u She gArasfca gcvatil LOCAL NEWS- r- ii.nnn artivaa in mo en? 1, " Taegday evening. Head State news to be found on second P"?"- Wanted, Agents Male or Female. See Foot & Clark' advertisement. r-mher that O. F. Johnson Co, - . . - i The Borf Bcsikess. Bat few persons have any proper comprehension of how TRSt is the book business in this country. Take on? "item," for instance a illua triwtiTc: Matthew Hale Smith's 4Sc:- 9HINE AND SUADOW IS IEW YoRS,' which is the exciting work of the Jay, has al ready reached tho enorrmuj ale of 25, 000 copies within tbift j d iji. T,h pub lishers (J. P. Burr & Co., of Hartford, DQO!3,BRO&Co., KLALEBi lit D R.Y G OO DS ,i QR O G E R I E S , Farming I Hiplcmcfii tx, cnBNin 3d a it d mmn its., PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA. r-l All parties who ordered tl Van Brunt Broid Cast Seed Sower and Cultivator, Conn ) use twi tons of paper a day and to be delivered by Feb. 1st, I860, are haTS all styles of Valentin's. We refer out1 readers to an artie'e on Kraska. in another column, written by Bayard Taylor. The bill introduce.! in our legislature Joins away with the .doath penalty was defeated by a fair majority See advertisement of "The Life and F.niatlcs of St. Paul," in another col- If you want to Ret a pretty Valentine a;a to 0. F. Johnson & s wi A whito and black checked shawl was i-ft at tho ilCRAt.D ofSco about a month nviK owner can pet by callicjr div, " ....... -" for. Knma unmitizated scoundrel stole the neck-voke and double tree off Dell John son's wagon The hand of justice is reaching for the villain. We learn from tho Nebraska City Chronicle, that D. J. McCann, Esq., i about to erect a now bnnkinjr house on a lot recently purchased by him. Rochester, NewYork Gred fifty two guns in honor of the election of Mr. Fen ton, ex-Governor of New York, to the United States Senate for the next ensu ing six years. .. " sim;icjscH03L. L. F. Johnson will give his first lesson in Vocal Music in the basement of St. Luke's Church, on Monday evening next, February 8ih All are invited to attend the irst nigh(, as the lesson is free. If you want to perpetrate a "soak," . " r r T.-.V.-in Ct.. find zet a r. in w. h. ii ,i 1 1 j , i! sweet Valentino. run six large roller presses constantly to supply the current demand. This is do ing a wholesale business with one biok alone. This is a large work too, it must be remembered, between seven and eight hundred pages royal ocUvo; and yet it Is said to rival in rapidity of sale "Uncle Tom's Caein" of old. Think of the count lessness of the small ones published. Surely ours is a reading country. . . , Bi sure and buy your Valentines of O. F. Johnson &. Co. . . wl. not-fied that they are ready for delivery by Domf Bro & Co. Agents ' If any one wants to buy goods very low for the next thirty day, we say go to , ' , ' - Dook Bro k Co. Thfl farmers of Cass and adjoining counties should go to Dooms' and look at their Plows, Seeder?, Cornplanters, and other farm .Implements. Ihey are determined to keep the best, and they warrent every Implement they sell. FOll SAIE OSt TRADE! . i- i I .!: -a. containing si rnrm . BooU rH r, aw! m'.' n, well, stable, woaj shei Nid b r-vv "bed on tl.- lot, PtlnUe on tbe C irrer f Vvi"V.ti and L-x u-it . treeU ; l-o. a twotfry brick ui.di irf', S30. with two lots, ti:a:it on Kifch strert r h of ,:iu. Tbt nWr) property will b" "! iira.no' -.-!. or traded for an iisr-r ive4 f.irm in r parli-alarstppiy on the premjse. " ' All ptnom ln.Vlite l to me are req'Wetl to rail ind -i:- ir-iimdu'viy, as i muju-ii m i one m n ed forth i:u. . . . . S-vlSl'. . , .Ui-U. BUi.t-iw O. F. -'OHXSON-. JjECGEXK B. LI WIS. If you want to 'uy A Grande Tour Plow A St. Louis Industrial Plow A-Dixon, Tod 1 & Dement Plow or A Skinner & Bri-gi P.ow go to Doom Bro. Jo Co. wl. Cita:n Miles Stasdish. Captain E B Murphy, who has spent a considerable portion of his life on the frontier, will stars in the spring from NfbraHka City, with a military colony, numbering about one hundred h irdy, resolute men, for one of 'he fertile valleys on the Republi can. Everything will be provided to make a permanent settlement and to se euro them from the attacks of Indiana. l" .. . Inininir I ho nnrtv n II t s him elfunJer the conProl of thin resolute Wier'a Wnlkinz Cultivator is undoubt and esperiinceJ officer. To these pio- e(j, C(Jt corn pow now made. It neers and iheir galUnt and heroic lead ' d , pretnium 0Ter er we sav, od speed. It was by such receitea me . courage "that the name cf Mdes Standish all others at the St. Louis Fair in 1855. has become a gem in poetry and a land rjoom Bro. & Co. have just received, a (oppof ite Clark St Plummer.) 50 Breaking Plows received and for sale by Doon uao. & u . lare lot of thera. F.verj farmer ouht to hate ot.e. Vn refer our readers to an arucie tho first page, headed "From the tar West," tak-n from Brick Pomoroy's Democrat. It spcaki v-ry highly of our Curiahing citv and its surrounding coun try, also of Cap. Murrhy's Colnny scheme. It is worth saving. One ol " our skatist, got n little ton, noar tbe edge of an air hole orposite J I 1 tl,n.,-r'i Villt Pse.aT?d our CUV, anu nr.ic miv.",, , --t Vith n good during. We advise r-;n.Vi t,i kre.- a sharp look for artificial air-hole. . - We learn that that the B. & M- B B. Company reject the prop-";tion of our C)unty Coinmsior.ors, and express a .lesire to run the rond where they please. Mr llochstetter ha asked them for a prop Jsition. Xe'naik V.ily Pe s Tho above indicates which way the wind b'ews. mark of history. Xt,npar.H. Th? local of the above paper is labor ing under a mistake. The Colony start? from this point instead of Nebraska City. We learn from the Gienwood Opinion that a few days ago a most dastardly outrage was committed at Pacific City upon tho prson of Wm. Mover, one of tho editors of the Chicago Stanlz Zeiluig an ir.Guential German paper. Mr. Mey er was proceeding quietly along, attend ing to his own bminess, and molesting no on?, when, in revenge for some fan tied slight or insult, he was set upon by two or three ruffians, employes of the Western Stage Company, knocked down, Aij persons indebted to us will please kicked, and qu:te severely injured. He can nnd settle the same immediately, as was on his way from Pacific City to s tf'l0se up our accounts, Plattsraouth, nnd was just in the act of Daoii Bro. fc Co. entering the Plattsmouth s'age when he was nttacked. Beturning immediately DOOII IlftO & CO to Gienwood, ho entered complaint naTe just received a large 1-H of Blue ags:nst tbe parties, and one was nrreci- River fiiur, ana warrnn.eu to ivu amo DOOM liKO &, CO Are selling off tbeir Stock Ooods ver7 cheap for cash to make room for new Ooods in the sfring. "UOOM BltO J CO Have the Van Brunt Sower on hand now ready for sale. DOOM ISHO. & CO. Are' agents for Cornells celebrated gang plow.'also, for the Indistrial Plow Co. of St. Louis. our out el, but after an examination, released, ns the evidence failed To implicate him. Th two who were most active ia the af fV.ir have not been found as vet. The injured gentleman ha commenced suit ngkinst thd Western Stao Company for $3,0.K) d images, and will, we unJer stand, push his ciaim to the fuil extent of the law. faction or money of it. refu ided. Try a sack FA SOI Eleg it vuu want to save money,time,labor and expense, go and give your order to Do:m Bro. Co. for oocrof Van Brunt's Broad Cast Seed Sower and Cultivator, so that you can get it in tho spring with out fail. They are warranted to give en tire satisfaction. Also give them your order for the Celebrated Wier Walking have a large stock wl. O. F. Johnicn &. Co ef Valentine?. We bare before us a speech cf Hon. t.k a i.oin. en the Civil Service Bill. This bill provides for a life tenure of al1 civil officers of the Government. The Genera! as well as all true lovers of n froc Government should regards it as a retrogade movement toward monarchy, nnd advances bora strong arguments gainst the bill. Attrntion, Cood Tfhtlaks Our (1. W. Seo., wi.l bo with us on next Tues . ... ;r.t iui.l It i hored a full attend ance of memhers wih he hid Turn out Members of Sister Lodges in the county ere cordially invited to meet with us. E. B. Lxwis, W. B. S. V resident ef Burlington, Iowa, having hid sanded sugar sold him, inserted in the papers the following: "Notice-1 bought of a prooer in this village a quan tity'of sugar, from which I obtained one pound ofaaal. If tho rass il who cheat ed mo will send to my address seven pounds of good sugar. I will be ati.Sed, if not, I shall expose him." It is stated thit on the following d.y nine seven pound packages of sugar were left at his residence fiom as many different dea'cr. each supposing himself the one intenu J- Call at O. F. Johnnon &. Co's., and ex Uityard Taylor on Xebiaska. The following extract is taken from a description of tin State of Nebraska, by Cultivator. It icurd Tavlor. who is rrobablv one of .: t!-., t-rp.itest livin? travelers, and who About five years ago Mr. Thos. Thorn r.ent tbe summer tf 18G0 between the as, of this county, picked a few kernels v:nn,i rivr and the Rookv Moun- of wheat from some canary seed in liUck t;,;ns: & Butterys store, and concluded to try "The country is one of the most beau the experimeut of cnltivatiog them. The tiful I ever looked upon. A little more rst year tho crop was destroyed by ver- sandv, perhaps, than Kansas, but equally m-in exc?pt a few stocks from wincn ne fc-rtil'e; it presents the same general fea 90 sr!las. tho product of these tvtres I ann more than ever sirucK wun h u i, tho real difference between this rrgi n 90 grains, up to this year, is 42 bushels, and th tt to tho east of the Mississippi notviiths'anding the grasshoppers done Here, without any bold or prominent I eer;CpU3 damage to it during the past two forms, there is none A the wear some Thom!l, thlnk9 from what Don't jotl tray the Wier, Deer or irny other Cultivator until you go to Forg)" shep nnd examine E Newlon'sCelebra ted Patent Walking Cultivator. It is the champion. C. K Forgy is manufuctur irg them, r.nd is mtkin the shove.-s oirt of the best refined cat steel, and the wood work of the beat timber th it cm be bad. This Plow is victorious where evsr exhibited with others. This Plow took the premium over the Wier Plow in his own county bee testimonials. This m to eertify that I attended the Iowa State tair, ad ray Irnp i F 1051 V0 Y ?r ed'cultivator was examined and found to Jt , JUllilijUll W be one of two of the best out ol some thirty different Cultivators. Premiums withheld. Ee. Newlon. lllmoi. Sta'e Fair, Qumcij, HcpUnnbe', 13o3 Newloi.'s Cu tiva'or was examin ed and found to bo one of four of the best on the ground. Premium withheld. J BipeH, Agnt Pirk'aicay county. Ohio, S-p., 1863. Newlon's Cultivator was awarded . the first premium over all others. Orid Lutrey Agent. I ertifv that mv Cultivator was award ed the first premium in Warren county, Illinois, over all otners in jooo (Take notice, tnis is 10 wiet a county.) . Wier'a I-low was at an 01 ium nu, except in Ohio, and I beat him every time. Ld Newlov. Levi Todl,Eq., Mt. P'easant precinct, v ra .n.intT. Neh . is theonlvinan tn Biauunuuiii has ever used this plow in ISebrasKa, ex cept some of his neighbors, and nfter trivirxr it a thorouzh trial with several r f . ... . . ,rr- T" i - : other Plows, including tne ier now, is ueciil'aly in mvor 01 proved Champion Cultivator. Plowing Matches. I attended a match at Col. Hutch'son's Thfre. were Ij different Cultivators pros ent. Erery plow in the match had either diamond or twistea snoveis, except. mine 1 was one out of five of the best la. Pre mium withheld. KdNkwlon. Cheuua .Newlon's Plow Victonus over all others, nt a plowing march here. Kingman k Co.; Agents iorth Henderson, 111. Sewlon's Plow victorious over all ethers at a plowing m.otnh hpre- J. C MESSENGER This is to certify that I attended the State Fair of Nebraska, with T. Newlon's I ninrnv Pit Pnltirator. and it was loun l to be one of the best of.two out of sven Premium withheld. C. E. Forgy. Beasons why you should buy of For t'. , 1 f ,U. l,jf nail 1st ine siioveis are ui steel, which no other shovel Plow can boast (Oiccessiuiiy. -2d. My Plow is easier handled., Sri. It is much liehter on vour team. 4th. Thev aro made at home and the money vou pay for the plow stays here; and you can get it in the fall with the corn vou raise. rah. if T-rmr nlow breaks, vou now where to en with it. If vou break a cast ing in an Eastern made plow, you have to lay out of the use of it until you can pnil East nnd tret a new one. 6th. The Plow is nicely arranged to raise or lower, to suit high or low corn A. I'M. Thev are tne nest in u?9. th. They are ail warranieu i the best of satisfaction after three days fair trial. Send in your orders early. January 23 m3. VOL MTADIiLHAiMV, One door vest of Donelan' Drvg-slore, 1 : Dealer ic Re dy-2! da Clothing, iGENTS' FURNISHING (iUUUS, HATS, Ars. BOOTS. SHOES. od grteral itock of ,' ' OtfTIITTINO - GOODS For the Plain;; also, a large lot of R UPBER CLOTHI.va: REVOLV ERS J1XD JfOTIO.YS. We bnueht low and ril! sell cheap for cash. CuK and exammcoar totk before jou buy but where elsel jyt 'C(i Wm. ST ADELM Art & LU. oaviuLLTiT'i. 1 ii . 11. nvei . LEAVITT & HYDE, Re al EstateVOffid -A5D- Io tricsiea d Directo rys LINCOLN, NE8., Cadman Hotue. SEBBASKA CITY, op'site LandUlHce. Gover.inient T.anda selri-ted from pcrscaal xan icanoa. Kiee llomrtttadi fi-lectil. .-xirrrd an. I cured. I.ar1 in H'ooiirt hand unit it proved faim to;ititardso!3. T.tles f'smlned, t. Corjej-nnf 1 nirdt-. . , Kkfetienck? ' Juhn i;. Turner, late Pres (5 k. O V R R ; Lee Countr National Eai.k, ftiron, III. ; Hob' rl IUrri?, iupt C Bk Q R 1; At y Banker ia Whitrtiile count?. III. ; Register aol Jiieeiver of L.iu.l OlBce. Nebrta City. ill : FURNITURE! DR- 11 MctTOmr, Drugs, Medicines I 33 c 03Es-S3 PERFUMERIES, II Allt OILS, Newspapers, Magazines THOMAS W. SHRYOCK, CABINET rAKE AXD DEALER .V ALL KIXDS OT Furniture and Chairs. THIliD STTtKET, (N'ear Main,) PLA TTSMO UTII, NEBRASKA. Reuarinic and Varoi-hinff neatly done. Xy Kuneral attended at the shortcs-t notice. in". AGENTS WANTED FOR NIGHT SCENES IN TI5E itlBIVE, BY REV- DANIEL MARCH. For full, free, iflowinif. . graceful style; for (oet g-niu-ihoupiit and rich glow K lm ir'u analysi cf character, ra '140 deiti e cliolarship : for lite-Ultfl i. c'urea. &c pre-crtp'tonscarjfullycoapcunded by "P41 rienced CraggiM. D- D. lug, pure and or beauty f ion ; for - iona and rip. low i ui; v .id- and hi.py illnntrationa, t iia wink I a no equ .1. Saeh conimfndatiucs. las the nbov has bee i le eeifed from Iish'p Simp m, Rtr bert E.i roe Noali Porter, D. U , LL.D . W. A. ' trarna. 1 u , Geo. Pana Bar.lman, D. D.. I W Wiley, D l , rimuel W. Ki-her. l. I., ti D., and leading C Rvmen and the Press of a. I Denon tu. liou. fi id for Circiilars cnnlalnin ; the eume AfreM-t are trerywhere meeting w. tli unpamli-d gatces. H I- a moHt beaiiti fully illut-ra ed and e:cgantly bouni book, and rleasea eerjb tv. Commission?, $100 to $200 per month, according to M:i!y m d'enertrv. Ad.lr- 13 E N 'X1 I S TV Will be at Dr. T.I ictKton'a Office tfariar le lait week in each month Al order It ft lu tbe oit ofliee will promptly ..nt ded to. July. i, fc Flouring AND WOOL- CARDINC, Ho! for Silt Creek, where jotJCHn kill two l irrU witii one stone, get your Cra n Ground and Wool Carded at the same tinir; the rnatblnery for bolhia tn perfect orer. We n e the Patent Machine Card), which were run enoogh lat year to establish their uerioriiy over t he ol J ! ki nd, as all who uftd then ran testify. The snperioritr of Mr. P. Talss at a Carder is Well know n, and hifSerTlci-n re (till l e -talned for I lie benefit of tbe public. With thekbev . advantages we flatter ourelvenlliat we tun make it to the adva-tatre of all who want work la our lint to come this way. . D. DEAN . J'roprirtor. dijis b. TWIda, Carder. SHANNON'S rprtri r.filfi and Jjivsi v wiwri;.M, paj'iSas, Um a, i Uotlj k-CXV -i-s w w j I j L,,K,t jr0. de linSlmoti. NEW AURANGE.MENTS James d'jKTeill DEALKB IV TRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Mais St., Tlattsmootu. NOTICE ! ! NOTICE I ! hardware, queens wARii T m rfer.r.reU to ac:oE.modate t!.e pnllic wtt Horses, Carriages and Buggies,! Abo, a nice Hearse, On short nli3 and reiisonable tm. run tn Meamboat lacuict-, r city when deKired. rhiXXOS. mrZJ Sheridan House, Wm. W. Irish, Troprietor. . mt 1 C'J J Corner of Maui ana i nira irm. l'tattemoulti. IV csrd by the day or week. Charge. . Qin Ihuva t b , Il'iue uaiiy . Vurlh, Souto, batacd Wefi nlvt. SHEOIAI. NO'l'IOES. haJ with thin new Errors of Yuutlt. A Gcn'leran wh- suff.red f.-ryear from Nervoua anl all the effects of youthful indiscrelion will, f r the saieof suff ning hnmanitT. aend free to a!l who need it, th-' recq e and Jirectbins for making tin simple r'm-dy by which he was cured. S itfjro.-s wish n to profit by the adver Uer'sexpjrl ire can doio by addressing. in p rfect confident. JOHN II. OGDj.N. Jan7vl. Ko. 42 Cedar Urmt, Sew-York. WOOLWORTEI & 0O., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS, Binders iPaperdealers. SAWT JOSEPH, JUO., oc256m REED, BEAF.DSLEY & CO, Real Estats iigents WKSriXQ WATER, AEBRA.SKA. r , n.ij i...i.,.bt munsired and sold. Yalunble Tim wI aihI (rs,ir. Tax, a pii'l fr on icsij ni Co'.K'itlons rotnptly attend, a to. I am cow receiving my PALL AND WINTER STOCK. OF GOODS, and desire to call special attention to the fame, an so:.eit a carefnl examination of tho GOODS AND PRICES before purchasing el.ewhere, as I am determined to KEEP IVJY STOCK so large anj WELL ASSORTED and the prices OF EVERYTHING so lo'-r as to main it the interest of every FARMER A N D M E C II A N I C IN CASS COUNTY. HATS, BOOTS; CAPS, SHOES march 23 1S6?. n.,nninmi nF lha r.:vi!rir tlH in UillVjiP. 1 J 1 1, j u r . v ... v. . .. j... j . . . 'suwJ ""0"V"t-' 7 .r. - . -v,... t .. Kr1 on swaaipy tructs; but nature riH3 given kind of wue:uwnicu,irom tho sruoothnefs anil finish which else- of 0biaininc it he calls Cnnary Wheat) where comes from Iocs cultivation. nnJ ahLat 50 bushels to the in twenty years from now, both Kansas lu- ,,. It raak- and Nebraska will nPrer to be oMer acre with a fair orP .rtumty. It mar. than any other States west of the Alia- gDoJ flour, cf a yellowish cast.raists we.l ghanies. arui makes as gooU biscuit as NowIGnd it in the region between the . wheat flour. In order two rivers, and from what I hear of the our D " , , ,,,,, that tho Heed may ?e prcserveu, anu out the Big and Little Bluss.the Ntmnhaund ers may have a chance to trj this wheat, Loup Fork, I am satisfied that what I j,r xiutnas proposes, to dispose of a have seen is the average oru.nary iypo . )ti;y at $3.00 per bushel. of all cf the countrv. I consider Kan- emau 1 J .... .u... ZL and Nebraska, wuh the western por Ue also has Snll q-.antity of thef.i tiona of Iowa and Misuari, to be the moas 'Surprise umi, . larsrest unbroken tract of splendid farm ra;3e 2 12 bunhel from Z quarts tne firut season; nrd his ye ir 41 1 2 bushe.s from the 2 t-2, notwitnstiindmg thev were seriously damaged by grasshoppers hoth eeasons, after they were headrd out The Oats will be disposed of, in small quantities, at $3 00 per bushel. Speci mens of the Wheat nd Oats can be seen bv calling on Mr. Thomas, or at tne her- U V W a m amine their large stock of Valentines wl To Consumptives. The Advltier, havins b'eu iet r?d to h ealth in a 'ew weeks, by a very ample remedf, aiwr nurin. suffered several ye ars with a severe luug afTsrtior., and ihat d'ead disease. Consume ion is anxiou lo make known to his fellow r-nfferi-rs the means of cure- T all Vfho drsire it, lie will eend a uo;y of tl.e prescription used (free of charge), with di lections f..rpreprin and ntingtha same, which they wi!I fii'l r o't"" Conuwptin. A-t't mn. B'-onchitis, rj. Tha only obj-ct of the ailve' tiser in sending the Prescript! .n is to ber.oat 1 he aftiicted, aud spread informati m wh ca heconceive k. inr.innhle. and he hone every -nffar;.- will try hlsTemedy, as it will cost thm nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wisMnir llu rrescnpi ou will ploase address Bkv. FD.VARD K. Wlli?(). 165 South 6e?on4 street, Wl.liamabnrh, Kin zs conoty. New-York U"' " 'vl- Dr J. . JlcADOW. REtWEXT riJYSICIAX, WYOMING. - - NEBRASKA ( to cull snd either BUY OR POST THEMSELVES t .'fore buyins elsewhere. E. Q. DOVEV. Plattsmoath, Oct. 1, 156s- tf. . M'.-rshis professional aervicea to the people of I inz land in the world " may that tima be far distant,) by Dooms' tell us that they wi'.l have to order another oir load of Weir s Wait- in Cultivator as tho one hundred tticy received last week are nearly all engaged, "low, green curtain" of tho grave Tint ?caks well for W cir's Hows, it said they are the best Cultivators made beyond a doubt. ,Vo this MARRIED- At the Platto Valley Houvj, on January 30th, lSti9, by the Rev. C. D. Roberts,- Mr. M. 11. ML'Ri'ii v, aoa Misa r ann:k u Mitchell, all of this city. Our friend Mcsrnv "n "sound"' in the theories and practices of life, as the step I ALD office above chronicled abundantly illustrates, 2oot gllop. and we. welcome him into tha mystical y circle of Benedicts proper. Yewisnnim .'',..,.,, havins just opened and his fair bride joy, we wish them p . , sh sn0 ln ,his city, is hanrinnsa dunlicated and re duplicated I ,i.-,rA,,a nf receivio? his share of public and trust that the silvery beams of his paironasre. All kinds of new work done . MhnTtPst notice. If TOti have anv and Iks cbarmm- Onae'S noneymoon " ;.-;7'V: done.brie u .lonz. AH mnv eontinua to shine until shut oat (and P i., i.Wn in erehanze at . KiniiH ui LHWUU'." ------- - market trice. Rernember the place, op the I DIED. At Rock Bluffs, Cuss co Neb., on Friday cveninj, Jan. 29th, 18G9, Susax CnEKKV, a -red 73 vears. Sister Cherry has been a consistant. member of tbe M. E. Church for 29 years. ck 7.J f-iriiri!l to earth with tho full failed. Lpon inqairing among our b - -K. lnlormca tuat tnero was usursuco m ..vo,u, ..v.. posite the Platte Valley House, and sec ond story of torgy's now onop. J U. W Ferrek. P'.attBmouth, Oct. 15 tf. thn t-jwn an I ciirroiin'iinj: country. FOR SA.IYE A firm en-listing o' 10) acres UK) I'M nndcr .,,,.(...., will, all ,.rcK-kary out tin iidinua. Two .i..iiin: a c,Hd Wfll of water Tl.ere is 4 acres of nlr.iii irrove, aud an orchard cnnsisilnp f ap- i.U uenchi s, c'.iernes. Htawni-rriCT, rapn- n 1, ',a ... A r.r.. .aid land is nituatrd ft 1-2 t"' "" - r . -. . , .. mile from flaitsmouin, oo hic unco v.i,., i... i j,iiK(il limrter. roriunuwr i.t'.iv- ular irqnire on tho p'emi- of A O and 11 U Ma- en; or tairueia, in i wi"" '". kNoV. 20ui'J D. 3. IKW MBIT MARKET!! GEO. FICKLER, CORNER H iVM.Y STREETS, PLiTT3Jl0UTn, KEBRA5KA. Keep constantly on hacd the best of All Kinds of Meats, vhich they can furnieh their customers at the SEST OF RATES FOR CAS II ( July 2d. 1S63 3m. GREAT EXCITEMENT WASHINGTON! IIEKIUIAIV IIEHOLD Having boupht oat the entire Ftock of Goods from C. (1. HerolJ. i ready to offer GREAT INDUCEMENTS In Prices l8hal!sellGoo.HaJr7: TUA2T THE LOWEST, for Cash, Wheat, Corn, Hid , Fan or any kind ot COUNTRY PRODUCE My Stock Consists of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS BOOTS, shoes, ui.urm.yu, HATS and CAPS, POCKET CVTLEll Y, YANKEE 1SOTIOSS, ETC. Plee plve me a call at my new brick building near tbe M. E. Church, norm smerr Jinniirwi. HERUMAX UtultUljU. IvlcM echau, Dealer in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, IRON. STEEL and NAILS, ROCK ISLAND PLOWS, COR A'. PLANTER S, Cultivators, sulky and walking, Cook Stoves, A Large Variety on Hand. Spades, Shovels, IIoes3 Hakes, &c., &c. A larpe tork now on hand at small advance on Eastern Prices. 10G Main Sreel, Nebraska Ciltj, (Opposite the Seytrionr Home) SIGN OF THE PAD-LOCK. FARM PRODUCE. And everything needed by tha FARM ER MECHANIC. Ilavirj purchased the entire strck ofg9c3s t Moils; ing to Wm HiTuld. 1 am re-fitting the etore room in o style, and propose to eell gcods at the old ud on the most reanonable terms. mar6tf JAMS5 0'NFILL. IRIDK AND BRIDEUKOOJI. J Essays tor Younft Wen u the interet n(r rrla tion of BrideKmotn to bride in the institution of Marrig", a GuMe to tnairimocial felicity and true happinca- Sent by mail 5n Bealcd letter envtlupesi free of charge Address, Hgwabo Assocurioai, box P, PlMial-elphia, Pa.. B. Spcrlock, H. Baxter Wujdiiam Co. Clerk and Kecoruer, uept y ciers nes r. Spurlock & Windham, rLATTSMOtTU, XEBUASKA. FROST ROOMS OF COURT-HOUSE, Clerk and Treasurer's Ofiice. LANDS BOUGHT &. SOLD Titles Exnminccl. and Conveyances made, Taxes paid and receipts forward promptly. Plattsmouth, June IS, JS6!3 nil. Weeping Water Mills, Farmer?, go where ydu" can get lb best Flour and the most of it. . 85 lbs of X X X FLO CR and 12 lit of BRA giren In exchange for good Wheat. AV are also doice i?rl-;'t vi'orkj and. vr!tn our in creased facilities, fe"i aJKflrVd that we can. giva th beat and the most flour of any mill in the btate. Satisfaction Guaranteed : PRODUCE UOVGHT AND SOLD. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID. REED & CLINTON." March 20lh. 1868. 7TI a f.r,.-inr-s .Iokc. tVo this morning ...,;cl n. arpfi:!! disratch from Platts- moutb, Neb., informit g us that the firra -ct..i iknn, x ri:irU. Lanker.. iiaa Bank. foundation ia fact for the rumor, but g03(j before in tbe glory vrorlJ that !l CelSOD, wno uu-ui, i on nurl-'-u. .Wn. - - . U out of tiie country, uau iou-:it l 1 . . 1 V,nm. '.rhlMlt SSriS rnotice. One of the banking firm $1200 and all Expenses Paid !- trtmtiii rnfl rnv M'sinut, .u' h.uiiii.vi va n iveri scluu v - with a roll of one dollar bitia to i liquidate s MG Macuinf, in cur adverfiHing col- KTocericss and tha debt .'ir. iuuuo, mo ovuivi ...v.- ber of tLe tirm, represents . . a. Ill ,s., t..tt a srv OCdfTJ I capital to OCT our. . PA1' UP. one horse noJUieian in me oi.uc.-w ;a"ht ' . . I t KAwanna t n r H7 1 M fr I llf IllncV C3 I U v v. JbVnin- Times, 3Wft utl. iu ---- The parties attomptine to set up tne eu to me win piease cnu Ur' on nnr Lank -ould not command rneuiateiy. a word to me vwsr, Sept 10 tf. C. roRCT. Take Notice. All persois indebted to me by note or aeconut will please call and settle imme diately. All accounts not nettled by Decembtr 25th, will be lertfor collec tion. Tike notice and porem yourcelf according, .nd save ynur cost. noT'2'j'-f V .Jacob Vallibt, Jb. "run enough money to run successfully on a tand bank, but created a momentary ex eitement, by circulating scndalom and 3:11. . . 1 , H.nll..m.n cVl A M 1 1? lncreuiuit) rc.'uria ilia m"""-""-" " . j j - , !. .eW-m.rl nf. Th rredit cf Tootle, of town, CO acre improved and fenced nannaft Clark ia too well established Enquire of .-.SOLD OUT! We huve "told out our entire stock of must have all accounts due us settled immediately. Persons ow in' us will bear this in mind, and save themselves some trouble by coming in and T,nrinT urn' Our orace is at our Lumber Yard." We propose to have all accounts settled, and tnat minieaiaieiy. tf. Simpson Mickelwait k Lo. FARM FOU MA I.C A good farm of 80 acres, 4 miles Maxwell & Chapmas. Jan.2i w3 NOTICE. All persons indebted to us. either by -I " - ... 1 4, south note or acoount, will please can ana sei. tl imtnedi.tely, as wa wish to close our accounts by Dec. 25th. novCotr. Vallebt & Rcffneb. . LIVERY, FEED, Empire Bakery id sr., opposite "xstr tors: STORE.' pt ATTSMOUTII. - - rJEB Confectioneries, BREAD, PIES, CAKES, CHEESE, and SWEES CRACKERS. KEFRCII1IEXTS kept on hand at all times. . IIVBER TY. Dl5lf. Bale AND 3ta."Kle,l -By- Lock Stich Reversible Feed SEWING MACHINE, AWARDED THE I HIGHEST PREMIUM WHEREVER EXHIBITED. THE ONLY O NE cf ewing in more than ene airKaoo Capable WM- J.'TTXATT, Proprietor ...... r PLATTSMOCTH, NEBRASLA. First-rate StablinK anj Wazon Tanls for ttie ac- ecnAiio.'.aUon of the Jul lie, also a good stock of HORSES AND CARRIAGES, lo let on rerr reawnablct.Tra-. Stable on Man trt, nca y opposite th SHER rv HorSE. Plattsmoath. Xeb. l-c31tf. AND 525 ! S25 I THE AMERICAN SHUTTLE SEWING.MACH1NE, Ts retailed at a price within the teach of all. Thia Mat-hne usee a ttrateril neeaie, miia ino mua STITCH (alike on both aides), has self-adtustine tern ion, and can xa every variety oi sowing-, n - m hem, fell, bind, curd, braid, aearn, quilt, tuck, rvffle. and feather ; win w,n cjiimj .oh uu woolen, or cotton goods, wiih lineo, or cotton thread. THE . SHUTTLE SEWJXQ VACHI1W Warranted for Five Years! Oar ATits will be supplied with dnp'.icaU parts r.r the Machine, tn cafe of accident. It malua prci"ly ihp same s itch made by tbe Sinper, Wh er ft Wil son Howe, and Elori'ne Machines. It haati eLn-d-r-fed like tbe bestof high -priced Machines,nd is the only low pncea pnniiiu that ha tMi feed ' Wear enabled to sell a first class SHCTTLE MACHINE at a very low price, e;i It uses and was". es !es will pnmnwnci a .earn . ends of the thread Improved Farm and Tim- cr i or saic The farm is about 20 miles west from I'lattsmonth. 2 rai e west cf Hoover's, on tho stage Itoad ' acres has been in caltiTntir nalo house upon it. and plenty of stock -ater; itisS w-qr 'ee.7,1 1-, j nido acres; and connected wiih it is Lot I acd S ts. at of S K qr iec 20, ame T and K. (.timber) 90 and S0-l6 acres, making 250 and SO 10laeie!. Also the N w qr of S w qr of Sec 24, T -JO, K 44. in Mills county, Iowa, Due estfrorn Plattsnmuth, and i miiefroro tha river, (heavy timber.) For ternis ldres. I'. H SOLOMON, majktf. -eieawd, Iowa. FASTENING ALL ITS OWN SEAMS Without stopping Machine or Turning the Cloth. .V - i 1 .not of it Klmmlcity, and conKequent low cost of Warranted to Sew Heavy or r tne u ".Equally as well. OVER r,0.00 O MACHINES SOLD SINCE 1861. S 62nd for Report and Circular!. Wm. E. Plant, Geo. Ae't s 612' North Fourth street. S tenia, Mo. Dr- G. II Piatisrnou'.b, reb. We wUb to arrange with Ager ts, mle or lemsle (o represent the American Shuttle Sewins: Machine, In' e-ch State, Cottrty, and Town in the United 8-atea and Ontario Extra 1-ducenieats to Experienced Airent. Kor full particnlarx, as to Salary and Com misin, addre G. V. iV. AXDREWSj ' Gederat Agent, , .. Deiroif, Mich. v R T.ir the henetlt of onr Affenta w have ar- 1 ranced with parties who hav Good suitable for Sewing Machine AL'enls to sen. " c wii seau uiwt r.r ..mr,i and full Pi liculars on receipt of one rd stamp- Address G. V, N. A rREW3, O-n-jral A ' V Xot. S. l6?.rt. ; Detroit. Mien.- BSOyi- for any further comment.