Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, April 22, 1869, Image 2

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We are de-irooi of receiving correspondence frora
11 part of tbe SUte, relative to tbe material ioUr
ta of the country, together with sueh other mat
er ai'contribntors mfdem of interest.
REMEMBER that next 8aturda7
is special election day for - roting on
the proposition to iisae city Bonds, al
so to elect sne Alderman to fill vacancy.
Of this State, has received the appoint
ment of Associate Justice for Arizona.
Tbe Omaha Herald has heard there
was such a place ai Plattsmouth. It
appears the editor learned of the place
through a conversation with Mr. Joy,
President B. & M. R. R. Co.
The County Commissioners have
appointed Messrs. J. M. Chalfaat,
Samuel Maxwellfand F. M. Wolcott
at appraisers of school lands in - this
couuty. 'A belter selection would be
difficult to mak. '
: CUBA. .! ;
Dispatches of the 17th say there is a
probability that an extra session of
Congress will be called, soon for the
purpose of considering the annexation
of Cuba to the United States. It is al
so stated that formidable . expeditions
are being organized at New York and
New' Orleans, to proceed to Cuba. .
The vote in the United States Sen
ate upon the "Alabama" treaty stood
63 for. rejection to 1 (McGreery)
gainst. Nearly all the Senators con
curred heartily in Mr. Sumners po
sition, that a treaty upon this subject
should rise to the full dignity and ira
portance ef the International questions
involved, and that the nation, with due
regard to its own honor, could not can
eider , the matter . upon any, lower
Dr. E. U. Traor, graduate of .tbe
New York Hygienic Medical College,
commenced a course of lectures last
evening at the Court House in this city,
on the subject of Phrenology, Physiol
ogy and Health. This subject .is an
Id one, but like many other old thing?,
far more preferable than some of the
new ones. Every person, and espe
cially every parent, should o and
hear the Dr. He will commence this
afternoon, course of private lectures
for the ladies, in explanation, of '.the
principles of Physiology and Hygiene.
Has been appointed by the County
Commissioners as County Superintend
ent of Common' Schools, to fill the va
cancy existing in that office. Mr.
Patterson has been acting in .' the ca
pacity of School Examiner for some
time, and has had charge of the higher
olasses in the public school of this city
for the past six : months. We doubt
not he will fill the office with credit to
himself and profit to the educational in
terests of the county.'
. Dispatches of . the 17th announce
that Hon. C. H. Gere, of the Lincoln
Commonwealth, has been appointed
Register of the Land office at Lincola,
and that Hon. W. F. Chapin, of Saun
ders county, has been appointed Re
ceiver at the same office; also, that E.
K. Valentine has received the appoint
ment of Register in the West Point
Land office. . These are all first class
men, and their appointment will' give
the best of satisfaction to the Republi
cans of the State. ..Not one of them
have ever wavered for a., moment in
their aupport of Republican principles.
We are especially pleased with the
appointment of Mr. Chapin, as ha his
always been a true worker in the. Re
publican ranks, and no man in the
State is more competent or deserving
tnan be is. it Uen. urant nas made
as wise selections all over the country
as he has so far in Nebraska, the
people will have no cause for , com
plaint. J ,v ' '
Capt. Murphy's Colour.
Editor Omaha Republic a: :
Dear Sir. Please say to the publio
that I shall start from Plattsmouth,
Cass county, Nebraska, without fail,
on the 10th ef May, with the Republi
can colony, which is to locate enn the
Republican Valley, in southwest Ne
braska. All those that are desirous of
joiniag must be on hand by the 1st of
May. Those coming with teams, will
find a good steam ferry on : the Mis
souri river at this point, which has just
arrived here. Also a wire ferry on
the Platte river near Laramie Mills.
This extension of time will give all
those that are not ready, a chance to
do to. - E. B. MwrsT. '
' Plattsmouth, Neb.
Sen ator Sprague is described by
himself as "no orator." A corres
pondent says he speaks "with hands in
his pantaloons pockets, with his arms
akimbo, or his hands clasped under
his coat tails; also, that he turns his
back upon the Vice President and
talks to the galleries, while twisting,
and jerking, and pounding his empty
shir.." . : ,
To the Honorable District Court
of Nebraska: We the Grand Jurors
within and for Cass Co., State of Ne
braska April term .of District Court,
1869. Having visited the Jail ef said
Co., on the. 14ih day of April; inst.,
respectfully report that we , find the
same, in our opinion, is neither safe
nor comfortable. 1st. from the fact that
the walls of said Jail are in a dilap
idated condition, and!'" would not be
proof against the effort of a criminal
or criminals to escape. - 2d. The ceil
ing of said Jail is so low and tbe
means of ventilation so poor as to ren
der it during the summer months tin
healthy as well as uncomfortable. We
would further report that - we have
carefully examined the room and cells
of said jail, and find tbe same ' to be
kept in as good a condition as is pos
sible under the existing circumstances;
and we would further state that we
find upon inquiry . that the prisoners
are well supplied with food and other
things necessary for their comfort,
and that they are treated by the offi
cer in charge in a. kind and humane
manner. We would further ' report
that we find it to be a requirement of
Revised Statutes, that the Judges of
each judicial district, "Shall prescribe
in writing rules for the regulation and
government of the jails in the several
counties within their respective dis
tricts, and that Grand Jurors shall re
port whether the time have been ob
served. By inquiry we find that, the
Sheriff has . received no such rules,
consequently have no special report to
make in reference to the same.
.' All of which is respectfully submited
-. .Foreman.
The following letter from Gen. Jno.
S. Bowen, Chief Clerk of the House,
will show how the records present tbe
herd law question. The letter is in
answer to one from Mr. Maxwell, ask
ing how the record stood upon the pas
sage ef these various bills, ,.lTbe "II.
R. 27" referred to is the one exempt
ing Cass and other comities. The 'S.
41" is the act giving bord law to the
four western precincts of this county;
and the ' S. 25' which Mr. Boweq
says was "indefinitely postponed in the
House on the 15ih of Feb." is the act
published by the Omaha Republican as
a herd law: t i. .; . . .
Elkhobk City, April 17ih;i869.
S .Maxwell, Esq., Plattsmouth, Jfeb.
. DsAa Sis.: Tours of the 8th inst
is received. H. R, 27 (Parmelee's
bill) "an act to restrain stock' from
running at large in the State of Ne
braska," passed, but; with exceptions of
many localities., The bill as . printed
in the Omaha Republican, does ' not
seem, to be correct.'' '' -J
S. 41 "an act to prevent the trespass
of domestic animals upjn - cultivated
lands within the limits of Saunders,
Seward: Butler f&c) counties, and
certain precincts in Cats County, (Cha
pin's bill,) was passed.
8.25. "id act to protect cultivated
lands from trespass by stock',' (con
taining . conditions for hedges and
ploughing) was indefinitely postponed
in the House on the I5ih of Feb., up
on being read the first time.
''- ;-- ;
Yours truly,
' Jo taw S.' Bow KIT.
Editor Herald: It is not, per
haps, as generally known to your read
ers, as it should be, that there resides
in this country in this very communi
ty a man, a public benefactor, whose
gratuitous benefactions have not Called
forth that meed of praise and gratitude
that - so naturally belongs to the good
and great, because communities, like
nations and individuals, are ungrate
ful. This man's gifts always come to
us through .the medium of the Omaha
Herald, in the shape of slanders, villi
fications and defamations of, not only
Churches ;snd ' Sabbath Schools, and
those who are consistent members of,
and laborers in these institution? ; but
he vents his. spleen at any citizen who
does not choose to take off his hat and
bend his knee at the presence of His
Greatness. ...That an interested public
may know to whom, they are indebted
for the light reflected on them, and the
rest of the .world, through' the Omaha
Herald, and to whom, alsj, they should
at once acknowledge their allegiance,
or come under I proceed, now, to give
a short, and hence, imperfect descrip
tion of this man
He enjoys the felicity of a residence
in Flattsmoutb, where he is known, but
to be honored 'and beloved. He is a
man abuut my heighth, more or less,
but weighs more than I do about two
per cent, a month. He occupies an of
fice on Main street in 'which may be
found a square table, surrounded by
four chairs, one" of which he honors,
and in which he . may . generally, be
found when not elsewhere. He is,
perhaps, remarkably fond of friends.
and delights te hare three at his table.
passing the soeial hours with him.while
he entertains them by reading from
an old book which he constanly keeps
in his library," one that he prizes very
highly, called the History of "the Four
Kings. ;YThen not thus engaged, he
mayj be seen, staff in hand, pacing
backwards and forth, with eyes bent to
the sidewalk, as if in search of two
per cent.. a month, or meditating an
attack, through the press, on some re
ligious society, Sabbath school, or, per
haps, some poor, defenceless soul, who
has the misfortune to be of African
extraction, or, perhaps, cogitating in
bis mind who will be the next victim of
too per cent, a month. . I venture tbe
assertion, without being. able te prove
it, however, that if you will . bare .his
breast .you will find written over the re
gion of his heart too per cent, a month.
He is found on the negative of every
proposition for the public good. He is
one of the literati, as tbe world .has
already learned; and lest the' gener
ations yet unborn, should be left in ut
er ignorance of the great men that now
live, and of their literary productions
I propose to save, with jealous care
th issues of his pen, far future publi
cation, and to this end, I make a pub
lic offer of Jive cents, to' any person
who will furnish me copies of his
writings prior te 1865, of which I am
unfortunately not possessed.
Mr. Editor, I have endeavored to
give your readers a short description
of the man who sets himself up as a
public critic, who anathematizes every
one who does not come down to bis
standard ef morals. . -'
I write this, Mr. Editor, ' through a
sense of duty, in defense, of. a person
er two,' whom this gentleman (?) at
tempts to bring before the world in - an
unfavorable light, through the Omaha
Herald, by way of innuendoes.
As occasion offers, I will avail my
self of the'privilege of giving your rea
ders a few more facts not yet generally
known by the fublic.
. For his next outburst, see the Oma
ha. Herald next week, over the signa
ture of Jchius. ..
An Act to amend an act to provide for
the Register of School Lands, for the
control and disposition thereof, and
for the safe keeping of the JauXs tie
rived from the sale and of lease said
' lands
1. Be it further enacted by the Leg
islature of the State of Nebraska,
That section 12. which reads as follows :
Here follows the original section. .
Be so amended as to read as follow:
12. .The county clerk shall give no
tice by publication in eo;ne newspaper
published in the county, or if no news
paper be published said county, then by
posting fire written or printed notices
in the most public places in tbe county
DM less than forty days before the day
of sale, and in the month of June,
1369, and annually thereafter, offer at
pjblio -aution, a'.l the unsold cchool
lands in the county, except -ouch as
hare been leased to .the highest bid
der, provided, that no lands 1 shall be
sold at less than the appraised value,
nor less than seven dollars per acre in
addition tu the appraised value on the
. 2. That section 16 of said act which
reads as follows: -, 11 ere follows the
original section.! .
Be and the same is hereby amended
I) read as follows:
.16. Payments for lands sold under
the provisions of this act shall be made
8.3 follows: for prairie . lands, on
tenth of the price cash in hand, and
for other lands one half cash in hand,
or cash down for either, at the option
of the purchaser, with a promisorv
note for the remainder, to mature ten
years after day, bearing interest, pay
a 1
able annually in advance, at ten per
cent, per annum ; the first payment of
interest being computed to the first day
of January next after the date of tbe
note, and in case of non-payment ef
interest or principal, the land shall be
surrendered with the improvements
thereon to the State, provided, that
when said note is given for the pur
chase of timber lands, it shall be fu.-
ther secured by tbe endorsement of
two free ' holders of the . county to be
approved by. the county treasurer. .
o. mat section o which reads as
follows : fHere follows the original
sections. -.' -
- By amended to read as fellows :
8. Tbe county commissioners of each
county shall , appoint three, persons,
none of whom shall reside, upon the
land shown by tbe abstracts of unsold
school lands, who shall subscribe, to an
oath before a proper officer, to esti
mate and appraise carefully the value
or tbe pra:rie lands, in tracts not ex
ceeding forty acres each, and the tim
ber land1? in tracts 'not exceeding ten
acres each', and the value of the - im
frovements thereon, and to make due
and prompt return thereon to the coun
ty clerk, provided that lands that have
been appraised and remain unsold may
not be re appraised, unless the county
commissioners shall order its , re-ap-
praisment '
4. That section 26, which reads as
follows: THere follows the original
section. ,
Be amended so as to read as fellows:
26. All monevs received as advance
or full payments by the purchaser of
school lands shall be paid by tbe officer
receiving said moneys to the treasurer
of the State, specifying whether- said
money is for common school or univers
ity lands and duplicate receipts shall
be given for said moneys, one of which
shall be filed by the land commissioner,
and the other shall be retained by the
rroraon nawinrr atarlh man . Riirh
moneys shall beheld as the principal
of the general school fund, or as prin
ciple of the University fund as they
have been derived from the disposal
of common school or university lands,
and all forfeitures which may accrue
from lands and other estates which
shall escheat to the State for want of
heirs or kindred entitled to the inher
itance; from all lands which have been
or may hereafter be granted te the
State when no special purpose is ex
pressed in the grant, shall belong to
the common school fund, and shall be,
bv the Governor, Land Commissioner
and Treasurer of the State, invested in
United States,' State; or other good
and sufficient securities, which secu
rities shall bear not less than six per
cent, annual interest, and all bonds in
which the common school or university
funds of the State of - Nebraska shall
be invested, shall be endorsed across
the face thereof, in red iak, "school
(or university) funds of the State of
Nebraska," which endorsement shall
be signed by the Land Commissi jner,
and said lands shall not be sold or
otherwise dispose of except by order
f the Legislature in a public act, and
they shall in no wise be held as appli
cable to or security for the payment ef
any indebtedness of the State of Ne
braska, provided, that the Governor,
Land Commissioner and Treasurer of
the State be. and the same are hereby
authorized to dispose ef the gold - now
on hand or which shall hereafter accu
mulate from interest on United States
bonds at the best market prico, and the
funds derived therefrom shall be ap
portioned in the same manner as in
terest derived from other school or
university funds. '
5. County Treasurers shall be al
lowechfor their services, one: half of
one pa cent, on all moneys collected
from tbe proceeds of lands sold under
this act; County Clerks and appraisers
shall be allowed three dollars per day
for time actually spent, to be paid from
the general fund . of the State. Ex
penses incurred under the provisions
of ibis act shall be certified to by the
County. Commissioners to the - State
Auditor, who will issue his warrant
for lb several amounts.
6. The Governor shall make and
sign all deeds for school ' lands. . Such
deeds to be countersigned by the Sec
retary of the Stale under the Great
Seal. ,:, ;i
. 7. All acts and parts of acts incon
si-tent with this act are hereby re
pealed. , ' .,,
lnis act to take enect and be . in
full force from and after its passage
Approved Feb. 15th, 1869.
' Bonds'' is probblr the word intended.
Ed. Iebraskian, Dr ar Sir: I have
been solicited by quite a number of
friends, some of whom are readers of
your paper, to give my experience ii
the use of "Abbot's Antidote" for To
bacco, it being known to the communi
ty, to some extent, that I had quit te
bacco, entirely, and was uinr the an
tidote. Now 1 will Mate first that I am
on old sinner iu ibis business, having
used the ulihy stun for nearly forty
Tears. '
1 was put to it by a man who called
himself a Physician, for a species of
indigestion, er dyspepsia, growing out
ot a, deficiency of the biliary secretion
of the liver, and want of tone in the
digestive ergons. It look me a whole
year to learn to phew it, but -I pere
vered and finally was rewarded (?) by
acsuiriDg an appetite for it that has
baffled ray best efforts to. get rid of
until now. I will say, also, that
have made, at diferent times, attempts
tc quit it but always failed; the last,
until now, waa in 1855, when I laid it
by for six weeks, at the end of which
time, I had almost irregular delirium
i was so aetsrmir.ed on quitting it,
that 1 suriered myself to get down bed
fast before I would give it up, and
then 1 resumed its use, more at the
urgent solicitation of friends than of
ray own choice. Fer the. past year I
have seen in the papers an advertise
ment of an antidote; I concluded
. - .
wouiu iry it, sent xor it, and used it,
commencing on the first day of Janua
ry last, and have continued faithful un
til the present time. And I can say
now of a truth, that my nerves are
steadier than tbey have been for the
past twenty years, my appetite for food
is good, my digestion is better than it
has been since I have lived in this
country l nave gained full twenty
pounds in weight, and on the 'whole I
would not go back to tbe use of tobac
co again, (and know nothing of this
antidote,) for one thousand dollars.
Thank God I, am emancipated free
from one of the most filthy, di-gusting
uncalled for and useless habits that
man ever indulged in, and if aav one,
after reading this' letter, is induced
thereby to abandon tbe filthy vice I
will be amply repaid for penning it.
But the most important part of this
communication is yet to be made; the
question is, does this antidote destroy
the appetite for tobacco 1 I emphatic
aly answer (that according to my ex
perience,) NO. I craved it. for, two
months, as much as I did for the first
week and I still crave it, nowcoin"oa
four months since I quit it. ' The only
good the antidote does is to let down
the nervous system and this is beyond
computation. It will do xt surely,
gently and effectually: follow the di
rections and you are as certain to suc
ceed as yeu try; you - may make up
your mind to suffer, but if you hold out
faithful you will be fully rewarded
And now in order that my friends, and
any who may wish. to embark in , this
great reform, may not be imposed en.
1 wish to. make it publio wbatihis great
Antidote is; it is nothing more, nor less.
than coarsely powdered Gentian Root.
There is a small sprinkling of cam
omile flowers put in merely for a blind,
but they do not amount te . anything.
This Gentian Root can be bought at
the Drug Store at from 40 to 60 cents
per pound, and if you send to the pro
prietors ol this aoiidete, or buy it of
their agents, you pay. fifty eents for '
les than nn ounce. This is an impo
sition that I am not willing my friens
should bear, thereon I publish this if
any person is not disposed to believe
this statement they have only to pro
cure a box of the genuine, and use it
for one day, then take the Gentian
and use it for one day, and if they are
not convinced I will not contend with
them. ' . " v 1 '.'
"Yours fer progress, and reform. --'
Dr R. Pixrt.
Nebraska Appointment
We have given' full expression to
our satisfaction at the appointment of
Col. R. R. Livingston . as Surveyor
General of Nebraska. We have now
the same satisfaction in speaking of the
only other appointments yet mad for
Nebraska, viz: the Hon. Thomas J.
Majors, as United States Assessor for
the State, and Jacob Scott, Esq., as
Receiver of tbe Land Office at Dakota
City. , i
Both these gentlemen are well
known and thorouefh-going Republi
cans, who have never faltered or cast
one look aside in the many struggles
which the Republican party has had
with open and secret foes, but under
all circumstances have helped it te
battle the traitors in the executive
chair and balls of legislation of lb
nation as well as the traitors in arms.
Mr. Major 8 served his country in
tbe tented field and has served the
people of his State in their legislative
halls. In both his military and civil
services be acted with acceptability
and done credit for himself. He is a
gentleman of wide . information , and
general experience, which with his
capacity and activity, .' will makis him
an efficient officer.,
Mr. Scott is known as one of tbe
old reliables speaking in the political
as as well as other senses of Dakota
county. He occupies a high position
in the esteem of his fellow-citizens and
political associates. His intimate ac
quaintance with Northern Nebraska is
peculiarly calculated to make him a
capable officer in the position to which
be has been assigned in the land of
fice of that land district.
lhe character or these, nominations
is such as merits the approbation of al
Republicans. The patriotic and polit
icai services and fidelity of ap
pointees are unquestioned, and are ap
preciated by the people. An acknowl
edgement of them in appointment to
place by a patriotic and Republican
administration is appropriate, and wu
be thoroughly commended. liepulli
A tew montba g Kansas was mis
represented and disgraced on the im
peaenment trial oy one ot her oena
tors. At that time the voice of con
demnation was unsparing, while the
blush of shame mantled the cheeks cf
every Kansan' whose heart throbbed
for the welfare of his country. ' The
Senator ' who th'js made his disgrace
our disgrace, it was thought, would
at least have spared us tbe pain of any
further display of his vicious disposi
lion. But it appears these hopes were
void. The curse clings to 'ur still.
Our punishment for the selection of
this man in the manner in which it was
accomplished was not yet completed
his crime has not been fully expiated
At least once more were we to be madi
painfully aware of the fact that! this' in
cubus was yet fastened upon us. It
appears that day before yesterday Sen
ator Ross, forgetting his own dignity
as Senator, the dignity of the State he
represents, sua the dignity of the Chie
Officer of our Government, in a semi
official conversation with the Presi
dent at the White House, used such
language as would be more fitting for
the bawdy house or prize ring thaD
that place and that occasion.- The
President suffers nothing by this act,
but the Senate, of which Mr. Ross is a
member, and Kansas, the State h
represents, or rather misrepresents
cannot but feel deeply disgraced by
such conduct.; If there , is one spark
of honorable feeling yet alive in the
Senator s breast, he will relieve the
place he occupies and the people he
misrepresents of any further disgrace,
oy at once resigning his position. We
hare drained this cup to to drees, and
sincerely hope that it may pass away
Leavenworth Conservative.
The Commissioners of Richardson
county, have submitted the question of
giving S250.000 in bonds, to the
Trunk and Nemaha Valley Railroads.
to the vote of the people in aid of this
construction through the county. The
election will be held on the 10th day of
may next, lhe two roads are to run
as folluivs: The. Trunk at or as sear ai
practicable through Rulo and' Arago.
l ne v alley to or as near as practicable
through Rulo, Falls Ciiy, Salem and
Humboldt. Ten miles must be located
in ene year. Then when one mile of
road is graded the County gives the
Company $1,500 in bonds, and when
the ties are scattered along the traek
of said grade, the County furnishes
said Company another $1,500,' and
when the road is completed : for the
rolling stock the County furnishes to
said Company the further sum of $1000
and so continue to furnish bonds for
every mils of road so constructed in
the County, in like sums, until .they
exhauat the whole $2-50.000. The
bonds are to run twenty years and
not longer than thirty years, and bear
eight per cent, interest. No bonds to
be issued to any Company hat does
not commence their work within one
year, and no bonds te be issued after
the expiration of five years. A tax is
to fee levied for the first twenty years
to pay the interest only, and a tax suf
ficient to pay one-tenth of tbe principal
annually thereafter. Advertiser.
Joe Cob urn was shot in a bar room
row at White Pine, recently, It would
be an immens benefit to the communi-
y if all the broken-nosed, pock-pitted.
squre-ja wed gentry of the prize ring
would go to White Pine and get into
row in a bar room.
A Kansas paper has a department
of "Items on Two Wheels." deveted
to velocipede news.
Dubuque has a farmer in its suburbs
who one night lately had seven lambs,
one calf,' seventeen pigs and a baby,'
It, is decided to be unconstitutional
for visitors in a printing office to look
over manuscript or proof-sheets before
the paper is isssaed. It is wicked
besides pretty girls, of sourse excepted.
Proposals For Army Snp
Omaha. N a. April 80th. 1369
Sealed bt'te. fa dnplieato wtt- ' aimed kv
two rasp-stable parties aot bidders, will be rreeirrd
atthis ofSce until ten o'e'ock a. m., on Monday,
May 10th, 1869, for tbe del iTery of the following'
named supplies atjhe point designated below:
6.619 cords Wood, 9,54 tons Col, S,l3 tone Hay,
830 tons Straw.
8.133 cords Wood, 1,483 tons Coal, 9,731 Ions Bar,
1,600 bushels Charcoal.
681 cords Wood, 300 tons Coal, 40 tons Hay.
1,563 cords Wood, 71S tons Coal, 333 tons Hay. 900
bnshels Charcoal.
1,091 cords Wood, SOO tons Coal, 808 tons Hay, BOO
bushels Charcoal. . '
6,041 cords Wood, 8,900 tons Coal; S 888 tone Bay
8,600 bushels Charcoal, 1 000 bushels Lime.
8,240 cords wood, 1,024 tons coal, 875 tons hay, SOO
800 bushels charcoal, 60O burhela lime.
1,661 cords Wood, 752 tooa Coal, 117 tons Ilay, 4,009
bushels Charcoal, 4,000 bushels LI ne.
I.CSl cords Wood, 753 tons Coal. 8 :0 tons Hay, SOO
bushels Charcoal, 1,000 bushels Lime.
2,479 cords Wood, 1.183 tons Coal, 403 tons Hay.
2.479 cords Wood, 479 tons Hay, 800 bashe's Char1
1,091 cords Wood, ISO tons Bar, 800 bushels Char
coal. . . .V . - . .
Bids are Inrlted tor bay In stack or in bales.
Drainage poles and salt will be requlr-d for stacked
hoy. Tbe locality from which coal will be famished
must be stated. . - - , - , . . . .
Bids will be receded lot any portion of the sup
plies nqoired. ard must be made separately for
each article at each Post nam'd.
Tbe de. iTery or supplies to commence upon the
perfecting of the contract, and the one fl fib. af the
whole quantity to be deli Vered each month nntll the
delivery ia completed.
Full conditions will . be made known and blank
bids furnished on applicaUon at this effice.
Bids from contractors and bidders who have here
tofore filled to compter with their, agreements will
not be considered. . -
TheTi-ht to reject any nrall bids Is reserved.
By ceninmadef Brt. Moj. Augur,
Mm. MTER8, "
Brt. Brig Oen'l,
pr!3 Chf. Qr. Sir.
Notice to Tax-Paxers
"Olea-e call and pay your taxes before
the 1st of
JL . May, and save penalty and cotts
8. DUKE.
Plattsmouth, April 17, lS69.22-3
Books, Stationery. Sec , Sec ,
ALFO. We would Invite the attention of bnvera
to our full and eomnlete stock ef hnuii S,ir1t1lr..
amii Collar, which we are selling cheap for cU.
worn made to order, ana repairing done on short
notice. . .
.- (V Sale room In 2 1 story, over Store.
The hisbcat cash brice raid for 'If If) KM A XT)
FCS3. ! :. i :J. A H. J. S.
Plattsmonth, April 32 tf.
The undivided hxlf or the whole If d-.irf ar
IB v,,.-; . .
S4-hor. power Engine and Bol er, pair of S foot
uo mm viircuiar si, (wo aiirrv Mlil-Hn..
in, , eieijiuipi ifgeoa ruumof order
aiso a
oood DwszzTjro noasx,
or tear rooms ana cenar. For particulars enquire
o - K. e-C'llLUNTZ. :
apr23tf. Rack BIufTj, Casi county. Nebraska
Jacob Adams)
s VEzeeutlon.
John Lewis. 1
Notice la berebv r'.vsn that the
undersigned Sheriff of tbe county of Cass will by
virtue of an execution Issned by the Clerk of the
District Court of said county, la favor of Jacob Ad
ams and against John Lewis, and to ma direet-d. at
S o'clock p. in., oa i
1VBSDAY, tlieUK day of May, A V 1869,
at the front door of the Coart Hoeue. la tbe city of
Flattemouth, In aaid county, offer for sale at public
auction the following: personal property, to-wit :
One McOormlck Reaper. Taken on said execution
aa tte properly of tbe aald John Lewis.
Dated this lih day ot April. IBCS
apr32w3. Sh-rlff Caw eonnty. Neb.
m al
o .
H 5 -l
r o jo
o P
, -r
CO 3 "H
CO ffO
am agent for the best at nsleat Instruments made.
Persons wlahlnv to tmv Pianm r-.hint
Bolitan or Portable OrKans. or Melndanns ra nnr.
ehaae through my agency on aa liberal terms aa they
" uraj uie maBuuv.-iarere themselves. All lastra
ments folly warranted. - - J. N. WISH.
Statement orthc Coiuhtiou
or THE
Home Insurance Com'y
i On the 1st day or January, 1SC9.
Theiiameof the Company Is IToxe IsavKAXca o,
nsv. . "
It la located in New Haven, Conn.
Tbe amuonl of its Capital Stuck is S3 noo i OD oa
The am't of lu Capital Stock paid np ia l.Oou'oOo m
The A33ST8 or the Company are as follow :
Cash on hand and ia the bands of A'fcts
or other persons, 374 T!7 8
Keal estate unincumbered, a5 va Og
Bcnila owned by , the Company, to-wit: '
United States 5-20 Bonds $ 125,.'.iH) 00
State-Bonds 119,776 00
New Haven City Bonds S1.OO0 00
National Bank Sleeks 184 V10 00
SUte Bank Stocks 3 400 00
I80.-2S9 8T
K7,ffl8 H
61,000 to
Sl'i 821 (M
T.736 00
Bills receivable for Inland Premiums 69,846 II
Loans on Bonds and MorUsgr, being trrt
lien unincumbered Real Kstate, worth
aouoie tne amount loaned
Debta otherwise secured
All other securities
46,100 00
' t,U4 14
19O.7T0 49
Total AsseU
' LI A B mm.
Am't doe or Dot due to Sank er ether
creditors '
Losea adjusted am! due
Losses aujusted and not due
Losses unadjusted I
Losses In suspense waiting further proof (
All other claims a-aicst the Company
I 900 09
000 00
ST,bTi 82
40,160 00
SO 61
Total Liabilities, 143,63 09
Tbe greatest am't insured ia any tne risk, ii 600 00
The gres tet am't allowed bT the rules ef '
the Co. to be insured In any one city,
town or village, N0 rnle upon the subject
The greatest am't allowed to be Insured In
any one block. Defend upon clue and constraa-
. . R- SATTBRLKB.rre.'t.
W. S. OooDBU,Sc'y.
To expire on the 81st day of January, 1BT.
iHsrsAsca Dir'T, Orrica or Ptats Auditob I
LlHCol.K, Sr.., March 1, lb69 f
tPftereoA-.LLOTD D. Htmrtrr, A Kent for the Horaa
Insurance Company, located at New Haven in the
State of Connecticut, bas (111 in this Olhce a cpr
of the Act of Incorporation of said Company, aaj
a Statement under oath, fhowing Its condition a
required by the Fifth rVction of a Law of tl e 6tale
of Nebraska, entitled "An Art in Rotation to Insnr
ance Companies," approved February 16th 1H
approved February 12th. 1M6 ; and W hereas, said
Company has famished the undersigned satlsfarto
ry evidence that it is possessed of ONE MII.LIO.f
DOLLARS, of Act rial Capital fnves ed In Stocks of
at least par value, or lu Bondsor Mortgages on Seal
Etate worth double the amount fur which tbe tar a
I mortgaged : and Whereas, said Company has
nled In this Office a written Instrument, under the
Seal of the Company, signed by the PretiSml sad
Seretary thereof, authorising the said Lloyd D. Ben
nett to acknowledge nervice of process for and In
behalf or said Company, contenting that service of
process upon him shall be taken and held to bs valid
as if served upon the Company, according to Ik,
Laws of this elate or any ether State, and wlltj
all claims of erro's by reason of such M-rvice ; nd
Wherras Lloyd D. Bennett, lias furnished sall-fa-to.
ry evidence that he Is the authorised Agent of talJ
Company ;
ThtaeffTe, B it known ly thru prant That la
pursuance of the aforesaid Act, I, John Olllntpla,
Auditor of the State of Meoraaka, do hereby certify,
that Lloyd D. Bennett has full aulhoilty-to act as-an
Agent for the said Home Insurance Compsny. al
Platcmouth, In the State of Nebraska, and to Oj
and perform all acta for and in be'ialf af raid Com
pany authontd by bis appointment as such Agent,
and by the Laws f this bixte, cntll the 31t uay cf
January, 4 D. 1370
In witness vttfrtif, I have subscribed rar
name, and causei tle Peal of tha Auditor's
seal Olflce t be affixed, this 1st day or March,
A. D. lues.
JOHN 6ILLRSFIE, 9w.te Anditve.
ros THE
Keeps constantly on band same af tho KIaal!e
Stitch and Shuttle or Lock ftttr.h Family Sew
ing and Manufacturing Sewing Machine, which h
offers to the public, With an assortment ol
at tbe lowest prices. Please give blru a call hnfurr
buying, and eaamiae tbe
and yeu will Bad them supi rli.r to all . ether rtew.os
Machines. C. . fl KB. )LD, Agrn'.
Flattumoutb, N'rb.. at th New Brick Store. rp;,a-
site the Flstte Valley llotil.
Hw Orders for Mschlnts will betaken and proim.l-
jj attend d to.
made to order. Cash paid for '
Fuits and nmiss-
riattrmouth, Nebraska, April 1S'1S;9.
Notice la herebp given to an partic haviag busi
ness Define the County Commissioners Court, the
nature of which will require the tiling of papers,
that tbe requisite papers must be fl.ed with the
County Clerk before the first dsy of esch session r
said Court, toob'aln a bearing opo any mach mil
ters as they may deilre to bring before the Court.
Tho rapidly increasiag business of the Conrt,
make tluia order of imperative necessity ; that a
regular order of tu linens may be previously arrang
ed, whereby the Board may more aystematfoally
and with greater celerity ""dispatch Ibe tmsintsJ
brou(:h before them.
By ord'.-r of the Board, '
mar35tr Clerk Csss eonnty, eb.
Saint Louis & Omaha
Tri- lSS? Weekly
Thn above 'ine of Swmers will leave Plstts-
mouth every other day throughout the entire sesson
eonnuettng at riattsmoutn wiin ine Dorno."
Missouri River Kailroad for the east, north and
south, and at the following points with railroad coa-
iectins. Council Blotfs, Omaha, 6. Jos-pb, i-eav-
enwonh and Kansas City. Fof .freight or pasag
appiv at oar.offiom .ta.
nisrii blsirwn Jt aii,n-n"
Improved Farm and Tirn-
Dcr or oaic
The farm is aboutSO miles west from Plattsmouth,
Smiles west of Uoover'a. on the fetage Boad o"
acre has been In cultivation a log honse opon It.
and plenty of stock water; it IsS. wqr See 87, T U.
K II 160 acres; and connected with it Is Lot 1 snl
n K cr of 8 k or See SO. same T and K. (timber)
90 and 90-100 aerea, making 230 and W-IOO aeies.
Also the n w qrof n w qr or sec , 1 iu, -lfiilsaountv.
Iowa. Due eaatfrom Flatumooth, and
i milerrom the river, (heavy timber.) rr trrnn
address, D. H. BOLOatON,
may2if. I jlenwoea, i.
apntltf - . - ' i -
'.1 ill