K. S HARDING ':& CO . 108T tinCI BCILDfO . N. T NEBRASKA.CITY, - WBOLXflXa, AXD KKTAfL DBAtBKfl Hf SCIIOOL V BdOKS Air STATIONERY ' Also AfM for ii th prinolpal " ' MA GA ZISES ni NE WSPA PER S, : 1. - jag, wbjoh Subsoriptleei are received atPobMibe - - - Price. Wui- n. Lemkc, MERCHANT TAILOR, ONE DOOR WEST OF NEW BAKERY, Plattsmouti. Nebraska. i27 1866 f ' " - 1 CITY" BAKERY AND ' ' ' CONTECTIONERY, -.p. Ibtadelmann, - ' ' ;!;- ' ' ' - ' - - Mt . PIES, K USX, Te., Of the best quality, can bo obtained at all I would invite special attention to the fact thai I have flt ted op an excellent ICE CREAM SALOON In eonneetton wlfh the Bakery, where, you can be accommodated at all time. . , Wadding parties supplied on short notice with anything in the line of Confectionery or 1'aatry. - Call and aee mi. - jeio PLASTIC SLATE, PllO BONO PUBLICO. " - OIi 'AH K . &. P L XI M M E E v,, -"7 ': -" r- HA VI BEcriYED A Jfw. Coods, ice Goods," Chaap Good. Fancy Good., Staple Goods. Bon-ton Goods, Spriaf , Hjlr, soiled tc tvtry generation frsm m Jnuut to bis Giautllaiher. ' .Our Stock of - Dress Goods, Shawls, Trimmings, . . . Notions and White ijrooas .- . i . - v - ' - ..I is fall and hat been aeWted with special esre. and to the Ladies we would extend a special to call soon and f teo - OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, We baethe Kewest Styles aid the Largest Stock evei brought to this market. - CARPETS, CARPETS, Tbree-ply, Two-ply, Union, Stair, Bush limiting. Oil-Cloth and Bug in great variety. Those snprb new Spring Styles are open for inspeetlo-i. Call and lect yonrsult wh.ie T ')oc " complete. We also have the janntiest nai o sua vara, inn ueaicri itjf a o onvu.i er opened ont In this City, toemor wuu a iuii nut vi ucm r ui uiaufg vi You will also Bod a foil tock of . .. UROCKRIES, QCKKN3WARB, GLASSWARE, HAKDWARK, and a large stock of FARMING UTENSILS and MACHINERY. To the fanners. We wonld especially call your attcnt ion to onr stock of Agricultural implements. We see the Celebrated Clipper Plow ail sii-"s. ,.,.,. Breaking Plows. Corn Plows, and Cultivators, also the celebrated Vandever Corn Planters. The Excels:or Black Hawk Walkiog Cultivator, Horse Rakes, and McCormick's unparalleled .Harvesting Jffacfitfics. ' ve The only machine that received the Grand Gold Medal of Ilunor at the Paris Exposition of 1867. Fo full information call and get McCormic's Pamphlet- A . ... , i Ja ccnelnsien, we would say . , . Come and See, apr2 68 : " v CliARK A; PLUMMER Fuller;5 Warren &' Co: STOTES AND HOLLOW WARE. AT WHOLESALE. GREAT REVOLUTION IN THE Bole mannfactnrers of the eelskratsd P. P. STEWART'S C00KISO J.ND PARLOR STOVXX t v.- .' ' S .'- t CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST.,' i r f ; 'i R O O F I 1ST Q- " AND OTHER PURPOSES. he process -of reconrtincting 61ate Eton from a " - , s disintegrated state was "PATENTEDFEB. 21st, 1865. Itjt a aomhlnatioa oJ ' ' ' U i ; f i I J . . Pulverized Slate and ... k .j Viscous Matter, (she latter pomessins; qnalitlei of geological and ahstnieal affinity (or the formes,) and is a de- . . (.Talopaaranior oae of the simple bnt tinl- ' Rrable tendencies of nature A ROOFING HATERIAL AS IT BTARDS DNBlTAUtD. " S. A. WIGGIWHORir D. SCBNA5SE.' E. A, WIGGENHORN fe CO., At the New York Cash Store, offer tcthe public the Largest . and best selected ..... . atock of - - DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, - ' - HATS AND CAPS. BOO TS AND SHOES. . ....... YANKEE NOTIONS. HARDWARE, WOODEN-WARE, QUEENSWARE, ' ! AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We give below the price's of a few articles aod sell all other Goods, at the -: . . - -- - . -. same low rates: ' ; ; - v ? .The best Prints (Merrimac & Cochecos) incrucTed, lSc'per'yard. Prints for quilts and Lining, 9c per yard. New Style Printed Delaines. 2oc per yard.; - ,- . - -.' .. Denims aod Striped Shirt'ng, 15c per yard. . " Bleached and Brown Muslin at Eastern prices. aT-A large line of Stovea epseilly adapt i to the Western siarsei cooiauii7 . w : ' WHITE &- BUTTERY, DIAlthB m 3 ;: :t :, : ' ' 'J t i - - i-f Drugs, Medicines.; , Chemicals , ' . ..... - : - Toilet Foaps, . . Brushes, ' all Kinds, Perfumery, and Fancy Toilet Articles, Ioys, i russesj - Supporters, , iShoulder Braces, Grass and Garden Seeds, For Medicinal purposes. " Paints, Oils, Tarnishes and Dye Stuffs, . . Stationary, Carbon Oil, Lamps, Chimneys, . Glass and I'utty, also, CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Green and Dried Fruits. CONFECTIONARY, &c- &c. Having been enraped in selling Dmcs and Groceries la thin city for Ihe last six years we know tne wants of tne neopl in our line oi trade, and are prodrred wlih a larre tork of (icod, of tlie very ! si quality to supply those wants at very low puces. Piattemuuth, ;il April 2, 18. " . "- . - . . . ' WHITE fc BUTTE HY. t MlJXu?: 4? M'SC of. White and . Colored . Wankels '.'atl 8to aoe9c Heat : - onderjufly 010 I'nces. A,uly noflDg Mateflal evev'diseovrred fHat win I . '.Yfe are Agents for the Best PLOWS anil SEED SOWERS FRY & HOLMES, GEN. WESTERN A3ENTS, NO. 53 S TJ1 T E S T., CHICAGO," - -'ILLINOIS. JACCB V4LLIRY, JR. riTM yiLURT, ' P JE. nurrnKB. VALLERYS & RUFPNER, (Successors to Slaude & Jlnderson.) ; vn?ivnlIy V.?Bee t0 OUr Mta'h lbst we hSTe d the entire stock ol gooin of 8T VK & AN DtllaOJi and that we are now able to sell th"m goods at iri-iui EXCEEDINGLY LO W PRICES. Oar Motto is " LARGE SALES & SMALL PROFITS. . . .... ... .... .. , ... .Oar Slock consists of ;. rv - Dry-(2 opds"apd Groceries, - - Staple and Fancy Goods, - Hardware and Queensware; ;' Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, And a large stock of ri n a r -ma - n . . t .- rw - . iiusiLj i-iu;iji!s ujui iiijvu, WOODEJV AND WILLOW WARE, 1ROJVAJVD NAILS, And in fact, everiy thing that a man wants. tJ-Give us a call and we guarantee yon entile satisfaction. J. .-.:y. Middletou & Co, STATIOAEUS, BLA NK BOOK MA 1S UFA CTUR ERx r B t i- "t r fOt' -.1 9 i I 4 1 4 LITHOGnJPHEnSy AK0 Notarial and Corporate Seals- 90 Luhe Street, CHICAGO, - - 111. Merchants, ' , Uankn, Hail Hoads and ' ' ' Public Offices. fsb7jrl TLTTI.E, - - WETMORE. JOBBERS OF ' y . MEN'S' AND BOYS' OLOTHIInTG-, 'AND . FURNISHING GOODS. 58 and 60 Lako Street, . . CHICAGO, - IIINOIS. TcTTi-K. Thompson & Wktmori , Chicngo.' Isaac rivso & Lo-, uoit n, Ainu'. - - - fei nyrl A - U'v ... resist tao ua wiesoenis as urns as . the stmrtare it protect, Being sns - eeptiMe of little If any wear .",."''' . : from exposure and '- .V. PERFECTLY FIRE - PROOF, It Is nivqnalled as a costing; f r railroad and farm uiidisga. bridges, bottoms of Teasels, van!', etc man Jl Unibe World. TLo OAROCN OITY CLIPPER PLOW. 1 1 Stand at our "store! Cash vaidfor "Wheal.and Corn.-. ? ; , . s '..;;'JEwKemember tne old corner. - ' ! Plaitsmouth, January t 1868. v Bnvers are invited to call and exam'ne onr. large . m ! . I. t . I . "' ' J . jan30 ISCd ' - VALLERYS RUFFsYER Agents for the Schuttlcr JVagon.g CHILL) &BKIUUS, JJiolcsalc Grocers, , . . t . . . And D4Jlrt in " CAKHSD "GOODS " sy w' - Use, V'f V-'vi-: . J. d. siMPsoy, .W. HICKEL WAIT, ED WD BCTTSIti: ASD Materials for sale by ALFRED OSBORN - - Sol Licensee for Nebraska, " Doualas. St- - - Omaha, Neb. xnyl ly ' : - ; i 3 K. C. DOOM, EW STORE. XVERTOlf DOOM. c f. I, BAKU, ' I. B.CLaAE Tootle. Hanna & Clark, , . BANKERS, J. E. DOOM, doom:, beo; & co. NORTH SIDE OF MJJ IN STREET, NEJ1R THE COURT HOUSE, Dealers in , Dry-Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, : ixiassware, Queens ware, Nails, &c, DEPOSITS RECEIVED All of which we are prepared to sell as low as any: House west, ui me iriisnuuri mver. sinrt arterial attention rivpn to ITnllpftmna I ... r J f r ; stock of . . ;. Dealers Is Groceries, Notions, -Shoes,: FIELD, LIETER & CO IMPORTERS A5D Simpson, Mickelwait & Co., Wholesale and Retail a : 40 SOUTH WATER STREET,' CHICAGO. - - - 1LLLY01S. '- ' feli'ilm 3H Wholesale Dealers Receiving, Forwarding and Commission merchants, .1 Gold Dust, Gold and Silver Coin. Exchange, U. S- , and other Stocks PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA. PTjATTSMOTJTBT, n. t. mf ddlwtf . .WAGONS! J R. PORTJGR & CO Al- Agent In this city for the sale of .the2cUbratd South Bend - Wagons," Made by Studebaker Bros. Tber.hava on hand a (sod assortment, which will fee replenished as fasts aesaets. xney propose-to sou at the very lowest agores. Plstumouth, Vareh 26. tf Farnham Souse, HARNEY STREET, FARM IMPLEMENTS, BET00BS. 110, 112, 114, & 1IG Lake Street. .CHWAGO. GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, Dealers in Consisting Ic part of DOORS, sash, WIN DO W-BLIXDS, GLASS, - -Threshing Machines, Reapers and Mowers. Sulky and Revolving Rakes, Plows of all kinds, Cultivators, Drills, &c. SAMUEL Y. GREER, (Successor to I i logue A O'eet ) FMIE and (JARDICN HO? E MANTJFACTUItKIt, AT HIK LU STAXD, SO. t20 XORTR .r, (Cfub!ithoJ 1821.) PHILADELPHIA- Fire Buckets, Suction ITose, - Bands for Machinery, &c- &c. 4JTbe abnve articles wrii? be mads of the brat rurkmai-ah'p, and on tUe nigal reasonable teimi. feWTmfl - . X. H. Wheeler & Or, Real Estate Agen s. PLATTSMOUTII, N. T., Offer for sale the following Heal Katata. See. T'p S . Eat half northeast quarler West half lionhnert quarter South half northeast quart- r V irrli lialf soutlieust quarter Northeast quarter Houlliarett quarter H'nl half aouib.-ast quarter Nor Hi half soattlcaat quar'er Wel half nurtheiirt (juarirr AiMJ JU1 TUn W OOD LUMBER., - SIIIXGLES. L A TIF. - Northwe-t quart, r northwest qr ' ' W't na f mil i tHt ntt;irt TVe Warrant every Machine We Sell. Call and examine before purchasing efeewhere . DOOKV1, BRO 6l CO Special attention given to orders. feb27m3 Hibbard & Spencer, JOBBERS OF PIC HE TS, E TC, E TC. 82 IS 11 33 12 II Ji 13 13 Bi li II 18 II 13 Bi 11 11 8i 11 11 1 10 14 3 11 II 18 12 18 13 13 13 4 10 IS no HO 69 100 Iftf M ! 80 . Hard w a re. Eat half southeast quarter fouinwert qimrw soiitneasl qaarter4 lit 18 8ouih half not (barest quarter li 13 IS w Northwest quartei 22 13 IS East half outtiwmt quarter 18 10 14 ' North linlr sou'heai't quarter 10 10 II North half soinhwest qiarter 10 10 13 ' ' Weft half northwest quarter 8 11 It - 8 - Northeast quarter 91 13 13 Hndivi. led half soutfaweat quarter S8 II 13 . I Fast half northwest quarter 1 It IS t Northwest quarter nuribea-t quarter 1 11 U. ti Lots in the city of llattsmoul i. Plaurmonth, Feb'y 6th, 1S3. E. T, DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Lot 6 8 S 10 9 4 Block 23 26 3 87 123 i.9 Tbenorth half of lot 12 8 10 1 8 Blork M 38 as 90 . IS as 47 Lot BI J 6 2 H f H ' 4 : J THOMPSON'S ADDITION.- Essthalf of blocks 1, 4. 7, 8 snd 10. Sonth lia f of block 3. L.,t 6 and 7 in block 5. West half section Si, townnblp 11. ratios 14. 1' J. O. HIGfBY, Proprietor. THOVAS C. CRENSHAW, - r raraiB or asd sralsb nr ; " Saddles fc and Hiirhess, BRIDLES', COLLARS, CURRIE Combs, Spurs, Lashes, Whips, $-c. Main Street, rtEBKASKA CITY, - - K. T Capt. D. LinoO & CO., . Wholesale and RsUil Dealers in - Wines and Liquors, talo a very eholce saieVtioa of ' 'j H , '- - f Tobacco and Cigars, Hsln -street, second door east of Seymour Hons. Ksbraska City, Nebraska A" Jus reeaiving a new stock of Otnuins Old twrlxr. ilrw from Bowrbwa enaty, Ky., BiMers 8.-T n it.j. '' ' . : - BIDE. - Two Men Bind lO to 14 Acres periDay. 10 to $15 PER DAY SAVED: Harvesting in the Sbader Under an AwniDg if Vou wish. Light Draft and No Side Draft ! TWO HORSES DRAW IT EASILY. - Vat fa I particulars address DB-;W. JLATTA. Ag t, - j Rock bluffs, IVcb. - From Rev. TIJOS McCARTXE Y and Hon BUAJ. A USTl- We, the undersigned, having each purchased and used a Harsh Harvester the pst season can heartily recommend it to ihe public as a grain al labor saving tnaohine It has fully met all our expectations and is all that. its proprietors recommend it to ba. , -- : - THOg.'lltCARTSaT " ' ' HA RD WARE, TIN PLATE, Pressed and Japanned HARDWIRE AliRIC ULTURAL IMPLEMEMSMrl Ware, - Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned AND STAMPED WAKE S T E E L P L O S Of all kinds and sixes, which we warrant the best in the market. Tin Roofing, Guttters andi Spouting done on short notice. Are exclasire Agenta la this Coantj fortbe sale of .. . Stewart's Celebrated Combination Goal ' or Wood Cook Stove. rsold Block. Tinn ers' Tools, FENCE WIRE, ! 92 and 94 MICHIGAN JVEJVUE, j CHICAGO, ILL. WOOLWOKTIl fc CO., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, Binders & Paper dealers. SAINT JOSEPH, JUO., " o256ni ' ' Teachers Wanted. To engage wilh us do ring t(,e Pprlng arid Pum mer, in buine by which they csn clear from $100 ' to ('200 per month, address at once, ; '.".; ZEIdLER, MaCVriy dt CO. No-I' .test Fourth SL fsbl3w4 ' Civcihiiati, 0, ive us a can we will not be undersold Main 1st., next door east of Masomcl iem venand woman. in a uinnHpRyiBKo $200 per month, accxrdir.K ' utility. Fur parlicu- l .j.i nfi l i .nn i v . r. . . DT.ATTHMnTTrr.TT - --'. i ,r.riT, i or . " A0"" "''''"" v., - .3