! i f , :r , "7 any mrm attempts to haul doion the American Flag, shoot him on the spot." VOL. 4. PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 18C8. AO. 5. I; I THE HE11AL.D I? PUBLISHED WE EKLY, by ii. r. HATHAWAY, EDITOFl AND PROPFUETOrl. VO IE e4 eoruar Slain street and Ltc, second Terms: $2.50 per annum. Hales of Advertising X i i',uire (space of tea linos) oue Insertion, K-u-.i sube-aent insertion - - Prfes 1 nal curds n iteiccJlns fix It O ar-qu&rter column or less, per annum ' six mouths ' thru uiontLs 0.1-half CluHo twelve months nix man On t.ro 1.00 10 (10 3.". f o Sf'.OO IXJ eo.oo l"tl IH) 60.00 .00 orin three aiuntht 3 !"'iljran twelve m-nths vix months - - t.iree month all transient advtrtiJe:a.;:U mu'. lie p a J ance. )- W.- ar. pr. pared to -b all k In.ls of on nhort.notlce, :iu'l iu a style that w i.l faction. Work all- WILLITT P0TTEIIQ ATTOUNEV AT LAW TLATTSMOUTII NEBRASKA. T. ill JIAISiiUESTT. ATTORNEY AT LAW Asr Solicitor in Chancery. rij.vrrsMouTii, .xebraska nTiaiiiviNosTON, m. d. Physician and Surgeon, Tenders his professional services to tlie citizens ef Cass cn'iDty. gYr Itesiilence south-cast corner oft'alc anil .Vixth treeU; Office on Main street, opposite Court House, PlUUinouih, Nebraska. Platte Valley House Ed. B. Mi-rphv, Proprietor. Corner of Miin and Fourth Streets, lMattsmoutla, A'el. This Home bavin b'en re fitt-d ami newly fur-rsh.-d onVrs first-class aivommudatioat-. Board by tfce day or week. S. MAXWELL, SAM. M. CIIAI'MA.V Maxwell & Chapman, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ADO Solicitors in Chancery. PLATTSX0CTIT, - XLBRASKA. OtSce uTct LUck, Kotfry A C'o'a Drug Store, prl CLARKE, PORTER & ERWIJT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, And Ovjiicitors in Chancery, MA I A ST., OPPOSITE THE C0LRTU0VSE PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. iTLaas J. elicit, vu lont.T romtn, w a. w. rarria. r?T- HEAL ESTATE AG E.CT.-Jl Jaail wtf JOSEPn GCIII.ATER, WATC3T MAKER and JEWELER, 111.1 6 TBEET, PLATTSMOUTII, - - NEBRASKA A f.iod atsortmrnt if Watrhes t'lo - :o!J Pens J.welry. Silrcr Ware, Fane io-: Violins and Vi- lla Triiutnioss always on hand. All work com saitted to his c-ire will be warrantJ. April 10, l-?bi. . if. ititR, cun rjl ciioxios, Lata St.pt InJiiin Afiiirt. j Attorney! (it Luic IRISH, CALHOTJN'&CROXTON. The above ncm'J Fi,tnnen have associated Ueniselfn in business t-r the purpose of j.piscih lag and CJlleeiinK nil cUims ac.iinst the Gentrl tiernmeui, or against any trit fif Indians, and are prepared to tTo'""nte such claims, either Lrfore CoOjre,',r anrol the Pepartm.;TU of UoTiruuient er before the '-"ourt of Claims. Ma Irish will l'Tut-: hi's perssoal a'.teution to lm r'iine at Wasliir.gton. OiUec at et,ra.-ka t'rty, corner af Main and Flfta streets. Rational Claim Agency. WASHINGTON D- C F. M- DORRINGTON, SUli A'JENT: L TTSM0UTH, - - NEBRASKA, I .n,..vl n.vnt ir.l rr se.-nte claims brf -re ress. Coirt of (,'laiTiis and the Depl . iuiuU. I'a- .' . . .. t II T ail i. lis. red. r5 rtiarvresruoderat-.and In proportion to laeamiuntofthecUiia. H. DOIliilN O TO . April in, 'C5 J. N. WISE, General Lift, Accident, Fire, Inland and Transit INSURANCE AGENT Will take ri.-ks at roasonahle rat'isin the most reliiibl c iipanies in the United fetalts. fJ"OtBce at the book etore, Pia sir ccth, Nebras . niay21ltf -Hillincry & Dressmaking T MISS A. K. DErPA!5 Mas. R. p. KlKSKET Opposite the City Bakrry. Nit t would rcspoctfully announce to the I.'!ies of Plattsmouth and vicinity, that we hivejust tceTed a large and well cl-rted atoclc of Winter soois, consianag f Flowers, Kihbt.ns, velvets, (Ireis trimmings, Ac., Ac We will sell the cheaiet ?"ols ever sold ia Ihisci-y. We can acciioiiio!ate all our ' old customers and as many new me as will 'avor us ; with a call. A II kinds of work in our line done to order. PerfeU gat.ufaction giveii or co charges royStf BOOKS I STATiONERY. Books, School Books, Newspapers, Magai;ne3, rriodicals, and all kinds of Stationery, ft MURPHY'S BOOK-STORE, Poes-crfflee Baildinc, Main itreet. ec21 ATTORNEY AT LAW General Land Agent, Lincoln. ... Xelrazka. Will p-aetiee in any of the Courts of the State, and Will bay and a-ll Keat Bk.ase on eomraiestrn, PJ Taxes, ejuntne Irtles, it:. nv?ijtf WJI. J. FOIID, UPHOLSTERER. PAPER-HANGER, &.C Main street, - - Opposite Post Office, Will kep on hand ami make to order, Mattressos, f icturo Frames, Window fchades, Wall Tarer, Ac. t"Er"AIl kind of Turning executed la good style. nov T V7. cl SHANNON'S Feed, Sale and -Livery Maim St., Plattsmouth. I am prepared to acxmuiuCdte the public (t Horses, Carriages and Buggies, Also, a nice Hearse, 0a short notice ami reasonable terms. A Hark will run to Meamboat lit&dlrc, 2nd to all parts of the city when desired. mr'-it J. W. SHANNON. W. D. GAGE. W. R. DAVIS. CEKTJIAL STORE. Bry-Goods, Groceries, Provisions, UOOTSaud H0Ky3 Ulairi Street, two doors above Fourth, W here the public may find THE BEST OF GOODS, and prices as low as can be F und in the city. We retarn fhanks for the liberal patronage we hare reci ired, ar.d hope to merit it. continuance. 0. 30, '67 0 AGE DAVIS. ILLCOX&ffhlBBS I, The Champion jj lof 136 first pre miums in twcll Ilseasons. Its seam isVartronirer and legs liable to rip than the Lock Stitch." "Jwlgrt" Report of Via Grand. 'lral. 1 ' Send for the "Report," and Samples of work, containing both kinds of stitches on the same piece of good a Agents wanted. L. CORNELL St CO., Gen'l Agents, . 138 Lake EX., Chicago. F. JJ I Ol)J . declSyt Agent. l"a:;ia.ou;t., Nrfc FAIRBAIIK'S faTA.tDiliD SCALES. ??p-?i?L Fairbanks, Greenleaf 220 A 2iS UtkeSt. Chicago. I'M Alnrket iSt , St. Limit careful to buy only the Genuine. rnjy2i J. W. JENNINGS, AYOCA, CASS COILXTY .XEB., (Jtnning Si Dill's f7vitr and Wool Mills.) Dealer In Dry. Goods, Groceries, Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes, Hardware And such articles as are adapted to a Farming Community. WE WILL SELL CHEAP AS ANY, Or exchange for Produce. We ray the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE forgr. In of all kinds or take '.b exchange for foods i 1 1 G..i3 I);rCLUX(;S at nil price. Any persons wi.-tiinp to purchase Farrn-propert y, or Hsideiices la town will dad them for sale at al prievs. By ltonp.i;.GTON, mrT. ItKAL Kstatc gtxt. G It. McCAIiLUM, Slanuf.cturer of and dealer in Saddles and Harness, Of every d"script:oii, wholesale and retail. No 13fl) Main street, between 5lh and 6lh streets, N'brnnka City. - j13 IVOTICE. JAMES 0'NEIL Is my authorized As;ent for the coll' ction of all accounts due the underwent d for medical Fervices; his receipt svill be valid for the payment of any monies on said arconrits. Ai:K"ft 14, lsC7. K. K. LIVINGSTON, M.D. Weeping Water Iflills. Farmers, go where you can get the best Flour and the most of it. S3 lb of X X X FLOVIt and li Iht of BRAS giveu in exchange for good Wheat. Wo are also doing grist work; and, witb our In creastd facilities, feci assured that we can give the Its I aI1d the most flour of any uiiil In the State. Satisfaction Guaranteed PRODUCE BOUGHT AM) SOLD. HIGHEST MARSET TRICE PAID. REED Si CLINTON. Marefc !6th, 13C9. THOMAS W. SHRYOCK, CABINET MAKER, A XV DEALER IX Furniture and Chairs. THIRD STREET, (Near MalnJ PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. r3"Fanera!a attended at the shortest aottee. JanSO P ill III! U U hi I PKOCLL'UING8 Of the State Republican Convention held at A'elraska City, A pi il 29A 1S63. ' The delegates to the Republican State Convention met pursuant to pulli?hed call of the Republican State Central Committee at the Court House in Ne brrtBlia City, at 12 o'clock, M. on Wed nesday, April 20th, and were called to order by Hon. O. P. Mason. On motion Gen. It. R. Livingston was chosen temporary chairman, and W W Carder temporary secretary. On motion, Gen. Strickland, A. 13. Fuller, Sam Maxwell, S CSmiih, and A S Steward were appointed a com mittee on credentials. On motion a committee to report on termsnent organization was appointed, consisting of J S CburcU O A Abbott, Geo U Smith, J E Lamaster and Thos J Majors. The convention then adjourned until 2 c'clouk. AniESOO-N SESSIOX. Samuel Maxwell from the commit tee on credentialjf ubmitted the follow ing report. We fir.d delegates present as foi- 1 jjws: Richardson. E S Dandy. J T Hole. J M Dewees, L Algewahr, H. Holcom. Jfemaha, Richardson and Johnson H. Rlicdes. Pawnee, Saline, Lancaster, Gage and Jefferson AV W Carder. Johnson. John R Patrick. Otoe Tolbert A'hton. T D Croak, II C Wolph, John Roberts, J E La master, Geo F Lee, R M Rolfe. Lancaster. S B Pout.d. Cass, Sarpy, Saunders and Seward. A B FuIIit. Platte. Jtfertick, Hull, Buffalo, Kear ney and Lincoln R C Smith. Sarpy. J B Mnxfield John Ritchie. Uovglas. S A Strickland, Joseph Fox, J M Howard, P Metz, J B Fu ray. Geo R Smith, A R Hoel, J Smi ley Dodee W I V-.,al. Gage 2nd Jifferson. N Blakcly. r la tie L Gerard. Washington. Elam Clark, A Per kins. Hull, Buffalo and Merrick. O A Abbott. Burl and Washington. W G Olin ger. Burt and Cuming A Rockwell. Dakota, Cedar, Dixon and L"Eau-qui-ccurt J M Chambers. Dodge Cuming, Dixon, Stanton, Dakota, Cedar, L Eau qui court and Pierce John Cayton. Pawnee. A S Stewart. Cass. R R Livingston, George L Sejlolt, LG Todd, Lavvson Sheldon, S. Maxwell. Saunders, Seward and Bvtlcr. C II Walker. Js'emaha. Thos J Majors, George Crow, J S Church, W S Reed, J R Lark ins. Sa'ine: Lincoln and Kearney. J W Vore. Dadota. A. Baird The report of the committee was re ceived and adjpted. Gen. Strickland moved to appoint a committee of five on Privileges and Elections, lo consider a contest as to a sert in the convention, for the district of Saline, Lincoln and Kearney coun ii"s. The motion prevailed, and Mhe Chairman appointed as such committt e, Messrs. E S Dundy, II C Wolph.S B Pound, L Gerard, J M Howard. George R Smith from the committee on Permanent Oagamzation, reported as follows: For President Samuel Maxwell, of Cass county. For Secretary. John M. Howard, o Douglas county. The report was unanimously adop ted. On motion, Gen. Strickland, Mr Church, and Mr Smith were appointed a committee to conduct the President to the chair. E S Dundy, from committee on priv ileges aud elections on the contest for a seat from the district of Saline, Lin coln and Kearney reported that from the evidence before ihern, both appli cants for the seat, M T Patrick and J W Vore, were entitled to the seat contested and recommended that both be admitted to cast each a half vote. Report was adopted. L Sheldon move J the adoption of the following: .Resolved, Thai this convention trans act no other business at this time, than the election of delegates to Chicago; and that the convention then adjourn lo meet ngain at Nebraska City, August 26th, 166S, to nominate State officers. Mr Abbott moved an amendment, to strike out Nebraska City ana insert Columbus. A S Stewart moved to lay resolution and amendment on the table. On division the vote ttood 2o yea?. 21 nays; chair vote no, so that tne mo- lion to lay on the table was lost. Mr. Striclacd moved that the vote on amendment be taken by ballot. Yeas 29, nays 17. On the amendment by Mr Abbott the vote was taken by yeaa and nays. Yeas, 21 1 2 nays 23 1 2 Mr Strickland moved to strike out Nebra-.ka City and insert Omaha. Lost. The q ielion recurring on Mr Shel don's original resolution. The roll was about to be called when Joseph Fox moved a recess of fifteen minutes. Division yeas 21 nays 19. After recess, the roll being called 53 delegates answered present. Question on Sheldou's resolution re sulted 21 yeas 29 nay?. . . On suggestion of Gen. Strickland the President appointed Mr Cowin assistant secre'.ary. Mr J S Church moved the appoint mem of two tellers and that the conven tion proceed to nominations. The motion prevailed and the chair s appointed Mr Church and Gen Strick land as tellers. A motion by Mr. Smiley, that the convention Droceed to elect delegates to Chicago, was carried. jj.: Gen. Livingston ofl'red the follow ing resolution: Resolved, That Hons. John M Thay er and Thomas W Tipum. be and they are hereby declared delegates at large from the Stale of Nebraska, lo the Na tional convention o be held at Cnica on the 20. h day of May, 1S68. The Resolution was voted down. Mr. Ful!fer moved ihe voting be djnfc by ballot, every delegate voting for six delegates. Mr Majors moved that the three persons north of Platte, and ihe three nersnns sou ih of Platte, receiving the highest number of vttes be the dele gales elect to Chicago. Upon a count the ballot resulted; S A Sirickland 39, Alvin Saunders 23. A J Harding 22. T B Stevenson 29. Thos J Majors 13, E'am Clark 19 R W Furnas 37, N Blakely 8, M T Patrick 11, L Gerard 2S, Frank Welch 11, S Maxwell 27, Geo P Tucker 8, II T Clark 13, S B Pound 7, N S Por ter 3.G W Frcst 1. T P Kennard 1, E S Dundy 1, J G Miller 1. Under the firmer order of the Con vection therefore Messrs. S A Strick land; Alvin Saunders, L Gerard T B Stevenson, R W Furnas and S Max well were chosen delegates to Chicago. Mr. Fox moved that the convention procetd to elect a candidate for Mem ber of Congress; but withdrew il while Mr Livingston moved that there be a committee appointed to report resolu tions. The motion was carried. The chair appointed R R Livingston J S Church and L Gerard. And up. on motion Messrs L Algewhar and J B Furay were added to the committee. Mr Fuller moved that the conven tion lake a recess until 7 o'clock. Yeas 22, Nays 22. Chair voted aye. EVENING SESSION" Mr Jos Fox renewed his motion thai the convention proceed to nominate candidates in the order named in the call. Carried. For Congress. S A Strickland nominated Hon John Tafle. L G Todd nominated HonT M Mar quett. A motion was made to rescind the last vote, to permit an informal ballot for candidate for Congress. The motion was lost. The ballot was then taken and re sulted: For John Tafle 34, T M Marquett 18. Mr Strickland moved that delegates from Sarpy cast the vote for John Ritchie, absent. Carried. Gen Livingston moved that the nom ination of Hon John Taffe be made unanimous, arriea. Hon T M Marquett appeared and congratulated the convention upon ihe selection of Mr TaflV, and upon the duties of Republicans in the premises. His remarks were received with vocif erous applause. For Governer. Col Ritchia nominated Gov David Butler. Gen Sirickland m,oved that the rules be su?pended, and the nomination of Gov Butlerbe affirmed by acclamation. Carried. Gov Butler appeared, accepted the nomination, and promised success to the entire Republican ticket, and to Re publican principles iu ihe State. Mr ToJ j moved a recess of fifteen minute. The Motion was last. For Secretary of State. Mr Rolfe, of Otoe, nominated Hon Tho's P Kennard. Mr Smith moved that ihe rules be suspended and the nomination be af firmed by acclamation. Carried Mr Kennard appeared and accepted ihe nomination. For Auditor, Dr A S Stewart, of Pawnee, nom inated John Gillespie. Gen Livingston moved the suspen sion of the rules and to affirm ihe nom ination by acclamation. Carried. For Treasurer. Mr Rolfe, of Otoe, nominated James Sweet of Otoe. Mr Geo R Smith moved the suspen sion of ihe rules and the affirmation of ihe nomination of Mr. Sweet by ac clamation. Carried. For Presidential Electors. The fallowing gentlemen were named: E B Taylor, Win McLe.i uan, L Algewahr, John Cadu.an, T M Marquett, J F Warner, O H Irish, O P Mason, A Saunders. Before counting the ballot, Mr Church moved that the persons receiv injr the hiirhest number of vo'es, pro vided they be a majority of nil the votes of the convention, be declared elected. On the count of ihe ballot ihe fol lowing was the resjli: Mr Marquett had 27 votes; Mr Algewahr, 2-5; J F Warner, 23. O P Mason 21, O II Irish, 16; E B Taylor, 13; J Cadman, 4; Win McLennan, 2; A Siunders, 2. Mr Marquett having a majority was declared elected. Col. Ritchie moved that Lewis Al rrewahr and J F Warner be elected by acclamation. Ctrried. Gen Livingston, from ihe committee on resolutions reported the following: Platform: Resolved, That we point with pride and satisfaction to the history and rec ord of the reat National Republi can Party of the United States and ask for it the confidence and unfalter ing support of our fellow citizens: First, Because it saved the R public from overthrow by pu'.ting djwn ths most wanton and wicked Rebellion urred in the interest of slavery and oppression, ever known to the history of the world: Second, Because it has stood like a "wall of fire' between tha oppressed and iheir relentless and unrepentant oppressors, and demanded, as il still demands, that in the Reconstruction of the rebel States, loyal men only shall con'rol: Third, Because it has given to the country a Homestead Law, thus provid ing Free hones for Free'.Men, and pro viding lands for the laudless without price. Fourth. Because it has chartered and endowed the Great Pacific Rail Road, thus uniting with iron bands, the At lantic with the Pacific, and bringing through ihe State the commerce of China and India, in exchange for the commodities and productions of Amer ican labor, skill and enterprise. Fifth, Because it is the vivifying power that imparts to the efforts of the struggling friends of freedom, through out ihe world, their light, their heat and their highest value. Resolved, That we heartily approve of aud endorse as just the doctrine of uuiversal amnesty and impartial suf frage, believing that in its app'ication will be found a just rule tor a perma nent eettlemeni of the great question of recons ruction Resolved, That, recognizing the doc trine that allrsriance is alieiiib.e, our national government should protect American citizens abroad, whetherna tive or foreign born, and any outrage committed on the person of an Ameri can citizen by a foreign government should be resisted at every cost, and at all hazard. Rcsclvtd, That the nation is deeply indebted to the soldiers and sailors who gallautly defended it in the late war of ihe Rebellion, and that ihe memory of those who perished in the conflict, should and will be held in grateful re membrance; and their widows and chil dren should be tenderly cared for by the nntion; that those who returned and are in our midst we congratulate, and tender them the assurance of our honor and regard, aud trust that they will aid in perpetuating the liberties of the Consiitution of the country they parilled their lives to save. Resolved, That the Republican party was organized for the preservation of ihe life of our nation, and for the pur pose of estab.ishing equality to all be fore ihe law; and that whilst, as a parly wj favor all movements tending to pro mote public morality, yet we are op posed to all prohibitory laws and stat utes interfering with the national cus toms of any portion of our citizens, as subversive of sound morality, and as unnecessary abridgements of the liber ties of the person guaranteed ihe peo ple by all Republican Constitutions. Mr. Gerard moved that the report be received. CarrieJ. Mr. Wolph moved that the resolu tions be considered seriatim. Lost. M. Gerard that the platform be adopted. Carried O. A. Abbot, of Hall county, moved the following: llesclved, That Ulysses S. Grant of Illinois, is the first choice of this con vention for President, and Benj. F Wade of Ohio, our first choice for Vice President, and that our delegates to Chicago use all honorable means to se cure iheir nomination. Mr. Furay moved to amend by strik ing out Mr. Wade s name and m-erl that of John M. Thayer. Gen. Strickland furnished ihe fol lowing letter from Gen. Thayer: Washington, D. C, ) April 22J, 1SGS. $ Gen. S. A. Strickland, My Dear Sir: Some kind friends in Nebraska have mentioned my name in connection with the Vice Presidency Truly erateful to them for this expres sion of their regard, I must, however, request that no proposition of the kind be entertained in the convention about to assemble. If not officious I will express ihe hope that the choice of the Republican pnrty of Nebraska, be Grant and Wade. Wade helped to make Nebraska a State. Why should not Nebraska help to make Wade Vice President? Very truly your trieud, John M. Thayer Mr Furay withdrew his amendment and the resolution was adopted. -Mr. Strickland moved the election of six alternate delegates. Carried. E. S. Dundy moved that A. J. Har ding be the alternite of T. B. Sievjn son. Mr. Maxfield moved that John Ritchie be alternate for S. A. Strick land. Dr Stewart moved that T. J. Ma jors be alternate for R. W. Furnas. Mr. W. I. Vestal moved that E. Clarke, be alternate for A. Saunders. I. B. Maxfield moved that S. C. Smith be alternate for L. Gerard. Gen Livingston moved that J. G Miller be alternate for S Maxwell. The several motions were adopted. Gsn. Strickland moved that the del egates from the Senatorial districts recommend each amemherof the State Central Committee and that the chair ;-hall appoint persons so recommended Carried. A S Stewart'inoved that the next State Convention be held at Lincoln Mr. Strickland moved to amend by inserting Omaha instead of Lincoln On division on the amendment the vote was yeas 21, nays 27 So it was lost Mr Dundy moved to lay the origina motion on the table. On division the question resulted as annouueed by the chair, yeas 2o nays 18. Dr A S Siewail appealed from the dicision of the chair. j Upon the question of sustaining the chair, the roll was called, and resulted yeas. 22; nays, 24. So the decision of the chair was teversed. Quest-on recurring on the original motion. Mr Fox movd to insert Bellevue instead of Lincoln, Lost. Geo R Smith moved to insert Platts mouth instead of Lincoln. Gen Livingston demanded previous question on Dr Stewart's motion Thj previous question being seconded, - On the original motion to hold, the next convention at Lincoln, the vote was in ihe affirmative. Mr Smiley moved that the next State convention be held on the 2d Wtdnesday in August precceding the next State election. Adopted. At the suggestion of the several del egations the President appointed the followine: STATE CIJTH4L COM.MITTS, 6th Disirict H D Hathaway 2J " J S "hurch . 8ih E K Valentine and E B Taylor 5th , - R M Rolfe and N B Lar&h . 1st " EE Cunningham 7ih R R Livingston 3d II inman Rhodes 4.h Wr W Carder 10th E II Barnard 11th " OA Abbot E S Dundy called the attention of the convention to ihe item in the call relative to the basis of representation to future conventions. . Gen Strickland moved (hat the ba sis of representation be upon t'ie entire vole for Governor. Mr Church moved to amend by mak ing the bam the Republican vote for President in November. The amendment was adopted. The chairman called the attention of the convention to the last resolution of the platform, because he supposed it had been passed unwittingly iy the convention. Mr Strickland moved that the vote by which the last resolution was adopt ed be reconsidered. The motion prevailed, and the reso lution was re committed for amend ment. Mr Howard moved a recess of twen ty minutes, to permit the several Judi cial District convention to meet.v Car ried. After reces?. Gen Livingston from the committee on Resolutions reported that a majoaity of the committee were in favor of withdrawing the resolution which had been recommitted, The report was adopted. The Judicial District Delegates re ported for District Attorney. For 1st District, O B Hewetl, 2J " J C Cowin. 3d E F Gray. Gen Livingston read a resolution as a substitute for the one withdrawn Mr Gerard moved its adobiion. Mr. Vestal moved that the resolution be laid ou the table. No quorum appearing, on motion of Col Baird, the convention adjourned sine die. . Samuel Maxwell, Chu. J. M. Howard, Sec'y. .Fays of Coiuiiaifing (Suicide. Wearing ;hin shoes on damp nights in rainy weather. Building cn the "air tight" principle. Leading a life of enfeebling, stupid laziness aud keeping the mind in a round of unatural excitement by read ing trashy novels. Going to balls in all sorts of weather in the thinnest possible drees. Dancing till in a coTsplete prespjration, then go ing home through the damp air. Sleeping on feather beds in seven by nine bedrooms. Surfeiting on hot and very stimula ting suppers. Marrying in haste getting an uncon genial companion, atd living the rest of life in mutual disatufaciion. Eating without time to masticate the food. Allowing love of gain to so absorb our minds, as to leave no lime to attend to our health. Following an unhealthy occupation because money can be made at it. Temp.iog the appetite with niceties when ihe stomach says no. Contriving to keep a continual worry about something or nothing. Retiring in the small hours and rising at noon. Nelecting to take proper care of our selves when a simple disease fir 4 appears. 1 ' i t I i s (I I ' I -: i . ; y , il I i v !;.)' h . !