'I t 1 i ! i fi TEMPERANCE MATTERS. LOItUi: DIBEtTOBV. Ouvk Bbakch. 'o. Barnes. IV . C. I i. B. Lewi!". Vi. S.: . Dallas re're. Lod 1. W. P. ts at Court lay even- .T.: Jre l,i.iitv. Meets at toun House Jiau every Xu.-5.tay evening. Traveling lemplars repeet- lully invited. Fvi mD ntr.icc LiODOR. Fcrree i T F. K. White. D. S. Meets House Hail on the 6rst and third Saturdi ings of each month. n T Tl.-. - Star or Hope Lono TSo. 8.-0. .T. J w. A C. T; Andrew Coleman, V . S. Meets at ML Ploasant every atunliiy eyenmar. Fairvibw Lod. No. 14 -Mathias Cajnbell. W. C. T.: F. M. Ynn(r. jr.. W . .Vj W m. J . Hewer. Lodge Deputy. Meet- every W ednesday even in. Traveling TeuipUr repx-tflly invited. Threb Ur..ve Lodgf. No. 24-J. I. Lloyd W. C. T.: C. H. Winslow. W. !.: AV m. A. Pell, Lodge Deputy. Meets every Saturday evening. J rav eling Templars are respectfully invited to meet with us. PRICE REDUCED! Now is the Time to Subscribe Weeping Water Mills Nomethlns Xw on n Old Subject. As nothing has been written or pub lished in this column for the pa.-t few week., I have penned a few lines on the wines which were used daring our Sav ior's life, and as we give our authority we defy successful contradiction. Under the head of wine at the Lord's FUi:r, we hold that the Bible does not ray what kind of whie was used, but we think it was unferruented, because at the time of the feast of the Passover the Jews we're commanded to put away all leaven and the word wine does not occur in any of the Evangelists when giving an ac count of the Lord's Supper. It was the fruit of the vine. Pliny, the Iloman his torian, has left an account of the various wines used at that time, in which he h-tates, "that out of three hundred kinds of wine then in common use, only one would burn that was called Falemiau wine ;" that proves that two hundred and ninety-nine kinds of wine did not contain alcohol, and the chances, so to Fpeak, are two hundred and ninety-nine to one in favor of Timothy's wine being unintoxieating. Let us have the opinion of all the Christian and temperance readers on the above subject. Don't be backward, send in vour communications to Olive Branch Lodge, "o. 2, Plattsmouth, Neb. Occasionally. FOR THE NEBRASKA HERALD, which has just been Age of the Earth. Among the astounding discoveries of science, is that of the immense periods that have posset 1 in the gradual forma tion of the earth. So vast were the cycles of'Jtime preceding even the appear ance of man on the surface of our globe, that our own ieriod seems as yesterday when compared with the epochs that have gone before it.- Had we only the evidence of the deposits of rocks heaped . on each other in regular strata by the blow accumulation of materials, they alone would convince us of the long and slow maturing of God's works on earth ; but when we add to these the successive topulation of whose life the world has iieen the theatre, and whose remains are hidden in rocks into which the mud, or Kind, or soil of whatever kind on which they lived, has hardened in the course of time or the enormous chains of moun tains whose upheaval divided these pe riods of quiet accumulat ion by groat con vulsions or the changes of a different nature in the configurations of our globe as the Milking of the lands beneath the ocean, or the gradual rising of continents and islauJs above or the slow growth of coral reufs, those wonderful sea w.tlis, t raised bv the little ocean architects, who.") own bodies furnish both the building f tones and the cement that binds them together, and who worked so busily dur ing the long centuries, that there are ex tensive countries, mountain chains, islands long lines of coasts, consisting solely of their remains or the countless forests that have grown up, flourished and de cayed, to fill the stores-houe of coal that feeds the fire of human race if wo con sider all these records of the past, the intellect fails to grasp a chronologv of which our experience furnishes no data, and time that lies behind us seems as much an eternity to our conception as the future that stretches indefinitely be fore us. Aynssiz. The Removal of Uie'irp'f - The Chicago Tribune leads off in favor ol a removal of the National Capitol, and after canvassing the ground, con cludes that St. Louis is the most eliirible site for the location. The Tribune does not urge the location of the Capitol at Chicago, in fact does not desire it there, for the energies of the people of that city might be cramped by the control which Congress would necessarily exer cise over the national Capital. Chicago prefers the wisdom of her local solons to that of the nation's sages. Gen. Ixtgan introduced a bill at the last session of Congress, for the removal of the Capital, but" it was never acted npon, and died under the table of the I louse. Au effort will doubtless be made in the next few years to remove the ( apital to some jHunt in the West. ENLARGED AND IMPROVED, and the price for advance subscriptions REDUCED TO TWO DOLLARS! Give the Ukralp a liberal support, and it will continue to labor lor the development of the city and country. Farmers, go where you can get the best Flour, and the most of it. 35 POUNDS OF XXX FLOUR AMD 12 POINDS OF RH AX given in exchage for good wheat. WearenUodoini7gri.it work : and, with our increased facilities, feel assured that we can give the best and most Flour of any in the State. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Produce Bought and Sold. mar20,'6S. HIGHEST MAEKET PRICE PAIP. Reed & Clinton. TWOS. E. TOOTLE. T. K. HAXXA. J. R. CLARF Tootle, Hanna & Clark, BAIsTEZEBS DEALERS IN Gold anil Silver Coin EXCHANGE, U.S. and of her Stocks. Draft drawn on all partaof the United States and Kurope. Deposit received, and speciul at tention given to collection. jeauf Plattsmouth, Neb. NEW TOBACCO STORE! on Main street, opposite Court Ilouse, PIA.TT8 M O UT II, 1 E B., We hare on hand a large assortment of CIGARS & TOBACCO, Consisting of the best qualities of CIGARS, PINE-CUT. PLUG AND SMOKING TOBACCO, As we deal exclusively in Tobacco we can sell as cheap, if not cheaper than other store in the city. Give us a call before you purchase elsewhere, as we know you will go away satisfied. ii Bison & co.. February 11, 1809, tf. WHAT CUYLER SCHOLFAX Says of Weeping Water. Extract from JLetter to ?Xrs. Grundy. IltMtSiiiOUtJi9 I S25 I THE AMERICAN SHUTTLE SEVING MACHINE I rctailod at a price within lhu rm.l 0f f 1 - . 1 .1 ni'i!i usm a trial hi nufwiu .. , the LOf'K M iTUl Ulike on both self-adjust,,, t.-!.,ion. u, Kua J t.v ' ' t sewm It j,i ,,; j r ., Sciiiu, uui t. tu.-k niHI I l. ' I. - i ur .i B. SPVRI.OCK. Co. Clerk & Recorder. R. B. WTXDHAW. Dept. CTk & Rec'r. "As I was tellinar vou. mv dear Mrs. Grundv I came on mv mule to Weeuinir Water in asadlv dilapidated condition mm hat. aun boots coat Moekinirs in short, destitute of all those con venient appurtenances which ornament a well dressed man having been deprived of all by tne merciless savages, wno even toon my cigar c.se. Thinking that I might in that flourishing town ODtaui a sccoud-nana blanket, 1 rode up to I?0i LA DIES nSLY.ToT an article har--L ing a remarkable sale, address Mrs. MOR GAN. 1-Sy Fulton street, X. Y. L !uly8w4, WASHINGTON Business Men and Mechanics Hi N8 will find the IIfRaLD au invaluable uidistant ia rcuchint; the public. Farmers read it, Stock Growers read it. Traders read it, Shippers read it, contractors read it, Railroad Men read it, Steamboat Men read it. ft ;x3- -A Spurlock & Windham, PL A TTSM O UT1I - - 2i Eli 11 A SKA , Front liooms of Court House Clerk and Treasurer's Office, LASVS BOUGHT AND SOLD, Titles JBxam in ctl9 AND Conveyances Made, T(t.rcn Paid a)d Receipt Foricardtd Promptly. Flattsmouth, June 18, 186S nil. WcJiai'c an extensive oencral figoclt or rOOfls tJittt itc arc constantly as sorting uj9 wMcH we offer to the jub tic at 2riccs that we know must aitc entire satisfaction. We purchase the very best Goods at the head of Mar REMtMBER THE PLACE het "nd siricily fur cash' and arc Preimred to compete Btl3JKI ISItOS., MEEn nil 0s.9 store, and hitching my mule by the ears to a largo treigdt wugon loaded with goods for the Flattsmouth retail trade. I entered. Judge of my t-urpri.ie wnen 1 was promptly met ana offered n complete outfit, from a pair of stub toed boots to a goose-quill toothpick, for the pal- iry t-uiu 01 nine dollars ana sixty-two ana one half cents, the 2! i-eciits being the profits on the goods If you want anything in the miscellaneous nne, call on them, ami it vou don t see wnai you want asK lor it. 1 would remark here that they arc generous, liberal, good look- iiik uu iruiuiui 10 a iamt. !n.i, well un tilk. linen, nooleu goods, with limn or cotton Lliri,t The American Shuttle Sewing Mauhiuo 14 j Warranted for Five Ycin j Our Agents mill he sum iiol itt, 1 parts of the ma.-hine ill !h.1m u !, '!'lv makes precisely the sniii Mitrl, ,n,J Mllger.M heeler lBl. ,, "i, , ' machines.. It has tin, under te..,, ,, ,. ',' oi high priced liiaehiues. uud 1- theou'y :"" Low Priced Shuttle Machine in th. market that h:v. tii , , .. W,, ... bled to sell a rir-t cl.i.- ?l,iuii.' i , t '.' ' very low price, on ne m! ol i'- mhii. i'". ;' consequent low cos: of nmiu-jo tur iug " ' pansoii wuh coiiipli.-atcl ma. hiu '- At! K.-VTS with the trade at anij point on the Missouri river. Weeping Water. E. A. WIOtJEXIIORX. WOOL.YVOUTII & CO., BOOKSELLERS, fc! rwn a rm r. -w- Binders and;Paper Dealers, Henry Boeck, UllJJiAl I.SCH.N.V.SSK. ST. JOSEPH. oct29 MISSOURI. DEALER IX LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OS Hroaday,Xew York. CURTIS, President CASH ASSETS. $1,000,000 Entire prr.fits divided among the Policy hold policies iion-iorieiti piiyments itable after two annual EVERYBODY READS IT! and no person whose livelihood depends upon Snoeess in EBusiness cm all'or 1 to do without an advertisement in it. 1'ividends nn the Contribution Plf... nually from date of policy, and in case the pre miums are not paid, applied to keep the insur- UUIC 111 IU11T. Life Policies Self-Sustaining, in from 13 to M years, accordihg to age. ompany issues policies on nil the ap- , .... t.. ,.,,.11.-,.1 iii.ur;inee, ana ouers every ln- uui-i-iueni rnnsisient witti solvency. For particulars apply to the undersigned, lur Agencies, to PAUL A MAS0X, General Agents, t,,1-!",1"'1 :llll "'"'t, Chicago. ftl.Mli LYMA-. Agents. PnnnfM ltl,,l) I.. ... Dr. R. R. LIYIXUSTON. Meii. E.t., nlltf Flattsmouth, 'eb. Real Estate Office AND Homestcd Directory. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Government Lands selected from personal ex amination. Free Homesteads scleetected ur yeyed and securel. Lands in second hand and improved i.-trms ooiicnt una sold, titles exam ined ami Coveyances made. hkjerexck: John IS. Turner, late Pres't G. 4 1t,, . v County N ational Bank. Dix on. 111.; Rob t Hams, Snp't (,'. li. & Q. R. R.; Any Banker in Whiteside county. 111.; Register and Receiver of Land Otliee, Lincoln. nll'tiS. C00K,C0BURN&C0. Advertising Agents, Chicago. 9-Art auihorited to recrire Adrr. ii I titrmenUfor tMt paper', at our lomjt U 1 I in the U. S. ami Hrritorut. EMPIRE BAKERY! SECOND STREET, FURNITURE, opposite new york store. Lounges, Tables, Safes, PJaltsmoiith, lYcfr., E. A. RUSH! LARGE CROWDS! Everybody, and more too, arc going to WIGGENHOHN 8c Co., To buy their SXxrJLme; and Summer OOods AT THS CONFECTIONERIES, -Pies, Cakes, Cheese and Sweet Crackers. REFJtEimEXTS -BEDSTEADS Of all descriptions and at all prices. -:o:- Metalic Burial Cases, kept on hand at all times, nl'tf II. HUBERT!". Of all sines. NEW MEAT MARKET! GEO. FICKIjER. Corner Main and Second Streets, PLATTSMOl'TH, NEBRASKA. keeps constantly on hand the best of all kinds of MEATS, which he will furnish to customers at the best of rates tor cash. ju-bSm3 WOODEN COFFINS, Ready made, and sold cheap for cash. V ith many thanks for past patronage. I invite all to cull and examine my large stock of i urni- ture ana loliins. tjanJStt FURNITURE! J. THE JOB DEPARTMENT ADVERTISE of thcCIlEHALD has been DR. W II M'CLUSKEY, :-A -1 tr .Henntorlnl. 1 ho time is more than a year in the future vrh en we !-li;ill have an opjMirtu nity of electing another United States benator. but there is already considerable talk of the probable prominent actors in the next contest. Judge Crounse and r II. luigers, of Podge countv, seem to have many warm friends in tlie South riatte, while Saunders, Redick, Thaver V present incumbent), Hitchcock and others, pf louglas county, hare their triemis. hile we of the South Platte concede the next Senator to the North, we shall claim the privilege of selecting, from the array ot talent presented, the man with whom we shall consider our interests the saiest. As the time approaches we shall speak ot the several candidates. (Jhromcle. T.I T V . . uoun tngnr, not many years since, urvw w mini picture oi tiie ureat lie- puSilie, which we reproduce, as follows: "I have another and brighter vision be- lore my gaze. It may be a vision, but I will cherish it. 1 see one vast coiifedem- tion stretching from the frozen Xorth in vnorith-en line to the gloicmg &outh, and from the billows of the Atlantic west ward to the calmer waters of the Pacific - 1 . , mam , aua . see one ixjopie. anu one language, and one faith, and over all that wide continent the home of freedom for the oppressed of every race and of ever" cmne. One night at St. Joseph. Michigan, recently some one girdled fifteen hun- urei cuoice lruii trees in one orcliArd. Evidently no single hand could have done the work, lor it was thorourhlv done; the bark of tree after tree having been carefully cut and hacked and drawn back. 1 he value of the trees is estimat ed at gOOO. The question, '"which wants most. man or woman?" was recently discussed in one of our lvceum associations. Nothinc definite was settled, except that some of the debaters wanted brains. j A not unfrequeut infirmity ot both sex es. The St. Paul Press says: '"Half the business of the courts of Illinois seems to be M satify the vengeance of women le"ause thev can't get the men to marry them, ami the other half to enable wo imrn t tct rid of men who Lave married ti;eiii.:' anl otherwise greatly improved, and we can now furnish anything, from a FANCY JOB IN COLORS DEjSTTIST, ill be at Dr. Livinoton's office during the i.tim its in eacii niontn. AU orders left at the 1 osi I'tnce win be iToinptly attended to Ljulyti. FULL SHEET POSTER on short notice, and in good style. ORGANS ! MELODEONS! J. MUELLER, council ISItiiT, Iowa, Healer in the eelebrtel Sleek A McCammon i.nos ami otner .Musical instruments. All instruments warranted five years. o21yl HlftiCHMAfJ, CABINET SV1AKER, And dealer in all kinds of Furniture and Chairs. third street, (near Main) Plattsmouth, - - - Neb. Repairing and Varnishing neatly done. e" Funerals attended at the shortest notice. Lno.ll. J. & II. J. Kfrcig.it, DEALERS IX Fruits, Confectioneries, Toys, NOTIONS, BOOKS. STATIONERY &C, &C SODA. LEMONADE AND IV 12 CIZJG.1.JI9 240 MA1X STREET, FLATTSMOUTH. - - NEBRASKA. (Successor to Donelan & Uinchman,) DRUGGIST & APOTHECARY. PEALER IS Irugs ami Hccliciiics, TAINTS, OILS, DYES. NOTIONS. Toilet CS-oods PERFUMERY. FANCY SOAPS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS For Mechanical and Medicinal purposes. Keep constantly on hand n fnll ami !! .gnri1 stock of PATENT TIEIHCIAr.S Physicians' prescriptions carefully compound ed by an experienced Druggist. None but th purest medicines usea. All goods warranted a represenieu. t.aii ana see. Main Street, South Side. TERMS CASH. YOEK STORE- The largest and most complete O C EC OF DRESS GOODS Arc now on exhibition at the New York Store, at greatly reduced prices. AVe eall particular attention to our new styles of DRESS-GOODS. PRINTS. DELAINS. GINGHAMS, BROWN SHEETING. BLEACHED COTTONS, BALMORALS, CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD, COTTON YARNS, BOOTS AND SHOES of all kinds and prices to suit our numerous customers. A large stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, WOODEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS. We have a lare stock of the celebrated GARDEN CITY Gl IPPFR PLOW, STUBBLE and BREAKING PLOWS, and all iildfU CULTIVATOR, REAPERS. SEEDERS, HAY RAKES. &.C Plattsmouth April 23. 1S69.1 E. A. WIGUENHORN & CO. V, c wish to arrange with npeiiN, nuC . male to represent ihe American Shuttle''; Machine 11, eul, State, founty and l.,ri Lnite.1 States and Ontar.o. Extra idu . to experienced airenls. . lor full particulars, as to s:i!;iry uud c, . sion, address . V. .V. ANDREWS, Uenernl I-tr..it, . N. R. For the l.cncfit of our Agei.o. ; arranged with parties who have goods ior r-ewing .Machine Aimti t., u. ll u. cciit of one rei n:m-l setnl Look f.f samples and toll particular" or lie rerl stamp, ddrc-s V. N. ANDREWS, tiem rai Ager.-D'-tr.,it. M'L WHITE & BUTTERY PEALERS IS Drugs, Toilet Soaps, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, and NEW STORE! Weeping Water, Neb. IIOKTOX a: .IKXKs I)g.tI.Ki:.s IN General Merchandise, .SUCH AH DRY (J.OOD.S. i; Rockies. HARD AVARIJ. QIKKXSWARI:, HATS. CATS. Roots. tfllOKS, NOTION .. PINK AND COTTONWOOD LI M !!KI'.."" " PHI MILES ASb L:z We are Agenli for Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine, which is undnuhtcdly the l.ot Maehiue t, . iiiur:. O. F. JOHNSON, 1'lAlk.K IN Dr ugs, .lMctlicin BOOKS, STATIOA'KK V, Perfumeries, Hair Oils, NEWSPAPERS. MAGAZWES. AM All. 111! Latest Publicatious. lotions eirfullT Compounded I f in . d iruggis:. I I'rcsrr perienoe Brushes, all kinds- rancy loilet Articles, Toys, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Grass and Garden Seeds, PUKE AXI) tlQUOISS, For medicinal purposes. I have A No. 1 in good running orji-r. n,?.-"1i'.?'r. ,h I''"ir..rPi!'ite dark & Vlnr, ...v. , laiiriuuillll, -ieOl'1 ia.-ka. I. M. JIcIECIIAX, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs, Stationary, Carbon Oil, Lamps, Chimneys, Glass and Putty, also. Hardware, Cutlery, Iron, Steel AND NAILS, ICock Island INou, .GREEN AND CANNED FRUITS JculY. CHOICE FAMILY GBOCEBJES, COiFECTIONElY,&c. &c. - : - ff:. 1 i njTV" i-W-SJ BTEREOSCOPIC VIEWS ALBUMS, CHEOMOS. PATRONIZE THE HERALD 3 iiSs S-tjXi i'iR E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO. 591 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, iiiiltii'''" Ssp1 . 1 w tol w atiratiaa tt 11 TrV. to Ibrtr nhNin immu mt Catakilta, A rtlofi. AND BUILD tT A HOME BUSINESS. Burlington Bridge Finished : t-iiri rrk. Orrtl Wnt, H viMtnair, Delaware. Vems'lt. 1. J fK. TIIE HERALD Has Assisted the Business Man, and every buitie man in riatitrnouth should pstromre the Herald. Burlington & Missouri River, In connection vith Chicago Burlington & Qnincy It AIL HOAUS I'resenti to the Public the most direct, sure and Nile ronre in C'hio, Illinois, Indians. Pennsylvania, New York, x.nriitnx. Pa wneers hare the choice of the rarinn mnx centering in Chicago. li'tggoye Checked through to Ottumtca. Rate invariahly ns low a? by other route. -Buy your Coupen Tickets at Ottumwa cw Burlington Pullman s elegant .Sleepine Car? on all nisht trains. C. K. PERKINS. A. K. TOrZALIX. Supt. Gen. Ticket k PaVr Aff't. C. C. MORTOX. sepIT Genl Freight Ac t. Ymrtm, Kariaa4. Tnanom. Cnratal tntm. Tyrol, . Fcta.iekit J mpl. 1 tr THE LANDS OP THE BIBLE, , . ..... . n vi p a a v 1 - j 'm ravitvraaaal lrri4. ajum? aWfi-. MrmUmad. mtZ mm. mt tmm memt Mm at la 'tmmit rmimm. JZ?.T3mrH,C lBC, Hmmmtmrtwrmmf A (. HI iftraMsaMt Uc emmmtfj aa mmprrtmt aa aaalitT U4 kcaMT la all All r IMMad. i a . . . . Ar. - ' " aT. mwm PVITTinilf fTini cfm aaaautc tair pucaaava. CHROMOS. f-, ,T?t i"""'' Knrn. that cw,. tw ,.-,.VW fm ,W 1 rUft. - pp7 tarn aiij e would innte the ntrpntlon nfKnr. v.-.wvuriuu ami compiece ptock Of JIarxks vou- u urn luatie xo oraer, and re .ur unao via cuuri noiire. ipi i i-vvuuu rwi; V tTI 1 1 TV. 1 II R FiitrnAur flush n :.l r . nri.i - Tl'ii: -jam lurmuLj AJD --- .1 .tr rl I Plattsmouth. April 22dtf. " ine wanw or t n MiffflirMt in QAllin t Ti.-- - ... he peoplS in our li ofT patSeven year,. we know COOKIXG STOVKH, A larye Tariety r,n faanlf. oest quality to supply those wants at very low Plattsmouth, Nebraska, April 2d, 18S. rrices. large stock of Goodn of the WHITE & BUTTE ItY. Lock Stitch Reversible Feed Sewing Machine awarded the IE! A.ZR,IP AAT. A F?.FT! y STOVE AUD TI'W STORE. Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Rakes, ie., Ac., Ac., Ao., Ac. . A lare stock now on band at -mall advii ,- or Eastern price?. IOC Main Sireer, Nebraska t lif (opposite the Seymour House 1 FIGN OF TIIE PADLOCK. IE. T. IDTTJUH & CO., tz 09 I Wholesale and. Retail dealer- its Highest Premium Hardware and wherever exhibited. lgricultural Impleiiieiits, j STOVES, TIN, SHEET IRON, BRASS, THE ONLY ONE IJTmlP.lEn V STMW JIT VT? W W W-K.-aKs.f4fp 1ST JhJSL PL O "W S capable of sewmp in more than one direction and fiistcin(t all its own seams without stopping machine or turning the cloth. it Ufc-s ana wastes less thread than any other, id will continence a seam wirhnnt hnMIno Of aU kinds and sizes, which we warrant the best in the market. E. &H. T. AHTH02TY & CO., 801 EKOAPwar, X. Y, Importers and Stacuf r of Photegraf hie Materiala Warranted to sew heavr nr fnr mn1 nnvi Over 50,000 Machines Sold Since 1S61. Send for Eeport and Circulars. 613 orth Fourth street, St. Louis, Mo. n36-65yl DR. G. H. BLACK. Agent, Plattsmouti Xeb. Tin Roofing, Gutters and Spouting Done on Short Notice. Are cxclusiTo Agents in this county for the sale ot Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove Gtva . a U-we wfll not be undenold-XIain .t, door cf ... R -3 -3 7) o 8) o 5. sa 3? si 19? D C m m o H u avia o e &. 5 I r 2 1 r pi CO 0 H Q 2 era - CO m p PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA