u "7 any man attempts to haul down the American Flag, shoot him on the spot." PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1869. i0. 52. VOL. 4. 1 I' fl THE HERALi D . ,13 PUBLISHED W.3Q 1EKLY, bit U. r. HATHAWAY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Vj"Offlee corner Mais street and Levee, second Vrr. . Terms: $2.50 per annam. . Rates of Advertising O jo lqnare (space often lines) one Insertion, $1 .60 ca subsequent insertion - " Prcrekftmal cards not exceeding al 11 10 00 Oae-quarter column or less, per annnm 4 eix mootha three months O a half coluu twelve tnoothe a. " six mootha three month O-ieeolumn twelve months alx months - : three monthi - T All transient advertlementa must be p advance. 4),f We are prepared to do all kind of nsbort notice, and In a style that will faction. - 35.00 SO O 15.00 60.00 86.00 20.00 100.00 60.00 .00 orln Work satis- WILLITT P0TTENQEK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, PLATTSMOUTII - - NEBRASKA. T. ITI I?IA.RQ.UETTi ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Solicitor in Chancery. PLATTSMOOTII, NEBRASKA S. F. COOPER, ATTORNEY ASD COCXSEL0B AT LAW. Platf 8moiith,.Neb. -Till boy and sell Real Estate, and pay taxes f jr V nonresidents. .... , Improve! and unimproved lands and lots for sale, Jane 23th nl2v. R. R LIVINGSTON, M. D. Physician and Snrgeon, Tsndera hi professional services to the citixent of VRUuienca south-east corner ofOak and Sixth treets; Office on Main street, opposite Court House, I'Uttimouiti, Nebraska. Platte Valley House Ed. B. Mubphy, Proprietor. 'orn.tr of Miin and Fourth Streets, lMattsmoutli, Xeb. ...... i , r.. lined offers Brst-cUiS accorumoditions be day or week. ..i.n.nc. hivltm Been re o ' '" " '.- Board by ausM II. S. JE.VMSGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND General Land Agent, Nebraska. Lincoln. in .no nftbe Court 4 of the State, and m k ,l ate oil commission, pay TJTi'i uuy Htm Titles, c aovi'iiltf Ma MAXWELL, SAM. M CHAPMAN Maxwell & Cliapmaii, rrTOREYS AT LAW, AVD Solicitors in Chancery. LATTSMOVTH, - - - XEBRASKA. Ol&ce over Black. Buttery k Co's Drug Store, irl Joseph SCnLATEB, TjrATfiTMAKER and JEWELER, Main Street, 1U.VTTSM0UTII, - - NEBRASKA . . nf vr.trhp, no a- t.old Pens. If" ..---------- ... viM.aa and Vi- olia Trimmings always on hand., milted to his cure will be warranted. April 10. 15- i. w.-irv. silver ware, r ano- A II work com piattsmouth Mills. C. HEISEL, Proprietor. .anuireil and n'.aced in thor .Vuttno'rler Cuslom work done on short no.OOO flusliels of Wheat Wanted' immediately, for which the biKhtrke piice will be paid- augid tf J. N. WISE, General Life, Accident, f ire. Inland and Trantit INSURANCE AGENT Witt tk. ri.ksat reasonable rafts in the most reliahl XO pauies In the Dniled Slates. i-. t the book store. fla sir outh, Nebraa- maysiati Itllinery fc Dressinakins, BT Ktss a.m. DBsrai A M.a r. Ka!tDT OoDOsUe the Cfiy Bakery. - 7 B would respectfulty announce to the Ladles VV of PUltsruouth and vicinity, that we havejuar .el.. alarreand well selected siocaor -tjjajdn, consist n a I m mi turn. Ae. ting of Flowers, Ribbons, velvets, dress te., Ac. We will sehthe cheapest good. i,!.it We can accommodate all our fltBriuiui.'"'.v,v . .. fa vor CI -old eustom. r. and as many new ones as t.iw m ;. a. ,, .ii w-in,t nf work In our line none to .. i-.hi.eiiv. Wecanaecomi order. Perfect, atasfaction given or nochargea mytf . HEALTH G0MF0BrtiAND ECONOMY. .3 REASONS FOR BOARDING with GEO; W. COLVIN, mrsTEEET. - PLATTSMOTJTU Two blocks northwest of Brick School-House. -- w i . strrr HOirSE.tree to patrons : his IX rooms Are welt ventiuued, and bis prices are reasonable. Juljio nlStf. Capt. O. LABOO & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Wines and Liquors, Also a very cho'.ce selection ot'J Tobacco and Cigars, Main itreet, second door east of Seymour House, Kebra.ka City, Nebraska. Are just receiving a new stock of Genuine Ola iourbon direct from Bourbon county, Ky., Bitters, rt. myfS w LEGAL NOTICE- la District Court 2d Judicial District within and for Crm county, Nebraska. William Dorroogh 1 vs. V Not Ice : Adeline Dorrough. Adeline Dormugh, non-resident defendant, will take notice that William Dorrough, on the n th day of Karen. lfetj, filed hi petition in the offin-of the Cl'rk of the D strict Court withia and for Cass county, Neb.,settlng forth that yon hve wilfully ab Died yourself and hare wil lully aban doned blm for moie than three year last pa.t with out any good cause, and praying that on the anal hearing of thia causa he may obtain a decree of di- yerce from you iicv irttui juu i You are reciulred to answer aaid petition on or I before tie the lih day of Aprl,18ofr I WILLIAM DDRROUOU. By Maxwell k Chafm ai, Att'j for plaintiff marehllw. Attachment IVotice. William Herold, I agsinst - Probata Court in and for Cass O P O'Dell ' J county, Nebraska. To O F O'Dell, defendant. Y u are hereby notified .1 I ....... n a aa.aaai lautul in ilia . li.v entitled caise on the id day ol March A D 1669, by ouutr, for the sum of Nineteen and 45-100 Dollars, and thi.t the same has been levied upon aa personal property belonging to you in Cass county.Mebraska, one Cot t n wood Krame House, knowi-as the O'Deli grocery.situsted on the the lety in t e town of Ke- nosha, Cass couuty,Nebrska, an.l that trll is set for Turaday the 1 1th d.y of May. a. D. 1869 at 10 o'clock a, m.,at which time judgmeni win ne render- d against you If yoa do not appear and show I cause to contrary. Dated iiarcb 34, 1369 WILLIAM UES0LD By Mil well a Chafm ). his AU'ys f.marllw4 Probate IVotice. Whc-eas Mrs. tlizabeth Smith as made applies Hon fcr an administration in the estate of tieorge Snider, late of C.sa county, Nebraska, deceased. Now tL cn the 0urt has appointed the 13th day of April, at 10 o'clock a.m., 1S69, of that day, to bear and det ermine tie same. All persons lntereted will appear at the Probate Court in the city of Platts moott, on that day W. D OA&K. Probate Judge. ATarrh 15, 1SS9 marl8w3 Legal IVotice. In District Court !d Distrlctin.suil for Cas county, Nebraska. Thomtta B. Gordon 1 a. A. n. Townsend. ) A. H. Townsend, defendant, will pleane take notice that Thomai B Gordon, plaintiff, has Bled a motion in revivor in the above entitled action before his Honor Geo. B Lske. Judge of said Court, and that upon such motion bis Honor Geo. B Lake, Judge of said Court, has In vacation made an order dkted Murch 1st. 1. 1S69, that the said A. H. Tow-send, (how cause on the tw-It h day of April, a D 1c6!, before said District Court of the 2l District of the Hate of Nebraska, within and for CaM county, (at which time the said Court will be In sesion)why the J.irlgment heretofore recovered in th District Court of the 1st Dist rict of the Ter- ritoryof Nebraska, within and for Cass county at its adj -ur-ed spni Tern, (held June 4t. t , 1861) by th snid Thomas B Gordon against the said A. H. Townsend for 854 06 damaires and 9 2 I costs of .nit lolim nn De rev lfra.WDH n d uiuor um iikb i Died with the Clerk of taid Court in and for aaid Chss county. Deli-ndant will take notice that "unless he appear and show cause In the premises the raid judgment will te revived In favor of the said Thomas B. Gor dou at ainst the aaid A. H . T wnsend. THO iiA-i B. G0ED0N, Bt Williim W. Erwis, hi Attorney. msrll-4. IVOTICE . To the QualiJUd Totertqf PluttsmoutK ctiy. Cat There will be a sessioe of the reuirtrara at the store of W. D. Usee, in Plattsmouth eitv, Css coun ty, Nebraska, on 1 liurfdoy and Friday, lit and 2d days, of i4pril, 1SC9, for the purpose i.f correcting the List of Lecal voters tor tne city lukuku, i held on JTanday, the 5th day of -dpril. l&t9. -ill persons interested will appear before the Board upon . a a. . n a-. . II V mose uays. WJr. D. GAOV. BAM. M. vaAVXAS, JTurch IS, 1809, XVJl. STADLLTIANIV, One door west of Donelans Drugstore, Dealers in Ready-made Clothing, I GKNTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, rATS. BOOTS. SHOES, TRUXKS, VALISES, and a general stock of OUTFITTING GOODS For the Plains; also, a large lot of RUBBER CLOTHING. REVOLV ERS AND NOTIONS. We bousht low and will sell cheap foe cash. Cal. 1 an l examiucourstock before you buy any where elsel Jyl '6S Wm. 8TADELMAn CO. V it SIT 1 1 Evergreens wr neDiasKu SHADE, ORNAMENT, 1ND PKOTECTIOI! I have su-cessfullv amwiDg. in my Nursery, at Port Kearney. Neb aka, an asuortrocnt a. nne Toung Evergreens, consisting PiXES, FIRS, CEDAR, HEMLOCK, SPRCCE, rhlch I offer or sale at 13 cents each or S3 CO pr hundred and upwards, according to size. Small quantities of the .mal est trees can ,be sen bymail, larger onea by express. Tems, cash. Address StUOAS O- O. vus. n nam, Jan2m4. Fort Kearaey, Nebraska. Mr. X W. THOMAS, Having permanently located at WEEPINO WATER FALLSi tendera his professional service to thj ciiisens ot Cae county, Metmaka. Jan7 6'Jtf NEW TOBACCO STORE! ON MAIN STRKKT,j0PP08ITa C0CKT house, PLATTSJIOCTU, NEB., We -ave on hand a large assortment of PTfi A Rs Xr TOR ACCO Consisting of.the best qualities of CIGARS, USE CUT, PLUG AHD SMOKING TOBACCO. i. H I exclusive! v in Tobacco we can sell r. h,, than anv.ther store in the Citv. Give ns a call before you Pnry,"e elsewhere, - 3 va.WAA.MM a ..-a. BJp jLl!a"iA 4K- vvXF-i February 11, l69tf. PLOWS! PLOWS! C. E. F O R G Y , Hanuractarer of all kinds of Jb arming implements - Such as the celebrated Rod Breaking Plows, Mould Board Breaker. Stirring Plows, (Single and Double Shovel. Cultivator-and Harrow.. Repairing done on short notice All work warranted. Having had much experiea-e in the business, reel Mimi inn & cn give icutiai hubikiivm. Please give ma a call before purchasing elsewhere. C. A. FOES Y. Piattsmouth, Keb., May 6th, 1S6T. ORTHOGRAPHY Ed. Herald: Upon thia branch of education I wish to say a few words, partly by way of introducnig a series of aticles, and partly to give a few thoughts as they suggest themselves to my mind at present. I claim for this subject a great deal, but you will par don me if I claim too much. This . . branch trtreiher with Other "UnitDPor- . . . i tant ' orancnes, uas, peruaps, iiwiji stood at the "foot of the class with other branches taught in our common schools. Whether it is really an un importrnt branch, or whether teachers know not how t teach it properly, I Jeave the reader tO Conjecture. . tiOOfJ spelling, ID my Opinion, does not COD . , , BlSt alone in UtlOWlDg DOW 10 "rattle a , , , . . . , WOrd Oil," but in knowing tne nctUtre , e , , u - . i ' and power of the WCrd which WB Spell. Th .- , fiirn nA .Ko first lime ID llltie ne year Ola, me urst tune he recites the alphabet, does not know A'; from a delta, or Jn from a prun mg book. Some children learn the alphabet quicker than others. Some times the teacher is to blame for not learning' the little urchin his "let ters" sooner, and sometimes patrons are to blame for requiring too much atthe hands of the teacher. Hower. er, let this be as it may, after he has once learned the alphabet, too much pains cannot be taken ia teaching him bow to spell well and properly. Teaching to spell by sound is a good exercise. Teaching from a chart is another very good exercise; but if our -.1 i . r..: ,u , .:,k svuuui-iuuiuj mi o uu iU.u.au. ...i- , mnai nnrnssarilv labor Under tliem, W6 IDUSl necessarily laoor UUUtrr inPnnvtrilnr ipa rd do thfl best many inCOnTemenCieS CQ OO IU8 Oesi Without such convenience, W6 Can. W IMOUl SUCH COunieute, ,be teacher might do well to adopt r 80me method Or plan of his OWH. - Having pupils to write the letters on slate or blackbcard, requiring them, in the mean time, to shade properly encu Unor I. a t,nrl erprniie. Thia I ercise might not be uDproniable to tne more advanced pupil. How many of rrlr, ran. . wilhmit r.f - mv the alphabet, give the propar shade of each letter. It is not my desire to dic tate, but merely suggest. Nothing is lost by a careful study of some stand ard Dictionary. A vear's time spent in . c.reful and diligent study of Web- . . . , ster might be ot mere prontto us man two or three years spent in conning aver Virrnl. Homer and the "dead wotks of many other classic authors. TXACHXR. A Little Ihiiead: rayson once gave notice in Portland that he would be glad to see any young person who did not intend to teek religion About forty came. He spent a very pleasant interview with them, sayirp nothing about religion, ti'l just as they were about to leave, be closed a tew very plain remarks thus: '-suppose ypu should see, coming down from heaven a very fine thread, so fine as to be al most invisible, and it should come and I . . . a. , u Z lou knew, e , J prose, it came irom uoo. Should you dare to put rut your hand and thrust it away f tie dwelt tor a faw moments on the idea, and then ad ded: "Now such a thread has come from God to vou this afternoon. You do not feel, vou say. any interest in re- ligion. But by your coming here this afternoon, God has fastened one-little - - . thread upon vou all. It is very weak anrt frail nr. vou can easilv brush it f. ... awav .Ri.t vnu will not do that! No! welcome it. sod it will enlarge and strengthen itself until u Becomes a golden thread to bind you forever U a God of love Heads Up Brother G., in times of revivals and protracted meetings, al ways stepped in and took charge of the singing. He was very fond of that in terminable song that begins with 'Where, oh, where is good old Ad am ?" sod might end with the last man He had passed through the patriarch and prophets of the olden time, and I the New Testament, when John the Baptist occurred to him. "Where, oh, where ia John the Bantist? Safe in as I , . , , T . . tne promisea ISDU. HO went uu as D(Jt there WBS 8 dlttlCUlty in hXing iK. ms-aia nf s0ninii At IpnfTth 1 111 w. .ww ... s., wttn aesperate energy, tie put n turu "He went up without any head on, safe in the promised land. It is relnted of a ParUian portrait painter that having recently painted nnrtrait of a ladv. a critic woo had mst j W Wb dropped in to see what was going on in ihe atudio. exclaimed. "It is very nicety , paiDted; but why did you take such ugly model 1 ' "It is my mother. eajjiy replied the BrtlSt. I , . . don. a thousand limes f Uh, par cried the crit 1 1 jQ (jreat confusiion; "youare right- i , r, . I I ought 10 DafS perceivea 11. Qui 19' sembles you completely.' The Boton Traveler say.: "A re cent visitor, Mr. It. A. Arnold, de scribes the present ruinous condition of Sebasiopoi in vivid terms. Street after street presents the same aspect of ru ined grandeur. Roofless houses, bro ken pillars, walls p erced and torn by artillery, and heaps of fragments meet one on every side. But the ruins of The magnificent government establish ments, and of the superb docks, are after all, the saddest mementoes of the terrible siege and capture of the city. These remain substantially as left by the all;es. The finest barracks in the world, built of the nicetl masonry, and covering a square of nearly a quarter of a mile, siill stand rotfless and torn, in hopeless ruin, as do ihe fine hospi tal buildings, and nearly, or quite, ev ery other building in the doomed city. But the destruction of the magnificent docks, partly hewn out of solid rock, and partly constructed of solid maaonry, and filled and regulated in the most in genious and perfect manner is. after all, perhaps the very saddest proof of the barberous nature of war, even among the most civilized and cultured nations The destruction of these ad mirable works tested the ingenuity of the French and English engineer,yet their destructive work ' wis perfect. Scarcely one stone remaics upon an other; and the very foundations in sol id rock ara cracked and opened to a great depth. Such is war, nnd thus enduring are the bitter consequences of war after seme fourteen years of peace. Value or Vocal, Mcsic is Schools. I here introduce a fact which has been suggested tome by my profession, and that is that the exercise of the or gans of the breast, by fineine, contrib utes very much to defend them from those diseases to which the climate and other causes expose them. The Ger mans are seldom ever afflicted with consumption, nor have I ever known but one instance of spit'ing blood among tnem. inis. i Deneve, is in part occasioned by the strength wnicn their lunr8 acauire by exercising: them frequently in vocal music, for this enn- stnutes an essential brancn ot tneirea UCStlOn. Dh. RrjSH. The p1A5ro.Nex( t0 books there is no inanimate ihino- in . the house that P'-J "k FrHtat)le pleas ure as a piano A library and a piano are symbols of high civilization. Thse two spread the nobler banquet where the soul is fed, without fear of gluttony or dissipation. As books brin into our daily circle a familiar companions i . ... i i e noblest spirits ina ever wrougnt anon earth, and permit us to rear our . . :nPuence oflhe n0 be8l natures, so the piano, with simple incanttiions. brings us up from their sleep the brotherhood of song, and per suades them to dwell among us. According to a writer in the Chicago Times, a strong mirded female of Biie- ton, a Mrs. Howe, has discovered mat it is "polarity" that makes the differ ence between the sexes, and that when a man looses his ''polarity" he become? a woman ! She says: "You cannot destroy your polarity your Da tive centrality, and circumferentiality without destroying yourself. Jes so A Cincinnati Jew who kept well in formed of the drift of events tu his de nomination is reported to have said not long since: "Of two things 1 am certain; of one I am uncertain. I am certain 1 will die a lew. t am certain that my grandchildren will die Chris tians, but I am uncertain whether my sons will die as Jews or Christians. .... . a , a- A lady having tita good iortune to have her husband hang himself on an apple tree, the wife of a neigbor im I - 1 .1 a. la? I mediately came to oeg a brancn ot that tree for who knows" says she but it may bear the same kind of ! f ruiu" It will take a month, at least, to ventilate, purge, purify, and sweeten the White House, and make it tolera ble for human habitation. It is to be no longer used, we believe, for whisky storage and other kindred purposes particularly the latter. Secretary Waahburne, we regret to say, is in very poor health, tie has literally ustd himself up with bard work. A more fiiubful public servant cannot be round, and we hope the change in accepting the mission abroad will fully restore him. Ex President Johnstn has, at length fejry taken the downwaid i. arrow i nu I ,4 , n . k .C . gusge lists nuiiii icau, iu mo uuitc . 0j a l ennesi.ee City alderman. He igf, Washington not too rapidly Plen tv of steam aboard. Go ahead! heu the Bieum mariner puts to the ea. his prayer is, -'Keep me, my Gou 1 mv boat is so emu II. and thy ocean so wde !" Does uoi this beautiful prnye truly express the condition of each of an us ? It is one of the singular facts this year, that do not often occur, that po tatoes are worth more than corn, and a barrel of onions will purchase a bar rel of flour. MlSCEaLl.AItJEOS. The Congregational Church at Du btiqe ha a 86.000 organ. The New York Sun calls Chicago a "rising western town Six London theaters are managed by women. The price of telegraphing in Prus sia is to be reduced about one-half, lm mediaialy. A general Commercial Convention a m a sT WV win be held at xviempnis, ieno., in They sell shad by the pair in Wil mington, IN. U. It u said that corn is growing finely in Florida. Atlauta, Georgia, has an "Ugly Club." ,laka ice is worth five cents a pound in San Francisco. The office of collector of the port of New York is worth $27,000 a year. A Richmond genius recently carried the follies of the bal masque to a la borious and painful degree of comical ly. He personated -a donkey attached to a small go-cart, in which the driver was seated in the guise of a farmer. The donkey moved on '-all fours" and braced at intervals. A Connecticut boy of Danbury late y undertook the job of drowning'a cat by putii' g it in a paper bag wnh a stone, and throwing it into a pond. The result was that the cat arrived at home before the boy did. The water was warmed for the com fort of the candidates on a baptisimal . t r occasion in a uapust cnurcn, in rrov- idence.last Sunday. The rising steam caused a general stampede among ibe congregation and fainting among the adies, who thought the building was on fire. Duriiig the last week in January the whole population of Sorredto near Na ples, turned out to witness the act of abjuring the Protestant faiih by two young girls. Seven hundred and eighty-one thous and seven hundred and forty-six dol- ars worth of real estate was sold in New York last week. Pass it Abound. A Wooden Wadding Marrying a blockhead. Citizen. AGo!den Wedding Marrying for money. Elmira Times. A Crvsial tv.4d,nn. "--'j s "glars eye. Syracuse Courier. A Tin Weddiue Marrying a mini ma id. Auburn JVeir. A Paper Wedding Marrying an editor. Itasca Democrat A Silver Wedding Marrjing an old maid of sixty. Waverly Demo crat An Iron Wedding Marrying a blacksmith. Brandon Repvblican. A Linen Wedding Marryiug a laundress. Citizen. A Bray-ien Wedding Marrying any jack-ass who spends his time writ in? paragraphs like the above. Jfo bile Tribune. Leather Wedding Marrying an animal like the last writer, who can only be managed with a bridal. Non- nareil. .S Halt er Wedding Marrying an "an- imile." like the editor of the Mobile Tribune. At the recent Christian Convention in Chicago, Rev. Mr Hareha said one means be was taking to bring in the Dour was to abolish pew-renting. It was working well with him- Prof. Bartlett, of the Congregational Theo logical Seminary, said he believed the first step we needed to lake was to dress more plainly on Sunday. This applied more especially though not by any means exclusively, to the sisters He would not have us make our churches any less fine, but be would have all come as brothers and sisters with hearis full of piety towards God, and love toward men, and not come dressed as if for an opera or a party The poor woman has feelings the same as the rich. She will not, she cannot go to church in calico and sit beside silks and satins. It is too much tor poor human nature to beer. Several others spoke upon the came point agreeing with the sentiments of Prof. Bartlett, and urging strong. y their im portance. Is is related that the ex Queen of Spain recently resolved to visit all the convents in Parts, but a rebutl she re ceived at one of them will probably lead her to abandon her design. At this one she was received without any sort of ceremony, and on leaving, not one but the Lady Superior accompa ntetl her to the door. "Why am I not treated with more respect than this ? asked her majesty. The Superior meekly replied that it was not the cus torn of the bouse to do extraordinary honors to visitors. "B it I am a Queen !" The Superior replied that no exception wa made in ihe rules for a Queen Why. in Spain," exclaimed the Queen anrnly. ''the nuns kneal when I enter the convent." "Oh, madam." was th answer, "here we only kneel to God:" Keans have been selling in tne ini . . ..... catro market at seven and eight dollars a hushels. and few of first Quality be had at that. Wouldn t it pay West ern farmers to raise something beside com and wheat exclusively ? A YVohdebful Fhoit Soap ber ries are to be found in immense quan tities throughout Alaska. They grow on a bush about the same in appear ance as whortelberries. When ripe they are red, of a juicy and qu:nine tate; and generally biennial. One quart, when placed in a tub the size of a bushel, will, when stirred, complete ly fill the tub with froth, and the m.ire it is stirred with the naked band and arm, the stiff r it becomes, until yon can cut it with a knife. It is eaten with horn or wooden spoons, all the family sitting around the tub. It is un doubtedly an acquired taste, but the commodity is much sought for The froth 'is of a beautiful pink color. Green berries will make nearly the same amount of f roth.but it is ot a white color, and is not so highly flavored. Foreigners stir it with port or sherry wines, and add sugar, in which case it is a delicious luxury. "Whtt were the mob saying!" ask ed the District Attorney, of a Yankee witness "down East," ina riot there. "Well, they was a sorter singing." "What were they singing about?" "Well, they were singing 'pout a song.' What was the song what were they saying? ' "Well, as nigh as I kin keep track they was a teilin' a Misses Long (her first name was Lucy) to take her time." "You can go. A Cockney family were lately ga zing at a shop-window in Rockford, I IU. Little girl "Oh, mamma! is that an 'en?" Mamma "No. my child, that is a howl.'' Father "No. my wife and daughter, that is -neither a 'en nor a howl; but it is a beagle, the hembletn of this blarsted country. They have in Wisconsin what are called "hard time parties." The invi tations are written on brown paper, and request the guests to dress in their eld clothes. Bean soup, crackers, and dried herrings constitute the refresh ments, wnh "cambric tea and water to wash them down. The guests walk home. Young ladyftoFred.with thin egs.) ..v?-j t J: - - :re.u. 1 aiwavf 9oniiry'V r leu, l always outline . I knew wneu 1 first laid eyes on you that you were brave to rashnsss.' - Fred (coming up smiling.) ' Oh, don i my dear. Why do you say that?" YourjiT ladv "Why. any man has! courage who can trust bimseli a time on such legs as yours." a. ong at Miss Lizzies Buynton, of Crawford- ville, Ind., having lectured on the sub- lect. "Alter feuttrage, wnat; receivea answer the other day in the shape 01 an old pair of trousers, a jacket, and a dull razor. Henry Ward Beecher says that when be wa. a student be frequently walk ed thirty miles a day. On one occa sion. to see a certain family, be walk ed fifty miles. It is to be presumed I he finally became a member of the I - W family. There are 13.000 rails en ronte from England to New Orleans, for the B. & M. R. R. They are to be delivered by steamer ut Burlingtcn. A Pennsylvania chap recently tried to open a bomb-sneu witn a rea not poker The last seen of him he was looking for a place to baog his hat in the milky way. o Since the repeal of the prohibitary dog-law of Wisconsin, dogs have in creased four-fold. It is predicted thai farmers will not dare to return to sheep raising even when it promises to be profitable again. An Indian and a she bear were foun(j lying dead together in the town of Woodville, Wis. The Indian had shot ii p bear six times and then at tacked ber with a knife. She squeez ed the life out of him in a dying ef fort. The Turkish government ha? offi ciatly thanked Count Voa Bismark for .aat-A the attitude preserved ty l'russia (lur ing the discussions on the Cretan quas tiun in the sitting of the Conterence. The Odd Fellows of at. Louis are making the most elaborate prepara lions for the celebration on the 26th ot next month, of their semi-centennial anniversary. A Wisconsin machinest caught hit- long and luxuriant beard in some ma chinery hst week, and had it torn out by the roots. We prefer a rusty razor with a doz en ot nicks. Ike s last trick was to throw Airs . . a aT Partington's old gaiter into the alley, and call the old lady down from the ,hirA floor to see an alley gaiter. .. If harness is washed in warm water till pliable, never put it away or us it till it has been theroughiy ouea. uo i - - not use Tarnish to ilkie Uollins calls the woinans's rights movement giving men's work to poor women, aud letting men rhifi for themselves. IIUiHEKOfja. What is the difference between ac cepted and rejected lovers? Why, the accepted kisses the misses, and the re jected misses the kisses. "I tell you what, sir," said a Yankee of bis opponent, "he don't amount to a sum in arithmetic; add him up and there's nothing to carry. Man's happiness is said to hang upon a thread. This must be the thread that is never at hand to sew on the shirt bution that is always off. A man who had been fined several weeks in succession for getting drunk, cooly proposed to the magistrate that he should lake him by the year at a reduced rate. A man who was shooting "for fun" in C olorado, recently shot an individ ual who he says, unfortunately popped his head round a corner and struck lb bullet. As an old woman lately was walk ing through enfl of the streets of Mon treal at midnight, a patrol called out, Who's there!" "It is I, patrol," said she, "don't be afraid." An Irishman who wrs asked to fur nish proof of his marriage, took off his hat and exhibited a scar on his head. Here," said he, "is my marriage cer tificate. Thai's Judy's mark." "I'll neither tell my age for census or sovereign, said the cook most res olutely to her master, who was prepar ing for the enumerator. "Very well, I'll put down sixty-five," was the cool reply. "Upon my honor, sir, I waa only fifty eight last birthday,' scream ed cook. A good story is told of a German shoemaker, who, having made a pair of boots tor a gentleman, of whose finan cial integrity he had considerable doubt, made the following reply to him when he called for the articles: "Der poots ish not quite done.but der bed ish madi out.n Mental Activity: If the water runneth, and holdeth clear, sweet, and fresh; but stagnation turneth it into noisome puddla. If the air be fanned by the winds, it is pure and holdsomet but from being shut up, it groweth Kirtr a nit nutrirl TF mental Ka m. nioved thev .bae .moo,h Ani .niendid: irj - - ' 1 - -- r - 'nil lay tin an I. thr cnn vui lav tin n.t thoir innn lf be earth is labored wit y,eideih corn; but laying wi!l be OTerg,own with lblslies and the better th neglected, it bushes and soil is, the ranker weeds it will produce. All nature is upheld in its being, order and shape by constant agitation: every creature is incessantly employed in acton conformable to its designed use. In like manner, the perservation and improvement of the faculties depend on their const'ant exercise; to it. God has annexed the best and most desir able rewardeuccess to our under takings, wen'th, honor, wisdom, virtue, salvation. Barrow. A young wife remonstrated with her husbaud, a dissipated spendthrift, on h;s conduct. "My love," said he, "I'm only like the prodigal son, I shall reform by and by." "And I will be lik the prodigal son, too," she replied. "for 1 will arise and go to my tamer; and eccordicgly off she went A certain clerk in this village re cently made the following comment on Pocahontas: Said he: "Jfocahontas was a noble kind hearted and true mau." "Hold on," cried bis compan ion, Pocahontas was a woman.'" "She was, -h !" said he; "well, that's few V J . lust my luck; how am 1 expecita 10 know: 1 tever read tne uioie : The son of Rev. Mr. Montague, re- J siding at Whitewater, Wis,, was deliv- enng a college vaieaiciory ttnuieu u. short time ago, wnen in taking nis handkerchief out of his pockei.he pull ed out a pack of cards which fell to the floor. "Hulloa." he exclaimed, "I've got on my father'a coat." The worthy divine, who sal in front of his promis ing son, was more confused than his hopeful scion. Something you're always coming lo blows with Your nose. On the day before the Inauguration Thomas Nast. Ihe caricaturist, called on Gen. Grant, and sank in by Gen ttadae a sketch representing the President hold ing a bag lrom which cats were escaping. Each cat wan to have the bead of the Cabinet officer, and Nast wanted to know boss heads to draw to eomtilete the sketches Grant soon came out, laugh- :ng heartily, and eiid: "Mr. Isast, your sketch is excellent ; bat I shall not let the cats out of my bag until Friday, and you mast wait till then to get the like- nesees." Dr. Chalmers beautifully says : "The little that I bave seen in the world and known of the history of mankind ttaches roe to look upon their errors in sorrow, not in aner Whtn I take the butory of one poor heart that his sinned and sufferred, and represent to myself the straggles and temptations it passed thro' the brief pulsations of joy; the tears of Tegrat; the feeblsnesa of purpose; the corn of the world that has little charity; the desolation of the soul's sanctuary, and the threatening voices voices within; health gone; happiness gone I would fain leave the erring souls of my fellow men with Him from whose hands it came. i t i ' 17