She gulmvolui gtatfl . LOCAL NEWS. SrfeJo ea' llitcbcoci aad family down on the Gl&'govr yesterday. F,ar prUooerc ar now ootflned ia the to ant J J all at this place, all for lar Mr. E. A. Wiggenborn baa purchased the residence property of N. J. Sharp, !-, oa Third St. ThoSt. Joseph brooght two car loadi of lumber for Simpson Micke'.wait A C., last week. S. Batcher, a farmer resident of tLis oity, camo n from Lincoln last Monday He report! eyerj thing flowlshin at th Capital. The meroorj indicated K'3 Ueg. in tho eha, IiaI TaesdaT afternoon. The 0iaUi Republican reports i; X09 1 2 deg. in that ciT. a hizh as A man named Dominique Dejbacb, a farmer of Douglas County, was killed bj a kick from a horse list week. He had resided in Douglas County einca 1854. , St. Joseph R i JicaU h iva nchieTed o Tictorj in the Socond Ward of that city. Thcj had 69 majority, two months ago tht ward weal Democratic. Oh, what u reaction." m Work has been commenced oa the Railroad between Do Soto and Fremont It ii thought by Sanguine persons th:tt Ibis road will be the main line in con coction with the Taclfio to Chicago. 'I he channel of the river ngiin hugs the Nebraska bhore at this point, and has the appearance of bein; us perm-i-neat as anything in connection wi;h that treara can. Parties desiring to go to New York as part of the "Pendleton Escort" were referred to McCoy, of Omaha. McCoy is on of the heaviest whisky d&eler in the west. Do you sea th connection. It is reported a construction tnJn was attacked on the U P 11 P. Uf. Saturday, about sixty miles beyond .La?a:iiie utd lite men killed. The engine-r e-iciped with the louttmative and a. p ut of the ujrkinco. The oSco of the Sr. Joseph V'iudicalor aud u':l the appurtenances cuept L'ntle Mao has been attached by a banking bjuse in thai city. Little M ic was so slippery they couldn't make the a'.Uo'-i-tsent slick. A Correspondent of the Xonj.jrUU up; gsts that the R'jp-ibiicans are dannginj: the party by withholding support from the rebel psper at the Bluffs, on the ground that it is making Republicans of Respec table Democrats nt erery issue. The P.altsmouth Brass IJ-cJwasout serenading the town last Monday crcDiig, and they discoursed excellent musii?. They took position oa the bill south of Main Street, wherd they coull be heard -distinctly in every part of the ciiy. Win. Stadlemaun h-is just received an other lare invoice of these csoeiien! and fsshionable boots, shoes, guitors, ic, which will be sold at the lowest pos sible margin. Call and seetheai wheth er you wish to buy or not. i - The peop!e of Grand Island are jt:t bjw enjoying (?) a portion of the bless ings of frontiers life. Tba town was set upon by a band of desperadoes the o:hr-r Jay, and the people were compelled to hang three of them with Jut julge or j j ry before order could ba rettorcd Several members of the Lo" fumily f aaed through town last Monday. Thry were going dawn stream, and prosumt vrer on the hunt of Morton, having heard what a fine, hon?3t fellow wai. and how great a friend to their family. Jt is said they were looking for raoUers The AVu advertises that tho U'liisd Slates Flag will be hoisted at the Cele bration in that city on the 4th. Ye Gods! has it come to that? Is it eo strange a thing to see the Aug of .our Country hoisted in the Democratic strong-hold of Nebraska as to make it a matter cf newspaper comment. From Ti BixrFS. By sunlight many beauties are to be seen: but from the bluffs by mooelight there is grandurr, . MB . mo ou spriDg or solemnity, inure is also beauty beyond description. D you ever Tisit the bluffs by moonlight? If not, don't let this full moon pass without 'doing so. yonpariel. Mrs. J. W. Chapmen is now visiting in this city. The Omaha Herald says evcrjboJy is anxiously awaitiog the action of the New York Convention. We believe- this ia true, to a ceriian extent Tut Dem ooracy of the country are r xceodly urn ious to know what their primaries' are, or wnetner tney are to nave uny to know whether they are to talk ol nrro uffrage or against it; to know whether thoy are to upbild tboir record during the war or repudiate it; to know whther they are to talk in favor of a military bib or against tha whol c!ms; whether they are 10 say thej were blok heads during the war or block-heads now, whether they are to favor a "white man's Kovernment" or a black-ar.d tan" gov ernment with Chae at the head; in fact, e J T anxiously awaiting the action f e -ew Yori Convention to know who and what they nre, or whether they are anything or aaybodv. The Republi cans are awaiting with 'the Bums anxirty nt the auiience awaits the aprerirca "i e th woskej and the tomb. The M. E Church, at Mt. Pleasant, ebriSK-i, wiil Le dedfoatrd to the S?r- vio.;, of (I;) 1 by Rev. T. B. Lemmon P. E. 1 Omaha Disrict, on SaVbath, Ja'y 5th 13:3. Srviuj wiU bei.t r.t 13 o'clock A M. Rt. W. B. Slaughter, of Omaha, and other Mia'utors are eipected to be a aUendacoe. Nebraska has nearly doubled ber as sessment during : the past year. see statement in another column. It will bo seen that Cass figures up well towards the foremost county, and in fact i the foremost county in agricultural wealth. She has not quito as much wealth in vested in merchandise as Otoe and Doug las, but is head of either in agricultural wealth that is what sustains a oountry. Tho question of cheese making has been thoroughly solved. Mr. L. G. Todd, of Mt. Pleasant, is manufacturing as good an article as can bo produced on the ''Western Reserve." and with as lit tle work. He is milking forty cows, and making two large cheeses every day We intend visiting his manufactory before long, and we will then give our readers rorc minute details of bis operations, See ad vercisemant of N w Meat Mar ket, by Geo. Fickler A Co. Ficklers ex cellences as a vender of rnat are well known to the bid residents of this place, and it'is ouly nacessarv ti say that they have fitted up the old stand in splend d style, and everything looks as neat and trim ns the most fastidious could wish. Fickler evidently understands keeping a market. We understand that a portion of the troupe lately engaged at the Academy of Music, in Omaha, intend visiting our city and giving a "Grand Parlar Enter tainment" on the evening of the 4th. Anrmg the company will be those popu lar actors, Mr.;W. F. Harric, J. Langdon, J, a Crav, Mis. Annie Ward. Thy have rccieved tho highest praise from, the r.res of Omaha, and wo dubt not they are justly entitled to be classed among the first of their profession in the went. Mr. Dawson, formerly Pnt Mister at Lincoln, informs the people of that vicin ity, through tha medium of the Common wjtil k, that there is a tri weekly mail from l'lattsm-uth to Lincoln via. Weep ing Water, Stove Creek and Sherb y, Station; and advises tho peopls of Lin coln to let the light of the Herald shine into thir housfiholds a little more than they do. We thank Mr. Dawson for this effort in behalf of the pe ple of Lineoln. A n viee of this ro ite was pub ished in te IlrRALosome months szo. 11:3 following is a complete list of the ofliceris elected at the meeting of the Grand Chapter cf Royal Arch Masons held at R lievue. D. II. Wheeler, M E G II P. E. A. Allen, R E D G II P. O. IL Iricb, R E G K. R W. Furnas. R E G S. G. B. Graff. R E G Treas. J. N. Wis, R E G Sec. Rev R. W. OliT-r, G explain. J. W. Moore, J Lecturer. John Reed, E G Capt. H ist. M. Dunham, E G R A Capt. Jtcob Vtllery; E G PS. J. M. Burk, G M 1st Veil. A. P. Coggswcll, G M 2d Veil C. T. Whitemore, G M 3i Veil.. J. Q. Goss. ) q s:pward3 O. M. Carter, ) Dr. N. B. Larsh, G Gard At the annual mce'ing of the Grand Lodge, A. F. A A. M., held at Bollevue Oiithe2l-h u'.t , the following officers were elected und installed. O. II. Iiish, M W G M. II. P. Dene, M W D (i M. Win. Adair, It W G S W. II. O llama, R W G J G.o .li. Graff, R W G Treasurer. J. N Wise,-R W G Secretary. Rev. G. C. Betts, G Chaplain O. B. Hewett, G Orator. Win. E Hill, G Lecturer. John Q. G'jss, G S D. M. Danhara. G J D. J. W. Sh-iddork, G Marshal. J. B Holohaueh. ) W. Scott Bvr n. i G S Bearers. F.'.am Clark, ) . D- C. Cole, J G fewards, P. Y. M rse, G Tvler. A man named Char es Beemer was ar rested la-t Sundav by Sheriff Johnson on the charg- of Burglar? and Larcen, in th bre-tking into F. Lnh)ffs nlnon on Satu'day night and stealing money Trom the drawer. lie was in the act of making another forcible entry. when he was arretted by Sheriff Johnson He was brought before Justice Davis on Tuesday for examination, and in default of bail was committed to jail to awai' trial at the next setting of Court. He has been working on a farrojnear town for over a year past, and is said to nave been a stead?, industrious man until quite' re cently, when ha commenced the too free use of ardent spirits. Likeroajy others, he had nU the moral courage to ohstain from thn cup, an j for the past two weeks has been "a constant inmate of the drink ing house, until his money was all gone but his appetite not appeased. Under these circumstances he was induced to at tempt, and we presume succeded in, the commission of a crime to obtain th nec essary funds to buy the poison from the use of which his mi a I was already on dre. He will have ample time to reflect upon his course and overcome his unruly appetito before the sctring'of the Court. Tho Doom Coy's aro selling the Buck eye Dropper, New Yorker and John P. Masrj Re&r-er erd ?';'.rcr. Mr. John Gross, a partner in Rip- plo'i Brewdrymet with qu'ti an accident last Mndav evening. Ha had rovJehis regular rounds with the Beer Wagon, and, we suppose, had be;n testing the quality of bis merchandise with san e of his customers. lie started Lome about 4 o'clock, and concluded to try tha speed of his horse. The horse went very well, but in turning tho corner at the foot of Main Street, the wagon whs upse', with Mr. Gross underneath. He might have been dragged to death except for the, fortunato uncoupling of the wagon, which left the horse attached to the fore wheels only. The horse turned and started up Main street, but was soon csught and secured. Dr. G. II. Black and a number of citizens went immedi ately to the relief of Mr. Gross, who was lying insinsible among the wreck of ths wagon and a number of empty beer kegs. Dr Black examined his injuries and found nothing moro se-ious than bruises and several severe cuts about the head nohones broken. Mr. Gross regained h:s conciousness after about fivo minutes, and got up apparently but little the worse from his tumble. Ao will un. doubtedly feel his bruises for some time, as they appeared q lite numerous. The horse was injured slightly. It is proner to tate in this connection that the cause of the accidenw was to much stimulant, also that Mr. Gross is not in tho hubit cf drinking to excess. LIH-COLX XT LUIS. From the Cuininontotalih : We learn that Ssoretar? Kenuird will soon take up his permanent resiJenoe at Lincoln. Ballantinu A Bragg sent out 20 loads of Timber last wiek and sold it all be fore it w is unloaded. 25 more are on the way. Tho first quarterly meeting of the M. E Church of Lit coin was held on last Saturday and Sunday. Rev. C. W. Gid dings P. E attending.. Financial reports very encouraging. It is reported that a young married la dy in this city took a big dose, of laud anum the other morning with the view of a permanent esc ipo from the troubles of life. Physicians interfered and ths is in a fair way to recover. Messrs. Tichenor A Green of the Lin coln Salt works nave their building down at the big basin nearly oorapletcd. They will commenoe boiling in a few days. They nro prepared to turn out about 50 barrel per day as 60on as their kettles and machinery hall be on bund from the Nebraska City Foundry. Fall to Lxprets My Opinion. Mrs. Dr. II. K. Whiteford, of Elgin, 111 in a recent letter savs : 'I havo seen many rccommei dations of your ma chine, ljt those highest in its praise fail to express my opinion of its superi ority over all others for family use. Mine has been in use over three years, has been uied by ray neighbors, successfully, after a few moments (showing, and has not been oat of order once since 1 have had it. Ihe titch is entirely satisfacto ry never ripping, but remaining Erin, till the garment is worn out. I would recommend tha Willcox A Gibl.s in the highest terms, for extreme pimiilicityt quietness, and ease of operation, and for the beauty, elasticity, strength and durability of its work." We notice the farmers from Salt Creek Valley and the west part of our county are in town looking at the Reapers and Mow ers; also that tho D 'o;u Doy'a are celling a gn at many r.f their Celebrated M t chines They keep nothing but the hest Reapers and Mowers, and thiy warraut each machine. It is a sureVgu nf a prospci ous tarmr to -ee him selecting the best inac'iines We wero forsibl reminded of the"above fact by scoing that class of men giving the Doom Bv's orders for Bird-ial's just ly celebrated Threshing Machine?. It bhows that they want their worx wtdi dine.. We have two of ' th celebrated John II. Manny'h C m1ined R-aper it Mower left, which we oETr to the f irm-rs of Cis County, for the very low price of $IG0, and warrant tho same to do as much and as giod work as anv machine made. A few of the Celebrated Garden City Selby Cultivators and Hay Rakes on hand yet at a very cheap prices. E. A WlCGENHORN A Co. tf. N-'W York Cash Store. iTi?" Henry Beock has the largest utoek of furniture in the wet, and is selling at prices which cannot fail to give satis faction. Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs, Sofas. Lounges, Tables of all kinds, Wardrobes, Safes, und everything else n the furniture line, kept on hand and made to order on short notice. Also all sizes and qualities cf Coffins kept in stock. tf. NOTICE- All persons indebted to the undersign ed will pleae call on llerrman IIrold, a the old stand, and settle, immediately. roar5 C. G Her old XOIItc:. All persons owing us will please call and se'tle as we want to closa up our last years business. janOtf Smrsox. Mickelwait A: Co. PJattsmouth Lodge No- 6, A- F. & A71I. B6,rt:!:ircommiinic;ition 1st aui3l Mondays of oeh atitnlh, at 6 1-3 u'clucic. p. in. - K. li. LIFIN-33TCN, W. It. O. O. BETTS, gee. Nebraska Chapter No. S, II A. II. Kxal.r ooMTt-aiioD and 4th Tocadaya of isb mutb, hi 0 12 o'clock j n. s. r. r-r3rr5.p. f c. I. CO. F. Reiatir of Putts t-.'!ve, K 7, 1. Q. V. ISrotti'-ri of iKuor Lois-t r I.ivi'vJ to tr.U I,-.lje. Hv.irtorof 8 tD!Ir', S.O. fAM'L M. C!t AP'Ji!.!t. 9. i. oTg. t. KiraliirneetUgt every Tm-sJay cvkiiIlK Trllrj TBUl'iarropesifu:iy iutited. R. DtXTKK WINDttAM. W.ra. .- TUOS. W. SURVOCK, L.1:j D'putr. FAtKVIKW LOIXJB. Ni. 14. hokt r-u it i.-t re'pciiu'ly invlt-I h. W. CALE1 S, W O. T. F.M. TOt SU. Jr , W. 8. F U. VOUN'G, Scu., Lodie Dnputy. St. Luke's Parish Vestry. R-K'aUr mretinr. 8rt Tuealay of -Tery iDODtb, t 7 d. tu.. at tiie ofl-c uf I 11 Whffkr : P ' Kev.QKU.C. B-TTS. I W NViiEELEa. Cleri. Cbairmau. r57KICi:LSIR 1S .REB LDililK, Ko I. Pmtta mviih. h'.l H reit'ilse uiB'mssoa the tblrd Wedai-a- dy eeoinp of mc1i nionm. B o J, WE - LEY UASXE3. W D T. Bro. W. L. Wkll. W U 8 Slsiur Kua Davis, W DVT. jySrROK l r LODGE No 8, Mt. riexsant, bol'ls reiular infetiuS" ecry bturdnv eenine. J. rt. llUulltS, W. C. T. T. E HUGHES. W 8. L Davis, i.ojg n T"y "BAND Or HOPE DFORI E I.ODil'. No. 4 R'-uli- 'neetmes the s.-con I aixl totirth Friday eveinDx4 uf cacti uin.'h ' F. M VoUNO, J , W. U T. fcisf r SARA O LEWIS. W I)- V. T. Si W.CALKI.V, W. D.3. XTOTICK. Jnc.b Ra'.biikth v Joba Run er Jiiciib Rc'-lipAtli '! t'acln:i t in i- oa tli 13th du of M y. 1S-JJ. ty William R a Ju-tice ol ihr Pec.on iue wli-ai ounl by John B mga-: K-o-i:ig in Fie.i-ritk Onron' ti-iil, in Mi. r'lt.''Hiit tunhi;i, c iuiiiv of Cis , in lie :.lnl ul 2i"bia-k.n, t iriir hit riiihlful clnu. $U wih iu".ee-t from flie l'jlb !ay cf Maruh, lS'iS. ao I ihtr probKblc cou e-iiintfl at $.'0. Tliia wucat will ic told on tbe 9i Hay or July, U6S. W II.! I AM EOSB. ullw3 Ja-t.c of ta I"ace. n. waetLiR, K. c. Lawn D. II Wheeler &. .Co., P.eal Estate Agents, Commissioners of JDeeds AND Fire and Life las, Ag'ts, PLiTTSS.MOUTr, X. T. Collections promptly attended to, and proceed iuiltcil at current r:te of Kxctianiie. Taxe paid iu VVVn fit Iowa and .N'ubr.t,iKa lor uon resiilai.U. iili- to la d invexligitt.d. Mouey loaneu ou Real Kttate ecur.llca. Lund Warrant locate". CLAIM AGENTS. A .entt for collection of cUimiajriunst Hoernmrn for ?oM era, their rld.iWj and tuii.oi liei'a. A cent for he pu: clia.-e and nale of Laud and City proper ty, eaiug of Tenements. RKFEItE.XCES: Hon. S. If. Elbert, Dt?ner City. C. T. ilesur Koanlze Bros. . Omulm, A eh. " Mc'"hiid S. M' tcalf. Nebraska City. G. F. Filley. St. Lcuin, Missouri. Dr. Uto Lewis. Bo-tun, MaitchuselU. M W Dltmam Chicago, Illinois. II M WaKill, Cinrinnati. Oliio. Too,le 4 ilaniia. Hlatumoiitb Nebraska. L U Kub, Tbree Rivera. Michigan. Hon F Fellows, ttluomfleld, V"icoiiin. Hon T M M rquott, Plattumouth, Nebraska. L Lewis. A'toiiiey at Law, BiitTlo, New York. Jarter, Hmnt y St Curl, Dei Aloiues, Iowa. i dAwtr PIANOS. PIANOS, MELODEONS. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Pea'er In he ce!ebrnt"d Sleek McCammoa Pianos, and o her Musi. al Iostruiut-i. ts. t"All Inntr-jraent ar.-antd flvo rears. C3 ort-il ly JUST RECEiVED Ami for sale at low figures, in t it COFFEE. 14 tlU SUGAR. 5 VA Dli 1 A JTLES, 5 Ills DR Y PKA CUES, SiC , ic. A )", a lA'gt as: ortnieut of Pine Lumber, LATH. SHtSaiEX DOORS, WISpOW SASH, WIXDoW Bl.i.WS. GLASS. CEJK.VV. PLASTER PA Rl.t, 1AJR, COAL OIL, Eto LTDXING-TOK" COAL, 2S0 fcu'h'-li, lo which we Invite th attfli-t!on f Ulackumith- and u'lr'H 'j . it 1 1 1 y ti I priu--. e are Ageuts f,r the jv:ilN" C'ML L x inirtn.aud pr.-ii e t follih a'l tbe Col "tiii country w.iu: ;.t pi ice." to mit. aIsc a Urge st -ok of Ilyc, Bourbon and Star Whisky Cl.e.-ry, R,sp-.eir-, Hlackbtrry and Ginger Brandy Ca 1 asd ire in. flMl'jON. MICEELWAlT A CO. j.C!3 wtf -P. 1M. DORRINGTON, RfcAL ESTATE AGENT I' LA TT&MOVTII, XEIi.t '- Tipt attention paid t tne iorchae ai.d sal ol R il ...'n'e, ami pjynirai of lixr,HOd all butiners p t linicg to a jj.u-rjl Laud ascih y. Titles invt. Refer- b i.rrnii-.i. n to II n. E S. Dundy. Ju.lif- 2d Judicial Hi-t . Fills Ci , Ni'lua-ka; Mainr r.dw'il Burbaok, Paymaster C A. Le,vim..i tli. K insai; II l) J. it. Uuibai k. ! A-t etr Nb-ka. al s .ity, N-h ; Hon. T. i 1 a I'lHliiruouth. Xeli , C-il R It Livii.ii-toh In d i-bik l-t V-t. Vois., I'laifiuou'h, N'-t-.; M . II. Wb-el r, Indian Aavat, I' Arfiicy; Oba'a Ncitleton, No 111 liioadway. Now V'i k; .iarve, Diiri!h & B'ow Waabiuutori, D. C ; Tra-y. Matfittrv Co., Cbii-iigo, Ilia ; R. O Fii h. Kocbeiixr. N. Y.. I'rof. Uoiuy Arling ale. ''Uanford La rerkity.' M. 1. ... oiXD PLOWS! PLOWS! C. E. F O Ii G Y , Manufacturer of all kinds of Farming Implements, Pach as the eelebratfd Rod lirenkinr Pluwa. Mould ftoa'd Br.kT-. Stirrioe Pl"W.. Hiuk'l"? and Double Shovel-. Cultivator aud llarrowi). Repairing done ng bu't nonce All wo'k warranted. llHvinifhxd much exprien e ia the nuMnes, 1 frel assured that I can kitc (renaral SHtisbirtion. - rlease give me a cm'-e purciinsing eiewnere. O. . FORUT. riattsniouth Neb., May 6th, 1967. AND WOOL- CARDIAC. Ho! for Salt Creek, where yon can kill two birds with one s'one. get you- llrt n Croand and Wool Carde I a the same I'm-; tbe machiury for boihii Id prfect order r n-e tne Patent JI ichine Card' vbirb with run poouh Inst year to e-.tiillib their superiority ..vei tbe old kin. I, ax a I wh" uk-iI the c m testify. 1 lie suueriorit. of Mr. S. Twigs as a 'arder is well know u. and his services are -till le tained for the beiit-nt of tbe public. With the abre advaatnires we flatter ourselves tbst we cn inak- it to tbe adva" tag of all who want work in our line to come Ibis way. O. DliAN. Proprietor. niylii S. TWI3'. Carder. DC. HI. H. iTl'CLUSKY, D E N r!M S Tt 1 v. i an if V1d( work 1n bis Hoe on abort Cot!ce K Sc r STAGE i.i.t; ,ftsni;l :eve rfoi. Cl:y on adfr April at l-t u'i ' k, a i:-.,, fik.i, d l-icf-ic.t Mt Fclor jrillf , nl' : Vljitmoith rt 12 c!otx,' f'-r iinuer; 1f.i l'-m!C mguilt l Quo; RTiT t titb. CU' tt r. '.; i- w. t3i.a ai L":biJ-t Hoto'. .Veb. i n;, kji t liti Yt.Wj Hu", l'ljtti'inoa'li, BprlC-f CLO. JKNNING3. E Oil SALE fh4 W ur 14 th-S W V. 8 3, lb W K ut X K i- lii- N K f-f1 K 15 n I t!i S K of 8 K, Sc 13, TIP Hans' II. C:i Cuuotf. Kebrajka. lli "f I ir .! la-ifl I r ale iu tracts tu uii par-ri.a"r-. lu'uis oue Txu h caKh the bla'Ce in thre tiii1 unul kyinnt9, uit.-ict l 10 P' r ctat, par aoic annually. tain majTo.3 CaUia, Han i.n Co., Ohio. ISTitAr 3ALK. Prb ic notue h hereby jflveo tbat on Tbuis- day. tbe 2 1 diy ..f Juy next, at 1 o'cl -ok, p. til , at tbt house f (,o. W. Thomdite. in Loi.isvtlle Pre cinct iu f'a- eounty.Neb , t will oaor at pubhc ale to ihe b'ghe-t bidder, a tbre ye;ir old IliWt buy Ma e with ber colt (aw MX woka old), t-xni Jdare was taken up and will be told as an est ay. A. l uctiLU, . r. May 20. IS3 c9w5. Improved Farm and Tim ber For Sale The farm Is about 20 miles west from I'lattsmooth. 2 mi ea west .f FT. "over's, on ihe Mage Koad 60 ai'res a been in cultivation a log Uoase uoon it an I plenty i f stock water; it is S w qr -ec 27. T 12. It li l'Hi sees; and conuected wiih it is Lot 1 aid I", qr of S qr .-ec 2d, anie T und K (liinb'-r) 90 and S0-1H0 acres, making 250 and S i 10.) aciet. Also tl.e N w qrof N w qr of Sec -U. T 1(1, K 44. in Mills c iimty. Iowa, Due et Irom Hlalismouib. and 1 miie from tho fiver, (hevy tiniher.) For terms addre. D. U SALOMON', uaj23tf. Gienwoiid. Iowa. I.Ef.AI. NOTICE. A. Cartiilchaei Plfit. in error 1 1 be Dis' Court 2nd against Judici 1 1'isflrt in John Tncram Deft-ndnt and for Cass Co N'-jh Jnlm logman, the defends lit, will takj notice Ihut A Carmlcharl, PI lit.till iu error n tbe ab ve e i lit e l ca u"" 0 I' d his i.etitbm In error ii. .aid court on ti.e 2nd day of June; .V, i-C3, pr- ylnjf tht a certa'Dj I 'jjeiu. nt rendered agsinut the j.laint.ff in Hint xcu'D a-i'l in rvor or the iielelinsni Jonn in crams iu Ju-tiies CnUrt be'oo J.din ATissou Ju-tit-e of the Panee i and for Uck B'uff- Precinct, Cas Co Nei rk on tbe 2nd dav of May 1S0S. be r verre I and set aside aid tint sa d p'alutiff in error be re- resfred lo li ihirgs be bas .it by resson tntre..t mid lb it judgement be rendeied aguint the said li ha Ini-'ram r r co-Is of suit That Jhe sain i ri'q'ilred to anwer asid petition on or b-lore the day of tb" next term ol next term of tbe Di-t ic; Court to be be d la an: fj' Caa Count; N'ebra-ka. A. CAKMluii a&i , riaini.a. Py Vaxw'll Chapman, bis f.t .rneys rderel rubimhed in the N'FARSKA IIfralo. Given undo my btid and teal of aaid Court at Plaitaiu. utb, Jane lObtl S$i . . Wiiii am L Wells, nlO Clerk o tbe District Court. Mower Reaper. TTsvIng taken the acency for tbe sole of this fuslly relib sled Machine, In the Counties ol Cass, ea .n ders, Seward an i Bntler. We ask those wishing a MO WER and REAPER To call and examine i.arve nnmbnrt of f'is Dtilii' ( are In use iu our Di-nict. We refer to those wh have used ihi'in, and ask a careful elimination of tbe Late Improvements, Msde especially In the 'D UCPPER" We Warrant the Machine to be JILL claimed Tor It. Please call, or send and get Printed Pamphlets. A fall supply of Repairs kept constantly on hand. PlaUsir.outh, April 8 ISOS. DOOM, HRO. & Co., - Jlgtute, Fot Cass, Seward. Saunders ai d Bn'.ler Cnitnlies rt? Threshing. MACHINE, AND . TRIPLE GEARED HORSE: POWER- Manu'aetnred a' Pen Yati, Stw Teik, was awarded the FIHST PREMIUM at tbe ieid Tril at Jt tt o ll. 180C. Sincere v b-Hevine tho " Rl it I'SAI.L ' to he Ibe 6- f Thrr h tif Ho- itic ni .'o We iuviU the pnb lie t" c- I so. I exjtt.lie it, or t-eud unil get pamphlet-. HE WAItRA&'T OxJ -BitDSM.l." to 1 all claimed far it in ihe PitnteJ I'auiphleU Wee aim f..r the "IHrdsa!l, Greater clcaninjj capacity tbaa any ether Citeater Durability and Strength with lefa Welcbt The Keedt r can raise or lower the Concave, wbiie the Machine is in in. lion. Theileauiiig Wi ka e d-tven ny be' t from each end of I lie Cylinder, iuauriPg tredglb. and pie- vrLtir,g Ibe Ly. Oder wearing out or irne. TITE HORSE POWER Weighs on'y 1 100 pound and is Warranltdto stand the draft of 20 Horses. room, 2R0-, & co-, - - Agenu, PUi ttmouih. April 1, 1368. OPbN TO OSCEOLA. Burlington h Missouri II i v c r , , and CHICAGO, BLUlLIXGTOiN & QUINCY EAILKOADS Courecli ms made at Burlington, for CHICAGO and the EAST. Buy Tickets via BURLINGTON. Passenger by this route have choice of th three Gieat 1'rauk Line, leading east from Chicago, tbe Michigan Central, Michigan JSouthe n & Northern Indiana, Fort Wayne II n'l Roads, &. Chicago For all polnti in INDIANA, MICHIGAN, OHIO, PENNSYLVANIA AND THE Through TIctttb anl Ba-gage Cbecke for al 1m. po-tant poinis PVLLUAS'S PALACE SLEEP1XG CARS on ail Q'p'n trains eaat of Uurlint'on. fc. CAEPER. C. E PERKI.fS. Ota. TJ't VWr Ai't Si.3.aS3t ri3fs R. G. DOOV, J. f. DOOM. KVEETOS MOV. DOOiVi, BROa&Co. Uanoa'acturcas' Aii f"r rbt asJ T, and cis ia Agricultural implements. i We keep einstaolly en hansl a sajp ei Threshing 31achine3, Horse Power,9 Reapers and Mowers, Corn-Shcllers, Corn-Planters Plows of all kinds, Broad-cast Seed SoAvers, Sulky and Revolving Rakes, Cultivators, Churns, &c, &c. We rlesl only ia anch Impleaenti a we an war- raut to p-rform aa rcpreenid. We shall k.ep a lull oi ply of repairs for all Irn plements sol 1 by us. We resp-ttfn ly ak those wishing FARM 1M I'LK l EN r- to call aud ex niine our stock, or tend for Ptinted CircuUra. Pi b e List, Ac , Ac. PUttsmoulh, Api il 8 lb 1 DLO.TI, BRO. & CO. The '"New" Yorker" SEIiF-HAKING REAPERS MOWEB Was awarded the l.U'be-t priie as a 6FLF RAKJN8 KK A PER, at the gnat Field Trial at Auburn A. a isoo. . . . i TC.irl. tba rjronri iiavins eretnj ' ki. H.rii nooula.'eaachine are now enabled to dll orders from Nebraska. THE GENUINE NEW YORKER Is now for the first tims offered for sals in the Counties of Tans. Lancaster, rwaro, oaunaera ana Butler. We claim for It Lightness of Draft, Durability, and a Perfect Self Rake. F'ease call and examine, or send for Printed Pam phlets. We are aui-oriied to warrant tbe aiacuinr 10 b- all claimed for it in the piiaU-d pamphlets I h' Agencv is iririHuent, and a fu l supply oi ao- pairs always on b '. I'lattsmouta, spni jiwo. Doom, Bro. & Co. D. B. McMechan, DKALKE IS HARDWARE, CUTLERY, I RUN, c"TEEL ai.J NAILS, ROCK ISLAND PLOWS, COIiX.I'LAXTEIlS, Cultivators, sulky and walking, Cools Stoves, A Large Variety un Hand. Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Hakes, &c, &c. A larc" uto-k now on band at small advance on Eastern Prices. lOG .Viiii Street, - A'tbraslta Cittj. (opposite the Seymour Hons-) SIGN OP THE PAD-LOCK. FURNITURE, COFFINS-' AD Cabinet - Work ! Ii. BOECK ITaTinr enla'Bed his fhip nd Sal"S-rooms would respectfully remind th. people in this vicinity thai he can furui.ib them sill the very best ruruiture. Chairs, or o' her Cabinet-work, at the most reason able rates. I hll ke p constantly on band a large awnfuiAiit or EatUrn H'orifc. and am also prepared to .nanuraoiu e anrthio? in my line on snort notice A large a?omient of Keauy-made Coffins kept at ! times. - i;hi ana examine my (.iocs rju prices jel0ddwtf H. LOtCK BLACK HAWK Two Horse WALKING- CULTIVATOR. Bv practical experiments In the Held and by test- ins ihean with tbe best M'alkins Cul'ivato.s made, they have b- ea brought tu a 'tate approaching Perfection In construction. The cultivator of two WiouKht iron ax'e'ree, arched and well braced. Tbe pi 'W are oimpiy two iron bi ami with DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOWS attach d to tbe axle ly i doub'e J9:nt which gives the ol w n easy, but at the sarre time perfectly true vertical ana norisonial motion. I be tnuKueiH double and fastened ti the arch of ibe izitree iy clainDs Sv. that it can be raised or lower, d at will, wben ibe eo n is yi ung, reducing ilrsit, ami raiiea wnen tne coin Is higuer. The shovels are furnished with Reversible Teeth, So that the soil can be thrown either toor from the corn. T e ''IjW are connected by means of ioraie coai linp, wb ch nsh e tl.a plowutaa to eoutrol both P.ows by holding one. The fo'lowiiig are a few o.' theadvantageousrolnts of superiority which this uuiuvator has over others I t It is stronger aud lighter, being made almost ei.tirely of wrought iron. 2 1- Th- douliie points ! which the shorela are attached to the axle enable tbe plowman to move hi- plow either toor from the co'H or lift it ont of the groona with the lea t effort. 8J. With this Cultivator the depth of the furrow can he reg'ila't-d piowiQR saallow pr deep wnetaer the ground is hard or soft lib. By mesas of the K3e coopling which con nects the I wo plows yon can make the two pi" w run .jt disiance apart tht you rosy desire wi;b otn er .iow- it i almo-t impoi,ihle v bold both phove' lie.i tbrowioe ear b to the Oirn, and to keep thein fiom crowmng tot-e'n- r wnca 1j.1i g frum tuecoic For further particulars, eail, or adJreba D. li McMECHAN. 1808. 16C8. North Missouri RAILROAD '.LINE, TO SAINT LOUIS. Two -Daily Trains. BOTH Dal y Trains of tne Hani Ibal tt St. Joseph Rsl i road from the west make eloee connectieu at Macon Cits with the above line, arriving .u ii I.oula and connecting directly with allmoiiuEg a4 af ernooo ttaius cut vf St. Lou's, for Kiw VoC, rHH.anai.PHWA. lltTOS, VVAIHIiOroli Citr, SaiTiMOxr, IIarr .oracn, PlTTSBUIlOH, L'OLOMBVS, Dattix. tlNtiaasrtl, iPDIAKAFOLr, LOCISflLLK, C'uiciO'i. NaSBTItUt, And all'Points East KortU or South. The only direct and legitimate route from the West to St. Louis tfc the Kast. Time to ihe Eastern cities as Q UICKax can be made by any route, with LESS CUJUfGES. Tlskets via Ibe above Hue can he parehasM at the Hannibal A St. Joseph ticket ciScds in tbe Wot. 'are ii th; same as by any ot'ier route. BARTON' BATE5. Fresidcat JOnX P. LAIRD, Geneial Superintendent. H, M. VH ttLEK, Gen Ticket Agent. ' JOSEPH GA.MltLK, lien. Kreipbt Ag-nt "H. KAKLY, iteiii M josepn. L. M DUNN. Goners! Western A sent. an, 23 j JOHN p. MANNY re ape tt aOJ mower. We effer lh: well known Machine t the Farmer ol Caas Coiiiuty, f.elio assured that il will gi fat'sltiction. Weref'rtolhe followjug gentlemen who htve used the J . P. aiunny: (i. W. Jeffers.Esq., W. Wolph, John C- Hear Mr. Upton, D. Mi-Caig W. Horton, J. H. Kesbett, " Eig t Mile Grove. Alt li.asaul. Weeping Water. Ashland. Repairs on hand. S, ISCS, Doom, Bro. & Co. GREAT BXCITfiMBKT WASHINGTON! IIERRITIAIV UEROLD Harlug bought oat the entire Stock of Goods fruist C U. Uerold, is ready to t-Ber GREAT LVDUCEME.YTS In Prices, I shall sell Goods LO WER TU A If TUB LO tCLSi. for Cash, Wheat, Corn, Hides, Furs or any kind of COUNTHY PRODUCE My block Consists of - . . GROCERIES, DRY GOODS BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTIIXU, HATS and CAPS, POCKET CUTLERY, - YAXKEE AO 7 JOXS, ETC. "lease give me a call at the old stand ofC O. nsrsi ". HER UMAX HE HOLD. CONJUGAL LOVE AND THE DAPPJNESS OF TRUE MAKRIAGS. Es-ay for Younir Men, on the Errors, abuses and Ufae whirh destroy v e Manly Powers and ere ue impediments to M AKKI AGK, w lh sure me us of -elief Sent in si sl.l li tter enve'opes fre of charge, dilresi Ilr. J. 8KILLIN HOUQUTON, Howard A ociation, Philadelphia, Pa. Janl2uif J. M. HINCHMAN, (Successor to llonelan auchmaa,) Druggist & Apothecary, DEALER IN DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, Dyes, iXotioES, Toilet Goods, Perfumer, Fancy Soaps, PURE WIN. 33 JS AS For Ucchanioal and MedlcloaJ pnrnosee Ittp constantly on hand a fu'f anJ weft aiisrt d stock of PATEI-T iTXEDICIES- PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS CarefuUy compounded by an experienced DniiUt. 2fone but tbe PUREST Medicines used. All gtc- warranted a represented. Caf and see. MAIN fcTKEET, tOUTH SICE. Terms Cash. NEW ARRANGE3IENTS! James O'Ueill orAtift m PRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARK HATS, CAPS. BOOTS, SHOES, FARM PRODUCE. And everything needed by the FARM ER s MECHANIC. Tlavio pnrchased the entire st-c' ofeo-rts ' elorc, ir g to Wm B' rolil. 1 sm re-fit'lng th-stoie rrtm in go il style, an I p.opose to sell g. the old slaJ. ob the moat revcc9 :crs.