Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, July 22, 1869, Image 3

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i! !
h ,i
- ." a
x.qojhj news.
Ile-sor bars some fine carrots in mar
ket. f
Several new buildings have beea com
coiixJ Juriiisr the past week.
The Pomm-racy of Pennsylvania have
noiiuaNl Hon. A-a Packer as their can-Ji-hu-
for Governor.
Senator Tipton addressed the Teuper
an.v S'X'i' fy of IJrownviJle on last Tues
day CVCllin??.
Our City Council contemplates offer
ing a jiiciiiium fur settting out shade
lives along the streets.
Ju.k'i- L'ike came in from Lincoln Lt-st
Saturday, where he had been holding a
r riii yf ci'urt.
Jii L'' iaire has ent'ted a new build
ui the wet end of his property on
( tid ftn-i-t.'
I IVrus wi-liiiiL' magazines bound can
J., accommodated by leaving orders at
III..- HkKAI.O ofTic.
(i. n. Living-ton left for Omaha Mon
J.iy. wlit-iv he was summoned to act as a
V. S. Grand .Turur.
S,c tidviTtisi-iiient for 20,000 bushels
4.lVrn, an I i?."i bushel of oats, by
Inn. .Mers, t Miliaria.
I Our levee slmuld be enlarged to tiiree
r Jour times its present size. It is en
i jir ly too .-mall for present business.
Fnm every quarter we hear of men
ntiiiiiir to I'laltsHHMuh. and every mode
I .!' ronveyancc is brought into requisition
i A l'. t them here.
Hon. Geo. i-ey bolt, Assistant Clerk in
iii Surveyor Generals office, has rented
5 pijierty in the south part of town and
i. 'nove l his family thereto.
Ci.intni.--ioner H"h!schuh has been re
in umr the' bunk from the west and
n.-rili of the Court House, preparatory
i , the ep-i tiori tA' a stone wall.
Mayor Wheeler proposes setting trees
-iitirtly around his residence lots on
M:iin street next season. Who will 'go
'.ni l lo likewise."
Tin; Tecnm-eh (i tzttfr favs a new
t iTcn called .Stirling has in'en laid out
'i John -son county near Urysoa post
I'lliev. We see it that K. P. Webster,
lvruictlv editoj- f ihe hnaha ' publican.
is to bceoiiuf the political editor of the
New V.-rk. Times.
; Uw much does Nebraska City sup
?Jje ha- made by stopping the B. &
M. folks from building a road south-west
.; ni that eitv.
' N.J. Bond has -tuck ut a sign un-
1 ticrueath the Hkrai.ii office, where he
pays the highest price for grain and pro-
l dice.
Col. Peck, of the B. & M. 1. R. E-
g.n i-rs. left for ea-tera Iow.i lat week, j
to m::ke arrangement for removing his
tlllSCttV. i
A Lo
in t 'r- i i r
"S.rea iing Adder" was killed
of Bond's produce -tore last
It came from beneath the
1 . ... I .. 1
ie W. J. I.-wis came down yester
v.iih a lariro amount of freight for the
:m( ants. A large portion of our
now is with Chicago.
Since the weather has settled Fitzcer-
X'A i- piitlimr on a driving force. He
! ' w:!l -.. .li make ui for lost lime. "Look
ott t..r the ears soon.
The ltulo Hxjister spreads a small sub
fatice .er more jnper than any journal
we know of. It has nine columns on
e-u h pair" filled with nothing. '
Win. Stadehnan has purchased the
1 ' property formerly occupied by Gilroy, on
.; Third .-treet south of Main, and is fixing
j it up for rent. It would make a good
i boctrdijig house.
: The steamer Sunset sunk last Tuesday
about sit miles a'.iove Omaha. Mr..
Iohn Green is a looser by the catastro
' phe. to the amount of $rt.5!M.. No lives
There is a great demand for harvest
oils. 'The harvest is plenty and the
J oivrs few." It will be a difficult mat
t i to save all the grain in this county on
aiviitint of the scarcity of help.
See card of W. L. Tucker, Carpenter
and Joiner. Mr. Tucker is one of the
':i:Tie-t settlors of the city, and is a first-c!n--
workman. Call on him if you want
a good job done.
The wo.kmcn on the B. fc M. R. R.
,in Iowa made a strike for higher wages
' last week, near Bed Oak, but went to
work again after a few days spent in idle-
The Brownville Democrat is now print
c: "at home." and presents a much bet
ter appearance than when one side was
printed in Chicago. The Democrat is a
Hrt rate local paper.
-The rir-t installment of goods for the
wholesale liqiior establishment, on the
south-west corner of Main and Third
s; reefs, arrived. bv express last Tues-
The 7'r.t says "on to Lincoln" is the
. nut to of the Midland Company. They
iif'd not le in such an awful hurry just
"bevaus? they have safely passed the
"station of "Fierv Ordeal."
. gentleman in from the Blue informs
u- that crops look fine out there. He
says he saw one field south-west of Lin
cola that he thinks wil! ield 40 bushels
o tl;.; acre.
fy a -communication in another col
f nun it will Ik; observed that a Cougrega-
t icnal Church organization has been ef-f-ct'1
in this city. We arc glad to note
the fact, as this nearly completes the
i:st of O.lhodosnrgamzationui this city.
See adrertiscraent of Alexander's
Meat Market. They are killing a large
quantity of meat, and you can always
depend on getting a fresh article, which
is quite an item in August.
Mr. Cyrus Woodman, paymaster and
general business agent of the B. & L R.
IL Co. ia Nebraska, arrived in this city
from Boston on Thursday of last week,
and established his office.
Messrs. Perkins, Strong, Theilson, and
several of the Boston capitalists connect
ed with the B. & M. It. K. in Nebraska,
are expected in the city to-day or tomorrow.
The Journal of Lincoln devotes a
column of space in attacking Hays of the
Fremont Tribune. He might u.-e the
entire paper in that cause, and then
Hays would "settle his hah" in a half
doron lines. JVetrs.
Dr. MeCluskey, Dentist, will be in the
city on Monday the 2Gth inst., and re
main during the week. Persons in need
of his services will find Dr. an accommo
dating gentleman and a master work
man. The Xonjtareil makes a slight mistake
in its announcement of the Express rob
bery at this city. The man B-ayton
was postmaster at Pacific City, instead
of at Plattsmouth, as stated by the Xvn
pareil. The Western Stage Company's coaches
come in from the east twice a day loaded
to their full capacity four and five on
the outside.. People are beginning to
find out where the great Railroad cross
ing on the Missouri river is.
The Bible Depository of this city, at
Clark A llummer's store, has just been
replenished with a complete new stock
of Bibles, Testaments, etc, which are
sold at cost prices, or are given to such
as are unable to purchase,
will le thankfully received.
Ooetations j
Win, WhTvurn, Esq., of Louisville
precinct, was in the city Monday, and he
reported that date, consider
ably damaged in thatlocality.although he
seemed to tJaink the damage to wheat
was generally overestimated.
We are in receipt of a printed copy of
the laws passed at the last session of the
legislature. They are printed in good
style, and are a credit to the Republican
office where they were gotten up any
thing in democratic journals to the con
trary notwithstanding.
The grading between the river bank
and the C. B. & St. Joe R. R. track
would have been completed this month
o?ily for the heavy rains. It will not,
probably, lie completed now before the
15th of August. Look out for the loco
motive about the 20th of August.
Some of the Midlanders have organized
themselves into a Southwestern Railroad
Company, with full power to prevent the
building of a road southwest of Nebraska
City. The Xeirs anticipates they will lie
able to succeed fully as well as they have
with their Midland enterprise.
W are pleased to learn that Latta's
Mill was not damaged by the storm as
we Mated it was last week. The child
was not Lilled, the mill was not blown
over, and it is even doubted whether
there was any breeze down there la-t
The 17. S. Express Company now
! carrv all valuables between this city and
Pacific in a lock chest. The chest is
carried by the co.ic-h, and there is no
messengers to know whether there is
money aboard or not. Each agent en
closes his bill, which is receipted by the
acrcnt where the lox is unlocked.
We sec from the Sidney I 'it ion that
Hal. A. Houston has become associated
with that paper in the capacity of editor.
We used to know "Hal." when Nebras
ka was little better than a wilderness.and
even then he had a "liaukering" after
newspapers. lie will give new life to
the t n ion.
We learn that a son of Mr. Gould, of
Lincoln, was drowned last Sunday morn
ing, while herding cattle. The cattle
started across a slongh and the boy at
tempted to wade across to drive them
back. He got in where it was too deep
to wade, and not being able to swim, was
drowned. lie was only about ten years
A subscriber of the Herald living in
eastern Iowa writes that he takes five
different newspapers, and would rather
do without all the balance than the Her
ald, lie says he has formed a very
high estimate of the people of this State,
gathering his information from the Her
ald. We are glad to know that the
efforts of the Herald are thus appreci
ated by many others than our Iowa
We agree with Harvey, of the States
man, that it looks ridiculous for the
three newspapers of Nebraska City (all
dailies) to attempt to "flax out" the
Herald on the Railroad question. We
feel something like the fellow did when
the cighteeen tailors attacked him; he
placed his back against the wall and cried
out: "Come on; both of your We have
the Railroad, and say to these Nebraska
City fellows (who being daily have eigh
teen issues'to our one:) "Come on, both
of you." ..
Rock Bluffs, July 17th 1S69.
Mr. II. D. ILvriiWAY. Dear Sir:
I see in the Herald of this week a state
ment that our mill was blown down by
the late storm and a child killed &c,
Please inform the patrons of the Her
ald and friends generally that such is
not the case, that "the mill goes 'round1
a.s usual and ' received no. damage in that
storm whatever. If we were to complain
it would be on account of having about
five times too much water. It don't
stop the mill but niakea' it bad . about
moving flour and wheat, it having rain
ed every day this week but Sunday-; now
six days in succession. ' "' 1 ' ' '
. Very respectfully yours.
W. S. fr J. A. Latta..
The Omaha papers give an acerant of
the caving in of an embankment in that
city and burying the reside nce of a fam
ily named Connelly. Miss Connelly,
about sixteen years of age had retired
for the night, and her body was recov
ered from the ruins, she having been
smothered while the slept. The family
consisted of five children and were in
dependent circumstances, the father hav
ing been confined to his bed for three
months with a broken leg.
Mr. Cyrus Woodman, of Boston, ar
rived in the city last Thursday, and took
rootus at the Platte Valley. Mr. Wood
man is the representative of the B. &
M. R. R. in Nebraska, and will have a
general supervision of all matters con
nected with the road iu this State. He
is a man of large experience in Railroad
matters, and is well versed in the ways
of the west, having been connected with
early Railroad moves in Illinois and oth
er western States. The Herald ex
tends to him a hearty welcome.
Dr. Rob. Morris will lecture at Ma
sonic Hall this evening, on the Holy
Land. Dr. Morris is one of the brightest
Masonic mind3 of the age, having devot
ed a lifetime to the investigation of the
early history of the Order. His lecture
to-night is to the public, and will be of
a nature to interest any person who feels
any desire to become acquainted with
the present appearance of the land once
hallowed by the presence of the Savior of
mankind. Dr. Morris has recently re
turned from an exploration of that coun
try, and has many new discoveries to relate.
Col. A. C. Tichenor, of the Lincoln
Salt Works, was in the city last week.
He was out on a p redirecting tour, look
ing for the best and cheapest me thod of
obtaining coal to use in the manufacture
of salt at Lincoln. lie took a good look
in this vicinity, and concluded the indi
cations were sufficiently good to warrant
the expenditure of little money, and
consequently he is making preparations
to make a hole in the ground. The Col.
has had large experience in mining, and
assures us he never saw a letter surface
indication for coal than he found within
a mile of Plattsmouth. He is willing to
risk his money on it.
The Chronicle takes up our request to
have the Arjne designate a few of the
liberal acts of "F. A. White, Esq., of
the Midlaiid-Soulh-westcrn-Wyoming-Weeping-Water-Ashland
& Fremont"
Railroad Company', and says: "It would
be difficult to give exact dates, but the
men he assails, are among those always
counted on where any enterprise either
public or private, needs substantial aid
or encouragement." "Would be diffi
cult," would it? If it is such a "diffi
cult matter" for the A r.-f and Chronicle
we must fall back and ask the Press to
name a few times when these men have
manifested extreme liberality. Do not.
we beg of you, be too particular about
dates, but give us the objects of Charity
and the amounts given ly these whole
soulcd men who arcdhco-it counted on."
We hope the iV will not thus lightly
treat our request, as the At-ir and Chron
icle have. i
Hon. David McCaig was in the city
Monday. He informs us that Mr.
Walker had sunk the coal shaft on Stove
Creek to whore a 4-foot vein of coal was
supposed to be slumbering in the bosom
of mother earth, when he found not 4
feet of coal but a very solid rock, and
he also found that some miserable whelp
had played a practical joke of a serious
nature, not only on him, but on the en
tire community, by "salting" the drill
shaft with a good article of coal, about a
bucketful having tieen poured in at the
top of the shaft. It may have been very
fine sport for somebody, but not for Mr.
Walker, who expended about $1,200 in
sinking the shaft. Hanging would be
too pood for the scoundrel who done the
"salting." Parties are sifting the mat
ter, and it is believed the "pegs are set"
for ascertaining who he is.
McCaig also inform;? us that wheat in
his vicinity was not iigurcd much when
he left home not as much as it was
nearer the river.
Tliar-IIonorrd lniocrary.
The l'hiladelphia Ape and Press have
had a tilt. As to who is ahead we leave
our readers to decide; it is not a difficult
"The Cincinnati Enquirer proposes to
substitute for "Decoration Day' Con
tribution Day, with onedav in the year
set apart. North and South, for the col
lection of funds for wire of the widows
and orphans of the fallen heroes, w hose
wants cannot be supplied by such ccr
eniones as those of Decoration Day. This
would be better, no doubt, for the wid
ows and orphans, hut not so good for
the Grand Army of Radical office
hunters. They will never consent to the
change." Aye.
- "Then took Mary a pound of ointment
of spikenard, very enstly. ami anoint the
feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with
her hair; and the house was filled with
the odor of the ointment.
"Then saith one of his disciples,.Tuda.s
Iscariots, Simon's son,, which should be
tray him :
"Why was not this ointment sold for
three hundred pence and given to the
"This he said not that he cared for the
poor, but because he was a thief,"
Tallery.s' & Ituffuer are just in re
ceipt of the largest stock of Dry Goods,
Groreriesy Hardware, Queensware,
Boots, Shoes, Hats. CapsJ! Doors, Sash,
Iron and Nails ever brought to the west.
If j ou want to btiy the best Corn
Planter in use, go to Vallerys' & Ruff
ner's and buy Brown's lllinoL, Corn
It you want to Have time and labor, go
to Vallerys' & Ruffner's and get one of
John Deere's Walking Cultivators.
. If you want the bet wagon in use, go
to Vallerys' & Ruffner's and buy the
Schuttler Wagon. J : ; . , '
5000 lbs Bacon.
1000 lbs Lard.
Agents for Birdsall's Threshing Ma
chines.Bnffalo Pit, Threshing Machines,
New Yorker Self Raker Reaper, 4 Buck
eye'.' Mower awl Reaper, J. 1. Manny's
Reaper and Mower, Wier's Walking
Cultivator, Broad Cast Seed Sower, Rod
and Mould Board Breakers, Stubble
plows of all kinds.
Every Implement Warranted.
ixmiRoT& co.
Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,
Grocers, Boots, shoes, Glass and Queens-ware,
1(XX) seamless bags for sale by
Doom, Bro. & Co.
have a large Stock of
Dress Goods,
Dress Goods,
Dress Goods,
Dress Goods,
Piece Goods,
Piece Goods,
Piece Goods,
White Goods,
White Goods,
White Goods,
White Goods,
Brown Muslins,
Brown Muslins,
Brown Muslins,
Bleached Muslins, Denims, blue & brown
Bleached Mu.slins, Dentins, blue & brown
Bleached Muslins, Demins, blue & brown
Shirting, check and stripe,
Shirting, check and stripe,
Shirting, check and stripe,
Choice Rio Coffee, A Coffee Sugar,
Choice Rio Coffee, A Coffee Sugar
Choice Rio Coffee, Brown Sugar,
Syrup, Brown Sugar,
Doom, Bro. & Co. have just received
another large lot of Glass and Queens
ware. Syrup,
Salt Fish,
Salt Fish,
Dried Fruit,
Dried Fruit,
Dried Fruit,
Glass Ware,
Glass Ware.
Glass Ware,
And u general stock, to which they call
the attention of the Farmers and Public
generally. Remember the .place, the
west corner in the Big Brick, main
street, Plattsmouth Neb.
' Doom, Bro. & Co.
We would advise all parties wanting a
good article of Tea go to Dooms' and get
it, they have the best Tea that we have
ever seen in this citv.
Just as we go to press Doom Bro. &
Co. have another large lot of goods on
the landing. ' A stranger coming west
would be astonished at the amount of
goods sold by our merchants.
If you want to get some A No. 1 Su
gar Cured Hams, go to
Doom, Bro. & Co.
For your dried fruit, such as Black
berries, Apples, Peaches, Currants, &c,
etc., no to Doom, Bro & Co.
1000 dozen eggs.
20U0 lbs fresh butter.
by Doom, Bro. k Co.
Dealers in Dry Goods. Groceries,
Queensware. Boots, Shoes dtc. Have
the best selected stock an 1 make the
lowest prices.
In tl.M city, on the lKth inst., Mr. Joseph
Tiiocvknal, liRed 5'J years.
Mr. Thouvpnnl was a native of France, leis
liveil in this city about four years. nnl has suf
fered with CunitT, f which he died, for the i.ast
eighteen months. Fie lcafcs a depcnd-int fam
ily to morn hi.s loss.
Notxe to the PubGc.
Ko entTJN"t will be considered valid w ithout
my written or verbal authority. Nor will I be
responsible for any debts contracted without
nni.l authority. Jolts Fitzoer.m..
per Ccstiixo.
n.ittsuiouth. July 15th. 1ST.0. july2w3
All Persons
Knowing themselves indebted to me by note or
account, will please call nnd settle the same at
the office of Maxwell A Chapman.
julyl3w2 Wm. J.Hvatt.
W acres of Land, 7 miles west from Piatt"-'
month, 2" a miles from Railroad, for sale. Terms,
one-third cash, and ballance in one and two
years. '
Also many other desirable tracts of land.
Jmiuire at
julylwl. Real Estate Ascncy.
Tor Sale.
A liglit fprin wagon. Inquire of Sam. M.
CllAI'MAN. mblStf
Pay Up.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to
me will please call and pay up immediately. A
word to tho wise, etc.
aelOtf C. E. FoROY.
$1200 and all Expenies Paid.
Soe advertisement of American Shuttle Scwinjr
Machine in our advertising columns. ly
Mrs. Kate Simpson would respectfully say to
ber friends and the public that she has made ar
rangements to enhance her class in nmsic,- and
would be pleased to instruct any who may wish
to take lessons on Piano Forte. Inquire at resi
dence, corner Vine and Second streets. PlatU
mouth. feblStf
A eood assortment of Machines on hand. I
also keep Thread. Oil. Needles. Ac.
Machines t rent by the month.
UCice Siouth side Main street.
3. J. I50X,
Flour, Grain and Provisions,
Corner Pearl and Court Streets,
Council Bluffs. Iowa,
Cor Main and Second St,
RtCFKRKXCKS. First National Bank, Council
Bluffs: Officer f-Pusey. Bankers, Council Ulutls;
First National Bank. Omaha: Omaha National
Bank. Omaha; Itogers f Co., Cheyenne: Bough
ton rf- Bartholow, Bryan; Gilbert r Field.
Chicago. julylotf
"WARRANTY. Mortewre. Quit Claim Deeds,
f T Chattle Mortgage, Bonds, Summons. iSub
pceoas. Executions kept constantly on hand, and
all other Blanks done on short notice with neat
ness end di?p(ftch at the HERALD Otiirc.
W. Hull, a ron-resideut of the si to of
Will take notice tluit the HurllcfrO.n A- Mis
souri River Rail ra.l Com pxiiy in Neh;a ka lm
located it.- road throtu-h and upon the follow n?
real estate owned by him, sifualf in Cass couuty,
Slate f Nebraska, and city of Pla-.l-jnoutl). to
wit : Lot three ia blck sixteen, as is drsiiriiKied
upon the recorded and published plat of the
city of 1'lnttsuiourh ; and the said W. Hall is fur
ther notilicd that said Railroad Company de
sires to take, hold an 1 appropriatesaid real estate
for the use of it road: and it the said W. Hall
shall not within thirty days afler the pul.lieatioii
of this notice for feur wrecks, to-wit : on or be
fore thu-'JOth day of Aug-ast, . a. Im.j, or ply to
the Probate JuiJtre of said county to have the
dumace? assessed by six disinterested fret hold
ers, selected by said Probate Ju.lfre. a provided
in chapter twenty-five of the Revised Statutes
of the State of Nebraska, an luinciidinentsthere
to, Huid Company wiil proceed to have the dim
aires assessed as therein provided by law.
Iated -l day of June. a. i. bSVit.!
Burlinifton i Missouri River Railroad Comnany
in Nebraska. Ry T. M. M.A KyUK I T.
julylw4. Its Attorney.
A7.or Richardson, a non-residcQt of tho Stat of
Will take notieo that the Rurlintrtoti ,t Mis
souri River Railroad Company iivNebra-ka has
located its road through and upon the ioilowinir
real estate owned by him. situate in Cass county,
tate f Nebraska, and city of Platrinoutb, ty
wit: Iaot five in block fifteen, as i designeted
upon the recorded and published plats of the
city of Plattsmouth: and the said .Ar.or Richard
son is further notified that said Railroad Com
pany desires t take, hold and appropriate said
real estate for the use of its road ; and if thesaid
Azor Richardson shall not within thirty lay af
ter the publication of this notice for four weeks,
to-wit: on or before tho :0th dy of Autrnst. . i.
18I.9, apply to the Probate JiiiIkp of said county
to have the damages assessed by six disinterest
ed freeholder, selected by said Probate .Itirifre,
as provided in chapter twenty-five of the Revis
ed Statutes of theState of Nebraska, and amend
ments thereto, said Company will proceed ,0
have the damage assessed as therein provide j
by law.
Dated 2S1 day of Juno a. D.1W.
Burlington ,V Missouri River Railroad Comnnny
in Nebraska. By T. 31. MARyl'ETT.
julylwi. lis Attorney.
C. P. Baily, a non-resident of the State of Ne
braska :
Will take notice that the. Burlington A Mis
souri River Railroad Company in Nebraska has
located its road through and upon the following
real estate owned by turn, situate ill Cass county.
State of Nebraska, and city of riattsniouth. to
wit: tot two in block fifteen, ns designat
ed upon the recorded and published plats of the
city of Plattsmouth : nnd the said C. P. li.iile?
is further notified tbat said Railroad Company
desires to take, hold and appropriate said .real
estate for the use of its road: and if the said C.
P. Bailey shall not within thirty days after the
publication of this notice for four weeks, to-wit:
on or before t health day 1 Ausust. . a. l-ti!".
applv to the 1'iobate J udire of said county to
have the damages nsscssed by six disinterested
frecboldcrs, selected by said Probate Judge, as
provided in chapter twenty-five f tho Revised
Statutes of the State of Nebraska, and amend
ments thereto, said Company will proceed to
have the damages assessed us therein provid
ed by law.
Hated Sid day of June. a. n. 1S50.
Bui-limNon .V Missouri River Railroad Company
in Nebraska. By T. M. MA 1UJI fl 1
julylwt. lis Attorney.
Swf in Bripgs, a non-resident of tho Slate of
Will take notice that the Burlington x Mis
souri River Railroad Company in Nebraska has
located its road throuch and upon the following
real estate owned by him. situate in Cass county,
Stnte of Nebraska, and city of Plattsmouth. to
wit: Lot five in block sixty-live and lot one in
block one hundred and sixty-nine, as is desig
nated upon the recorded and published plats of
the citv of Pbitt.-moutb : and the said Swain
Briggs'is further notified that said Railroad
Company desires to take, hold niai iipprojriae
said real estate for the u-e of its road; ichI if
the said Swain Brigs sh.'ll not within thirty
days after the publication of this notice for four
weeks, to-wit: on or before the ttt'th day of Au
gust. A. D. ISU'.i, apply to the Probate Judse of
said county to have damages nssossen six uis
intcresied "freeholders, selected by the said pro
bate Judge, as provided in chapter twenty-five
of the Revised Statutes of the State of Nebras
ka, and amendments thereto, said company will
proceed to have the damages assessed as therein
pro ided bv law.
Dated this SV day of June. . i. lSti!.
Burlington - Missouri River Railroad Company
in Nebraska. By T. M. .MAltyl'K'l T.
julylw4 Its Attorney.
A good dwelling house, containing six- roon.s,
a good cellar, and cistern, a well, stable, wood
shed nnd buggy shed on the lot. situate on the
corning of Seventh and Locust streets: uNii a
two storv brick building. 2Sx:a. with two lots,
situate on ."ith street north of Main. The above
property, will l e sold cheap for cash, or traded
for an iin proved farm in Cuss county.
For pa -tictilars- ajply on the premise.
lil.O. BOKCR.
All persons indebted to me arc requested to
call and settle immediately, us 1 must and will
have them settled forthwith. O. B.
Probate I'otrcc
Whereas. W. A. Knapn has made application
to the Probate Court of nauuder.-county to have
John T. Barrow tippointcd Adniistraior of t;ic
estate of Nonli Hanson, deceased, lale of Saun-
l: :. c-niuty. . ebra.-ka : tiler -ivre, the Court has
ai.f'i.Mtci "the -'' h day of J nly. v. l. lSo'.l,nt -o
.'i.t -a p. ia.. at his oltii e in A-hlaipl. to hear
fir.i determine s:;id application. All persons in
terested v. tiijappear on that day.
.I.XC'tiJ SANDKIJS. Probate Judge.
Ashli-.nd. Neb., July 1. lsb-.i hwo' -
Philip Nodurft, a non-resident of the St.tte of
Will take notice that the Bui lii:?to:i .V Mis
souri River Railroad Company .in Nebraska has
located its road through ami upon t;ie toliowing
real estate owned by him. situate in Cuss county.
State of Nebraska, and city of Plattsmouth. to
wit: Lot three in Block siity-three. as is de
signated upon the recorded and published plat
ofth'citv of Plattsmouth: and tiie said Philip
Nodurft is further notified that said Railroad
Companv desires to take. hold, and appropriate
said re-il 'estate for the u.-e ot iis road. anJ it the
said Philip No In -if shall tu t within thirty days
after the publication of this notice lor four weeks,
to-wit: on or before ihe "ith day of August, a. i.
1s".'.i, applv to the Probate Judge of said county
to have the damage assessed by six disinterested
freeholders, selected by said Probate J udgc, as
provided iu chapter twenty-live of ihe Revised
Statutes of theState of Nebraska, and amend
ments thereto, said Com! a:iy will proceed to
have the damages assessed a. therein provided
by law. . .
Dated TA day of Jun A. D !.(.
Burlington & Missouri River Railroad Company
in Nebraska. By T. M. MARQl E'l'l.
Its Attorney.
II. C. Allen, a non-resident of the State of Ne
braska. AV i 1 1 take notice that the Burlington A Mis
souri River Railroad Company in Nebraska has
located its road tbruugh and upon the following
real estate o ncd by him. situate in Ca-s county.
State of Nebraska, and city of Plattsmouth. to
wit: Lot four tu Block sixty-five, us is designat
ed upon the recorded and published plat ot the
city of Plattsmouth; and the said II. C. Allen is
fiirt her notified that said Railroad Company de
sires to take. hold, and appropi iate said real es
tatc fur the use of its road, and if th.? said II- C
Allen shall not within thirty days after tho pub
lication of thi notice for four weeks, to-wit: on
or before tho (Uth d:vi" of August. A. D. 1-Siiy.
apply to the I'robate Judce of sai l county to
have" the damage assessed by six disiu-crestcd
freeholder, selected by said Proliulo Judge, as
provided in chapter twenty-five of the Revised
f-tatutes of the State of Nebraska, and amend
ments thereto. tid Company will proceed to
Lave the damages assessed as therein provided
by law.
Dated 2od day of June. A. D. 1,Q.
Burlington A- Missouri River Kailroad Company
in Nebraska. By T. M. MA ROT" KIT.
julylwl. ItsA:iorney.
No tier.
Ann Stocking a non-resident of the State of Ne
baska: W ill take notice that the Burlington A; Mis
souri River Railroad Company in Nebraska ha
located its road through and upon the following
real estate owned by her. situate iu Cass county,
Mate ot .Nebraska, and city ot i'lattsulouui. to
wit: Lot two in biock one hundred sev ent v-ene,
as is designated upon the recorded rind" publish
ed ph'ts of the city ot I'lattsmoulh : und the said
Ann Stocking is further notified that said Rail
road Company desires to take, hold und appro
priate said real ostatcfor the use of it road: und
if the said Ann Stock ing shall not within thirty
days after the publication of this notice for
four weeks, to-wit: on or before the .'5otU day of
August. A. D. l'siHi. apply to the Probate Judge
of :iid county to have the damages assessed by
six disinterested freeholder, selected by Miid
Probate Judge, as provided in chapter twenty
five of the Revised Statutes of the State of Ne
braska, and amendments thereto, said Company
will proceed to have the damages uscs.sed as
therein provided by law.
Dated tid dav of June. A. D. 1.
Burlington A Missouri River Railroad Company
in Nebraska. By T. M. MA KQ LETT.
julylwl. Its Attorney.
Ann Newman, a non-resident of the State of
Will take rotbe that the Burlington & Mis
souri River Railroad Company in Nebraska has
located its road through und upon the toliowing
real estate owned by her. situate in Cass county.
Stale i Nebraska, and city of Plattsiuouth. to
wn: Lot five iu block one hundred and teventy
two, a is atsignatod upon the recorded ami pub
lished plat ot the city of Plattsmouth: and the
st:i i Aiui Newman is lurcher notified that raid
Ratirtad Company desires to take, hold and ap
propriate said real estate for the use of it road;
and if the said Ann Newman shall not within
thirty days after the publication of till notice
for four weeks, to-wit- on or before the ;J0th day
of August. A. D.l;w. apply to the Probate Judge
of said county to have damages assessed by six
disinterested freeholders, selected by said Pro
bate Judge. &s pro v id cd in chapter twenty-five
of the Revised Statutesof theSiateof Nebnuka.
and amendment thereto, said Company will
proceed to have the damages assessed ar therein
prorided bv law.
Dated 23d day of June. A. D. 13-59.
Burlington A Missouri River Railroad Coniiviny
ia Nehrisl-. By T. M. MARQL'EXT.
J. H. Keesee, a non-residentof the State of Ne
braska: Will take notice that the Burlington & Mis
souri River Railroad Company in Nebru-ka li.ts
located its road through and upon the following
real estate owned by him. situate in Cass county.
State of Nebraska, and city of l'lattsmoutli. to
wit: Lot eleven in block one hundred and tif;y
ore. as is de-ipuated upon 'he recorded nnd puo
lished plats of the city f Pialtstaouth : and the
said J. 11. Kecstf is further lHititied that said
Railroad Company desire to take, hold and ap
propriate said real estate for the use of its road:
and if the said J. 11. Keesee shall not within
thirty days after the publication of this notice
for four weeks. t-wit : on or befor the :ith day
of Aujrust. A. v. l'.y. apply to the Probate Judiie
of said coiiuty to have liio damages assessed by
six disinterested froebwlders. selected by said
Probate Jude. as provided in chapter twenty
live of the Revised Statutes of the State of Ne
braska, and amendments thereto, said Company
will proceed to have the damages a."ressed as
therein provided law.
lated Ski day of" June. A. c. lsi.
Burlington A. Missouri River Railroad Company
in Nebraska. By X. M. MA KCH" K t i.
julylwl. Its Attorney.
To the unknown heirs of Kliud Turner, non
residents of the State of Nebraska :
V ill take notice that the Burlinutou .V Mis
souri River Railroad Company in Nebraska has
located its road through and upon the following
real estate owned by tticm. situated inCasscoun
ty. State of Nebraska, and city of Plattsmouth.
to-wit: Lot two in Blo. k one hundred ami sev
enty two. as is designated upon the recorded and
published plats of the city of Plattsmouth, and
the said unknown heirs of Fliud Turner are
further notified that said Hailnuid Company de
sires to take, hold and appropriate said real
estate for the use of its road: and if the sai l
unknown heirs J.f Klind.Turucryhall not with
in thirty days utter the publication of this no
tice for four weeks, t;-wit : on or before the
Sid day of August, a. n. I', apply to the Pro
bate Judge of said county to have the damages
assessed by six disinterested freeholders, select
ed by said Probate Judge, us provided in chap
ter twenty-five of the Revised Statutes of the
State of Nebraska, and amendment thereto,
said Company wiil proceed to have th i damages
assessed us therein provided by law.
Ibite 1 2.d day of June. a. o. 1-o!.
Burlington A Missouri River Railroad Company
in N ebraska. By X. M. MA RcJF K I T.
julylwt. Its Attorney.
J. C. ITaggans. a non-resident of the Stateof Ne
braska. Will take notice that the Burlington A'. Mis
souri River Railroad Company in Nebraska hag
located its road through and upon the following
real estate owned by him.situatein Cas county,
State of Nebraska, and city of Plattsiuuuth. to
wit: Lot nine in block i-ixty-threc. us is desig
nated upon the recorded ami published plats of
the city of Piattsmnnth : and the said J . C. llag
gans is further notified that said Railroad Com
pany desires to take, hold and appropriate said
real" estate for the use of its road: and il'thesaid
I. C. llagguns "hall not within thirty days alter
the publication of this notice tor tour weeks, to
wit: on or before the lioth day of August, a. p.
lsi'.i. apply to the Probate Judge of said county
to have the damages :i-sessed by six disinterest
ed freeholders, selected by said Probate Judge,
as provided in chapter twenty-five of tho Revis
ed Statutes of theState of Nebraska, and amend
ments thereto, said Com puny w ill proceed to
have the damage assessed as therein provided
by law.
Dated 23d day of June. x. n.
Burlington & Missouri River Railroad Company
in Nebraska. By T. M. MA RQL LIT.
julylwl. lu Attorney.
Nicholas Baker, a non-resident of tho SUte of
Will take notice that the Burliugton & Mis
souri Rivt r Railroad Company in Nebraska has
located its road through and upon the following
real estate owned by him. situate in Cass county.
State of Nebraska, to-wit: Northwest quarter
(' ,1 of section thirty-four 14;. township thirteen
range twelve I l'Ji ; and the aid No-holas
Baker k further notified that said Railroad Com
pany desires to take, kohl niid appropriate -o
much of said real estate as may be r.cesa.-y iir
the construction and convenient use of its road :
mid if the said Nicholas Laker, shall not u itiiin
thirty days after tho publication of this n lieu
for four weeks, to-wit : on or before the Kth day
of September. A. P. W:'.. apply to the Probate
Judtre of s-.iiJ cj'.iiity to have the damages as
sessed by six disinterested freeholders, si ieet
e l by said Probate Judge, us provided inchit' ter
twenty-five of the Revised ."statutes ot the .atc
of Neliraska. an amendments thereto, said Com
pany will proceed to have the damages 1
ns therein provided by law.
Dated 7th day of July. a. p.
Burlington .V Missouri River Railroad Company
in Nebraska. By T M. MA RQUETT.
julySwL Its Attorney.
To the owners 'whose nam" are uiikiiown; non
resident of theState of Nebraska:
Will take notice that the Burlington A Mis
souri River Railroad Company in Nebraska has
located its road through and upon the following
real etate oiincd by t hem. situate in Cass county.
State of Nebraska, and city of pjattsiuouih. to
wit : Lot twelve (12 in block one hundred and
nfiy-one tl"l, as i designated upon the
recorded an I published plats of i he city of Platts
mouth: and the said owners whose lnme are
unknown' are further uoti'ied that said Railroad
Company desires t take, hold and iippropriale
Eaid real estate tor the use of it road: nnd it
the said owners whose names are unknown'
shall noi within thirty days at' r the puolieat ton
of this notice for tour weeks, to-wit : on or be
tor the tit li day of September, a. i. ISO'J. apply to
the Probate . I udge of said county to have the
damages assessed by six disinterested freehold
ers, selected by sid Prob tic Judge, as provided
in chapter twenty-live o: ihe Revised Statutes
of the State vt" Ncbr.;.-k i. an I amendment,
thereto, said Company wiL proceed to have the
damage assessed a therein pro i led by law. 2
Dated Ttli day of July. a. P. iN.'.i.
Burlington A' Missouri River Railroad Company
in Nebraska. By T. M. MAKQCETT.
julySwL Its Attorney.
. . IVohce
Amnmla Forbt. a non-resident of th State of
Nebraska; .. .
Will take noti -e that tho Burlington & Mis
souri River liailroad(t.'oiiipany in Nebraska has
locaUd its loud through an i nion the following
real estate owned by her. i-itUitlo in Cas county.
State of Nebiaska. to-wit: North half (V2 of
Lot eight in sc l ion ".; ti ".. township twelve
il"ii. Range fourteen (14): and iho said Amanda
Forbea is furilier noiiiied that said Railroad
Company desires to take, hold ami appropriate
so much of said real estate as may be necessary
for the construction and convenient itso of its
road; and if the said Amanda Forbes
shall not within thirty day, after the
publication of this notice fr four weeks, to
wit: on or before t he bill day of September. A. r.
lUll. apply to tiie Probate Judge of said county
to have the daiuaccs assessed by six ili-inercst-ed
freeholders, selected by said Probate Judge,
as provided in chapter twenty-five of the Re
vised Stat utes of the State of Nebraska, and
amendments thereto, said Company will proceed
to have the damages assessed as therein provid
ed by law.
Dated 7th dav of July. a. d. !(.
Burlington .V Missouri River Railroad ompany
in Nebraska.
Uy J . ;M. .M.AKUi I'. I 1.
Its Attorney.
Win. F. Ender-s i Co., non-residents of the State
of Nebraska: .
Will take notice that the Burlington Ar Mis
souri River Kailroad Company in Neltraska has
located it road through and upon the rollowi.'ig
real estate owned by t belli, situate in Cass county.
State of Nebraska, and city of Plattsmouth. to
wit: Lot seven l7. in block sixty-lour tbt,
as is designated upon the recorded and pub
lished plats of the city ot Plattsmouth : and
the said Wtn. V. Ender A Co. are further noti
fied that said Railroad Company desiresto take,
hold anil appropriate said real estate for the use
of its road: and if the. said Wm. F. EndersA Co.
shall not within thirty days after the publication
of this notice for four weeks, to-w-it : on or be
fore the 13th dav of September A. t. lis. apply to
the Probate Judge of said county t" have the
damages assessed by six disinterested freehold
ers selected bv said Probate Judge, as provided
in chapter twenty-five tir;of the Revised Stat
utes of the Slate of Nebraska, aud amendments
thereto, said Company will proceed to have the
damages nsese I as tncrcin provided by law.
Dated Hth dav of July. a. i. WW.
"Burlington A- Missouri River Railroad Company
in No' raska. By T. M. MARQCETT.
julylowt. Its Attorney.
Charles II. Henry, a non-resident of the State of
Nebraska: ..." .
Will tajce notice that the Burlington A M.s
rouri River Railroad Company iu Nebraska has
located its road through and upon the following
real estate owned by him. situate in Cass county.
State of Nebraska, and city ot Plattsmouth. to
wit: Lot four i4 in block fifteen do.', aud lot
fourteen tl4. in block one hundred an 1 seventy
one 071,). as is designated upon the recorded and
published plats of the city of Plattsmouth: and
the said Charles If. Henry is further notified
that said Railroad Company desires to take,
hold and appropriate said real estate for the
use of its road: and if the said Charles 11.
Henry shall not within thirty days alt-r the
publication of this notice for four weeks,
to-wit: on or before the 15th day of Septem
ber. A. n. Witt, apply to the Probate Judge of
said county to have the damages assessed by six
disinterested freeholders, selected by said I ro
bate Judge, as provided in chap'.er twenty-five
(Jbi of the Revised Statutes of the etate ol Ne
braska, anil amendments' thereto, said Company
will proceed to have the damages assessed as
therein provided by law.
Dated 1 Ith dav of July. a. D. WO. A Missouri River Railroad Corar.aT.j-
in Nebraska. By T. M. MARQL EXT.
ju!)15w4- Its Attorney.
TAXTKD Lade A rent a, in every Town and
Village, to sell wli-it every lady will pur
chase at sight. Address Miss WILLIAMS. i:
Fulton street, N. V, jjulySw-L
"fOIISA IjE "or k ent.
The undivided half or the whole if desired
of the
power engine and boiler. 2 pair of 3 foot
burrs, 56 inch circular saw. two story mill house,
&xo0 feet; evvryttiuu: in pood running order.
Also a
oi" four rooms and cellar. For particular cn
n ure of. C. SCHLUN1Z.
--- V ' M . "a- c .:: c. " .'-
la the District Court of the Stale of Nebraska
i-i ani tor Cass county.
Bryant Cobb, as Administrator of th -tate of
Williamson R. W. Cobb, deeoase i. l'luuititf.
agaiint J allies II. Thomas, L'cfcndiuit.
To the above naiu'-l defendant. James If.
Thomas; oil are hereby r.oiiticd ihat the uoo"e
named plaiutitf did on the :itli day ot June.
!':', tile in the'olliee of the t'lerii ot the above
Veined Court his petition in the above entitled
cause, the object and prayer of w Inch is to oi
iiu a judgment against you lor 'be sum of Two
huudrt I and Eighty Dollars, with interest tJu re
on from J ane-'lb. Is.'.", at the rate of live percent,
per month, and to obtain a decree of forK-losate
on a uiiwtgiigc given by you to W. R. W. Cobb to
secure the pa.Mnent of said i-uui of money,
bearing date I be ."nil day of .1 uDr, 1S.". ou Hie
southeast quarter 1 1 of sect ion No. thirty
in township No. clevin ill', north of range No.
thirteen il.i. east of the sixth to; Principal Me
ridian in Cass county, Nebraska, and unless you
appear in said Court and answer or demur to
said petition on or before the "3d day of
August. ISti'.i. the said petition will be taken an
true and a decree rendered accordingly.
Attorneys for Plaintiff
Ordered published four cO!iJecutive weeks in
the Nkhkas,ka Mfiiu.o. W. L. WELLS.
jtiI.vM . C!'k of Dist. Court Cass t o. Neb.
If. J. Penis, a nor.-residcnt of the State of Ne
braska: Will take notice that the Burlington ,V Mis
souri River Railroad Company in Nebraska has
located its road through and upon the following
real estato owned by him. situate in Cass county,
Mute of Xebra.ka and city of Plattsmouth. to
wit: Lot seven in block forty-nine, as is desig
nated upon the recorded and published plats of
the city id" Plattsmouth: and the said II. . I. Fer
ris is further untitled that si. id Kailroad Com
pany desires to Uike. hold iiml appropriate said
real es'ate for the use ot i:s road; and if the
said II. J. Ferris shall not within thirty days
after the publication of this notice for, four
weeks, ti.-vit: mi nr before the .'tilth day of Au
gust, a. n. lst. apply to the Probate Judge ((
said comity to have the damages ss--rsscd by si
disinterested freeholders. selected by said I'rol j,te
Judge, us provided in chapter twenty-five of the
Revised Statutes of the Mate of Nebraska, an I
amendment. thereto, said Coinpauy w ill proceed
to have the damages assessed as therein provided
bv law.
Dated ild day of June. a. i. ISi'.'.i.
Burlington ,V Missouri River Railroad Company
in Nebraska. By X. M. MA1.QI EIT.
julylwL Its Attorney.
Improved Farm and Tim
hv.v For Sale
The farm is about 2(1 miles west from Platts
luoiilh. 1 miles west of Hoover's, on the Stage
road. tiO acres ha been in cultivation a log
house upon it. and plenty "f stock water; it is
southwest ti of section L7. town 1J. range 11 li'O
:icre. and connected with it is lot 7 inl so:t:!.-iM-t
1 t of southeast I of section LD. s; iu town:
and raiiL-e. tiinlicr t"i and S;i-1KI acn a, making
i an 1 S;i-lml acres. Al-o, the northwest 1 i of
novthwest 1 , i f section 24. town. To. ranse 11. in
M lis county. Iowa, due east from Plattsmouth.
an I one mile fnm the river, heavy timber. Tor
terms address D. 11. S'tLO.MoN.
inavstf. Okiiwood, Iowa.
Ibis farm is situated one smd a half miles be
low Reed s Mill, on Weeping Water, and con
tain bin aeies. 01 acre timber. The entire
tract is under fence, and 7.r acres in cultivation.
Wiet ing Water runs through one corner of tho
farm. Two dwelling houses on the premises.
Pi-ice ;:;.." l.
I will ul.-o si ll the growing crop 50 neres
wheat and fifteen acre corn, together with ull
lit v tannine, utensils.
jejitf K. S. STRI-: ETEU.
Ffray Notice.
Taken up l y the subscriber living in Stove
Creek precinct, on the d day of Jutie.lMjV, One
Bay Horse Colt, three years obi. a searonlhc
left I h it'll, supposed to be a kick, harness marks,
wiien.ii. mid bis fore feet were hobbled ith a
jtilv S.V..").
Plattsiiioii;h. two bi'
i p. .tin Is c.u li. vi i:b i
I . . E Lhlt.
M i 1,.11'K. NF.R
Sows. v.. :ghing about
ie.- i.i iiicir ears. The
owner I- ren n-sted to call. pr.
property, p'iy
i h.irge and lake tlie u uir.iy.
jiilyi-Jw.", I!
Zii'.ii Ij Nil S ICE
l.i the D:-;ri.-t Court of th. ?: . ite of Nebraska
in f.i! t for Cits- . - ,i nly.
Brvunt Cobb, a Admiiiistrat ir of the estate of
VV. H. W. Cobb, deceased. Plaintiff, ugainsi
Robert A. Chan Her, Defendant.
To the aboved nained Defendant;
Von are hcrebv notified that the plaint i2F ab jvo
named did on thelitis day of June, 1 '.. file in
the office of the Clerk of the above named Court
bis petition in the above entitled cause, the ob
ji.-ct and prayer of which is to obtain a jiiuk;
nient against you for the sum of Two Umpire-
an i Eigh'y Dollars with iniitrest thereon fiom
the rlst d.iy of June, ls.7.1, at the rate of live per
cent, per month. a:id to obtain a decree of fore
el isme on a mortgage given by you to W. R. V
Cobb to secure the judgment of said sum to
money and interest, bearing dare the L'Nt day ol
Juneflsw on the southwest quarter i ' ' of tee
tion No. tifteen Tot. in township No. ten tl"'.
north of range No. twelve cast of the sixth
io Priucitial Meridian, in Cass county. Nebrii.
ka: and unless you appear in sai l Court and an
swer or demur to said petition on or before i he
S-td dav of August. N.. the said petition w ill
bo taken ad true nod decree rendered accer ling
Attorneys for Piainti'f.
ttr.lcred published four consecutive wet k in
the Nri: t:sii a llrRii.p. W. L. WEI.I.S
jul-w4, Ci k of Disl. Court Cass to.. Neb.
s.i-Aii, xoTsr2
In tlio District Court of the State of Nebraskft
iu and tor Cass county.
Bi vani Cobb, a Administrator of tho eatoof
W. R. W. Cobb, deceased, r. Charles U . Hill.
The above name 1 derendan is hereby notified
that the plaintitt above named -lid on the toib.
dav of June. l-Mi'.i. tiie iu the ottiee d" the k
of 'toe above named Co-trt hi petiiion in tli
above c?it itle I cause, the object and prayer ol
which is to obtian n judgment against toe s'uul
del'eiidaut. Charles W. II ill. tor tlie.-um ot Iho
Hundred and Eighty Dollars, with intirest
thereon from the fth day .if June. IS i.i. at the
rate ol" five per cent, per month, and to ojitam a
.!,.,- .... ,r t,., ,s, .in c on mortgage given. iy sai:.
Hill to W. R. W. Cobb to -ecu re the payment of
sni.l sum of lnonev. bearing date tlie )tli day ot
June. IsC.S. on the n-iitheat rjiiar'er ''4. of sec
to. ii N.. tinrtv i.iii' in townsmo .10. eiev en i ii
noi-tli of rangi- No. thirteen t BP. east of the sixth
lb Principal Meridian, iu Cass county. Mate it
Nebraska: and unless you. ("imrles . Hill, up
near in said Court and answer or demur to said
,,, tiii.oi en oi- before the 2 td day ol Augut
jsi.'.t. the said petition will be tak'-ii as true and
a decree nlered r.. c irdii.giy.
Attorney for i'laintifi.
" O-dereil Miblih-I four cens'-cut i v to'fl:- in
the N'khraska Hr.KU.n. Wm. L. WKLLs-.
jul3Wt. Ci'k of DM. Court Ca-s Co.. Neb
The undersigned have org ini.ed a eorporiitmn
un b r toe name oi tlie burliugton ,v .Miss.iuri
River RailroM I Cumpany in N -'iraska." and iin
d r the li.iilfoad 1 ucorporal ion Law of said
State, providing that the City of Pla't: niou! h
slinh l.e tlie .riiieipal place of Can-acting its
bu-iness. and t tie general nat lire of I he t.ui
ness shall be the building mtd opera; ing a rail
road from Plattsnortili. on tlie Idi.-simri river,
westward to Kearney Sta'iou. on hc b'nion Pa
cific ltailroad, with un authcri.ed capital tok
of seven and a half millions dollar, to be pti't
in as called for by the Directors, not exceeding
ten pi-r cent, every month, mid providing that
said corporation shall commence May 1J., A. D.
Wi'. :nd continue fifty year-, and be renewable,
an i that the indebtedness shall not exceed two
third of the capital stock, and that the corpora
tion shall be conducted by a Board of seven Di
rectors, and such other otlic'jrs us they shall ap
P"int. M i:iicfs our nau.Ji, tins lta day if May, A.
D. WJ'..
JOHN W. I;RijuK.f
N. l il t i Ell.
WM. L. P.rp.T.
R. S V'ATSiiN.
HENRY SiilON'ti,
Itrav Sale
Notice is hereby given that I w ill offer for sale
to the highest bidder, for cash, at th house of
William Conor, in Ore. polls Precinct. Ca
County. Nebraska, on the L'.'.th day of July, A.
D. Wii. between the hours oft o'clock a. m. and
4 o'clock p. in. of said day. one estray .Mule,
taken up and a.lvirtised by the said Conor, find
appraised at one hundred md twenty-five dol
lar, and must sell for two-thirds wf said ap
praisement. 'tiiven under my hand this 22d day cf Jute, A.
jcM wo JAM ES O'NEILL. J. P.
Notice is hereby given that the Books for Re
ceiving Subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the
liurlington A" Missouri River Kailroad Company
in Nebraska, will be opened at the office of said
Company, on Main
trr-ft. 111 -ity 01 Flatti1-
mouth, rani State,
the 2Ub l:iy oi July.
Vjtn-f-i :
:it nine oVIock a. n. of
A. I. 1'.
Thrte of Incorporator?.
June CO. l'O.
Xoti.-e is hire'iy piven to U parties bavin
rtuiness beforv the O-iuntj Ct iDmisioncru Court
the nature of w Jii-h will r'-Qiiire the filinir of a
perx, ihat th- r--iu-'ite piiritrs must lie tileil witij
tho County Clerk before the tirftdsy of ciich Ms-
s-ion of cai'l Court, to obtain a lienriiiK upon
I iy -uch iiiatters a. thvy miij- icsire to Irii:,j
Ui-i re the Court.
The rapidly iir.-reatTig buhiess cf the Court
make this order of i:nie.ntive neoesfity: that
II resniifcr oriler ef ln-iness may he iireviousiy
arrnnpeil.Thereby the Doard may iuiresy.Ti'iiit
ieally ani with ere iter "Heri'.y dLipaich the
bus-mess brought before theia.
lly orier of the Board.
B. ?PI"RI.0CK.
rr',o - '. .,,.,,,.,.. y!..
Saint . Lputejfc Cw.Jm
Tri- USS!? Weekly
The above Line of Steamer will b are Piatt
mouth every other iluy tiiiouflin"'. tit.- ciilir
season, cennccting at Plat sinouth with the Lur
lingtcu A Mi-souu River R-tilroi"! lor the east
norih and south, and at tlie following po,i,,
w ith rail r..adoiiueci ions. Council IJutt'.OtDNha.
St. Joseph. Leaveuwoi-th l.u 1 Koiisus City. I or
lrcik'btorp:.sIleaJrlvtf.V1,I',,;; t-
tlMPSuN. MlCKLLWAli A f L.
mail! Atettta.
William fttsKlelmaiiii.
Ready-Made Clothing,
ILkU. Cava, Boo, .Shoe. Trunk. Vails ' au
South Side Main Street,
PkatUiiaouth, Neb.
We. the Druggists t.f PlutHmotith rail th at
tention of our customer to the letter pnl lished
below of the wonderful etlie.iey id Dr. Kol-nck 'a
Stomach Bitters. Dr. Robuck's hi-andiiviiui
lilood Pills. We have b cell s,;!uig tl. esc picdi -cities
long cnot.eli to know that tiny lite reoo
mended to be. and that the i i i t'.ficiites ol our-
piibli-du'.l arc true.
Bead the following letter from
pne cf the oldest ami mos
reliable grocery mcrcJiants in
the city of .Davenport.
Fricnd Walton:
Agreeably to my
promise to you when
here, I write you, for
publication if you see
proper, a true state
ment of the good ef
feets of Rbback's
Stomach Bitters upon
myself. 1 had beer.
troubled with indi
gestion for a long
time, attended witn
severe h cadaehe, par
ticular! v alter eating.
when fortunately an
old soldier friend
came into the store
and recommended mc
to use lioback's Hit
ters. I did so by tak
insrasmall wine 5j:las
full just before each
meal, andto my great
joy I was relieved at
once, and am now
well by their use. 1
would Hot be without
them at any price. 1
have not taken an
other medicine since
I commenced usinp
the Bitters. And I
can say with a cSeai
conscience, try Ro
back's Bi iters they
will do all they arc
recommended to dc
if taken according
to directions.
Yours truly,
Of the firm of iteirieback & Miller
Wlio!e.sie Grocers, Davenport
Is tlie only perfected and
scientifically prep.tre.l
preparation of its kin-J
ilLulLlaiO ami hns nr mm not it or
GRAY merit. ly its uaa
E A I R GliAY 1IAIU is soon
restore! to its original
Aw youthful color ami bril
ITS liancy, which is bo much
ORIGINAL H"11''6;1 hy- f,L rrTns
nm flD whose hair is thin orfallincj
IULUK, jout will, by the use of ou
PROMOTES Henewer,80on see its gooJ
ITS ' jeects' M t"iC an
PPnWTni ,stimulati,,S Properties tho
UliU V! 111. hair rlanis will le incitdl
and the hair grow thick
and strong again. Incases
CDT TUTim 1 aness i will crcato
orLijfiUliJ a new growth urilesi the
DRESSING, follicles are destroyed. It
lis cooling, and allays all
jitching end irritation of
the scalp. Itdoea notsLiiu
the skin as do dyer?, hu'.
makes the scalp white and
inlijli.iiHit is thQ bcst anil , ost
UP economical preparation in
J-nj the world, as its effect
ijitttit jlast so much longer. Send
Tor our . Treatise on tho
LOCKS! hair, free to all, by mail.
Sold by all Druggists And DMlers in Kedicin.
Geii'l Agents for fl'ortli-'Western States,
87 D2a30"Rrf T2
1 '
1 I
i r
1 V
. ; : f