.TEMPERANCE SOU! :.i ft - LODGE UIItECTOIiY ; CBA5D LODOB : e W C. T., Rer. J- W. TaRsrvt, Nebraska City O W Counselor J. Fltinner. Omaha; G. W V T Miss Eddy, Oroaha; g' w. 8 --J- Stevenson, Itellevue ; S. wi T. S. Bristol, Oin iha.l OLIYR BRANCH, NO. 2, rLATTSM OCTH : tWalarraeetiass every Tuesday evening. Traveling re.op.ar respectful., invited, j, r XSXS. W. C. T- B. B. LEWI?, W. 9. B. B.WispbarI, Lodge Deputy, BXCELSIOa B3GP.ES LODGE, NO. 1. 125 W C400DS 1 ITSW GOODS ! AT THE . ' ' NEW YORK GASH STORE! FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE, 1808- Flat Lock Stick Eeversible Feed SEWING MACHINE, AWARDED THE E.A. WIGGENHOIiN & CO., HIGHEST PREMIUM .r ........ n..t .n,l third Friday evening in each month. ' F. M. LOSSDaLS. W. D. T, A-B-T0DD-WB0gimNES,W.D.S.T. !T-3TAR OF HCri" LODGE No 8, Mt. Pleasant v ji ...... a.inrH iv eveninz. .old. regular m kYr. PATRICK. W. C T. AKDREW COLEMAN. W. a. VA1RVIF-W LODGE. No. 14 holds ref-nlaa? meet ija every Tuesday eveniuK "rtfniw Invitrd S W. CALKIN, W O. T. FM. YOUNG. Jr, W. 8. F.M. YOUNG, Sen., Lodge Deputy. At the New York Cash Store, offer tcthe public the Largest and best selectee Stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS. YANKEE NOTIONS, HARDWARE, WHEREVER EXHIBITED. THE ONLY O NE v WLJXtlv- X1La, VUJLiIlio tfAxtllj, I Capable cf sewing la more than do direction A I tKKA ,V KH I I H 'K vS and We call Darticular attention to our New Sivle of FASTENING ALL ITS OWN SEAMS - - - j - - DftESS GOODS. SHAWLS. FLANNE! O 'WHITF AMD I Without atopping Machine or Turning the Clotn, I f r r r r nixf-ro j-e.n i . UULUICU DLMMIxr. I Ot at wonuenuuy JOW prices. it use. and. was' esless thread than any other, and A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETS AT NEW YORK PRICES . . . r . . I " " " Correspondence for this column roust ue ,iy have the Inrcrost fnri iipIi strir-L- r.f KOOTl nH RT-TriT'Q r.o.. Warranted In Srw ITtnvii or Fine fituvU . ... " ..i..ii,:th Ink.aolon one side - c. . . . "'"."'"V 3 v.:rJ:::Z::: 10 111,3 market cons.st.n? ln centlemen, ladies and children's. point. Drunkenness is OUR QUEENS AND GLASSWARE DEPARTMENT is complete, and we offer the same at the lowest possible price. MTMBEft Zi. I ; : not confined to the We have a large stock of the celebrated GARDEN CITY CLIPPER PLOW. Cau a CJlirislian Drinls Wine f ma !e sex alone, as a walk through the We are also Agents of the Btreetsof our cities will fully testify 10 WHITEWATER COM QINED SEEDER AND CULTIVATOR this assertion. You may hold in your which we warrant to be the best made in the United States, and doing bet handa, or within your reach, the future ter Work than any o:her Machine. destiny of some "blinded" soul or souls Our motto is " QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFIT ! " to advocate this vj jvm " ...... 0 Equally as welL. OVER 50.000 MACHINES SOLD SINCE 1861. -e" Snd for Report and Circulars . . Wm. E Plant, Gen. Ag't 612 North Fourth street. Si Louis, Mo. Dr. G II BLAK. Ag't, Plattsmouth, Neb. Kot. 26, 1863,yl. t . .fnllo-' rather thin T ride an-d BRiotnaooM. OSUM -J . . JJ Ewav.for YounBMenonthe Intereatinir rcla- 'forward." To the drunkard tniS IS mo tion of Bri lcsroom t Bride in the institution of , ... ,..(.. mnrn MarriaR", a Guide to matrimonial felicit? and trua Only Salvation ; for IT h9 t.lSies DO more happiness. Senthy mail in sealed letter envelopes Of the bitter poison Of the cup he will eWdJrwa.Uowa.. Aociatio. Bo, break asunder the bands which so long a ' ., , period of time have fettered him down, WOOL4 OXTH & CO., and will be transformed into-a new creat- RnOTrTTir TIR are, when all things will appear quite U U li. 5 J. L, L, K , diEferent. But can the veil be removed, S i ATIONERS, or the drunkard become an abstainer, Binders Cc PaperdealeXD, unless by your personal example by SAHfT JOSEPH, JilO.. WQICQ YOU waru mm wi t.,,... .uvu.v. oc-i0tn and the drunkard's sure reward. ''Self. 1 -3 denial" must be placed in the "frnnt" I rank if you would bo a good leader in this great contest between Christ and his i; allied enemies. Look for ono moment at the life of the drunkard ! He lives like the heathen, greater, and wron, which will and free he has been subjected, him to a knowledge such as is found onl He my once have been a kind and lov- Act ing hasband, father or brother, but now he is a "brute." . Would you be inno cent in leading your brother to the edge Burlington Brirlge Finishcd PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTION!- U 1 m rccipiJt3 True j av " . cj u i s - - - , i inability to stand there without falling I JJnrlinjrhrm ?-Vf o ?niir i i!trer"a5- compounded hT an e.TrerieD(.ed Dri,t inM thvawnin, fflf below? Or would "0 " " w aiaammviu -...'riBr aedtci,.... All g,c j 0 0 though his giult he far the SiM& for he has a knowledge of right U '?2M1m but will not accept of taat l n W 0.1 raise him np out of bondaze L:.v;-: ;: him from that slavery to which Vfl'S&Mm finally bringing :RfHl of true repentance. MmWMVyfhmmM y in "Jesus" alone, mmmlkmmi J. M. HIWOHMAN, (Successor to Donelan A ILnchman,) Druggist & Apothecary DEALER IN DRUGS & MEDICINES, 1- i amis, oils 1,.ves, Notions. Toilet Goods, Perfumery, rancy feoaps, ' PURE WINES AND liquohs For ilechanioal and Sledicina? purpose 825 ! 825 ! :o;- WE GOODS! NEW GOODS!! -:o:- We are daily receiving our IFVgLT iT db 'XTSTTfr'JC'ttJEt. STOCK or Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, BOOTS, SHOES, QUEERS WARE, CARPETS, AND GROCERIES. -:o:- Wiih many thanks for past patronage, we invite all to Call and see our Large Stock of Good I CLARK Sc PMTjmiSK. Plattsmouth, Neb , October 15, 18GS. THE AMERICAN SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE, Is retailed at a price within the teach of all. Thii Machine usee a straight needle, makes the LOCK SriPC 11 (alike on both sides), has a sidf adiustine tension, and ran do every variety of fewiEg. It will hem, fell, bind, cord, braid, seam, quilt, tuck, rnfUV, fliiiiKnmri) wiiiwwik efUHtljr Weil OD 1IK, linen, I fl , woolen, or cotton good., with linen, or cotton thread. 1 Ollet ftOaOS, THE SHUTTLE SEWIXG MACHIXE WHITE & BUTTERY, DEALERS 19 Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals It. KIIEKLKP.. ' c- trw, IK IS. WJ.c.'Icr Co Real Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds and . Fire and Life Ins, Ag'ts, PL A TTSMO V 77, A . T. Collections promptly att.-nded to, and rr,ce, 1. rnltted at current rates of i.x. hanpe. Tax,-. Wl L' Wes-rn Iowa and Nebrasm lor noti rlili, I,, to la id investigated. W U" loaned on hail r . securities. Land Warrant latrd. ' CLAIM AGENTS. Aentsfore.i!lectionofcla!iiiaBi.lnt Ciove,rlI ... for !ohliers. their wldon-!. and minor bi- j, " for the piiii'liase and sale of Lundi au! fay Drm ty, .easing of Tenements. ' "l1, iii:rrjii:.cns-: Hon. S. II. KIbtit, Il- nver City (' T Mr8r Konnl7e Rro . On-nr,,.' Nh ' " Jlcfann it II. Unir, elin,. t', G. K. Fl.Iey, St. Leuis. Miourt. " Pr. nio Lewid, B.mloa, M.inrl:uetta. H W Ditmais. Chiejijio, II inojj. H St Mucin. Cincinnati. Ohio. TooileA llii'H'a. I'liitt-rnontb . Ne'iTaax L U Ki. h, Three Uiv. r. Miclniran. II in K Fellows, I'.lcinn -1d, Wln-onhln. Hon T M M irquett, I'lattpinniith, .Ni hrssVa. I. Lcwin, Aftoniev at l.iiw, Kti.T.il., New York. Unrler, llussey &. Curl, I)c .Moines, Iw. arS diwif -IS- Wari'anlel For Five Years! for medicinal purposes. Brushes, all kinds. Perfn Fancy Toilet Articles, Toys, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Grass and Garden Seeds, xxjeil3I5 "iTzxrrzisj and XjiQuons Our A"rrt. will be supplied with duplicate rai ts ef i me Maenine, in cae oi accioent. It niHkts nreciselr the haiue a i'ch rnd I y tin Sinircr. Whee er A Wil- son, tiowe, ami t ion iic Machines. It haattel n-der-f cil, like the l.t of high-priced .Vacliiue, and is tlie only low. pi;cd ."hiiitlii Jkacmne in the market that It.'ix ilitv teeil. Wfirp enabled lu tell a flriit- clasa SIIUT1I.K MACHINE at n very low uriee. on seen hi in ir- Minpii-ity, auj ci.iis-guect l.w Cji-t of Man iracluring, :n comtiaiiMoc w i.L C'onn.iicated Ala chin.;. Keep conftanty on handa fuand well assort ed stock of PATENT TrtKBICmiLS. Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs, Stationary, Carbon Oil, Lamps, Chimneys, Glass and Putty, also, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Green and Dried Fruits. COiNFECTIONAKY, &c. K.c. yoa number yourself among the guiltless, when, hy your eiatnFle of "modfrate River, In Connection with & QUINCY RAILROADS drinkins"he was ' made drunkard, aad tm')T Tvn'Trtiv d.ed a premature death from its eflfeots ? OIUAIjO, liL1 uLIiXtr I OIN Should you enter the abodeof thn drunk ard yoa might there find the pale and care worn faca of perhaps a mother, who, to drown the sorrows and soothe her wound ed heart, had sought tho same cup wbi:h was the source of thern all. Who can look upon the dramas which a drunkard's life presents without exclaiming "pity carranle: us represented. Ca.'and sec MAIN STREET, EOCTII SIDE. Terms Cash. W.- wish to arrange with Attet In, m ile or lenials-to repr '-f ut th' A rubrics u Miutt!e Sew i .vi Machine, in eirn Man-, Loni iv. and town in the United S.ates atid Uiitann rxirn : rtiiri rr.ent t Kxp-tieneel I ai;enis. rur ru;i iiariicuiKrH as to S ilnrv sod . ci nii.-cioaj addreM4 (iencral Agent, Dtiroi', Mich. X. Ti Lor the In rtpfit of our A cent we hnve ar- Having been enzaced ! ffllinsr I)rc nil nrnr,.ra. i. r.. . ranse.1 with par:i nh ) have ti.iods suitubl for wants of tne i e.iple ia our line ot trade, snd are predrred wl h a n L .. . i , ? Jr" Vre k 3 Sewing Machine A-;ents to ell. We will send boot quality to supply those wants at very low pr-ces. 1'llt, . T . "' "' of fa-rpie and fall paitictil,,. on receipt ..fone red , i itt-.u juth, ..( b Aprn 2, taiup. AudressO, V, K. ANblifc.iV; General Aii'L betr.i:. Mich. ukik! trWVWWTC f. nmrmm. m I mm n u . aw. 3 H r . T ' a J m tt ja AND Stsjfe willleave Xeb. City onand afier Aprill3th. h o l-2o clock, a m.. tatcinchronitf.at ., . .. .ivnirT7 i c arrive ai ria lEnniontti at !? i,vun. . . ,i, iwc ,i riner rreBeni to ir.e rown me mnsi uireci, sure ana aie n-ae i laiiiiioiua r one; arrive at N' b Citv at OHIO. ILLINOIS, INDIANA, PENNSYLVANIA NEW YORK AND NEW ENGLAND. K- & N- STAGE WrVK. WJO? - fl nf trewillleare Xeb. City on.ndafw ... V1" i-ii LI 3 & ' J Cfl .Veb Vi.m Violr, K;m o io. K;m n-lmn ; l'dsseiecrs have the choice of the various routes c ' I ceatennr ia Chictio. to do these thingn, we, ourselves, hy our own examples, must point out to him his folly that he may flee from the wrath to oome. Then will we, Lke unto the dis ciples, be made "Sshers" of men. You may, .perhaps, fiod that he was onco a I member of some Christian church, but I from tasting of only the poison contttin- ljrrrrrrg Checked through to (Jllumica. Tl A T E S invariub y as luw as by oth-r Routes. Buy yout Conp. n Tickets L'x" orruMWii via BURLINGTON. City, and at Platte Valley House. Plattsmouth, "P""" GEO. JEXXIXOS. 1ST E W JEWELRY STORE The subscriber bavins purchased the Red Stoi e oi ,d street, lately ocenpied bv Sarnv nl othor. r,,i.i respectfully in form the citizens of I'lattsranu'th and vicinity, that he ha reSiteit tin, .i . large stock of 1 T 313 "77" 3S3 Xi "ST AND FANCY ARTICLES For Ladie. Cents. Children, and thn r kind, acd is prepared to do all kinds of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELEY REPAIRING In tne best manner. and would be happy toferve hi.- Ho! for fait Cretk, where yon csn kill two bin's with one alone, cet your Gra n (iri.iinri onH Cardel a thesauie tirm; the mach inerv for bo'.hia in nenect order. We ue the Patent Machine Cards, which were rnn enough last year In establish their superiority over the old kind. as all w hon,l b.m can testify. The superiority of Mr. S. Twiss as a m il Known, ann nis services are still re tained for the benefit of ihe public. Wjih the above advantsg's we flatter ourselves that we can make it to the advantage of all who want work in our line to come th it. way. I. PLAN , Proprietor. n,J,t, S. TWIiS. Carder. SEWING MACHIAEAB'T PL A TTSMOVTir, XEBRA SLA. A gmd sssortm'nt cf inicl incs and machine find- lni;s iccpt mi b.md. t3fEre at Stndehnaun's Clo:him, Store. Dec. 4 '7 M ichrtrs rej.n-rA an sh-iri no l re. JACCB VAILERT, JR. BLACK HAWK Tuo tlorsc CULTIVATOR Ily practical experitnentx In the field an 4 by Ust inthm with the lest V:fc:iiS (' uHi. at j. s made, i, --u i-(uu(iii to a riaie approaching 3F or Tg ction In construction. The cultivator cr.si.is tf twa wiougl.t iron axletrees, arched iil.il well t'riictd The plows are simply tw o iron beam. W)lh DOUBLE SnoVEL PLOVS attacln d to tbeatle by , ..'il, e j . nt which gives the oluw an eary, but at the s .n c t:iue reri,-. ny true vertical aud hniiz.!Utal nmiion. 1 hi; tmiKue is d mlilo and fastened to the arch of the axl-tree by rlauins, so that it ran be r.n-.J or lowered at will, a Leu the co, u y, ung, reJuuiiiit draft.aml raed when the corn is higher. The shovels arc fiirui.-bed with Reversible T e e t h , So tint the soil can he Hit. wu ti;Vr tooriroin II. coi n. I e I low are c inf ect, ,! by mean id l,i,..e roupliuK, wh eh i mWo t:.i p.. i.ian to tontr.,1 lu,h Plows by ho;dn g oat. The following ar- a few o; the ad v antayeeu r of superiority abieh this Culti ulor i,a. i,vcr ia.e-s I t It is strotig. r and h.liter, I ting m.-i.e aiti,u-t ei.tirely of wrnul.l Il.ii. 2.1- The double points bv which the i-l.. vels J;r,. atiacheil to the axle rnahM Hie .,..n,in to un hu plow eilh. r toor from the co, ii or int it out of the ground with the lea t eir.i t. Ud. With this t'ltitivat'ir the dopili of the furrow cm be ti-A i.a e.l pio luw shaiiuw oi deep W tl,er tl,i' ground is hard or ft. 4Mi. Ily meaa of the ! , i.e c,.u,,l u - h c.iu neuts the iwo tilow4 you mn ui..k ili t- any distance-upnrl thru o. may ,',.,. er plows it is almost imp.., .jble to In.ld both A wheu ti,r...vi!u: e.n,h totl.ec.rn, and to Ue, ,, ti.r-ui from crow din B tocs-hi r wli.-n plowitiir froia tie ... , ,, For further particulars, call, or adilrf s D. H. McMKCNAN, xo. me jj.va: . xruiunKA city. AGENTS WANTED I'OIt NIGHT SCENES WN Till. I!SE2L-V BY REV DANIEL MARCH. D- D For full, free, li.'wir.i: r ear. apttklinx, pur sn. eracef-il sty : !..r i.. .el;.- p..n.u. , f ,i .e.,uty ,.f hi'iiirbt a. d rich Kh- . : :iri ir,i.i.-i.-u ; f,.ri,i.e analytis of that ab-r, erji.,1(. , ,,,, ,., rl,,f clu.larsl; iu ; for Id',. ;:;r. i.i-nir s. :;,.vi.i,.. ....( and hippy i I! n -t rri I ,.n s t'ii wo k h i n jml Stteh eniniii. ndati ii, s. ss tli- i.l.,i... I,m, I c-lvel fr. tn (i'sh o Si n;w (.i, U v Ali ert I; , m... -Niiao Porter, It. 1) , I.I. U . w. A. H.-nro l l ,' Ceo. Ibmii I: on ! ,, hi Ti !.. I v,'. r,, t, n "' "' l i-her. 1. I) , l.i. I) , strd ..:,.l uj ler. rr.vrneii and Hie l'r.s f u:i Hi-i.n ntnati. us. r-. Mr i irciiiirx rnniiuilnir the seme. ,. in i,re evrywhere nei iin n i.i tie; i m lir il sn, c.k li i- a most l.e!iut.iu;i iltnsiriKd Mt.d i. cantly bi.un l '(O ik, sod pleasi s -vtryl i 1 v. Co tii m ?., ; ni v, if; ! 00 I'CO'Jinr to lll'i i'V ITi l- r;v y.i i Li:. jtimi'.ri.iift, I a , ( i ;t it a tit, ft ft. .v.wuM.jD. ,,ie i;:7,oti. If) j it r month, .l'o i i:i-y 1 co.. PETER VALLERT, P. E. ncrrxrn VALLERYS & RUFFNER , (Successors to Staude & binder son.) ml , . . 'rc'f,Aru!ljr.'r-ancetoonrrriendstbatwehavev,.,reh.,i..: . lotib. I8G8. . AA Ufclteoa- ' Uat we are now able to eel! them goods a t gooas of STAUuK EXCEEDINGLY LOW R'R I C ES. N 0 r t h Kiscouri Our motto is RAILROAD LINE, LARGE SALES & SMALL PROFITS. TO SMNT LOUIS. THOMAS II HYDE; Real Estate OSo e, AM- ed in the first glass he fell a sad victim to intemperance, and there now remains pullman s elecast sleipisc cars no Testige or unrisiianity to D3 seen. on all kicht trains. What a contrast between the drunkard O r. t.-: A- TOUZALI-V, C. E PERKISS, " Gen. Tc'ti Pas'r AB't Superintendent. tne marks oi dissipation, wnii9 tne ottier c. c. morto.x, those of hanniness and lore. Yoa mav. Qen'i Freight Ag't. septn, , . . , . -'I ' 'I' oes, manner. ana would be happy toterve hi.-I ' .M..m.. TT1 trxx- lli np i r irrrr i n ' vills, perhaps, think you stand ,n nHICAGO &NO CLOTHING, WOODEjX j! N D And alMPoints East Ilorlh or South ucuouiiu- au if.ui.iuicr uu luo gi uuuu ii uoae, at moderate pricey and on short time. 1 he I cured. Land, in second Jlomr stead -. Directory, LINCOLN, 'NEBRASKA Our stock consists in Dry-Goods and Groceries, Staple and Fancy Goods, Hardware and Queensware; Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, And a large stock of Tuo Daily Trains. BOTH Pal y Trains ofil,- Ham iba & Si. J,e h lliilrotd from the we.-t make c'.cta tfi, neelion t ilacon City wiih theabovo jj ri . sir.iInK .u fct I.onia and ennt,eetiri2 !ire( t.y ,i, bn uiuian-. .! afternisin trains out ot st. L',us, t r .N'tWloiI, PlIll.tl'Kl-IIIIA. IlolON, WaT 1,'IM.l i;s i'itv. BAI.TIMOr.lt, llAKIt sClllMt, 1'lTT-IILKOIf, C'i'l.l':ilbr, DAVTO, Cl.Ni Ix.vjTTr, I.VIJIA P. !, Cl!''!. I.OCI-VII.LK, XasHVILLt. that you do not carry drinking to excess, but initiating yourself in this good cause you may be the msans of causing the drunkard to do likewise, and at the same RAILWAY. Grand Consolidated Lino ! stoca, euiDraclr-K every variety t goods usually ki pi I houKht and sold at tirst-class Jewelry Store, will be sold a lou I nirde. prices, icil warranted of best varkniansl.li. ..i UcrcsrwH . - - " - ...aw a .'UlUll O ..Jl, . (, , steads Felccted, surrrd and se ond hand and Improved fsirms Titles examined, and Cocveyatices FAMILY GROCERIES, tim3 chock the danger of your future SHORTEST and MUST E X P S E D hich win be r.r.ienished from time m time, TIOUS ROUTE TO ALL POIXTS EAST Olt SOUTH. the Depot Council Bluffs, at i career, bt. 1'aul once saia : ".Let hi;n that thinketh ho etandeth tako hsed Ici-t he fall," and you know not but that you mar fall lattlinz with so etrons an ene my. We all admit that drunkenness In Trains leave a sin on the ground of it once being said tliafc A ! V a m.l a nl.tll r. t inn.i. flia I In connection with trains on the Council 13)ufT and Kingdom Of. "UOd, 7 and because Of Our t- 8osph Railroad, as follows: , . , ... (Council U.uUs time) :ns w ara shut out. To c'non-abstain ,, . ... , , , Express at 11 01 a. m , except Sundays ers is tins appeal made. Let our bat- Mail at usa P. oi " Saturday. tie-Cry be "total abstinence from all that arriving in Chicago at 1 p m. and 5 a. m., making :,, ini ..u.t. close connections with th? M,chigan Central, Mich- Can intoxicate," and God grant that by Afia Somhirnt Pittsburc, Fort Wayne and Chi:ag.., Our exam anle we mav serve as "liirht., -nicago and wieat tartern. cDtcsKu ami Alton, u- . ' . - I "'!, Central, and all other Jr-asiern anil eoathern nouses" in guiding many wn are out Railroads. for upon that rough sea of life into the haven Toledo, Cleveland, of peace where the tranquil winds sup. Delrot, JJutikrk, press the mighty waves upon which s 'aZo mSnbrdge, r1..U J J... t J .-a .1 .-. ' OJ ucavu auu utjstruc.iuu. adu wulie iuui Worcester Hnstm- engaged let us ever remember the living VW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, nu,U3 Ul u. I SUI VV li C LI 119 sit i u ; "It I sohl at the lowest Btrures. Ilavino- nmiini.niM cat-d ln this city, I respectiully solicit a share of pa troiiaite, and corjiallv invite all to cull and emi. the stoclc on hand, as vre would be pleased to servt you, ana no not asK you to bny unless we cr.n tnaki it fur your interest to patronize us. U JC- E. n. EATON'. i lliWiilSllSlil meat make my brother to offend I will eat no flesh while the W3rld standeth, lest 1 make my brother to offend." And when he also said, "It is goad neither to eat flesh nor to drink wine, nor anything whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is of fended, oris mada weak." God grant that - we may bo earnest ia this good cause until all ahull be accomplished, and drunkenness is no more. . "Then wili the brother of low d?gree rejo'oe, in that he is exalted." n. He who studies books sets the frame of Icsowfojge, but he wh nudiej la-n gets the soul. Adversity does act lake from us our true friend ; n only diopurtes those who preteaded to he sacv PITTSBCKCH, HAKUISBLRGII, BALTIMOEE, Washington, Wh.-eiinp, Columbus, Cincinnati, Louisville, et. l.ouis, Cairo, Memphis, Vkksburs, NEW OllIKANS. txivtng Timf, ami Secariug Comfort and sV''y- Eadage Check'd Tht .um. to all principal points nun no rstra cnarjfe tor transier tt.rough Chicago. Pasenacrs hve choice of route, va Chicago, cnjfyin ail the cjodern iu.provements in uso on umiriAAS raitvrys. Sujierior lrravged tlctping Cars on all Jigit J ranis! rassergers ror :iy point . E n; or SonMi, to aval theraselvei ofthe iiiiuy :,,l vj!,lases otrer-J by this cnipsny.sn 'u ii ti.pmticuar tJ ai for, and see thtt their tick tares J; Life Insurance Compa'y, lifi Uroadway, ISewYork. CYRUS CURTISS, President. CashAssetts. - . S'1,000.000 J,.hn n T n i n or l.t. Pm, I! s n k. n. n , i.ee county ivational Hank, Dixon, III. ; Robert Harris, rf?pt C B & Q R R; Anv Hanker in Whiteside comity, III. ; Register and Receiver of Land Office. N ebraska City. n )r. Barton's Tobacco Antidote.i VRmsTCi) to bewovw iu. DrstRR ron Toaacco. At trwbW, inviKjwstes the system, possesses Kreatnou fW -- - pwer, ia an excellent tonic arfl an prfiier.Vnablea the stomach to digest the heartierf foodT naes Snrep refreshinfr, and estal.hshes robostnealtn! Scoters n,l eheuxrt Jar tixty yenrt eurtd. Pce Fifty cents perlVx, port free. An iuterestinp trejitUen the in jurious eOcVts of tobacco, with H.r. n....iy. i. ";- "-f aifHiM wsntca. Ad-Wesm " T. U. Abbott, Jersey ity. JI. J. ' -M I'JSSTIMOlTlAti or sixteen ya I was a slave to tobco, smokina; or chswins: all the tinV. Seeing- Dr. Bortoys Tobacco Ant, dote advertised. I pchsi.t a box. Irour days 1 found relief, and In a weekl was ruoBorar ccked of -ia tasw and disease boiV AVrer for amoment, rinct that. Aaes 1 AMI ti ta.f dc.x tn Imu-J, tb unclean thinir LLK-tar C W istwocA D.D., M. E. Confi ,. . . . . Vrteatrlrerspe Co., Nebraska. I have nsed tobacco fori-8ve ysrs, out Aatw been, and Of the habit by one box of U B ion's Antidote. JX'kS tlORTCP. Posmmtor Frox ra U. S. TRXtsrOL Secretary; Office. Pleasa send a supply of tha Ato. The one rernredkat tione Us work schclt. XX O. T. igab -rFlSQm '"fsn.'E StatApbisow. Gentlemen or rnflnenee here, haviyt: been euVd of the arpeiiie foi tobacco by usina; Dr. urton's An!iite, w desire a sor ply for the prisoners oCT this InstltutioiX Joseph Mjiij, Warden of .n II. State Prbon. Fbow tm CHtKrE!GiiTKR or thkllxghast Vat. "V fUlLRDSD C'pat, Pittsbcrgh, V. 1 hara used the Anudoui withreat sncceas. IliscuniVall my friends. H. KLAClSTOIia. A CLiRGTa s TiSTiifOST. Orjca Boor Astisotb cored my broter and myself. It hkvfr riii lie I. W. Siociiuu, Kelley's .Aaation, Pa, Frow Tn PoLtca IlEArKjuARTrBs, Lrs Mas. Ative gainst thirty-tee pnemie of fLerk m threenontu by Mine Lr Burtou's Antidots, and all derire forpbaeco as reunoved Wa. U WaVjr. ,,F"OJf THB SOUTHIRW HOBB JoUBITAU BALrXsojtB. -MD.-im box of Buruin'a IniMm. n V, for te weed from ma. I take pleasure ia recoxnmerSin It toAU our rsaders. T V cji.X 'W sals BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Trademark x Copyrighted. WILLOW MARE, IROWA.m NAILS, And in fact, everything that a man wants. - 53-Give us a call and we guarantee you entiie satisfaction. . VA LLER YS & R VFFXER. Agents for the Schuttler Warr0n m, mm IS. a r d w a t e , 4k 1MB TO W; The only direct and lesiti:ii.i'e route from tlie West to St. Louis iS: the East. Time to the Eastern cities a-, QUICK an can be made bij any route., with LESS CE7XGE.S. TisVets via the above l'n tan be purchased st lh Hannibal k St. Joseph ti Let ofhres 111 thu West. CTFare f.t the tame as l"j any ntcr rout. IJAItriN' P..ITES', Piesldaot JOUN P. LAIRD, 0,..ia-i:;,erint. r,..t. H, II. W'HH I.KH. . n Tu ket Aent. JOSEPH GAMKI.K, Ueti. f . 1,-l t A p-t, t . I' ll. KAHI.V.yii-,.,,!, ht. Jossph, L. M. DUNN. Crucial Western AveaL an, 231y rpiIE SHORT ALL RAIL LINK JL EAST To Chtftino. Itetro.t. 'r.J,.l.. Kt r...-. Lnftiyette. lwtitiniiit!i. finch ntili. Lot. itrnitle. Xtlthvitlf, f.Viro, Mmij.Sij,, oturUiitt, Wheel ing, I'ittnhurg, Jl"j:,i;, .Vit,t;,i,a f.U:. JI.ttHf burg, ISiiltimorr. Wtithi n ylou, I'hifft'lttj.Mtt, Xeio Vcrk, U nion, tic. Is via the old, reiiaMe Central Route, taa Hannibal & SI. Jo. R, J i j.t PIANOS." PIANOS, rrs-Tske the II t ST. JO.X. R. tine rlliM.si River Packets from PLATTSMOUTH To St. Joseph, where connections are made with Two Daily Ezprcss Train Oa the H Pt. J.. It. R , rin tbrmivli from San Joseph to Quincy without cl.anze of ears, CONNECTING AT QUINCY WLh Chicago, Unrlitiet' n .t Qulmy, and Toltiaj Wabash A Western Ilai,iLj Js f ir ail j oiata North and Soirtb. . Ent re profits divided aroon j the Policy Holders. Policies nonforfeitable, after tw annual payment Pivid"nds on the Contribution Plan. naiJ annual. ly fron date of policy, and in ease the premiums are Dot Tiai.l. a 1 1 1 1 1 i ... 1 fln L ,Ka 1.. . LIFE POLICIES SELF-SUSTAINING MJLL.O-DJEOIVS r. rAM la an .. . I U. 1 Kr . jo i ; years, according to age. T-1 CHICAGO KORTir-WESTSSX HAIL WA 1." This company isne Do!ie!e or. all ih. innrn,l inarm ..I i isuracce. ar,a ot;erseverv nitiir.mviitniii- sistent with olvency. SA copy r.f tlie Herald Will ha ffsMtirl .in filar. ! ror pnrticulara app!y to the undersicCed. Hiin.'oou'CDi inoi nruiioi '.,til,.i..n d.::... I "nfinri is 2C-9 LruuJwajr, New York. a. I.. DPXL4.P, Cen'l ?no't. J ",';TON-N w- Pa A (ft Chicago. PAUL tk MASOX. General Aeens. . 130 L.i Sehe street. Chicago. RU5D ITMaV, A ir-nts Council Bluffs. Dr. H. . UYISGSTQS, Med. Examiner, nI Plattsooth,'eh. J. SlVSiltlsHK, COUNCIL ELUFFS, IOWA, Dea'er ia the celebrated 5tcck McCammoc Pianos, ando her Musical lastruruonts S3"Ali Instruments warrsufei fir fyrjr?. oct'.M ly E. T. DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE g AGRICULTURAL WMm Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, JapanecJ AND STAMPED WARE S T EEL J? -L O W S Of all kinds and siaoa, which we warrant the best in the market Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusive Agents in this Count j for the sale of Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal sT TBI -B as or Wood CJook Stove. uXXZLloc?trti: SZX Give us a call-we will not le undersoId-Maio St., cext door east of Masonic eVJ mcrir. , PLATTSMOUTH. KKURASKA For .St. Loui.o Close connection nrn!e at AlACu.V with NORTH MIS'SOCKI K R. frrM ! ins, a ..l ;:t lli.jnibnl wish Daily Mins. lltver pseket t r Jt. Iriuis, dicris and staterot.liiH frei", le..v!r.fc e..ry evi-r.ir p t,n arrival f trtins from the wst, and atriviiie in ft. I.i-uis next mornlep in season for b ism and to Cfnec I w n b Chicas", Alt'in A St. I.nus, Terre H.-.-re, Alt.in 4 ft. Louis, and Ohio A Missiff ;pi Kaili jas,fr all poicta Eas!, N.irth and uulh. CAH.1 NF.W SLEEP ISO P.un on Xipht Traius. if Buy y or throrh t-Set rn Kar.oiba' Ft. dnect rt ut r C. W. .'.IK P. 7ca n; 't. P. P. fJIOAT. Gan'ITieset A treat H. II.COFItTiti'tillT. fcot," Ft t At