Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, October 22, 1868, Image 2

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    She Ubwfea 2feratd.
OCT. 22, 1868.
Wi r i'.iiro-i i fritiio ctrrespondenee front
all parts of lh State, relative to the material inter
ests ofthe country, together with lujh other mat
er ae contributors may deem of interest.
Republican Ticket.
?jr President,
Far Vice President,
Presidential Electors
T. fli. MARQUKTT. of Cass.
LOUI8 ALI.GKWAHrT. of K'cnardnon.
J. F. WAJtXKR, f Dok' .
Proclamation of the QoTernor
ConTeuius the Legislature.
Whereas, ibe Constitution of the
United State? provides that, in the elec
tien of the President and Vice Presi
dent of the Uiiited States of America,
"Each State shall appoint, in such man
ner as the Legislature thereof may
direct, a number of electors equal to
the whole number of Senators nnd
Representatives to which the State may
be entitled in the Congress;" and
Whereas, incident to the recent .ad
mission of Nebraska into the Union,
the manner in which said electors shall
be appointed, has not yet been prescrib
ed by the Legislature ;
Now, therefore, that the citizens of
this State may exercise their high nd
sacred privilege in the approaching
election of President and Vice Presi
dent, I, David Butler, Governor of
the Stale of Nebraska, by virtue of the
authority in me vested, do hereby ca I
upon the Senators and Representatives
lected at the October election, 1SGG.
members of the General Assembly of
said State, to convene at the Capitol, in
Omaha, at 12 o'clock, M., on Luesday
the 27th day of October, A. D. 1878,
to make such provision for the appoint
ment of said electors, as they in their
wisdom shall deem best.
In testimony whereof
I have hereunto set
my hand and caused
l. b to be affixed the
Great Seal of the
State of Nebraska.
Done at Omaha, this the 19ih day
of October, A. D , 1863.
By the Governor,
T. P. KtxxASD, Secretary of State.
The Democracy of Kentucky are
disheartened and disgusted with the
course pursued by their northern allies,
and they now favor the withdrawal of
all Democratic candidates from before
the people and oppose substituting
others in their stead (even Dorm and
Mickelwai ). They say they are
willing to trust to the known honesty of
Gen. Grant in the administration of
affairs. The car of "Progress" is
rolling on, and the men who attempt to
impede it will yet acknowledge its pow
er even as these Kentucky Demo
crats do.
Can any one tell us what ticket tie
Democrats have been working fordur
ing the past week, or what ticket they
expect to vote on the third of Novem
oerf mej are certainly in a very
pretty muddle, and the only way we
can see for them to get out is for them
to come out for the man who saved our
Country U. S. Grant and see if
they dont feel ever after like they had
done one noble act which ihey can re
fer to with honest pride the remainder
of their live. Try it once. The no
blest feeling which any man can have
is a consciousness that he has done
We notice in several of our demo
cratic exchanges, since the election
statements to the effect that "money"
was the cause of the radicals majorities.
We do not think this very complimen
tary to the people, especially to demo
crats ; for it is, in substance, an accu
sation that democrats sold themselves
for money. It is saying, in effect, that
members of that party are for sale. In
behalf of the democracy, we must say
that we do not endorse the slander,
neither do we think democratic journals
should be so hard on the poor fellows
who labor we doubt not many of them
honestly in such a hopeless minority.
'They have labored hard to elevate such
ungrateful men as Miller and Moiton ;
and now, because they have not the
numerical strength to accomplish their
desires, they are accused; in tbe house
of their friends," with' selling their
votes to radicals. The only instance
we know of where money was attempt
ed to be used in this locality, was on
the morning of election ; and that was
by a democrat who proposed to a cer
tain: individual in this city to bring him
& ticket nnd two dollars and fifty cents
if he would vete it. The said individ
ual spumed the proposition with the
scorn it deserved, and we don't believe
that democrat attempted to rurefaa.e
aj:y o'.her Republicans vote. j
Some one we dou't know whether
or not it was our "confiJeDiial" friend
musNbave written to Seymour & Co
about lhe success of the "Kangaroo
ticket" in this county ; for they have
already commenced to talk about in
augurating the thing on a big scale by
withdrawing Seymour and Blair and
putting up Chase and Adams. Go in,
gentlemen; it won't make any differ
ence in the result. Grant and Colfax
are just as certain of being elected as
that the sun will rise on the morning
of Nov. 3d. If it will make you feel
any better to vote for Chase and
Adams, why, do it.
Remember that the Registration
looks are opened again on Monday
and Tuesday of the week preceding
the Presidential election, at which tune
all persons who were not registered for
the October elections, but who are en
titled to vote for President, should ap
pear before the board. It is not con
sidered necessary that those who voted
at the rec-tnt election should be regis
tered again,but the books are only open
ed for corrections. Should any person
know of legal reasons why any one
who voted at the recent election should
not be entitled to vote, it is their duty
to appear before the registrar with his
complaint otherwise the old registra
tion is valid for the November election
We have just gained an overwhelm
ing victory over the enemies of R "pub
lican Goverment, but every true man
should stand by the guns until afttrthe
3d of November, whvn we will have
caused a complete route and stampede
among the enemy Do not think be
cause we have swept everything before
us that tde battle is over. The democ
racy are fighting a desperate fight no
less a stake being at issue than the
overthrow or maintenance of a free-
government and they will take ad
vantage of our carelessness should we
exhibit any. Stand firm, then, and
pres3 them close on every side. Let
us rather redouble our efforts, and the
last hope of the slave-driving democra
cy will be wiped out on the 3d of next
month, and peace will reign throughout
the land. "Let us have peace "
Th-J telegrams for the put week
have been filled with report of vapous
kinds in regard to the wiihdrau-iil of
Seymour and Blair from tl.e Piesiden
tial campaign. It h;. be-en difficult
determine what would be done, as one
report would say the Commuter was in
consultation, and iht i.ext one wou'd
say the whole movement wa gotten i-p
by the New York World. From pre?
eat indications we think there will be
no change made in the ticket, although
it has been strongly urged by many
leading men in the party and is only
prevented through a settled belief iha
tha party are certain of defeat in any
event, and may as well be defeated
with the present candidates as any oih
The latest news from the Democrat
National Committee is to the effect
that Seymour nnd Blair are to Le with
drawn and J. E. Doom nnd W. Mick
elwait brought out in their stead. We
would not give this report credence did
we not know the proclivities of these
gentlemen for "split tickets." As it is,
we can hardly believe "our eyes de
ceive our earight." Look out for that
kind of ticket on the 3rd cf November.
As Doom has nodesire for official hon
ors, but does all for "harmony," he
suggested the ram? of AniyTayo
but Taylor "could 'm see it," and Doom
has "confidentially" consented to let his
name be used rather than see the coun
try ruined youknowl
Have issued an address requesting the
withdrawal of Seymour and Blair in
favor of Chase and Franklin. These
southern men saw things more clearly
in the beginning of the campaign than
did their nor;hrn advisers. They saw
that the attempt t.i carry water on both
shoulders could not succeed, and favor
ed an out-and-out policy of some kind
They were favorably inclined towards
Chase and universal suffrage, but were
willing to take Vallandigham and a
"white man's government." They
saw that th'y must either have the ne
gro vote or the united rebel vote, and
consequently favored ultra grounds on
which ever side they cast their fortunes
hence the alacrity with which they
seized Blair and revolution after it was
decided not to take Chase and negro
suffrage. The boplessness of the dem
ocratic party is fully evinced in the fact
that these southern leaders are now
willing to fofsake Blnir and revolution
for Chase and whatever policy they
can coax or force him to agree to.
The President has issued a procla
mation appointing Dec 2G Thanksgiv
ing day
Mr. Gaylord J. Clarke left this city
last week for Texas, where he will set
tle if the political horizon looks aus
picious. He came to thi9 place not
quite two years since, and during his
residence here he created more
trouble in the Republican party
than all other men who ever did live
here. So far as we know, the Repub
licans of Cass county always "pulled
together" for the cause of right until
the advent of Mr. Clarke ; and he im
mediately set about sowing the seeds of
discord. Well, he has gone ; and
whether the seed he has sown will yet
bear fruit, remains to be seen. We
think not, however; we hope and trust
Mr. Clarkes' efforts to divide the Re
publican party has not so far blinded
any true man as to cause h;m to con
tinue in the track of this great discr
gnnizer. We fear Mr. Clarke takes a
wrong view of political matters, ar.d
one which we should d if like very much
to see prevalent, or even entertnined
by any man in position. Unless we
are very much mistaken, his idea of
politics is that the "spoils" of office is
abjut all there is to it, and that politi
cal principles are but a pretext to ob
tain the spoils. Such views are dan
gerous to the Republic ; and we there
fore earnestly hope the seed sown by
Mr. Clarke in this locality will not ger
minate to the detriment of free institu
The telegraph brings us the news
that the Democracy of the East are de
moralized and dismayed by the result
of th recent elections in Pennsylvania,
Ohio, Indiana and Nebraska, and that
they even talk about withdrawing Sey
mour and Blair from before the people.
They find that there is enough of loy
alty left in this government to repudi
ate any set of men who dare to threat
en forcible resistance to law, and
who dare to threaten the dishonor of
the nation by repudiating her contracts
made when the was sore pressed by
the armed wing of this same Demo
cratic party. They may withdraw Sey
mour and Biair. and do what else they
please; it will avail nothing. They
have phown what their real intent is.
ind ibe fiat has gone forth that Grant
,hall be our next President. No twist
mg. squirming or wriggling of the sca
y monger of modern Democracy can
'hangethe result. There are thous
ands of men in the land who have long
been deceived by the wily and p!au?a
11 nf.-ertioris of the Democratic lead
ers, and iht-y might have been deceiv
ed nsraiu hnd not those leaders thought
they had thun fast in the metbes. But
he stales have fallen from their eyes,
nnd henceforth the leaders of that par
y stand lefore them in all the hideous
ness of their true character enemies
of their government and enemies of all
that is true, just and noble
The unanimous verdict of Pennsyl
vania, Ohio, Indiana and Nebraska
against the po'icv of the democratic
party is not the only cause of the de
moralizaiion of the leaders, for we do
not believe intelligent democrats ever
expected auv other result in these
States. But we beleive the great se
cret of the weakening exhibited by the
democratic backers lies in the fact that
thousands of honest democrats intend to
quietly vote for Grant and Colfax, be
lieving that through their election
alone can peace and quiet be restored
lor our distracted country. We know
of many who view the matter in this
light, and who will vote for Gant and
Colfax without claiming to be Republi
cans. This fact is as well known to
the democratic Jeaders as anyone else.
hence the great desire to do something
ta preven it. It cannot be prevented,
however, for the men who have now
made "bp their mtnds to vote for Grant
and Colfax are not going to be drifted
about by any political breeze that may
be raised at this late day. They have
seen the ship of State almost stranded
on the sunken rocks of democratic re
bellion.and tiity will stand by the brave
man who saved her from tbis fate un
til she is once more entirely free from
the whirlpool of secession and rebel
lion. It is no use talking about Chase,
Adams, Hancock, Hendricks.McLeilan
or Johnson now ; the people have had
a look behind the democratic screen,
and know the monster there secreted.
They know that Hampton, Forest.
Vance, Semmes, Cobb, and others
speak the sentiments of the riding pow
er in the democratic party, and that
soft words and professions of loyalty
are only intended as bait to draw the
people within the meshes of democratic
rebellion, no matter who are the candi
dates of the party. It tuakes but little
difference who their party candidates
are, or what professions they make ; it
is the power behind the throne which
shapes the course of the democratic
party, and the honest people of ihe na-1
tion know it. t
It is a universally conceded principle,
in all parties, that no true roan will at
tempt to defeat his party ticket, es-pec
ially if that ticket has been fairly and
honestly selected by a majority of the
party representatives in convention as
sembled. This principle is a pany ne
cessity ; for without its existence party
organizations and party principles may
be held subject to the caprice of per
sonal likes or dislikes. And it is also
a party necessity that when men do
"boll" an honestly and fairly nomi
nated ticket, and endeavor to hoist into
power men of the opposite paity, they
should be held to a rigid accountability,
and .;ver after be sharply watched , for
it is fair to presume that their style of
politics considers self of more import
ance than party principles, and that
they stand ready to sell out the princi
pies of their party at any time when
?lf can be served by so doii g. We
wocld not be understood, by this, to
mean that any rascal who can intrigue
to secure a majority or the votes ot a
convention shou'd be supported without
question, because we deem it essential
that that class ot men should always be
kept out of power. But the tune nnd
place to oppose men who are thought to
be unworthy to represent the party and
the people is in ihe convention. We
hold that any man, whether he is a del
egate or not, has the right to l&y before
a convention his objections to a candW
date ; and we also hold that n man is
true to his party who will attempt the
defeat of its candidates fnihuui first
haviug boldly proclaimed his objections
before the nominating convention, and
not then uuless those c bjecjions are
something more than personal they
are not valid reasons for electing a per
son of opposite political views unless
they show conclusively that the party
again-t whom they are urged is lo'ally
unfit to represent the party; and when
this is done, we think no convention of
intelligent men would persist in keep
ing a candidate before the people.
When any considerable number of the
voters in auy party become di sati?fied
with the nominations made, they hive
the right and it is probably their duty
-to appeal to the proper source to have
a change made. But they have no
right, as supporters of a principle, to
secretly set about the defeat cf the nom
inees and to elect men entertaining
views entirely different. We say they
have no right to do this and ft ill rlnim
to be supporters of tLe principles of
the parly whose nanif they claim.
Men may change their views m regard
to parties, but they Mm it id have man
liuess enough to come out and pro
clai n the change, and not endeavor to
play the Judis. We lay down these
views at th's time because we have the
question to meet right here at home, and
we propose to meet it boldly. We wish
to speak now, while the subject is fresh
in the minds of the people, and we en
deavor to speak calmly. If we are
right, we ark the Republicans of Cass
to stand by the doctrines we here ad
vocate no: only now, but for all time
to come ; and whenever any man claim
ing to be a Republican attempts the de
feat of the ticket, or any portion of it,
by plotting with our political enemies,
we ask the Republicans of Cass to con
sign him to that politicul infamy he so
richly deserves. It is well known that
an effort was made at ihe recent elec
lion to defeat a portion of the Republi
can ticket, by covert and unfair mean?,
and at least one of the individuals
who "plowed with the heifer" of de
mocracy to accomplish this result was
a prominent but disappointed candidate
before the Republican nominating con
vention. It is well known that the name
of one of the most ultra copperheads in
the county, was placed on a ticket headed
''Republican ticket," and that the name
of a man who had served his coun
try honorably and faithfully on the field
of battle was taken off to make room
for it, and that this disappointed office
' seeker worked for the success of this
mongrel concern and at the same time
claimed to le a Republican. May an
all wise power, which loves truth, jus
tice, humanity and liberty principles
of the Republican parJy look well to
the party if such men are allowed to
have a haud in its management. It is
ihis class of njen who bring just reproach
upon any party, and the sooner (he
people of Cass spew them out from
party politics the better. A? to those
few individuals who voted this "bolters"
arrangement with honest intent and
we have reason to believe someot them
were honest, but were misled by de
signing demagogue? we have only to
say. judge for yourselves h-reafter, and
be not induced to vote against your
principles by the representations of men
who rare nothing for principle but all
for telf and pary pi!s.
GenJvi'pair icW, in a recent speech
made tLe following declaration: I i
told Horatio Seymour to bin face in j
1 C Go that he was the hed and front of j
lhe riots, and that th Goveri ment ,
ought to fend him under guard to Fun
Lafayette. If I hud been in coitrnand j
1 would Lnr? dune it.' J
Regiftterrd vote in each Precinct,
Total Tote c.-t in exch Prrci ct.
Jfember of Congrtti :
John Tfl"tf,
A. J. Poppleton.
(governor !
PiTid Butler,
J. R. Porter,
Secreta'y f SUite :
Th'irnas P. Keon.nil,
Victo Vift't'iin,
Treasurer :
Jaraei Sweet,
J- A. H'urc,
Awlitor of State:
John Gi-lnspie.
II. C. Lett,
CM' Juttiee :
O. P. Maann.
John If Vroxtnn.
VUtrict Attoi-n-y 3t Judicia I Dintrtt t :
J V, CuV'D,
J. W. Sat a (if,
Smator fur Cast county :
II. U. HRth.way,
A. B. Taylor,
J. ViiUtry. stn.,
Hcnntor for Cast, Surpy, Saunders, Setcard,
and hutUr counties :
William K c'hapin,
T- II Hubert ion.
- Mrmlurt of the Iluutt for Cuts County ;
1) McCaiC,
J. McK. Haood.
Ovorifv L. s3 Tbult,
J. .McKinnon,
J il I'ittteron,
ir. Jfu-lelieait.
.V C Long,
B. S Ramsey.
County Cutunit'siiuner :
J. ii .Voore,
A. Spires.
Note Republicans in roman ; Democrats in italic.
Mr. Editor: Amidst all the strife,
uproar and endless isms ar d schemes
of parlies, political and otherwise, let
us turn our attention a moment to the
condition of Ca?s county. Wny is the
great tide of emigration, now entering
our county, passing through it, instead
of stopping among us ? Why are there
so many continuous miles of uncultiva
ted and uninhabited prairie, as gocd as
can be found in the State, yet in our
county ? Why are the wolf and bad
ger the only denizens in so large a por
tion of our best lands ? Why is agri
culture thus crippled ? Why are emi
grants pushing awuy from our county ?
Why are school so dtvarfed ? I it
becau e speculators will not sell their
isnds ? No. Is it because agricultural
products find no market? No. Nei
ther nor all of these causes taken to
gether are the cause. The reason is,
we ned a Herd Law There is not
timber in this county to fence the un
fenced portion ipveu if ihi owners of it
would sell but on the tht-r hand
they will not sell. How then can we
expect to see ihese extenive scopes of
prairie ever brought iiro cultivation
without the aid of a herd Uw? Examine
for a iiiomoni, Mr. Eiitor, what ii will
co.-l an emigrant to purchase fence and
erect a house on a quarter sect. on of
thi "raw prairie ' as it is ca'led. Fir1
the latid at So per acre is SSOO ; then
the breaking of a portion, say 50 acres.
at SI per acre is $-00 more ; then the
cost of a small cabin $300 in ire ; and
last comes the fencing. Th cost of
fencing a quarter section of land wrh
posts and wire, (providing he can get
the posts) is $.500, exclusive of the la
bor of building it, m iking an aggregate
of SlSOO before the poor emigrant can
begin to live. Now had we a herd law
erery one can see how much of this ex
pense would be aved to the emigrant.
Hence the conclu-ion is evident, that
emigrants of small means are compelled
to go beyond this county for homs.
How many of the early settlers of this
county landed here with SlSOO lo in
vest in real estate ? These lauds were
cheap even at second hand; but now
the price of lands places the possession
of a farm beyond the reach of many
who come here for homes, and who are
as well provided with means as hun
drcds of those who came here in an
early day and art now in affluent cir
cumstances. Let this mate of affairs
continue a few years longer and what
will we see ? We will see the most
populous part of our county in the west,
where a few precincts have herd laws;
we will see our court bouse in the west
of the coumy in.-tead of on the river ;
we will see the best of .he trade float
ing off to Omaha and Nebraska City
instead of going to Plattsmouth ; we
will see heavier taxes in this county
than in those counties where emigrants
are eucouraged to settle under the pro
tection of a herd law. Pass the herd
law, build up the schools, lighten the
taxes, increase the wealth, enterprise
aud resources of the county, give men
homes instead of wolves and badgers,
let Plattsmouth double in population
and business, lei the products of so
many thousand acres of virgin prairie
find their way to the banks of the Mis-
Mr. William lie bout, a wealthy and
respectable citizen of Eastport, Iowa,
(opposite Nebraska City.) has been
missing" since the 29ih of September.
He left hi home on that day and came
up on tbe Council Ii luffs and St. Joseph
Railroad and transacted business at tbe
office and said he was going to Omaha
lo attend to business with the officers
of the Union Pacific Railroad Compa
ny. Since then his family and'fnends
hare not teen or heard from hirn, and
are therefore oppressed with auxiety
as to his whereabouts and wdlfare
Any'inforn aiion relative to him will be
thankfully received, and may be ad
dressed to J. Ii. Hoffman, General
Freight Agent. Council IilufTs and Si.
Joseph Railroad. Council Bluffs, ar Dr.
W.H. Martin, Eastport, Iowa,
5 !
o 13
; 377 m 9s'ht lSn Kl
: -t' un -o.lO'' To'
101 34 SflJ
8,0 2s 24
T3 27 ,7
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72 44 '.Wi''
2 St SO 57
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36 10 49.24
26,24 31;33
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1174 87 4.V47I 7' 43.
1157. Sf3 40 82 1 26 SI
731 244
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! 706 193
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S 727 239
I 731 246
! 455
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13 27 9 49124
! ! 7
! 102 f7 45 471 76 44'
3 27 n 36 10 49
133 HO 4i :).' 20 si
105' S3 4.'. 7 T6 44
13.' 9 iO S-i' 20 3V,
i 1
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"27 17
7i !! 7
36 10 49
2C 24 31
! i
1193 45 47 i 76 44'
1 186, 92 40 32' 26 31;
! I ill i I
1 194 &7 41 47' 76 44
136, 2 41 Hi i 26 31,
! I i i i 1
;191 45 47! 76 44
131 1 92 40 32' 2o 3l!
72 27 17
72 27 17
7i 'i 7!
70 27 17
7i 1
67 9 K
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36 10 49' 24
.26 24 31 38
i ; 1 I
H6 9 19 24
26 24 31 38,
86 10.49 24
26 24,41 33
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3 0 49 24
26 94 31 32
76 239
179 S7 42 47' 76 44
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134 92 40 32' 26 31!
72 27 17
.7i '! T,
70 4 17
78 27 17
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7 27 17
7; lj 7
lo 19, 5
7 I 7
7, II 7t
S 9
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723 -iiC
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73 111
729 2il9
7i0 2v9
722 22
26 24
1 134
I I .
81 45 47,
fc" 4-1 47
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87 43-47
99 40 32'
92 411 32 '
91 40 32
75 44!
75 44 !
76 43!
75 43 1
27 331
26 3i;
26 31 1
36 1
49 14
49 24
49 24
3i !;is
3lj 3
31 138
111 13
86 10
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J 9
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26 24
26 24
93 40,321 25 81!
J i I
P7.4.V 17, 76 41;
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73 27 17
7 ! 7
; 7 49I4
!'; 20.3:33
Rev. Henry Ward Beecher rightly
says: "Since all the men who sought
to destroy the government are rallying
around Seymour, it is fit that all the
men who stood up for the Union
hould gather h bom Grant. It is an
honor that will not happen twice in a
man s lite to vote tor such a man as
A man from N. York, by the name
of Smith, has innuV a proposition to sup
ply Nebka Ci:y ith pure, filtered
water, to be pumped frtm the Missou
ri siver by wind power. We like the
proposition, it looks leasable, nud if the
wind-work fails lo produce the water
in sutTicient cjuatiiuy we lecomend
Smith to bntij M-rare Greely along
Horace en bail the n ater out or rais -
n breeze jut us the people prefer.
The Way the Monet Went.
It uppears from the records of the
I reiisu'y Depirtment that the nun of
S1U, 500 000 for bounty claims of de
ceased and discharged suMiers, sett'ed
huring the ptsi fi-cal yar. wnt to
make up the increase in the public debt
frh'uvn in th last rprt. Th a
amount went into about no ihotisamJ
families, mo.ily f ih pour, in uiu
rnricinsz from $:2o to S-jOO. Y York
Tt thine
We were yes erday shown another
sack of salt frrtn the Lincoln Sa't
Works, the quality and fineness cf
which equali that of the best dmry salt
from the east Our readers are doub
less aware of th immense qnuntities
of this necees.iry cf life t b foor.d
near Lincoln, arid produced by solnr
evaporation. We are informed that
tli effort is to make the salt coarse
enough for the general trade : that fine
salt is obnnied with the greatest ta5e
C. D Nonpar it I.
lt. We e npratulHte the rountry upon Ibe a
sured siio es- of ihe n'conKirnctii u policy of Com: re? !,
as rviilenceil by the al''liou iu I be majority of lh
States lately in rebellion, of constitution 'cTiring
et!inl civil anil political rhta t al', anil reai'l it
a? tbe !iity of tbe government to enstain thtae
coDftitutionrf Blitl prevent the p'-op'e f inch MnN-w
from being i cmitleJ lo a Stat" of auarrby or military
2'l Th" guaranty by CoupreaK of equsl ufTi ape
to all loyal men in tbe -uth van i1eniaiol'l by everv
con Kioerat iin of public, -atety of eta ' itn J.- oi j-it-ic-
aiol mu-t be maintain, whilw theque-tion of
fuffiHWe in all the loval Mutes pioerly belongs to
the people if those platen.
8'1 w ilttioiince all lurmsof repmliaiou iudi
tioual cr me anil Ihn rational honor require the
payment of tbe public imloM' 'Im-i- in the utmost
piod f.-ikh to our creditor! at b-iii' aul abroad
.Vol only arcirciiiK to be letter, but tl.e uplrit of
the laws iiiuler which it wa contiac e l.
4'h. It i ilne to Ibe labor ..f the Ui.ll u that the
taxation ot the nation -b ubl be equa.ise and re
duced a rapidit as lb- u nal fnitb will permit.
,'itli. The national deM.c ntric ed an it baa breu,
for the ptceivation of the l iiiun, 'or al! t ine to
coin--, obould beextt nded over a fair period tor re
demption; and it is tbe duty of Curirress to reduce
the intercit thereon whenever it can honestly be
fth. That tbe b"st pol cy to diminish nur burden
of debt in to mi improve our credit that capitali-'n
will fe-k to !o.m u. money at Inner rati- of ii'ieT'-M
than we Dow pay. unil muit coiiti'iue 1 1 pay a long
as repudiation, partial or tola', opt n or covert Is
threatened or ?'i peeled.
f 7tb. Tbe government i f the United Statej should
I be adtuitiitered wiih the strictest economy; and the
I corruptions whicb have Ihv d so fhauieluily nured
! aud foMereU by AdJicw J..)iooon call loudly for rad
! leal reform.
ffb. We profoundly deplore the untimely and
traxic ileaifa of Abraham Libcoln, aud ren t tbe
acce-i-iorj of Andrew J boson to ti Pres.tlency. who
has acted treacherously to the jm ople who elected
him and the caue he was :e!ff"il to support; has
u-urped I a; ts lei-lalie and judicial fa ctions and
baa refu-ed to nxecute the law s; has u'-d his Inch
office to induce other office! to ignore and violate
tbe law; has employed bis executive powera to
render in secure the property, peace, lileri and
lif of the cit zen; lias a' u ed the pardoning power;
baa denounced tbe national legislature as uncon
stitutional; has Deri-ist-n ly and corruptly resisted
by every uieansjin bis power, every pioper attempt
at tbe recoistiiictioD of r e .States lately in rebellion;
has perverted th; public patronage iJto an engina
of wholesale corruption; and has be'n justly im
pel ched for high crimes and misdemeanors, and
propel ly pronounced guilty thereof by Ibe vote of
85 Senators-
9th. The doctrine of fireat Britain and other
European lowers, that because a man is once a sub
ject be is always so, must be resisted at every haz
ard by the L ulled States as a reiic of the feudal times,
not authorized by tbe law of nations, and at war
with our national honor and independence Natur
alized citi ns are entitled to be protecied in all
their rigbta of citii nsqip, as though t: ey were na
tive born; and nocitiZe . of the United Slates, native
or naluialized, must be liable to arrest and iiapris
onment by any foreign power for acts done or wit1s
spoken in tbis country; aud. if so arretted and im
p Isone'l, Il is the duty of the government to Jut r
fere in bis behaT
10th. OI all who were, faithful In thetrials of the
late war, the. e were Dooe eutitled in more especial
honor than ihe buve soldi, rs ani sefineu who en
dured the hardships of campaign and crui-e, and
imperilled their lives in tbe service i f the jr.
' he bounties and pens'ons provided by law for these
brave defenders of the nation are ob'igafious never
to be forgottoo. The wi. lows and orphans of the
gallant dead ae the ward-o' tbe pe pie a sacred
legacy bequeathed to the nation's iotecting care.
1 1th. Foreign emigration, wbirh in tbe past baa
added so ra cli to the wealth, develop rent of re
sources, and increase of power to this nation the
assy I11 in of the oppressed of all nations should be
fo-te ed and encouraged ty a IiDeral andju-t policy
12th. his convention declaies its sympathy wiih
all th:-oppressed peoples which are struggling for
their rigots.
13th, Thai we recognise the great principles laid
down iu the Declaration of Independence as the true
foundatioi o I democratic governm nt, and we hail
with gladnes' every etiort toward making those
principles a living reality on every, foot of American
ih, That we highly commend tbe spirit if mag
aanmity and forgiveness with whick in-n who nave
served in the rebellion have row frankly aod hon.
estly co-operp'ed with ua In restoring tbe peace of
the country, and are reconsti ucted. They are re
eeived back into the Union of the loyal people.. We
favor the removal of tbe restrictions imposed upon
the late rebels at toon as tbe spirit of reSclllonbas
d:ed out, i
Whereas my wifr. Cakoline, ha it my bJ (r
board wKhuut j Li c-ie or prc. caiiou , I brt.
I'jr firbni an 1 p-i a baihoriu or trutit,t ln-r i ?,
my sreuut, - I hull pay l.o debt, of Ikt c iitmi (
iu after tlii-i in e J')'l SMIIll,
l.lnWovii. ftcb.. Oi tolwr 15th, l3, 1 a
lOslray IVoticc
Taken up by the nnd ;i k.jf -ie I in PI .tMin.mtti (.,
court ty, Neb., on tne 5th d-iy of Oct'l-r, a i. IpCh
one lly Colt, anppujrd to bu one y.- ir . I . i ; :t't
bljzrd lace, eyes, ami lutli bin l la n
The above colt wan foMowin eitiirxnt., ol Vr.-, . .
llvretl up to me b.r tiitia ; tbey eutinj it lalfi.
towrdhra across l'latte rinT.
J. W. JOHNSON, Hieriff
V'- Coin ty,
Pl..ltnnouutli, N'eb , October 21, 1 6b ii.'.' v 0
Registrars Notice.
(''UK uuiier.ipu.-il RreiMrnri fir Piatt m .un-l Vrr.
rinct will oil at tbecur: if W. 1. wAOl , lis
said Pre iurt, ou
Monday and Tu'fuf,', 6i t. 2'tt't nnj ivh,
A D lS6r. for the purpo e of correc-in trm KeH
tra'ion, already m de, and fn m ik in nu. b aiMt
tioDHof lianienai m.i r be q lalillml lo vole at II.
Kleriioii, to bo lusd Tuea.l.iy, nii er 3 1 a.t.
Isili I l.i 1A M l ; ti.K.'
oit 22 K'vbli; ra.
Riverside Nursery I
J. Y. PlvAIUlAIY, I'ropV
T E Imve on band and for Hale tbe Bnet a-rori
M liient of Nuiery 3 every (ffe:-
rl in the west, C'jOfi't.n.' of the itKtcc( vivitj,
Beat varietie" in the WV-t.
i: v e 11 o it i: i: n s ,
Ot various kind", also
FuriiUlnd on abort notice.
We intT-d doiti btiMtieMi in Hirti a n ad'ut as to
Cll1rl.t'f t.iH.fartbiu ti iniirli ,mit an, I m . k . I iL
people of Nehia?.k h fir trial.
All trcjeril Tor .Nebraa.a rlioubl b.' iblr. r, li
J. i. AN 1 ILL, Atel.l,
l.lLColn. Nib.
Fe-d for a Citalomie.-fc orrjl.r.
Ticasiirei's Annual Matr-
Recapitulation of County Trea-urer and slalsmtiii
ef annual settlement with County Cutuiuissiuui-rs,
October Im, Isijs :
Mate iwfHiriii tuna.
By ain.t nl'il rince la-t teitie- 1'a
n.ei.t. iim:
To amount paid out ;(-.! it
State Softool rurtd
Hv amount eol'd ai d balu e H'J s t
To amonot jaid oot, ilos'J
tt'ite Sinkioj -una
Hy Hin'l c ol'd aud '.alsucc !f3--4 "
lo amount paid out, :tiio7.
.'el 0(
County Central fund
Bv amount eollei ied, I t J
To amount .:d out, lITT-i 11
Ct unfy Snki:ty Fund
fly anitoi t t oil cted. t lJi 37
lo auiount paid out, l (ii
1 'o u n fy i hool Fit n t .
Ity amount collected, tl
To ainouut paid out, mi ifs
It g Funtl
Hy amount col'ectl t-u'l -o
To auiuunl pJiil out 6 4J
Lund H'tad Fu- d
Hy sinoui t coll et d. tl'H iJ
lo amount pdid out, ti'i'.'X I'U
blK Ws
iio .'o td liensrtii t tntl.
By am ' I eol'd sod b.tUioe, IH-1 II
1 o amount paiti out, 'iloi.'i
BJl 47
Itittrit t .e,4( Fnu-t.
Hv ain't eol'd and I. a aio e, (.'Oil i.-t
r amount I'.'ol i u t , I'-':'; u?
'isf i lit fuse Fund.
?1S 7-
By am't c il'd and I. I.mce, i- :o -4
T amount i a:d ou'. ti , J ii"
ii.M 17
Iiit'rettt t'utfl
by ain't c l'd and Ij.lance, ji 7 43
lo aiiioiiiit p-id out rJ 17
fll 74
Fiff I'er I 'ettt Futid
Py amount cllerte.l, f't7
To am iMiit paid out, 7o 7i
A trtrtitita Fund
By anion .t mil cte 1. 1 4 I 5
l o iniour l paid ut, f y l .i l'i 14
Judiciir ; I ttnd
itv anto till c .'-Cled, $ I ' oil
To amount aid out, 17 J '.'d
' nr Fwd.
liy ra'l coll'd ami bal..uce, lltio'
'lo ain u:it paid out,
IIS .''9
T. tl.
Total ann uni lo Tr'asurv ,
George Boeck,
Denier in a I kit.t f
Asrriciilinral Cmplt uientn.
MunufjCurer of
Repairing done with neatness sod Dispatch.
Sr-At the twj -.ory Unci Miop, Pllnu.sai
July --'.'in. 19CS.
N this day T. I,. S nip..n, Aduiiiiitratnr of
e-tateof N II . Mu pliee, has made m: rt tknm
ti ma'e Ins flual .eit.etii'-ut rt said eatate Taa
l.'ourt has appoiuted th J I da y or October, UM. t
hear the same at bis fllce in the city of P iiuua'i
at 10 o'clock a m , of Ibildav. Ail parsons ill-er-'ed
will api ar to bear tbe san e.
(Jiveu under in) hand and seal tbla lb 4ay sf
Oct 1. 180s. at I'ictJis Jsdt s
Notice i hereby given tl at oi. Tuesday, the 1 hird
day of November next, at the usual place ef
boblim; e!ecti' n- in the several Prer nc'-s,or as nesr
as may b praciienbe.) in Cass County, and Stats of
Nebraska, an ele' tion will b held for
77rre Presidential Ehciors.
Whlrli election will be opened at niue (9)- o'rh rk
in the morning, and Will coiitiu'le op il unt'l six (6)
oVI.K-k in ibe afternoon r.f ihesamedav. Hy order
This "th day of October, A . I. l.r.s.
B. .S'I'UKI.UC K. Clerk.
Cass Coi.nty, N biaka,
s A mKE or axo diai.ks ii
Saddles and Harness,
(Jambs, Spurs, Lashes, Whips, (-c.
Main Street,
B., K. Baxtkr iudh
Co. Clerk and Kecord, I-'"!''7 Clerk k. Rsc
Spurlock & 'Windham,
Clerk and Treasurer's Office.
Titles Examined, and
Conveyances llndc.
Taxes paid and receipts forwarded
Plattsmouth, June IS.1H68 nil.
Improved Farm and Tim
ber For Sale.
l he farm is a,: -out 2ft tailes west from I'Isttsmonl'i,
2 mi es wet cf Hoover'a, on the sin (re toad. bo
acres has ten in ruitiy.ition a Ion Loose iin It,
an 1 plenty of stock water; it is S w qr ee 27, T 1-,
K 1116.1 acres; and connected wnh it Is Lot T and
S E qr of r : qr tec 20, same T and K (limti' t)
90 and acres, naklni; HiO and BO I (hi acies.
Also the N w qrof ! w qr of Sec 4. T 7n, K 44. ir
Mills county. Iowa, Due east from tMa'.tscuoutii. au'.
1 mile from tbe river, (heavy timber ) F t terms
ad.lrers, 11. H ,o,Omi.'.N,
uiaj'iStf. bltniootl, Iowa.