Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, March 04, 1869, Image 2

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We are desirom ifreeeirio? eorrsspondeors from-
. 9 .- 9Ka rjitira r tt material latere
ests of the country, together with such other m
r sVcontribators may deem of interest.
Bil fl!lUI -J - - ,
Governor McClurg, of Missouri,
hap pardoned, at one stroke, thirty-four
convicts ia lha penitentiery, and pu
lishes a card explaining the motives f
this exercise of clemency. - He con
cludes with this cheering assurance: "I
have as yet pardoned no other, e.nd I
expect to be slow on pardons."
JuJge Lane, of New York, has de
cided that nothing less than twelve
Imen can constitute a jury within the
meaning of the Constitution of -the
United States, unless some other num
ber is agreed upon by the parties that
no law can designate a less number of
men as a legal jury in a penal action.
Is the name of the new county formed
from the eastern portion - of Platte
county at the recent session of the Leg
islature. The place designated as the
future county seat is where the railroad
crosses Shell creek, and the town is to
be called Schuyler. The new county is
18 miles wide by 24 long, and leaves
Platte county about 21 miles square. .
The dispatches indicate that Gen.
"Irani will - inaurrate an entire ne
system in regard to Indian affairs, an
that he will completely "squelch" th
old "Indian Ringr'Vthat has caused th
country so much tro'uble during the
past few years. He will send an en
tirelv new set of men anion? the In
dians and endeavor to prevent bad
white men from creating difficulties.
The Southern JVebraskian says, "we
have just learned upon good authority
that the Indian reservation in the south
east part of Nebraska and northeast
Kansas has been bought by "the Gov
ernment, and ceded to the Kansas and
Nebraska Trunk Railroad. These
lands are valuable and will sell readily
therefore, the Railroad is a fixed fact;
we'were never very much on the bet,
but will wager a hat, that, before the
snow flies in the Fall of '69 we will
fee the locomotive pass through Arago
Who lakes the bet?' - ;
We clip the following from the edi
tonal columns of the New York Trib
une. A greater compliment to the re
sources of : oar young Suae could not
be made, and it is the truth:
"Within nine years past the Nebras
ka lands have increased most in value
They sell now for nearly four times as
much as they did just before the war.
During the same period Louisiana
properly has decreased most, selling
now 70 per ceut. below" 'what it was
worth when tie State was represented
in the United States Senate by -Judah
mm Hi
We notice that nearly every paper
in the State has published the amount
charged by the State Land Commit
sionera for locating lands at about en
times more than it is.' They give the
amount per acrt charged by Chambers
at 23 cents when it is only 23 mills, the
amount charged by Bjwen at 10 cents
per acre, when it is only 10 mills, or
one cent, per acre ; the amount charg
ed by Presson t 9 cenla instead of 9
mills, and the amount charged by Max
well at 2 cents instead of 4 mills. ' ; We
admit that some of the charges are
apparently high, but there is little ex
cuse for any one making , such an out
rageous mistake as the above. . Will
those journals that have given publicity
to the "23 cents story". be just enough
to make ib.9 correction, and not leave
the Commissioners ' under the imputa
tion of having swindled the State ?
. $ti,ooo.
Some parties . have .endeavored - to
create the impression among the peo
pie that railroad companies did not and
would not pay taxes into th! county
treasuries of the different "counties in
Nebraska thro which their roads run.
In answer to this we have simply to
state a few fact. " The jUnion Pacific
Company notified the authorities of
Lincola county, last fall, that they were
ready to pay over- to them the sum of
S11.000 the amount t of their, tax in
that county. We cite this because it is
an impressive fact, owing partially to
the further fact that, aside from the
railroad property.there is not.probably,
over S11.000 of propertyi in Lincoln
county, all to!d.: We know that the
U. P. R. R. Company pays taxes into
the treasury of Douglas county, but
are unable to say just : what amount.
We have it from an ai'thentio source
that the U. P. R. R. Company paid
sufficient taxes into the different county
treasuries through which it pasiea, dur
ing the last have defrayed the
entire expenses of running the State
government, provided the monay cou'd
hare been diverted to that purpose. -
We se from the proceedings of the
Missouri Legislature that the State has
a lien on the Hannibal and at. Joe.
Railroad for S3.000.000. A bill has
been in roduced into the Legislature to
sell the interest of the State in this
road and appropriate the proceeds
thereof as follows: .
Si. Joe & Burlington . $600,000
St. Louis, Chillicoibe &
Omaha. 130.000
St. Louis, Macon & Omaha, 400,000
Mississippi & Missouri R.A.L. 400.000
Hannibal &Moberly ZbU.uuu
Louisiana & Missouri River, 300.000
Hannibal & Mexico, 150,000
Bjone &. JeflTerson City, 250 000
St. Oharles Bridge, 100,000
Tube & Neosho, 100.000
Sf Louis & S'. Joe. 100.000
We learn the story is being circula
ted, to some extent, that ihe recent en
actment of the Legislature legalizing
certain bonds, has the effect lo legalize
ihe vote taken in this county some two
years ago, and that the intention wa
to swindle the people of Cass into an
other vote and then . coine in with the
plea that the former vote was legalized,
nlsd. Now, we' have this to saV about
it, that whoever circulates such a story
is either guilty of a willful misrepre
sentation or else he is entirely ignorant
of ihe subject, or the contents of the
act passed. The act provides this, and
nothing more : that bonds heretofore
voted . and issued in good faith are
made binding and of fall effect in law,
even though all the provisions of the
law were not fulfilled in the submission
of the proposition or the taking of the
vote. The act was designed to legalize
the bonds of 0:oe county, and we be
lieve that is the only county affected by
the law. Mark the language voted
and issued and then say whether il
applies to the former vote in (his coun
ty, upon which no bonds were ever is
sued. Had bonds been, issued on that
vote, then this law would make them
slid. But no such bonds were ever
issued, hence the law has no effect in
this county. . Whenever you bear any
one asserting that the law is intended
to legalize the former vote ef Cass
county, just ak him whether he under
stands the. plain reading of the Eng
lish language, and if he is not oppos
ed to having a railroad through Cas
county unless it will run by his door
There appears to be a misunder
standing on the - part of miny as to
what action was taken by the recent
Legislature in regard to declariug sec
lion-lines public highways; a bill wa
introduced in the Senate, declaring sec
lional lines public highwwys; but it was
defeated in ihe House. On the last
day of the session, another' bill of the
same character was introduced in the
Senate, and passed that body, which
excepted Cass and one or two other
counties from the operation of the law
This bill was taken to the House where
it was indefinitely postponed; but by
seme means unknown to the writer,
and apprantly unknown to anybody, it
got into the bands of the enrolling"
clerk, and was placed on th? Speaker's
table with a number of other bills and
by him signed, taken to the Governor
and received his signature before the
mistake was ciscovered And this is
ihe character- of llie law making sec
lion-lines public highways, as it now
stands. In the first place Casa. county
was exempted from the operations of
the act; and in the second place the law
is no law at all in our opinion. . The
records show that it never passed the
House, and consequently it caonctbe n
valid law, notwithstanding it may have
been signed by the president of the
Senate, the speaker of the Hou?9, and
approved by the Governor of the State.
If it should be .that this act is a valid
law, all. that will be necessary hereaf
lei- to secure a law is to get the signa
ture of the speaker of the House, the
president of the Senate and the Gov
ernor. There will be no need of the
other 50 members of the Legislature.
: . .... BONDS.
Some ef our good people,and among
them 'some of the very best citizens of
Cass county, argue against giving any
aid lo Railroad corporations. Now, if
roads could be built without aid - we
would argue with ; them ; but such is
not the case..' Throughout the' United
Slates the people have seconded the
efforts of railroad men by furnishing
material aid. The voice of ihe nation
is in behalf of such aid. Witness ihe
Union Pacific, the Central Pacific, the
Eastern Division. Look at Iowa and
see the roads stretching east and west
across that flourishing State, all having
large bounties bestowed on them to aid
in the great work of developing the
country, if the experience of the old
er estates shows . that Kaiiroads are
good for a country, by what rule would
ihese men, to whom we alluded, strive
to prove that our county is an excep
tion Otoe county has entered the
race with her bonds. Sarpy has done
the same, and Lancaster, younger than
all the others, has been fairly aud
squarely on the side of assisting rail
roads from the first. Dodge county
has reaped her reward, and last though
not least, look at Druglas county with
the terminus of the greatestroad in the
world. All these enterprises have
cost the people money, but they have
repaid the energy and far-seeing pluck
which pushed them on to success an
hundred fold. Do the opponents of
Bonds desire to have Cass county stand
still while stripling counties around her
grow and prosper through their enter
prise and energy? Would those good
people have railroads avoid ibis county
and seek a mare thriving and business
like community? Really when this
whole matter is stripped of all its ver-
bothy we cannot help believing that
every man who opposes Bonds is blind
to his own interests and working di
recily against the prosperity of his
county; while at the same time he is
setting himself fairly and squarely
against the intelligence and experienc
ed wisdom of older States, and even
of that of our own State and the coun
ties in il which have tested the benefits
of .railroads. It will not do for men
in ibis enlightened age to stick to an
tiquated crotchets. In a short lime pub
lie opinion will settle down , against
them, and if they really mean well by
this community they should work for
its interests and not seek to encumber
the only project which can place Cass
county fairly and squarely on an equal
ity with her sister counties in Nebraska
State Laud Couimissiouers.
Whatever may be the judgment of
the people regarding the reasonable
ness of these bills, it should be under
stood that these commissioners were
instructed to select the lands as far as
possible, from actual observation and
examination. And their charges are
njt simply for"per diem," but for team
and other actual expenses incurred
They all did travel over the country
except Mr. Maxwell, who made his
selections, or the greater part of ihem.
we understand, from the plats in the
laod oihee at Nebraska Cny. - Mr
Chambers' bill has not been allowed.
The. "understand" ef the above saves
the editor of the Commonwealth to some
extent, as there is co telling what he
may "understand.' We incline to the
belief, however, that the term "under
stand" as used above is a mere subter
fuge ; for the editor of the paper at
the Capital should know a great dea
better than the above would indicate
We have no desire to enter into a
controversy regarding ihe justice or
injustice of ihe charges made by, any
of ihe land commissioners, neither wil
we be forced or coaxed into doing in
justice to any one of ihem for the
sake of screening, any unjust acts cf
the others provided ihey have com
milted such acts. We believe in al
lowing "every tub to'stand- on its own
bo'tom," hence we gavetbe figures last
week, without comment, of these, com
missioners' charges, together with the
amount of land each one selected.
We were perfectly willing that every
one should infer that the great dupar
ity between the charges of Mr. Max
well and others was owing to a differ
ence in the way each one selected his
land, but we are not willing to see a
statement made, and allow it to go un
contradicted, that Mr. Maxwell select
ed his lands "from the plats in the land
office at Nebraska City," while all the
other commissioners . are accredited
with having'-traveled over the country"
As we said before, we have not, at the
present time, one word to say against
the manner the other commissioners
selected their land, nor the prices they
charged let thejjublic judge from ihe
figures; but this much we are bound
to say, in justice, that Mr. Maxwell
traveled over every foot of country
from which he selected land, and had
a personal knowledge, gained by actu
al observation, of, the lay of nearly ev
ery sub-division ; of land selected by
him. : Another thing ; instead of tak
ing all the vacant land he could get,
Mr. Maxwell only took aiiernate quar
ter sections, leaving the one-half for
settlers, thus causing him double
the amount of travel he would have
had. had he taken all the vacant land
as be went.More the lands selected by
him will compare quality,
with any selections made in ihe State,
i . -.
either cy state commissioners or as an
individual speculation in fact, the
only fault heretofore found, (if fault it
could be considered) was that Max
well had selected, for State purposes.
the very best lands in the State. Will
the Commonwealth b juil, and give the
facts relative to selections made by Mr.
Maxwell7 .
Plattsmouth, Neb.,
. March 1st, 1S69.
Mb. Editor :-I see by your last is
sue that you favor issuing bonds to aid
in the construction of a railroad thro
Cass county westward. Now, Mr.
Editor, I am opposed to issuing these
bonds, aud I will teli'ii why. I am
opposed to it because I art; opposed to
having the road built; and I a.T op
posed to having the road built because
the very day it is completed you and 1
and every other man wao buys his pro
visions will have to pay Chicago prices
for the same. All kinds of farm pro
duce will brio? Chicago prices, less
transportation, right here on the streets
of Plattsmouih, and us mechanics will
be the losers in consequence. I say
every mechanic should oppose the
building ef this road, because when it is
built we will have to pay Chicago prices
for all kinds of produce and we will be
compelled to sell our manufactures at
Chicago prices. Do you suppose we
can sell boots and shoes, wagons, har
ness, and other articles manufctured
here, at the same prices we get for
ihem now, after the road is completed
Not by a jug full, we can'i. We will
have to sell at C:iica?o prices less
transportation. or else we cannot sell at
all; and then we will have to make an
article that will compare with. Chicago
work, too. - Every lumber man in this
county should oppose these bonds and
the building of this road, for it will
''knock the bottom" right out ef the
umber market, and pine lumber will
sell almost as cheap in Plaltsmouth, or
at any station in the cotinty,as it will in
Chicago. This railroad business may
be all very well for farmers who will
gel a heavy advance on produce in
consequence, and who will have the
benefit of the decline in all manufac
tures but it is lough on mechanics and
people in town who now get flour for
$ 3.50 to S4.00 a sack, butter at 20 to
40 cents a pound, eggs 10 to 20 cents
a dozen, and , other farm products in
proportion. You may say that me
chanics always thrive better in large
ities but I "can't see it in tha
light;" and hope your bonds may be
defeated, in order that we may have
cheap living and get high prices for cur
manufactures. Mechanic.
' S m
Suppose there are not more than 200,
000 bushels of surplus wheat raised in
Cass county in one year, and that the
price per bushel wou'd only be increased
ten cents in conseq'iance of having a
railroaJ at your door to take it to mar
ket, how far do you suppose that vroald
go towards paying .ihj interest on the
county bonis. asked by the Company o
this countv. The gain on tha the wheat
wou'd be $20,000,;iail tha interest on tLe
bonds at ten per oont , will be $20,000.-
Ihere is your greit bugaho af "taxa
tion," in a nuuliell, ali paid off by the
increase in prica on 200,000 bushels of
wheat, when every farmer in the county
knows that, with ordinary fortune. Cass
county will produce 500,000 sbushels of
surplus wheat the coining season, and
that a railroad through the county west
ward would make evr ry bushel of that
surplus wheat worth from 15 to 25 cent9
per bushel more at farmers doors than it
will be without the road. Are you going
to vote against issuing bonJa? You might
just as well heave a pile of greenbacks
into the Ere.
A. A'ew rk I'ulouy for Ne-
JUeetmg of the Colony Plans and
A meeting of the Excelsior colony
or lNoraska was neld on Saturday
evening at JNo. 03 iast Uroadwav. Mr
Louis A- Walker in the chair, when a
number of new members were enrolled,
and a variety of bur-ioc-ss transacted
The colony now numbers nearly fifty
members, ccmprisinj farmers, carpen
ters, nliicksmiihs, and other mechanics
Ti e officers are as foUows: President
ff . . : - A tt.rIT. V r ,
i.uuia it niker; vice i resident.
oanrora urown; becmry, Eckfrd J,
Robinson; and Treasurer, Win. A.
A short time since several working-
men organized a society under the
name or me "Excelsior Colony of Ne
brnska,"it8 objects being to provide
each member wiih a piece of land in
ihe southern portion of iheSiate of Ne
braska, and lo transport hirn and hia to
ihe scene of his future labors. The
government allows to each citizen who
will settle on and improve it a erant of
160 acres of land, but the offer is not
so often accepted by those really desi
rous of the change as it should be. ow
log to the fact that a man who locates
a claim must do it many miles away
from any settlement, most lands ;n the
vicinity of towns aud villages being
seized with avidity by the speuulatois.
Hence, when a man settles on a Gov
ernment grant he must te content tor
many years to dispense with other soci
eiy than that of his immediate family, to
work hard, and work, loo, at a disad
vantage, because of the lack of the nec
etsary implements and slock, and to
awaii with patience the coming of oth
er emigrants to share his solitude.
The design of the coionv is, afier se
curing enough member, say 150,. to
send a committee to Nebraska lo se
lect a site for the colony. At the
present it is thought thai the location
chosen will be in that narrow strip ol
territory in the southern portion of the
State lying between the Republican
i nd Little Blue rivers tome 60 miles
from the nearest settlement in ihe eas
tern portion of tne State Within
these limits the land is said to be rich
and productive, the climate good, and
the irritation excellent. The locating
committee will be guided in their
choice of a site by a!l these and other
important considerations, and, having
made a choice, will be prepared for the
reception of (he colony which will prob
ably leave this ciiy early m April.
The cost of locating a claim of 160
acres is fcib - bl4 lo be paid at the
lime of entering the land, and 84 at
the expiration of five years. The cost
of reaching Nebraska will be material
ly lessened by the co operation plan
being redjeed in exact proportion to
ihe number composing the colony.
Aroiber advantage offered is thai the
establishment of a large colony will at
once give employment to all classes of
mechanics,' such as carpenters, millers,
blacksmiths, &c. The cost of first class
conveyance to Omaha is 42 for each
adult, but, as before stated, this will be
trreatly reduced in the caseof the colony
If successful, and no fears are enter
tained of its failure, this colony inaug
urate another co operative movement,
whose effects no man can foretell
All the large cities of the United States
are overrun with young, able-bodied
men out of employment, not because
they do not know how, or do not wish
to work, but because of their inability
to get cny thing to do. Their proper
place is in the West and those among
them who are guided by sound common
sense will . relinquish ihe feverish life
of cities for that of the broad prairies.
To join the Excelsior Colony requires
ai initiation fee, and no payment of
"incidental expenses," &c, the whole
outlay being an assessment on each
meu.ber (which will be made within a
short time) to pay the expenses of the
locating committee- iVeto York Trib
Fixing the Jurisdiction of Probate
. Judges in Civil Cases and Providing
for holding Regular Terms of the
Probate Court for the trial of such
Cases '
Be il enacted by ihe Legislature of
tne stale of JYebraska : Section 1.
That Probate Judges, in their respec
tive counties, shall have concurrent ju
risdiction with Justices of the Peace,
and in addition thereto, in civil actions,
hall have jurisdiction in amounts not
to exceed three hundred dollars, exclu
sive of cost and the code of civil pro
cedure, and the code relative to the
Courts of Justices of the Peace, so far
as the same may be applicable, are
hereby made a part of this act: Iiovi'
ded, however. That Probate Judges
shall not have jurisdiction in any mat
ter wherein the title or boundaries of
any land may Le in dispute, or have
power to order or decree the sale or
partition of real estate.
Sec. 2. It shall be the duly of the
Probate Judge of each county of this
State to hold a regular term of ihe Pro
bale Court, at his office at the county
seat of his county, on the second Mon
day of each and every calendar month
for the trial of all such civil cases as
may be brought before said court.
Sec. 3 In each civil cuse commenced
before any Probate Court, it shall be
the duty of the Judge to isue a sum
mons, returnable on the first day of the
next regu'ar term of said court, for the
trial of civil cases, if there be ten days
intervening, from the issuance of such
summons and the first day of such term.
and if nut, then to be made returnable
on the first day of next regular term
thereafter; which summons shfll be di
rected to the sheriff or any constable
of the county, and the aaid sheriff or
constable shall serve the same on the
defendant, as in o.her civil cases, at
least two days before the -return day
thereof, and make due return thereof
on the morning of the day on which the
same is made returnable -.
Sec. 4. If the defendant tr defend
ants fail, to answer and appear on ihe
first day of the term of said court, at
which the summons is returnable, and
make defence to ihe claims of plaintiff
or plaintiffs, the said .court shall enter
upon judgement by default against de
Pendant or defendants, in accordance
with the provisions of the raid code of
civil procedure relative lo Justics of the
Peace, so far as the same may be ap
plicable and not inconsistent wih the
provisions of ihi act '.Provided, That
aid Probate Judges shall be allowed
the same fees as a Justice of ihe Peace
for lik services.
Sec. 5. Ei'her party may appeal
from the judgement of the court or
prosecute a petition in error to the
District Court, in the same manner as
is prescribed in the law regulating ap
peals and petitions in error in the code
of civil procedure. The amount of the
bond in such case shall be in double
the amount of the judgement and costs,
nd shall be approved by the Probate
Judge Twenty-days ; shall be and is
hereby allowed in which to take such
appeal. . ' .
Sec. 6. All acts ana parts or acts in
consistent with this act are hereby re-;
Sec. 7. This act to take e fleet and be
in force from and after its passage.
Approved Feb. 15, 1869.
Legal Notice. .
In District Ci-urt of tbe M Judicial District within,
and lor Cass county. Nebraska. .
John McF. Hagood, Pl'ff, against Robert : UcUill,
Te Robert MeQill, non-re-ideat, defendant:
Ton are hereby nnOfled that John Heir. Hagood,
has on (he 2J day of March. s 1S69. filed a utli.
tion if the office of the Clerk of he District Court.
within and lor said county, tbe object and prayer of
raid pttttioD If to reuove . from you the nam cf Fir
teen Hundrtd Dollar i.for the O'e rid occupation bv
you of the i n half nt plaintlrTs Steam Saw Mill in
Frem-.nt county. Ioara, from the first day of October
a D 146S to-tie Brst stay or February a o lirS. and your failure to keep the same in good repair ao
cordins; to sgre m- ct. and vou are notified that an
order of attachment has been issued from said t'ontt
gainst your propeit in Cam Co.,N- b .and is levied
on the wet hrf f 1 2i of ihe southeast font th (Vi
and wet half (1-3) of tb Northeat fourth (V) f
section u two izjiu townsntp Mo ten (1 north of
rangeitwel (1'2) nt of t 6th P. M .
iwi sr, ruirru w blbwit aio. peuuon. on or De
lore the 12th day of April, 1S69. .
irstea uiu an day or Maren, ib
By JfAXWHJ. St CBlPM.a, AttoPys for Pi'ff.
. -. marehtwe.
A Water Power Saw-.Tlill
for Male.
Owing to bad be:th I offer for sale my Saw-Mill
. with 77 acres of land, known as the ' ;
Said property lies 12 miles west of Plattsssosith
( ass county. Nebraska, on Cedar Cre"k, and within
half a mile of the B A M K R line, in the bet settle
ment on the Platte river, has thirty f et head, and
one of Ihe celebrated Yoyoe sTatrr Wbeelf for fa-
formation call at my residence, ight mkle west of
Plattsmoatb, of address P T BfcAVER,
rettu.l . Plattsmouih. fleb
. Having permanently located at
tenders his professional services to thi citiaens tl J
Jae7 OBtr
Le?al Notice.
Samuel Kdroflfld of tl e Slate rf Iowa, will (ka
notice thtt William W Gullion. of the coun'y of
C, la the Slate of Nebraska, did on the tf7il) day
of February, A o 1869, file hie petition in the Di
tri-t Court of Ihe 8d J idicial DUtrirt of the Mate of
Nebraska, in and for CaM county, agalnel the xie
Pacntiel idenfielil, defamlaot. Betting forth that on
the 18th day of March, 1&&2, the eid defendant gare
hi bond in writing, wherein he agreed to convey to
the said Gall ion the following deoci Itd premite
Uuate in Ca eonnty, NebiaMta, to-wit; the undi
vided one half of the west half of the northeast
quarter of section twenty-two i2 2 and tho ondivi.
ded one-half ol the northwest quarter of the tenth
west quarter of aection twenty two. in tor chip No
twelve (12). north of tange N'o 11. eaat l .he 6th F
M In Cm county, Nebraska, that defendant baa
failed and reruwa to deed or convey the aame.thonicli
plaintiff baa performed hia part of the agree mt-nt,
and praying tbat the Court may order the aid de
fendant to ake it deed to the aald plaintiff for Mid
dercribed preiniaea.
Aud ihe said Samuel Edenfietd ia notified that he
la requited to apner and answer aaid petition on or
before Honda .he 1-to day of A pril, IS69
By T M Marvitt, hi Att'y Bai4w4
Probate Notice.
Whereas Henry Ohlerktog bas made application
to the 1'robate Court of Cass county, to have EJ
ward Hepner appointed administrator of the estate
of Dician Fiedi ricn, dee ased, late of Cans County,
Nebraska' No tb-n-beCour has appoint'-d the
25!hday of March, 1S69, at hia office in f lattvmoath
at 12 o'clock m, to hear and determiue aaid applica
tion : ail persona interested wi 1 appear on tha- day
' ' . Probate J urije
PI atttTHouth, March 4th, 1SG9 Mw8.
Notice to Jurors
The time of holding; the District Court within and
for the county of Css, having been (by art of tbe
Legislature of the State or Nebraska) cbauged from
the first Mondays in March aud September, to the
second (d) Mond.y in April and (be tint (lt) Mon
day in October. All persons who hive been sum
moned t appear before the said Court at tbe Marih
Term, 1863, will apprar at the April Term, 1S9,
w:tbont turther notice or suinmona
Clerk oi Dist. Court, Lass county, Kebraska.
j ,F the condition of the HOME . INCRXC
' COMPANY, of Saw York, on the fir, t ily k
January, a. o. Ibw, t a le to the turiitor ot N ehra
ka, pur-uant to the Statute ol that stale
Name and Location :
The name of this Company ' the HOME INSUR
ANCE COUP IN Y, incorporated in 1363, and located
m the city cf isew torn.
The Capital of said Company actually
paid np it cth, is $2,000,001.00
The surplus on tbe 1st uaj ol jao.,iatj, j,bo'j,444 b
Total im't of Capital and Surplus, (3,SS9,444.b2
Am't of cash in Continental
National Bank, N. Y-, fU5.793.43
4m t of cash ia hands '-f A rts
and in court of transmission. 93,519 20
V. S. Registered and uou -
enSt f k market value 197.fi2Q.00 I
United states Koudt, 6 '20, l,Uu7,ll3 SO f 1,404,743 CO
ilo. Mate Uonds 0 per ceut. )
market value, ' Vl.OMVO
Kort i Caiolina Beods, 6pt-r
cent., tnnrk.t value 9.(145 00
Tsnuessee Bunds, 0 er cent
market value, 17.250.00
Wisconsin State, t p.r cent
market value, 80,000. 1'O
niinoii 6 per cent, market
val-e. 20,400 00
Rhode I-land, 6 per cent..
maiket valuo. 80,750 00 - 4jl.30S.00
u&liloi nia Male, per
cent , mirk.-t value. 65,000.(0
Conceciicut rtHte Itonds 6
percent., market value 100,00.00
N. Y. City and Co. Bunds
, market value, 60,00.00
Queens Co Bonds market
value, 23,500:00
Richmond Co Bonds, mar.
ket va ue, 23,300 00
Brook yn City Water B ln-ls, a 7i.o 00 i
Am't of Bank Stocks, market Value, 123.076. CO
Am.t or is ens on iionus uo'i .wori
(f apt , being the 11 rat lien of record
. nniucumbnied R-al Estate, wortu
at ca-t :,P2S,4tlO, rale ot inteiest
' 6 and 7 per ceut., l,17t&Co00
Am't of Loans oti Mocks and Bonds
payable on deruanJ, the market
value vt tesrurities pledged, at
leai $.VSI,0SJ SO, 49.662.00
Am't of steamer Magnet and Wreck
tne s. psratue, S5J13G 81
Am't of Other Properly, Miscella
neous lemsa 56, I&7 S3
Am't due for Premiums on Policies
Issued at Office (Fire and Inland.) K7S 40
Am't Bills Receivable I reminnie
on Inland Navigation Risks. Ac . 11 Mill !U
Interest due on l-l January, lb69, ' 8S & 3 17
Government stamp on hand, 144 UO
f 3.98,2!j2 20
Am't of Losses adjusted, due and
. unpaid.
Am't of Losses Incurred, sad la
. process or adjustn tut, 104,09T 48
Am't of Dividends declared and due
and anpaid, . 8,70 00
Am't of Dividends either cash or
MiLt, declared bat dot ret due. ..
Am't of all other existing- claims ...
against tne company, -
Total amount or Losses, Claims and
: Liabilites, . . $106,IVJ7 4S
Tbe greatest amount insured on any'one risk Is
fTS.Ono, but will rot as a general rule exceed
. The Company has no general rule ss ii the amount
sl owed to be insured in any city, town, vi l.e or
blrck. being gorernrd in this matter in eai.h eae,
by the geue al char rter of boili inrs Width of
streets, facilit e for putting out fire, Ac.
A certified Copy of the Charter or Act of Ineorpo-
'""! auiejiuej, ascoiupau teo a pievious 8;ale
City aud County of Sew Turk,
Charles J. klartln. President, and John II.
Washburn, Secretary of the Hunie Ic.-urance Com
pany, beins; severally and duly sworn. dep e and
say, and mcb fur imself saya, that ihe foregoing is
a true, full and correct statement of the affairs of the
said Corporation, and that they are the above d
scribed officers thereof.
J. H WAsilliCRN. cec y.
Subscribed and sworn beiore me, ikis Siieen'U
day of January, A I) 18f?0
Koury Public
J. K. WISE, Af ent, Plattamoutb. Feb.
The farm lies tvo and half miles iri'tt of Rock
Biuff,, and six and half miles south of P; at tu
rnout), Cas countv, Netira'ka. It contains 165
acrer 65 ander cultivation, lo In meadow, and OS
in pasture, all under fence. Th- farm i Well wa
tered, and contains 43 acres of vnod timber The
dwellinK house ad out hoojea ire Eenerailv lo a-ood
Condition. For price Ac. enquire of pronrir tor on
the farm.
. JiKi'
General Merchandise,
oiniJL,r.a A?tU LA I II.
are Ailents for WLLCOlf JP, D a.
1NG MACHlrVt; tlib .. Sd!$
'. JUcliiue Duw m u e. . Mirlitir
We are Ailents
the be1
We ave on hand a Urge asiortraeut of
Consisting cf the best qulit.- of
A. wedeilexclnrnvely in Tobacn we can sell ss
Gi r'l n.l C" n lk" h" '" the cily.
Gie as a call befure ycu pur. h 9 elsewhere
we know you will KO aw-v .'t,hfll "n:w"f re "
Ii IZKO.H & CO.,
Febmary 11, 1M9U-. vr.,
lanuftcturerof and dralerln
-LSiulilles and IIariieg
Of everydcscriplion.wbolepaleandilail ?fo 13ou
Min street, between 5ih and 6th stieef, Writ.
'ty- jell
Ktray Notices
Taken up by the subceriber, in Orenpli. precloe
'"t" J"-1":" tcer. black spots on the krs
nd fett, three year old
No other nirk, m brsadi
percnrsuie. PliILLIP MKIKEN.vj KICK l u
February Ilw5e "
Tsken up bjthe nod r!, tfcec'ty fplatia.
loulh. al-oa: the first uf Noreml,..r li-.J
rrel pony colt, bsl.lfsce, both its'b.nd 'feet w hit.
and ia a last sprlug colt. s BLNSEV '
February 4wo.
Evergreens fur Nebraska
I have an ce.fiil!y in my o-sry. at
Fort Kearney, Nebraska, an a. juiiui'ut of line
Vounfr Evergreens, coiiMbtinj;
PIS'ES, riRf. CEDARS. HF.Mt.OnK xritucs
LARCH AX l A litjUYlU:,
whirh I olferir le St. 15 csnt, erti or 5 1.0 ytr
iiuunea huh njiwiru,, kccoi air g U.Sii.-. "oinll
quantities .f the malJe4t Iret-rau tie
lirgir ours by ij,rcs. Ter:n. cji. Ail lre,
Jan2 ni6. oit Kearuey, Kebrsnka.
m ' !m 1
inenry JooeCK,
Lounges, Tables,. Safes,
Of all descriptions anl at all prici.
Aletalic Burial Cases,
Of all hires, also
Ready made, ind sold cheap for cash.
With many thanks for pant t oiiaae. I invite
all I t call and examine my Jarffe stock of "ursnurs
and Coffins, Janft I.
Underwriters' Agency.
iggregaf e Assets. $3,G3 I,99.95.
Consolidated Statement of the condition of Ihe
Gekmakia, Ha n. vsr, Xiaoasa and Ktrt BLia
F'ie In.tirance C.muanie. of llir C'ilT of Kaw-York
on tbe 8Ut day of December, lbCs.
AgBrrs;.ite Capital, 2. 200.000 01
Surplus; J,434,!i3 93
Total Carnal and Surplua,
3,6a4.9!! 95
A7U.26I P3
414 X-VI OO
247. MM H6
United States Securities,
Loans on Bond aud Mortuate.
liani ou call (amply recurt-d).
Cash in Hank and band of A Cents,
K al K tate.
O'h-r riecuiities, incluilinB Bil'.s r ceir-
II I, leti 37
216,773 81
rjable, Bank blocks, etc.,
f3,634,9,y 9J
175.511 75
8.063 63
Ixses In procss of adjustment,
Unpaid I'lVUeods,
$1S1 574 $
J. K. WliK, Agent.
la wit tire- smatl f h Trsviw It K r rMv nasjsrt sstat
bf( f iktr sMa ricmn, mwmfmrtwn s issssava.
W. a.ub aw Fnr T av i M mttmt
If IZIft, I lnn!!i flU, rt,.
H j I (
h.'w 'nti,
Wa ; lost
Varsi-r i,
V't riaf.
Trr-n lai i ii
Oreii Wrt.
w" ! avs-lt
t I. wars,
( issstiAAtla as-ttsi.
1 ' A t.d.
raexrrwt irc4rwm ar W. Kaclavua. U. Mi'. V .laoc, Lmmj, ll si
tkr era. a I, tasiw i.a.g af
Oar Imfrtrd Vows abrasa. a ta-ww LMirimfii. isriui s aha.
I nr'-alaafli.
' t tt'n iMt,es
j I ftfl f ue.
t ft"
A mrw aarl j tmm ty llrwtrar rta. Aias. Wsaia-s4 asi Tnim
rst.t Viswy. in (real wans-tf are i ''mm - Ar.r.s)
for " FKKR1KR la J 1. 4- V;vl." f a a )! 4.4
aasaarttaft.t lmr rr il' trr.rt mt I t i 2 ' ri'ifii
ia racr:aW. taa !.. --. . au-l. t aira. c
TltlK)r(jtM.-W fnaaafrtara ir lraIf , ad a a tr(
tsx-k mt I my npU at 1 law '
r'IOT'srHl Kl.nvvn -Our .rrtiir f A 'tram a l
iata'MiMl ilMtfirjM nt i a ajaat ity aat awaatjr tm aH .
A ! w al rw madsr ia str sa 'svf ry. 3sl 9tf-m arc I ffrtnl
re ra lhiw t ly otr.r miirr. Uvyf Lwl4 fa.l la aaa
UK Ufora maait Hunt yttrchaawa.
Tfaa bsMmrfnt pirrrm, that sras) U f,j
mmrw nurnn. it iriti irts-ir . y
Pan. lXt-lrrt, BjarllB,
lawest latew
p r: larajs-iw frnaa
jfkssf fm I
at4 Wmm, a raiy 4L tr', al (fea
BOr Bboadwat, X.
Importers and Manuf r i ct PUotogrspluc llitoryl