I 1 I itmm She jgctoha genM. ioi SatunUy'i Daily. Mr. Graves has the material on the ground for improvements to his brick. Mr. Home, lato local editor of the Omaha DiWyilerahl has discontinued his connection with that paper. . Kershaw k Waugh are preparing to enlarge their lumher yard by taking in another lot in their enclosure. The Pawnee Tribime nays Mr. Welch of that county has a field of oats whieh turns out one hundred bushels to the acre. ' The Irvwrivifle Advertiser learns from CoL K. V. Furnas that work on the Trunk Railroad was to commence this , week. IT I 1 1 V 'I I-.. A I A.A.Z 1 1 rt f 111 w vn. j - iva'ra l.r,-cv. .J IJV.UI ltus-soli & JJooui s agricultural lmple inem store. Merger Tiros, have their new marble yard office nearly ready for occupation They have sent for a stock of material which will arrive m a few days. The little Nenitha river has bacn high cr this season than known before for many years. The overflow has injured a large juaniuy oi wueai in siacss. lnvc in thi4 rininrv. l:v.t I hini hir It will continue until some time next week. Simpson, Mickelwait & Co have three i lots enclosed for their new luuiJier yard, : .i t, r- t: l i Btreet. Their office is on Main street. The Xrrr says apples are plenty in Otoe county this year. A larjre nunilcr ? of people went from Otoe county to Mis- 1 ' 1 1 . 1 . f tl T . . poun aikc-r ajiinus irei. jail uuoui iscto- crr. f. i. iresscy, special agent ot the 'a- cific Iasurance Oonipany, cave us a ;all this morning. He is establishing acren- r , cics lor nis company throughout the State. - Thos. Mitchel, E.q. has shown us a Fpeciuien of the Delaware GrajKj raised , by bini, which goes still further to prove ' thatthisisanexccilentcrtintryforgrapes. Plant vineyards. The Delaware is one of thu finest flavored grapes raised. It is faid tho Chicairo Commercial par- iy nil" l'.';iiil ll.-'HCl i I U I1C1 -C , beat tho Pacific coast men at the pinic of hrac. ami contended that the Pacific Ooean was a small pond in comparison with Ijake Michigan. i ' , A locumntive got looe from a train on trn Kana- City bridge Monday, and f started of alone at a fearful rate of speed. J In the bottoms it ran into a construction i train, smashing things badly, but injur ; ingnoone.. i Hon. Dan. H. Parmele -f Omaha call , cdonus this morning. He was in the J. city on business, and left for Omaha again to-day. Parmele has not entirely recovered from the effects of his Hokiiesa uuini mu iuic jiaii, ui Hit; hfasou. !' . Ilcsser has a large ouantity of the 1)1.1 V. V . V . . Linens Rhubarb roots, which he offers i to those who want them at nominal prices. lie also has a fine assortment of flowering bulbs, for sale at the very low " est rates. xne steamer iMle n:is locn at our I'vee since noou unloading lumber for - i'iiuii-imi, iv ami iri'iii'mi . s..... i : i'. i i i i incn-handi: for city merchants. 8. 31. & Vi. bad J.Vt.tXKi feet of lumber on her. This wi;ik..s owr :(..( x foot of lumber nveivei! in this city Juriiig tlie pest ten days, and wc have more coming. Hon. Geo. Crow, of Nemaha county ' has tenders! his resignation in conse . nucnce of the pr.ibibilities of .-in extra l Miun this winter. Tlte Adrrrti.wr says there are others wlio talk of resianir.g if an extra session is called. Wc think tl;e n'Uilors gen: r:Jly are ojjiosed to an ( extra s'e.-vsion. Col. Tichnor informs us that tho strike ot tlie coal tinners was not on atvount of - . tl UOiIlITL:. ii FiilLtrVl rMLI .1...1..1. I l.. but that monev had been advanced 10 the principal, Mr.Woodhave, and that ' beshouijl have Mr. Worwihave anest:d ' lor obtaining money under false preteu- ' CCS. , We have received, from the publisher, Pilas Chapman, of Milwaukee, Wu;.. what iurports to be a ''sectional map of Nebraska,"'which he says is "compiled 1 from the government surveys and other Ti .. ... .1 . auuii-iii.ii: NiuncN 11 I'uuios iiuuui as 1 i 1 i ' 1 l 1 wuuiu vtiai uut uii a black board, from memory. Whoever - wants a correct man of Nebraska had - I 1 JJ U?I A. - Iiif rnv imt 1 1 .ni K I .i 4 i.ne .eDrasKa v uy papers sncas 01 . Dr. Corn ers as "the manager and builder of the Midland Pacific road." How is , .ri... i u c t'V . ti . x.i 1 rt-. t r White, Ei.?" Is he to be thrown a one side because some-fellow with a handle ,' to his name comes aloni? wearing "store j clothes." Our Nebraska city neighbors hhouli not forsake their old friends, the Ull 111 I. Iill.1 UH.VUI. Vk A. . 4. f, . men who first talked railroad for them. . . 1 Vl i ' tr-i T1-.i . iitrai ik coming in uveiy. x laius- . "inouth is the irreat market of the State ' - for products of the soil, and before the ' end of another year she will drain the ' . t 1 a 1 country ior a nunarea ana niiy mnes , . west, embracing the finest agricultural region west of the Missouri River. Now is the time for dealers ta establish them- v selves here, lhe man who gets a loot hold now has a fortune secured. t'rum MtiHflv' Daily. AVatertnelons are plentiful on the streets. This section was visited by another ' drenching rain Saturday. The Little Blue publishes quite a his tory of the high wafers in that region. Mrs. Child, wife of R. P. Child of this city, was buried yesterday. . The R R. Transfer boat, "President," as making soundings this morning tor landings on each side of the river. Prof. J. G- Miller left for Chicago this morning, and he may go as far as New .York before returning. CoL A. B. Fuller, of Ashland, arrived in the city Saturday, on his way home from Michigan. The Gazette reports a wheat stack struck by lightning last week, and burned to the ground. Some fellow accidentally, of course, took a bundle from the B. & M. Store, to-day. that belonged to another man. lie was induced to give it up again. We had the pleasure of devouring this ' morning a reasonable quantity of those Bplendid Diana Grapes raised by Prof. Miller. Mr. Doane, Chief Engineer of the B k, M. R. R. in Nebraska, went to Coun cil Bluffs to-day on the steamer "Presi dent." The Nebraska City and Council Bluffs Base Balhsts have had a match game, in which the Nebraska City men came out first best. The Ovinion sneaks of the recent prize " fight as having occurred in Nebraska. lhe Opinion does U3 too much honor . the fight occurred in Iowa, opposite - Irlattsmouth- Mr. Cyrus Woodman. Superintendent of the B. & M. R. R. in Nebraska, left for his home Saturday in consenuence of ill health. He ha3 been suffering ?cmc timo ith chills and fever. Parties desiring to nuke lot.s of money and do it easy should not fail to be on hand at the great sale of lots in Ashland. Now is the tune to invest there, while property is cheap. . . A couDle of R.' R. laborers had a forci ble discussion in town yesterday. We did not learn whether or not it was on a question of theology, but judge that JJenzme .was the direct issue. The Gfa-sirow.came un on Saturday evening and unloaded a large quantity of lumber for .Simpson Mickelwait t Co., and- took on a large quantity of barly, oats and corn. The Chronicle says "Fruit in this :ncck of woods' is coming to luatuihy magni ficently. Everything that is cultivated grows luxurantfy and is proof conclusive that as we sow so shall we reap." " The OpintM says "Braughton started last Monday, in charge of Sheriff Sam son, for Fort Madison, where rooms lave been encaged for him in the Iowa Insti tution for the Indiscreet." The Goodcn Bros., of Lexington, Mo., have chartered the steamer Tempest to deliver railroad tiss at this city for the li. &, M. R. R. She went down yester day. The It. R. Transfer "President," Capt. iJtitts, left lor Council Bums to dav. to have two new cranks put in on her main shafts. She will probably bring hack a load ot iron. The Plattsmouth Public Schools did not commence this morning Recording to programme, in consequence of repairs needed on the building, lhey wi.jcoui mence one week from to-day Monday, hs 13th. Capt. Waddell of the Ida, says the water in the upper Missouri is lower than ever known before at this season. The old Muddy can be almost forded before winter it the water continues tailing as usual. The Opinion says our daily comes to them two days behind time. We will get things arranged in a few days, and supply you on time. We issue in the evening, and you should get it the next day at noon. 1 The Nile made a quick trip to Omaha and back leaving here Saturday niirht and returning Sunday before noon. She brought down several lance c;ks for Rinnlo s Brewery. some machinery tor 1 . T-v 1.1 r 1 . isemii3 Jean, anuotuer ircignt. We received this morning a fine lot of Grajes frcm Mickelwait & Woleott's vineyard, south ot town, with compli ments ot Mr. oleott, producer, lhey were as nne as we nave seen. H c un derstand they will have a limited quanti ty ot roots tor sale this fall. Wm. Riley was arrested yesterday by Marshal Murphy for being drunk and disorderly, and lodged in jail. He was brought before Recorder Wells this niorninjr, fined $5 and cost, and in the absence of money or security, was coin mitted to jail. He is working out his fine under Street Commissioner Hohl schuh. Our former fellow-townsman, Jos. Morrison. Esq arrived in the city Sat unlay. He will make this his permanent home hereafter. He tells us that the weekly visits of the Herald were erected with delight by the whole neighlorhooi where he lived during the past year, an that 1 laltsniouth stock is above par in that locality in consequence of the fair ness with wnicn the .herald has re corded all matters pertaining to her in tcrostA. Train lias leon hol Jing Ruilioavl moet ingi in Omaha. A large force of men are at work quar rying stone for culverts on the R. R. S. F. Nucho'ls has. bcn elected I'le pat t Congress from Wyoming Terri tory, by a majority of about l,lhX. Hon. W. F. Cuavin. of (he Lincoln laud (Mri (iii j i-i from l.mi ln yos tcrday, and loft i'r ()!e:iln this inor;:ii;. Tli! Xr.r iif yesterday says fVost :;; pean.'d in Ncbral:a City yesterday morn ing. Harvey, of the St'itunt has gone to Ch'eago to purchase a power press, pre paratory to smiting a dailv. 1 he vilastrow lav at our laudim; last night, und about twenty couple went aboard of her and had a social dance. Wm. Riley, who was working out his fine under Commissioner H.hlschuh, made his ccr-ape to-day. while out at work. Mr. Rosan, of the House of N. .1. Bond & Co., came down from the Bluffs yesterday. He will give his personal at tention to their House in thiseity. County Treasurer Duke commenced the sale of lands for delinquent Taxes yesterday morning, in accordance with law. Wc are in receipt of the Dxihj Ottum- va Couritr. It is a lively sheet, and is doing a powerful work in developing the city and surrounding country. Maj. Stearnes, of tho National Pun ishing Company, was in the city this m-t 1 rt. n .i n .1 . morning, lie lett tor tne southern part of the State. James Simpson, Esq., of Stove Creek precinct, was in the city this morning on usmess. Simpson is a live man, just the kind we want in Nebraska. We hear much talk about the change of school books mcdo by our State Su perintendent, and much that we hope is incorrect. o understood Suqrinten- dent Reals is expected here to-day. The steamer Glasgow caihe clown yes terday evening, rnd left a large quantity of freight for Clark & Plummer. also a quantity for. Reed Bros, of Weeping Water. The fall term of St. Luke's Parish School will commence on Monday cf next week, the 13th inst, without fail The absence of one of the Faculty prevented the commencement last Monday. John R. Livingston, Eq., recently of Mmnessota, brother of fturvevor (ieneral Livingston, arrived in this citv last week He willoccupv the position of draftsman in the Surveyor General's office, for a time. The Iowa ; Legislature passed a law last winter requiring owners of threshing machines to box the horizontal shall of their machines, under penalty of no pay for threshing and liability of all damages accruine from such negligence. Good thing. The case of the U. S. vs MeCoy came to a sudden end the other day. he the case was called the Attorneys for the defense stated that their client had long since left the State, and that they would make no defence, consequently the pro perty seized was confiscated, and we sup pose seuiebody will pay the baa bond. We are in receipt of the first and see ona numbers 01 a neat little sheet pub lished at Jenkins Mills, in this State.and called The Little Blue. It is of diminu tive size, but is chock full of that which gives life to any newspaper, either large or small local news. It is published by jUark o. iveuy and A. Y. Itobinson. Teams were in town to-day after brick to build another fine chool house seven miles west of the city, near Jos. Gil lnours place. It is a new district, the name of which we are not advised. We believe Cass County is' as well supplied with good eomlortaMe school houses as any County in the State, and about as for I well ns m:inv localities inuch. tmher to- j w-ird County Commissioner J. II. Moore has i just completed the stone work of a fine i 11. t a . i- 1 i: 157. I dwelling on-nis lanu iti hock liiuiis 'recinet, and was pumiasms jutie fin is h- imr lumber to-day. J'he building con tains over throe hundred loads of rock, and is prooaoly as good a piece of work as there Is in the State. e are glad to 1 UOfJ lllU.SU VWUi:U.lUI J '1 '-ISUCJ I IJr ill IUU ..:.i ..v . country. Chas.' McGregor, who has been con fined iu jail for the past year for larceuy was discharged by Sheriff Johnson to day, lii time having expired. McGreg or will le reiuewlered as the fello'v who stole the watch and revolver from Mrs. Jackson, and was frigliroried into telling where thfrsYoIen property was by a sup HJsed vigilance committee. Sheriff Johnson dressed him up in a decent suit ot clothes, gave him som good advice and set him adrift. iMeoregor is consti tutionally tircl, and will not bJ likely to work while he can steal. From Wtdnrnlny' Daily. Potatoes are offered o:i the streets of ft Nebraska City at 20 cents . withou buyers. Arrangements have been made by whieh stock, taken to the State l'air over the C. B. & St. Joe. R. R. will be only charged fare one way. Enos Williams, Esq., one of the early sttt'.ers of Plattsmouth, now a resident of Omaha, has been :n the city several days. Ho returns toUuiriha to-morrow. Contractors are bore for the purpose of erecting water tanks, e., awing the line of the B. iV M. l. l. W t from I this city. There is another cabbage head in the Herald office. It came from Peter Yallery's garden, and weighs tu-uutisix Doundx divested of all stem and loose leaves. Superintendent Beals is in town to-day on business connected with his office. He came down from Omaha lust evening, but failed to get across the Platte until this morning. A large number of white covered. wagons have crossed the river at this point during the past tew days. .Most of them go to the interior, wherj home-, steads are taken or a settlement made on lands heretofore purchased. What's wrong with the Elfcht Miio j Grove 1'. O. ? ' Every subscriber to the J Herald who received his paper through 1 that olliee, except two, have ordered their papers stopped iu the Plattsmouth office. The Sidney Union, of Saturday, says: "We have been informed that the Grand Jury found a bill of "murder in the first degree" aaaiiist Wm. Bobout of East port who is now confined here for the kiiiinj of Mr. Hill." We understand the property offered for sale by Miller k Clark, at Ashland, embraces some of the. finest bx-;:t:ons on the entire town site. They are bound to be sold to the highest bidder, regard less of price. Ten dollars" will get the finest business lot in Ashland if no higher bid is made. Somebody will make a fortune out of that sale. Who wants it ? Mr. C. B. Bellow-, of Council Bluffs, arrived in tho city last evening for tho puriose of making arrangements for opening an extensive fruit store. His rooms for the present are at the west en trance of the Platte Yidley House, where ho will keep specimens of fruit on ex hibition. His principal business will be to supply dealers. Wc learn that the farmers of Saunders, Lancaster, find the western part of Cass comity, eojitcmplate holding their v!.at until rhet ars commence running, on the B. & M. R. R. Should we haveMavor '!: weather, they could ship over this road by the frst of January. 'J 'he sum ii;cr, .-o far, haa been one of tho worst known ior many Vv.srs on rai.'ronds, e. peciidiv wLcra lhey have low lands to w il l. in. By curd in to-day's papar it M'i'i he rti-on that Dr. SeliiidkiiCclit hasconeluii-d to remn'ii in this locality, and oifers his pvof-.rsisi ma' services to the public The D". was is. nt removing to Missouri, butafttr a personal inp -etini of the c-'ir.i rv h i concluded Nebrar-ka was a better p:acv He h;u p'ii'.ia -ed a trr-r of land one ru:io south of town, where u; prop iscji to erect a resiueiicc. J lie Dr. is highly spoken ot as a physician by those who know him best. John L. Tidbalb oi' Ashland, called at the Herald otnee. tins morning, lie has only Ken in Nenraska a .short time, but his .selection ot a point at which to ocatc : shows a ready ttisccnmient ol wnat the future iri to bring forth. We learn from him that the Snell Bros, have com menced the erection of a large business house, and hotel building combined .Next to ov.r own citv and county, we are always plea ed to note the improvements in and about Ashland. Rather an interesting trial took place before Esquire Larmichacl last week, in Weeping Water precinct. A Dr. Crane entered complaint against one A. G. Kline, chaiging him with a.ssault with eadlv weaixm with an attempt to knl. An attempt at impeachment was made against tho prosecuting witness, and some thirty witnesses were s-worn. The impeachment was not sustained although a considerable number of witnesses testi fied that they would not believe (.ran a uuder oatli. The Prisoner was dis charged. Hathaway, of the Plattsmouth JlcrnJJ, acknowledge-9 the receipt of a head of cabhatje. "Two heads are better than one," aren't they, Hank? Oinniuiu Nothing like speaking from experience in thec matters. 1 our word is good. Vo probably put our cabbage head to a different use from what our friend of the Opinion roxil have done. A man in seirch of a clergyman to attend a funeral hunted over a good part of New York chy, the other day, but finally had to gh e it up. Folks musen t die in vacation. Vallcrys k Kuflner are yist in receipt of a large stock c f Dry Goods. Vullerys & Raffner have just received a few more Kirhy Ileapers on which they wiil give good tiaie. THRESHING MACHINES. If you Want a ood Threshing Machine you can procura one at Vallcrys & Ruff ner's who are. aow receiving' they J. I. Cox k Co.'s M: i-hine-the laost complete Machine cVcx pat ap. ' Also amenta fir ihe Woodbury Climax and Pirn's Hor Power. WANTED. Bacon and Lard for which we will give the highest market price. VaI-LEUYS & RCFFNER. Valleiys k Ruifner are agents for the Schuttler Wagons wliich they arc selling at reduced jinces. If yon want the lightest running M ower in use &o to Vallcrys & lluffher'tf, and buy the Kniffin. VaUerys k Ruffacr arc agents for the Groycr k Baker sevnng machine the j -pA in market. Call and oe thorn. Herald Office, WcJriesd.iy Kveniiis.', ' - Srpt. f:th, So;.. ) Since the rains hae ee-ised, iarmers are bringing in Wheat and Oats in larger quantities.. We make; the following quotations : Spring Wheat Supply greater, de mand molerate, for No. 1, moving at 80 and lJ0; choice at !5. No.' 2 filing at 65(20 ; No. S ranged at 5i.)(2 "5, con siderable offered ; rejected closed at 45 .05. Corn Demand steadily on increase and firm ; yellow and mixed, sound lots at 75 S5 1 shelled ; iu ear at GoY 05, supply light. Oats More ready sale than last week, closing firiii at 3K 35. Barley Weak ; none choice offered ; rejected lots at 70 75 ; market dull. There arrived in Omaha on Friday last ta largest Grizzly Bear skin ever intro duced into this market. It was shipped to and received by Hall & Comstock, hat ters and furriers, Douglas street. The skin measured over eight feet in length and between six and seven in breadth. There is seldom found on the plains a buffalo whoso skin will measure as many Ibct as this old mountain hero. From one extreme to the other the olt will cover lietveen eleven and twelve feet. It is of the finest texture, nicely tanned, and valued at fifty dollars. Unvtlm Jlc- pnbheun. : - I? c m n r k abZ e. We examined n tree in the garden of Fritz Rottman, yesterday, whicit had three different crops on its branches. The first are large apples, the soeou'l about the size of a hickory nut and the third is just blossoming with the fruit just formiusr The tree, was taken from Shephovd! orchard and set out early last ,-priiig. This is a most rcii.-.n kabL occurrenee and something iv;;W to horti culturists in the.- parts. Ac if. The Ton' ; Bros, on the Neuiahn. in .-r-r:r:L' jdanted i.r. po'a- tnis eoii'iiv. i toes of tii:; La::1." iUi-o and (nxvdnch van- ; etiei. und hjtv-i.ii was j itst u- I t ice them. The vield Verily, potatoes ttu-y grow l! ? ; TOW . ti&tex- MARRiED, At the rueideuve il C. (, Hcrr ld. Ksij., on tba evening of Sept. 2d. 1W9. by Judico Mr. II. IIkbkld and Miss M. Balicnukc. all of this city. DIED. Aucunt 8tb. 1W9. f a short lut feverc illnesf, Lilly Ai.mkua. iniunt ilaucht-r d' Sair.ucl and Marv' llich:trdn. cf Licht Milo Urovc. uged 2 years and thirteen day. Your darling Lilly, xwcut nnd fair. On whom you looked with hoe aiid plcumre, Wuj! borne by death with love and care To guide you toward your llc.ivcly treasure. 'Tis true her little eyes have closed. And far Horn earthly sijht she's soue. But now in Jcf us she's reposed Amid the Ilt-aveuly infant throng. Yoa full the pang, our f uurce j;on! J say Farewell, farewell, swcot LiLl.y love. Yet graea divine your spirit stay. And win your thought to joys above. Valk itt Crkkk. Sept. 5th, 1S?.. S. O. SPECIAL NOTICES. First of the Season. Plumuier's. New Goolsat Clark Sc Uiwl. Buy your Boots and SIjom of Clarlc .t T'iuui- nicr. they have a frer h stiK:k, cnille.-'! variety auil st "knock down price." d.Vwl "toiucl iiig nei uniier the dim." The latest style hat at Clark & l'iuiaiuer's. duwl. tleuts K?) I. CUrk ,v IMuiuiuerV fer yoiir eloih ins ami lui nis'iins -ou.. They have just ro ciived i fail lint, hucst tat, the htsi-t matvt'ial and well ;mt UAwI. Have you set n Ciai k , of fall so-.id? .V I'ltia -tie-.'s fi-c-h .-lock d.vw:. "A dollar m-i ie is a 1 i.iar made" buy your poods of Clark & i'luiunier. diwl. The most complete stock of ladies und chil drcuV hhots to !e had in lhe market, at Clark & Plummers. ditwl. $1200 and all Expenses Paid. See R Ivertiseuieiitof American Shuttle S winp Machine in our advertisii.K columns. ly Pay Up. All persons knowing themselves indebted to tie will please call and pay up immediately. A word to the whe, etc. cltf C. E. Fobot. FOUND. A Wheelbarrow, hid in the brush, which the owner can have by proving property and paying charires. including this notice. sepiSdwlt. JONATHAN ADAMS. NOTICE. All those having accounts (tain?t uie will please sifnd thorn in iniincdiately, for payment September 15th. next. JOHN FITZdF.UALD, PlatL-mouth.'Au. 31, 139. Per Cusuiso. E3TAVS ORGAN AND MELODEAN AGENCY. Mrs. Kato Simpson has the agency if the nbovo eelebrateil instruments. Any person desirous of obtaining a first class Organ or Melcueon with nil the latest imirov:n;nts such as vox jubi lant!. Jks., are requestel to cfl.ll at ber residence and (tat circular. Plattrmouth Aug. CCtf. NOT'Cc. All persons indebted to the under? gned are refuestfl to call at her residence, cighticn miles west of Platlsiuouth, and settle the san e imme diately. auzotf.J HOSE ANN DECKER. If Ail Parties Indobted to U ' tt ill call and fettle the same, they will save themselves both eztra trouble and expense, for we must hnve all accounts and notes due ua paid, and that immediately, as we are coins East ai uinst have the money. ' 1 ! ' ' DOOM EaO. CO. September 2d, 18o3. DISSOLUTION. ' The copartnership heretofore existing under the name and style of Boom. Uro. C0..X3 this Jay dissolved by mutual consent. . K. t. and E. Doom will continue the Dry Goods and (fc-ocery business at the old stand, under tho Grin ueof Dooin. Bro, i Co., and settle all the business of the old firm. J. E. Doom will take chirse t,f t'a Farm Iinrlenients. ' J. E. D K)M Tt. ti. InOM EVEHTON.DulM. Plat UuiouJi, August 2u..h lst.y. . Tha Test of Time. 1 Time trie all things, rejects those thtt are useless, and ho Ida fast to that which L pood Inventions and patented improvements. Multi ply every year, and a;k our attention anl our support; but as time passes three-four Ls of them, after trial, are found to be of no sulitan- tial value, and are thrown aside. l!ut thre is an invention which has stood the severe "rials and tests of seventeen years, and whicl( has risen in popular estimation and favor with each new trial. We allude to the Charter Oak Hove. It was patented in 1HT2, half a generation ao and lias been improved py nevr arranseiieu several times since. Instead of bavin; "payed out" and been construed to the lumber-ro-m of worthless humbugs, it has gained such a 0pu larity that the demand for them can scarct ' be supplied by the Excelsior Manufacturing lorn r-any of St. Louis, by which thev are made. E. T. Duke ti' Co. are a?ents in riottsimuth Sold wholesale and retail by Excelsior ianu faeturins Co.. St. Louis. XV. II. SCHILDRXECHT, M liaviiid permanently located here, ter.dirs his prot'jssioaal services to the peopie of th-' city . and surrounding country, -Uliico al hi tresi- -Kni-c. ineei'e couth of town. (septS. tf. T. vt- J-r TT- "-w "i!i -f"B.,TT, WHOLESALE . &o RETAIL - - . .- ' DEALERS IN 3D C3r tools, 5 August 23, 1809. a.i(f2''tf DOOM, BRO. & CO. have a large Stock of Dress Goods, Dress Goods, Dress Goods, Dress Goods, Piece Goods, Piece Goods, White Goods, ' White Goods, White Goods, White Goods, Brown Muslins, Brown Muslins, Brown Muslins, Piece Goods, Bleached Muslins. Demins, Mue i brown Bleached Muslins, Demins, Mue & brown Bleached Muslins, Demins, blue & brown Shirting, check and stripe, Shirting, check and stripe, Shirting, check and stripe, Choice Rio Coffee, . A Coffee Sugar, Choics Rio Coffee, A Coffee Sucar Choice Rio Coffee, Brown Sugar, Syrup, Brown Sugar, Doom, Bro. & Co. have just received an otht-r large lot of Glass and Queens- ware. Salt Fish, Salt Fish, Qucensware, Queensware, Qucensware, vrup, S, .'rap, Dried Fruit, Dried Fruit, Dried Fruit, G'ass Ware, lass Ware, Glass Ware, Aud a f encral stock, to which they call the attention of the Fanners and Public generally. Have the lest select jd stock and make the lowest prices. Reineiulier the place, the west comer in the Big Brick, Main street, Plattsmouth Neb. Doom, Bro. & Co. DKAI.KKS J 71 hoe DOOES. SASH, Have removed their Lumber Yard to tho comer of MAIM AND SIXTH STREETS, PLATTSMOUTH And have on baud und are receiving Lumber in to fitit purchasers. H e have also on uand un J lor 50 Barre!ls cf 50 " Cement, Lime. 20 Barra!!s cf Vi'c invito all to call and see us-at our new place of l'lattsiuouth. Nebraska. Scptcl'lher 1. lS;"i'.).--dw .3 One Ooor win of PLATTSMOUTH, riA3 A LARGE Dry Goods, Groceries, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS. O-A-IPS, and Provision HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR Kinds of Country Produce. Platts mouth, Nebraska, August 5th, JOilN J. IU SsELL. 03ALER.S IX Agents for Birdsall's Threshers, Buffalo. Pitts Threshers, " ' Geiser Threshers. REAPERS A-2STID MO"VERS New Yorker, Buckeye, John P. Manny's, Climax. PLOWS : Industrial Dixon, Grand Detour, Skin ner, Iron Beam, Rod MISCELLANEOUS IMPLEMENTS: Sulky Hay Rakes, Revolving Hay Rakes. Little Giant Fan Mills," Johnson's Corn Sheliers, Wier's Walkinq Corn Plows, Buckeye Drill & Broad Cast Union Every Implement Warranted. J PLittTiiouth. AiL'ut il'. 1 ''.'. s, Oueensware, XMaltHinoutle, XebraIta. All parties indebted to us by open ac count or notes now due or past due,iuu.st pay the same by the 20th of this month; (August.) And all notes due us from the :20th of August to the 1st of Septem ber "must he paid promptly for wc shall bo obliged to protest if not paid at maturity. Doom, Bro. & Co. DOOM, BRO. & CO., Acents for IJirdsali's Threshing Ma- chines, Buffalo .Pitt .Threshing Machines, New Yorker Self Raker Ilea jut, "Buck eye" Mower and Reaper, J. P. Manny's Reaper and Mower, Wier's Walking Cultivator; Broad Cast Seed Sower, Rod and Mould Board Breakers, Stubble plows of all kinds. Kerry Implement- IVarntutnl. Just received 100 barrels of Salt. Doom, Bro. k Co. DOOMBKO. k CO. Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Grocers, Boots-, shoes, Glass and Queens- ware. lOUOi-canih: lwii?s for sale by Doom, Bro. Ch. Wc would advise all parties wanthi!; a gooil article of Tea go to Dooms' and ,cc' it, they have the host Tea that we haw ever seen in this city. IT i-,ii u-Mnf to fnt iimp A n 1 Sn- gar Curcl Hauls', jro to DixiM. Bro. k Co. WANTED, I(nM) do.'ti oirtrs. lhs freh butter. lv )orw. TV to. k Cf IS in, tjfiino or sufficient quantics to fill all orders, and at prices sale ut low tgures 250 Bushels Plastering Hair, 500 " Coal Piaster Paris. busincs SIMPSOX. MICKELWAIT ic CO. kjr!4 I the IIkrai.d OBiee, - NEBRASKA, AT STOCK OY BOOTS, SHOES. ALL 18fl9. J. TC. TiOOM, (Late of Doom, Bro. Ic Co., 0 & Mould Board Breaker. Van Brunt Broad Cast Seeder, Seeder. Corn Planters. Sorgo Cane Kills, Bells, &c. nas"""""PB""fc A GOOD CHANCE t f"tT A A.' w lb j GOOD -BARGAIN ! . i llavine eomrleteil the Iattiiiff aiul recordinc of my I 1ckk's Addition to City of I'latts inoui.li, i am now reuirud to sell ; in till! Addition at rca-'onabJe rute. Titiii aye one hu.it' ca.-ii down; the o:!ier hajf luiyarile in one year, at ten iht lent, interesj per aniiin;i finiii ate ofpurchujifc until paid, i'o be secured by mortgage ua tho i.rperty. S. DIKE. DonatiGn to Churches. I will give to tho following religious denotui- ratu 11". v!.'. : ; To the Baptist Church, lot 12 in Mick L'7 : To th.c Congresatiunal Church. !t t.U in block 2S; To tho Methodist Church, lot 1 in Mock l'J; To the Catholic Church, lot i in 1U k :: To tlie Kpiseopal Church, lot 12 in idm-k To tlie i'reshyteriati Chr.n h. li t 1 in block ; To the Christian Church bt 5 J in Kiot k -; To tlie Lutheran Church lot 1 in M irk i'i; in my Addition to the City of ri::tt-iuoiitli. upon the IjlJowing conditions, vix: Th-it li.cy sh:'ll erect on saiii lots, a nimve (loaati!.t. a suit.it ie build.ng for publie worrhip. wiiljin Svo ye-ir.-froui This date ; and, in c;lo of tiiiarw on tiie part of said Church or Churches t. cm ly with the t hove condition, then and in hat cae tin said I t or lots shall revert to inc. i S. DIKE. Donaticn to Public ; Schools. I lo.rebv doimte for the u?e of lfuhlie listri.t ScI.iiiiIk, Lot IU in lllock . ou the north i-iue of Miin jifreet. and Lot IU in Ulock Si. ou the .-i iittu si.ie ot Main Ktreet, in my auauiosi io mf.yi) of I'latl.-uiuutb. ri. DLKl it. 5,C00 Acres of Land for Sale in tins county. Also, llou.-cs aii'i L.u!. in uo-' city, at low iirn es. Particular intention piven to te iiuyinu aii'i fell ns ot real i tatc. exanuniKK jit Its. ami l'ii- iiiK taxes lor nou-rcMUciiis. ; S. 1 Kl'., Ileal l--taie .vgeiu. Lot for Ten Dollars. 1 will sell to parties desirous o) tmiiUiiig aim imi-rovinK. any ot fie lots in tu su i.'onica n.-i in my addition to l'lattsiuouth. at ten dollars per lilt, under tho tollowiiiK conilions, vii: The person purchasing will ;!; re iuired to bnild on the lot inrithaed a dw.-Rii'f h.ni.-e !' the following diineniions. to-wit: 'lhe hou-e to be not less than 1-lxJt leet, with tory n.it lower than S feet. The frame nipst be Rood atul sul stant ial: house well shii.tl: :d: foundation either of brick or stone. I here u.ust oca kitcii- eil, ot not lefs mail iun. j;i; ;iiiuikiui:-i "C eotjjdeted on or before January.!: t. lsTtl. til Hive bond for a deed to the a'.y wlio buys as wiori us purchase is inude.und iijiou cotnplyi.ic with the above eoiulitions. will ;vo a gooa a:tu sullicient Warranty Deed. ; Selections may bo male l:oiutie net oiiipauy- inKlist; T . lotsfiaml Sin iitocKrt: IjOIBiim ihock i ; i.oi 11 in block 1: Lot J in blok IS: Lot l'J ;u block 20; Lots , '. an'l 1-1 in l lock Zi ; Lot S in block Lots Z ami S in Ijlock ; Lot.s o ami 11 in block Zii; Lots in bioek -J7!'- Lots i-i and li in block lis; Lots lluJi la ljlocty; Lot m block 3d. , . : ft. II L lv v.. Plattsmouth. Anu.tf. Offire in Court House iOTICK.; A. B. Sharp, of Fulton Count.y, in the stare ot (Jeorgia, will take notiectiiat joaatinni -.m i. e. of the County ot Cass, and estate of Nebraska. did on the -'th day -t Aui-u.-t.'.-i. i'. i"-, cie his p-itition in the lii.-triet Court of the S'-eond Judicial District ot tne -state jot .eurasKu, in U for Cass Loan'', iitfamsi -tue taiu a. i. fcrn.rp, tlctcau.ini. si-iihk ioiwi ii.u i i"'ui: made ttic lolioivink invt.-'uicTii ior uuumim.hu. w iv .t : I.oeated aud pnrehase.-l ul Uie I inte l states the foli'jwtiu: deseiiDe I ler.l cstiite. to wit: The north-ea.-t yi.i:itcr ot Hie norilf-en.-i quiiniTiii section To. twouty-one (ZD. ana tne imrui-v. e: i quarter ot the north -west iui-rter ot Acetioii No. twenty-two in toitnship No. ton 110). north ol ra':i,'e No. six (i), east ol the. sixth principal meridian, in Laiieaster County. Ncl-r.'iika. Also the east halt of the south-wc-t ii;arlei-, rflid ti,o north-west i;.iarterof the si-u th-wc-a i:ar ter of sect ion No. tilteen tlo), and the noiia east iniiirter of section No. tweriy-live i Jr). and the nor in -east ijuarur oi see. em iniu) three C''. in townshiii No. eleven (11'. north ot'rant-o No. elcvcu (ll. cast ol the nx.ih C; prini ipt-l liienuian, in Cass (.ouiity. - e.jr.i.-kh , and the south halt of the n-Tth-west quarter ol section JNo. inirty-tour in lowusnip -i". twelve 0-', north ot riuif-o Ao. eleven tin. eu.-i of the sith (tit principal nuridian. in Cass County, Nciira.-ka. and the south-west quarter of section No. ciht (Hi, and 'he north halt ot the southwest i-4 of section No. fourteen 'H'.and ihe s Mitti-wesi quurter of section No. twenty-one ( in townsiiip No. eleven (11 1, nor'h of ranpe N j. twelve (1'. e:i-t of the ?i.th dii principal meridian, in Cas County, rserasKa. also pur chased the south half of lot No. six u;.', in block No. thi.iv-two t'-iZ). in the Lily ot l'tatismoimi. is the s;itneis de-i'-':r.ited upon the publi-lied plat of said city, and also the sou'h-cast quarter ( fseetion No. ciThfee.il ' Hi. township No. seven ("). north of raiiae No. thirteen O-'-K east ol the ..u ..r. : :....i i;..n ;,. io.... ri.univ Nuhniekii and also loi-.ued ttiol invested iiior.ty . .- i - . . .i. . i,.. ,ii in nt mi ir ueienueiii. -.Hi., on i:i - -.m 1 iv oi'April, l"-t;T, plaintilicni-'icd into liier slii'p with defendent for the p irpn.-e tf takinK eare oi anti selling satei rei.i esi;iLe .ui'i iuuu.ih infC said investments. And t'leol-ject and pray er of said petition is to have ti:r p:irtnei.-hip ilissolvtd.a reeeiver aimointe.!: to have sai l rem estate and partnership effects sold, s; ml that tne proceeds be divided utter pi un-ii; oi iu.jm-i lnK'4Kotirri-Ti ihp ,;irti,s Leti to. in HccordaMee with their ri'snectiic richts. And the s.ud A. II. Sh im is hcrel.y notued ti nt nc is rci urt i fr nn,n. ,r inn! inwu-er said iictiton on or bet'irc the ilthd.iy of ( H-tnlier. 1W.I, -ir jiniKCiiicii: wiil be tiiKen Htfatnsthim in.aceordiiin-e with pnijcr of sail petition. Jonathan N. ;sk. liy 1. M. .tlAUQLETT, nis Attorney. auJbwl. In District Court 2d. Judicial District within und for Cuss County Ncbrak.i. Danial hi ken berry ae.-un-'t I x-. .:-.. David Chcdestcr f-""- and A. Hain J T DmviiJ ( hedester nn'l A. nam mm l lent (letendruits. you and each olycuaro licre- bv notilied that Danial Kikenterry on tins .una day of August ISti'.i tiled hir -ictition in II. e ot i.t'tli. I'lerk ot the Di.itrn t Court within and for Cass County Nebraska, the object and rayer .f whw-h is to ohtaiu a decree of said Court re- -;m!iinr and sotlinz aside A certain contni indiiiR and sett inp: aside A certain coiitrii'-Ti Hide bv plaintiff and said Chedoter.lyr 't;iel I. "NE!4 of see. : and the V." 'i oi X i W fscc '.'A inT 11 N of K -. E of (5 1'. M., and io of X lf -if in nWrno sa'nl contract null and void and forever debar said C'hede.-ter from a!! claim or equity to haii! tr ict.s ol land and to enjoin said Ham iioin il..i;i-irTni7 nn .r,.v in bis p'-ssion troul Hlaintiti.convayins Baul tracts oi lanu i) caiu rheilester or from recording said escrow in the olhce ot the itccorucr oi Vvais voui t Nebraska. Yin nre reiiinred to answer said iicution on or before the lSili day of October ISO'.) DANIEL EIKENHKKRY Ey Maxwell X Chapman, Atty sept. Hwl.J In Di.itriet Court, Second Judicial Distr.ct within ana tor iass county, ixcor.-uita. Levi Rustcrholtz, aifm::t notice. Isaac 11. A!c:c;.adtr. J ' To Isaac 11. Alexander, n'n-resiaeni, ucienn- Yoii are hereby notified tl at Levi Rustcrholti hm on the 1st dnv of tentemher. li;J. uleJ nis petition in th'3 bistrict Court of the Second ,lu- - . . ... .... r.i . .. 1 x illcial 1ISLriet lima au.i i'r va.- otuihj, briLsica. the obiect and iiraser ot w tncti is to re form a deed a to expre tho true und full amount ol consideration Du ana puiu r rv. j. I'aiuitr, at Mieria a eai'-, on lue inn u) ui February, for the N. i2 of s. AV. of eec- tion 3!. :n 1. 11. .l n. l i fc. oi ota r. m.. m iu, vour liroperty, on a judgment rcndere-laK-iinst you in said Court ou the 16th day of lleccuiber, lssiiJ, ihich tract of land U now owned and in the poiM-t-isiori ol plaintitl ana to remove a cioua from .laiiititTs t'.:ij to taid trji-t of lan I by r -H- sun ot sari l.ilSiHKe. un are ronuirc iu answer isaid petition on or before the )vj- tny i.f -, l. lev: hi ,-tkuu jh l. October, Lv Masm ki.l i Ctf scptifiS liis Attorneje. AiMKiiiaitratrix'ai Sale. ot.ee is hereby iriven tr.at ia pu:uanco of a itWret.i! order d' sle made by ills ll-incr eor?c H. Lft O U'iie o. '.as isecoua JU'i.ei.j l):-trict n-ithin aid l.r Ca-y coaiity, ieijri:Ka, at his CiiH'.ebprs ir. Oiiiaha City, on the lh day of M iv. lK;y, 1 will, on tht -!th day of Sei.teat- ber. ls:J. at t "ie Iror.t 1oor ol tn Lourt iiou.;e in the cifv -triat'smouh. C.iss co-.r.ty. Netrk.sk. at the Lcur of 2 o'clo'-k i. n. of ia:d day. otici for a!e to the h'ihert aiel be-t Pi i'Kr :i!t ti:e rirht. title and interest of catoacl J. f-muh. d- ir. !!,.! mih,. w.-.t half of the i:"Tlh west ooarter i ol sMti m ro. Eit 'en. t'.w i .-n p twelve noria, raiijfe .no. twelve j:.. oia r..u Tfii :tp in C'lJJ eoTJl.tV. Nl'brii.- siiic v. il! reuain en I ir nils l r tr.o t-iico oi one hoar, i erm.-: ca-ti. ...r ..lAtti J . lii-:, Adininistratrir r.-'-tr ot S .unu'-l v. Jsui th. 15y Ma'-kll V C'ipmiN. sei.tiwS lUr Aitorncy-. Jo?rhine Ne.'hitt '-f 1 Cr:ir. of Mi'-ouri. will till: Plc-is'nr.t JtiU in th Xe-n-tt ol the countv t .i.in K-rs in ti.e Maie N'ehn .-ka. did on the 'J'i day of t'v-.-t inh-r A L. tile his oeti'i'in in the ilirtnet . -n .he Ul Judicial bist.-tet ot" the ."S'r.t" ot ..! rtisna witliiu and l"r S 'un iers C'ottnty. t-rair.' the said dcicuihint J.-Iiue Ncshitt. scnia" f irth that the diud 'aintitf was married to yuM de fendent on oraN.ot t.e -ithiUy o Jt ruary iVT, i nd t -iat said det'-noHtit h;!S tjei.n willfully ab sent lit.m s-.:i 1 idaintiSf f-'r riore than tvo yeiirs Uit iia-n. and prayintr that taeaid daiit;ff nay he diverged fnm sa;d d-rt' a l;mt, aid for sa :U otbe-Hii.l farther rf-li'-frs in equity and iriod e-ncifciicc 1-e is cnlst'ed ?. .nd the Hiiid Ihino Ne.-'jitc is r.otitiei. th-.; he is rciui"v 1. t art-eT : r I r said r-:iiUoa ou cr b.-iore the Is: day d' li twhe-) -';. l'i-.te 1 Jertember t'i' I't.TO lly ?.I M.-'-v llpi'S'i. h's Ail" i; ;-. PLOWS! PLC -:o:- 3S- IF O C3- Y Manufacturer of all kinds of Farming EmpIeMiesi: r Such nil the celebrated Rod j:rt ;.).i i, ! Mould Uonrd Brekrr. ftirrtnit I I ' ,; ill Double Shovels. Cultivator and Uniairinit (ione on chort notice. All ranted. . . Ilavina hi; l nui-h exinence m the ; I feel assured that I can 've - ner:il . tion. I'lcimecive itie a tall betoro )i cb'whcre. ' ' ' - IMiattnuouth, Neb., May c, rti. NOTICE. To the StwK-hnltlcrt f the JiiirH.:.-';-, ,t- Sfistotui A'l'ver liaihood A Notice is hereby piveu thatntl nday, tne - t.. dnv of September. A. I. I '.'.'. there; wul o- Iu-.-. Sekhidder' Mieti-i? of the l!ii.-!i:.::t..ii ,v MU-Muri River iUiiroad Cuimiy i Ne'oci, ,. M the ofli -e of the Joi-'.iit. u A Ii;.-..i:n wer i( ,,.r.. i,l i i.nin.Miiv in Neir:i-iu in H I'l.ittsinoiuh und fctate o Neiinkn. I p.ii po.-e of elect iiifiM'O n l.i c tors o mi. i I i lianv, and for tho tnin-a -ton of i'ner usun. HANS T!! IV1.S. IN. C. K. 1'hKKl-NS. Three of the Tr.cor por:iois of Ji. .( M. K. i'i Nebrask i. l'latt.-n.o'.itii, Aui:u.-t I'.1. T'-Ci". C.i HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAIJ HAIR RENEWER Is the only perfected nnJ scientifically prepared prcjiaration of its kin'f ever offeretl to tho pub!, and has no competitor in merit. By its uso GRAY HAIR is soon restored to its original youthful color and bril liancy, which is so much admired by all. Persons whose hair is thin or fullin- out will, by tho use of ou" RESTORES GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR, PROMOTES Renewer,soon see its good ITS effects, as, by its tonic and stimulating properties tho hair glands will be incited AND I ISA and the hair grow thick and strong again. Incases of Baldness it will creato a new growth unless thf follicles are destroyed. It is cooling, and allays all itching and irritation cf the scalp. Itdoes not stain the skin as do dyes, bi. makes the scalp white and i onTiii.'C!nK:n SPLEPID DRESSING. TRY ONE BOTTLE fnTPJtTX7 oc imUIiIiiVit, is tne Tjest and inoM. DP economical preparation in the world, as its effects last 60 much longer. Send for our Treatise on tho THE THIN LOCKS ! hair, free to all, by nni!. Sold by all CrutJQlsts and Dealers In M'f!J.i. cook, cosuhn & c: . Gen'l Agents for lTorth-T7estern V, -t . 87 D2AS30EU BTEEIT, CHICAGO, l.M. We, the ty of l'!ii't.--.;i.-.t'th : ' tentii n !: err eust'uncr To i;ie icti's i u below ol li t- won diirf.il cfiicasy ot D I i Stonineh V.itt"rs. Dr. Rollick's ,-cii.di 'lood i'llis. n e I'.ave l.een se: I ,i"r 1 1 cm e iocs Ion': cnourh to . now tn.-t lin-y are ilCIKU'.t in ii!.'. l!i: t the ccrtific.it' ofcurc.i .ubli.-he 1 rue Seed the following letter frcen one of the oldest and vu&. reliable grocery merchants In the city of- Davenport. Friend Walton: Agreeably to my promise to you vhe here, 1 write you, for publication if you see proper, a true state ment ol the good ei feets of Robaek's Stomach Bitters upon mvsclf. I had been troubled with gesticri for a time, attended witn severe headache, par ticularly after eating, when fortunately an old soldier friend came into the store and recommended me to use Robaek's Bit ters. 1 did so by tal:- ins: a smal 1 wi nc-slas full just before each meal, and to my grca joy I was relieved a once, and am row well by their use. 1 would not be vitho.ui them at any price. 1 have not taken 1 1 1 other medicine t'i I eoriimenced u nj; the Bitters. And i can with a clear try Ro- haekV; BiUers thev vlll do all thev arc dc recomm end cd to if taken according to dircciiyhii. Yours truly, Fkank II. MiLZAzn. Of the firru of J ieuleback k Miller ! "Wholeaalo Gi-oeors, Davenport lova.