: - 5 I . J ! : I ' ' ' t f ? ! J 'I, I;: a 1 . . ,.i ; .j : i' i ' - . 4 ' ? .1 n Mi i ! ' TEMPERANCE COLUMN. LO DOE DIRECTOKY : CKA3D LODGE : . W. C. T., Rer. J. W. TB(frt. Nebraska Cijj G. W. Counselor J. Bkinner, Omaha . w V. T Misi Kddr, Omaha 0. W. 8 J. Stevenson, Bellevua; 6. W. T. 3. Bristol, O in ah a. The next annual session of the Grand Lodge, I. O. G. T., of Nebraska, wili be held in Plattsmonth, commencing on Wednesday, the 16th day of June, 1869. Officers and RepreseatatiTes, on their arriral at Plattsmonth, will report imme diately to the committee at the Lodge Room, in the Court House, who will proTido them with homes during their stay. Lodges are 'earnestly requested to foiward.immediately t.te names of their Bepresentatires elect to the committee of arrangements. By order of committee. Committee, T. W. Shryock, Chairman, W. D. Ferree, J. W. Barnes, Mrs. M. J. Humphrey, Miss. Laura Daris. AU papers in the State friendly to the Order will please copy. Couldn't Subscribe". A pair of those interesting, entertaiuing ladies, who seem to carry on so large n busi ness in the way of procuring subscrip tions for new works, and who are so IT. J?. TODD, SEWING MACHINE AG'T PL A TTSMO UTII, NEBRA SLA . A good assortment of machines and mehine flod Icga kept on band. JQOffice at Stadelinann's Clothing Store. .Dee. 4 '67 Machnes re pared on short no fee. NEW STORE! WEEPIKS WATER, NEB. HORTON & JENES DEALERS la General Merchandise, SUCH AS DRY GOODS, GROCERIES," HARD WARE, QUEENSWARE, CROCK ERY, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SnOES, AND NOTIONS. PINE AND COTTONWOOD LUMBER, SniNGLES AND LATH. We are Agents for Wlllcox & Cibbs Sewing Ml. chine, which U undoubtedly the bed. Machine now hi use. marchl9tf. Weeping Water Mills. Farmers, go where you can get the best Flour and the most of it. 83 Ibt oXXX FLOVIt and 12 Hi tf PR A delightfully importunate, so sweetly gin ,n exchange for good wheat. On get-nd-able, Called a 8nori lime We are also doing grist work; and, with our In .;no at iK nffir of a VOUnf lawver creastd facilities, feel assured that we can give the SlQCe at th9 omce OI tt youii0 uwyci and the most flour of any mm lu the State. lor purpose oi geumg u.m .uu- r .1 scribe. satisfaction Guaranteed Indeed, ladies," said he, "the part- PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. nership of which 1 am an Dumoie mem k.. ha latplo hf.cn so imDrudent as to I:".:" f .heir own. which. REED & CLINTON. 2C3UC ia consequence of the enormous ex- TIIO.IIAJ? II- HYDE- Real Estate Office, AND Homestead Directory, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. Goreroment Tands selected from pi r son a I exam ination. Free Homesteads selected, surred and se cured. Lands in second band' and improred farms bought and sold. Titles examined, and Conveyances mrde. REFKBENcr? : John D. Turner, late Pres O k 0 tT R R ; Lee County National Hai.k, Dixon, III. ; Robert Harris, Sapt C B ec Q R R; Anr Banker in Whiteside county, III. ; Register and Receiver of Land Office. Nebraska City. nil NEW ME.1T iHlRKET!! GEO. FICKLER, CORNER 2d 4- MAIN STREETS, PLaTTSMOCTH, ikebeaska. Keep constantly on band the best o All Kinds of .Heats, which they can furnish their customers at the BEST OP RATES FOR CAS H I July 2d. 1S63 3m. pense attending its illustrations, em bellishments, etc, has completely crip- J-r- Cook Stoves. B. Mc Median, w-v . II CU U a I "Then, perhaps, replied tfe angelic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, canvasset, "we could procure you some IRON, STEEL and NAILS, subscribers. What do you rail your BOCK ISLAND PLOWS, WOrkr ' t. . tJtr CORX.PLAXTERS, Well, we have not fully deter. m mined yet; but I guess I'll let my wife Cultivators, sulky and walking, have her own way, ana can u iiier me Charles Henry." ,m'r : e A Large Variety on Hand, emigrations from CaDada to the Unit- fepades, bhovels. Hoes, Kakes, ed States, which has, and is still creat- &c., &C. ing serious consideration in the mnds A larRestorknowon hand at small advance on of English officials, may be inferred Eastern Prices. from a late article published in the 10G Main Street, - Nebraska City, Franco- Canadien, at St. Johns, which says that at the station of that town alone, emigrant tickets are sold ta the amount of $700 to S1.000 per dy. Other stations near the lines sell still larger amounts. A letter from Bryan, Wyoming Ter ritory says: "You can see, at almost any town, notices from Vigilance com mittees for certain persons to leave town. I had quite a laugh a few days since. The committee waited on a man they call "Wild Bill," and gave him fifteen mioutes to leave tne town. Bill got on his mule and paid. "Gen tlemen, if this d d mule don't baulk, X uuu v vvaui uui u.v. (Opposite the Seymour Lions?) SIGH OP THE PAD-LOCK. FURNITURE! In one of Cooper'a novels occurs the following passage : "He dismounted in front or the house and tied his horse to a laree locust. A French author in translating the panage renders n thus: "He descended from his horse in front of the chateau, and tied him to a large gras.-hopper." The Chicago Fost very sensibly I THOMAS W. SHRYOCK, CABINET LEASER, AXD DEALER AV ALL KISDS OF Furniture and Chairs. THIRD STREET, (Near Main,) FLA TTSMO UTH, JVEBRJISKJ. Reparinfr and Yarnihing neatly done, EJ" Funerals attended at the shortest notice. nil. State Sale OF Empire Bakery ! 2d ST., OPFOSITE"SEfT YORK STORE." rLATTSMOUTH, - . NEB Confectioneries, BREAD t PIES, CAKES, CHEESE, anJ SWEES CRACKERS. REFREHJIErVTS kept on hand at all times. . JIUBERTY. n!5tf. One door west of Donelan"s Drvg-sicre Dealers in Ready-iiu d 3 clothing-, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS ITATS. PAPS. BOOTS. S770E& TRU.VES, VALISES, and a general stock of OUTFITTING- GOODS For the Plains; also, a large lot or RUBBER CLOTIIhYG. REVOLT ERS JlJVD J'OTIOJ'S. TVs K v i t ... ... iyl '6tf - --""-rocB neioreyou Miranihrr..lul Ti' r . ... - - Hw.oiAUfcUUNA A CO. J. M. EINCHlMArT, (Successor to Donelan Dinchnian,) Druggist & Apothecary DEALEB IX nays : "Une great reason why Eastern It n mn utttj t ji tt llRlinC X 1 t?ninill r-n ?pend- iiU 1 O J1F4 1) iiJtiWilO UIIMUJ ml-UIUIIMCd. journals are not so good and inde ent, as a general rule, as Western journals, is because ten Eastern editors to one Western belong to the office- seeking tribe. AT C OLIST, THE The Keokuk Gate CUu says: "Mr. Rose married Miss Violet at Winter set, last week. There is a flower-bed foryou. That Rose may reasonably PA PjTni fl WtRRACfA ws-si wh w iikuiinvivm expect to be a poppy in lime. The nndersigned Commissioners appointed by an percu girl in Wisconsin Swallowed forty art of the LelHlature of the fc'tsie ef Nebraska, en rcuasion cans Her mother rf f rain. iitlei "5a Act lo Provide fr h Sale of the Unsok rcussion caps. Iier moiner retrain- Lots and Blocks on the town site of Lincoln, and Asylum IST, ed from spaQkiog her for fear of an I for the L,,caont and EreCtion of a state uiiventy, Tnn.,An nl Auricninral Collie, and State Lunatic Asylum v.,,.vu, I approvea eo 15, 1S6!,'' will at An Albany tippler swallowed a chip from a molasses cask with a glass of gin and molasses the other day, and it killed him. A terrible warning against Capital of the StatelofJXebraska tne use of molasses. IKTCO THE Paints, . 0iIg MCfe - xuuciuooas, t'ertumery, Fancj Soaps, PURE WINES AND For Mechanioal and SledicinaZ purpose Keep constant on hsnda fuanl wtU abort ed stock of Lock Sticb. Reversible Feed SEWING MACHINE, AWARDED THE HIGHEST PREMIUM T WIltltiyiH EXHIBITED. .THE ONLY ONE Capable cf sewing in more than cne direction AND FASTENING ALL ITS OWN SEAMS Without stopping Machine or Turning the Cloth. " n waa-es less thread than any other, and ""umcrne s stura wiinout holding the ends of the thread. Warranted to Sew Il-.ary or Fine Goods Equally as well. OVEIl fiO.OOO MjACHINES SOLD SINCE 1861. Bead for Beport and Circu.a'-p. Wra. E. Plant,iGen. Agt 612' North Fourth street. Si. Louis, Mo. r. G. II. BLACK. Ag't, Plattsmouth. Neb. Nor. 21. 166S jl. ' S25 ! 825 ! THE AMERICAN SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE, Is retailed at a price within the reach of all. This Tr,1?V,Atit'rf:lt Dee,u, make LOCK h. HHn doJ eTery ewintr. It win ..iiii '-T, "Bnj, quilt, tuck, ruffle and gather; will wrk equally we'j oni:k linen woolen, or cotton good,, with linen, or cotton thread.' the SHUTTLE SEWING MAC11IXE Warranted lor Five Years! iyUZZiSTm be sVpp,ied witb lP!i-a parts of the Machine, in case cf accident. It nkts Drecil v the M,ne . Itch mnd,- by the Sinpor. Wliee erTwiU son. Howe, and Florence MhcMuVs.' It t, ,." d..r.r?d , Mke .he oflngh-pnced Machlol. adl." the only low.pncfd Shuttle ilach,n iniu . that ha. i hi feed. WVare enal.ll ,r first- cIlMSIH TTr.V Uirnivc . account of iu Bd chine". ,iD cmi""i ComMted ia. " AGENTS. we wish f o arrange with iger.ta, mile or lomal.. represent the Amer.can shuttle SrVjni vUhTne tn and Ontario. Kxtra i.,U,cme? to KiprHenCed AM1 partical!i"' -to ".W.E1 G. V. iY. ANDREWS, General Agent, Detroi', Muh. K. B Lor the hriieflf nf nllr A tt ....... - i ranged with part.o. tvho hav.. 'tZ of samPiM and full llc o rV., t'of oe d Uctnll, jJiJr"' V. K. AXDIttH's, G ene ra r A g t . .-M.J. AND O. F. JOHNSON, (opposite Clark & riummer,) DEALEB 19 Drugs, Medicines STATIONERY, PERFUMERIES, HAIR OILS, Newspapers, Magazines &c, &c, &c. Prescriptions cart fully compounded by an expe rienced Druggbt. aug6 nlS. a IS IS CD O GO o o CO o D r c CD PI 70 r H o p tr CO ' a P H o sir -lps CS 3 22 or? w o r n m m a TO O c o. 0 t0 o 3 3 o W H Q I I H 0 Q Q 3 0 3 t 9. BEX T If. IB. Wiiceler Sc Co Real Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deed AND Fire and Life Ins, Ag'tf, PLATTSMOUTIT, X. T. Collfctlons promptly attenrtr.l to, and proeeeJ. mitte.i at cirretit rat,-,, of Kxoi:lape. Taxes W-'n Ioa and Xebrau lor t,ou residents' ri I to la id iuvfst.pat, ,1. ilMmy n.J on lissl K.I. ' securmes. I.d Warrants I .'stcrt. ' CLAIM AGENTS. AeDlsforcol'ectionofclHira.,talr!,tOoverrr.ieu for solj.ers. their liwJBn. , ,,n, teirs. for .he purchase ,d sale of lan.ls and City protc-J ty, .easing of TeuementK. roic.J REFERENCES: Hon. 8.H. Elt.ert, D nv-r City C T Messrs Kountze Urns., (mhu'xeb ' -'LImr If. K-braav'i City. Dr. nin Lewis, Boston, Ms.srhusetts. FI Y Pitmar.. Chirac", I! inols H SI Magill, Ciniiri'iM'i. t)l-. Tootle llsnna, Platt.tiioirth Kehraska. I. It itii-h. Three Hirers. Michiitan. II in K Ke!Jow, Hiot.mll. .(. V. Hconsln BonT M M.rqneit, Plalt.iin.uih, Neb'ranka ,7 L,ewi;; A''01 '' Bt . Hafl'alo, New Yor'k, E. A. WIGIF.NHOBir, D. SCUNAFSE GREAT RUSH! LARGE CROWDS! ! Everybody, aud moie Ho, are going to B. A. VvIGG-EHHOHlT Si Co., To buy iheir AT THE YORK STORE- The largest and most complete STOCK OF DRESS GOODS Are now ou exhibition at the Sew York Store, ,t greatly reduced price,. We call pulicilrr atten- DRESS-GOODS, PKINT3 t,on " onr ncW tl' eot DELAINS, (ilNGHAMS. UIIOWN SHEETING, JiLE ACHED COTTONS. BALMORALS, CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD. e .... , , . COTTON YARNS IJOOTS AND SHOEb ot all kinks and prises to suit our numerous customers. A laree stock of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, v WOODEN-WARE, GLXSSWARE, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, We have a hrj stock cf lb celebrated HAP HTM OITV rs! iddto Dl r 1 A PTimni r- . i i-v r-Ti. V.;ATrT?h?,P-,,nVLtItAK,NU PLOWS, ami all kin.!,. CvtL,7,VAiTCAFlE,Ac:PnS- SEEOERS, HAY RAKES, &C llatt.mouih Aprils. 1SG9. JS.. A. WIG(,NHORN & CO. WOOL.-OARDIiyc. Carde,) a! th same tirrn ; ihe mchiu.-r f" b,,h in , wfcc or,ler. We ue the Pat.u. Machine c.'rti which wi re ruu enough lasi year to tMalZwi ! : 231 WHITE & BUTTERY, DEALERS 1.1 Carder Is wll Wn.. .jVw.... . ' - 1 ',,8! taioed for the betieflt Af ih. .'..,. advuntflL'p. . (i:.r,u. .. With the above o tbeadrartaf.-eoj all who want work ?, rugs, Medicines, to eom this D E . - ""J'"" niy" s . t wis. yw;;; PIANOS, PIANOS, MELODEONS. J. MUELLER, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA, Dpn ! In f.A .11 a... . - - and other Ki.. fl11 CtntnonPIno "IIUIUCIIIS. 53s All Instrument warranted Ave rears.r3 - oct21 ly Ohemicals Perfumery, and Toilet Soaps, Brushes, all kind. f7oT frit rT rn r - auV , uuci Aruuies, iojs, irusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Grass and Garden Seeds, for meJicinal purposes. and WASIII.WFOIV Life Insurance Compa'y, 9S Uroadwny, A'ew-l'ork. CYRUS CURTISS, President. CashAssetts. - . Sl.OOO.OOO. Entire proHts dividf d among the Polirr Holder. Policies uonf..if, ;iai,je. ft,.r i , anoUH ,yui.'r,, IVvM"ndaoutherr,ntri..i.l..n I'lan. puld anr.ual ly from Ut of policy, ami in the premluuit are out paid, applie J to ke p the ic.iiranr in foree. LIFE POLICIES SELF-SUSTAINING Id from 13 to 20 yearn, a -v.i dng to g. This Coiii.nr ir,ua p. .lie . all theapproTfd plan nl oiiraLC-, ai.d otl'tfiKurcry iuUueuiutcoB .?rfrjt with olvt-iu'y. For paril.:ulHr apply to the undenlined For A(t.Tri.- t.. VAIL it MA.Ti.V, C, norl airn., RLftD 4 J.TMAN. Air. ui (Vho, jj Ufl, Pr. R. 3. LIVINGSTON, l . ,1. KtcHmmrr, nl1' t riattamouth.Aeb. AGENTS WANTED FOR NIGHT SCENES 1M TiUl BIBLE, BY REV. DANIEL. MARCH. D D. For full, free, tlow i. c c'. ar. m .tiklluir. pura ari srur,, .,yi,.; f.,r po(:,i.; p..tj,!..r b.aatr ,.f r.... i,t . d rub gl-vs mi; -in. ifi.ii.iioD ; for i.iro ar.a.,iii-f ft a-a r. fr.,j d-ULeailoua aii.l ni a -CO. ,!.,),, ,. -1r Ijfo I.k., I ir.,rnr,IK Hll, f. i l. i.; T .I'u-i !,t , k Uo .,nal u- h r..iii:i P,i;.ii h ti.e ..lore, ha, l ,t. r;-,v,.. rr. m 1.I-I...J. S-n, l-.-v Alhert I!a ro.H. N .t-r i I,, f W , ptMlr,... I. J. Oe.v !.!. t ll..r.!.ai U i.. VV. M,llV 1) V -nn:uH W F..1 r. 1. !., I,;, i, , hbA ,Mmin- c for n.rr, l:,r, ror. ii, iu ,,.. me. Ap.tH ir, -'rj h li.-r,- r,e-w nl, u . pin l,rd gu-'eori. II LV'"'. ;"""!,;!V " ;'i..!clrg:n,tl,t,00d book. Dd U-a-i k , r 'iiiv. " Cr,.,i,t,ig, HiiOO !:2l) prr month. . accordiiij lo abi.itj ht.I AddrH.a St. Lou Mo. Hc.l7u37...W Paints Oils, Varnishes and" Dye Stuffs, u..u.j, v-oiuwu wii, Lamps, i nimnevs. and Putty, also, C00K,C0BURN&C0. Advertising Agent. Chicago. to'strt nu'Ji'm.-r l Ii, r.r. i. MA i W t,.;nnr, fr f it y, ,p.r, at our lmd P5 7 .5, '"' ""''"re Jtl. hi, i trail Aew.jx- ADVERTISE Evergreens nriVebraska Glass 3 " OX THS A Colorado miner recently eeut this &c flf Tnno A Ti 1QRQ concise letter to hi "Cate:" "Lereo U A JUne A' -U- Iob, vears 13 rather lono- ta Lrnrt rl K.,t wmmencins at 10 a. m. . a .. o ue Dare you yit, Uate Sir v'.-... . ?i-'5r "fefS 4 CHOICE FAMILY GEOCEEIES. Green and Dried Fruits. CONFECTIONARY, &c. PATEiVT UT-mc-irm ans:.pmscriftioks iSSiiSli "rT.."1 '"f'f"1 ,n .'.,',Hd Dr"cs Procerio. in this citT for i... .: 7" ' . PT .,nonr,1,,eo' ,rade. S1 re predrred with a ir,. IZ " . 'J"r". - v 'mi 01 tne .x-iaiismouth.Nfb. April 2, ieC8. quality to iupply those wants at very low prices. A shrewd but unenlightened school I director out West used to say, on ei amining a candidate for the office teacher: "We all know ths t a, b, c, ia I Towels, but we want to know why they ia vowels ?" . i i . i ta iiu t cuuiiKinnriAn a. a . . I . .nf i n a i . - Lr'i. t b, p. r . - Offer at paMie rale tbenrifoid lot and block, i the v th-rV", "rusgint. :a;4rvi''-TTrT I town of Llneoln. Said ..orty eonuof n.e oaj e fcut thercaEST Medicinea used, lf 9ccd &?&PzJ$&& aeretefore by the State aud now largely oceu, led by ' repretentea. Cnd see. &&4WY W.C,?rff :1 omiaiopa. inetormoi a.,!.i M.e wlU beCa.,h. and MAIN STREET, SOUTH SIDE LPiiKTXU JFtiyJ t- for Botie than the appraWd value, baidapprai,. ' O"olu-lu ltrAS0hiiJi- of meet to b ma4 by the Corneal.,,..; Terms Ca&h ( JSSiisSiM'lSi WHITE & BUTTE It Y. 10,000 ACRES OF A richly dressed lady topped a bov JZL & fci J.1J Uh5 trudging along: with a basket, and asked, "My little boy, hare you got religion F "No, madam," said the innocent, Tre got potatoes." We will at the aame time and npon the name tt tat ofTnr at Public Auction near 4U,00 acres of fine Agricultural Lao da beloncing to the btate, lying fn.ra one to ten mile from Lincoln. We would add that Lincoln haa a population of twelve hundred inhabitaata, and ia rapidly growing A.. , j . . ft. I .... ......... .... ...uMu.MBM, uu tm rsyiuiT Krowing little gift dreamed th&t death I ,nto oo'0 political and canimercial importance, 'i ho Knocked at her door .Vhat did you Ztit:Zu ViVll dO? asked her mother. "I said DO Ho" of aid Legislature eo far aa tt related to fu- permittance," the little four year old S&T.V replied general railroad U- waa paasad under which . aonio Ave or aix railroad companies centering here A,- T . . 7 . . propose to avail themaelvea of State aid and p-itb illSS at a boarding School beiDC their road tt completion at an early day, wb.Je at ill. deemed it rulc-ar to v h ?ihl?'2lallT P oa 9 - O J wij . a uui tuia u ir Jniawoaidaeemtojajtifytialn aaylng that Lin 9 I cola, at no distant dir. will he th of Nebraska, and the grea-.eat ra lroad centre weit of Chicago. said Grant lo his brother- t?.TJ,V" St"!?.0rih-Anef"u.h.," s I r aai smaw luvitflu UCTB. anu I lia r wiiki. Hl-IaW, 'when are yOJ like a pig ?" I ooeandahalf miles from town there is perhap,the "(Jive It UD " When xmii r.t :,7.T. T' T. la ,n" wo.rJa. now in curse of 1ST E "W JEWELRY STORE bilious, 90 she complained of being Wiiiiamous. Tho inWrll.e. V,-l- v. ... . . " ' l. i.'eir octuifien dv namv anil nlh.p, i i ?ertiUl.l.Tl.nI:'rtbe pti'n of Plattsmouth and TIclnitr. that be has rntt.l ik. ...... . . large atock of f u " A WD FANCY ARTICLES Burlington Bridge Finished Burlington & Missouri River, In Connection with CHICAGO, BUKLIIYGTON & QUINCY RAILROAD S Hardware, SHADE, 0NAZ!ENT. AXf PKOTKCTIOIV! IhaTf-.n es-f ill v ir owl.,,. :.. .. PXES, Fit!.", Kb ns, HE ;(T.t ic Kpiinr ...,,-r or taie al 15 cent. h or 1D inr hiiB.lr,-,! ai.d upw,d,. acor-iii. ... .:.. ... -.. qaal.Ulie.of ,l,eM,.ale,ev.Mu 1 r bv Vnai Urg. r oi.es by expr-. r.,fh. A(,,Jr Jjn-'uC- Ke.ru.,. Nebraska. PLOWS! PLOWS! C E. F O Ii G Y , Manufacturer of all kinds of Farming Implement, Such a the eelehratod Hod Bre.klnir Plows. Mould llnard Breaker-. Stirr.ns l'l. .j 'i, ........ Shovel-, Cnltlvator. and llsrrr. n.n.i.i- un hort notice All work warrsntrd. Hariiiirhad miirh exprieti-e in the bnnlnets I fl arMired that I can five rueral aatlsfactlon. Please fire me a call before purcbasina eUewhor. Platttmouth,Keb.,May6lh,l';cr?' F0Rar' mm r. STEHEOSCOPIC VIEWS, ALBUMS, CIIROM03. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 591 B20AD77AY, STZW YORK, .m mf II.. Trl. t. lb. Ti .1 r. ' law, ire it t pen-Dent." n VQU 0"Pt in.flH. tl.tt.lnnm.n. - ' T . J O" " iticmuriun ml II will Dt Door uiaary cnance lor lUTwtmeoU. Those who invest ed at former State sales have been able to realize from one to Aire hundred percent. adTance. i urn t...-nr .. riDAVID IlUTLEiL & Governor, TDOS. P. KKSS4ED Secretary cf. state. JOHK GILLKai'IB. State Auditor,J I CommUsionerf. ' ImarSS. The city bill poster at Lowell stuck the notices to milkmen the other day on the public pumps, certain that they would be seen there. - - i The New York World reports the less of a Bror-dway firm, on Monday last, at S60.000 000. Thut reporter must hare imagined he was giriogj Of everydescriptioo,wbolealeandrtail,No.130tf Democratic election returns. I Mainatret,atwata aad Cia atreeta, N"hraaka G B. McCALLUM,. Manofactarerof and dealeria Saddles and Harness, For Ladies. Oenta. Children, and tha rt .1 ina, acu is prepared to uo an Kinds of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING In the be-t manner. and would be happy to serve his many new ecntomers as may give him Iheir patronage, assuring them of their work well none, at mocerate prices, and on short time. 1 he stock, embracing every variety ot goods usually kept arss-ciass jewelry fct.re, will be sold a low prices, and warranted of btst workniansbip acd material, lie has also a small stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, which will be replenished from im to tirn, and sold at the lowest figures. Havicg permanently! eated In this city, I respectfully solicit a share of pa tronage, and cordially invite all to call and examine the atock on hand, as we would be pleased to serve you, and do not ask yon to boy nnlen we can make it for your Interest to patronize as. B. n. EATOV. PrH.nl IaIL. D.it.L. """V" n!OSt direct, rare and safe Route to OHIO. ILLINOI S, INDIANA PENNSYLVANIA NEW YORK ' Sft Passengers have the choice of the radons routes Bazsaze Checkrrl w ..w,., v j k ium:iA 11 A T E S invariably as low as by other Bonus. 3- Euy your Coup,-n Tickets AT BURLINGTON- PULLMANS IHCANT SLEEPING OS ALL KIGIIT TR A INS. Jwf sa. .r..i. t r f Win. F- :c;. Ki. , Wiiea, Lmmy. r rmuirai ku(g ' awr, Ir-1ai.4. rariat. V.0t:4i arroanr E. T. DUKE c& Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in MWWm AGRICULTURAL I3JPLL1EMS, 11- W oves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned AND STAMPED WARE STEEL J? L O "W S Of all kinds and sixes, which we warrant the best in the market. JOB crOK-XS. 2 OTTTJMWA ria Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exdusiTo Agents ia this Connty for the aale of . CABS Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove. mutter- at Stfc. I'lll'l Tftaia, Ty.ia, Talft ff rrla iwva, r-wl BVwf.w f llp !;., Ea. A , Ha THE IwANDS OJT T3XK BIBLE, Vnt Vieas. , rr.it wM-.tw a. . , frr "trKH). h 'L,-H fr.H. ' a-rt rw-ut Aatil for Frfh'a Hrt ' --nt-r;j. I. IU kit i l in ad Tr-iMpe la- r. i. AfU ia arnr " ' h sj SJ. r i 1t .Atjsd, ;a4. V. a, a. - oi t M afy at ttw ri. ''I'lirt af A 'rm fa ' -avej waaty an fcrr 1' ":J"r -rra a .. ft al a M ai irr ana.i& ti.r r p ;r ha. CHROMOS. A. E. TO0ZALIS, GeD. Tc't Pas'r Ag't G. C. MORTON, ea'l Freight Jg't. C. E. FIRKISS, Superintendent. fl iitn 1 T . a a. an a a. tmi-we win net oe undersold 31am 2t., next door east of Masonic &lock. iTiATTSMOUTH. Thf snail f.i I r-r.a. L-t a, Berno. V,t -i k. . r-r arrw. !Sf rsafM a AirMmi.lA( Su. a a- i- ,ta t' '.r .. r. ....... . .J sly Us if'Vt al tha E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., SOI DitoAuwir, X. N A Importers and IfaBurn of PHoiorarnik IfiiMriLl 4 i to il