llw'-M-i" m i ;: : : I rv if . iSJf any mffn attempts to Jiaul doion the American Flag, shoot him on the spot." VOL. 4. PL.ATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 18G8. i0. 4. THE HERALD IS PUBLISHED WE EKL Y, BY VI. r. HATHAWAY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. tJ-OBe, eroer Mais afreet and Lom, eocene! toff. Tcrmi: $2.50 per annum. Rates of Jldccrtising Oae square (space of tea lines) oue insertion, $1 -50 t ca labieqornt Insertion - 1.00 Pn.fe itnal card nut exceeding six II 10 00 O r-..aarter column or les, per annum 35.00 six mouth 10. PO tbrr uunlki IS OO e a half celuU-a twelvemonths 6.oo six meotbs ts.00 three months 20.00 Oaecela-aa twelve months 100.00 sis mouth ... CO.oo three months .00 411 transient advert'fetnents mast ke p oria advance. 3- W are prepared to do all kinds of Work a short notice, and in a style that wlil satis faction. WILLITT P0TTENO ATTORNEY AT LAW, PLATTSMODTII - - NEBRASKA. T. ITI IflAUUUETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor in Chancery. rLATTSMOUTII, - - NEURASKA B. B LIVINOSTON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Taodsrs his profVsxtnnal servic-a to tbe citirens ef Oass eeanty. p-r" Residence eouth-east corner oft'ak an I .Vixth streets; OlBee on Main street, opposite Court House, Flattsmoath, Nebraska. Platte Valley House Ed. B. Murphy, Proprietor. Corner of JU.tin and Fourth Streets, lMntf smoiitli, IVe1. This noue having been re fl'.t-d and newly fur--nlsk.4 offers first cUs accataniod Jlioas. Board bf the day or week. ur.;S S. MAXWELL, BAM. M. CHAPMAN Iflaxwell fc Chapman, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Solicitors in Chancery. TlATTSMOVTII,' - - " A'JUinASKA. 0ee aver Black, Battery Co' Drug fctore. CLARKE, PORTER & ERWIN, ATTO li IVE i SUlpJY, nd Solicitors in "Chancery, " JfAIJf KT.,OrVOSlTE THE COURTHOUSE PLATTSM0UTH, NEB. ejtwu I. lutu, roai.T roBTra, i. w. rwi. tW RIAL ESTATE AGSXCT.-. Jaa4 wtf JOSEPH 6CHLATEB, WATC? MAKER and JEWELER, B Al STBIXT, PLATTSMOUTII, - - NEBRASKA A geod assoittuent of Watches Clo - " old Pens. J.welry, S.lver Ware, Fane .oo Violins and I lia TriiBming always on hand. Ail work com aattted to bis care will be warranted. April 10. IStiS. " 1 I e. a. laisa, Citmri caoxroa, f St.pt Indian A Jairt. j Attorntyi at Late IRISH, CALHOUN & CR0XT0N. The abore named gentlemen hare associated thiB,elves in business fr the purpose or prosecut lag and collecting all claims af-aiust tbe General Government, or against any tribe of Indians, and are prepared to prosecute aoch claims, either before Congress, or any of the Departments of tiovernment r before the Court of Claims, Ma. laisn will devote bis personal attention to the husines at Washington. tf- Offlse at Xobtaska Cfty.aorner ef Mala and fifth streete. National Claim Agency. WASHINGTON. D- C- F. M- DORRINGTON, SUB AGENT: MrTSMOUTII, - NEBRASKA, , -spared to present and prosernte claims before t-ei rresa. Court of Claims and the Dept. tnincs. Pa st its. Pen'iont, Bonnie", and Bounty Lands se wred. yCharies moderate, and in proportion to amuT.t of the claim. V. M. DORIUNUTON. April 10. '5 J. N. WISE, General Life, Accident, Fire, Inland and INSURANCE AGENT Will take rik at reasonable raft in tbe most reliabl upaniea in the United Slat'',. Cf01Eee at the book store, Pla sir cath, Nebras , maySldtf Millinery & Drcssrankins, JT afliss a. M. I)rm Mm. R. p. KaNaaur Opposite the City Bakery. "WJ K would rospectfully announce to the Ladies ef I'lattsruouth and vicinity, that we havejnst Teeeieed a large and well se'-cied slock of Winter VooUk, eonsisltns; 'f Flower, Ribbons, relTSt.o, dress trimmini, Ac, Ac. We will isell the cheapest (fowl wyer sold iu this ci'y. We can scoimniodatc all our wld sastomers ao.l aa many new ones a will fayor us with a rail. All kind of work in our line done to wraar. Perfect sata.fction given or no charges mjStf BOOKS I STATIONERY. Books, School Books, New.papera, Magazines, Weriodicals, and all kinds of Stationery, at MURPHY'S BOOK-STORE, roee-waVe Building, Main street. c34 n. S. JESXISG8, ATTORNEY AT LAW AXD-- General Land Agent, Lincoln. ... Nebraska. Will p'astie in any of the Courts of the ?tate, and "Will bay and soil Real Bwrte on wnnmtwrhin, pay Wffl. J. FORD, UPHOLSTERER, PAPER-HANGER. &.C Main street, - - Opposite Post OJJlce, Will keep on hand and make to order, Mattres, iiciure m rames, n lauow enaaes, v, an rarer, c. C17A II kinds of Turning executed in good style. osv T V7. ! SHANNON'S Feed, Sale and Livery STABLE. MaiwSt., Plattemoutu I am prepared to accommodate the public wtt Horses, Carriages and Buggies, Also, a nice Hearse, On short notice and reasonable terms. A Ilack will run to steamboat landing, and to all parts of the city wneo ae.lreu. inr23 J. W. EIIAKNOK. W. D. GAGE. W. R. DAVIS. CENTRAL STORE. Dry-Coods, Groceries Provisions. BOOTS .and SHOES', Main Sired, two doors abort Fourth, Where the public may find THE BEST OF GOODS, and priced at low a can bu f und in tbe city. We relurn flianfc foe- the liberal pa'ronairn we baye rec iyed, and h"pi; to merit it continuaure. Oc:. 30, gage a davis. RniLLCOX&IBBS nil onuiup 11 Uiiipniuc If The Chanipioi) lof 136 firitpr. If miuius in twoll) Iseasons. U "Its seam isiJstronKCr and less liable to rip than the Lock Stitch." "Judge' Report of the Grand Trial." Send for the "Report," and Samples of work, containing both kinds of stitchea on tbe isuie piece of goods. Agents wanted. L. C0BSZLL CO., Gen'l Agents, 13S Laka St., Chicago. K. Aseir. i. roDi). l:a!tjc;uuir., N-B avisyi FAIEBAJ, E'B-1 SCALES. or ALL KINDS Fairbanks, Greenleaf & Co-. S2f A 2 JS hike St. Chicago. !i')9 Jlirl et St. , St. Limit. K3r careful to bur only the Genuine. mjy2-2 J. W. JENNINGS, AVOCA, CASS COUNTY NED., (Jenniugn 3t DilVi Flour and Wool Mill.) Dealer in Dry.Goods, Groceries, Hats and Caps, Boots andshoes, Hardware And such articles as are adapted to a Farming Community. WE WILL SELL CHEAP AS AN Y, Or exchange for Produce. We ray the IIIGIIEST MARKET PRICE forgtf ioof all kind or take la exchange for goods fcbStnS DWELLIXKS at all price. Any persons wishing to purchase Farm-property, or Residences in town will And them for sale at al prices. By IDORRINQTOK, wwf. Rkal K-TATa AnaT. G K. McCALLUM, Sfannf ictnrerof and dealer in Saddles and Ilariiess, Of every description, wholesale and retail, !?o. 130 Main street, between 5th and 6th streets, Nebraska City. jelS IVOTICE. JAMES O'XEIL is my authorixed Agent for the collection of all accounts due tho tinderoienrd for medical service'; his receipt will be valid for the payment of any monies on said arconnt-t. Arncu-t 14. 1567. K. K. LIVINGSTON. M.D. Weeping Water Mills. Farmers, go where you can get the 6esf Flour and the most of it. 85 lbtf X X I FLOUIi and 12 lit MRAM t-ireu in exchange for good Wheat. We are also doing grist work; and, with ear In creased facilities, fuel assured that we can give the bttl aud the most floor of any mill iu tbe kitate. Satisfaction Guaranteed PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. HIGHEST MARKET FKICK PAID. REED & CLINTON. March 16ih, 1S63. THOMAS W- SHRYOCK, . CABINET MAKER, ASD DEALER IK Furniture and Chairs. THIRD STREET, (Sear Main,) PLA TTSJfO UTH, NEBRASKA. trFaaera!s atmded at the (Tbortest aottr. j aS0 IMQL1TY OF CASTE. Tbe Republican Senate ef Califor oia recently passed a bill to authorize es: I was detained by an iocideot, and as follows the causes of war against engage in the business of fortune tel Chinese to give testimony against did not reach the church until service thf new Constitution in Michigan ling will ficd the following hints useful: whites in criminal cmrt; but theDem had commenced. As I was entering causes which ecu Id not fail of securing January He thit is born in Janu- ocratic Assembly iVt .ued it. Tbe Chinese in California are remarkatly industrious, ingenious, inoffensive, and, though by no means faultless, are far more sinned airainst than sinniner. It is notorious that they are systematic- lit? abnspd. in.uhed. wronired and rob btd by the baser and more ruffianly , whites, aLd that the law afford them no redress the Civil Rights net being systematically defisd to their prejudice. The following sample of their treat- mem i fri-eii bw the Nevada Gazette: "The trial and acnuittal of Brannan - D- -I in our County Court is a fair sample of the effect of our Slate law excluding the Chinese from giving testimony against a white. The jurymen who very promptly brought in a verdict of ac quittal, could not have had the least doubt of bis guilt, the preof being as positive as well could be; but for the lack of legal testimony that a robbery bad been committed, and which proof could only be given by the Chinamen who were robbed, th highwayman has to be turned loose to continue his nefar ious business. Brannnn, with three others, went to a Chinese caVin near Summit Valley, and robbed the inmates of SoO, Bran nan himself taking the money. While he robbery was going on, some of the Chinamen managed to get away, and raising a large party of their friends. ving near by, took after the robbers and captured Brannan and another man named Kelly, the other two making their escape. The captured robbers were severely beaten by the Mongo lians, from the effects of which Kelly died, and Brannan would probably have been killed but for the arrival of the foreman in charge of the working party of Chinese. lie was guarded that night by whites at the Chinese camp, ana, prooaDiy anpnofiinp- me proof to be positive against him, he ad- mitted thai he went there with the " " I three other rascals for the purpose of robbery, and that they got 50 ihe rst ,K.vh ti. rhmnmon aid C all WU Ul Vt IIUIV . w-Mtaa'WM thev had bten'robbed. The law, however is clear that the admission of " I anartvioihe commission of a crime shall not be taken in evidence unless it has first been established by other les timony that the crime has been com w I mitted. Here was the most positive corroborative evidence of the guilt of the accused; but the exclusion of the Chinese from testifying broke the chain of evidence." Nashville, April 3. Last Wed nesday an ex-Federal soldier named Graham, well known in Nashville, war, driven out of Mouct Pleasant County, Tenn. by a Kuk-KIux mob. He had gone to the place with a view of secur ing employment as a teach?r. While at the Post Office he was surrounded by a mob of 15 or 20 rebels, who de manded to know where he was from and what wis bis business. He polite ly and frankly answered the question, when he was told that no d d Yan kee who bad fought against the South during the war should lire in Mount Pleasant, and he must, on pain of death, leave the place within five minutes. He was followed three miles from the town, and cursed, tantalized and re peatedly threatened with infant death. The mob was headed by Nixon, the town constable, who claimed to have CO men under his command who would swear that no Radical Yankees should settle within' bis lines. Mr. Graham returned to this city yesterday. SfThe question is canvassed in Ohio whether, if Senator Wade becomes acting President by the convictien and removal of Mr. Johnson, will there be a vacancy in the representation of Ohio in tbe Senate to be filled by the Legis lature. Mr. Vallandigham thinks there will; but the better opinirn is that there will nou If Mr. Wade becomes acting President, it will be solely be cause he is President of the Senate and he holds that office only as a Sena tor. He will ipso facto cease to be President of the Senate, and cannot therefore be acting President. It seems quite clear that his office as Senator will not be vacated in casecf the President's conviction. CO.f OHEU.1TIOIVAL. SIIVGIXC.. - Says a writer in one of our exchang the door tbe organ was playing that glorious old Windsor, which the leader sometimes shows his good sense by selecting for a hymn of worship. stepped in a pew close bv the door iust as the people rose. Near me wan noor old Solomon Meek, who in his r - . feebleness and poverty, has for some time been ul' " iadows are a little longer 0nI -a..etiiiihe!immerof the day's ut beam uasiiowa. As nis ear caught the dear strains of I.. . ..... '3 younger days, his bands claspe.l, and ni dut eyes looked upward, as with tremulous but gentle tones he sang: Oh, God, our help in ases past. Our hope" for years to come. Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home. Never, to my dying day, shall I for- get that picture of heavenly truit and resignation, so soonjo be rudely and cruelly marred; , for at the gesture from the fashionable Highheads, whoie pew is near there, our obsequious sex- ton stepped up to the old man. and 1 supnose told him to stop sincinc forhi.-! eyes filled wiili tears ajid his head dropped as his humble song of praire to his God ceased. I am perfectly aware that if all the people were to s.ng in our congtega lions there would be some voices out of tune, some an octave to low, some singing on one tone, some tremulous, some noarse ana some broken; and yet they who prevent these was that it doubled the saleries of near voices from praising and worshiping ly all the State officers. their M-iker, even in their imperfect way, or stop them in the act, take upon themselves more responsibility than I should like to bear. ES-The Buffalo Courier (copper- bead) does not sympathize witn the World, Times and other organs of 'its I a . V I party wno sneer ai.ne tnase rumor, It sees in it ihe only hope or tne ue- ... . a I mocarcy, and deliberately sets about trying to seduce him from the path of duty. It reads the Chief Justice a long I ..... . lecture unnn the possibility and rewards J I of his securing the acquittal of Mr. Johnson. It reasons after this wise: ''There are 54 SenaUrs, If nineteen of these vote against couviction, im- I I neachment fails. Eleven can be count- ed on to do so," but how can the mis- sing eight be found? "'I here's the rub." The Courier's scheme is for the Chief Justice to make himself the rallying poijt for those Senators who, as it al- Iedges, have'shown symptoms of wav- ering. The trouble is there are no such Senators. Judge Trumbull, Messrs. Fessenden, Edmunds, and oth ers who have ranked among ihe con- servatives are as radical in this re- gard as Sumuer or Chandler. JJSS"A correspondent who has re cently visited Andersoville cemetery, says: You may read statements of mortality unmoved, bui when yon see a row of graves of 130 men, who all died in one day, you are shocked. Il mns have taken a small army to bury these men. They lay shoulder lo shoulder, as they stood in the ranks; yet ihe dead in one day more than fill a row two huodred feet long. My in dignation went on increasiug from 'No. 1. died February 18. 1864,' to 'No. 1S.84S, died April 28. 1S65.' I fear if we all lived within sight of Ander sonville, there would be no moderate men. hardly jusl men, but a nation of revengeful men." JJSiFThe recent fluctuations in Erie stock have made and unmade some fortunes for individuals in New York. One gentleman made $80,000 in one day, and another los; 300,000 dollars in a single day. So says a New York paper. A Boston man offers to build ihe proposed bridge between ihe city proper and East Boston, and spend 1,000,000 dollars on it, if he may have the toll for ten years, which he calcu lates will be 5,000 dollars a day That would pay and "leave a margin." CSfThe Ai-tor House in New York, when re opened, is to be rented for $55,000; ihe St. Nicholas is rented for 878,000, and ihe Fifth Avenue somewhere nsar $50,000. l..aa.als.a B1ICII1GAW, - The Chicago Tribune summarizes its defeat a result which has been for sometime a foregone conclusion. The Constitution was opposed II 1. By all the Democrats because it made all the freemen in th btate voters, aud by,a few Republicans for the same reason. . 2. By a large body of the Spiritual- ists of the Stitte, because there was s requirement that the Legislature shall be opened "with prayer," and the pre- amble says something about a "reli - ance on God." .1 I 2. By. another c'.ass'Jof 'voters, be- cau$8 the Constitution provides that no appeal shall be had from the Board of Supervisors of a countv in relation to accounts against the county for servict s. 4. By a large and respectable class because the instrument allows all town shins to vote aid to railroad projects The last Legislature was flooded with bills legalizing these townhip subscrip- tjons. (Jov. Crapo vetoed all the bills. -mi the thousands who agreed with him voted 'against the Constitution. The question divided every township, as it nrns ont of direct taxation. 5. It was voted against by the great bulk of the prohibition party, for the reason that the present Constitution authonizes prohibitory legislation, which tbe new Constitution will n't permit, udless the seperaie clauses to that effect be adopted. 6. Another clause inducing many I .n persons to vote against tne Constitution, To attempt to stem the tide of oppo- shioa to this array of articles was im- possible, and .the result confirms the I expectations of all. ABSURO LITKH AGAKCE. -The New York Home Journal des cribes a fashionable select dinner party t r -w r a i a a given oy a ixew rorit iaay last week- ine caras ui MmiavU cuE t 1 t J in goia ana enciosea m mree cornerea envelopes with gold edges. The ta ble-cloth was of white velveteen, edged v .i sr.! wun cut fringe, in tne centre or tue w. w table was a massive tpergne, or orna mented stand of gold, witti small bas: keis hanging from it filled with fruit, fancy boxes, bonbons, etc., etc A a a A J large bouquet or rare nowers was placed at each plate, with the bill ot fare printed in gold, on white satin ribbon. The waiters were dressed in crimson coats, knee breeches, silk stock- ings and powdered wigs! An crches- ira furnished delicious music; and the bill of fare embraced every luxury that the season atlorded. iwentyguesis surrounded the luxurious table, whish cost ihe extravagant giver enough to feed the hungry por and clothe the naked of a whole district for many days. JKsy-The New Orleans Picayune suggests that the Democrats nominate General Hancock for President, "ihe man who has proved the best friend tbe Sou'.h has had since the war euded, and whose brilliant career as a soldier should gain for him every Northern vote which is not sworn away to Rad icalism." An Irishman says he can see no earthly reason why women should not be allowed to become medical men. CGfDan Rice has been summoned to the White House The event justi fies the suspicion thai the President wishes to engage as an itinerating clown. jJgThe funniest incident that his lately transpired is the case of a doting mother, who, being satisfied that her child merited a flogging, first had him placed under the influence of chloro form. "- fiSTThe 3d U. S. Cavalry. Major Elliot commanding, left Leavenworih on Friday last for Fort Hayes Karsas. Serioui Indian trouble is apprehended in Kansas this summer. JC3?-A reunion.at Gettysburg, on ihe 1st of July, of officers of the Army of the Potomec, is proposed and it is in tended to purchase the Theological Seminary buildings as the nucleus of a national watering place. gThe Das Moines Register learns that Hon. J. F. Wilson will not be a candidate for re-nomination in the First Iowa Congressional District. FORTt!E:TELLI.0. I Those of our readers who wish to ary will be laborious and a lover of good wine, be very subject to infidelity, and withal a fine singer. The woman I born in that month will be a good housewife, rather melancholy, but good natured. February The man born in thi month will love money much, but la dies mors. He wnl bt stingy at home butjprodigal abroad. The lady will be humane and affectionate to her mother 1 March The man born in March will be rather handsome. He will be honest and prudent but will die poor The lady will be passionate, jealous and a cLatter-box. April The man who has the mis fortune la be born in April will be sub i - I ject to maladies. He will travel to bis disadvantage, for he will marry a rich heiress, who will prove a virago. The lady who has the same misfonune wil share the same fate. May The man born in this month will be handsome and amiable. He will make his wife happy. The teu will be equally blest in every respect June The m&n born in this month wil be small of stature, and passion atsly fond of children. The lady will b personage fond of coffee, and will I marry young, I July The man born in July will be fat, and will suffer death for :he woman he loves. The female fill be very hfindsome, with a sharp nose and I s s I -li . t . t nne oust, oa win oe oi raiaer suuy temper. August The man born in the month of August will ba ambit'O'is and courageous, lie will nave two wives. The lady will be amiable and twice married, but her second husband will cause her to regret the first. September He who is born in Sep ten.ber will be strong aud prudent, but will be too easy with his wife, who will cause him great uneasiness. The lady Will 08 rOUllU tsvou cauva nil 41UH-.U, witty, discreel and loved by her friends. October The man born in this mouth will have a handsome face and florid complexion. He will be wicked aud inconsistent. He will promise one thing and do another, and remain poor. The lady will be pretty, a little fond of talking; will have l.vo or three hus bands, who will die of grief she will know why. November The man born in this month will have a fine face, and be a gay deceiver. The lady of this month will be large, liberal and original. December The man born in this month will be a good sort of personage, though passionate. He will devote himself to politics and be loved by his wife. The lady will be amiable and handsome, with a good mind, a fine fig ure ond very honest. iTy-The Catholic Telegraph, an in fluential journal of Cincinnati, and a leader of the Democracy in that quar ter, comes out very decidedly for the nomination of Chief Justice Chase as the Democratic candidate for the Pres idency. J52nThe telegraph cable across the Ohio river five miles above Louisville, was so melted by lightning Tuesday morning as to utterly destroy it. A new cable wiil have lobe laid down al a cost of about $5,000 gOfBcial returns from forty-six counties in Wisconsin show a gain for Judge Dixon (Republican) of 1,421 votes over thai for Governor last fall. His majority will be about 6,500. No reaction. geSS-The Republicans of the Second District of Massachusetts indorse Gen. Grant, Senator Wilson, and impeach ment, and send Henry Pierce and Henry B. Wheelright as delegates to Chicago. ST"During the five years the Re publicans of Indiana have been in pow er, they have reduced the State debt more than one half, besides paying all tbe war expenses of the State. C&ifLet our laws at d institutions apeak cot of white men, not of red men, not of black men, not of men of any complexion but, like the laws of God, the ten commandments and the Lord's prayer, let them speak of ihe people. Horace .Maynard, j The Old Regime.: Sam, have you whipped Molly, as I told you?' "Yes, father." "Have you delivered Sue's young "uu to ihe trader who bought it yester day?" Yes, faiher." "Did you cut down the rations of the field hands" "Yes father." "Did you tell the niggers that if they wore any clothes to the cotton field, ex cept for women a tow shirt, and for men a pair of tow pants, you would give them twenty lashes each?" "Yes, father." "Have you rubbed Jim's back with salt?" "Yes, faiher," "Did you string up that nigger that had the spelling book?" "Yes. father " "Have you heard what ihey did up the creek, yesterday, with that d tl abolishinist, that was psalm-singing around that neighborhood?" "Yes, father." "Well?" "They give him five and forty aud rode him on a rail?" "Cuss it, why didn't they bang him? But come in now, Sammy, we are go ing to have prayers." This is the style of thing that the Republicans are endeavoring to rid this country of forever; that's the style of things that the CornirlonH Jr. it , . i. league with the old nigger-drivera would re-establish. Chicago Post. fThe Mississippi Stale Journal says: ' Whenever whipped rebels agree to live in peace with the Union men, who saved the Government, order will be restored to the South; but until this consent on ihe part of traitors is yeild- ed, ihere will be trouble." JEST",,You ought to acquire the fac ulty of being at home in the best soci ety, said a fashionable aunt to aa onest nephew. "I manage that easy nougb." it-srunf-rt lh npnhpw. "liv staying at home with my. wife anJ clulJreii." A great m my Democrats got drunk on Tuesday, and orae of them are not yet sober. This fact must ac count for the mistake ihey made yea- erday in parading under the folds of the American flag. Fx. Safety of Da. Livingstone. The safety of Dr. Livingstone, the great African traveller.has been as sured beyond a shade of doubt. A let ter has been recieved in London on tbe 8cb, written by him, in which he states that he is in good health, and will soon reiurn to England. He has been suc cessful in his explorations. This news sets al rest ihe conflict ing stories that have agitattd the pub ic mind for months, over the reported murder of the Doctor. John Phoenix once said that when from :he deck of an outgoing steamer he shouted to a friend, "Good-bye, Colonel," two thirds of the crowd raised their hats and taid: "Good-bye, ole fel. Tek ker yerself." One of Buchanan's Cabinet tea years ago, sent an advertisement to a New York paper, with orders for it insertion until ihe department ordered it stopped. The direction was never sent, and the paper has just forwarded a bill of several thousand dollars to the department for collection. EsS-The playbills of Ford's Thea. tre, in Washington, cn the night of the assassination of President Lincoln, now command $10 each, and are purchased at that pries by "collectors''' in New York city. 5T'There are in the stable at Jer ome Park, preparing for the spring races, fifty seven horses. AmoDgthem are Kentucky, Fleetwing, DeCourcey, Rapture, Coon Vanhoaen, Exila or Pepper's Gho:t, Enchantress, Gerald or Head Centre, Wild Jessie, Jewess, xtra, Magnet, Canme Bairn, Attrac- ion, Australia, Fenian, Billy Connor, Zig Zag Sleety, Bonnie Btaes. Lost Cause, Tasmania, &c. 5"Hon. Alexander McDonald. U. S, Senator elect from Arkansas for tho short term, was formerly a merchant nd banker at Fort Smith, Kansa. ,i '; i ; 9 'ft