TEMPERANCE COLUMN. LODGE DIRECTORY: tRAXD LODGE : C W.C. T., Rer.. 3. W.Taggsrt, Nebraska City Q Counselor J. Pkinner, Omaha i . a. W. V T Mi fcddy, Omaha; I) V.B J. Stevenson, BelleTU. ; O. W. T. 3. Bristol, Omaha. . OLTT BBAKCH, KO. 2, rtATTSIIOCTII t Regularmeetiags every Toeaday evening. Tra.vellPg B. B. UT.W13, W. 9. ' ' ' ' ' j attach Veeteoa flrrt wad. third T?,E5- month. E. B. u. 1. r"STARor non LODOB Wo '.Mt. Fleaiant old regular niUngs evei SatuTdayyenin. I. A. KIHKPaTRICK, W. C. T. ADRIWCOIJtMAN, . f - ; j -J." )j ,;. f AIRVISW LODOK, So. 14. holds regu'aat moet (...evarrTaesday evening Travelling Templar W. CALKIS, W C. T.. respectfully lnvuru Ff M. TOCHQ. Jr , Corresi)ondence'fortniclBo tnnst be written plain and grammatically with ink, and on neeid.) only of whit paper, point. V Let than be abort ;ana to id-) tils' '"curious 'fact that gold was dis covered ia California in 1S4S. and the rush to itheTacjfirr c4ut took place in 1840. Silr was discovered' iu Wi Mm jn U858. and kt5e Immigration thither'commenced inlo59. The fab' uloua ireawres of Wniie Pine were discovered' ir- l868,-'aBd duriog this year of 1869 prodigious human tide will set toward the new Silverado from both sides of the continent. The move ment of the. car of nroeress seem to be by decades. s , How To Prevent A War. In speaking: to the Committee on Terrh lories, Gen. Grant said in regard to Alaska: I have been, thinking: about that country a good deal. The newspapers say we are in danger of an Indian war up there. ' I think I have settled on a plan for stoppin? thai. If one bieaks out, I believe I will withdraw all the troops, and there wont be any thing there for India nsto fight." All the conductors on the New Hamnshire railroads have been remov ed for stealing. It is discovered tbat they have robbed the : companies of bout' $350,000 annually for eight soari thv have all made themselves J mm, m m, m - J so rich that they have combined and DOUffht UP ansaah of the. Stock tO t'Jm out the directors who turned them out The whole State is boiling with excite ment. A civil engineer of the Pacific Rail road has discovered in the extinct cra ters of one of the Nevada mountains a natural hot sprin?. so laree as to form a basio 150 feet long'and 75 feet wide, shaped like a mammoth bath-tub, and whose depth he was unable to fathom Tha water varies in temperature from lukewarmness to a heat so groat thai the hand can scarcely endure it. Although the demists of Japan have advanced so far as to prepare sets of artificial teeth fitted to the irregular ities of the gums and palate and sup ported by atmospheric pressure, - they extract teeto in a most unctvuizea way by nulling them out with'the fingers after having loosened them ly blows with a mallet. . '. ) '., J A gentleman who owns a country seat nearlv lost his wife who fell" intp a river which flows through his estate H innmincpil lha harrow fJSCBDg to his friends, exnectinff their eoDgrstu lationa. Ore-of them, an old bachelor! wrote: 4,I always told vou ihai,ner was too shallow." A new law' irj "Cincinnati piohibiis the operation of commercial agents or drummers" in that city. A tr.avelmg agent of a New York hat and cap es tablishment" has iuit been fined $50 and costs, and another agent twice tha amount. It is altogether too absurd to say that "man is not perfect. Who is there that has not met with many who were perfect strangers, a ad some who were perfect rascals.and not a few who were perfect fools? . : The presidentess of the Chicago So rosis went 10 Washington to see the inauguration, and was denied a room a the hotel because she was unattended She seated herself in the office, with the remark tltat she wouldn't stir unti sue was provided with a room. The clerk gave it up. 7 , 'Father, what does the Prfnter live on?" Why. my child?' "O because you said you hadn't paid for your pa pers in four years!" Exit fatoer with flea in his ear. , , j The favorite horse of Dr. -Chan ning recently died at Portsmouth, R, I., aged forty-nine years. He has been cared for in the kindest manner, according to the wishes of his former owner. Mr. H. R. Keton, near Mexico, Missouri, raised the past season some of the finest of Irish potatoes, by plant ing the slip which he tore off" the tu bers, as plants are taken from the sweet potato. A man in Kansas City, Mo., plead ed before a justice that he wasn't drunk he had only been made dizzy by watching the movements of a veloc ipede. He was left, off on the payment of costs. ' An English girl has obtained 5 damages, from her sweetheart who, white courting her, squeezed her hand so hard as to break a finger. After marriage - he anight have broken her head with impunity. "My soa," said an old man. "beware of prejudices. .They are like rats. and men's minds are like traps, 'prejudices get in easily, but it is doubtful if they jver'get out." Bh-a -' ?. l?: TODD, '1 SEWING MACHINE ACT PL A TTSMO U.TII, NE BR A SLA. A good assortment of machines and mtchine find. inira kept on nana. jj-umw bi omninMu Clothinfc Store. Dec. 4 '67 Machnes repared on short not ce. KBW STORE! WEEPING-WATER,-NEB. 'J. H0RT0R& JENKS General HIercliandise, SOUH as DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARD WARE, QUEENSWARE, CROCK ERY, nATS, CAPS, , .BOOTS, ; SEIOES, AKD .NOTIONS. . . PISE ASD COTTON iVOOQ ' LUMBER, k SHINGLES AND LATII. , ,r We arr AEent tor Wfllcox & Gibbs Fewing Ma. chine, which U undoubtedly the Iduh. ,.,,i.ii.:)n.' bea. Machine new marchl9tf. Weeping Water Mills. Farmers, go where you can get the best Flour and, the mosf . it.. . ; , . v iiQX-T TLOUR ad U lbs of.BRJr gireo In exchange or pood Wheat. ; . ; We are also doing grist work; and, with our In creased facilities, feel assured that we can give the btl aa the moat Soar of any mill in the btate. . , Satisfaction - Guaranteed PRODUCE BOUGHT AISD. SOLD. HIGHEST MARKET PRICK PAID. : REED &. CLINTON. March 26th. 1S68. D. B. 'McMechan v':' '. - 'V'.'.' ' Dealer in . HARDWARE, ; CUTLERY, IRON, STEEL and ' NAILS, ROCK ISLAND PLOWS, CORN.PlANTERSj Cultivators, sulky and walking, Cook Stoves , ' A Large Variety on Hand. Spades, Shovels, Hoes,' Rakes, .'.-.wo - - &c, c": A larcp stock now on band at small advance-on Eastern Prices. 106 Main Street, - - Nebraska City, (Opposite the Seyinoir Hnnsn) SIGN OP THE PAD-LOCK. ' FURNITURE! TH0MA3 W. SHRY0CK, CABINET IV1AKER, AND DEALER IX AIL KINDS OF Furniture and Chairs. . THIRD ETREET, (5ear Main,) PLA TTSMO UTH, NEBRASKA. Reparing and TarnI,hincnatly done. "Vnnarals attended at the shortest notice. inn. State S ale OF . i mm mmm m m bw v mm m wwwal. I.II'I'Sk. A lI II I. A N II N A- a.n mm mJ -AT LIISTOOLK, THE CAPITOL 0r NtBRASKAi The undersigned Commissioners' appointed by an act of the Legislature of the Mate or Nebraska, en titled "An Act to Provide for the Sale of the Unsold I Lots and Blor.ka on the town site of Lincoln, and for the Locaont and Erection of a State Diiverity. and Agricultural College, and State Lnnatic Asylum approved Feb IS, 1S6," will at P jl xi w -ai " the Capital of the State ofSebraska 3d of June, A. D. 1869, Commencing at lO a. m. Offer at pnhlic rale 1 he untold lots and blocks in the town or Lincoln. Saw property consists or the odd numbered blocks, the even number having been Bold .lerrtefore by the State and now larirelr occupied br buildings. The term of aaid sale will be Caah. and for not lass than the appraised value. Said appraia- mcnt to o bus oy ine liommissiouera. . . , . . 40,000 ACRES OF STATE LANDS We will at tha same time and noon the same fe mi offer at Fnblic Auction near 40,000 acres of Dne Agricultural Lands belonsing to the State, lying from one to ten miles from Lincoln. j We would add that Lincolu hss population of twelve hundred Inhabitants, and Ja rapidly growing Into both political and commercial imuortance. The apiioi nuuaing is now completed and the session ot the Let islatnre ju't closed was held In it. The action of said Legislature so far as it related to fu ture Interests of this place waa as favorable as the most arueni or its menus conia asK. A general railroad law was nassed nnifar whlh sutria Ave or six railroad coin sanies centering here propose to avail themselves of State aid and push their road, tn ennmlftinn at . n .,.1. j.. .k.i. .. least three confidently expect to be here within nn. year f om this day. This wonld seem to justify ns in saying that Lin coln, at no distant day, will be the "Indianapolis" of Nebraska, and the grea .est rarlroad centre wet of Chicago. This, taken in connection with the fact that all the public buildings am located here, and that itM oae and a half miles from town there is perhaps.the rxbest salue springs in the world, now in course of development, give assnranco that it will be no or dinary chance for inffMiTn.nu. Thn.. whA t..M, el at former State sales have been able to realise irtja one 10 nre nundred per rent, advance. t IU BVTLEX, Gov.rnnr TH08. KKNNaHO Secretary of Mate, JOHN 6ILLESPIB.T! State Auditor, Commissioner. mar25. a a. McCALiiUM, Hanufictnrerof and dealerin Saddles and Harness, O f every description, wholesale and retail, Ko. 130J Main street, between Sih and ih streots, Nebraska wiry. tela . . .-ir. ear.:. WS" BH1UG AND BKlt'tUKOsM Ersirsfor YoanfC M on the 1nteretin)r rela tion of Bridegroom to Bride in the Institution of Marriage, a Guide to matrimonial felicity and trne happini-a. 6ent by mail in sealed letter enelopes free of ct.arge Address, Uuwako AssociaTlOH, Box F, l'bil.ilelpbia, fa. IVOOLWORTn fc CO., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, Binders &Faperdealers. SAHfT JOSEPH, NO., oc256m THO.TIAS II- I1YDE. Real Estate Office, . . - A WD Homestead; Directory, '-' LINCOLN, ; , NEBRASKA GoernmenH.Landb selected from ptrgonal exam- ination.i Frae Uomesteada selected, surved and se cured. ' Lands In second hand, and improved farms todght and sold. Titles examined, and Conveyances mrde. . . . 'RIsrcBENccs: John B. Turner, lata PresOkC Dltlr Leo. County .National Bai.k, Dixon, III. ; Robert Harris, Pupt C B& Q R R; Ar.y Banker In WbiWside county. III. ; Register and Receiver of Land Cmce. Nebraska City. nil One door west of Donelans Drugstore, Dealers in1- XT f T Ready-made Clothin or GENTS FURNISHING V GOODS, BATS, CAPS. SOOTS. SHOES, . TRVSKS, VALISES, and a general stock of . r OUTFITTING GOODS ...... For the Plains; also, a large lot. of RUBBER CLOTHING. REVOLT ERS AND NOTIONS. we bought low and will sell cheap for cash. Cat. and examincoar stock before you buy any where elsel jy t0 .. wm. BTAUKLMAN A CO JT. M. HINCHM'AN, , (Successor to Donelan A Hinch man,) Druggist & Apothecary DEALER IN DRUGS & MEDICINES, faints, Oils Dyes, "r ''Notions, loiiet tooas, l'erfumery, 1 Fane j Soaps, 3? TJ IT. E WINES For Mechanloal and Jledicioai purposes Keep constantfy on hands fuiand we assort ed stock of ITIEHZCIftES. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CarefuQy compounded by an experienced Druftglst. aone1nt the PUREST Medicines used. All gctdt warranted a represented. C11 and see. - " MAIN STREET, SOUTH SIDE. Terms Cash. ist.j JEWELRY STORE TODScrioer nsrin porchafed the Red Stoi e or 83 street, lately occupied by fcarpy and others, would i respectful 1 y inform the cittaens of Platuraouth and i;mny, in mi Be sasxenuea iu siora ana opened a IVeB BIWK ox FANGY. ARTICLES 1 FsrLadies. Gents. Children, and the rest of n Viad, atd is prepared t do all kinds of ,-;WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELBy; REPAIRING in tne nest manner, ana wouia ue nsi dv to serve his old and as many new customers as may give hm their patronage, assuring them of their work well done, at moderate prices, and on short time. The stueic, embracipg every variety t goods usually kept at a urm-ciajs jewelry eture, wilt oe sold a low prlcea. and warranted of best workmanship and material, tie nai also a small stock 01 FAMILY' G E 'O C E R I E wkich will be replenished from time to time, sold at the lowest figures. Haviar vermnnentlvl anted in tills city, 1 respectiully solicit a share of p tronage, and cordially Invite all to call and examine the stock on hand, as we Wonld be pleased to serve yon, and do not ask you to buy unless we can make it i ; tor yor interest to natronize na. -dec27lf E. H. EATON. WASHINGTON Life Insurance Compay, 9S Rroadway, New-Y'orfe. CYRUS CURTISS, President. , CashAssetts, - - $1,000,000. Entire profits divided among the Policy Holders. Policies nonforfeitable, after tw annual payment Dividends on the Contribution Plan, paid annual ly from date of policy, and in ease the premiums are not paid, applied to seep the insarance in foree. ' LIFE . POLICIES SELF-SUSTAINING In from IS to 80 years, according to age. . This company ixa noliele ou all the approved plana of Insurance, and offers every inducement coa st i'ent wim solvency. tror particulars apply to the undersigned. - w or a geneies to . FADL MAFOIT, General Agents. . . 130 LaSelle street. Chicago. BUND k I.TMaN, Agents Council Bluffs. Dr. R. R. LIYLSG3TON. Med. Examiner ' all m PlsvlarBKrotvj, He. ' Sss' Lock Stich Reversible Feed SEWING MACHINE, ;:, ' h - AWARDED THE ' HIGHEST PREMIUM WHEREVER EXHIBITED. THE ONLY O NE Capabla of sewing in mora than one direction AND FASTENING ALL ITS OWN SEAMS - , r- ;. . ... J, V..i . Jj j... Without stopping- Machine or Turning the Cloth. r .;: 'I ... y- i..v It uses and wastes less thread than any other, and win commence a seam without holding the ends of the thread. Warranted to Sew Heavy or Fine Goods . . Equally as well. " OVER 5 O , O O O MACHINES SOLD SINCE 1861. "" Send for Report and Circulars. . ...'Wni. E.Plaiit,,Gen. Ag't , 612 North Fonrth ftreet. Si. Louis, Mo. Dr. G. II. BliACK. Ag't. lJlattsmoutbl Neb. Not. 26, 186S,yl. 825 ! THE 825! AMERICAN SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE, is retailed at price within the reach of all. Thie macnine uses a straight needle, makes the LOCK STl rt; li (alike on both sides), hasa self adiuotins; iciiBiuu, aiin can ao erery rariety of tewing. It will nera, leu, oinu, cora. Draia, seam, quilt, tuck, ruffle and gather ; will wark eauallr well on silk, iin.r. woolen, or cotton goods, with linen, or cotton thread. THE SHUTTLE SEWTJTO MACHINE IS- Warranted for. Five Years! Our Agents will be supplied with duDlirate narts af me "Knioo, id rare or acaaeoi. it roxlccs preciselr oouiv . i.cii uinuv ujr inBDiager, w nee er At wil. Mil, Howe, and Florence Machines. It hu th. 1'r. der-feed, like the bost of high-priced Machines, and is ine oniy low. pncea Shuttle Machine in the market mat na inis reea. wear enabled to sell a first A-r- wfltjiiio a mi s very low price, on account or iu Mmpucity, and coDKpqnent low coft of nmaaian iurilljr. in CODlDar Will tVi I h 1'nmn .'ia AGENTS. We wish to arrancre with Arents. mile or Inmale n It2I.et?.n,n An,riran Shuttle Sewine Mchin. in efch Kate, County, and Town in the Caited S.ta ani untsrio. fcxtra inducements to Kxperienced .... ,un ijarucuiarn, as to salary and Com G. V. A. Ay DREWS, Genera? Agent, Detroit, Mich. is. t, L.OT the hrnefit of our AcenU we hare ar- who parties wno nare Goods suitable for warnine Affent, to sell. We will send book OI camples and fu!l pailictilars on receipt of one red tamp. Address (J. V, N. A SDK CIVS. General Ae't. Detroit. Mich. natijt . AND WOOL- CARD.R3C. moi tor baitoreekLwbereyoncan kill two birds wunone ione. (jet your Ura-n Ground and Wool i...ue.i . mc aaiue nmt, the macbiaer for boih ii in perfect order. We use the Patent MachineCard. wUlrl. w;-r run raoniro last year to establish their .u, Cr.oii.y . wii-oia Kina.aa all who used them " J' , "e "uperioni, ot Mr. S. Twiss as i j -aruer is well k now o, and hit services are still ie taineuror me DeneOt of the public. With the above to the advan . . u-.H-r nunnifM list we can niik. I tajte of all who want work tn our lin. to come this way D. DKAK . Proprietor niyio a. Tyyissj Carder . PIANOS, PIANOS, MELODEONS. COUNCIL BLUFFS, 10 VA , Dea'er tn the celebrated flia.ir u.n.n.... .n. wiuiiai astruraenis 53" AH Instruments warranted five years.TX octal ly Burlington Bridge Finished .!!!. l Burlington & Missouri River, In Connection with CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY : EAILEOADS; Presen t to the Public the most' direct, sure and safe Route to - OHIO, ILLINOIS. INDIANA PENNSYLVANIA. NEW YORK AND NEW ENGLAND. Passengers have the choice of the varioua routes centering in Chicago. , Bagcrase Checked throuzh to fittumwa. RATES invariably as low as by other Route. Vm. Buy your Coupon Tickets AT OTTUMWA via BURLINGTON PULLMAN S ELEGAKT SLEEPING CARS ON ALL RIGHT TRAINS. A. E. TODZALIN, . Geo. Tc't & Pas'r Ag't E- PERKINS, Superin tondent. C. C. MORTON, Gen'l Fratgkt Ag't. eptl7. O. F. JOHNSON. ECGENK B. LEWIS. 6. P. JOHNSON & CO. (opposite Clark tt Flumtner,) HI ale as I Drugs, Medicines STATIONERY, PERFUMERIES, Newspapers,uMagazines i i Sec, 4&c.,' &c. PrescrtpMona can rally coponnded by an expe rienced Druggist; laags am, WHITE & DEALERS III Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals , Toilet Soaps, Brushes, all kinds, Perfumery, . and t ancy I oilet ArticleSj 1 oys, 1 russes, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Grass and Garden Seeds,' for medicinal purposes. Paints, Oils, Stationary, . Glass Varnishes and Carbon Oil, Lamps, , and . Putty, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Green and Dried Fruits. Having been engaped in selling Drncs and Groceries in this city for the last six years we v v ants f tne t.eople in onr lmeoi trade, snd are predrred with a large stock of iood. of The tality to supply those want, at very low pt.ces. ;PltUmouth, , Neb! April ift-.g. wa qua JACOB VALLIRT, JR ,. . PETER . - ; ..... ,i V ALLERYS & RUFFNER , (Successors to Staude Sc iflndcrson.) We respectfully rr rt. m tn it. ... . .. t AXDKRSON- - me- tj.t we are now .b 1. Icl n EXCEEDIWCLY .'Our LARGE SALES & i ... .i .... , . , . Opr stock coDflists-in . ' .. . Dry? Goods tnd Grocenes .' . 7 . Staple and Fancy Goods, . ' " . . . Hardware and Queensware; ; Boots and Shoes, : ; Hats and Caps, And a large stock of . ! READY-MADE CLOTI11JYG, WOODEJY J1ND WILLOW MARE, IROJYAJYD NAILS And in fact, everiything that a man wants. ESGT n a call and we guarantee yon entiie atIsfactlon. .. . ". ; ; . 1.'. r - ' j :: ; . VALLERYS & RUFFNER Agent for the ScJiuttler Wagon a r d MB ' E. T, DUKE fe Co., ..1..:. . , . , . . Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE 5 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEillENl . ...-.- Stoves; Tin, She e t ; I AND STAMPED WARE S TEE L OP H. O "W S Of all kind and sizes, which we warrant tha best Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusive Agents la this County for the sale Stewart's Celebrated or Wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold iilocic. PLATTSMOUTH. Fruit arid Ornamental TREES "" ' CHAPES, SHRUBS PLANTS ROSES, VINES. Greenhouse Bedding and Plants, BULBS, &C Cultivated and for'saie at the Kockford Nurseries, ROCK FORD, ILLINOIS. Mr. Shearman, the Droprietor, hat bad. twenty years' experience in raising frnit ia tbe northwest and everything which he tends ont majrfbe relied on aa being perfectly hardy and well adapted to thia climate. rorCitlogue, Piice List and other Information adddtess, J. S. SHEAKMAJN, lfarch 13.1S69 . " Proprietor. Cheap Cash Store ! L. F REED, . P. E. BEAHEDSLT. REED. & BEA RDSLEY, WEEPING , WATER. NEBRASKA i . TTTE have jnat epooad a large Block ot Ooods t Weeping water, consisting ot Jry. Goods, i .. ." . , . , Gnoceries, . . , . Queensware, Hardware, ' ' ' " - ' :" Glass, . iron. Wooden Ware, Notions., Acd every thing the farmer and mechanic needs Styles and grades to tnit. To buy elsewhere m.y be well, to buy here Is well always well often bet teroften best. Call and lee. Look at tbe Ooods. Ask for the price. Consider well, and do what is wisest. All Ooods warranted a represented. : . KKED &.BKAKDSLEY, July 80 tf. BUTTERY, and Dye Stuffs, Chimneys, also, C01NFECTIONARY,&c. c. WHITE & BUTTERY. VALLERT, - P, E. llUFritER. VLV. V " l" 'alire Rtock of f TATJuE L OW PRICES, motto i" '' ' ' ' ' ' SMALL PROFITS. w a r e mm . ; . ... r q n , Br a s s, J ap an e d in the market. of ... .V- v Combination Coal Itfaia St., next door east of Masonic - NEBRASKA H. WBEELIS, u . BIWH JT D. n. Wheeler fc Co.. Real Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds " AND Fire and Life Ins, Ag'ti, PL A TTSMO UTH, N. T. Collections promptly attended to. and proceeds . mitted at current rates of Exchange. Taxes paid In We-en Iowa and ifebmnsalor non-re, idenu. rm,. to la id investigated. Money loaned on Keal Kitat. securities. Land Warrants tneated. -CLAIM AGENTS. Agents foreollectiooofclalais against Govarsmoh for Soldiers, their widows and minor halts. a...nt for the purchase and sale ef Lands and City prouei ty, ..easing of Tenements. ,: REFERENCES: Hon. 8. H. Klbert, Denver City, O. T. Messrs Konotze llro., Omaha, Neb. " McCann & Mttcalf, Nebraska City, " . F. Filley, Si. Lcuis, MlsscurU , Dr. Dlo Lewis, Boston, MataaehusetU. H W Dltmars, Chicago, Illinois. H M Msiill, Cincinnati. Ohio. Tootle A Hanna, Plattsmoutb . Kebrask L B Rich, Three Rivers. Michigan. Hon F Fellows, Iiloomfleld, Wisconsin. Hon T M Marqnett, Platumoath, Nebraska. L Lewis, Attorney at Law, Buffalo, hew Turk. Carter, Hassey At Curl, Dei Moines. Iowa. at'S diwll ... BLACK HAWK Two Horse , CULTIVATOR By practical experiments In the field an 1 by Ut Ingtheci with the best Waging Cultirstais mas., they have been brought to a state approaching xoriection In construction. Tbe eultlv.tar enn.l... . . wi 01115)1 1 ircn axletrees, arclrail and well braced. The flows ire .Imply two iron beams with DOUBLE SHOVEIs PLOWS attach-d to the axle by a double Joint which rive the olowao easy, but at tbe saire time oerf.ctlv true vertical and horizontal motion. Thetouguel double and fa.ten.at tn v. ...v. of the axletree by damns, sithht it can be rilsre or lowered at win, when the corn is young, re dueler draft, and raised when the corn is higher. The shovel, are furnihhed with , . Reversible Teeth, 80 that the soil can be thrown either to or from tti. corn. T e flows are ooatieeted by aaeans of loose coupling, wb ch enable the plowman to control bulk Plows by holding one. The following are a few o! the advantagebainofnts of superiority which this Cultivator has over others I"t It is stronger and JJthter, being made alai.it entirety or wrought iron. . .,, Sd- The double points by which the shovels are attached to the axlo enables the plowman to move hie plow either to or from the corn or lift It eul ef the ground with the lea-t efthrt. 8d. With this Cultivator the depth ef tbe arrow can be rcg'ila'ed. plowins shalivw or deep whether the ground is hard or $uU. 4lh. By mean of the loce counting which earn. nect. the I wo plows yon can mnke tha two nlnws rn. any distance apart that ron may desire With alb . erplows it is almost Impoxsible to hold both shov.la when throwing eanh to the torn, and to keep them from crowding ton.'.ht r when plowing from the sola. For f urt.'ier particulars, call, or address D. B. McMECHAN. AO. 106 MAIS ST. . NEBRASKA CITT. AGENTS WANTED FOR NIGHT SCENES IN Til K III RLE, BY REV. DANIEL MARCH. D- D- Kor full. free. Sowins. eiear. a.iklln n.... .,i graceful style; for poetic genius , for beauty of thought and rich gin win d linnglnatloa ; for nice analysis cf cliaract. r. grunhlc delineations and scholarship ; for life like flc'urrs, glowing words ami happy illuatrations. this woik ha, no eqaal Stieh rmainlHti .n. us the above, hss brsn'ie ceivcJ from Uhnp Simpson, Kev Albert Ha rsei. noun rorter, li. u , LL D , W. A. Htearns l f Ceo. Pans M lardmnn. ft n.. 1 w. wn.v' n n"' Samuel W. Fisher. D. I).. LL.D.. ami ri..'. jymin aul the 1're.s of all Denominations. id f'r Circulars coDtalniav the .m. !..... ... everywhere meeting with unparalled aaree.. 11 I- a moat lieaiitifniiv ill ll.fr;. .,1 . .1 .1 .... . 1 1 . book, and pieanes Pverylwdr. Commission, $100 t HOO orr month. according to ability. and enerv; Ai).re.a r,i t 1 l, XKKM-Kll. .McTUBDY A CO.. ISi. Lotus, Mo. , .' iVwiiuBlrn'ot. -' C00K.C0BURN&CO. Adkertislng Agents, Chicago. t mre authnrwd to rmir Arirrr tisrmenu for thit paper, at our Incest rates, and are. A.jenU far all Aewuna. peri in the U. S. and JYrriUrriej. DVERTISE Evergreens for Nebraska ; ' SHADE,1 ; ORNAMENT, AN D PK O TEfiTIOf,! I baveiu-cessfully growlnr In ,r Vn-..r . 1 . Fort Karny, Ntbraxka, an ' ar. rtsa dio fi Toutig Evergreens, consisting PINES, FIRS', CEDARS, HKMhOfE, BPRCCS. LAItCIl ANU APROllViTJtt. vhlch I oner or sale at 13 cents each ar as.1 LO n.r hundred and upwards, according to aise. fmall quantities of the rmal est tree, can ile enr bvinail. larger onoa by ezprem. Tms, cab. Address MOnKM II. TDKNH AM, Jac2m0. f ort Kearaev. Kebraaka. PLOWS! PLOWS! C. E. FOROY, Manufacturer of all kinds of Farminc Implements, Such as the celebrated Rod Itreaking Plow, M jnld noaru ureaKer, Mtirring flow., buigle and Double Shovel', Cultivator, and Harrows. Reoalrlna i4ona on short notice All work warranted. - Having had much, experience ia the bnslaeaa. I feel assnntd that I ran give general astlafacttea. Please give me call before purchasing elsewhere. C. K. rOKwT. PlaUaraouth,Keb.,Uay 6th, 1667. BTEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, AJjBUMS, : CHROMO& E. & H. T. ANTHONY &c CO- 501 BROADWAY, JTEW T0KK, laTiM fW ftfnti vf fM Trmrf to fWr rwfmwi ) f fW w rf Ibetir mmm yiU(M, mmmts w tmmfwUmmtmm. W HMiik mmw rmr Tkw4 vtMeM- f tvfHr1t lervm Viartrm ! If.wrftc'ft C', film. Wh,i VetBtti-, I Orr.t WeL, I , Tt A Maes, win wr, Jmpmm, Owf mrrrtW View -? larw ismnahI. IwltliM fK krrwt BroejM-ttnn nf Was. El- lix-. O. W. H;!,!. Iim, m.m Irw14. W !. fmptl. Uwrmanf ISAmlf, llrwlti. lfwliM, I"arwi, FigfIM,tt Vrr.BHIw, Ha pi . aV ek . V EnrtitMl, caUtls THE IaANDS OP THB DLB LE, a btaMHf fnt'rwwfiBr itrtN. A1m. 1liant..rl a TniV waft3wit. Agetti fr rntli- r 1-4 l-l r ) biim Tseywfi m etviitamaad. Um , ir4, Vtiaakl. V al, . strk f M M MfJaw all law f fN. rHOTOnSPHK: ALir.l Ont MiiwfMttrr ml AtVUM i, M kiwa ta.fHaswi iaw cmuy mm up tor ia uHtf 4 hmwtw mtt mmm. ' All trw wtt ar wim3 trm 7t. anst mi Mea f. )-p lira wsttotm aufcaac Uir pvr. ks.l. CHROMOS. . "r? rtwrm. that CCweW hm tfirrfriW yV- fW C " "V IT " "' f rail, W Imnfl llfl P" E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Importer and ftfanuf r of niotojraphio ii aUt--la