.....in. 7 .11 S25 1 l:f '; r i i r -(; - ' f - t i t f t 'M. if - i " 4 V 1! If Cm v Bras, So. 2-J. ; Barnes. W.C. T.; E. H. Lewis V. is: W IUna icrre.. Loik-e Deputy. Meets at Curt House ."all every Tuesday evening-. Traveling Templars respect fully iuvifdl - ... i:czi.u.n Pf.-rf.t: Lopoe. Sn. l.-W. P. F. rree l f.-F. K. White. 1. S. Meet at Court House Hall on the fir?t and third caturday even ing of each month. e r t. iu SrtBor Hope Donog So 0. J. Davis. VV C. T.; Andrew Coleman. W . S. Meets at Mt. l'l.aant ev ery .S.iturd ty eyenmif. Fairview LoiMiB. So. 1 Mathian Ciimbcll. W. C. T.: F. M. YounR. jr.. W . K; W in. J . Hesser. Lodge Deputy. Meets every W ednesday even ing Tr.ivelinir Teinrdar--pectfully invited. Turkic iuovK Lorn;. ;. Jt. J. 1. Lloy.i. . C. T C. II. Window. W . to.; W m. A. Pell. IV" bra leputv. Meets every Saturday evening, lev eling Teiuplari arc rcspcctlully invited to meet with us. ..Who Until Wo."' One nf tlie most awful picture of the ((Torts of Jrinkin? U given us by Isaiah : "Woe unto thc-ni that rise up early, that they may follow strong Jnnk; thafrcoii tinuo until nijrht, till wine inflame) tliom ! An'l tlie harp anl the viol, the tabrct ari pipe anJ wine, are in their leasts ; hat thev regard not the work of the Jior.l, neither consider the operation ot liidhnntK Therefore my people have pone into captivity, heeause they have no knowledire; and their honorable men arc hed, anl their multitude driel up with thirst. Therefore hell hath enlarged herseif, and opened her mouth without measure: mid their plory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall deseend into it." The most casual observer must le .truck with the striking fitness of the prophet's description as "regards the cf-f.-ets of drinking in our own count ry. Here, in this boasted land of bibles. with all our multiplied means oi preacn inir the (iospel, our numerous feunday schools, younir men's Christian associ ations, tract and mission societies, the the liquor stores and the dram-shops are by far better attended on the Sabbath than the house of (iod. In this land of common schools and free education, drunkards, and the children of drunk ards, are as ignorant as Hottentots, thousands of families are daily being i-tarved, famished, and ruined ; our graveyards are enlarged, and the graver constantly kept open; and the abyss be neath is being hourly peopled with im penitent drinkers. Sixty thousand drunkards in our own country die annu ally ; many die drunk ; and all die pre maturely, in consequence of drinking. Every ten minutes, therefore the gates f death is -opened to admit some poor victim of strong drink to the bar of iod to receive sentence from that Judge who luxth said, 'The drunkard shall not in herit tlie kingdom of heaven." As we do not bury by night, but only through itbout eight hours of the day, the grave is open every three minutes to admit the mortal remains of some poor wretch who has been slain by strong drinks. And if to the list of drunkards we add those who are joi-oned and destroyed by moderate drinking, and others who perish by murder, starvation, grief and other evils resulting from inebriating liquoi-s, we may safely affirm thatlur ing the common burial hours, the grave is every minute kept open in consequence oftheuscof intoxicating drinks. And how pertinent are the words of the prophet. '"The grave hath enlarged her self, and hell hath opened her mouth without measure !"' And have the people of God nothing to do with this? Can they bo indiffer ent spectators of the desolation of this fell destroyer? Can they view with ap athy its ravages and be guiltless? Alas ! alas ! is it not the case in many parts of our land that professed Christians are to In' found engaged in tlie spread of in temperance, cither supplying the poison that nourishes it, or by their example encouraging its use ? iilvc Vour Ciil! a I'nper. A child beginning to read becomes deli.'-'liied with a newspaper, because he reads of names and things which are fa miliar, and he will progress accordingly. A newspaper in one year is worth a quarter's schooling to a child, k'vciy mother of a family, being one of its head.-, and having a more immediate charge of children should herself be instructed A mind occupied becomes fortified against the ills of life, and is braced for emer gency. Children amused b- reading or study are of course more considerate aiid easily governed. I low many thought less young men have spent their earn ings in a tavern or grog-shop who ought to have been reading storing their minds with useful knowledge by devot ing that time to the reading of some good loenl, religious or temperance pa per? How many parents who have not spent twenty dollars for books lur their I'linilies, would have given Uiousands to reclaim a son or daughter, who had ig norant ly, thoughtlessly fallen into tempt ation. The Omaha ILmhl estimates that the "second Chieaaro" consumes one hun dred and fifty-four thousand seven hun dred ami ninety dollars worth of lijuor a year ! No wonder it is a place of fearful demoralization. That is something more than ten dollars worth of liquor for ever' man, woman and child in the city. A dissipated young man, who ran away from home and spent his substance in riotous living, resolved at last to re turn to the parental roof. His father was kind enough to forgive the young rascal for his wickedness, and rushing into the house, over-come with joy that the boy had returned, cried out to his wife '"Let us kill the prodigal ; the calf has returned. ' ' An empty bottle must certainly be a very dangerous thing, if we must judge from the fact that many a man has been found dead with one at his side. How to '-Finish a Boy." (live him plenty of money, nothing to de let him choose his own playmates, spend his evenings where he pleases, come when he gets ready, and he will very soon fin ish himself. "I resort lo wine to stimulate my wits," said a young spendthrift to an old one. "Ah," replied the veteran, 'that is the way 1 began, but now I have to re sort to my wits to get my wine. " Said a young fellow indignantly when called a boy, 'Don't you call mo a boy ; I've chewed tobacco these sis years." A traveler in Arkansas found the fol lowing notice stuck on the ferrymaa'8 door at Cache Uivcr : "Xotos Kf enny Iwdy nuns here ar ter liker or tu git akross the rivur, the' can ges bio thes hear horn and ef I don't cuiu when my Betsy up to the hous hear the horn ablowin, sliel eitr.i down nn scl them the liker, or setem akross the? rivur, inie away fhnn honm john wil'-on. -S b then that can't rede wil hav te go to the lions arter bet-y tint but haff audio thar. m 9 Before the days of teetotallers, says the Boston iU, a neighbor of Mr. Bis hee, saw that gentleman at an early hour of the morning wending slowly homeward ou his bauds and knees over tlie froze.'. round. "Why don't vou tret up, 31r. JJisooer whr don't you stand up and walk?" '' I w-w would, b-b but it s so a-a ahnightv thin h-hcre that I'm nf-afraid I hail break thrombi PRICE REDUCED ! Now is the Time to Subscribe --FOR THE- NEBRASKA HERALD, nlikh ha ju't been ENLARGED AND, IMPROVED, and tlie prkc or advance subscriptions REDUCED TO TWO DOLLARS! (live the Hkrai.d a liberal support, nnd it wiil continue to labor lor the devek'iuueiitol' the City and country. Business frlen and Mechanics will find the Her ald an invaluable ui-'istar.t in reacliinn the public. Farmers read it, Stock Growers read it, Trailers read it, Shippers read it, contractors read it, Railroad Men read it, Steamboat Men read it. EVERYBODY READS IT! aaliio person ulnc livelihood dependd upon Hsu-cess in 3izsiitt4ss can aCor.l to do without an advertisement in it. THE JOB DEPARTMENT of tlicHwuALt Las been and othenvi.se prratly improved, and wc can now furnish anything, from a FANCY JOB U COLORS TO A FULL SHEET POSTER on short notice, and iu good style. PATRONIZE THE HERALD AXD BUILD UP A HOME EUSIXKSS. Has Assisted the Business Man, and ever' hii-onr rntn in rUttir.tmth shouM patronize tlm IIi:rai.ii. Weeping; Water 3!iiis 7rarmor. po where you can get the bct Flour, and the most .of it. 35 POUNDS OF XXX FLOUR AMD 12 POUXDS OF KUAN pi von in exc-hape for pood whe:it. . We are also doing? prit work : and, witu our increased fiioilitie.-. feel a.-urett t!i:t wo can give the bett aud uioi-t Flour of any iu the skate. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Produce Bought and Sold. HIGHEST MARKET TK1CE TAID. Reed & Clinton. ui.irS'3.'0S. Tlioa. E. TOOTLE. T. K. HAN'NA. . J. R. CLARK Tcotle, Hanna & Clark, DEALERS IX CftOlcl and teilver Coin EXCHANGE, "fiJ.S. and other Stocks. Prnfts drawn on all jartsof the United States and Europe. Deposits received, und special at tention tjiven to collection:. Plattsnionth, Nelx jc21tf I ?0U LA "' OSL 1. For an article hnv- in:r:i rcimirkaldo i-mio, ad iresi Mr. M' Ui- OAX, 1 ?J Fulton street, N. Y. L!ulj-w, W ASHING TO H LIFE INSURAfCE COMPANY 9S Rroat!nT.y,Xcv York. CYRUS CUiITU CASH ASSETS. President. - $1, COO, 000. Entire profits divided ntimn? the Policy hold er?, l'o'.icies Ujn-forfeit;;bli alter two "annual pavnientH. Diviileud on the Contribution Pl.tn paid an nually from date of policy, and in cac the pre miums are not paid, applied to keep the insur ance in force. Life Policies Self-Sustaining, in from IS to 20 years, according to a;ro. This Company i.-.-ues policies en all the ap proved plans of insurance, nml oilers every in ducement consistent with solvency. Fur particular apply to the undcKigrncil. For A-rcnie-, to J'Al'E A- MASON". Genera! Apcnts. 1 La Salle street, Chicago. RU.N'D A I.V.MAX. A cents. Conni il lllufi's. Iowa. Dr. R, P. LIVINGS To. M.d. Ex.. lilltf l'Uutsiaouth, Xcb. THOMAS EI. HYDI3, Real Estate Office AN l Homested Directory. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, t tovcrnmcpt Lands .'elected from personal ex amination. Fre Homesteads selccteercd. sur veyed and secured. Lands in sceon l hand and improved farms bousht ami sold. Titles ex. nr.- tiii'il ami i.nvi yanecs m nle. l!f! Bt:xcK: .l i'ml;. Turner, late l'res't (!. t C. I'. 11. R.: Lre County National Rank. lix oi. Ii!.: ltob't llarri-. Sup't C. li. .v Kl. II. R.: Anv I! inker in Whi'r-i'l.i- coun'y. III.; Rr-siser I . 1. VCIVCI ot I li::irc Lin :l!l. nll"0. CCOK.COBURN&CO. Advertising Agents, Chicago, MSAre authorized to rrerire Adtrr tistment for thit paper, at our Uneett TtUa, and are Agent firr all A'cwspa pert in the U. S. aud Xtrritorirs. DVERTISE r - - - "5ftJi-f i ' 13 TC 1ST T 1ST, Will lie at Ir. Livincston's ofiiee ilurinpr the last week in eaeh month. All order? left nt the I'ott Otlice will be promptly attended to i julyG. il I PIANOS! ORGANS! MELODEONS! J. MUELLER, Council ISIuirs, - - Icwa, Dealer in ihe celd rafed Steck & ?dcCam:uon Tian vs and other Musical instruments. All instruments warranted live years. o21yl Burlington ISrirjje Finished Burlington & Missouri River, In connection with Chicago Burlington & Qtiincy 11 A I 1 li o a r s Presents to the Public the mo.-t direct, sure and safe route to Ohio, Illinois, Indiiina. Pennsylvania, Xcw York, and New England. Passengers have thechoicc of the various routes centering ia Chieasro. J"M'7fr CfcAcd tlutJltrh tl OtfumVit, Eat invariably as low as by other routes. 3-Buy your Coupcn Ticket at Otturnwa via Burlington Pullman's cle-apt Slcepirz '.Cars on nil night trait s. C. E. PERKINS. A. F. TOT'ZALIX. fur't. ticn. Ticket .if Pas'r Ac'r. 0. C. MORTiX. sep'7 Gtu'l Freight As't in ;" " - - . 'if z'j if' T"-. -- - -x. "-r '---T' '- '"- .... .r-v3 .wijt -i -j' t ' a? 1 S -A- OP STATE LOTS and LANDS AT LItOLX, Tlie Capital of Nebraska, ox Thursday, Sept. 23d, 1869, AT lO O'CLOCK, A. 31. The undersi--ned Commissioners appointed hy nn Act of tlie Lejri-lature of the State of Ne braska, entitled An Act '"To Provide for the Sale id' the I'nsold Lots and !lo( ks, on the Town Site c f Lincoln, and for the Location and Erec tion of a State University, Agricuitural College and State Lu natic Asylum," Approved February loth, ISO'.', will on that day offer for sale at auction TWELVE HUNDRED LOTS in the Town Site of Lincoln, said Lots bcinK the odd numbered Rloeks ithe even numbered hav ing previously been sold' of the Town, and com prising the most elipilde lots in the place. The said lots will be appraised by the Commissioners and sold to the highest bidder over the appraise ment. Terms Cash There, will also be offered for sale at the same tiuio about THIRTY THOUSAND ACRES OF STATE LANDS, known as Saline Lands, situated within an nroa often miles of the Capital, said lands being the most valuable furuiint; lauds of the State. Terms Caslt The object in offering the above named State property at that time is to eual-lo the Commis sioners to complete the State University, Agri cultural College and Lunatic Asylum at Lin coln, the Capitol lSuildinx having; been built from the proceeds of the previous sale of lots. This sab: of State property offers to the Farmers, Mechanies and Laborers, a chance for a cheap home at the Capital, situated in the richest Ag ricultural district of the Sla;e, and at the GREAT SALT BASINS, where salt is being manufactured from the sur face waier. Lincoln boms the Capital of the State, and the objective point of some live different railroads, reaching out into the interior, and tapping the Salt Deposits at this place, will soon make it the interior town of the State. The Capital was located at Lincoln in Sep tember. l-''.7. by an net of the Legislature, mid eonfains sixteen hundred inhabitants, withirood Hotels, Stores. ( hun hes anil Schools. The Leg islature held its lirst Session in the New Capitol th" past winter. The Duriinston and Missouri River Railroad is bcinn rapidly pushed forward to Lincoln, and will by contract be completed early next season. 1 his line will pive direct communication with Ciiicairo, and will be pushed out to Ft. Kearney, uniting with and beeomingabraneh of the L'nion P..citic . R. The Midland Pacific Railroad has also the whole of its line under contract from Nebraska City to Lincoln, and will be. mteordiiiR to the terms of its contracts, tally equipped and in running order by the l:rh of .May next. This line is one of the links by which the Pennsylva nia Central R. 11. wijl reach across the conti nent, coinpletiiijr as it will in a short time, its connection with Nebraska City, and from Lin coln west to the Union Pacific. Thus Lincoln will le for a time the terminal point of two Krcat thoroughfares, and eventually occupying a central position upon two trans-cuntinentiil routes, shorter, by from one to two hundred miles, th:;n any oiher yet constructed. The work upon the State Uni vcr-ity. Agricul tural College and Lunatic Asylum is now being rapidly pushed forward. . DAVID LUTLKK, ( ernor. TIIOS.P. KF.XNAKD. Sec. ot s-tate. .TOIIXGILLESPli;. jnly2liiva Auditor. Commissioners. NEW TOBACCO STORE! on Slain street, opposite Court House, PLATTE O UT IS, N E U., Wc have on hand a large assortment of CIGARS & TOBACCO, Consisting of the best qualities of CIGARS, IINE-CTJT, PLUG AND SMOKING TOBACCO. As we deal exclusively in Tobacco wc can sell as cheap, if not cheaper than other store in the city. liive tis a call before you purchase elsewhere, as we know you will go nway satisfied. I ie i urn & co . rebrunryll. 1?!, tf. wo or. WORTH & CO., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, Binders andPaper Dealers, ST. JOSEPH, oct29 MISSOURI. EMPIRE BAKERY! SECOIVD STREET, OPPOSITE NEW YORK STORE, Platfsmouth, IVcb., CONFECTIONERIES, Pies, Cakes, Cheese and Sweet Crackers. REFnGHTIEMS kept on hand at oil times. nl"tf II. HUBERT Y. NEW UNSEAT MARKET I GEO. FICKLER, Corner Main and Second Streets, PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA. keti'S cousi autly on h.uid the best of all kiDds of MEATS, whirh be will furnish to cuf?iomcr3 Rt the hst f f . .- .1. 111" ilo1 CUYIiER SCHOLFAX Says of Yeeping Water. Extract from Xetter to Mrs. Ormitly. "As I was tcllinp you. my dear Mrs. Grundy, I came on my mule to Weeping Water in u sadly dilapidated condition tn hat, m boots coat stoekinsrs in short, destitute of all those con venient appurtenances which ornament a well dressed mn having been deprived of aH by the merciless savages, w ho evcu took my cijjar case. Thinking that I mitrht in that flourishing town obtain a second-hand blanket, I rodie up to II II 11 IP ISIZO&S store, nnd hitchine my mule by the ears to a lartro frcicht waKon loaded with eoods for the Plattsnionth retail trade, I entered. Judge of my surprise when 1 was promptly met and ollercd a comnlete outfit, from a iair of stub- toed boots to a poose-quill toothpick, for the pal try sum ot nine dollars and sixty-two and one half cents, the li'. , cents beine the profits on tho pood.-. If you want anything in the miscellaneous line, call on them, and if you don't see what you want ask tor it. 1 would remark here that they are penerous, liberal, good look ing and truthful to a fauit." REMfcMBER THE PLACE Weeping Water. Henry Boeck, DEALER IS FURNITURE, Lounges, Tables, Safes, BEDSTEADS. Of all descriptions and at all prices. Jlctalie Burial Cases, Of all sizes. WOODEN COFFINS, Heady made, and sold cheap forcah. With many thanks for past pntronage. I invite all to call and examine my large stock of Furni ture and (.'otlius. janliMf. FUR5MJTURE! Tho. W. Sihrj'oek, CABINET And de::ler i;i all kinds of m Furniture and Chairs. Thikd street, (near Main) Piattsmouth, - - - Neb. Pepairing and Varnishing neatly done. 4 3'1'uncraiS attended at the shortest notice. no.ll. T. If. . Straight, PRALKR3 IS Fruits, Confectioneries, Toys, NOTIONS, BOOKS, STATIONERY &C. &C' SODA. LEM0XADE AND 210 VAIS STEEKT, PLATTSMOUTII, - - NEBRASKA. ALSO. We would invite the attention of buy ers to our full and complete stock of Harness. Sappi.eky and Collars, which we are selling cheap for cash. Work made to order, and re pairing done on short notice. Kit Sales room in pecond slory over store. The highest cash price paid for HIDES AND FPUS. J. & II. J. S. Piattsmouth. April 22dtf. lETLOIEJIISraiE Lock Stitch Reversible Feed Sewing Machine awarded tha Highest Premium wherever exhibited. THE ONLY ONE car.ahie of sewins in more than one direction and f.istcniiiit all its own seams without stopping mai-hine or turning the clotb. Ir n.f nmt vAftm lis thrpmi thnn Anv Other. and will commence a team without holding the ends ot the thread. Warranted to sew heavy or fine goods equally well. Over 50,000 Machines Sold Since 1SG1. Send for Report and Circulars. WM. E. TLA ST. Genl Ag't. 612 North Fourth street, St. Louis, Mo. DR. G. H. BL ACK, Agert. c5'6jT ria'.tuiouth. Neb. JRIattsm o Mith 9 Tfe Itavc an extensive general stocM of Gootls Hi at ivc sorting nj9 ivliich lie at prices that entire satisfaction. We purchase the very best ket and stricthj for cashf icith the trade at any point E. A. "WiaUKNnOR.V. GREAT RUSE ! LARGE CROWDS ! ! Everybody, and E. A. WIGGENHOHN 8c Co., To buy Spring xxc3L Summer GOoas NEW YORK STOEE- The largest and most complete SIT OCK OF DRESS GOODS Arc now on exhibition ut tho New" York Store, at greatly reduced prices. Wo call particular attention to our new styles of DRESS-GOODS, TRINTS, DELAINS, (ilNGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING. BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS, CARPETS, CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YARNS, BOOTS AND SHOES of all kinds and prices to Fait our numerous customer?. A large stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, We have n lanje stock of the celebrated GARDEN CITY CLIPPER PLOW, STUBBLE and BREAKING PLOWS, nd all kind of CULTIVATORS, REAPERS. SEEDERS, HAY RAKES, &C Piattsmouth. April 2-2d, lS69.1 E. A. WIGIjENHORN & CO. WHITE Sc DEAI.Ek.s I.H Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Toilet Soaps, Brushes, all kinds, Perfumery, and Fancy Toilet Articles, Toys, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Brace?, Grass and Garden Seeds, PURE A20 yllTOiett, For medicinal purposes. Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs, Stationary, Carbon Oil, Lamps, Chimneys, Glass and i'utty, also, CHOICE FAMILY GEOCEMES, GREEN AND CANNED FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, &c. fc-c. Hariiu? been engraved in eclling Drt.jrs and .Groceries in this city for the past Hcvcn"ve:vr. wc know h.i1tv i f "e,;"le, 111 our lln0 of tri"Jl'- a'"1 are prepared with a lare st'ck of tioods of the best quality to supply those wants at very low prices. riattsmouth, Xebra.-ka, April 2d, lSoS. HARDWARE , STOVE AND TIN STORE. IB. T. IDTTIKZIE &c CO., Wholefale and Retail dealers in' Hardware ami Agricultural TiuplcMiioul.s, STOVES, TIN, SHEET IRON, BRASS, STEEL P LOWS Of U kinds and sires, which we warrant the best in'the market. 0 Tin Roofing, Gutters and Spouting Done on Short Notice. Are exclusive Agents in this county for the sale ot Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove Give us a call we will not be undersold Main street, next door east of the Maionic Clock, PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA arc constantly as tve oiler to the pub tee know must give Goods at the head of Mar and arc prepared to compete on the Missouri river. D. SCI IN ASS K. more too, arc Koing to their AT THE BUTTERY, WHITE & RUTTEEtY S25! TIIE AMERICAN SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE l reUilod at a prioe within tlie rji.;lj fcf This inn. bine n-e a ti ;i k-lit ncc 11,. , , the UM 'K S i ri'Cil (alike on ". - seii-:iujiiMiiij icnsion, niii citn .- i-v,.rv , ' ofsewiiiK- it will lieiu, fell, bin. I, '"' seam, quilt, tuck. riit)e mi.) Ka;nr; v i ' ; ) equally wdl on silk, linen. wocu ! ? goods, with linen or cotton thrc.i. I. ' ; The American Fhuttlc Sow 114; 4 ;: Warranted for Tivc Y(.v. Our Accnts will be supplied vr'nli ,' . parts of the inaeliiuc in c;oi ot u 1 milkes precisely the smiiic -ti. !i i., , 1'.. Sinirer, Wheeler A W il-. 111, II . m- .,, , ' y, iii.ieliincs. It h.is tlie under-f, e l. 1,;,.. of hib'h priced u:uehiiie.-, and is li. ' Low Priced Shuttle Machine in tho nurket that bus this f,., . r ' bledtosella lirst -:i.;s .-birrie M ... .,,. ''.v I very low pri.-e. on ueeotint ol'il -j m j ' " 1 ; eoiic.iicnt low cust of nuiiMit.iefui in.- ' ' parisoii willi coniplieutcd inu'.-hiim. ' " Jewish to arr.iinre with iijcnt'. in.il. ,,t IT1'0,' to represent tlie Anieri:iu i-huMe.-;, Mneliine 111 eaeh St.ite, ('oimtv r..1;, ,, ' L lilted States and Ontario. Kxtra in l;i. . i, . to cxperi. ni.ed iicnts. ' . For full particulars, ns to salary and .,n . sion, a..i e.-.s " . i. V. X. AXDIiKW.S. (Jen. Til A.-. , . Jetr.ii:, X ';, X. H. For the benefit of our Arent. , l, : iirrnnaed with parties who have Roods ! lor Sewinir .Mueliiuo Air-nt-. to sell. ,'. '-. send book of sample and full part i.-uLi ., . J ccipt of one red slump. Ad In--. l. V. X. ANUUEWci, (ii io r.il A,-,M ' n'50.vl letr..ii, .M. ' NEW S T O BE! Weeping Water, h'eb. 1 Pf.AI.KIIS I General merchandise." Sl'CU At DRV U0OD.S. 3iioci:n:.s. IlAUDWAIli:. QL'KFNSU'AKK. HAT.-. CAI'S. r.OMT'i FIIOi:, XfU..Ns. iK PIXK AXD C0TT0X Vu l Ll .M l:i.lt. SHIN;i.LS AM) Lin ' Vi'c arc Agcnt.s for Willcox &. Gibbs Sewing Machine. which is undoubtedly tho best Marhin- i; it use. in.ul'j . : O- F. JOHNSON, IP rugs 9 llcflicintt, BOOKS, S TATI O NJK II Ik, Perfumeries, Hair Gils, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZir;S.; AVa ALL TVt Latest Publication3. Fre'erirtion carefully eomponndeJ 1 J is pcrienced LlrUKgift. I Lars A Xo. 1 in good running order. Remember the plaeo. oppo:to Claik I" -' tner's, I'lattsmouth, Xebiaka. Laii...5. 2. 18. MME1IA.V, Hardware, Cutlery, Iron, Steal AND NAII.S, IfcOflt IsIniifS lIousf COKN-PLANTEltS. CULTIVATORS-SULKY AND WALK!1 o. COOKING stove:, A large variety on hands. Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Rake?. Ac. Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac. A large fit'K'k now on bund at small ndr.i..'f 3 Fa.-tern prices. OG Plain Slreet, Xebraslvii Ci'J (opposite the Seymour House.) SKiX OF THE PADLOCK. a 7Q T3 H 111 IT) a co m r- O 4 o D a a cn o c c o a cr KM o sm H Si 3 C3 H Q a e 0 0 0 H o -n 5 1 o -P 35 w C5 pi 7J Si 9? o "1 V