LOCAL NEWS. Dr. McCluskey Trill be in town till the 1st of April. See notice of County Clerk in relation to filing papers. Wo are indebted to Senator Tipton for valuable pnblic documents. S. M. Hewlett, Esq , was to lecture at Nebraska City last nijzbt. Col. James D. Test, a prominent citi zen of Council Bluff, died at Chicago on the ISth. Mr. C. Wood, clerk in the State Audit ore ofEoe, was in the city last Monday cn bis way to Omaha. Col. Tuxbury, of Nebraska City, takes charge of the Henderson House, in Oma ha. The Col. is an axcellent landlord. Secretary Kermard was. in the city last Mondiy, and left for Omaha Tues day morning. We learn from the Commonwealth that two men were killed in Buffalo precinct lately by the running away of a pair of horses. Tbefirst boot of the season, the Co lumbian, passod up yesterday morninj She left a quantity of freight at our levee. We understand that our city School Board is making preparations to receive pupils from outside the city, into the higher department of our Public School. We wsre not present at the lecture of Mr. Detwiler, last week, but learn that it was one of the best ever delivered in tho city on thai subject (teroperanoe.) We desire to call attention to tha card of Mrs. J. F- Doud. Mrs.TJoud intends keeping tho largest assortment of Milli nery goods ever offered in this market. A row occurred nt the "Farm" in the suburbs of Omaha, last week, between a couple of tho "fallen," wherein Magrgie McCormick wR9ih;t and killed by Mattie Lee. Wni. Stadelman has returned from the east, where he has been laying in an other big stock of clothing. Ha has the "velocipede hat" "velocipedo coit,"and, in fact, the entire suit is velocipede dot a days , There is a general uprooting among the people of the east, and every neighbor hood is turning out its emigrants f';r th ereat and glorious west. Now is the time for tho west to move and do all we can to induce settlers. The N'u-s boasts that a faraUj 'u about nettling in that county wh:.ch consists of the father, mother and seventson living cb-.ldren. They have h.iJ,in nil. twentv thrae children six of thorn Iive died. Tht couple ha a vory.'good start for a family. " m - O F. Johnson & C. are aant far the sale of hard rubber stamp' which ars quits a convenient arrangement. You i can hive any pattern of stamp you do- i sire. They a'.eo sell an excellent art;c.e of ln'tia! piper und envelope?. The Capital Commissioners advertise for sale in this issue of the IIe:iu.d, tha remaining lots in the city of Lincoln This wiU bsjho list opportunity for pur chasing at public safe, and those who desire bold in this nourishing city will do well to be on hand at the sale. Lin coln is the growing city of the west, and is to bo the greatest inland city of Ne braska. Wo saw a letter this wcok from a farmer who resides in the Southern portion of the county which said that portion of the county had been well ctnvasse l by Ne braska City men against issuing bond. Do the people of Cass take the advice of their enemies in preference to that of their friends? Wo fear some of them are inclined to. The B. & M. R. R. Co. will commence tho publication of a newspaper shortly, tho object of which will ba to more thor. oughly advertise tha country .through which their line runs, and to ioducVcsar juration to Southern Iowa and NaV.tai. The paper is to bo called "The Southern Iowa Land and Railroad Gazette," and will bo published bi-monthly from tho Company's office at Burlington. Tho lecture of Rev. Geo. S Alexan dar, last Thursday evening, was reason ably well attended. The lecturer han ded his subject in a masterly manner, ad made his points as clear and forcible as they could wellbc mada. While wo cannot agrea with him io all his premi ses, we give him credit for alvocating many reforms with regard to tho usages of" society which thoull be advocated and praoticed more extensively than the) are. P. E. Ruffner, Esq-, of the firm of Vallcry & Ruffner, has just returned from tha east, where he haa purchass 1 a large assortment of Dry Goods. Orooer , iesfnats, Caps, Boot?, Shoes.and every thing to bo found-in a first class store. This firm boys heavy, pays cash, and can afford to sell as they do at a very small profit. They deal extensively in Agricultural Implements, and keep none but the best manufacture on hand.- This firm is fast becoming the favorite among the farmers, in consequence of their fair dealing, tha excellent quality of their goods and- the low prieos at vhich they sell. We understand that Ramsey is around delivering the same old tax speech that he used in the campaign last fall. We presume he is like the boy who drew a picture of a horse, and for fear no one would be able to tell what it was, wrote underneath it the words "a horse." We presume Mr. Ramsey, after he gets thro' his speech, tolls them it is intended as an argument aiinet bonds. Mr. L. G. Todd, one of the principal opponents of bonds, said on the streets of Plattsinouth. lat Monday, that be thought Qasi county was wel enough settled now, ani that he did not care to have a neighbor within five miles of him. lie wanted the use of the country for a cow fis'.ure. We do not pretend to give Mr. Todds exact language, but the above is the substance. From the Fremont Tribune we learn that two men were imprisoned on a sand bar in the Platte river, ono week ago last Sabbath, from two o'clock in the after noon until nice o'clock the next morn ing. Tha ice broke loose while they were endeavoring to cross, and they were left upon the bar. One of them waded to tho shore, through water up to his chin, and secured aid for the other and weaker man. Their feet, faces and hands were badly frozen, but it is thought am putation will not be necessary. II O XOT NEED IT. The arcrument used by some iu op position to issuing bonds is that the Company u able to build the road with out further aid. That is not the point to be decided by the people of Cass county. The question for us to decide is whether we can niako anything by giving what the company asks. If you are bargaining fur a farm you do not refuse to give S5,000 for it if you think you can make money by so doing, merely because you think tha propria tor could aTord to stl! cheaper, or be cause he i making money by the sale. We doubt nil the B. & M. R. R. Co. could build their road through thjs county without a dollar from us, but that it not the point. Which can we afford Lest, to do without the road or to give iLem our bonds to the amount of $200,000. AUUiVV LTJJ 11 AIj SEEDS The fo'ljwiog resolution was adopt ed by the State Iljard of Agriculture at its session in Lincoln last winter: ResulveJ, That the Secretary of the Board be authorized and requested to ivo t I'-ice in the several papers of the State that he wiU receive applications for Bfid plant-, in ?nia!i quaoilies, i . t . ! - -a ..:tl torn ail pans 01 lue onie, huj wi.i wnJetvjr to supply all such applica tions at the least possible cost to the applicants, they f aying pos'age, costs r.ni cii.res, to t? encioseu wnri tne Bppliratior.s. The office of the Secretary of the li.iard is at Ali'and, C. II. Walker Secretary, and applications can be ad dressed to him at that place. AKE WE siil'E There are vuricus kinds of opposi tioa made to voting- in favor of bands next Sdiurday. Some otject for one reason and some for another and yet others have no reason at all except that they oppose the bjilding cf a rail road because soma neighbor of theirs will probably make twenty-five cents more than they will. There has been one argument urged against bond, which, if valid, should have due weight with the people. We allude to ihe argument being used against donating bonds for "road bed" alone. We fully agree with those who argue that not a dollar in bonds should be issued for this purpose; but they will probably view the matter in a different liht when tLey know that the company stands ready to enter into a legalcon tract to complete the road and have cars running within a specified time after we vote the aid asked. It stands to day as a part of the contract thai they shall give ample security (S500, 000) lo ihis effect, and the company does not ask one dollar of bondj until thia legil security is given. While we Lave uo shadow of doubt ihe rail road conipmy intends equiping and maintaining erery foot of road bed they may make, yet we believe in Dinamg them up to the lastfarthinj. There ia nothing "wild-cat" about this compeny and if they were endeavoring to swin dle somebody it seeems to us they would look for a better thing than Cass co. bonds with the certainty of a law suit. We know that the company were perfectly willing and in fact were the first to offer to give thia se curity for the building and equiping of the road. The object for which teh 8200,000 in bonds is asked is to aid in the construction of a road through Cass conniv westward. Now, the ironing of the road is the last part of the con siructicn. and if these bonds were to be used inlitJ of the actual construction of the road ihey could not be used at a later date than when the company was ready to put down tho iron. It cer tainly teeroi to us that Cass county is perfectly fafe in issuing her bonds be fore the road ia in running order when we have a legal guarantee of S500, 000 that the road will bo in operation within n specified time, and when not a vot of lana, eitner irom ma iate or general government, can os naa oy tne company umu me roaa is compipieu DOQ.1,BRO&Co., DRY G O O D S, B"g R O G E R I E S , AKD Fannin? Implements, CORNER 3d AHD M1IJ STS., PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA. SOHLTIUXGNLtV. Floyd's (iem Broad Cast Seed Sower, operated by one man. Call and exam ine it Many years experience in bu'ine3S,8at isSes us that the secret of success is to SELL CHEAP. Having bought our Goocg at low fig ures, We propose to sell Dry Goods ( Groceries Boots and Shoes Qaeenswara and Farm Implements Cheap for cash. Our stock is large and we want to sell . . Call and examine it. Dccm, B.to. & Co. The attention of farmers and new set tlers is called to tho immense stock of Agricultural Implements in the well filled store of Doo.n, Bro. & Co. nt the Big Brick corner of Main and Third sts. If these implements wera all set up, they would cover a small farm. Parties seek ing agricultural machinery will find every implement which can beued upon a farm in this large establishment, and every approved patera will be cheaply exhibited and its easy management ex plained, Corn, oats and wheat Seeders and Planters, Drills, Harrows, Rakes, Shovel plows, Mould Board and Rod Breaking plows, and Stirring plows in endlosa variety can be had at Doom,Bro. i, Co.'s; as theso gentlemen obtain their agricultural implements direct from the manuf aeturers, they can soli them at low figures by purchasing largo lots and are thus enabled to undersell any other bouse in Nebraska. We adv.se every farmer to call and see their immonee Ltoek before purchasing elsewhere. Remember, that Doom, Bro. & Co. offer tho largest assortmont of plows Breaking and Stirring We are agents for.the following justly cek-bratod brands, Skinner Dixon (Todd & Dement) Grand Detour Industrial (St. Loa'u) Iron Beam (Princeton) Cornell's Gang Plow Sainner's Gang Plow All of which we warrant to give satis faction or money refunded. Uni-jn Corn Planter and Keystone Corn Planter warranted by Doom, Bro. Sb Co. Plittsmouth , March 17, 1869. Whekeas, sundry citizens of Css t - . .! . r. : county are muiea to ceueve mat n i ihe intention of the County Commis sioners of said county to usue tue bonds of said co-.trvy to the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad Company without any guaranties from said Com pany that they will complete and run said road. Now, therefore, we, the undersigned. Commissioners of sard county, declare that it has been and is now our intention not to issue said londs'uiitil auil, sufficient and ample guaranty is made by said Burlington &, Missouri River Railroad Company to the county of Cass, that the said Company will complete, and fiuisb.and run their railroad through said county wiihiu eighteen months from the time they commence work on the same ; and we further state that tbs commit Ipi n f riiizftns from Caas county, who visited the Company at. Burlington, stat ed to us that befere claiming any bonds from this county, the Company honest- v j leD(j3 eneTii(r into a bond of $500,000 to finish and complete said road in all respects equal to any first class railroad in the United States. Witness our hands thia 17lh day of March, i860. James O'Neill, J. B. Moohe, County Com'ra. LAWTOJI ULiACKUEHKY. J N. Wise has a quantity of the fine Lawton Blackberries for sale at seventy fiTe cent8 p9r dozen. Plattemouth March 16 1S59,vt2. For Sale. A No. 1 farm or 10U acres sod 20 acrea of timber, 12 miles west of Plattsmouth. Enquire of Maxwell & Cqapuax. For Salr. A light spring wagon. Enquire of Sam. M. Chapman. March,18tf. MUSIC. Mrs, Kate Simpson would resp . tfuliy aav to her friends and the cub S that she has mads arrangements to enlarge her claas of masie scholars and would bo pleased to instruct any who may wish to take lessons on Piaao Forte. Enquire at residence, corner Vine and Second streets Plattsmouth. FeblStf NOTUCE To the Qualified Totet of PLitttmouth city. Cast There will be a sess'.oe of the registrars at the inr. ( W. D. Gave, in Plattsmouth city, (.'aascocn ty, Nebraska, on Thursday and Friday, 1st and 3d dys. of 4rr''. fr 'be purpo-e of correcting the List of Lesal Voters for the City Election, to be h.id on ATond.ii-. the irh day of A prii, ls69. All intereateJ wU1 ,pp(.ar bef.re the Board rpou I those ij. jf valvjfAS jr4rch is, IS59, F.tltJlEUS Don't you buy the Wier, Deer or any other Cultivator until you go to Forgy'a shop and examine E. Newlon'Celebra ted Patent Walking Cultivator. -It is the champion. C. Iv Fory is manufactur ing them, and is i.i kir.g tha shove. a out of tho best reSned cast 6teel, and the wood work of the best timber ton can be had. Thi Plow is victorious where evsr exhibited with others. This Plow took tho premium over tho Wier Plow in his own county See testimonial: This is to certify that I attended the Iawa State Fair, hel l at CIintor, Octo ber 1, 2, 3 and 4, 1803, and ray Improv ed Cultivator was examinei and found to be one of two of the best out of some thirty different Cultivators. Piemiums withheld. ' En. Kewloh. Illinois Slate Fair, Quincy, September, 1808. Newlon'a Cultivator was examin ed and found to ba one of four of the best on the ground. Premium withheld. J Rider, Agent Pichiwa'j county, Ohio, 8ty-t 18G3 Newlon's Cultivator was awarded the first premium over all others. Orid Lctrey Agent. I certify that my Culuvator was award ed the first premium in Warren county, Illinois, over a'.l others in 180S (Tako notice, this is in Wier'a own county.) Wier's Plow was at all of these Fairs, except in Ohio, anil I beat him every time. EdNjwlon'. Levi Todd, Esq., Mt. Pleasant precinct, Cass county, Neb., is the only man that has ever used this plw 'D Nebraska, ex cept some of his neighbors, and after giving it a thorough trial with several other Plows, including the Wiir P3ow, is decidedly in favor of tho Newfon'a Im proved Champion Cultivator. Plowing Matches. I attended a match at Col. Hutchison's. There were 15 different Cultivators pres ent. Every plow in the match had either diamond or twisted shovels, except mine. I was one out of five of the best 15. Pre mium withheld. EdNswlon. Chenoa III. Newlon's Plow Victorius over all others, at a plowing niatch here. Kingman & Co., Agents Morlh Henderson, ILL Newlon's Plow victorious over all others at n plowing match here. J. C. Messexcer. This is to certify that I attended the State Fair of Nebraska, with E Newlon's Improved Cnltivator, and it was .found to be one of the best of two out of seven. Premium withheld. C. E. Forgy. Reasons why you should hay of For ey: 1st Tha shovels are of the best cast steel, which no other shovel I iow can boast successfully. 2d. My Piow is easier namiieii. 3d. It'is much lighter on your team. 4th. Thev aro made at home and the money you pay for the plow stays here; and you can get it in tne iau wnn me corn you raise. 5th. If your plow breaks, you know where to go with it. If you break a cast ing in an Eastern made plow, you have to lay out of the use of it until you can send East and get a new one. Cth. The Plow is nicely arranged to raise or lower, to suit high or low corn. 7ih. They are the test in use. 8th Thev are a'l warranted to give the be?t of satisfaction after tbrco day3 fair trial. Send in vur orders early. January 23 rr3. wriTiE. All persons indebted to u3. either by note or account, will please call ana set tle immediately, as wo wish to close our accounts by Dec. 2-3th. nov2Gtf. Vallert fc Rcffner. M $1200 and all Expenses Paid ! Seo advertisement of American Suuttlk Sewimo Machine, in our advertising col; umns. ' ' ' ' ly PAf VP. All persons knowing themseves indebt ed to me will please call and pay up im mediately. A word to the wise, etc. Sept.10 tf. C. E. Fokgv. Take Notice All persons indebted to me by note or account will please call and setUe linrae diatelv- All accounts not seVtled by pecember 25th, will be left for eollec tion. Take notico and govern yourcelf accordingly, and save your cost. nov2otf Jacob xlleby, jr. "VANDIVER-" The King of Corn Planters. The best and most reliablu in use.it has advantages over all others which we guarantee most positively: It is' lighter of draft,' having gane wheels forward allowing tha tongue to play in tho neck-yoke,causing no weight on the horses neck, though the heaviest man ride as operator,' it works free on the hinges so as to actiomraodate itself to all unevenness of the ground, has a wide opening at the heal of the runners allowing the corn to scatter in tho hill, with small plow attachment, actually covering the corn, it is supplied with a flexible cat offwhica performs the . Jr.ork without injuring the grain, also drill and BOlj attachment extra. It is undoubted ly the moet perfect Corn Planter in use we fullv warrant it in every particular Farmers call and see the machine,and wi also refer you to th"se who used them in this vicinity last season. Clark & lantuzs, Ag ts March 18w4. DISSOLUTION. The copartnership heretofore existin between J. D. Simpson V. Mickelwai and E Buttery under the firm name or Simpson, Mickblwait & Co., is this day said hrm. bimpson sc iUicteiwait as Eumes all liabilities o' the late firm and eolleota h.11 debts due same, and will con-1 tinue tho Lumber bisices at the old stand. Simpson, Micktlwait & Co. PlattsmonthjNeb. Feb25,tf. AOTICE. Ilavinj; bought. .out tha interest of E. Buttery in the late firm of Simpson Miok- elwait & Co. it is absolutely necessary that the business of the lat ) firm should be settled up. Therefore we shall ex pect all persons owinj: us to call and pay up, as we cannot giro longer time. Simpson A, IJickelttait. nattsmutb,Neb. Feb25.f. DR. II. Tl CLrSKY, 9 tl 3 DENTIST, Will be at Dr. T.iinzMon'a Office during Itbe last week Id eai-h month . A 1 ordcra left ia the pom- ofii wi:l promptly attended to. JulyS. Parmele 8c Kershaw, Dtalera la LUMBER, SHINGLES, I,ATII. TIJIBER, &c , Pltttsmouth, JYeb: C. TJ. I'AHM'EI.E, La W. KERSHAW, Auguet 27th. 1SC3. Henry Boecls, if.Aleb m FURNITURE, Lounges, Tables, Safes, BEDSTE AID S Of all descriptions and at all prices. Metalic Burial Cases, Of all sizes, also WOODEN COFFINS, Ready made, and sold cheap for cash. With mar.r thauks for p ast pt-onaj;e, X invite all t cjII aal examine my UTZe etocS of purniture and Cofiine. jan-ien. Fruit and Ornamental Til EE S, CRAPES. SHRUBS & PLANTS ROSES, VINES. Greenhouse Bedding and Plants, BULBS, &C Cultivated and for!e at the Rockford Nurseries, KOCKFORl, ILL ISO IS. Ir.JShe ir.nan, the proprietor, ha3 bal txsr.ty yea's' experience in raisioB tru :t in til e northwest and everything lil;h he od1 oat mayibr relied oo a b'-ing perfectly hardy and wed adapted to this climate. l'or C'atlngue, P. Ice LUt and oth- r information aJdd eifl, J. S. SIIEAKMAN. .ITircli IS.lSC'i l'roprie'or. Plsasant Viow Nursery I have on hand and for sale a fine asao. ime itef NXJESEJIY STOCK consisting of the choicest variety ci 3 year old APPLE- TREES. Artart -d U this fcotl and climate. Situated Two and a ha'f mjhs southwest of riatts mouih, Iebraka. Perry Waiter. Jar.2S.cS ' SHANNON'S Feed. Sale and Livery STABLE. Main St., Plattsmooth I am prepared to acicmmodate the public wtt Horses, Carriages and Buggies, Also, a nice Hearse, rin .i.nrt nntifji nil rpssonable terms. , A Hack will rnn to steamboat landing, and to all parts of the city when desired. , c.v.x-nv livery, peed, AKD Sale Stal5l, bt . WM-' J- HI? ATT, Proprietor, .' rLATTSMOCTHj NEBBASLA. First-rate Stabling and Wagon Tarda for the ac commodation of the put lie, also a good stock of HORSES AND CARRIAGES,1 in let on very reasonablelterms. Ptableon Mam street, ney ijul'-e th e STIER- t) .N HOUSE, PlattBmonth, Neb. DerJltr. Dr. J. W. TXIOMAS. Having permanently located at WEEPINO WATER FAT.T.S tenders his professional services to tlu citizens d Case county, Nebraska. Jan 6ytr Eegal Notice In District Court Sd District ia.ani for Cas s county. Nebraska. Thomas B. Gordon ) A. H. Towns'nd, defendant, ill ntnu aVa uotica that Thomas B. Oordon, n'int,tr Bled a motion In rerivor In the above entitled action before his Honor Geo II Lake, Judge f aaiil r.mri. and that unoa such cirtion.liis Honor Geo. I) Lake, judge or said uoufi, in yacaiiou made an or.ler dted March 1st, A. 1369, that the Kid A. H. Townsena. mow cue on ine iwaii.u day of April, A D lHCf, before said District Court of the 2d District of ihe Mate or -n cor ass, wunin ana for Ca-ss county, (at which time the said Court will be in se8ion)why the j idgment heretofore recorered tn the District Court of the 1st District of the Ter ritory of Kebraska, within and for Cass county at its adjinrn'd Aprd Term (held June 4th, A D 1561) h the said Thomas B. Gordan against the said A.H. Townsend for A4 06 damages and ') 20 costs of suit should not be relyed,which said order has been filed with the Clerk of said Court in and for aaid Cass county. Defendant will take notice that unless he appear and i-how cause in the premises the raid jnriginent will be revived in favor of the said Thomas B. Gor don araintt the said A. II. T.wnsend. TUOJdAS B. GORDON, Br William W. Krww, his Attorney. irsrllw. REED. BEARDSLEY & CO, Heal Estate Agents, WEEriXG WATER, I.EBRS.SKA. Li nil bnncht. manas) and Ro!d. Valuable Tim bfr Land lor sale. Taxci paid fi.r Non-resldcn:a Collation ro:nptly attended to. tnarcJi isof B. SprRi.ocK, R. Baxte WisdHam Co. Cltrk and Recorder, Dept'y Clerk ic, Kec r, Spurlock & Windham, rLATTSMOUTlf, XELRASKA. FRONT ROOMS OF COURT-HOUSE, Clerk and Treasurer's Office. LANDS BOUGHT &. SOLD Titles Examined, and Conveyances ITIade, Taxes paid and receipts forward e promptly. Flttltsmooth, Jane IS, 1363 oil, o. r. J0HNSOX. ETJGENB B. LEWIS. JOHNSON-& CO. (opposite Clrk & Flummer, IBiLOl I Drugs, Medicines STATIONERY, TERFUMERIES, HAIR OILS. Newspapers, Magazines &c, &c, &c. Pre wripMoriB canfuilr coiponnded by an expe rienced Druggist. CheapCash Store ! L. F. REED, P. S, BtiiU3i.i' REED & BEARDSLEYj WEEPING .WATER, NEBRASKA 11TE huTe just opened a larce stock of Uooas t Weeving Water, conaistiog or Dry Goods, unoceries, Queensware, Hardware, Glass, Iron, Wooden Ware, Notions, Ar.d every thing the farmer and mechDle needs. Stvles and (trades to suit. To buy elsewhere mty t well, In buy here i well always weil often hM- oft. n i,pt. Call and tee. Look at the 0iods. Ask for the urice. Onnsider well.anj ao wuai it -ifet. All Goods warranted a represented. KKtl) at uatLL)si.e.x, July SO tf. MEW ME IT MAItffiET!! GEO. FICKLER, CORNER 2i .f MA IX STREETS, PLATTSMOUTH, ;NEBRASKA. Keep constamly on hand the best of All Kinds of Meals, which they can furnish their customers at the BEST OF RATES FOR CASH I July 2d. 1S63 3m. Umpire Bakery! 2d ST., OPPOSITE "SEW YORK STORE." PLATTSMOUTH. - - NEB. Confectioneries, DREAD, PIES, CAKES, CHEESE, and SWEES CRACKERS. refreiui e:ts kept on band at all times. . HUBERTV. nlotf. Weeping Water. Blills. w Farmers, go where you can cet the i , , y. , . r OCSI I' I OUT and the mOSl OJ Xt. 85 IhtofX X X FLOUR and 12 lit of BRA giwen In exchange for good Wheat. We are also doing grist work; and, with our in creased facilities, feel assured that we ran give th bett and the most flour of any mill in the State. Satisfaction Guaranteed PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. HIGHEST MARKET PRICK PAID. REED & CLINTON. March 26tb, FURNITURE! THOMAS W. SHRYGCK, GAB1WET EVSAKER, AKD DEALER IX ALT. KIXDS OF Furniture and Chairs - THIRD CTHEET, (XfarMain,) PLATTSMOUTH, A'EBRASKJl. Heparins and Tarnl-liin t neatly done. S3" Funerals attended at the shurtett notice. nil. FOR SALE OR TRADE! A good dwelling-, containing aix rooms, a (rood jCA. celiar. and ciMern, a well, stable, woodshed and biifrpj xbed on the lot, aitaate on the corner f Seventh and Locnxt afreet ; al, a two ntnry brick MiitdioK, 2!iH0, with two lota, situate on Fifth street nor:h of AIhid. The aboTe property win be ha I J cheap for cash, or traded tot an improved fiiiru ia Cass count?. For particular! apply on the prcmicet. UtO. BOECK. All persons indebted to uie and settle immrdistely, as I tn ire rca'iested U call nst and rill have mem sertieu form Wi til. HovlStf. GEO. B0RC&. NOTICE ! ! NOTICE ! I I am dow receiving my 1'ALL AND WINTER stock of goods, and desire to ewi special attentlon'to the 'line, an solicit a ciefai cxaminatloa of the GOODS AND PRICES before purchasing elsewhere, as 1 am determined to KEEP IWY STOCK o large and WELL ASSORTED and the prices OF EVERYTHING so low as to make It the interest of every FARMER AND MECHANIC CASS COUNTY, to call snj either BUY OR POST. THEMSELVES before buying elsewhere. E. O. DOFEY. PiatUmouth, Oct. 1, 13C3' tf. A Water Power Sair-Mill for Sale. iwinff to bad health I offer for sale my Saw-Mill with 77 acres or lan'j. Known as tne O LEX DALE MILL PROPERTY. Said property ties 12 mil-is west of Plattfinoath' Cass county, Nebraska, on Cedar Creek, and within half a mile of the B t M K It line, in the best settle ment on the Platte bas thirty f et head, and one of the celebrated Voyca Water Wheels For in formation call at my residence, f Ifitit milm west or Piattsmoutli, or address P T BhAVER, Saint Louis & Omaha K Tri Weelslv T ilnc. The above 'ine of. Steamers will leave PlatW- month very other day throuttliout the entire seisori conDectinjr at Plattsmouth with the Burliair.on Sc Missouri Kiver Kiuroaa lor tue en, norm mil south, and at the fnllowtnjr points with railroad con- lections, Cou ncil Bluffs, Omaha, Et. Josrj,h, l.cav nworih and Kansas City . Fof freighter pacange apply at our rfllce.i marii ai.iii-rui jiiiRtLnair, Agenifl. Sheridan House. Wm. W. Ibish, Proprietor. Corner of JIain and Third Strcft, Flattsiiicmtli, Neb oard by the day or week. Charges - sderale. S'ases leave this House daily fur 1 iminta North, South, East and West. nl2vt. NOTICE. JAMES O'XEIL Is my authorized Acent for the collection of all arconnts du' -the undersienrd for mcd cal services; his receipt will be valid for the Pyment of any loonies on aaid accounts. A Great JSoveIty I ITOR 25 ceats and o ie red stamp, we aend any . party.,6 samples all'different of onr New Golden Fountain Pent Holding Ink to write ' lOO LINES AT ONE DIP. 910 ver day Ruarantied to Apents. Single samples 10 cents. Circulars Kne. Ad. J rets ; R. U. YOUKO C-'., Feb4m3 119 Chambers St.. Boston, Mas. NEW STOEB! WEEPtBC WATEB, NEB. HOETOK & JEMS DEALERS IS General Merchandise, aricH as DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES. HARD WARE, QUEENSWARE, CROCK ERY, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND NOTIONS. PINE AND COTTONWOOD LUMBER, SHINGLES AND LATH. We are Anr.U for Wilteox & Cihba Pewit M. chuie, which ia uudoa jtedly the beat Machine new la use. marcnuu. GREAT EXCITEM1T WASHINGTON! berrmn herold I Havine boucht out the entire Stock of Goods from c- - nerjId' lB redy to offer Ia Prices IshalIseliaoods.t0 3Fjr.fi Til AN THE LOWEST, for Cavh, Wheat, Cera, Hids, Furs or any kind of COUNTRY PRODUCE MyS'octt Consists of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, HA TS and CAPS, PO CKE T CUTLERY, YANKEE NOTIONS, ETC. Please prive me a ca'l at my r.e brick building aeai the U. E. Center:. Birth tidef Minitrset. HERRMAN HE HOLD.