TEMPE3A8CE-COLUMN LODGE DIRECTORY : CBASD LODGK '. W. C. T., ReT. J. W. TaRrt, Scbraaka City; O W. Counselor J. fkinoer. Omaha O. W. V.T. Mii Eddy, Omaha;; ' O . W 8 J. Stevenson, Uellerue ; O. W. T. S. Bristol, Omah a. J OLITK BKANCH, NO. 2, rLATTSHOCTn : RegalarmeetIM every Tneaday evening. Traveling Templars respectfully invited. . . . HlIi BARSE3, W. C.T- B. B. LEWIS, W. 3. . R. B.Wiubbam, Lodso Deputy. BXCHLSIOR DEGREE LODGE, NO. 1. Meets on'flrst and third Frlilay evenintr in eeh month. " F. SI. LONSDALE, W. U. T. A.B.TODD, WD. S. ROSA BARNES, W. D. S. T. rySTAROf HOFK LODGE No. 8, Mt. Fleasant holds regular metinRs every Saturday evenina. K A. Kltio-PATRICK, W. C. T. ANDREW COLEMAN, W. B. FAIRVIEW LODGE, No. 14, hold. repulfia, meet lnrs erery Tuesday evening Travelling Templar respectfully Invitrd 8 W. CALKIN, W C. Tj F.M. YODNG. Jr , W. 8. F. M. YOUNG, 8en., Lodge Deputy. , Correspondence for thia column must be written plain and grammatically with, ink, and on one side aly of white paper.: Let them be ihort Jaud to the point. The Temperance; Political Farty of Michigan. The aboTft named Party was formed at Jakson, Michigan, Jan. 27th, a bona fida organize tion and no tham. Its de but has been greeted by the Press quite as kindly as w bid reason to expect, in most instances rather ambiguously. The Jack'on " Citizen" and the Detroit " Tribune?' haYO both labored to be fun ny over the natter, bat as .neitbjr of these "Journals" appear to have taken wit in the natural way, their ebarp thrusts will probably not wound the ew party mortally. Dull people who do not drint much, should never try to be wittr. ' Michigan has 50,000 "Good Templars which will be quito a formidable Foe for its enemieB to contend with. Thej mil also be sustained by the"Sons of Temper ance" and all who desire the welfare and prosperity of their State. Grand prep arations are being made to meet the en emy at the "Polls' at the Spring Eleo tion. "Go in Michigan" and may sue cess attend all your efforts, so say the Good Templars of Nebraska. NEW . GOODS ! BW GOODS ! AT Til E ..' NEW -YORK CASH STORE! . ' " ' ' ' ' " ' ' FOR THE r ' FALL AND WINTER TRADE, 1868- E. A. WIGGENHORN & CO., At the New York Cash Store, ofFer tcthe public the Largest and best selectee - - Stock of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. . .. r. ...... BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. ' ' ! YANKEE NOTIONS, HARDWARE, i V WOODEN-WARE, QUEENS WARE, AT GREATLY REDUCED PIHCKS We call particular attention to our New S:yle of DRESS I GOODS, SHAWLS, FLANNELS, .WHITE AND COLORED BLANKETS, at wonderfully low prices. A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETS AT NEW YORK PRICES. ' . . : ' -' - " - - . . We have the largest and neatest stock of BOOTS and SHOES ever brought to this market consisting in gentlemen, ladie3 and children's. " OUR QUEENS AND GLASSWARE JEfARTMENT is compile, and we offer the same at the lowest possible price. We have a large stock of the celebrated GARDEN CITY CLIPPER, FLOW. We are also Agents of the WHITEWATER COM BIN ED SEEDER AND CULTIVATOR which we warrant to be the best made in the United Sia'tes.ond doing bet ter work than any other Machine. Our motto is "QUICK SALES AND SMALL FROFIT ! " TRIi2 AND BRIDEO ROOM. - for Yon n sr. Men o the lutretn(r r-la- t ion o' IlrUeKrooru to Uridd in th institution of Marri:iff a UuMe to matrimonial f.dieitv and true happine. Sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes free of charge Adrtres, Howard AssDcraTtoH, Box P, Pbilatw-lphia, la. . ivooiiWc-RTaa & oo., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, Binders &Paperdealero, SA LYT JOSEPH, JUO., oc2JGia . ' . . SI Can a Christian Drink Trine? To some this may seem a strange qaes tion. but when for one moment we rive it our most earnest attention, and con aider its length and breadth, as well as the extent to which "moderate drinking" is carried, we will find this question quite -S ;-v,-. - : S2 ? T?ri thm .fi-ancror .nil rtrnnUnrrt 't fit eo.irsp fc-r s-v i.s23U"3J in accordance with its true meaning. To K vwr J. M. SIIICIIMArT, (Successor to Donelan it Hinchman,) Druggist & Apothecary DEALEIt IX PIANOS , PIANOS" MELODEONS. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA, Dea'er in the celebratpd Steck A McCaramon Pianos, ati io her Musical Instrument ; iCf-i-IostruaienW warrautej five, years. 3 ' " octal ly Di vid irriTT. 1 Hog. h. iivdb. .XEAVITT & HYDE, Re al Estate Office, AKD- Ilomrsiead ; Directory, NEBRASKA CITY, op's ue LauilOffice. LINCOLN, NEB., Cadman Houee. Goveronvnt Lands selected from ti noual eiam ioation. Kiea lioruonUfttU selectoJ. survrU an1 se cured. Lauda iu Fecund hand, aud improved farms bought and sold. Titles examined, and Conveyances inrde. .' ' liEFKBENcrs : John B. Turner, lato IVes G fit. C F K R ; Lee County Nntlonal iv:k. Dfxon, 111. ; Knlx'rt Harris, Supt C Bit Q it K; Any linker in W hiteside counly, III. ; KeEinter and Receiver of Land Office. Xvbraska City nil Tiro'. TLC, T. K. HANH1, J. t-CLillK DRUGS foreign, but tq those to whom it has Ulirlingtoil Bridge Fhlishcil been rightly reTealed, and has raised up from the dark dungeon of despair, it is BurimgtOa & illSSOUri - r - in fond memories of the hidden past. 11 1 V C T now manymey are wno, oeing iockju , 1Bl,MBW1. npon as examples worthy to fol!ovr,plaoe ,,ITnT TVPTnv a "stumbling-block" in the way of the aaxn.. v, m,k. uinu x u weaker brother, by their new advocacy & QUINCY or total abstinence, ins taeuion ot tae T3 a t"TT TT A HTm C3 nineteenth century seems to conflict with ---- uj.ixxxu the minds of manv. and alio with this to tjie TuUio tte mcst' direct, ure and afc OHIO. ILLINOIS, INDIANA. FEN NS Y L V A X I A NEW YORK AND NEW EXGLAND. : Vasseigrj have the choice of the various routes ceuter:n)r iu cnicairo. Bacr''aie Checked through to OUumura. RATES invariali'y as low as ty other Eoutes. t3t- Kuy youi Coup, a Tickets j via i BURLINGTON." i.n's elegant sleepin ON At.L NIGHT TRAINS. c A. E. TOUZAHNi : Ger. Tc't 4 l'as'r Ag't C. C. MOItTON, Oen'l Freight As't. E ' TEKKINS, : Superintendent grand question and theme, by its nso of wines at the social gathering. By exam plo and precept we are known, and if our lives oast a shadow over our profes sion, are we not doing that which, though to us may teem small and and trivial, is . quite inconsistant with the teachings of our one common Lord and Savior? Ex perience if the moat accomplished teach er, and those who have tasted the Btrenih of this question and theme can Bay "Tea" and "Amen" to their self- AT OTTT7MW.A derating qualities. The rising genera tion is fast growing up, but the etuub- haz block has not been removed, but is I pullman s elegant sleeping cars still in-the way of every weak brother, leading him down to the powers of dark ness and despair. Nor will it be, until erery brother in Christ stands manfully in the front of battle, havinz f jr bis Oen'i Freight As-t. fpti7; motto "fellow thou me," trusting that through Divine aid it will be conducive to much good by bringing the "moderate drinker," as well as the drunkard, to a knowledge of their true position. St. Paul says in his first epietle to the Cor inthians, sixth chapter and tenth verse that drunkards ehaU not inherit the Kingdom of "God." And this enuncia tion being true, will there not be many who will be forever excluded because of our bashfulness in answering this ques- Trains leave the Depot tion by our example in our duly lives, Council BluiFs, nus snowing to me world, or mat part ....... ,., n- . , . Ii connection with train on th Council ElufTs and with which we come in contact, that 8L-soeph iuiiroai, as r,i!ws: Christianity and drunkenness or moder- (0ou"cil Km!is "!Ut')- . i - i - v- t i j jx . Express at 11.00 . m , except Sun. lays ate drinking (which is precluded) cannot Mail at a 55 p. m " Saturdays, exist together in the same being? How a-r;viaS in Chicauo ui P m. and 5 a. m., makiufr are neonla riui.lp ennflrmprl rlrnnVrrljV cioe connections with the MichiKan Cenrral, Vich- are people maae COnurmea Qrunsira Uan Southern, PilUd.urR. Fort Wayne and VhiiiiK ,. Is it not by tastlntt the bitter )0i30n COn- Chicago and Gieat tAsteru. Chicago and Alton, 11- . , . " . I Inon, Central, and ail ottier tasiern ana southern laints, oils ,ye;3 Notions, Toi!ct Goods, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PUH.E WINES AND F.ir Mechanioal and Xedicixia; pQrpo ' "Keepcons-iantfy cnhanrtafuWanj cfl t.g0Tt. r . .. - - , - ed stock of ' i 1 - ; - PATENT :MEDEC5RS. : PHYSICIANS'. PRESClilfTiONS -' ' - r- CarefuKy cnnipanrutad by an experienced Drue -i t Nonebutthel USKST Medicine uW. All ffccil warranted os r?jrftenie,r. Ca and see. j' MAIN gTItrET, S-OVTll MDE.- ' Terms Cash.. Tootle, Hanna & Clark, SB ANKERS,' . .. Dealers in ; Gold Dast'. Gold and Silver . Coin, . Exchange, 'J . and olJaer ocks. D EI'OS ITS RIJCE IV ED, and special attention g-iven to Collections PL ATT3 MOUTH, If. T. apf d.Cwtf ii. iv iv.-i.tn. -:o:- NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! ! -:o:- . We are daily receiving" cur ! 1 , OF- ILLCOX&ffjlBBS SEWING OACHIriE, The Charupion&r 1 1 of 136 first pre miums- in twoM pflscasons. "Its seam isVCjtronc:er and lesj liable to rip than the Lock Stitch." "Judges' Report of the Grand. Trial." Send for the " Report," and Samples of work, containing both kinds of stitches on the same piece of goods. Agents wanted. L. C0ENELL & CO., Gen'l Agents, " 153 Lake St., Chicago. If If . 4ecl9y F. I- TOWI :fH-tn. att jnoutl.. Jfeb- K. & IV. STAGE LIJVR. PtBwi:ilaaveXch.ity0nan(Iaf:er Apriliath t I t-'ioihinB ore. 6 t-2 0'clnnfc . m.. tatiD! break f t at FactorTViil" Uachne dty. and atPlatte Valley llous.. L'latUraouth. : I'. B.'TODD, SEWING MAGHINEAG'T PLA TTS.V.OUTH, XEBRA SLA. A good as?ort:netit of Machines and tmrhine find- inss kept on hsoJ. JSOrire ot SMd-unannN I . iKC. 4 'C7 rcpa red on short no' ce. Dry Goods, If otions, Hats, Gaps, BOOTS, HOESQUEENSWARE, CARPETS, AND GROC ERIE S. " . . i . .... With many thanks for past patronage, we invite all lo Call and sec our JLarge Stock of Good ! CIj AUK & II E 12- Plattsmouth, Neb., October 15..1SCS.- ' . : : : lL: WHITE & BUTTERY, K. c. iii.,, Seal Estate Agents, Oommissioncrc of Deeds AND Fire ard Life Iu9, Ag'ts, J'LATTSMUUTI, JV. T. Collections pronrpily attendi J to, and rrooutJ. tt, niutcl at current rate Uf Kxcl.unBe. Taxctpk .c! e-n lowa an. I .VArocn.r noli reidnt.. TliL,. to la jd inveslipatfd. Al.u,.y loaned 0n Ktal K.ui. ecur.tiea. Laud Warrants tc.f. ' CLAIM AGENTS. . A..nlsforcrtll.vtioncfolain.if,:tlnatOOTr,,int. r.-ri.'d:er. their aid.iw aud minei heira. aiA Ut .be iarcba-!c and Rule uf Land, and Cur Pruwi, ty, taoia ot Tenement- ni:n:iii:.ci:s: lion. P. IT. Kllct, I, nv. r City. C. T. iVr K'-nutie lircs. , irnsaha, Keh. .Mcanri At :j.-ic.i:f, N. braaka Clr, f. F. f ulry. St '1-euiii, Miwoui. ',,r', !i" ' ' 'nbuaetta. II W l)i!;n.ir. CiiiCiK", I i'loia. , li Jl Macill, Ciii'-iiinati. )io. Too.le .t lf:ir.r;:i, ri.itt-ntn-iih.Kebrajk, I. II Kit li. Tim e Hivi r. Mirliigao. ITou V Kelh.wa, 111, k. mil. I I, Wiconln. Hon T -M .Marquo't, Ph-.ttMiioutb, Nrbranh. I. Lewi. A'toi Lev at I HulTalo, New Tur Carter, Has!-, y &. Cuii, Ic Jioine. Iowa. -3 d&wtf ' DEALERS IS Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals, and Toilet Soaps, -Brushes, all kinds, Perfumery, Fancy Toilet Articles, - Toys, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Grass and (iarden Seeds, tjjflu laTxrriEiijs and xxctjozf; for medicinal purposes. . : . - Paints, Oils, Varnishes . and ; Dye Stuif, Stationary, Carbon Oil, Lamps, Chimneys, Glass and I'u tty, also, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES.' Green and Dried Fruits. BLACK HAWK - Two Horso AVALKING CULTIVATOR By rrctlcnl experiments In the field and by ! iii tli.-ni witli the bft kValkma Cultivato. s mada, tf.iy bave b' eu brouplit to n tt ue anroaubing - Iu conttrurtioa. The t-i.l. iv,ltor cot.Hifl of two vicu?ht Iron a!.-'ri-e, aivhid and well braced The j.lown are iru.y two i'u.n beauit witb DOUBIiS 3IIOVSL PLOWS Httac1i.il t. tbeaxlo by io.il, t Joint wbich rie tlienlJWnneiKy.bin js. t tile .-aire tlliitt rfrfeci: tm-vortical an l Imiii itidij ,jlon. ' Tl e t ...u-ueJs d.-cl l and f ist.-ned to the arch or Hi- EJMncttrl.min.K., ttat it cm be raU. .r I, .arer. d ,it will. ben hrtom is young, reduir. dr.i't. and raised alien tliocon is higher. The st.ovi Is .-.re ri:rtil.-h.l whh Re vc rsi b! Teeth, S.. i:,ikt tl.c f.il tan li- t!.r.iii either lo or f re m t com T e l'liwnrfciMiatnlb, meant of loo r.ii; hue, wh rli 1 jmL'e t!i pl -wman tutokaiol Una l'i.MVS l.y hnil-l-. ljuc. The .llowinc arn a few 0.' tliendTantageonrm.icf, of s ij.o.-i..rity Klii.-b t'.is Cultivator baa cterotUr. 1-t Ii is atr..rtcer n o.I'lirbter. beln maul .1...... er.tirely of H-r..-4h'bt iron. 2 I-1 hi-double I-eiiita bv n l.irh K ,,..t. atta-li.-l t the axK- enable the plowman to tai.ve in- iju. .hi: ri.ioriii.in tiuTo-q or lift tt out of the i;r. una Willi the iea-t ell'.irt. 8J. With thi.i Cultivator the dcDih of th. rrr.. f.-in te refula e.l j.jon inc h!i ill ,m or dtt-n whrlhea tln'givuuil in li.i ilor mil 4th. lly mean of th loone rounlina m ki.k necu the wo pli.u M vuil can ui;il. il,. i i . any din nice iitrl that on mav deairn Wilh tk endows it . a! run t iini..,- il. e 'm hold Imili h..i. 1 h.. n tl.r..-a ir.-' 1ar.l1 to tl..- r irn n,i .1 frm.i iivMiiiii; t.w'hi r 1, ! 1, .,,,: I'er ftir-.Ii.--r rai ticul.ua, c-.'l, 'or addrti d. h. !rr3ii:rrrAN, XlBfiASJTA CITY. yn It'll MA fx 7; 1 V,"AV I'Tvl).- Ttaelfrn. .V'.'- ..h ... . i!..-nt .: ami W n..-.i.ri a I uin navlna tlflO to ferr-M-r-r. :,.t .r,,r,- t,. ,.bity. VT ,.rtletl. t-ir. a.:, re Z. 1: 1 I. L'.l. ; . t I ' i! li V jb ......... , ........... ft.27j-l n:.-a l. ci.ic-i i; COFL'CTIOXAilYj&c. Travis been encored in ,-V.k? Dries and 'Groceries in U.i city f.,'r tl,e lat sx vcar. e l want of tnei.eopllu our lii.eol trade, .-...d aropredrredwtih a'lanr- Mock or ;,,.,. , of The qaaiit to auply titdae wauta at ry tow f,r :.. riatt-iujutb .N.b in im.I C. nprlGtf r-. r GEO. JENXIXCS; JEWELRY STORE .irjr''-;-; r. .. F- SL QIIICAGO & NORTIUWESTERN RAILWAY. Grand CoTisolidaccd Line! SHORTEST and MOST EXPSIJD TIOUS ROUTE TO ALL POI.XTS EAST OR SOUTH. at if war J v. Maa e on & v 7 STATimvwnQ The ,oVCf IblT luiri" nivl.,.J .I. D..J c. ' I 9 2d Htreet. Intel V orfciirlE,M s:-irnv un'.i ". j respectfullrinforra the ritiz-ng of riatlfm.ulth and BLA.K BOOK MAXVF ICTUIiPR Jficinity, that he has reQtted the store and opened a -aia.-. AXD FANCY ARTICLES Fr r Ladies, Gents. Chil lren. and the rest ni .,. kind, ard is j-rep-ire I to do all kinda of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY "'REPAIRING In the best manner, and would I... tin ,.v ,,..rv- n u nuy new cngi..niers a- niay gie tutu th.-ir patrnnafe, assuring them of their woik v.ell done, at ni jd.-rat., priees, and on shi rt t n-.a ii... stock, e.nbracrtiK erery variety 1 1 pxxis u.-u,.lly kf'I at a brot-cJaiS Jewelry Store, will be sold a lew prices, aud warrunteil of best wor tmatbhi:, Hi.d I "- i. . una iimu n uiuii atoca ot F A JI I L Y GROCERIES, which will be re;.leni,hed from time to time, anJ aold at the Iwet figures, Haviai. e,,i i-.,:,, ..i,i 1.-1 cited in fMcity, I re.!-ectin:iy suliuit a share of pa trona-,e, and cor Jially invite all to call and examine th.i stoei; on hand, an we would he p: rased to serve ju, uu uo not isx yon 10 Dny uuiass. a cn make it for your interest to patronize us. !oc2;if . .. E. IT. KAT0N-. r jf ?. ;--;- . J 1, UTKOCRfiPHFRS.-' p. r. airi',M J A Cf B VALLEUY, JR. PETEft V1LLERY, VALLERYS & RUPFNER, (F .lessors to Staudc & binders on.) W pptniift'-l1! 3t 1 niiA r-t. " & AXDr Uio - d the rt;r, n-ck . . Sl, of FTAU.. :. PLQMMBl PLOWS! C E. F O R G Y , 5I.it Ufa rli-.ier of nil kloda of Fa v 111 5 n jr fmnlrmrnt'o 1 ?iir, an the rel. brnt. d f!.i.: r.i..,n.. tn I!..;,r.l tiwk.r-, Stirr 11 . 1'!. Si-irto and 'n'n.ki. :-li..-ei- f. i,:ti vat-ir. mil I '.mow.. Kepalrit.g UM r.n short roti.v All ,er.nel I, '.' '''"' .vj-eii. tire lo the hnainfM I fe1..-..-rd.'it I,-. ,-ve rcreral r,t;fn,t, 0 l'leae if.ve mil a ell h-fo.-e. ..nrrl...; .1 Pl!tUbti:r,t.th K. l.,Ui? r.ir., l7j' Our motto ii AND tained in the first glass which leads to Ri lroada. for the second, and so on, until the drunk, ard's life reaches itafinal goal? Yes; had they not tasted the poison contained in the first glass, they would hare knoro nothing by experience of the drunkard's Toledo, Delrot, Buffalo, Albaiuj, V' Quebec, Worcester, CUvdanJ, J.h.vkrl; I iSusbrdge, Monirtal, r, Spr ngfuld, Bvxtun, ' riTrsSURCn.HAKUISBUKGII, EALTIMOKE, Wa-hinitoa, Ci-rci una: i, Cairo, . Whcelinpr, LoliinviUtf , M'-ruphi', Colonibi:, Pt. Louis, , VicksUurt,' lif?-Vf Vhat,wh;Ch,r-er7.ade8 our,land' NEW-YORK, PHILADELPHIA, uu 13 uj ujr ujj lcnutug luitaoriai eouis into Bin, blindness and error, which must bare their place in the judgement-day. Reader, do you advocate total abstinence, r in your creat weakness pronounce it a farce, not worthy of jour tima or n d- tice. Remember you will be held re. sponsible for your example, should it lead your weak brother into temptation, when you stand before your "judge" at toe great tribunal. You may ba quite strong, while he is very weak; you may be able to drink wine, while by your example he is victimiaed, and the ''gate between hina and "heaven" f arcver closed. Notarial and Corporals Seals 19G lake Street, CHICAGO. - - III ' BCPrtlFS FOR iMercliants, Ianks Hail Roads .. and Public Offices. - i . feb-2ryrl EXCEEDIKCY LOW R'RiOSS. LARGE SALES fc SMALL PROFITS. Our,stock consists in Drj-(ioods and Groceries, taple"aml Taney Goods, - . Hardware and Queenswarc; Boots and Shoes,' ' ; Hats and Caps, And a large stock cf T 1? A M I' If A T y -tr T,rrrrin . WILLOW n.lRE, IROAMAJ"P NAILS, And in fact, everiy thing that a man wants. n-Give ug a call and 9 guaranteeyon entite satinfaction. .. .' VALLERYS &. RUFFXHR. Ffr JiiWi f J 7. - aTf f . . t -m--m-r II. PuDch thinks the poorest farmer ia the land, if unable to feed his calves, cm always grszo his shins. NEW OIU..EANS. Saving Time, ami Securing Comfort anil &i,ty. Batjsaire Cheeked Tbr.ii(f. to all principal points and no extra charge for t.atit'er tr.rou-ii Chicj-o. Paseu?era hare clioice of routes va Chx-apo, enjoying ail the modern improvement in u.e on fir,tcia.sa railways Superior jJrranged Sleeping Cars on all J"igfJ Trains! Life Ihstirancc Conipa'y, , iS Itroatlway, TVew-Yorli. CYRUS CURTISS, President theivi; "oV ZUy ?SuarZ iy "tu" LITE POLICIES SELF-SUSTAINING coitipny,Doum d pi.rticuar to ai Cur, aiid see ' . Jn from 13 to 20 y TCTTLSj ; . , : TliOJIPSOXa ; l ' ' WETMOP.E, JOBBERS OP CadiAssetts. - SI. 000.000. T I? A Yn limi Kntire pr fits divided among the Policy Holders. Policies nonfoifeitable. after tw aacaU paymert Piid"nd on the Contribution Plan, paid annual ly fi o:n date of policy, and in case the premiums aro not p.iid. applioil to ke--p the inearar.ee in force. 18GQ. North Missouri RAtLROAD LINE, LOUIS. Two Daily Trains. TMril I';il y Trnin, ,,f t;, M,n, 11..1 Ki T i. JUilio.id fr. tn the w,..t ,;,.,, clow connection at V.-irnu fit wi h lh aboto tin. ,.r.i. ..,. I.oitia aii,uoi,,HX -tint! ilircrt y with all nw'nuaf aaa illernoi.n trainu out of St l.un , (,,r S: K l.iKU- I'm i r a i i pun . II.isTOIl. VV A 1 1' rxriTri m t'i y v UAlTIMOn. HjtllR.HIlKl;!!, 1'lTTi.ninoU, C l.tJMBI)-, DAVT- X, (;itl IN51T7I, India apoi I?, Chicaoo, I.OtI VIII.F, .NlWTIUl, And all'Points East North or South. Th" only direct and .iate route from tb. West to St. Iacui3 & the Kast. Time, to the Eastern cilUs as Q UICKat can be nuide by any route, with LESS C1I.1JSTGES. TiI;i !s via the a'-ove lin-- can l ,,.,...., HatiLibal k Ji,- h ti tet office. In the WeaL ?3"Vara is the same ns In ami otter rnuia. 'JOHN P. I.Alrtri, n., -ra: S,.n..,ir.(ii:n, "'""" ,-.r " 'in Ticket Agent. JO.-tril (J.IMM.K, C.-n. fi..'fbt AK.-nt V H . KAKI.Y, gent, fit. Joaeph. I. M mirdrd. (.iLeral U a.un. an, S 31y . H a r d w a r e , th.it their tick taread.- "VIA ClflCAGOA KORTft-'lVESTSKx' iY3 copy of th ? Herald will be fonn.1 o. 7a at "he otfi te of the Chic.itro 4 Northwestern Hallway 2-2? I' rend way, Xew IVn, O. T.. DrXLAl', Gn'ISip't .1. P. H.)i: I tN. S. Y. pa,'r As't Chica-o. y.F.FATHK'K. Gen'l I'M-rJst .i s, according to e. This compaay. isjoo pg:ich on all the approved plan of Insnrance; and orTcrsevcry lndaceti.ta:con-si-ittnt with -solvency. Fcr p trtiouirs app:y to the undersigned. For Agencies tr 1 .' FJl i i lIAffir, General Avri, 1?0 LaSe'.ie str. et, Chicago. R!JD A T.YMaV, Airenf C-mncil B1 .:. lr. i;. li. LlVlXoisTOX, Mid. Kxaminer, Ptatrjmoath. h. CXOTHInG-, AND FUaHISUJliCr' 6 GODS. 58 and 60 Lake Street, CHICAGO, - ILI.IXOIS ' E. T.DUIiE & Co., " . - U'holesale an Jletail Dealers in HARDWARE AGRIIWF M HUPiEHIfM r Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japancd AND STAMPED WAFiE S X E E L -2? X, b W S Till: SHORT ALL RAIL LIN12 KAST To Cllrnnn. I)trntt 'n.1Jn at t.j. LafUiftt. JiKlt.innjK.li, f.nciitnall, Louin1U Ait.ii.filh., O.if.,, Jfnnj.l '-K, Colunihut, Wheel tn.j, lUnl.tirj, JUif.t'n, Xi tgara Fill, J.irri ourg, uuitithore, U.t.in:ton, PMladtlphiv, turn., ji tion, tee., I via. the old, reliable Central Root., th. Hannibal & St. Jo. it. IL Of all kind and sixes, which w warrant tbe ben in the market. JOB WORK. ! Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice., , Are exclusive Ag-nU in tftU Connty for the iale of i Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal i or Wood Cook Stove. Tcttle. TnojiTsox &, Wetkorf. Chicago. ! Give us a crt!! rve will r.ct be undersold Main St., next door eat of Maouic Isaac Fexxo & Cc, Uostin, Ma.. ) ,' ' Block. IT.ATTSMOIJTII. NI'DHAyii A f.-b-JTvrl tTTakc the H. A ST. JO. II. R. line of lllaa Itiver Packets from l'.ATTSMOUTH To fit. Josep'i, where conntcliona are made with Two Daily Ezpress Trains On th... II. A St. J.;e. n. K., m i through from Sata J -epli toQ-tinry wi hout rliausteof cara, CONNECTING AT QUINCY V7i;h Chicago. l;it:i:n.-t-n A Qnincy, and Tolen Wabat-b A We't. rn liailrcaua for all jointt Kui X'orlh and Soi-th. For St. Louis Close cnniicti.,Ti r.uj3 at MACON' with ?fOHTn MISsOl'RI It . R. forKt I.on-., and at Hanoibal wlkk Dally Mi-a. iliver Pack.-t f..r 8t. luia, meal, and t..t"r...tuii rrf, levlr.i: every venn g on arrival of traint from the v-t, and arrivintr in t?t. Loui. next ri...rui!:( in e;.s-ji t,.r b ..:u-aa, and to connect with Cli!.-tt :o, Alton t. I.oi.i--, Terre Han'e, Alton & f-. I ium, and Ob; t A itl. -M.-Kij.pt Katlroada.f.r all point. Fas', Xo.l'.i iir.d i.uiu. NEW SLEEPIXO CABS Run on Xi-ht T:-io. i- Pay y. ar thro::eli t;. keta via Hanniba' 8t. Jn. K. H. at th 'tr ti'-ket i r-rc In Omaha. 'Council BinflK, Plutt--ir...uth. Nebraaka Oity. fit. Joai-oli. ar.d u et.h Packet i:i tl.e !ia and enjoy the eut- aeiotiitieri of having tiicn the ahort, cheap and dii-.-t n uic fK f C. W. SI Ef). Gen Sof't. P. f!. 'JPOaT, O.n'l Ticket Acent. t '1 -t ;: n;fJHT,Sen l Fr't Aa-t 17