wis9 Site gtbrasfca gctiUcL LOCAL NEWS. J. E. Tatt, Esq., left for ' hit bom in Hittootl last Thursday. Brlek Pomeroj claiae that he sends to rego'ar snbsorib-rs ia Nebraska, 1223 Bbert of the L Cross Democrat flaa J. II. Maxon, former ly of Nebrae is CitT.mwof St. Loaie, was in tbe city co bcVineia Iapi week. ThetNebrasta City Prett baa eom Btneed the ablioation of a daily adi tion. Tba people af Batlar ceaotj rota apon tba Iet1oo of thair eountjeeat, also far oaamj oBcers, on the ISib of tbia month. Workmen are engaged in repairing tbe Cetho'io Cboreb. We think it ia tbe ia. lention to hare regalar service hereafter. Oeo. Fickler baa elevated rather a tor tier e sqae sign aver bie Meat Market tt ia tba work of one of oor city artists. Tbe Colarnbian took on about 200 sacks of Soar and a quantity of corn at tbia place I ail Taraday, for the St. Louis market. See adTertUcment of "Proposals for Oram." Here ie a chaste far tome of cur farmer. CASH PAID FOIt TTIIEIT. w 2 by CLARK. A PLUMMEH. Grant and Colfax Club meeting at tbe Court Ilouie to night. Royal Buck, Esq, f Nebraska City, aud other noud speak ers, will address tbe Club. Farmers gsasraly have completed their harvest, and mast of them are done stack log, to the western part c f the county tbe crops are unparalleled. See card of Dr. J. 3. MeAdew, of Wyoming. The Dr baa permanently lo cated, and offers hia professional servi ces to tbe people. We learn from Sheriff Johnson that a hail storm occurred on Cedar Creek last week, which injured tbe.com considera bly. Han. M. Brush and Mr. Snail, of Ash land, were in tbe city Monday and Taee day. Thej report thing levely ia thier loeahty. Wade Hampton nrgee the Southern Democrats to give employment to no per sons who persist in voting tbe radical ticker. Is that Dmooraoy? We publish thia week a verv exoellent -article from tbe pen of our worthy Ci Treasurer. We doubt not it will be par tleularly interesting to some of our for Mgn readers. We learn that quite a pleasant time was had by some of our citisane at the Ceurt tlojse 1111 last Thursday evening The tans. a was furnished by the Johnson Jlro.'e A Gormen butcher, named Conrad Kep .bart, wis rnn away with last evening aal had his right arm broken just below tbe elbow. Dr. Livingston was called in to tet the bone. A very nice railing haabeen run across the Treasurere ofioe far the purpose of separating the lobby members from the Comntiaatonere duriag tbe session of Com missioners court. Hon W. F- Chapio was ia the oily for two or three days last week. Chapia has taken up a perminent aboda on Salt Creek, where ha proposes to till the soil ia tbe most approved etyle. H. B. Davenport, Real Estate Agent, of "Nebraska City, gave the lis bald a call this week. He wat here ea business. Cass eoanty presents a fine field for real estate men, as property is increasing in value very rapidly, owing to the great demand. r The old levee at the root of Main St baa been made entirely ever into a new one daring the put two weeks, and Plaits saosth can now boast of as fine a levee asanytowoon the river right at thai doors of our business bouses. Tbe congregation of tba Preebyterian churoh will please take notice, that the Pastor expects to be absent on next Sab, bath, the 9th inst. The church will there fare be oiosed fer the day. C. D Ronsrrs. We call attention to tbe newadvertise ment of O. F. Johnson & Co. They are now keeping a fine rssortment of medi cinee, and have all the lateet periodieals aad newspapers of the country, '.Ite a fine asiertment of school books and sta tienery. At the recsnt Election of Olive Branch Lodge, No 2, I. O. of O. T. the f.llow log Oncers were 'Elected" for the ea euiDg Quarter: ITCT., R.B. Windham; W V T., Miss. Laura Dave: W R Secy., Everton Doom; W T., J. W Marshall; W F Sec'y., Wesley Barr, W M., Eageae Sage ; W Chap., Rev. J. J. Roberta; W I G, Miss. Maggie Wil tea; W Sentnel, Lee Wright. E. T. Duke A Co. havo purchased tbe en tire stock of hardware and iron belonging ft) Clark A Plummer, and the latter firm will not operate in that braoch of basi nsss he4ifter. Dice & Cj. are over hauling their building, remoddeling and re-arraazing it, preparatory to putting ia tbe heaviest sleek of Hardware, Stoves and Iron ever brought to this market. Call and see tb-ir stock and examine their prices ; and if von do notey they cell a better article for less money tAan any et er hoa'e in Nebraska, then we do n3 ksow anything about it. Tbe Democratic '3 ate convention at sembled iit Omaha yesterday. We are indebted to Col. Tbot Patterson for tba names of the following delegate in at tendance from tbia county : John Black J. A Pwtt, WintlQW, J. Yallery, ten., and B Ramse, ,'-" OltUA.HIZG The Repoblieaaa of Rck Bluff will organise a Grant and tJolrax; tlib to morrow (Friday) evening. Q'iod Speak era will be present and address tbe roeet ing ootbe isenes inrolred in th campaign Let tbe fcood work go on, and a majority will be rolled ooin Caia Coanrv for Grant and Colfax enob at Frank Blair retold tionuta never dreamed of. i Tbe Republicans of Seward Countv are to have a grand ra'ly at Camden next Sit cr lay. Every hamlet in tbe land ia arou. ed to tba importance of electing Gran' and Colfax Blair's revolutionary letter and the endorsement thereof bv tbe entire Copperhead party baa aroused the patriota of the -land tejave their country from the meehnationa of the common enemy. ' i f ' ( - There haa been soma little apprehen eion on the part of some citizen that the prisoners in custody for horse stealing would be snmmreily . dealt with by th people. This fear was not so maoh that injustice would be done the thieves, but that nnjuttioe woold be done the laws of the State. Proven horse thieve Bud but little sympathy in Case county. J. W. Sage, Eq., bat the ontraet for doing tbe printing for the B'ato Fair, and will visit our city to-morraw for the purpose of giving such of oa busi ness men as desire an opportunity of d vertisiog through this meiium. tie does tbe printing for the Fair gratis, calcula ting to get his pay out of the adveriiiag. The pamphlete will be distributed pro fusely in thia State, and quite extensive ly throughout aJj lining S'atcs, making it an exoellent adrer iaing medium. We learn that Mr. Shannon, the Mar sbal of Nebraska City, feeling .aggrieved at an article ia the local eolumna of the Pres aooosted tbe local eaiter of that paper on the etreet last Tuesd iy and at. tempted to administer corporeal punish' meat He struck Mr. Price, the local Editor, on the head with a"luog-ebo,', injuring him severely. Mr Sage, general gent of the paper, we present and in ' terfered 'o prevent the operations ot Shannon, and got a solid blow on h . arm from tbe sluog shot." We under stand the matter ie to aadetgo a leg il investigation. Ilorsje Thieve Arrested ! TUB DETECTIVES AFIFK T11EM ! Jjn Organized Band Ferreted Out I ONE OF THfclrl EMPLOYEES l WANs STAINS .Vibfe..w.t Four or Them lris! Held for WARRAST8 OU V FOR MORE ! It haa beea well hnuwn for a oa time that the country went of th Missouri river waa infested by a thoroughly orgutsea band of horse th.ve indeed, so thor oughly organised, that when a horse wat Once out of eight and in tbe bands of tbe gang it was almost ueiess to attempt its recovery. Oa tbe nigot of the third of July three of tbe finest horses in Case county were taken one fr m Mr. Dob- sen, one from mt. Uami'beu, and eae from Mr. Murray and Several parties started wiih a firm detertniaatieu to find where they went to, if they eoou.d not eueoeed ia getting the boree Uae ot the most indefatiguabli worsrs in tbia endeavor to ferret out the baud, and the one who has probbly couirioutd ui-t to tbe sucoese of tbe undertaking eo fa". ie Mr. U. Jl. Uolmee,or Kooa Blufs. . li left bis work, and u company witn Mr. Dobson aad Mr. CamposlI, started for Kansas, on the usual route tasea with stolen horees from this part of tne ojuu try. At Nebraska City thsy found a young man named Waa. Yeung ahu hU been in the employ of the band, but who had left them and was ready and willing to put the authorities on tbe proper traa to break up the baod. According to bin Statement and so far as it hs yet do veloped hie statement are ail eorrobora ted by the faots there is a thorougu.y organised baud of horse-thieves, extend iog froji Kaoias to Omaha, with station at convenient dietanose all aloo the lice, where horses are secreted during ih day. After the expose byYoung.word wasim- mediately sent to sheriff Jounson of tbi County, together with the namee of aev eral men in the vicinity of Nebraska City as be.ng conneoted with the band- S'ier ifTJoboxon procured a warrant f jr the arrest of such as were supposed to te in reach, four of who .a have"alred beeu arrested and held lor trial at in n xi term of the District Court. Tht first. these arrests was that oi Geo." War.l, an an accomplice and member of he bU Ward is a well to do farmer, livme ab'u six miles eutb.west ofNebraixa City. He waa found at Omaha, wber- be hd eone to reolevin a tia;r f mu ee whio'i Young eava bad oeea a olen from -- h and taken theri un leritndingly by other members of the band. nd wa arrestrd ov uenuty Sheriff rairneia. upon in a examination Young testified that he ha I hired to Frank WcJ to herd and drive stock, and that Frank Ward and another man named ifelker .to!o the three bcrses from this County on the night of tbe third of July, took them to Geo Ward's farm where they were kept until the niht of the 4th. and then started for Junction Cuv Kannjtbat e Verd waso ogni sent of the fact of the stealing, and fur nUhd a addl and rvolvr to ihm when they etr'd on Yoone d'sired to !eav th outfit a' Nebraska C'ty but we tild hr Geo. Ward thatheWotd ha kill ei u n aeri-l tnem tb-re, as there wra men ei giz"! in th husi-iese who were wrth plenty of. r-ropr Ward Waa held to hail in the um of $500 Oi friday n-ght th D putv h-riff an I poe4e arrived frim NHra.ka Citv with thre marenf th precious band of eoui drels, who may eo sid-r tbem.lvee ex. tremly fortunate that they got eafelv thrnueh Cass county to Plat.smonth bv means of a little rue rn the part of th Deputy Sheriff. They were brought be fore Jude W. D. Gige on Monda, and from th testimony of Wm Younz. C M. II lme. and vne nr two other wimess es.th f.l-iwing fact4, substantially were elicited. The nama of the prison re were .Fume VTihart, and Gei. Harrison and Henry Yiasen. : Thev, belong to an organized band, whose headqurtere are at Junction City Kania, of whict a man named Sanderson is tbe head centr; 'ha they were on intimate term with Wrd aad Walker, ant eid thv h d stole thir stock farther w-t than Ward andValker had theirs. The ev-d-no was of a di eoonected oat are, but suffi ient cn o n vinee anv reasonable mind th it tbe pris oners werei a com m tnner connected wth the nefarione band of "men who lire bv plundering their fallow men. The.-.e par tteewere h-ld for trial, and thei bait nlaoedat $2,000 each. At the preeent writing thev have' not secured bait, and are not likely to. There are several other parties, reei dnts of Nebraska, implicated in thia afftir, wh'ise name are suppresel for obvious reason. Toe nfln-ire if juste aad tbe community at large are on their trtck and retributive Just c may over take tbm at anv moment. There be been entense lee'ing amoig the people of this eounry since the unearthing of this band, and nothing but an all powerful felling in favor of sustaining the as keen th p-ople from ttking the mttcer in their own bands. Tne people of No brnska bave suffered mujh at the handi of, these lawless characters, and nothing short to a atriot adherence to the rul- f justice in the courts no mtuer what the technicalities of law may b-t wil prevent the people, meeting out sum marv justice-ti o&Vidrs of tits kind. W hope to sea tnis matter si'ted to the bottom,' as we believe' it will be, ant every offender brought V justice. TIIUKt Mft ft l.5ic;iii:d Sotne of tue police ut" u cttj ar aid to be in p !. ii ol intfl'iei.i t tl t threw uicu Vi?r iuuji by m m -It at Si'iux Cny m Friday. Tb pirtie autitf had gone up Irmu Ouialia mu a tew days hefr and ! n-d a ga-ib- lllg lll.tl UMoli ID 2lUX (ltV I I'CI- anuse was liberal y pxinuz -d; but at l-ngtli tiny wer caught cb-ating in iti tame it, i-ucb a miuur a in n mlera'eil "tTy the code ot tbe eporuug tra-eiDiiy Tbia"o xa-ptraid ihn patrou" Uat the parties w-r inline diately sec red by their vi iiuis. aud taKru to an out of tbe way place, be fore the autbtrri-s or crixeii kbew anvibintf about it, atid were hanged ti a tree. The fir-t pub ic kmiwledijtt of ihe hornt'le deed wa- the dicovery ot he lifeless hodies .us,endd iron th iree a fw tioura after; and it hah created inteuso eXCitt-meut in that u u llv quiet cty. The name of the murdered men were Robert Feri?uon. formerly tf Ford R-s'auran-; J hnny Green. t he B n Ton; and "D 'C Shaw, tali... formerly kepi ihe R ui Ton Saloon, on Ha'n-y itrert All 'he?e thr-e weri sve'l known in tin city RtpuMican DIED. At Eight Mile Grove, on Mindw. Jolt 27th, 1868. Mk.Robkkt "a ofM.nois Aged 31 veara. ' Near Eight M1 Gove. on Sttqrdav. azut 1st. 18 -8, Mas UssxrrTA Rcxu. Aged 33 years. ': - ' . Died at her reidence. twn milee south west of PUtts-nou-h, July 21st, 1K63, of Heart Dieae, Mrs- Iv-s P. Horn an Aged 46 years and I month. ' A . To f he Ladles A Xrw Idea Did vou ever dream that the drudgerv of sewing wou'd become the ch"rfulet pastiim ? Did you evr believe that a lit tie polished aeam;reaa weald step inta your eeamg room, and with searoelv a brsath of nois1! me np your wardrobe? Did you ever think tb-tt a ewing machine could do all vour work, even in the hande of your eervnt girl, without the com p aint of "out of ordr? usslees'' which is so often v and too justly mtde of winj mtchinfS genritl- ? Any one who will watch the op-ration of the WHcjx A Jibis M china for ten minutes, while, in tb hand of a itile rl, it throws off tb- tn S d10 e hem- ai.d fells ia abaolute jt rfef inn cats it ir umpha in beut fu etier. figure and wreaths, in r ch em hni'd-rr aad fashionable braid now ewmsr in a eleeve or ew ng on a skirt of your dregs, and now flashing over yard' of aam witn hut the flu trr f a ewal tow's w ng will C'jtamlv get an w idea of thpracicehili y'and real benefit of a fmi y .eaing mactiine (jh og t'ri bunt We have two of th- celebrated John II Manny's Crrained Reaper Mower left, which we offr to the farmers of Cass County, for the very iow price of $160, and warrant the same to do as much and ae god work as anv machine tnadel ' ' A few of the Celebrated Garden City Selby Cultiva ore' and Hay Rakes on hand yet at a very cheap prices. E. A Wiockxbobx A Co. tf. New York Cash Store. All persona oaing u will please call and settle an .we want to close op our last veam business. jan9?f SiMPS M. Mickiclwatt k Co ; o, . J S K. ICOIN LXWIS I). F. JOIIMV 1 CO.. (opcofita CUrk at Piommt r, saaUsa is Drugs, BSGdicines STATIONERY, PERFUMERIES HAIR OILS. Newspapers, Magazines rrj-ertjMon, ear fa IT po andd hj a P lcocr lioi-l ; i tua ul" Proposalsfor Grain Hbaoqo itim OiFTm ioi rHs Ht-arts. i Caise Qosbt aaa-TSt's orrics. Oaa , tbrak-, . . i863 rtA'ri bids, la tlaplict-, wi h arsui- M.ned lr tv isuib a -' kOI b dd-jr- ! aecooi pof -4 r S osiiuf l(Hi -w li h rroH.Mln ilLte Vioet, Ai a., oa ThurW-iy. ian lSlb. 186S for tbs diT.ry t TliirfT Thou.tnd (30,000) liuahelM ofCru. AtOaaha. H-bisk4. wobla forty dj fram tba d it. ot rQt' met. . . , f if id, w I. b. received fsr fl tboaasd (9.000) buh cln or upwaHa run cnnd.iliii., af caciraet SMde ha wa oa appll cation at this oSce By order t-f Br MJ Oaa. ngar . WM Tltfl, aor.S ) Brv't Brtg. Cea .Chief Quarts-master. rvo ncETO puric;iAivs I)ar,n .St te and i" eomp.t .nca with th spirit and lenor f a certain p- litou pra enied to th Hoaid of Cuancv CmmU,ione. at lbs AuHuiit a. oa oC their e-art b ih? p-actic a Pby.iciao, of tja, eouuiT, asaia theia ta miic., hoaoCMbl-- cum u U itoa by It a practlciu I'liyriciao, ol said ooao -y or.hifanper sod Puor noma practlca ar th.-i coiBty. i tntrefore, ia .ompliaaca with an rdar mU tiy the Board of Uemmisaiu ers a( Mid mi u ut ouar , be aby ia notice to a l p'actielns rhjr, ri :i wiibli UsM e-an:y alio w.ih to coisr inio ihir tvlt oi cumpet.l oii.U. A a win, m.-.aa i befoie ia Stsl Moiid-y ia HfcB""-le8 ste pr. pl .l ihr ioweM p--ib- ir.c tf anicu th-y lit tiaal t.-e Kiel .va am 4 elm of ! a-i la WHUCM i '! I e-a a:u Muiy baud -n-l cm cial eeat oi. tb ft h day uf ak ut. A P. 1668 B lUkUl' uCwl. Cis a cauc-uii-y. Neb. " i1egTl ICE. John H. Crai ed Um B-.U- bt J.toiU L t o auldido.. tuc8 lo tay ulJmy. A t - Wb Bl- Be Kluu la th ilt M-t HUI V ji jiwie i Ili4rtct t wlsta l ti brsca a .e f- "b. ..antr of Ca.s. el at Ctiarla a H lon-a aud tl. aid JbB it l).tg,d ledaut a tin loth h.i .beiaidChai ea M. tiutnaaa Save a mor'tf H to Ibc aldJm uLU Uioa'lwk r. qta oloi ae-.oi. 7. io..ahi. 11. aona at tta ia lUu.e a 14, iu tba . at Nw k., ad cuun. t.f JaM. ioMra,atuepam-ata $M.U0 wrbiukrvM lb roa a par a errtai" prom mm y uo a .atei a said i.oria-fK. tat .lisi tba a-ii-f wi too laid Oa VUK Ue defeud tut J b rl. CraiS. S Aij. tout inrai iu tba aid I a. .an u-.der me aid ch. Bl Holm ., aud p iVfc.,,t- W. ,'ust" , - .iT!iVi V.tll luur-l , lie ata uf tirtr n-r ttl tt aaauot fiooi too lai day aaaj, i lgiS n-.w cl.a a to te daa with iutcrat u ieni day to be aruiuted ay tba C art n-r thai lo,'i'Oa-, or be forevrr ferrcioacd aad 4 bar ad Iioui all -q ii. y aad rigbi ot raa,pUeB ia aud to ilia raid and aud any .ail thtreo,a,u4 the said John U Ciaig ia rcf i, red lo appear a.a knrer pautioo oa or b foia a 81 l day uf HepUmbar aasi caaida(. Hated I aJy 8otu, a. a. la6H . JUpTCS L. COIAD. By I'taaiB A Kawia. hia Alt rueja. - Order-d pablishr-d lo the XSBBAiZA UsaaLBfor lour cone ent ea waaa. WILLI tH h. WbLLd. AaxStb , Cle b ol li "l Court CUA.CEUV SAIsVti. Calvin U faruielaa, va. Joabua U. a ana. ia Chan cej'if 1 . purnuarje sad by vinaeafa drcr--t order t me - I BvteJ I on neudVao tb - Cie- "f the uir met Coil -if Hi 21 JB ileal lli-tnct f.Nor.a wnuio a nt for i:i eoaaiy, bea lug uate on a 9utn ua oi Jauo. 1367. beis uwJtm ,kIiI I in u .aid ouari, I, tb - .uo c iber, Alaatar iu Cb.it ry .1 aid oo irt, arm oBer lor Ma ai puj ie udaa.lo en, u th ' Biahs.1 au.l beat ai.HKr in I mm ol tb Com. Howe ia ilti mo lb,Vea coauiy, N brasK, ou Monday, tne 7fi ua, ot .-M-utciuo -, Id-iS. t I u'cl.ea p ui ol MtiJ ilay, me fo .oina ci-b a m e- aM, to-ait: Lot o aix (a) in bio. k No ta-rtty i(HiBi,a- daaU-aiisal 'rfoo.i .a- tord a ula. oi a.i . ciy -t flait.moQUi, wita I .ad !!. a ttt bsitdiiaiue U atd aopari. ban, e. her a oi ihrieoul.i n ioii("ie;. Fo be aa d a I a p 'lr.ty the aiM.e . aai- a uefeiniaBt lo ai-" aiJ d e ; heaiuoua ot wn ea is iba uia o. Hit DO .-itui -lareat fr. m ibe-ia-eol ..i-l eeci-c a. uv rate ol te.. per teat per au.-am, toKetaar w th eo u ,,f aa.t a 1 aale. Dated Aasa-t 61 b, 1SS. ' W. F. OHaPIN. By WllBTT PTTaJieB, SoliCitoi lor.-nm aaa Ctb. uld ; SHKUIPP-j 1ALE. James Beaky va. W. St blserhter and airrtha y.augbtar Order or Hal- Netice iaba-coy ei'ea that by el toe of an arder of aale ta BKdirr tad f om 'he C erk'a usice a iba Uiitriei Caa I within and tor Ca aoauiy. .labraaka, I will otf'- for f ale at public aactieD, to .ue h.ghe-l and bt bidder, lar cab lii baud at ti.e fiout door of tbe Court i-ou-a, la Plattam..otu, Can county, N-braaaa. on Tued.i, U a S-huay ol 8ep leiaber.A. a l-8 heia-n-n U.a huaia or t ana 8 oM.ck o. in el eaid day. tba fallow ug r-al rtte, ta eii . Th- w --t a-ie-ttalf (I 8) of lot No alna it J in esockNo foort-ea I4), aa deaucnated upon tbe re c-nda plat r Flatwrnunlb, -a coaniy Mebra.ka. alao. th . ao Ibratua tei J)of the aouthweat qear 'er (34) o- s-etiou Mo niuelSJ, ia-toworkiu No . (12;, oenb of rabsa o ten (10, aa-t ef the -ix'b (6) f M-. containing fbrty acta, aiid tying- ia C'a.acaaaty Xrbra-ki. to aatirfy ti.e claiiua of oaa JaB a be ky aaia W M ttlaughter aad Martha 8 aughter, i.ifen eudermy l.aod thi the Sth d y ot Angus', AU1S69. J- rV JJHSjOS, ' Kh-f-ff af Ca f nti, Kti By I V ShAmbaOrh, AU'y for FlarnUt 1I i Attachment Notic;. ' L. A. iH-earKoa s Chariati ILl nk ' To t b r.r Ha eck ; Y"ti ar b-' -eh nuflt-d ibal aaaia.bm, a wa i a-d by me ! la, or o' he .. p.aia iST, -ail as am t the above uaBt-d ilefe d aai to- a -1.1110 -f I u. area a lla.a, anil tiiai kat f-ii sSo diy. "lie 19b .1 y of b p'enibe , a. at 10 'ai ak, a - land day, t wblct t m. ie-1 etueu win be tendered agaiuat onlfya do not -n -r and b ar eae the loBI. ary file -a an.ier or and thi-4 li d y of Ansiiat. 1SC8. JiHKi i'AbiLU Aug 8. wl.J . J -a .ao tba f ace. Dr J WcAflOW. V YOMINO NEBRASKA () r limit a toaal aaiv:ee- o the peopt : t if. i-oiSe. at aurr-i-1 o Star will ieavaSab. Ciy oa ami af e: April ISta at 1-8 o'clc k, a m taking: reafaat at Factory v..e. airlee riattrooth at 18 o'clock, for rtinnrr; leave PlatbiKouth ; arrive , at Neb Cira at S o'eluek p aa. rtfllca at Lladsey'a ' Hole. Jfrb. City, aad at Platte Valley H ar. , flattam-n-h, " aprietf " ' OKO. JBNKINHB.., BKIDB AND BHIOEGaOOM. , saaear Voane Mraoatbr lirtanwt ns; fla , (as, of Brides moot toBidi-ln tbe inatitatina of Marrlag , a Guide to ma rimnnial fe ieite and tree happinera. bam by nail in sealed letter envelopes free af eharga. Addraaa, Howaao AaaaciATloa, Box P, Pnllabe'phia, Pa. K V ME VT TIAKKCT!! GEO. FICKLER St CO. tioRXER 2d 4r MA IX STREETS, rLTT-atOCrH, KIBBaSKA. ' Kep constantly on bacd the beat of All Kinds of .Tit at , hisb they esa foralab tbsir aaatomer, at tba SKST or MilCS TOM CASH I July Id. 1868 3m. Empire td ST, rPOlsITK JflW TORS STOSS." PLATTSMOUTH. - V NEB. . f oifcctioheric, DREAD, PIES, V4 :; CAKES, - CHEESE, n a k pt on hand at all times.. . ! ; , . , HUBERT Y. nl.5tf. Weeping Water Mills. Farmers, go where you can get the best Flour and ihe most oj it. . - .F S3 Oa ofX X X riOCP and 13 of BBAS given la exchange for good Wheat. We are alio doics ifriM work; and. with ear In ereaatd racilitiee, fei asar-d that we raa fit, thr bttl aad the mnet Soar of any mil. ia the State. Satisfaction Guaranteed PRODUCE BQVOHT AND SOLD. HIGHEST HA. CRT TRICK FAIO. r " ' RKED & CLINTON. . March S6th, 1868. ,. Cheap Cash Store ! t. r BE ID, P K DtllDSLT. REED Sc DKAKDLY, WEt PING WATER. NEBRASKA a bar- jnat op. re I a Uire rtork af Ceede at Wrepirg Wale , e-a.ilng af Dry G-h, Gnocrri'8 Queevsvtrr Hardware. ' Iron Wooden W.trt. Notion. A 4r" v.., . V farmer Bfl neeh ale aeada Attire and araJea to mil. Iil.jrneb, au. i. ay here l wel' aiwar weM aflea b a. trr. ft. a tet Call and or Lab at tba (rSl. Aek for the price. I'fn.dr veil. and d what la wisest All Oewla warraBied a r.reaeaiid XILDfc BEAftDfLT Jnly Sfl If. B. racaLK. R. Biztkn trsDHaa Co. Clerk and Rararder, IVpfy Clerk Kec'r. "purlock & Wi-dham rLATTSMOCTB, JfEB'ASKA FRONT ROOMS OF COURT HOUSE, Cleric and Treasurer's Office. LANDS BOUGHT &. SOLD. TIt'CS Examinrd and Taxes paid and . receipt forwarded promvtljf. . PlattiBontb, Jo- a 1S..186K all. ' DR. H. n. .H CIalTSKV, , D TC 1ST T T S T; Wli do all work In bla line on abort aatue. Itf-OBea with Dr til.inrttaa. JulyS. - FOR NAlsE. '' TbaH. )f-Oea 14 Tbe N W If. Jh. m w o ih. w k nra k ia an iu. 9 r, m . See IS.Tie Ranga II Cans Counte. fcabraaka. jlll af the sbuve la ida for ale In traeta in snii ndr-rtaar-rs. Terms one fmrth eaah tba bla ealnlbree equal aannal vay meet,, tautest at 10 per eeat, pay able annually. ras ; ' ' : W. B. BICBBIt. aiayTmS Cadia, Haniaea Co., Ohio. Plattsmonth TXeat tfRrket! W F. Morrison tScBrb, aaanawaaaaaai , , , M in Street oppotif Masonic Wock. V, .aaortraeBt of fre.b. Mi-SI SAB SlWayi be f. ob at oar market STEAMBOATS aopplied ea reaaooble t.rma, ' t ' ' The bisbaat aaarka' rie. win be pai lar :-. STOCK' AliD HIDES . aaawawaaaBAaB. Wa bare a large let of JBtat3 BB33 for aala at retail. W. F. MOaEim-N A BKO. Jaaa SSth nlStf. Improved Farm and Tim ber For wale The f na I- ah at SO alea weal fmin Plattratoatri. 3 mi aa west f Huoeer'a, an iba Mag Bond CO acrr ba been in enllje tkn-aW HiSM apno It and plenty of clock water; it ia .1 w qr re 17, T 11 ft xi 1SU aarea; and conaeted with it la Lnt T ai d 8 R qr of I qr ec So, -ame T and M (timber) to and 90-100 acres, making 350 and 80 10i act ea. - Alan ti.e 5 W qr of w qr of Sec 34. T 70, B 44, la Mills eonntT. Iowa. One east tram e,iattanwiatb and 1 mile from' the river, (heavy timber ) F.ir term, ,ddre.a. D. H BOLOmON, aaySStf. Olaawoed, Iawa. v George Boeck, - Dealer fnall Wads of - Agricultural Itnplrmen'ii .Manafas aar af , -'fMGOXS BUGGIES SeC. wrfiDRUGS Ci MEDICINES, Jaly U. 1S6S nlStf. TOW. PROPERT1T FOR StlaE. - I'he aadaralimed dasuxni, of 'am viog to ihaeaOD I try, aw flVrs foe ,il h a Toe, lro.erty, ao aiatmeof Dwellma lioa e. A noma and ntveeaare not hoaaea, l.rga an'i a all f'Utte, ..ne and a half ( H) arret, TniMtly In good eullivitloa. bIaO, a Qrst r a well, 'ad with brick, will tke a good nalraf boraea aid wagon aa part payaient. For farther par ticalare oaqaiia of proprietor at Clark a plnnaw'a n - u urn ea PlatUBpnth, Jaly Sth. 1S68 tf. HEAlaTHa GOMFORr, AND ECONOMY, 3 REASOXS FOR BOARDING with , GEC. TV. COIaVUV, OAK ti TICKET, - - pt ATTSMOCTH Two block aortbwattt of Brick School -Ueaie. -ill bas a BA TO if) CSS.fr to patrons; bl, - rooms are well venti-aied, and hi, prices are ri-ao-abia. IalHS nIStf , VI tEVITT. 1 Rra. Si. MISS. LEAVITT & HYDE Real Estate Office tiomrstrad Directory, RIBIKKa CITT LHtC"L. 1EB-, Cadman Houi-e. tp La rid Office Cr- I Oowraraeat Laada selected fre-n p-raonal ezam laa loa. f'Oi Uomeatda aa etf'ed. aurvd and ae ca ed. L-ort, In ,rcr.d hatid - and lniproeed farms K.rjght aad aa!d. T.lle. eiarained a nl CoDeyaoa--s aarda. . ' KarBBCKca- J-ha B. Taraer late Pre O a C TJ R k ; Lea Co -ty Vatioaal Ha-ik. Dixon. 111. ; Robert Har la, upt C B tt Q R R; ,y Boki-rl, hi teat-t-county. Ill ; Register :nd , Beceiear of Lead Offlee, Nlr,-ka City. - all . PLOWS! PLOWS! ' C. E. F O ROY, i - - . . . af anafactarcr af all klada ef Farming Implements, Pueh aatbaaelebrated Rod Breaking Plows. Mould Bnard Breaker-, fttirrie P)w. aia-ta and Double Ahael. Cultl Tatar aad Harrowa. KepairinC dona oa abort notice AH work warranted. Haring bad mncb azperlea a ta tne oupinesa, 1 f.al assured that I can give general astisfactloa.-. Please rive m a call brfo-a purcl.atmf eewbare. , O. . FOBGT. Plattmouth Keb..M,y th.lS6T. AND WOOL- C ARDirJC. Ho! for Rait Creek, where yon can kill two birds witn ore none (ret yon Ora'n Groand and Wool rarda I a Ihe aanie Hbh; the machinery ft-r boihle In erfect order We use tne Patent Machine Cards, wbirh were run enough last year to eteMth their superloriiy a tbe old kiad.aa a'l whnaaed the enteHft. The sooerlorit. of Mr. 8. Twisa aa a arder is Well known, and hi serrlce are .till ta talaert for the beneflt of thepub'ic With theaboee adrantaes we Salter nur.eivea that we can riiak- It to Ibe adeat-tag of all wbn want work In anr line to :mr thi way. D. DBAN. Proprirtnr. n.is 8. TWia.. Carder iDhancery Sale. Th ties Lalrnbt , te.hen Oilltoj v In I'haocere f n pu'-nane and h .Irtue of a decretal ordsr me ll acted from tbe fflce of the Clerk ef tbe Hi-tricti o rt 3d Jud Uistrlct of Nehraaaa. w thin and at Ca,- rr.nniT, beartna data o the 3d day of July a D 867, eln a special term of a Court, I a .ww ...v.. u.M im 4?am.y fnr mU M.atr will offer to' ale at pabltc auctioa lo the highst and heat bidder, lor cash front of th- Court Haui-e In the City of Platiamotitb Case County, Nabsaska. on Wednesday tbe 7ti day of 8eti-mber 4 D 1868, at one a'e eck of said day, the follow log disci Iliad rtsal Kxtate te-wltr Let N. (S) elaht in ill ck No nine tean (19) stmat-d In PlatUmoath City Cats county N ebrsKka, taaether with all and lingular ha b are. ditaments. Imp roe me it, and appertananaaa tbareto brlonc-ni , to be sold aa the property of tba above na ed drfrnd-nt e nati,ry aald dee ae, the amnun. olwbic-h lat-ssi' 66 sad Interest oa the same from the date ar sa.d decree at tbe rite of en pet eeat per annum, together witn eeat of suit and ale fc W F CUAPIjr, Master la Chaaeery 4ag6nlSAw D. B. McMecban, t Dealer ia HARDWARE, ' CUTLERY, IRON. TEELand NAILS, BOCK ISLAND FLOWS. VORX.i'LANTERS, Cultivator, su'ky and walking, .Cook Stoves, A Large Variety on Hai d. . Spades,' Shovels, Hoes, Rakes, &'.,, &Cs A large nk -.aw aa baad at email advaaae on Santera Prices. 106 aVin Street. - Nebraska City. ' ' "(pposite the Sryaiour lions ) PION OP THE PAD-LOCK. FURNITURE. COFJT I 2ST S ' mo Cabinet - Work ! H- BOECK (TaTlna etila'Ked his thop and Sale,-room would reypertftiliy remind th. people In thi, vicinity that ha caa furnish them w tb the aery best ara'tore. Chair, or o her Cabinet-work, at the moat reason able rate 1 1 shall ka- p eon.tantly on band a large aseorment of Eastern Wort, and am also prepared temaaaracto a anethioa ia my line nn short notice. A large. aasoem of Keany-mad Coffins kept at al! times. Ca'i aad examine my stock and prices Jel0dw tf H- BOaXK. I.Efi AIs NOTICE. Samnel 1. Canaon on) " (Pe ee Petltloa fa' Strorse. n.'iiaJ Cannon SallleJ. Caaaoa. of the State af if iaoarl,wll takeaotiae that Pamuel J fa tma,of the county of Ca, a-'d -tat- of Nebraska, did on tb. ninth da of July, A t 1S68. file hi peilti3 1 or bil In Chance j in th Dirt net C-urt ef t'Hll Ju dieiol Dil'rie of Habra.ka In and for Vasaenuntr, aaain.t hee, tba aid bailie J Cannon, d-feo'leut. ettiis li.rt that, he, eendant and the raid cim plainani were aa tbe Sldir ot ep-ember, 1SCS. marrle-l ac-ord ng to the law of Nebraska, aa l I at aNin- to eet afer eaid marriage ih aid d'faad ni did ab nriun "h" eaid ertmplaiaant and went to thi- disle Misaimrl and that nn ta 19ih da fJna.tT 1868 did assnme her maiden nam' ai;l P-etue and marry a m.B by thi- line of H. ti. Tole-, and that eaid -de'end.at I living and haa he Han g with hes.td M. O. Tolr a-bis wla aad thtt tl-eaakl 6al!ie J. Canaan I- lielug loa atai-isT n.tu.iery w.th "b" aid H O loler atd praelng t'.at the .aid marrlifte eontract entered Into between tba said -amaei u. aanon and the -tH Sal lie I Cannon be declared anil aad v4d and tkat the eaid 8amarlJ aanon be dlaoreed from tbe aald defe'tdant, aad that the avid pallia I CaaauB i tvojuned ta appearand auswer said petitioaoner before the Si Moaday after Ihe ith day of aiugast 1-68. which wil. bn on the 31st day af August, 1868 lata.l this Sth day of July, 188. StXlIfX L CAN BOX. By Wat. a Dais. bis aolic lor. Ordered pabliahed ia the M Bbaska HntALTt. ' Witness my signature and the seal of Mid Court at Plattimiath, Jaly .h, I 66s William L wklls, al5 C'iSTh o. tba District Oaart. (Baaawaser le Doaatan a n;arbaaaj Druggist & Apotheoaxy, I'aints, ' 1 Oilo, I lyes, Notion?, Toilet Gcrndff, Perfumerj, Fancy Soaps, . , PUR E WIN BB XtlQtTOKD . Far at aeaaalaat ana Kadletadjj Keen aamaUsUy an bead a faB aal waS ed sAaak of PATEIVT , lttEfiiCIltES. PHYSiaANS PRESCRIPTIONS . - i- : ; - r narsfutre eorapoandad by aa ezpartaanaA Druitrlt. Koaa bat tba TUftCST Metclaa usrd. JLH gmt saarrautfasf me rtprottniod. Coil and aea. ." . JdAIH STRUT. "OTTH S1BB. , Terms Cash. -1-1 - : " - OPEN TO OSCEOLA. Burlington h Kissouri C II I C AG O, BU R LI NOTOIf & CJtUINCY EAILROADS- Coanacth-aa made at BarllDgtan, fer '' CHICAGO aud tbe EAST. Boy Tickets via BURLINGT05. Passenger, hy this toute haa choice ef tha tkraa Hreat Trank Llaee leading east fram Chicago, -the Michigan Centrals ; Michigan Southern & - Northern Indiana, Fort Wayne & Chictgo Ra'l Roads, Par all points la INDIANA, MICHlGAIf, OHIO, PENNSYLVANIA ' and the - Throoah TlcteU aad Bag tag Cheek, far n rw- portaat points , rVLLMAirs PA LACS SLXSPJJfO CAB oa all oight trsina eaat af Borliog'oa. X.. CARFr.lt, ' c. miiM, Oen. Tc't A Pasr Ag'l Superlnlanileat apr23 6S ' NEW ARRANGEMENTS! J am es O'JDT o i 1 1 rilTGOOM, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARK HATS, , CAPS. BOOTS, , . SHOES. FARM PRODUCE. ti eaarytMag aeedea by lie " FARMER -MECHANIC. "HaaingDTjn-h..dtheeollra stock of goad haloe ing to Wm- Brold, am r-Sttlng th- store room in ao d style, ant protmse to sell g odsat the aid stand, nn the moat reasonable terms. . ' marbtf jAMZSO'NFrXt.. JUST RECEIVED Ana fer sale a lew flgaraa, ' in corrss. u w scoam, ihbUDS. TAPPLKS. btU VB T PS AC BBS. " " ('e .ka. Al,, a latg assortment ef Pine Lumber, LATB. SBTKOLKS, DOOB. WtSDOW BASS, - W1KDOW Bt.ISDS, GLASS. C&MBKT. PLAHTSX. PABI.1. UAIB. COAL OIL, SH. LEXINGTON COAL, SSO bash'la. ta which wa Invite tbe atteattoB af blackamitba aad others aa ta quality aad price. Wa arc Agent, for the OOODIN COAL BANK, at tz tagtoa,aa4 propcaa to farnlsb all tha Ooal thia country wante at prtees ta raU. Also a large stock af Bye, Bourbon and Star Whisky. Cherry, Raspberry, Blaekberty and Ginger Brandy. Call aad aaa as. SlMPeOVMICKSLWAIT Ca). Jed da wtf - m. waaaLsa. D. n. Wheeler & Co., Beal Estate Agents. Commission cro of Dccda ' - AND -: Fire and Life Ins, AgHf , . i PLATTSMOUTII, .V. T. .. Collections promptly attended ta, aad pre seels r mlttcd at carrent rate af Bxchaaga. Jaaes paid SB Wee en Iowa and Nebraska lor non-rasidente. DtlM la la d.taaestiitatsd. Money loaned an Baal Batata aecur.Ues. Land Warrants loeatad. . ' . ' ".- , CLAIM AGENTS. Areata for collection of claim, against Geaernae for Soldiers, their srldnws and aolna, berra. A swat for be parobase and sale af Laac aaa City yropat. ty, easing of Tenement. . t REFERENCES: ... . Hoa. . H. Blbart, Denecr City. O. T. " bleasre Koanlae Bm., Oraaha, Web. , . " MeCana It Metcalf, Aicbraska C9 i Q. P. fillay. 8. Laols, UtsaeaarU Dr. Bio Lewis, Boatoa, atiebaaskr H W Dltmara. CMeago. llrlnaaav H M MaRHI.Caaelranati.Obta. '' t , Tootle a Ha-vva, rtattamootst. Msaesantaw -' ' L B Rich, Throe Rivera Mieaiiraw. - . ' -' Hoa P Pellowa, RtoomSeld. Wiseoaaam , - . Hoa T M M.rqaett, PlaUsmoath, bskeasba. L Lewis. A'toi nay al Law, Baffalo. Bow Terh, -"-iieey It OntL Da Metnaa, taw. e4 dSraTtf