h : I; 1- f i i - 1 , ' ,-. '. " i t : i ' LODGE i.l)inEOTOKY. tuso lobci : ! O. v V,T.-M"t-. Vy. Oiaah . O . T i-A- rtuli 0tau,J 1 0 h; ...I. ; :,"4 litb'si ANca,' k:, ST. w.ATTSM0CTlr s-; . , ' Vnnr -aettige eery T'Msrlny cvenine Traveling tawK wmnt, w. s. - . R B.4WiHAJi, L"d? lputy, ' , , BXCt!LSIO DECR5E U0D3X, NO. i.1 A ii TODD, W D S. , i. i S . j ' ' ....... 5-JTROr rCr LOOGENo S.Mt. Pleasant AKDREW COLSUaN. W : FAIRVIEW tOf'CB, 14. holds reanta-M racrt Itcvrr Toedy evening- Trav-.lljK TVnnil.tr f.m. vors. J-. w. K M. TtfD.VG, Sen.. Lmi DepntJ. t rnr this column mast be written CI tJrv"" plain and exainatalica.ly wilh'", aod oo one aide nly of white PPr. LBt tnem os anon ;auu io joint-. , " ' ' .' ' .-. . ; ROTICK. ' ' "Let thep b a fuJTa.Uondenoa of thn members of Oi vr Brarich LoJe, on Tas.tfa eveniux next, wh-in tha oSoers. of h L'-m1 for thejenro.nirter 'be installed by our new Lodge Dcputy.R. Baxter Windham. What Yoc DatN'E. The board of Ex cise in New York We jint completed a chemical mvilysi. of the various kinds of liquors sold at the yari-u3 snloons in tBat city as "Bourbon' whiskv. and th result is published for th benefit of whom it iaay concern. Out of thirty eih&. specimens subjected to test, only two were found pore. The ingredients or which mist of this "fine old whisky' is composed of are as follows: FuU oil,' rancid lamp oil, .green tea, proisic nciL w,ntergren - and stryohnine: ''Soma o? the newspapers hire been maVirjv thso exposures of late, but a thse. were set drwn as sensational, they d d nit attract much attention. Bat the xpourps of the bwd or excise are ofHjil, and will probably open the ere'rf tho puh'ic to the poisons that are pawned of on them; :, ' ..' i". -THELIIEXSESYSTEM. To retrain the sale of -aloholie liquors ha formd an imp-rtnt ra't in the l-eisiatioii 61 almost c' State in the Union. We call thi experience of mnkind to witness, that these lawhr fni!Ad to restrain the srils of inte:npr ance, or to prevent their ind-Snite extn sion. Why re;u,Ute? Similar, -Tils h ive never heen removed or prevented by re: training 'jthero by law. C' All regu'ation tends tblnc eae'theevils rah.-r than di minih them. By regulation a slnw of dcncy, nd public anthority tnd' to diminish pub'io odium, and thus draws in a larg"' clsss or vistors from the vir tuous who could not otherwise heened Under h restraining stCTi th. oppra tion of inenprane has grown to i's present en: form. The plainest prnci pies of philnophv con5r?n Our expert ence. that if the sale of liquor continues the evils will cmtinn; and if the snle increases the eviN -will; increaise... The present plan is to. .license a few worthy men to follow the dangerous business of ru;nin? the character an 1 hal'h of men. th happiness of ' families, the welfare of the com-nnnity, the promoter of pau psrism and crime. The licenced sale of liquor is worse than the uhliceneed. in this respect,-that jioyplves more per sons in its guilt. The licnsinj by civil authority or permitting the sa'e un.ler bond) does not sceen from cnil' the per petrators or ' thewrong; neither dies it screen the person who gi anted the license nor tha people' who.permtt sncn law to remain unon their statute books. Th srstem of moral ov rnm"nt, we cU Christianity, takes account of all on acts whether political or otherwise, so th it is no less a sin to support a wrong poetically than to do it under any other alassineation-of humin actions We Ought not to tart of other men's sin, but reprove them by our example, our lectures and hv our votes nt the hullo box David upon th" throne of Israel becomes guilty of the blood of an inno cent man and yet he does nothing hut what the law allows him to do. As com nan der in-ehief of the army ho hai a right to give orders to his principal c tp tain, Joab, and throuzh hira direct the battle. , Uriah is slain by the sword. , A messenger comes to tavid and informs him of the f set. But Dsvid is not sensi. ble of any eiilt and Teplies to the ines senger- t-The sword devoureth one as well as another" as thonsh he was no mnre responsible than anv oher man Bnt God says to h'm by , his prophet "Thou bast killed Ur'ah. the Hitt'te. witrr-the sword of the children of Am mon.' Is it possible for a oopnreebndy of men to licens the liquor traffic and be guiltless? Some are apt to think because they do not do, anything that no blame can rest npon them. Bat i not this the pn-itinn that David occupied Yet he is g'i'ltj of the b!ood of n innocent msn. They have forgotten that a man is as accountable for not doing as for domp In the judgement day the Savior will eav to thoe on the left hnnd "Depart frnrn Tae," and he reason assigned Ye did it rot" In this country we are the give-n-mnt, and therefore the reponibi!ity rests upon us. If the governmens is wrongly adminitered bscanse we refuse w are jut as cu'pable as though it was wrongly adrainistered by our act. , .- 4 Faasx. January 4th 186ft. i . Woe unto him- that eiveth bis neigh Bot strong drink neroembor ruiaerer; Bible says that.. .-' XB Vv GOODS.!, NEW GOODS ! , , ...,.. . : f l AT j TH E - NEW YORK ' " CASH STORE ! FALL AND WINTER TRADE, 1868. E: a; wiggenhorn fc CO., At the New York "Cash Store offer u the public the Largest and best selectee i J v 1 1. . U' ' ." . '. ;. . '. Stock of DRY GOOD.. GROCERIES. ' ' V ... . - . tr ' BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS. ';; YANKEE NOTIONS. HARDWARE 1 " t. ? 3 - r-rj : ! WOODEN-WARE. QUEENSWARE, AT GREATLY REDUCE I) PRICES I We call particular attention to our New Siyle of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS. FLANNELS. 'WHITE AND COLORED BLANKETS, at wonderfully low prices. A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETS ATCNEV0YOvRK PIlICESrT We have the largest and neatest stock of BOOTS and SHOES ever brought ' -n trii'niarket consisting in gentleman, ladies and chiiJrpn's. OUR QUEENS-AND GLASSWARE DEPARTMENT is complete, and we offer the same at the lowest possible price. We hare a large stock of the celebrated GARDEN CITY CLIPPER PLOW. W'ar al?o Agents of the WHITEWATER COMBINED which we warrant to be the best made in th United States, and doiirg bet ter work than any other Machine. Our motto' is - QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFIT ! " AGENTS WANTED FOR ; MEN OF OUR DAY! Tfce men who tore rn nnr country, make t law, om.h n ba'l-. cha tnvi n wilb their elo q ifncw, fonnile J onr ralicse. control our ti'roaH, sannfctune. nl nr fHsnctw one MttrHrtiv"" rol .m". 'all o vtvt.l iniprest IH lilt- lli'ts'r 'tiona and -hr trritlB anecd-e. 660 weil filled iKe 43 fl'i teel p irfaite. and the lle f over 50 mn Print! low to sail the time'. T' e chepft well the mot i-itere-tia hwii pnnliahed within five year. aitw imraenne Kvo jS mIt iii to It do w the life his:er of tliee tu n. -nl r ir Vct-m to 2KIOLER. cCCRPY CO.,' Phi!n.llnlila, Pa , CilrtriDat.l, O , Chicago. H. nr St Lou Mo. - n30in8 -f-i-- m--'. liar lins to n . llr'vlgc Fin is It el Burlington & Kissouri Hi v er, -- i j In Con auction with- CHICAGO, nrULINGTOIS & UUINGY RAILROADS Pre.t to the Public the most direct, sure and safe Koute to OHIO. -ILLINOIS. INDIANA Pr; N N S Y L V A N I A N E W Y O R K AND -NEW ENGLAND.. l'-'e-r( bavetlie choice' of lue yarious roatea Itrggyge Chtcked through to UUumwa U A T E is invariab j as low as by oth'r Eontes tC Buy yoni Coup o Ticket! AT OTTXJAIWA triV; BURLINGTON- , pollman's elegant sleepihg cars OS ALL NIGHT TRAINS. A. E T0CZ1LIX. C. E PERKI56. Oen. TVt it Par Ast't Superlnieiident. G. C. M'lHTOlt. On'l Freight Az't. . a-ptl7. G JIICAGO&.NORT1I WESTERN RAILWAY. Grand Consolidated Line! 'SHORTEST and MUST EXPSED 'HOUS HOUTE TO . AhL, i'UlXTS EAST OU SOU til. Trains leave the ' DeDOt at Council BiulFs, in emneetion with trains on the Council Bluffi and at-Soseph Koilrol, a foltows: (Council o uus iiuii-; Expressatll 00 a. ra , exce;4 Sandarg.---. Mail at tiip.m,, " baimdayi. arriving In Chicago at 1 p m and 5 a. m , making elo-e cumieciioii ith th Michi;iii Ceu'ral, it-U-j(,n Sou: hi rn, J"itub'iri, F..rt Wyn6 and Llhi-au . Cmcago a. d (iiet U-ti'ii ctr.c .go aod Alton. II-iii.l-. Central, auJ all oth--r Jiiern and duaihern it I rod. for Toledo, Delrn t, Buffalo, Albnuy, Qurbec, Cleveland, Dunkrk, Subrdge, Montreal Upr ngji-ld, Worcester ) nloa, NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA, PITrSBCItCH, HACKlSBLRGn, BALTIMORE, Wa.-hinpton, Ctncinu i, Cairo, Whce Inp, Louurlllv, Mi'tnuiK, Cnlainbiif, - tt Loutr, Vivkiburg, NEW OULEANi, Saving Time, and Securiuy Comfort mnd &frty. Puifiner Cherk d Thr-tiif.. to all iiri.x iial poiPta and no x:r chHr ror tranater t ft.Mgh Cht.go. PareiiKer! nve rb"ice of routes tm ChicaKo, er.j'..T'Q ail the modern impiomwiili ia use on nrt-ci-3 railways. Superior Arranged Steeping Cars on - all 'Jvight trains! Pn"r(rra for any p.tia . B 1st or S ''h, to aval tli-m-elve f the in o tdvar:as uOVrd by this company, hia d b p.trticar co ak lor, and see th it their tirk'-Uread. -riA CHICAGO. VORTlT-ttSSTEHy RAILWAY" Ata a copy of the HsnaLn will be foand on file at the offioe cf the Chicago A Northwestern Ba.lway ii!9 Broadway, Jiew Torn. . t j E, . , O. I..DC.VLP, Gen'ISnp't. J. P. HOKTOK.H W. Paa'r Al't Chicago. ... V. J. . - .?tv-r; I -j-f, i,1"- ' - . - . ' !-. y'- ' . i teW&fer-Jk'J-'-fite f kt V1 SEEDER AND CULTIVATOR J. 'M. HINCEMA!T, (Successor to Donelan A rr.achman,) Druggist 6c1 Apothecary DEALER IV DRUGS & MEDICINES I'aints, Oils Hyes, IVotirns. Toilet Goods," Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, . P UK E W I N E S AND LIQUORS For Mechanioal and Kedicinai srpcce Keep constanty on handa fuanj weW assort ed stock of PATENT- iTSEDICIftaLS. PHYSICIANS'.. PRESCRIPTION ftartfuUr enmpoonded by an petlored rr..l-t None but the ifkEST Medicln a uwd. All geco warranted at reprtstnted. CaZ-'and sfe. ! ' . MAIN STREET. PODTll SirE. ' i Trims Cnsh, K. t 1. STAGE M.K. ?Hrill'MT XeW. Dry nnanaf e? ApriMSth. at . i. ,! . m.. iiMi.t re&ii i ,st at Kxrtoryviile MTrfre ( PlttttammitH 1 r... . i". - 'inner. vve Pimt-mo'itli f noc: arrive at N b Ciiv ai no-ri.i. p. i. tm-e a' Lindsay'' tit' Aeb 1:117, ana i riaue 411 -y uoa- PJalti-roauth, "Prlfitf " GEO JEXMNOS '2ST E 'W ' JEWELRY STORE The uber;ber bavins pnrt hn-rd the Red Ptoieni 21 street. I itely eecnpled hv Srpv anl other. wnnM riixtrnlly inform the eifixen of PlatNnionth and -Mrlniiy. tnat he ha refilled the tor and opened larire Jiocti of A.VU FANCY ARTICLES For Ladie. Oenta, ThiUlren, and the rest of rn-D kit,d, ax d is prep tred 1 1 do a! kioda of VVATCH. CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING In tne hex manner and would be h-ii I'V toxerve hi old and a many new customers a iumt give h it th ir patronage, asnurio itiem of iheir uik well d me, at moderate price., and on short time. Ih ilork, enib acipK eveiy van-ty t troixts usu lly k-i at firt-cle J-welry Stole, will be sold a lu prices, and warrauted of best woikinanskip aui material, lie nas aiso m smaii atoca 01 FAMILY GROCERIES, wnicn win oe replenished from time to time. an aolil at the lowest figures. Ilavi permanent!?! cat' d ia this city, I retpectiudy solicit a share of pa tronace, ami c.r in:iy invite ait tocail andexxtnm the stock on hand, as we would be p'.eased to serv, yoa. and do not auk yon e buy onless we on mak it for you . interest to patronize us. doc27tf E. n. EATOV. WASMICSTO . a- . . a . - a Life Insurance Compa'y, 9H It road way. Xew-Iork. CYRUS CURTISS. President. Cash A'setts. $1,000 000 Entire proflta divided amnof; the Policy Ilotders. I'ollries aonfoifeitsble. after tin aoon.l pvvme t rivi't"nds on the C-mtrihiii ion Clan, paid an "al ly f om diie of noiioy, and in C4e the pniiiioni a'e not raw apu?'J to .ep the insurance in !rre. LIFE POLrCfES SELF SUSTAINING In from 18 to 20 years; according to aje. Thl comoany l-xue pol'c e o.. all the approved plana of lnnranc, and offers every lodBCenieDtcon sisvnt wiih oveney For particulara app'y to the undersigned. For A(te' Cie to P.ICL A MA!"y, General Aprenfa, " 130 La Selie atr-et, Chicago. , " ltTJXD LTWAN,- Ae-nt Council Bluffs. dt, h. R. linXOSTON, ed. Eaaminee, Plataisaeli. . iMAMt l'i AiN OS, Organs, MELODEONS. J. iTIUELIjEK, . , COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWTA, Dealer in the celebrated Steck McCammon Pianos, ando herMusii-al Instrurneuls 23" All Instruments warranted five years. I . ; actil ly , . . - .. r w:"J. H6rtoii'&i Co. ( Weeping Water, Ji'ew Soris.) Dealers ia DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE CROCKERY, j -viiATs: - ca psr k.uoots. . ; r v .,,,1,4, 1 AINU MiUt,5r, &C, &C, Keep on hand, ard are selling: cheap.- a well aelrct.-d aiwnrtinent of foods suitable for a farm inn com munity. inarr.Hf . . . I . - . i . ' i - , ; . 'HOB. ' TIE, T. A. R1.191! J. R- CLARK iBANKERS,'. ' ' T Deafers in ' : Gold Dust Gold and Silver Coin; Exchange, U and other Stocks. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and special attention given to Collections PLATTS MOUTH, ; JI. T; ap9 d.wtf . ' ILLCOXrrMBBS c UL.II IIIU ir-iUmUlllllLi The Champion 136 first Pre- rniums in two li EX "Its seam is 'ejrtronper and less liable to rip than the Lock Stitch." "Jtufaes Report of Vie Grand irud." Send for the " Report," and Samples of work, containing both kinds of stitches on the same piece of goods. Agents wanted. L. C0BXELL & CO., Gen'l Agents, 138 Lake St., Chicago. F. J' i ' LJ dclfly Ai-ni. f a:t Bout.. N'-t- F..P.TODD, SEWING MACHiN EAG'T PLATTSMOUTII. XEBRASLA. ' A srood assioi t.-arnt ol michiii" and m 'chine Qnd keit "ii hsi.d. S3",,'Ji'e "t St .K-iu'iinn uioinini, tore. . . -or , . Alitchnes re-pi red tin short no" ce. J. V. Middleton & Co , ;, STATIONERS, . BVAXh'BOOKKA SUFA CTCIKIIK : '-i. ra:. . ,;' tV,-n...i SS' v- UTHOSHfiPHERSa AND Notarial and Corporate Seals. 19G Lah( Street, CHICAGO - -111 SUPPLIES roK Alerchants, Hanks I? ail Roads and Public Offices. feb27yrl TUTTIJG, THOTIIVSO &. .WETMOiSE. JOBBERS OP ME:S; AND .BOYS' OILCTHIInG-, i - . AND FURRISHJK6 GOODS. . 58 and 60 Lake Street, CHICAGO, - ILLINOIS TcttucVThohpsos & VizTXOzr.. Chicago. ISa AC F7C! i-Co., !5?5t'in, frrrl uu NEW GOODS ! : , We are daily -, OF Dry Goods, Notions; Hats, Caps, BOOTS, 1 HOES, CARPETS, AM D With many thanks for past patronage, tve invite all to Call and see our Large Stock of Good ! CLARK Sc. PLH.7ETIEK Platt-mouth. Neb , October 15. 1SGS " WHITE & DEALERS IH - - Drugs, ' Medicines, Chemicals Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Fancy l oilet Articles, Aoys, Trusses, Supporters, . shoulder Braces, Grass and Garden Seeds, TJSt353 -j&XNIBI for meilicinal rurfoses. Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs, Stationary, CarVon ' Oil, I amps, Chimneys, Glass and! Iulty, also, CHOICE: FAMILY GROCERIES. Green and Dried Fruits. ;., Havlnjr hef" enear ed In lung tr-cs and Croc1! want r Ine - ei. In vu" lii.sn rrde. ?i.d are )n HOa!:ty to supply tho3e wauls at very lowr ii cea. JAC!"II TALLtRT. JR. PETER VALLERYS & RUFFNER , (P. .essorsio8tazi(lc8c'2nrler.oii.) We resprrtfu'il f ri aoce to onr fricmK th.it we os, r.rs Lf i.uci-.i- mki write U"W Bl'io w Wli . . . . Our E XCE E'D BICLY.LO W PR ICES. LARGE- SALES & Our stnc'ri consists in , Dry-Goods and Groceries, Staple and Fancy Goods, Hardware and Queensware; Boots and Shoes, Uats and Gyps, AnJ a large stock of - READY-MADE CL O TJllJVG, WOOD EX AND WILLO W WARE, 1ROX AJSTD NA ILS, And in fact, everiy thing that a man wants. It3Give us a caM and we gnarantseyoa eatiie satisfaction. VALLERYi ?"& IiUFF.YER. "Agents for the Schuttlcr Wagon. a r d E. T. DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in - HARDW4RE I MBHTLTUiML IllPliilEMS, Stoves, Tin, Sheet AND STAMPED WArvE S T 3D IE L OP L O W S Of :i kinJt nd :etj which wa warrant the best In the taarkeL I'in Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusive Agents in thU Count j for It e tale of Stewart's Celebrated or Wooil Cook Stove. GS.ve us a call we will not be undersold TllAr.4. NEW GOODS! ! receiving-our ; ' ' rQUEENS WARE, GROCERIES. -:o: I3TUTERY, all kinds, Perfumery, and and LIQTJOnS CONFCCTIONAKY, &c. ,Vc. If-s in ihi city for the lsnt f'x ycaia Tve k J drrrU wl.h n lar tic!i el Umii of tlie t'lattiu ii:iti, N-b April ii, lrCB. WESITE fc BUTTE IS V. TALLERT, P. E. KCrrXEB !., r,i:rrt,n d the entire stock ol f soda of fcT.lLVJ fli m .OG'.ai motto SMALL PROFITS. w a r e , Di r I i ' 1 JIJJ Iron, Brass, Japaned Combination Coal Main St., next door east of Masonic - 5 NEBRASKA, . 0. .I D. El. Whcrlrr & Co., Beal Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds AND Fire and Life Ins, Ag'U, PLATTSMOUTII, .V. T. Collections promptly attended to. and ... milled at current rate of tKchaace. Taxes ua.'d tu Wr m Iowa and braacaior non ra,Iib.i. , r..i to la id invesligatid. Jijney loaned on Xieai ,tai securities. Land Warrants locate.'. CLAIM AGENTS. A iOnl . f.tr rnl Inr'lnn tfe. m Sk -..l.a O . . ..w .aiMll uuiernuM for he vurchane and of Land ant! CJtj ru- REFERENCES: Hod. 8. H. Elbeit, DenTer CUT. C. T. Mei-trS Konntzt Bro., Omaha, Ken, - -" Mc("nj k.Mrtcalf, Nrhra.sa &m , O. F. FllUy. St. Leal.. IUittaurW . Dr. Din Leais. Boatoa, MaMmrtiusttu. H W ll'tmar Cliicao, Illinois. H Si MmEI:i. Clrrintiati. h:n. TooJr At tlanna. Plail.in.ini ii Kl-biaskaj. L II Hi. h. Three KjTrrs. M.chijtun. n. K Ktllowa, Hioomllrld, Wl-eiir.filn. Hon T M M rqne:t, riall'inouili, Ni-l,rsiikst ' f. Iwi. A'toi uer at !.w. HufU).,, Tot. .Jarier. Hnssvy i Corl, Dt s liuues. Iowa. BLACK HAWK Two Elorsc CULTIVATOR Bv lra:-tl.-n1 rtrrlmrnti !r it.. AM ... A - . iniilii-oi wits tbr el k.n;' Oninralo a raaCa, u" u uruujf :.i a M ile s pjl imcll : t!f 2Pori'cctioii In c)t:trvsciIon. Tl.e 'c.'tlv or roi.l.is tf m vrinul.t irvn al-rri., arcl.rd imd Well Praed. l.he plws ure miupiy two iron b( nui. wilh t)OTJBt.E SnuVEL PLOWS attain-d to the axle ly a do'Jb e J!nt whleh glvoa the iiiJW an easy, tut at the sjn e i;n: ii-,,'ecUr truo ve't:n.l anil hnr.z iutsl mi ilnn. I lie torque in drill. le and r.,f n- d It ! sres of lh.r in. tree l.y clatniis. .. ti.at it c:i l nlN jr lower: d l will, when ihe co. n is yi.aag, rnlasiae ilr lft.asiii raided when tliecom is ln-Ler. Tlis fiioveU are furni-lied wilh. Reversible T e o t Ii Jo t!it he foil can be thrown r kh-r to or from IKs Bom. T e ''l-.w-are cuuncourd by means of lsaaa ''"!'. h ch enah e tl.e p.. ui.,u to euLtrol ltk I'mws by h jidil me. . , Tl.e f.j'lowiiiB ar- a few o. lr.iadrur.tiiKcoireiat f s ipe;itrit whicb tl i. rmtit ior l a. Tir olb.f 1 t Ii I -tr,,r.gfr nod lieliirr, brlitg tuad a'u.t entirely of wruuht iron, !M Th-!i.ul,ie points bv :.Uli tl.e shofrla m tisclt-d tu tlis mxP' enable- tl.e plowmiin to u.ii 'it plow eiihT to or from ilje co n or I. ft it aul af 'he ifp-una with ih. lea t rirjrt. 3d With this Cn'titiitur the dcpt!i of lbs nrrsv n nf r mi fJ po viuk .halljir or dtep whril.cr theyrcuud is bur.1 or ..;t 4-h. !y r esn- of the loo.e C .U,,B: whiih ra. mi. ifie 'wo pl.wiioil tmmlihim. pli.wt t aa i .y .'imi.i.ci- .iprt Hi , joo n.ay di-siio Wiihtia rtHow- it i- a'n.i-t 1ui(...lMf to h. ld Hr. h suovsia thr.iwinx ear li :otlie e.rn, sm.I io keep ihtas om crowd tuisMi- r wI.h,, pP.rn !i g froia the si For riinher phrtiriilarn.c.iil, or sJdirfa D I! McMKrilAN, .KO 106 MA IS ST. ' SBRASk'A tlft a V AN TED.- 7iVeter. S'Vtlvfff' r-tfer Int.) vnt veo n rid Wnmi-n. i-i a Iiuhhiohi- paring )S0 Is Per nioi.lh. .rr .rdii-K In i.lilj'y. p,.r crt.sa--.r- M.l.trr-H ZKJ'M.La. Met I P-U r Co-, l.i.n.h.iA LOWS!:' PLOWS! a C E. FOTL'-OY. Mar.ufa:lurcr cf k1) Linda pf" ' farming I iiipIrBiicialf, nrh ss the cel(-lm.'il Ro'l Hri.liicr Plrw-s Mi-sis' ip.hrd lUf..k-r-. siirr.'uE 11. v.. rijiix:, and 'tons linvt-i. C'iitvntcr and lt.itr.iTT, Kr paii Df s'.is n -'..r.i-t i oilre Ail woik wnrranttd. . TTHv'-tip had m:irh erperii-n -r In the hna1nss, I r.-.-l s.mreil tht I c m Ci,P -.rrj. ,t,.faril.a Piea.p piv me a ell Ii. fo-o i.rcl.si.g rl.rvksra. c. roaa i . lla'lrr:outli.y. li.,My Cih, HOT. ISC8. 18G8. North Missouri RAILROAD LINE," TO SAET LOUIS- Two Daity Trains. ' EOI1I Dnl y Trains of the Han. ihil & Si. ;ti usiirosd fiom the wet Inukr cloe coi.urctiou si lf0n City w.ib II,- some line, Hrrlring .a lt I.oiiih and com ntir.g tiieit.y w:la all niuia-kf asl .if'rriiw.n trains cut of M Lnn-s f.r Nut oi.k, Phili liartina. ln..TO!c, mim..uro citr, Bai.TIMOHK, Ll Ah K rl.LI-.OH, PlTTMIUHOII, t 'I U.IM( DaVT-'S, tiNI lN5tTrr, J.XDIAKIP. I !P, (.'llll-AO'l, LOHiiit, NiiBvu ua, ' And all 'Points East North or South. Th ot.'direit and leCit. ru 'e route from ILa West ,to St. Louis Sc the East. Timnloiht Eastern citie as QUICK at can be made by any route, wiih LESS ClJJlJVGESi TUlceta via the above line en he PtfrriiRseil at lk Uannibal k St. Joacpli ticket cQces in the Wtsl. , S"Fare ii lite same as tj any other rout: JOHN' P. LAIRD, Cn-ra' Surerlnttcili'nt H. II WHKtl.Kk Gen Ttrkei Agral. JOKFU GAMBLE, i-n. Krcistit AK-ut r Ii. RAkLi, Itrnrii. Ht Joseph. I.M nilNM.dtnrnlWi'Jiri 1. an, 23ly fVHE SII0RT ALL RAIL LINK J. EAST To Chi on no. TMtroit. TuUd.t. fit T.nult. ' Lofatt. Jndl.intifinlii, Cincinnati, Xofti') Simhelll '-, ( uio, Jmini, i olumJitit. W1- l'ltll.urg , &uff,ilt. Si'j.iia Full, iarrit- tUrff, Hallmioie natntnatun, FhiLadlph, lu York. Union, dko.. Is vt the old, reliable Genual Koate tea Hannibal & St. Jo. H. II tWTtVr thr I! A ET. JO. E. R. Una cf Via. River Packets from PLATTSMOUTII To St. Joiepi. where conn-'Ctlnns are made wIMi - Two Daily EzDress Train! . 1. - If ir 4, f, O It V. U . ' . JoMph Ui Qulncy srithout eliaoge of cars. CONNECTING AT QUINCY Wl h Chicago, ISailmrion k Qoio-7. and TolU vianH-c western rialirouCb for ail iinla Soiln and Soi.th, For St. Louis Close ponnrciion made at MACOX wiih JfOKIH MISSOI RIR K. forhl Loul. ana al Hnlbl wllfc Daily li.. Rivr Packet fur tit. Lout., mrala a4- stat-re'inis fret, leavlnft eeiy rri-rn ifi"! arrifal at train' from th- v.t, and a'rinn id M- iiis n xt moral s ir mn for b amr., aa l to connect si ith Chican, tlton A M. I.oi i. Terre Hun re, Alton k tl. 1 o .!, and unto t sn..i sippi r-ujijaof,ic.r all po:cM' Kms', IJortb mud Suutb. ARW SLEEPING CARS Run on NifrM Tralos. Bnv rear tnronah tlrkel via nanoiHa1 r. Jo. R. B. at t'-eir tickai . flj ja Omaha, Coaacti BluHs PUfuMiuth. Nebraska C'itv. l-t. Jomi-b,-and on eact Packet in the Ho, and enJor tba rckinstiesa f haTi.f taken rse skort, rbsis dnect rt eof c. 7. si KO. a ioa'f. I.Tt. GROAT Oeo'tTlakrt Afnm. c. soctirt, mm -- -:. uu i in lamiMp nil n no JVWBl " X