Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 25, 1869, Image 2

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She ajcbwha gtrald.
FEB. 25, 1869.
We are deslroai of receiving correspondence from
all parts of the State, relative to the material Inter
eU of the country, together with aUh other nut
er as'contribators may deem of interest.
Where will the B & M. R. R. cross
ihe Missouri, nnd what lioe will it take
after crossing, is the all absorbing
question in this locality. We under
stand the people of Rock Bluffs and
o'.her points below, in this county, are
doing all in their power to secure the
crossing of the road at tneir respective
localities. This is all right and proper,
and only argues that if Plattsmouih ex
peels the road to cross here, her citi
zens must be up and dcicj.
The important item of eight miles of
road can be saved by the B. & M R.
R. Co;, between this place and Lin
coln by going via Weepi ig Water
This, at S30.000 per mile the ava
rage cost of railroads makes the neat
sum ef S210.000 in cash saved in the
building alone, besides the gt eat aaviug
in the running expenses in umo to
come. - We hope, and have reason to
believe, the company will make
thorough examination before deciding
upon a route through the county.
the statLVxiveiisitit
Was located at Lincoln during the
recent session of the Legislature, and
ample provisions made for erecting the
building. A bill was alio passed or
ganizing the University Association,
authorizing the Governor to appoint the
first board of reeents. The building
of the University was entrusted to the
Governor, Secretary and Auditor, as
Commissioners for the State, to be
governed by act authorizing the erec
lion of the Capitol building so far as
the same is applicable. Provision was
made for the sale of tha unsold lots in
Lincoln, also for twenty sections of Sa
line lands, or so much thereof as ne
cessary and the application of the
funds to the erection of an Insane Asy
la:n, a State University, and Agricul
lural College. It is the expectation
that these buildings will all be com pie
ted befere the assembling of another
There has been much speculation in
democratic circles relative to Gram's
Cabinet, also as to his general policy
of government. They have constantly
flattered themselves with a hops that
ha would select milk-and-water kind
of men for Cabinet officers, aad that
he would conduct the affairs of Gov
eminent in a manner odious to radical
Republicans. But all these little dem
ocratio hallucinations have been scat
tered to the wind by the old veteran
himself, in his utterance that he would
mt ousider himself as doing justice to
the country or to tha party that placed
him in power by selectingany man for a
Cabinet officer who was not a thorough
Republican daring the war and since
its close. This is characteristic of the
great hero of the age, and is but an
evidence that copperheads are as igno
rant of his abilities as a statesman as
they appeared to be of his abilities as
a General. lie has given ineta an
Appomattox in Generalship, and he
will now give them an Appomtttox in
Statesmanship. '
The time has now come when the
people of this locality must determine
whether they will have a railroad or
not. The B. &M. Railroad Company
eland ready to push their line west
ward through the county to Lincoln,
provided the people of the county will
do certain things, one of which is to
vote them a certain amount of county
bunds to aid in the building of the
road. This looks to some like a hard
ship, and we have heard men , argue
that the county shoud not vote bonds
to the Railroad Company because, it
was paying the company to put money
in their own pockets. Did these men
ever figure up how much taxable prop
erty the Railroad Company would put
into the county? Jut think of it the
Railroad Company asks Cass county to
give them tayS200,000 in our county
bonds, which might sell for, S150.C00;
and for this help on our part the com
pany places over 1,000,000 worth of
taxable property in the county in the
shape of read bed, rolling stock and
depot buildings, besides the great in
crease in value of property already
here, and the hundreds of thousands ef
dollars worth of property that wculd
come into lhe county in consequence of
the railroad. The railroad property
alone will pay tax enough to liquidate
the bonds they ask of us, and the prop
erty of every man in the county will
be trebled in value. Do the people
of Cass desire a railroad and all the
attending benefits, or nre they willing
to plod along in the old fogy style, and
sell their produce for ten per cent, less
than ibeir neighbers because they have
I no railroad to take it to market. As
' -
we said at the ouHet. the time ha ar-
rived when the people of the county
must determine this qMesiion for them-
selves, and we can hardly entertain
, . .L j. : :n
a floutl as lo waai ineir uttisiuu wm
be. Is there an individual in the
county who would refuse to give his
note for 200(100, payable say in
thirty years, for Sl.000,000 worth of
property down? The railroad company
are ready to give us this kind of a bar-
gain, and the question is will we close
the contract? We think no sane man
will refuse to accept the terms, any
more than he would if it were an indi-
vidual enterprise. As to the line of
road through tne countv. we are as
much in the dark, propably, as any one
else. We only know this much in re
gard to i , that the bonds should be is-
sued on the express condition that tbe I
road should run westward through ihe
county, and leave the ballance to te de-
termined hereafter. If our own desires I
were to rule the rulject we should have
the road cross the river at Plattsmouih
and proceed thence westward as near
through the centre of the county as
possible, or if one side of a central
line west, we would have it run south
of said line. The reasons for this de-
sire on our part, as well as on the part
of every cit zen of Plattsmouih,
obvious it would drain a much larger
scope of country into Plattsmouih than
could possibly be drained if the road
ran along the Plane river. iVesay
this line wculd be our choice, and we
hope the company may be able to see
it to their advantage to take this route;
yet we are ready ai.d willing to help
the building of the road let it run where
it will in the county. We hope it may
make Plattsmouih its starting point on
the river, and shall do all we can to
secure that olject; yet should the com
pany Mad some point on the river be
low this, in the county, that would be
mere advantageous as a crossing, we
will say amen, and try and get a toot
uo u at tile Lie w uuiui. at in ttic iuiu
n me tue county turn is uteueu, uoi
3 1
.l . .l-. : j-j
for the benefit of any particular point. I
but for the good of ihe county at large.
Let us secure the road first, and
0CU1C "lc ottc.
reaT ekw a w - w- u
anoui riausinoum, appear to uave ueen
. Tt i . 1 I
made ma very loose and unsatitaciory
manner ever since the fir.t tetllennni
of the country. At the recent session
of the Legislature a law was enacted
dafininc the rights of occupying claim
ants, which will, to some extent, re-
lieve parlies who hold property under
colo of title. There are many inno-
cent holders cf valuable real estate in
this vicinity whose titles are, to say ihe
lsast. not perfect; and it is also a wel
known fact that parties are engaged in
the business of hunting up all these
apparently defective titles and getting
quit-claims to the . property from ihe
original owners. .All the recent en
actinent can do is to secure the occu
pant in good faith to the extent of his
improvement ihis it does. W e men
tion these Ja-ts that parties noiuing
property of this class may not be de -
ceived and sunDose their property is
. . e , "i i
entirety u iron, u.uac a. .....
King it a Dusiness to num up ueiecuve
lilies with the proba jle intent to make
money out of iheir discoveries, and that
nartie. mav see the importance of ner-
fecting their titles without going into a
Court of Chancery.
The gullible poruou of the good peo
ple of Omaha are enjoying the leger
demain performances of a lot of nota
bles yclept "Spiritualists', 'Mediums,"
um and sj on." A Mr Potter, lhe
presiding genius over these exhibitions,
we read, dwells "powerfully" on the
progressiveness of spiritualism. It
seems to us that there is less progress
than this gentle being sees, for now a
days the medium asks in a winning
and most beseeching lone of voice
'will the spirits please communicate? "
and we learn in the Bible thai the an
cienl Mrs. Endor jun asked Saul who
he wanted, as though she could raise
the devil if she saw fit. There is evi
dently less power or less confidence in
these humbugs of to day than there
was in the good old days lang syne,
but there are perhaps more fools new
than then, and there is where Mr. P.
finds his support.
Accident. On last Friday night,
at Shell Creek, on the Union Pacific,
an accident occurred by which the en
gine and eleven cars were precipitated
through a bridge into a litt'e ravine
below, nearly burying the ei gine un
der the mud, crushing the e'even cars
in'o pieces, and leaving forty odd
wheels rolled up in a little space.
Miraculous as it may appear, not a
man was injured, ihe engineer, fire
man, aud brakeman having all jumped
in time to save themselves. There
were thirty cars in the train. Repub
Two men in Dubois.ccuiity, Indiana,
recently swurped wives, one paying
the other three bushels of corn to boot.
The following letter was 'received
by Onpt E. B. .Murphy a few day
since, havi ig been forwarded to him
by Hon. John Taffe;
-m v T. 17 ICifiQ
niw a cma., . on. ,
Hon. Joba Taffe, M. C.
Sir A colony now forming to
tet'.le in Nebrakaihe ensuing bpnng,
desire to assertain if there is any part
0f that Stute where waterpower and
limber is plenty. Any information
that you can give us will be thankfully
received. Please send copy ot Home
stead and Pre-emption laws of U. S.,
and oblige
Yours truly.
181 South St N. Y. City.
In reply to Mr. Robicson's questions
we would say that water-power and
timber may be found in many localities
hn Nebraska -on the Nemaha, the
Blue, Salt Creek, aud many of tbe
gmaier streams, but probably the best
Limber and water-power combined, in
lbe Slate, is found on the Republican
river, where Capf Murphy proposes
settling: a colony this spring. Those
who have visited hat region say it is
well supplied with water-power, boun
tifully timbered, and has a soil that
cannot be surpassed in the world.
Ther0 dlfficully m findjng; a
good locality for the settlement of a
colony,1 where timber and water-power
are plenty. It is often a hardship for
single families to settle where these
conveniences are found, on account of
K from -eulerj. feut
with the settlement of a colony it is
dfrerent h matler, nol to them how
far they are from "neighbors," as they
would expect to have in their midst all
the necessary articles for carrying on
any branch of business necessary to
their convenience. We think Mr
Robinson and his friends would do
well to come direct to Plattsmouth and
inin f!nnt. Murnhv's exnediiion. Or
. . indenendendv
i . , jon i. : c j;
I ihu uiniilrl have nn (liinniiltv in nnninrr
I ""-J
. .. ..,
i liicaliiv to suit them
The act to legalize the bonds of
and us counties to
I ha mart, rfanara in it rnar-JPlor lit
conif) v w K that C Ull.-e of ihe COO.-,tl
I tuiiou rt:u u iriuir au iini iu tic oi a
:: ii I u r
I itnn aeliloa nil dnnhte rnnrprn nir ihR
I v.." - 9
egahly of lhe 5ond9 ijSueJ l0 the Mid
d coinpauy. I'ress.
r,id. Mr. rress. Cass countv has
nol an outstanding bond, and asked no
lejrilation legalizing her bonds; a spe
cial set was passed legalizing the
Douglas county bonds, and Memnha
couuty was exempted from the opera
t;oa 0f the act. Who was the legal
J izin? process intended u benefit wh
did it benefitl We have no objectioo
to ihe act mentioned;, in fact we were
jn favor of and supported it, but think
I -he Pr-aa should be willing lo acknowl
I edge its own child, and not endeavor to
I -nake it appear that Cass and Dougla
counties are. the' legitimate parent
Col. Rloulton on the Advanta
ges of the Trunk It. R.
We lake pleasure in laying before
1 our readers the following lei'er from
J- B. Mouhon. Esq., Chief Engineer-
of the North Missouri Railroad, to Dr
G jj q lm cjyi presidenl of
lhe ebraf ka Trunk Railroad Compa
J uy, showing up in detail the important
connections with all parts of the coun
Ir wn,cn lne conairi-cuon oiimi roaa
will secure to Nebraska. This letter
shou'd be read by every one: Omaha.
Rock Bluff, Neb. )
Jan. 30. 1S69. $
George B. Graff, Pres't Trunk Rail
Road, Nebraska:
Dear Sir: Since making a recon
imisauce of your road from the Kansas
State line to this point, my atteniion
has been called to tbe fact that many
of your citizens along the route do not
seem to unders'and, or, at least, fail to
appreciate the impoitanl advantages
which will accrue to themselves and
the State by the railroad connections it
will make to the north and east of Ne
braska, as well as the ttimulanl the
construction will have to push rai'roads
to the north of Omaha, the increased
value it will give to roads extending
westward to the Missouri river. The
Trunk road must be regarded as but a
short link in the long chain of railroads
leading from St. Louis to points both
north and west of your State, as well
as giving a direct line of rail from
these points to the Gulf of Mexico iu
several directions, including lhe ebon
est line to the sea by the Ksnsas City
and Galveston Railroad, now in rapid
progress of construction.
The St. Louis "connection will for
the present be over ihe North Missouri
Railroad by its west branch to Kansas
City, in Missouri, and by the MiMouri
Pacific, fiuished and in operation to
Leavenworth city. Befere it will be
possible for you to complete your road
from the southern boundary of your
State along the Missouri river to Oma
ha, lhe line from Leavenworth to the
Slate line will be completed and in op
eration, which will give tbe people of
Richardson county,' near Rulo. a direct
outlet south, by two line, to Si. Louis.
The Missouri Valley Railroad is now
putting down its track from a point op
posite Kansas City to a point opposite
Atchison and Leavenworth city, where
bridges will be buili toon, and where
it id now proposed to construct a trans
ter frry similar to the one built at St
Charles, on the Norm Missouri Kail-
oad, by which cars are rapidly moved
rom one side of the river to the -ther.
Tite bridge at Kansas Ciiy is now in a
orward elate of comple ion. which
when finished will give an outlet over
the North Missouri Railroad, to St.
Louis, and by the various roads from
that point, both east and south. At
Kansas City two outlets east will be
had. one by ihe road leading to Quincy.
11., and the other over the west branch
of tbe North Misiouri road to Hanni.
bal. aud thence east by roads which
will soon be completed. At St Louis,
the southern connection will soon be
completed over the Iron Mountain rail
road, which connect at Columbus. with
he Mobile & Ohio Railroad, culling
the whole southern system of railroads
diagonally to the gulf of Mexico, from
the mouth of the Ohio river.
As it is the aim of all interior coun
tries to communicate with tlie sea by
the shortest line, I will direct your at
tention to the progress of the roads be
tween Kansas City. Missouri, and
Galveston on the Gulf. Track is now
being laid from Kansas City in the
direction of fort Scott, one hundred
miles south, which it will reach this
year; and will be pushed on to the
Indian lands near the southern loun
dary of Missouri without delay, with
the intention of a continuance until it
meets the lines cf roads coming north
from Galveston. The attention of the
Legislatures of Missouri, Arkansas
and Texas is now being called to this
great question, ard ihe opinion pre
vails that the whole road to the sea on
this route will be speedily made and
in operation. It is to be . hoped that
this great question, so i i portant to
your State, will receive proper atten
tion at the hands of yourself and diree
tors, by calling on the State lo grant
such aid as to enable you to secure
auch important advantages at an early
In connection with your trade in the
export of cereals, it is proper to men
tion that the North Missouri Railroad
Company has extended its track to the
grain elevators in the city, where grain
can be shipped to New Orleans, or to
any part of Europe or South America,
at the lowest possible rates. The
extensive barge sysem, lately intro
duced, for the iran-poriaiion of grain
in bulk to the sea from St. Louis, has
srreaily reduced the cost of freight over
ihe old plan, and savi- co-t of sacks, a
large item heretofore in the expenses
of ihe producer and shipper.
1 will, as they occur to me, address
von on o her important matters not
mentioned ir thi-s letter. In conclu
sion, I will barely allude to the fact
that, as far as I have examined the
route proposed for. your road no engi
neering difficulties are presented which
cannot be overcome at a moderate ex
For the benefit of ihe public we pub
lish a few extracts of the Revenue law
of Nebraska.
Section 5. Assessors are furnished
wilh lhe necessary bjanks and instruc
tionson the first Monday of February
lists to be returned by the Assessors
oa or before the second Monday c
April. Owners of real estate should
in case the Assessor does not call on
them, call on the Assessor and adrise
iim of the correct description of their
lands or city properly. Much trouble,
annoyance and expense may be avoided
by to doing.
Sec. 32" County Commissioners to
fix the rate of taxation (levy a tax) on
ihe first Moiidxyof Ju'y
Many are under the impression that
ih party to whom propeny was as
sessed i-lioulJ, under all circumstances,
pay the iax-s, which i not correct.
The assessment being merely a valu
ation of property, it becomes uecetsary
to mike a levy of lax '8, (n the first
Monday of July as required by law,)
and such a levy is a lien on property.
Consequently the iaxe on real es'aie
sold before the firs-t Monday of July,
should be paid by the grantee; if sold
after the levy of lhe 1st Monday of
July, by the grantor.
Sec. 51. No demand for taxes is
necessary, but it shall be the duty of
every person subject to taxation to
attend at tbe Treasurer's office at lhe
county set t, and pay his axej.
Sec 54. Taxes on real property are
hereby made a perpetual lien there
upon, &c
Taxes beceme due on the first of
January. A penalty of ten pr cent,
will be added on all taxes unpaid on
the first of May, and interest at the
rate ef ten per cent per annum. Re
To prohibit the sile of Intoxicating Li
quors on days of Election.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Leg
islature of the Slate of Nebraska, that
it shall be unlawful for any person in
this State to sell or give away any in
tcxicating liquors on the day of any
general or special election.
Section 2. Any person offending
against thia act shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor, and pun'shed by fine net
exceeding one hundred dollars, or im
prisoned in the county jail not to ex
ceed thirty days, or by both said fine
and imprisonment
Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and
be in force from and after the first day
of March, 1S69.
Approved, Feb., 1S69.
There are ix mechanical powers
lever, inclined plane, wheel and axle,
screw, pulley, and wedge. We would
like some one to txpUin to us which
ue of these a snake ues in crawling.
Judge Cannon, of Clay county.
North Carolina, recently charged the
Grand Jury of that county that a law.
ful fence should be ,horge-!ii?b, bull-
strong, aDd pig light."
The scholars of tbe Presbyterian Sab
bath School will give a grand Concert and
Exhibition en Friday evening, Feb. 26ih
at the Court-flouso.
Tbe Republican Yallej Colony is bound
to be a success. A very few people have
obtained tbe idea that this is a kind of
Military arrangement of which Mr. Mur
phy is to be the Dictator. This is a'.l a
mistake. The military rule only extends
to the protection of the Colony, In all
other matters every man will have an
equal voice.
A Water Power Saw-Mill
for Sale.
Owing to bad beilth I offer for tale my baw-SIill
with 77 acre of land, known as tb
Said property Has 12 agile want ot PUttinouth
Casa county, Nebraska, on Cedar Creek, and with in
ba'.f a mile of the B A M K R liae, lo the best settle
ment on the Platie liver, has thirty f et bead, and
one of the celebrated Voyee ier Wheel For in
formation call at my residence, ignl mlle west oi
Plttmouth, or addresa if 1 BXAVbK,
eb'ZOil riaiminouia, am
Underwriters Agency.
Aggregate Assets. $3,G3 1,999.95.
Coniiolidated Stt.-nent of the condition of tbe
Gekdakia, Hahovkb. Kiaoara and RcrrBLic
Fne Insurance Ompmiet, of the city ot New-York
on the 31et day of December, 1868.
AcitrteateCHpital, $2,200.000 00
Surplus 1.434.W9 8D
Total Capital and Surplus,
93,631,999 95
United States Securities,
Loans on Bond and Mortgase.
2.0 14.S06 63
.170.25 93
Loans on call (amply wcurnll,
414 8.10 00
Cash in Bank and hand of Agents,
Real Kaate.
111,1136 37
216.T73 81
O'h r Secuiities, Including Billa receir
jgable, Bank blocks, etc..
f 3,634,999 9i
$175 511 75
8.063 63
r,nsp In process of adj (utinent,
Unpaid UiTlJenda,
I1S1 675 3S
13. X. WISE, .tgent.
E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO.,
591 B KOAD WAY, NEW YOEK, tto sitMlOK f ftr Trad to their extenwi sxtrtroeat tha
rtea of ttoiraa . mmmifcturm m4 tmjmtim.
W publish mnr Fwr TkoMmd MfU f Sivrmffpic Vkmw
Wh ir Mountain,
Wni Point,
Critlrsl far. t - Urada
Ti.atsn Fll,
tir.-st rt.
llr! iirr,
iUM 1. I 41 r 0 US,
1 hs At-dea.
Vrm su-.
Our Importi-J View apihrtr !rj trnit, iB-ladinf th
.rnj.i. t."- mt Wm. r'ttlasd, O. W. H ilwii, Umjf, ut
witter 1 and.
R ti i u.
r vr-uvt,
! iif-ii.
J Bram.
1 Tuilrr.ra,
i'- rrt- guv,
Vristtli.ra, r
A 'w an.1 ;atriX tutsn-w1in rria. fMnmiaatsil ard Tfira
rest V if w. ill rat rm.tuly. W'rr lis tit' i Ar'1 :nar "
for FKKRIr. OH VttfWH." f mU hi ! '
AMrtinrut. A-iaU for Frtth'a SM-ira of I ' raiei h
Virs ia ttt taoi, tU Uute,' lo4tard, bVotlai, W aira,
8TKBKWOPF1. We maaa fart ore rr largely, and fce a larc
toc-k ol J hst (: at tbe Utt rmM. .
PHOTOGB ATIIIC ALDL'VH -Our MaT-afactwre ef A!N ia well
knewii throucbovt tbe coaaify 'uperior la aaaliiy and beatf la all
All we aell are marte lo eve Tmtwi o tlrt ai Jltleretil
frm i ho mt any aitr maker. Uu.-ra aUomd not fail la mm m-it
atoc l be:ara naaiuc lo.r aur--Aaaea.
Thew hantlr)l ptrtiia. thit emnnt W aSjrarnrAae fm fat
Vir.m. I-
cm rs'mr, at one in iw-ir eot. we in.inri larceiy i rai
lati tat:, bcrlla. Vieaaa and Home, acd aairlT U.r liaie ml Iba
" E. &IL T. ANTHONY & CO.,
501 Broadwat, N.
Importers aad Hanuf rs of rUotojraphic IXateriala
i .T the con ttion of the IIOMB INSCRAKC:F.
V COMPANT. of New York, o lbs firrt day ot
January, s 1. 1HC0. n a te to the auditor o. Nebras
ka, pursuant to the Statute ot that ht.ite
Iamc nsid JLoeniion :
The name of this C.-mr any s tlie HOME IXSI7H-
ANl'K CO.MFiM , incorporateu in I3JJ, sua located
in the City o( Newiork-
The Capital of said Company actually
raid up ii Cash, is $2,000.00 ) 00
The surplus on the 1st daj of Jan-,1869, 1,350,441 bi
Total am't or Capitul aid urplu I3.S59, 444.62
Am't of cash In Continental
National Btnk. N.Y.. tlio.'JSoS
Am't of vas.h i i h."t:id'-f A'gts
and in course of tr.iomiiou 93,611)20
U. S. Ke wiered and Cou -enst
ck lSl.miket lue$ 197,620.00 I
United Mates Bonds 6 20, l,-2o7,la iO f 1,404,743 50
Mo. .-late Uoiids b per cent.
market value, 21.600 00
Norti Carolina Bonds, 6 per
cent., market value 9,045 00
Teuiiesee Bonds, 6 per cent
market ue, 17.250.00
Wisconsin btate, 6 P r tent
ruarketvalne. 80,000.00
Illinois 6 per tent, market
vl-e, 20,400 00
Rhode Inland. 6 oer Cent..
in4ket mlue, 50,750 00 - 43135.00
Califoi nta Mile Bonds 7 per
cent , market value. 65.C00.t0
Connecticut ftate Bonds 6
percent., market value 100,000.60
5. Y. City and Co. Bouds
market vslue, 80,500.00
Queens Co Bocds maiket
value, 23,500:00
Ki.hmondCo Bonds mar.
ket v op. 23.500 00
Brook yn Citv Water Bonds. 9 71)0 00 J
Am't of Bant Slocks, maiket Value, 129,976.00
Ani.tof L ans on Bonds and Mort-
giig-s,being the first lieu of reco d
omnciinibe ed R 'l Estate, worth
at e,t 92S.400, raieol interest
6 and 7 percent , 1,178,955 00
Am't of Loans on Stocks and Bonds
payable on demand, tbe market
value of hecurities pledged, at
leas, &I,US2 50, 409.6C2.00
Am't of Steamer Magnet and Wreck
ing auparatue, 85,536 61
Am't of Otb er Property, Mlscella'-
neous temss 56,157 65
Am't due for Premiums on Policies
issued at Office (Fire and Inland,) 6,873 40
Am't Bill Receivable o- Fremiuma
on Inland Aavigation Kisks, Ac, 14,X'0 94
Interest due on lt January, lao'J, 8S Jx3 17
Government Stamps on hand, 144 t'O
$3.96,t;b2 80
Am't of Losses adjusted, due and
Am't of Losses incurred, aad la
process or adjustn cnt, 104,097 48
Am't of Dividends declaied and due
and unpaid, 2,740 00
Am't of Dividends either cash or
sciipt, declared but not yet due,
Am't of all other existing claims
against tbe Company,
Total amonnt of Losses, Claims and
Liabilites, (106.637 4S
Tbe greatest amonnt insured on anyTone risk is
t"!5.0X), but will Pot aa general rule exceed
Tbe Company has no t corral rule as te tbe amount
al owed to be insured in any city, town, or
blcck. being governed in this matter in each cate.
by the general char cter of buil inrs, wKltb, of
streets, facilit ea for patting out Ores, Ac.
A certified copy of the Charter or Acs of Incorpo
ration, as amended, accompanied a, previous State
City and County of ew Tork,
Charles J. Marti ii, President, and Jcbn II.
Washburn, 6etxetry of the Home Insurance Com
pany, being severally and duly sworn, depjse and
ay. and each for-i imseif says, tbat tbe fortf oing is
a trne, full and correct statement of tbe affairs of the
said Corporation, and that tbey are th above de
scribed olScers thereof.
Subscribed and sworn beiore me, this Sixteenth
day ot January, A- 1 ISfiu
Notary Public.
3. X. WISE, Agent, r!amoutb. Teb.
Improved Farm anil Tim-
wcr fror Sale.
The farm 1 about 20 miles west from Plattamouth,
2 mi es wet of Uoover's, on 'he Stage Koad 6"
acres has Dee n in cultivation a log bonse upon It.
an i ph-nty or slock water; It ih 3 w r r 13,
R 11 160 acres: and connected wl'h it is Lot 7 and
8 K qr of 8 qr t-ec 20, .ame T and K (timber)
90 and SO-100 acres, making -2.10 and SO 100 acies.
Also the N w qr of N w qr of Sec 24. T 70, K 44, in
Mills county. low. Due east Irom Plattsnmntb, and
1 mile from tbe rircr. (betvy timber.) For terms
aidre.n, D. II M'LOmON,
ma)2Stf. , ; Ulenrood, Iowa.
General Merchandise,
feca as
We are Agents for WLLCOX & G BBS
SEWING MACHlNt,l"tti is unduul.t,uiy
tbe bes'. Machine nuW in u e.
T'he farm lies two and half miles Wkt of Rock
I Bluff, and six and half miles south of I'lattn
mouth, Ci'i county, Nebraska. It contains ICS
acre 85 under cultivation, 10 in meadow, and 25
Id pasture, all under fence. Th firm i well wa
tend, and contains 45 acre of good timber The
dwelling house aad out houses sre generally in good
condition. For price Ac, enquire of proprietor on
the farm. IUO.MAS McCAKTMSI,
Cheap Cash Store !
T7E have just opened a l iree stock of Goods t
Weeping Water, consisting 0I
Dry Goods,
Wooden Ware, Notions,
Ar.d every thing the farmer and mechanic needs.
Styles and grades to suit. To buy elsewhere m, t be
well, to buy here Is well always well often Wt
ter often bet. Call snd ee. Louk at tbe Goods.
Ask for the price. Consider well, and do what !
wisest. All Goods warranted a reoreenf d.
July 80 tf.
Western Iowa.
Cslcnwood, Hills Co.. Iowa.
assisted by Competent Instructors .
Olenwcod is deliplitfuVy locat-d, healthful, moral
and tay of aeceg by public c itiveyance. l'aisn
Ker ov.r the O. B fc M. Joe H. K. slop at I'ac Hi-
City, and thence taken by istag tliree m l . l
Glen wood.
Prom f 5 to f'.O per Term, l'upils admitted ainy
time. Bi atd. $2.50 to 3.50 per w"-k.
Winter Trmi begins November 16'h ; Spr'rg tern'
Felircary 9th ; Summer te.-tn May 4ih.
tor further particulars adJiess the Pre"'deti.
Pariaele Sc Kershaw,
Dealers la
Anuet 27th. 1SC3.
)r. Barton's Tobacco Antidote..
X'Y'V TegHablm and harmlttt. It puTijUt and nn
IKatKTXn to hhoti all DCSIBB mi Tnmrrn
Uv tooa, inviirorstes tne system, possesnes irrsat noui.h
usr sw sirenKioenmff power, is an excellent ionic anfo ap-
pciizer.vuaoies ins siomacn 10 aifresi tne Dearttent rood,
makes Sleep refreshing, and establisbes robiKtheslih.
Sriofter. knf cAetrers or tixty years cured, fylce Fifty
cents per Oku, post fres. Ad iutereslinr the in
jur ioa. eaWis of tobacco, with lists of refer-
slices, eic, sk hi run. Agents wanted. Art' r.
jjk. r. it. abbott, jersey, uy, n. J.
ror sfxteen yesta I was a slave to tobeo, .rnoSiur or
caewinit an tne liuv;. Seelur llr. HurtoXs lobaceo Anti
dote advertised, I p Vrhaaed a box. Ii'our days I found
relief, an 1 in a vec( was thouou ilt cibko of be
lasts ana aiaeass Doty Aeevr for anvtmnt, rinr that,
kass had III lea-4 d. V. to much th unclean thinjr.
lU.NKr CVWfciwooA D.D., il. t. CocC
I have nsed tobacco for l tire vars. out Aane lieca euraJ
isatrlce-tlaffs Co.. Kebraska.
Of th habit by on box of i B ion's Antidote.
uoBiir, fosmaster.
Fbom TBB XT. S. TBEAStrrA. Stcrctnrv't OMr. Pleass
send m supply of tbs AniuV. Th oit rtcciimt ha
dam it teark scaaxv. X O. T. Edoar.
Funs Niw IlAHPSHtKC StatAphisoit. Oentlemen
of influence here, baviw been euVd of tbs appetite foe
tobacco by nsina- Dr. Jfurton's AniiVte, wedeaue a sup
ply for the prtAoners ofirtbls lnstitutiot
Jostra Mao, Warden of MH. State Prison.
Fcoa thb CHiKrEwui!xiR or ran YtLUtciMirr Val
I.xr Raii.roao CrMFAiir, Fittsbobcm, V- I have used
tbs Antidote withf real success. It is curiiV all my friends.
A CLBRorifsN's TrirtsnxT. Ob BoVor Ajitidotb
cored my brotsr and myself. It ketir vAls.
Key. i. w. suoeaiiiB, atueyi .-vation, ra.
Faoit th Poucs HsADarABTBRH, Lts V Hass.
fesne gairvA thirty Av poind of Acih in threewnth by
using Dr Burton's Antidote, and ail dexir fdrbacco is
removen W. I Watt, J a.
Md. A$o box of Burton's Antidote rmmovtd all 'Aeirm
for life weed from me. J take pleasure in rscoenmeriJing
it trall oar readers. T. Y. Blatvr, EdJlrV.
Trademark x Copyrighted.
Tec Sln.3
for the People's Edition of
Conybeare & Howson's Life snd
Epistles of
With an Eloquent and Able Preliminary bia-ert
tion by Kev. LEONARD UAC'J.N, il. !., of Yale
Embracio ' a graphic and eloqatnt delineation of
Early Life, education, convers on teachings, labors,
travels, sufTering, perils, persecutions and mission
ary career of ST. PAUL ; thus con titutmg a living
picture of the great Aportie. and of the circum
stances by which he Was surrounded.
No work in tbe language approximates it. R"V
Afark Hopkins, D. V President Wtlliamt College.
bolid, euridile, elegant, worthy the bigbet com
mendation. BUbop Tnoraiwon cf Illinois.
Dr iiacon's name in connection v.iih this edition
Is a tower of strength. Rev. Joe. K Tuttlu, 1. It.,
President Wnbakh College.
Unexcelled by anything extant. President ' tee!e,
Lawrence University, Wisconsin.
I ti.lnk this the nob,'est work of the age- Kev. C.
W. Maltoon, Monroe, Mich
The most ir.t-rsting and intrurti7e work tht has
ever ralien under my notice. Prs. Caswell. D. D
LL. Browu Univrsity, R. I-
In its sphere It ha no equal in interest or value
nor ccu'd you eai'y publish better book. Kev
Willis Lord, D. l , Chicago.
I do heaitily recommend it as a faithful and valu
able guide in the study ol the Scriptures, liisbop
A most valuable work ; learned, accurate and
written in a style pecaliarly attractive and eioqn'ut
Kev F. Met rick, D. 1). LL. D., Pres. .O. Wesl. L'ui
It is one of the most valuable works ever issued
from the press Rev. Cyrus Nutt, . 1. D., Pres. Itd
Stste Culvers. ty
A work o' gieat merit. A "God sedd'" Prof.
Flnny; LL D , Otierlin College
1 ngard It as one of Ihe best books ever written.
Prof. Mo we
A life breathing biography- Rev. Geo Eettig, D.
D.. Dubuque.
Send for Circulars wilh full particulars .terms and
testimonial. Addresa. JOXKS, J CN KIS fc CO.,
IT Stnth Clark Btreet, 111. Feb4w4
Ir J. W. THOTl is,
IlnTing j'eririinuilv li i-i, ,1 .i
trnders his professional imtWi tn n. . ... .
Cass county, Netra.ka. ..7
""" nana laice assorlinent of
Consbtirg of the best quaiiti. ( nf
As we deal exclusively i. t,,),..
cbe.p i, uotcbespor than soy .!, In ttV.
Give us a ell before y.u ur. h,e elsewhere. a
w. know you will Koaw .atiffi-d. "".a
Febrnary 11, lS09tf.
O (Ter, his profes.lonsl services to the people cf
the town so J surrounding country, f u6-6sl
Maniif ciurerof and dcarrln
Saddles and Harness.
Of every description, wholepale and retail No 130 Jtf
Main street, between 5th and Cth Uevt,'Nebrak
Iseal IVodce.
In District Court of the 2d'lul Di.trlet within
and forfaunders cuunir. fJvi.,vk
Thomas J Jones, of the Territory of Colorado -will
tase kotice that Joteph II Brown, of ihe
countv or iass, in me Male of Nebr.t-ka. did oa sd
ut in j.uu.ry A p inou, ni" lil petition in tha
Clerk's tltllce ot the D .Hit Court ot tbexd Judicial
District, within ai d for tunders cnunty, M.-brska
st ttiug forth that the said Thoinan J. Jomsravea!
mortgage lo Votins Bros. A Co., of th nity nf 8u
Louis, .Mo , on the east half (1-2 of the northeast
quarter .., ana tne sunt liwest quarter Cloftha
s-anuinutuiiiii,, skunsn, io secure tha payment of
tbe tutu of 4 Hi.oS. according to a ctr;io note r
f rred to ill said laurtgaee; and thnt sai l note and
mortgage has since been ai-signed 1 1 the I'l iliititT
and praying tht the said Thomas J. Jone niy par
said sum of 430 63. now clanind to b'due with
intore-t on tne ssme from the 13tb c'sy of December.
A o lbo7. st 10 j er cent, per anntiiu. or tl.alaaid
premises may be sold to satUfy tbe same.
Ai d lbs said 1 hi.nias J J-u is l.erel.y not IQisi
that be is reiiairtd t, appesran.l nn.wer said peti
tion on ot before the 1.1th d.iy ,.f Jlarrh, A D 18(
By Hillett roTTkXOtlt, li i Att'y lJanSba4
Leg a I I ofice.
In District Court of tbe 21 Judxinl District wlihln
and tor Saunders cntii ty, Xi-hraska.
William UariKou of the the leri.lo y f C',orm.
do, will take mitire II al J.i.eph II. Brown of ih
county of fa's, in the -tat ..f .Vbr;tfk;i, ilid'on th
2d dy of January, A u lSi B. fl.e bis petiM n Ii.
tlieClerk's tiflice ol the DH'nt-tCo jrt kfl Judu- l Dis
trict tritfiln and rnraun.lers Co , Ntb a Imih
thatthesnid H'llliain tiarr son gave a nioi to
Yonug Bros A Co , ol the city of M. Loiij. M, . ,
tbe mulheest quarter uf s-Minn .Vo taentv-fouri'Mi
in PiwnBlilp X,, seventeen (17), n..rth of rang- o
seven (: I, east f the Cth P. M . in the said Ssnader
ronntv, N lira.ks, to sec re the payment ,f the sum
of $f 7U. 6, ars-jiding t a t' rtaiu cote referre.l to la
-a;d m.irtxge. and ilit m d note and ninrtgago ha a
since b eu a-s gned to I'laln. iff; and prsjing that
he H I liatn Garris.iL iuy pay said sum of "9 Sri,
now cluiiiie-l to be due with itit' re on the s ma
from the 13:h day of Matrh, s d ls.'fl at 10 p-r
cotit. per sniiiiin.or that said tuy lo anld
to satisfy the same And ti.e said VkUinm fiani.on
is hereby not , fled I bat he is rrquirtil loappearand
an.-wer said M-tnijQ t n or beiure the 15th diyof
Match, a D 1SG9.
. JOKIM . :l:OwV.
E" HiU.ktt I'oniNin.hia Atl'y lJai.2;vr4.
J. hn Q. A. Owen r Cliim' in A'u kol. , Willi, m
Garr.-u.u and In.. mas J. Jjnc. Kxrcutiuii.
Votice is her. l,y e t ea th..t 1 lii UVr for sals at
pul.l c unction at lbe front door of the Court House
ti I'lattsmisnth, C.iss county, N. !', on the 1st
,uy of V.ati h. a. t, 1s6. hi two o'clock p. in. of said
t .y, the following ri-st-ribi'd mmi ibtau., to-wit:
ri.e sou. ho ist qnsr rr of the southeast miait.r
1 1) of section ibitty-four (JO. and the a.
quarter f the southwest (jnaiter ft,-) of section
btrty lite (.'!.'.) In town hip .So trr.VH ( lij. noMli
or range No thiite' n (1.1). .a.t of the Uih P M , ir
Cuss empty. Nebraska ; taken s tie properly of
Willinni Oarr son ami Thomas J Joi..-.. Also lota
vo one inu two jt ao.i i,i i ih... 4,o .even ( il i'iihu
lot No six (), in blor k No "vlnen (1 1 ), In the city of
Plat'sniontli, Cata ctra t. cb,aska; takeu as tb
propoity of Th' mas J . All taken on an ex--utii.ii
i:i favor of John y A. Ow.m, i ..ued by tbo
liritof the Di triit Court, witbin nr.d for tl e
county of Case, and -lte of .V !ir fka, and to me
liroet' d as ghe ill of said county.
Given uuoer my bant this aim day of Januair
t. D. 1SC!. '
FUt-iiff Cass ooun'.y, N' b
I3sliay rotice.
Taken up by the subscriber. In Oreapolis precinct
n- white Si-xican sfer. I.iark spots on I ht enit
ul fert. thiec j ear old No ot b jr m ,i k or braada
ereeirable. PHILLIP MilDtNtTlllCKLrt.
Febinary llo
Taken up bj the nnd. rsntned.i n the city t.fl'latts
.nmth sloai tt.e first of November, bt-i, one 'l'k
.rret pony colt, bald face, both its hi ll J fet w bits
lid la a last spring colt. sj litS'fcN
February 4w5.
Taken up I y th-stib-c-iber i.t his la
tnht Mile Grove i'r., Janu try lutii, IstfK, one
.an heif. r, supi osrl to be slKiut two j tart old. one
teer of a roaoisli color, with rod ears, sane red oa
ne nose, and branded with the letter lPon the ln
i'P, and supp.srd Ut lie abont two year old
Also i.e two year old pony colt, dai k bay with
ia k main and tail, thr.- white fc-et and star in
..rehead j j MATFULD
Evergreens forNebiaska
Ihaveau cesfully growing In my Ka-itrj. al
Fort Kearr.ey, Nebraska, an assortment o.' flat
tiung Evergreens, consisting
rbtch I ofler.for sale at 15 Cents each or $5.10 yt
undred ami iipwrd, according tosii-. Small
iu.intities of the .malleot tre cau tie sen by mall,
arger oaeS by express. Terms, cash. Ad-lre.s
Jr2 mG. fort Kearney, Nebraska.
Henry Boeck,
ctALia m
Lounges, Tables, Safes,
Of all description- and at all prioei.
Metalic Burial Cases,
mtt tmmmm1 IHI sill wammmmmm!mm
Ot all sites, also
Ready made, and sold cheap for cash.
With many thanks for Dat patronace. I invt'e
U to call and examine my lir stjca oi "ur nil ore
and Cofflo. Janlff.
i t ii,iiicr a)i sun i no soil ' li.a l niurler IV)
of the northwest qua. ter (!; ot stciion K0 tweuiy'
even ('.'7), in towtmhip Ko seventeon ( IT) north of
ranreSiiieveii (7). east of the SihP. M in ..i..
c s N.