fall. ANOTHKU AKI.U BOBSCUY. Tlie Tbtef Cauclit nnd tlie Sooey Be- euvi-red. ' .... u: ..About ono o'clock this'mormng Mr. 3Iartin Kohrell, who )tecps a "meat mar ket on Main street one door , west of Johnson's Drug ' Store', and who resides in n part of the same building, was arous ed by a noise in the room, and reached out his hand and caught hold of a man by the arm, who immediately hit Kohrell a stunning blow on the head and then made his way out. Upon examination Koh rell discovered that his pants had been taken from under his" pillow, and his pocketbook relieved of its contents, which he supposed to be something ucar $.k)0. Kohrell supposed the robber to le a man catling himself John Beatty, who had been stopping about his meat mar ket for a few days, and who had, yester day, attempted to take improper liber ties with his daughter, he being absent in the country. Sheriff Johnson com menced search for the robber and money this morning, and about 10 o'clock he was found a.-Jeep in Morrison's old Meat Market, and the money' ($221.23) was found wrapped up in a handkerchief and pushed into the soft earth, through a hole in tho floor, immediately under where he was laying. lie was taken be fore Judge Gage, a:id bonded over fo trial at the next Term of Court. In the absence of bail he went to the lockup. A letter found on his person, dated in the Omaha jail and written in the Ger man language, would rather indicate that he is an old offender, and that he ha. re cently been an iiiai.it; of the Omaha" jail. He is about 2i years old, weighs about 165 pounds, and lias what he calls a bullet wound in his mouth Tvhich ren ders quite an impediment to his -speech. The Jmc .hI af;er rftawng that we : e cifici tho aet deanirrr us rights of oc-r.-pying claim ints as t!iY Jaw 'passed and not published, says; . " ' f ''Immediately upon tiio reception of the nvws-, which is of course important if true, wc sought ti;2 Governor,' and a.-ked him what he did with if. ilis L'x c..i!enev ,aid, ca'mlv nd uubJushiiitrlv. that he declined to sign it, because it ap peared to establish a new rule of law in estate matters, and that- daring the lat hours of the fession ' he had no tima to consider f ills that needed the careful investigation that this seemed to require. We proceeded to th' Score1 try's office and there found the identical bill as en rolled, and signed 'y the Speaker of the Houe and prisid it ofthe Senate. It is not nor has it ever been "duly" or in any other way 'eb-ned by ihe Governor.' ponci the biii .s':.::ju, theu. iodi-ed. willl we bo enmpoiied to ackn'wkdge that we have been deceived. "Will the editor of the Journal please toll us whe'.hor or not the report that this bid was signed wa ermei by oue of the "glaring blunders" of the "over driven clerks," or whether that report was made deliberately, and knowing that the bill was not signed. The Journal ignores the publishing of the two bills we cite as those publi.-hed which did not pass, neither doe it tell us how it knows certain other bills, which it cites, were correct as ordered to their third reading. Has it editor compared them with the original bills, on file in the Secretary's oface? We have not called up this subject for the purpose of find ing fault with any person; but it is com mon talk all over the State of Nebraska that the laws as published do not accord in many respects with what they were supposed to be, and the editor of the Journal himself admits that '.'glaring blunders" have been made, and gobs on to cite several instances wh?rj, (he says) they vary materially from the bills as "ordored to their third reading-. V e desire to find the reason of those descre- f pancies, and tho editor otihJimrnal as sumes that we are doing a groat wrong, and that no on i except hira self hai any license to even declare that . tho laws as published are incorrect la fact it acts very muh as though there was some thiiur behind the scene which it desires j to up. If thjre is not why no tell j'a, how th"e bills read as "osderei to their tuird rending.5-' Give' us; the correct j rendering '.f th.e bi h.' and not try to the issue hy"sng"t!i.se terribly Viwrf things which the editor of the J-txwil is so much given to. We thall tijt at'enipt at this time to refute, the statements of the JouriJ that the bill dcaning the right. of occupying claimants was net si'ao.l by the Governor, but we air.'-t bea'iowe 1 th? priviHdge of saying tlwt, profiled itj statjnisat is correct, the story is a tittle singular. It looks stringe that a man of Governor Butler's intelliseii.'e r-hr.ill sign bids that through "glaring biun-lors" of "over driven cleih-',' ' wjre pr3-entt! 1 to him ia the ph'.pe that s-vne of thmi are printed, antl that he should refu-e to sign a bill like the on? lit depute, an I give as a reason fhat h2 hal not tim j to examine it It looks to u ? very much like the Jii irntd pos.sos.so I too much knowledge Trr than it fecb di-prrwl -to . make u.w . l. '. i im ;rir m-rrfc aanug public. Does the Journal know how the journals of the House and Senate read on these subjects ? or has some 'over driver clerk' let Tils "pen slip" on these alaa; We;' are prepared to hear almost anv solutioriTiotr.1 H ow tlo the ongiuar bills read. ARcianrhable lit veraaJ a HnrprUinf Iff .'Col. 1'oweD, in litfers describing ni P' - r-pWrWfiSrT W tncirn'Mo-frPystTwrfT at the point where the, Vaiupa river; en- tors the Green, the river runs along a rock atout a hundred loet high and a mile long, then turns sharpleya round to the right and runs back, parallel to its former course for another mile with the opposite side of this long narrow rock for its banks. On the eait side of the river, opposite the rock and below the'Yampa, is a little park just large enough ior a liurn. The liver has woru out holkjw domes in this sandctone rock, and standing opposite, words are repeated," with a strange clearness, but softened, uielUw tone. Conversation in a load key is trar(s- making the eastern waii of the.lit.Lle par borne, thought they couid .couut tun twelve echoes.' " . "' ,. - i - ticbwl Hooks. i..!if if. i Will some one of those 1 who re lend ing themselves to the Book .1'abhf.hera to nullify the action of the State rJuper- intendent, please inform' the people? ' : 1st. Whether the law in makinsrthe duty of the Superintendent to deiii tie text-books to be ; used in - the teeriU sehooh rf the State has not taken t hit power from all other persons andoffijfer.? 2d. If th recommendation of; tie Superintendent be thwarted whether each pupil may . not rightfully insist upoi iLsing such books as he may happen t have though no two books in the sehotl are alike? ' ' i 3d. Whether in that case, the pupils may uot take sectarian and partizat books into the schools, and rightfully in sist upon using tliem V ' j 4th. Whether, if the law is once thwarted in this respecti.it can ever W successfully enforced or that jmiformirj of books, so long desired by the educator of the State can e1 vcr be rccured ? Jes$. What nil Eclipse Mllit Re. . f A correspondent of. tho Boston Post says I l "Few people trouble themselves U think what the effect would - be if na eclipse of the sun were to last any length of time, and the -sun wen; blotted froifc the heavens. Philosophy declares th:i not only would a horror of darkness emj er the earth, but the moisture of th atmo.sphc:e would be precipitated in vasi showers to the earth, and the tempeii ature fall to a fearful point of cold. noth ing less than 230 degrees below zero, FaV h.cnheit The earth would b tlie seat! ofdaikness, arid more than aretic ueso'a-t, tion. Nothing cottld survive .such freez - in cold a moment, more than one could breathe in sealdinz water. In three davs ai'ter the cooling process Ijegan,. jyithing ' creatcd would be alive 'but monsters that wallow in the 'deep ocean and the cy less; rentiles that make their haunts in eave-i' which ivnetrate far uufler the grounds" ' ni e oTonaH; ITwi rUe f " -i1- i f w ' not have teen smashed ; for striking him wirh a crowbar, and threatening to treak up his business ; fur throwing atht.n'iu rind succes.-ion. a large copy mI'miso phu, a volume of lloilin's Aiicienf Hi:i tory, the "Decline and Fall of tar ito man K:uirc," a thro?-poun If iron weight, and a broken bottle ; an! tnaily tor liirowiug slops on him, unj then beating hitu with a rulimg pi:: l.'C.au.-.j h'j kit the slops drip on the eaf.iSt. The iavAcr lor the doience ci:tii8 that nis client is ihu s Cith a-io. :-.:iiable wotian la - I ,0ur towuuiau J. J. liaWiliarne left at our otSce' two oenche.i of ihe tibei-an CrabAppic. Tha ouu known m tho large variety a , buuca . a Jou eight inches long and bore eight line J ;tpiles several of which uieajured ix iritiies ia circumferonee. The sin il: variety jreseui- tleu a bunch ol grapes t;.e uppJeJ :hu;ig so thick. In esize tiiei- arj extra. In ap pearance as tempting a, uuncli ti La m i"su jY-iv. ; new tf-eon-detefopod bytthe testimony harufy oelieve that tis the ecao ot Lis ou 1 5s discned With velleurenee.; and' tbo voice In some places two or tnree ech.bs , rroai,ijity hat the i.i'-endiarism will fce come back, in others the. echoes bati j rov-j U e:Ur'l,watl ior.- It isgen acrassthe river, ior there is another rotK. 1 iv .,i ..r;,.rl4i.- ux.A- a biooctunri Vmueh muti. and then refusing to give him money to ,t,,ci"c'.l,t,,y" udtif to rduto bin' linament wfth ; fl-r throwing a gobJ ' Admua.:y at London, or thcBntli let in his face knd hreakins vue ii. d n'" C' ? raJ,u'"t teeth, and then saying that if he had j 'I'!! ,"1 languages kept his mouth shut the jreblet w.uid Hi ?v3 5' Jry vacant portion is tawoas. ine riuaiKit.v oi irutt ga acrei cxation uieer.ing, iieM on Saturday altr from a Siberian Crao tree is aim t in- tmon. the allowing were .Juptod. f.J,l i ..!.' on,l fiin t-n.t tii-ii v..i),, , j ' Tt f 1 ! . .1 ' V.. .... . . ' , ..u..v, u.i.-.. v.v b.ia. fctn j i, so hardy and reliable should iuducf every one to plant a tjw trees. I'rchioni Tri- De'.eriuai tremens is gjneriy supposed to be coufiuod fUuiost exclusively cu ex cessive . consumers of ardent spirits. Cases are not wanting however, to kliow that liglit wines and tobacco, when lised immoderately, will occasion tho aistttie. In St Ljuis, Michal Wcgand, agefi 33 died of apolexy, after tifTcring with' the usual symptoms of delirium treuins, and ale is supposed to have been tha di rect cause of his, death. . , : ; . Some of the people of WilmingtLn, N. C, are easily amused.' The Joyrial tells us that the other day a little daAoy vainly' endeavored to get away .from nhe stream of a tire engine, out for trialbut "with all his efforts he could not cAape thet.treaTu. In 'whatever direction he attemjited to nin he was knocked down several times in succession to the amu:eii;c-nt of the lookers on." Fannv Fern says : "If one-half of th girls knew the previous lives of the men they marry, the li.-t of old maids would be wonderl'ul'v increased." Whereupon th j Boston Pottt asks. "If the men knew what their future lives were to be, would not h increase the li ,t of old maids still further?" f , Pennsylvania election conundrums. How did the Democratic candidate for Governor begin life ? A a Packer. When did he do, his first packing? When ho rjaeked Jiis first earpet;bag and packed off trom Oia.'ivjetlcut to Pennsylvania. When wai his late-t packing done ? Vlien he packed the Ilarrisbursr convention.-' Advertising has created unitnya 'new business, has enlarged liKtny an old busi ness, has revived many a dull bu-sincss, ha.s rescued many a lost business, has saved many a tithing business, has pre served many a largo bu -iine is, and insures success in any business. A d:fu-siori about tha probable fate of Dr. Livingstone has been renewed in T-!?i ':in.l Oriiit'iin t-i-irt.?! an C,-'.,,, traveler, -relieves Livtng'lan isapri-oaer ar the twn of Lucenl.i, cnitii u tha 1 Kin .f t-seba, atid tin 'Xf-eJiiion is j ta"ki.d of to s'a-eh far him. . utTliw a iit'tle K 'ax i:o c-ifi wa- ! -a ter i will i e fo-oni that, iian:Ki.i . 1 1 coue ottt wx barter , cleia ed, but there wlil be- ih.-ohi-ely ca -shrinkage, n ... . .m Beautiful cxtract-a, handsjnke lady jas.t bHped out of utod hok. Telegraphip. News. PENNSYLVANIA., Trie tvftniue Di?wstcr.,'j f'TLyMOL-Tif, ta:,"S'ept. liPTIic Hto disaster at Avondale leaves 1 3 widows and 154 fatherless children. The latter jrill be luyeajjed to nearly, 2(XL -The re Ja - 'irlj.gjjKfQ, , ' Wi l k ri h au k KfTa.; Sept. 1 '3. Tim JIrnAi'f,'ri!6n tftihrtitatf&Ft&bs that no ond 1 Htm'evee the 'lire at ; Avondale niines.the, work of incendiaries. ' They regard the report as a subterfuge, to- tau n the public mind from the responsibility resnng on' the railroad company. ' NliV Voskv Sept 1 3: The Arondale disaster wa.-j thd subject of many of the Sabbath discourses iu rchurclies of the city'yesEerdtiy, and in most of them a collection wrus'taken up for families of the suffererp.' ' x - A Scrantou dispatch says: "There is little subsidence of feeing among the miners eone-mi? the--draster, and the I sbift was-find but no; miner is fo unjust Pr . ... nil 4 r. n, 1 . m . . ... . . . .... n. a nationalityj, nor is it evet t-up-poseu that the person committing tjie horrible .act intended to accompri. h the 'death of a simrlo miner, but only to frighten " them and stop the working of the mines an in definite period. i An acriBioniousfelii;g cxi.-ts; and always has existed,, between the Welsh and other nations,. but' never produced 'jany- outrage' of' consequence upon; cither person or property, and the nationality that suffered almost exclu siveh by the disaster is ready to admit that it is" not-likely that the first 'out break of vengeful feelings would have been of suth adialxJical character. That the shaft was fired they believe, but not with intent to take life. When Mr. Benj. Hughe's, Thotnas Carson andTheo. Watkins epmettp to-girctheir evidence at the inqoast on Tuesday next, a flood of light will be thrown upon this myste rious question.: . . . , . Demoerntic Trouble In Pennnylvn ' ; .' - ' . ' : . -' i n I'll i LADEl.ru ia, Sep, 12. Considera ble commotion has been caused in the Democratic party here Tby.the resignation of S. Gros.s ' Fry,. a candidate for ' City Treasurer. -?S v.- ' :'? i.- ( ,. A meeting of the various candidates wn-j held yesterday, at which it was de termined all should 'resign,; and take measures to form a new ticket. A crowd of outsiders, however, attended the meet ing and insisted on the'nimination of a new ticket, said .to be more objectionable to the party then the present one. and the meeting broke' np' f he understanding be in? that none' ot the candidate should withdraw, unless all did together. To their surprise a card appears to-day from -lr- FO'i withdrawing and advising the re-1 bf tive'ea -ididates to do so. All the J other cahdidateslield a meetiug to-d lav, but the result i34 unknown. CALIFORNIA. '. " i ii i i - Sir i.i:in rraaalln. VJndfJa: tZSn&VSgkJZFl"" ',. San, lWciscp, . tcmbcr 14. --A l-artv, who vouched lor as reliable; uueriiuciii ;;:3 wuua oil tuv . I'.ji. l Jphn rrankhn and his.parOv TLjuoc uAicnt was evidently cast into tlie water ia)iaiuu!e69. degrees, 'of minutes, 1J sei-oiiis; longitude. 18 degrees, 4 min utes, H .-econds. -It gives au account. of th ) desertion of the two ships Corobus a:iJ Terror. The party numbered one hundred ind five, and at the time of tho .k-.-ertion was i:n-Jer tfie command ot'F. II. V . Cro..er. - They 'succeeded in r'j:i::i.:ng ihe :diorc in uuove latitude and loiij.!Ctuie, v h'jiv they f iund relies of the la e John Ross, it .states, that the party wintered'at Beet her Island inl84t5aitd Is 17, an 1 Sir John Franklin died on the llih cf June, .147... It contains many interesting incidents connected with the expedition. ' . : -caiSda. . KrnotTttlon .llnfl Sit Qnhck Th. voriiwj Auiiexitliuii to ll.c'Tuiu'il f HXi'H. QniRKCir, Sctenif.wr'14. Atari at;- , i.x-ii .i-. iui tiiuii.v ..ti. p;t wt. nave Veen with deep regret our -o il e.-tateink rapid lv ; our -hinbuildip? diatipear nev- naps lore ver : our magnificent water i.ow- tr, thi grenre-t in aggrtgice of any single locality of this continent, rush wil' Ily p;it our doors ; and our 3'outh, the 'flower of our population, fljing to the United States in countless .thousands, from the desola ;jton which seems to have marked our 1 i,.. own . , ,,a ' -. city as its own ; r.nd. ' W hereat, the differences existing be tween th'o depi-cssed condition of this Poiuinion and tbe ever increasing pros perity of our neighboring ltepubhc, has compelled us to the conclusion that the dii.erence has its rise, not in an imactn ary boun.lary line, but in the workings 01 tue institutions ot the two countries. - It is, therefore, the deliberate opinion .! ' .1 a n tins meeting fiiat steps should be ta con at once towards1 addrefsing the Im perial authorities, tlirouirh His Exccllen T, the (jrovcrnor General, a resDcctful TCtition, nrayimr to le informed whether i nearlv uuaniiuous desire on the part of ;ne lnnaoitants ior incorporation with tile Territory of the United States would tot receive from the British people the i-ime gracious reception as was accorded lOtmany years ago to a like request n)m the inhabitants of the Ionian Is- !.n Is for a union with the Kingdom of vieeoe. , . f,' iIessrs. O'Farrel and Win. McAver .-oke at length on the subject, and the meeting, after appointing a committee to carry out the intent of the resolutions, f-oke up with three, cheers for annex ation and three more for Mrs. O Dn n an. to whose approach O'Jr'arrel called a:ntion:,r '''' ' '3 ; . The cr6wd was very orderly in its con ti iqi.. and except .liom a few no marks of disapprobation were . evinced. AThe p. ice did not interfere. .'' ' ' ; : - I , a . . CUleutro ; JlarXels. . ; , , Chicago, Sept H. ' ?Io'rtr Low grades in demand; sales cf-pring extras at $5 257 60; supers, $45ti?5 tK. ' . : , W'heafc 0;med moderately .active c, -tog at . $l' 24x1 241, for No' 2; No. 1 1 d at 1 t'.s. . t n active, closing at 831c for. rc- I iet- .; . r ati Arrive ..nod easier closing at 44 4 . " ' ' . ; ft A.'tive aad higher nut un ctt'ed f.'.-y In f :;r'd "r.iand caJ ttcidy; t we .ictivo; fittfts&t a ran;rsot 5 oti: t, ' . yr goja cows. ; 0 ii-Jv t l- lor gor-j nd choice si eers. j;gsr (Ipenet! steedy'and ' fairly ; nz fjxe. tmt do.-etl q ii"t ar. 1 iayp' naleH at $8 :& ! W ior commou. i;cod; Ji'J (V,p Jfcx.Qitra. ;..tU , A friend at Fremont sends us the fol lowing account of a singular .and serious accident that occurred , near Premont a .... k i . 1 U"J 3 .' , 4 ' . A tew davs' Since MesstA JSeers andTl.'til hijwslitionin the District Court of th "pwf.ih f'.irritM'lv iirlit ?rv Knt nn-iJitri .raxen, lorpjeriy ot tins city, burno.rmr- iBif U IaVHloa.JiIapie crftlr:Vrt4i'- niost singular accident, entailing upon them considerable losi-. .They, were hay ing irrthe vicinity of their homes, and ttfttfjraaifm fliAfling, hiuihed up with all -histe,1 aftsrh 'firrK-e ibr shelter. Two hmrvc&ymmhvm h- rrayrc?r -find tnk4voitii behJ(iU'.ila onottthe itauftlltiusif thcvhadi received severe blows upon their .heads, and saw their teams fall to lhe earth, On, recovering, they fourjfi that the threeoutof the four horses htul taa--killedr&mt. -the fourth rendered lnse;dblci,JTo- them it was a matter hf worker aird Tot that thev wt rfe Unhurt. ihej' say they neither saw the flUffh. nor heard ' the; ieixrtr and it a miracle how thov est?tned with onlv a slight shock, .whSJe -thu animals, before ar.d after the wagon were killed.1 O.na , yi ; l:'J A u.- The scrawl that Horace Greeley sent to lion. J. Sterling Morton, informiug hwo oitlu) impofsil.ility .of beingircsent at tlie .Cebra-ka State Fair, deliver an addrjj has leen photographed bj JJr. .Smith, a copy of, which we.Jofcve 4xn fufnishei Mlth. A a; specimen of elegant rtuin lhand unintelligibility this document beat anything we ever sawj-r V'e fear Horace as a writing master would jnot be a sifccess. I'ress. ,t ; A servant girl in Altoona, recently tried whisky to kid' rats. Sho sweetened it with Fugar, soaked M'ead in it. nnd then left the bread in the cellar where rats "most do congregate. " She had been up stairs, but half an hour when the heard laughing, singing and a general hullaballoo down stairs. She according ly went down to see what was the mat ter. Imagine"' her astonishment to find about a dozen rats gloriously fuddled, on gaged in throwing potato parings at eat h other, and hauling one another up to drink. ! t ' Our hells call a gret many people to church these summer Sunday?". IL lleisel, Esq:, has procured the ageney iiir; the, "Americas f Family Koit fingMachrne,Vv the cheapest "fifk'clasj machine offered to the public. It is sold at the extremely low price of ?23. Wi! knit 20,000 stiches in a i'iiiimtel Call oa Mr. lleisel, at CLa'k & Plumnicr's store, and see the niachirvi work. . Ji ' MARRIED, ' .i At the resiiierw-o of tho bride' father, by the Rev. Jco. C. Uetts. Hector of St. liarnaha' Church, Oniahii. Mi.s. Habribt V'ii-KT ,and Mr. Bkrnahd Drost. if Om.ana. Thit happy occasion was celubrated ait a breaTi-; fast wefl linif of the good oi l sort.'ani onr'y the invited gueats flocked to the residence cf miiie host Vr'ilcy, to noted for hospitality and pood cheer.' accompanied by tho be.-t wishes and carnert prayers of a host of friends. We pr dict for Den and hi.i lovely bride a ?afe aid prosperous joumfy over tho sea of matrimony. May the sunshine of happiness ever grow bright er fr thorn, anl way their shadow never grow le?. We were kindly rwisabcreJ with a portiea of the ruyftic c:ik. ' '' '. .. ::-wiOTIC?ii:.r..; To (.Il viivia it i:u,y concern . ! 1 rt3iy -give Jiiic thaton the Ztd inst, J 3 o'tlock p. hi., there will be fold at public ou-'-uon tiron thoprt;:iiisti in thecity of I'latt-rnouth uwi S'y.-.lt u .ibr.i-sktt, all tno nuildinir.-i no'T r'ttliitiuir uiHin tha laiiUB U teen Swimu Ftreot on tuO-kVc M:in nreet on thn North, tfee Missouri ijivt-roa the tt un ! irnnite ttrett oa tiie outh. waivh mw beh.ne to iho jJurlinv ton ,t iJi-!e0Uii iliver i:aiir-ai Uoinpsiuy in Nt ;r:ukn. J..'.u. i knows u timr crd plaer of 5rT. -tif'iji.vS JfANE ; st- - 'a. a : i j it Taken tip l-y the ub.- ribrr. jij South Ecr l . f J St V. ' WArt,..,., i two ;iar:v.-i. Aj i..:irl. or ira';d ;cr'ivabie. Sept. Itiw5 ' $20,000 Worth cf Property Cuu.-ii.sticff faria.i.wiiii tiab-r aljoinin(f.nei r Pi:n.:.-uouiti, prajerty iu i'lrttuuiaaih . Ciiyi horei. cittlo, weeviii, etc. . For i'urti.er particular unuire of or addresa ... . iU rJu. t. Cut i X. ; ai;Kl9tutnail70 . , , . i'iatUiuouth. JS'eV ' Notice D.ivil Peace of th State of Missouri, nnn resident, defeiidiin. will lake notice that Turner ai. iiariucn oi tno ntato t,r ebmka, Caa county, did on the 4th day of September, a. d. lSt,;, file his if .ition in the Diyrict Court of the in : .luaicml liist.-i-t ot tne r-tiire of retraskr! wunm ana ivr county. .i:un.t tho suit I;tvi-i -Penn-e. defendant, ret' in,' forth thut on the Ed d;iy of Mfif.-h, a. r. !Kii5,- wa indebted to plriinf at in the ptini of Two 'Hurctred lioiiri with intertdt noui the id day cf .March. 1S00. at iu per cent.. !.- smice ; ctore ihat tuno ren-. dere.l as at.'orney .md eoii.-itor in attendmii to ceot.-.ii; actiun.' fr d:i mi;i:it nd Ior inuaey p'ti j f-r the Uiof ttiA ilot'cm!a itind h . his reque-r; That on Kdi i 4fh ::y f.f St.''t jtuoor. a. d. IvYJ, . lain! iff can mi or.k-r of .ittJu-hmep' to be i.-u-d out .of iie Cle.k's ofitce ot i:ii i District Uourt, nnl caii.ci tn Milowinir ral es'.ito. be Nttnche'l. t')-witr I h iiiHlivi.le l one -n-uf oi" thewnn half of lot No twelve 1) in bkok twen- ty-tieven tz7 n itvijntel upon the recorded Mat of the cltv ot Piattfiriout'i in IM coiintv Nebraska. And the ,iid David Peurce is hereby notified that he i. re'iuircd to annear and an. 5wer ai l petition n or before tho first day of inevewiner, a. i. iui:. Dawd September 14th. lSi9. TL'HNKlt M. MARQUETT. eptl)w4. ' , rVoiice. . . .. To B. F. Adam?, C. Gwyer, Jennie Cook. W. Cowten, J. Jiayei, L. B. Wood. F. A. White, O tyuuad, j rieiuer, i.ouocn uovejoy, Joan K Dean, Walter C likidwin, Geo Lon-'dorf. J P Kast, Win Knepper, Wm li i?uiith. C i, Keuth. W P Brandon. J 11 Brown. P. Wright. I ilillcr, jr..-B W Zeiplcr, Laura A Wilkinoon, It C An ilerson. J Stafiur, 't T Thompson, L B Kinney, Heirs of Julia A Hamilton. Josenii for,,,. Heirs of Aruttf ilt ll, non-resident owners or tne un Known ovrnrr or earn or ny of the fol lowing described Iota or parcels of land : Yo j wili take notice that the iSeilevuo. Ashland and Lincoln Hail Kni.1 Company has loeated its road through and upon the following described real estate, bein-, i'.tj and parcel's of laudj owned by you oraaynlyoo. unity inland beiuituated in Parpy couniy", 'Nebraska, and in Bcllevue yity and additions thereto in said County, to wit: uirc pre Tfiwv RANGE !..;. a mi 6 - 13 v 1 ' 7 r.i it w8 1 .14 S. E. t. 1 13 S W it 1 13 N" K of 8 Ei!' U 13 X W of.S W 12 13 N K of X K .14 13 S5 W ofi" W, SJ 14 BELLEVUE CITV LOTS. 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 14 Hs'K. 1 LOT I B'K. 9 S-5 ' 37 114-. lit 1 2 i4o 679 9 10-12 12 ;7t H2 all of 2 8 12378 123910 il 52 ' 113' 111 IKi 1S7 SARPY RESERVE BELLEVUE CITY. 12445C 1 ' J 4-56 I23456 a i , ...... ANDERSON'S ADDITION BELLEVUE CITY Loi 11 12 Ljt ! I B'k X Lor . I B'k j ' 1 12 5 10 . 7SS 7Mt 10 1112a 123456 11 12 123 123 4C6 til t Lot 3 South Division Andersona Addition. Lota 2.'. North Iivi.-ion Andersuii'a Addition. to said Believue City. ' And you or each and any of yoo are further notiSed thi.t eaid Kail Road Company desires to take hoid and appropriate eaid real estate or ii.nii.n. of said real '.-t.ire t'nf-tbe itee of its road lor maintrack, td trrck.t and srfcrot gnmnds, j ana il tae sum non-resi'Jeiii parties or unsnn n 1 wrnvn ta ae'ive' specuitxi suaii not wuum tnirty daF aX.tr the completion, of this ptlbli-i-xtiou. to-wit: the lithday cf OcUber, IW, Hp Vly t ;he probate Judxo of said couutyof Sarpy to have the dauiaes a-e1 by sis disinterested lreeiioldets o. raid county, m ictlt d by i-aid Pro bate Judge, ai provMled in chajKer twenty-five of lie Kei8d .Statute of the State of Ne braska, and aiuen Imnt thereto, suid Company wiil proceed to hai'ts the tLuiuigus . asssa&ed as therein provided by kiw. , c, ,,, ... . latedUiBlotl da. af ijeptcrubtr. a. D.ISf.' v - ... HENKY T. CLARK, f -. i?TtKT4.r ., ,W B- A. A- L. R. R. O,' i '." ..- -s- ..,-' - . . , 0 ' . a . " ' lot iT?K7TJtrr 78911 2 150 1011 12 3 9 12 7S 9 Id 4 2d7 so . ' V '5 ' 1 10 1 " R tl ' '' 11789 in 11 12 S 6 j 7 8 50 . 4 5 3451112 119 1 I! 10 11 12 le5 c.456 . 1112, List. . KOTinC- - Archibald Wiggins ami Elnabct!i Wi(tgin of tae estate ut .Mi.-aurt. Til: take notice th il l)vn- I ien,.oi ciiuauin cuuuiy, in itio ."la'.e 01 1. Nebraska. itil-iu tnu 1st day of i lumber. . D. -4 -UciM J.!trtn-t -ol the (jute of J.ebraiik.i. aD,, fop ouun.Icrs county. :inst the iid -AtThtHnlJ VU-Bi:i itnrt Elualjeto W igcinsi.de- funda:its. aetliDK forth ' hat on the 4th inv J unn a. d. lNVJ. they were tho owni-rs in fee simple of the eoiuhwest iui ter of tetiun No -one 1 1 in township Xo twelve (12) north of raut-e No nine e:iat of 0th P. M.,.now in Saunders epunty, Ne braska; that ou ;iid day d'iftatJ.irA V'd to lleorso Borders and Jceph'lfume Iho uncivi 40dw Ultra ot. said ieuiuat tMl la koa ex ecution ot t he doci for said premises, by mis take. ikepecsoD ivhiwMiiT'iM'nt did notsa scribe the 8aid deed a." witne-. That on thg SLh d;ij of S'pferaL)er.lS02.: 4ifchd.tnt gll to one Pamu''t'J Ks the ruttJinffig'" uhdividcil one i.;..i .i.i.l;., kn A. ....:;......-,1... .i...i '"huii the taxrie'irliirakf as to ii)uje was r:He 'fcy p-rnK"!1. nnn the' ackmiwfetJSemrtiT w;i.l.iek ing in furiu. That the -a.d Samuel J.H g olduid conTeyednil o tiis inel in the said- i cini-'cs to the saiu Joseph Hume. That the said Jioeph lluice. aud tbo ueirscf th:mid (icoryfiiri re 4-he. iora lirdcrv. bavin dilt cotrreyetl he said premises to pliiintilT. . And prayiuit that the sain a- u ii lauir, uiy tie. bruwreU ri execute ana deliver to plaintiff sooJ anil MiSlciont deed in l, e siiuple io suiii preiiKsos; correcting the nd Uke ui:de in iait deedd'irf above get fifffi.' ;.hd tin?J.(l AnhiiaM--l iirsms is hereoy ithrk-d that he is rrtiii-cd to appear and answer ?aid ac tion en or boforo the dor day i" Nuniitber; .u. I lVi'.V or th.) fc:iuic wili. L'O taken as true and a Jn- vxc-r iTirirrcu ucvoraingii . t ' , . , DENNIS DEAX. By T. M. MARTTSTTatfy for pl'tf. (Kepili.wt T,r:Ai 'NfiTKiK ' In District Courted Jadiuiat District wlthio and for C'xss couuty, Nebraska. Maria Harper, j --t ;. " iiraiutt Notice i ' i Sonata liurper, J 7 . ' To tienato Harper, non-resi dent, defendant, you are hereby notified thai Maria Harper oa tbe Hth day of September, ISoy, filed it petition in t.ho District Comt of the id judicial District within ami fr Cn ,nniv -Nebraska, theobjwt aid prayer of said petition the Buna i if Matrimony. existiuK between your- icii Niu wiu pimiiiiii, anu xiecreeinfr mat wita i.laint:H shail have the custody and control of icvi l.. iiarper ana .liurpi -iiarper. infant child - jren oi ani riuuitiit nnd deieifUiit 'Yon ere remitted to n.nswer.iiH Tintttfr.n a,, before the 1st day of November, 1mi'.. t, m, t: . v - JdAKIA HARPEK. hy JIaswell A Chapman, Attorneys. eepiow.. I - - - ' " .: . PROHATjE XCT1CE In the matter ef the eetateof Wm. Byvine do ceased, late ol Cass Covuity Nebraaksi. Appdcation bnvii.it been made to the Prol.ate Court to have John Chiilfant aipcJnted adiuin Vjtnuor -of said estato, tlie Court tirdew that on Tuesday theSih day of October 1S09 at lUo'clock a. m. of that day it will hear and determin the same; ; , . . . All persens interested will appear at my office in the City of Piattitmouth. . - W. D. ijAGB, Trobate Judge. Sept. lCth 1S6J1. w3. . i ! Lli i. I'nl i.. ,j. ; : , . MAIS STSEBT. ri.lTTSM0VTH.5M.. . v'f-. J lilt: i. ! riJ 1 I ' . t . I am prepared to accommodate the pablie with Ilortff , Qtrriaget, Bcjviri and A 'So. Ucartt, on nhort notice and reasonable term. A Hack will run to tbeceainboat landing, andto all i irta ot the city when desired. .i mftS. NOTICE. Tothi 'Stoc7:holdrrs of th Dvrh'ngton & 2f;.wovri Jlivcr Railroad ('o7)ijany n Nebraska ' - Notice is hereby xiventhnton Friday, the T'-th dar rf strptenjber. A. .T.ti9. there will be held a Stocliholdern' Mcetir cf tbe rturliitpton A AliMouriliiTT Railroad Cocpuny in Ncbrnfllia. etthe r.mcrf:tbo l.'uriinctoii A Missouri JUvtr KaJroad Cotnpar.y in Zebras k a. ! in the city of riattsraoutu. and Slate of .Nebraska. fiT the purpose of claciiij? hoveu Director-? of rai 1 Cosi ppy. snl for iho traiiF.'ietiuii f o her l-nhinoes. :',:. -" t . JIKNHV ST!.uN. HANS T!HF.!,S.V, m . , tZ. PKitrCiN's, ,. Thrt-f rf ie IxK-rportUn r f B. j JI. U. JJ. . 'n rv.c.ir,tfl:n. ' u ' Flsitfmonrh. Ab?ti 1, ISO?. Cw WAivm !TFP-A pim-hsiMT for a i,v.i r- . ti'ili ot I.ilil'l. ivinr williln rn ril. . A8rll.'i:i(i. iiiil ImhI LI W !I vilrrml Inn nf. ; j r'-1 "'tlii five inilfM of a ipi.t. t'nn he . ouua'ni i nciip :t pt.iii'atKin it tnade ; .i Sl'L'KL'JViv" S .V.' .V1MJ AM. if, . he Lishc.-t.j ir- J tug-'.ti I,"'.':'- tSALKJ-'-rV 'r of I l-'ljiUuiimth. tinuircof laud a ljt. nii. S.' VA Y.Y,. ; IOll ;S ALE. The soutliw-a t i.uartcr ife.'ti''i 13. tw.Ti:sh;: 12 nortij, range 12 t ifU !.;i VJireof l ptlj, d. H.Ki;. JOIt SALE.-TwolotainGleiwood. Cr-ip. 1 1 UeptSJ - St. 1)1 KH. IOlt SALE OR RENT The property be longinr to 1. Mar-tuett will be sold or rcntod on rehoiifible terms. The houso c-n-tiitis 6 rcoms. There it ul.- a lirpToist-.-rn with filter, a cc!;.r,. a stable, a-id otii.-ri.nvniii-r..-.. Apply tD T. M. .MAUQCi l. st-ptltf . , .. 17 SALE. A Farm situated a uiiie and a t half south d" Eight Mile Grove, fenced and 7J acres broke. For p;irticiilnr. nrply to iiu)fjftt M'L Itlt tCK A WINJdIAi 7'OIt PALS. A Farm couLiitiitiif t'.20 oto, i M-uaiea tour lulled trom l'laiL-nioutn, .encui. ui a AJ acre." utiuer cuiti iMtion. "ujfl-tf tPPKLOCK A W1UAM. 7,OitSALh,. A Farm cnnfuininif ') arm, .L situated b)$ miles from Platt.-motith. and It J acre? broken, fenced, and v story-aud-a-half pine h'Mi.je. au'ltf 'SPURLOCKlA WINDHA M. TJ'OR. SALE. A Farm of four hundred ar-rew, A well watered, aud eilila.o l iniJes trou Ashland. - ' . au?litf 8PURLOCK A WINDHAM. TOIi SALE. An improved Farm, situated P X liiiles from the city, of i'latwtuouta. For tui ui-uiura apply 10 al2tf SPURLOCK.A- WINDHAM.' ;.T70R SALE lijO aerei' of Land. lyiiijr in tiro ..uuw im i lunironuiiaiiun ; wen Waterloo: rrincuiL-n'B eh arouna. act ean be nouK&t.for 8-S per acre. Time eiven on 51.0"). Apply to auglOf .. . BPLRLOCK A WI.iiAM. ELECTION fVOTICE Notice Li hereby riven that on Tuecday, the III uav of IJi'IiiLit D,.i:..at iii. 11.1. .1 . t htddUiK eicctioi.i in theFereftif I'K.c.tt tor at :ic-er ftii tinutif-ablel. in C i. Ci.n V.V... . .1.. ku Election will bo held for -''.'. ' f'ne Couuty CommUiioner for the 'i'hlr 1 Dis tnct: One Probate Judge; One Sheritl; One Coroner; . , ! One County Treasurer; One County Clerk: ' I One County Purveyor: One Coucty SiiDeriHtemfe tion;- --'. - 1 - .? One Senator for Caafl- S,rnr S'ai, nftcv-a ..I and Batler Counties. FOR EACH PRECIXCT. Two Jarticeg of the Peace; Two Constables; ' One Assticstir: . ... , 'hree JmijeHef EiectioAi; . ;':,, li 1 wo Clerk of Ejections; '; Orit! hoa 1 Suncrvisiir for ..ft, Prt. ( r.;.,.l. whi- h f.lcerinn wiil be opened at ei,'ht CMoVlo- fc in the morainr. and wi.l cjntinu.) opai u:it.;l h:i ib .0 clock in ihe afternoon ol the Jjy orJr of THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. ' - "' B. SrUKLOCK, County Cleri. To the le:il voters of Platt.'Tnoii'.h Precinct; you will take notice that the K..r-.-trr will ei oiura t,hoi!Ttli dvf -cptcuiber IMJ. Sept. Uth lv?J. td. SEWING MACHINES. , Ft P, TODD. AGENT, . PLA TTSMO UTH. NEBRASKA A gon-1 assortment of Machines .a hand. I lo sep Ihrai. Oik, Neetje, .a. Jisrnra n r-m tne reonin. M . Ouice south silo Main street. e4'o7tf BLA'CKoMlTHjFUC! 1 . . t .. -7:0:- PRICE & LAMBING , Hafe opened nhop on Sixth slreot. soath of Main, where they ate prepared to do all work in the BlacksmitbioK line ou abort noticu and in the bent style. Shjeiuar. Kepairins, and all kia-fre'f TTWww wyfc Vw; ""p-r' . ws- ' Main St., Plattsacutli, Ket . One door cwt of the Court floul9 Dealers" In Produce, Wines Oir Stock eoti; lts of the beet l.-an-rj cf TEAS; COFFEES, SUGARS, Caiuiod and Dried Fruits, OYSTERS, SARDINES, SPICES, FLCl', - 1 TX)DA CCO. rr.7.vATL7S, Buofets, Soap, Salt, BACQN, HAMS, LARD,- end cvcry.l.'.r'sliVpt hi a' Cvery S;,.iP, ihoic I..ll,,iir.lui ntH(HIU.,ll;, Io!i tsi price p.juiii ci.au lor Corn, Oats, Buiter, Eggs, . BACON, HAMS, LflRDt and till kinits of Firu.or Trouuce. Cash paid for Hides. Housei moved, (hd ponJg!uld by Anc'inn , the shortest noti'-e. hv F. S. W1IITF I'latUftnouth, July l9r-9. . DSUGS, MEDJGIKS BOOKS,. H 1? At. TP -i O-Si.EIil', Perfumeries,. Hafr Oils, KEVVSFAPERS, MAGAZIKES. Afi atL TIE Latest Publications. Preacriplions carefully corapounded by at M. perienced lrufcii?t. - ' ' ft t' ' I hart A No. 1 80DA! FOUNTAIN in good rjrisir.j or-Ir. t: .1-- . Ir.ie-nbr tlie p'.n' e, errt 3 CJerV t l'W.m yrr J'ltaltinutiulu, cbrafca. (h-iaH. a v J J Mi.iil A4JiJAJ a '.'"here I am pt rainently jocatol, and prtrrf u ,ke nil i r.-ln ul -' vSUM PIC1 Uft!IC, r-ut.. ; Lf. AmbrtitvtK-. (i V'i. l'ial. M.iirtiiu. ilc. Wan tii.t." neatly m. i prur. t.y. ani '.rAj.ui;;r.:r Tu nivu ;-. vi j -v.c;io , - A! j. h9"i e. wili iele't'! .ork of Ovii tist! t'qti.irt' ' C'riiJl- . A'l ar" ri , j 1 r2tr. : nt Incut; -,:ul -t'tif. !.!.'.'. . '-.!). Arti f. . t t..L.-t.it.uth. N.'H. nm 11jA.so.Y luir . 13.347 , .,v.nv.!ir;,. . t3". OAK 7.. . i Jf$s; Were (oll an Year 1 68S Hvl'rr. ' SOT OXEUIAS.' t:v TO 61T It FAIL ID ENTIRE SATlSFAuTlSH thb PBitrpcT orr.R ATtcN or Chapter Oak Steve OI D M FULLY GIiARA.VriLi., A!l WHhITl( IJ-JWH mt ' rtx ' ' 3 ttt - - 1 .1 xxxuy Diuiiu unriviiii1.' FOR EHONOLT. FOR DURABILITY, AND COHVENIENCtl. For Simplicity of Mon'-ir. '. And for. Clean liness In Coci;i ;., I1 hey arc. Hume lntilntlui. , Manufactured in the West, nn l adapted to tht tmu of . Western andouiliein Surely no good housekeeper can ifford tel without one. roii eif t lit, nitHrai Excelsior MjiSuffU'lur '0O TGOCX5 ELTOL"5r C12 tt- 614 X.:lra,-i .., , 't. LHi, A'-- OLtBT , il. T. .Duke &"! Go. Pl.litsitV.iUtll, Uy wale rs 3je.. Thi undivided half or t'le whole if deMreu of the lUK'K-ltlCm' 'GRKTAhO SA Xf'UlU; 24-hurse power -iix'im un i bt-ilcr,2 piir of' 1 burrs. iiC liirh ciiculnr xsw. two t-t'ii Inili li'J. Six.'o futt ; everything in Kbod mnriiiitf order. Al-:o a rrfiitr rojuis ar.r ctltar. For p-i-ti-tiTnr For p-i-ti-tiTnr -C. SCliLUN'U. , fa. Ca eounty. au.-e of. C. l.rC!tf. . Rock Blaffs. Ca-a eounty. PLOWS! PLOWS! , M 1 ;u4'a'--turer of ail kinds of . Sueh as the ecL-brateJ I'J Jh kin PTo"' M miM Bi.a-,1 Bi-akecs, ftirrit.v; Kow.. .-W and luiie Sho.-etc. Cti'.tivi'tora i;:il Urrov.'. Kepairittjf douo on ahsirt .nuuv. vork rai'td. il ivin had much riperiure in tf.e buir-'. 1 1'uCl ejnured that 1 van give general natwlac tiiin. Please five mo a Cull Ixf-'re i-urenaMr-f el-.bere. k I'OlUil. 1. r-irrrnw - .ill -ow:- f