Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 20, 1868, Image 2

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.FED. 20, 1SGS.
W re Jisiron ' reJiiWof orrpjo 1 ; ffrom
all parts of the State, rilatia"t the material inter
esta of the country, together with suh other nut
Icr as contributors may deem of interest.
Kepubllcan State Convention.
A State Convention will be held at Nebraska City
cn wednefdav, April iOtli, lSh3. at 12 oVlock M., to
elect dcknittx to represent the Republican parly of
Nebraska at the National Convention to bo held :it
Chicago, May iOtb, next. Also a candidate for
Member of L'ongre, Governor, Secretary of M.
Aulitor. Treasurer, 3 PreM leutial and the
delegates present from each Judicial district wilt
nominate a suitable porf.n fir District Attorney,
for their respective districts- . -
The Convention wili be orgau"i'd as follows:
nic"ir(!on Couuty
Nemaha County . !
CJtntK' of Nemaha.
Ki-:haidioa ic John-
Counties of Pawnee,
Gage, Jefferaon, da
line Lancaster
Conntiei of Gage and
Johnson county
-Ot d J
Lancaster do
Cass do
Cntiei of Ca, Sarpy
Saunders, UutUrand
Connti' S of Saunder,
Seward k Butler
Couolhs of Matte.
Merrick, Hall. Buf
falo. Kearney and
'.Counties of Saline,
Lineoln & Kearney
Sarpy Connty
Douglas: do
1 , Dodtte do
i Platte
Wa!binptoi ciunty
1 .Counties of Wasning-
itcn A liurt
1 Comities or Hall. Unf
it falo k Merrick
7 Countiet of Kurt and
J Cumins
51 Dakota county
Counties of Dixon, Ce-
dar, L'Eau qui
l! Court
Conntiea of Dodsre,
Cuminjr.ftsnton. Da-
I ki.ta. Dixon, Cedar.
L'nu(ui Court, aid
liPawnee county
A.State Contral Committee is to 1 elected fur the
eoratncira.aia. the placa r,f h .Id in the next
State Convention designated, the basis of represuta
tlon for succeeding St ata Conventions agreed Pn.
and other impirtatt business will b-- brought before
the Convention.
Republicans send deletes, and let aotonecounty
be unrepresented. ST. A. D BALC0.4RE,
si,.,. fc T.n 2,1 lSfiS. " chairman.
It is a deplorable fact that the chief
officer of the nation, with all the blunter
and promise that has puffed him into
noteriety, is in fact a bubble. It was
clearly his duty as Commander in Chief
of the armies, to arrest Gen. Grant
and prefer charges against him for in
subordination, if he really thought, as
lie stated, that the Gen'l was disobedi
ent. But with the first breath of
Grant's manly and significant refusal
to qbey an illegal and indistinct request
the bubble was blown to, the tender
nurs'mg of the sycophants in his cabinet
for an endorsement. How humiliating
it must have been for theso names to
feel that their statements were neces
sarv to keeD this bubble in air a little
j 4
longer. The bare idea that a Presi
dent of the United States should lack
the moral courage to grapple wita a
single man, unless supported by his
corns dramatinue, is a etty tough pill
to swallow. The sneaking from the
responsibility, and the hiding under the
skirts of those he had pampered, prove
.conclusively that he was absolutely
afraid ta meet the neople s favorite on
ti question of veracity. We think
God that such scenes are drawing near
.to a c'ose, and that this bubble has
been pricked. All the soft soap the
Democracy possess will be used in vain
to blow him to his lute proporlions.
His political epitaph is already written
and posterity will pause over the histor
ic tomb of Andrew Johnson, to read in
' sorrow:
Here lies the political remains of the
great American nondescript of the I9;h
century. His delight on earth was to
wield his goose in defence of a disloyal
minority, and to clip the wings of patri
otism with the shears of his veto. His
history will bejfound in the La Crosse
Democrat, beautifully illustrated by
drawings from nature, taken at New
Orleans, Memphis, and the colored
graveyards of the wayward sisters.
Sic transit gloria Johnsonii.
Why is it jfcat no convention in the
interest of this road has been had?
Why should a matter of such immense
value to our young State be delayed?
If the river counties south of Platte
river, will agree on a day, we have no
doubt that a large and enthusiastic dem
onstration can be had. For one, we
submit that a call be issued by Mr.
Alex. Majors, who is the leading spirit
in this project, and we will guarantee
a hearty response. We, of Cass, have
completed arrangements to connect with
Omaha, so that the chief obs'acle, the
Piatte Rirer, will Jbe overcome during
the approaching Summer. Let Otoe,
Nemaha and Richardson counties exert
themselves, and the success of this line
is insured, for Cass county is sound on
the railroad question, and will move
with all her might to assist the coun
ties south to construct this great line.
Judge Underwood has remanded
Churchwell Ccombs to the custody of
the military. He decided that Con
gress, which is the war-making power
had not j'et declared peace, and the
country being in a state of armistice the
civil courts have no right to take pris
oners out of military custody. The
case goes to the Supreme Court.
The Chicago Times says that Grant
has been proved "a liar and a fool."
These are the highest compliments that
the Times can possibly give. Ex.
The Times cannot give a compliment.
Compliments are not its forte. Abuse'
is its only card; therefore' it is in its
eiemeut only when on the altrck.
She 3Uimustm
A few days ago the Eighth Congres
sional District of Ohio fired the first
Republican gun in the great campaign
of 1S63 and it spoke in thunder tone9.
On the 3d instant, the second Re
publican gun of the campaign was
fired, and from nn unexpected quarter
At the charter election held in Palmy
ra, New York, on that day, the Re
publican ticket was elected for the first
time in ten years.
A special to the New Votk World
of the 15th. says Hie friends of the
President think he will soon remove
Stanton and appoint another member
of the Cabinet ad interim to perform
the duties theseof. Th"is course in
volves only the peaceful and judicial
The insubordinate position which
Gen. Grant holds towards the Presi
dent is mentioned as cause for his ar
rest and trial before a court martial.
The chances for McClellen's nomi
nation as Minister to li,nr:lana is im
It is rumored in Washington that
Gen, Clay has tendered nis resigna
lion as Minister to Russia.
The Washington Chronicle, of the
10th instant say?: "Secretary Stanton
has retained Matthew II. Uarpenter,
a prominent Republican lawyer from
Wisconsin, to represent the Govern
ment in detense ot mmary omcerB in
r l TT ' .
ras arisinrr under the reconstruction
acts, in which Attorney-General Stan
bery declines to appear. Mr. Carpen
ter is acknow eareu to ne me aoiesi
a . 1 I .1-1.1- .
member of the bar of the Supreme
Court from the West."
The New .York Journal of Com
merce (Dem.) in an article on the
Pendleton proposition to pay the bonded
debt of the United States in a depre
dated currency, prophetically say.-:
"We do not believe that any large
portion of the Democratic party are in
favor oC the Stevens-Butler-Pendleton
scheme, or that it can in anv way be
made a party issue in '.ha approaching
Presidential election. But any Nation
al Convention that presents a platform
having in it such a rotten plank may
save itself the trouble of naming a can
didate. The purest man in the coun
try could not preserve his uprightnes
on tuch a foundation, and would de
serve to be iirnominiously defeated at
the polls."
There is considerable comment on
the action of the President in sending
to the Senate the name of Lieut. Gen
W. T. Sherman to be Brevet Genera!
of the United States Army. It is sur
missed that this is done to snub. Gen.
Grant, and some even go so far as to
say that the President proposes to issue
his army orders hereafter through
Gen. Sherman.
The President sent a message to
the House to-day stating that the De
ficiency Appropriation bill for recon
struction purposes has become a law
without his signature. The last part
of the appropriation in the bill is for
the Quartermaster's Derartmentof the
Army; only about fialf a million being
for reconstruction.
The House Committee on Foreign
Affairs is unanimously in favor of pay
ing for the Alaska purchase, and will
report a bill to this effect as soon as
they settle the question of Perkins'
claims against Russia.
Senator Doolittle presented a
characteristic petition in the Senate
to-day from certain residents of Ala
bama. It says, among other things:
"Continue over us if you will your own
rule by sword. Send down among us
honorable and upright men of your own
people, of the race to which you and
we belong; but do not, we implore you,
abdicate your own "rule over us by
transferring us to the blighting, brutal
izing and unnatural dominion of an
alien and inferior race."
A dispatch from London "of the
11th instant says official advices from
the seat of war in Candia, dated on the
26th of January, have been received
by the Cabinet ef the Porte. The ad
vices detail the movements of the Im
perial troops, and call attention to the
fact that the United States war steam
er Ticonderoga, mounting nine guns,
and forming part of an American
squadron, had arrived off the coast of
Crete, under orders received
from Admiral Farragut, in command of
the American fleet in the European
waters. It is also announced and be
lieved in the political circles of Turkey
that the remainder of the vessels of the
United States fleet, under Admiral
Farragut, will leave their present sta
tion at an early day, and sail for the
Grecian Archipelago, where they will
muster in force.
A dispatch from Galveston, of the
ISth, says th i convention has unde
niably carried the constitution, the Con
servatives voting against it, or absent
ing themselves from the polls. '
Go to the Polls and cast your vote in
favor of Rail R ad BjiiJs. This en
terprise is one fraught with impor
tance to the future growth of Plaits
mouth. It gives us a connection with
Omaha and the Union Facifis railroad.
t bridges the Piatte river, and it in-
. . . . . :.u
sures raiiroaj cjnnecuon east wnu
Chicago ani St. Louis. We earnestly
urge our citizens not only to vote for
these b.nd, but to call on Mr. Clark
the Treasurer of the. Committee, and
ubscribe all they can to fjrward this
great enterprise to completion a.s early
as possible. Many of our citizens can
contril ute ties, piles, rock, labor and
other ma'erial. Let them go and do
nate all thev can. at once. Procrasti
nation and indifference will kill any
enterprise; and if they really want a
railrcad let them show their earnest
ness by moving in tus matter wmiuu.
anottier uav s aeiav. ms i,usiuio
1 I 1 T 1 . 1 - . r r c
will be here shortly let us be ready
for them.
A private dispatch front London
to the New York Herald, of the ISth,
states that the Mexican Government is
lo!o? minnd ta repudiate all debts of
foreign countries except the United
Siate?, which has given use to intense
It is stated that the English govern
rnent is seriously contemplating fitting
up a fleet to take possession of the
norts of Mexico, and hold them until
satisfaction is given.
It is also understood that France,
though consulted. Las declined for the
present to participate.
Earl May, in the House of Com
mor.3, made an explanation in regard
to the arrest of George Francis Train,
ad said that the policeman who ar
rpstpd him had received General in
structionsto watch all persons arrivin
from the United States,- and stop all
suspicious parties.
Copies of Train's speeches on Ire
land were found in his trunk which
caused his arrest. He was finally re
leased on giving his pledge that he
would make no speeches and do no act
in sympathy with Ireland.
In the House on the 17th inst. Mr
Bingham introduced a joint resolution
declarmg that whereas a large majority
of the votes cast at the late election in
Alabama in favor of the constitution
submitted by the convention; and
vvuereas, a certain combination of citi"
zens refund to vote, with the intent
thereby to dtf;at the tffoits of the
friends of the Union to restore the State
to its proper relations to the Union,
Resolved, That the Legislature elect
under the new constitution be convened
as soon as praticable by the military
commander, and upon the ratification
by said Legislature, of the fourteenth
article of the Federal Constitution, aud
the establishment by law of impartial
suffrage in the State, Alabama be ad
mitted under the reconstruction act.
The Tribune's .-pedal of the loth
says that Gen. Sherman telegraphs to
his friends in Washington that he don'i
wish to come to New York, and don't
believe the President can legally cre
ate a new military division. He is so
determined on this point, that he pre
fers the-alternative of resignation if
ordered to acceptthe post. He has
asked his brother to have the military
committee to refuse their sanction to
the appointment. This action of Gen.
Sherman creates much talk,
Gle.vdale, Feb. 17, lSGS.
Editor Herald. Dr. Sir: No
ticing some observations and queries
from your Ashland correspondent, in
your weekly of the 13ih, inst; permit
me to add a few words on the soft, or
property, "Silver Maple." 'Ihis tree
is a native of our soil. I have had
some experience in both transplanting
and raising from the seed. They are
easily transplanted, but much more
easily raised from the seed; hav great
vitality, and so far, hare withstood the
severest cold as well as all insect en
emies, and aie equally rapid in growth;
more beautiful as a shade; more valu
able as a timber than couonwood.
To plant, lake the seed as it fall
t .1- T
iromiue tree in June, anu put it a
once into the ground, and the ' same
II 1 ja
year win make a growtn from lb to
30 inhces. It is as easily and surely
raised as a crop of corn; and by planting
at proper distances, two or three good
crops of cjrn may be raised with it on
the same ground. A. L. CHILD.
There is great impropriety in say
iag ''colored people," because it signi
fies that they were once white, and
have been colored by some process.
Ft. Smith U-r.
Is there not also a "great impropri
ety in saying "mulaltoes," because it
fifnifies that they were once black,'
and have bt?en ivhitened' 4by some'
Democratic 'process?" White Cloud
Gen. Ord. who is not a Radical,
says he has no doubt that Arkansas
will pass through all the steps of re
construction under the present laws
during the coming spring.
luipurtaut Siiferiiitl iievcuue
tProm ti:3 E.isi t. ConS.u-.rci it a.s'Ittin, Fe1'. a
Commissioner R0II113, of the Internal
Revenue Bureau, huj recenity sent the
following decision- tu a gentleman ot
this city, which will be of general in
"Every change ia a firr.i by which a
member retires from ihe same, whether
a new partner lakes his place, rr the
surviving pariuecon'dus the business
alene, or by which a' former proprie
tor disposes of his entire business, ana
a fuccessor takes his place, constitute
alike in contemplation of law, a new per
son or firm liable to special tax for ine
balance of the year fur which tax has
once been paid by the original firm or
owner. No provision of law exists in
relation to special tax receipts similar
to that which formerly admitted of a
lir.ense fYoin one nnrsnn or firm .to a
successor by indorsement of the Lol
lector, and vou will therefore nerc'ive
that in the case vou cite, the party con
tinuinrr the business must be held liable
for speci tl tax from the first of th3
month in which he became the succes
sor of the firm In the case of dealers,
manufacturers, hotel keepers, and some
o hers, having paid special tax as sucu,
when it appears t the satisfaction of
the Assessor on the first day of May,
lbOS, that the sales, pro iucis, gro. re
ceipts, ns tne case may ve, or any pri
son or firm, have not exceeded S1.000
in value for the year then ending, the
Assvssfr or soma assistant will aid in
oreparinir a proper claim upon the of
fice to have the tax paid refunded.
Bankers, brokers, liquor-dealers, and
some others who have done any uusi
ness as such, are not thus privileged
with respect to refunding taxes paid.
If the Alabama constitution is de
feated as is claimed, it has not been by
votes against . it, but by the tactics of
ex-rebels in not voting and the terror
ism they exercised over Union whites
who did not dare vote. It deserves
therefore, to be said that the House, by
a solid Republican vote before the holi
days, passed a bill providing that the
constitution might be adopted by a ma
inritv or the vote; cas ; taai mis mi
has been buried in the Judiciary Com
m!:tee of the Senate; that a majority 0
the Reconstruction committee earnestly
asked action on it in vain; that many
Senators and Representatives have
personally urged that It be taken up
and passed, and that the Judiciary Com
mittee have refused and still refuse to
do anything therewith.
The Judiciarr Committee of the
Senate must be held responsible for
the defeat of recmstruction in Alaba
ma, and the conssq'ient extra expense
which must be incurred before that
State ca'ir-gT-inurthe Union. Rtpub.
In the Georgia vs Stanton, Grant
nod Popo,case, the"9tuprenie Court gave
a unanimous opiuio.t that it had no
jurisdiction over the.matter because it
was a purely politica question. This
deci.-ion that only Congress can deal
with political questionsand that the re
construction laws are Purely political
laws, is a virtual decisim that they are
constitutional; for the mtnner in which
Congress deals with poljtidal questions
is final. In it3 action it demJes the
constitution tl point itself. From its
decision there can be 10 demurer, for
it is at supreme in pclitiul questions aj
the Supreme Court is inlaw questions.
The decisive vote in tie House Re
construction Cjmwittee against Thad
Stevens" proposition of irnr0achmont
probably brings to nn eni this agitating
question. If Confess cannot find any
constitutional grounds to imponcb. the
President in any ol the many acts of his
OlScial life which luve aroused popular
indignation, it must bo because he has
technically kept within the bounds of his
powers, while grossly prostituting them.
Unless ha shaU be suilty, at some future
period of his term, of some offense more
defined than those past, the present un
successful movement looking to bis ar.
rai'nment promises to be fi jal. But if
not impeached before Congress, he has
been by the public opinion, and will be
in the tribunal of history. Chicago Re
publican. Prof. Landore, of the Muscatine
Commercial College, dislocated his
jaws by gapinsr on Tuesday last. It
took two men half an hour A straighten
his grinders into working order.
Mrs. Jane Swisshelm has just had
a decision rendered in her favor by the
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania which
gives her some S60.000 worth of prop
erty, lojated near Pittsburg, to which
her divorced husband had caimed ex title.
To remove warts, soak them three
or four times daily with spirits of tur
pentine. I have removed between
forty and fifty large ones from my
hands in this way. Southerner.
Chicago possesses forty distilleries
twenty five lirge and fifteen small
makes twenty-five thousand barrels of
spiritous drinks a year, and has two
thousand saloons, or one to every sixty
members of her adult papulation.
Willoughby, in his work on or-
thinology, speaks of a goose that had
attained the extraordinary age of one
hundred and twenty years. We hope
there is some mistake about this. Think
of Andrew Johrson living one hundred
and twenty years. That would be a
ripe old age of cussedness indeed.
A boardin? hous keeper in Buf
falo, ho died a few days ago, left a
handsome legacy to oue of her board
ers, whose only claim to her favor was
that he never found fault at the table.
i'ailure of tlie Second Attempt
at. Impeachment.
The Reconstruction Committee held
a brief session on the morning of the
12th, all the members being preseut.
Thaddeus Stvvens stated that he wanted
to briug the subject of impeachment to
the test in the Committee, lie reliev
ed the investigation had gone far
enough, and the time had come when
ome laugible action should oe taken.
Ie had prepared, he said, the follow
ing report to the House, and he would
now take the sentiments of members of
the Committee thereon:
"The Committee on Reconstruction,
to whom was referred the correspond
ence of Andrew Johnson, President of
the United States, and Ulysses b.
Grant. General Commanding the Army
of the United Siates, having considered
the same and the evidence do rfport:
That in virtue of the powers with which
vour Committee have been invested
thev have fully examined the evidence
before them, and are of the opinion
that Andrew Johnson, President of the
United States is rruilty of itinh crimes
and misdemeanors, and therefore rec
ommend the adoption of the following
resolutions :
Resolved, That Andrew Johnson,
President of the United States, be im
peached of hh crimes and misde-
Resolved. That
a committee ro to the
Senate, and at the bar thereof, in the
name of the House of Representatives,
and of the people of the United States,
do impeach Andrew Johnson, Presi
dent of the United States, of high
crimes and misdemeaniors, and ac
quaint the Senate that the House of
Representatives will, in due time, ex
hibit particular articles of impeachment
against him, and make good the same.
Resolved, lhat the said committee
do demand that the Senate take order
for the appearance of the said Audrew
Johnson, to answea the said impeach
This resolution was discussed with
much spirit. The point of the debate
was as to whether the President had
violated the bill by the effort to induce
Gen. Grant to hold the office of Secre
tary of War at the disposal of the Pres
ident, after the Senate, by its resolution
had restored Mr. Stanton. Finally the
re?oIution was tabled by the following
vote: Ayes Bingham, Iioaman,
Payne, Hurlburd, (Republicans,) and
Brooks and Beck (Democrats). Nay?
btevens, rarnsworth and Boutwell
After the vote, which created consider
able excitement, the Committee ad-
juorned, when Mr. Stevens invited
Messrs. Bouwtell and
J- amsworth to
meet with him in order to lake other
steps on the subject.
Mr. Stevens is greatly chagrined at
the result, ihourrh he says he did not
expect it would be much different. He
eays the Republican party is virtually
defeated, and all through the cowardice
uf Its own members. He attaches
much of the blame to Gen. Grant and
his mends, who. he says, became
frightened and demoriized, for what
reason tie does not exactly know. It is
his firm belief that had the friends of
Grant, as well as Grant himself, kept
their hands oil, nothing could have
saved Johnson.
ao ends the second attempt at 1m
inao. otevens nas just written a
letter upon the question cf negro suf.
t f f
irage wtucn rrom us contents, merits
attention. It reads as follows:
"bo far as I took any position with
regard ;o negro suffrage, it was and is
lb ai universal suffrage is an inalienable
Ui?lii, and that since the amendments
to the constitution, to deprive the rie
gtoes of it would be a violation of the
constitution, as well as of a natural
risht. True, I deemed the hastening
ot the bestowal of that franchise as es
se.uial to the welfare cf the nation, be
cause without ii I believe that the gov
eminent will pass into the hands of
rebels and their friends, and that such
an event would be disastrous to the
whole country. With universal suf
frage. I believe the true men of the
nation can maintain their position.
Without it, whether that sullrage be
impartial, or in any way qualified, I
look upon this republic as likely to re
lapse into an oligarchy, which will be
ruled by coarse copperheadism and
proud conservatism I have never u-
sisted that the franchise should be un
justly regulated so as to secure a Re-
pub'ican ascendancy; but I have insis'
ted. and do insist, that there can be no
unjust regulation of that franchise
which will give to any other party the
power; if the Republicans are true to
themselves, and do not fa'.l into their
usual vice of cowardice. The Repub
licans once beaten into a minority by
the force of negro prejudice, will never
again obtain the majority, and the na
lion will become a despotism."
A 1 . T ,
x lyunTnA st. iowa nas been a
T LI.'
iepuuncau otaie since J.000. liis-
- T .-, ,
souri was lemocrauc until me year
1662. Iowa has bunt 1,209 miles of
railroad, costing 10,191,450. Mis
souri has built 9S4 miles, costing S55,
751, 10a. Under Republican rule Iowa
does not owe a single cent. Under
Democratic rule, Missouri had a debt
in lbb2, amounting to a jout S24.000
The expenditures consequent upon ihe
war increased lhat debt, but it has since
the war been decreased under Repub
lican rule to about what it was in 166"
These figures prove a thousand times
more than the absurd fustian and rani
of Democratic papers about Radical
corruption and Radical misrule. Vol
umes could not tell more powerfully the
beneficent effects of Republican victo
ries. Patrick was in charge of a ferry
boat. A lady passenger bfing fright
eited by the wavp?, asked him "if peo
ple were ever lost by these boats?''
gave ihe encouraging reply, "Not
often, ma'am; we generally find them
afterwards by drr gging the river."
On last Friday, at 10 o'clock. Oiwny
r .1 1 f
G. Baker, convicted .cr tne muruer ut
Woolsey D. Iliggins, on the morning
. & 1 1 r j- "
of the 23J of November, louo, was
executed in the city of Omaha. He
, .1 c M ..... i.n n ?a cci .1 r ..rl
made tne louuivu m-v"-....;
before his execution. No speech was
made by him at the gallows. He met
his fate with more ccolness lhan could
bs expected of one guilty of so horrible
a crime:
Omaha, Jan. 23, 1SG3.
It is not my intention to conceal any-
ihiuT connected with this heinous crime,
though as the details cf the circumstan
ces connected with it will only serve to
open again the yet bleeaing wounds of
Mr. Hugh Iliggins and h:s iamny, i
did not at first intend to make- them
known. Mr. Doane in his theory
carne very near the tacts in me ca-e.
I first r anned this horrible crime in
the old store, but was prevented from
executing it by God's mercy until that
nicht; not th; t there was not money
enough on several occasions there
was more. I went to bed tkat night
nbout half past eight; what time Ilig
gins came to bed 1 do not Unow. hen
I waked I got out as easily as possible.
went all round the center tier of boxes
to get on the south side of Higgins,
, . iv i
came up, made one or two oners, anu
was on the point of giving it up, when
the devil put it into my head lhat Hig
gins had only been shamming sleep,
and would tell i U that I had done.
This gave me the heart to commit ihe
crime. I struck the first blow. He
drew a long breath. I thought he was
on ihe point of hallowiDg. I gave him
another; then went to ihe safe, goi the
money, put on my clothes, went out of
the back door lo where the mo
ney was found, leaving the bacli door
open till I came back. When I came
back I pulled off my clothes, went into
the cellar, set fire to the building by
selling some boards up against the
floor; took ihe oil-can, put some coa
oil in some old rags, set fire to them
and then went up stairs. I ihen went
to the back door, and stood there with
ihe pistol in my .hand until the fire
burneJ through the floor and the smoke
had filled the room. Then I firej the
shot which wounded my arm; then gave
the alarm; threw the pistol away, but
the devil always looks out for his own,
he carried it to the fire. 1 ran out of
trie back door hallowing fire, murder,
thieves. The first man that came up
had on a grey overcoat. At this time
I was at the corner of Farnham and
Twelfth streets. There I threw away
my hat. The man went to the engine
housi to ring the bell. I ran back
wards end forwards iwo or three times
there; when three or four more goi
there, I burst in the west side door;
went in, got my boots, threw one large
case of tobacco out of tha doorway, and
then put on my boots. By this time
there were six or seven men there;
then Iwo shots went off. I got uway
from ihe door, bat the other two shots
did not go off for some time after, per
haps two minutes. That was a'l the
shots which I hpard, and all lhat was
fired in my belief. When the crowd
got there with ihe engine, the west ide
doors were closed. This was some
more of the devil's work. Now, when
ihe engine began to play, the fiie had
got upon the swinging shelf; ihe water
was now thrown on the matches, which
wer.t tumbling down on the bed. This
was not the work of the devil, il was
God's hand wh ch threw the matches
down to show the devil that he might
help the guilty, but God the one
who administered justice. The fact of
the matches bjiniiscattered till over ihe
bed. led lo my arret, but ihey formed
no part of my plan. The Jamp-buwier
was an old one winch had been saved
from the old store. There was only
one fire kindled, that was done so as to
cause the floor to break in there, so that
the body would be crushed by the
weight of the goods. It -was not my
intention to bum the whole store.
There were on'y five thots fired to my
knowledge, on befoje the alarm and
four after. There was no noise to my
knowledge in the store lhat night; if
there was it was while Mr. Beale was
there wi'h Iliggins; if they made any.
ildid not awaken me. After I had mv
arm dressed I back to the front of
.t mr r i i
me store, air. reaooay said to me,
"If I had a friend in there I would go
in in spite of any body." Then I broke
open tbe front door, the one with the
iock on it. l broke ihe glass out,
pulled back the bolts and went in, but
could not go back a great ways for fear
the uoor would give way. I dressed
and undressed before I gave the alarm;
thea put on my boots after there were
three or four men there. I alone am
guilty; let me pay the penalty of the
crime. I should have had lo implicate
others who are innocent had I got
new trial.
nun regard 10 tne two previous
fires, I desire to state that I set the new
store on fire to prevent W. R Kin
trom moving m so soon. I did not stop
mere over nve minutes atter 1 bad done
it, for fear I should be missed from the
store; ihen I got back to the old store
without either Mr. Nave or Hi?rnns
knowing that I had been out, and went
to bed. Afterwards I set fire to Hell
man's warehouse to drav Higgins' at
. : j i -
icimj.-i, anu nestaes to prevent anv
deposits from being made on that dav
when this nre was discovered I was
down at the new store at work, ant
had been there about twenty minutes
I did not start at the first, but waited
until there was quite a crowd; then I
had no idea it would do so much dam
age as it did.
Mr.. Donovan has been a sufferer by
me also on two difftre.-it occasions. I
went into his thop .when he kept on
Fourteenth street, and on each occa
sion took two pairs of boots, amounting
in all to about forty dollars more or less.
I must now return mv sincere thanks
to Judgij Lake for his lenienrvtnivnnl.
me all through this trial. Mr. Doane
will also accept my t.ianks fur the feel
ing manner in which he prostcu:-?!
Mr. Rcdick, I freely forgive you
the way in which you r.iude ycur plot
in this caure.
I must not forget my own co in'-el,
for they have labored with the tittnu.n
faithfulness ever siiice I have ben in
carcerated to obtain lesli i ony and
counsel for me. I return them my
heartfelt thanks for the same. I am
also thankful to Mr. Hopkins, al?o Mr.
Parks, who exerted himself in my de
fqnee with his able talent. Mr. Mor
ris has not only given me legal advice,
but hr s done me itnny personal favors.
Col. Savage has all the thanks imagi
nable for the able manner in which lie
has conducted my case since he has
been connected with it, May be never
again whilst a member of this bar have
so unworthy a clietit.
I have never let any ono into my
confidence until after the Sjpreme
Courl was in session, so lhat neither
one or the other of my counstl knew
whether I was guilty or innocent. I
thank ihe community for their leniency
towards me. Had this been in any"
other part of the State cf Nebraska
besides Omaha, I should never hate
had any trial; but, thank God, the law
has had its course, and I have had a
fair and irnpartiial trial.
Not forgetting my kind Sheriff, Mr.
Hoel, and Jailors, Messrs. Reese and
Kane, for many favoro which they hnvo
shown me; alto Mr. Most and Mr.
Crowell, night watchmen. I thank
them all for their kindness to one to
undserving. I freely forgive all in
connection with my trial, both prosecu
tors, witnesses and jurymen. Thank
God, they haye done their duty; and I
hope they will forgive me, ns 1 have
forgiven thm. and expect to be for
given by my Father who is in Heaven.
And I hope you may pray for rue an
inheritance in the Kingdom where the
weary are at rest.
I desire also in this coi nection to
thank all those who would put religious
in ruction within my reach, but I be
lieve only in ihe Catholic Church, anJ
wish to die in her com in union, as it was
their instruction alone that brought
peace and hope to my soul.
A great Indian light occurn d be
tween the troops and the Wallipi In
dians near Brale Springs, Arizona, rn
the 6th. Chief Zeruu'x was wounded
and 10 Indians killed. The iroops
were repulsed with two wounded. The
Savages fortified themselves behind
the rocks.
Slew SVrtvrvtbcmcntjJ.
In Ihf District Omrt oftlie Fa'- of Vbrka, 2J
Ju.liehil District, in aud fur tl.c Cot'.uty if Cm.
Jarim E. Kvtf, Vl'tT, 1
Willis Stevens Duf t. J
WiMU Ft-rcn!,ta!;i. nn'.lrn, t!.;it ou Tie f!li -Mv ft
rclmiiiv, lifts, th HaintifT In Hie rf rmltt'il
hc iun tl ie'l hi I'tnitjtiri ia tris a! re n.iineil t'miri.
'l'lie il j'-ct. of tlnw artioti is t- r.btjtio rfymnt of &
certain promissory nitn oxe-'uti d ati-1 -lelivei ! l-y
you ti l'Liiniiff. tlic 'J j 1 U day uf Auj;u-l, li.'i-. for the
Bimi of '2'47, with iiitcriiKt tlii-rt on from Ui 7lti day
of Aunust lsi'J, at the r.ite of forty per i:-tit. ver an
num, a iitT Maid otu; and In default of payment, to
have a certain tract ot'lanJ hs you niort'auej t se
cure the payment of taiJ not, -.old according to law
and tlia proceed of mirfi applied. to llie payment
of note and intcresi. anil to have yoar eo'nty of
rooeinnt ion, an'! any int re-t you. or any pernor. a
claim ir. K u'idt r you, nud itihe pieut to mid mortptgi-,
fi-rever forecl-i-H.l aud barre-1. V liicn rntid laud m
described n follow, to wit : The aoiitli half (.' "f
oulh i rhi qr. (I4 ), of M-ction No thirty-two. 12,)
and wiuth-wei-l qi. fj of M.iith-vi et qr (ft) of
sir! 1011 t'niny t' re- 1ownlilp No
eleven, (11,) linage Mo. twelve, (1.)
aulitie norin-weti ii. i-j, or me una-ta-
qr- ("-j) seetiou No 11 v, (.,) In Town
ship lo. ten. (10,) noitu of No.
twelve VI ) eat: lying au l bei'iK I I. ana l,oiiny.
Nebraska: and yoj are reo-iin-1 to HVp- ar in tlio
above named Court 011 the 3nili liny i f March, ISO'S
at.d to nn.wer th-' peiition hereiu, or too name will
be taken as true, uu.l judgufiixm nii lered nccuid
intfly. j a it us r .-suAi,, rrn.
Ordered puldo-hed In the '-Sehrak lUrall"
four couseculi e noth?.
fcbl3w I Clerk of Dial. Court.
In the Di triul O .urt of the 2 I J'l licial District, In
apd for I'wi t'ouuty, Mate of N Uk,
Jaiius b. Nea',
Henry C. Majflell
The defendant, Henry C. Mayfi I I, wilt take n
tire that on the 4th diiy of February . IsGf, the plafti
tilT, Jarius K Nea!, filed hi petition iu the a'love n
tilled cau-e, 'he object an 1 prayer of tai l etui'. 11
buiuK to obtain payment of a uroinit-oty note for
two hundred and eighty CJS") dollar, ix-.i nt- d by
you on theiid day of Mirch 1-soJ wi'h iutermt iift. i'
due at forly I-er rent p -c annum, and lu '1. f mil nf tlio
payment of the money due o-i taid 11. a--, to have a
certain Hart of land by yon in -t.'.if I on Ih - am--date
of a ii-1 D-i'e to secure I lie payment ol the moo, y
mentioned In the note iu one year, j!d accord. n to
law. and 1 ti proc ie Is appii' d 10 the paym 11 . 'it th
amount I y tlio c mrt proved to b" iltl" th'.- hue! 5,
arid to foreclose vour eq-n y of relitipt:o i iu iit:d t ,
tlia mnrtrxt;a? d lireini.n s, heirs th out!i h ill (.'-, 1,
cf the Kouth-wenl qiiatltr aiol the went half ( V), i-f
the toulh-eai-t quarter of ec:iou twenty -four 4 t, 1 o
Township twelve (1), n--ri!i ol rauire eleven (il),
east of thv sixth I'mieipal .Meridian, in Caae Corny
Nebrabka- You are ie iiiiird 10 appear aud in'wcr,
plea 1 or demur to the aaid vmliiioo on or b -for
Monday the 3(lth day ol March, l.Vi-j or the f.ii-1 p
tii ion will betaken a, tm", aud judgement rendered
By THOS. B. fcTKVfc SSO.V, A'.fy.
Ordered pno:t-hcd in the "Jf brisk 1 llu-ald' four
conHL'CU.ive weeks
f'-bl3w4 Cleik ol V.H. Court-
Teachers Wanted.
To engage with us during t),e Spring au l Sum
mer, In bu-iue- by which they can clear frotu
to tiW per moutt.
Addrea at once,
No. 177 West Fourth St
febI3w4 Cixci saTI, 0,
(Jenningt A Dill a f lour and Woil Mil'-
Dealer In
Hats and Caps,
lioota and shoes,
And sack articles as arc
adapted to a Farming
Or exchange for Produce.
for grain of all kinds -or Uke Ir xrhn-j f r s 0, 1"