roa.nic.iL.. Jjde Jere Bliclt of PennsyTania, a credited with being the father of the Chase Presidential moTcment. - . ,- Hon Thomas A". Hamilton, of Sheibj; is proposed as tha next Republican can didato for GoerDor of Tennewee. The Ohio Slalenman (Democrat) sajs : "Chief Jnstico Chaae's terms won't auit. Wo can do better." Ilenry A. Wise and Montgomery Blair are not satisfied with any of the candi dates yet named for tho presidency of the Democracy. GeD. Joseph A. Cooper, who was some time since announced as a candidate for Congressman at large from Tennessee, has formerly withdrawn from the contest. The Newark Courier thinks that ex f?on?ressman Neherniah Perry is sure to get the Democratic nomination for Gov ernor of New Jersey. A rumor going the rounds states that Yallandighain will soon start a daily newspaper in Cincinatti, as the exponent of pure Democratic sentiment as he un derstand!) it. It is to be called the Herald. A Washington correspondent writes that Miss Dr Mary Walker has been vis iting certain high functionaries there, and adds that "she is very scveie on Gen. Grant, and intends to take the stump ngainst him, "together with other representative woman on account of Grant's hostility to female suffrage while ha "endorses negro suffrage." It is heart rendering to hear news of this kind. The Philadelphia Morning Post says , Mr. Diolittla said, til a Democratic meeting in Trenton the other day, that the jaw of the negro was tnuerem rrot his own. and on that notorious fact bas ed a profound argument that colored men should not vote. Some people How ever, think that the distinguished Sena tor bas too much jaw, and a very pecu liar jaw, being able to talk on both sides of his mouth." Fulton county papers or that Col Amos C Babcock declines the Kepubli. ean nomination for Congress. in the Ninth Illinois District. Col. Babcock assigns his reason to be that, as Chairman of tho Republican State Central Committee, he thinks the two positions incompatible with each other, at least so far as the most efficient discharge of tha duties of both would be concerned. Hon. Addison Oliver, who has been nominated by the Republicans for Judge of the First Circuit of the Fourth Judi- tial District of Iowa, was a prominent Senator in the last Legislature, and also in that of 1850. lie was one of the delegates from Iowa to the Baltimore Convention of I&G4 He is a prominent lawyer of Western Iowa, and a genuine Radical. PIIO BONO PUBLICO. O L ARK" Si P LTJ M MB R HAYS JC3T EECKVYED A .. ' .. Magnificent stocli Of Cuodl, Kice CoodJ, Cheap Goods, Fancy Good, Siaple Goods. Boo ton Goods, 5priaS ttyUs, toiled tc every gtxeratten. from an Jvunt to bU Grandfather. Our Stock of Dress Goods, Shawls, Trimmings, Notions and White Goods Is foil and has been sel-cteJ with special care, and to the Ladies Jwe would Intend a special Invitation to cll soon and often. OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, and the Largest Stock evei brought to this market. M CARPETS, CARPETS, Tbree-ply, Two-fly, Union, sstsir, S HARDING CO, POST OFFICE BUU.DISO NEBRASKACITY, N. T WHITE & BUTTERY, DEALERS I Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, WHOLEfaLB AND RETAIL PZAf.UR IN SCHOOL BOOKS AND We bave'the Newest Sly lea Eush Mailing. Oil-Cloth and Rug. in great variety. 3LTSJ STATIONERY A lo Agents for all the prinolpal MA GA ZIXES and SE WSPA PER S, ;-i .niurh raw Pnrii i Styles are open for insnee loo. Call and select yoorsuit while our Stock Is complete. We also have the jauniiMl naio ana ai-s, ana nearest IHIUIB " DllUli: ever opened cut In tbia City, tonemer wnu a mu uae or ueu; rurm jnmg udo". Ton will also Bod a full stock of UROCKKIE3, QUERN.SWARE, GLASSWARE, HARDWARE, and a large stock or FARMING UTENSILS and MACHINERY. ro the farmers. We wonld especially call your attention to onr stock of Agricultural implements v. tho rvihntifi dinner Plow all iz-n. Brrakinir Plows. Corn anil Cultivators, also me celebrated vanaever uoru namcrs. fh Kxcshvor Block Hawk Walking Cultivator, Iloffe Rakes, and McCormi:k'a unparalleled Harvesting Jtlachtnes. Trie on'r machine that received the Grand Gold M9dal of Iionorat the Paris Exposition of 1SC7. Fo full iiifuinution call and get McCorinic's Pamphlet la conclusion, we wouia say For Fhich Subscriptions are received at Publisher Prices. CITY BAKERY AND CON FECT ION E RY P. STADELMANN, apr2 68 Come and See, CsLARK Sc PLIIHMER the fact that I GREAT REVOLUTION IN THE ii a lj w-j BREAD, CAKES, PIES, RUSK, Etc., Of the best Quality, can be obtained at all times. woulil In vi te exprcial attention to have fitted up an excellent ICE CREAM SALOON In connection with the Bakery, where you can ne accommodated at all times. Wtxldinir Danies suDPlied on snort police win anything in the line of Confectionery or rastry Call and see m. jeio 1ST E "W M KITH JEWELRY STORE CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. Poilet Soaps, Brushes, all kinds, Perfumery, and Fancy Toilet Articles, Toys, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder graces, urass anu uaraen fcecus, PURE "7V"J:TSrjn& and 3LITJOS5.i3 For Medicinal purposes. Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Stationary, Carbon Oil, Lamps, Glas3 and Putty, Dye Stuffs, Chimneys, also, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Green and Dried Fruits. CONFECTIONARY, &c, &c. Having been eiiKared In celling Drcs and Groceries in this city for the last six years we know tne wants cf tne i eople in ourliueoi trade, and are predrrcd wlih a large stuck of (roods of the very best quality to supply those wants at very low price. Plath-uiuutb, Nrb April 2, ldo8. WHITE fc BUTTE I IV. J. VV. Middletpn & Co , STATIONERS, BLA A7f BOOK MA A" UFA C TVR K 11 s IX) h- ZXZ V'''" " $-rf"'-'i LITHOGRAPHERS, AND JACfB VAtLIRT, JR. . K. RUrrifXR. E. A. WIGGCNIIOBN D. SCHNASSE. The L Cross Democrat savs tha "Chase movement is the most infamous thing and should be trodden under the nailed heels of the grand army of Dem ocracy, aaSi viper whose life needs to be crashed out in an instant, and though there perish with it men hitherto the highest, most cherished and trusted in tho Democratic party. Such treason is past forgiveness, and deserves only in stant political death." The Newark (N. J.) Journal says : "The great demand of the times is for a sgcocse) recognizing the principles of constitutional liberty, and if Chief Jus tice Chase is regarded by the Democratic National Convention as the man under whom revolutionary Radicalism can best overturn, it will be their duty to put him in nomination, and.that of the people who love their country to raifij the choice of their convention " Gov. Brownlaw of Tennessee, in his newspaper, the Knozvil.o Whig, express es the following opinion. (Of the States now in the Uuiod, we concede Kentucky and Maryland as certainly against Grant Oregon and Connecticut we set down as doubtful. All tne otner Mates we claim for Grant, no matter who may be nominated at tne Isew York gathering of old Democratic prostitutes, Whig rene cades and defeated rebels. Of the Southern States that may be admitted to vote, we claian one half for Grant, eer tain, and consequently we claim the tri umphantly election of the Republican ticket." The New Tork iVew (Ben Wood's pa- per) thus rejoices over tin failure of the Chase movement : "Had tho execution of the maneuver been delayed some five or six weeks later it might Lave been successful: but fortunately for the Dem ocratic party and for the country, it was attempted too soon. The people have had time to consider the matter, and thev are settling down to the conviction that he ia tha most available canidate who is most thoroughlv in accord with the Democratic party; who most perfect ly represents its instincts and opinions And who is consequently the most popu lar in the partv itself. The field of se lection has thus been narrowed down to Mr. Pendleton, Judge Field of California, Gov. Svmour, and Ilendrick, one of Vihom will probably be the nominee." The celebrated long-winded horse Gen John Stewart performed thj greatest ten milos time that has ever been done. Lie troted -10 miles in 28 minutes 2 12 seconds in the Riverside Park, his best previous time 23 minutes 8 1 12 seconds. E. A. WIGGENHORN fc CO., At the New York Cash Store, offer tc the public the Largest and best selected Stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS AND CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES. YANKEE NOTIONS, HARDWARE, WOODEN-WARE, QUEENSWARE, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We give below the prices of a few articles and sell all other Goods at the same low rates: The best Prints (Merrimac & Cochecos) included, 15c per yard. Prima for quilts and Lining, 9c per yard. New Style Printed Delaines. 25c per yard. Denims and Striped Shirt'ng, 15c per yard. Bleached and Brown Muslin at Eastern prices. Stock of White and Colored Blankets at wonderfully Low Prices. The suhcrlher havintr pnrchaned the Red Stole 01 2d stieet. lately occupitd by Sarpy and others, would respectfully inform the citizens of I'latts miuth and vicinity, that he has renttea tue store auu iarce stock of !2T 353 "W 213 Xj 3F3L AND FANCY ARTICLES Large An exchange says if the Democracy desires a candidate that will run well let them put ny one of the thousand of draft sneaks who put for the Cunada border when the first call' was made for volunteers. They can't be beat for speed and bottom. Two boys in Atchison, a few days avo. cot inside of a baker's bread box such as is used in distributing bread. cakes, etc.. about the city, and was ac cidentallv or otherwise shut up in it. the lid bein2 fastened with a catch which they cold not force. Tne Free Press savs thev remained in the box several hours, and were nearly sufTo cated before released. Tho diccoverv of a nocket book left in a bank upon a desk provided for the use of depositors, does not entitle the finder to a reward idle red by the own er. At la:t the Supreme Court of Massachuelts so decided, holding tha the person that picked up an artic where the owner has voJuntari placed it. neither Leconies the .fiuder, nor acquires any special properly in it For Ladies. Gents. Children, and the rest of kind, ai.d is prepared to do all kinds of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING In the hest manner, and would he haj py to serve bis old and as ninny new customers as may give him llijir patronage, assuring ttiein or tueir won weu done, at moderate pric.:.-., and on short time. 'I he stock, em Uracil' i every variety I Kois u.'-uully k pt at a nrst-ciaus J-weiry Store, yill Be sola a low prices, and warranted of tt-s) workmanship and material, lie has also a small stock ol FAMILY GROCERIES, which wilt he replenished from time to time, an sold at the lowest figures. Having permanently! cat d in this citv, I respectiuily solicit a share of pa tronace. and cor.iUHv invite all to call and examine the stock on hand, as we would be p'.eased to serve you, and do not ask you 10 buy utilasj we c m make it for your interest to patronize us. deciltf E. tt. itiua We are Ajrents for the Best PLOWS and SEED OAVERS mmr i rv-ii a-, sa n s . . v f I f I r" - m j1 Ml nine oria. ine Art 'J t.rJ KJl I T ULlrrtrl ruvJYV. campies on hand at our store. Cash paid for nieal and Corn. j2FRemember the old corner. . Plaktsmouth, January 9. 1S63. THOR. TLB, T. K. HAS51, J. K- CLARE Tootle, Hanna h Clark, BANKERS, MEW Dealers i j B. C. DOOM, J. E. DOOM, IVtBTOS DOOM. ;DOOM, BRO NORTH SIDE OF MJJ1JV STREET, XEJ1R & CO. THE COURT HOUSE, Dealers In Dry-Goods, Hats, Boots, G Groceries, Caps, Notions, Shoes, lass ware, ftueenswarc, Nails, ifec., All nf wrnVTi tvr nrn nrnnared to sell as low as any House west of the Missouri River. V wnnlrl psnerM.illv call the attention of the public to our - i j - stock of FARM IMPLEMENTS, Consisting In part of Threshing Machines, Reapers and Mowers. . . Revolving Kakes, of all kinds, t i v a tors, Drills, &c. JVc Warrant every Machine We Sell. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere DOOIV2, BRO & CO. Gohl Dust- Gold and Silver Coin, Exchange, U and otlicr Stocla. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and special attention given to Collections PLATTS MOUTH, N. T. ap9 dX-wtf THOMAS C. CRENSHAW, ( . If VAUKER OP 1SD DEALER IX Saddle -3 and Harness, BRIDLES, CELLARS, (URR1E Combs, Spurs, Lashes, Whips, tj-c. Min Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T Sulkv and Plows Cul Plattrmoutn, Feby 5th, 1S63. P. M. DORRINGTON, RfcAL ESTATE AGENT, PLATTSMOVTU, SEB., mpt attention paid to the i.nrchane and sal of R al astate, and payment of Taxes, and all business p;i twining to a general Land alency. Titles iares tiated. Refers by permission to H n. E.S. Dundy. Judpe 8d Judicial DUt., Falls Ci'y, Nebraska; Major Kdw'd Burbank, Paymaster U. -. A. Leavenworth, Kansas; Hon J. it. Burbai.k, la' Ai .taor Nebraska, Falls City, Kcb? Hon. T. M. Me";u.-t'. IMattsmoutb, Neb., Col. R R. LivirjfT-ton, lad c . ebraska 1st Vet. Vols., Plattmoutb, N'-b.; M.; X H. Wheeler, U.S. Indian Aff-nt, Pawnee Agency; Cha's Ncilleton, No. Ill Broadway, New Yk; ilarvey, Driirieh & Brown. Washiujiton, D. C ; Tra-y, Masruire & Co., Chicago. Ills ; K. G Kitch. Rocbester, N. Y.. Prof. Ueniy Arling'.ale, '-Hariford Umrersity," N. Y. CONJUGAL LOVE. AND THX HAPPINESS OF TRUE MARRIAGE. - -Esay for Younjr Men, on tha Errors, abuses an Diseases which dmtrov e Manly fowers and ere ate imnedimeuts to MARRIAGE, with sure meansof relief Sent in sealed letter enreiopes fre t.fcharp. Artdrass l)r. J. SKILL1N UOUQUTOS, Uoward As- tccir;:ni;riiiajeiph:j;rj.- - - - inijs.5 GREAT EXClTliMliT WASHINGTON! 15 E U BS n A IV IIEKOLD Harlug boucht out the entire Stcck of Goods from C. G. Herold, is ready to ffer GREAT INDUCEMENTS In Prices, I shall sell Goods LO WEIt THAN THE LO WES'i. for Ch, Wheat, Corn, Hid s, Fur or any kind ol COUNTRY PRODUCE My Stock Consists of . GROCERIES , DRY GOODS B'.tOTS. SHOES, CLOTIIISG, HATS and CAPS, POCKET CUTLERY, YA.KLE JSOTlO.S9 ETC. Please giro me A call at the old stand of C G. UercK " ' -HERR MA .V HE ROLD. . Capt. D. I,ISOO & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Wines and Liquors, Also a very choce selection of Tobacco and Cigars, Main street, soond door eat of Seymour House Nrbraka Citv. Nebraska Are just receiving a new stock of Genuine Old ourbon direct from Bourbon eouoty, Ky.. Bitters, etc. myi w PETER TALLER Y, VALLERYS & RUFFNER, .cssors to Slaude & Anderson.) unce to our friends that we have surchas d the entire stock ol goods of STMJut it we are now able to sell th m goods at EXCEEDINGLY LOW P R'KC E S. We repertfully -&. ANDKItoO"- - Notarial and Corporate Seals. 196 L,ake Street, CHICAGO, - - III sutpliei ron Merchants, Kail Hank) Roads and Public Offides. Our Motto la LARGE SALES & SMALL PROFITS. Our Stock consists of Dry-(5 oods"and . G roceries, Staple and Fancy Goods, Hardware and Queensware; Boots and Nhoes, Hats and Caps, And a large stock of READY-MADE CLOTMJVG, WOODEjY AND WILLOW WARE, 1ROJVAJYD NAILS, And in fact, everiything that a man wants. fcGive os a call and we guarantee you entite satisfaction. VALLERYS & RUFFXER. jau30 1SCS fttr f lip. Sir 1 etlh Iir,t,r r, febsTyrl TCTTI.E. . THOMPSON & WJGTilIORE. JOBBEIIS OP r MEN'S AND BOYS' CLCTELIKG-, AND FURNISHING GOODS. 58 and 60 Lake Street, CHICAGO, - ILLINOIS Tittle. TnoMPsov t Wetiiobi, Chicngo. IddAC Fk.VNO & CO., Host.' ID, Mhb. feL27yrl d. swrsoy. IV. HICK EL VTA 1 T, EUTTV BUTTERY. Simpson, Mickelwait Sr Co., CHILD &BRIGGS, Wholesale Grocers, And Dealer im CANNED GOODS AND 43 SOUTH WATER STREET, CIIICJGO, - . . ILLINOIS. fet.27m6 Wholesale ond Retail "Sttf m Receiving, Forwarding and Commission iAlercliants, -toxica. &-t&ZlGLl2C2X't .GULX&, PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA. Dealers in GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, DOORS, SASU, WIXDOW-BLIXDS, GLASS, PLE AD COTTONWOOD LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, PICKETS, ETC., ETC. W. J. Horton & Co. ( Weeping Water, New Store,) Dealers in DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE CROCKERY, HATS. CAPS. BOOTS, AND SHOES, Sic, &.c, Keep on hand, and are selling ch"ap, a well select-.-d assortment of goods suitable for a farming com munity. marlOtf WANTED.- 7rJCer, Student, and other Intel lirent Ven and Women. In a husinns paying tl"0 to -200 per month, acrordirsr to abMity. For particu lr address ZEIGLER, McCCRDY 4 Co-, Lombard Block. Chieriro, IP. feb27yl i MACHINE, RniULCOX&frlBBS M'l oniiuin i u uh I It! sb t a oLiiiiiu nn in The Championll I jot 135 brst pre miums in two! II I seasons. "Its seam isViiiJftronger and lew liable to rip than the Lock btitcU. "Judge' Report of ths Grand Trial." Send for the " Report," and Samples of work, containing both kinds of stitches on the same piece of goods. Agents wanted. L. COBNELL ft CO., Gen'l Agents, 1SS Lake St., Chicago. TV V. TOT) I)- Aent, n s ai o YS a r d w a r e E. T. DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in IM.DW4RE AGRICDLTDRAL Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned mni nil lllJI IjEiillJ Li 0. F. JOHNSON & CO Opposite Clark & riummtr's Dealer la US- DRUGS, Stationery, AND STAMPED WAkE STEEL X3 LOWS Of all kinds and siaes. which we warrant the best in the market. Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusive Agents In this County for the sale if Stewart's Celebrated oinbination Coal or Wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., next door east of Masonic Block. PLATTSMOUTII. NEBRASKA Hannibal &. St. Joe It- K Packet Line. One of the Company Steamers leares daily fr-n eery fwdnt on the Missouri Rier aboe M J 1 and arrives at tt. Jos' vh in time t Connect ill' expres tiain oa ti.e Hanniljal k -t. Joseph Kai i " 1 for llanmhal. al wh eh plare e nneeeion ir q.m '.- i sameeTetnnjr with one of the Keokuk Hacket,l ' artivr in time lo connect with next ir;v out of St. Louis for Cincinnati, I ndianspulis, L ' Tille, Terre llante, Washiniton City, B'i:rf' "-. Philadelphia, N w Tork, Boston, and to 11 "tlir Kasiero, Northern and Southern Cities. The s'cvr mentioned lines ol elrcant Packet are eonccdl all travelers to he the bent on the weMern wateri. THROUGH TICK LT8 For sale to ft. Lout, and all Eastern, Northern si.J Southern cities ia the ave lines at Denver 'T; Dm ha. Council ltlntTs, Platisrooulh, Nebrak r'l and at all othi-r principal ticket ofiic.-n In the west. sTaV-Meal and Stste-rooms free! " R. K')KI. PtipM K. B. P. fet Joseph. II. Q. rUliOIi)X, Hec'y R. It P. L.,t J""-i J. D. SIMI'SON, Asreut, ap23 . . rialtsra cutfc.Sil"" Also eTerytblDfr pertlanlny to Ihe News Iluslnraa constantly on hand, and FOt SALE, itiibscripttoii reCt-i ved for all Papers and Wsifssmes at PubluU- er Prices. We alio keep on band t be best article ef Soda Water. Drink, and be Refreshed. ap,9 Cblf SAMUEL Y. GREER, (Successor to Dialogue k Greer.) FIRE and GARDEN IIWE MANUFACTURER, AT TUB OLV STAND, NO. 120 NORTH &T. (Established 1821.) PHILADELPHIA- Firo BucketSt Suction Hose, Bands for Machinery &c &c 4)y-The above articles wil!be made of the h"' woikmaLsbip, and on the most reasonable rro. ful.27iuC by takin; u in!o his pojseision. '