She ffltbwto PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1869. We are de.lroai f recelriK eoi-espondene fror, ! th.Stit reMtire to thi material iqr" On Tuesday morning of last eeij the train oa the Cameron Branch,., the Hannibal & St. Joe R. R., bouna for Kansas City, and about two milei west of Cameron Junction, was thrown from the track; caused by the train striking a co w, which, by some means, was dragged under the engine. . The engine, tender, baggage car and for ward passenger coach were thrown off. the rails and ties being torn up for some eight or ten rods. The engine and tender were completely smashed and landed in fragments fifteen or twenty feet from the track. Mr. John Rider, the engineer, was laken from the ruins badly scalded, but no bones broken. The firemau was slightly bruised. The pastengers all escaped injury. . - The Burlington and Missouri Rail road Company hare let the comract for grading ten miles of the Lincoln branch from Plaltsmoulh. Omaha Herald. At last the "enterprising organ" has been compelled to connect Plaits mouth with the B. & M. R. It. although it does so with reluctance, and then in 'be most unfavorable light possible for this town. It speaks of this line as a branch," when if it knows anything about the line it must know it is the most important line of roi.d, either be ing constructed or proposed, trarers ing the western country, and th it in stead, of being a "branch" it ii the great through route from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and the one which Oma ha fears mora than all others. And then, again, the Herald, writer knew full well that instead of the contract . being "for grading ten miles" of the road from Plattsmouth west, it is for Completing silly miles from Platts mouth west. Our people must admire the manner ia which the"enterprising" journal treats 01 r Railroad matters. THE TICTOttT IX OMAHA. The Omaha victory on Monday was a splendid Democratic success. The efforts of the Herald were efficiently promotive of the cause. Armed with ..trmh. a rnio of the talent and discre tion, energy and courage of Dr. Mils ler, at the head of a publY journal, ac knowledged lyjiie Jrst of the press in aviate, can do wonders in a canvass, lownough defeated last fall in the ' gen eral election, the success of the Demo cracy is splendid in the recent election. St. Joseph Gazelle. How do the "sore heads" who as sisted in defeaticg a portion of the Republican ticket in Omaha like this kind of praisj for their services ? It must be refreshing to them to read such , notices as me above in every copper head paper they pick up. Such is the reward of men who betray their party into the hands of its enemies. It is not always a difficult task to betray and ruin a friend whose confidence you may have and who 'trusts you with all the secrets of his household; but the sore heads who have betrayed the Re publican party into hands of its ene mies will yet find that it is a difficult matter to ever again secure the dence and esteem of that friend who has once been betrayed. The Plattsmouth Herald thinks the M. P. , Railroad Company will lay a track of "brass rails." You are in er ' ror, but the Company mentioned will lay a substantial track as far West as Lincoln within the next six months. This Company is fairly "out of . the ' woods" and will build the road as fast as any line has been constructed in this country. Chronicle. Our idea that the Company would use "brass" rails was on the stipposi lion that Morton could furnish the brass" cheaper than iron could be procured. We clip the following items from the Glenwood Opinion: Four Hobszs. Four-horse coaches were this week put upon the line be tween this place and Cromwell, the present terminus of the 13. & M. Rail road. Contract Lei. The Contract for building the extension of the B. & M. Railroad from Plattsmouth to Lincoln, ' in Nebraska was, on the 3d inst., , awarded by Chief Engineer Thielsoo, to James Fitzgerald and S. H. Mal lory. The contractors intend to put a force on the road at once, and push the work as fast as possible. ' Our Railroad. We are informed that piles have been driven for all the bridges on Indian Creek, and some on this side of the Nishnabotana, and they are now ready for the timbers. - It was feared that the necessary limber for piles could not be obtained in this part of the State, but the Company express themselves as having been agreeably disappointed in that respect. They have easily obtained all they wanted in this county. The late rains have delayed the work of grading-, some what, but it U now progressing rapid ly . 1 STATIC HALES. The sale of lots and lands at Lin coln, by our State authorities, has proved a complete success. Up to Saturfay n'gU the aggregate sales fooi-d up something over 8140,000. oout 400 lots, out of 2,300 were dis posed of and about five sections ou of 40,000 acres of public lands, were scld. The sales were continued on Monday, when ihe grand aggregate was undoubtedly swelled to S150.000, being the full amount of the appropri ations made last winter to construct the &ate University, Agricultural College ind tne Mate .Lunatic Asylum, ine propetry yet unsold will be offered at public sales at Lincoln, commencing on Ve 23d of September next, to which llo the sales were adjourned on Mon day evening. od prices were realized for the lots a.j Upds, and the bidding was spiritea throughout. Capitalists were present t-om nearly all the eastern S:ates, as vn a3 from Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, IlU0i3 i0Wa and Nebras ka buyers wen on hand, and the fisr urea will show tha.a fair proportion of doiu lots ana tanas wre taken by cit izens of this State. Onha must have invested at least S20,Cwo at those sales. We 6hall have a full report ot the sales in a day or two, when we wlt publish a list embracing the names of the pr ncipal purchasers, with the amount bought by each respectively. We doubt whether, in the history of any state, there has ever been a par allel to the success which has thus far attended the establishment of our State Capital. One hundred and sixty acres of wild prairie land, almost in a wil derness, were turned over by the Leg islature to a Board of Commissioners, the proceeds of the sales ot which they were authorized to apply to the con struction of a Capital building. Thus provided they proceeded to locate the Stale Capital at Lincoln, and offered for sale one half the lots on the pro pose town site. The proceeds arising from the first sale were about SSO, 000. Out of this fund the Commis sioners proceeded to erect our present Capital building -a large, well-arranged stone structure, ample for all the purposes for which it was intended and which will answer all the demands of the State for years to come. At the recent session of the State Legis lature an appropriation of $100,000 was made for ihe construction of a State University anJ Agricultural Col lege, and S50.000 for the building of a State Lunatic Asylum, and the same Commissioners were authored to of fer for sale the unsold lots and blocks on the Lincoln town site, together with 40,000 acres of the saline lands given to the State by the general Govern ment, and from the proceeds of the sales of this propert, to construct the two buildings namd. No other fund was provided for .bis object. The re suit of this second sale has demonstrat ed that fund's ample in amount, will be provided for the erection of the College and Asylum, as provided in the act re ferred to. and in the opinion of the Commissioners, the cost of the State University may be increased to $150, 000,and the Lunatic Asylum to SlOO, 000. This would give us two build ings of sufficient capacity to accommo date all the necessities of the State for many years to come and all this from 160 acres of wild prairie land, and about three fourths of the lands given to the State in connection with our salt springs. Thcie can be no question that- the proceeds of the sale of this property will furnish us with a state Agricul tural College, and a State Lunatic Asy lum, without the cost of a single dol lar to the tax payers of the State. Where is there a parallel to this in the history of any State? How is this for Republican manage mant, Mr. Ileraldl What about the missing: voucnerst tome, give us your views of the "Lincoln swindle,' in the light of the facts here stated. Republican. We clip the following items from the Fremont Tribune. Hon. . II. Rogers has been select ed as one of the appraisers of the Union Pacific Railroad lands in this regio and i now engaged in the dis coarse or nis duty. air. ltogers is well acquainted in this part of the country, and well qualified to perform the trust. An attempt was made by the pris oners confined in our county jail to es cape, on la?t Wednesday evening. The psisoners became possessed of an old case-knife by some means, and with the same cut a bole in the floor of the Court room, and were getting into the second story, when the guard, siispicioning that all was not right, went up stairs and surprised the candidates for liberty by appearing on the upper side of the hole. With a request not to shoot, the fellow who was about half way fre, let go and dropped to the door. The sheriff has now se cured them in such a manner that they are not afraid of getting away. Accident. John Baird, Esq., brother of Capt. C. N. Baird, present Postmaster at Lincoln,met with a fear ful accident a few days since. In crossing bait Creek, about six miles below Lincoln, the floods had so wash ed out the bottom of the ford, that his team and wagon were entirely sub merged. The wagon was turned in the current and himself and wife with three little children were thrown into the water. Mr. Baird swam ashore with his wife, and afterward found two of his children holding on to a feather bed. and the other one cling ing to a bundle of shingles. He brought thm safely ashore about five hundred yards below the ford. He succeeded in saving one of his horses and the other was drowned.- Chron ele. The first car arrived yesterday. Melting of tlie Curreucy Print ing 1'iates. The Washington Chronicle of the 5tb inst., contains the following account of the destruction of the currency printing plates : Senator Thayer and ex-iteprenseni- ative G. A. Halsey, representing Con gress ; Mr. L. D. Moore, Register's Office; Mr. S. Guthrie, Treasurer's Office ; Mr Parley Hammond, Secre tary's Office, and A. S. Pratt, former ly of the Treasury Department, have during the present week been busily engaged in preparing for destruction the copper electrotype, stereotype, and steel plates, dies, &c on which nave been printed in the Treasury building the United Stales currency notes. The first three classes named were destroy ed by the melting process in the Treas ury building, but the facilities not be ing sufficient there to melt the steel plates, they were, at 11 a. m. yester day, taken to the navy yard, and there in the furnace reduced to a liquid state. The plates, rolls, dies, and bed pieces weighed 16,000 pounds, and consisted of about 2,900 pieces- These were deposted in four wagons, which were accompanied by the committee. The boxes, forty in number, were removed from the wagons at the navy yard and placed in elevators, with the sef un disturbed. Each box had irn band fastenings, and bore three seals the Treasurer's, -and that of Jay Cooke & Co., bankers. The Airnace was al ready heated for h purpose, and the boxes were cast -Yum the elevator into the furnace, correct tally of each piece being taker at the time. The melting was competed late last evening, and as plats, on which has been printed some $8,000,000,000, they are no mere. Hose were attached to plugs around the furnace, to be ready for in stant use in case of accident. As the liquid mass came from the furnace it was poured by the workmen into prepared moulds in the shape of pig iron. After the metal had cooled, an examination revealed the fact that it was perfectly useless for any pur pose, being full of air holes and easily broken. The workmen, under the superin tendece of Mr. Willirm Bland, fore man of the ircn moulders, were com pelled to remain after bell ring, as the destruction of all the plates at that time had not been completed, and the committee in cnarge determined to "stick" until the. la&tof the old green back plates had been transformed into an ugly mass of black metal. The officers of the navy yard ex tenocJ ail possible courtesies to the distinguished gentlemen acting as the committee. Senator Thaver and Hon Mr. Halsey appeared to enjdy the du ties imposed upon them, and in conse quence of the degree of warmth ex perienced in the foundry, were roam ing nround in a workman-like manner in shirt cleeves and vigorously usio" the chapeau for a fan. ' The Committee will reprr the re suit of their labors to the Secretary to day. Protection to our Frontier Set tlemeuts. we are exceedingly gratified to learn, as we do from General Auaur. that he has so disposed of the farces under his command as to furnish a company of civelry to guard and pro tect our frontier settlements in Jetfer eon and adjoining counties in southern Nebraska. The General has raised another company of Pawnee sccuts. who will relieve a company of cavalry now on duty on (he Republican river As soon as they reach their place of destination, the company which will be relieved by the scouts, will return to Ft. Kearney, provide themselves with necessary supplies, and return imme diately to the Little Blue, where tbey will be stationed at tne best points to afford ample protection to our exposed frontier settlements in southern Ne braska. Gen. Auger will do everything in his power to protect our citizens. No better or more capable man could be intrusted with the management of the delicate and responsible position of commander of the Department of the Putte. Republican. Personal. Hon. Wm. H. Seward of New York, late Secretary of State of the United States, will arrive in this city to day. He is on his way to Alas ka. Ex-Secretary Seward, (however widely we may differ in opinion from Dim on tne political issues of tne day; is unquestionably one of the ablest men of his time. He has attained a riDe. old age in the service of the republic, and will take rank in history, side by side with Websier.Clay, Calhoun, Lin coln and Benton. We wish bim a pleasant journey and a safe return to his beatiful home in the city of Au burn. Republican. The ruling passion was recently ex hibited in a remarkable manner, or the occasion of a funeral. An old ltdy had lost her husband, and on ihe day of the funeral her neighbors were somewhat tardy in appearing at the solemnities. "Nabby,"said she, "hand me my knitting; I might as well be tak ing a few stitches while the gathering is taking place. A Prompt Reply. -Rev. Rowland Hill used to ride to and from church in a carnage, lnis gave onence to one of his members at least, who went so far as to hand in among the notices one requesting "tbe prayers of the congre gation for the pastor, who, yielding to pride, is in the habit of riding in his carriage, not content,' like his Divine Master, to ride upon an ass. ' It was not till Mr. H. had read the paper, and observed the sensation created, that he noticed its import; then laying it down he taid: "It is true, brethren, I ride in my carriage, but if the author of this notice will appear at ihe door at the conclusion of the service, saddled and bridled, I will do my best to ride him home. Wc find the following paragraph in a California exchange: 'Thirteen years ago a gentleman purchased 22 acres of land near Los Angelos. California, for $200. The first year he planted nine acres of vines, and fenced the entire tract with a live fence. The remaing 13 acres have been planted in trees, of which there are bearing 212 orange trees, 100 lemon trees, 29 walnut trees, 100 apple trees, 200 peach trees, and a few lime, plum, quince, fig, &c. The nine acres of vineyard produced $950, after paying expenses of cutting, being a net profit of over $100 per acre; and the fruit crop from the 13 acres (in eluding the oranges, now begining to ripen, estimating them at the price re alized last year,) amounted to $2,950, making the net receipts from the crops produced on twenty-two acres last year about $3,000, most of the labor being performed by the owner. The Jive fence last year supplied a surplus of fire-wood, which was sold at good prices." The paragraph has an interest in the 'acts it gives about California farm ing; but the last sentences attracted our particular attention as something novel, in the "account of stock" of a well appointed farm. Assuredly, if our farmers were to dwell much on the firewood from their live fences, it would be a saving at the spigot end a wasting at the bung; and yet we see hedges sometimes left to row as if "fire-wood" was really the great end of the planter. Anything like limber along a fence-line is a great loss to the farm. It is a well ascertained fact that the roots of trees, as a ride,exlend in width about in proportion to the height of the tree. Hence, if a hedge be allowed to grow until the plants in it extend twenty five feet high, tne roots will extend to about that distance, rolbing the soil of its fertilizing prop erties, and spoiling the regular farm crop growing thereon. ' Whoever has Osage Orange hedges should be very careful not to let them get over fonr or five feet high. The roots will not go much farther away than that. A few fugitives may occa sionally be found further; but this is about the thing. June, by the way, is the best time to trim these hedges, while the young growth is as soft as grass. They can be readily cut with a short -scythe, and a half a mile be trimmed in a day. The best shape to itrim is the cortical, starting about two nd a half to three foet at tbe base, and cut ring up gradually to a point at the top. This is the way to make them thick at the bottom. If they are cut in too narrow they will soon get thin, and never be "hog-proof." " In SepteinrJ. tney may Dave another lignt tnn miug. Well mauagad and it is very sim ple to well manage them there nothing so cheap and everyway valua ble as a good 0?age Orange hedge as left to grow to 'fire wood." there is no greater nu'sance. Jeivs. of life. An old document contains some in Lteresiing information unknown to many and rarely encountered in the p.ipers Among other things it contains i table exhibiting the average age at lamed by persons employed in the ?a rious popular professions of the day. In this particular, as in most others, the farmers have the advantage over the rest of mankind, as their average age is sixty five. Next upon the dock et comes the judges and justices of the peace, the dignity of whose lives lengthened out to sixty-four. Follw ing them, immediately in the category of longevity, is the bank officer, who sums up his accounts at the age of six ty-thrte. Public officers cling to their existence with as much pertinacity as they retain their offices they never resign their offices, but life forsakes them at fifty-six. Coopers, although they seem" to stave through life, hang on till they are fifty-eight. The good works of the clergymen follow them at fifty five. Shipwrights, patters, law pers and rope-makers (some very ap- priaielyigo together at the age of fifty four. The '-Village Blacksmith," like most of his contemporanes,die8 at fifty one. Butchers follow their bloody ca reer for precise'y half a century. Car penters are brought to tbe scaffold at forty nine. Masons realize their cry of "Mori!'' at forty-seven. Traders cease their 'speculation at forty six. Jewelers are disgusted with the tinsel of life at forty-four. Bakers, manu facturers and various mechanics die at forty three, lie painters yield to their colic at forty-two. The brkile thread of a tailor's life is broken at forty-one. Editors, like all other be ings who come under the special ad miration of the gods, die comparatively yoking they accomplish their errand of mercy at forty. The musician re deems his last note and plays his dying fall at thirty-nine. The professional dancer shuffles off his mortal coil at thirty nine. The machinist is usually blown up up at thirty six The teach er usually dismisses his scholars aft the age of thirty-four. The clerk passes up his checks at thirty-two, and the printer becjmes dead matter at the age of thirty. The Fdtuke of Dull'Bots. Parent. should never despair because their children give little promise of em- nence in early life. Douglas Jerrold jii . was consiuereu a uun ooy; ai nine years" old he could scarcely read. Goldsmith was a very unpromising boy. Dryden, Swift and Gibbon, in their earliest pieces did not show any talent. The mother of Sheridan, herself a lit a erary woman, pronounced mm to oe the dullest and roost hopeless of ber sons. The father of Barrow is said to have exclaimed: 'If it please God to take away any of my children, I hope it will be Isaac." The injudicious pa rent regarded the lad as a miracle of stupidity, but he after wa ds proved the glory of his family. HO IV TO KEEP AT HOME There would be fewer wretched marriages, fewer dissipated, degraded men, if women were taught to feet tbe angel iaty that devolves on them, to keep the wandering steps of those who are tempted to much more than they, in the paths of virtue and peace to make them feel that in the busy world is noise and confusion that at home there is order and repose that their "eyes look brighter" when they come that the smile of welcome is ever ready to receive them, the books are ever ready to be laid aside to minister to the husbands pleasure, they would find amusement then at home, nor strive to seek it elsewhere. And not alone to the higher classes of society should this be taught it should be a lesson instilled into the minds of ell high and low, rich and poor. Fewer heart broken wives, weeping and scold ing, would stand waiting at the doors of public houses, to lead tbe un steady steps of their drunken hus bands home, if that home had offered a room as cheerful, a fire as bright, a welcome as ready and cordial as at the tap-room they frequent. Duty has seldom has strong a bold on man as woman ; they cannot, will not, for duty's sake, remain in a dull, tedious or ill-managed, quarrelsome home, but leave it to find elsewhere the comfort and amusement which fails them there; and when riot and revelery have done their work, the wives and sisters, who have done so little to make them oth erwise, are pitied for their bad hus bands and brothers. The richer counties of Nebraska those whose assessment for 1869, reaches one million of dolllars each are the following : Douglas county, Otoe Nemaha Richardson " Cass " Dodge " Washington " Sarpy " Statesman. S9.339.4SS 4,261,084 2,637.904 2 195,155 2 136.835 1.601.6G3 1.593 .593 1,445,095 An enterprising speculator in Paris talks about starting a mammoth print ing bouse, where be desires to print nil the daily newspapers published in :be city. A number of editors of American medical journals were in attendance at , ei.4 nrj-i iuc iiieriiu vi me rvnifi lean iueuitui Association at New Orleans, and form ed an organization under the name of the Association of American Medical EditorsT'"" -'' The author of - the :Dodge Club" papers, which ore ued such a sensation a year ago, when published in TIar per's Magazine, is found, by Boston correspondence, to be James F. De Miller, son of a New Brunswick lum ber merchant of moderate means Ii is a literary curiosity that in our language no word beginning with the lettrrs al," is more than merely re spertable, and that nearly all of then are decidedly mean. Ins-tance slink, plough, slum, slave, tlope, slice, fclv, !iirgard, ulu, slay, nod many ethers, It is not what people eat, but what they digest, that mtikes them strong. It i not what ther cnin, but what they save, tbat makes them rich It is cot what they read but what they remember, that makes them learned. It is not what they profess, but what they practice, that make righteous A Parisian capitalist has purchnjed the copyright of the famous Biograpie Universelle, and will published a new edition of this gigantic work. The book will be completed in ten years, and is expected to comprise cboul eighty thick volumes. An irregular apprentice, frequently keeping late hours, his master at 'ength took occasion to apply some weighty ar guments to convince him of the "error of his ways." During the chastise ment the master exclaimed: "How long will you serve the devil?" The boy replied, whimpering: "You know best, sir. I believe my indentures will be out in three months. A Concord editor, who bad become estatic over the auroral display latt month, says it looked as if "some ce lestial mercer bad unrolled twoor three dozen pieces of silk of the most beau tiful lints of purple, green, blue, lilac and white, gathered the ends into his hands at the zenith, and 'el them flow down to the horizon." He is evident ly a commerical editor. Artemus Ward's lecture at Egyptian Hall, London, is about to be published 8imultaneosly in New York and Lon don. It is to be printed with an at tempt to represent by the arrangement of epaces, and by the use of different Hinds of type, the peculiarities of the lecturer s voice. There are to be thirty-six illustrations from tbe pano rama which the lecturer illustrated. The book will have an introduction by Mr. T. VY. Robertson. The Ramie, the new grass said to be suitable for the manufacture of paper, is about to be cultivated in Egypt, sev- ral Dachas having written to the United States to obtain seed Tbe pa pyrus, trom wmcn tne name 01 paper is derived, was nrst grown along tne banks of the Nile for tbe use of the scribes of Alexandria, and the con nection between tbe primitive and mod ern material is worthy of notice as a tlsa that Egypt is waking up to the advance of civilization. The editor of the Minnesota Feileral Union, apoligizing for the shabby ap- paarance of his paper, says delinquents I do not pay up their subscriptions, and concludes with this compliment to tbe Minnesotians: "In no land where we hare heretofore dwelt, have been so extraordinarily humbugged, and dis covered so many full-fledged 'shysters' and 'scalawags as in this Minnesota. iney apper 10 spring up spontaneously - - i t nd to be indigenous to this fertile Soil.' Religion Exemplified. I would not give much for your religion unless it can be seen. Lamps do not talk, but. they do shine. A light-house sounds no drum, it beats no gong, and yet far over the waters its friendly spark is seen by the mariner. So let our actions shine out your religion. Let the main sermon of your life be illustrated by your conduct, and it shall net fail to be illustrious. The Land We Love, a Southern magazine, tells un amusing story of the first battle of Bull Run-how a wound ed Union prisoner begged a Lousiana Tiger to relieve him of his sufferings by death; how the brave "Tiger"cooly gratified bim by cutting his throat with a dirk; how he then bowed to the other wounded men and blandly asked if "he could accommodate ary other gentlemen." Strayed or Stolin- From the undersigns 1, on Wcplnj Water, three miles below Ihe rails, June lO'a, One Large Bay Hore, 8 or 9 years old, a Terr I'ttle whit in the forehead, very thick Just below the even, noee strt ight, mane and ta'l black and s'igntly wavy. Any person returning (aid hirse to me, on Weeping Water, or at channon's "Stable in Piattsmouth.or giving reliable-information of his wbereaboutsj will be suitably rewarded. J line II tf. P. S. BARNES, RikX!SSaS CHAMPION coccus IS COMING! Wait for It! None Other Trill Give as Good Sat isfaction I The above naned Model Equesfrain and Olmpian Exhibition, uniting ihe element of Brilliant and Graceful Horsemanship. ClasKie snd liar ing Gym nastics, Dazzling Pantbeonic Performances, and an enxemble of surpassing exce leuce presented by a Trjnps of P eked Performers. Will exhibit at Plattsmouth, Tuesday, June 20.'h, 1SC9, f Under a Mammoth Water-pr-of Pavilion, capabl.of 5:uirortrbly holding over 4000 people. PROBATE 2VOTICE. In the matter of the estate of Pamnc l J T.ikes, !ate of Cass Cuanty. Nebmska. William L. Wells has made application to the l'robste Court to be ao pointed Administrator of said estate: now then the Court hs ordered this application be i nblihed in the Plattsmouth Herttlii for three works ami Hist on the 30th day of June ai 10 oVI ck a in. of thnt day at the offlre of Ibo Pre. bale Jinle in the city of KUt'smoutb. lie will hear sod determine Ihe said application., all l-eons ii.ttresttd will E.nrar tn thatdny. Ulren under my hand this Bih day of .Tune, 13"9, - tar, i-jA'ir. pror.t Tr1 . Plaftt',TT.-?ane-'K-rtS. NOTICE- Is rVy given that an e'ectlon will be jeld at the ul". place or holding elections in 1'lattsmoutb precif st, Class county Nebraska, on SJ 5 Vl 'iJA Y th id day of July, A Z. 139, t r the purpose of fnl milting to the legul to en ol aid i-te -Inct the proposition to Issue the tpccial bonds A paid Plattsmoath precinct In an smonut not excel iipi! fifty thousand dollar tiu),ouo, ..J muclf Uj- riofofxald Mini of fifu thousand d illars as hal!fee aecoise-iry lo purchase fur, and secure to, the IturliegU n aud Missouri Hirer Railroad Company all uch f roaadsand lands within the preet corrorste limits nt ; he city cf PlstUmoutb as Ihe said Cum. panyba!l designate, and npon which said Company fhall V';q-tract all dirws, inachine-f hops, round houses t lno tables, s:de t.acks and sw :ch'e, and all ottpr jbniidlogsand constructions which may be necr-sssrj to the e and business of said Burling, ton 4 li ouri River Kail road Company, and also to secure t I is said Burlington and Mittouri Klvev RsilroMC otnuty the riy ht of way from a point sri hin f it present limits of the cily of Plattsmouth, and up a i safh line within Cass county as the said Uurliiirt Missouri River Kailrt ad. ComDaov shall bt ijnate. Said I-Orln to be I slued as follows, to wit: Tbe entiie wt;tint of the said fum of fifty thoasand dol larp ($) 90) to be issued in bonds of one bnndrod dollars c.a,;u. cn or before the first day of August, D. l&tif. anil Immediately delivered to the Coutity TreastiTi r nf Cass county, to be paid out and aed by the sail iKiiiniy t reasurer lor tne purises berei set forth. 1. 1 Said fcoivls tj ruu Ave years from the dite of their issuance, irith Interest, parable annually, at the rate oi ten i. ein om per annum. Said S ula and the interest thereon to be payabl at the ifi i. er the Couotv Tr asnrer of Cats county Nebraikftt Tbe entire amount of the tail bonds, in the ih.i.i of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), or so much tboi'of of said sum of Bfly thousand dollars as shall t ptJij ont and used by the County Treasure for thefceirroses herein set forth, to be dun and paya ble nvu yfart) from tne uate oi tne ueuanee of aaid bonds. I All be lit-, remaining in Ihe hands f the Connty Treas ur It after the ptrposeshereln set forth shall be fnl!)r iitbd completely accoruplirhed, tc .ne salla f actio siki acceptance cf tbe aaid url:.agton and slissonn It.ver Kailrnd Compaty, to be returned to the 1 unity Gommtfsioners of Cass cam tv. that th sai4 County Oommisstonere be ujhorlaod and ref :ir-l to cancel and destroy the same. The proposition will also be sut-mitu.'d to th legal voitrsi" situ rtaiumouin precinct si ihe said elee tion to at lorlxe aod require the County Commission. era of I 'd Cass county, Nebraska, to levy an annual tax on nil i.he real and personal property within the ooumis rt aid flattsmoutb precinct to par tbe inter est onfall.' special bonds, and after the expiration of rourye."-' from tbe date of the issuance c-t said spe cial bo. ilyw levy snch additional tax on all Ihe retl and pcfMial property within the boaods of said PlaUstnoiiiB precinct u shall be sufficient to par an redeem (he'whole amount of said special bonds which ! I J bave been paid ont and used by th County ilr-asurer aj herein provided, anil to appJy tne ana ni i or sucn aantionai tax to me irattre pay meat ai ii iauldatioo of said special bonds. Tne a s tton sobnitM.t to said voters at said elec tion wili For Hpeolal Bonds and Tux. Xes; For Si -MlaJ Bonds and Tax. Mo." The 'i o -r at aaid election will be evened at 8 o cioc - Tt of said aty, and win com, i one opca until o e in tbe anernooo of aaid oaf. By of irof the Board of Cousty Conjinissloners a witness whoreof I hereunto w mr band seal "d official seal at Plattsmouth on this id of Jane, J., s. iao. l :, B. 8POBLOCK. ? f!litrlr Pa., eonntv. Nabralaa. -- OLIDINAIVCE NO. 70. A OrUMsvc to provide for the paring of the side-w . k en the west slue of beooni, between Main :: pec. L ff-U ffrdained by fhs Xtayrr and City 1 Sramte streets. Council r Tke Uitv of fuuttuoutn. Trial the ow n. era of lot'- fronting na the west aide of Second street, ! and Granite streets, shall lay down between; ' good an 4 it etantial sidewalks in front of his or ber property : M-pfceti vely, uaid aidewaiit to ae lata aewa brtn lie) ,y of July. A. D. l&6S. with gcoc bLiak, stone, or plank not leee thae, two see. a. n id sldewaltt to oe put cows una ptrea inches tit k; with a good substantial carting at tbe line of tw wood, of twelve la "i'eet, and siddsidd walks, mane or brick, Cae, shall be of nnlfoita height acd 'ti above ths grade of the street and not test than . u feel wide . Esc. 3. : ' f at if anr of aaid lot owners fall to build aaid side " 1st day oI . ions of th 1 !ila front of their respective lots by the S T. A. D I:jb8. acot.rdinr t3 toe provi- c raiaance, -then it thai! b-j tbe amy of the Street -nmissioner to build said sidawaike in front of tk i ts rf the respective osrn era, and the expense! .aiding tbe saiil sidewalks shall be charged to lots; and i - a respective owners of tnt contiguous .mAnn, 4 tim . r rv.n,i i lllr, fn. t ll M eons'trncte -fsnch aidtiwalks ibait be retained to the City 1 ' sarcr. who shall assess tht amooat of such exper spectively, i'ure aa tax againscthe lot oa-aers r d snch tax abail be a liea npon such e City Treasurer shall collect the said i'i la the time manner aa other taxes I'm said city: Provided, That said ted agarniit said lot owners fer suck .building said sidewalks shtll always i lev. , - ' i- tlinancdi and resolutions luaaicting "mice are hereby repealed ' ordinance to take e lect from and tioo. ATiath..l D. le. P. V. WHEELEB, Mayo-. a.UAei U tr", aeowdet,. tBjr2T lot ; and ; tax as as are eolleat taxes so aa expend i till be paid ins Sec. 4. with tbi' after its pi Approve; Attest; DETAILED STAT&TIEIVI? OF THE CONDITIO Or THE Missouri Valley Life Insuranoo - Company of Kansas and Missouri v Made to (he Secretary of State of Nelrasar and Showing the Condition of taid Company on the 3 15 day of December, 18(38: . -r Chartered Capita, " ft 000.000 00 On a run teed Capital, ' ( -- 1,U0U O'K) 1)0 Paid op Cuplial, 167,600 W A9SETS. Loans on Bond and Moitgage, and otfaor approved securities, $181,761 15 Cah, and (lash limn, 7,70tii -t Due on Stock Account, 9 BOO 00 Deferred Premium. 6 41(1 Otf Stock Ktlls Receivable, 80,600 00 Accrued InteTest, 4 V&0 00 Other Projwrty, Including Oflk-e Furniture, l,01S 00 Total Aesets, 9202,391 UK has not been. LIABILITIES, for Keserve, which None, except calculated. RECEIPTS. For Premiums and Interest, EXPENDITURES. f 48,874 93 For Binaries, Commissions, Stationery, and 'l other purp0es, f 18,895 CO Percentage of Expense to Income, Number of Policies !.sne9, S4I ; Amount Insured, $343,('00 : ToUl Prrmium Ueceipti, Included dw ferred pre niunrs, fS8;5b4 71 ; Keceiiits from IoUrexl 15.2f9.57. The Company sine the 1st of January has pur' chased $100,000 of GoTernojenl A-UOllonds. C15RTIFICATK OF AUTHORITF (To expire on ,tbe Slit d.iy of January, 1970 ) INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, ) Ornca or f-Tara ArpiToa, y Lincolh, h i d , April 1,1869. Whereas, Abram B. CovhIi, ij., Mat Agent for tbe Missouri Valley Life Imiirn ce Company, lo cated at Leayeoworih City, in the Slate of Kansus, has Died in this office a copy of the act of Incorpora tion of said Compaay, and a cUtem-nt under oatn, shoving its condition, as required by the fifth sec tion of a law of the Sis t of Mebriska, entitled "An Act In Relation to Insurance Companies," approved February ISih, IsO ; approved February )2th. 1860 ; and whereas, raid has furnished the undersigned satisfactory eviue fiat it is po nrJ of five bundled tboutaud d ilUri of actual capital, invested in stocks of at lease par value, or In bonds or niorlKages on rest etate worth double tho amount for which, the smns Is mortgsged; acd whereaa, siiid Company l as tiled in Una office written intrun:i lit, under the seal of the Company, i-iftned by tne President and Been tary thereof, an thoriziug the said Abram B Covslt to acknowledge service of process for and in behalf cf said Company, consenting that service of process upou him iiall betaken and held to be as valid aa it served upon the Companr, according to the 'awe of Uis b'tale or any other Slate, snd waiving all claims of errors by rea.-on of such servic aud hereas, Abram B Co. valthas fkinixhed satis'actory evliter.00 Ibat be Ii the a ponied Agent of said Company ; Therefore, he il known ty these pre.ents, ThLt In pursuance .f l lie aiureeaW act, I, Jobu Gillespie, Auditor of tbe State of Nebraska, do hereby certify that Abram II. Covalt. fctq., lias full authority to act as Statf Agent for the .a:d Mi.-Hoarl Valley 1. if Insurance Company, In t' e Mate of Nebraska, ami to do and perfi.rti all acts for and In behalf cf said Company authorized by bin appotntnent as seen Agent, and by the laws of this ttate, until the 31sl day ol January, A. It. If 70. In witness whereof, I have subscribed my name, arcl csnxed the &eai of the Auditor's L. S. Oiilce to be alilxed this 1st dy of April, A. U. 163. JOUX CILLKSPTB, Htate Auditor, " J. W. 1MKSH ALL, Agent, riattstiiouth. Neh. mayiWit . Railroad rJotice. To Vie oitnert of the landi herein iltfcribed: Too are hereby notified that a railroad known ai the "Burlington k Misnuri Klrer Railroad," ha been located through the norll east quar er, the northwest quarter, and the southwest ejuartsr ot section No. eleven (II), and the southeast quartet of section No. two (i), all in towel, l No. twelv fl. north ofrarge No. nine (!)) ent. In the county of Saunders and St.ite of orak. and Ibat unless vuu shl appear within thirty (3n) darn after tbe CUion of this notice, the said Railroad Company will apply lo the Probate Judue of aa d launder coumy to have the d .mage to said land usaeaaed lit accord ance witn tae statute in sueh cas-smade and pro Vi'le.l. . Dahal tLU SOU 4aj tf Aley, lr1. - - .... .- . ti. rut. ubk, Ag Il.irlliigtort A Missouri lUrtr JUilrcsd Comr snr ft ArMavii. (Jelwe REED BROTHERS SELLING GOODS -AT- Weeping "Water AT THE LOWEST RIVER PRICES WHEAT, CORN, AJfD ALL COUNTRY PRODUCE Take la exchange for fiOOfil. if: A. jeim: EES WILI. SAVE IOHk?' -BY- Calling' and Pricing' THEIR GOODS He fore I'urcliaalni: EliTrll? Wet-j Idj Water. KAH May 11, !.