u - . - OK - T - ..... V XT , ... . iyr irr-fcuiT - i-im . . . .... lv -j' v j I n 7 -mmmm 7" any man attempts to haul. clown the American , Flag-; sfwnt him' on the spot. 3 VOL. 4. PL ATTJMOUTII,. NEBRASKA; TliURjfDAYj FEBRUARY 18, 18G9. AO. 46. If. . . I I : S... ill. II UIVHJ lk' TZ.-VVK .. ." . ..-.. ' .... . - - -9 ' ' ' - -..:.' . . 1 11 . . i . . i i i i i i ... , 1 1 - ' ' THE HERAL I t W lii EKL'Y , U. ZD. ' XI At 1 1 AWAY, l .rEOJtOFl AN D PROPRIETOR.. . ; ... Terns:' $2.50 peT. Mnura. ,V Rates of idverttstng Oie ianr (apace often Unesoae Intertlon, Cca abl?nt Insertion -T rctet-i-roal cards ntt exreedinfr six 11 O e-qorter ealamn orles, per innnn - . six months ' a . tnre month : '. ' . - . tx months ' l.0 10 00 35.0O SO ' 18 OO - 0.00 8.1.00 io.oo 100.00 60.00 :m oris Work satis- 1 three month ' 0 .eotia3'tel' month . - .-. . ,, six months " ' . threemonth,,,. , ; ' . .arataqev .- ., . 1 , ,j : i 49 T are prpred tode.s.11 kinds of . ashort notice, and in style that will f faction. - . WILLITT POTTEHGES. , ! ATTORNEY .AT LAW, PL1TTSM0UTU - ' -. NEBRASKA. ATTORNEY T LAW Sciicltor Id Chancery. PLATTSMOUTIL, XKURASKA : S. F COOPER. J. TTohsSY -.V COUNSELOR A T LAVT. piattsmoutli,,JVeto. Will buy and sell Real Estate, and pay taxes f .r '. it-residents. . " '. t npro-l and n .lrrprored lands and lotsfor sale, J-ta5lh o12t1. ; . ' R. B LIVINOSTON, M.D. ' Physician and Surgeon, C'i-nlata hla professional services to the citizens of aljr-K-iiiene .outh-et corner ofi'ak and Sixth treta: Oifice u Main street. oppoit Court Uouae, ualth,eraska. - . u Platte Valley House i" ;; 0. B; Mcrpht, Proprietor. i"rntr'ef Mtin and Fourth Streds, ?II.'tt8moulai, Zeto . .ii.if..... rm fltsi aud newly ror- (i,..riat iccnramidHlicm. Basra ry tl'l(J I'UI.' ... ay or eri.' t OKSo ATTORNEY AT LAW v.J .... - a'1 t--1- i G-oneral Land Agent, VTIil n-ctie tnany of th Court, of the Stc.an will b.-y and "el ' coamiion, v-t Vxe,nrcra Titica, c. ! . ' 1 vj'onf LHAIrttLl, r SAM. M. CHAPMAN Slaxwcll fc Cliapman, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 4VB ' "Solicitors id. fctrancory rLATTSX'JCTII, m - NEBRASKA (X2cni.Tr Ulack. Butttjy ft CVirt8 Store. , 7 AT C 7 MAKES "and a JEWELER. i i.ii i.:.'iuvi"j j K rood ailment of W a'ches Clo k CoJd Pen, J.welrr'.lverWare, Fane- ..oo s Violins and it ill- Knipgi at-y ! All wort com, iinedto his fare will be warranted. Ai-ril 10, lew.-' . t-tc-. Piattsmouth IV. i 1 1 sJ ttaT r.cently bfen rrpairedand placed m thor ik-h running orders Cutoja ork done on shori 00,000 ashcl Qf, WJieai trW.j4JU.td;telrifor-h.h.thiiRKel m:kk -: ice wi:l be pnid. 1 Ventrr.l Life, Acculen!, t ire, Inland ant Will take rikat reasonable rat'sin the most relialll . .t th boftK store. ria cuiu, bra v u. w w - n i may21dtf J 3 ..llincry & Opessinalaiii at miss a.m. Dsrn.-r. Ktxui j Opposite Ik? Cily Bakery. j Wl wortlJ re4wtVLy linonsMTtivl. ol Vlatisinauth .mity , 0t Hb: u f reived alarxeand vrell selcieJ siotkul ""' -ioo., eorwr.. lug of Flow, ltitliyns, f lv , Ire HtnimmsH.iie Ac We vill eeli the cheapest erotdinihioity. Wcaa acounoaate iour eostom.-r anJ as many new one as wiH 'aor ..ha call. All kinds of workJn onr hue-A-ie to orJer. Pel fetUaUsfaction tfiTea 6f no charges. i mjJU - I HEAUTHV GOMFORr, AW 3 REASOyS FOR BOARDFXG ; with j OAK STaEET; Two blocks nortbi Pf.ATrS.MOCTa rest of Brick cchuol-ilouse.. HE has a.JLLTIT BOCSt, fre? to pa'.rons; W 11 'ronmi are wnllettited, aoid n pric are r-asouable. ,., . . JnlJliB nlotf.. Capt. D. IACOO & CO.,; Wholesale and P.elaii bearers In ' ' Wines and iquprs, Also a Tar 7 chp!ce selection of ' ' '.' J ' ' Tobacco and Cigars, Main street, second door eat of Seymour Honse, Xebra.ka City, Nebraska Are'Juit receivicg a new stock .f Genvint Old bovrko 4ireot from lourlwacoualy. Ky-, Bittert, mylV w STATR.lCGlSI.ATUItE.v- l .f. T: t?EN ATE , , j ; -, -if T.- 1 A oenaifj went jnlo(Cominittee of the Whore with blispio .id tbe chair," ' , .Ajlso'.J,',' abd.1 'recorhrhended its indefinite poMponefnerit.' 'Agreed to'' Also S 4f,'proidm for tote upon conttitutiobal J. Crentioa, ' .with amendments. Ordered eugrbsed for a 3d readtns; to-morrow. - Also 68 "an Vcitrf authorize ?non resident railroad companies to build railroads in this State, with recommen dation ihnl il pass. ' ; . ' : .'; " . Cunningham, of committee on Agri culture, reported back" Hou3e 37- aft act to define the term Hones,' Neat Cattle, &.c io chapter. on vReTenue'' and recommend its passage. Parmele ofTered tlte followiog which was adopted: T Rtsolved, Ttiat'th'clerk be intruc-' ted to request the return of S 2. an act to incorporate tities of the first class in (he State of Nebraska with a view to amend. ' , -i. Tullis gae notice of o bill to author ize the Secretary of State to purchase certain books for the state library. "Tullis introduced House bill 101 an act to lease certain Saline Lands to one N. Atwood for the manufacture of salt. ," .Church J 03 an .act to . incorporate subordinate I' dare of Ma?ons Good Templers, and Odd IVlluvvs. .Refers red to committee on Incorporations. Parmele H 105, an act to provide for,, the. relief of,the proprietor-f IIjtelj llnn. liardin Houses. ond Ilestaurarjis, .. (Referrd t , seleci romniittee of Parmele, Barnard and McCaijr. .V.: Parrirh 10G; art B(!t' to.tegu!ate the practice of Medicine and Surgery. Referrpd to p-cial committee of Par rish, Blnkely and Stevvart. BILLS OH 2d READING S 3, an act to provide for the sale of lot I, in block 57, in the town of Lin coin. Referred to committee on Ways and meens. ' " . ' : ' .S 7. a joint memorial and rerolution relntinrj to certain claims of lh Slate of -N.ebra"ik. againsr.ihe. general gov ernment. On motion of Hoil the fur ther consideration of this bill was in definitely postponed. H 100, an net to euWnb and main tain an asylum for the; deaf and dumb in'tbe Sitte of Nebraska- GrifTenin, connection with the read ing of this bill, presened a tnemorial on the subject from tl) Young; Mep's Christian Association of Omaha, which was read. Alao a letter to that Aso ciatior from W. H. Fren of Indiana On motion of GriflVn the. blank appro priation was filltd So 000 and the bill was referred jo 'Judiciary cpmujittee. i; ir'2r; anracV::r prpviiSfore Rpgistryof; School Lads, for the jcon rrolvand dip"pition thereof, and for the af keep'insr of the funds derived from the sale and lease ol said lands. nTfte clerlt read an'aniehdrnent-repprted by the'cdmmiyelQL'ifhOtrijil' .was referred aa a aubiiiloie for the same. Made a "special-order, tor' (o-rriorrow afternoon 'in commiueY.of lbs WbuIe.J. ,.'A 11 34," tta net' o amend section ,..1,1 cfjapter l,of the Revised Statutes, en titled- AfjTicul'iure. Theclerk rad ?an amendment reported risA substitute for L he billv',. Amendment Ayaa. "adopted ' Ordered ('en2ro?sedvfor,r a 3d reading to morrow;' - . " - i .. itv act' to arnena section one of an act oUijed ao a'cVto " provide for ih'e.-npnSimmenJ fif dlejjf 'of the District Court'."JKead .a 3d time ahd passed tl oh. -an act io anieita ,; auction ii. cLapier 23,' 6rAhe.ReVjsed,1S)t'ute9 en MfeS.-TtVeit flt ported by he-, rpecia comfniftefriih amendments. Amend- tnientsr.xadeHd ..noa ,xui, .oraerryi eti r ' - - : ; i .'irs?'1 . 1 if ; - V w- a 3il Tfadihff 'to mcrrbw. ' 7 Sr 73; tcorf1 th grroVihi of tiinter fruit, shade Vhifof nanienal t r eeiiiithe..Sta te ofN e braskaV fi s t ir ,'6ate:' ti2i-o a ; i-. i'orn i.L- February M.Jiooy a3Srmte ppepe jnusual form. Porter otofpnimiuee on ' Expend tures reported , bark Senate r 49, an act for the fcare of -the Capitel and 'othe( State, property,' und recon'irueDded its passage.. , .. , . ; ... ,.; ' - "Also petition of II. R R.-,Pundt and others asking.teimbufaement 'of Rob. ert J Warrier for ; losses, anu recom mended that prayer' be noJ grunted. ' -Stevenson introduced Senate 0, an act to amentJ Revised Statutes on, Mar tiiceri Read 2i time and referred to committee on Judiciary."' . SILLS OW 1st READIB-O. . I House 67, an act to locate' a State roAd from St- Helena,; Cedar County, to Columbus, Pli.tte co. - Read 2d time and referred io 'c6iiiiaiuee.cn Agricul ture. ... . .V.V': Ji :i','' ' .House 78. an. acL mvinrr effect to judgments, and. .decrees. ., Read :2J lime and referred to comiuittee on Ju dietary." "' ' ' ',: . V,'".' On motion of Tnylor the vote by which the bill on District Clerks was nased, was reconsidered, and 'was amended so as to except Douglas coun ty from us provi-ions,-ana tne bill as a i ended na&sed. ' Houts j coacurrent tesolution provi ding' for the-distribution of---printed copiea of State Board of Agriculture. Read 2d time by its ti le and referred to Committee on Expenditures.. ',. ' BILLS ON 2d BEADJNO. .- ' Senate went into committee of. the Whole witn Cunningham in the chair, on bills on, 2d reading. ..' -," Committee rose and reported back Senate 33. an act to dispose of the Slate public improvement lands with substi tute for section let, and recommended its passage, as amended, and that it be engrossed for a 3d reading ko-d&y. Reavis moved " that the -report be adopted, and till engrossed for a third reading to-day, which was objected to. ,The President decided ihenipuoo out of order, as all reports lie over ooe day under the rules..' '. " .'.. .1. . Reavis appealed from decision of the chair. Those voting to sustain the de cision' were: .. ..... . ' ',' ' "i ' Chapin, Gere, Goodwill, Hathaway and Porter :5. V.Those voting to re verse th decision were Ashton. Bar' num. Cunningham, Majors. Reavis and Stevenson. 6. Decision was rever sed. The motion was divided. The report was adopted and -on motion of Cha pin of deVed engrossed " for a ,third reading to-morrow. " ' , . . .. Senate took a recess till 3 o'clock. . AFTEBKOON BESSIOW, . ' Senate 6S, an act to provide for the enumeration of inhabitants and the registration of births and deaths in the State of Nfbraska. Passed. -u:,.'-... i Senate 69. an act to restrain buljj from running at large. ' Passed. ' Senate 64. an act to punish offen ders against chas'ity, morality and de cency. ' Referred to Judiciary com mittee. : "... Senate8, relative tafemale aulTrage Referred to Judiciary committee.; BILLS 0:r 3? READING.. Senate 61. an act to locate the coun ty seal of Seward county. Passed. I Senate , refolution recommending electors to vote for or against Consti tutional Ccuivectirn at next general election of members of Legislature. Passed.,'- ;' Gere of special commitiee reported back Senate 63, an act toauthoriza the Governor to convey lands on Salt creek for mill purpo-es with amendment and recommended its passage. Adjourned, q i r f " ' r" 1 ... . . HOUSE. , . , . , February 6. 1S69.,. Mr; Furay offerpd a'petition pray ing for a general herd law.- ' Barnard offered the following whicn was adopted. Resolved, That the joint branches of he Legijlature adjourn "on IVlonday at 12 o'clock.' midnight, Feb. 15.' sine die. Brewer introduced House . an act to change the passage ' of the North chaunej of jhe plattw river. " Referred to committee on internal improvements. Blakely introduced House 118. for the buildmj of a bridge across the Big Blue nter.' Referred to committee on public ladds. k 1 ": "' . ' " BILIS OS 2d REAStBO ' House 60, 81 65 and 91, by motion of Barnard, were indefinitely post poned i. tj : House 27, on ' act to restrain stock from runninrr at'-larea ja :tbe State ef Nebraska. Barnard moved the indef. ibite postponement of the bill which was lost. On motion iofJSiewari, ordered en grossed for a 3d reading at 11 o'clock on Monday. ,'. ;'. ','-'., " .. . .' ' . . ." House 96, an act to provide for the enrolling aud mustering into service arid paying of the r.ntma of the State. Senate .12, a Joint Memorial" arid Resolution " pray ins Congress in gram land "to 'aid1thei constructroTr of a" Rail road from-Yankton to Cplumbusj" U.;P . RR.'. Read 3d time and passed- Housrt 107, an act to transfer certain records from the county of Cass. U the county of "Saunders,. Read 3d lime and passed."" ' 4 " V (House 02 an act to amend section 2 chapter 4; of the Revised Statutes en titled . Precincts. Read 2d tuua and passed. ....t, -t, "...t -i, House;C0..an act'to'nid'jn the cop ! Vtructibn of a bridge across Blue r er Reported by the commi tee! on public 1atwi' without amendment.' Ordered encrossed for 3d reading to morrow .' .',Oo raotiou of Stewart the House took a recess till 2 o'clock. - ' . ; AITER500X SESSIOK. ' : On raoiion f Stewart, House 95. an act for the " revision of the school law was recommended lb a special commit tee of Churrb who immediately repor ted it brick to the House." where it was read a 3d time' 4od'passed."il"The title was amended so ns to read "an act to provide a system of Public Schools." j BtCLS OS'2rj ltABt5G. House 52. au act to dispose of ' the public lands, granted .to the - Stale, of Nebraska for works of. internal . tm provements.' 'Reported bock from the committee 'with a substitute- and order ed engrossed for 3d reading Monday. An act-10 incorporate .subordinate lodges of Masons, Odd Fellows and Good Templars. - 1 Senate 34, an ' net to make Section lines State roads. ' ; On motion of Barnard, it was indef. lately postponed. , Senate 35, an act to legalize the acts f'J. N; tyiie a's.Totnrx Public. -Read third. time and passed. ' V Of a House 82. a q act to 'locate a! State road.. Ordered.,engro8sed, for a, third reading on Mvnday.. ,t, , .. ! 'Howae HQ, an "act to define ihejVdu ties of the Attorney' of the "S:a te nd provide for" hi' payment. ' Read a 3d tiirie and passed:' 'J'" 'House 118, a" Memoria1 arid-Joint Resolution -relative to homesteads.- Read 3d time and passed. ,J l'-'.''' , BILLS ON 3D READISG. " " , ' Houe 64, an act to, establish, and define boundaries of Colfax, , county, 'L Postroned unfl Thursday.' ,V , ( House 63, an act io amnd sectfOQ 2 chapter, lo, Kevised vbtatutes,-entitled E-trays. Passed. ,-'i comniitte consisting yof Birnarp. who, immediately reported .it Wck . to ihe House, when, after conaiderabfe'diii-, cuasion. it wa pasfed., 1 r ,, 1 " House 59, an net to exernpt bo.me sceads from bal oa execution pr other process, and provide for .the descent! in ase of the death .'.oj(, ihe, 'pwoerj!. ill pased..!t..;.'; to; Is ,V' .'("- iJli Senate 13, an act to encourage the growth of fruit, for; nftd ornameatal tees. ; ;Pa9aed.. ij '-.r': House 34, an acj. te amend, action I., chapter 1, Kevised Statutes, eomisa ivgripuiture. asseu, r r- Jk - I. T, J House bo, an act to r.esiirdin swina from running af sIarge ... j o jtUe'"StajteTof NebrasHa.V Pad.!u ;.u ' , Houe)73,,nn act ,10 anend section 9 of the Revised Statut 's. passed.' Ti lie amended n at to retfj'an act to amend section 8, chapter 5. of he Tie vised Statutes entitled Bonds. Senaie.32 an.act-to 'provide for the sale of the unsold :lol-j.aqd, blocks, on the town site of Lincoln, and for the location and erection of . a State luna tic Asylum and State Universityaod Agricultural Collegei,. Adjourned t ' IFrotn tfce MorBlng-Ohronicle..'- Pen and Ink Sketches of :iiie Members of tlid 8en4t6. i .. : . i .. i: -.- : e i ;. ..' i w l js As many of the readers of thef"Aron icZe juay feel soma interest iu the jrave aud reverei d Seignors, who in deltberl alive 'cDuncil frame ibei las which govern us, 1 propose to give you a brief pen-and-ink sketth'of the members, of our Legislature. ! In ihe Senate Cham ber, we find a rostrum rai.sed upon a carpeted platform which ha ; three steps, and surrounding, this, m a cure less curve, are the, desks of the Sena tors cf Nebrabka. i Immediately in front of,.the rostrym, js the .desk occu pied by.tbelerks of the Senate. T In the rosirutn'tbe; Prejidgnt of the Senate, Hon. E. B. Taylr, i may uu ally be! seen." when Uis grave buify. is in sesiion. Heis.a man of indon ft a big energy, with a massive brow overhs.jg ing.a pair e keen grf3' ?yi?i his.Ttair of the, color out of courtesy qalle a burnand a face, expressive of great firmness. . He ;bas a t pecultar sort of slf reli-int "wink",' nnd a Miiile occa sionally breaks. over his cuuntenatjee, that for warm geniality, ;we' have selr dom seen equalled. . He is an able pre. siding officer, " despatching business with accuracy acd seldom erring. HU excellent qualities, literary attain; ments. and perfect familiarity wiib the wants of our young State, combined with the fact that he is ihe handsomest man. in the Senate, procured hiselec lion to the chair. Omaha miy welt be proud of her Senators. Mr. Frost, purchasing ogent for the U P? Railroad'iid the co!leavue of Mr;' Ta y lor J sits' on his left. ' Mr.'F. is nn adornment troin ftiassacnusetis. "a fine 'pbrilygenilpfjian,' With cepain AldermaTii points and a tine rnate ot humor tri his compos ition.' not Withstand ing his Puritan' origin '" He has anih'- imitabfe' wayi!bf turning his eves up.! fearilnj forward from his'seat and with his left land placed as a trumper to hi ear tailing "louder' !to: the1 speakers' a, t . w a V V - w A aa ,nw w j v t i-n rem NPnitlii XNext on toe Jett vt Mr. t rqst. sits Dr., Good will from Vash'ngton'coupty I ues lr. Das fit ken, ttys. position Jipar Mr.'i A.hton, ,tb the 'encihai be"may act as ob.-tetrician fu',jba. .geqtlernan speech when the time for delivery gets around. The1 T3r."ii one'f those quiet unas' omihg men whose'' real worth can only'be estimated by a lohgVi' acquain tance than'youf' coff espohdent hastiad the good foitiine to enjiiy. ' , ' ' j Next on the left sits 'he Senator from Cass. Mr, H. D Haihawav, thfe proprietor of. the Plattsinouih Ileraldl daik. haired, dark. eyed, .medium: tize, wiiti a" quick restivuanner, V Heepi reVerjtsihe "inietests of bis constituency with a watchfulness 'quite praiseworthy He is a strong advocate of-reform. and retrenchment, he believes jn. Burton's Tobacco Autidote, and n?yer tin at es a speech. ; . , . . . ;( .... .... jr J ,:.Oo Mr. U's left ' sits the President of. the Otoe County NittiFnaL Bank. Mr Ahton. a gentleman over six feet, with pedals in proportion, which he occa sionally hangs over his desk in a man ner quite , refreshing for non chalence. He is a regular attendant, always at his post and vctea in a ;ysiematic man ner on every question. We incline to the belief that he is pregnant with , .House 66, an actio amend . eection 11, chaptei .20,' RefisW- Sta'tu(estVjri . tUd Jails." Recommitted to-"a. special big speech, and V jivred ere long, ' Next.Js, Hon. we look to see hitn de. T- B, Stevenson pf Nebraska City, under tho medium size. wiu a sugiu stoop, anu scarcely per leptible' 1 impediment , in" his' speech, clear headed, aad "watchful of ihejn iere&ts '; of his constitbebcyi' he is par lexcelleqce tliev economical man of the Senate.. He '. votes consistently .'."atid persis'iehtly against' alt sppropr rations and expeiiditurea which are not essen tial to the actual welfare of the State,' and 'defines his' position in that' clear, t'- :'l Jr :' ' ' .t.' i . t - ,iogcui wnj uiat point a uiiii, ds u rising'mah in' Nebraska. " Honi'i .Whk.F Ch'apip,usits nex't, to ;the Senator 'frorn Otoe, always 'busjf iwjtb hi piqn or, pencil, , constantly at w'orlfr.'( HVwill drop either and, take part r io debate with ". an earnestness scarcely -to be. expected from bis appa rent'pre.pci'papcjVbutChapin'i ears and eye's are ever;.open and watchful. Ue 'is acknowledged ' the best parlia mentarian 'in the Senate. . . "n" " , ''' " Next co'mes JIoo."Tho'm'as J. Majors of Neiiyiia''wbbr jthe writr scarcely recognized .frbui the fact of bis well known ambrosial locks having been curtailed . pf, litle id', an extent which conipfetely cliapges his appearance. He is. one f the bjst workers 'in the Senate and follows a' bill through wiin an energy which always gives it uc Ce'ei'.'" Having seep Tom riding down upp'n ihjgrey backs' 'with Vis 'mouth black'e'ne.wiih ca'rtridge' powdei ,, hiai I of i g lock's V(reauiinr,'in tl'e wind) shoii l'S "d '.ahiiiiatutg his boys on.' the other, side jof ,Masqn &"Uixoiis line; ihe'cguirast'asl,'sits nowj wilh Sena torial 'toga byr 'huiij 'is sb'strkin. tbal your corr-!-r)rid'etit 'would Scarcely ri cognize, h'itu,' Jbut for the bid lime' watiri grap of hi hand aud the honest heart spring . J.augn., .iNemana , win never sulfer Vhife she is thus represen ed.' Toniilade! a fi auk movement on the Liiicotn Monument" apprbpriaiion', ad retired in good order, leaving his mark in tne sn.ape oi a puny fpeecu emogi. zing the soldiers of Nebraska." This', so .far,' is the. '.'only "oratorical effort wincii tne, rna;e nas g'ven Dirio .to. " Hon- C," 11 Gef e represents Lan caster 90.1116 lelt c-t .wsjors., Jir. u is a workprquiKt, unobtrusive, "and watchful; wheneveri 'he Yinoyes"' he moves to count and" givs promise of being well known in Nebraska for his intriusio merit, . lie has taken his seat between ihe representative of Denioc racy ilr.,tjuy tianiura irom jriaite a'nii the" repiesen'ative of the'sojdjiera, Torn Majors. 'Mr. .G era is 'ihe'editoV bf the ICommonvct'iUh of 'thi'place, and one bf the best men in the" Seiiate. ' Mr.- Batnum on( bi's left lias the sole enjoyment-of represppting the uemo cnuic puVjyin this.ody.j w;hch'def unct party', h ii J very unanimous )lhing'of ii,.in twit's SWate, , tr. B''is'.a very soi..iiiani he'rii nitt a specimen of leoirihened .we'etriess lone drawn out. a' good solid rchunk bf democracy which now-a .days u ty,no nieais particular. lv odorous. His., pet measure is "a gepenil herd law" andr he'neyer.rails i.4 .liH'L.i.-'. , -J'ilC. .."' to introduce ''the poor man to the alt teir ion .of th cisv na ta . '.' "Mr 'Na. har'S. 'Porter -urround's 'ithe pVntleman 'frbm" Platte pn the rl effl" t'Mr.,Js'c.p of lhemtsi streh u bus' ad voca tea Tor ecorloriiy in th administration of State EiTairs apd ' a riiincr man inKebraska ppfiucs'q uiel and. gen'leman'y on,; all occasions;, no member looks after the irierest's bfhe State'nVore watchfully than 'the gentle: man from JD-ikota. t . , t , , ,! Hop. E.xE. Cupniogbatri from Rch hrdw'ri. occupies the oe'xVseavVah'd is'a perfect' contrast 'tq uis 'colleague Hon. I sh a m' R e a v i ;:. V 4 AJtVC. ' is a ft 3 1 f s remarks are. pointed,, clearly denned. a audi -jtrenchan.tr 'while thro'ughont his oratorical efforts liis eye bearp.s wr.p kindness, .and T his face x presses bhly . good feeling for bTs 'f eltow's, k , MV," R. ! nas oarn nair ana nigniy coioreu tum; plexian, hjs head rests we'l back'bri his shiu Ide ts, a nd tba . u p w ard . casj jQf hu eye nnd u .se 10 debate forcibly recall the 'r'defunct ahimile":in that road-bed bill of bisBo'ih;' tijU'tf ehtletnen appear "Jo l'fe 1 1st wyeVsV ihoUgh'tb' rook a t t h e rW t we ca'n'n c'r ' Ti e 1 ft f e 1 1 n t b a t they! nave'ehosen different roads to the gol:of success u 6i alJ -,;',5'"VJ.V i 'iin Scjr Uc&tTtiirf :J j ' GkrrS otv 3 Ca'bpetb. Thirfe lis nothing Xhat annoys a iidy bouse keeper itorriUth as lo have-her' carpet.patred 'with lamp oil or' grease, -isnd wJ there fore make known the- following Teeeip' for extracting oil or'grease spots from! canret or clothes! '-Cover the-grease poVsr wifh vvhiting,-' and let' -remain Uhtrll 'if becimes satoraied-witb uhe grease: then scrape ofT.'nnd (lover il with Ia bother '-coaf bf wbhiDg, ; and if 1 K : ' H h. ' not' i r rfroTB-' i-th fj r e?ae j ren-at: fhe Bpplioatibrt.iTbre; coutt of whiting will.' in most ease",' remv?f the spot, when it 'shs-old be br ashed ' off -with a clothes' ItrusbV- !,! A.r, b-u- A coriwus queBtiOri rcomln; np,"for the decision of -the Massachusetts Su-! prerne court:; The contest ia, between tjie motner ani 109. auianceu. wriae n.geu tleman who bad insured bis lif a and as signed the policy first to the young lady, and then, without her knowledge or con sent,' renspieried f o bis 'mAther. 'The mother asserts that ' an ebrazeroent of rnarriaga docs not constitute an insnra ble interest . I THE SHOSIIONU FALLS 1 -.The;, Shoshone ..Falls are, ; situated about seven miles from Desert station. on the stage road from Salt Lake City to Bo'se - City. 4 The river, for' many inues, botn 'ab.ve and relow, pisses through a Volcanic valley; It has cut a perpendicular canon through the layers of. lava to the depth of l.UOU feet. The canon is. generally about half a mile wide; v At 1 the point' vhere the falls are located ; it is nearly : mile wide.: Viewed from below it appears circular, like a vast amphitheatre, with the falls io the centre. The different layers of lava, resemble seats in" tiers ragedone, above another to a height of 700 feet above the head of the falls. In the narrowest; part the water is 200 or .300 yards widef, .Abopt ,400. yards, above ihe main falls are five islands, at nearly equnl intervals across the river, dividing the stream into six parts. .' As the water passes between the islands it,. is precipitated .25 or 30 feet. The. falls differ essentially from each' other 16 form, affording great variety. ; Be loW the islands 'the -water - unites and passes in an unbroken, sheet over. the great fall; the descent is a bout 200 feet The semicircle at the head "f the falls is apparently perfecti'and the leap as clear as that -of : Niagara." "Enormous clouds of mist and pray arise, varitgt- ted with rainbows. ,At the foot are rushing showers of spray,' from under which the " water r beaten ftto"' foam,- dashes furiously: away. Occasionally can be seen through - the flying mists the immense sheet of' water standing out in bold relief. from the rocks, show, ing that with proper appliances jt js practicable to go behind, as at Niagara. A fewhundred yard's further, down the, watet swings' slowly around ' in a huge whirlpool and then disappears in ihe black canon below.' " ' '' The delicate ' prismatic colors of the rainbow and the graceful evanescent fofmsLof the mist contrast strangely with the iron-black surface. 'hard ouv lines, and awful forms of. ihe over hanging, basalt. The1 sound of the rushing . waters resembles that' of an orchestra T the small ' falls giving the high notes and the great fall the bass, producing a combination not possible id obtain from a single cataract. At Rock Creek station," 20 miles distant, it can be beard distinctly not continu- ouflyi'buf at intervals,' like the surf. can be neard at a greater distance, in .1 .... - L . " . ihe winter.this mist rises like the smoke from a volcano. ' A few 'diminutive pities' grow amdhg tbe'rbcky 'declivities of the canon. 'The plain produces only fage brush The hostility ef' the; In diufis render a visit tb ihis interesting regipq' somewhat hazardous;'!: unless with. a' party of six or 'eight. men; well armed and On the alert: J. . ; " " ' ; ' ' ; ' ' ! m m ' ' ' '' ' r "'-r- That the American Kat-le is sometimes respscted abroad ia showq Jin.tHa.CplIow. ing item ;-$nicr appeared in, a. Isff. ti um ber of the Fall Mall Gazelle: an amusinz inoident oqenrred ntbejOpening of the French Chambers on MobdAy.' A newly appointed attnchWat the Am'sricanr era-' bassy crtme te -witness theceteriiOfiy,bot, bting unknown to the police, ' was t stop ped by two officials at the door, who M li ed pirn his name. .iTbe attaches answer- soznetbinf- in tpgush and attempted to p-isS0n, but. tbe.pfScials refuted to admit riTrn: Thd an niiiriA1 T.fia' ArnrtrAn t'hn.t he seized the Iwo1 o'ffiefals by the collar and knoeked1 twerr heads :agarost each other two5 6ri;ttiree: times. An officer now oamd np 4nd asked tha attaches for his cardwhicUh mroedi.T.tolj produced, and bad a reroarkable euect on the con duct of the policemen, "notwithstanding the bard usastf they had reeeired. ' They bowed profotindfy, and I with much '-em-pressemenl 'showed 1 tba attacbee 'tb bis seat. " - ei Mais 6.:i .".;; .vrjys:?'. ;; i : P'olitical'. RKtiC.-i-Our ''I'd r'adical Tftiend-Wl'II; Kin; from Pennsylvnnia. eaT!edJyenteraay-nd left with os a-cnfl- Otm vsiio of the Hast carspaign:- It is. a common, cut lathing Pail, having orr one aide ta wqvd.OrAnt?i, agd- pn tbe oer Colfax" ..Last '.fall during', the. hotlv conteetea campaign in iionianvsouri-,i'a. wnen ingenuity was unalt itr conct?ivmg 'dfetrteeV aind appHarlce' f bt the ' prbces- alotiS tlw nftilors'of 'that live 'manuiao- ing town constructed a nail. catting ma ehUie, and put-jy en a waggn 'jThe mo tive power, ;was derived ;frpm tha.wbeeJs in the pfbcessSon'ttner nail factory' was in b'peiation, making ; hundreds u of eaiall ftails with thewordi Grarjif,.and'ttCol. fat1 impressed by the same motion that severed the nail ffom the plate. J'onpa ; reil.i, aijtv.'tM 'j'''-'l-r f' -t' i:i..'i-it j '' 'Freigfit for Sail Lace'19'tiOw seat from New-York-to the rftd oC the I'rtcifia lUil- voad without change of jari-2,5CX) miles New loravrJKed Line." cars are seen west of the Rocky Mountains.. America has now tbe longest line of .continuous rail road track in th world ' ' .' ' ' ,' i.. - - - - - ' (-HI j-Gov. Wise thanks Oodlhat ha "u deliv ered frqm the sin and curse of slarery. . Oh '.Wise tbAt, thou art thank . O'od that he'did not paralyze your faculties' whed you raisea your executive nana to pre Yrnt the blessing "tbreatenbd -througl John Brown. : Wise is opposed ta nsgro suffrage, and t the ; movement 1 of other native. Yiripjaps to restore jth- State. 'General Lee,' ' when' sonte'" n Vpoke disparagingly or Ueneral "Grant's abil ities in his presence, Sbragged bis shonl and said At; all events- he seems to accomplish whatever be undertakes .". . 'Dr. MeBride has been found guilty of dealing raro at Lexington, Ky., and nnea $600.- In default of payment, -be was sent to the workhouse to, work pat the fine at 50 c?nts ptr day. . j Sl-EKCIl Or COL. M A JOItS. ; r. Lincoln, Neb. Fe,b. 4tb, 18S0..., , To-day, the Senate being in Committee of the Whole House, had, among other J bills, a bill to appropriate Gvs; hundred 1 dollars to the Lincoln Monument Assooi -ation . Mr. Majors moved to amend by striking "but -'Lincoln Monumental Asso-' ctatiod, ' and insert "Nebraska Soldier's Monumental Association." and in sup.., port of the amendment, spoke as follows.." Ms. Chaikmax: The financial condi-. ' tion of. the State, of -Nebraska is suoh, that wa should bs very careful in making appropriations for any purpose, aed While ' 1 would like to vote for (be bill - under consideration, yet, a sense of duty to the humble martyrs of this State, compels. me to offer an amendment to this bill. What I may say upon this question, I. hope may not be misunderstood for I do not desire to be understood u's opposed to the recognition of tho great, valuable, and almost superhuman efforts . of ; that sainted martyr and patriot, Abraham Lincoln, in his successfull efforts to' ts tain for the people of those United States and their posterity, that great and price less boon, American Liberty, and humaa equality1 upon which alone, true and ' just governments are established and, upon which ground atone, they caa stand.' Yet gentlemen, whilo this is . true of that sainted patriot, I cannot forget, th even from tne btate ot neDrASka.in lcbi, when the vo!cnic eruption of Soutbern injustice, so long repressed, burst upon us and tbrcatened to enjiult our Tree in stitutions forever, and fasten upon us in evitably the shackles cf ' slavery there arose from this then boundless plain, and almost uninhabited Territory, between two and three thousand patriots,1 to the call of their country. 1 , - - - . , les, Mr. Chairman, you will remem ber, in 1861,' when all was peace and quiet at the firesides of our peaoefal yeo manry, the sound "to arms," was beard. That mighty emblem of prosperity, equal ity and liberty, the stars and stripe", was unfurled; .and, as one man, "Nebraska arose ia her might, with' the proud and patriotic determination, that that rlori. oas ' emblem of peace and prosperity, which bad hitherto floated triumphantly, in the field and at the masthead, should still float undaunted and and untram eled over the land ef . the free, as it had hitherto, over the home of the brave. Mr- Chairman,' when I consider the disinterested patriotism, and self sacrifi cing efforts of those nnthought of t and secluded heroes, who left all that was bear and dear to them, and whon I 're. member with what bright hopes I have scon these men engage their enemies, only aspiring to be true to their country and "God, fall with the shout of libeTty upoa their lips, by the leaden messengers of death, directed by the hand of treason, 1 say when I remember these things, 1 cannot consent to cast my vote for any proposition which will in any. wise have the appearance 01 forgetfulness lor our own heroic dead. ... .,.!. : 1 If it were possible to draw aside th veil that now separate! us from that eter nal and glorious rest, prepared for the faithful. I imagine jou would see that the same great Omnipotent arm, that encir cies the pure, spiritual form of brahana. Lincoln, alao enoircles the equally pare form of that by the world unnoticed private,' who fell 'with his( face to ths enemy, covered-with glory.! 'j . u'.r-A .. When I look at this picture of equality as recognized by Omnipotence himself, I cannot consent, in juMioe to my own feel ings .f right, to pass, over the dead hero of Nebraska, although a private, to do honor to the ashes of our lamented mar tyrv Abraham Lincoln.'. Bat would rath' er insist, and even urge upon you gentle men, the propriety of justice before gea eroaity :- -'; "'S J '' - 1.. Charity brgins at bomol If after we have duly shown respect to the ashes of bur heroes by erecting to them a monu ment, it is thought we are financially able to contribute something . to the Lincoln Monumental Association, then gentlemen, and not until then, can I consent to -vote for this bill Ainamended. . ; : . At the conclusion of Mr. Maiors' re. marks,' several Senators addressed the oommitte and urged him to withdrew-hie amendment, assuring him that whenever a bill was introduced to appropriate mo tley to erect a State. Monument in mem ory of tne. glorions dead , of -rebrak. ttiey would vote ior, and use their inSu- ence for that appropriation. Mr. IMajors, .wjth, these, assurances on the part of the Bon. Senatprs, withdrew his amendment, and then the bill was ' agreed to. ' - i-.: I 1. - An orprorriation for buildinc-the Cos- ton post office was omitted from ths irst of appropriations ior public . buildings sent from the Treasury Department, to the Capitol through the negligence 'of a clerk"' It is to be 1 regretted -that uoa negligent . sltrks are not more, numer ous. . . ' ':'':t ' ' -T 1,':'- J' 1- l j . !One of the Boose committees will toon report a bill, in relation to the seal fish eries of Alaska, which provides for giv ing the contract ont to the highest bidder: also, for a t.x of $1 50 for each seal killed, besides a royalty to the Govern ment af $3. ' ' ' "' ' ' 1 ' ..' : .. -i ; : I. . Most people take one another, by the hand, but barbers take folks by the nose. To them people's faces are a bandy bus iness. In their hands only, it mt .be added, is shaving nn honest thing; and the'oloser they shave the more faithful they are.; . -. ;' A refinement In language is cultivated not' unsuccessfully, among the dealers in Ncw(York.; "Pickled .Pig's Ankles," for .instance, are announced on a win dow rlacard in Bleecker street. ; Corn men people used to call them pig's feet. A firm in Battle Creek, Mich, has been engaged for some time in shipping thresh ing machines to California by way of New York.. It is proposed to make a new county ' on .Ir-inj- Island. : i t :