u ' I ":. f' " ' I I i : ! 1 4 1 i ." i TEMPcRANQ COLUMN:; LODGE i DIRECTOIiY : tftABD lODOt J I.W C.T:,-Rj. X.' Wl Tgrt, Nebraska Cltyl e W. Contractor J. Pkinner. Omaha J -O.W V T. aftes Kddy, Omaha; O W. S --J. Stevenson. Kellevat ; 6. If. T -kI Bristol, Omaha. OLIVK BHAVCHtf NO.2, f LATTSHOUTB : RegaiarnoeSiagsevery ruesday oveol Trnvellrg reutDlarsrespectfullTlviviied. : " " -., - W. DALLAS TtaKKS, W.C.T K. B. LBWI. T. .! " ' IJ. B. K'KMil, Lodge Dtputy, ' -t- ':Ofc -v'i. - '" ; BXCBLSIC' &2GR.EE. LODOXO.. 1. ' : Meets on first and third Frtdur evening In each month. B. B WIUDH All, W. D. T. rf"STAB0r -lI0r LODGE No 8, Sit. Pleasant hold regular meetings every Saturday ever.lns. - , E. A. KIKKPaTKICK,W C. T. AKDREW COLE.VIAN. W a. FAIBVIEW LOTiGJr. H-.-l. holds reiralaat me ioraeverr r1r eveniat; ''Travelling Tv-topU reVpectfn ly tnTitrd S W. CALhllS, W U. ! DM rs I' P.H. TOCNQ.Jr ve. 8. Correspondence for this column mast be written plain and grjmrcalty tiih 'ii. and on one (Ide only fcf white pper.J-Let them be short and to the point. Liqcoa Did' It. Andrew Price was recently, hang in Iromon, .Ohio, for the murder f Linus IIalgetjbrr. On the tcafflil be attnbu'cd hi i.n timely fate to liquor, drinking and bad company and who ever "knew ihe two to be separated ? .Liquor drinking be gets bad asocialion: bad' association begets drieking. Drtinkeones tenet to violence, which often leads to mur der, and this le the callows. Thu Price traced hii own career. Ii is an old story; y t lamperauco has a host ot opponent?. Take accouot of the following; you will want to use it. - "The JSfalion pub lished at Boston, dissect two thousand millions of dollars, expended iu'Amer ica tor intoxicating spirits, m the fol lowing mariner: - v-V .' . Take this vast amount to pieces. Ii would purchase a nary of oat hundred monitors, and two thousand war-vessels thoroughly equipped, " the proudest armament that ever rode upon the sea It would build a national capital woilb one hundred million dollars, and a cap ital for- every Slate in the Uuioo worth fifty millions.-'' It -Would rear out hundred thousand h uses of worship, at au expense -of twenty thousand dul. lars each.. It would pay the expense cf all lhe'religiou-, charitable, ai d be nevolenl societies in our land, including the ministry, Bible, tract, miaatobary Eocieties, etc., for iu uext fifty yar, since all of these d not cost now over forty millions of dollars annually. The House of inn tYIis-achusett- Jjegisilaiure on the 21st of March vot-d tore enact the old Prohibitory Lav The principal fear of the Tempera uct people was founded in the action of this body. Thyrstein to think tha the Senate, f sound 'ao' core. . The' old original Law was emended by' adding the following? "The acts hereby revival shall not apply to cider when it is not kept for sale at a public -bar; ant sold to be' druuk on jhe prrmise; nor to the man ufacture of citfer.-- v . . ' Tliers, wa anoth-sr amendment adopiftf which allows - apothecaries to fill whe written prescriptions l of physi cians. 'We hardlv think the Temper' nCrblnlM nfth Olrf Rw Siatt. mill I K .t,..,. Ii .... kj ... I wiibsfstodiow the fact .hit tbeWinbera of the body arc mo.ily Prohibuionisls, they hard a parly to "serre ihnt dops notItTrt tcrooi out boMly'arxl piacp the pnoci- al of ' prohibflian in.hu plat form '-Wberfer tbfi polinciant cn erve ihe'C par.tiea under ih cloak of medi'cal scierjce, or!vherever'ihy can fiDd;aopprrtuouy of allowing alcohol to ba ued ior mechanical or culuiarv purpbseiibey 4a o, glad of the cpor tunity jo. compromise with both side?. BuMhV Temperance people all over triA. eAilnlrtf .ru kolriiitiinA j n FaaI ,1... they do n6tc,r to induce in luxury bo wseiass as ciaer, wneo mey know tDat fhey are thereby suppo line a most powerful agency io thf hand? cf our opponents, o evade the law and make drunkards of tair rbildren, our brothers and our father. We believe that the damage .arising from the use of afcohol in any chape hovever re strictpd by Lw, far urpaes any good that it may do. s If: you 'learn t your child red to driokxider they will want otneihlng 'ronger. and if vou ' allow aleohojtq br sold foe 'otlier purjioae J i,rtf tiii t;oi. ii tu uri7iA. ou noiuiut; abort of a clear 'sweep of this incarnate fiend from off the. face of an earth that 19 now-almist a-corrupted mass from its : foul-breath, wiU satisfy un; and we ho'pe tHat' ihe- dav is "not far distant when suchjvfill be the glorious condition of oqr boasted America yea the whale universe trom-rMorth.-to .oouih, and from East to IVeat. , , , j ; - fAoew thing in the smoking line has been invented, and will probably soon appear? at. our" tobacco stores. The tobacco is ground into a pulp, run into sheet like paper; and aolJ by ihe quire or: ream, the purchaser inakiog hia owrr cigar. . f w mm 'The main workiu; uo the Stevenson batterfiNew York, . recently asked General George B. McClellan to grant' them an iocr.fae- of ' wage, a they were, only recivin one dollar and fifty cent per day. . No anwr wav returned, and those signing the tetter were all dt-harged. - ' "A gentle ma a. giving a li-ture io fame boys, was explaining how no one cou'd liva without air. fie tba said; You have, all heard.' of a man drawn iog how does that bappeu?" : The reaay answer was, "Cause be can wira. . i. .. .A cockney tourist met a acotch lassie goia$ barefoot toward Glar;ow. - - bould like to koow if all ibe people in these parts go barefoot?" Part 'o u uu ius rasi a tnm mrj i w . 1 . tneir owo business," was te reply. 1 m JP. TODD, SEWING MACHI..EAGT FLA frTSMOUTU, ftEBRA SLA. A good ansortment of micblne and machine finJ Hng kept on hand. tj-t)fflce at Stadelmann's Clothtnfc 8tore. Iec 4 '67 '... Mschnet re pared on thorla o:ce, ISITEW STORE! WEEPING WATER, MEB HOKTON & JENK'S f . DEALERS IS General Merchandise, : i J CCH Al . ; DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, " HARD WARE, QUEENS WARE, CROCK ERY, HATS. CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. AND NOTIONS. PINE AND COTTON -VOOD LUMBER, ;: : SHINGLES AND LATH. We ate Acer.ta for Wiltcoz & Clhb kwing Ms. chine, TThieb U oad"bted the bee- Machine new in nw. anarchist'. Weeping Water Mills. Farmers, go where you can get the best Flour and the most of it. tC IbloX X X FLOUIt and 12 III BRA given in exchange fur good Wheat. We ate also doing grist work; and, with our in creal facilities, f)i aSHnrrd that trr ran gte the bel an4 the lauet floor of aojr mill In the Stte. Satisfaction Guaranteed PRODUCE UOV GUT AND SOLD. . ' ilJIGEEST MABKET J-RICK PAID. - ' I RKED 8t CLINTON. March 26lhv 1868. ' , : I . ,:- D, B.: McM echan, Dealer in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, IRON. cTEEL and NAILS ROCK ISXAND PLOWS,' . COllX.PLAXTEUS, Cultivators, sulky and walking, ' Cook Stoves, ; A Large Variety on Hand. ' Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Rakes, &c, &c. A larceto:ii now co Dana at iinall advance on Eaetern l'ricas. lQ& Jllain Street braska City, i (opposite he Synjir llousr) SION OP THE PAD-LOCK. . , FUR N I T U RET I THOMAS W.SHRYOCX,.;:: . CABINET MAKER, AXD DEALER IX ALT. KiSDS OF Furniture and Chairs. . THIBDt-TREET, (Kear Main J PlXlTTSMOUTH.t 'NEBRASKA. C" Funerals attended at the shortest notice :1) i . tn,1 State Sale -of- LOTS AND LANDS AT X, 1 1ST C O . THE jCAP'TOL 0P NtBRASKA. The undersigned ommiesioDero appointed by an act.nf tna legislature of the state cf Nebraska, en titled -'an Act to Provide for tbe Sale of tbe Unso d Lots and Blor.ks on the t- wn site of Llncolo. and lor the Lc:tont and trection of a tate lTt iverity. and Aariciiit irai College and State Lunatic Asylum app ovea t co lit, isev, wiii at , , . NOO TNT, THE I -:'"!"; r, Capital of (be State of Nebraska ' ON THE 3d Of June, A. D. 1869. Coiniuuciusat IO a. ra. Offer at public rale the oncold lots and blocks in tbe town of Lincoln. Said pioperty consists of tin od.i aumbere I blocks, Ibe even number hsvinjt beu s Id teretefore by the State and now largeiy occupied bv ouildmgs. I'he term ot said sale will be Cash a id ior not less than the appraised value. ' esid apprau ai-nt to be made by the Commissioners. ! 40,000 ACRES : OF STATS LANDS i 'We w II at the same time and npon th tame rus offer at Public Auction neai 40,1)00 acres of Que A(ricnltural Land elon init to Uie btate, lying fn-m uoe to ten miles from incoln. " vVe would dd that Lmcolu has a population of iw-lve hunlied tuhab tsst , aotl .a repidly ffowixg into both political and comnieicial importitnc-. The Capitol Buildintt isuw com, leed ai.d the ncion ol tbe Letiatu' ju I cluwd was held In it The uciioa of said betfilature so far- as It 'elated to fa- 'Ore intere-te of thU place ws as favorable as the moat ardent of its Itieuds could axk. A g-'-neral railroad luw Was passed nnde which some five or six railroad cm?snte ceateriDit here propie to avi.il themselves of rotate awl ao.l puh tneirrnad to c 'inplction at an early day. while at leac thre confidently expect to be here within one year om this day. . - - ... i ma wouia seem to J jstiry us la saying that Lin Colo, at ood staot day, will be the "Indiabapous" J?1"". a tho f rea est 'a Iroad senue we4 tif CblCapo, : Thi, Ukt-a lu ciooection with the fact that all the public but ding are l.c.tl Here, and that withia ine in t a ha.t miles rm ion there I p-rhp,tbe richest -aline au in- in the w irld now In n.nn. . .evelopmeot, cive as,Ura co ihai it will be no or dinary chance for Investments Tho.e who ioreot d al former 8caie aales have been ab e to realise I.-.ra one t Ore hundred percent. adance. DAVID UVrLEsf 1 tiove nor, 1 i IU08. P. KKN.VABO f Commissioners, i Secretai y ..f state, I J0HX OH.LK9PI"?. J Stat. Auditor, J . . r - msr5. G It. McCAIiIiUM. Manor ctnrerofacd dsalerm Saddles and Harness, i..- v . . .. - . 'vijx,.r.iu,.iisitriltuoieUII,9O.I0i Mtaair t, hetweta and eta swesis, Hebruka BKlDE AND BHIUEGRO.M. Bsays for Younl XrDODthr Interest ng r-la-tiuo a Bri lenroom to B-id in the iootitailon ot Marrlag a Gaidr to ma rimoni.l fe cn and trn happine-s. bent by mail in led letter enTeloora free of charge Addres. Huwako AbSociatiom, Bov P. rnilalwlphia, Pa. WOOL, WORTH St JO J BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, Binders & Paperdealers SAINT JOSEPH. MO.t oc25Am . TlllO.TIrl5 II IIITIIE Real Estate Office. -AND- U&nfstead LINCOLN. Directory, NEBRASKA GOTm reot Lands selfcted from p: sonal exani ioaMon, Fre Mnmei'teada e rcted. ur d and e cured. I.nd, in rreond build and imprnved frru b, ugrit .odeold. Title examined, and Convejrauco tord-. Refurncbf- John B. Turner late Pre ft & C IT K ft ; Lee Co My National Ha. k, Dixon, III. ; Kobert liar U, upt C B at Q K R ; Ai.y Bonie r lr H hittuM- connty. III ; Register and Receiver o I LsndOfflce. Nt-t'rafkaCllT. nil win. stadi;i.7i ;v, One door west of Donelans Drug-store. Dealers in Ready-made Clothing, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS. rAPS BOOTH SHOES, TRUXKS, VALISES, and a general stock nf OUTFITTING GOODS - For the Plains; also, a large lot of RUBBER CL OTHIJVG R E VOL J -ERS JJYD jVOTIOA"S. We bought low and willsell cheap for cash. Cal. and examinroar stock before you buy any where elsel J7l '61 ? Wm. 8TADELM ANN CO. . J. M: HINOHMAN, t! , Successor to Di Delan A Qiuchnmn,) Druggist & Apothecary DEALER IS DRUGS & MEDICINES. .laints,. OVs i'ves, Notions. I oi.et Goods, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PURE W I . ' , . N E S AND T-aIQTJOK. For UihaEioal and Mediclca purposes ateepconstunty on bands foi?and we assort ed stock cf PATENT MEDICINES. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS vareiuu, conipounae'I b an eterlencod Druzztet ... .neTOiwMTBKfT Mediein-a used. All goca warranted at reprtsmUJ. Czii srp. MAIN STREET, HOL'TH flDK. ' wit " V- . i- . .. . T- r JEWELRY: STORE .illUfsi;?. Therahcrlher'hsr.lriii mtreiiaaai,! . p.i k.U. ... a t a.reer taieiv nccnpiert Jir Nsrpy and otbem, wonld resneetftillTlntorm t,i i-il,. ,.w. otvtjt ..j 'ieinijT tliat be has reijtt.ed ihe store tod opened a ! laree mWck if i' v .. .1: , t f;; . ..! JANCY ARTICLES For Ladies, Hets. eiiildraoJa'ntLtha rest of mWn una, ai.a is prepirea o oj ui aitnas ct , vatuh; clock AND ' i! JEWELRY REPAIBINQ In tntf osst Bianher.aixi.would b U ty to-eree hia oiu auo. a -ruaLy uew cuetoiuer as may (five bitu mir jiinnir,iinc men f tcotr woik weil done, a moderate prices, anil ' dn 'short time.. Ihe stock; uxubracli'g every variety . I ireuils uaui.lly kft at ur.i-ciasa i-wry mire, will be Hold a low prices. . mud ' warranted or beat work tuanE tip and materjil. Ue has also a small stock tf . .-.:ils'j tit;- : - f..r. , FAM.IL Y.:: GROQ E R I Z s , ... ' . -. which will he rileuiKfaed from tlnie to time, ana old at tbe lowest figure. Havi g perraaixinilyl " cat- dVa this lty, I respech'o-iy sullen a snare of p' tronaM, and cur li illy invite all to caU and examine tbe stock ctj hand, as we Would lie p. eased to serve you and do not ask you o boy nnlese we e n make it roryiur interest to patre'nire us. . decTtf. . ., , . , , E.H. E4T0M.' Life Insurance Compa'y, M iiroadwAy, Aewlork. CYRUS . CURTISS, : President. CashAssetts. . . . Sl.000.000. Entire profits divided among the Policy Holders. 'olie4 Don for fei table, after tw, annual payment ; nivid-nda on the Contribution Plan, paid an-tual-It from date of policy, and in ease the premiums are aot paid applied to ie p the Insurance in foree. LIFE POLICIES SELF SUSTAINING Jo from 18 to 80 years, according to age. This company lame polie e all the approved plans or Insurance, and efferaevery inducemenicon aistent with solvency. For particulars app!y to the nnderslgned. For Ageecir-. to . . , PACi. A MAPON. Genera) Agents, vrrtrn avu 130 LaHelle street. Chioajo. UJL r-TMAW, AgutsCoancil Bluffs. M.D-' R- -ITIG8T0JI, al-d. Ksaminer. "n-w t Wtl..aWli,Vv ' Lock Stich ReTeraible Peed 1 l' ' ; SEWING MACHINE. AWARDED THE I HIGHEST PREMIUM ! WHEREVER EXHIBITED. 't THE OiNTLY ONE i Capablof cf sewing in more than cue direction i AND FASTENING ALL IT S CWN SEMS t Without stopping Macliiue or Turning the Clotb.r , It uses anrl wares "era thread than any of er, Hcd will commence a -e,m without holding tbe j endi of the thread. Warranted to Sew Jlwiy or Fine Goods j Fqually a well. OVER r0,000 MACHINES SOLD SINCE 1861. Bend for Report and Circulars. . . -m ;j : . Wm E. Plant, iGen Ae't , 62 Konh Fi.urth itreet. St ' LvoisMo.') Dr C D BLArK Ag iaitiiiiiuih, Neb. Not. 28, 1869 jl. " - - S25 ! S25 ! THE AMERICAN SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE, tH-sranea at a prtce wi'hio theiexch of all Th- .innruwiHiiitM riee,i e, nukeM ibe Li-t'K TllCi (all eon both jder. hsa wif a iliuhn, ten-Ion, ai d can do erery varirtv of -ewiDg. It will hem, fr I. bin'!, crd bra-d Mm, q ii l. luck ti.ffl n.l Klheri will war eqiafy we on -i k. lii.eii woolen, or cotton good , wiih men, or lotlou thread. THE ; . SUCTTLE SEWIiii SIAlUISE Warranted for Five Year! Our Atrents will he sui plied with .lop irate i.atte of the Macbine, in rae ofnerideiit Im . i, the mine i Kcb in ;.d by r e SinM. Whee e. A Wii Ron Howe, end Flnr-nc-Machines. Ii hastel'o-d-r f ed ik ih l si .f h.Kh priCPt Machines, and i the oal. low prie d -hmtli- Marhmx imh. 1,-1 hatha. hi-r,.e( W-ito . .i . n,. elassSIIUTILr MArHIXB at y.r, lo. ri. account oi it -imtili-i'V. and Mn..i,i,.r,i - ' . Mnuraciuring. ii, comtmiienti wnh I chines. I Wr: with o srrnner with Airei f. mi nr i.,.i. ... repre-eut the Am-ncsn "linu twiii i. hii, in e ch ?"tite. Couciy. ai.d T.iwn h t';..i c '. and Onturio Fxrra - . " unci. V? Mini oiifttiivn, address - ' - ' P.ni.HmrR. to K.I. y ! Co, G V. A . 'AAPItfCWS, General Agmty - i ! - - Detri, Myk. J. B T,or the h.-nefl' ofmir A cm. i ranted w.th rwrties wh . ,ar Good .-..it ble for Sewirir ''aibi e Aivnn .n i . . . .... , . , T "ill PUIl DITK of .ahipie and tull oh HciiI .-s on .eceipt .,fo..e r. d L'etroit. Mich. ntl AND WOOL- CARD3FJG. -v,. ..,,,. Tr oi.rar. kil- two blrrls ci jr.,u ira n i round nd Wool Curdeia-theaarretim.j tt,. ..n.. . 1. . "v ,"v "'""'fel'uteniilscbrr.i Cards, which were run eiiocff i la, ...i.i. i f, ,' in.ri,ii.... . " ineir cn testlfT. The su,.erl..rit. f Mr. S. fw.S" as , srdt-r ,s well known, ami hierVieea.,V .tHl e l ' j .'i i T7 T. t'l aittrt a. .11 ' . . . " r u.,,er" ""be public. . Wilb the above adyantSKes we Hatter onr.e.veMbat wr cn make u CO cotue thi trav rv r . . """in PIANOS,, PIANOS, M EL O I) EONS. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA, ?r?f 'i.1" C',e,h;,,'l Sleek 4 McCammoi. Piano.; sud o her JtwVal oKlrnmi,t e. j-at losiruments wsruatod Ave years. mCt.i octvi ly jsvriinglon Bringe Finished BurliDgton & IKissouri i Hive r , ' i- InConneptinn with ciiica(;o, iiPjiLiGf6s Preaetit to the Public tbe moat rfirw . ur. nomeio OHIO. ILLINOIS.- IN D'i'a N A PENNSYLVANIA NEW YORK AND NEW ENGLAND. asaeugerr nave me cnoice or the various routes centering m VLIcao. Baggage Checked through to ttUumtea. tt A T K S , invariably as low as ly oilfr Rontes. . , 3-Duyj out Cot poa Tick-its ' AT OTTUMWA via BURLINGTOX. PULLMAN 8 ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. ' A. X. TOUZALIN, C. E PERKINS. Super ia iendenl Geo. Tc't A Pas'r Ag't 6. C. MORTON, Oav'i rrsSftt A'. rtr. I lt4aasWvttt.-.ii.aj "LSZayTi -! " .---str.!" AVi -i A O. F. JOHNSON, (opposite Clark It Plumtner,) ' :':--. :, . I v-c Drugs, Medicinies STATIONERY; PERFUMERIES, HAIR OILS. Newspapers, Magazines &C, c&CM &C. Precrtp'io car fu!ly compounded by an expe rlenced Druggist (aug6 nib GREAT KUSH!: LARGE CROWDS ! ! Evervbody, and. mote too, are going to "W IGGBNHOEN & Co., To buy their. . - ' E. A. xica. Qui : AT THE , ISTEW YO EK S TOEE. Ttie largest and most complete STOC K O F OR ESS GOODS Arenowouexh.bitio.at the K,w Yok ftore. .t gre.tly w0eed prlca.. W; call Prcnlrr atten- URESS-fJCODs p1nNTS.tU'atOOU- -tyeor LELAIN8, la'INGH A MS.. BROWN SHEETING ' BLEAC HED COTTONS. BALMORALS, CARPETS. CLARK'S NEW THREAD. . ' ,, , COTTON YARNS BOOTS AND SHOE f all kinks and prices to suit our i.uinerous customers. A larire etork of GROCERIES, ' HARDWARE, .. . QUEENSWARE, WOO DEN-WARE, GLASSWARE, , YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS. ' . f VW hve a larsr- tock of.ih ceil rated GARDEN CITY f5! IPPPT PLOW-- STUBBLE -nd BREAKIN PLOWS Pand ah kCdf.' v-ut. i ivrt iuris. KEHPtHS. j iniiMii.iuia ipni -Zi ibby J, - WHITE & DEALERS Drugs, oaps, Brushes,, Fancy Toilet Articles! Toys, Trusses, Supporters ' C1 ...1.1 T - . . ' a-tuuuiuer traces, i.rass for: medicinal purposes. Paints, Oils, I Stationary, : Glass Varri CarVon 7 and Oil, CHOICE FAMILY GBOCEMS; ' fei reen and Dried Fruits. aving been envaed In eellina-rme. .nJ o.).. nts . f tne . .,.! io n, .'a qual tv tosonnlv th. .. '"-" . ' ' . in. Ki, H a r d E. T. DUKE fe Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ' ; ; IIinmVJRP iU.1HflTI.TrTD if. IlIDIfUPYC IIlllLr II IIIU ilUllll UUIUlLllj IJJI LliiULU 10,1 Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned AND STAMPED VAnE STEEL PLOWS Of ail kisdf Dd e, which we warrant Mae befit la Hn Roofing, Guttters and Spouting Are exclusive Agenta la tfcU Coant j for the gale of Stewart's Celebrated or Wood Cook Stove. Give us a cal! we will not be undersold PLATTHMOUTH, Fruit and Ornament a. TREES. CRAPES. SHRUBS PLANTS GreenhouBe Bedding and Plants, ; OjltlTxted and for sale at the Rockford Nurseries, r : BO- SFORD, ILL1SUIS Mr. Shearings, the proprietor, has bad twenty jr-ars' expeii- nee In raising fru't in tb txirthwcft and every tiling w hich he -ends oat mar be rel.ed on as being perfectly hardy and well Adapted to this climate ' Kor C'stlogne, Pi ice List and other information mldd eS, ... J. SHEARMAN. Jfaixh 16, 186 ' Proprietor. Cheap Cash Store ! ' .:.'.. . , t . . L. F. REED, P. E. BEAREDSLT- REED t BEA RDS LEY, WtEPINQ ; WATER. NEBRASKA 1I7K haye just opened a laree stck of Goods . Weeping Water, consintiDB of Dry Goods. t . t Gnoceries, - . Queensware, Hardware, Glass, ' ' - ' ;i '- - ' ' , Iron Wooden Ware. J"oiio7is, ( And every thing hr farmer and mechxnfe needs. Srt'tes and grades to suit. To buy elsewhere m . j b. wall, i buy here Is' well always well often b-t-ter a'-n bet Call and ee. Look at Ibe Q.md-. A for tbe price t'onnider well. and d what ! wiseat. All Ooods warranted a repreeol .1 i KKKD tt BBARUSLET . July 80 tf. m im.oir GrOods SEEOERS, HAY RAKES. &.C E ( A.- WIG ENHORN &. CO. .BUTTERY, IS Medicines. Chemicals all kinds. Pprfnmpi-v nA ana Uarden Seeds, and slies and Dye Stuffs, Chimneys, ; alsoy v;- f amps, Putty, ;; COAFECTIONA R Y, &c. ,S.c. I .1.1. -i. .... 1? 't 'V w - . .?'.i'vdi of the ,,1-iaimmoutb. Neb April 2, lflCB. ( f BUTTEIIY. WHITE w a f e th market. done on short notice. aV-ta Combination Coal . T fjaaa ?" Main St., next door east of Masonic MttBPx . as rt D. H. Wheeler & Co., Beal Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeda AND Fire and Life Ins, AgU, PLATTSMOUTIf, A'. T. Collections promptly attended to, and proceed ts. mltted at current rate, of Kxrhaoge. T.xe. p.,d ,a Wes en Iowa and iVtbuumoriroi, rssiiiei.u I itiJa to la id InvestiKatf d. Money loaned on Ke.l a.un. securities. Land Warrsnu localet. CLAIM AGENTS. Amenta forcollection of claimiarsinstflcTernmei. for Soldiers, their widow and rrnnoi hsi-s, Aarnt for he purchsf e and sale of Lands and City bronai. ty, caking of Tenements. " " R EFEIi EMC K St . Hon. 8. H. Klbert. Drnvef City. CT. . Messrs KoanUe Kroa. , Omaha. Neb,' " Mcfann It Jletealf, Jfebrsst's O.K. Hiley. Kt Lcais. Vis-ourl Dr. Dlo Lewis. Boatoo, Mafachuetcs . H W Ditmars. Chicago. Illinois. H M Maaill. Cincinnati. Obio. Toote A Haona, 1'IatUnioinb Nahrasta 1 L B Rtrh, Three Rivers S!ichfi-tn. ( Hoa t Fellows, Hloomfield, Wioconsln HcOT M M rqa'tt, Plattrm.iiirh Neb'rasks L Lewie, A'tonirv at Law, Buffalo. N.w Tor Carter, Hassey & Carl, Lies Atolnee, Iowa. " ar8 dtw" ' BLACK HAWK . Two Ilortc CULTIVATOR By practical experlmenu la the field aud t,r last, ingtheni with the beat Walklnu tluliivslo . njaaa. hey Lave been brought to a Mate approaching JPerreotion In construction. The cultivate - cot.al. i. of ,w wiouiht iron azleirees, arched and well braced The plows are simply two Iron ttma with DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOW8 .ttach-dtotbeailebya doub ejont which aires heoliwan easy. but at the aarre time perricll. irue Vertical and horizontal motion Ibetouguels double and fastened to tbe ,'reh ..rihe ixietree by damns, s that it (an te raise or lowered at will, when ibeco.n Isy. ung. rsdvsalar draft, and raiwd when thecotn isblglier f The shovels are furnl-hod with Reversible Teeth, to that the soil can be thrown eiih. r toot from Vie norn. 1 e l'l'.W ae couliocied Lv m..n. .j i : iiui'iiiin, u in run" llieulf LiWniau loeoiitrol Loh -tows iij uoiuing one. The following ar- a few o.. thsaavantaiteoosroliJia ..f auperioritj which this CnltK aler l a. ver old. is 1 t U is stronger and lighter, bir.g niad. a aaawt ft tirely of wrought iron. d- Th- double point bs- which the shovels are iltaohed to the axie enable- ibe plowman- to ft. v In-plow either to or from the co nor lift it eut of ' he ground with the lea i effort. -- 8d. With this fJu tivator the depth of tbe fsrrow an be reg'ila ed lnowiu shallow or diss wataer '.he ground ia hard or .oft 1 4lh. By mess of tbe looae Coupling wblrh cea ' loci lbs two plows you can niaks the two pluwtuu auy distance apart tha Jon may desire w Ith elb eriilows It is aluio.t InipoK.iblu to hold both above s he.i throwing earif, to the c.rn. and to keen th) tii from crowding tonather aheu ploalag from tls en a.. : For further partu.-ulars.call, or sddress D. B. McMECIIAN, J T " 2'0 me maj.vst. . KsmnAsrk rrvv" i a AGENTS WANTED FOR NIGHT SCENES in the iiiiili:. BY REV. D- NIEL MARCH. D, li . w -r-e. ujwiriB eesr. s,.,iilrig pars aad "iwi tor paetle g.-nlus,i hraaty f 1 hoiiKht a d nch glawing im it,ilB; l, ,,lt, nalysis ol character, graphic- deltneatlr-t, ' rp. ciuiitrsiup; ror lire like i-c ur.s, giowii, u,4, n-t h,.py UlaHratiotis tl.i. k ha- Uu eqaal ueb comm ndali ns. as the above, baa r. te - ived fr. m Jiikl, .p Simpson, Rev Albert timtt. V.ii P-.rt-r. O I). I L I) w a k.".T... Ueo. liana Uoatdroan U I).. I vy. u ,i. n r' lead rg Cler 'r i jic'tmr, cfiniattniitf ti.. - . . v-rvwher- nie-tiog with uipaali1 en. -.a it' a mon beautiltiilv l.'l-i ir,. A . ...i ....... .... , ... . book mail Il-ara errrvl-odr. CtmimUsinn, $100 l $200 per tnonifc. : : acoot liug to ability ard etergv sdrlre I , , ZfJ'll LK. V-( L'IM.r CO ' rhiliidtlniiia. Pa . C4n,-imti i. ,i.. r , i i " : tit.. ... . . . JJ) IJ. Ii nl-1T, ,1 1''llliOI ot " "1 C00K,C0BURNtStC0. 1 Adutrtitlng Agent. Chicago. . I fffArtauttiirriitil U reerir Alr. Ik I tivmrttu ffir thit nawtrr i L ft rata, and are Agmu fir all Atuvp. I " J 1 fx" " U' If. Ji. tuH JVrnUnv.. ADVERTISE Evergreens IbrJVebiaska SHADE, 0ENAMENT, AiVO PROTECTION! I hsvsil cesrul!y growing in n j tla-t'rr. at .w. . -, u . , w i, . i rtaa nt . . fat .coon avrrgreens, coiniaiing nuodre.1 and npwaids. as, ardioe ta s.tt lutntiiiesnf Ihe mal est tree-csa be ten by mal! arjer ones by e.vpreas. Temi-. cash. Ad lreaa . . ' KDHes H. TII:NHAJf. . Jan2m. Fort Ksam-y. XsbraUe. PLOWS! PLOVS! C. E. FOROY, Manufacturer of all lladsbf " , Farming Implements, jch as the celebrated Rod Breaking Plows. Ve tiraird Brewker-. Stirring Hi. wa. Hiaale and rioshla ihovel'. Cultivator, and Harrow,. Reoslrri.sa'oaa n hort notice All work warranted! .. . - '( " Having had ranch eaperlen la the bastaeaa. '' reel asaared that f can give general swtiiawmna. Please give me a call before pnrcl-aslag el.ewhers. Plalsmooia.Kb.,May Ith.UIT. .-:Jt( STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, ALBUMS, CUROIIOS. E. As H. T. ANTHONY & CO., til BEOADWAT, YOZZ, fctU th alTwtliaa mf W Tf-i to tftMf t94a aaaWrawiSaas f f' J ' BW0. aC laVw.r aV sasaafasva. masiaM aw sMW aasavwrfau tw. "W pmvi.w smt afaw raawavaW .Ubscl $ mtx tMlsjrJiBf . VsajsMfl ftfa, ram. Prt - CairwJ Ta Hw Omi TrwBtosi ratlss, UrHI Wrat. HaaalaasMw Dlaavara, Isiaartaaava-taw), SSwT - .1 AavCaM. Cbisaa. J . fcgiaaR, at, W. Ovr imp.nM Vlawa .mhtf a larfa aaa.rtm.at. iari,laa rl. aa.ii.at araro Wa. bfiiM. , w. ftiau, ...,, aa4. MM rsi.i aa.ugraaSar, r.Mi.tl.g r ewoarrtiaa, a..... r.mwaat r.rta. ialai . . SiMkal, rt. waaai.aa. TavfAala CaMHtfa. , t Vvvaattiaaaa Waaa, THE ZaANX3 07 THE BIB LI!. , a mtm anal imfnmttw ttitart)Bff na. aIm. n.ailMtdj Bri Tpw-, Pnt !. ia ffaat aritf . W ar alarn nr'nmlv AfvviM ia mr r tmt -rr.liaiKII'S OLttl TIE W4., f fc r a.v s...aeV4 aastwavtmrat tat for VrttV. Sri-iv wt 9 I 4 I l-t Hi riytraaM V.va ia aivitaa-riaaai. Itta Abta. Ula-tA, BUavaWU Watrw, at a, TCftffOaMPCft, a-W- afanflrffajp ws laUVat, m aMS Mck ax j-a awMt sitim mt ta aafw. ritnrroa4rHsc albvx ojt hmMmv r Atw iwwvt Arwacat tat cautrr M axr ra aajiif km aaaMf tt all aJMf. AU saril arw nstfa la aavr a-a f-ti anal r arrtNVj arw 4'ffVfvtTf INarwa aT an taar milrf asaarsafwl - aasat CavM aaa saaaa atsaa Met kafarlw aaMAUaJ faVtBal. CHR0M09. . , :( SMTlSai sinaM. tt.t aaMat W aaamM aa aw OS ewar. at Hi tk.tr r. i.mi larvM m ltaa. aarlia, Vlaaaa Mai Baaaa aa XfUl IrM- OM Irwta.al, mm. r Wale. Tilnay. I, - tVl OavM ftaffaaof Tnaaaaa, "!" Cryatai rai. Half. TrvWw H &H. T. AHTHOUT & CO, 1531 BsoarrwaT, K. latpVTigss) gVf SfrarsX'ra erf PXrww.-eapVw Metaraafe K 1 I rTl nr aatwwrfa