t 44 ant man attempts to haul doicn the American ring, shoot him on the spot." VOL. 4. PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 14, ISGS. i0. 6. THE HERALD IS PUBLISHED WE E K L Y , .r. Z. HATHAWAY, EDITOFl AND PROPRIETOR. VTOJEc, coriiei Hai street and Leree, set on J kl 01 T. Terms: $2.50 per annum. Kates of Advertising On-square (srace often linen) oue inter fn.n, f 1 .50 t-ic.i suDtiaent tu-e. Uoq - - Pm fe i-nal crd not e xreediuft nix li O ie-quarter column or le, per annum " " six months " tbrre montbi Qi half Colusa twelve ciontba " pi x months " " three Q.-ntba O lecolaina twelve mnulli ' nix months ... " three month A II trartnient adrerti ement mnl be p advance. l.t.i) lo mi HYoo iu.co 15 6'UM B5.(i; It MM lOO.I'i OO.dO .I'O or in Work satin. - We are pr, pared to do all lc Ir.T of oo short Dot ice, and in a stylt-th.it will faction. T7ILLITT POTTENG ATTORNEY AT LAW, PLATTSMOUTII - - NEBRASKA. T. M JIABMIUETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND Solicitor in Chancery. PLATTSMOUTII, Ml UK A SK A R. It LIVINGSTON, II. D. Physician and Guvgeon, Tenders his professional services to tbe cilia us of Cain county . fW"" Residence nu'li-o is! corner of.'ak and .S'ixlh trels; Office on Main Wect, oppo;..!.' c'ourl House, Plattsmouth, Mebriaka. Platte Valley Hou Ed. I). Minrnv, Proprietor. Curner of .Mii:i and Fourth Streets, I!nf f smoiitli. Mel. This louse having b'en re fill d and newly fur nished otter first class acjouiui-.d jtiocs. Hoard 'y the day or week. 'iiS'.'S S. MAXWELL, 6AM. M. CIIATMAN , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AND j Solicitors in Chancery. PLAT 7.S M V Til, - XEllI.'ASKA. Oflice over lilack, Uutfry t Co's DrUjj Store, aprl CLARKE, PORTER & ERWIN, ATTOU'N'EYS -AT 1,AVT, And Solicitors in Chancery, maix sr., opposite riu: covr.T-jioc.si-: . PLATTSMOUTII, NEIL OaTLOBB J. CLARKE, vi. w. et.v.-in. tW V.EAL KSTJ TK A';ESCY. 'iJ J id24 wtf josEPn SCII LATER, WATC7MAKES and JEWELER, M STKtLT, PLATTSMOUTII, - - MTRASKA A pood aiortmpnt of Watt-lies C!o - o I Pro Jewelry, Silver Ware, Fane. .o i Violins and Vi olin Triinmini: l'n on hanJ. A:to:S co.J ui'teil to his rnre w i.l be warranted. April 10. o. H. rni'it, Ciiii"fs 4 cr.uXTOJ, L tte Sup tlu ttan Jiirs. A'UTncja at Luxe IRISH, CALHOUN & CR0XT0N- Tha above n:;mrd rentlornen have asciatpi themselves in l-u-iiie? f r the i.ui H?-e or j.rofe.-nt-lOif and colleelina all fljiius against thel.eiier.:l tioverntuenl. or aain-t any tribe of Indian", an I are prewired to iro.--.nt'- iu h claima, lithir I t-fore fonresi.or ariT f t l.e I).-; irtm-oits ol lloveruuieiit or before the Court of Clanus, Ma. Iai.a will di-voti! !.: i-crsoDal kttention to the l.nine. at Wa.-biiiton. CTf- Oilier at 'eb:a2ka City, corner f Main and Fifth atreel. National Claisu Agency. WASHINGTON. D- C F. M- DORRINGTON, f-l'S A'JINT:J aA rTSMOUTII, - - NEBRASKA, I -en ire I to pr-nt and j r. .-e.-aie claicis before -ris Court of fiaima and the Deft.. tii-it-J. I'a t. it ren-ion, lSoant -. and liounty I.aii-.s -, rTCharmg lerat'.anJ i'" lr ,.ortioli to tne arniuiil orthe cUim. v. M. DOIllilNGlO V. April 10. 'C5 lTTWise, General Life, Accident, l'ire, Inland and Transit INSURANCE AGENT Will t.iVe rik-at ra-OTab!erat"sin the tao-t reliall co unacien inthe l uited fc-.at. tj-uace at the book ituie, l'la ur .u:h, Nt rai- xiia 1 d tf Jlillinery &, rcsi"akiMo BT MISS A. M- DBfTAia i illi-'. R T. KkS.ltbr Opposite the City lidcrij. J E would r' spe'tful'y anncur.ee to the La.lieH of flattsiaouth and vicinity, that we bavjwsl r -e-ired aUrjteaud Weil felwried a'ock of Winter (iood-.cocsir.ioir . f Flower. Kibb-.n. Telvtt', 'hew tr.uiiumps Ac, Ac We will the cheats. U .ve.-noldin thijei-y. We can sixomnila e al. our old custom- r.i and a many new . r.ei as wi.l faT us with a cal!. AI! kinds ,.f work in our l,n done to order. VerfeU eataIact:ou given or co charges mys-'-f BOOKS S STAT.ONERY. Bo..is. Sti.K.I Book. Xewi-psp-r. Magazines, Periodica:, and all kinds of Sia:iocery, rt MURPHVS 1300K-STORE, Post-cfflce Cuildio?, Main ttre.f. ct2 II. JEIN'OS, ATTORNEY AT LAW General Land Ag3rit, Lincoln. - XebratJca. Will praetiee ia a'.y of th C jcrtaof tbe ta-c, ad will buy atjd li b.al Li.ate on cjui.fc1'J3, p3? xvn. J. I OKD, UPHOLSTERER, PAPER-HANGER, &.C- Main slretl, - - Opiwsile Post Ojp.ee, Will keep on hand and make to order, Mattrewe-. 1'icture Frames, indow Shades, Wall Tai er, 4c. All kinds jf rurnicj executed in good style nov 7 'o7. m3 SHANNON'S Feed, Sale and Livery M ain St., Plattemoutii. I sm prepared to acxnimodate the public wtt Horses, Carriages and Buggies, yvlso, a Me Hearse, On Khort notice and reasonable terms. A Hack will rnn to steamboat :aMliir, i"d to all paits of Ibe city wnen acsirca. m2: J. W. S1IAXX0X. W. D. GAGE. W. R. DAVIS?" CENTRAL STOKE. Ory-Coods, Groceries, Provisions, I-'fiOTS and miioi:s9 Mji:i Sf:ctl, Iwo doors above Fourth, V. here the public may find THE DEST OF GOODS ar. 1 prices as low as can be t und in the city. We rclnrn fiutili fiT th" liher.il pttronRce we hve -er-ivd, ar.d hope to merit it continuance. 0 :.2i;, ti7 gage a datis. ILLCOX&.frtIBBS SEWING " E. The Champion 1 1 1 1 of 136 first pre miums iu twot If masons. f 1 CI "Its peara isJJ-Jt ron per and lei3 liable to rip than the Lock Stitch." VwJM Report of the Urand ?YuU. ' 1 Send for the "Report," and Samples of vork, containing both kinds of stitches on the same piece of goods. Agents wanted. L. CORNELL & CO., Gen'l Agents, 138 Lake St.. Chicago. F. J ' iODl. ;eiu, i'lattsrx.ouK., S-h de.-13yt s SCALES, VrVp Fairbanks, Greenleaf - Ei - & Co., 2JC. 2:s l.k , St. ChL-nrjn. " .) irktt St , St. Luuis E3n'" ear'ful to bny unl.v the Oeuuine. inyy23 J. W. JENNINGS, AOC A, CAS.S COLWTY XF.D., Jtnnititjti Si Vitl't Ftviir and Wool Mill ) Dealer in Dry. Goods, Groceries, Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes, Hardware And such articles as arc adapted to a Farming Community. Wit WILL SELL CHEAP AS AX Y, Or exchange for Produce. We t ay the HIGHEST MARKET TRICE for jrir in of all kinds or taLe ir exchange forgojJ fc b6:n3 I)Wr.LLIS at all price. Any persons wishing to purchase Farm-property, or R'-nidences in town will tludt.'iem for sale at l pric a. liy EOnRlNOTOX, mrT. Itr.iL EstAtb Aqkxt. G R. McCALLUM, Mannf cturerof and dealer Saddles and Harness, Of eery tli rrlition, hole-ale and retail. ?fo 13lll Min street, between 5lh and 6th atreet, NebraMka City. j-13 IVOTICK. JAMES O'XKIL Is my authorised Apcnt for the colbctini of all accouiit da.- the underr-inid for medical services; his receipt will be valid for the nayiuent of aiy monie"i aid Mrcounts. Aucu.-t 14. 1SC7. K. K. LIVINtiSTOX, M.D. Weeping Water mills. Farmers, go where you can get the bat Flour and the most oj it. So Pjl'.fX X X FLOUR and 12 tla of BRAX given in'txthanse for good WLeat. We are also doiaK grist wori; and, with onr in creased facilities, f.fi assured that we can give tbe IksI and tbe most flour of any mill in the fctate. Satisfaction Guaranteed PRODUCE UOVailT AXD HOLD. I'IGEEST MARKET TEICE PAID. REED & CLINTON. March 2Gtb, 1503. THOMAS W- SHRY0CK, CABINET MAKER, J XI LEA LEU IX Furniture and Chairs. THIED i"TIlKEr, tXearMain.) PL.1TTSMOVTII, JfEBRJISKJI. r"FunTa! atieuJod at the fchortett ootire. From the Toledo B!ad;. X A S It Y . Jl Convention cl the Corners to ncj;u"n. ale a County Tielut Uvw Joe Big kr Perverted the Resolution Usually Adopted at such Conventions. Post Orris, CosfedijttX Roads, (Wicli ism the Stait uv Kentucky,) C Axi 20, 1?CS. ) There never will be peac-j or any thing like it at the Corners till that (IiMuiUer Joe Eigler, niid Lis faithful adhe.-iMt aider and abetter, Pollock, are bh-jt or oiheraise killed. In the c!den time before the iGorrfrera.-hpn of the allithen ra, we h 1 a short way of disrodii of fcith. It wuz a max im in the fc'ouih that thtr cood Le peace orjly where iher wuz a perfect yoonau- iiriity of sentiments and to bring atout that onrnis uv idee that delightful concord with wuz so desirable we were iu the hubit uv shjotin orhaniu the mo.-t stubborn uv those who were yet aksessible to Kentucky reason Liy viggerusly pursooin this course lha minorities in this vicinity wuz kept tollobly final! at,d controllable. Why these cusses Leii Lin fo treated rasies iiiy ci n peihtLsLeii. Our convention to nominate car.di dates for county clficers wuz Leld yes terday, I wuz cheerman uv course, for I now okupy that posishen (i-ince it hes bin discovered that Capt. McIV-lter can write he hes bio sekrttary,) ai d 1 felt a siisliia seniasheu when that cu$s llcik entered ih.i djor. Deekia Pugrarn, when lie saw em. bi!ed over. Ri.-in to his the veu- erable old putnai k txclaimed in a voice trt inuloui with emoshun, w.it in thun der wuz he there for. "Jo ef hev you n rite to set in Dimocartic cor.venshen, holdinj e you do, opmyuua ihs reverse uv Dimccra iu?M "Deekin," returned this Biyler, "1 carry in my hod y F.tora! lenu I wuz under the Confedrit Hag in iix'y Lai lies f kirmifhes and skedaddles. I hev a ceriifikit to that t fleet frcm the late lamented John Morgan. That ccrii.1 liii would admit me to a seet in any Dimccratic convenahen in the north fhel it not be suflicieut here iu Kentuc ky? Alars, the Prolii is not without honor save in his own Cross Road." And Josef let on and wept, when Pollock oitetitashusly handed him a pocket handkei thief. "Ef I held any hetrodox views, I hev repented uv em, me and Pollotk, and perpose to vote for ull yoor resoloo shrns, like frisky lambs that is g!ad to git back lo the troo fold. Djm'i we Pol I oi k. "Certln wo do. Tlie convention may go cn and count us es troo converts from Ablishini-in; which, in view of the facts that my stort hez bin set on fire twirl becoa of my awful opmyon-, 1 may sed to be a brand pluckt from the burnin. Go on." Findin they wus bound to stay, we went on. The first thing ia order wus the adopihen uv resolooshens. ez fol lows: 1. Vt'e resolved we Lai the u'most cof.fidence in Atdroo Johnson, Prebi dent uv the Yoonited States, pervided he wusn't impeeched. tf he wus then we should hev the prililege uv consid riu him worthy uv confidence or not, ez the circumstances uv the case shooJ warrant. 2. That the Ccngrid of the Yoonlted S'.a'.ea wuz a unconstitutinna! tody, with wus per?ittent!y endeavrin to break up the Csoverument uv the Yoo nited States, with we wus es persistent ly strivin to save. 3. That the only hope of the Yoon un lay id the displacement uv tub, traitors es Grant, Sumner and Stevens, and the pultiu in ther places sich tfile less patiarks es IJreckenridge, lime, Vallandygum, el. ul. 4. That the thaaks of the Democra cy is due the people of the South for fotbenrance in riot riin to sweep the RadaiTe facihun from the face uv the earth. : At this pint Bigler arose. He wau tid to know ef this Convenshun, stylia itself Denocratic. wus agoin to be eat i-fied with them resolooshens? He called for the read in of the regler one, without wich, no Democratic platform wus complete. He referred to the on dedicatiu this Government fovever 10 white iutn. ' Ilre it is," he eaic': ResolvrJ, That this Govern i e,it wus establUheiil by white men, and that white men will keep it intact for white men and their posterity forever "I demand esa white man." says this Bigler, "that this resolooshen be added. Let every white man every proud cau cashen, w ho believes in race, say 'aye' and with emphasis." And every one uv rm hollered out "aye" witlii all ther mi.e "Good!"ised Bigler, "good. White men ami uer postef ity what a noble sen'.unent Siy 'aye' to my resoloo- bhen agin. And thty yelled "aye" a; in. -ow foiiock; ircther in tne trco faiih.Jce n y baptised, willyoo op-n the door Its belter to be a door keeper in the house cf Democracy than dwell in thej'?nts of Ab!i;henism. Open the door." Wich Pollock did and then entered wat! Good Heavens! A HCNDnFD Ml'LltTO, QCADBOOX AND OCTI100I MCCtRS TWO BY TWO. "Wat djes this mean?" t-hrieked I. "Vho are lhem?"gaped Deekin Togram. ' "IIell!"fed Issaker Gavitt, profane- iy- ; 'They are the posteriry referred to in my rcsolooehen. This Government w us establULed by white men, and shel be preserved for white men aid their posterity," I thinT; it read. These are the posterity. There may be a few here who wcod be birred out on the score uv bein the posterity cf white wo men. but these- are excephuns. I should have included white women in my resolooshun. The majority uv those here, es yoo can easily determine by ther color, are the posterity uv white men. They are not pure black. Here is every shade from ihe subdood yaller uv (he mulatto up to the almost white wh has only a sixteenth part nigger bNod in his veins. Ur course tlity tv II ta 3 tbe-iw- in ooniinarin a ticket wich called us together." LTv coor?e they won't," roared Dee kin Pogram. "I never will sit in a convensher. with niggers never! nev ei! ! nevei! ! !" Very good. Ef this is the yoouan imus decision, we won't nominate i ny ticket. I take tlu responsibility uv busi in this convenshen. But, oh, Deekin! wal a goin back on yoor principles! Dare yoo deny that these shades, these modified mokes, are the posterity uv white men Deekin, should yoo cist yoor ben.i.in eye o er this assemblage, woodu'lil rc t parentally and lovingly onto yoor own posterity? Uh, lJeeuai, ef yoo go back on ihe resolushen with yoo yoonanimusly voted for, don't I beg uv yoo, go back onto nacher. Don't desert yoor children. Dou't turn a detf ear lo the pleadin3 uv nacher, or a blind eye to her supplications. Han nibal Pograin, o and beg yoor father to permit yoo, Ins posterity, tcarcely blacker than he, and a custed site lanhsomer, to mix in this caucus." Tha D-ekiu indignantly left lha room, ai d I follered soot, with eggsam pie wuz follered by all uv ts. Bigler and Pollock remained and nominated a ticket uv these h df bleached cusses, making it up entirely uv the Pogram. Gavitt and Punt niggers, ez these names, they sed, hed weight in ihe W I T -II II' couny no win aeiiver us irora these two bodies uv deth. PtTUOLIlLSI V. NasHV, P. M., (Wicli Is Postmaster.) M l JSy Wendell Phillips, in a recent ettt-r, speaks of General Butler'o con duct in the impeachment cafe as fol lows: "Without reflecting ou any other manager, since all have done rind will do their duty, the nation, up to this hour, lhanks General Bmler for the success of the impeachment. His vig or, skill, tireless energy, unequalled ability, have carried it on. After standing that one immortal hour in the breathless Senate Chamber, and seeinr ihe four ablest lawyers Johnson could summon, entirely bowed, disconcertedt appalled, silenced by his fckitl sitting in mute bewilderment he needs no word i t praise. That scene, unparal leled iu judicial annals, must be testi mony enough to his ability. We can assure him ttiat the loyal millions en joyed his iriuu ph, deemed it only his due, and thanked nun most cotoiaiiy that ttucLi skill was used on the right side.' ALTA VULA. Nelson, the President s Tennessee buncombe orator, had the bad taste the other day to bring into the impeach meul trial a refeience to the Alia Vela case, in which he charged some of the Managers with improper action. The controversy over Alia Vela commenced some months ago between Secre tary Seward and Andrew Johnson's friend and legal adviser, Jerry Black Aita Vela is a small island or key half a mile wide and three quarters of a mile louj. It lies about sixteen mile south of the southernmost cape of St. Domingo. On this desolate island Baltimore arm discovered guano and troceeued to gather and ship it lo the LTuited States. The Domimoiaus however, came in on them, broke up the works, and held the workmen in captivity for a month. The Baltimore merchants consequently 6ued for pos session of the island and damages douc their property. They employed Black as their counsel. Seward decided agaiusi their cluinv Black replied in a bitter persona! comn.unicaticn, accus ing Seward1 of falsehood, treachery, men al and moral unfitness for his po sition, and other equally dignified terms It has transpired that a letter of Black's withdrawing from ihe counsel was written after an interview where in nothing was said regarding the with drawal. The President had declined to give any decision tor or against Black in the Aita Vela case, and Black thought it necessary to bring the subject before Congress, where it would of necessity be conducted in hos tility to the President's course. After leaving Mr. Johnson, Mr. Black wrote him from his office thut he could not abandon his clients in thd Aha Vela case, aud that nothing more could be done, except to appeal it to Congress, and that there the attack would be di retted against thf President, and that .wjr such circumstances he could not consistently appear for him before the Semue iu the approaching trial. lie further ci lied th. attention of Mr. Johnson to the fact that from the first, be staled to the President that retain iiinr him as one of the counsel would, only prejudice his case on account of the strong feeling against him (Black) ou the pari cf the Radicals." For these reasons he withdrew Nelson's reply lo Butler'a defence of himself in regard lo this affair was understood to bo a challenge lo fight a duel. This called out Sumner's resolution of censure. So the Aim Vela affair has had un unpleasant odor all around. Jifuscaiine Jour nil. "jCTA correspondent of the St. Joseph Herald gives his opinion of the B.g Muddy," and tells how he Ji7 gel along: "I think it can tafely bo asseried that the Missouri is crookedest river in the world. Just above Sioux City boats go westward, then following the hind around we found ihe boat go ing eaeiward, another bend shaped our course north, thence around anoth er point and we found her tteering soMihward until we landed ai a woud yard just five miles from Sioux City, distance by rivet forty miles. m m rTA Nashville paper publishes quite a long list of colored men ia that ci;y, who have accummulated property ranging in the teveral cases from S2.000 to SoO.000. Many of them bought their freedom and that of their wives and children before the war. .cyit is truly amusing to see the freaks of the Ji's loyal party. At one lime they harp on the national debt and the burdensome taxes. When a reduction is "made on the tax of some article, and the income from that source is consequently less, they make that a prominent hobby. They grum ble if you do and they grumble if you don't. They never are satisfied unless they are feeding at the public'crib. 2y"Fort Laramie despatches eay that the Peaca CommisHouers threat ened the Indians with a war of exter mination if they did not come in this lime and make treaties of permanent peace. Whether the threat will bnug theru in to rnike sach treaties, and whether if they do not the threat will lo carried out, the people wait to see. IMiil. Slieridau at Fisher's Hill. Some new views of the "Fight at Fisher's Hill" are given by James F. Fill in the last Galaxy, who himself was an actor iu the affray. The fol lowing anecdote w ill bear repeating: As evening approached on the day of the fight, Sheridan had entirely com pleted his dispositions, and had his army in hand to his entire satisfaction. His intention was not, however, to attack that night, probably esteemiug it best to await the dawn of another morning; and he had withdrawn a little to the rear, where head quarters had been hastily established; intending to rest a little, when a curious coincidence changed his plans and sent him for ward that night to victory. An aide rode up with ihe announcement: "General Crook sends Lis compli ments, sir, and says he is ia position. He'd like to have you know, sir, that his men are in capital spirits." "Glad cf it," said Sheridan. "Tell him to stay where h is." In less than three minutes up came another aide with another message. "General Wright's compliments, general. He is ready to attack any minute, and the men are anxious' for it. They were never in better spirits." "Good, again!" responded Sheridan. "Tell the general he will hear from me in good lime." And hardly had he uttered the words when aide number three came up at a gallop. Ganeral Emory sends his compli ments, general He told me to say to you that that the enemy has developed nothing but a weak picket on his left. The corps is in excellent spirits." 'Well, now, by George, if the whole army is in such good trim and temper, why delay it? We won't as sure as srs ni ! 'tt my name s 1'nu. sueriuan: xousir, to the aide, "ride Lack to General Emory, rapidly and tell him to attack at once vigorously vith his whote force! Major, take h .iuroet to Genera) Wright. Captain, the same to Cieneral Crook. Mount, gentlemen, mount. We'll have that hill Lefore another hour." IIA.M'. A Democratic paper says that the whole Radical creed is c.-ir pristd iu a . sk 1 one word, "urani. very goou word for a creed, too. Grant means to give. the lieputolican party means t grant lo every man his just rights. It will grant succor anJ protection lo op pressed American citizens at home and abroad, irrespective of color, race or religion. Ii will grant peace and pros perity lo the country. It will grant a remission of the heavy taxation under which the country has groaned. It will grant all that the people justly ask. Peside.it will grant the Democratic party a tremendous whipping nex; fall. As a creed, Grant has another advan tage over the Democratic creed. The Democratic creed is very brief, com prising only three words, "D n the ?ei!" But ours is still shorter, if compiised in one word. The two are directly opposite in taeauing Ours means to give; theirs to condemn and .i . e torture. Uurs is trie very essence oi charity. jQA Now Yirk Democrat eued a man iu war limes for calling him a 6e 1. cessionist. several trials nave ueen held in which the juries could not agree. The democrat thought the cash dif ference between the reputation of a democrat and a secessionist w;a five thousand dollars. At last a jury made up mostly of democrats have decided that th?ir democratic brother was dam aged jutt At cents worth. That tellies a disputed question, borne claim lhat there is a great difference between a democrat and a secessionist, but it is now settled that there is just 'x cents difference. E3TAn inventor at Washington claims ihe discovery of a process for selling or distributing type by machin ery opetated Ly electricity. Or, in other words, by means of one of these machines located in on o! the news paper offices in New York or Chicago, and connected by telegraph with the national Capitol, the reporter or opera tor in Washington could put his dis patch in type at the same lime h trans mits it ty telegraph the machine standing in New York or Chicago, while he ii in Washington. CTISCOXSIX SOLDIEIt. The Wisconsin "boys in blue" have called a convention in Milwaukee on ihe 15th of this month, to elect dele gates to the National Soldiers Conven tion, to be held in Chicago on the I9:h. In their cull we find the following pat riotic language; "We cordially invite the cooperat:oii cf all those who are still ready to sus tain those principfes of liberty and union for which we fought, who desire to keep the sceptre of power in loyal hands, and who are willing to unite heartily with all friends of freedom and justice in sustaining those whose hands sustained the country ia trial, or whose hearts beat true to the music of the Union. Animated by no factious spirit, nor by any desire to force men or measures upon ihe country, we wish simply to take such action as shall unite all true defenders of the flag, and induce them lo rally round our late leader, General Grant, and such ether distinguished and tried patriots as shall" have proved themselves true beyond peradventure to our time-honored and blood-bought principles. Let us kind ly renew the patriotic fnes of 1SG1, and again rally around the flag." JgiS""I will not believe anything tut what I understand," said a self-confident youn? man in a hotel one day. "Nor will I," said another. "Neither will I," chimed in a third. "Gentlemen," said one well known to me, who was on a journey, and set close by, "do I understand you correct ly, that you will not believe anything you do not understand?" "I will not," said one, and so said each one of the trio. "Well," said the stranger, "In my ride this morning, I saw some geese in a field eating grass; do you believe thai?" "Of course," said ihe three. "And I also saw sheep and cows' eating grass; do you believe that?" "Of course," was the again reply. "Wvll, tu lb srM -l.io.'. lacl Jia J formerly eaten had, by digestion, turned to feathers on the backs of the geese, to bristles on the backs of the swine, to wool on the sheep, and on the cows it had turned to huir; do you be lievo that, g.tntleinen?" "Certainly," they it plied. "Yes you bolieve it," ho replied, but do you understand hi" They wero counfouud jd und silent, and evidently ashamed, ns ihey well might be. Thu "steam inun" lhat Inm made so much talk is i.ovv denounced by a Newuik man, who seems to un derstand the case, uj an unmitigated humbug. It never has walked a slep since it was made. It was carrind Id an ice cream garden; then it was prop ped up so that its feel did not loach iho ground, and set agoing; its loj& cwung buck and forth in the empty air; but that was all. It was announced lo walk over to Btrnum's but it cotiveni ilygotout of repair, and rth?.t was worse, the ice cream man haj ot an attachment for tlie wonderful ht!mbu that will not let it walk. T he finan cial obstacle may be only a i,hain, but ihe physical difficulties are real. It will tumble over as fast as it can bo set up. JgyThe LaCrosso Dr.moctat ay "it devolves on Democratic journals and speakers to warn the people againtt the Satanic while nigger mobs, known as Dhrttitan associations, aid societies, mission clubs, etc. Democrats, avoid them as you would the plague." EiyTho latest uuthentic ndvices from Georgia announce ihe ratification of the constitution by nine thouaand majority, the election of a Republican Governor by eight thousand majority, and a Republican majority in both branches of the Legislature. There has been really a slight "reaction" ia Georgia from the times when it used to elect Democratic, slave driving, fire eatinjj Governors. Legislators, and members of Congress ' XyA pin Las as much head as a great many authors and a great deal more point. tfvgrThe Lungs of the Lord was the title; of a Scotch paper published fifty years since in Glasgow. EiEfDouslas Jorrold taid Eve ate the forbidden fruit that the tnigh have the pleasure tf drewic i