She 31ebra.$l;a Ztcratcl LOCAL NEWS. - ?"There has been many broad ncres of wheat sown in Cars county during the past week. ircLr, of taa Lincoln Common wealth, has gone to Chicftgo to purchase job material. . -m. f57The Wtilern Journal is the name or a new paper published at Brownille, devoted to the interest of immigration. fTHon. T. M. Marquett left for the east last week. He has gone on business, and will be absent about two weeks. Notice. Sunday Evening service will be celebrated, hereafter at 5 P. M. in Jst. Church. gThe foundation of the Capitol building at Lincoln has been comploted and work commenced on the superstruc ture. m - CTSWiu Stadelmann arrived from the east last week, where he has been laying in a large stock of clothing, spring and summer styles, boots, shoes etc. CfTT. K. llanna Esq.. arrived from New York last week, where be has been purchasing for their new wholesalo house in Kansas City. Ci- Vallerys & Ruffnerhave received their extensive stock of spring goods, and they are going off like "hot cakes." They have an assortment of everything. 3TV. II. Miller, of the Pre, was in the city last Monday on a visit to his brother, Rev. Miller. lie reports things lively at Nebraska City. (JsTWe have received another Commu nication from our correspondent relative ti horses," which will appear next week. m " Irice lleiluced Vnllurys fc Ituffner are selling Schut tlsr wagons at the following prices. 3inch,$U2i 314 rnd 3 1-2 inch, fVA large number of imigrants havo c ossed the river at this point within the past week. Most of them go to the in terior for the purpose of opening farms. :;TI)oom, Rro. & Co., have recieved . lot of Canton Clipper Plows, both breaking, and stirring, these plosnre warranted to give satisfaction. w I !ooi Friday. The Riht Rev. R. II. Tarkson, IVishop of the Diocese will ad minister the lite of Confirmation and -j r:ich in St. Luke's Church on Good Fri dty, the 10th April pros. CTlt is believed by many that the worm weather last month hatched out most of the grasshoppers, and the more recent co!d weather killed them. At least wehear no conplaints from farmers in rrgard to them now. "?7Seo advertisement of "Seed Pota oes" by Dr. Chiid. The Dr. pays great itteniion to agricultural interests, and knows just what kind of seed should be vlanteJ to produce the largest and beit crops. (!"()maha is a little ahead on the bridge question this week, and the A'on pariel says a lady resident of the Bluff who is suffering with toothache refuses to invest a dollar to have it extracted until the bridge is definitely located. f"It is stated that the name of Hon. II. O. Worthington has been withdrawn, at his own request, and that no new one has been prcsentedjin its stead. Probably Bon. Wad, or some other man than Johnion will, nominate the Judge for Nebraska . C5?The people of Cheyenne are hav ing a lively time. A man named Mar tin, who had been tried for murder and acquitted, was taken out by the Vigil antes a few nights since and hung; and one gambler shot another at the dinner table in tho hotel last Sunday. (JtPersons having real estate busi ness to transact will lind Reed, Beardslcy & Reed, whose card appears te-day a firm well qualified to transact their busi ness, and upright, honorable men. They are old residents and are thoroughly conversant with all matters pertaining to thf bnsiness. (fMaj. D. n. Wheeler arrived at home last Friday, after a six weeks ab Hence The Maj looks as if the excite ment and water of Washington and other eastern cities agreed with him. He comes home full of courage in regard to Railroads. EtgrTho mercury was up to 80 deg. last, an ! grass appeared to grow about an inch during tho day. Tho cli mate of Nebraska is like her citiiens, it does not d) tbing? by halves. When spring comes, it cornea along with a v:m, and makos all nature rijoioo. CIt appears that Johnson and bis counsel are exceedingly anxious to post pone tho impeachment trial ns long as possible,' probably in the hope that the southern "heart" may be again "fired" and the Maryland "milish" and tab "Ku klux klan" induced to rally to the rescue for their imperiled Chief. We hore tho Senate may proceed immediately with the trial. TUs howling democracy have mourned muchly because persons orrest d 'during'he war were cot tried quick enougb. Let them have no grounds for oeuplaint cn-that score in this core. 37"See notice of dissolution of the firm of Atnison &, Dovey, Mr. Amisom retires from the business, and Mr. Dovey continues at the old stanJ, where he will maintrin the former reputation of the house by selling more goods at less pri ces than any other house in the west. A. Wiggenhorn & Co., at the New York Cash Store, have just received their new spring goods, cjnsisting of ev erything needed in this part of the coun try. They have also a fine assortment of cultivators, hay rakes, Beod sowers, and otfier farm implements. Call and see them. f7"See new advertismenti by D. B. McMechan, of Nebraska City. Mc has a large establishment and is selling at low down prices.- He is selling iron and fence wire cheaper than any house in Nebraska City, and at eastern prices with freight added. We would call the espe cial attention of oar farmer readers to his advertisement of the "Vandivcr Corn Planter". C37-Yo have received Vol 1, No. 1 of the Montgomery county Express, pub lished at Red Oak Montgomery County, Iowa, by Webster Eaton. It is a neat six column paper, devoted to the interests of the locality and the Republican party. The number before us shows that Eaton knows bow to ''get up" a paper. We clip the following item from it: About 10 days since a corps of engin eers started from this place going east ward surveying the route for the B. & M R. R. On Wednesday last another corps arrived here and started from this point westward, making Red Oak Junction in both instances, their base of operation. If anything was wanting to indicate ful ly the ittention of that company to roak Red Oak Junction a point, that want is now supplied Without doubt the whole line of road to the river will be under contract before midsummer and pushed forward rapidly to completion. C3?"AnJy asks for another forty days time. At the time of the deluge it rained forty days, but that rain was no such infliction upon the reople as a forty dave reign by Andy. His reign should be cut short; and the clouds of war and disunion which he has attempted to gather about him should be dispersed as speedily as possible. O ' NOTICE J. J. Woodrow, of Ashland, is closing out his stock of goods at cost. He is selling hoots, 6hoes, Ieather,"harnesswarc, lasts, and everything and nnylhing he has at very low figures. He also offers his house and lot in Ashland very cheap A'.l persons knowing themselves indebted to him aro requested to call and settle immediately in 2t3;f. -m- Try it Once. The manufacturers of the Bast Chimicai Sa.!eratm, Messrs. D. B. D3 Lind & (J ., show th?ir readinesg to have the merits of ths article tested. for they rtuthorUo ull who sell it at re tail to refund the money when by fair trial it docs not prove to be as recommended. That is fair andshiws their canfidence in the article. It is better thin Soda. Ci?"Thfc Turner came up last Sunday and landed about thirtyunmigrant passen gers at this city, all of whom will settle in and about the :ity. The captain of the Turner says Le has passage for over three hundred families more already en gaged. What think you of the immigra tion to Nebraska for 1858, when oe steamboat alone has advance passages engaged for over three hundred families. Hold your breath and think. "See advertisement of "Weeping Water Mills" by Rted & Clinton. These mills have gained a reputation that reach es for beyond Nebraska, and they well de serve it. The proprietors have expended nearly or quite 20,000 in their erection, and they are managed by men who know exactly how to make good flour. The brand of "Weeping Water Mills" on a sack of flour always reminds one of deli cious biscuits and nice white bread. C5ri!uilding has commenced early and iu earnest this spring. Several found ations for brick and frame structures have been commenced, and we notice one commodious brick residence in the west part of town with the walls already up to the second story. The people cf Platts mouth have waited long enough for an excitement tocro.vd them along to build, and thjy find that the country is getting so far ahead of them, and the demand for houses becoming so strong in the city that they are compollcd to build without an excitement. 5TThe Local of the Omaha liepubli can has been shown a tooth supposed to be one of a grizily. bear, which was found sixty feet below the surface of the earth at Cheyenne, where in digging a well a large deposit of the bones of vari ous animals were found. This deposit is one foot in thicKness, but its extent other wise has not of course, been'ascertained. The place of this deposit is supposed to be the bed of an extinct river which de posited them there, and 6inc the vast plain has accumulated above to the depth of sixty feet. 3?"We find some of our business men who suppose all the local notices that appear in the Herald are free gifts by the editor. We will say for their benefit that buch is not the case, but this is the method chosen by some to advertise and a first rate one it is. We make this statement because some of our patrons have thought we were profuso with "puffs" for some houses, while others were not mentioned. We nerve all alike always giving a free notice when an advertisement is first inserted," and charging for all others. ("We learn that some persons are engaged in the rascally occupation ot telling passengers on tho C. B. Jb St. Joe. R. R. that they cannot get across the river at this point, and that there aro no stages connecting between Pacifio City, Plattsmouth and Lincoln. We have no objections to people using all fair and honest means they can to induce people to go to the localities of their choice, but wholesale lying should be dispensed with. It is a fact known, or at least should be, by every man in Nebraska or along the line of the C. B. fc St. Joe, R. R, that stages make regular trips between Pacific City and Plattsmouth, and be tween Plattsmouth and Lincoln City, via Ashland,. and that we have as good a steam ferry boat in operation at this place as there is on the Missouri river. We shall take steps to ascertain who it is that is engaged in this very laudable) work, and will be very happy to give him or them a gratuitous notice, slating names and places of business. PLiTrsMorrn March 10th 1808. We would say to those about to pur chase a Family Sewing Machine to exam ine the Willcox & Gibbs before buying. We have used it in our families from three to eighteen months and would say that it meets every expectation! Would not exchange for any other Machine. Mrs. E. Hutchinson. " Nelson Jean. ' W. W. Wiley. " Thos. Thomas. " John Carroll. Wm. L. Hobbs. . " D II. Wheeler. " II. D. Hathaway. March 12 w 3. TOR RENT. A good dwelling house, with stable, e. c. mar5tf J. E. Doom. NOTICE. All persons indebted to the undersign ed will please call on Herrman Herold, at the old stand, nnd settle immediately. mar5 C. G Herold SOTIt'E. All persons owing us will please call and se'tle as we want to close up our last years business. janOtf Simfsox, Miceelwait & Co. GREAT 11AKGAIAS. Wm. Stadleman is closing out bis large stocK of clothing, furnishing goods, bats, caps, boots and ladies shoes, at less than has ever been offered in this market, lie is also paying the highest price for furs and bides. All tboseknowing themselves indebted will please call and settle, as I am set tling up all accounts. WM. STADLEMAN. Plattsmouth, Jan. Tth, 18C3. tf Dissolution of Copartnership. The firm of Black. Butte.iT Co.. is this day dis"1 solved ly mutual consent. Those indebted to u arc r questeil.lo call od While k liuttei v.aftbe old stand, aui pay up ai once March l'Jiti 1563. m 3G 3 w. a. ii. nr.CK J H. lit' ITERT M. L. WHITE Plattsmouth Lodge No- 6, A. F. & BeKtilxrcomninnicationF 1st and 3d Monday of each noma, at S I-x o clock, p. ni. K. K. LIVINQ3TOX, W. M G. C. BETTS, Sec. Nebraska Chapter No- 3, R. A- M. lleRul at convocations 2d anJ 4th Ton-days of ich month, at 6 12 o'clock p in. E. T. DTKE,H.P. . C. BETTS, Sec. I. 0 0. F. I'l.itte Lodtre, No. 7, meetsevcry Saturday evening t llm C.iurt-House Hall. Brothers o other Lodges r rrtp-ct fully invited to visit this Lodfre. Hv.r.lerf S. LL"KK, N.G. SAM'L M. CHAPMAX.Rec. Sec'y. I. 0. G. T. Regular meet! ags every Tuesday evening. Traveling Templars respectfully invited. B SI'URLOCK, W.C.T. K. BAXTER WINDHAM, W. 8. THOS. W. SHRrOCK, Lodge Deputy, B3-3TAROF l.OPt LUBGK No. 8, Mt. Flessant, bolds regular meetings every Saturday evening J. W. ULUUE3. W. C. T. - T. E nCOHE3, w. a. L. U. DAVI3, Lodge Deputy. KAIRVIEW LODGB. So. 14. holds regnlai meet Ings every Tuesday evening Travelling Templars re-peclfu lv invitrd 8 W. CALKIN, W C. T. r. m. yoi:mu. jr , w. a. F. M. YOUNG, Sen., Lodge Deputy. UNDERWRITER'S AGENCY. Aggregate Assets $3,505,640.55. Consolidated MatPinectof the condition of the Gkhminia, llaifovaa, Niagara and Rkpcblio Pire tnxuranre Compan es, of the City of New York, on the 81st day of December, 1667. CAPITAL. Aggregrte Capital 92,200,000 00 Surplus 1.805,646 55 Total Capital and surplus ASSETS. Cuited States Secujitlea Loans on Bond and Mortgage Loans on call (amply secured) Cash in Bank and hands of Agents Real Estate Jiiscelaneous Items 13,505,646 55 fl,i00,055 00 443.633 0 436,375 00 843.712 00 l -7 500 00 294.069 49 $3,505,656 00 $226 170 86 680 00 LIABILITIES. Losses in prscess of adjustment Unpaid Dividends f228,S50 30 J. JV. WISE, Jlgeni, FUUtirmouth, KtJj. marfiir4 CONJUGAL LOVE. AND THK DAPPINKSS OF TRUE MARRIAGE. Essay for Young Men, on the Error, Abuses and Diseases which destroy the Manly Powers and era ate Impediments to HARRIAGR.with sure means of relief. Sent in sealed letter envelopes fre of charge. Address Dr. i. SKILL1N HOUGHTON, Howard As sociation, Philadelphia, Pa. Janl2m6 WANTED.- Teaehert, Student, and ether Intel igent Ven and Women, la a businnos paying $100 to 200 per month, according to ability. For particn l.r. a'iilre ZEILfcK, McCCRUT Co-, Lombard Block, Cnicrgo III. feb27yl wn. j. roiiD, UPHOLSTERER, PAPER-HANGER, &.C Main street, - - Opposite Pail OJJlce, Will keep on hand and make to order. Mattresses, Picture Frames, Window Shades, Wall Paper, Ac. EJ7AIl kinds of Turning executed in good ctylc. cov 7 '67. ra Statement of the condition of the HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York, on the first day of January, A. D. 1808, made to the Auditor of the State of NEBRASKA, pursuant to the Statute of that State. NAME AUD LOCATION. The name of Ibis Company is toe HOUt. INSURANCE COM FAN V, incorporated in 1353, and located in tliu City of New fork. CAPITAL- - The Capital of said Company actually puid up in cash, i Ihe Surplus on the 1st day of January, IStiS, Total amount of Capital and Surplus, ASSETTS. Amount of Cah iu Continental National Bank. N. Y. d nanus or Agrnta, and in course or iransinnaion " rj. 8. Registered an1 Con pon Stock I55I, u arket valno " ' United Stat Bonds. 5 SO, . Missouri State Bonds, 6 per cent , market valu" North Caiolina Bonda, 6 " " " " Tennessee Bonds, 6 " " " ' WiBConsin tate, S " " Illinois, " " " - " Kuode Island, " " California State Bonds, 7 " " " Connecticut State Bends " " New York City and County Bond " " " Qiiewn (5 .unty Bonds, " " " Richmond County B inds " " " Brooklyn City wrter Bands, " " " Eank Stocks . " ' Loans on Bundj and MortgaRei, tin'nr first lien of record on Real E.tate, worth at le ist 1,S-27,4''J, rate of interest 8 a " Loans on Stocks and Bonds, payable on demand, the market itiea uli'di.'ed, at leant 1T1. 104 " Steamer Magnet and Wrckri(E apparatus Other Property, Miace'anenu Items " Due for Premiums on Policies issued at Office (Fire and Inland) " Bills Lrceivable for Premiums on Inland Navigation Ritka Interest due on 1st January, 1SU9, LIABILITIES. Amount of I-osset adjusted, due and unpitd invurreu, aoti in prwew m u 1 uaimnu. " Dividends declared and due and unpaid " either Or cau or sum. ii-ciarcu uui uijci uu ' all Jther existing claims against the Company Total amount of Losses. Claim and Liaqilitiea 107 490 55 The irreatet amount insured on any one risk is 75,t00, but will not as a general ruU exceed tl 0 0O0 The Company ha no isxieral rule as to the am mnt allowed to be 'nured in any city, town, villa or h'ork beinir Koveri.ed in .hit matter, in each case, by farilii ie for rjuttini? out Arts, Ac. A certified copy 01 tne tinner or vi State or Nw Yobk, City and County Sew 1 orlc. BURS Secretary of tteUMlMTnBKCE CoMPAST.b-ing eveially and each f.r himself . aya, ibat the foregoing is a tru-. full and correct . . ... (. r ilia ahnvn described officers thereof. t,OrpOUUBSUU J Snlteribed and worn O'fre , w oieenu. ..y to J. JV. Uiarjw4 F. P. TODD, SEWING MACHINE AG'T PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRA SLA. A good assortment of msihines and inschine Bod ings kept on band. gOffice at Stadelmann's ClothioB Store. lec 4 'Ii7 Machines retail edon short notice. J. M. HINCHMAN, (Successor to Dune an A Ilinchman,) Druggist & Apothecary, DEALIR IN DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, Dyes, IN ot ions, Toilet Goods, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PURE WINES AND For Mechanloal and Mulicinai purpose Keep constant? on bind a tall and wr Hunt ed itock of PATENT IIEDICINES. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CarefuUy compounded br an eiperienced DruRjji.-t. None but the PUREST H-dicin s uied. All ffoci-t warranted a rfpretentnt. Caiand see. MAIN ST It EE', rtlTHSlDK. Tenm C a$h. DR. M. II Il CIslISKY, life .t..s-2at - DENTIST, Will do all work in hit line on short notice. Jt7"Offlce with Dr. Livingston. July 6. NEW AKRAINGEMENTS! James O'Neill PTALER IN PRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, FARM PRODUCE. And everything needed by the FARM ER MECHANIC. Uaviog purchased the entire stock ofoads lelong, ing to Wm Horold, I am re-fittiog the ioie room in go d style, and propoe to sell g oJ at the old f tan J. on tho raiwt ieoaab: terms. mr5tf JAMSOEILL. $2,000 000 00 1,016,406 83 $3,M6,4U0 23 tl8o.009 09 HS.Md 37 1,891.623 SO lft6,25 00 i 1.194.994 JO J 19.S50 00 1 6,100 00 I 1ft, 230 00 j 80,000 00 f 20.000 00 49,875 00 6-2,500 00 9S.0O0 00 M.6O0 00 2.V0O0 00 i!3,730 00 447,875 00 9,5M 00 J 12 S 9 00 832,015 00 unincumbered ( T par cent. ( value of secur. 3S0.062 56 46,79 6 09 65.9S6 81 7,101 05 9,947 4.1 SI. 353.46 $3,6i3,896 73 I0.1.S70 55 2, 120 00 tne general cnaracter 01 ounuings, wiutn 01 streets, . r v. . CHARLP3J. MARTIN, President, and JOnN II. WAII- teveially and luly sworn, depose nnd say. statemenler the affairs of the said ,o T MlBTtW D,..;jt J H. WASHBURN.'Secretary. -j , . nonnpirrr Notary Public. WISE, Jgcnt, Plattsmouth, JVedraska. Wm. Stadelmann & Co., One door west of Donelan's Drug-store, Dealers in Ready-made Clothing, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, JTATP. fAPS. BOOTS SHOES, n: u.sks, va uses, and a general stock of OUTFITTING GOODS For the Plains; also, a large lot of RUBBER CLOTH1XG, REVOLV ERS AXD A'OTIOjYS. We bought low and will sell cheap for caxh. Cal. anil exanimeour stock before ou buy anv where elsel Jyl '66 Wm. STADELMANN CO. Teachers Wanted. To engage with as during trie Spring and Sum mer, in busine-s by vhicb they cau clear from $100 to tiOO per montt. Address at once, ZEIQLER, McOC dt CO. No .test Fourth SL feb!34 Cincinnati, 0, BOARD AKO tODGtNG, By G. W. COIiVIN, OAK STREET, - PLATTSMOTJTU Tiro blocks northwest of Brick cliool-llouse. Private room" fnrnised if desired. Either day boaid or with lodgings at reasonable rates, jan i i it. FURNITURE, COFFINS' AND Cabinet - Work ! H- I30ECK Having enlarged his Shop and Sales-rooms would respectfully remind the people in this vicinity that he can furnish them w.tli the very best furniture. Chairs, oroiher Cabinet-work, at the most reason able rates. I shall keop constantly on hand a large assortment or atrn It or if, and am also prepared to mauuractu'e auyihinff in my line on short notice. A Urge assortment of Keady-niade Coffins kept at al! times. Ca'l and examine my stock and prices jelOdtwtf II. BOECK. Plattsmouth Mills. C. IIEISEL, Proprietor. Have recently been repaired and placed in thor oucU running order. Custom work done on short no: i.e. 100,000 Bushels ofWIieat Wauled immediately, for which the highest marke price win ce paiu. ang'is tf TAKE NOTICE. Bounty Increased. Pensions due diers and their heirs. Sob F. M Dorrington has this day received from t Department, the Law in full with new blanks for the collection of additional Bounties and increased Pen sions, and 1 s ready to prosecute all such claims as may be entrusted to his care. Call and examine Fiistclaimed Is first served. F. M. DORRINGTN. Plattsmouth, Aug. 10. 1S66. II. G. Worth. n g( on Attorney and Counselor AT LAW, Office In Karbach's Block, corner of Douglas and 15th streets, Umana, Nebraska. augl4 GREAT MCITfclliT WASHINGTON! IIERRITIAN HEROLD Having bought oat the entire Stock of Goods from J. u. ueroid, is reaay to oner GREAT IXDUCEMEA'TS In Prices, I shall sell Goods LO WEB TP AX THE Lfl WEST, tor Cash, Wheat, Corn, Hides, Furs or any kind of COUNTRY PIIOPUCE My Stock, Consists of GROCERIES, DRY GO ODS BOOTS. SHOES, CLOTI1I.XG, HATS and CAPS, POCKET CUTLERY, YAMKEE XOTIOXS, ETC. Please ive me a call at the old stand ofC. G. Herold. IIERRMA. HEROLD. Fuiler, Warren & Co. STOVES AND HOLLOW WARE, AT WIIOI.ISSALK. Sole manufacturers of the colebruted P. P. STEWART'S COOKISG AND PARLOR STOVES. 4rA large line of Stoves especially adaplei to the western Market constantly oa nana. FRY & HOLMES, GEN. WESTERN AGENTS, NO. 53 STATE ST., CHICAGO, - - ILLINOIS. Buvers are invited to call and exam'ne oar larg assortment before purchasing elsewhere. feb27n3 C2us2x HOuse. FIELD, LIETER & GO - 1MPOIITEHS ASD Wholesstle Dealers IS 110, 112, 114, & 11C Lake Street - - CHICAGO Special attention given to orders. feba7m8 Hibbard & Spencer, JOBBERS OF HARDWARE, TIN PLATE, Pressed and Japanned Ware, Tin xi era' To ols, FENCE WIRE -. 1 92 and 94 MICHIGJUi AVEXVE, CHICAGO, ILL. M27m3 (Slucaga J. W. iAIiddleton & Co ; STATiOxNEUS, BLAXKBOOK MANUFACTURERS '" LITHOGRAPHERS, ASD Notarial and Corporate Seals. 96 Lake Street, CHICAGO, - - III Supplies far Merchants, Hanks, Kail Uoads and Public Offices. 1 TUTTLE, & WKTMOKE, JOBBERS OP MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING-, AND FURNISHING GOODS. 58 and 60 Lake Street, CHICAGO, - ILLINOIS. Tittle. Thompson- L Wktmork, Chicago. Isaac Fenso & Co., Boston, Maes. reb."7yrl CIII L V & 13 RIG GST" Wholesale Grocers, And Dealer i CANNED GOODS AND 40 SOUTH WATER STREET, CHICAGO, - - 1LLLV01S. feb'27uiC SAMUEL Y. GREER, (Successor to Ui&logue A Greer.) FIRE and GARDEN HOE MANUFACTUREIt, AT 7 UK OLD STAND, SO. fiO NOR Til iT, (Established 162J.) PHILADELPHIA- Fire Buokts, Suction Hose, Bands for Machinery, &c- &c- 4Tbe abftve articles wii! be ni.ide of tl.e b-.t arorkniaLsbi), aatl on t!ie most reasonable terms. fet27aiti PLOWS! PLOWS! C. E. FOIIG Y, - Manufacturer of ail kinds of Farming Iciiplemcnts, 8uch as the celebrated Rtxl Ilietikinjr Plnws, Muni I Hoanl flre;ikr, Stirrins l'l' Ws. r-iulf and lnb! Sho els. Cultivator, and llairow. Keimiring Uoim on short notice All work warrant' d. Having had much experien e in the business. I feel a(ured tb;it 1 can ive gene-al s.itsfactin. Please givcnie a call btfore purcliasing elrwlire. C. '0R(iV. Plattsmouth. Neb., May 6th, 1967. AND WOOL- CARDING. Ho! for Salt Cre k, where yon can kill two birds with one etnn", (ret your lrasn Oround and Wool Carde 1 at the sauif timt ; the machinery for bo '.b ia in perfect order We use the Patent Machine Card, which were run enon)?h last year to estaHUb their superiority over the old kind, as all who uned tho can testify. The superioritv of Mr, S. Twia a a Carder is well known, and bis servics are till le tained for the beiu flt of the public. With the ah'.ve advantxpes we flatter ourselves that we can mak it to the advantage of all who want work In o'lr 'lina to come this way. ii. bN. Proji''nr. DiylS S. TWIiS. Carder. IS" E "W JEYELllY STORE The subscriber havinir purchased the Red Ptnie on 2d street, la'ely occupied ly Sarpy and others, would respectfully inform the citizens of i'lati-moutti and vicinity, that lie has refitted the store and opened a large stock of t WEI. FANCY ARTICLES For Ladies, Gents, Children, and the rest of man kind, acd is prepared to do all k inds of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING la the best manner, and would be haj py to serve his old and as many new customers as may give him their patronage. Assuring them or their wotk r done, at modera'-e prices, and on short time. 1b stock, embracing every variety ot goods usually kf 1 at a first-class Jewelry fciore, will be sold a lew prices, and warranted of t sl workmanship and material. . lie has a' so a small stock at FAMILY GROCERIES, which will be replenUteJ from time to t!ni", an sold at the lowest tljnrr. Davids; periuar,eiii!yi cated in this city, 1 rerpectiu ly solicit a share of pa tronape, and corii.Ky invle all to ea:l and rim n the stock on hand, as we would be p'eared to servsi yon, and do not ask yon to boy nnleis wa c o maka it for your iancrsit to .atrtiiht t as. deeHtf K. H. EaTON.