TEWPEBANCE-COLUMN. LODGE DIRECTORY: ikasd lodgz : , 9. W.'c. T., He. J. W. Tut? art, Nebraska City a' W. Ooarwelor J. Skinner. Omaha O. W. V. T -Miss Eddy, Omaha; . . . .- ' -O.W. 8 J.Stevenson, Bellevue; , . A. 'W. T. B. Bristol, Omaha. x ' ' ' ' ' OLIYS BKAMCH) KO. 2, PI.ATT5MOCTH : Kegiilarme.;Ugs every Tneiday evening. Traveling 7BANK WHJTB, W. 3. Ji. B, TrVisnnA, LodiSe Peputy, BXCKLSIOR DEGREE LODGE, JfO. 1. ' Jjjj,. on Irs. an third ; b-t???'!babSb7. d s. V. Correspondence for this column must be written plain and grammatically with Ink, and on one side nlr o what paper. Let them be abort (and to the point. ' " " " . THE.IOSSDER Numerous societies have been form ed all aiming at the dethronement of Alcohol and rescuing fallen humanity x. its ArakaAfnl rsnlifips nf an inebri- aiuu mwmm ai6 lilc, iuu iu oais my " - . not experienced the pangs of a burning thirst for that which ;"glveth its colcr in the cup." The particular organiza tion to which wo devote few lines is me nsiug auu inunniiui, Tempters. It embodies the very ele ments of success. It is an offspring of the present age. No mouldering monument marks the place of its origin. J -. -F its trmrnnhs in pto muaiy retuiua w olher days. It is imbued :with the yi talicy and aspirations of the present "day It sprang into existence from the necessity of the times, the necessity of some new and powerful agent to roll back-ao intemperate tide which was sweeping over the country, scat tering : misery, woe and death in its course. It came to rescue fallen hu manity front the lowest depths of deg radation and vice. It sets n bow of promise in the cloud of. the itebriate's destiny; and thus far nobly has the order fulfilled its mission, ani carried redemption nf many a desolate captive of appetite and passion Yet this noble Order has fees to contend. with; foes who would blast the long hopes of philanthropists, that would render every, effort useless to save man from; the starless,, hopeless night of eternity. Among our ene mies we note that class of p&fsons who have proved recreant to the tr-ja reposed in them. Who would vo'un tarily assume the obligations of a Goed Templar, and without a ' iu-l sense of their responsibility violate those solemn oblieations,! and . thus sacrifice th which enti les them to the respect of an intelligent community. I appeal to you whom I once called Brother, if you cm interpret vour course in any other wsy than tampering wita your own convjc lions of justice and right. -On wha principle. of, morals, religion or right will you justif y your step.' How dare you to be led by the tempter into the circle of power that has burled millions from happiness and heaven down to the lowest bell. Your first step was a wrong to your own immortal nature. .Listen to the voice of one wao illus trates the sin and shame of the firs 8teP- - ... .i ' . "Oh. mv condition! lnere is uo hope that I should ever change. Th? waters have gono over me; but if out of the black depths I could be heard, would cry aloud to alKthosa who have set a foot in that perilous hoed. GojIi vou look into mv desolation , and be made to understand what a dreary thing it is when a man shall feel him self going down a precipice'wiih eyes open and a passive will, to see bis de struction and no power to stop it; aDi yet to feel it all emanating from him self; to perceive all goodness emptied out of hirn and yet not able to forge time when it was otherwise, to tear about the piteous spectacle of b's own ruin could he see my fevered eye. feverish with the last night's debauch and feverisbly looking forward for this nisht s repetition ot the fo'.lv; could he feel tha body of death out of which cry hourly with feeble arid feebler out cry to be delivered, it were enough to make hun dash the sparkling beverage to the earth." How awful . is that warning "at last it biteihi like a ser pent and stingeth like an acder." Frank. RESULTS OF I3TO3JCATI0.V m at - lvir. .ann, was a uobie young mar, physically and intellectually noble. He was of a royal family, and the inner tor of a large estate in Germany. He was admired by all of his young ac quaintances and friends, vh ch were many. Hi character-was -lofty and noble, but unfortunately he became e.d aictea to canning, lie spent a great pprtwft of: bis. tinva .in raloons and gambling houses, and spent thousands of dollars yearly for liquor, for himsslf ana mends, and would have spent much more but it .was only paid te him by his guardian in annual install ments, but even as it was hu wild ca rter, was cut short. One day he went ' to the express office, and received a large amoun: of money, he and some of bis friends became intoxicated, as they were re turning home, they went to cross the river; he went to iter into the bost, lost his bahnce fell over board, and was drowned. Thus we see hundreds,- who, if they do not by the 6teady use of liquor, bring on poverty, or disease, they meet with some sad accident, or commit soma crime, and even die deaths worse than this. ... Let: every drunkard take warning by this unfortunate man, and cast down the cup before it $ is too late. And let every good Templar make an effort to rescue their fellow men who have fallen by its potent power. ' NEW GOODS! 3JTJESW GOODS !! r: Bfr.oU ! .. .... - ' ; . . i AT THE i NEW- YORK CASH STORE ! ., : ' ' ' " "- ' 1 ' FOR THE -. . 'J FALL AND WINTER. TRADE, 1868 .:E; A. WIGGJENHORN & CO., At the New Vork Cash Stored offer tc the public the Largest and best selectee ' " - ' - - - y. Stock of . ( . DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, i! i .' : Si " : ' EOO IS AND SHOES. 'HATS AND CAPS. ? - ' . , , , , . YANKEE NOTIONS, HARDWARE, V. . T I S's U , WOODEN- WARE, QUEENS WARE, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES I We call particular attention to our New Style of DRESS GOODS,; SHAWLS, FLANNELS. .WHITE AND y COLORED BLANKETS, at wonderfully low prices. A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETS AT NEW YORK PRICES. We have the larcest and neatest stock to this market consisting in gentlemen, ladies and children s OUR QUEENS :AND GLASSWARE DEPARTMENT is complete, and we offer the. same at the lowest possible price. '- - ,- ' - 1 - j : ' . : " We have a large stock of the celebrated GARDEN CITY CLIPPER FLOW. 1 ' We are also Agents of the WHITEWATER COMBINED SEEDER AND CULTIVATOR which we warrant to be the best made in the United States, and doing bel ter work than any other Machine. Our motto is " QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFIT!" AGENTS WANTED FOR MEN OF OUR DAY! r . The men who trorern oar country, make Its law, have 'ont-'bf its battle, charmed ni with tbelr elo quence, fonndeJ our colleges, control our rai'roads, mauafactories, and Mir finances oe attractive vol -i.me, full o vivid interest lile-like iin str-ttioDs and characterUUc anecdUw. 650 wall 6lhsd pages 42 fine gteel portrait,. and the lives of er;r 50 men Price o to suit the times. Tl e cheapest as well as the most interestinir hook puolinhrd within Are years. Sales immense. Everybody wants to know tha life history of these m n. Send for Circu'ar to ZEIUi.fcK, 1CCUKDY A CO. Philadelphia, Pa., Ciaclnoat.i, 0.. Chicago, III 'Lou'.a. Mo. - " n30i St 30m3 i - f Sl. ,!ii Burlington Bridge Finished) Burlington & Rxissouii ' ' - ' - " ' 1( i v e r , InCoDnectioa witk CHICAGO, BURLIiNGTON j i UUINCV EAILROADS Present to the Public the most direct, scire and safe Route to OHIO. ILLINOIS. INDIA N A. PENNSYLVANIA NEW YORK AND NEW -ENGLAND. l'asae-)sert have the choice of the various route centering in Chicago. Baggage Checked through to Otlumwa. ' RATE S . . . invarlab y as low as by other Koutea. 3 Bay yonr Cocpon Ticket " ; -f ' AT J OTTUMWA BURLINGTON. via PULLMANS ELEGANT SLEEPING CABS - OX ALL NIGHT TRAINS. - E TOUZALIX, Geu. Tc't 4 Paa'r Ag't E PERKINS, Superintendent. G. C. M011TON. Gcn'l Freight Ag't. aeptl7. c HICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY. Grand Consolidated Line ! SHORTEST and MOST EXPSED TJOUS ROUTE TO ALL I'OIXTS EAST Oli south. Trains leave " the" Depot at Council Bluffs, In connection with traina on the Council Bluffs and at- Soseph Railroad, as follows: (Council ciuug timej . Express At 11.00 a. m , except Sundara. ' Mail at 6-55 p. m " Saturdays. arrivior to Chicago at 1 p ra. and 6 a. m., makins close connection ritli the Michigan Central, Mich igan Southern, Pittsbarst, Fort Wayne and ChieaK Chicago and Oieat Kt-tern. t'hicno and Alton, Li - inoix. Central, and Mi other Kasiern and Southern Railroads, for Toledo, Cleveland, ' Dunkirk, , Sntbridge, -Montreal, DelroU, Buffalo, . . Albauy, Quebec, . Springfield, Worcester, Bostoii, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA. PITTSBURG H.HARHlSBrjRGn, BALTIM03E, Wa."hin$rton, Wheeiins;, Colnuibnn, Cincinnati, I-ooisvtlle, at. Louis, Cairo, - Blempbia, Vicaiaburg, . NEW ORLEANS, Saving Tim, and Securing Comfort and . : ,. .... Safety RsKRare Checked Throus-i, to all nrlnciral Dointa and no extra charge for transfer through Chicago. Paaaencera have choice of routes rsa Chics ro. enjoying all the modern improvements in use on first-class railways. Superior Arranged Sleeping Cars on all J tghl Trains! .. Passengers for any point. Kist or Sonth. to i themselves of the many advantages offered by this company, should be particuar to ak for, and see that their tickeuread.- - , "VIA CHICAGO d NOR TIT- WESTEBJf SAIL WAY." JCafA copy of the Herald will ba round on file at the office of the Chicago Ji Northwestern Railway 229 Broadway, New York. " O; L. DCXt AP, Oen'l Sup't. . P. HORTOJf. N W. pa'r Ag't Chicago. B. F. PATJUCK, Cea'l Pas'r J gent . V" r" T sw a.,K.t Tf f 1 I ever brought J. M. EINCHMAN, . (Successor to DoDelao Hinchmaa,) Druggist & Apothecary SCALES 1ST DRUGS & MEDICINES, Taints, Oils Dyes, , Notions, lotlet Uoods, Perfumery, vancy aoaps, 3? TJ 11 E WINES AMD For Mechanioal and Meiiclns purpctea Keep constantly on hsnda fuZand- wtll asaorV r - - - ed stock of - PATENT IflEDICIES. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS - car. ! Son re.y compounde i hy an experienced Drungi-'t. nutthercRKST Medicina used. All a ceo warranted e rejTtnJ. CtJ: a - , ; - MAIN STREET, SOUTH SIDE. - - ' Terms Cash. K. & STAGE M-VE. Stage will leave Neb. City on and after April 18th. at o i-2 o'cioca, a m laainR hreak fast at Factory viile; arrive al P!attmoinh at 12 o'clock, for dinner; leave Plattsmomh at one; arrive at Neb. City at to-cioc. p. ai. lines a Liodsey Hote'. Aeb. City, and at Platte Valley House. FJattsmouth, aprlCtf 6E0. JENNINGS. ,.2ST'E"W JEWELRY STORE The subscriber havinc nnrrlouJ J s... . td street, lately accepted by Sarpy and others, would respectful !y inform the citizens of Plattsmontb and Ticiniry, tnat ne has refitted the store and opened a large stock of, . AND FANCY ARTICLES For Ladies, fleots. Children, and the rest of man kind, atd is prepared to do ail kinds of WATCH. CLOCK AND I . . ......... JEWELRY BEP AIRING In the best manner, and would be happy to serve his old and as many new customers as may give him their patronage, assuring them of their work well done, at moderate prices, and on short time. The stock, embracing every variety ,.f goods usuolly kpt at a hrxt-clais Jewelry St'ire, will be sold a low prices, and warranted of best workmanship and material. He has also a small stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, wmcn will bo reflenixbed from time to time. snJ oia at me lowest figures. Having permanently! rated in this city. I reepectiullv solicit a nkim of n, trooage, and cordially Invite all to call and examine the stock on hand, a we would be p'.eaaed to serve you, and do not ask you 10 buy unless wa cn make iur our lutareHi to patronize u. - , de27tf E. II.'EATOV. WASni3TGTOi"V Life Insurance Compay, OS Broadway, IewYork. CYRUS CURTISS, President. CashAesetts. - SI ,000.000 Entire profits divided among the Policy Holders. Policies nonforfeitable, after tw annu&l pavmsnt Dividends on the Contribution Plan, nald anncal- ty from date of policy, and in case the premiums are not paid, applied to keep the insurance in foree. LIFE POLICIES SELF SUSTAINING - In from 13 to 20 years, according to age. This company issue nolie'e on all 'th. plan of Insuraoee, and offers every inducementeon slsient with solvency. For particulars apply to the undersigned. . " For Agencies to . PAUL A; MASOIT. General Agents, .. 130 La Selle street. Chicago. B.TJND LTMaN, Ag-nts Council Bluffs. Dr. IJ. R. tlVINGSTOX, Med. Eaaminer. BlIl Platumoutto.Jfeb. of BOOTS and SHOES PIANOS. PI A JN OS, MEL ODE ON S. " J. JIDELLER, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA, Dealer la the celebrated Stack 4 McCammon Pianos, and o-.her Musical Instruments. 53" All Instruments warranted Ave years. J . . . ocwi ly ' CITY BAKERY ' - "" ' AND - CON FEGT ION E II Y, P. STADELMANN, BREAD, CAKES, PIES, RVSK,Ete., Of the best quality, can be obtained at all time. wonld invite especial attention to the fact that I have fitted up an excellent ICE CREAM SALOON In connection with the Bakery, where you can be accommodated at all times. j . Wedding parties supplied on short notice with anything in the line of Confectionery or Pastry. Call and see me. jelS HOA. TLE, T. K, RAk'ICl, 1 cuki Tootle, Hanna & Clark, BANKERS,5 Dealers in Gold Dut- Gold and Silver Coin,; Exchange, U S. . and other Stocks.' DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and special attention given to Collections PIiATTSMOUTH, N. T. ap9 dcCwtf ILLC0X& sewing; fnMBBS II U E, The Champion I I lof 136 first pre- miuma in two I II I seasons. Vj Jftr-n-Tirrr and "Its seam is Ias liable to rip than the Lock Stitch." "JiuiQti lirport of the Grand. 2Yud." Send for the "Report," and Samples of work, containing both kinds of stitches on the same piece of gooda Agents wanted. L. C0BSELL ft CO., een'l Agents, 188 Lake St., Cbicaga. F. Agent, J- idDIi dacl9y P'attMnoutt, Neb- THOMA3 C. OKEKOHAW, - FACBES OF BD DBAlm 1ST Saddles arid Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS. CVRRIE . Combs, Spurs, Lashes, Whips, t-c. v . Main Street - NEBRASKA CITY, - . - N. T J. W. Middleton & Co, STATIONERS, BLA XKBOOK MA UFA CTUR ER S i UTHOGRflPHERS, AND Notarial and Corporate Seals- 196 Lake Street, CHICAGO - - 111 s'cFFI.IES F01 Merchants, Kail ' Roads ianKs and Public Offices. feb27yrl TUTTaLE, TIIOIIPSOIV & WETMORE, JOBBERS OP MEN'S AND BOYS' OLOTHInG, . AXD I FURNISHING GOODS. 68 and 60 Lake Street, CHICAGO, - ILLINOIS TcrrxK. Thompson & Wetmorf. Chicago. Isaac Fknxo & Co., lioetvn, Ma?. feb27yrl Mil Uli "f"miMrrnn-i Hfn ii i ii 1 1 ill in ii I " NEW GOODS! We are daily receiring our 3 WHITER or Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, BOOTS; t HOES, QUEENS WARE, CARPETS, AND GROCERIES. . ' ' ' With maoy thanks for past patronage, we invite all to ; ' .. . .... Call and see our Large Stock of Goods! Plaitsmouth, Neb., October 15, 186S. WHITE & DEALERS IS Drugs, Medicines. Brushes, all kinds. Toilet Soaps, Fancy Toilet Articles, Shoulder Braces, Grass and Garden Seeds, for medicinal purposes. Paints, Oils, Stationary, Glass ; Varnishes and Carbon Oil, Lamps, and Putty, : CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Green and Dried Fruits. COiNFECTIONARY,&c. c. Having; been eneaied In srliinsr Dnes and Groceries in this city for tbe last six Tears we V y wants of tne i-eople in our linaoi trade, and are predrrcd with a lane stoclc of Goudi of the qaality to soppljr those wants at yery low prices.- JACB VALLEHY. JR. PITEB .: VALLEEYS (P .essors to Staude Sz llnderson.) We refDetfllll5 rilLunc, In nnr frlnnu 41. at n it ivnm.nv : . fc AA UfctlaUA- t' tjat we are now able to sH , Our EXCEEDINGLY LARGE SALES & SMALL PROFITS, i - - . . : Our stoct consists ia 1 Dry-Goods and Groceries, Staple and Fancy Goods, . , Hardware and Queensvrare; , Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, And a large stock of READY-MADE WILLOW WARE, And in fact, everything that a man wants. fcJ-Giye as a call and we guarantee yon entile satisfaction. . ' VALLERYS & RUFFJVER. Agents for the Schnttler Wason.mgL a r d E. T. DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARD V ME s AGRICULTURAL IJIPIJlEiMS. Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned AND STAMPED WAKE S T IE E ij P L O "W S Of all kinds and s iei. which we warrant the best Tin .Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusive Agecta la this County Xor tbe tale of Stewart's Celebrated or Wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we wilj not be undersoldMain St.. next door et of MiMnl Block. PLATTSMOUTH. NEW GOODS !! CL.1RK & PL.mm.EK. BTUTEEY, Chemicals , Perfumery, and Toys, Trusses, Supporters, and Dye Stuffs, Chimneys, also, flatumouth, Neb. April 2, 1308. WHITE fe BUTTEIIV. VALLERT. ' r. r. pnrr.r. & RUFPNER, V j .v- .i . . . , y"'1' u "icnure unci ui WWI n MIIVC them s-oorfa . motto is LOW P.RICES. CLOTIIKXG, WOODEJC JND IROjYAJYD NAILS, w a re lo tbe market. Combination Coal NEBRASKA- ' . . O. Lwi, D. II. Wheeler &. Co., Real Estate Agents, ComxnissionerQ of Deeds AND Fire and Life Ins, Ag'ti, PLATTSMOUTU, N. T. Collections promptly attended to, ana proceeds r m I lied at current rateaor Ezcliaoge. TaiKS paid io Wca-een Iowa ana Nebru(iur non residnnts. Titles to la jd in rest! gaud. Mosey loaned on fcaal Estair securities. Land Warrants located. CLAIM AGENTS. Aan ts foroollactioD of claims aralosl 0.,err met, for Soldiers, their widows aud luinoi ti. Irs. agi-nt for .be parchase and sale of Lands and City Prorei. tj, easing of Teoeiueots. REFERENCES: Hon. 8. H. Klbert, Denver City. C. T. Messrs. Konntra Bros. . Omaha, Neb. McCarn A. M teair, Nebraska it. O.F. Kllley. St. Lools, MUuri. Dr. T)lo Lewis, Boston, Msnoarhusetts. H W Uitmars, Chicayo, Illmou. II M MaKill. Cinciunatl. Ohio. Tootle A Hanna, Plattsummb. Nebraska h B Rich, Three Kirers. Sllcbiyan. Hon V fellows, Kloomtlrld, H'iconiin. Hon T M Marcinett, PlatUmontb, Nebraska. L Lewis, Attorney at Law, Kuffalo, New York, i'arter, ilassey h. Curl, Des Moines, lows. a 8 diwf ' BLACK HAWK Two Horse CULTIVATOR By practical experiments In the field anil by last inatU..m with tbe best Walklna Ciiliivsu., s saaae. they bare been brongbt to a etate approaching 3Perrootiort In eonstrnctlon. The eultivtr conslnis of twe wtoagbt iron azlctrees, arched and well lraeed Tbe plows are simply two iron beams w.th DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOWS altach-dtotheaxlebya double Joint wtich sires the dIjw an easy, but at tbe aire time perfect tm- vertical and hori.ontal motion. Pwieewy Tbe tou-uels d (Ul.le and laK-ned to the arch ofthe axletree by clamns.ao tbat it can be raised or lowered at will, when theeorn Is roans redBeiaa draft, ar.d raised when the corn is higher. . Tbe shovels are furiii.hed with Reversible Teeth, 8o tbatthe soil can be thrown either toor from tbe corn. T e I'lows are connected by means of leese coiiplmir, wh ch enab'e tLe plowman to control baia Plows by holding one. The of sui t.e following are few o.' the adrsntsgeoos r.eials uperjority which this Cnltnator has cTer othtrs 1 t 1 1 f stronger and lishter, being mads aliasu entirely of wrought iron. 2d-Th-double points br wbith tbe shovels are attached to the a ale enable the IowinHn to , hi plow eitlir toor from the corn or lift It out ef the ground with the lea t i-ttvrt. 3d. With this Cultivator tlie depth of the fnrrev csn be reifiiU'ed. floin shallow or deep wb-lh.r the ground is bard or sort. 4lh. llymesH'of the loose coupltnc which eu. nectit the two plows you can make the two plows run any distance apart that you may desire with oth er plows it Is almost inipit.itie to ludd both sbsvele when throwing earth to the c:rn, and to keep tktm from crowding toae'.hrr when plowing from tbe ctrn. For farther particulars, call, or address D. B. McMECHAN, XO. 106 XA1XST. . SEbRASKA CITY. WANTED.- Trader. Stultntm. .! firent Ven and Womrn. lit 1 bulnnu m, I., mm . . 2i0 per month, accordii.g to Hblllty. For particu lars address ZEfiLEK, MctUHlT Co-. I.cmbsid - i sv viiitrKO, ii-, PLOWS! PLOWS! C E. FOKGY, Manufacturer of ail kinds of Farming IiitiflrmeiitM, Huch as the celebrated Rod Breaking Plows. Mould Board Bru,ker Stirrina Plnws. gioiile end Drnb e Shovel., Cnlcivator-and llurm,. n.r,.;,i.. h on hoi t notice All work warranted. Iiavinirhad much eaierien- in ih hmi.... feel aoi-ured that I ran Rive general sr,t. .faction Please give uie a call bifore purcliadng eieewbeVn riaUmouth. Neb., May 6th, 1S07?' r0R T ' 1808. 18G8. North Missouri railroa'd line, TO SAINT LOUIS. Two Daily Trains. BOTH Dal y Trains of tbe Hannibal et. Joseph Railroad from the wet.t make close cotit.ectjiiii t Uacon City with the ab.ive line, arriviste ,n f I.oiiis and com ecting airect.y with all uiutnu -g and afternoon trains out of rt. Lou'H, fur NfcW OKK, PHILSUi;l.pllHA. tu'TOs, Uthioio t'nr, Baiiimohi, HiHH.ttuta, PlTTtSDROH, I'HUMIVS Havre. CiNciaaam, lSDIAAroI.!8, Cmcsoo, LOCKYILLK, A'asHVIi.1.., And all'Points East North or South. The only direct and legitimate rou'e from the West to St. Louis & the East. Time to the Eastern cities as Q UICKas can be made by any route, with LESS ClI.ljVGES. Tiskets vi the above line can be parchased at the Hannibal A St. Joseph ticket otHces in the West. CSTFare it the same at ly any other route. BARTON BATE3, President JOHN P. LAIRD, 0nrral autxirintnndf nt. H, H WHEELER, in Ticket Agent. JOSEPH GAMBLE, U-o. rrelabt Agent P" H. KAP.LY, g-eiit, bt. Joseph. L.M. DUNN. General Western Agent, an, 231y THE SUORT ALL RAIL LINK EAST To CMeago, Detroit, Toledo, St. I.ovil Lafayette., JntJlanapoJU, Cincinnati, Louinill Aathville, Cairo, Memphln, l otumhti Wheel- ' inff. l'ittlurg, Buffalo. Xlujara FaUt, Jlarrit burg, Baltimore. Wi!Unau,n, PKUudelphia, h'txo York, Ronton, rfc, I rla tbe old, reliable Central Route tke Hannibal & St. Jo. R. IL dTTake the H A 8T. JO. River Packets from R-R. line of afissean PLATTSMOUTU To St. Josen'i, where connections are made with Two Daily Ezprees Train On the II at 8t. Joe. R. R.t run throntth from aa let Joseph to Qnincy without cbaage of cars. CONNECTING AT QUINCY WUh Chicago, Bntlinston k Qulaiy, and Teleee Wabafcb k Western fcmlioi.di f,.r nil ii.i. . North and South. For St. Louis Close connection made at If A CO. V with NOIin MISSOURI R K. for St Loois, and at Hannibal wit Dally Miss. Kiver Packet for let. Iuis, re 'a Is and staterooms free, leaving every eremiigea arriral ft trains from the west, and arriving in St. Loots next morning in season for b isiness, aad to connect with Chicago, Alton A 8. Louis, Terre Haute, Alton St. Louis, ana umo a Mississippi itaiiroadsor all relet Cast, North and booth. SEW SLEEPING CARS Sua eo Night Trains. Bny yonr through tickets via Hsnoih.il A It Jo. R. R. at their ticket offices in Omsha. r,s nrll Blurts IMattsmouth. Nebraska Citr. tit J.u.h and on each Packet in tbe tine, and enjoy the con sciousness of haying taken the abort, cheap so direct rente eatf c. W. MkD. Gen hon'i. P. B. ft ROAT, Gen'l Ticket AgenU n. H. COtRTEll UT,Gea'l Fr't Ag!.