Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, August 20, 1868, Image 1

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i ' I
"If any man attempts to haul down the Jlmcrican Flag, shoot him on the spot."
? Br
U0tEce corner Main itreet
and Leree, second
Terms: $2.50 per annum.
Kates of Jldcertising
aesqnare (space often linen) oue insertion, 1 .AO
Kcn subsiaent insertion - -
Professional cards not exceeding six 11 10 00
O ."-quarter column or leas, per anDtim 35 00
six months 2O.-0
" " three months J3 00
Oa1! half column twelve months 60.00
" six months 85.00
" " three months 20.00
OJeeolamn tsrelva months - 100.00
six months 60.00
three months - - .00
All transient a lverU'ernents most be P orln
jira- We are prtpared to do all kinds of Work
on sh'trt notice, and in a style that will satis-
Solicitor in Chancery.
"lTlll boy and sell Real Etat and pay taxes fjr
f non-residents.
Improved and nniir proved lands and lots for sale.
J me iiih nl'iv J.
Physician and Surgeon
Tenders bis professional services to the citizens v
C.s rntlntv.
(rKe-idence siuth-east corner ofOalc and -S'iith
(M.ttimoaih, Nebraska.
Platte Valley House
En- B. Mchpht, Proprietor.
Corner of Atiin and Fourth Streets
v n..n hivin? ben re fltt'-d and newly far-
tshed offer first elms accommodations. Board ty
las day or week. ang2S
General Land Agent,
Lincoln. . - - Nebraska.
win In anv of the Courts of the State, anl
.nil,,,, .n,l a -II keal Es.ate an commission, py
fsiei, essmiue Titles, AC.
WaxwcII & Chapman,
Solicitors in Chancery
Office over Black, Battery A Co's Drug Store,
jwl .
And Solicitors in Chancery,
uaix sT..orrosiTE the colrt-iiovse
wa. w. bbw
Jtsl4 wtf
Main Street,
A rood assortment of Watches CU '. Gold Pen",
Jrwelry, Silver Ware, Pane tioo-is Violins and l
Jlu Trimmings alwya on hand. All work com
muted to his tare will be warrauted.
April 10. ieli.
e. sr. iki h.
Lot A'wp'f Indian AJnirt.
Attorney at Law
rh. kT named centlomen have associated
themselves in business f-r the purpose of prosecut
ing and collecting all claims acainst tbe (jeneral
a .. or avainst any tribe of Indians, and
ars prepared to .roecute such claims, either before
Conres,or anv of the Departments of (iovertiment
vr tvefore the Court of Claims,
Ma. Iaisa will devote his personal attention to
rke business at Wsshingtoo.
ir-nmr .t Nebraska Cftv. corner af Main and
Fifth street.
National Claim Agency.
F. M.
t -epared ti prent and prownle claims before
El rt -ress. conrx oiLiaiiaitDiiine iera. tui.-wi. -
m. ,t. Pensions, Bonot s, and Boonly Lands se
o-red. fSfChatge moderat-?, acd in priortion to
the amiant of tn claim. v. ii. utMiUI.N
April 10. 65
fintral Life, AccLlent, I'ire, Inland and
Wlf) take risk at reasonable rat"S in the most reliabl
o upanie in tbe United States. at the book store, Pla str cnth, Nebras-
Itlillinery &, Dressmaking,
t MISS A. M. tis-riiv M its. R. r. KlX RIOT
Opposite the City Bakery.
"T7 f wonld respectfully announce to th Ladies
1 V of Plattamoath and vicinity, that we have Just
received alsrvean l well selected stock of Wiuter
Goods, consisting i t Flowers, Ribbons, velvats, dreas
trimmings, Ae., Ac. We will sell the cheapest Roods
ever sold In thlscity. We can accommodate all our
old customers and as many new onea as will favor us
with call. All kinds of work incur line done to
orJT- Shi Mt satisfaction given or do charges
DWELLINGS at all price.
nr persons wishing to purchase Farm-property, or
Residences la town will find them for sale at al
prices. By
mrT. Rral EhtAtb Aoeht.
Manufacturer of and dealer in
Saddles ami Harness,
Of every description, wholesale and retail. No. 130X
Main street, between otn and 6 in streets, NeDraHKa-
ity. Jen
JAMES O'NF.IL Is my authorized Agent for the
collection of all accounts due the undersigned for
medical services; his receipt will be valid for the
ayment of any monies on said accounts.
August 14, 1867. It. K. l-lVlftljOlUA, .M.u,
T" 1 4- A. A tvants
Li nds bought, managed and sold. Valuable Tim
ber Laud for sale. TaXts paid for Non-residenu
Collections promptly attended to.
marcn so laoc.
EVlrs. SV2. Niemann
In the rear of Citj Bakery.
Fancy articles washed and done up in tba neatest
style. Patisfaci Ion euaranteea-
1'lnt jniouth, Nebrawka, June vjin nizn.
Sheridan House,
Wm. W. Irish, Proprietor.
Corner of JIain and Third Street,
PJattsmouth, Neb.
Board by the day or week
S'afres leave this House
or week. Charge mcderate.
daily for all points
North, South, East and WL nl-'v 1.
iJUUli-OLJUlj La XV O.
Binders &Faperdealers.
oc 2.16m
1?. JP. TODD,
A erd assortment of mnct.ines and machine Cod.
Ins kept mi lm.d. U-Office at Stadelmann's
Cluthing Ftore. Uec. 4 '67
Machines retailed nn short no-ice.
Plattsrr.outh IV. ills.
C. HEIattL., rroprietor.
Have recently been repaired and reared in tbor
n7h rnnninz order. Custom work done on short
100,000 Bushels of Wheat
Wanted immediately, for which;the .highest marke
price will be paid. "K" "
T?nrA Cnla onn T TtTDVT
iCCU, Caio cuivi xix wo j
Mais St.. - - Plattsmouth.
I am prepared to accommodate the public wtt
Horses, Carriages and Buggies,
Also, a nice Hearse,
On short notice and reasonable terms. A Ilack will
nn to steamboat landing, and to all parts oi me
ity when desired.
Furniture and Chairs.
THIRD STREET, (Sear Main,)
Reparins and Tarnl'htns neatl7 done.
IT" funerals attenaea ai me suor:i nonce.
vr . a . a?.
One door west of Donelan's Drug'Store,
Dealers in
Ready-made Clothing
and a general stock of
For the Plains; also, a large lot of
We bought low and will sell cheap for cash. Cal.
and ex amine our stock before yon buy any where elsel
s3 11
a i j i iivssiaj
JSlain Street, two doors above Fourth,
Where the public may find
and prices as low as can be found in the city.
We return fhanVs for the liberal patronage, we
have received, acd nope to ment its continuance.
Oct. 30, '61 GAGE a DAVIS.
A Futile Atttmpi to Ratify the Nomi
nations at the Corners.
Post Ofiis, Confedrit X Roads 1
(Which is in the State uv Kentucky,
July 31, 1S63. )
We bed last nite a ratification meet
ing at the Comers, which started out
glotiously, but didn't end so happily ez
it mite. I bed gone to a good deal uv
trouble about it, and hed made all
arrangements for a feast of reason and
Sow uv sole ekalled by few ratifications
and surpassed by non.
The blessid Deacon, McPe'ter, and
Issaker Gavitt. who expect respective- iQ my leg, for which I wuz insuffish
ly to hold the posishens uv Assessor, ently remuneratid by the hankerchers
Collector, and Whibky inspector for I borrowed from the prostrate combat
this district, came down handsomely ants under cover of assislin uv em to
with the funds, enuff to enable me to
dekorate the post offis with flags and After the scrimmage wuz over Pol
transparencies, and myself with a pare leek and Big'er came, with three nig-
uv ready-made pants, wich I muddied
considerable to make em Jook old so
mat tney snooa not suspect tner tunas
had bin applied in that way. Human
nacher is a inscrutable mystery. They
.V. . a
wood objeck did they know I bed cloth
ed myself with their money instead of
wastin it on taller candles and sicb.
wich burn out and leave notbin be
I wuz economikle in my expendi-
toors, or ratner but little expense wuz
nessary. Desirin to wake the enthoo-
siasm uv the Demccrisy, I procoored a
parsel uv Confedrit battle flags, wich
the returned heroes hed brot home wiih
em, and hed the talismatic words, 'Sey-
mour and Blair, painted across em
The effect wuz gorgus ! Ez nite
gorgus : J-,z nite ap-
proacbtl hed the transparencies saved
over from a celebration wich had bin
held after tbe battle uv Chickamauga
lighted up. The emhoosiam, ez the
populace saw these, and listened to
Captain McPelter. az be red em to em
was overpowerin. How they cheered
ez the words fla.-ht out into the nite.
southern rites, southern men. and a
southern government I 'Death to
Northern Hirelins !' 'Down with the
gorilla Linkin !' 'Jeff Davis and the
Confedracy forever I JNo quarter to
Federal invadors ! And when Bore-
gard's black flag, onto which 'Sey
mour nn
ters, wa
i T3!.. ...o , i.
as unfur'edl3""""'" cu '.T
cheers for the nominees uv the Noo
York Convenshun ez I hed never
heered before nor expect to agin
At this lime list ez everythin wuz a
gittin red hot the troubJe commenced.
Pennibacker, wh ch runs our biggest
and best distillery, iumpt onto the plat
form, at my suggestion, and proposed
three cheers for Seymour and Green-
baXtaDdtbreegroDe3for the bloated
bondholders. The crowd, with troo
Dimekratic docility, wuz going to cheer
when Bascom. who bez some 5 20 ,
riz and swore lhat he'd be d d ef that
shood be. 'Gov. Seymour is in favor
of paving 'he Nasbnel indebtedness.
principle and interest, in cold. Reed
his speech at the Cooper Intoot.'
Is he? is her abound Jr"enniback
er, springing onto the platform, is he?
Reed the platform wich he accepts !
Don't Belmont and the Eastern
bankers support him?' yelled Bascom.
'Don t Vallandygum, rendlenn.
Brick Pomroy, end dirty 6hirt Dean
suprort him?' yelled Pennibacker
Your doctnn, sea liascom excitedly
is a d d swindle a peece uv theevin
wich a Arab wood be ashamed uv, and
Seymour sed ?o '
Your proposition is a outrage onto a
orprest people, a snndin uv em into
the earth under the iron heels of bloat
ed aristocrats and pampered sons of
luxury, and the platform Seymore
stands onto sez so, shouted Pennibac
Yoor a swindler. excitedly yelled
Bascom, whereupon they clinched and
rolled orf the platform titely bug-gin,
and making extraordinary physikle
efforts at injoorin each o her.
To direct the attenshun uv tne popu
lis from this untoward circumstance, I
reouested Issaker to sinnr out three
cheers for Blare !
Three cheers for Blare! fung out
Isaker. 'the Missouri statesman, who
will rid us uv Freedmen's Burows and
wr 1 1 t . - TV r1 1
iiiiutai v a w v
Three groans for Blare! yelled
Punt 'a Abllbhiuist and Linkin hirelin,
wich shot my unkle in Missouri, and
burnt my grandmothers house near
Vixburg !'
He aint no Allishinisl!' exclaimed
Itsaker, Teed his letters!'
Its difficult to say wat he i to-day,
but I'll sware to it he vuz three years
ago, but it makes no diuerance. I
swore four years ago to lick any man
who hurrahed for any member of the
tlare family.
And this infoorialed wretch pounced
onto Isaker, and they rolled orf the
stand to join Bascom and Pennibacker,
who hadn't settled their onpleasantnis
Before it ended Deekin Pogram and
Kernal McPelter got to arguin ez to
the propriety uv recognizen niggers in
the ranks uv the party, lhe Deekin
talken one side and McPelter the
other. The passions
of thesa pstima
ble genilemen were aroused somewat,
nnri before I cood interfere thev hed
nrh ether bv the throte and rolled orf
onto the ground beneath the platform.
I sprung down to seperate em, when
McPelier turned upon me, and would
bev sacrificed me on the spot, but the
Corners rusht ez a man to save me.
cz i owe me mosi ut em i am entire
ly safe here, and ez I shel be ontil I
pay my debts I shel never die ur vio
At this pint the file became general.
Some uv the people sided with Bascom
some uv em with Pennibackea (akkor
din ez tbev bought whisky by the bar!.
or by the drink), and the balance uv
em assisted Bizler and Issaker Gavitt
ez their inclination proniDtid em. In
the melee the platform, flag and tran
snariencv wuztore down, nearly break-
gers, into Basoont's, where we wuz re
pairin damages, wich remarkt that
they held a meetin, and bed passed re
solooshens thankin the Lord devoutly
for havin relieved the Republiken par
ty uv the Blare family, and syinpaihisn
with the Dimocrisy wich hed received
em: and also acknowledging the obli-
srashun the colored men of the Nashen
were under to the Dimocrisy for the
handsome manner in which they -bed
treated Joe ilnams, the Afrikin de-
legale to the Noo York Cenvenshun,
ez the selecting uv a nigger ez a dele
gate and associatin with him on terms
uv ekality, wuz a &tep in the direction
uv vooniversal Brotherhood wich wuz
cheerin. This insultin message, de
livered to men wich wuz a patchin up
their faces and waahin orf the blood uv
a politikle conflick, wuz the reverse uv
lhe ratihcashun wuzn t altogether a
success, but we suel try it agin atter
time hez softened the asperities engen
dered by the recent conflick. and the
candidates hev bed time to fit their
selves and their records to the plat
form. The Corners Lin be counted
Petroleum V. Nasbt, P. M.
(Wich is Pobtmaster.)
Two theories agitate the Democracy
rei!ie 10 me important question ot
G. O.-u.-. viaiW The New-York
iiorZd declares iuvicu. urajt uis uu
hram. will have no policy, and will
Pa merely a nuueniiiy iu office. Gen
Blair, however says that 'Urant is tne
rrreatest man ot ttjis see, inat ne nas
more brains than Cromwell and Bona
parte together; thai he is ambitious,
and if elected President, he will make
himself an absolute monarch, in spue
of the somewhat general preference
the American people are supposed to
entertain for a republic. Both theo
ries must be amusing to Gen. Grant,
especially when taken together. The
Democratic party should hol J a new
convention to decide which they should
warn the people against the stupidity
of tbe strategist who conquered tbe
Rebellion, or the ambition of the sol
dier who enlisted as a private, never
asked for promotion, never sought of
rice, and when in office never exercis
ed a doubtful power, and whose poll
tics is summed up in the doctrine that
this is a country in which the will of
the people should guide the judgment
of the President. Iribune.
A Deautlful Thought.
A writer whose life has passed its
meridian, thus eloquently discourses
upn the speedy flight of time: 'Foriy
ears once seemed a long and weary
nilrrimaee to make, It now seems but
" j i
a step; ana yet aiong me way sic
broken shrines, where a thousand
hopes wasted it to ashes, footsteps sa
crod under their drifting dut, green
mounds where the grass is fresh wi'h
the watering of tears; shadows even
which we would net forget. We gar
ner the sunshine of those years, anl
wiih chastened steps and hopes push
on toward the evening whose sigr
light will soon be seen swinging where
the. waters are still and the storm never
A Chap'ter from Life. It was an
ardent borish love, that faded out as
life ?rew clues: my heart new to ner
like a dove, and lighted on her beau
teous shoulder, or sipped the honey
from her lips, or in her eyes found
heavenly graces; I loved her to her
finger-tips, I loved her very foot-print
traces ! Her features wore a .raptur
ous charm, her smile made all within
me flutter: in rounded beauty was her
irm. her little hand was fat as butter.
No wonder that I leved her so; but she
was f&Ue as she was pretty, abd soon
she sacked her little beau, and took a
bis one from the city. I caught him
out. one cloomy night t'was one of
love'a extemen phases I aggravated
him to neht. but oh! he larrup d me
like blazes.
The Copperheads are preparing the
way far Blair. Seymour, and Hamp
ton s next rebellion by their ellorts to
shakfl th nonular confidence in ihe
National credit. They would persuade
the people to repudiate their obligations
- for tJi monev which heloed us through
one war, hoping thereby to find the
means in the next one. lhat is the
real aim of the creenback redemption
1 dodge ! Republican.
Rebellion and revolutions, wars and
contentions, are the &taplo of human
history. They may be traced back to
the days of Abraham, and to those of
the early Egyptians. Many rebellions
have succeeded, probably more have
been suppressed ; while wars have re
sulted in the success of this or of that
party ; but the spectacle was never till
nov represented of thoroughly beaten
V-nll. . i s-
ueoeis teroriziiig ana trampling on
those who compelled them to lay down
their arms. That spectacle is exhibi
ted at the South to day.
Gen. Wade Hampton is widely
known as an original Secessionist and
a fighting Rebel from the begining to
the close of the late war. He came up
here last month and helped nominate
Seymour and Blair, aod is now dsing
his utter most to secure their election.
Here is an extract from hia speech at
the first ratification meeting be attend
ed :
"We can have no. relief unless this
great Democratic party will come out
and pledge itself that we shall have a
fair election That the White people
of the South shall vote ; and I want
you all to register an oath that when
hey do vote these votes shall be
counted, and if there is a majority of
trnxte voles, mat you will place beymour
and Blair in the White House, in salt
of all theooyonttes that shall be brought
against them. I only want to see the
election fair, and if they do that, even
wiin tne incuous ot mack rule, we can
carry the southern state. I Applause
Here, you see, Hampton gives notice
at the outset lhat the votes of Blacks
bhall not count that the result shall be
decided by tbe votes of Whites only ;
and that, if Seymour and Blair shall
shall recieve a majority of these, they
shrill be inagurated "in spi.e of all the
bayonets that "shall be brought against
them." In other words, he proposes
that Constitutional Amendments, acts
of Congress State Constitutions, laws,
votes, and every thing else, shall be
defied, and the election decided by
Whites alone.
Still, there is "the incubus of Black
rule" that is, the Blacks do actually
vote in the late Rebel States. That
incubus" is tn he overcome. How
r - - VT --rr. mM
extracted trom nis ratmcation speecn
at Charleston on the 24ih ult.
yield to none in devotion to that
Lost Cause for which we fought.
J ever shall I admit that the cause it
self failed, and that the principals which
gave it lite were therefore wrong
Jyever shall I brand the mtn. who vpneld
it so nobly as 'rebels and 'traitors.
Never shall 1 lgnomimously seek safe
ty or base r rcmolion by a dastardly
denial or treacherous betrayal of it
The past is irrevocable, and
it does not become brave men to weep
idly over its buried hopes. A noble
work, and I trust a higher destiny is
before us. Let us seize the opportunity
presented to us, and; by courage, per
severance, and zeal, chain victory to
our banners. I honestly believe trial
though 'tis not mortal to command sue
cess, we 11 do more we 11 deserve it
I conjure our people to dedicate al
their energies to the work before us
Organize clubs in every locality; send
speakers through all the land to arouse
the people. Try to convince the negro
that we are his real friends ; but if he
will not be convinced, and is still joined
to his idols, convince him, at least, tha
he must look to those idols whom he
serves as his gods to feed and cloth him
Agree among yourselves, and act firm
ly on that agreement, lhat you will not
employ any one who votes the Radical
ticKet. Ude all the means that are plac
ed in your hands to control this element
by which the Kadical party seek toue-
gr tde us while they secure euccess,
and we can turn their batteries against
themselves. It will not do to say that
the negro has no right to vcte; fer right
or wrong, he will vote in this next
election," nnd his vote may turn the
scale. Let us meet this as a practical
question, and seek, out of this great
evil lhat has been inflicted upon us, to
work good for ourselves. Secure vic
tory to the Democratic party, and we
have an easy and prompt solution in
that party of all questions which belong
of right to the States themselves, as
does the question of suffrage."
The blacks are, and long have been
a decided majority of the people of
South Carolina. Ihey do not mourn
The Lost Cause of their enslavement.
nor seek to recover under Seymour
and Elair what was surrendered with
Lee and Johnston's armies. They are
Republicans having the best possible
reason to be and will vole for Gram
and Colfax as naturally as water runs
downhill. How, then, can South Ca
rolina be carried for Seymour, Bbir,
and "a White Man s government?
Simply by starving the Blacks into
votin" away their own manhood. Say
to them, "We own the lands, thft teams
the implements; you have bat your
hands, and must starve if we do not
employ yon; and we will unite in pledg
ing ourselves that 'we will not employ
anv on$ who votes the Radical ticket
By ihus a third or fourth of
the liiacks in paruo vote wun us ana
I in part not to vote at all, we shall carry
I South Carolina, and with it every other
Rebel State, for Seymour and Blair !'
Thus the party which does not la-
ment the overthrow of 'Tbe Lost Cause
is to be beaten by that which does.
Thus i the Rebellion to triumph, even
the track of bherman a Great
March. Tribune.
Thi Will to be Tbaixkd. Men
often speak of breaking the will of a
nild, but it seems to me they bad bet
ter break its neck. The will needs
regulating not distroying. I should as
soon think of breaking the legs of a
horse in training hire as a child s will.
never yet heard of a will in itself too
strong, more thaa an arm too mighty.
of a mind too comprehensive in its
grasp, or too powerful in its bold. I
would discipline and deyelope tbe will
into harmonious proportions. The in
structions of a child should be such as
o inspire; animate and train, but not
to hew, cut. and carve: for I would al
ways treat a child as a live tree,
which was to be helped to grow; never
as a nry, dead timber, to be carved
nto tbis or that shape, and ' have
certain grooves cut in it. A living
tree, and not dead limber is every lit
tle child. &.
One ef tbe Capperhead papera of
bacrimento was lately erowin? over
the supposed acquisition of Gen, Hal
leek to the Seymour and Blair party
As soon as the General saw the state
ment he positively contradicted it.
Now, we learn that Gen. Halleck, in
peaking of the nomination of Seymour,
said, "It may do for some, but n won t
do for me." Tribune.
Honci GaxELT e&id ma speech in
New York the other nigh: "They
say Grant can't make a speech. Well,
if Horatio Seymour had never made
speech he would get a good many more
votes than be will get. In all Sey
mour's speeches where did he ever
make a remark that the rebel army
wouldjnot have cheered from beginning
to end? 1 never heard of it.
The New York World it as bold
a lion, and speaks of its eondidate
President Seymour. Njt only this,
tut at the expiration of bis term in IS-
3, it baa promised it to Pendleton.-
Tbia is very kind of tbe World, and
on the wounded pride of the Uhio
I a m m - -
greenbackist. Who is to succeed Pen
dleton has not yetbeen announced.
ueorge rrancis is writing hit auto
bioeraply. The advance sheets drew
so heavily upon 'cap. IV that the pub
lishing house had to postpone the work
until they could 'sort up.
iwo boys, one of them blind of an
eye, were discoursing on the merits of
their respective masters. 'How many
hours do you get for sleep? said one
'Eight,' replied the other. 'Eight
why, why, I only get four!' 'Ah!
said the first, "but, recollect, you have
only one eye to close, and I have two.
A Chinese giant now on exhibition
in London is eight and one-half feet
high, and drinks a gallon of beer at a
After quoting the letter of Gt. Sey
mour wherein he states he never owned a
United States bond, The Cincinnati En
quirer, Pendleton's bona organ, says:
"We did not need this to convince ns
that Mr. Seymour was not tbe bondhold
ers' candidate. Those who attended the
Now York Convention from tbe begininc
to the close were made throu-ihly aware
of tbis fact. The bondholders' hopes
and anticipations were entirely in a dif
ferent qnarter, which was well known by
Ohio and by Mr. Pendleton's friends,
who nominated Mr. Seymour when their
own favorite eould not he seltcted. Mr.
Seymour represents the people in this is
sue, and not the bondholders.''
The Rev. Father Cabley, President of
the ersat Catholic University of Notre
Dame, was in tha processien which es
corted Mr. Colfax from the depot to the
Fair Urooads, on bis recent reception at
South Bend thus civing evidence that
the Catholics of his home resent the base
Democratic fabrications, in regard to the
assorted hostility of Mr. Colfax to tha
Catholics and foreigners.
It does not become Frank Blair to prate
hftiit the camel baggers, mere nas
been no time since the Blair family ceald
crawl that each member or it has not
been in Washington, carpet.bag in hand,
clamoring and begging for omce.
FoTt Pitt Feundry. the establishment
which turned out so many big runs du-
tins tne war, nas neen soia ler $ ioimjuu.
A cirl in Chicago died last week from
swallowing the point of a needle, which
broke off while 6he was picking her teem
A newspaper biographer, trying to say
that his subject "was hardly abla to bear
the demise of his wife," was made by the
inexorable printer to say "the chemise of
his wife."
A process fer silvering hooks and syes
made of ron wire has been patented in
A German genius has recently invent
ed a watch which runs a year without
wiadirigj ' :
Mrs Prosser who has been a reader
for Queen Victoria is about to open
boarding sthool ia New York.
Th town of Laporite, California
was destroyed by fire on Monday. The
loss is stated at a half million of dollars
Some of tbe best Iasd in Algerai
ells at Si an acre.
Ship building is growing brisk again
at Bath, Me.
$20, 000,000 worth ef diamonds are
owned in New York.
Drouth threatens the crops in Geor
The Austrain wheat crops is said to-
be a failure.
Barber, the Virginia sculptor, died
est week.
A revolving fort ia New York htr-
bor is proposed.
Tbe N. Y. Fireman's Library now
has 2,008 volumes.
Ex-Gov. McRae of Miss., died late-
v ff
y id nocauras.
Sweden is sending out a polor ex
pedition. '
Watt's wrote two-fifth of the hymns
in the English language.
Tbe lew prohibiting publio executions
has gone into effect in England.
The Chinese rebels bare evacuated
the eountry around Tein-tsia.
Traveling on tbe Mississippi river
was never so greet as it is at present.
Central Park, N. Y.; bas received a
buffalo, a toucon, a caique, and a laps.
Velvet coats ere going eat of favor
among the young swells in N. Y.
Tbe London Telegrph bas been
fined 960 for the publication of a
Caribaldi thinks ef visiting Ceng-
land and tbe Uuited States the coming-
A solid salt bed, five handred feet
thick, has been foand sear Berlin,
Once happy Portugal is at last suffer
ing from a woman a right movement.
Charleston is expecting te export
50, 000 bushels of peaches the present
A New York bride last week re
ceived $300,000 as wedding present
from paper.
There are now aeout 400 Young
Men's Christian Associations in thia
Pittsburg and Allegany city rcgother
A new mail contract, connecting
France with Panama ana1 Chili, has
been approved.
The corner etone of the Jewih tem
ple in Cincinnati to cost $100,000, hae
been laid.
An anti-low-neck-and-em-broidered-gaiter
society has been formed in Par
is. The Rev. Geo. Porter ef London
will inaugurate a midnight mission it)
New York.
Over a million of dollar is to be ex
pended on the new Jewish temple in
New York eity.
Minister Bancroft contemplates vis-
ting tbe courts of the different South
German States.
Three new translations ef Bsncrofte
History of the United States are pre
paring in Germany.
A 22 inch vein of silver has beeu
opened near Ripley, West Va. Great
excitement about there.
The revolution in Venesala is gain
ng strengtn and rapidly extended
throughout tbe country.
Cardinal Andrea spent his last hours
n writing a letter bitterly denouncing
the Court of Rome.
Mr. Huff ef Winona has for gar
dener a man who formerly filled that
office for King William ef Prussia.
Jas Beaumont; who built the first
cotton mill in Massachusetts CS years
ago, was 90 years old on the 11 ult.
But two ex-Presidents of the United
States are now living Fillmore and
Yale College is 167 years old and
still in its prime.
Frogs legs, are a dollar a pound in
New York. They leap higher than
that in Chicago.
Four thousand eight hundred dollars
a year is the salary of the chief cook
of the Astor House.
Tbe female are in the majority in
Chicago, but thia is cot the reason why
it is called Shec&go by some. -
Two thousand men are now working
on the road from Des Moines to Coun
cil Bluffs.
The Empire Eugenie has long de
voted one day in each week to visiting
poor families.
Isabella the famous flower girl in
Paris was lately struck by. lightening
but not fatally.
The master masr-ns of New York
have conceeded the terms demanded
by the bricklayers '- -
The "Glen" at Watkins, N. Y. is
becoming one of the favorite places of
summers resort.
The Princis Dagmar received a
$ 32.0C0 diamond necklace for bringing
Russia an heir.
An Indianarl's Justice fined a man
$5 and cost for jumping off the cars
while in motion.
: 1