11 ' -.L. LOCAL NEWS- The music of f'leih-beHs was heard on the streets Tue-Jiv. Will somebody I. ring ui t:oJ on subscription. few corJi of Whrat it mllin-r lit ft!. IS nn.l 21 i ' The 0 . - j Chicnjrn. WAST MOSCI! We expect al) persons owing us topny their accounts, now. Vi 1.in't intend making another call. We mean busi ness. Simpson, Mickelwait & Co. NovlO tf OM winter Lfjran in earnest laet Mon day morrir.'. Three tbousnml acred of r riirie, in Lmy as much as possible and they have Some people have intimated that it was wrong to bet on the recent election ; but the fo'.Jier boys say they were taught, while in the serf ice, to forage off the en bodr. i to be broken :n Lancaster county neit season. Oxercjats nnd mufHers have been iD jrreat demand this week. Stadelman sells them chenp. m (let Duke's patent stote pipe dnm ptr, and save a cord of wood to every stove. The mails lir.ve beon very irregular for several days past, causing a dearth of new. Dr. G. II. Ii'.aci Inn taken the agency 3f the Florence Sewing Machine in this city. The ice has boon running freely in the Missouri since Monday, but has not clog ged at present writing. The Prof. Kritton who swindled the Sundy School children here son e time ago, has committed suicide. The men who have the contract of breaking 1200 acres of prairie next sum mer, are about contracting with Doom's f jr their gang plows. Rev. Thorpe, of Nebraska Colieg", said to have predicted the recent earth quakes, a'so that the Atlantic coat will be visited bv them. The stonnier Sunset lodged on a bar just below the city Inst Friday, and re roained till Tuesday, when she got clear and started up the river. -- - - No eastern mail Tuesday Ileaon drivers on a spree at Pacific, and did not stnrt in tima to reach the river before nilit. Mr. Abbott, the Lincoln Postmaster, hss been takm to Omaha, where he will be krpt in confinement until the session of the United States Court. Ti a P.. .t M. P. II. Co. kav rurehised the It. .1 St. .loo road We are not Jvied ns to whether thry have tskm pomesaion yet. The IIfrm.h nfFvo is turning "uV tt been doing it during thj campaign just passed Abbot, the Lincoln Post Master, was advised to resign some time ago, in con sequence of various complaints. But he refused to do s probably thinking he had a "good thir.g." He will probab'y go up'" for about ten years. it i esi&t;tbl Influence." "The silent and irresistible influence of told machines, made converts And con erta became customers " Report of "Grand Trial." Mrs. J. W. Smith, of Staunton, V. re lates the following instance : "My ma chine has been the id car. 8 of soiling sev eral others. Mr. Spitzer c.ime to town this morning, to Ivy a ck Flitch? machine; but after seeing my V, & G. work, he concluded to buy one like it. I have used mine for six years, and it has never fail ed to do the work required. I would not accept (and ue) any other kind at a gift so long a I could bay a Wilcox & Gibbs ; which, I think, excels all others, not only in the beauty and Dcrabilitv of its work, but also in the simplicity of the machine, there being nothing that a child cannot understand." The Johnson Bro's will have their ac customed dance, to-morrow evening, at the Sheridan House, instead of City Hall. Mr. Irish, tho proprietor of the House, has fitted up a room with a new floor and other convenience?, and a good time is anticipated. Supper can be had by leaving orders with Mr. Irish Morton writes a half column article to show that the .ws 'deserves patronage because a workman in the office has been honest and industrious for fourteen years. II.! probably thinks that a much better "string to pull" than to nsk support on account of what the editor-in-chief has done. We are surprised occasionally to see children wenrinz shoes ragged nt the toes, wastinj their parents' money, besides endangering their health, when so small nn exrense'ns the coprer or Filver Ti? s will obviate these difficulties X. York There are two or three miserable rag bonds in'this place who deserve bootinjr out of the country. They "lay nronnd ,..-.(" whenever they don't lay nronnd "tihr," and are always redv to pick op any little artiele that comes in their war and sell it for whisky moner. A forci hie npplioition of sole lenthcr would do them good. Th metoric shower wa witnessed again last Fridav niht. This phenomenon ctn rdsrreat consternaton rarnj peorle many venrs ajo: bnt science has demonatra'e3 t'tiat ir is a harmless kind of amnsement nmire the o'omenN. and people do not "scare worth a cent" wh.-n they witness it row. A laree mijoriiv of the people of thi good j.V wor a- -r.y r h:ee in me . f( ,1(J in fuT(r r,f a nT sm ft".--mnarion w.ll shiw. and it ri'ft I . . " , - ... Cash paid for Wheat by L. L. HOLBRO JK. aug 25m3. 1AY IP, All persons knowing themseves indebt ed to me will please cull and pay up im mediately. A wcrd to tho wise, etc. S?pt.lOtf. C. E. Forgv. $1200 and all Expenses Paid! See advertisement of American Sficttle Sewihg Machine, in our advertising col umns, ly New Eoot and Shoe Shop- Opposite, the FUi'le Valley House. The undersigned having just opened a new Root and Shoe shop in this city, is desirous of receiving his share of public patronage. All kind of new work done on ibe shortest notice. If you have anv repairing to be done, bring it along. All kinds of produce taken in exehang1! at market priee. Remember the place, op posite the Platte Valley House, and sec ond story of Forgy'9 Plow Shop- U. W Ferree. Plattsmouth, Uct. 15 tf. HOUSE ASU LOT. For sale, or will be traded for a team. Fnjuirc of A. L. Strague. Sept. 24th, tf itlO.YF.Y. All persons indebted to us will pleaFe eill and sfttl Immediately. Sep.t 3d, tf Domm, Bro. Jb Co. Plattsmouth Lodge No- 6, A- F. & A.M. Rnlarroinmu'itcattons lt anu 3d Mori'laya ofeAch -nontli , at 0 1 2 o'clock .p.m. K. K. LIVINGSTON. W M. G. C. BETTS, fee. !nab!e price. S-Mid in your orders. I ai ber.l law How U it in otner portion i r the Stntr? We liivp rot snri anv ni- The (-tars to and frem I.ir.eolfri c'.t.- ?: tinue rrowd.'d wit Vi'iasienzer', notwith standing the sevtre ht.jrms of tin bit few d.-iy. F me t-raee.'e1! ecainn has ilrfHiljf 'Tn jaonc"! humilities on :he llF.a.r.p rffie woi'.J r !e, and v.-e her-by nui'v him that his s:a will s.on n" J repair. Tb northern bound imii fii!e l to get cr.;.s thi Pla't? !:;"t Monday. Want abcut that brMz ? C:v" n.t something be d inn to hurrv It tir? r f this importnr.t meafiire ir. any c! c jr Str.te r sclnnte Will they endeavor to ascertain the views of the people in tlr ir various locui:r f? m m We understand that Col. P. Sanford. the ?3iner.t Lecturer on "The Holy I.anl, 'will vN't Nt'braskr. during the rresent wintor. tn l wil! deliver a lecture in this city if the necessary arrangements are tr.i l! and lie t notified in advance. Will pome person take bold of tho mat ter ? - mm - Tho Lincoln V'.inru.nwa.ih says the t1 I contract for grading tho Omaha and It. i P.-7 R R. has been let as far as Lincj.r. We think that paper is a llt'.le mistaken. flUr understanding is that the contract St. Luke's Parish Vestry. Rk"ilr iti-'c-tifi-'' f:rs t Tu.-s lay of crt ry month, it 7 i. m., it the utti'-e t.I D II Whwleiv- 11- v. EO. C. BKTTS. P W H'iiki'i r.s. Clerk. Chairman. Nebraska Chapter No-3, R. A- M. KccuL.r roTtv.M-a'i'iti". i ani 4th Tuesday of ? ti'h lut'ULti. at 6 1- o'clock p i:u K. T. DTKE,H.P. O. C. KETTS.Sec. I- 0 0- F. It-!'' mf'ifc "f X'l.i'te L'.'V-e. N". 7, I. O. O. F. t".'. ty ati! nl i.v vhii.hu at 7 V n'cioeic p. 13 Itr f :s or t:.r I.j lira Invite. 1 t Tisit this l'u'e.'r., -f M. MrF.LWAlN, .N.O. v. M i.'iii:iN'.r.)".!:-c..-'t'y. 'xpRi P II I.i!ir v' w rinnl hoIJs regular meeting every Saturday eTenins. Mi .SaUA'I I'Ol.-K' . W. 8.: A I AVIS, bude P "puty. The '-(Irreli-.n Und' : Paid m i'.:ir.g Its way we.t. It ditort its vie tim horribly, ar.d is said t" be more ter. :V i, v. .V.rtt.- Pe r.ermini. in larle d-ri' U ffoodinit, earliest .stage,, j has not been let, bt i? to be ,horty-as They have n four story brick hot';I build'ng in Lincoln, which will accom mru!a one hrjndred and twenty-five guesti. week. It will be opened in a few Car-". Foutt. (Jeneral Western Agent for th Singer Sewing Machine, was in the city last week. The Capt. is a ple.n aat gentleman, and is d lir.g zood service for tho company he represent. 5ee advertisement of property for sale, by Jeo. Bocck. !r. P.oeck offers some of the best property in the city for salts or trade, enl we have rjr.son to believe it can be had at a living price. - As far as heard from , Fremont ia the only county in Iowa that gave Seymour a majority. The majority for negro suf frage ftill stands at 30,000, atid the ma jority for Grant at about 53,000. . , m - - - - A preacher in W isconsin has proved to be a rascal, nnd Democratic papers ger araly use it as argument rgainst all re ligion and religious peopie. I: is much easier for them to find fault with religion fchn with rebellion. O. F. Johnson & Co furnish all the leading magazines" and newspapers at club rates. Now is the time to send for winter reading. P.iy your money in to Johnson & Co , and get your rending matter at the lowest price and give the firm a chance to make a few centd. Abbot, the Lincoln post master, has been arrested on a charge of rotblrg the mail. Ha should est up the pie that he was only endeavoring to make the oSce ,4 two reases, and thus :hten the burthen of th.; prn-ral go remind. ! soon -as the route is determined upon and other nrranzements are made, and the people along theline say what aid the will fj've nnd in fact, the contract ii not let. If you w;h to keep your horses nnd eittie free from disease, have thern al ways lojk sleek r.nd healthy, use "Reed's Excelsior Condition Powders," for pun fyirg the blocd and Ftrer.gthenir g the lungs. O. F. Johnson &. Co are agents in this city. The recipe was obtained by Mr. Reed from an English horse farrier of lur-e experience, and there is proba blv no o.her eompcunl in tho world equal to it A couple of gentlemen from Blue River were in the city last week purchasing eang plows. They have a contract ivr breaking twthe hundred acres of prairie for one man, and will run several gang- 'A Repository of Fanhi-fi. l'l(itrt tnd Inttrue-ti-n " HARPE lVS- BAZAR. A iupplemrt contilLlir nom-roo ful!--!iJ pt t"rn !! ufful :iitl. c iu:t nie t li pnper rvrry f.KtniR)tT and occaKi.t :nl!y an ti.-ieADl Ci.lrtftl 'Mf.ri i..p Plate Harper'n Bazr ciitiin 1 fVi- pae .f t t.v of larpr'a Weekly pn.ittd .in tfuperu ie citiuderdl ppr, and ia pu!i:i.l.d we kly. Critical X. tlvrx of tti rr. : ITarper'a Bai.r eomains, peiu r putt rn etf., a variety o' niatt'-r c p ri il ue atnl inter. : totheiamily; article on henlth, dr-.n aoil Iioum.- k' tpinK iu all its biMiiche: itt rdi:.i ial matter i p cia'lr adapted to the circle it l inta .del to in terest aad inMriict; Knd it has bend, C'j.i ht.rte aod literary matter of nieiit. It i not narpriiung that the Journal, with noch feature, ha acn tred in a short lime ati ltnmae ettreess: for Momeihinn .'f the kind waa deirel in thousands of Ii"nlm, an . Its publUhers have tilled tho demand. Sew York k'rtning It Whether we consider In claims in bed upon the elrgadceand superiority of the pnper, in typoraph iral apiearunc, tne taste ar.d jurtgeiui-nt dioplayed in I he ecgraiK?.or the literary cDtra.biit ions con tained it paKec, we unheaitatinRW pronounce it lo b'i owior In each and eery particular to any other iin-lar pab lcation here or abroad. J'hU'a Leyui Ititelliyencer. We know of no other English orAmerican journal of fashion that can pretend to appro-ic-h it complete nea anil variety. Sew iorlc Time It has the merit of bfinfj serail.le, of nveying In struction, of (riving eu.e'.lent fatt'-ro in every de partment, and ot beinB well (picked with good read ing uiattei H'atc'muin nnd Httlector Tj ilress accudmjr t. Harper' B iiar will be the aim and ambition of the women of America. BoMan Tritnxcrpt Subscriptions 18G9. TERMS: HiEPElt's BAiin, one year, $100 An Extra Copy of ither the Maftaz'ne, Wekly or f.'aur will heKniiplied ratie for evety Club of Five Sub-cribert at (4 00 each, in one remitt tcce ; or Six Copies for ?liO 0) siubsoriptious to Harper's M tsazne. Weekly and Buiir, to one aiMrex for on- year, fill 00 ; or. two of If trper'a I'enodials, (o oae a.ldresb for one year, $7 0i Hack Numbers can be supplied at any t'.me The postage on Harper's Bi ir is i) ce itf a year which roust i" paid atMhe suhsrriber's fost otfl.-e bubciiptions sent from Bi itish North Ain' ri ran troviu ces must be accoml.inied with -0 c-nt-ad.litional, U preoiy 1'nited States postatre. Address HAKI ER k BROTUEUs), New York November 12, IsCS Capt. . L.ABOO & CO., Wholetale and Uetail Dealers in Wines and Liquors, Also a very cho'ce selection of Tobacco and Cigars, Halo street, second door eat of Seynuur House, Nebraska Cily. N'ebraskn Are just receiving a new stock of Gmuine Olit ourbon direct froai Bourbon cuuu:y, Ky.. Huter-, etc. n.vls w NOTICE ! ! NOTICE ! ! plows. What da our eastern reader Viuriti-i. f:i-t'. V 1'f " uoik of t'.e iiwt in ft? '.I crM." BE A Htr. R S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. V ii i it: S 'tier of ft? Vref. 'h-'in st pjj.u;:tT Montn!" ii thf world. .V. V. W. riii' refer in terms "I eu' (.-v in t:ic niii ior.e i.d va i d exc-'letic - .f il arpe 'i tiir:t ne a jour im! with a monthly r:n-u!;it i.'ii of ab-ut 170 Oou cop r. :n wl.o-e ac-s aic to je i.i'j.m evme or tne lii.ser-t lii-'ht and V- n- r il - -adii'i; tf "'e day . We ;...c of tin- work a- :tri evid-ncM of tile culture 0' th ; An-.e ricii I :.! ; aL.I It. popuianty ti ua ac quired i- m. rit"d. fcaeh :mi er c.ir.Ot'as Inl y 14 l,Alt t.f rtrt'iinn in., i-r. ari'i... . iitj iii.ts --r.c. w ith g-'ft w. -od e u- ; tnd it combines in itself the rn'v ri'.utfi'y an-i toe no.re pnii'.s j -i i nu.im.nj , b;. n.ltd t! the b.-it ftaurns .d the d uly juiirnal It b;s grc:ll pow.-r i" t'le .lis-enonHtlo 1 ..f H love of pura It er.tllre. 7'r ul.n-r'n twttttlt lo A tt'ric-l M Lit ?t'ftfrir?. I.ott'ltui We c.ii an-.mut f-.r it succors u:y r.y in- simple fart that it n.e is pr. ciselv the potular tte, fur- iishc- a va'i; ty .1 pi -rtsioi ..mi iiistiuci.vu reuiiing :,ra:l Zlt.n lit.ritt i ....'' SuSJxcripioiss lSOt TtKMS-' IIarpfr's Mahizi.if, oney-tr. $J0& An eXTH c p' ,! either th MiShZiae, Weekly, or B.. ir will be M.pi lied f .Hi-b r every clnb of K.ve lib cri!--r a' S4 O i eich, in one jeminauco , or x llo i'- f-r " ultrlptl..n- to Hirper's Mnpaz-re, Weekly ar.d lt..ir. to oik :i.ldfi- fur one year, 1 0 00; or t wo of Harpi-i's Periodicals, to out- aloress lor one year ft '"I l.i.'k N'nruber can be sopnlied at any time. A Ci.mpl.-te ret, n-w coraprisiu Thirty-seven Vol umes, in neat cl ith binding will be ?eot by exp'e-s, fir j. !i' "t expense of p'nehaser, for ti ?o per vol nn.e Sicilc voiiiTt.es. by Iila.l potpaid, J UO Cl.'th raser,f.r buidinir. ' ceir.s. by m.il. postpaid. Tip-postge on I!aneia Mrtfaztue ii il cents a y. ar. w bi. h must be pii 1 i t the subscr.brr'a poi .- bubseriptions sent rrcm oriusu i.ono icnu Prolines must be c;r.mpatiied with 21 cents additional, to pr pay Unit' d si iat-. Address I m now receiin my FALL A iD WIXT KR STOCK OF GOODS, and desire to call special attention to tho same, art sol.eit careful examination nf the GOODS AND PRICES before purchasing elsewhere, is I nm detvrmlned to KEEP STOCK so large and WBIili ASSORTED and tho prices OF EVERYTHING .-. low s to null" it the ii.terest of everv FARMER A xN D M E C II A N I C IN ICASS COUNTY, t. call and either BUY OR POST THEMSELVES before buying elsewhere. C ii. DOVEV. Piattsrnottth, Oct. 1. 1S53 tf. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS!! AT THE NEW YORK CASH STORE!! FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE, 186f K. A. WIGGENHORN fc CO., At the New York Cash Store, oflVr tcthe public the Largest and best selectee Stock of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CATS. YANKEE NOTIONS, HARDWARE, WOODEN-WARE, QUEENS WARE, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES? We call particular attention to our New Style of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS. FLANNELS, WHITE AND COLORED BLANKETS, at wonderfully low prices. A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETS AT NEW YORK PRICES. We have ihe largest and neatest stock of BOOTS and SHOES ever brought to this market consisting in gentlemen, ladies and children's OUR QUEENS AND GLASSWARE DEPARTMENT is complete, and we ofTer the same at the lowest possible price. We have a large stock of the celebrated GARDEN CITY CLIPPER PLOW. We are also Afnts of the WHITEWATER COMBINED SEEDER AND CULTIVATOR which we warrant to be the best made in the United States, and doing bet ter work than any other Machine. Our motto is "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFIT!" J. M. HINOHMAN, (3orcsr to Pnoetan a rfUtcfamaa J Druggist & Apothecary, DIALIl IN DRUGS & MEDICINES, Taints, Oik Dyes, IVotions, Toilet Goods, Perfumer, Fancy Soaps, PUKE WINES AND For Mech&niutl nil MedlcinW yorpctt Keep conutantT on rtanrla full and wctf aort d ktoek of PATENT ITIEDICIINES. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded by an experienced Druffg Ut. : Xodb but theTUREST Medicines net. All gii warranted at represented. CaU and see. MAIN STREET, SOUTH PIDI. Terms Cash. ' DAVID LEVITT. 1 IIC. n. If TBI. I.EAVITT Sc HYDE, JTJ Pi-tnj ; ) y Real Estate Office, " AMD :o:- Ilomeslcad Directory, NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! ! NEBRASKA CITY, op'site LandOfTice. LINCOLN, WEB., Cadman House. -:o: We are daily receiving our Government Lands selected from ptrsonal exsrs cation. Free llouieitt-Hcls selected, turved anrt oured. Lnnd In pertMid hsnd snd improfed farms vupht sod hold. Titles examined, sud Convey soees mrde. Kr.rEKENoss : John n. Turner, late Pre G k. O 'JBK: Lee County National Baf.k, Dixon, III. ; itnbert Ham, fuK G t & Q K K ; Anv Banker ia Yhitesi'le coTinty, III ; lt.-iritiler and Receiver ef I Land Office, Nebraska City. till OF- Dry Goods, Motions, Hats, Caps, BOOTS, HOES, QUEENSWARE, CARFETS, AND GROCERIES. K- & IV. STAGE MM Stsvn will leave Neb. City on and after April 18th. at 6 l-ii o'clock, a. m,, UikinK breakfast at Kactoryviile; arrive al PlattMmonth at 12 o'clock, for lioner; leave riattsmoutb at one; arrive at Neb. City at Id o'clock, p. m. Office at Lindsay's Ilote1, Aeb. City, and at l'latte Valley House, I'lattsmontb, oprlCtf GEO. JENNINGS. DR. TO. II- M CLISKY, ti e l : fi J :o- mm Wiihroany thaulis for past patronage, we iuvite all to Call and see our Large Stock of Good! clark & rLvnnER. DENTIST, r!i-o'i1"oS . October 15, ISCS. HEAUTHt GOMFCmr, AND ECONOMY. 3 REASOSS FOR BOARD1SG with CEC. W. COL.VIX, OAKSTKKET. - - - PIATTSMOLTH Two blocks nortbweft of Brick School-House. ivf ho a BA TIT HOUSE, free to natrons; liis 11 rooms are well ventilated, and bis price r reasonable. iJaljlM muu. XEW MEIT MARKET!! GEO. FICKLER, i . . . r think of a man openio op a luwe larra of 1200 acres the first year.' And then think of raising from 20 to 40 bu-hc!n of wheat on every acre of that 12001 How lono- will people remain in the crowded ens?, nnd die: among the bpch roots, when thuy can open farma of this kind in Ne braska in one year? A Ottipl t' Pi :t " ial History of the Timet." "The het, heupftt nntlmott xucvetufid Family t ip?T t:i fir c rtri HARPER'S WEEKLY, erLENIUDIY 1I.LCSTRATEP. Criticit Xoticei oj the Pre Tbe Model Newr(,ae.r of our couut'V complete n all tt.e ilHoarimi'C'A of an American tarnny pHper Itarpoi's W.-tUly b is earned f r UA a rgbl to it- ut!e, " A Journal of CiVitUrttion." -w Xork . .. . T!:. 1 Vrninl P.t I The Omaha IltTaLl p l-ues into u,n - i,,torlans w.ll en iU. th trlves out r.T as usual bCllU0 it does not hap of Harper's W.-.a-.y lo.;e aft.r writers a... I frmter Ll'.y, n usuji, nciiu.u uuw u k I utH.-be: s are turue 1 v ilirA Jt ec ork Er.an- a -m. a t. u at .1 i vonf I r I Ti : ii nm r ii . . - . . t pre ta turo- " ? v Thebtof its das- in Americ.-J.n Travel- feis of Omaha; and the tremont iiiiuneler iowa up tin- felfishne9 of said Herald in f. rroner lizht. Sli.ler thinks that it the sun ries near Ir J. McADOW, I: ESI D EST I-lYSICtAS, WVOMING. - NEBRASKA. Ofi-ritais professional services to the people ..f the town and surrounding ro-iniry iufi C- Cheap Cash Store ! I. I . HEED, r E. BEAHIDELY. REED & BEARDSLEY, WEEPING WATER. NEBHsk UTEhvjust openeJ a larire stock of Oooda t Weeping Water, onsititing cf Dry Cowls, Unuceries. Queen sw are. Hardware, Glass, Iron, Wooden Ware, jYotions, Ar.d everv thing the farmer and mechanic needs. Styles and grades to suit. To ruy rises "ere ... . well lobuybrei wen aiwan r.. - S-Lft-n Je. Calland.ee. I.ook "I Ael.rK.dj. Ask for the pr.ee. L.onmer (.t AH Uoois wsrran.e.1 ririf'-'"-"--. . ,.,t. auwo- KEED fc BEAKDS1.EV, July 30 tf . Plattwiiioulli '2 eat .Market! W. F. Morrison & Bro. Jilt in Street, opposite .Masonic Block A Will be at Dr. Livingston's Office during the lal fek in each month A 1 'irders Itfi In ttepei- X:,- wi' promptly attended lo. July 6 ' Flouring AND WOOL- CARDING. Ho! for !:tt Creek, wher yon ran kill two birds with one sioue, (ret your (iran (irounJ and Wool Carde i a' the smne tim; Ti.e macninery inr mwn in perfect order. We use tbe Patent Hacn.ne caras. which were run cnoUKh laM year to ehia-'iisu wie.r superiority oer tbe old kind, as all who ned them can testify. The BnperiorHi ol Mr. b. 1 wits as a Carder is well know n, and I. is services are sun re tained for the beneft of the public. With the above advantages we flatter ourselves that we can make it to tbe advantage of all whe want work in onr line to come this way. D. DEAN; lyoprietor. nijlii 6. IBiaOitonirri fine assortment of freh Meat can always be r.iuo'1 al oar market. STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonable terms. The highest market price will be paid lor STOCK AM HIDES! June 25th nliif. W. f. M0HF.1SOX BUO. o. r. jonssos. ECCKNK B. LEWIS. 0. im o Weeping Water Mill. Farmers, go where you can get the best Four and the most of it. F. M. DORRINGTON, RfcAL ESTATE AGENT, PL A TTSMO V TH, XEB., Prinpt attention paid to the purchase and sal tf a ..i ctt. and i.avmentof Taxes, and all hnsinesa p.rtaining to a genernl Land Agency. Titles investigated. iteiers oy perm.pBiou v Hi,n.E. S. Dnl.ily. Jadge 2d Judicial Dlst., Valla CI'v. Nebraska; Maror Kdw'd nuroaoa, i-aymasier U A. l,eavenwonn, iHn, ioi. la'.e Ai.eor Nebraska, Frills vrty, Kcb J Hon. T M. Mf",oi't;, plattsmouth, reb., vol. n. n Lini", In e O ..fbraka 1st vet. ois., i-a.iinou.u, M.;-.. i. H. WheelT, U. S. inoisn siieci, i-wn-e , nArv rka Njttlton. No. Ill Broadway, New Yo. k; Harvey, Deitrich A Brown, Washington, D. C ; Tra-y, Mairnlre & Co., Chicago, Ills.; K. O Kijeh, Rochester, M. Y.. I'rof. H'jnry Ariinguaie, urra University," N. Y. o5 VTAVTED.- Teacher. Student, and other Intel irent Men and Women. in a buainoss paying $100 to . . i : t . I. 1 1 . V.tr nsrtlen. 35 lsoX X X FLOVIt and 12 lis of BRAyVS Co-. Lombard CORXLR 2d cy MA IX STREETS, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Keep constantly on li:ir.d the best of All Kinds oi Meats, rhiebthey can furnish their customers at "he BEST CF RA1ES I0S CASH I Ju'.j 2d. 1S6S 3ra. (opposite Clark fc Plummer.) PBALES8 IH Drugs, Medicines giveu ia exchange for Rood Wheat. . .ii. r;t wnrv: and. with our in-! f-.rii.tiM feel assured that we can give the I Uxi nd the most Dour of any inui in me Satisfaction Guaranteed PRODUCE BOVUHT AXD SOLD. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID. HEED &. CLINTON. March 2Gth, 1S63. Block, Chicrifo, II'. JUST RECEIVED And for sale at low figures, in .i COFFEE. 13 W SVGAR, W. J. Horton & Co. ( Weeping Water, Xew Store,) Dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE CROCKERY, HATS, CAPS, ROOTS, AND SHOES, &c, &c. Empire Bakery ! Hirper s Weekly may be unr servediy declared the bet llewpaper in amend. i n: iwp-no.-nt hA mtii-li-s u.ion ti:b ie nu.'stiotis wmcnappeir he Wet end Of the in H irpe;'.- ekly frjin week to w ek torm a re- I i. .i.:- .w nt t-it.f ni.'itirAl essi i TtlfT hif rrOrOSed R. R- bridjl-?, anj Sets just ,,tt stii-bed by cl.ar ati.l poir.te. .t4teuni, hr west Of O Capitol till! l Cines f)f Tl w. rhey rc ,e t.n-. on . ( n.iture con- exrrc,Sly for Omaha, and -,,, r0 other locality La ariTt to be kDOwn or heard Vilue s6nh Avnc 'n ntirte iutm, 3ta. Buiiness men ehould not forget that the Hesald is read by or-- thirty ve hundred different persons each week. A greater number of people are reached by an advertisement in its columns than can ba done with the same expense in any other way. K it w will euarantee that while Bro llavs runs the Trthur.e the country west of Omaha will he heard from, ana us in fiuenco fc't. A Scotchman waa passing over Second St. bridge a few nights ago, when the bridge miraculously "slipped from under him" and he landed : tii.streaia below. Ha tad been "looking throz' ilaps" rr .ti1t.I7 at tbe Hie&ri over. Siibwcriiilioiis 1SCD. TERMS : HittPaa's Wkbki-T. one year, 4 00 an Kit.a Pol v of eitber the MiC.t'n', W.eklv or flAKKltl;' ;i,it.cnSer t H OJ each, in one retuittauce ; it ?ix ".t tK ri nea of h- r.ndf mother, Co, ies for f2j w. kI. .., .. . . x- 10,1, ic.-o I Si.rj-criiuioa-IJ narp-r j.k"ii"-- On Thu'cday eveniEZ ' v l-tn lcUC, Bjljr t on address lo ot.e year tlO 00, or, two of bv VV. D Gnce. Prdba-" Jt dce.. Mr. UAR- Marpej's Periodicals to cae a,iares i.r - ' ' . . . .,11 7 III. VTY . SACK ami .MISS M I- B .'luuni, . liai k Numhr, n b ,r,,,,,li,-.l at anv time of the citv of llattsm"uh. And may their future life Be bless'd with loving 6triff, ! srep each oihur ever A'rn -he t.';iesful road, Ordained and bles " ) of God, That hope may never die, 2J ST., OPPOSITE "SEW YOB K STORE." ti TTRMOTTTH. - - N'EB. Conicclioncrioj, DREAD, PIES, CAKES, CHEESE, and SWEES CRACKERS. REFREnTIOTS kept ou hand al all times. . HUBERT Y STATIONERY, PERFUMhiu, HAIR OILS, Newspapers, Magazines &c., &.cM &c. Prescrip'ions cartfully coxpoutided by an expe rienced DruKKi't. I 6 IbU DR Y APPLES, 5 bill DR Y PEA CUES, I R on hand aa are Mlllnir cheap, a well select -d t(C ,ka. A Iso, a large assortment 01 Pine Lumber, assortment of goods suitable for A farming . com- xffilW ARRANGEMENTS PLASTER PARI, tIAlli, cia. v, LEXINGTON COAL, 2r.O bushels, t" which we Invite the ntteetion of Hlacksmitbs and others as to quality and price. V e ar2 Agents for the OOI IS COAL BANK, at Lex ineton and propose t furnish all the Coal thi. .ofintrV wants a price, to suit. Also a large sleek ol Rye, Bourbon and Star Whisky. I Cherry, Raspberry, Blackberry and Ginger Brandy James O'XTeill 111.11 I II .viiimiriii?.! i HAT MUlliiHmM Cail aad see jjicKELWAIT CO. je6d3 wtf uloif. never Th- Ani.n.1 Voliiuiea 'f Harper's Weekly, in net cloth biodine. will l sent by express.fi ee ol eij.ei.se for $1 00 eaib A torop.ete m . c 'niprTM:, t--een Vo.ume-, feat on ret-eipt 01 - i i"e c t. muluTt, fretgat at. xp-ne ol purchaser V. lume vti n..,fv J in:i. , V 1 -t. Ia69 Ttposiae on Harper's Week'.y is cents a t enr, wnitn must i p 11 .a w v uc . - can Prorinces must t-e eceom. aniea w,.u . Wk.LLS. W D S Vff KCELIOR DK .KEt LUDOfc., No 1. Platts oouth. holds regular meeting on tbe tbird Wednes- riav eveiiinut of trftCnnionin. WASHINGTON! nGRRAN HEROIiD HavluKbonshtoatthe entire Stock of Goods from G li EJl T IX'h U CEMEA'TS In Prices I shall sell Goods LO WER TIIAS THE LOWEST. for Cafh, Wheat, Corn, Hides, liifsor any kind of COUNTRY PRODUCE My Stuck Cousi.-ts of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS BUOTS, SHOES, CLOTUl.U, HATS and CAPS, POCKET CUTLERY, YAXKEE XOTIOXS, ETC. Please give tse a call at the old stand ofC. G. Herd" HERRMAN HEROLD. D. B. McMechan, Dealer in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, IRON, STEEL and NAILS, ROCK ISLAND PLOWS, CORX-PLAXTERS, Cultivators, sulky and walking, Cook Stoves, A Large Variety on Hand. Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Rakes, &c, &c. A larce stock now on "oand at small aiTaoce on Eastern Prices. lOG JUain Street, - JWbraska City (Opposite the Seymour Honsr) SIGN OK THE PAD-LOCK. dealer 1 DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEKNSWAUJ. HATS, CAT'S, BOOTS, SHOES. FARM PRODUCE- And eTerytfclng needed by tb FARM ER - MECHANIC. HaYinc pnrchasedthe entire etock of roods belong inB to wm aerold. I am re-fltting the store fcB , go d style, and propose to sell gd at the oldstaod op tbe tactrocaVlteTs. . tcarStf JAI-TC Mil "I 1 n Mi Ml 1 111 !yt ( III IV 1 0 I 1 J A i