... I 1 Ft She SUbrasUa gcratil Senator Tipton anl lady Lave goue to j5an FraJici.-oo ou a yln.sure trip. .i"iobb'rio.'i are becoming quite couuuon in Oiiiaha. John Kosa, Esq., took posrieasion ot i' c l'laUe Valley last Thursday. The grading betvetn AL!anJ and Lincoln will he completed by tha 15th of next month. II. N. Orr, , arrived in the city Sunday from (J rand Island, on the T.T. P. K, K. - 'ihc iri-:on;'r 5 ilioil took '"log hail" Ix,t Friday, while ut working ou the fctivot. aal made good his escape. Uev. Mr. Cameron arrived last Satur dav, and h- Id xcrvioe at the usual hour Sal-bath iinniiti!? and evening. Th'1 !:i.x'inent of the building in which th.: IIkk.u.d uffioe ia located is being fit ted up f t a saloon. f (.'apt. Palim-r has just returned from a trip in the interior. He infoinn us that the country i- literally tilled with grain. A fellow ealii.-w himself C. O. Whit man. "don;" Ware's Lank in Nebraska City for $:',,). with n f wA draft. Dan'l Sullivan was arrested Tuesday on eomj-iaiiit of Pat Kelley for -:uaUiisr, and t'liiunittcd f r trial. See card of Mitvhel &L Wolfe in today- paper. They are excellent work men. Call oil tln'iu if you want a good job. Hilling'-; new buiric.-u house, on Main street, is pnressinj rapidly. Mitehel & Wo!!': have the contract of the carpen ter work. The f vv: heretofore at work on the Depot jrr Mm d-. having about completed that "job. have Ucn sent further up the ir;e. Thell.uU'oad Couipanj h tve purchased a tran.-port. which will 1-e here in a few days ready to eonrncri ero-sing iron for their road west from this rtv. The Omaha U'lmhliau speaks of Dr. Miller a-t '"the jrejit'emau from I'tah," sinee he has become the champion of Mormoi-i.-iii. There are already nine or ten aloom iu operation iu this place, an J we know of Jour or five more rooms being fitted uji for others to be opened in. If tie- weather is favorable, the iron hor-e v.vi m.ike his appearance on the oppo hank oi'nvur in about ten days fVoin date. Thi; buiMin.j on Main street, near Sixth, ! eskoied for Marble Shop, will sien in r-'idiii.-s. Mr. Prouder is doiiiL' the '"arpvtiter work. Th- re etit r-: ills took awav all the iiloaj- Sa'.t Creek, caus'iK the i'etweeu heie irrt.vula'-. id .ine,!n !n to be M. - brick : tVir !"VI). !iz.:.rty h.i.e ilo-el v.ut their ! i.'-s. Hii'd have b.-:i removing j lus wo t- the we.-t part of i La-: Moul v. wax pay day oa the Hail- j ro t ! wo-.-k. t er.r'y ti.. It io k a Urge .-ized valise j roi!t-iW atuoa::: oi greeu buck-; up th. '.i-.te. Tii. w i -1 half of the third story of! Ma-..K blo.-k .' been leaded by tlie Uaiiivad Coinpat.y l-r offices.. Carpen ters :'.iid jo'ners have beet: at work for the pat wi-.k, putting it iu shape. A I ib o -To!! the railroad, named Ja-. Garvin, died on s-cctio:i . la..t Thursday, of bleetiin-' at the lungs, lie only lived about twcii'y-Iour hour3 after he was tike :i il!. G. W. CoK in advertises a large quan tity of pro pi rty for sa in to-dav s paper. Parties de.-iring cither farm or city prop erty enn probably suit thein-elves by fee irg The vot u Quincy resulted in favor of the Railroad loan and-it is now thought that the juet:on cf building 1 he railroad between that city and Brownville is pet tled bevond doubt. Cha. Robine has reined his new buiMing. two doors wert of the HER.4.LD oftic-, f...- sTo per month. It is believed "ikit loetle games" can be found in tll'TC. See lit ofpropt'rtj' for sale by Max well t Chajfinan. Tliis h.-t embraces some t.f the lest property in the city, as as well as exce"cnt projierty in the coun trv. He.-ser called on the IlKUAJ.n of5ce ye.-terday with a Sue lot of Sweet Pota-toi--, of the Bermuda Red variety. He will have aa abundance of them for this market. If the logic of our astute City Attor ney is goo 1. that the transferring a title gives the grantee a better title than the grantor possessed, then a man can steal a piece of land, have it transferred a few times and the titlelis perfect. Read the Railroad articles in to-day's paper, and then say whether you think Pluttsmouth stands a show for a large city. Her chances to-uay are better than those of Omaha ever were. We commend the article in to-day's Hi:ka!.i, headed "Under which. King, O! People!" to the DjuiOL-racy of Ne-Iru.-ka. It is from the pen of the ablest and oldest Democratic writer in the State A. F. Harvey. Having no Louse in which to hold Ser vice. Rev. Mr. Foster, Congrecationalist, preached hist Sabbath naming in the open air at the corner cf -Main and Third streets. We believe that this ia the first introduction of street jre4ohinj jn tins eifv. Mr. Taylor, in charge of work for Fitz gerald, informs U3 that over twenty car loads of iron have already arrived at the junction opposite this city, and thai the work of laying it will commence in a few days. We learn that Mr. James Clayton haa been appointed Post Master at lloek Bluffs in this county, and Thos. W. Val entine, Esq., of Ashland, Saunders coun ty. They are both Pi.epublican3, and su persede Democrats. The most convincing temperance argu ment we have seen for a long time is John Fitzgerald, Esq. He has been en gaged in railroading for twenty years, has made a fortune at it, and never tasted a drop of intoxicating drink during his life. We understand that Mr. Hays is sell ing a few of those valuable residence lots in his addition at very reasonable figures, lie has some of the finest locations that can be found in the city. Now is a good time to secure one at rexsonable fig ures. It looks strange to many of our citi zens that the City Council .should retain the services of an Attorney who had used his official position, while underpay from the city and under oath to guard her interests, to place money iu his own pocket, at the public expense. A. L. Stearnes, Esq., State Agent for the National Series of School Books, published by A. S. Barnes &, Co. , cidled on us yesterday and left a specimen of his books. He informs us that his se ries Is meeting with considerable encour agement throughout the State. Since the resolution rescinding the con tract with the Dock & Jjcvoe Company was voted down, some of the members of that company have become exceed ingly bold and declare they care not for public opinion, but that they have a valid contract with the city and propose to en force it. We learn from authorative sources that .1... u f. f it T f.. .:m ,. t l 11U Lf. tA. - 4 - it. il. VIT. ? 1X1 I UUU1 LUC lit V ' fl. I r...!ii ilf fnolmiA SslirTW ut tfiw place in a short time. They will not, probably, erect very extensive buildings this fail, but will only put up such as will be needed for repairing etc., during the winter. BrtadstulTs have taken an upward step lately, all over the country, owing to the great advance in Europe. Two weeks ago large quantities of wheat could have been contracted in this local ity, for seventy-five cents per bushel, but could not be contracted to-day for $1 per bushel. If the argument or assertion is'good that the city cau give a better title to property than she has herself, then, we presume, on the same busis, a few trans fers of a 't.vt title' would make it as good as a Warranty Deed. That may be "grammatical," but it is certainly not It is said that the Midlanders require contractors to give security that they will pay their hands; br.t some who have en- deavored to get caatraets on the work inform us that the Coinpanv refuse to -'ive "'eurity to pay tho contractor. TP they could get such men as Fitzgerald & I"ory to take their contracts there would be no necessity for binding them ', to pay their ha ils. Our readers wii! n-inember that during the summer oi '05 the IIkiiaI-D took the j pjsition that the rout j crossing the river ! at tliis point was destined to bo the great river eat thoroughfare across the Con'inont. and gave its reasons fbr the belief. From artic!"s in this issue of the Herald it would seera that others an: of that opinion now, and advance the sama ar guments. Mr. R. N. Hodskiug has bought out Peter Roweu'u Billiard Tables and bar fixtures, second story Masonic Block, and is fitting up in first class style. He is having a new floor laid, and proposes re modeling the entire concern, making it a place suitable for all lovers of the game to visit. Three ncw tables are on the j way. anu as soon as every thing is in j readiness the place w ill be opened under the name of the "Brunswick Billiard Hal!."' At the meeting of the City Council on Tuesday evening of last week, Alderman White said ' he was there to obey the command of the people if the ieople said to give all the Levee (J rounds to the Roilroad Company he would do it." In less than ten minutes afterwards a peti tion, signed by almost every citizen of the city, was presented askinc the re scinding of the contract with tl Dock & Levee Company, Alderman White cast his vote against the resolution rescinding the contract. A fellow named Patterson got into a low in a t-aloon lat Saturday, and came out looking a "little the worse for vear." Not feeling satisfied, he commenced to make a loud noLse on the street, stamp ing and beating some imaginary fie at a furious rate. when Sheriff Johnson "gob Wed" him and took him before Recorder Wells, who committed him ibr examin ation after he was 'eobered off." He was brought out in the evening and fined $5 and cost. He played the "innocent" dodge so shrewdely that Riyirder Wells remitted his fine, and the fellow pledged himself to keep sober and leave townim mediately. The next day (Sunday) he was drinking again, and in the evening became very noisy and abusive. Sheriff Johnson again took him in charge about 9 o'cloek Sunday evening, and started to take him to jail. Arriving at the bridge on Third street, Patterson concluded he would not go to jail and resisted the ef forts of the Sheriff, telling htm that he was not man enough to take him. ne did not happen to know Sheriff Johnson as well then as he does now or he would not have "equared himself " against him. It is sufficient to say ho went to jail and his face looked very badly when he was again brought before Recorder Wells. He was fined $10.00 and cost this time, a ad is no'v working it cut on the strest. DOOM, BUO. & CO. have a' large Sfcx-Ic of Dress Goods, Dress Goods, Dress Goods, Dress Goods, Piece Goods, White Goods-. White Goods, White Good., White GooJs, Drown Muslins, I'rovrn Muslins, Brown Muslins, Piece Goods, Piece Goods, Bleached Muslins, Deiuins, bl le & brown Bleached Muslins, DeminH, blue & brown Bleached Muslins, Dentins, blue ti brown Shirting, check and stripe, - Shirting, check and stripe, Shirting, check and stripe, Choice Bio Coffee, A Coffee Sugar, Choice Rio Coffee, "A Coffee Sugar Choice Rio Coffee, Brown Sugar, Syrup, Brown Sugar, Doom, Bro. & Co. have just received another large lot of Glass and Queens ware. Syrup, ' Salt Fish, Syrup, Salt Fish, Dried Fruit, Queensware, Dried Fruit, Queensware, Dried Fruit, Queensware, Glass Ware, Glass Ware, Glass Ware, And a general stock, to which they call the attention of the Farmers and Public generally. Have the best selected stock and make the lowest prices. Ilemcmber the place, the west corner in the Big Brick, Main street, Plattsuiouth Neb. Doom, .Bro. & Co. All parties indebted to us by open ac count or notes now due or pxst due. must pay the name by the 20th of this month, (August.) And all notes due us from the 20th of August to the 1st of Septem ber must be paid promptly for we shall be obliged to protest if not paid at maturity. Doom, Bro. & Co. DOOM, BRO. & CO., Agents tor Birdsalfs Threshing Ma chines.Buffalo Pitt Threshing Machines, New Yorker Self Baker Reaper, '"Buck eye" Mower and Reaper, J. P. Manny's Reaper and Mower, Wier's Walking Cultivator; Broad Citst Seed Sower, Rod and Mould Board Breakers, Stubble plows of all kinds. Every hiib:mtnt Warranted. Just received 100 barrels of Salt. Doom, Bito. & Co. D()OM, BRO. & CO. Dealers iu Staple and Fancy Dry G ood Grocers, Boots, shoes, Gla-s and Queens- -ware. 10W seamless bags lor sale by Doom, Bito. & Co. We would advise all parties wanting a good article of Tea go to Dooms' and get it, they have the best Tea that we have ever seen in this city. If you want to get some A No. 1 Su gar Cured Hams, go to Doom. Bro. & Co. WANTED, 10UI) dozen eggs. 2000 lbs fresh butter. by Doom, Bito. & Co. Yallerys Si RufTner are ju.-t in receipt of a large stock of Do Ooods. Vallerys & Runner have just received a few more Kirby Reapers on which they will give goo-1 time. THRASHING MACHINES. If you want a good Threshing Machine you can procure one at Vallerys &, RufT- ner's who are now receiving the J. I. Cox i Co.'s Machine. the most com plot Machine ever put up. Also agents for the Woodbury Climax and Pittt's Horse Power. WANTED. Uaeon and Lard fur which we will give the highest market price. YaLI.KUY.S fc llUFFNER. . m m m Vallerys & RufTner are agents fur the Schuttler Wagons which they are selling at reduced prices. If you want the lightest runniug Mower in use go to Vallerys & Ruffner's, and buv the Kniifin. VsJIerys & RufTner are agents for the G rover & Raker sewing machines, the lx-'st in market. Call and see them. SPECIAL NOTICES. Price reduced on the fttu lebaker Wagon, at Clmik if- Plum mkr'sj. Clark if- Plummer have the largest stock of salt in the city. Call and see them. Go to Clark it Plutnmer'i for your flour. If you wish good Tea inaka your purchases at Ci.ARSd Plummkr's. A good stock of Nails an-1 GlifS at Ci.ark it- Plcmmrh's. If you -want a gool Mower ko to Clark d Plummer' and purcht.se a. McCormk-k Prize Mower. Illustrated Annual of I'hrenolugy and Physiog nomy far IS70. Xow ready contains 50 Engravings of leading Editors Bryant, Greeley, H-iunett, Brooks, Mar ble, Dana, Raymond, wi'h pory-ait11. The Male and Female Form; Why Children Resemble their Parent; Gen. Grant and hi Cabinet, with portraits; Physiognomy in Polities, or "Faces and Places ;' Science of Conjugal Selection. Happy Marriages, Temperament in Wedlock,; American Artints; The Sleep Walker; Brain Waves; Psyehologtcal : S r Edward Landscer, Lorenzo Dow and Pegjty hU wife. Royal Ladies of the French Empire, with portraits: Guizot, the Statesman ; How 'to choose a Helpmeet; What U Man ; and math more in this Rich and Racy An'SCal, which mils for 5 cents. S. R. Wills, Publisher, Keir York. angl9wl. NOTICE. All persona indebted to the amlers'igned are requested to call atber residence, eighteen miles west of Plattsmoath, and settle the same imme diately. augjtt ROSE ANN DECKER. Pay Up. All rersons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and pay up immediately. A word to the wise, etc. , eelUtf ; C E. Fobot. $1200 and all Expenses Paid. Fee advertisementof American ShuttleSewing Machine in our advertising columns. ly Music. Mrs. Kate Simpson would respectfully say to her friends and the'publio that she has made ar rangements to enlargn her class in music, and would be pleaded to instract any who may wish to take lessons on Piano Forte. Inquire at resi dence, comer Viritf a j(J Sacond streets. Flatt- j 'TT "" .T-C"- Oite door west of tbo PL ATTSMOUT H, HAS WHOLESALE' A LAKGE Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. and Provisions. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR ALL Kinds of Country Produce. PlaUsmouth, Nebraska, August 5th, :stick. To the Stockltnhlers of the Hurlln'jtoH tfc Missouri Uicer liailroud Company Notice is hiTi-lT (riven that on Weilne-Mar, the lirt day of Si'ptembcr. A. I. ISC'.i. there will lc hoi 1 n jslockhoMpi' Mfotinir of the lturlitig ton .t Missouri Kivt-r ltnilroml Company in e-Lr.-isku. at the otlk-e cf th" Darlington tv .Misou ri Kailroaii luii)any in the city of Jturl mnion aii'l SJtuta of Iowa, lor tho purpose of 'lci-tinjt seven liirectors of fu'vi (.'oini)any, and for the transaction of other business. HENRY STRON'l? HANS Till Kt.SON, C. K. PKuk'lNS Three of tlio Iiiciorporatori of li. Jc M. It. li. Co. in Nt-hra!k:t. Plattmuoatb. July Otth. 1S09. july29w5 Ioticc M'illiam J. Ford, of the ist.t.i of Maryland, will take notice that John Iihu-k. of the county of Cass, in the Stite of Nelirnsku. did on the 'II I day of Juiy. a. l. Isti'.t. Iil his petition in the District Court of the LM .I-.idicinl lJitriet of the rtate of Nelr:iska. in and lor t uss county, against the said William J. Ford, 'l.-fi-ioiant, petting forth that on the oth day of 3iay. a. p. 1S(S, del'cu.lant was indebted to him in the sum of One Hundred and Nineteen lollars for med ical service, mid attendance, and medicine fur nished to und bestowed at request of defendant, and prayinir judgment forsaid amount ; and the said plaintiff did on the id day of J uly. A. l. lSo'J, cause an order of attachment to be issued from the oflice of the Clerk of said Court, and did cause the Ihc followinir real estate of de fendant's to be attached, to-wit : Lot No. seven (7) in block eighty-seven, as designated upon the recorded jdat of the city of l'iatt-immth, Cass county, Nebraska. And the said William J. Ford noiilled that he is required to appear and answer said peti tion on or before the third Monday after the 2d day of September. A. i. lsiki. Dated August 3d, ISO.'. JOHN LI.ACK. By T. M. MARtii'TTK, liis Attorney. aug.'iw4. Iolice William J. Ford, of the State of Maryland, will take notice that Itobcrt 11. l.iviutrstoii. of the county of Cass, in the 2t:tte of Nebraska, did on the ilM day of J uly. . n. IHi'.'.'. Ide hi- pe tition, in the District Coii'-t of the -d Judicial District o! the Stale of Nelr:i.-k, in mi:! for Cass county, asrums? the sui-1 William .). Ford, defendant, scttin-j forth that on the 14th day of December, 1m!7. defctidnnt was indebted to him in the sum of One Hundred and Thirty-six and .Vi-iiHI Dollars lor medicine and for medical ser vice and attendance furnished and bestowed by plainrii!' for defendant at his request ; and pray ing judgment for "aid amount n ith interest from December 14th. lsi7. : and defendant is further notified that plaintiti'di 1 on the id day of July, A. !. lSi;9. cause an order of attachment, to bo i-sned from the otliee of the Clerk of said Court, and did cause the following real est ile bclon inK to dciV'idarit to be .-itr.-ielieti. to-u-it : l..-s seven (7) und eikrlit ' S) in block eighty-seven 7;, as tile same is designated upon the roi.rucd plat of the city of I'lalt.-iuouth, in Casd coiuty, .state of Nebraska. Ami the sai l William . I. Fori is notified th:-.t he is required to appear und answer said peti tion ou or before the third Monda eft el' the lid day of September. . u. isij'.l. Dated Aufciist-'ll 1-v.a. KODEKT It. LIVINCSTuN. Dy T. M. M.vusirKTT, his Att'y. tauj,'"w.4 Notice. Tho unknown owner (supposed t; he T. J. Jo seph), a no:i-resideut of the !t;:te i.f Nebr:ik:: Will take uoiieo that the Bui liririon .t Mis souri Rik'er Railroad Company in Nebi-i-ka has loe:ue'l 1W roitd tlinUf,'!i invt upon the I'oi low ii: real cftate owned by bim, situate in S-iinidi-r-ouurity. Statu of Nebva-ka. t.i-v.it: Southwest quarter .'!,' of tee;iun eleven (11. township twelve 'P.'j. range nine -.;; and the said owner (whose name i ir.iktiowti is further mil irt.-d that said Railroad Coin pany de.-irw t" take, hold and appropriate so much of stid real estate as may be necessary for the eoTistruetion andenvenient use of it road : an! if the said owner (whose uauie is unknown) shall not within tuirv davs after the publication of this notice for foiir weeks, to-wit : e'l or before the 4th tbiv of Octo ber. A. D. lS.t. apply to the Probate Judge of said county to have the damages assessed by six disinterested freeholders, selected by said Probate Judge, as provided in chapter twenty five of the Revised Statutes of the State of Ne braska, and amendmcntsttiereto, said Company will proceed to have the damages assessed as therein provided by law. Dated Jth d.-tv of Aug'tst, A. 1. 1S:'!). Burlington i Missouri River Riiilrosid Company in Nebraska. By T M. MAKQCKTT. augjwl. Its Attorney. rvoticc - Xort'itl HarJeu, a uon-re-idetit of the Siato of iNeOraska ; V ill take notice that the Rtirlirnrton A- Mis souri River Railroad Comprint' in Nebraska bas locatea its rr.a;t tnroupu una upon the f-jliowing real estate ownrd by him, situate io Saunders couuty. State of Nebraska, to-wit: Northeast quarter 0i of section eleven (11), township ivi.cii--miiire nine isf-T tinl taesau ortou ltarden is further notified that said Railroad Company desLf? io take, hold and appropriate so mui'ii of Said real estate us may be nece-"ury fr the Construction and convenient use of its roitd: an-1 if tho said Norton Harden shell not within thirty days itfter the publication of this notice for four weeks, to wit: on or before the 4th day of October, a. d. Ii9. apply to tho Probate Judge of sHi 1 county to have the damages assessed by six disinterest ed freeholder!, selected by said Trobare Judge, as provided in chapter twenty-five of the Re vised Statutes of tho State of Nebraska, and amendments thereto, said C-ompany.will proceed to have the damages assessed therein provid ed by law. Dated 4th day of Ansnst. a. p. 1SH0. Burlinirtou Jr .Missouri River Railroad Coinpn.nr in N ebraska. By T. M. MAR Q I ETT. augjw4. Iu Attorney. IVotice. The unknown owners (sunnosed to be the heirs of J. Pardee), non-rtsiduutd of the Stale of JSeoraska: Will take notice that the Burlinuton A Mis souri River Railroad Company in Nebraska has located its road through and upon the followinir real estateowned by them, situate iu Sauaders county. State of Nebraska, to wit: The south east quarter of section two, township twelve, ranire nine: and the said owners t whose name are unknown) are further notified that said Railroad Company desires to take, hold and appropriate so much of sai-i real estate as mar le necessary for the construction and convenient use of its road; and if the said owners (whose names are unknown) shall not within thirty days after the publication ot this notice for four weeks, to-wit: on or before the 4th day of October, a. d. 1S69. apply to the Probate Judce of said county to kaveths dainaires assessed by six disinterested freeholders, selected by said Probate Judjre. as provided in chapter twenty-five of the Revised statutes ot tue Mate ot .Nebraska, an I amend toents thereto, said Company will proceed to have the damages assessed aa therein provided by law Burlington 4 Missouri River Railrind Company in Nehraka. By T. M. MA RQl'ETT. aug5w4. its At'omey. Estraj- Notice TAKEN VP ON MY' PLACE. NEAR Plattsraouth. two white Sows, wciehin? about 200 pounds each, with holes in their ears. The owner is requoted to call, prove property, pay cnarves ana taketnein away, julyilwo H. II. PETTIT, TAKEN up by the subscriber, in South Rend precinct. July M. 109. One Iron Grey M ire. supposed to be three or four years old. three white feet, branded "O. G." on near hind hip. when taken up had on a leather head stall, and was shod all round. GEOPiGU D MATTISO": iMl--j. R-K- STORES IIekld Oflioc, - NEBRASKA, AT J&STO RBT&Z& STOCK OF 1809. PROPOSALS FOR GRAIN. HeaDL'AKTKHS llKI-AliTllKNT l)K THK Pt.ATTK,"j Chik Cji ahtkkmasti.k's Oki ick, Omaha. Nkb.. July 2, lSi;t. ) Sealed bids, in duplicate, with guarantee signed by two responsible parties, not bidders, will be received at this otlii'e until 10 o'clock a. in. on Thursday, August I'J, ISO!', i'ur the delivery of 2'tccitty thoiMUtd (20.O00) -liittheh of CORK. Twenty thousand (0.000) liivshels of OATS, at Omaha. Nebraska,. Delivery to commence upon the award of con tract, and to be completed within thirty days thereafter. Dids will be received for any quantity not less than three thousand bushels. full conditions of contract made known on application at this office. liy order of Dv't Maj. bicu'l AiiErur. Vv M . MYERS. ju!yiTv) Dv't I'riif. Oen'l C. ii. t. CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! l'EALKIt IN Ready-Made Clothing, GENTS' rL'RNlSHIEG GOODS. HuU, Cnps, Coots, Shoeu, Trunks, Valises and ZOTIOjSTS. South Side Main Street, 2!.itimotitIi, lcb. jyFOG Valuable Farm for Sale. Situated on Four Mile Creek. 4,'i milts north west of l'lattsiuouth. 1 niile from i lie I'latteriv-er.ii-i three-lourths of a mile from the line of tile A -M. 1!.. Hii-i know n a.s the .'ockiu larui. containing ivl ai res of choice land. 1(10 acres id which is bottom land, about ten acres are timber and about n net litres in (rra-"s, the balance iu (ri-ain. all under fence. Cpon the premises is a double cabin, frame barn "JixMO feet with stone basement, stables and other out buildings, an orchard, plenty of stock- :i' it, a never lailiai; well, a Bond school house; al.-o li acres of timber land in Sarpy oo'iuty. near the mouth of lue l'latte riv r: ais.i b:s two and siv UandHiin l:io--l. liur i-i ' and lots seven and eijrl.t (7 an I S in 1 1 ' i k otic hiindrc l and i.xt;. -eiiit 1 l'is in the city of I'li.ttsmouth. Terms easy. J ,iiii!-rc at th- nreiiuses o;- -it t 'i su'w-r. I-er - , N'..l. A. -L't" i it 'I. T VI i in u noci .- o. ,L-ii. .'i. . i i'iatisiiioulh. Ans. 5,-tf. THE REASOJV 13,347 WHY St' iA m ia is. .it. 1LM v SSL Were Hold igi the Year 1SGS is bkcaOl: VDT f I Xfl LI V !'Al FAILED TO UIVL ENTIRE SATISFACTION THB PEKFKCT OPEUATIOX Ot EVKRV Charier Oak Stove SOLD IS L'ULL-Y GUAR A iTE CD, A-t tfUHltVH KNOWS They Stand Unrivalled FOR ECONOMY. FOR DUR AT3ITjITY, AND CONVENIENCE. For Simplicity of Management, And for Clealines3 in Cooking, They an: Home Institution?, Manufactured in the West, and adapted to the wants of Western and -Southern p i : ople. Surely no good hou-'i-kceper can afford to be without one. rOB Mill E LIST, ADUKKSs Excelsior Manufacturing sOcrs2.?-n.3r 012 if- 014 -' Mtiu at., .St. Louis, Mo. SOU! BY E. T. Duke & Go. Plnttsniouth, icl May 27ihin7. NOTICE. J. T. Berger will tuke notice that V. H. Shaf erofthe county oi Ca.ss. in the Suite of Xetir.-is-rli.l on the Ht h d.iv of July. a. n.W.t. liie his petition in the District Court ot the -' Judicial District of tie State of Nebraska, within and for Ca-s eounty. at?'inst the .-aid J. T. Berger. defendant, settinir frth that on the Jd day of December. A. l. is, the said defendant, made his certain protnissry note in wriliu of that date, and then and there delivered the Fame to the said plaintiff, aud thereby promised to pay to the said plaintiff the Mim oj Twenty-five Hun dred and Forty-nine and oO-liiO Dollars. Also that one T. M. Marquett. at the request of de fendant, rendered services us Attorney at Law ftr hiin ainoiintini- in all to t ne Hundred and Twenty Dollars said claim was assigned to plaintifi' and prayinir judgment against sai-ldt-fendant for the sum of Two Thou-and Two llun-drt-d ai.d Sixty-one 75-lm) Dollars, w ith interest from April U. W: that the :iJ plumiiii did on thetith day of July. A. B. 1 .', cause to be is sue.! by the Clerk of said Court an ord.;r of at tachment, and did cause the the following prop errvofthe defendant to be attached, to-wit : Southeast quarter and southwest quaiter ifseir tin No. twenty-nine ciH. in towiirhipx No twelve y north, in raupe No. e'even (11). for the purpose of having the same s dd to par said indebtedness. And the said J. T. Derg.jr is no tified that he is required to apoear an 1 answer said petition on or before the third Monday af ter the 21 d:iy of September, a. d. ljy, or judj ment will b rendered atfaiust hiui. Dated July Sth. y. H. SUAFER. By T. M. Mabqtstt, his Attorney Lf'i.8'1'' "lirARRANTY. Mortae. Quit Cairo Deeds, Chattle Morttfture, Bontls.Siiniiiii-ns. Sub-pfPtia-s, Ex'.fiition kept coustan-.ly oi hand, a .id a!l other Blanks done on ehort notiof t th i S.-..-.v.wV'.' 4bbbbubW J 1 HERALD Otic. ALEXANDER'S IViEAT MARKET, Cor. Main and Second Sts., PL.1 TTSMO UTil. JSTEBliA Skl. We are butchering nothing but the Tory best of meat, which can always be had as wn kill from three to five hea l of beef cattle a day. Market open Sundays until 8 a. m. Highest price paid for fat eattle. ;.itvi.-: MACHINE 6H0P ! WAYMAN & CURTIS, Plattsuiouth, IVeb., Repairers of Steam Engines. Boilers, Sa w and Grist Mills. Gas ami Steam Fittinss, Wrought Iron Pipe. Puree and Tilt Pumps, Steam Gauges, li.i'.ance Valve Governors, and all kinds of Brass Engine Fitting s, furnished on short notice. FARMING MACHINERY P.epaired on short notice. auirtf FURr.lTUR SI" f Baa a Thos. W. tSSir;ock, CAB5MET MAKER, And dealer in all kinds of Furniture and Chairs. TiiiKti strkkt, (near Ma:;i) Piattsmcuth, - - - Neb. Repairing and Varuishinff neatly done. " Funerals attended at the short e-t notice. .iio.ll. . hi. mmm & to. (successors to J. M. Iliiichman.i Druggists &. Apcthcar.8S. UBAI.BI'31 IN S5iuiy;s anil Medicines, PAINTS, OILS, DYES. NOTION'S. Toilet Goods PERFUMCRY. FANCY SOAP; FURE Wir'ES AND LIQUORS For Mechanical and Medicinal purposes. Keep constantly on hand a full and well assorted stock of PATENT 31 E 11 1 CI N LK. Fhy-k-iims' prescriptions earvfu'.ly roinponnd-c--l ly tin e.peri'-iied Dniirjri-t. None hut the l-nrcst medicines Msed. Allito-j-is wurrunted us r-.-presented. Call and seo. Main Street, South Side. TI2UMS CASH. f2'fil(MI.l IS. HYDE, Real Estate Office AM) Homested Directory. LINCOLN, XEBRAtKA. flovernment Lands selected from personal ex nminntion. Free Homesteads selected ed, sur veyed and secured. Lands in s.-e.ind hand :ind tmproveil tarins ixinifnr anil sold. 1 itles exam ined and Coveyances made. Ki..vkhkn'(-k: .John it. Turner, late Pren't i A C. I'. K. P..: Lee County National Pank. Dix on. Ill : llob t Iliirns. Sop t ( . It. A (J. il. It. Any Hanker in hiteside county. 111.; Ke-is;ei- und lteceiver of Land truce. Lincoln. nil '. Saint Louis & Omaha Tri- UAveekly PACKET iiETsTE. The above Line of Steamers will leave P'atts inotuh evei-y other day throughout the entire season, cnnneetirnr at Flntt-tnouih with the l.ur lun ton A Missouri River Railroad for the east north and south, and nt the followinir point: with railroad connections. Conneil I'd nil's, i 'ma ha St. .Joseph. Leavenworth and Kan-iis l ily. 1 freight or pa-snire apply nt our oflice. SIMl'ON. MKKELWAIT A CO., tnarll Airents. THUS. K. TOOTLE. T. K. HASNA. J. K. CLARF Tootle, Hanna &. Clark, DKALKK.S IN jSold aud Silver Coin EXCHANGE, anil otlicr WJot ks Drafts drawn on all parts of the United States and Europe. Deposits received, and special at tention given to collections. Plattsmouth, Neb. je24tf LIYERY, FEED, A XI) Sale Statole, BY WM- J- H"YATT, Proprietor, Plattsuiouth, ebraska. First rate Stahlin? and AVagon Yards fur the accommodation of tho public. A good stoek of 5Iorscs and Carriages To let on very reasonale term.'. St-able on Main street, nearlv of-posit" the . iieri'ia.i House. d"Stltt. HBW STOHB! Weeping Water, Web. DEALHiS I!t General Merchandise, SttU A DRY GOODS. U ROCKIES. H All I WARE. QUEENStt'ARR. RATS. CAPS. BOOTS. SHOES. NOTIONS. A, PINE AND COTTONWOOD LUMBER. SHINOLKS AND LATI1. V"e are Agents tr Villcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine, which is undoubtedly the best Machine now iu use. u.ail'J'i-'.'--f. FINE ART GALLERY. (ONE DOOR EAST OF COURT HOUSE.) Where I am permanently located, and prepared to make ail kin-lo of SUN PICTURES, Such lis I'hutocr.-ti'I's. Ambrotypes, (leuis. Opal, l'ori t i iin. Watch Dial, Minettes, o c. Work done neatly and promptly, and WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Also, keep a well telocted stock of Oval ::utl Square Fraaxti-. All an respectfully invited to call and cxatuiua speeiiiieiiM. ". V. EE" N A Kit. Arti-i. julyJJtl' l'lattsinc.uth. Neb. v. a. lvinrK. Al"UlSIL8 HI'll-ES. WHITE & SPIRES, Main St., Plattsuiouth, Neb., Otto door east uf the Court House, Dealers in Produce, Wines, AND LIQUOltS. Our Stock consists of the be-1 brands of TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, j Canned and Dried Fruits, OYSTERS, SARDIKLS, SPJCES, FLC'JR, TOBACCO. UV1SH-TUBS, i i Buckets, Soap. Salt!? BACON, HAMS, LARD, ! rvorv thin;: k, it in :i nnory Stor. Kvt-ry eM. i-i iCt imvi n ca-ii lor (jorn. uats. gutter, tnns, B&GCN, HAMS, LRDt 1 ull kinds of I-"ar;.icis i'roducc. Cash paid for Hides. Mouses moved, and coods sold hy ectioii on I llie shortest tiotiee. hy F. .- JlliK. riatUsinouth. July ., ljo'J. O. F. JOH&SGFS, PRAI.ER I BOOKS, or a rjr a & xia in xt Perfurnericc, Hair Oils, fsEVSPAPERS, .MAGAZINES, AKD ALL TBM Latest Publications. M I'r"crii! ions carefully eoiupouude 1 hy .e; ienc(.'i i'; 'Ui.'ii.-'t. I have A No. 1 i i g-od ruKniii(t ordwr. liemeinher the idaee. opposite Ciavk A IVam l.ier's. riatUiuouiti, .t-briusk. auKt'.iuj, CCKSSISSION MERCHANT, AM) YHOLE.SALE DKALLH IN Flour, Grain and Provisions, HIDE.-, WOOL. ETC.. Corner Pearl and Court Streets, Council Cluffs. Iowa, -AND Cor main and Stcoiul rst-, PLJl TTSMO L'TII. YD. ItEiKRFNcr.s. t-'ir-"t Natio,iHl Jlnnk. Council Uliir): Otlii-er if l'u-ey. D;i!ikers. Council l'iu3": First National ltHuk. UiiKihu: Omaha NHtiomil Hunk, Omaha; Hogcr .t-Co., Cheyenne : Eoiiih ton it- liartholow, Ilrynu: Oilhert (- Ki.-l-l, Chicago. julylolf 3. & Jt. Htvei$zht9 DSALIBS IH Fruits, Confectioneries, Toys, NOTIONS, BOOKS, STATIONERY &C, SODA. LEMONADE AND ICE VIZ 12.1 JI, PLATTSMOUTH. - - NELUAsKA. ALSO. We would invite the attention of l.uy ers to our full and complete fitoek of Harnks. fcADULEKTand Collar:, which vre are iell:ui; the;! p for cash. Work uiiioe to order, ami re pairinii done on short notice. Jtr-Hales room in fecohd tory over "ti re. 't he hi',-htt cjsh l-ii -e j U ior H IDES AND FL'KS. - il. I. .-. p!si'sr.vitli. .Af-i! iff. No - Martin Farrar a nou-rosid. Ltof t! cSiaUof Ni bk: . , ,. . t , Will tuke noti. ths. tbft Burhi.gtoi. i -u-i..vr i:- i-.nwl t'.-iiiidny in Nebraska l 1 iocate.1 its road through and upon the ioliowinif f .i ...... l i... 1. ; t.t .itiiHij in lMv eon nt v. real esiaie uwut-u vj ... . - State of NeiMarka. and el'y o I'lattf mouth, to wi: Lot one in tdo k one hundred seventy-one, as is desigiia-ed upon the rt-i.ord.-a Hud iioush ! rdit ot the city of PlaltMiiouth : and the ant Maitia Farrar it tu.-Uier uotil.ed that said Bs.il road t ompaiiv desires to take, hoi , and arpro priate said real estatelor the use ul its road : ard if tlie Si.id Mai-t-n l-'arnirshall not within thirty .lays il-r the publication of this notice lor tour week-, to o it : on or bef .ie the 4th !.iy of Uob. r. A. fc. lx !-. apply t" tbo Probate Judt-n of said eour.tv to h.tve the iaiiif.ee- ai-essed ly sin ui-.iuterci.teil tre holders, selected by said Probata Jti!f.as provided .in chapter tei;tJ tive of th Revised Matut -s of the State of Ne-brii-ka. and ainendmeiits the reto. sid tunipany wi-.l proceed to have the liauwti! iu&eikci a therein pr.idid by law. . D:ite.i 4thdav of Arrest, A. D. lt'J. BuHinirton A Mt-souri River Kailn.ad Coin pany in Nebraska. By T. M. MAKOl-l.'i 1. kuu'mvI. . 1 is jyttoruey ImproVtuI I-'.-iriii ami Tnu In r Tor Sale The farm is uhout "J" miles f'om Plait mouth. '.' uides w.-st of Hoover's, on tin mhk road. i acres has been in cultivation loc J house upon it. and plenty ot stock water t it ; southwest ' , ol section town i, raiiKe u acres, and foiineeted with it is lot . Mini soi'tli ea-t of southeast of sect ion 20, same town: aud ranjre. timber '. and KO-ltHl acres, luaktna and Nl-pm u.-res. Also, the northwest 'il northwest 1 , of seetien -J. town. 70. raniie 44. in Mills county. Jowa. ilue ea-t froiii I'hittsmotith. ami oue mile from the river, he." vy timber, t oc terms address l- H- Stlf.OMitS. uiH jMf tilen.ood. Iowa. " HALL'S . VEGETABLE SICILIAU HAIR Is tho only perfected anJ scientifically prepared preparation of its kiu ever offered to tho pub and has no competitor hi merit. By its uaa Gil AY IIAIIt ia Boon GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR, restored to its original youthful color and bril liancy, which ia so much admired by all. Persons w hose hair is thin or falling out will, by tho use of on PR0M0TEcucweivsoon BCC it8 soJ ! Tmn eflects, as, by its tonic ana etiiniiltitlncr Tiroiiertios tho GROWTH!1 hair srlamls will bo incited AND IS A and tho hair grow thick andstrongagain. Incases lof Baldness it will creato a new growth unless th , DRESSING. -Glides arc destroyed. It TRY ONE BOTTLE lis cooling, and allays all itching and irritation of the scalp. Itdoos notstaiu the 6kin as do dyes, but makes the scalp white and i a nnrciwi IfllUlYLil it i9 the best and mot DP economical preparation in tho world, as its effects last so much longer. Send for our Treatise on tha THE THIN I LOCKS! hair, free to all, by mail. i Sold by ail Druggists and Coalers In ftledioint. COOK. COCURM & CO. Genl Agents for North-Western States, j 37 DEAS30BN ETKEET, CHICAGO, ILL. ! We. the"Druci,'i-it of i1 .! tin n t i . allth ni -j tent ioi) i.l our custoiners to the Ip'Its pu il e i I l.e'.ow ofthe won-ierf-i! r!',e-.v ft" I .-. H-t-fiL's j JstoniHcli llitier.. lr. ltohack's ." -M.oi.ni.li Jllood Pills. Wo have h.-en Hilinir the-. luroi ' eine lonir ioi:v!i f kr:'w that th.y arerco j loended to I.e. nnd that the certiGcutta of care : piildisli ed pre true. Bead the following letter from one cf the oldest and mua. reliable grocery merchants in the city of Davenport. Friend Walton: Agreeably to my promise to you when here, I write you, for publication if you sec proper, a true state ment of the good ef fects of Roback's Stomach Bitters upon myself. I had bcci: troubled with indi gestion for a Ions time, attended with severe headachc,par ticularly aft creatine, when fortunately an old soldier friend came into the store and recommended me to use Rohack'tt Bit ters. 1 did so by tak ing a small wine-glassful I just before each meal, and to my great joy I was relieved at once, and am now well bv their use. 1 would not be without them at any price. 1 have not taken an other medicine since I commenced usinp the Bitters. And 1 can sav with a elct'ii conscience, try Ro back's Bittcrs--they will do ail they are recommended to dc if taken according to directions. Yours truly, Frank H. Miller. Ofthe firm of Beidebackiililler. Wliole-ftle Grocers, Davenport Iowa. l BESTORES 1 ir TIT kis,itr -