u -TV I; .i i 61 if any man attempts to haul down the, Jlmerican Flag shoot him' on the spot." VOL. 4. PL,TTMOUril, NHBKASKA, THURSDAY, FEBUUAftV 4, 1809. i0 44. . i 3 THE HERALD -JIS PUBLISHED E Y II. I. HATHAWAY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Vy-OT ie corner Mai street and Levte, loijr. Terms. $2.50 per annum. uecont Hates of Advertising Oaiar.(pare orieo T.n) oue iDemon, Kiel iubiier)t nevlla -Prtfe-lMial cards ooieteeediosix H . O quarter co.no, a or . tbr- mo n tli OV."' C"0'i, t'0lTem.T month, throe months IB .ie column twelve months six months - " three raonlli HUran.ientaUerti emt .nasi be 91.20 1.00 10 00 35.00 20 0 ja oo 6O.0U 85.00 20. (HI loo.oo 60.00 .00 orln a4'auc. . - W. are prepared to do ail kinds of ."... notice, and in a .tylethat will Work natia- t c I i o ""WILLTTT POTTENQEK. ATTOllXEY AT LAW, PLATTSMOUTH - - SEHUASKA. ATTORNEY A 'II LA W At; Solicitor in Chancery. PLAT rSMOlTTII SKIMASKA s. V cooper ATTOliSKY ASI COCSSELOG AT LAV. llattsBiioulli Xeb. WJM y ' "-n Keal Estat''' od pay taxei f Pr";-Y".-Procd Lad, ana lot, for .ale. bTr LIVINGSTON, M. D. ?2iysician aud Surgeon, "t4er Li- ,r-f:aionai service iw v.-.- . . . f-IU h-fist corner on mi o'i u rl msms.ulh, Ji'-l'raaka. Platte Valley House Ed. B. Mkrpht, Proprietor. . Vrer f .TJiV ami Fourth Streets, TMslK.a-r h tvin,' Wn r, fi't M and it a dy of w ?v;y f:ir- ATTORNEY AT LAW AND General -Land Agent, I.MC'H'l. i.. : oft'ao (lur.rtsof tbe 3 o4 1 J" III u-iti-i" ' .Hbiian.l a -II Kal fc ate on coi.nnis'sioii, . ei tminti 1 1' 2r! 'tiitf p. MAXWELL. SOt. M. CHAPMAN Hlaswell fc Chapman, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AVD Solicitors ia Chancery. rLATTSUOUTil. - - - -XEHIUSKA Oflic. .Ter Black, Butter, A Co'h Drug tcre. atH JOSEPH SCHLATER, WATCYHAKER and JEWELER, Main Street, PLATTSMOUTII, - - NEBRASKA A rood aorui.en f.f Watcliea Vio - .,B,n. i Ae': h: v milled to his cre will be warranted. April 10, lri5. Plattsmouth IViiils. V. HiUSKL, Proprietor. flar reemtty li ,n repairrd and r'-'""''J in thor- o-i-h runui:i(; orJer Custoia work Uone on suuii 100,000 I?us!acls or A Ucai Wute.l iraneJiately, f.i, itt. in liic n it. i "j . - fine will p.tl'l. aug'ic tf J. N. ISE, General Lift, AccUcn!, l ire, Inland and Trar.sU INSURANCE AG3NT Win t.ke risks t ret Dnabler it-sinthc most reliabl C upaui. iu the United Slat.-a tf -OJce at the book store, l'l. nr cnth, Nebras niay21dif ,a.lliiiery & WrcsmaIiiiS at mis a. m. ukspais a Mss. e.p. K.-sit OpposUe the Ci'ij link- ry. lire woaldrc,8Ctful!y announc to '1'" l-'e" of I'laitsmouth nd vi. in.ty that h K-c-ired alargeaod well seized 'ockof NMuicr ' L i c nYi.i.ng of Flowers, Kibhons, Telvtl. dre t . n jl c .gc. We Wl the chapes. g;o V.M. iei.y- can ceot0m. ..e a 1 our 7.M co.tomor.and a many new one-, ''J,'"' w, h a call. All kinds of wo. k In our I in- d-ne to . ir. Perfecnatasfaction siren or noeharsest mystf HEALTH G0MF0nrt AMD ECONOMY, 3 Jl LA SOyS FOll BOARDl.SG wltb GEO. W. COLVl, ft i p STRFF.T. --- Pl.ATrSMOCTa ' Tf J blocks northwest of Brick School-House. HE has a BA TTT HO CSE, fre-; to patrons;!. r.ius ara well veatiiated, and hm prices arn reasonable. - Ja1:M nlotf. capt. . Linoo & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Wines and Liquors, Aiso a rery cho'ce selection of Tobacco and Cigars, M-iin street, w?ond door mt of Seymour House, Nebraska City, Nebraska. Are jnft receiving a new f-tock i f Grnvir.e Ohi iourlten diret frou I'cnrbnn eiy, Ky., Bitters, H. irryltw SENATE. ' January 26, 1S69. Senate opened iu usual lorm. Keavis of committee on Judiciary, reported beck bill to provide for itie Bppointdient of Notaries public and to ur-uue ineir autiey. wnnout amenameol and recommended its passage. Clerk of the House reported thnt tb Houe bad passed Joitu Resolution and memorial of the Senate, to Gen. U. S Grant, President elect of the United Slates. . Stevenson of Special Committee o Lice county, reported bill to vacate Alley, Sec . in Nebraska City: with re commendation (hat it pass. Rules sus pendt-d and bill pajd. Gere of Committee on Engrospf and Enrolled bills, reported S. R.-1S correctly encro.-sed. Chapin of committee of Con'erence reported substitute far House amend merit to S. B. No. 1. " Reavia iuiroduced ; S. , If. No. SO for an act to cream aBjard cf Jncorpo ration. . ' " ' Porter introduced Senate Bill No. 31, "An Act to ameod Sentior. 69. of Chapter 25 Revised Stalutes, entitled Incorporation." Rules suspended; bill read second time by its title and re fetred to standicir conimiuee on I icor pnration. Taylor, by leave, introduced Senate Bui No. 32. An Act fo provide for the sale mi unsol J lots ana mocks on tne town site of Lincoln and for the loca tion and erecimn of a State Lunatic Asylum. State University and Agricul tural College On motion of M.ij-.rs, rules were suspended, bill read second lime by its title and referred to standing commit tee on Public Buildings. On motion of CL&piu, it was ordered printed. Majors pave notice of bill for an act to amend Section 1, of an Act to re strain Stfine from running at large in the State; also, of a bill to provide for the Register of voters. Gere of the committee on Ensrosed und Enrolled bills, reported H. R. No. i"J. presented to the Governor for his approval. Chapin. by leave, introduced S R. 7. Join! Resolution relating to wertnin claims of the Siate of Nebraka, against the General Government. Read lrt and 2d 'line. Housh Roll 7. An act to amend tec tions 1. 3. 20- 21. 22 end 3S of an aoi tn incorporate Nebraska City, read 2.1 tirr.e by its title and referred to special committee from Oioe County. bills os 2d heading. Were taken up s follows: Senate No. 1, rad 2d time; Senate 23. read econd time and referred to Juditiary committee. Senate 26. read second lime and referred to Judiciary commit tee; Senate 24, read second time aod referred to committee on Counties; Sanate 13. reported back from com mute on Agriculture with amendment with a recommendation that it pass. Taylor of st-leci committee of D.uj las county reported back Senate 21, and recommended its passage without amendment ordered engrossed for 3d reading to-morrow. Taylor reported also Senate No. 22 and recommended its passage; it wa ordered engrossed for third reading to morrow. Majors of committee on Militarv Affairs reported back Senate 29 an act making appropriation to pay mill tn claims with a recommendation thai it pass without amendment. On motion of Gere the bill was or dered engrossed for third reading to morrow. Hathaway by leave introduced a pe tition of J. T Hoover and 49 others, in Cass county, asking for a Herd Law: referred to the committee on Agricul ture. Mr. President read a communication from the Secretary of State iranstiit tir.g the annual report of the Auditor, which, on motion, was laid upon the Table. On motion of Chapin the Senate wen', into committee of tne whole upon BILLS ON 3d READING. -. BtUs on 3d reading were taken up, ard Senate No 18. an act to provide for refundin? to the tax payers of Fall City, in Richardson county, a spec al Bridge tax heretofore levied and col lected therein, was rassed., House Roll 30, an act to vacate the alley in Block No. 1, as designated upon the original plat of Sou-.h Nebras ka Cut. read 3d time and passed - Senate Bill No 1, an act to transfer ink-in" and Military Fund to General fund, read 3d time and. passed. Adjourned. HOUSE. January 26. 1S69. Rhodes presented a pennon from 22 citizens of Johnson county for a herd hw. Hi good presented a remonstrance against a herd law from twenty four constituents. Parish presented two petitions from consti.uents for. a general herd law. Fitchie presented a remonstrance of . Walter and others against & herd law in Otoe precinct. Otoe county. Stewart from the committee on En rolled bills reported bill for mileiga and per diem of the members, properly enrolled. Fitchie offered tlie following: Resolved, That a box with a lock be furnished rath desk, in which to keep the mail of absen memt.ers Some discu-ion arose in which Griffen, Mc Canney, Zimmerer, and Fuchie took a part, after which or. motion, the further consideration of the resolution was in definitely postponed. Tuliis gave nniice of a bill for sale and di-position of the salu e lands of the S ate., . Parish, of a bill to amend chapier forty of the revised statutes, entitled Toads-."' , ; " cfiook ottered a ri;l enti.Ied '-an act to license and regulate the sale of Ii- fjuors. . , . btout introduced tl. li.. 5U, an act to regulate the pas-er ger fare and car riage of freight on all railroads in the State of Nebraska Read a second tune and referred to a select conimitiee c oasisling of Furay btout and Tisdel. T'rewster introduced II R 51. an oct to authorize G W, Bridges and II II Shields to erect a mill dam across Blue river. BILLS ON 2l READING House Roll No. 4. an net authori zinr County Commissioners io pay back pay and fees to idhcers in crim: nal cases. In. the absence of Parmele the con sideration of this bill was postponed un'il to morrow. House Roll 2S. nn net to amend charter 53 Revised Statutes, entitled Towns. Referred to a special committee of one for revision. H R. No 40. an act in amend sec 592. title 16 of the code ef civil proce dure. Indefini ely nosiponed. H R. 41 an act to amend section 60. chapter second, title 16 pf the code of civil procedure. Indefinitely post poned. II R 43. an act for the relief of bn Dee. Orderpd engrossed. II R 43 ion t memorial and reso utioo to Congress asking for the re a m w i moral or me fawnee lnoian, trom their present reservations. Read a 2d nrd 3d lime and passed. BILLS ON 3d IIIIMKC. House Roil 44. an act for a herd law for Oak Creek precinct, Saunders, couniy. Re committed to the commit tee on Agricumire. House Roll 17. an act to repeal sec on 9 on page 272 of revis-d statutes H. R 19, an act to prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors on days of elec tion Passed Spiece voted "no," but explained his vole Seybolt reported back the memorial nd joint resolution io Congress ask ing for the Otoe n.iJ Missoan Indian reservations, without amendment, and recommends its passage. Passed, On motion the House adjourned. SENATE January 27. Senate opened in usual form. Goodwill presented petition of Sam uel S. Scott and 36 others, asking fi.r a herd law in Bun County. Referred to cumnttuee on Agriculture. Chapn presented petition of A. Towner and forty others, asking for a State Road from ' Lincoln to Oak Groves thencp via Ulysses, Pepprvil!e across the P atte, cppoite Columbus, and the appointment ,,f three Comniis si'-ners to run ar.d locate th same Mtij irs presented petition of Wm B Philips and fifty otnere, a-king for n law to pre vf in bwine from running at Inrci in Nemaha . coun:y. Referred to Commrtee on Agncubure. Cunningham presented petition of James R. Cain and 20 others remon strating against the rem-jva' of Hon O. P. Mason from the first Judicial Diririct .Reavis of S?anding Commi tee on Judiciary to whom was referred House Roll No 1. A bill for an act for hold ing term of Supreme Court, report'-d it tack with recommendation thai it do pass. Also. Senate No 33 for an act io amend Sec 10, Chapitr 16 of Re vised Statutes and moved suspension o! rules, that bdl be read second time and retired to committee of whole, which was agreed to. Frost of commifee on Federal Re lalions, reported bock Memorial and J-int Reso'unon Prayinc Congress for a gram of land to aid in the construc tion of a railrod front Yankton to Co-luftibu.-, recommending its passage. Hathaway introduced Senate Roll No 8, Joint Resolution appropriating 300 io assi.-l in the organization of a colony to setile up the Republican River, and mo ed suspension of iuie, and bill reud second lime and referred to special committee from Ca-s county Frost moved an .indefinite postpone ment, which wa agreed to. Stevenson of committee on lncorpo rations reported back bill for an act to inc rporate cilies of l.st c'ass, ann re commended its passage with amend ment, providing for appointment of Po lice Judge by riiy council House Roll 43, Memorial and Joirj Resolution for the removal of the Paw nee Indians from their reservation. Read 1st time. House Roll 40. Memorial and Joint Resolution rtljtive to a treaty lor the purchase of Ueservatioca of Otoe and Mi souri Indians. - , Reavis of Judiciary committer repor ted back Senate No. 26 to fix the time I of holding Courts in Lincoln county recommending us pasage 'without amendment.' ."....: Taylor moved that rules le su pen ded and Senate No 30. an act to ere ate a board of Emigration, be rend 2d time by its title and refired to Com miuee of the whole. Carried. - On motion of Hathfcway,' Senate went into committee or tne wnole on bilis on second reading. - - The bill for the abolition of the death penalty was taken up -and dis cussed by Messrs Reavis, Harnuip and Uere in favor of, " and r rost against the bill. Committee rose and asked leave to sit again. Senate took a reces until 2;30 p.nv Afternoon Session Seriate met and went into committee of the whole upon Bill- on 2d reading and resumed the discussion of ihe bill to ubolish the Death Penalty. Messrs Cunningham. Barnum and Reavis spnaking in its tavor. and Messr- Stevenson. Majors and Frost against iLi ' ' . Committee rose , and reported the bill hack to the Senate wii a . recom mendation that it do not pss. The repori of the Committee was adoned bw the following vote: Yea Messrs Ashton. Chapin Frost, Goodwill, Hathaway. Maj irs, Porter, Stevenson and Mr President. - Nay Barnum, Cunningham, Gere and Reavis. The bill was indefinitely postponed. The President signed the bill to va cate alley in. Nebraska City. Gere of committee on Engrossed and Enro'ltd bi'Is reported Senate No. 1, Senate No 4. Sem.te No 29, and Senate No. 24, correctly engrossdd. Adjourned. HOUSE. Jan- 27. Rhodes of Johnson county, preserved petition of Lreorge JJelons and 221 other citizens of Johnson county J ray fng for a herd law for that county. Re ferred to committee on Agriculture. Blakely presented a remonstrance againt a herd law fh Gag county Mclvennon presented a petition from iir lirrriKins ana otners ror a state road from AhUnd to Nebraska City. Also of V. P. Suell and 50 others for th same. Furay preser.tpd a petitien of W. P P. St. Clair and 79 other citiz-ns of Plaite county, prajing for the forma tion ota new county to be called Col fax couniy. Seybolt presented petition of W. H. Fuller and 200 others of Seward coun ty, for an act allowing the people to vote on the re location of the county seat of said county. Rathmann presented a petition for a general herd law. Spiece presented a remonstrance of Charles H Wheeler and others against detaching any portion of Platte county to form a new county. J Crow from the committee on eccoums and expenditures, reports Senate 19 and recommends its passage Fuchie offered the following: Resolved, That the Secretary of Slate he instructed to furnish each member of the House with a pen knife to be accounted for as stationery and postage- Seybolt gave notice of a bill, suppli mentary to an "Act entitled an Act. for the revision of ihe School Law Also, a bill to crnate th olce of State Superintend snt o Public Inntrucrions Also, a bili creating the office of Omn ty Superintendunt of Sobools, and define duties of same. . ; Spiece offered bill for a S'ate road from Columtiu. latte county, to St. He lena, in Cedar countv. Fitchie offered a bill to amend the Reg is'rv Law of Nebraska. Ziniprer oflVrpd a bill regulating th protection of all kinds of wild bird in Nebraska. BILLS ON THEIR FIRST READING. Stewart offered H. R. 52, "An Act t dispose of the State Lands granted o Nebraska for worts of internal improve meats." Rales suspended, rend a second time bv its title and refered to a speoiitl com mittee of five, consisting of Messrs. Sey bole, Stewart, Loveland, JlcUar ney and Parrish. Tuliis off -red II. R. 53 '-An Act to re (train stock from running at large in Lan castor county. Referred to a special com. mittee of t ree." II R. 55, ,-An Act to restrain stock from running a large in Stnfford Pre cinet, Sarpv county.'' Referred to coin mittee on Agriculture. Mr. Strout introduced II R. 36, "An Act to locate a State road fa im Blair in 'ashington co. to intersect the ' Terri torial road from West Point, Cumming co.. to orth fork, .Madison oo ,at or near Plum Creek in Cummig co." Referred to Special Committee of three :? Mr. Parmel offered II. R. 57, An Aet to prhibit the introduction of Texas or Cherolr. cattle into the btate. Kerrrd t3 committee of tho Whole at two o'clock this afternoon. On motion of Mr. Sevbolt the House went in'o a committee of tha Whole on bills on id rendincr The committee took up II. R. 57, "'An Act to restrain stock from running at large in the State of Nebrtssa: The first five sections were taken up n" dicueed and amended after which tha committee rose and at 12 o'clock the House took a raess till 2 o'clock p. no. AFTERNOON SESSION. House reassembled at two o'clock and immediately went into a committee, of the Whole on bills on the 2d reading. Griffin io the chair. Ti e whole afternoon w&a taken up In discussing the general herd law, and every section was . amended and re am ended and finally ' reported back to the II use with a recoruendntion that it pas.. .'"' 1 . . , ! ,Th House ordered it engrossed for a 3d reading to morrow."-' 06 motion House adjourned at 4 30. Researches at Jerusalem. A corresp mdeut of " .he New York Times writes from Jerusalem as fol lows: ' The discoveries made hitherto may be summed up briefly. The south wall of ihesacred area. Huram el Shereef within which stood the teoople, has been explored io the very foundations li is fjund ihat in one place the wai was not less than one: hundred and eight feet high. At the lowest pi iut of the wad, which is now determined to b- also the lowest poin. of the Tyro pec-on valley, he discovered a small pasj-age, which he explored for some one hundred feet, of very ancient con strucnon, and evidently Intended to carry off the .-upei (Iuhus water Pre vious to this di.-covery it had been sun- posed that the lowest point wa h .ouihwet angle of the wall where was he great nrch. known as the Robinson Arch. Visitors to Jerusalem will re member the spring at the -old arch at this point. They will be gratified to learn that al! the' coni -riures with ref erence to what formerly stood there have been abundantly verified. No' only was there n splendid arch cross ing the Tyropccon valley at this point ibe span of which was . forty feet across and the voossoirs and ruins of which now lie buried in the debris; but beneath the old arch, covered with a pavement, built presumably to covr these ruins, he the stoaes of an arch older still, perhaps the arch bmlt by Solomon himself The complete in vestigation of this arch has been a long and costly undertaking, but its impor tance is very great. On the easi side of th" Haram wall j lies the valley of the Kedron. Lieut, j Warren, by a series of shafts and borings, has ascertained that the pres ent bed of the stream is not. less than forty feet higher thin the old bed the bed having been raised by ihe onor inous masses, of debris and ruins that have been hurled over into the valley. By the last letter from Jerusalem we received a p'an of the system of cham bers discovered ai Wjls-on's Arch high er up on the western wall, near the -Wailing Place." of the Jews. Liem Warren has discovered, at a depth of some fi'ty feet below the surface of the ground, avast system of chamber and passages. These chambers, whose use has not yet been decided, are mostly about twe.Ive feet square, vaulted and filled up with rt bbish or water. About eighteen have been opened, of which it is conjectured that two or three are if .Saracenic or:gin, and the rest of Jewish. They branch off right and ind left along a great passage. This has been followed up tor a distance of two hundred and fifty feet, it destina tion being yet uncertain, and its use problematical. Perhaps however, it was a secret passage for troops The discovery is intensely in'eresting, and may lead to singular and most impor tant results. ' NEBRASKA. We publish the following extract from a letter signed by numerous citi zens of Oue county to Rev. R Wake, of Wilmingt.m, 111. This gentleman was the leader of a large colony of English Immigrants that settled in Palmyra precinct, Otoe county, about three years since. This testimonial to him for his services in locating them in so favored a section of our free country, shows their appreciation of Nebraska: - , "Whilst we express our acknowl edgment of these valuable services, gratuitously rendered, we must not omit the opportunity of expressing oui appreciation of the magnanimous poll cy of the United S'aies government, in opening up the public domain alike to the foietgn, as well as the native born citizen To place an alien on perfect equal ity with a native, is an act of noble leg islation unrivalled in hi-iory. .' The State government of Nebraska ha- also passed laws n the same gen erous spirit giving to the foreigners etiial ' privileges with a native born citizen, after a residence of only six months whilst most of ihe Stales re quire a residence of five years. -We cordially reed omend this State as a desirable field of emigration to such of our countrymen of industrious habrs as may have sufficient means to commence farmiag." There was once an independent old lady, who. speaking of Adam's naming all the animals, said she didn't think he deserved any credit for naming the pig any person would know what to call him. ; i lire viu WiuST A correspondent of Pomeroy'a Dem ocrat, published at New York City containsthe following interesting items in relations to our city and surrounding country; it also speaks very highly of Capt. Murp'ij'a Colony scheme. Plattsmucth. Nebraska, ' - Dec. 22, lSUS. , After roving around the mountains in the Bear rwer country, at tbs termi iius of he Union Pacific Railway, and traveling thence easiward south of that line of road, through the Indian coun try, and ou through' unsurveyed West ern Nebraska, along down the Repub hcau river, the finest valley of land we have ever seen, to the western termi- dus of the Atchison Railroad; diverg ing at this point, and wandering along to a northwesterly direction till at last we "brought up" at this beautiful little town of Plattsmouth, situated on the west bank of the "'Big Muddy," four miles so Jib of the juucnon of the Platte and Missouti rivers. Nestled down among the bilis, with a comman ding view, of the Missouri river and many miles of the valley lands of the Missouri slope, on the Iowa : side, a varied and picturesque rcenery on all sides makes this really an attractive place Two thousand souls call it home; and a representation of fifty business houses in all tranches, two grist and two saw mills, four churches. bstantial structures, all of them, a fine brick court house, 6chool bouses in abundance; a county newspaper.wbich is as black as the bartof evenaThad Stevens' Radical could wish; and last, but not least, the cosiest, most home i I ke hotel we have found in the West, Altogether, you have a sketch of a live y. go ahead little "burgh," which wil soon boast of a railroad both East and West. A vast amount of agricultural lands. among the best in the State, are trib utary to this point, making it an advan tageous one for capital seekers io inve.-t their surplus cash in. Time and not far in the future, either will develop his into a busy, bumming town, full ot lite, energy, and wealth, or else we are mistaken. BUILDING RAILROADS. We have seen many things of interest have seen men lay seven and three uarters miles of railroad track in twelve hours have seen a railroad under construction during the moon light hours have seen unceasing her culean labor performed hour after hour, nijht and day, for weeks; and that too, in a country ful of danger. novelty and newness. Thousands ol miles in the interior of this vast conti nent are hundreds up. n hundreds of the bene and sinew of the land accom plishing the grandest work of ihe age the building of an international rail way of such proportions as to dazzle the mind.' SICUTS TOWARDS SUNDOWN. We have seen various tribes of the poor 'Lo" family, and discovered no romance about them; nothing but bru tal ty, degradation, and murder in their appearance. We have seen immense uresis, gigantic trees, snowy peaked mountains, beautiful valleys, great and mall rivers; mountain springs, cold aud sparkling, filled with speckled trout, some of which weigh six pounds; have seen and sported among the buf falo, the antelope, the black tailed deer, the elk. and .many coyotes and numerous amounts of the feaihery tribe. It is a great, glowing, beauti ful country! We have visited the mining districts, and have seen the bright thitung gold separated frrm its rocky tomb to gladden the heart of man; we have seen men hung by the one, two, and three at a time; have seen one man shoot ani ther across a dining table, while partaking of a repast And we have seen, in a crowded room. many derringers in sight, and beard the sharp bur r-rof tl e bullets passing freely around, strong men drop dead in their tracks without a moan or a i . groan, some wun many curses snout ing as they staggered away with the arms of death about th m. other with a wild despairing cry, caused by a death wound, wildly flinging their arms io the air. vainly clutching: for life, and breathing out blood wi.b ev erv blasphemous word uttered, fall away and pass to their long horn", uo heeded and uncared for. Many, very many things havewe seen that we have not time to note or space to spare, but which some day we will give to your hundreds of thousands of readers. WESTWARD BO. As the minds of a vast majority of people Eisl of the Mississippi River, even down io the Atlantic Coast, ihous ands of whom are readers of the Dem ocral, are tending Westward, and are gathering all the information possible from this section, we will give them a bit of information that will interest many and may benefit some. We refer to the organization of col onies in this section for the purpose of moving on still farther Westward. In order to give the reader a general idea we will refer to a case in point; and as we receive direct and from the best authority, our information can be trict!y relied upon. Capt. E B M'ir phy.of this place a gentleman whd has spent a number of years in the far West, an old pioneer, a man well known heeavaj, of strict integrity and upright character, gives us the fol lowing information: He will start ou or about the first of April next, from Plattsmouth. with from one hundred to two hundred men, I '.illy equipped and provisioned for a year, for a section of country lying in Southwest Nebraska, on the Republi can, river an uusurveyed range of country, but the most beautiful in all respects in the new Northwest. Tha ection chosen lies seventy five miles - south of McPherson, the nearest sta tion on the U P. It R., 325 miles east of Denver, 300 miles west of the Mis souri river, and about an equal dis- ance from Omaha, Plattsmouth, and Atchison. From the latter point a railway, in full operation, reaches 120 miles up the Republicao river, and will run dnectly through the section we reler to in about one year or eighteen ' months fro ti the present time. The sou is of the best known, tbs lunate mild and atea y: the health' perfect, a it is in all that region of' cpuntrt'; the water pure and sweet, nd alkali lands or water existing therea way; one of the best grazing countries iq the West; heavy timber, the , pre dominant varieties being oak, walnut, ash, hickory, and coitonwood; coal 11 found in abundance; mill privileges and water power excellent. In fact H is as complete in all its bearings, as any section of the - country we have -een, and we have traveled hundreds of miles in this great West. The colony will be systematically organized before leaving the rendex vous; ar.d each man will pay. into th treasury of the company two hundred dollars. This fund will be used in the purchase of a general outfit for the colony The State furnishes artillery ind such other arms and ammunition as may be necessaiy for prelection in case of trouble with the Indians; but as there are no Indians in that section, no danger is anticipated. Each man it o provide himself with a. good rifles revolver, and ammunition tor a year. The Indians have been removed to reservations hundreds of miles away. and will be kept there. All the pre cautions will be taken and all the prep arations made, that mat y years of experience are able to suggest, and it rests with the colony whether or not uccess shall attend their verture and -Sorts. We thus particularize in order hat your many readers can form a general idea of the plans of co'oniz- tion in the West. Wanderer. Ad Irishwoman, who is always a( war with ber neighbors, and whose troubles are never at an end. was complaining to her milkman the other morning about everything rising to uch high prices. To show her that such was not the case, he said. Mad am, the price of milk is not rising No, bedad. she answered, "oar th cream nayther." 1 Bas-s i Under "Wants" in a city daily, a lady advertises that she "wants a gen tleman for breakfast- and tea." This fearful propensity to cannibalism ac counts in some degree, for the decrease ot marriage, for, if such a woman didn't finish her man the secoud me'al. what would become ot him by supper time The Iron Bar A bar of iron worth five dollars worked into horse shoes is worth ten dollars and fifty cents, made into needles, it is worth three hundred and fifty-five dollars; made into pen knife blades it is worth three th ousand two hundred and eighty dollars; made into balance springs for watches, it is worth two hundred acd fifty thousand dollars. A Kentuckian who had, after a pro tracted courtship, made up his mind to propose to a young lady, carried h's resolution it to effect. The lady with some hesitation replied: "I am partially engaged, but mother wants to marry." It is a frequent thing now for the English to get their most important new from China by way of America and through the telegraph from New York Recently, they have in this way been getting the latest news of the movements of their own fleets in Chi nese waters. A scholar was turned oat of on of the district schools n Sutton, Massachusetts, tba othf-r day, reeota be wad forty-eight years old, and bad a family, including two or three grown children He said '-his bovs end gala had more learning than he had, and he wanted to ketch up with'era." Idaho apauses herself with foot-raoes between miners and Snaka Indians, in which the Indian, to avoid a drubbing, generally allows his competitor te win. A correspondent writes that 'it is ro markablo how the number of scholars ia a Sund iy School increases when a holi day Christmas tree i announced." A writer in tba Western Rural denoun ces tka Early Goodrich aa the poorest potato ont, with one exception, the Blalf is '