t i hi 1 1 f H I !i i! A wet handkerchief or paper in Iht hut prervtra-tfoke. ' --' btg6bdf1lsBXU Threat! iifcd wet spring K. c j j . ; - Pitching pennies Las been lega'.Jj for- IjjBtiDW'viif l vi o U J U A eign on a Dawery corner inNew York reads, Persons standing here willft:oa fcldcr themselves loafers " ' 'A"oft0aVnetl veteran orean'.rinaer says ha JbnirteoeiVcd ioQ-Brt)d-ayiNew York,"in onc.dav, nuchi eighty dol lars. "'' One of ej-rreiudent DuchAnan'i .heirs is Wrs.Difrrbatn, f MeadiUfe,1 Pa whose husband died the same day that Mr. Bu chanan died. w Cleveland has rccentlj been celebrat ing tbo filycrwfllins. oL. a, gentleman iind hit Wif a.So-Art ti-ih twn- on a European tour Mr. Berh baa'writteh to Mayor Hoff an, 'of New York, to- say that muzzles man on doss are more likely to cause than pre vent madness. Two daughters of Mr. . Bishop, near SprtaiCreekJtlrE.J're'jcB'tly slot iand killed a workman in the employ of their iataerX'JIibadiaLinderd XhtBu' ' ' ,. A lady of JTitHel d, Mass., haa s large orap book which is mostly filled with the deaths and . marriages that have been printed iu tha Pittsfield Sua for the last forty years." 'J 1 r 'v A New Ybrktemi't?'Las found out that one oI Mr Jerome's race horses sleep? with hiahaad nDOBthe -same pi41ow wuh Lia-gWonfjwhich-shbws that quadrupedal genius 13 npf esc: lusive. llidjttfTgisfi li Pittsburs- the other :day made a mistake and filled the wrong pre : acription, whereby morphine was unin tentionally" a dministerd to a child one year old, and death was the result Rev Henry Stackpole, of Woodstock, ti... wKiLn dsa:Kidii)r a ladder at aaw- mill In thai frlace,'aTbw-days ago' lost his footing and fell asrjdepf a large circular aw, which eevered'him' lengthwise bcythaT j6l"yceived- in Portland, Me.'jtheMaTgest'swebtpOtato ever raised on the Island - of Caba. This monster weighr.lbs. Js.24 inches Jong: 9 inches in diameter, ana J incnes in circumier Fancy dogs bring fabulous prices 'at New York, just now. For a Small, wbjte Spanish poodle, about four months - old $i2 is the gure denanded by jdealers. Large blotjdho.uniJs fetch prices ranging between! $50 'and 3300. Mada'rot RiAaor ha M? that . V young lady from New England recently paasod up tha Missouri, en route for Helena Mon tana, where she is to marry a young man who 0ut'dait;by a friend' for a'wife The two parjiea.havfliiiever.8een each other A St Louisian who once drew a 2,000 prize in a lottery beeatna 60 iufatuted that ho kept investing money in lottery tickets unttt he was entifcly'broken up. Afterward ho became desperate on ac count of his losses, committing suicide a few days ago. " ' ' J. Henry Miiler, publisher of .the late Pitrsbtifg Advocate has been fined $1,000 and sent to jail until fine and. costs are paid, by a Philadelphia court, for libel on a man named Allinder, formerly a res Ident of Alleghany City. .Tha editor and proprietor of the 1 Pittsburgh Mail, B. T. Campbell, was the au;hor of the article, and he undertook tolecture tha CJurfon the busineas. Vl'heCourt thereupon sen tenced Mr.Campbcll to a fine of $1?000 and'four.TOonthB Imprisonment. "'z w ;DLAIU A SjlTKtCII A.tomrniuee of the New .Ycrk'iNa tioDal.Conveni6rl .waited Up'oti Fratk Blair on the evealcs of the 10th ins!., to inform him of his " norniuation for Vce jPre.tlen1. 'He .jUianked..tli'm' for the honor conferred and continued : 'In thi8'contesi we 'thall have the sympathy of every man who is worthy to belong to the' : white;; race.' What civilized people on earth would refuse to associate with ihemeelve?, in all the rights,, honors and dignities of theii country ,such men da Lee and Johnson ? VoiceB'none none.'j . What . civil ized "people Would fail to honor those, who, fighting for an erroneous caus, yet distinguished , themselves, by gal lantry never surpassed. Applause. For this they are sought to be disfran chised and -exiled from their homes. In that contest they proved themselves ty bom jeers a.uhis point there 'wia's' an, ominous silence, followed by - re pressed clapping of hands and faint cheers. 3 My fellow-citizetis, it is not my purpose to make a lengthened ad dress, but'simply io ex press 'my graii tud' for the distinguished honor which has been conferred t n me, and now from my heart I reiterate the words of thanks that fell;, from 'my lis when I rose, ' ; - - Blair would cl.tle "with alhhe rights, jfonon'and dignifies . of' their country, Buch men as Lee and Johnson." He prdncuLced ihera ,"th'e peersof Grant, and -Sherman, and Sheridan, and the long list of military heroes who fought heroically for the Union which Lee and Johnson strove tp overthrow; but eyei Mis motley crowd could not quite itom- ach such a dose, and he subsided.' ' ' t i t 1 When it, is knovyn, who wrote the Democratic pfatform, there will be no surprise at its gorgeous flaweryness and rampant treason. . Among others on ihwatfrrii':tJommitee vreraMhe rebel, General3VdJ Hampton, Pret-'-l ton '4nd;fBarksdali?V 'and-B.ibcott, a rbI eg4lak:r, and Lang too, tjcUelh editor.- The"5e were they "wh'o made that document so tropical in its treason, and so ktilted in its yerbdige; and . these were Uie sauie,.'.caio quatler" men that led troops against the same Union sol diers whtj.are now asked to' support this infamous platform, v ; - .' When the head o! a "cold chisel has been bartered,4 so 'ihat the stfteP'rags" over the edge, the edges of' the head thpuJfl always e Vg round Xg(T. The ragging" is very hard and flinfy, and apt to fly at'thd blow of the ' hnmmer, and a particle ' lodged in (he - holding hand is an " uncomfortable companion. DisArroraTfcD. -"it; is needlfcss"rto disguise the fact ihat the reception of the noniinntioh by. the JSew-York Con vention, occasioned at the moment uni versal disappointment to DemocrateV--Council Bluffs Democrat: ' ": I'..':"'-'.. . .. ' uivEusT M., C'U. . Kic. Good. CbeC J,,- Our Stock" of-:Dress , Goods '.Jl : ' : "ai -': Notions and : U full .ad Ulkwi .elctc'a with ipsUlfw. ol tJ rcH toon and often ,j ft. i OPMDIliA''HILDREN'SSUOES, We blviyTecW Styles ad tte Large, t ofk try Vjo ? -!? -f' 5 v . ' r SUir, r.uth Mttisj, t L. t.iiu. JrtrOT y?U 0I0CEKIBS QCEE-iVVARE.' .OLA5S-AItB. HARDWARE, and a Ure .tocV of v . FARMING UTKINSILS and c xUACIHNERYVT . ro'theWrt. Wwon1 J eiFpclal ly tall fWrattentiw U -o stock' of Agrlenltorml .imploojnu. r tha Celebrated Uiipiw now ti Pinw..J Corm Pl.; anl CoIHat"rl The Excli?or Black Hawk Walking Colttratttr; Uor 'i i'iillarvcsting ThVoulT machine that recelred the Grand Gold Medal m conclusion, epr2 CS" . . . . . . . ' - . ' ' ' GREAT REVOLUTION IN THE: & 1 I)ltfll'iailll , CHEAPER ..THAN r. A.VwioGENHOR ' ?: .' . ' ' "'' D. SCnSASSE. 1 cE. AoAVjaGENHORN & CO., At the New York Cash Store, offer - ''Stock of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, r'.lriv'M. .'I 7 r HATS AND CAPS. BOO I S AND SHOES. '''" YANKEE NOTIONS, HARDWARE, '' 'l WOODEN-WAKE,' QUEENSWARE, ' I AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. , Ttgfvc-itlowiihe prices of a few same low rates: - - - ' -The hfsCPrinti (.Ierrfuiac &, Cochecos) included, 15c per yard. Prints for quilts and Liniug, 4J: per yard. . r- NewSt IcPfiQted Delaiiyef. y5c per yard. ... , Dinrm and Striped Shirt'Lg, 15c per yard. ' Bleached aud Brown Aluilin nt Eastera'pifcesA ' - - A Large' Slock of 'h ite l ' 1 iconderjidly We are Agents for the Best PLOWS niil SEKO SOWERS in the World. The GAROEN GITY CLIPPER PLOW. Samples on hand at our 6tore. Cash paid for Wheal and Corn.- -, -1 .JCtRememher.the old cornec. t " r. a . DQQV,"? 3--. "firy- E. 3D O O M, , vBEGt XORTII'SIDE OF'MJJJf STREET, .XEJ1R THE COURT HOUSE Dta)T Dry-Goods, . JB o;o.ts , . . i J t i G 1 r as 1 : x Q u eensware, AUof.,AvlTich. c arc .pcpared: west'of the Missouri laver. AVr would. estVeciallv call the stock or i.r, , - ; : - ';" : ." '.;"..;'.. P AH M IffiPLBMSNTS, .... Cocsistinglt part of , , ' ". '. ., . ' J ThrcsFiing Machines, r , ! zz v I?c apprsi a a 1 d ; 31 owe rs r j Sulky ,and Revolving Rakels;; ' ; i Flows -vol ; ,'! 1 ; V..: ' Drills, &c. -j. ; jlf 'V.z llarrn -every JfldcJiine JVe-, Sell. i - Call and examine before purchasmg elejvherr ' ;.v' C- : DOOP,-.: BRO &CO, Plittr month, Feby 6th, 1568. v M. DORRINGTON, RtAL, ESTATE AGENT, ' I'LaTTSMOVTII, XEB.ti "r -apt attention -paid ta the pnnlaoe and sal ol R al Xstata, and payment of Taxes, aud aU-lmiinese p;rta ning to a gea-ir! Laud Agency. Tulcs taves- tijjnteu. .4, .j ReferibTr.ermlM'lonto "- If B. K. 9. Dandy,' J ad ire 2d Judicial pist.,' Falls CI y, 2iebraj.kaj Major tdw'd Burbana, l'v master ti. s. a. Leavenworth, Kansas; Uun. J. H. Burbaok, Ia Ai.tor Nebraska, Falls Oty, Ni-b ; Hon. J. M. sl-;u.t;, I'lattsmnutb.Ncb.. Col- R- R- Liviofccn, l i " O ..ebraska IstTi t. Vols., I'la't-uiouib, Sd-.; M.f. !. H. Wlieeb r. V.8. ln.liau Agvut, I'atrn'ee Aency; Cha's Neitlctoti, No. Ill l'.roadway, Xw Yk; Harey,Dfitrich ft Brown, Wasbrnston, D. C ; XrTy. Maguir fc Co., Cbienpo", Ills K. O Fftcli. Bochester, N. Y.. Prof. Ueaty' Arling 'atb.-'-Har'-fotrd Cn,ersity,f','t ? - . .:-nti CONJUGAL LOVE, . V, AN'D TH DAPriXESS OF TRCS XARRTACK. ' Esay for'To'ui Men, on tlie Err'ore, Abuca tml Disease wLtcb dtssroy tt Manly Powers and cre ate impediments to MiKUI AiiU.witk sure matwtif relief." Sent la aealed 'rn,ifts frp frbrre. Address Dr.-J. fcKMXs.N UOOGiiTO., DoVrar4 As sociation, rhtladeJrbia, I"a. JjiniamS eece;ved:a ' " v' ' ; V1 '' ?lXt'fl , fnXb Fprins gfiawls, .; . .Trimmings i'Ute Qoods , th X.diwjw.rw;jUo4; Pe falTiUtiOD 1 Oi!-C!oth ard'Hug," In great variety. iM r.Ti 1 iaiUol nnr sail while our .9tocV OOTS sa4.IIOB . ; ?' ... ?tl :.'.,. a;o me ceieoratea u" . V". " Rake, and Jlctormtsk'a unparaatiea :: JIachinC8. or;;iin'xr I of Honor at Ilia TarU Eapowtioa f 1SC7. Fo we would iir oihe and Sec, - --; , , . - , - -s ; V r t THE CHEAPEST. tcthe public the' Largest and be9t selected articles and sell all other Goods at the a n d Low Colored Prices. Blankets at riatoimauin, January x-&vs. -, - . . . - x - BOOM, EVERTOM DOOM cov tn Gap. f: f -TXotiohs- , "Shoes; s w:a 'r c j"l.r; J ' ''"J:' to sell as low as any House ... ... . . attention of the . public to ; our all , . kiiuls, "I t; , , .. i WA 811 TN GTOjS EI ERR MA IV IIKROLD llaviug bouebt oat the entire Stock of Goods front C. G. Ueroii, i- ready to iflt-r GREA T. ilA'D UCEJUE.YTS' la Trices, I shall sU Goods hO WK!t TUAX THE LOWKSl, forCi-h, 7hat. Corn, Hld-s, Fars or any kiud ol COUNTRY PIIODUCE j My Stock, Consists of GROCERIES , DRY GOODS i BOOTS. SHOES, CLOT1IISG, 11 A TS ar.d VA PSr I' O CKE 2' CUTLER Yi YAXJZEJiy r I iVflff)VS. IITC, tin. ( , P!o. jlvt me a call at tl eoli stand ofC G. UrcU HER RMA S HE R OLD. 1 rosT'orricE 'BCltbiKrf;''., NEBRASKA CITY, "- N.-T ...... .- ' - - e-w j -is -1 WHOLfiALTK aNT RETAIL tl!At,'iH9 IV .if 1 tr--. I vS0II0,0L -i BOOKS AND - - . STATIONERY. JM'7AZ-Yi;S arid NE WSPAPERS, For which Sabscriptiof are ttctivtb at PuMtiAr CITY BAKERY AND CON FKCT ION miY , v . . P. ST ADELMANN, . 0 BREAD, CAKES, JPJES, RUSSrKtc., Of the st uaalit v, cn' be oblaioed at ail times. woul'i Invite eopecial atte:tio.i to the fact that I have Sited up an excelft-nt ICE CREAM SALOON In booneetlon with the Bakery, -where you can be accommodated at all nines. Weddinjf Hr ir njnlie1 on h irt notice with aoTtliiuK.ni theiUCDl Couurcnoocrj vf.ya,irj. Callatiil i.'ae. Hi "LKIiJJ. jt-13 . ..1ST IE W ..... .. JEWELRY STORE . Th snhicribp LaTinc ii!rchasf dibe Hed Ft(Mol td street, lately r.ocupied t.y irrf irhoryf -wo1d fspectmily Inform the rflizelw of f!aUrTnouth and vicinity, that be haj rcQrted the store and opeued a large slock of , 3T 33 "V 23 Xj jF5- 3? ..i t a rD FANCY. ARTICLES For Ladies, Gents, Children, -pd lh! rst 'of man Iciad, atd is prepared U lo ail kicds of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY' REP AIRING In the Beit fuautier;and wotild he hai py torerve bis u'.d acd a lu.iuy new cunloiuers K may gire him ihtir patniriHgt, ussnrinj; ihcia of jbir bik well done, ut moaerats pric-J. ud J tUowt Uidk. 'I he Htock, eliibracirg every variety . I tr.u.,ls uu;.l!y ktpt at a flrst-class Juvcliy i-tore, be old a low prices, aud warraiiled of Vvtst orkmiutij and laatcrial. lie has u so a small stock of F AM I L Y GROCERIES, which Till ba xoiUuUhed from time to time, tuJ aoli at the lore,nt fiitapK -Havia pcrmanenilyr- eatJd i thiHrity.'-I rept-et1n lyM.icit X obiire of pa tronuee, aud cor'lilly Invtte hit to call and examine the Block on hand, a we mald he p'.oaed.to berve you, and du not ak you 10 buy unlrs we c.n make it or your iaturett to patreoire u. -deciJU E. II. EvTOST. - TLF, t. a. hAxx. . j . a ciaKa Tootle, Hanna & Clark, 1 BANKERS, : Pea.er i 1 (ioM miml. Hold aiul Silver Coin, Exchansre, U- S-r-ancl other StoclJs-. v- -. ...... : . ' i) epos its a i:ce i v i:d3 in J special attention jireu to Collectiocs . In : '-:: -."i i:-; ( ' :;"5 PliATTSMOTJTIIi' lf. T. pddwtf ' ' ' - - V '' ' THOM AS C. CEENSHAW, . . .' t.g FAtf3E3 Cfisll UtALEEH' . . - . Saddles and Harness, UR IDLES,. . COLLARS, (:URRIL . Ccinbit Spurt, liasheSf Itips, J-c. ' Main' Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - N. T Cqt. D. XABOO & CO., . ; . JWUoloealaaud ReUlll)c"frl-' -J Wines and Liquor Also a very choice Bclecuion jf . Tobacco and Cigars, Hjin street, secouj. daor eat of Si-ymoue iv9e. . l .XeLrJslfACHS', Nebraska ' ' f ' Are just r"ceivin(; a nw st.n-k "f Genuine Old oxirbtrn direct from liourboa county, Ky.. Bitters f etc.' .. j ; ) . i ; f my i(i w r j W. J. Horton &,Co. ( IVeepittg .Water, JYcw. Store,) Dealers in DrvV.qopps,, , . faRocr;Rit:s, HARDWARE CROCKERY,' HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, AND ' SHOES, --' Sfp rn bsad. Ktid are jeUinff ch'aft a wqjl frj'-ohd ajtilinent of cdoJs suitable for a farioinc coiu muniiy. taarlOlf WANTED.- Te1t1(r. fTuitfnf- and Ciller intel tRent Yen and Womiji i" a lniln-is pivinc JU0 to iiOO month, arenrdir.it t. ah lity. Kcr farllcu lr a.ldress ZtiLKiC JliCri'-UY" & o", i-int.ard Bl K.-k, C'liiei-c.-ll'. V - '. '' fa27yl - r -7? - t .'; r'V-'v i IBB'LLcqx&rTftiBBS iiMf nriiiiiir. it liiiiniuur SEWING InmAbmnci; Tba CIumpioiiH I joflse first pre miums iu twt.L 1 f leasoas. ' "Ita Beam isVEJrtronccr and less liable to rrp thaa the Lock Stitcb.! "Judye? Jleporl of Oi Grand Trial. M Sentl for -the 44 Report," iul Samples of. work, containing both kinds of stitches on the eaine piece of goods. - Agents wanted. . L. C0RNI1L ft CO., Gen'l Agents, i .. i ,,,1 13 Lake Bt., CtleafO. :ticco. 1 ' F. P- TODD Aceut, nattsnoutt ;' . WHITE &:BUTTERY( ! Drugs,;i '' MdMciiies "Chemicals; Toilet Poaps; ' Bruhesj; "all JuntU, ,-,, .Perfupaery, . and or ' 'Fancy Totlef Tticlesy 4 Toys; Trusses, Supporters, For JJeiiiuaI purposes. i r f ;,;;.,; : " ,,, , .., ,, ;"Pdfnt3W, ;'r'Qils, "r", garnishes: .:.. and .T " "Dye Stutls,- . ,H stationary, .Uarbon: Uil, Lamps, . -inmneys, : Giass .:and : Putty, - i - also, r-. i,'. . . -;0110I0E ; MliLY GKOOEillESi : fjrreen andJJrieii Ivruits. - 1 , r - t c r Having been enenfej-ln rnng. Dmcs and Crocei qualitv w topply -thoie wauts at very low prices. .. ' ... -1 ' r : ii " i . 1..,.- ::i JACCJJ ViiLLEUTi SRt : " fETZn VALtlKV, ' .p. j:. KUirWEH. VALLERYS & ! RUFPNEE , - C ' .cssors to Staudc Anderson. ', . , . ',tf,M.f',,:, e "oct'e to nnrfrien.U that we hare porcbas d tbt entire otoek oi roods of ITWK . ANOLIIOj ' ut we a i new able to sell thfia goods a t ' . . ... i.- : . ' -v. E X C:e. E D I i! G L Y LOW P. R SIC E S. 'Our LARGE SALES . ...... Onr Stock consists of " , . . Dry-Goods"andGroccries, - . - Staple'and Fancy Goods, ",;:-;";!'" " llardwjare and Queenswarc; ' . J .', ', . . Boots and JShoes, - 1 - - - .irr .''.;':"; lats and; Cap9, 1 ' , , '.',- ' ' 'And n larg-e block cf' ' . . , ,. READY-MADE CLOTIllJYG, WOODEJV ylXD WILLOW WARE, IROWAJVD NAILS, .. . .... - . . . ; . ; , .... . , ;,An.d in fact, everiy thing that a man wants. 5r3"Gie us a call and we gua'&Dteeyoo. aaUie V .- : Wts&gcriU ' for the ' Schiitilcr Wagon. j.ujoisos . . fi..,;. 'j,, , ... , . f.n,..r ... '. e&d y.ii'tiMi'sos', jt. mick Simpson) Jlickclwait Co. Ac . l. T . Whol.estfe Receiving, Forwarding and Coniimssiori Merchants. , . .....(..-. . .. :,. PLATTSMOtJTIIy NEBRASKA. s .0 . Dealers In GROCERIES AN D' PR ODTJCE; ;; ;;; :'..;,;.;':. ....... 1- 7 " 1 ' r; . DOORS, : ,'' WlXDOW-BLlXDS, G'f.'.lS.Si' '.v: Ji.vi) cdrroA'iro'oD 'lumber. '"'''' Vzat;?. latji, ! , ..r .'V ''J ' : RICKETS, ETC.,' ETC. l' ''. :' ' "' ' ;-'i'-5 . .'-.TT.-:. . .. . . ! -J-ill-ti. . T 'i '-" T V ! E a r d 1 Li vi- i li LraLiaLLy ',:?'!':;i3.;M:DURE-C6:, r ' j. 5 Wholesale aud . ja ir-J t.i 'c I-1 ..... . 1 iiAi IICDLTDR Stoves, TinSheet Iron, Brass, Japan ed . ; AND . STAMPED WAKE - ; ..: . s t oi: is oi. 1? x, o w s " Of all kinds and s:zes hkh we warrant r!V bet- in h market. ' . ' . Tin Roofing,1 Outtters "and Spouting clone on short notice i , . - - r . 1 . 1 . . t , Are exclusive Agents in tUs County for the tale Stcvvait'sGelebrhted Coinbination Opal ::: w jv,; Wooif 'Cook-StovoV T , - ; Give us a pal! wb -will not be ufidersold PLATTSMOUTU. I COiTEpTiOXlRV,&c,'. &c. ies in hf city for-the latt r'x year 'ire know (ne . l'Jatt.-ut nuh, Nt L. vril ii, lstd. ' 1 '' - '- ' ' ' WHITE & BUTTE 3 JY. 1 , Motto la- SMALL PROFITS. : r- 1 i aatisfactioa.. - VALLtR YS Fc r uff.yer. el wait. rVVT'D BCTTTKr and Retail . ... It T.' I. rV ,1 t t 1. . ' ;: I J . I ; .11 V : w a r e , "ore- u una letaiT Dealers" in"' " " P'- ' ! ' r AliISirLLJIENiS, U'flP' 1 1 - of Main St., text door esst of Masonic NEBRASKA vl Li VJULb JMidfllcton;ai Co , .:i 7A i i jsju.1-..!; I' ,. . . . . , ST A TIOAE US, ; f L A .VA-J50 O iT V.'t .Yl' 1 f? ' t'J ?; S r r i i .i UTHO'Gn;w.EnoT lTotarial and Corporate Seals. . WG iJahe Strict, OHIOAGO, - - 111. ttrruEl rost Merchants, n Iankf., Hail Roads , . and Public Ofiices. tl.S7yrl TUTTLE. WET3IOUE, JOBBERS OP MEN'S AND BOYS' FDBHISIlINfi., GOODS. ' 7 53 and CO Lake Etrcctj CIJICAGO, - JLLI.1NOIS. Tuttlk. TnowrsoN A ViTfOB. Chiengf. Isaac Fkxno A Co , Vest jti, M.is. CHILI) &1JHIGGS, llVwhsafc -Grocer, And lieilti n .. . . . CAIJNED :G00DS 40 SOUTU WATER STREET,' CHICAGO, . . . ILLLVOIS. ' . - ... . f tSTro 0. IV JOHNSON & 00, , Opjtosile Clark I'lyammtr . I'Ckier in' MUGS, Stationery, a . A'.fO rrrr tliicR pirtinr.itii to Ibe i Nnrs IluMn'! cclatn'ly on hm d, u1 roI S'AtC Pubr';rp,i'.'. rtc ivrd for ail J'hxtit atiil Uttit u.. sj at I'ukirb tia I i lets.' We alto keep oa haul ti e b-st artlcls ! , Soda Water. Drink, , iind be . Refreshed. ; o.etf , , . .. .. . . , J SAMUEL Y GREEK , ' .'- (Sacexsvjr to VWV d? i Oiccr,) Finn and : a Attn en h b n ; . MAUFACTUIlKJt, ' AT 7 UK OLV ST4l, AC. HO AOU7H (Eftab:iilieaiii'i.) - PHILADELPHIA Firo Backrts, Cuctiou IIoso, Eands for Machiqery,., &c- &c -Tl.e xl ove article wi.! be BUve if ti e b' at aorkmai-snli', aod t.ic rnoxt riaonaMe t rui. ... , ,; (.'. . .. ll2Tin6 . . . E2asmifal St Joe R 11 MM, Packet , Liiic. OncofUie Ci.ni;.nnT E'umtrj ItKve.i I'ail.r f:'a every In', oil tii. -Vr--i rl -Stvi m! o St. Jo ) b, nd. ar 1 1 vi at M. Jo", h j;i t J'tie t enum ct uh tLe ?xri 4.-S I. i-n on ti e liar. all ul St. Jo'rph Ha il iad f jr II jLinl,a;,,at h cli pi. ce c arucii'.u istraile tfcn lanw t-resi'rp with one f t:tc Kcr.kuk Packet,whii.U ariivcf in ti:.tf wcr ni.:t win. r.t luxrilrg train out r f Vt . L' 11 1 Tor Ci riciina;i, 1 ndianRi.olls, l.oi:i will.-, T--i Haute, tftliUlton City, Bn.iUmt.re. rLiIai!plii, N w V 'rit, U iiton, a r.ii to al! r.'ber Eistern, "rth rn and fviuttirrn C:liin. Ite hkjve n entioiutl iina .xl u,l Pakti n. c.n. ruled ry all traclers to l.e tL'' i eat on ttie wettrn waters. "- 'MIHOVGll TIC'KfcTS - " For tils ( Pt. Louw-and ail Kitttcrs, ts'ortr.errj sd4 S-.ititbcio cities ".In. tf.e alcove li:n t Defit er C tiy. Um.tHai.:ntili:lBSi, Plr.tTouth, yi biSika City aad t a!! .".tier prinripal t rkat i Q 't iti t' vt siit. :., .tfMtl awl 5. trccms frel "v R. rOKI. Hip'tlt. 11. L JciW. - -, 11. C. 1 L'K'jViOJf, ii-'y K. K P. L., St. Js.i I J. V. IMFiON, Ayeut. ap:o rin.'.;'. ;t,Ml"i.