Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, September 02, 1869, Image 3

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rt,7i Jo.i. .'' I'aihj.
ihl v.u:e;,H.,y go goto to ine j,.auu
- i t 1 t i il . T 1
to t-M the jirize hghtr Did they;
A I irfcre sized 4Keno" tigu La3 been
Lang o'.ii on Second street.
Clia.-:. KuLine lias removed liia barber
chairs to the City Hotel.
Fanr Berber is erecting a fine farm i
Louse on his jjiuce toutli ct tne city.
Kev. F. Alley has about completed a
Beat fciory and a lialf residence on Sixth
street. Carpenter Tucker done the work.
F. Siadleman is putting a larre addi
tion forty feet long to LU. bakery on
3Iain street.
Tin-iv is a probability that Bear, the
B"owa i"e Express roLber, had heard
wf Bayton's wntence.
Mr. BH'mir-)' new bu-iness house on
3Iaiu street is progressing rapidly. The
tila ittT'Ts are at work.
That hu:re pile of lumber at the foot
of Main htreet looks like Ca&s county was
iaipro'. .vjmewhaL
A portion of the luachinery for Cas
.bcL, Hyatt & Co.'.-, Saw .Ml!!, at Lincoln,
arriv'd at this city a few days sinee.
Mr. Mauley, track-layer on the rail
road, arj-ived at .I'tiL-Hie lat week and
uouini'-uced ojLT:itiuns.
Ifr. A. 31. Smith, of Nebraska City,
La- L e:i iu town a few days with his
J. Dan Lauer, of the Nebraska City
A'ti'v, Las Leen in the city for a day or
two. t il.:i"4 a look at alive railroad town.
The ordinance of baptism was adniin-i.-tcr.d
to two infants at St. Luke's
Cluixl Sunday evening by Rev. 3Ir.
You n.
K. A. Kirkpatrick, Esq., informs us
that t lie recent rains have damaged a
Iare amount of wheat iu the Ml Fleas
ant district.
Iia-i auylody heard anything of a cer
tain di:-l that was to have tome off last
Wt k. but did not ? Our underground
lice can furni.-h all the particulars.
Bu-.-e! ft Doom have rented the build
ing, opjiosite the Jizh School, where
they are opening their Implement
Miles Morran, K-q.. has purchased
the i ri erty on the corner of Pearl and
'-lit h -trceCs and is making bubetantial
icjpr jveT'.ierits thereon.
The : i' -anier Henry 31. Shrove came
tin S-itttr
1 .1- Tli.r'i)- ,,it t.-.. I.-. ,.C
tie- J
F ec M. B. R., al oa laro
e-u inti.; tj JieL-ht for city merchants.
,. V.irns, E.-q., has his new rosi-lv:.'-.r4
11 l::!;e:i Addition fairly under
v,.v lb; fxn-M ts to have it n-ady for
oeo;;;'.ii"-i by the 1 t of Oetobejr.
We ar.' in ! l.tnl io J. M. Luwry, E.sq.,
I'epmf.T Pr tlrj Omaha ILralJ, lor in-
in': i; n;
in re.a:v to the prize hrht
a.-: ."-'.i! ur Ijy. Will r-e h ijipy to refip-
roert'C if opjiortuniiy .-hould offer.
We .--aw 3Ir. iwi-r.-!;aw jay to accnt
3iii;j.M):i to-d.'iy, tiie neat sum o'l,ooO,
frei l.t on i:f lot of lumber. Facts and
Sm'.-i will tell hov faat this region of
coui:try is settling up.
Ti.e- fine sorrel team at work on the R.
II. depot rrounds, which has ln-en notie
cd y aiiii-l every citizen, went over the
eii.'n.i:iknie!it on Saturday with a .scraper
a:t.i :hed to them. They were not injured.
Some f'-Ilow not bavins the. fear of the
lav b fore his eyes attempted to make
ofT v ith a kc.r of fine-cut l.'baceo from
til'1; b'Vee on Sunday evening. Agent
Simp-oii ptr.-uaded him to leave it.
Kersl:a'.7 Waugh received by sitcaui
or Vr. ,. Jjvwis, Sur.laj' evening, aiMut
1j;U feet of pine lumber and a pro
portioiKit amonnt of Lath, Shingles etc.
N it bad tor one shipment. '
3Iun!:ali & Thatcher want all the
Wheat and Oats they can get. The fact
of their leaking Doom, Bro. Co.'soSco
their liead purlers is sufScient guarantee
that tuey pay the farmers all their
grain is worth.
The corner stone of tha Agricultural
Co!: gean l State University t ill be laid
with appropriate ceremonies on the l2.'Jd
of SeNtc nib.'T. The Masonic Fraternity
are invited to assist. We glean from the
Lincoln .7r,tr:i'il.
Marshall Murphy arrested a man
named John Donahue Saturday evening,
f r being dnuik and disordely. He was
takv!ii beiore Recorder Wells this morn
ing and fined j?5 and cost. He gave se
curiiy for payment and was liberated. Doyle, of the Steamer 3Iinnic,
will put bis boat in regular line between
St. Joseph and Omaha, He has a neat
little bout and is one of the earliest river
men of the Missouri. lie should receive
encouragement from all our business
There came very near being a row at
our landine Saturday between the officers
of the Lady Grace and the party oftx
C '.rsioni-t who came down on her to wit-ne.-s
the prize fight. -The diihculty grew
out efa difference of opinion in regard
to the pay of the boat, and resulted in
the boat leaving about half her passen
gers here.
The Bir keeper cn the Lewi, when
led by 3Ir. Bett-s if he had seen any one
on the boit answering the description of
the thief Bensen, answered that he had
do, but that he could find him for $l'o.
The fellow was afterwards found on the
t o:it. The o,ue.-tion is did the bar keep
er know he was there.
Eli I'lummer, Esq. arrived at home
from Chicago on Sunday evening, where
be has purchased goods for the house of
which he is a member, in this city. Jle
reports railroads aeroFS Iowa in a bad
condition bridges gone, water high and
traek generally out of order. He was
from Friday morning until Sunday morn
ing between Chicago and Council Bluffs.
Frrmx Tucuday't Daily.
Fresh hand? arrive every dy to work
on the Railroad.
The Republicans of Otoe county hold
a -avmrn on th ISib inst.
N. J. Bon, of this city, receive! a
contract for furriii-Jiiiig 5.H) bulicl.i of
corn a; Oniaha for the govci niucr.t.
T. B. Gordon, ft., is Laving the ex
cavation made tor a new house on the
CQnicr cfMaia aaJ Kfth slrc,.t
Vlr. Ilazen commented vrui k this mor
liing villi about twenty men to quarry
rock for culverts on the Kailroad.
The 11. It. Tehrrardi o! was open
ed Li.-t vi'k. but f.if smrifi i-ans;. trood
ootm(,.t;,1 nnt fanned ,,lir:l to-.lav.
See card oflliuton Bros., Carpenters
and Joiners. They are doing lots of
work. in good style.
IleL-el & 3Iockenhaupt will Cre their
fir-t kiln of brick iu about ten days.
They are using a patent machine
Yesterdays while 3Irs. Cole was alight
ing from her horse at a neighbor's, her
arm was di -located at the shou'dor joint.
Dr. Bawliu ( went to her relief and s-pecd-ily
reduced the dislocation.
The Steamer W. J. Lewis,of the 4iO"
Line, passed down about '1 o'clock this
afternoon, leaving a quantity of freight
here, and taking aboard 100 sacks of
wheat for B. Cole, I'i.
Joseph Chat man. Iv-xp, twin brother
of our fellow town.-mail Sam. 31. Chap
man, arrived iu the city several days
Huee, with a view to establishing a per
manent residence with us. We are glad
to welcome such men in our midst.
B. Newman, Esq., of Council Bluffs,
came down yesterday. He appears to
Lave a longing desire lor his old haunts
iu this city. We should not be surprised
to see him down here any day with a
stoek of goods.
The -fel!ow I lodge who udone" Car
sons bank at Brownville out of I'M) re
cently, has lwen caught at Lexington,
3Io., in the a-t of playing his old tricks.
Railroad, Telegraphs and Newspapers
tre hard things to get away from.
Attribute all lack of local mutter to the
illness of the editor. He lias been trou
bled with a doctor for a week back.
We would like to know how Ajax came
to have a 'weak back." It i.-n't politi
cally, is it?
Jesse Turner, Esq., Deputy U. S.
Marshal uuder Hon. J. T. Hoile, called
at the IIr"iA!.D sanctum this morning on
his way to Omaha from the Southern
part of the State, lie speaks in the
highest terms of praise of the country
and crops lielow.
Thus. Honderson, Esq., of Iowa, ar
rived in the city yesterday to take a look
at the country with a view to settling
here. He has been looking over the
country, and will probably decide in fa
vor of this locality, like many others, on
aeeouut of our Railroad facilities.
Morton rfa's the ShxtKuvm out of
to- Demov rati.- party, and the Xt'ttrui'Ht
says it is better to be left out of the party
than to l-o classed a; a member of it if
the A'"v r.ud Omalm 11 rail are to be
o it f. i 'K'iiue;i; we w
M 1,
on r.:.d report the fight. The Brownviiie
Dcuwat object.-, to 3Iorton turning the
SVili'smaa out, and toils him to go slow.
X. J. Th nd, Commission Merchant
K ,d V.'h'bviiie Dealer in Flour, ("rain,
l'rovi,iioii, ct., and Rosan Brothers,
Whole': ale Dealers in Cann-'d floods,
elc, of Council Blufls, Iowa, have fon:i
ed a copartr.ership In the Grain, I'rr
dvec. Hilcs, AVoo!, Provisions and
('a lined '.Goods, business at wholesale.
The branch house at this p:::; e will con
tinue to deal in Grain, Pre.-, isi- n-;, plour.
1 tides, VVool. an i do a ge:; ral j.'jbii;:r
! v -In.-ss i.i C.iun' d (ioo Is. etc. ('apt.
II. II. P;'.!)ii"r. we'll kiio-vi! to iur citizen-.
i ill idenritied wih tlio tin;:, nod v.iil
le out among the farmers asuual to pay
the highest ca.-h price for grain, ice.
Rev. A. Wright, Army Chaplain at
I't. Kearney, carce dowti la-t week to
sp nd a moaih or two v. iih his fiic-n Is.
We learn that the officers of the 4th In
fantry and ll Cavalry assembled at head
quarter? on the evenii g befoso be started,
and through 3Iaj. Powell presented
CliKplai". Wright wi;h a purse containing
S!'K).;0 in This token f
esieem must be peculiarly gratifying to
the chaplain, eoming as it did from the
men with whom he had been associated
lor several years, and men who do not do
these things except it is' from the higest
and purest motives b eause they appre
ciate the qualities and character of the
rum irV(irfi(w li'y.
Another instalment of scrapers and
teams went west this morning.
Degree meeting, I. O. (r. T., next
Saturday evening. A good attendance
is solicited.
Sec advertisement of the old reliable
Lumbering firm of Simpson, 31ickelwait
& Co.
We understand sonic of the passen
gers on the Lady Grace formed quite an
interesting tableau on their arrival at
Omaha recently.
The engineer? have been crow sectioning
the woiksrnth of 3Iin street, and .grad
ers will probably commence operation.
there soon.
Graders have been at work on the
foot of 3Iain street to-day. a-a 1 will prol
ably commence on the south side of 3Iain
street to-morrow.
The Tebgrapa line wii be completed
between this city and Chicago, direef,
jr.. t as soon as the work can le done.
Connection is now ma lo via Council
BiufF or St. Joseph.
T. B. Glenn, Esq., came iu fiom Ash
land yesterday on business, and returned
to-day. He is one of the partners of the
firm of Dooia & Glenn, who recenlly
purebased Snell's store.
We have an exceedingly interesting
article giving the origin etc, of the titles
"Loco Focos ''Barn-burners," and
"Hunkers," which will appear i:i our
next issue.
A Xebraskar Citv editor has recently
wandered away. ; It is presumed he lias
followed oft an '"item" and wi'i return
as soon as he gets it. Acw.
He "caged" th-? item up here, and
left with it safely cscom-ed in his cru-
ncuni !t Mondav.
II. K. Montgomery, Esq., brought
into the lli.UAl.u ofliee this morning a
h'-a ! of cabbage winch we ighed iicntty
four ijtjvmh. It was .f the Fiat Dutch
variety. Montgomery and Cass county
are ahead.
We took a stroll up the Kail Road
track a few days ago, and rind that very
little work remains t be done on the first
six miles of road, except to put in an oe-ca-ioual
culvert. It will bi ready for the
track laying in a very short time.
Simpson, 3Ii;:!:ehvait & Co. are pre
paring to erect a large store hou.-e at
their new quarters opposite the Presby
terian Church. TLey keep a fine assort
ment of all kinds of lumber, doors, sash,
3Ir. V. V. Looanard is taking some
very fine porcelain pictures. Specimens
of the same can bo focii at bis room at
anv time. 31k. Leonard is a good art
ist and is always ireparel 'to do a good
job in that line.
II. Robinson, Esq., received '2b bar
rels whi.-ky yesterday, by steamer Lewis,
also a quantity of glass ware, etc. He
will op-en next week in Ilerold's brick,
between Fourth ar.d Fifth streets.
A large quantity of cement, a number
of sledges and other tools tor working iu
stone, arrived yesterday for the gentle
men who have the contract of building
the culverts on the Rail Road. The
eoi; tractors are hi re, and will '"push
1 Alexander, E-q., purchased, a few
days ago, twelve of as fine beef cattle a
have bent killed in Plattsmouth for
many days. They are three and four
years old, and average tic fee lutiuhcd
pr mmh each. They will be retailed in
his market, corner of Main and Second
The following is a perfect description
of the thief who stole from the United
States Express Company twelve thous
and dollars, at Brownville, Xeb., on the
27th day of August last. J. K. Bear is
five feet e3,lu inches high, rather slen
der, weight about 140 pounds, dark com
paction, black hair, heavy, dark, wide
eyebrows, but hair not long; large, full,
dark eyes, showing the white largely ;
nose medium sized and inclined to turn
up; full lips, good teeth, small, black
moustache, black whiskers on the chin, ;
has scar on side of neck, caused by pistol
shot, au.l s-kiii is blackened and full of
Iiowder, plain to be seen ; also, scar on
lis arm; caused by pistol ball.
Vallc rys & Rufi'ner fire just in receipt
of a large vtoclc of Dry (loods.
Vdierys i'; Runner have ju-t received
afov: more Kirby Reapers on which tney
will aire cood time.
Ti-tftlSMir-iG MACHINES.
Tf you want a good Threshing 3Iaehine
yon can procure otic at Vallcrys Si R nif
tier' s who are now rvceiving the J. I.
Cox &. Co.'s 3Iachi;ie,the most compb te
Machin:- ver put up.
Abo .-'.cent for the Woodbury Climax,
and Piitt'sj Io: so V.-wc-: r.
Bacon and Laid for which we will give
the highest rnatket -rr.o.
VaU.KRA'S & RtTi NKit.
Valhuys t: Bu'lbor are agents f r the
Si huttier Waeons wlrch they are selling
at reduced prices.
If you want the hhiest runninir Mower
in use to Yailerys & lluirner's, and
buy the KoifTin.
Va'lervs it BuiTner are a .rents ibr th.e
C rover Si Baker se.vh:.- luat-hliies 'be
t in UKokct. Call and see theni.
In thi? City, i u thu f Aiifc-ii-t. 1'n i :.
iufunt ciauchtor of J. -3. and Funiiic Cu' .
At LrwiMown. 111., on tiie 221 of Ausu: t. V
W. Taylui:, jr. ne.l 7 yenr oa l - luoin'ii-t.
Tiie ilei-c:i.-'i' '. v :n a .-'on of W. V,. Tiiy! r. of
thi ri churisc hT lii'imi-iit of Unil lt':i'l
M.i'i riiil f ir fue li. A M. it. K. in Xcin ka.
If All Rirliei InJebiod to L's
Will call ami f-eflc the aiuo. they will savo
Iheniselvcs both e.:tr;i frouhlo anl expense, for
e must have ail uivouiit aad roia ihto us
t'-iid, and that imniediatcly. as no aro Koinjf
Ku.-t an J mu"t Iiavo the riioney.
SpptcmberSd. 19.
AH those baviiiK account against me will
please Kcnd theui ia immediately, for payment
September liih. ncx.
Platt.'xiouth. Atiff. :C. liiiD. .Ter Ctsitiso.
Will reopen (D. V.) on Monday, Cth Septem
ber. Term. SI to S10 per term of three mouth.
For further particulars apply to
ai!B3iif. Ekv. U. St. Oeo. Y0L"XJ.
Mn. Kate Simpson hiwthe figcitey of theabovo
celebri-ted in'trunient.'. Any person deiron of
obtainine n first clit; Or?an or Mu-lodeon with
all the latest itnprcvctueuu su;-h as vux jubi
lanti, &-'.. are re-U??ted to cidl at her residence
and pet circular.
PlattsinoiUh Aan. 2tf,
Tin? copartners hi- l-.eretofire csistins under
thens-ne and sryle of I-om. Bro. A Co., thi
d;.y dissolved by tuntu'-l con. ent. 11. (. and K.
Doo'3 will continue the Dry G.iods arid ti-oeery' at theo'd j-ta.nd, un li'rthe firm naiaeof
loot:i. Bro. Co.. anl settle ail the bu-iness of
tha old firm. J. K. l)joia will take chursroof
tho Farm Impleuitnls. - "
K. ;. Duii'-d
EVF-RluX M'.U.M.'h, Autu-t 10'h l;;i!i.
All persous indebted to tho nr.uersi?nc 1 are
ri"icstcd to call tX aer residtm-. eighteen ntiles
wK ol PUttsmouth, and fettle the same- iuime-d-ati-lv.
Pay Up.
Ail persons VnoAins therafi-'.vcs indebted to
rue will p'.cao call and pay up immediately. A
word to the wise, ttju.
.reliitf : C. E. Foect.
$1200 and all Expensss Paid.
Sec a Jvtrtiscnient of American .Shuttle Sewing
Machine in our a IvcrtL-ir.g t-ulntanj. ly
The undivided half r tho whole if desired
of tho -
Ul-borx powr tiiirlnc :md boiler. 2 pair of 3 foot
burr. fi iueh circular f w, two f lory mill bouse,
SIa.'a.' fctt; everything in good ru u n in j? order.
Also a
GOOD n ELLI; IIO L o ir"
cf four roouiranil cellar.
For particular en.
cure of.
ajir;Lj L'Vk aiun1, t;a-3 cottn-, rseD,
oois, snoes,
Ausust 23,1803.
D003I, BRO. & CO.
have a large Stock of
Dress Gooils,
Dress Goods,
Dress Goods,
Dress Goods,
Piece Goods,
Piece Goods,
White Goods,
White Goods,
White Goods,
White Goods,
Brown Muslins,
Brown Muslins.
Brown 3Iuslins,
Piece Goods,
Bleached 3Iuslins, Deuiins, blue & brown
Blwxhed Muslins, Detains blue & brown
P.b'.ai bed 3Iu.-lins. Dentins, blue & Irown .
whirtin,r. che-k and stripe, i
hirti'iir, ( lieck ami stripe,
SliirtinL', check and stripe, j
Choice Rio Coffee, A Coffee Susar, ''
Choice Rio Coffee, A Coffee Sugar :
Choice Rio CoHV-e, Brown Suar, j
Brown Sugar,
Doom, Bro. & Co. have jut received
another large lot cf Glass and Queens
ware. Syrup,
Dried Fruit,
Dried Fruit,
Dried Fruit,
Salt Fish,
Salt Fish, j
( J lass Ware,
Glass Ware,
Glass Ware,
And a sreneral stock, to which they call
. . , 1 ii.
the attention of the I-tinners and Public!
generally. Have the lst selected stock j
md make the lowest prices. Bcmember
the place, the west corner in the Big
Brick, Main street, I'lattsiuouth Xeb.
Doom, Br.o. & Co.
john j. nrssEix.
Aeents for Birdsaii's Threshers, Sufraia Pitts Threshers,
Geiscr Threshers.
UcYi Yorker, Buckeye, John P. ftanny's, Climax.
XjO"W"S:-inL'i5stria!, Dixcn, Grand Detour, Skin
ner, Iron Ccam, Rod 4 F.lcnld Board Crcaksr.
Sulky Hay Rakes, Revolving Hay Rakes.
Liilie Giant Fan Kills,
Johnson's Corn Shelters,
Yisr's VVaikifig Corn Plows,
Van Brunt Broad CastSes'Jer,
j BlJCkCVE Drill &. Broad Cast
Every Implement Warranted.
Phttsinuuth, Aurcu-t 25, ImVj.
Ouo doer vet of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing,
and Provisions.
Kinds cf OounSrv Produce.
rhttf-moutli, Xolraska, Aug-jrt 5th,
Have removed their Lumber Yard to the corner of
And liave on hand and arc rfcfiviti; Lumber in sufficient quanties to fi!l all orders, end tt rri-e
to suit purchaierf. We have alro ou hand and for side at low Enures
50 Sarrslis cf Cement, 250 Dushels Flastering Hair,
50 " Lime, 500 r Coal
20 Barrells of Plaster Faris.
invfte all to call and see us at our n?w place of
rVt'aoaih. ychM-ia. rjr-prjbcrl.l.-djr
All parties indebted to us by open ac
count or notes now due or pa-t due, must
pay the same by the '2Xu ot tots UlOllih.
I .r,. V.-,,! ull ilun iu f'wio !
the liOth of August to the 1st of Septem
ber must be paid promptly for we
shall be obliged to piote-t if not paid at
maturity. Dom, Bmo. & Co.
.trents for Birdsali's Threshinir M;i-
chinas. Buffalo l'itt Thrcshin.? 3Iaehints.
ew orker belt Baker It-.'up-er. -i x-
eye" Mower and Reaper, J. P. 3i;umy's j
iieaper ana -uower,. r.-i at.-vm.
Cultivator; Broad Cast Seed Sower. Bod
a"(l Mould Board Breakers, Stubble ail kinds.
Just received l(K) barrels of Salt.
Doom, Hrto. ic Co.
Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Good,
Grocers, Boots, tboes, Glass and Queens-
10UO seamless bags for sale by
Doom, Bi;o. & Co.
We would advise all parlies wanting a
good article of Tea to to Dooms and get
it, they have the best Tea that we have
ever seen in this vjtv,-
T! t c. V.. 1 sJll-
11 MJU U.llll. IO Stl .HIIU' .k .iu. j .
fc'r Cured Hams, go to
10!)0 dozen eggs.
'200) lbs fresh butter.
bv Doom, Bi tO. ii Co.
j. r.. ioovr.
(Late of Doom. l!ro. i C.,i
Corn Planters.
Sorgo Cane Zttlis, Bells, etc.
t!io IIhsat.d 02ca,
John 2?ilzihralil.
r. A X M Jk -.1
Thoro exists a t.tic ileVwrry ar.i pruts
aiiKM-.uiiuK alun-.-'t to pruiK-ry. in reyunl to con
sullin.!; ii iliywi:tn in ovrtuin iu::!:iJie?. The
iiiedic.l f.touMy recpnir.e it. and nre du n'i,
Tuwsc ff th? puldic atlk-tcd ckn.wlo-'se the
trutii of it. and suC'er ia siltin e. Tlie ir:ivin-e
of this circular is to i rescnt the subject iu irs
true lU-bt.
Ilundred? f lives are lost every year by dis r.hlih have been nelsete t or imfrop-'rly
treated. Iu the c:.". of yoati :ru.:i there
no apoloyy. an I yet in inuny cases they iitte:.Ut
to cure tae:ns-( .lvcs with vile luistn-.w-'. mid iu
co!i-eiueiiee shofcen their lives. hu,1 j.;:.-s liie
miser;ilile remmint of existence with their l;!"o,l
filled with the ioi.-on of ;i .--Ii9ed, but not eir.'od
diso.i-e. which must ii.evit.i'dy be tr;.i:siuit!e'l
to the th'id ami fourth Kvneration..
With yountc women th-re seem i-ome cxc-.i e,
and yet their uuaost secre.-y will not ooneeal the
fact". Any intelli'-nt vhysici.m who walks
tU.v?Mrrvt?c:tn ree -zt.Uv anions the indies, by i
certain ml illible tokens known to him. ui;J ot !
which the suti'erers are olteii totally ignorant,
the ia.vnj.-e of wMs M-uii,-;,e, the
whites. Any intelos-at l'liysiciua can ioii:tout
in his daily walks .icons of l'ii.-and ktnlivj
-:uphiints, in both e.x. the exi-teuee vt" wlo a
tney i-atn.ot ignore. 'I'hr ciu -ate i 'ii: :er
kuows tin-ohysiciu u e..n eiccl iLis. the ; iiy
tician L.iow.s ihal the si.i.i icr k::ovs it. .ill 1 ct,
in nine ca.-i-s ut or ten. the al!;.-icd in. in iiu:.J
l.iils to consult tiie tn.ia whom lie Know.- i- ;ok-
!ir.:rn:, bolh of the cou:ila;ut and the incai..- cf
cuie. Knowing that health can 'c restore!. :m 1
v. ho can resLoie it. t ti'-y ile.-bciateiy allou ih'jia-
i selves to become mere wrecKs of huui:;inl , ar. a
to diseased cons;iejooi.s t
tin ir
To Young: .lien.
In every coininui.ity tluro are vast numlji-rs
of mini: lin n iitiiico.-.i with fcminjil wtakm.-?,
ii'.x-tui i-mi.-iiiin. la.-.-iiudo. di-biiity. nl ilte
oLiirr i.U.'iHl:inl .- ti IiU'li.s ill ,-i'i i'e! tii-i r.i'r,
uiiUc. lutiiiiiii tl;i cin; :t u.i'iu, mi. I ; tal;y de
siryius i viutlm. lni-iK.-iily itn-l i.hjsii-uliy,
.- incr i r i li" :.s. i.-.- i- I'liwrt-. ive. aim,
.... I .1;..;.... !. .,(
i-..;.:ri.:.i.ii-i.;Mi-!r.M-.i.aii..'i, it. .usiii.-.' imiii.-.
in (ui- i:uk, M-;c mm ki.iL.-. yclnr.ii-li Uic,,)i
lii-in (ho imai.n ( s!u ;j. uii l t.u.nto ot ail
I hysi ...jil eui-iyy Minn inlliivvs. t this
is a st ne. o:'.-iK i i tu an early (.-rave, or tin-
i-(.!iiiiiri:u-nt of .4 lnii.ilu- :i.-lum.
'l.iiiy of I hi-fi- younc ua-u l.avo re 'xhkIimI to
:nlw r i.-t nn-iil.-' ol f -i-.ilu- l liiin-voU iit "'As.-o-t'ia:
inns." or ii.'i.-i-rui'.iiou- 4Uak iu i:-iaiit
ciiiiv. ami after having I'lin sviu,ii.-l of their
iiioiii-y oiik.- iiii'1 aiiiitlii-r. h:sve aljamliii.i.'d
hol'O aint itroiioiiUCi'! (hiiriilvi-r iiH-ura'n.
lr. S-iuiiilar.l iir.iciier.- on thi- "no cure, no
pay" lu iii'-i jili . an 1 j roposcs to l.irfi-it Jl.K' J ami
ui 1 ft-t s if Ik-lails tn run; i-ny iii.'u ot
'i-:ikiiiH v.iii-it his Ireainioiit. ami ilin-i-iions
ii ro h li iwi-il. lie u-is no soi-roi romoilit-s inuii
hat ve;:ota'ile niiJirini-s, nml his !H-rii;i,:r tr- at-mi-nt
:i:iisi rort-ive the i-iiitorseniont of aii who
i :it i ll iii-iit iy pursue it.
To Sarrii'd Ladies.
Tht-rs nrir Iauiv r,ho. from tUlioa'i' coiist'nu
tittiis. imiiaiM-.t i-ip.-um-t.-ini-i-s. or;. a :i!r'itiy nu
niorn ti.-i riiifr. on not n-i.-h to ijovi.iiii: luothcrs.
X ) -in Ii j.-1 nuori: 1 a .-ate ami .-uro ri-t'ic-iy
i'iiii'-i.'ption. s-mris wai-rani'-it in kiry i-a :
iruaraniiMvi as contalniiii; ! irfcrriliv ".its ia til-'
l-a-t itijuri'ius to tile -!.-'!st U:i..-cr.uiii:-.K.
Lcie.-horiiiji!', or Wnilc-'. pi'.-;ti. v!y aa I !.-r-tua:o!it!y
init-il. t'r.-ii..-' of I oi:ir st.-ut'iLiS. !iow-ev'-r
air-.-ii'vateil, iiia. t y;v!il to ih:.-- i l-;t -ii.. .
Jr. Si-.,'.l has ,:No in:'.Mii'ili- ii:on:iiy
for ri'"torii!ii oi.-nrcirifi or ::ic.u!:.r i' n-u:.! i i
iiiciistruation. Si-ni ! y mall, sii-uru I: ma o!:
S'TV:iti n si I -i r t :
'ii;.:s.-iii f no ; an ni li -.i-c- or oih r huta-1'ul-.-,
'ui; i-art .'iiii.v jrcv.,;rt-i -.t !: n-!s-. ir- ti;
loruiula ia use jiy i'.i; ;:io-' i i .1 i.-1 1 1- 1
s-.-ii lii ific . 1 1 ;. . o i : I . s ;:i ir : i w-.?.y, ani vI".l-I.
lot t- ri r l -n !!, ,-.' - ii ' . .'..-.
Aii tiic-Kiint- warr-it-rci to irlf sattsf.u-tion
or iuii-y scluitil-.-il. Stri:-t-t sci-ro-y oh-crvi- l.
.Mi I'-turs jr:i;niiy aaswerc-l. Call on or ad-iirc.'-'t
'12 Tvnth S-nvt I'.o .'.ai:-', ilimi'i' Sn.. 1 f.r.d
Z , li.twi-i'ti Ijoimias ami X .tr.iuaiu, (!:ua!i.,
.Nt!i. 1. U. 0:a.-.- iiox
Corner i'.irii.n .in Mid IHth sirc.-t-,
Satraucs ca Thirteenth. Stre:-
Pirt2j:iiit'l Iaa3ilHtsoi3.
K.-ta' -lis-ii o rxi-iu.-iwly for she treatment of
ri ! VA s E D I SEA JSC a,
T:i all tin ir dliF".-"rit .-tat
f'nrci w::rr:nii !.
h'.. t.n-iii a', ion ci : J
i .I . : :.l
:( 1 cvfiy
i: ii.; ritr from li.-ul.y
. ill .ill. --. V. l.'l 1. J ill
ilium iiirn l.'l- i-'iTi-
i K J' tt vsl -: 11 ill : i l ' - "
hii-l ii!:.ay yc. r -i;i-:n
Ii-itU.-i-. .'.ad hi-. h: l
s t : i J t ..a ?oiiMT-,i,i tit oa
t:''i ':a. s oi i -.:1.e:x-rl
irivar ociii.::t t!io-i- a!i;;
iiit;.-1 -on. mid ho would c-i t: t m u t-m.-e h.i-.!'.;
.-fn;ii'iiy riiiiinio;.- I'l-ai.itiiiiic t e at on...
j.nii'.-itv caji'd i.i rurc t .".n;it-jriou '. ".-).;
ii'..-l :-n:i. it'll, be lie.dtli ! !'.k-n ilrvn, r.od tie
i ii.t' u ! ! : 'i i ii. rn till f:i --til: ii- i'' :-r',.c-'-j. N-
iiif.viti-y u.M'l. Ne w casci cured in .-ix hours
AH cav nl '.
IsautUeiHf. Spi'l'lll-t'oi r5ev
(-iili:s:tS WrukiirO
c' I'.' -!:! ! . C-
iila.ii! 1 !!.. and :
L'. b!l't-Utl d. i I t t:
afes, tl ; tiirej for c'-.i
II: ill.
The I-.--t.r wu'd
1'.' th:;t h" d V i'f bis
i i n r -T!-n c 1is-
fc i' i fl-.i -- l-r ihe '
i:. : -ii i' "' lir.i'il ' y cii.l
i', .- u-t-I-c-si'i a !; i er ! I v.
t - i:V; h-". N !! .t-!i I . 1 ! - - S --
-'trillion "! "
in.' aL 1 i" "f!
Y.ou.. I. -1; I
m;j t ...- I:
tklil siiOll
; . I. - 1'. in a i-:-rt..-iu c. illic
it t.ikc th'.- in liciii';. is it trill
j--. ; ti!isi rria.v". ,-n 1 t r circu'ar
to "lil-i- CiI i.M-tK--- "ll!v. tvlli -.l coit-ii:i Villtl-a"-!-?
in'.'"vni- io:t to evert' n:;r-i''l Ircly. Al!
c.'rn -1' i: t' n-. e t ;.'.'. ' ci c-in i i unit u - ir jii -!y
; 11 lei : ih rici-ipt of a rea -oiia'.lit ice.
iri:i-i li' from !' a. n:. t i S ;i. in. .iiti'iii.v?
f'-o::i to 5 in the aftci noon. nn-r.iiyl
Co-Parinarsliip F-iolice.
Notice i' hen bv civ-n that the firms of N. -T.
!()Nland KuSAN DKOS.. f tN'un-il ii'uJs.
t icthcr with the hou-ic of X. J. ijilXD. of
I'h-ttsinoulh, Nch.. are this day eoiioli Inte l,
in 1 tvill lurcaftcr t run. ' let buiir.e-s on 'ier the
n..iii? end style . f N. .1. LONl & CO.. at Hie
oi'i hou-c ii N. J. Ilond. corner rV;rl and Court
i'.ci -. Coun il ;!ii!:'-. i;!d i-iiicr Main niid
-ootid s' n-J'!.i t.-ii-'iu. h.
feptld.t kV.Swlt
In Di-irio Court -d. Judi.-iiu D:-tr'.cl wiiLin
and n r Ca-s County Neorn-k.i.
Lai:ii.l Liken on ry 1
aeniti t !v,.;
IUvid Ciiedester f-N0-c-and
A. lii.iti J
To Liavni Chedester and A. I'.'-iti non tcfi
dent lictinuaul-. you an-i e.tcii oioua.e huie
ty miti:ied tliat lanial Like'iiit-r. y on the 'th
ibiv ol A.ikII-1 l.-:s nit i r;;-i:.t,jn in the of-li-.-e
o: tin- del k oft In? 1'i-trif C-i:;i: witliin J nd
f..r On--- County N' rn-kn. tin- otye.-- i.n.t j-rit er
o. i- l ) t-iiu a ii-.-r.:i- 1 .tt-l ( oorl rc
i:ri. .it: I iiKiiic a r(-rt:!!i cunir-o t
..'....J.. . ..:-..: I - .i.i .t.r l'.r 1 '
,-; N i'. i '. un-l :'no I1- of N 'i i
ol -i .- . ! in T li N ': It i . t ''' V. .'d.. :-nd to I
vi. - rue s 1 '-.::a-- :r Hani v..-d and t-.rev.--r
.'.j' ::r .-j:i t'h- -ic '- r fiolu a'.l cindn or :y ' j
.a:d tr.iei.- ofl-iii 1 a...t '-ti;...i; said B .in fi.iTii I
ii-.'.i . ! : .: .-.!i e-cro'v m hi-. r-s. v--iOii i'roai ',
l' ii. t..;. : rjuvjyii; ss 1 tr:i s f hud to said
.'::. -I.-.-if- or re.--rd:rp : e.-:-.--.
nthe !:i-e f tii'j Kt.-o.dir of C-s Co ant;-
N.'i.r.i-k.!. I
Y' me retired to nn;-.v-7 I pe'ili. :i c-n '
or ocure it.e l-:h ! ,v -' fb.-r :-'!. I
i i N I k l i-. i K i. s j; :-:n r y
Ey nc Cntfit-s. Atiys.
S i't.
Vf,' illtm:iV?5 ?Jj,ti2''',l!iii:'r-.
DK.lLF.i: IS
Ready-Mpi.clo Clothins.
.. .
lltti, Cars, Uoot?, Sh-'e.-, IraaK.?, ali.-e- an'i
South Side Main Street,
E;:i!imaui!is ?Ki h.
rAIlItANTY. M .rt4.'.--.-. C 'it C!,.it.'i l --l. '
tt .in;i.'.,I ri---.tTi'. iijn.-i.,riioita -i! ri.b-
r-r.i;t.-. L.veii'.i .1:-k' pt eoii-t:.'it:y on ti ii. 1. a:i '.
rdlotuc H':..k Kr.c on short notO- e:
(S.-c..m to KWcr. VU-V. li Momvl.)
TnrTTXrt crpAminXTTTPQ!
0 OiJXJXVi U U JL XX 1 lull U it tj
Dla.ilc Sock r'anu'actitrero,
Engravers &. Lithographers,
sis and PuLIisher?,
J- r. FIt;l.lK. I
J. J. lol i.L. Jl:. i
To the SKkh"l:l is i f tha Bi'r!,n:ti,r
in X f.ras',11 :
Nitice is In n by jriver :h:it on Friday. tho-l:Ti
d :iy 01 September, v. . 'f.K there viilbe hiM
:i Storktu 1 !. rs' Mccti; ol the Hal i:r.-"o"n A
Missouri Kivi r Itaiirond Coini.:tiy in Nei r:;.-ka,
a' the !'.'. e .f tiie i iin i io-.-i m .V .Mis-cnri lover
Itiiil: i! i Cn'ispany in Noon k:i. in ta. e:y "f
I'l.i t t.-iii-o' I ii ai, 1 s-ia:e t .Nbr.i-k:i. tor the
lu'.rpo.-e of elcctinj: cvc! liri;clo:.s ol said l.'oiil
i.any. for th.- trail - ieoei nf o.her busines.s.
i:. Pi:itkiN..
if tire Ir.eo! 1 iirauo s ofi.. it- M. K. It. Co.
iinou'h. 1'.', ly'.O. "w
r. S. W1UTK.
itufsri's spixt.s.
IJain St., Plattsmouth, Neb.,
One deor of thu Court House,
Dealers in Produce, Wines.
Our Stook consists of the best tr.iads of
Canned and Dried Fruits,
Buckets, Soap, Salt,
ami evcrythin.: kept in a Grocery Ptoro. Kiery
artielo wurraini-ii t-' the ho.-t ijuulity. 'riieU:t,'!i-e.-t
priee jiaid ia cash fur
Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs,
and ull kinds of Farmer? l'roduee.
Cash paid for Hides.
Ileuses ruoveil, an l goods fold hy Avrtion ou
t!:i :liort,-s; t oti -e. hy t S. WIlll i:.
1 laU-n.outb, July
l u iHvrfiHiv v rn
j, iiii vu tu,)
(SuectEfori to J. M. IlincLtiiaa,)
Druggisls & Apctiucaries.
,i 1
Fr Mcchar.icHl ar.d Mclieinal purr'--:
Ko y constantly on hand a full -.4 we'd norte.I
.-t. ck of
P'-v: ''nr,--' ;ro r:;Ji';i! cprefiilly rr.m; ound
it bJ ir. i -:;-r;.-:j;uJ l.Uii.-t. Noue hut tin:
! -ir.--' ;; in .!;. ;' 1. Ai! eavds w-irraiited an
:-. I. res'-'attd. Call uu-l sc.-e.
Main Strut. South Side.
l y.Iili.S J VHII.
Rare Ciiancs for Investment !
-C) F-
AshSarsd, Nebraska,
Vondiy, Sepir.t-r 27ih, I3G9. and Con
tin:nj tc.n duy to day unlil every
AliiMK, Licck. is So'.i.
trrt'. Cish; or Hair Ca:h. Eabnco in Six
Months, wdH Irtftre'-l at !0 per cer.l.
til Is thf Conr'y ?cat of Si'iudcM
,.r. 1 it i :i;t:.!i-n i tuailed by any
' '-O
n .ii r ii . t ut mi'. ii'-' Jariiiif-
,..: . ii.L-ourt Kivi-r the Omaha.
!..: -. - Lin --;t: I'... !. the Tp-ia ml,
l-ui.i . i o- I.i.icola U..-::ro.i-l. ;l centre at. this
i iv.-i- ' i-.'-.i'i't . an i :.'iri oiivi ol t:o-iL v. ill o
! ,',,-.' ' :. --w.. oft.L..----i-..-i.i,' .ta.j 11. ..- :!.
j ii. H. and ihe ').. j. it 1. U. it.' beii'f i-.nv n.i
i .i t iv - .i'-: '. 'ii : tie first is nearly all ended,
i i.ti-i ihe iu.i:r...:t for iw iuu.i.lctiou by first June
i iit-. ' ' : ' i vd.
...j o. t.-.r iD. u; i.ii. iiite u.;.-.. -o one ai. i e.i
t endive a
I VT . "7? FfSWfE?
ani;-.:-.r.nd..-.-.''t..V.:y.i -t'r.vl to 1 o the ;;in i- ni.tnu.aetu n:u nolat its tfio m..e. .-:i.uae
at I he iiit.ct ol itio 1 .'. ut-i Va.iOj s
ic 1 iuiui.:ued
oi-orn nil r,-iA- riit'lITT
; ti
f'tru '!c-t:nid t.
in ain'iLg thu tiv.t im-
.... ...;:;::.- e-:;i
in NiN.r.isS:i wi!! i i it
-- tf.wn prtiperty
; -:r intcre.-t to ex
- - ot t hi- i ity. A
v- any n:i:n tlnit n-i-
auiine tiie j-.;.t;i:.r .i ivrt
!oit at the ii-;J vrttt ---iiVi
i tui-r it-,- -,...-!
tis i...-:i!ity l'.r n ;.rort-t -oas
I iii.-filo. t'i:- Ciiiii':'.! ol this
' ' -.- ... ..; ... . i'.,.,.t- ...nilimKl .
l'iati.-.iiou-ii i ' ii..1' - -ii--t. n .tii.-i-oiiri riy i .
at iu li i oi l'h.rto r.' ; : I'rei.'ioM i .'Jii lni!
n;i ih-.reiit. ...a i'o; t". i'. .4. ii.. ai. i tiC:iha is .-')
u ji ;.iia.-i l.- i'. i -i-:
n?r-csr.b-.r iSe Time, 27th September, !GC3
."js-thir rpriealaj-.. nd-lrc??
: ; i vh -v""
, vjttt T T U ri'l i. h'w"""
I C7 FILLmJUI'iI fi b!.Al.A,
Improved F.nrin and Tii
Ier For Male
1 fee farm U about 2i) miles wet from rla-.t-uionth.
2 mil- wi-l of Jl.K.vcr s. ou ihe Man
road. .'! ains h.n been l". cultivation-n b jr
house upon it. an l l"'!- of sf.cU waivr; ll i-frouthc-t
! , of section -T. town 1J. raiiK; 11-UV
lore-, and. o'.to-ct.d v. ith it 1-lot and -ou.ti-cai
', of.-. ti;ht:i-t 'i ot o :;on Mii.r town.
and "a s1,-lt'" a'Tt.""
and di"! a-res. Al . tl' l.orthw i -I 1 , ; .
lio-tbttc-t t -cctiont.tiwti. .1' rar.::e4l. ;.
.V. AU county. Iowa, duo ! st Iroin 1 lalt-tnou. ..
and one tod.- Iron, tho rver -."- 1"'"
term-inldri-s 1- II. ," IO.S .
Cor. lilain and Second Sts.,
r.i h.irhrrinir nothing lint tl.O very beu
of meat. wliiL-ii cm always bo had
3EP JFl. US 3 23C r
nf. wo kill "ruin thri-o to five head of beef cattlj
a day.
Market oi!i 'Sunday until S a. in.
llirbc-t rico iiaid for f:tt cattle. Jtily'JJm
I'laltKinoutli, Xtb.,
UriTiirers of lhitrino;, Koilcri. Saw and
Grist Mills.
G.-in and Steam Fitting, Vroncht Iron Pii".
For.-c mill Tift I'uiniis. Steam tiiiOKe.-, liatauto
Valve Oovci nor.-, &U Kinds of
Brass Engine Fittings,
furnished on short notice.
Re-paired on fd.ort notice. amctf
An l dealer in id! kindi of
Furniture and Chairs.
t::i::d stk!:t, (near Main)
Piattsmcuth, - - - Ng!j.
Kt-l.niiinir and Vtruifldnac neatly Jono.
ruu:.-a!i attsndtd ut the thorn.-1 notice.
1 li.i.l!.
The following from
TIMES, one of the
most reliable news
papers in the United
States. What can
be more convincing?
TnE CfNciNXATi Daily Times 1
of March 21, 1801, Fay a:
The Scandinavian
remedies appear to
be growing in favor
with the public, if
we may judge by
the testimonials con
stantlv received bv
the proprietor. A
letter from Wiscon
sin, to be found in
our advertising col
umns, announce that
among the physi
cians of the locality
it is becoming very
popular, and what is
very unusual, is be
ing adopted by them
in their practice, as
a cure for many dis
eases which they can
not treat efiectualh'
in any other way.
We understand tSiat
the immense trade
carried on for sev
eral years in these
medicines has dur
ing the present yeai
nearly doubled.
Their process of
operation is by a
thorough purifica
tion of the blood,
and a consequent
eradication oi das-
n - J -1 1 r E n
VII '.
! 5.
u .
' !
i -
I i L
; - i i 1
!' y- y
r i' i
. i
... V
d. !"