Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 25, 1869, Image 1

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"7 miy mrm attempts to haul down the 'lnwrican Flag, shoot him on the spot." "
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Ui-- ;..PL,A:j;Tf FEB I i IT A II V 25, 1 SG9.
- ' mm, , fir
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is runLisuKa
V K K K I, Y ,
u. r. iiatiiaway,
tyOfcj corner street and Levee, second
Terms: $2.50 per annum.
Hates of Advertising
V j-?iuari!Se often line") oue Insertion,
C"n ab5 i"ent iimwrti'.n "
tr-fet-nal not exceeding si n
if-.iuarter colama or lens, per nntira
i six month?
thrfe wonllis
Oas hlf column twelve month
sis months
-thre months
O je colama twelvo months
six months -
three month
41ltrusientalverU-emeaU oast be P
- We are prt pared to all klmls of
a itort notice, anrt in a stylethat will
lu 00
20 i f
20 (Hi
Solicitor in Chancery.
-Till buy aud soil Ileal KUtc-, and pay Uses f r
W n-iaresi'l'-nt. .... ,
Improved ao-1 m-Ur-provd lni and lots for sale,
Jio ijih 0.12V t-
"Physician and Surgeon,
T.n4eri his prif-?sl'nal serric" to tli i- citizens of
Jr-Ke'Tirnco south-e.i-t sorner ofOslc an 1 Sixth
street.; Ollic- on M.iin stU-et, oppuMt- Ccuri Honse,
Platte Valley House
Ed. B. MfRriiv, Proprietor.
rntr ef M tin and Fourth Streets,
Flatismoulli, Ser.
Tblslloi,, hiii b-n r rUf-l hi..I newly fiir-l-b-d
offers ft.5t-clJi comuioiUtioa. Ho-tr.t ,-jr
s ly or w-ek. 0,!
Cencral Ii&ad Agent,
- - - Aefcra. -ctiea U any of the Courtaof the St ate. a.H
wl:,i,,,d a Ml ttHi t,..teoii eoifliniiuu.paj
fax-"". txin T.tlta, c.
.)T-i '01 'f
JlaxwcSl & Chapman,
Solicitors in Chancery
Office .Ter Ui-vk. Buttory A Co'. Druy Stjre.
M.iin Street,
A rood sortm-nt of Watches 01oy . U rJ"'
lil TTl-nartnl. aav. . nnd AUwota com
allied to hi cure will be warranted.
Plattsrnouth fwliSls.
C. IIEISEL, Proprietor.
rn-tirH iLiul Tla.ced inthor-
oiis'b running order. Custom wjrk done on short
1OO.O00 Rushcls of Wheal
Wanted immediately, for which the highest "arko
prica will be paid. "
Utneral Life, Accident, l ire, Inland and
Will take ri?kat reasonable ratis In the most reliabl
couipaniea in the United stains.
aTJ-omce at the book store, I'la en.' cuth. N ebras
Opposite the City Bakery.
A XT K would respectfully announce to th" Ladls
V V . ...... "..., i .i,.;nitT. tht we havejust
rreeiTed alareand well selected atock of Wi.iter
- rt ltKhvna r u I V S I 11 f"s?H
JoolH, consisting OI r lowrri., , -- -
t. immin, Ac, c. We will sellthe cheapest g-ods
erer.old inthiscity. We can accomrao.l?;e all our
o',d customers and as many new ones as wi.l favor us
wii h a call. All kinds of work in our line done to
Xrder. Perfectiatasfaction given or no charges.
Two blocks northwest of Brick School-Uouae.
HE has a BA TIT IIOVSE, free to patrons; his
rooms are well ventilated, end bis prices sre
Veaonable. JuJj'i: ol6tf.
Gapt. O. IAROO .CO.,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Wines and Liquors,
Also a very elo!c selection of
Tobacco and Cigars,
SIjIq street, 4con door eat of Seymour House,
Kebraka City, Nt-braskn.
. .: . m - m.i
r ' c jus rrveiiiDg ajc muck ii tr r w t- vd
-ntrlon rtirert fret Hourbou eoaotr, Ky. Bitter,
Acts, Mernoriala and Joint Resolutions
passed at the Fifth Session of the
Legislature of the inate of Nebras
ka. ., '
. An act to proride for ih nppoitit
merit of Notaries PiiWic and to difine
their duties. ' ; .
2 An act io confirm and legalize the
action cf th& Comniissiorjers of Don
las County, Nebraska,' in relation to
the isue cf two hundred and fifty
thousand dollars cf the bondi of aid
county, to aid in the construction of a
Railrcad Bridge across the Missouri
River at Omaha.
3 An act for the relief of IE V.
. 4 An act to provide for holding
terms ot bupreme Court.
o Joint Resolution and Memorial to
Gen. U. S. Grant, President elect of
United States: " l
C Joint Resolution for the relief of
Motes II. .Sydenham.
7 An act to airier J an act entitled
"an act to provide fjr the funding' of
the warrants of DJunlas County,, ap
proved June 19ih, 1&G7. ; ,'
S An act for the relief of the State
Normal School. .
9 An act to the Sinking
Military Fund to the General Fund.
10 An act to f xempt from ?aln on
execution, property used and kept to
extinguish fire. ..."
11 Memorial and Joint. Resolution
ri lailve to a Mail Route "from Fre
moot to Lincoln.
12 An act making appropriations to
pay Militia Claims.
13 An act to define the duties of (he
Attorney of the State, and provide .for
his payment. ..." ' ' j
11 An act to amnd sections 62 and
G3 of chapter one. of title five of the
Revised Statutes entitled "manner of
Commencing Civil Actions;'" , .
15 An act to tin end section one of
an act entitled '"on act to provide for
tLe appointment of Clerks of the Dis
trict Court, approved June 22, 15(57.
1G. An act incorporating Subordi-
nitf L.J?e of Masons, OJd Fellows
mid Good Templers.
17. An act to vacate Alleys in block
17 in the city of Browuville.
IS Memorial and Joiat Resolution
relative to a treaty for the purchase of
the Otoe and Missouri Indian Rsser.
19. An act .to prohibit the pale of
intoxicating liquors on days of election.
iiu Memorial ana Joint uesoiution
to Congress for tbe removal - of 'the
Pawnee Indiaus from their present
reservation. '.
21 Joint Resolution in reeard to
protecting the frontier. .
22 An act to provide for buiiuiug a
Court House and Jail in Washington
Couuty, and to re-locate the County
Seat thereof-
23 An act to amend an net entitled
an act to incort orata the city pf. Da
kota." approved the 2lit day of Octi
24 An act to amend eectioo 10 of
chanter 16 of part 1, of and act known
. . . -. i .
as. 'the uevuea ctatu:es pi jeoras-
ka,M epproved Feb. 12, 1S66; subject,
'Divorce-and Alimony." ,
25 An act to re-openr a portion ot
Liner In and Robert Street, in the town
of Salem, Richardson county.
26 An act to amend chapter 53, Re
vised Statutes, entitled 'Towns."
27 An net to amend sections number
1, 3, 20, 21, 22, and 38 of an act e.nti
tied "an act to incorporate Nebraska
City," approved February 12, 1SG7.
9 An act to incoruorate cities of the
first class in the State of Nebraska.
i9 An. act to amend section ' oii.
chapter 25 of Revised Statutes entitled
30 An act making appropriations for
the per dipm and mileage of the mem
bers. Officers and Employes -and inci
dental exrenses of the Legislature.
31 An act to vacate the nltev in
block No., .1, as, designated upen the
oriiaal plot of south Nebraska City.
32 An act to fix the time for holding
the District Court of Lincoln,
33 An act to transfer to the City of
Omaha, for school purposes, the' Capi
tol grounds and buildings in said city,
and to provide a board of Regents for
ine management oi me sume.
31 An act giving eltect to juag
ments and decrees.
.35 An act to amend the Code of
Civil Procedure, section C, pari 10.
36 An act to further define the du
ties of the Mayor. Common Council
and Treasurer of Nebraska City.
37 An act to amend section 5, chap
ter 9, of the Revised Statutes, enti
tied "County Commissioners and coun
ty Clerks.
3S Ad act to amend section 11,
chapter I of the Revised, en
titled "Agriculture."
39 An act authorizing the City
Counri 1 of Nebraska City, to issue
bond? for the erection of a Market
House. ' ' '.
43 An art in lorate a State Road
from Ashland, in Saunders County, to
WW v - . J
keeping ater, m Uass ouciy,,auu
Nebraska City, in Otoe County.
41 An act to locate a State Road
from Blair, in Washington county, to
intersect the Territorial Road from
West Poin Cuming ccurty.
42 An act to provide for the trans
fer of a portion of the records of the
District Court of Ca;'s coudty ij Saun
ders county, .. a . ...
43 An act to provide for the publi
cation Of the decisiots of. '.the Supreme
Court, and for the payment f the Re
porter.. ' . ' ' .. . ' ' ' .' '
41 An 'act', to locate a Stat Road
from Long's Bridae, cn the little Ne
maha. Rjyer, in Nemaha county, to
Lincolrr, in" Lancbter: ttu'tit''.'-J - -
-4.5'Aii-aet. ij locate . a Stale Road
from Wyoming:, 5 Oto cauniy.i to Lin
coin, Lancaster cquutv. , ' . ' ,
46 An act to 'encourftge the growth
or timber and fruit trees-
: 47 An act to amend sretieri 571 of
title 14 of the Cede, of Civil Procedure
43 An act to a meed section 14 of an
ad entitled an act to locate, establis-h
ond endow a State Normal School,"
apptoved June. 20, 1867. i. . ... .. ,,
49 An, act to. legalize the ' afctsof
J. N-: Wise as a Notary Public. ,:
-.50 Memorial and Joint Resolution
Pryl?S Congress for lahds for railroad
pucposes. ' "l ' ' ' " r' "
ftl Jcnt Resolution accepting act of
52 An act declaring the town-"of
Lincoln the County Seat of Lancaster
county. . .
53 An authorize non-resident
Railrcad Companies to build roads in
"54 Air act to provide-for the'ena
mer&lion of the population and the reg
istration of Births and Deaths in the
State cf Nebraska. .... .... ', ,.
55 An act to nrneod section 531 ol
title 14 of the Code of Civil Proceduce.
56 An act to lease certain saline
Inrds to Anson C. Tichenor, Jesse T.
Grpn and others. ,
57 An act to amend section 2, chap
ter 41 of the Revised Statutes of the
State of Nebraska, entitled "Pre
cincts." ' ' " ' ;
59 An act to aid in the construction,
of a bridge across Blue river.
59 An act to amend section 20,
chapter four, cf th-3 criminal code.
60 Joint Resolution relative to
swamp lands. ...
61 An act to . amend s?ction one.
chapter one, cf the Revised Statutes of
Nebra-ka, entitled "Agr.culture.
62 An act to define the western
boundary of Lincoln county. !
63 An act to provide for the sale of
lot 11, in block C, ' c town f Lin
coln ' - - - -'. - .. - '- '
64 An act to prevent the trespass of
domestic anima's upon cultivated landi
in ihs counties of bauniers, Seward,
B-m't, Wuililcgiun and pauee, and
Salt Creek, Stove Creek, Elmwood and
South Bend precincts in Cass county.
65 An act to locate a bt i'.e Road
from Fontenel'e," Washington ccuutyl
to Bell Creek,' in same county. ;
66 An act to expound the provisions
of the general Incorporation act rela
ting to indebtedness.
67 An act to amend sec 11, chapt.
27. revised statutes, entitled '-Jails."
- 63 -An ret to locate a State roaj
from Lincoln to Columbus.
60 An act for the relief of Emerson
S. Seymour and Julius Most.
70 An act to pay Counsel assigned
to defend indigent prisoners.
71 An act to dispose of the public
land granted to the S-ate of Nebraska
for works of Public Improvement.
72 Ah act to provide for the regis
tration of voters of the State.
73 Joint Resolution authorizing the
electors to vote for, or against -k Con
stitutional Convention at the next gen
eral elec.ion.
73 Joint Resolution in relation to
Indian depredations in the State of Ne
braska. 1
75 An act to authorize an Irrigation
Company !o tuild a dam across Wood
76 An net for the relief of persons
who have improvements upon State lots
in the town of Lincoln. : ;
77 An act-to locate a State' road
from Fremont, Dodgs county, to Lin
coln, in Lancaster county.
78 An act to ament section 4 of cn
act entitled an act tj define the boun
daries of the Judicial districts and to
assign Justices to the same. : :'' .
79 An act to provide for the sale of
certain saline Iar.ds. ' . ,r; '
.80 An act to locate a Stat road thro'
Saline and Jefferson counties by the way
of Ooppio and Meridaa.
81 An act to provide for bonding the
Omaha City scrip, and to- provide for the
payment thereof.
82 An act to looate and establish a
State road from Linooln, Lancaster CO.,
to Pawnee City, Pawnee co.
83 An act to amend section 8, chapter
5, of the revised statutes.
84 An act to locate a State road from
Lofran Mills, Dodge county, to Blair in
Vi ashington co.
85 An act to restrain swine from run
nin at large in the State of Nebraska.
, SG An act to provide for the sale of the
unsold lota and blocks in the town sits of
Lincoln, and for the location and ' erec
tion of a State University and Agricultu
ral Colleee and State Lunatic Assylum.
87 An act to deSne the geographical
limits of tha city of Bellevue, Sarpy
countv. "
88 An act to amend sectian . 973 of
ehurjter 7.' of title SO of the Code of Civ
il Procedure, concerring the selection of
Juries in Justices Court. .
1 89 An act to trovide for the appoint
ment and payment of Bailiffs for the Su
preme Court.
90 An act to locato a State road from
Nebrusia City, in Onoe county, to Te
nuiaseh. in Johnson eonntv.
' PI An act to establish boundary lines
between tbe counties of Dodse and Burt
92 An act to require the Treasurer to
kx-cn - constantly on hand the identic U
funds received by him as such Treiieurer,
nntil. the. same thai! be paid out on war
rants drawn on. such Treasurer.
93 An act to amend secticn 18 of chap
ter 8 and section 7 of chapter 18 revised
Statutes ef the State of Nebraska rela
tiveto Coroners. . -
94 An act. to amend section 1 of an act
entitled "an act to rrovide for the pub
lication of the decisions of the Supreme
Court, and the pavment of the reporter,
approved Oct. 12th 1859. .'
' 95 An act to authorize toe Governor
to convey land belonging to the State
upon Salt Creek, for mill purposes.
: 90 An act making appropriation to aid
is the oonBtruction of tho ilational Lin
coln Monument at or near Springfield in
the State of 111.
' 97 An act to fix the time cf holdingthe
District Court m Cummipg co.
93 An act to provide for refunding to
the taxpayers of Falls City precinct of,
Kichardson county a special liridgo ; tax
heretofore levied and collected therein
99 An aQt to iocate a State road from
Hillsdale in Nemaha co. to Pawnee City
in Pnwnea. co." ...
100 J? n act to amend section 17 chap.
l'J revised Statutes. V ' -
101 An-act to authoriia O. A. Abbott
and II. A. Keonig, -and. John Waliichs to
change the north chana&l of the I iatte
river, at Grand Island in Buffalo co.
102 An act to restrain stock from run
ninjr at larze in the Statu of Nebraska-
103 An act to create the office of aiiju
ta t eeneraL ; - '" i
204 An act to estahlinh and dne the
boundaries of Colfax eo. iu the State of
Nebraska.,- ... ' . . ,
105 An, act to provide a. system of. rev
100 An act to amend sectors 7, 8 and
14 of charter 47 of the revised statutes
entitled roads. "
107 An act to authorize tbe county
commissioners of Otoe co. to is9ue bonds
to railroad company?.
108 An act to estuousii me umversi)
of Nebraska.
109 An act respecting church lots in
Lincoln. ' . ;
110 An act to amend seo. 17 of the re-,
vised statutes entitled electians.
'111 An act in reference to Executors,
Administrators and Probite Judges.
119. An tLP.t to amend an act to provide
for thfl reeistrv cf school lands for the
control and disposition thereof and for
th3 safe keeping the funds derived
from the sale and lease of s iid land'. ;
' ' IIS An act to donate bloe llo, Lin ;
coin City, to the Lincoln City Steam Mill
CO. :: :
114 An act to amend chapter 3t, part
of an act known as the Revised Stat
utes, approved Feb. 12:h, 13G5, entitled
US An act to amend " net entitled
an not supplementary to an act to in.
corporate tha City of Arago."
115 An act to provide tor a &tate cem
cterv at Lincoln.
117 An act to e'.ve effect to the trans
cript of judgement in the several District
118 An act to prevent tho importation
of - Texas or Cherokee cattle into the
State of Nebraska, within certain speci
fied dates. '
119 An aet to restrain 6tcok from run.
ning at large in Lancaster aoi Saline
counties. ' .-,
120 An act to enable counties, citifs-
and precincts to borrow money on their
bonds or to isu3 bonds to aid in the con
struction and completion of works of in
ternal improvement.
121 An act to looate a State road from
Blair in Washing co., to West Poiut, in
Cumiiiing co.
122 Memorial to the Senate and IIous?
of Reprcaentative3 of the United States.
123 An act to increase the school
funds in Nebraska.
124 An act to dispose of gold and sil
ver coin belonging to Nebraska.
125 An act for the payment of S.
12t) An act fix'ng the jurisdiction of
Probate Judges in civil ca.?es, and pro
vidin" for holding regular terms of the
Probate Court for the trial of such civil
cases. "
127 Ah act to provide for the election
of an Attorney General for the State of
Nebraska.and to prescribe his duties and
fix his compensation.
To show what farmers can do in
Nebraska we will cite one case, al
though they are by no means rare, as
any old seller will readily testify to.
About nine years since a family
direct from Germany, landed -in Ne
braska City;7 "shortly after their arrival
they selected a quarter section of prai
rie land in Wyeming precinct, in the
Anderson neighborhood. With money
enough' to purchase a" yoke of cattle, a
cow, plow andbneon and ojrn:meal for
one year, they commenced the opening
of a farm! -'The sale of the firet yearV
crop sod corn realized money suffi
cient to purchase a horse, erect a comfortable-
dwelling,' and supply the
family with the common necessaries of
life. ' : :- - -
; To-day this family owns nearly five
hundred acres of land; one of the best
farms in the' county; eighteen head of
horses; thirty head of cntila, and "per
kers" and cbickens-in abundance
Of six children, nine years ago, not
one could speak the English language;
now they speak it fluently.: Their pa
ternil and maternal ancestors speak
only deitch. . .
The success of thi3 family may ie
attributed to a rich eeiF and constant
work. Steadily, year by year, they
have gained and added new possesss
ions to the old homestecd, JVeirs.
If any one was ever dragged arojnd
by the hair of his head, he can guess
how pleasant it is to a sheep to be
hauled about by the wool.
To encourage thi 'growth 'of Timber,
' Fruit trees, shade trees and Hedge?.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Legis
lature of the State of Nebraska, that
there shall be exempt from taxation of
the real .property of each taxpayer,
who shall, wi.hin the State of Nebras
ka, plant and suitably' cultivate "one or
more acres of forest trees for timber,
the turn of one hundred doll rs annu
ally, for five . years, for each acre so
planted" and cultivated;' provided th.u
the trees on said land shall not exceed
twelve feet apart, and shall be kept in
.a healthy and growing condition
Sec. 2. That there shall be exempt
from taxation of the reaf property of
each tax-payer, who shall within the
State, plant and suitably cultivate one
or more acres of fruit .trees, the sum of
hfiy dolhrs, annually, for five years,
for each acre so planted and cultivated;
provided1 that the trees1 on said land
shall not exceed thirty feet apart, and
thall be kept in a healthy condition. :
Sec. 3, Persons claiming tbe benefit
of such exemption shall at the lime of
makiDg the annual assessment, upon
howiDg,' to the' satisfaction of the As
sessor of the precinct in which he re
sides that he has complied with the
provisions of sections one or two of this
act, be entitled to have deducted from
the valuation of his real property, by
siid assessor, the amount as hereinbe
fore provided, and it is hereby made
tbe duty of said assessor, to make re
turn tQ.the board of county Commis
ior,ers of his ctuniy. the name of each
person claiming exemption, the quan
tity of lands 'planted to timber, or fruit-
trees, and the amount deducted from
the valuation of his prcperty.
iec. 4. If any person, claiming ex
emption under the prcvitionsof this act
shall feel h'rnself aggrieved by the de-
ision of the assessor in the rejection of
us claim, then the said. -owner pr an
plicant may apply to the board of Com
tnissioners of his county at their meet
ing iu April, to have the same correc
ted in' the same manner as ctherrro
neous assessments. 1 '
Sec. 5. That persons wr.hout real
e.tate and living on homesteads under
the'ncl of Congress, shall be allowed
for each acre of timber under this act,
fifty dollars exempt from taxation
annually for five years ' '
Sec. 6. This act to take eflect and
be in force from and after its passage.
A Beautiful Incident. -A naval
oirio-.i being at sea in a dreadful storm.
his wife, who was silling in the cabin
near him, and filled with alann'for the
safety of the vessel, was so surprised at
his composure and serenity that t she
cried out . ,
My dear, are y.m not afraid?
Ho-v i it possible you can be calm in
such a dreadful storm?" ' ' :
He rose frcrn his chair, lashed to
ihe dck,upporting himseiy by a pl
Jar of the ted place, drew his sword,
and pointing to iha breast of his wifo
exclaimed, "Are you not afraid of that
Sh& instantly answered, "No."
"Why?" said, the officer.
"Because." rejoined the lady, "I
kaow thai it is in the hands of my hus
band, and he loves ie . too well to hurt
me. . . ,
"Then," said he, "remember, I
know in whom I believe, and that he
holds the winds in his fists and the wa
ter in the hollow cf his hands."
It is said that 1S3 women marthed
to the polish at Vineland'at the late
election to vote, abd that the men, hav
ing received intimation of their iuten
tions, prepared a separate baliot box,
into which the--confiding but cruelly
deluded females triumphantly depos
ited their political op nions. One hun
dred and eighty of them voted for
Grant and three for Seymour. After
the ladies had returned to their homes
tbe bogus ballot-box was opened, and
the 183 tickets given to the wind
which bad a good deal cf ill-mannered
sport with them.
Mr. Spriggins . is a litte forgetful
sometimes. He counted his children
the o.her night, but could only make
up fourteen. How is this? he asked
bis wife: "I thought there were fifteen
of, them at the lasi,census? So there
was,; answered the wife, "tut little
Sammy was drowned since jhen."
''indeed: ., saia spriggins, meaitauveiy;
"Why, it seems to me that I beard of
that at the time." . . ' ' ', '
Benjamin Franklin once potting to
press a form of the Common Prayer,
the letter "c" in the following passage
dropped out unperceived by him: 'We
shall all be changed in the twinkling of
an eye." When the book appeared, to
the horror, of the devout worshipers,
the passage read: "We shall ' all be
hanged in the twinkling cf an eye."
The library shelves of the Briii.-h
Museum, i: placed in continuous line,
would extend no 'less than twenty-five
miles. The accession of bocks keeps
growing at the rate of about twenty
tecujand velumes ' a year, or between
fifty and sixty a day.
A Massachusetts lyceum has deci
ded that earthquakes,, tornadoes, etc
are not misfortunes, but the result of
bad. management.
Uridge Across Ilia Dnglisli
From a pamphlet recently published
in England, with a view to explain the
detail of the undertaking, .it appears
that the proposed bridge will, spring
from a point on the English coast, near
Shakspt aro Cliff, Dover, at aialtitude
of three hundred and fifty feet above
the sea, and. will terminate, on; the
French coast on an equally lofty hill,
j known as Cape Blanc Nez, at a &h
distance from Calais.- M. Bcu
avoids the -enormous extent and risk
involved in any attempt to .'construct
pier on artificial inlets m the middle of
the channel, by carrying his bridge
across nine piers of cast iron of untisu
a' 'dimensions'; the bases of which La re
to be put together and bolted on the
shore and floated to the position they
are intended to occupy, by means cf
large sheet iron buoys, one of which,
situated directly in ihe centre1 of the
staucture, is to be acted upon ty a
powerful screw, by means of which
the huge base -cau Le gradually low
ered until the ; screws or feet,. upon
which it is to stand, touch the bottom
or bed of the sea, Which is ascertained
'o consist of solid chalk, into which the
pile screws are then : turned,'. This
method of binding the pier firmly to
the bottom a ho serves , as a means of
rectifying the levels, if necessary.
The soundings in line of the proposed
bridge s'iaw a maximum depth of 167
feet. The top of the base will be jus,
above the level of the 6ea when the
feet, are screwed (to . the , bottom, aud
upon this the upper portions are to be
erected, above water, pieca by piece,
in the usual manner, . Except the cen-
tre'one, all the piers at .their founda
tions measure. 130 yards in width and
87 in length, di ninish-ng upwards and
forming at the summit a square of 65
yards on each side. 'The centre pier
will be half as large.. again as the oth
ers. ; in addition to tneir own weight,
of twenty-five hundred tons each, these
piers have to support an arch of 32S2
yards in length, weighing about 14,000
tons.' 1 : 1 '
The beam or tress'of the, bridge (in
which the originality of the project
mainly consists) is coriiposed of a se
ries (f one hundred and twenty cables
of iron wire, two inches in diameter, of
which ihe number gradually diminish
es to the middle, wncre there are but
thirty stretched h.nzon'nl!y along tbe
line of the bridge, at a' distance of
twonty-one inrhij, or. nhnvo th other.
connected every twenty two yards.
first by perpendicular cables, fixed ver
ticall.y, and then by strorg iron tran
-oma," also placed vertically Lach
tress, seen laterally, present the ap
pearance of a va-t net, the rectaogular
meshes of which are twen'.y inches
quare. . . .. , ... . ,t
Upon the vertical transoms ru-e small
metal arches, inieiidtjd toUipport the
planking or roadway of the bridge.
Thus, ':M. Bjutet . ob nins-.. -'thorough
rigidity, makicg Jn the meshes of the
tress a complete . weft. , On the other
hand, "this divides infiniti-imally the
effect of weight upen it. and weakens.
to a certain extent, it's effect before the
lower part cf the becms are bent under
the influence of a passing pressure.
Five tresses cf this sort, each three
thousand two hundred and eighty two
yards in length, fixed at a distance of
eleven yord3 apart transversely to the
bridge, are under propped strongly
against ecch other, and constitute to
gether the body of the work. The
width cf the roadway is thus brought
to fifty-seven yards.
The beams have the form of an eiip
tica! arch of three thousand two hun
dred and eishty-two yards in span.
The beams or open tresses of M. Bau
let are stated to offer a considerable
resistance, possess a perfect rigidity
and are of very light weight as com
pared with their enormoas leDgth and
bearing power; It is stated - that they
are estimated to support twenty-four
trains fully loaded, meeting together
in the middle between any two pieces,
and that the weight of the erection is
thirty-six times greater than the maxi
mum force of tempestuous winds,
which would, therefore, be powerless
to . shake its ponderous mass. M.
Boutet estimates the cost of (he under
taking at less than eight millions ster
ling, and expects that :tT would be fin
ithed in three years. .: .
An engineer on the Pittsburgh, Fort
Wayne & Chicago Railroad, recently
discovered -a child on the track just
alidad of his train To stop the train
in lime to save it was impossible
Running out on the cow-catcher, he
caught the child and lifted it on the en
gine without injury, although the' pro.
ceeding was one full of danger to him.
self. ' :'f "
The celebrated "Wise case," now
on trial in New Orleans, gave rise to
a curious scene in Court last Saturday
The day was consumed in testing a
variety of different wines. A wine
merchant, as witness, the counsel, and
the Judge, together, ' consumed the
contents of abjut twenty bottles, alto
The earth is found frozen in a Col
or.ido mine at a depth of 125 feel, ar.d
the ice which lies between the stra a
of the rock is as hard and brittle a
elass. . . ' :
A gentleman once heard a laboring
man swear dreadfully in the presence
of a number of bia companions. He
told hirn it was a cowardly thing to
swear so in company. The man said
he was cot afraid to swear at any time
or any place.' ' ; j ..-t
I'll give you ten dollars," said the
gentleman, "if you will go into the vil
lage churchyard, to-night at twelve
o'clock, and swear the same oaths
which you have uttered here, when
you are alone with your God.""
"Agreed, said the man, '" 'tis an
easy way oi earning ten dollars.'!; .
Well, you coma to ma to morrow
and say you .have done it, and the
money is yours." ' :
'; 'The 'time passed orj; midnight came.'
The man went to' the graveyard. It
wag a night of piicby darkness. As he
entered the graveyard not a sound was
heard, all was still as death. Then
the eeritleman'a words, "Alone with
God,' came over him with a wonder
ful power. The thought of the wick
edness he had committed, and what he
came there to do, daned thrcujrh his
mind like - a flash lof lightning. He
.rembled at his, folly. -; Afraid to take
another step, he fell on his .knees and
instead of the dreadful oaths Tbe had
come to utter,' the earnest rry went up
"God be nierc'ful to me a sinner!'.
The next day he went to the gentle
man and thanked him for what he had
done, and said, he had resolved not to
swear another oath as long as he lived.
Anecdote tof Gcu1. ITasliingtou-
Washington had accepted en invita
tion from Arnold to lreakfast with him
at West Point the very, day the plot
was discovered, but was prevented
from keeping his engagement by what
men call chance by the earnest re
quest, namely, of an old officer, near
whose station they passed, to spend the
night there and inspect some works in
he neighborhood. Next day, while
Washirgton with his staff, including
..a layette, were seated at table at
this officer's quarters, a dispatch was
brought - to the American General,
which he immediately opened and
read, then laid it down without com
ment. No alteration " was visible in
his countenance, but he remained per
fectly ' silent. Conversation dropped
among his suite; and, after some min
uter, the General, beckoning La Fay
ette to foMow him, passed to an inner
apartment, turned to his yourg friend
without uttering a syllable, placed the
fa'al dispatch in his hands, and then,
giving way to an ungovernable burst
of feeling, fell on his neck and sobbed
aloud. The effect produced on tha
youDg French Marquis, accustomed to
regard his General (cold and dignified
in his usual manner) as devoid of the
uiual weaknesses of humanity, may be
imagined. "I believe," said La Fay
ette in relarng this anecdote, "that
this was the only occasion, throughott
that long and sometimes hopeless stru"
gle, that Washington ever gave way,
even for a moment, uncer a reverse of
fortune, and perhaps I was the only
human being who ever witnessed in
him an exhibition of feeling so foreign
to his temperament. As it was, he re
covered himself before I had perused
the communication that had given rise
to his emotion; and when he returned
to his staff not a trcce remained on his
countenance either of grief or despon
dency " i : ' .
The seats of the new theatre of San
Francisco are comfortable beyond all
precedent. Each chair is 23 inches
wide and heavily cushioned. . The
backs are moveable, eo that each titter
can lean forward or backward, and
there is a special receptacle for the hat
under each seat. ' ;.
The Fihst Through to "Omaha.
The Pulman Palace car "Omaha,"
the first through sleeping coach on the
Chicago & Northwestern Railroad,
arrived on the opposite, side of the
river yesterday afternoon, having been
crowded with sleeping-berth passen
gers thrugh from the "Garden City."
' Republican. ' ' ...
There is probably nol a prairie farm
in all the interior so rich that it will
not pay to save .the manure and draw
it on to it. - .The manure heap should
be the receptacle for all the decompo
sable rubbish of the house and farm.
It is the best riddance of garbage, any
"Ma" said a fashionable girl, "if I
should die and go to heaven, should I
wear my moire antique dress?"' "No,
my love: we can scarcely suppose we
shall wear' tbe attire of this world in
the next ' . "Then tell me, ma, how
the angels would know I belonged to
the best society?",
How ' much does it cost to draw a
mowing machine under shelter? How
much does a new one cost? These
questions answered, it is easy to tell
whether it pays to let valuable tools lie
out in the weatherl '
Every member of the House of
Commons, every Peer of the realm,
every Prince, and the Queen herself,
must pay the postage cn everything
1 that is sect bv mail.
! 1
1 .
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