Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 25, 1869, Image 1

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i i
"7" any man attempts to haul doicn the American Flag, shoot him on the spot."
VOL.. 4.
s KJl
Office corner Mai street and Levee, second
Teriaa: $2.50 per annum. .
Hates of Jldvertisin
Oiiesquars (space of ten lined) one Insertion, $1.80
Vim subse-iuent insertion
PrGfel.oal cards not exceeding six U
Oaf-quarter column or less, per annum
six months
three mo nth
One bait column twelve month
m aix months
three months
Oaecolumn twelve-months
" six mouths . -
three months
All transient advertisements must be P
We are prepared to do all kinds of
a short .notice, and in a style that will
10 00
20 tO
Solicitor in Chancery.
llTi-l bny and sell Real Estate, and pay taxes (jr
Y non-residents.
Improve.! and new-proved lands and lots for sale,
Jane 25lh nl2v.
?hv3ician and Surgeon
.,nj,r his Drofcssional services to the citiiens of
rnl"! .. rn.t ..Jffirll.
"Keilence ioio-mmi'" S Vj
We staled in our issue hut week that
N" OTICE la herebv s-iven that an election ! will be
i held at the usual places of holdmg election In I :,;- .f Has. rnnntv who tlfo-
the several precincts of Cass county, Nebraska, on -vsij - r
SATURDAY, the 2744 day of March, 1S69,
for the purpose of submitting to the legal voters o
said county the proposition to Issue the Bonds or
said county to the
Burlington Missouri River Railroad Company,
to the amonnt of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars,
to be used in the construction of a Railroad to be
boilt by said Burlington & MUsourt Kiver Kaiiroaa
duces grain was sure to lose, on his
crop every year if he did not use bis
influence to place his county on the
same commerciil fooling with Douglas
and Otoe counties ; er in other words
n-oti to School Directors. THE BOSD ELEUTIOM.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Let every voter in the county turn
March 20ih, 1859. J eut and cast his vote on next Saturday.
To the Director of the several School We urge every citizen who believes in
Districts in Cass count, Nebraska. : Railroads to realize the fact that
'Father, Come Home." "Ever or Thee." A sad story is
This poplar song which has moved connected with the name of the writer
so many hearts in this country, has of the beautful song "Ever of Thee,"
been receired wiiq equal tavor in x.u I which baa been sung and admired by
rope, and the stationer g.ves an ac-i so many in tnis country and Europe.
count of tne singing or it n one oi tne i? oiey nan was a getleman by birth
Dear Sirs: Allow me to call your o-reat deal of orDosition to bonds exists music halls in London. There was a and education. Wealthy in his own
attention to the following Sections of in the county, fomented and fostered tage with a gaudy drop-scene, orches- j"'1' with large expectations, he led a
our Revised School Law for the State bv narties outside of Cass, who fear tra, etc. After various performances heedless life, not choosing his as.oci-
of Nebraska, by which you will see the .he imDortance she will have if she lhis Piece wa3 ttDQ0UUce(1
The ac-
ates, but allowing himself to be drawn
.... .Via I . . 1
cant. 1U BWIC1T Ul UB VICIOUS.- M l
time of holding the annual meeting is gets a railroad communication east and ..pregen'ly a female cane in front property disappeared, and be was left
changed from October to the first vrest. These dog in the manger spirits 0f lne curtain, amidst great applause, without resources sufficient to buy bis
f the farmers of those counties would al-
- . ... i . i
county baidBomis be issued as roiiows, io-w. f their products tban
Forty (40) per cent, to bo issued on the completion ways get mere IOI l-l-u piuuuuio iu
.if. . nu t .... .n.H.hvd of said I . 11 t .L.:
Baiiroad .to bo bui.t and eompieted by .aid Comr- our rarmers wo y iLTnnrlaw in Anri!. thus -horteninrr the -i,h to maintain a sunreiMcv over us 1 and commencfcd. "Father, dear father, daily bread. His musical talents had
nv throut-n i;as count r as aiorexaiu ; uu L.. m man fuel i iti MOW"- J 1 " I . I . - , i ui
tionsl rorty (40 per eeoi. oi ." , I "
LTrrM afit is a poori
Twenty -(SO) per cent of said to b. U,wd whjch doe8 not work both Ways," we
line of said Cass county.
years from the date of thelrlssuance with intercut pay- I fleciiDgr readers that every ar
ii . .w. .n nr cani. tier annum. I u b
.""uai.j .us raw w " i 1 . . . i M
desire to Bbow to our thinking and re
rery article
Said Bonis and interest to be payable at the office tKeT Kuv from OUr merchants COStS
of the County Treasurer of Cass eointy.aa I.iiows, I '
. .1 I. 1 Ll J 1
. . v - . i j c i . : I etc everv word was aisunci, nu uccu uiguiy euucaieu: uui as uu never
rule term of the Directors, whose urn m a commercial and S"41 "ew- UnTt I b L with mat feeliae needed thm, he did not knov, o what
would expire in October, to April o and vhey are fully aware that if bonds Tq orde( however, to fully describe J agree they could be made available
the inmB vctr. You will, therefore. Br linfontpil in this county they have Lk .ana n,Mrh fnllnwed each verse. Mn 's distress, however, he wrote this
,ir.uhirh bold your annual meeting the first every farmer in Cass at their mercy, it is necessary to give "little Mary's cnarmg song "Ever of Thee." A
ticiewnicn - f :, , , , ,. London pblisher gave him one bun
Monday in April next, in con. orumy 83 far as prices or produce are conru- - dred do'lars for it: tt ,h., .mount
f aiu er. near lamer, wub " i . -- -
The elocx in tne steeple sirmes uu : nuu. j
1 . 1 i. .f ikA Fn Aiuiniv II 1 .1 1 aw.i. ' I . I ... . "
y xreasurer oi uww wv --. ...... i . I mm me reuuireincms ui luciuiiuniuu BO n g qodc uih uuuesi icuuiauii i -i,- i.h. ainiM urikas one ' cuone. i wi n men a snik. r I. n.
to-wit : One-tenth of said Bonds to be payaoie in I them, mOTO tQSQ IQ6 BauB urilClca cost i -,i n J t .U -K, Yob TprooUsed dVarfser, that 70a waaU com , - -rum,
twenty-one years from the time they are iued, and n. :i T8i.,fr. sections, as nearly as possible. old Cass will stand up for their rights 100 Proee" ,atner' " long. He wrote uier songs; but the
X'l Th annual meetin- of mnA 5f efforts at the election L-7'TrA!2-.f. money not coming as fast as he wished
tlV"??l UU lbe d,StaD.Ce . L.A Distrct shall be held on L... K-.nrrl.v thev can nlace their 'V.!!.. ma weak moment he Wed the name
county eomuiisstoners of said couaty to levy an an- tween Chicago B
- .. . . : 1 A m -nil nftfT I
nuai tax 10 pay ine interest on iu " 1 . ! .J r
the Pxiration of twenty years from the time of is- present railroad t8C
suing said bonds to levy annually, unui sam iuv. ... .1 . tha ,Wp
are paid, an additional tax sufficient to pay one this county than to either ot the aoove
ndthia Dlace bv the each School Distrct shall be held on nexl Saturday they can place their
acilitie. is greater to the first Monday in April in each year, county an equality with the best and b.,
oi nis puousner. ano, annoMgh everv
effort was made, even bv the nnhlisriar
..., tn (sva him ii wsi nf nn ! J
. . l . I I . 1 1 - " - " " I .Ut
"At tna conclusion 01 tna isi uuv 1 T7--i u.m . u 1
tenth Dart of .aid hnnds and to ai.ply the same to . .. - . . - on mat day i frOVXata, iUSl IUO piv- CUriDg a raiiroaa. t irusi luejf win j . . , . . 1 jjuui x-wioy au wcui to iiewgatfj, ana
V.Z& places, and necessarily more freight is . nrl0nfl t, cbiain .o r,reat l.he. dr-p-ioen. drew up. the dlfld brokeQ.hearled before ia fiaI
thevoter, atsald election will oe.-.sor I ... ... J. . t.o.wh- . o father SlUlUff at tne OOOr Ol PUBllo ,.m. BB
Ux. yes;" -For bonds and tax, no." . . ai iu. "v s . -J a ..inVaio thsnffirA n Mod- . k0ni avrv man remember u Kom.,rtr11H atnto I
U'Kfok ill Mai4 ill A'CIOCK in inn 1 BLIULLCU a IU uvv " w invvuv.... . - , - i MUU9B. 1 LI a ui L.11A.CU. UV.iiiuv -, ,
. .. . - . nhanta I . I . . I 1 . . .. . I Vi .l . . . i .
erator. Treasurer or Director in any that bis vote "for bonds' that day with a pipe and pot betore mm. iit- iAr.x-nipps, me weu icnown leacner
and the School year shall commence wealthiest counties in the State by ae
on that day ; Provided, That the pro- curing a railroad. We trust they will
morning and continue open uatil 6 o'clock in tne ai-
t frr ft n nf l. m a H v
By order of the County Commissioners tnis za ay
of March AD 1309,
March 4, 1S694
Countr Clerk Cass county, Neb.
2d. The goods have to be handled
at Council Bluffs, and re-shipped on
the C. B. & St. Joe road, for which
handling the merchants here pay extra.
3d. The goods have to be bandied Tear
Samuel Zdenfleld, of tl'e State or lowa, win tase i . . . r . r ,,
notice that William W Gullion, of the county or again 81 tu puiui ui uu vu v..w
Ijcsral Notice.
e of Ioi
. of th
Cass, In the 6tate of Nebraska, did on the 27th day . . , J iKa mer
ofFebraary, A m 1669, file bis petition in the Dls- I last TOad With WBgonB, and the mer
triet Court of the 2d Judicial District or the State or , . f . . L..JI' - l.r, and for Casa county, aKainsi the said chant has tO pay tor this handling BlSO,
tiamnel iSdenfleld, defendant, setting forth that on , . mtntT . nrl fprmcft has lO be
the 18th day of March, 162. the aaid defendant gave and the teaming and lerrage UBS lO OB
his bond in writing, wherein he agreed to convey to i . it W.-U h0 ddition-
tbe said Gull ion the following described premises aOOed, 10 ail Ot WD.ICU BBU IUB ttuuiwuu
Se tX wtt'ta'lf !S ThV northeaU lion icsurance demanded by Insurance
of section twenty-two (22), and the undlvl- -!nrr.r.nift nn nrpminl r,f the increased
-half nf the norlhwaat n Hurler of the SOUtn , I . ,. , . . 3
t niurtfrnf m-tinn tsentv two. in township No I I. I A o.tnlta 1 Snftll 09 SiaiCU.
--' ;, ':,;, ...c,i,p lit- uy icasuuui vui uintui ucishih
lve (12), north of taoge ho 11, east of die 6in r I "J r
failed and ret use u to deed or convey the same.thouxh
ded oue-balf
t we
i.trirt r,t airrvnlw to 1,.. k; ...h.r hv m.nv dollars ner tie Mary was trying to drag hun trom or Mioaiesex county, relates a little
r.:r:: " 1 1:" . " Ju m '.a. bis seat at the same time pointing to a conversation one . . S,t. normal
uori-u luc. - - one 4Ui u curtain behind, as she look up the re- schools, with an English snob who
from October to April or tne same cordingly. frain from the lady, and touchisgly was admiring the versatile young la
TZ . ' t, o. r v Uano- Come home.' etc. The other dies. "Pray, tell me," said he, "are
ln. iiiRAiD ai tae . o. x.x. a., drawQ Beidej dieclos. the8e privileges confined to the wealthy
K. is the important quest-on oi iuo uj . relche(j ryora wila ft poor moth- classes, or do the lowly poor share
with the citizens ofiCass county, I pro- -. a;.,:r on the around with a sickly them ?" "All share alike," was the
nn.p tn hnaflv review this eubiect. lookinr bov in her lap. and in the act reply. "Pray, then' returned the
Among a portion of our citizens, there of feeding him with a spoon. Simul- English inquirer, "what do you do for
xmuug o y taneously with the drawing of the cur- servants ? "Ob, we import them from
appears u u a .u.l lime-light was brought to bear England !" it was enough
rrard to the route, said rauroaa win mlu. ihom n tmlv
d ciai meetings tne oujcui tuc u.-s . Let me here positively state, fi,artiin(r effect. After, a moment or
Sec. 20. Special meetings may be
called by the district board or any of
them on the written request of any five
legal voters of the district, by giving
the notice required in the next succeed
inc section: and in all notices of spe-
tW no nerson. outside of the B. & M. two the act drop came down, aad the
.it . i i i , jj
m in ca.. county. Kebr...., that defendant ha. d f oblaiDin:r th,, delivery of our oec' w " " R. R. Directors knoNV the route; and as y
failed ana refuseu to deed or convey tne same.iuuujtn i - - .... . aiar lha ttrc mp. inir - , .
stress- Office on Main street, opposite Court House, plaintilf ha. performed bi. part of the agrem j j find lhat jt COStS from B1JC" snww-b- - , their Corps Ot Engineers, are, al 1llS
pVattsmouth, NebWfca. n" one to eiht cents p dollar advalo- ha. been held as aforesaid, shall spec- fme in searck 0f a route, it stands to
r. .... . . A . a i . . .. . t i, ii rr nn oav aau uuui uu unic m iur j .q.o imi n,v nn nm
At.d the said oamnel Edenneld IS soimea ui u. rM, ornOdJ.aCCOraiD? 10 Diillt BDU CiaSII. ' J reatOU 1W ""J
oappesr and answer saidpetiUon oner ... . " inrr nrl shall be rriven at least fifteen . .1 TKnrofxro it
additional to get them nere, tnis win - - - . Know meuiKi-. u..-..v.
average of four per cent paid KAO J QasFreYlou' lu oul-" ".'"-'"o' quite absurd that citizens in any pan
Platte Valley House
Ed. B. Murphy, Proprietor.
Fourth Streets,
iVner of Jlfiin and
riattsraouth, Xel.
This House having been re ntt-d and 7t
. . 1. .. .rJi fir.t. class accommodations. Board by
a day or week.
is reoulred to apnea
krfiir M.mdn 12th dav of u4tril. ls69
By T M MABftUETT, his Att'y mar4w4
Ergal Nolice.
In District Court of the 2d Judicial District wiihin
and for Cass county, Nebraska.
John McF. Dagood. Fl'lT, against Robert McUUl,
To Robert McGill, non-re-udent, defendant:
Yo are hereby notified that John McP. Hagood,
has on the 2d day of March, a B 1869, tiled a peti
tion in the otnee 01 tne tuerx or me wnrai vjuh.
within aud for said county, the object and prayer of
said petition isto recove e from you tne sura 01 ru
teen Hnndrtd DollaM.for the ue and occupation by
r the nnn-h.lf of rjlaiutiff's Steam Saw Mill in
Fremont county. Iowa, from the first day of October
a D ls66 to the nret day or eoruary a d 1303, uu
General Land Agent,
i.;mln. - - - Nebraska.
w,, P-actice in ..S; , 't.". goo& -old io the toivu of Piatt, mouth
Will ouy ana n'
Taxes, eximine Titles, c.
ovW'iTtf '
give an
over and above what the same goods
can be delivered for in Council Bluffs
or Omaha. On every $100,000 worth
of goods sold in this county by our
merchants to our farmers and other
consumers, we consequently ha?e to
pay an excess of $4,000 Now, we
venture to say that after careful enquiry
of our merchants as to the amount of
Maxwell & Cliapiiian,
Solicitors in Chancery.
P oac over Black, Buttery Co's Drug Store.
T'l .
lion in a newspaper published in the
district;and injease of any special meet
ing called for the purpose of establish
ing or changing the site of a school
bouse, such notice shall be given at
least fifteen days previous thereto.
Sec. 22. No district mseting shall
be deemed illegal for want of due no
tice, unless it shall appear that the
omission to give eueh notice was wiil-
I e..i 1 t I. ' .1 .J ih.i f..
Action No two .a township Koten (1.). north of t0WQ a)oQe near, $500,000 Worth of "U I-, .7 u , '
range twelve (12) east of ' 6th i M- . all meetings to piovide for the location
iou ara rea airvu w m w n 1 r.i. w . . . rvrtrtn a iiTiipn rr i v Li a I cb in I iim invMrui -
by posting up copies thereof, in three . . countv should insist that the R-
of the most public places or by publica- R -s certajQ to Ule any particular
Father. dear father, come home with me now.
The clock in the steeple trikes Two t (Gong
The night has grown darker, and Benny is wor sc,
But he has been calling for yon.
Indeed hi Is worse, ma says be will die,
Peraapa before morning shall dawn.
And this was the message she sent me to bring,
Come quickly, or he will be gone.
:mne home, come home, come home,
Please, father, dear lather, come home.
Coppeb-Toed Teeth. A great
many people, while talking or laugh
ing, hare a habii of showing their
teeth, and in case a number of these
have been filled with gold, there is a
glittaring and 6hining of the metal
that attracts every one's -attention.
Luile Chloe was visiting at bar Aunt
Katie's one day, and while erieying
herself ia her aunt's lap, she suddenly
route. Doubtless, there are mnny.who
. . 1 i.T tf .v.a'l
would like to see ma "iruu uw
trinnpfi hpr annrf n nrt Innlrinrr her n tin.
"The act-drop rises again, and now ,v in tha faca with -ti th. -erinuana,.
the child has hold of the pewter pot, imaginable, said "Aunt Katie, I wish
trying to tase u irom ia uruuacu Fa T had copper-toed teeth like yours.
rent, auu as cue t-uuiiuucs iuc n
nr.i.r of aitiriiment has been issue-1 from saidCouit I -ii
against vonr propeity in Cass Co.,Nb.,and is levied aiOUC, " wm
on the west half UW of h js anUUally Sold
be decorered that there
to consumers in this
dashin past their farms,but reason- lines, 'Come home,' etc., the other cur-1 A correspondent from Japper, Ten-
-n.. ll r.m-r iwh a real z.ition? laJU ulaVU "-e5
atJ v-.. ihe mother stretched out on its moth- I treat, from Middle Tennessee, two
As men desire so they talK, nence in- er.a and aail jusl raises il8 jitlle rebei 80idjerg stopped at the house of
uproar about the road taking any cer- I head and falls back with a gasp, with Mr. K , and one of them proposed
tain route. Now, friends of Css the lime-light reflecting strongly upon a trade for a very fine horse, but tho't
Mn.w nf Wimnta enternrise. of in- there was a reality aoouijine wnoia, that a large white spot oa me torehead
: - -t- terrible to view, bobs were heard I lessened its value somewhat.
ternal improvements, or your own f ba cominT frora Why so
vxdual interests; doa't be blinded hy Le female portion of the audience, "Because," said " the soldier, "tbe
You are required to answer said petition on or be- goods, which gives a bss tO the buyers
r th 12th dHV of Aonl. 1869. I & t '
here of 2U,UUU in the aggregate.
But Rock Bluffs, Factoryville, Weep
ing Water and Ashland sell an im-
IiCal Notice. I mense amount of goods through the
Ttt.tA ihl. a. rlav of March. lS i9
By Jaxwnx t CBAPMAjr, Atter'ys t.-r Pl'ir.
or removal of a site for a school hou
the notice required in the last pre
ceeding section shall in all er ses be
gossips of sectional feelings, of grape- while tears trickled down many a male J Yankees can see it , a gret way off."
,;nn rPnort. of land sDeculators.or any cheek. Even the lady who sang the "Never mind thai," said his compan-
se , . , . . i, ,l- i, ertuOP song was affected, and could scarcely ion; "f other end is always toward the
Yankees 1" . .
y, and ask yourself if it is not best
and wisest to vote for R. R. Bonds in
l . har-hv Ti ot i H srl trft.t ThDHIU 1 K&rrV I- 1 - . .1 I . I 1 iV I
VST AT CS" MAKER and JEWELER, iiistoV'snSflS r n,e, on the 4-h m aoaiucn to me loss ausia.ueu uy tuc f .
waiuJMnA 5ay of March, iec9, filed hi. petition in the District Droduc3r as explained in our issue of 1Q case 01
Mam Street, court of the 2dUudiciai District, within and for prouuevr. as expiaiucu iu uut isuc ui nirector 8
,tt-ttt CTTtR 4 STt A. C!m eonntv. Nebraska.thel etject and prayer of said I,.,..:- thoro i'a on nrlHitinnnl lna luo ,
PLA L Lo.'lUU Alia - " petition Is to obtain a decree of said Court divesting ., .v.w I If nn hv the
A rood assortment of Watches Olo-k-, Gold Pen. you of al, nght( title, inter st and claim in any consumer, who 13 also the pro- 3
. i..UJai BF-Fti. lOllDS BUU ' I nn.. rr t nrrvt t' ine RnntnWMI nUSTIPr 111 HCIian I - 1 V.
ml.. V-V! . .C V TV i .. I., t a
In Dtstrlctrourt 2d Judicial District within and for QQ a, J cf whicb Q extra CQSl H irdwtor i v.u
Cass county, Nebraska. . . . . quired to take the census of his Dis-
Thomas L Barry vs B E HUlsandJ J Dixwell, De- to the COUSUmer IP in proportion 10 the . n A
TenEmi,,r.eren-Ubovefigures. We see, therefore.that v nM..
lis Triusmings
niitlcilTl his
Moderator or Treasurer or
ducer. How can this evil be remedied? f J ' rt
Tlt.i.i.i .a v la.r a rrrontop rata nf I.T
quiet the title to said land free from all incumbrance! "Ta answer is Self-evident. Secure I . , e
in the said Thomas'L Barry, plaintiff herein. 1 RD- 0Qe year, for the purpose OI
You are required to answer aaid petition on or be-1 western termin'J3 Of the Iowa por- ' , in
rjuuomg a scnooi uouse, tou tcu
proceed with the third verse:
" 'Father, dear fether, coose home with me now.
The clocK in tne steeple siriaea iuim ;
tClnntr vnnv. Bans'. I
cood flith. and trraciously allow the The house is so lonely, the hours are so long,'
goou iiitu, nuu 6'k,u 1 I yor per weeling mother and me.
B & M. R. R. Directors tO say upon Yes, we are alone-poor Beany is dead,
U. i.J.. . - I anil ,nna with thA aneelS Of llfhL
ds that ne saia
. . 1 '
vnu that then are coins to run saiu i . . , ;,.i.;n.
a... m J J w I "M 7R I U1H U1UU lUSD. Uia.lUJ III'
absence or inability ot ij .ugt where they beIieTe it l0 be lle M on her nee3; appealing to J THE I RIS II MAST AND FIDDLE.
ucn census saan Da ia i nrnrUrni,u That is their busi- hPr father, who. with Dot elevated, is Mirnamu, juieomen iom ggu
An(i g0ne with the angels or ugo
what route theV think it best tO run? And these were the very last word
'I want to kiss papa goodnight
I think a little reflection Will Satisfy Come home, come home, come
A man in Montreal swelled up and
died from applying coal oil to a bruise.
lie said he felt all afire.
Virginia oystermen claim that it is
death to eat raw oysters immediately
I after eating of sugar and molasses. -
No thitty-one in Township eleven north of range
thirteen, east of the 6th V M, and to confirm and
fore the lSjh fday of pril, 1809.
Dated March 4ta, lStiy.
tion of the B &. M. R. R. at eome
By JaxWELL 4. Cbapxax, his att'y
Tnosias l. -asm, . ., . r, . j i :,J
mar44 I JUIUl m va wuutny, au a uj uui uuixu
alwavs on hand. All work com
. ill V. n. - ...
niitUMV-5 "is rc win c
April 10.
Plattsmouth EJills.
C. HEISKL, Proprietor.
- , it.n..n ron.tred and claced In thor-
aih running order. Custom work done on short
l0.000 Hushels of Wheat
Waoted immediately, for which the highest marke
in i i.t aug'B II
. . , ,1 AWOIB. UCIVlllfllT. VI ' ' .duiu,. v - - j , .- n - . ,. . .
General Life. Accident, t ire, inland ana i andiuiow life; magnificent public edinces; mo-1 to deliver Uis grain 10 some siauon on
i ransu , . 'klw.' , n,mnt -. and ahowinaT I thA PTtention of the railroad at a less
how money ts squandered ; how puoite servants I . , ,
twrrnrm their trusts : hew rings are managed ; how COSt of time, labor and money than
,.,k.H,k,atreasonableratoslnthemostrellabl offici.l..r.blk . . . gftme .
gV&f&tfift -outh.N.bra.. cierks.. hia rrrain and other County Clerk of their "amy. .d wri-
tntlliuu - " . . ,.-T" i , I I
, .u le ...r.:- ,;,k ;,' - .ho try, had never seen a fiddle.
ness ours is to vote tor honas, u wa in iub bli uj. .uaiug u,. -. a man came into the hotol with on
j. t I smrra 'Coma home, and the back cur I j. u- xr- u . .
want the road. so. "ienas p.ea.c ----- n ,u mn()l., ?auBr UL' wm: . "'.,u,,u u,cu,,u u '
Bill dm W3 aside. fihOWinST Uie mOlDer I ; On. nf tliaaAMiri ol;-.nart anil kai
don't inflict any certain route upon any over a ch51d-8 coffin. But now ,Dit upon it to make it hold, and theo
one. until it is surveyed and located. ,k- fi0ha burst out more freely, and two I bezan to draw the bow. The Irishman
I 1 . la . wa.
, . i j .. .amAmiiap ,h; nnirsrn. I famlai mora rnrnpfl out faintintT. I wno was waioQiDZ mm, couia siana is no
uo f . . I.. . i i - : j 1 longer, but bolted across tha street into
ished fact, that if we don't vote for the ine scene wa, .y -"5. BDhe'r hote, exclaiming:I thought
bonds.we shall not get the road in Cass i -V " . . wm. a land of liberty and freedom.
use the poor ohilder no bad.
mills on the dollar, valuation of prop-
I aviw tn- tV a .nrrsrit vpnr.
efforts aid the construction of an ex- ' , . . . . .
... . I . The annual report of the District,
tenilOQ Ot IUB smut! ivau wesmoiu i ... , ., .i, . , I j i buuui jiuui ireuui wiug " w
,k ,v Tb trnnda will for each school year, snau wnnin tnree lioQ vole9 ..NO!" votes not only ffels above. The drop rose; the father Landlord. Who U abusiDg the chll-
. . . . - . . . dava after the last Monday in March, ,-ntaCi, hut votaa sober now. is weepim? over the coffin I dren?
be brought irora me east cy a saoner i ' t . : .;. ,., -b" 7 ":Tk .7- m,h0r -nn"li..i Marv. on Irishman. Why a man came into the
unrr I . .... .... . i , , , ,
-11 Thprpfnr whatever v.1" 'i.x.ZJ'Axamwfmlfia,m!in
buuutjr . I aDOUl pO0r JJCOnj UClUg wiiia laio an- I
and cheaper route than at present, and - . - " also to inrow ine roa j .c - kDee(j q ,Uom9t homef -falh. tavern jnst now, with a little boy under
farmer, in the county have a chance We all want a getter market, we B?- , r d(ja falher.a com home , At -, -, - "
. ' I noiiar nriCHS lur uui UlUUUVO. waiov- ,w,. mnmont ItlA fllrrain lsnr&wn SiSllaB. I ii i . . I .1 . i
r aaaio . . 7 i pun sou .wiBb uis ears, lEQu. o provoxe
. va?1 I CI 11 I i . i Ti I J Kn I . ... . . . . 1
ss tween the first Monday in June and qUenUy we want a Railroad. Shall and little Benny is suspended over the hiai still more, he spit in hie face, and
the third Monday in June in each we encourage one. or drive it away to coffin with wings, smiling down upon then he draw'd a briar across his belly,
.... . D 1 : a . M ..a..nsaiw T'l-v A fatK. anfl TTI TTtVSfVin riAlV A al i I sAflamA
.V. nn, and dfllVflr to the 1 s V...- ..11 .nn IDem WW DOIUUUU uwwaiu. a u " J ' "
i r .1 . uaAw w . m - - - , a viwai pnnii vi uui hji. i. nm uww . . .
. ia & -
I--. with .Arm.
Ii: .r Wot OTa-:uTllfL.'Itl IT- I a. rr ir,T Snn-.a Clark Stieet. Chicaco. Ilia
IfllWHlCaJ aj,- ' I ' . marchllwS
DBsraix A M . n-Bnaaov
aadiwrtlingbooaortheday. tend ror eiren. , flm0 - nrl Hnnn
&c Address, JUNISs, .uatavia I jji uuuuia u ii fm w -
insure to your benefit
Intkrnat. Imphovement.
ar miss a. v.
Opposite the City Bakery.
roeeived alargeand well selected stock of Winter 1 1 la I I vlnWWM VrS-s-
Between farmer B. and Miss W., his
.. Is, consisting of Flowers, KibDons, velvets, ure.
tiimmings, Ac, Ac. We will eelltne cceapeai kkw
.r.oldmthiaciiv. We can accommodate all our
1 J eostomers and as many new ones as w ill favor ns
with a call. All kinds of work in our line done to
order. Perfect, atasfaction given or no charges
tine, under their bands, a report of all
I. ..j i .u.:. ..:....:. in a .m.
cil Bluffs. If we vote for bonds we i y "''
secure the early completion of a rail- rent year, accompanying the same with
road through our county, and we place list of resident tax payers in .aid
' -i
it on a par, both in the facilities of . . neighdor'e daughter,
.... n C.Vinnl Tarn aa rsvirf nt
Ug ..... deeiyoar falher mtend
last session of the Legislature, and
only those parts under which the School
Boards will be called to act Wore we - A - K! ,n- orl- I
be recorded. Mav it be judicious and V '"J";' . n1 fr - f ' m!n,llea The new rules as to marriage promal
. - ' uiuji u.--, u- - , gated to tne tjatnoncs are: iirst, no
transportation and value with the coun-
PlA.TTSlTIOUTlJ, NEB., ties north and south of us. Again it
wo -ave on hand a large assortment of vv i 11 be but a short time before a bridge
CIGARS & TOBACCO, wU be constructed over the Missouri
... a . . a n.tA. .a vivav fvAnnAPtinr flViCt TawI nnfl NiVim a.
ptoa-ps. PTHE CTJT. PLUG; AND ka lines of the B. & M. R. R.. and ge-the published law,
SMOKING TOBACCO, this great end obtained we stand equal
Two blocks northi
rest of Brick School-liouae.
I tLl HtIJZiSX. to the boasted superiority of Douglas
Uive us a call oeiore you pmv vt . . u . -
we know you will go away aatisnea. jt
February 11, lS69tf.
nE has a JBA TIT MO USE, free to patrons ; his
ruomsare well ventilated, and bis prices are
reasonable. l-uljsd nioti.
C.ipt. I. LABOO & CO.,
Wholesale and Be tail Dealers in
C. E. F O R G Y .
Manufacturer of all kinds of
Wines and Liquors, Far ming Implements.
Also a very choice selection o(Jj
Tobacco and Cigars,
Mala street, second door east of Seymour House,
Nabraska City, Nebraska.
Are last receiving . n.w atari of fZmniiut Old
direct ties lieorSen eeunty, Ky., Bitters,
Such as the celebrated Red Breaking Plows, Honld
Hoard Breakers, Stirring Plows, Single and Double
Shovels, Cultivators and Barrows. Repairing done
on short nolice. All work warranted.
Having bad mach experience in the business.
reel assured that X can give general aaiisiacuo
Pima s-ive me a call before purchasing elsewb
piatnnoutb,Keb.,Isy 6tb, 1S67.
and Pottawatomie. tVe aslc every
man in Cass county to weigh these mat
ters over carefully before casting his
vote next Saturday. If we fail to car.
rv bends then the B. & M. Company
will not build the road through this
county, but will seek a connection at
Nebraska City with the Midland Pa
cific R. R. end Cass county will have
to do without a railroad.
A doctor in New Albany. Indiana, took his quid out of his mouth to look
: m ro ih nni rn.Ps of eni. at it. when be found be had neen
ipnow hv nnckinsr the tall of the thumb chewing his roll of greenbacks. He
ness.i L.OT l.:. OT.i.-a.nt. nr1 rlir-f!tin(r them to stood affhast f or a moment, and then
-1a- ...... Jot. f V.lnnr! frnm Thn nunCt- hurst OUt "CuSS the luck ! a wholt
i su.a UiiD uiuu v. w.wv. . - r a
Very respectfully.
B. Sp'cblock,
Co. Cl'k & Ac'g Sup't cf Common
Schools, Cass county.NebraBka.
The other day, at Toledo, Ohio, a
callle dealer received ppy for a steer
which be had sold f a butcher, and,
rolling the greenbacks into a small
wad, put them into his tobacco-box.
Shertly after, he extracted, as ne
thought, a portion of the tobacco, but
with ail his mastication, could express
none of the savory juices, and finally
steer at a chaw F
Farmer B. Well Miss W. how
to vote on
the Railroad Bond Question ?
Miss W. He is going to vote
against Bonds.
B. How is
all is bushed, save the sobs oi tne ie- g&tholio who has a husband or wife alive
males. I can be married again unless by applica.
M 'There !' said a working man by 1 tion directly to bis bishop. Previous to
A.,- 11 he heaved a si!?h of relief, this priests naa tne power, oeoond. a
" . . I , .1.1- l. - 1 I -.j . i : J
Cnnaan navar nrnaphorl a hotter OTavnoilO WUU WU utsou mtirriou UU.BIUO
" .I,.,, .v.-. t r .......j.. tn I the church can be absolved from suoh
SerillUU tuau laa . nu VJJi I rt ita .nlai nnlv nnnn annlina
... . a. I 1 T -OT..I I IUIM.1VU V . ..ot . M.WW . MUU.,.-
whicn we assented, ana tnen ten tuc . . M . d b bli aT0.,
A a
... . i ... '
The tOUOWing laUgnaOie mixiuro Ol . nta U(s Lonrlnn. matrnn of
two articlesT-one concerning a preach- B0jjool where young ladies are'nished,"
er. the other about the freaks of a mad has experimented until she has discover
do? occurred in a oarer the other ed a sure cure for young ladies of sweet
I - . . " a I . V 1 . ,
.OT.., nhr does vour lav ! Ta mf Thnm ninn. rector or I sixteen woo rau in iove,- inown ai
father oppose the issue of the Bonds 1 St. Andrew'. tf&hi
... V, .u. , uaa large concourse of people on Sunday v j ;
d a ii r,r,rnrilv make his taxes ia8U Ann was -"- --ut-. wh5ch Bbe acoomplishes the antithesis of
Bonds will necessarily make Lis taxes f weeks hf wlU bld farewell to his rfJtn.n0e. She treats the lovely creat.
very high. I congregation, as his physician advised nre a if she were an invalid(nver binU
. J3. Well, Miss W. please tell your him to cross the Atlantic for nis fceaim ing at tna real cause oi ner maiMy,;tvna
. . . . .,.-. u :it a. Ha orhnrtRd hit bratbren and sisters. 1 aoset Her kto ius eutou.-ia-
lamer, ior me, iuai it. uo w,t . 7 , . 1 ..i.,
. f t ' 1,:. ..oto. if ha and after the conclusion of a prayer pl-te.
oonus, a w.. yay " - took a whim l0 cut up 80rn9 fr&ntc a Misdoarian informed a traveler who
gire me the extra price he can get for He ran up Trinity street to inquired about his corn, that each stalk
the grain be raises, or, I will pay bis the college. At this stage of the pro- had niaa ears on it, and was fifteen feet
..... f - .a vein if ha will omvb I reipdinps he waa siezed bv a couple 01 "'" .
. a o . . . . ..:
me half the advance of bis real estate.
-sn.a4 hn orvatn atrirtAi A rra-aaa -rnnrri I mr
XT,. f nintr ti. nr. fathpr -g"1" cams from, we always naa nine ears to
Up to date of going to press, father co,,ected and for a lime lhere Was a each ..,, and eak of BheU.d oorn
W. has not been beard from. grand scene of running und confusion hanging to each ttusal, but we never
-. After a long race be was fina'ly shot oould raise any field beans with it."
Idleness is the greatest prodigal in by a policeman." Whj1" .
the world. "Because the corn grow so fast that
A youo- man idle, an old man needy. 1 Vote for Railroad Bond on the 27th, always pulled the beans up."
i !
.!' I
l 1
i 1
1 1
w. aiyio w