'cliv ;2n U i.,ifa - Jilt v.. PLATTSV.OJTH, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY. NOV. 12, 1NS8. tORRESPOXDEME. Wa are 4 jtiru ; of rareivi n? c invspuo iler.e..-f7 ow all parts of the State, reiatire to the material inter nUotiliecri itrj-, tj,'-:!-er wi:i u-h other in it lr a contributor uu; liceu of ja'siett. .... SllULKS tOl.M'Y. Every precinct in Saunders county give a Republican majority. Majority la the county about serentjv - ? m mm RICIIAHDSO.X COl'XTY Has mare than redeemed herself. She gave Graut 421 majortty.a ?ain of 196 over October. "TIinCECOCaiTlES The Democracy hae actually car ried three counties in Nebraska, with an aggregate majority of forty-five. 7l X C.4STEK CO V X T T Official returns from Lancaster show 204 majority for Grant.and 200 major ity in favor of i3uingr SlOO.000 in county bonds to the firs'. R iilroad reach ing Lincoln. PAW m COL' X T Y 2ivej over 400 majority for Grant.be idct as Urge an increase over October ns rouJJ be expected where Democrat ic rotes are so very scarce as they are in Pawnee. e -1,303 MAJOKITI' The majority for Grant in this State w.U probably reach 4 300. The coun ties are not all heard from officially, but our majority appears to be on the i ..crease, instead of decline. 1ook coxsoi,at;iox. Since the election the democrats are consoling themselves for defeat 'jv claiming that Grant and the Republi can party will soon fell oat, and then the democracy will get office. They must have got thai idea from Nasby ; but they are welcome to it, if it cheers them any in their loneliness The Re publican party don't feel very bad about it. FOCK MOKE YC.-lItS.. On receipt of the election news, a prominent democrat of this place heaved a deep-drawn sigh.an J exclaim ed : ' Four more years of tyranny !" Another democrat standing by attempt ed to console him bysayiiig: "Well, the d d radicals will have to stand it, too !" No. 1 failed to "see the point," and wauld not la comforted ly buch reasoning. Geo. Francis, was not elected in the oth district of K-;w York, yet he received some votes. His votes were all counted for .Morrissey. That is the Democratic way of doing things. In districts where the returns do net show a single vote for Trainjarg'e numbers of voters have come forward and made affidavit that they voted for him." Is it any wonder the Democracy can carry New Ycrk ? raCIIICilCAXTS To Nebraska will find it advantageous to come during the fall and winter, un less their finances are such thai it i necesstry for them to make their liv ing from the start, and then they will find early spring the best time to come. The object in coming in the fall cr winter is that they become acquainted with the country and be ready to em bark in business intelligently when spring opens. Iiut i: is lett-.r to cuih ta Nebraska at any season of the year than to "stay in the Eastern States. During the recent campaign our dem ocratic friends bowled from every stump in the State that the Republican party Lad forced negro suffrage upon Ne braska, and endeavored to win votes to the democratic piny in consequence. How do they like 4,300 Republican majority a3 an auswer as to how the . people view the suffrage question ? x The people of Nebraska ars in favor of doing tight. XO rLIU FORKEBELLIOX The American people have left no loop-hole for the supporters of Blair's theory to crawl through and kick up another rebellion. It was proclaimed that if the vole of the excluded States would give the Democratic candidates a majority of the electoral vctes.thatthey ohould be seated in the white house if it had to be done at the point of " the bayonet. The returns show that Grant hai a clear majority, even though every Southern State, including those exclud ed, should b& counted for Seymour. The hope of those who desired a pre text for another war has failed, end we will now have peace or an open defi ance of law on the part of the K. K. K's. The Wfiite. Cloud Chief says there were not as many Democratic- votes polled in that precinct as there were copTeVcf the La Crosse Democrat- ta ken, and expresses sorrow that the pa per had uot a wider circulation. X'i:W YOtiK Has gone Democratic at least that party appears to have received a ma jori'y. There i no qurstion that it was carried by illf ral and fraudulent vo'es. and we are gbd to see that the Repub licins are takinrr steps to contest the election. New York City, under Dem ocratic rule, has always been able to give almost - any rnnjornj, and it is about time their wholesale frauds were being looked after. Heretofore it has been the custom of Republicans to do what they could to prevent these frauds but they have considered it too Hercu lean a task to attempt their complete overthrow by making an example of the perpetrators after the election was over. A committee composed of some of the bet men of New York has been appointed on lehalf of the Union League to investigate the matter, and we have no doubt they will be able to unearth enough illegal votes to give the State to Grant, if net Ij elect Gis would. It ii known that the names of over five thjusand persons in New York City were registered who had r.o persons to legaliy represent them at the polls, and were represented by what is known as "repeatere." This, taken in connection with the thousands of fraudulent naturalizations, cannot fail to give Grant a majority of the le gal voles ; and we hope, for the sake of justice, it may be don". IX t-OOI" FAITH. Another opportunity is now offered fr the supporters of the late rebellion to aceppt the results i:i good faith, and we hope, for their good and the good of the country, that they will do so. There is not a mm in the coun try but knows that the condition of the whole country, and more e.pec;aily the south, would have been far better to day had the rebels accepted in goot faith the result of their appeal to arms But, no; ih?y were led to believe that they could- gain a', the ballot-box that I which-they had failed to accomplish by armed force, and the late canvass was fought on that lice." Again they have lost; and now the question is. wil they accept the result in good fai;h, cr will hey continue plottirg- how yet to make their lost cause" a success. I it not about time they saw the wave (.f progress? Does not the past teach th.-i.; that the American poorly mean no iJ'a talk when they prui'riin th th's is a government of freedom and justice? Which would appear to Le tht course of wisdom for these men ; to accept the verdict of the p 'np!i, re af firming the result upon the barl fu'.d cr to continue their hosti'i'.y to the in evitable ? There is no use for any man to attempt to deceive himself much less ta deceive ether, nbcut this mat ter ; for a man needs but little percep tion to understand that, the principles of justice advocated by the Repub'icn party are bound to triumph, and will yet permeate the entire civilized world. Opposition to those principles is use less, as no people have a better oppor tunity of knowing than the peorle cf the Southern States. ouic ka!i.iuai7ixtk2:ests Now that tht election i3 over. .Grant elected by an undisputed and over whelming irt.'.j rity, and peace and general prosperity in ured, let us, one and all, turn our attention to the material icteres-ts of the coun'ry. It may seem to souot-, like a worn out story to be everlastingly harping about Railroads, but. then. 3 should be considered that al! success is conceived' in thorght, put in motion Ly rvqrd, and consummated by action.. We.have already thought much upon the question of Railroads in correction with the procperity of our eity, new let uj take the next sup by talking, tit- we may be ready to con summate the work when the proper time arrives, as we have no doubt it will shortly. We have at least four separate and distinct chances for valu able Railroad connection ; any one, or all of which may be made successful, and some one or more of them m ist be made lo operate to our advantage if we would keep pace with other locali ties. We have the' Burlington road approaching us frcm the east, with i.s definite location nude and the grading contract let to or near the river-opposite thi? plac?. This connection may be set down as almost a cerlaintyyet il is well u look the thing squarely , in the face and act in such manner as -.viil in sure it beyond all question. We have, also., a resonable prospect that the chil tcothe & Omahi road wril ross the river here'and form a jtincnoh-with the Pacifif! Ly crossing the Platte on or t ear the survey made by the P. P. Co Next, and probably as important a con nection as we cin expect to obtain, is that of tha road up the west bank of the river, exteuding from Atchison, Knnsas; to a point opposite Sioux City. in town, taking' all' the rirer towns of Nebraska in ks course. The list of - - ' - - - , the four, though by no means least ir. importance, is a line Vest. TLis line has already been f urveved and located Railroad Company, and they have a munificent grant of lands to aid its con struction. While this western line will prove of great value to our city, it will also proye one of the best paying lines to the company that builds -it of any in the weit. It has been arcoed by come that but one line of road could or would. be built west from the Missoui: river in Nebraska for long years to come, but we respectfully beg leave to differ from this theory. The Great West is settling up too rapidly for one line of road to do the business, and even now a line through to Denver would pay equally well with the Pacifi;. Ji has also been argued that no company could be fcur.d sufficient y able t construct a road through rhe vast prairies intervening between the well settled portions of Nebraska and Denver. We dj not aree with this idea, because where Rni.rotds will pay the money can al ways be obt lined to construct them. But even s-upposing the undertaking too great for any single company, what is to prevent a uniting of interests and a combination of forces to construct this line. The B. & M R. Co., have, as we said, a valuable land grant which extends t the 100th meridian, which is in tht vicinity of Ft. Kearney, and no man can pretend to doubt that they are able le build the road to that point, at least. The road which is already reaching out tip the Republican will, at or near the 10ih meridian, touch wiih in 25 miles of the Burlington line.nnd what is to prevent a consolidation at this point of the different interests and the construction of a grand trunk line through, at least to Denver. At Den ver the line would be thrown in con nection with the Pacific at Chyenne, and would also drain all the rich por tion of Colorado and a portion of New Mexico. We speak of these matters as one way a road west from Platts mouth might be insured, and it is, to some extent the way which we believe it will be done. There are various other interests which might be brought into requisition to secure he building of this line, any one of which might be made successful. Our principal olject at this time is to show the various strings"" which we have to puil to sr. cure Rtilroad connection, and to urge the people to alive to their interests or.d let no t.5iie rem tin unturned to aid anv or all of tha.-o enterprises. The time is near at hand when we must iihr s?ctir Raiiroad connection or be "lefi iut in the cold," and it behoo--'9 us iu be up and doing. - - . - - 'i m: ni:scL,T The following figures will show the resu!'. of the election as near as we are abh; to give it. We give Alabama and Florida t Seymour, although the indi citions are thar they ha-ve elected lie publican Elector? : Grant ad Coltax. E'ectoral Vote. Maj California 5 lo.OOO Connecticut . G 3.041 Illinois 16. 60.000 Indiana 13' 11.000 Iowa 8 40.000 Kan as 3 S.000 Maine 7 25,000 Massachusetts 12 71,522 Michigan S 30,000 Minnesota 4 12,000 Missouri 11 23 000 Nevada 3 3 231 Nebraska 3 4.050 New Hampshire 5 3.000 North Carolina 9 8.000 Ohi. 21 35.000 Pennsylvania 23 . 20,000 Rhode Island 4 6 0C0 S juth Carolina 6 40.000 Teuaessee 10 40 000 Vermont 5 C0,000 Wet Virginia 5 8.C00 Wisconsin S 25,000 1 08 525.S4S SCYMOCR AND B&AIH. Alabama 8 10 000 Arkansas 3 5 000 Delaware 3 G21 Florida (by Legi3lat'r)3 Georgia 9 25 000 Kentucky 11 75.000 Louisiana- " 7 75.000 Maryland 7 45.000 New York 33 C.26S New Jersey 7 2.000 Oregon 5 2,000 90 215.SS0 What caw be Done Mr. C 13 Todd, of Palmyra precinct, in this county, informs us 'bat he moved on to hw farm, two years ago, which was then only wild prairw land; the first year he put up. his buildings and did hi breaking This season, which is his second year, he raised four hun dred bushels of wheat; one hundred bushels of oats ; one hundred bushels of potatses; and' one hundred bushels of corn. We refer to thi, not as a solitary example of what farmers can do here, but what tbey are doing throughout Nebraska. Nebraska Cily Press. " i I wi6h I had vour head." said a la- I dy one day lo a gentleman who had .Twin . ' T AVy ' ell,-' said she. "since your head and i my heart can agree, I don't see why '. I . , . : -urrj fuiwiu -IJUI JJU ill.u u lUCtMlip. And they did. Mr: Editor: l am g! d to see this subject introduced. I can see how a stock law, founded in the simple prin- . . . . ,. cinles or (iuitv. would onDerate to creat r - and general advantage. How greatly j it would accelerate th settling up of . goes Republican as well as the State, A New York undertaker i:i th (jlII our nobU Sta:, and how many could ; and the vote is decisive. ni.-j of buiness, tried to kill his wife begin farming without embarrassment i . Two thousand four hundred minority I to get up a funeral. who could not begin at all if compelled J to protect their crops from the depreca- j Hons cf other peoples' cattle. And it 1 teem to me there is a crreat vronr ! done in so compelling them, having the Legislature pass 'aw, for the State, making the ow jer liable for damages flcne by all animals, without distinction. Whv should a mans horses and cattle hare privileges j ,hpm jn ,he HuU?e. n ,he election of and immunities not shared by his she ! at orneys of the several judicial dis- nnd hogs? Some might think that they ! tricts the Democracy have been as un- are now so fixed that such a law would ! fortune hey were io the S.are Sen . j , l t i i j i ate. V e have elec t-d all the district le a damage to them but! have learned ' : attorneys. to believe that unjust laws will not work j Ve have fairly swept the State down for the permanent good of any class, to the county officers. There we find however much their short sighted sel- j he Democracy as badly off as they are ft u ,,, , ,l- i. I ia the Legi-lature. They h;ve carried ushness may cause them to think so I i x i c i i It seems to me no more importtnt sub ject is likely lo coma before the atten tion of the Legislature at its next ses- sion. and it is hoped it will be consid- ered in no party spirit, but with refer- ence to its great and far reaching re suits. S. Blodcett. j T1IC RESULT IX XUnilASKi. ; We have complete returns from 19"! or trie 'JV counties ot inis Mate, err.- bracing three fourths of the whole vote. Estimating the majorities in the vther counties, from which only partial re turns have been received, Gen Grant's majority in the whole State foots up the magnificent total of fnur thousand two hundred and forty-three, as follows Majority for Grant. Seymour. Douglas county 372 Otoe " lG2 Nemaha " . U17 Richardson 421 Pawnee 4C0 Lancaster " 204 Cass 341 Hall " 134 Platte 3S Cedar " 27 Pur lb- Dakota 3 Cuming " 32 Johnson " 22('r Saunders " 71 Dix m " 5 I.'Ean ijt:4 Couit 24 Ddge coun'y 175 Washington ' 300 Stdnton " 5 Gage li 225 Seward " 65 Builer " 45 York " 5 Merrick " 10 Sarpy 10 Snhne " 10 Madison " 23 JtlTerscn G5 42SS 45 45- Grant's majuriy 42-13 Estimated. Three counties, with an aggregate majority of only -15 votes is a very sor ry showing for a party which boasted its ability to carry Nebraslcs Rrpu) .ican. iovrnior'8 lrclanaaliou fora of TliaiiSiiviug Iu crateful recorrnitiorj of the Divine origin ot a.l natR'u-1 as well a- p r soni.1 ble.-sings Th President of the United States his ca'lc l iipmi the peo pie throughout the land to ei apart u:id observe Thurfday, ihe 20 h day of November, 1S09, in ih pttbiic w.ir-li'n of the Loid our Gjd with nravtr, thanksgiving and praie. Moreover, the penp'e of this Sta'e, by their Legislature, have unacii'ii that The GoAcvnor sha!i, l y pioclamution, set apart one day in each year as a day of soleran and public thanksgiving to Almighty Gud for his blessings to i s as b S;aie ; i.d Nj'.icn, J"oir, therefore, earnestly seconding this action ot the President, and cheer fully giving voice lo ihn will of ihe peo pie, 1, David Iiuiler, Governer of the State of Nebraska, do hereby call upon all within the borders of this State, citizens and strangers, to ttb-tain from their secular avocations, on that 26th day of November, and ta assemble in the customary places of worship, end before God's altar recount with thanks giving the m"ny blessings, material and spiritual, which have been- bestow ed upon us at a- people. And while engaged in these grateful devotiuus let all behold how constant has been the Hand that proiee's at d blesses, 16 tne end that as individuals a-nd as a nation atl miy be imbued with the spirit of humble yet iraplicit trus. in the Lord. I further call upon our citizens to cnaracteri-ze the day by letting grau tude find expression iu deeds of benev- '.. .... a'erice as well as in words of thanks- oia, u wvm xjfitain auring tne giving. EpeciaIIy do I call upon ihem I war to seek out and minister to the wants of I The San Juan business will be re the poor, the needy, and the suffering, ferred to the President of Switzerland those made so by the wars for our for arb.tration. country. I call upon them to seek out New indictment are being fouud all that are ia disires, from whatever j da-'y against New York demociats con cause, and bear to ihe in relief that ! cerniog fraudulent naturalization pa the land be filled with gladness that j P's- every heart and dwelling, on that day, I be cunvtrieij inio a temple of thanks- ' Grounds here been ptnthased at giving: and prai?e. ; Aurora, Illinois, for the erection of In testimony whereof, i have mills to roll all the iron cf the Michi hcreunio s t i;iy h iiid ui.J gin Central, Chicago, Burlington tnd I l. s. caused u be aiExed ;t.e (ire.i' . Seal of the State this 7'h diy v Z,.?' ' ' n,VIn m,rl ,. T- P: K'EjrxAny. bVc'y of S.p. . : . t .- , , The sicn hoards put up at road cross .. ,... ,.t...--n:: : i . u i.ir i-ii:t n,;..,:;- i - viiu io ' he, "Loo'.i'ou! fcr the Ini'itis.'" Mi"!8tMiA. I rsebraska fails into line of soli J Uu : ion States. The permanency of the rartF ""ndaucy i now now secured. 'Our victory this fall has been mor.i . .... . ., ' bnu iant than our exnectalion. Oina- na,he Thiladeiphia of Nebra.-ka 1 auJ scaUen?d -over a lerrilor'y near!y twice as large as Pennsylvania is itself nlmo.-t annihilation ; but when closely 'lamtor,7n,1ed,olaM,lhleal'mn3ntrar of the triumph. Our majority is graJ a general j Ufl and effect ively distributed all """'J the State. We have the Legislature almost unanimously. It h probable that there is not a single Democrat in the annlp. m n rl nut mnrp tKn sit nf nmone ttie least populous ; while every ore of the leaJine counties has font' ; against them. Even their principal ; strongholds have been wrenched from them, and there is li'erally nmhtng left. iNebraskn, it must never be forgot ifn, is a S'ate in which colored people vote. Equal and exact justice has been dealt out to a by the Republican of that young Sta'e, and behoid their re- vv.ird It is the lessan of thr dnv. In this connection it maybe well enough to dd that Nebraska has a sir ngen' and riid registry law. Two years ago her Legislature cave it her, and no Supreme Court was found out ihfre to declare ii unconstitutional. To be sure it encounters the bitterest op position of the Democracy, but that is considered in that plain -poken region one of its chiefest recommendations. Nebraska bordering on the far oil' Territories, Rnd connected, through the Union Pacific Rnilroad, direct'' v.i.h the fearful cities of ihe Plains, peopled by roughs and desperadoes of every grade ar d kind, was ptcul arly exposed to fraua ami violencv ihey couid easily come in bands und overawe the hr.otrst citizens, and in a country wheie men opeidy c rry revslvers strapped around their waists, arid long knives in their boot, without at all tlfendiric against the fashion, it was not to be J wondertd at if voting was at times n j rough and risky matter. As it wa j however, thy registry law elTnctivph I prevented all fraudulent ving, ba!!..t box stuffing, and violence, and on elee tion day life was safer and law t-i jre sacred in Omaha than Philadr Iphia. Forney's IVethly Press. The Xews. Washixctd.v, Nov. I) Senate j The -Senate was called to crdt-r by I President Wad.?. j S-nauirs ('orbits, 11-irlan, Murgin I a rid White were prer-enr. j Alter prayer by the chip'r.in. ti e ijour:;alof tho li-t met'inr i:mi sin' j voncuiFeul resolutions of July 21st were read, anl no objections L j i ri p I niad i the President pro tern !et injr t' the Senate adjourned he 7ih o'. December. IlmiLe lfasandk'elly.andO'Neill j penn., Keilogir. Ala , Dews, N. C , Lincoln and Stewart, N. Y.. and In gersnl. 111., wtre the only member i prftcnU , . , . Dickey, the successor of Thaudeus sevens, was present, but not qutl-f y .-iter simitar proceedings to tn;s in the Senate, the House adjourned ti!! Dece mbr r. A Little Rock special to the lancht says, ' On Monday iiicrnnifr Gov. Clayton sent three companies nf negro militia to look for Ruller. Se nous trouble is nppr hended. The Governor also ordered the raiding of 6,000 cavalry. "Throughout the State, so far as heard from, the election passed ufi" quietly. Returns from 50 courties in Ala A r. ' -I i , j I ar.a, gives Grant about 10.000 ma- jority, the remaining co-unties with t?if exception of four, will give Seymour a majority. The State is s ill classed doubtful Gen. Grant is in Washington. He declined a public reception. The Lorxlon Times has an editorial giving the basis of settlement and pres ent status of the questions at issue be tween the United States and Great Britain. A mixed commission, con sisting of two members from each na tion. will be appointed to adjudge all questions irising si ice 1S5S, ihe date of the last commission. England's responsibility iu the mat ter of the Alabama claims will be re ferred to Prussia for arbitration. If i the decision is in favor of America the commission will then investigate the claims. Amfrica has withdrawn ihe question of ,he recognition cf the Southern U,,n- 1... ' . U!. J ., Q'linoy, Burlinrrton nnd Missouri, and Hanmtal and St. Joseph Roads and " " "u " " """" ! "y ooi leacnr. u nat oiu tne ; Israelites do after they erased the Red Sea?'' answered. . I dun't Lmow, ! . .. t t -i . -j.i i atil. UUl 1 JJueSS tt.Cy UrifcU tliCni , .a, 'I hr question h; Fiance is. who doi. t bfdurg to the arisKfracy ? That coun j try has 50, COO nolle families ! The story is started that Mrs. Lin- j coin went to Europe because she wish- j ed to secure a sail for her cfjtl.es. i France and England have copies of each ether 5 official put'icntiotis for several hundred yt ars. l'litis. for Sale of I.aml. t,vX Y,,,.rv jr ,,, ... u.rjt ,r , , th, , 07 k, il imi-iulicrL-U thin .mi the 1 JiU dy VE (.)rtulM r Xr IM. Ill'" jplirnii :n nj ye :itif-n of Jr..l. Vallrry, jr . Ailmiaintr:or of thi r.iue-; of I'etcr A sjan-jr, lt-ce-4-fU, f -r liaeetutf t ki'II ilir'-.il -state li'-lor.n.C to lli- iapl e-t:itf 4'3:im- i u l,i inr hanl hpf.ire hn Honor, (iw. B. I.ik". nil ilnC.n.t t.i-D fjlly alv ii.- in thi- .rru !-:, I' U li. r -lv r-ilt-rr.l that all iiftmii. Kt'-r nt, ! i.i the ? I. .to 'f I' I t A. Sarpy, ilecnwl, apprar frfnr iu?, , ri 5 iliv ut l'-ioiiil'e', A ii Is'..-1, :it V ..'. ! a in. t.fa'..l l.ry. a' the ffl o of the Cle k of 'Ii.- Pi-ti i. t ilourt iu ilitt iiyi.f Oinihtt, loii,-U rounir, N. ir.i.kt in r-liow nu why a hrorir.- fli.m' I t.yt cr.' i.n-.f !,. i lie A(!iniri-rr it or ; ly nip t lie rrr.t . . I ,i mti.'li nf tin- ifii r,rnt ul t'ie d-c-.a-r' I s -li ,1 1 l.f m.-. f t.iry ! .! Ii .1 Anil i! l- iirrci-.y lurMipr nr 1 "re. I tint a C't'V t tti" a!'.v.. .!t-r I uli:-li. il In Hi. Nnna-i;i h l i: i.: m w-ek'y i. aj tT, p il-l.Ti. -l in th,-. ..f I'SH'tS ui.'Uth i..r four f-u.-1'.sHVft w. (I., tl.Hiw.t i:i-rrt l.f iii.i: rom t'lete at li-a-t f -jilrl' 'i: d.: vi lnf.fi. tl.c it h ! d;iy of n.-c iiilMT, IM'it : l!y th "our!, G:Ci 3 I.AKK. Judge. Plattsmoiitti, Neb , Nieinlur ,th. i-'ts I-. S-! stray rVolicrw rp.-ifc u tip liy tl s.ii.ir-il pr. - Mr I'l--int P"( i nru:t, t'oc V'llc .t II r, on.- y ir .j .1 , i o . t -cr marJ A.J. Ki.KI'.-KK. Nuvemli-f 1'-. Vi 'I'ski ti up liy t'i" stili-crilwr. iu I, mvillf pn einrt 1 i.i.. -pn-kte i ll.'il, f, uj.pi-jl.i I..- rlt mn-itl T,.nl. 'i mart- nr bran.1. pi-ict-ivul. e MoTiz-o w.u tMi tit r. ' f -av n up I'.v tti'1 -uti-cri'-, r, i.i I.nu' vi: 1 (in- Iwi V-.u n. ll'i I. hih. v!;. ,.-,-.-1 .t, j .w, o' c h ,r.. -llg.iliy ..r ipmi; r, living in I. -:i -viil.. I Pirin.ct, at 'ti - in nit til ..f (' I if C.i" n N'..vi.i:' 'i 1-1 J, ii i.-'.s Cnr .-..rril 1 i!l -y. .... ..., t.j l.e tlir..-.. )fi- uiJ in t!v s-pri'ii;. m k nt v. I.i;,. iu tli'-1,1. uhf Pli.ni .-r tln.-ri!,f 1 y,- r -m, ti r L.lt ;d. Iit'.ir ihc : III I 1 r.li . t!i ! i- t lull wl.ite. KlI.VK blSllH. :;-v r.tii i?:is ir. ' , - ii p !'' 'ti- r:i, t, f.ro ir. ':! '.v.-t 1. of I: .,i:rn"iili. mi 'h lit.!, cf ! , ,,n.- lt;r;ik Hnr-e t'ntt, a! ...it fn:ir TiniiM.3 i 1,-y.U l-iml t.-ct vrliite, Mai iu fmcUiu l ul,.t i.i. c. WJ! !.. WttOIMil'IT. "cv S.hlS'i? w-i. r'akn 115 'iv th Mi!rril er. ;!i Av. ci I ic iii-1, al Kul't.-ii'- 1 11. 11 Cts c uj ry, : 1 t ..ay ( Nov llii.er, 1-.0-. iue i'uLl U : . I. Mlf.,.- 1 t-i la- ir tni' ulit li . nn on' - p -o W WAK.NEU I-'- L,.LS NnYl'.i T.ik.Ti nr- 1 ytl,.- ti n ,1,-- Kir.t-1 iu I'I :t-tr,.,rt: 1. Ci- c. 'ii.ty, N. t- , on Hit 5t!i day ,'f c hv r, a i. 1 rb, "U i; iV f'u't. f.u:p-i -.1 1-- b- r-:.c v.-:.r nt : ; Ill's bin.-,! :re, rye-, aid Lot'u h l le.twl.it.'. 1 l.e i-.'.uv-- f it tvaj. fjn.Avitii: i-:iiii:r:iLt, an-! K .l.--li v- i f i tip t-. 'ne Py tr,eui ; t ti. y ,u;i: g i v... Jowtd :1i-iii R,-r.k li:.te r.ver J. V . J lit.N".-- ., flisrilT t'.- :. ill ty, N.;W IM-. it vnocn!?. . Xe'i , Oeln! t i I , J 'o : . rb .SMALL- FRUITS AM) e "' 2.: ii J ii i : i-: n s , AT T,!H verssae I)AVF.NPO:T, i-.'WA .. W- I'KAIIMA.X. rnipr fJHAPK V1NT.S, Cl'IMlANT.-:. ClIKURliiS, -PhUMV, iiL.u'!;iM:;:;iiKs, KASPBilUitlKS, STRAW Jjl'diUlKS, Aj., i.-: i : Y E 11 G U E r. N s r. li t liys: v.ir,c;iti. tj""fei'l f ;--1 Ctln le hi 'I I'r'r' 1 it. AJdrcii-s J. W I'K.lRMl.V, 11 j l ,-:ip..rlt I t Or J. K. AM ILL, Acut, I.i .",i;., Nrl. c f. AG EN IS WANTED EOR MEN OP OUR DAY! Tho me'i wV.n ive:u n"r c.uii't.y, n.ak.f it- I.;v., I.iive nlith it-lntrl x, c-li;l lm-i U-. Will, tl.ir el. ifnn, fona.lel our r-'il'--' -. t " t: 1 i:r roi rn.i.N, iiirtimf .' i..ri , mi l 'ur ti.ia-.i-. j :. t:i ... 1 1 -. v.. I .mi1, iii'tu; v i .i i utr r--t li'e-lik.' i'.i' -tr -ti":i-:i' ! i-liara i.-n-li. hs. CsO U C ied '. fe'e- 4J fill'1 stret p il ? Tit-. -ir; th-' l:v,- f t,xfi ftu ni.'. I'ricc low tn Miit lli li:..t . T' !. P l as Wrll a tl.e rr..'.i i tce-titi-; In... .:iili-.ht--i u iil.-n tiK-- v, .r. Satr-4 iiiini.'n-e Kvx.ylm.ly antsi h.uiv tl," ,:f -tii:o'y '. t tliejt: in n. S,-ni f r Ci' r rn t-i 4 ZafH-htt, h.1 ( t ItliV A CO , liilud Ipt.U.r , ti - it. i. :-.t i,0, Cl-i -f .-, IP- or St l.nu's. Mj. i, ill -in:; Bin proved Farm ami Tisn hvv I'or Malt. 1 lie f . r.;i i- a '.nut 2" tnlU'-s fr.-iu I'i ,t ' - .ii.-utli , 'X mi tea tm-t it llnnvr'p, n t l.r- M i- li.i.-m C'i a(-r..'si4 L.-it i'i uu ltiv.,1 if iiit lui; iiune npr n it. an I plnnty nf sP.vk v;it,-r; i: i S w if '.'7. I 1J, R 11 1 Ht :it-r-; mJ conurciri wuli it iLt I ami P K r 'it 9 K ir Ser - ', mine T and H. (tualnn; S'. uii'l So - l'.y ..ci m i tiii; -.'i a u,1 -O I f n acr p. AJi U.e X 'lrni N iv jr nf .--c' 2 4. T T", K 41, iu M i ilh c junty, l i n, I'm: r.it fr.;n PittM.u.'.if li and 1 nt ii injctvttitf- rivir. (' -.ivj- t'li'l-e- ) 1 r lernM adrirem. l. 11 S'LON', KiJ'2Mf. ! i.-rl i Ii.w. AttncliBuent IVolice. Jrutj o'Xcill Willi 'tu .S'.ti'tli. S To V i.iiaui S'tiiith Vu are Lrtl.y r.nii CeI H at an attacl iiK-nt was iu-,l ! m? in fivurr.f th al. ivo plxlntifr, and asia.t ill- aPoTe uncnfil ilc fD.I iiH f r li e sum i f Kilty seven rind (: 1"0 IMtar, aud trial f t for 1" iy f L'.ceuil'r, n lbOs, rt 10 oVlnck a in oi .aid d.iy. at wl.teti tiin: j .'..lenient will I, reii-ten d airain-l o': if you (to riot api ?r and sliw cjui-c t the c.'iit: .irv. W 'I.I.I AM D. G AGK, Kx npicio Ju I,:e .f tl.c l'tace. rtattstn .mil, ilctober I'-fiS t;tO AOTICK. X T her"as Jaciti Val'.ery.jr . Ail:iiioir a'nr of t he It est! jf I'eter A yar-i y, deee..-el l.ai made n.plieati"ti for Ms Adtiuiii'ttfttiori to b x t 'iij"d six months, i o accmrit of suit now com r.iencinjt ia Distrh t Court of the 2d Ju.li ::i! Hi-ti nt for t ti is .nuuty aa iust the fnriii' r Adinitiittrstor and h'-cjritle- ff khPI Pat ite. A pplimti-in will be heard at my office 'lie .9th day of NovciiiIht. a . in. CirtB uiii T jiy liand tht 3 I rlav nf .NV,r, b' WILLIAM U ;.. K Not O'hlS iSv3. Fr it, it.' Judge rpr it PYPi rnirT WASHINGTON 11 E 11 11 n A. X , EI 12 IS O Ij Having l-nut'lit out the entire Stock of Oixxjt from t C U. ilerold. i rca!y to r.iTvr I GnE.tr LvnucMi:YTs ! forca-h, wt.eat. c.rti, ntaFursofHiiykiuJ .n COUM ll Y 1'liOJJUCK WA -o"-tr of JA Ts ( . 1;, jocKI:t (JL'TLIIH V YWKLL. VO'70VS .''")' ' ' ' It -'a-. l:f: a call t t:. i -;"; nfi;.-i. ll-i. iii:k:.' m . imiioLiK Jl.iSTf:!!- SAM: n.-frlcl Cubi l I'l.,.. Ojiintr, V,f , , Jt!n; K. ik tfil.ii..! 11. F.':i.-.:, J ' i: .it--t Jli ( .v II i.tj ( .Vj f! .1.1. tI'i- o.j-t tiit-Jt In u.e sUvt ci.tr. i i u. wil I t" M. uotfc-!'-.' i f tl-- , i , pin a i' ti jh, :i th.- f . -tt il i,i .1 it. i o : i . i t in t'i- c.f it 1' I .,:t v u ,,- -i, . ( u ..!' ;i -ka. 'U 111. Y li iii.v , .V,.., , a:: i .- . ISC v li.'in e- a tht- Ikiuu of nln 1:1 -ni 1 i of tint :., th- oll.;w,iii; ti-k: ,i7 n-.f.. -it i-it.- in t-iii 1 cl.T-tv an.l Sf t. o-x'. ., '1 r - .i:j' talf()c,f Hi.- , .-utl.n-c.t T -:;i:l.-r (-1 : i I K ,.,' I :i I (I .'I i j lll. '"VJu ZZh.. w JiVi, I . I t la t the O.v r'.-.c:-t -ir v.-y ...If::, .1 i ' ' ' " : i TSatri :U. ; At...: i.! I : 1', .T.i'.-i:, I'. X-.l i iinii. t '- Ii Ci i-i o y Wil!I Vtrv.-n l:y v,riu-a:.J m p.ir.ti-iiK thu t'nii t nn le in rli :,t Will Ik- v- t!. llndfi !i Uu ...'t al I !' 1. 1 i.u- a' ti.i- f .' r. tnl . I 1 1: I. 1 -ul j til ' I ( Ii.- t I.". ' ' ' . I II !. iu fit . ..." -.-:ft-i.i. State i.f .t-'rj-a, ili:n h I. !-. l-, tl.- h hi .f ti.ti. .. '. : ., J. uti-i ( nr . 'clnrk p. in. . f t,,it .1 . i.i f..i,. t,K , . tiart or par.-. I i.f f-ili-! . HI a!.- in .u I f-.llt:t Jul i.u: t.-uii i!n-. nt;, t,A;t ,!-.! it p.,. i(:'t. .i lUrlHi ( i t l sri-l .iu Ni U.l'l.-t ,l . . ..;a,i,l 11... -..inl.u .-! i). i.i i :. i (',..: ' I.. - .- i, ,t v i.f .( . I; ,ii I'.i-ry I I '. i. in I - iv , -1, , ., , i , Mil. t.nii'v S-t I vh i' ) . i. a:i I t, ,i ti,r?-t ,; t-r. i li f i he ii-.i 1 1 ...i t i;M.irir i 1 , i . i . . , .,, . Ii v.- i In t. -Trl. n N.i t. :i l 1 '1 I " 't, . f ... .. N . n-.-iv.. ( i-ji ,-a: ,,; ih ,-,mi, ,. v,, ., ..j,:, . ,'. i- -rrit.i. lit ,-im v. j i f mi.! jit it,, liau-! t:. :, -.".i.ii day . f u ;, ' r ; J W .'.1,1 N-)V. fl i ! !"!. Ml fl.-;.c . 1. 1 - T it v i; if o, Af .r:n ' I'.r T l'i t 1 ! Cntl.t A-h :t V I.-,- t.-r, ) J.jhti ! i .1. .. f t-l Cii V y. Hv vutii... aii-1 r.'.rv:;:-ir t ! i- I', i:-1 l:i i.!- i'i t;i" a '., will I...- - ,!,1. n:, I, r tl, .p.. pul'Ii a'i" ti'Mi. at tli fr, nt -i . .- .: j i,r.: -r ,,f i.t t .- I -, : -r-. ilir.' '- - tl-.-, u t:i t' .- ("i: nf l iatt-iiini.tl!, ;n li Mini - it.. , f N-i, i ,,n J,.., i I k' I'- u t ll-iu.c i -J'lnty r,f aj, 1 1,'- : i .iy uf in. u,-,i a i. ... ..r- Nov. mliet. . . j,. W:, l.-iMrn U a tl..i: i, t! . f ...l.-ui - .1 .,,-ri tv .( t-.-.c: n, i cf i i i I -i.anp. in ail c. un'y an I State, to w 1'iu 511.1t ti ,4 , f t:., , ,,: , ,,,, t.iHt.-li.ji N.. , n ( , t , n., th (-r I. -tin v i', rt..- (K) - it "f ti -i.v'li P.i:.rip-1 U r, ,,n ,c -r-iiuf t,. tl.e 1 .,.v.-i.in,-., ' u 1 v v ,,f f s , i I'.it, 'I tin. -.".!l, d.4j- f 0 -1 -l.er. I ;, J W jn.lNS iV, f p. I- il tl .-t.-r 1 -i f.t.au. , , SWKI.T Srof iri.ri. l-!iu:-r '- A:i .1 u. y l;-t:v: r. u t r.. . -T-'':-in M- Ta.f a !r.;t -r-.r il ..-.it- t. t'-..!f, ivl.ln; t - Sil -'4.!:i. I 1 CI .-.11, - J - -. .1 . I I ; - v 1 1 - r . it ,1 m pm t t, . ,,t ,,.s,;,. .., ;. C: f -t t. 1 ! :.-d - i uii-'or t!i . . ir .:i. n 'of ti.r .-. il 1 '.;:,., ii 'i .Ti it t1 - ti ! ., , I i!,- C , -i ., . nil,e--T nf l'l:-.:i-in. utli. i i it. r. i,i'' t i u. .-I -.' X.-I. i.-k;i . n t' Hi'if, t.iy f N .. -iii i,.-r A r 1. tufii i ti,. ii.-tiis ; i i.i 4 ,,, t 'Ii- l t.y. t!i f. .!!-. i. ' it -,i tr.ii t .,i :-. . - Ut .; --.t.i.i'.- in h.i.i c .it: ly .i.i : : : i v. '.. I : i t lin ." (1--M nf ,,rtl.. ,j j. , , a,, I .p. ! ir ( I -,'( '" 'I'.lti.v.-.; i ,,(,.fl; u .) ti'.i:v !iu. (-.:, in ;. , .!,.;. j t. iin tlu,ih ..f r.i-v f nr',- n i M ) , i i!. , xf. 1'iiuc p.l 1,: :.ii.i.,.i,'t. r li:i- ;.. Hi-i, , ,-i :.i..-.t rll -.-.-j . I ,.-! I'.'i. d Ci- 2,'tii f J. v. J ' p----i. S:.. - ..I f I ..' j'' I l,Hl''jl T. t - 1 u.:..::f - A ri ry tJ t : r.; A. S .Hauler' sale. -t. i.:t Court 4"a- ...lj , ' i l.i ':. :: K :..',-1'l S. 1. .-' j I, " l t'r. 1,, iS-.M :r i :', ,ii i.-' h' . Li ,,7i--.' V. li f r ,rt.i ;m i iti pit. . l-l t III i t- ,1 t'i,- n 1 1 . r t . . 1 i f il- I,--,- .l.'-.,-f .1,. - I i 'i ,; i, . : i.f . V T.'.nl . r i.i : '. i- i i it : Ii- ii .-. n: A I' ! - i It. hi :! I.H. 1 s.;l ; r .. I tl. Ul .. d I I- V. I 11 ri . -in; :i n l -t 9 i, I'. 'I !:. N i i .'.rt oi.ll i.-r i ', -f -i . i i I . i . iii i- . w . : : m -,ia '."'tr. 'f o.t ; : :. I.' 1 1 t ' I j r. .!. A i j :. . . -will AS, ,i i ; i ;,. i, in ; i. r ' -ii -: . f i .i -i ,-,c : 1 i. . h j. Ait- ii i; .c .r, I'I':,., 1 :..-,r:-t T ,1 p ; ' l. i'i' - ' f r--' -; .1 -ti ' r T rr,. a ,, 1-1, K,.l i -d 11 t r A' I: i.i , ul, - i i-niiiity iii.i i.v.". in t .1 , .', , ' i l-ii. -ti l ),. u r.l--r nf tin l'.,iirt n-.t-.i... a 1 1 1 r.- ,f, li: ft .-. ..... - u' i ' i U.J.-I t'- Ci l r . ' t . . i l . I It..' sll linn in tl.-i-Itf (if I'I. it a.l. i ill tl.-! it Hi tmul d- ni ., I the t t 1,. H'.iti ,'ay i-f Ni" ii!1.." . a :, I f !' a lilrlid t p I I Ot tu.1t .1.1V. t:, i.,n Wll.. 't - lil. d t act ,,r I-a i . .- , f la ,-i ), -i.i t i . , t . ,...:! ,t C .s. Hint ,...( ... Nii.l.t-k.i. .J -.1.1. I h-' . . r ' ,t ; Hi.- u eet ua'f 1 1 -.'j -,r in- .N 1 1 . t , ... t r ' , ) .f ..iou Xe iK-m.iy -I, -I.t f2), iu l.. - tis i j . N ., ll'i ."'I I li f i in. jr N, It.irt . 1 .-a, ., I -l.MI Pi ii;-"pal Mn ICiMll, hci.-oi ..i.,- to in.- I I- lu : s'H . y 1 f -ii'd Ma'e. Datirl tlit- Vftti day t ! .'c'"U'r ii a .1 v. j.ii'N'oy. M, Ti.r .1 C..'- -i.,ty. XI. u.kl. I ' i i. : i i l i ! : ., 1'. . i i '. :. it. i i r s . S25 ! 825.! the AMERICAN SHUTTLE SEWINfi MACHINE. t -(.Mi1. .1 ;. t a i, v. , : t, i v. I!,!;, t'. ii.. i i, ' ' ;.' Tl, a il.- I. ii( K J : i. ii .tin a Mi' linn- ii-.-- ii st'iiiz.'.t n-.-.!;-, SI I II il (nli,e nil I. f ti s'..,. I,. t.--is!,.'l , a i il CUi ! i . l-ry i.t i. t- .1 sew ii,i It w P-ni, fell. Inn, I, r,,f,. i.ihi I. f Ain, ,ui.:, u,, 4 r .rt'., and Katli. r ; uii.w.fc r.iia. .y wnu -i k, Ir.n ', w mleii. or i-jltou go w kIi ;h,i n, ot . oLt.i;, ;!,iJ. tiii: surrri.f: str.visa XArrixa Warranted lor five Year! Our Ac- nts wiil lie supplied v dui ii. at.- on : . e the .Machine, in ca-e i.f a.i-i.leiit. It in -K, - p i- - y lli! fame s ilea made by the Singer, Win. ri A W. . H.iu, Howe, and h ,oi. ace Ma. Lines. I: hs f e 1 n- '!'r-fe.l, like the 1..! cd high - pr :ce-l ila.h l l.es, a I 1 il the only h pnad Shnuie -M,,,ili- in ti,e mnkrl lh.it h:i I til- f-ed Weai.. euaMe.l toseliK fl l- class SHI" I I I.t II AC 11 IX L at a ve.y lo priijv, on ai-.Kiiit of its Slti.pli'-iiy, ai.il r u- ..u. at J.-w erf' kf luuI:ic'ii:i:.K, in cnnei- u. v. UL C ni..t: aU' 1 i'i r .Hies. rf,ireut ill Aui'-riran n; t ? w ii-.z m :th Kiif, C-juijfy, ao I T wn m th I'nUa 1 tvnt. mn Onlri h lm d'lt" t-)e 'if i t ' K:i ier e .4 AxenlH. I'or fn.l pj.rt.c i a- I j feirv iud (J-j-Ui luiioa, itldri a v. a. mj ni: u s, (irricra Agent r D' triji', Mi: h. -o'-r - - . r i ... . . . I san. i ar.I tn I t ait1- ij ,t ree-ipt nt w.-e ml tauip. AddiesMi , , X A I i:t.'-.-, ooii.r.i LvtroU. Mi.iii. VSjji B. ffriir.i,iiB, K. UxTi.n Kiiff h Co. Civli llep: t". 1 k A lie Spurlock c "Wiiiiham J LA Tl VOVTH. -Vi i'.ZASKA. j Clerk and Trcasuiei's Oi.'i-.-o. LANDS BOUGHT &. SOLD. TiaU'w i:aiiiiiit I, and VOW WVAll CCM .lla'K . T'rr vni l iota rt-.tiif f-ji ,r. ' ;,.,) V;., ,1-