PLASTIC SLATE, for EOOFING AND OTHER PURPOSES. ha nrocesa of recontlrcctiBgr 61ete 6tono from a dii integrated state was PATENTED FEB. 21st, 1S65. It it a combination of. Pulverized Slate and Viscous Matter, (the 'latter poesesaing qualities of geological and chearleaTafflnlty for the formei.) aud is a de velopment of one of the i-imple bat unal terable tendencies of-inature. AS A B00FINO MATERIAL IT STANDS T7KBIVA LLID. A mati it adapts itself to every shape and slope. Non-combustible, impervious, non-expansive Mtift nnilwf .Vina. "Frost does not Crack or Heat Dissolve it. tbe'only Roofing; Material everdiseovered that will resist the action of the elements as long as the structure It protects. Being sus ceptible of little if any wear from exposure and PERFECTLY FIRE - PROOF, It is un quailed as a coating for railroad" and farm building's, bridges, bottoms 01 veascts, uuii Utarlal;for sale by ALFRED OSBORN Sole Licensee for Nebraska, Douglas St. - - Omaha, Neb. myl ly . x. hAnsi, J. E.CLAH Tootle, Hanna & Clark, BANKERS, - Dealers rj Gold Dust, Gold and Silver Coin, Exchange, U. and other Stocks. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and special attention given to Collections PLATTSMOUTH, N. T. pO dwtf Apothecaries Hall. REEDjWIIITIMSER & Co No. 135 Main St., NEBRASKA CITY. - NEB Dealers in DRUGS & MEDIniNES, Paints Oils, Putty a t Glass. Tstent Medicines of all kinds. tsrticles, Kta tionery, and everything kept in ;rst-class Drug Store, at Eastern prices. aV" We are prepared to All all orders, and warrant our goods to be iresQ. 6j Win. II- Lcmkc, MERCHANT TAILOR ONE DOOR WEST OF NEW BAKERY, Piatt smouth, Nebraska. aec27 1865 U $ HARDING & GO,, ron orricx bcildixo NEBRASKAXITY, N. T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OTALZRS IN SCHOOL BOOKS ATCD STATIONERY A4o Agents for all the principal MAGAZINES and NEWSPAPERS Vorjrhich Subscriptions are received atPablisber i-nces. WAGONS ! J It- PORTER Ac CO Art agents in this city for the sale of.thejceiebrated "South Bend Wagons," Hade by Studebaker Bros. They havo on hand good assortment, which will be replenished as fast a needed. They propose to sell at the very lowest ugores. Plattsmonth, March 28. tf FARM For SALE CHEAP. 14e well known farm of S. H. Cummins, situite wo mues west or ri.itmouln, on the Denver road wuu tuuisoer ineieio, is ror sale very cheap. Apply to J. C. CCMM1WS. on the adjoining farm Aiou, .v.. i sua o, diock i4, ia riatumontn. anuM if HARNEY STREET, JT. C. BIG BY, Proprietor. II. G. Worthington Attorney and Counselor AT LAW, OOoe ia KarbicVs Block, comer of DoagtM and 15th streets, Omh. Nebraska. gl4 GREAT REVOLUTION IN THE CHEAPER THAN I. A. WIGCENHOnW E. A. WIGGBNHORN & CO., At the New York Cash Store, oiler to the Stuck of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS AND CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES. YANKEE NOTIONS, HARDWARE, WOODEN-WARE, QUEENSWARE, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. w. n;, Vainm iha nrippa nf n few I T g . V V. w ' . w - same low rates: The best Prints (Alerrimac & Cochecos) included, 15c per yard. Prints for quilts and Lining, 9c per yard. New Style Printed Delaines. 25c per yard. Denims and Striped Shirting, 15c per yard. Bleached and Brown Muslin at Eastern prices. Large Slock of White iconderfully vvrA Acrontsfor the Best PLOWS and SEED SOWERS in the World. The GAROEN GITY CLJrrfc.rl rLUW. campies on hand at our store. Cash paid for JGsgRero.ember the old corner. JOIIS It. CLARK Clark & Plummer , (Successors to Tootle, Hanna St Co.,) DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Hardware, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Doors, PliATTSJIOUTH, Keep on hand a full stock of all kinds of ilGrRlCUIaTUHA.Ii Agents for the sale of Jackson, Michigan, MEW ST R. G. DOOM, J. E. doom:, beo. NORTH SIDE OF M1 IN STREET, NEAR Dealers Dry-Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Glassware, Queens ware, Nails, &c, All of which we are prepared to sell as loio as any House west of the Missouri River. We would especially call the attention of the public to our stock of FARM IMPLEMENTS, Consisting ic part of Threshing Machines, Reapers and Mowers. X Sulkv and Plows C ul Drills, jye Warrant every Call and examine before Plattrmoutb, Feby 5th, 1569. J. W. JENNINGS, AVOCA, CASS COUNTY NEB., (Jenning Jt Dill's Flour and Wool Mill ) Dealer ia Dry.Goods, Groceries, Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes, Hardware And such articles as are adapted to a Farming Community. WE WILL SELL CHEAP AS ANY, Or exchange for Produce. We ray the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for grata of all kind or take la exchange for goods ebSmf, THE CHEAPEST. D. SCnNASSE. - .... v I a J public the Largest ana oesi seiecteu articles and sell all other Goods at the and Colored Low Prices. Blankets at Wheat and Corn. Plaitsmouth, January 2 1S63. ELIFLCMMER. Groceries, (lueensware, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Sash, &c. NEBRASKA. IMPLEMETS. Wagons. DOOM, EVERTO.V DOOM. & CO. THE CO UR T HO USE, In Groceries, Notions, Shoes, RE Revolving Rakes, of all kinds, ti va tors, &c. Jflacliine We Sell. purchasing elsewhere DOOM, BRO & CO. Capt. O. LABOO & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Wines and Liquors, Also a very choice selection of Tobacco and Cigars, Main street, second door eaVt of Seymour House. Nebraska City, Nebraska Are just receiving a new stock of Genuine Old Qourbon, direct from Hourbon county, Ky., Bitters, igars, etc. my 18 w THOMAS C. CRENSHAW, t fc g SACREX of ahd DEALEB 131 Saddles and Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CURRIE Combs, Spurs, Lashes, Whips, tf-c. Main Street, NEBRASKA CITY, N. T DWEL.LIXGS at all price Any persons wishing to purchase Farm-property, or B -sidenees in town will find them for sate atal prices. By tDORRlKOTOX, mrT. BAL En Atb Agivi. Agents Wanted for ITHE BLUE-COATS, AXI LTJW THEY LIVED, FOUGHT AND DIED FOR THE USIOX. WITH - Scenes and Incidents in the Great Rebellion. Cotnpiising Narratives ot Personal Aaveuiun-, Thrilling incidents, uanng Deed r rtronderrul escapes, ia to. v,.f Field and Hospital; Adventures of Spies and Scouts, Together witb the Songs, Ballads, Anecdotes, and Humor ous Incidents of the War. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED, With over 100 Fine Portraits and Beautiful Engravings. Thr I. a certain Dortinn of the war tria will never gt into tne re guiar n istoi les, aor si eaimni .u w- rrance or poetry, wnicn is a very rei y .uu will, if nreserved. convey to succeeding generations a better idea of the spirit of the conflict than many dry reports or carefail nairatlves or evems, ana mia part a ay be called the gossip, me ion, ana mo pa ih.nfthn mr 1 his 1 II the character of the leaders.the humor of the soldiers, tne devotion 01 women, the bravery of men, the pluck orour neroes, .he romance and hardships ol uie serviee. The Valiant and Brave Hearted, the Picturesque and Dramatic, the witty and Marvelous, the Tender and Pathetic, and tne whole fanorama or tne mr are here thrillina-l v nnrlraved in a masterly man ner, at once historical and romantic, renufimB it the most ample, unique, brilliant t nd readable book that tha arar hits called forth. Amusement as wel as instruction may ne round iu evetv oace. as grannie detail. Druuant wit. ana bu- thetrtic histotv, are skillfully interwoven in this work of literarv art. Send fur Circulars and s e our terms, and a full description of the work. Address, JUNKS). UKU1.11E.K9 Ct J . Chieago, IV. CITY BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, ;p. stadelmann, BREAD, CAKES, PIES, SCSE,Ete.,i Or thn best onalitv. can be obtained at all ti f would invite especial attention to the fact that I have fitted np an excellent ICE CREAM SALOON In eonneetiea with the Bakery, where you can be accommodated at all times. Wedding parties supplied on short notice wltb anything in the line of Confectionery or Pastry. Call and see me. J NOTICE. JAMES O'NEIL Is mr authorised Aeent for tha collection of all accounts due the undersigned for medical services; his receipt will be valid for the payment of any monies on said accounts. August 14. 13C7. R. K. LIVINGSTON. M.D. G E. McCALLUM, Manufacturer of and dealer in Saddles and Harness, Of every description, wholesale and retail. No. HO 14 Main street, between 5th and 6lh streets, Nebraska City. Jsl Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! VOL HERALD Has moved Into his n brick binding on the ner of Main street and Levee, vheie he is laily re ceiving large additions to his already extensive stock of GROCERIES AND IQU He offers the very best of bargains to customers, and requests a call from tlione who want anything ia bis line to test the advantages iu prices with those f others. Remember the BRICK CORNER and give hi ja a call if you wUb to buy cheap. nov2 SHANNON'S Feed, Sale and Livery STABLE. Main St., Plattsmoutii. I am prepared to accommodate the public wtt Horses, Carriages and Buggies, Also, a nice Hearse, On short notice and reasonable terms. A Ilack will run to steamboat landing, and to all parts of the city when desired. mr29 J. W. SHANNON. W. D. GAGE. W. R. DAVIS. CENTRAL STORE. Dry-Goods, Groceries, Provisions, BOOTS and SHOES, Main Street, two doors above Fourth, Where the public may And THE BEST OF GOODS, and prices as low as can be found in the cty. We return fhanks for the liberal patronage we have received, and hope to merit its continuance. Oct. 30, 'BT "GA6E A-DA VIS. rMBBS II U E, 1 The Champion of 136 first pre seasons. -stroneer and miums in two U "its seam is less liable to rip than the Lock Stitch." "Judge' Report of the Grand Trial." Send for the " Report," and Samples of work, containing both kinds of stitches on the same piece of goods. Agents wanted. L. COBHELL CO., Genl Agents, 188 Lake St., Chicago. F. P- TODD. dcel9yl Agent, Plattsmoulb, iiek FAIRBANK'S STAHDASO SCALES, or ALL KIHDS- Fairbanks, Greenleaf & Co-. 226 k 228 Lake St. Chicago. 309 Market St., St. Louie. U"Be careful to buy only the Genuine. myr33 fnniLLcox& SEWING i i JACCD VALLEBT, JR. PETER VALLEiRYS & BUFPNER, (Successors to Slaude & Anderson.) We respectfully announce to our friends that we have purchased the entire stock ot goods of ETAUOl! & ANDfcUiOU and that we are now able to sell them EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES. Our Motto li LARGE SALES & SMALL PROFITS. Oar Stock consists of Dry-Goods and Groceries, Staple and Fancy Goods, Hardware and Queensware; Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, And a large stock of READY-MADE CLOTHIJVG. WOODEJY AND WILLOW WARE, 1ROJYAJVD NAILS, And in fact, everiything that a man wants. J3"Give at a call and we guarantee you entile Agents for the Schutller JVagon.gjj jiu30 1863 j. d. sisirsox, W. MICKELWAIT, Simpson, Mickelwait & Co., Wholesale Receiving, Forwardingnd Commission Merchants, SteamiDoat .gents, PLATTSMOUTII, Defers la GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, DOORS, SASH, PINEAND COTTONWOOD LUMBER, 'PICKETS, 1867. JSG7. AMISON, DOVEY &. CO., North Side of Main Street, Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of BRY-f00B; QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &C, Ever Offered in this Market. LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. - FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C. Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus. iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine our stock. Platttsmouth, April 10, 186 5. tf Hardware E. T. DUKE tfe Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWARE g AGRICCLTORAL IMPLEMEMS, Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned AND STAMPED WARE STEEL OP LOWS Of all kinds and sixes, which w warrant the best in the market. Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting done on short notice. Are exclusive Agents in this County for the sale of Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., next door east of Masonic Block, PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA' F. E. RUFFNEB. goocis at satisfaction. VALLERY S & RUFFXER. ED WD BUTTE Br. and Retail NEBRASKA. VALLERY, WINDO W- BLINDS, GLA SS, SHINGLES, LATH, KTC, ETC. jjURLINUTON AND MISSOURI RIVER RAILROAD. 1 8Gb EASTWARD 18GG Sbcrt and Quick Route to CHCAGO AND THE EAST In connwtioa.witb I1,p net Moinn Vullv Ohicaeo, Burlirtoa aud Qjmcy Railroads. Three trains leave Otlumwa daily un arrival a Des Moines Valley trains. DUY YOCrt OTTUMWA and . ICS ETS VIA BURLINGTON ron SALE AT OMAiIAljATTyMOUTir COUNCIL BLUFFS NEBRASKA CITY. DES MOINES, KNOXVILLE, ALBIA, MONROE, FELLA, OSKALOOSA, EDDYVILLE, OTTUMVVV Bagg e checked from Ottumwa" Chicago and the East. id Passengers have choice of all the great lines I'ad Ing North, Eakt and South, and trill find tickets to all principal points Eant ly all routes at the Ottum.t. ticket office of this Passengers will find tliis route Qurck," Site am1 ?ur. m ls connection. U. E. I'KRKlXa, Scp.rn'enliit..if L. CARPER, Geiif ral Kn ijjht and rasrenger m.HE SHORT ALL RAIL LINE -L EAST To Chicago, lMroit, Toledo, St. Louie, Lafayrtte. lndutniipolie, Cincinnati, Louimille. Aashnllr, Cairo, MsmAit, Culum'.ti, Wheel ing lUUeburg, Buffalo, Si.iaara. FaHe. ll.uri,. Ourg, Baltimore. Vnl,i nytun, VhihvteltMa Sew York, B tw, ci., Is via the old, reliable Central Koule the Hannibal & St. Jo, 11 11 'nr. tf Take the II AST. JO. II. R line of ilihujntl River Packets from PLATTSMOUTII To St. Joheph, where conn.-ctlous are made with Two Daily Ezpresa Train On the II &8t. Joe. R. K., run through fromSslal Joseph toQiiincy without cliaiigeof cars, CONNECTING AT QUINCY VVi.h CliiciiKo. A Quioy, and Tolrd.i. Walah A Western liailroails for all rxiititfl i:iai Nortb ad South. 1 For St. Louis Close connrvtion made at MACON' with Kfinrif MISSOl'IU K. K. fr .St Loun, and at WMi Daily Miss. Kivcr PHck.-! for Bt. Louis, n,.ai ,i sUtrrooms free, leaving every evenirgoa snivulof trains from tb- wet, and arriving Iu ft. Louis L'xt mors I. g in reason for b Hiiiess, aud to rouuect iili Chicago, Alton A M. Ixiui., Terre Ha'ite, Alton A M Louis, aud Ohio A Misxubipi't Kailioad'.for a!l uolnts East, North and South. NEW SLEEPING Run ou Night Trains. CARS Buy your throMKh tickets via A Kc Jo K. R. at their ticket . flic.-a u Omal.a, Council viuiia i i tiiMiiouin, ftiiir.isl.a C ity, 1 1. J.i mt.u ua eacn racket tit the iiu sciou.nesj of l,aVii.g tk-n Ih r ,l.i, n .iiii iul quick r. uto cast- c. W. MKA l. (i.-u Mi i. V. II. niKIAT l Tick, t Ag.-i.l. II. II. COUltTKiaiiT. t;. (J I K, t At-t. ISnmiihal & t. Joe 11 It Packet Lino. One of the Compsnv pt.-am'Ts ieavs 1h My fr"u every poiut on the Missouri Kiver shove ft. Ju,i li, and ariive nt bt. JoN'ph in time to connect it h ih. exprers tiain on the llaon.hat A St. Jorcph Ita i I for Hantiihal, at whirl) 1'Uce ri uneitioii it iiuele the same evening with oue of the Ke kuk I'ai'k) tn.whii li arrives iu time to connect with next Iiiori.ini: tiain out of Ht. Louis fur CmciiinHfl, 1 Dcli;inhpili, Lioi ville, Terre llnute, W.ihiu tmi (' lj, li.i:i Imorr, I'hilitdelphia, New Yrk, ronton, ar.d to al! oi,n Haetorn, Northern and .Southern Cities. The rI,i mentioned lines ( elecarit I'.uk' tn me ciuc .i l l y all travelers to he the hf -t on the Wctcni water,. TUKULOII TI Kfcr.S For sale to ft. LouU, and all Kasteru, Noithern no Southern cities via the al ove lines at Denver City., Council HIu tfs, I'lultsniouth, Nehiaka t'iir and at all oth'-r t.cket iiiicea the went. 4trMeal aod Slate-rooius fre R. F)KI), Sup't K It. f. L , fct Juteph. II. Q. t'CltOL'sON, Sec'y K. K P. L. , Ft Jort.b J. JJ. fcl.MJ'hU, AuM'Ilt, ap25 I'ialtxmoiith, N, l.rak i. 18C8. 18C8 North Missouri RAILROAD LINE, TO SAIfJT LOUIS. Two Daily Trains. BOTH Dai y Trains or the llan ihl & St. J.jteph Railroad from the west make clo-e connection nt Macon City wilh the above line, arriving .11 M Louis and connecting directly with all murmn;' ai.d afiernoon trains out of M, Lou'., for New Vohk, Piiii.aiiki.piira, BOSTOW, W ATUISliTON ClTV, BALT1MORB, liAHH rBI K'iH, Pittsburgh, Columbus, DAVTOS, ClNCIaXATTI, l.lDIAS.POtlr.-, CHU'.OO, L0CI8VILLE, NAtHVlUC, And all'Points East North or South. The only direct aud legitimate route from the West to St. Louis & the East. Time to the Eastern cities as QUICK as can be made by any route, with LESS CUAjYGES. Tiskets via tbe above line can he parchased at the Hannibal A t. Joseph ticket offices in the West. (2?" Fare is the same as by any other route. BARTON BATES, President JOHN P. LAIRD, General Superintendent. H, H. WUJ.tLKIt, tien Ticket Agent. JOSEPH GAMBLE, O n. Freight Agent 1'- H. KAKLV, .4gnt, 8t. Joseph. L. M. DUNN, tie'icral Western Agent. Jan, 23 iy PIANOS. PIANOS. Organs, MELODEONS. J. 31 UE la IaEIC, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA, Dea'er in the celebrated Steck McCammon PiaMo, and o.her Uustcal Iostruments. VJrkM Instruments warranted Ave years. J octal ly WOOLWORTE1 & CO., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS,, Binders &Paperdcalers, SAINT JOSEPH, JlO., c2S4:i) tJ. Z i