Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, May 27, 1869, Image 3

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Dr. John Btaelc has gone to Missouri
on a visit among bis old friends.
Josephus L)kca died in this city last
Sunday evening-
The Republicans of Omaha held their
city convention on Tueeday last.
Prof. O. S- Fowler has been lectarinz
In Nebraska City on Phenoocy.
Hon. Marcus Brush, of Ashland, was
in the city yesterday.
Railroad has a hold npon this town
already one "scrimmage" took place
last week.
This eection was visited by a heavy
tain last Monday, since which we have
had splendid "growing weather."
The members of the Plattsmoath B
B. C. are requested to meet at the School
House next Friday evening.
The railroad survey being made by
Col. Peck, up the Platte river, starts
within one block of the Herald office.
Mr. James K. Dillon will learn some
thing to his advantage by calling at the
Herald office tf
The name of lh Lincoln Commonwealth
has been changed to the Nebraska S:ale
District Court in Lancaster county has
been adjourned until July. We have not
learned the date.
The river has been rising for the past
fonr or five days, and is now up to a
fine boating stage.
We are glad to hear that "F. A.
White, Ei., of the Midland Pacific
Railroad," has got home safe once more
The coal discoveries on Weeping Wa
ter W'll do much toward bringing the
railroad by that route.
Mr. Maloy, one of the Commissioners
of Fremont county, was in the city yes
terday on railroad business.
Johnson has that superb soda foun
tain in fine running order. Do not fai!
to try it. It is pleasant and healthy.
We are getting plenty of rain just now
more than is roally needed for the
beneSt of corn.
Rev. Mr Platte, of Pacific City, will
preach t the Court House in this city
at 3 and 7 p. in., next Sabbath.
The force of engineers on the Platte
river route has been increased within he
pai few days, and it begins to look like
business on that line.
The Ladies Aid Society cf the M. E.
Church, will give a Tea party at the
Court House Hall, Wednesday, June 2d.
.11 are Invited to attend. Admission, 10
D.N. Smith, Eq., of Burlington, was
in the city Tuesday, on Lis way east.
He lias been to .incola and Ashland on
The children of Miss Ames school had
a pic nic and May party lat Friday.
There were a goodly number in attend
ance, &nd all enjoyed it very much.
A grand "reception" was given in
town on Monday evening last. A large
number of the "boys" were in attend
ance. j
The members of the M. E. Church in
this city vote two weeks from next Sat
urday June 12ih on the proposition
to admit Lay Representation.
Henry Manglesdorf, formerly of this
city, now a reside-. t of Council Bluffs,
was in the city Monday. He says times
are a little dull in the Bluffs, but that
the future looks bright.
Capt. M igee expects to "fire up" the
new ferry boat to-day, and leave St Ja
eeph for Plattsmouth. Tho Captain is a
driving man, and will wake up the trav
eling public when he gets here.
. -m .
J. D. Simpson, Esq., is having a fine
portico put op on the east front of hU
residence. His residence is located in a
sightly place, and adornments will show
to advantage.
Now is the time to set sweet potato
plants, and Hester has some of the finest
ones we ever saw. ne has a new va
riety, called the Brazilian, which are said
to be very nice.
Wes. Montgomery, engaged on the
Commonwealth for the past year, has
been in the city visiting his friends for
the past few weeks. He leaves for Lincoln
to-day, to again resume his duties on
the paper.
R. A. Bird, Esq., for four years local
editor of the Omaha Republican, has sev
ered bis connection with that paper. He
goes to Wisconsin . to visit his friends,
and will then seek other fields of useful
Judge Reavis was in the city from
Friday of last weekuntil Monday. He
stands the diznity of his office remarka
bly well. He started for Lincoln to aU
tend Court, but returned from here,
learning of the adjournment.
White, of the Midland Pacific, has got
home once more again, and this time he
has contracted (?) for iron and rolling
stock for another hundred and fifty or
two hundred miles of road. One more
trip to the East will complete that line
of road through to the Pocifio coast.
We are pleased to note the success of
the Midland enterprise.
By reference to the table of taxabl
prorerty, in this issue, it will be noticed
that only 851 "doTgs" are returned in
the county. Half that number can be
heard in this city any moonlight night
The Chronicle of Sunday morning eav
"Mr. Pollard. Col. Gillette, Mr. Tefft
and others of the Weeping Water Valley
were in town yesterday on railroad busi
The Emily La Barge took on 4,000
sacks of corn for Capt. Palmer, at thi
city, last Sunday. She is a new boat
on her first trip up the Missouri. We did
not learn who had command of her.
Capt. Geo. Vanderventer, Enrolling
Clerk of the State Senate last winter
called at the Herald office last Monday
He came this far on his way to Lincoln
to attend Court, but here learned of tb
Plattsmouth,! ke all other great cities
has had a marriage in high life On
Tuesday evening last, Judge Gage unit
ed in marriage Mr. Charles Edward Kel
lom, Esq., late b guest of Cass county
and Mrs. Nancy Ann Pierce Forbes, late
of Mt. Pleasant No cards.
Delinquent taxpayers will please cal
and pay their taxes within ten or fifteen
days, and save the expense and unpleas
antness of sending out a collector, as no
further time can be given.
S. DUKE, Treasurer.
The Western Stage Company are now
running a line of coaches between this
cityand the railroai, connecting with
every train. They leave here at 8 and
11 a. m., and arrive at 11 a. m. 3 p. m.,
connecting at Pacific Station with all
passenger trains each way.
L. F. Johnson, Esq., has received the
position of Janitor in the Surveyor Gen
erars omce. jonnson is one or your
straightforward, outspoken kind of men,
uuch as you always know where to nd.
Gen. Livingston has made his selections
entirely from among the citizens of the
The U. S. snag boat. Octavia arrived
last week, and commenced work. Her
work is from Nebraska City to Sioux
City. She was engaged near thip city
last Friday and Saturday She has all
the appliances for pulling out snags,
cutting away sand bars, and otherwise
facilitating navigation.
Col. Peck, in charge of the corps of
B. & M. R. R. engineers working up the
Platte, was in the city Saturday evening
nfter supplies'. The party were about
nineteen miles from this city. The work
s probably complete to Ashland by this
The man that supplies us with face
ious items and conundrums says one of
he main features cf difference between
a B. & M. R. R. locomotive and an old
tyle immigrant outfit consists in the
fact that the former carries its cow
catcher in front, while the latter had it
attached behind-
The city election in Omaha takes place
next Tuesday. An effort is being made
by the Democracy to run in a mixed
icket. The Republicans of Omaha
should statd manfully by their party
candidates if they consider their party
principles worth anything.
Our old time friend, Dr. Whitinger,
of Nebraska City, has been in the city
several days, looking around very qui
etly (Dr. is a very quiet kind of man).
The certainty of the early completion of
the railroad from here to Lincoln is
bringing a number of shrewd men in our
The B. & M. R. R. will be completed
from Plattsmouth to Ashlind, a distance
of about thirty miles, before snow flies
maik that. The company has the means
and the will. They are no Midland Pa
cific or Omaha & Southwestern concern.
They mean business.
Messrs. Strong and Thielson, Attorney
and Chief Engineer of the B. & M. R. R
arrived from Lincoln Tuesday evening
rhey came down over the line of the
road, via Ashland. They are now en
gaged in making estimates of the entire
cost of construction between this city
and Lincoln, preparatory to letting the
contract. The road will be under con
tract from here to Lincoln inside of two
Otoe county, Nebraska, has given
$190,000 of her bonds for building rail
roads in Fremont county, Iowa. She
first gave $40,000 to tbe C. B. fe St. Joe
R. R., and last week she contracted to
give $150,000 more to the B. Jb M. R.
Co., for building a branch down to East
port, in Iowa. Her people believe in
The papers are now quarreling over
the Dumber of square miles in the seve
ral cities. Chicago claims to bo the
largest, Council Bluffs disputes it and
brings down "the figures," and so
goes. We shall hereafter claim the palm
f..r Plattsmouth in point of geographical
dimensions. She is not fenced in. and
consequently her size is only-limited by
the amount left vacant by other
aspiring towns.
The editor of the Brownville Democrat
has been all th way to Nemaha City,
alone, a distance of six or eight miles
and makes the trip the subject for a half
column article. The Democracy of that
locality should keep a sharp watch upon
the Dr., for he might get off the main
road sometime, and they would lose him
Thomas' picture gallery is again open.
ne has seenred the services of Mr. Leon
ard, a first class artist, who will remain
in the gallery permanently. Everything
has been fitted up in good style, and we
feel safe in saying that nothing but the
very best class of work will be allowed"
to leave the rooms.
Mr. Pittman, a resident of Mount
Pleasant precinct, Cass county, informs
as that his neighborhood is alive with
snakes, ne killed in one day two rat le
and three bull snakes. Two of the
snakes were killed in his dwelling house.
Mt. Pleasant precinct always was an
unhealthy place for snakes they inva-, KCt ua ure. i .v. xuB prec.u
: v t .1 i ti : . i
gives a rniaoie iwepuoiican majority or
Let us whisper in your ear. in all coc-
fidence, that if you want a foothold in
the soon to be important city of the
Missouri river, you had better secure
property in Plattsmouth now. It is all
very nice to talk about Omaha being al
ready a great city, and about her having
the Pacific railroad, etc., but the day is
not far distant when the travel and
freight of tl.o U. P R. R. will be landed
in Plattsmouth instead of Omaha
.i n.. ; .v, t
the charter, the line from this city west,
now being built by the B & M. R. Co.,
is as much a part of the Pacific road as
the line from Omaha. Each are desi.
nated in the charter as branches.
We have received a pamphlet issued by
Henry M. Atkin-on, of the Beatrice Land
Office, showing tho manner of proceeding
to obtain title to Public Lands by Home
stead, Pre-Eoaption and Private Entry
The book contains all the information!
required-by any one for the above pur
pose, and can be had for 50 cents a Bin
g!e copy or $30 a hundred by addressing
II. M Atkinson, or the Nebraska Advtr
tiser, at Brownville Nebra ka. Tho ob-
icct of the author cannot bf better stat
e 1 than by quoting his own words as f ol
lows: The frequent inquiries for cop- I
ie cf the Homestead and Pre emption
Liws, and instructions as to the manner
of acquiring title to Government Lands
under the same, has induced me to ar
range for publication, in pamphlet form,
the various acts of Congress relating
thereto with circulars of instructions
from the Commissioner of the General
Land Office, together wi h a few remarks
of my own on the subject."
TT- f ...P.,fc....l V. r, nm.i;AMl..4rA f d i xt tVif St nurfornipii I
I . I
friends in spectae'es ancf inuslin cap?, to I
the ''good old times" when cooking was
done in the vast re-place, by means of
pots and cranesand where the heat was
o great as to orisp one's face ; but since
the introduction of the Charter Oak
Cooking Stove we Lave cetsed to hear
these old times brought up. They begin
to realise that people long ago must
have had an inconvenient time of it,
. .
without railroads, steamers, gas, friction
matches, telegraph, express, sewing ma
chines, or Charter Oak Cooking Stoves.
We point with extreme satisfaction to
the fact that over one hundred thousand
of the Charter Oak Stoves are now in
daily use throughout the West and South;
and no economical housewife, with the
east reflection, will thins of using any
ther stove, iu. 1- Uue & to. are
agents in Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Sold
wholesale and retail by Excelsior Manu
facturing Co , St. Louis. wl
Notice to District Hoards.
Plattsmouth, Nan., May 23, 18G9.
The State Superintendent of Public
Instruction having called for the returns
of the school year ending Monday, April
5, 1869, and as the report is to be made
from tho-e of the several District Boards
of the county, I hereby notify you to
furnish said reports at the earliest pos
sihle time. If you fail to send them be
fore 1 make my report, the money for
your Districts will be apportionpd ao
cordingto the enumeration of last year.
Co Supt for Cass Co., Neb.
At Graham, Mo , May 14, 18G9, Na-
t 11 am el II. Barnes, formerly of Cass
county, Neb., aged 67 years.
Vailerys' & RufTner are just in receipt,
of the largest stock of Dry Good?, Gro
ceries, Hardware, Queeneware, Boots,
Shoes, Mats, Caps, Doors, Sash, Iron
and Nails ever brought to the west.
Buy Nona but the Bust
Vailerys &R.ufner are agents for J.
F, Case & Co.'s Threshing Machine, J.
II. Manny, and Kirby's Combined Reap
er and Mower, Self and -Hand Rake,
John Deere'a Moline Breaking and Stir
ling Plows.
If you want to toy the best Corn
Planter in use, go to Vailerys Jb Ruff.
ner's and buy Brown's Illinois Corn
If you want to save time and labor,go
to Vailerys' & Ruffner'a aBd get one cf
John Deere'a Walking Cultivators.
If you want the best wagon in use, go
to Vailerys & Rufiner's and buy the
Schuttler Wagon.
5000 lbs Bacon.
1000 lbs Lard.
i RvrrxER.
iff! j
Agents for Birdsall'a Threshing Ms
h; Buffalo Pitt Threshing Machines,
New Yorker gelf Raker Reaper- Buck.
eye" Mower and Reaper, J. P. Manny's
Reaper and Mower, Wier's Walking
I Cultivator, Broad Cast Seed Sower,
Rod and Mould Board Breakers, Subble
J plows of all kinds.
Euey implement warranted.
Middle Creek, Lancaster Co., Neb.
August 13 18G8.
Messrs. Doox, Bro. & Co., Plattsmouth.
Genu : The Birdsall Threshing Ms-
chine purchased of you, works beyond
1 our exDectation. We have tried it to
ur satisfaction. We believe it cannot
he beat for saving grain, and running
eas7' w do not know bow much wo
can thresh as we have never got grain as
fast as the machino will thresh.
Respectfully your J J. Forest.
Mt. Pleasant, Cass Cocxty, Neb.,
September 5 1838.
Messrs. Doom Bro. & Co., Plattsmouth.
Cents. In reply to your inquiry as to
how we line the Birdsall Thresher, would
say: that we like it well, we have thresh
ed with several kinds of machines, but
find the one bought of you gives satisfac
tion. It threshes and cleans as well or
better than anv other wo have tried. It
requ.res less attention, especially in me
cleaning part, uurs does us worn wen
in all respects, it is very light draught
o j-i i
horses. We would
Birdsall to any one wishing to purchase
a Threshing Machine.
T E. Hughes.
II. J. Hcghes.
Weeping Water, Cass County, Neb.
December 8 1868
Messrs. Doom, Bro & Co. riattsmouth.
Gents. In regard to the New Yorker.
Self Raking Reaper and Mower purcha-
... " , I
entirely to my satisfaction, both ns a
Reaper and Mower. I have no hesitation
in recomending the New Yorker to any
person wishing a Self Raking Reaper
and Mower. Truly Yours,
Want of spnoo prevents us publishing
more certificates, but we refer to the
following well known eentlemcn for the
merits of tho New Yorker:
John R. Shaffer, Salt Creek.
Frank W. Fowler, Elm wood.
J. L. Davison, Millford.
Abram Courtright, Millfoid.
C.Mason, Millford.
Doom, Bro. & Co. Plattsmouth, Neb.
Reed & Bro., Weeping Water, Neb.
Walker & Bond Ashland, Neb.
Cassell & Hyatt Lincoln, Neb.
Doom & Etherly Millford, Neb.
In this city, on Sabbath. May 23, ISC9,
by James O'Neill, Esq., Mr. II. Ucbekty
te Miss Anna Balsinger. The happy
couple have our best wishes for a pleas
ant journey through life.
PAir it,
All persons knowing themseves indebt
ed to me will please call and pav up im
mediately. A word to tho wise, etc.
Sept. 10 tf. C E. Forgt.
Take Notice.
All persons indebted tO me by note or
... , ,
accOUUl will please can ami seine iitiim-- 1
diately. All accounts not settled by
December 25th, will be left for collec-
Take notice and govern yourcelf I
accordingly, and save your cost.
nov2btf Jacob Vallkrt, Jr.
For Sale. A light spring wagon.
Enquire of Sam. M. Chapman.
Mrs, Rate Simpson would respectfully
Sav tO her friends and the public that
J r I
sne nas maaa arrangements to enlarge i
. . . . ,
her Class in mUSIC, ana WOUia Oe
rvloaco.1 In inatrin't nv whn mav wish
pleasea to instrui.t any wno may wisn
to take lessons On fiano Forte. Enquire
at residence, Corner Vino and Second I
streets Plattsmouth.
.All persons indebted to us. either by
note or account, will please call and set
tle immediately, a we wish to close our
accounts by Dec. 25th.
nov26tf. Vallert & RrrrxER.
$1200 and all Expenses Paid!
See advertisement of American SnrrrLB
Skwimq Machine, in our advertising col
umns, ly
Two valuable residence lots for sale.
Enqnire of M. McElwain.
Monthly meeting ef th. Tea'ry 1st Tneadiy ee-
ning .f each month, at the Rectory; Quarterly! rpurt 1st Monda t of Mav. Auo-usL. !
November aud Febrnary.
I. Si. GEO. TOrXO, Rector.
W. L. WBtts, Clerk. .
This space is paid for by
who keep the largest
fouud in the country.
In District Oourt 2nd Judicial Distiict. within an I
for Saunders county Nebraska.
Maj. O Luti Plaintiff vs. v . T Pos'ei, Defend
I lie Defendant W. T. Foster will tnke notice that
M. j.U Long ba file I hi Petition iu the Hist id
Court wiihia acid fur faunders Co., Neb ,in the above
entitled cause.the oHoct and prayer of faid petui n
being to obtain payment ol a'certalil promissory Dote
for nineiy d.i.lar bxectiteu by you on the lbth
I t;o per em. per annum. Said note heir drawn iu
uvor or one a d. isatueis inu itecurea ojr a c-nai a
Deed cf TruHt Uron the south west quarter of section
No. nineiy) in Town-hip No. twelve (1'Jt) N'.rth of
limie No nine (9) Eaxt of th" 6th P. M., foiuierly
m i.xHi county rebraka, but now In bHtimwrs
county in s iid St .t'-.aoU naid note and mortgage be
inn duly asf ipued for a valuable consideration by
the aid A. li. lianiels to Mj r C. LonK, plaintiff,
in the alHve eutitled cause of action, and in default
of the payment of taid promissory note with inter
ptf cost and charge by a d iv to be named by the
tg u'lZ'Tlr,V?'wU "
the payment of the amount shown to be due th
rai'l plaintiff.
l u are r Quired to an w'T sail' petition on the
reCOmend thelltd iy of Julie, a. u 1 5139, or the same will be
taiLeu h true uiu luugiucub icnu1 mi bi.i.uiiii'ik y
By Maxwell A Chapmax, his Att'ys.
District Court of C'a County, Nebraska. J- Holland, I
versus VOrder or ale.
Charles Wilson. 1
Hy virt ac.d In pursuance of a d-.'cretal order of
tin (Jourt, maiie In tne anove em it ten cause, mere
will be sold under the direeii n of the subscriber, at
public auction, for sash lu hand, at the frontdoor of
the tjoarl ll-inr-e in rtattsmouiii, in ine fain county
f Cass, on IL.acU . the 21t dy of June, l9oJ, at
2 o'cl. rk P. m of said ilav, al tt.e iit:ht, t tie .mil in.
terest of the above rfeleudant to Hie JollJWiiig tract
or nircel of laud, to wit :
1 he s. tithea-t q'ii. ler of section o. nine (U),
n town .ip Jo. ten (lb), nu-tli ol tauce iso. eleven
11 1 ) east ct the 6ih P. M., in Cass count;, Nebraska
liiven aiiuer my nana t is nun ay i way, a. u
Special Master In Ctiaticerv.
MitivUL&ClUPMi , ttorueys lor piaiuiin.
Is hereby eiven that an e'cctic.n will be je'd at
the umihI pince of boldine elections in Kocfc lliutl'i
prtcmct Cass county Nebraska, oil
SA 'J VliVA Y the2'Mh lUiy of Hay A D. I;b9
fr ilie purpose of ml miltin'Jt t.i ttie leial viver of
.a.d ptetiuct the propositi -n o issm th.
iieciMct to the amount of tw i.t - wo
six huu lied and uity nine ! .iur, ($22, c;
Dn'i,m 01
,VI to the
B M. H. It. !tini any. Provided said 1 o'upa-iy
ikr K'ck IJlufU the smti'iL' iniiut west of 1 he ex
t.-nsi n of the said B. M It. K. within ei-h!ee
m iuths from tins date .-aid B miii t be issued as
follows: 50 percent, of sud bo.ds lo be i-n-d as
soon at faid Cmiip my shall cunmenee gmdini? said
road, an I the remui.iiutc -V) per cunt lo b issued
wheu fai company shah have Completed ten miles
t.froad fr. m Uoca Bluffs west.
t-'aid bonds to run tint less than Z i nor more man
89 years from thed.itef issuing, w ith
b:e anuual'y, at tne rale 01 ten pr cent. p. r an
num. aid bon 's interest to be pay;ib e at the odlee of
IheCoiiut.T. asurer of Casscountv. One-teutn 01
said bon is to be payable in twenty-one yea a rrom
the date of issincil, and one tentt of said bond-to
be payaole each year thereaiter until the whole
amount of said bon'ls are paol in ful.
And provided further that th-si.U precinct may
hsve ihe priviiepre of payitiit said bonds any lime
utiortothe lime above specified; and proviti, a
IHrther, that beiore said bonds shall be issued the
said li. & II. It. It O mipany, Ihiotlh their prop
erly authorized Keuts. shall enter into bonds with
the letfnlly HMinorizeu aceuis 01 sm pr-u c. in me
urn of one bundr-d Buy thousand tflSU.OUii) dollars
The proposition will also be sutinvf.eil to th vo
t' rs of aaid piecioct atsaid election to authorize nd
req'iire Ihi' County Commissioners of said county to
!evy ao annual tax on the real ar.d p. rsonal prop
erty of said precinct to pay the interest on said
bonds, and alter the expiration of twenty years from
the time of issuing said bonds to vy annually un
til said bonds are naid an additional .al on the real
and personal estate of said precinct sutBcieut to pay
one-p ntn part or said Dotiua ana vo app.y me uio
to tbe payment thereof.
The question siibniitte.I to 8am voters at sain e. sec
tion will be 'For Bonds and lax, 1 es ; -tor
Bon. Is and Tax, No."
Which election will opened at a o'clock a. m.oi
sid day aud continue optn until 6 oc:oclt in the af
ternoon of said dav.
Bv order of the Board of Courty Commissioner.
In witness whereof I hereunto Set toy hant
seal and otfloUl seal at Plattsmouth on this 4th
day of May, A. B. 1SC!.
p"6 1
In Distri.t Court ind Judicial Dis.rict. within and
tor ivitss colour, neur-K.
f hadrach Cole b T.J-Jones, J U A. Owen And
C E Koipy.
To T.J . Jones and J. Q. A.Owen non-resident defend
ants ;
Yon are hertby notified tht on tna 1st day 01
Mav, IStiS, Shadi ach C.ile filed his petiuo' in the
-flic-of the Clerk o. the Hisf ict Court, a ithin a"d
for Casg cotiutv. Neb . a3.iinst T. J. Jonep, Juhn Q
A. Oxen and C. K. Frjry.'Derei daots, settinft To'ih
that slid Plaintiff lias thd leiral title to the south
exst quarter (Jf of rhe south est quarter (J4) of
-e"ti. n tnirty lnr tii4) ana me Miuin west qua ier
t-f the -south west qiiatter (V) f Section thirty
tive (35), in Township Na. twel e (12), north of
range No thirteen (13), east of the 6th P. M.. in
Cass county. Mbra.ka. and la In the quiet and
peacalile pos-esti .0 of the same, andslhatyou the
sai l ieiendants claim u imeiesi ana estate )D sam
tracts 01 jann auverse (o iiie entaie aui m
tPre,t of th- PiaintitT in said tracts of land and pray-
iri lhat yon he s dd Defendants rasy be c impelled
ho yoIlr Biti,i tit.e lo traes of land, and
' ' niay be determined to be null and void, and
HI fie title to s.a treia 01 laavi in-e irim an uj"s
and incumbrances whatsoever may be quieted aud
Counrnieu in aaiu r-uaurain voie.
Yoa a-o reaired to anawer jaid petition on r
before tbe 14th daj of Junt 1S69.
MIAPKAl II t,;ui.i.
by Maxwell Cnirun Atty lor Piaiunff.
PLaTTl-MoOl H, NEB., PRuBATE Oiticb, 1
ilay 9th, 18C9. f
No ome Jacob Vallery, J r , A'lm;niKtrator ' I
tbe estate of P. A baruy. laleot aaia county, ue
cea-ei. and raa'iea application to harr hiatimeex
tn l.-d six inoi.ltis to inak h- -final tett'einent
Tne Court I. aa app-iin.ed the 27th day of May, to
hear and determine tn aaine i an laterecieu win
appear on tliat div at 1(1 o clo CK a. m.. at my omce,
in the city of Plattarnont h . county, N-branka
11 IT I I 111 I . . K 11 -
May I3tbl8698 F r.ibate J odge.
Saint Louis & Omaha
The above ""ine of Steam 'ra will le. Platts
moath very other dav throuebout the entire season
connecting at Plattsmontn win tne Burling. on
Mi9ari Hirer Kailroaa for tna est. norm ana
south, and al th'followln pnint with railroad ron
lections, t'ouncil B:utft.OmAha, 8t. Joseph, Leav.
I enworth and Kansas City. Fof freight or passage
1 apply at oar offlco.
Clarc Flumitt,
stock of Goods to be
Estray Io1icc.
Taken up by the auL.-criber . three n.i es couth of
Ashland, on tne 6th of Mt lStj't, one chestnut e d
ored Mnr luny with r- a', o-f hind f ol aud Ij.nh
fore feet whit", trhite stripe in furelieud. fiippo-i'j to, i.n bla' k two year old
in a re colt ; one riaikji'iM two oM tiiie coil,
rifhl hind font ud iiKlit fore f o .1 white, white
strluo in loreheail ; i.ue diitk bay In.iie clt. o e
year old ; one uai k bay tun e colt, one year old,
three white feet and white ttripe in forehead.
OKl. K1X1S0S.
May 14, 1SC9 my 20w0
To all whom it may concern : I B. purlock,Cierk
in inn t 1 tiu county Mateol Nebraska, dj, by
virtue of the autbotity in me vested by the provis
ions of an Act of the Legist, i'.u 'e of Nebraska, i n-
titled. An et '-To provide fir the Keirisfy of. sell.).. I
Land', for ihe control and ilisnosuioii thereof, and
for the safe keeping of the fun. Is derived from 'he
sale and lase i said lnuils," whicti said Act was
approved Jure ti, a. D. lso7,au.i also in accordance
with a tubsequeut iimenduient to sap' Act, approv
ed February 15. h, lius, hereby give notice that on
Wednesday, the Twenty- Third (23) day qf June
nea.t, at the hour of ten (10) o'clock a m.. at the
fr nt door of the Ooo i , in the city of PUtts
mouth, Nebraska, I will offer for sale at public auc
tion to the highest bidder all the School Lands with
in the comity of Cass aToreanid, known as Section
16 aud 8G in the several Towns and Kanges of said
county, and 1. inns selected in lieu thereof.
I halewill comm -nce with the Landt In Ihe
s.uthwe?t e rner of the county, beginning in Kanpe
nine (i) and offeiing all the Lands in each respect ve
Kaoge before 'ho e east of it ; and thus advaiicina
east, thro' lUnnes u thin the county, vix- Ranges 9
10,11. 12,13ar.d 14, Towns. 10. 11 12and 13. and con
tinuinr said sale from day to day, until all th
School Lands vitnin the . ountv are ofte' ed for sale
The prairie la- ds will be off-red n tra Is not ex
.ceding forty (4U) acres each ; and the timber lands
in tracts not exceeding ten (10) seres i-a.-h.
Payments for lands sold must be made as follows,
vix: For prairie lands one-tenth of Ibe price cash iu
hand; and lor oth. r lands, one haif cash in hand,
or cash down for either, at the option of the purchas
er, with a promissory note lor the remainder to ma
ture ten (10) years after da'e, hetrinK interest pay
bie annually in advance at ten per cent per annum;
the HrKt payment of inteiext b-ing computed to the
lst'day of January next arter thi-'date of the note,that
when notes aie Eiven for the purrbtHeof timber land
they must tie further secured by the endorsemeut o.
two free holders of the county to be approved ly
the Couu ty Treasurer.
In wimess whereof I hereunto set my hand
cod official seal at my office i.i Platt.-rnouth,
seal. on this 12th day 1 May A. I ISf.i)
Clerk Cass county Nebraska.
May 13, 1569.
Henry Boeck,
Lounges, Tables, Safes,
Of all descriptions and at all prices.
Uetalic Burial Cases,
Of all sizes, also
Ready made, and sold cheap for cash
With many thanks for past pitrona: a, I invite
an c 1 c ii ana e xarnine my large Etoca ol "urni tore
and C- Bins. Jiiti28:r.
VVebst e r 5s Un abridged
3000 Engravinsrs; 1840 Pages Quar
to, rrice
10,000 Words and Meanings not in other
Viewed as a whole, we are eon I'd en t that no other
living language bas a dictionary which i fo'ly and I
fait hfully -e's forth its presen condition as this list
eilition nt Webster d-es that of our wi itt-n and
s oken nEl'xh,-ri Harper'a Miirjazine.
These three book are the mum total n (rr'tit li
braries . the Bill. )L.ilrMenre, and ti'ejnter't
jRtrytU Quarto ChUnro Evening Javtrval.
Thb Hkw Wkbjteb is glori.iu it la perfect it
diatacees and defies ewptii ion it leaves rothirg
t b delre J. II Raymond, LL V.t Prerident
Yatnar College.
Tbe most iir!ul and remarkable compendium rf
nnnwn Knon-ienge in our lnvnaj. w C larJc.
I'remident ilixt. Agricultural College.
1040 rages Octavo. COO Engravingr,
Price $6.
The work Is really a gem of a Dictionary, just
the bing for the million. American JCduottional
In many respeet, this Dictionary is tbe eon
venient aver publiahe 1. lloe enter Democrat.
As a manual of reference, it is err inently fitted for
use in families and schools. Jf. T 7 rVrun.
II is altogether the best tr-a-nry rf iA'
ize-w.. irh the KngHsh langnagt hasever psse.-sed.
Hartford Prei.
PubiUhfd by G k C .JIEBF.I VU, .ffrirgHeld,
April 29, IsCa.
Improved Farm and Tim
her For Stale
Trie farm 1 about 20 mile west from Plattsmonlk,
2 miles west of Hoover's, on the Mage Koad.
acres has been in cultivatio n a log boose api n it,
an t plenty of stock water; it la S. w-qr ec 27, T 12,
R 11 lto seres; and conaectcd with it Is Lot T acd
8 K qr of P K qr tc 2tl, saaie T and K. (timber)
90 and $0-100 atres, making 230 and SO 100 acies.
Also the N w qrof N w qr ef Sec 84, T 10, K 44. In
Mi Us county, Iowa, Due eaut from Plattsmonth, and
1 mile from the river, (het-vy timber.) For tcrmi
addre-s. 1. II. hOLOltfOX,
maySStf. Glen wood, Iowa.
Essays for Young Men on the Interesting rela
tion of Brideeroom te Bride in the InstitnUon of
Marring-, a Guide to matrimonial felicity and true
happiness. Sent by mail In sealed letter envelopes
free of charge Address, How ED At S'JCIATIOK, lion
P, Pbllahelphia, Pa.
M'e.the Drnsgist of Plat-tnouth ealllhe attention
of. our custorcers to the letrers publisht d below of
the wonderful efficacy of Dr. Kooack's Stomach Bit
tern, Dr. Kobsck's Scandinav'an Mood Pit's. W
have been Selling these medicines long enough tu
know that tbey are all they are reeomuiended to be,
and that the certificates of cures put lisbed are tine.
Bead the following letter from
one of the oldest and most
relialle grocery merchants in
the city of Davaiport.
Friend Walton:
Agreeably to my
promise tb you when
here, I write you, for
publication if you sec
proper, a true state
ment of the good e
fects of Roback's
Stomach Bitters upon
myself. I had been
troubled with
gestion for a
time, attended
severe headache.par
ticularly a ft creating,
when fortunately an
old soldier friend
came-into the store
and recommended me
to use Roback's Bit
ters. I did so by tak
ing a small wine-glass
full just before each
meal, and to my great
joy I was relieved at
once, and am now
well by their use. I
would not be without
them at any price. I
have not taken any
other medicine since
I commenced using
the Bitters. And 1
can say with a clear
conscience, try Mo
back's Bi iters they
will do all they are
recommended to do
if taken according
to directions.
Yours truly,
Frank II. Miller,
Oftlie firm of Bcideback & Miller.
Wholesale Grocers, Davenport,
Is the only perfected an J
scientifically prepared
preparation of its kind
ever offered to the public,
and has no competitor
in merit. By its use
GRAY HAIR is soon
restored to its original
youthful color and. bril-.
liancy, which is bo much
admired by all. Persons
whose hair is thin or falling
out will, by the use of our
Renewer,soon see its good
effects, as, by its ionic and
!tImiilntinT nronLTtics tho
GROWTH! ,hair glands will be incited
and the hair grow thick
and strong again. Incases
of Baldness it will create
a new growth unless tho
follicles are destroyed. It
is cooling, and allays all
itching and irritation of
thu scalp. - It does notstain
the skin as do dyes, but
makes the scalp white and
1 Kan TT? li'QSIT'VT.
inlULLil ;t j3 tne best and most
economical preparation in
the world, as its effects
last so much longer. Send
for our Treatise on tho
LOCKS llhair, free to all, by maiL
Sold by all Dru&glsts and Dealers la Medicine.
Gen'l Agents for E'ortli-'We stem States,