tihc 3tfcbra$!ui gttcraUl. iTocal NEWS A h-vT rain fell htit Mor.d iy night. river has bcea raising for eereral dlj! ptst. See ta it.'Rppurilicsmi, that every .vote ;s out on the 3d day of November. Hon T. M. Marquatt and lion. W Pjtftir left for Lincoln last Monday'to ;'.enJ court. "Eitryihinx 7.'-i(v." 1. allies haveyoa en Clark & Hummer" new stock of lire- Gsods and Trimroinjj ? w2 - -m One waeU from next Tuesday i tha Presidential pleetion. Let every loya1 mm be on liaDd NVe Rave them Vicksburg on the 12th ; lrt u hava an Appomattox on ths 3d of November. A fine -tock of Carpets, Matting, Rujrs ht,i Window Shades at n2 Clark & PlimmerV Ju ,zr Lake came down on the coach ast Monday, &d left immediately for l.ineoin to -pen court. Throckmorton has a fine illustration of the wr.y the th'm- was "did" here on th Uth. Prp in at his h n and see it C'nrk Sc. I'luramer are agents f)r the jusUv celebrated Stkcushakes and Jack 9j W.vJ'lNS. w - . Len-W i pushing work livel . , an J will glte Main S'rert a difT rent nppoaranca h. f -re eM weather sets in. m m m T;i!"!"-:'s a-.njori'y.wi'l be about '2 3'0 Two jci'.rs :i it was only a littU over m - The JYetr' is not di-couraged. It still rlaim Krntu.iky and Sarpy county as Dc-ra )cra"ie strnnehold". An rlrgant stock of (Jen's Furni-hinf j...nds i-t Clark It Pi chhhr. ValltTvs .t Uuffner have .-rectel an i icil urul implement vrre house on Main street, orpoit their store. - - - m m - - IIve our lfiucratic friends h-urd that nn elroticn was held in Nebraska on the li'.th :- F ir variety anl stle as well as low pr o.'?., eo to Clark A I'.ummer's foryour itfT:s'iT re and tilassware. w2 F.iur st.an:. r wtre at our binding last M jnd iy. Trads on tho river is lively this Fail. I.at vear the lli-pul lio:tn majority in Nebraska was only ab Mit 70'J Now it is ovr 2 0hi D g re action, th it ! Go and so Clark it Hummer's new stock of Fall Goods. w2 V: want t-n cords of good oak wood on ii';- rir ti"n and advertising Don't be ufr:id of nil bringing it at once. The republicans of Nebrank:i City hid 'a ,; i- 'r.r. J fes-t.ve" time siftir they had mad-- a clean sweep in Otoe. m m Nfv tijoJ at Keduced I'ricr-s at Clare A FLriiJiER'-. I'arin-le fc Kershaw are erecting a nat little ufllce building "on M ain St., west of Fourth 'V,u that hav.' tears to shed prepare to shed them i.ow." iay!ord J- Clarke has taken his departure for TYxas Ve feel for Texs. The very ia't-sl style of Hats and Caps at w2 Ci.ark . Plchmkr's. II iw does that little Democratic pro jrrame of trying to secure the Legislature turn out? Has Pop any "sure thng"on golnz to the United States Senate V - - m - - - R-rnember that next Monday and J Tu -dav is the time appointed for the correction of the re; istry lists for Hie Presi lr-ntial election. $thr ce'umn. See notice in an See advertisement of "Riverside Nur serv." Maj. Pearman is well known in Nebraska, and parties desiring anything in his lino wi'.l feel satisfied of getting ju-t whit they order. Snow fell to the depth of several inch es t Boston on the night of the IGth It is thought the ch:U which parsed over the democracy on receipt of election r.ews caused this change in the temperature. . . m m Whoop-ee ! Who ever heard of such a nest of Radicals as Nebraska contains? Onlv one Democrat elected to the State .Senate, and no sure thing on him; and not more than five or six Democratic .members of the Lower House. A post office has been opened at Fight Mi'.e Grove Samuel Richardson, P. M. A package of the Herald is now made up for that office. Parties wishing their pa pers addressed to that cfiica will please call and notify us. . m Tim Democracy shou'd remembr Lin- oln's saying that it is a bad time to swap hirses while you are crossing a stream As the Democratic party are just now about chin deep in the "Slough of Des pond," they would do we. I to remember this saying of the Martyr President, and look out when they dismount Seymeur and Blair. It is said the object to be attained in withdrawing Seymourjand Blair is to pave the money bet on them. If the candi ltes are withdiawn their backers elaim t ie right to withdraw all bets made on them Well, now.' xotic:. It would h u source of great joy to the proprietor of the Herald to bnv a larir.f nutiiber of peison who know themselve inbebted to bm to call and pay tip. It takes TBonev ta run a rrintin office, and we depend eolelv on our patrons for it. White covered wagons can be neen on the Iowa batik of the river any hour in the. day. and the ferry boat is kept con stantly busy setting them across into the "garden." ATTENlToN ! All who are in ned of Clothing or Furnishing Goods, will do well to give me a call, as I have just rect-ived the largest stock of said goods ever brought to this city If you don't beiitve it call and sat isfy yourselves oc:.15w3. Wn. Stadelsun. Saline county has given 35 democratic majority. The I'ttb-inn suggests that Morton should be induced to mate a speech out there before another election, and thu seetire that county for a Repub lican majority. - If our Democratc frienis ever expect to be on the strong side they had better adopt the programme of the Kentucky Democrats, and forsako all their nomin ations and come out for Grant and Col fax. If there is a Democrat Jeft in this part of the country, we would suggest to him the propriety of removing that sign from the front of the place where Democracy onee did congregate. Morton lays tho defeat of the Otoe Democracy to r; yl-. Apples caused the fall of our first parents, and the Deraoc acy are just about that far behind the present age. The following Roll of illustrious nam-" should bo preserved by the citizens of Plattsmouth: r,any Crawford Clarke. The.YiH says the renn Otoe wentRe publican was because the Missourians had "gone hum? after apples." Better say thev had pone home to re-enlist in Krink Blair's rebellion. The vote of Cas county last Fall was Oil. The vote of this county on the 13th inst. was over 1,200, and the registered vote reaches nearly 1,500. This show a lively increase in the population of Cass. - m m m A radical change has been mad in our Mail arrangements an-l like all other n. c tl charges, it i far the bettr. All Mails now leave this city in the morninjr, intend of at r.oou. North, south, east anl Wrt all leave immediately after breakfast. We have heard of several parties who have cm out, since Seymour and Blair's wi'.hdrawal ha.i been talked of, and say the Dc- ' ihev believe thfir contract wi:h mot-racy has been fulfilled and that tht-y are now going to fj'low the dictates of thfir own coiibcience, and votefor Grant. Only 333 vo'es were polled in Platts mouth precinct on the 13:h, out of over 370 registered showing about 40 regis tered votes i:i this precir.ct alone who did not go to the polls. There were 30 reg istered voters in Weeping Water precinct who did not gi to the polls, every one Republican. Ciss is good for 300 ma jority, at least, for G.ant and Colfax on the 3d of November. The J.iUte Curjmrul comes to us much enlarged and improved, and promises to be in future, what it has been in the past, the best magazine for young people pnb lished in the United States. The pub!ih ers offer to subscribers for 1SC9 the bal atice of this year f-uv Terms, $1 from now until Jan lot 1870. Address, Al fred L. Sewell, Chicago, 111. A correspondent from Ashland says the appearance of the Democracy in that lo cality reminds him of the good old ladv wha told the minister that whenever she entered the room where her husband had die 1 the first thing she knew she was run ning all over the house from garret to eel !ar, and only found congelation in that portion of the scripture where Jeremiah said: "Goosey, goosey gander, Where fhail I wander; Up stairs, down stairs, Ac." yiLY HOOT 4M SIIOC SHOP. Ojijtosile the I'iatle Valley lluusc. The undersigned having jost cpened a new Boot and Shoe shop in this city, is desirous of receiving his share of public patronage. All kind of new work done on ibe shortest notice. If you have anv repairing to be done, bring it along. All kinds of produce taken in exchange at market price. Remember the place, op posite the Pla'te Valley House, and sec ond story of Forgy'a Plow Shop. U. W Fkrrek. Plattsmouth, Uct. 15 tf. We learn that the Hon. John Helman got a little too much "Platform" aboard on election day, stopped at the polls in Salt Creek precinct in this county, and commenced anunproroked tirade ofabuse neainst Mr. James Waters, Registrar for that Treci net. Mr. Watert stood his abuse for a long time, but finally conclu ded ihere was a point "beyond which for bearance ceases to be a virtue," He was about to try the "tanning" process upon Mr. Helman, but that gentle man concl J ded discretion was the better part of val or and decamped. We have known Mr Waters for several years, and know him to be a peaceable, quiet citizen, but we also can assure Mr. Helman, "or any other man" they are "barking up the wronj; tree'' when they suppose he will it quietly and receive unprovoked abuse merelycause he-ii a Republican, We apprehend Helman won't try to "bully" Waters again in a hurry. T.IXMIUS ! You aro requested meet at theCourt House on Thursday cvenins 29;h inat. Let every man be on hand, punctual The Presbyterian Sociable will beheld at the residence of Chaplain A Wright, on next Tuesday even'ng Friends will please retaember the time and place, and govern themselves accorcingly. Mr. Thomas says Mr V. V. Leonard is the best artist ever in this City. Mr. Leonard will remain at Thomas' Gallery for a short time, and we adviee persons wishing first class pictures to call soon. There will be a business meeting of the Grant and Colfax Club on Saturday eve ning of this week. Every Republican should be present. Mr. Bissel, who lires on the Waboo,r cently sold a drove of 2 and 3 year old steers which beat anything we have yet heard of. The lightest 2 year old out of 20 old weighed 900 pounds, and they ranged from that to 1.200 pounds. The lightest 3 year old weighed 1,100 pounds, and ranged from that to 1,590 pounds. These Cgures were given us by a gentle man who saw them weighed Who can beat it? These cattle had not tasted corn or other grain, but lived exclusively on the rich prairie grass of Wahoo Val ley. Mr. Bissel also raised 46 bushels of wheat and 80 buh.ls of corn to the acre Who would not live in such a country ? The Morning 1'lrlieian. the nw daily paper started in Nebraska City about two months ago, is fast giining prominence among the leading journals of the West. It is eminently sound on all political sub jects, devotes considerable space to State and local news,andwhat makes it partitu 1 aily valuable is the fact that it publishes complete telegrarh news, and is the only paper kouth of the Platte in Nebraska which docs in fact, we think the Plebeian has fuller and later dispatches, thin any other paper in the State. It is pubbaed in the morning, nnd arrives at Platts mouth the same day at noon. Sheriff Johnson has nailed the last of the organized band of horse thieves, who have infested this part of the country so long; or, at least, the last one whose came was made pnblic. He arrived from Ne braska City last Monday with Charles Walker, who is said to be the head cen :ra of the organization in Nebraska, and now has him safe'y lodged in jail with a good set of '-bracelets'' rii ltd on Johnson has been after this man for the past two months, and has come near nab- , bing him several t ines. W alser wr.s gen erally among frien Is, who wou'd warn him of th1? ShriCT's approach, but this time he was caught "napping " Sheriff John son recived a telegram last Friday from one of his agents in Nebraska City that Walker had made his appearanoo io the country, ar.d Johnson immediately tele graphed Sheriff Moore, of Ot cun'r, to pick him up. He was found about sev "n mIe" helow Nebraska City, just re; d to leave the country ugain. He brought out his revjlver and told Sheriff Moore be would die bffor he would surrenler and he taken to Cass County, and n!y sur rendered when mads to b.lieve he would be tried in Otoe. As we said before, the arrest of Walker pretty effectually bieuEs up the band. It will be remembered thut the mm Potts, alius Young, testified thn t Walker, Frank Ward aud himself ti ok the three horses from ths southern part of this County. FranE Ward is believed to have been hung by the Vigilantes iu Kan is. Qaorge Ward who ws held to bail hns left the country. Tot's has left f r parts unknown. Vn-ent wa called for by a Sheriff from Iowa. Har rison was set at liberty and left the coun try. Wishart was cleared for want of ev idence, Allmson is out on bail of $1000, and now the ring leader, Walker, is caught and will probably lay in jail un til Court sit?. From the very commencement Sheriff Johnson manifested a determimton to breai up this bind, anl iri think he has done it most effectually. He is a terror to evil doers; and when he once get9 after them they might as well give up at once, for he never leaves the track until the game is holed. pay i;p. All persons knowing themseves indebt ed to me will please call and pay up im mediately. A,word to tho wise, etc. Sept 10 tf. C. E. Forgt. Invest in time. Our stock of Clothing is complete. Dress and Business suits in great variety and at exceedingly low prices. w2 Clark k Plcmmr's. Lost. On the TJth ult., between Platts mouth and Mr. Hull's, on the L:ncoln road, a Memorandum book, containing 4 photographs, some letters and iimple cards, the property of Harry Purdum. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it nt the Herald office. T The best Tea are to ba had at Clark A Plummlkr's. Undoubtedly Clark fc Plummer bavethe largest tocfc of Boot! and Shoe ever of fered in this market. They have selected them with great care, and for style and quality are unsurpassed. w2 WK HAVE SOMETHING NEW ! The best assortment of Ladies' Shoes of the latest styles ; ala Boots, Shoes and Over-shoes for gentlemen by the thousands, at octl5w3.1 Wm. Stamliian's Clark Ab Plummer do not boat that they ar selling goods at 'Iess than cost," but their fine stock of Choice Fumily Groctries ihoj offer at the lowest market ratfs. 2 IfioL: .N.'r S. : For sale, or will be traded for a te"i F,nqiire . f A L. SfraGCB. S?pt. 24th, tf. 0!",eOrin'e Plan's are scarce in all th- I -sate, bur in great demand. "They wil jillbesoIdtbisf.ilIstth.it nona can b j ha 1 in the spring. Thev cm be had this fall by applving in season to W. S. Wkit. September 2d. tf- XOT!CK. All persons owing us will please call and settle as we want to c'os up our last vears business. janOtf SiJirsos, Mickelwait & Co. MOEY. All persons indebted to us will please call and settle Immediately. Sept 3d, tf Don, Bro. & Co. NEW ARRANGEMENTS James O'lTeill DEALER tu TRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARM HATS, CArs, BOOTS, SHOES. FARM PRODUCE And errythln(t nted by th FARM ER ; MECHANIC. Harinir DurchAellhe entire stock of om1 t elorif ini t.. Win ii.t.iI.I I m re fitllne th- stor room in llo ti style, ami propose to ell g oJs at the old tu'id. d the niot reasonable termt." marOtf JAMSaO'NHU NOTICE ! ! NOTICE!!! I am now reciing my E ALL AND WINTER STOCK OF GOODS, nnd desiie to call recUt attention to the game, an fO'..eit a careful examination of the GOODS AlND PlilCES before pnrchasinc el. Pwhcre, as I am ilct"rrain-l t KEEP MY STOCK so large and WELL ASSORTED anl ll.e priws OF EVERYTHING to low as to m;ik" it the Icterest cf eysry FARMER AND MECHANIC IW CASS COUNTY, to call and either BUY OR TOST THEMSELVES before buying elsrwher. E. G. DOVEY. ria'.umoulh, Oct. 1, 156b tf. HEALTH, GOMFCmr, AND ECONOMY. 3 rica soys ron doardlso with CEC W. COLVIX, OAK STREET, ... PI ATTSMOUTH Two blocks northwest ol buck sctioul-llousr. nE has a BA Tlf HO USE, free to patrons; his rooms are well ventilated, and tit prices r rraor,able. Jolj23 nl6tf. NEW JIEYT MARKET!! GEO. FICKLER &. CO, CORSER 2J 4- MAIS STREETS, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Keep constantly on hand the best of All Kinds of Meats, which they eaa furnish their easterners at 'h BEST CP RATES FOR CASH! July 8J. 1S6S 3m. Empire Bakery ! 2d ST., OPrOblTE "SEW YORK STORS." PLATTSMOUTH, - NEB Confectioneries, BREAD, PIES, CAKES, CHEESE, and SWEES CRACKERS. REFREUMETTS kept ou hand at all times. . HUBERT Y. GOODS! AT NEW YORK FOR FALL AND WINTER TRADE, lSGf K. A. WIGGENHORN &- CO., At the New York Cash Store, oflVr tt Stock of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS. YANKEE NOTIONS, HARDWARE, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICKS We call particular nttention to our New Style of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS. COLORED BLANKETS, at wonderfully low prices. A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETS AT NEW YORK PRICES. We have the largest and neatest stock to this market consisting in OUR QUEENS AND GLASSWARE DEPARTMENT is complete, and we olier thn same at the lowest possible price. We hare a large stock ohhe celebrated GARDEN CITY CLIPPER PLOW We are aUo Agents of the WHITEWATER COMBINED which we warrant to be the best made in the United States, and doing bet ter work than any other Machine. Our motto is "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFIT!" JTJST OPEITED I NEW GOODS ! -:o: We are daily receiving' our cfc WTJNTTJLJK. or Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, BOOTS, HO S, CARPETS, AND -:o: With many thanks for past Call and see our Large Stock of Goods! Platumouth. Neb., October 15, 18CS. Dr J. McADOW, RESIDENT rilYSlCIAS, WYOMING. - - NEBRASKA. Onrs his prates-tonal services to me p.-opie or the trwn sol surronroUnff cennt'y minu s Parmele & Kershaw, Dealers In LUMBER, IHINGLES, L1TII, TIMBER, &c. Plattsmouth, - - Jbeb. C H FARMKI.B, W. KERSHAW, Annus 27ih. IMS. Cheap Cash Store ! L. r. REED, P. F. BEAREDSLT. REED fc BLVRDSLEY, WEEPING WATER. NEBRASKA TEhnTe j'lst npenet a Isree stuck ef CooJi t weeping water, obsisiide i Dry Gooils, (jnoccrirs, Queensu'firt, Hardware, Glass, Iron, Wooden Ware, Jfotions, Ard every thin th- firmer nit meehsnie nesds. Styles and grades to suit. To buy elsewhere m . y he well, to buy Uere is well always well nrten D-1-trr often bet Call and ee. Look at the Goods. A'k for the price. Consider well, and rlo what is wlrest. All Goods warranted a represent'-d. KKtU as UKAUUSLKl, July 80 tf. o. f. jonxsoyr. COB! LKWIS. 0, F. JOHNSON & GO. (opposite Clark 8c Plummet, CiatKaa I Drugs. Medicines STATIONERY. PERFUMERIES, HAIR OILS. Newspapers, Magazines &CM &Cm &C. P re cr'p'ioni tart fully eoxponnded by an expe rienced lruggiU aug6 nli. 1RIDK AND BRIDEGROOM. ) E--say for Young .Men on the interesting rela tion o Bridegroom to B-ido in the institution of Marriafr. a Guide to matrimonial felicity and true b('pi"e-s. taut by mail in sealed letter envt-lupea free of charga. .Address, How AiSOCiiTloa, hex r, PhiraUphia, Fa.. UJBW GOODS!! THE CASH STORE!! Till the public the Largest and bet electee WOODEN-W ARE, QUEENS W A R E FLANNELS, WHITE AND of BOOTS nnd SHOES ever brought gentlemen, ladies and children a SEEDER AND CULTIVATOR :o:- NEAVG'OODSM QUEENS WARE, GROCERIES. patronage, we invite all to CLARK & ri.UTITIEK Plattsmouth Heat Market! W. F. Morrison &. Bro. Mtin Street, opposite JIIjsokic Block Vfi:ie assortment of fre.h Meat can always be fuuQ'' at uur market. STEAMBOATS supplied sn reasonable terms. The highest market price will ba paid for STOCK AM HIDES! W. V. MOKKISOK k BRO. June Silh nlitr. Weeping Water Mills. Farmers, go where you can get the best Flour and the most oj it. 85 IbtoX X X FLOVIt ami 13 f " DBA giyeu in txchange fur good Wheat. We are also doing grist work; and. with our ln creastd facilities, fe'l aur-d that we ran give the ottl aud the most flour of any mill In the state. Satisfaction Guaranteed PRODUCE BOUGHT A.D SOLD HIGHEST MARCRT PRICK PAID. REED Si CLINTON. Mrch S6lh, 1968. JUST RECEIVED And for sale at low azures, 10 t it COFFEE, 16 bbls SUGAR, 5 Iblt VR Y APPLES, 5 lilt DR Y PEACHES, if-e , Ac. Also, a large assortment of Pine Lumber, LATH. SHtXGLES, DOORS, WIlOW SASH, . o j . i i. PLASTER PAR 1.1. HAIR, COAL OIL, F.U LEXINGTON COAL, 2.V) bushi'ls, t which we invite the atteation of Klacksmilhs and others as to quality and price, n e are AKents for the OOODIN COAL BANK, at Lex inajtnn.aud propose to furnish all the Coal this country wants at prices to suit. Aim- a large alack of Rye, Bourbon and Star Whisky. Cherry, Knspberry, Blackberry and Ginger Brandy Call and aee us. SIMPSON, MICKELWAIT . je6 d3 wtf D. B. McMechan, Dealer in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, IRON. STEEL and NAILS, ROCK ISLAND PL0WST CORS.PL A y'TER S, Cultivators, sulky and walking, Cook Stoves, A Large Variety on Hand. Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Hakes, &c, &c. A large stock now on band at small advance en Eastern Prices. 106 Main Street, - Nebraska Citf, (Opposite the Seymour Horse) SIGN OF THE PAD LOCK. J. M. HINCHMANf (9tacoesor to DuBe'an A n.ni'hman.) Druggist & Apothecary, D S A LEU I.V DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints, Oil! Dyes, Notions, Toilet (iloods, Perfumer, Fancy Soaps, PURE WI.ER AND For at eshanl.al and K.dicina pnrpoca Ksep eanitantiy on hand a tali and weI assort sd stock of PATENT MEDICINES. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefutty Compounded by an eiferirnred Drutt. -None but the rl'kKiT Med icini used, jilt tcarrantd at r-preetntit. CaHahdse.. MAIN STREET, tOl'TH C1IB. Terms Cash. PLOWS! PLOWS! C E. F O R G Y , Manufacturer of all kinds of Farming Implements, Such as the celebrated Rod Breaklna: Mows. Monld nar Mreaaer", MirrinE r"lnws. siofr-lr anil Pouble Shovel". Cultiyator and Harrows. ReDairina dona on short notice All work warranted. Havinifhad much experieti-e in the business, t f-el assured that I can f;ive general satisfaction. Please give me a call btfore ;nircl ing el-ewhere. C. n.. FORGT. Plattsmouth. Nib., May th, 1967. di vin LEVITT. 1 Him. H. HISS. LEAVITT & HYDE, Real Estate Office. -A KD- Homrstettd Directory, NEBRASKA CITY, LINCOLN, NEB., Cadman Hoiiff. op'siie LandOffice. Govemmeut T.ands selected from Pf rsonal exani iD&tion, Free HomestfalK be'eclerl. survi-rt anl cured. Lsnds in second hand and imprnyed fnrilis bought and su!d. Titles examii.e l, and Convryaiie mrae. RriRE"tct?: John II. Tarner late Pr fj h. CI I K R : Lre Co inty National Fai.k, Dion, 111. ; obTt Harris upt C d 6t Q K K : Auv Dacki-r in tVhiteside ronntv. Ill ; RHgister and Receiver of Laud Officr, Ntl.raka City. i,l CDIuraga gstUcrtfermncts.. J. W. Middleton & Co , STATIONERS, BLA .XK BOOK MA A UFA C TUR ER ! Mm iijSTT inns, UTHO APHERS, Ah B Notarial and Corporate Sealt. 19G Lake Street, CHICAGO, - - 111 ecrrLixs roR Merchants, Hanks, Hail Roads and Public Offices. fobSTj rt TUTTEE, THOMPSON & WETJIORE. JOBBERS OF MEN'S AND BOYb' CLOTHInG, AUD FURNISHING GOODS. 58 and OO Lake Street, CHICAGO) - ILLINOIS Tcttle. Thompson & Wktvoric, Chicago. Isaac Fknno & Co., Uoston, Mass. feb27yrl CHILD &BRIGGS, Wholesale Grocers, and De&brs in CANNED GOODS AND IDriecl "r-ULi-ts 49 SOUTH WATER STREET, CHICAGO, - . JLLLVOIS. fet-stTm