Nebraska herald. (Plattsmouth, N.T. [Neb.]) 1865-1882, February 20, 1868, Image 1

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    ' -a
" mi attempts to haul down the American Flag, shoot him on the trnot."
VOL. 3.
W i: liK L Y ,
'. lT?"0!fice corner Mais street and Levee, second
. Terms: $2.50 per annum. "
Hates of Advertising .
9 j-stiuar (space of ten line) oue insert Ion, 1 ..'0
a"cj sute luent insertion - l.i,0
Pn fe t nl card Dut exceeding nix lines 10 00
O je qjarler colamu orleo, perannnm 35. 00
" six months 2U.V0
" " thrie months J5 GO
9a half column twelvemonths 6).00
" six months Sd.lH)
" " three months 'iO.iMj
9 leeoluma twelve months Iimi.iK)
six months ... 60.00
" three months - - 85.00
4. II transient alverti-eraents mnsi be paldforin
a" fane.
V. f re rn pared to do all kind of Job Work
ra short notice, s.i ia a style wl. 1 give satis,
Solicitor in Chancery.
'Physician and Surgeon,
Ts-'ders hi i.rof'-sai'insl service e t- th cili:'os if
Cats cmoty.
(V7Kesi-l:riee S' ti'h-ci.t corner i''i't and .S'ixth
trrt; OTcp ou Main h'.reet, uppobil - Courl House,
pltti-m-iuch, Nelrk.
Platte Valley House
En. B. Ml'rphv, Proprietor.
JCurmr of an I Fourth Streets,
llatf smoutli, eb.
This lt.ui.;e having b.'en re fltt-d and newly fur
siiad offwrs first c.iiis aecomuiuditions. Board hy
the day or week. r.upi-
Maxwell Sc Chapman,
A Nil
Solicitors in Chancery.
rLAT1SM"LTJf, - - - yjWRASA'A.
Bie u'rrliKik, Buttery A t'o's Drug tore.
And Solicitors in Chancery,
jaatt wtr
A pond assortment of Watches Cli n ( old Pens.
Jewelry, Silver War-, Kane -oo VioMi arid Vi
lis Triuimin(;4 alsys fn hand. A'.lwork com
silted to his care will he warranted.
April 10. 1.-63.
O. M. talilt, CiLBol'S Jt.CKOXTOS,
Lij.'e :j't In Jiart AJTairs. . AttTnjs at Lam
The above numed Ceutl-tiin have associated
themselves In buioes for the pnrpnse or protecut
lag and e illeciinis all claims au-aiusit -the ueueral
tiovernment, or again-t anv triie of Indian, and
are prepared to promote such claims, either liefore
Coi'res4,or anv of the npartme-its of tlovirnmeut
r tefore the Court of Claims,
Ma. Irish will devoto his personal attention to
(he hMsinemat Wanhiupton.
OUice atXebraska City, corner of Main and
Tilth streets.
National Claim Agency.
tt -epared to present and prosecnte claims before
..A rf.l I oun 111 Lll nil inu mc i.rii.
(. is, PenNi.m-, Boant ea.
and Bounty Lands se-
c- r
j riiT-'CharKesmoderBt-.and in proportion to
ant i nt of the claim. v. M. UORUIN GTO.
tae smiuiil
Aiiril 10.
(Jentral Life, Accident, Fire, Inland and
Will take riVs at reasonable rat" in the most reliabl
c iipanies la the United States.
r"Ofljce at the book store, Pla ur onth. Nebras
, uiay21dtf
ITIillinery V Drcssmakingr,
T MISS A. sf. DKPAI.t A ilh. R. P. Kk!(5tlT
Opposite the City Bakery.
WI would respectfully snnnunce to the Ladies
of I'lattsmouth and vicinity, that we lmvejust
irceived a large and well selected slock of Winter
Goods, consisting cf Flowers, Uibbons, velvets, dress
trimming!', Ac, t. We will hell the dies pest r-hhIs
ere." sold in this city. We can accommodate all our
od custom) rs and as many new cue as will favor us
with a cull. All kinds of work in our hue done to
crder. - Perfect satasfaction Eieii or no charges.
Books. School Hooks, Newspapers, Magazines,
Periodicals, and all kinds of Stationery, at
Post-office Building, Main street. oc24
G-eneral Laad Agent,
Lincoln. ... 2rebraka-
Will practice la any of the Courts of the State, and
will bay and s- II Heal ate on cjiumisiiun, pay
Taes. essraine Ti'les. A.
The sexes are fully equal in intel
lect, in moral serse, and even in phy
sique (admitting that women were de
signed to be more delicately organ
ized,) taking the standpoint from the
Lett models, which is the true criterion,
all others being exceptional therefore
there is a propriety, in admitting that a
woman has a right to choose her hus
bai.d, just as much so as for a man to
choose a wife; and the only pretext for
denying this is based upon the inferior
one of sex only.
In saying this I sha 11 have the
whole iiu.une'able army of romance
writers and readers, as well as the im
beciles of both sexes, crying out
a.inst me; nevertheless, I s'and to
the point, and niil my colors to the
mast in defense pf it that 11 is right,
proper and delicate ftr a women to
choose Jier husband; and the uZ"3 'hus
j distinguished by her choice will i?e
- '-
will reward tuch a womnn v.iih tenfold
tenderness and reverence.
I a a Ly no means williog to have it
understood that I counsel women to go
about "popping the question' to n:en
here and there, like an army cf gren
aJiers; fdr from it. A man rarely
"pops the question" till he is pretty
well assured in his own mind as to the
kind of respoDse he will receive; and
in all caes a refined woman preven's
a Ijver from explaining himself where
she is bent upon a denial of his &uit.
Literature is full of heroines who
are practiing after the fashion of the
Spartan boy, and follow them through
innumerable pages of rapid sentiment,
where they are living and acting myri
sJa of lies 'm orJci ta -pKoJ a iheory
false in fact &ud false in nati re.
The two sexes are one in a scientific
point of view, and there is no merit in
a woman who lays her heart on the
altar of pride merely for the sake of
pride. It i no worse for a woman to
be rejected than for a man to be sc; if
men and women were high and true,
they would each regard the otfier in so
pure, so holy a light, that these goings
forth of the heart would be too sacred
ever to be revealed; they would be too for jest, too deeply real for
gossip. They would, be laid away,
shrouded like many a human hope,
dead, but beautiful, in the lone cham
bers of the soul, to be looked upon rev
erently, just as so many of us garner
in some secret receptacle, a leaf, a bud,
u lock of hair, whose history is known
only to us and the angels.
Let our women be free not only to
reject, but to choose, also. Men and
women are likely to do thii wi'houtany
great expenditure of language, for the
vocabulary of love is more expressive
than words.
I have known several women of re
finement and intellect, who owned that
their husbands were rather sought after
by ihem than otherwise. and these
matches were certainly among the hap
piest I have ever known. Perhaps, if
a woman deludes a man in this way
into marriage, the feels bound to make
his condition a happy one.
When I was a child, one of my
mother's friends was a tall, very rev
ereud, but most elegant woman, who
rarely went from home, and was far
from entertaining company there, as
was the custom in that part of hospita
ble New England. She belonged to
the highest rank in point of wealth and
birth, was handsome and highly intel
lectual, and yet, with all these advan
tages, she wrecked more than one life
for lack of nerve to go through with
what she began in fine spirit.
There were wo brothers in the same
town in whicii she lived, very different
in character and inferior to herself in
rank, but both very estimable men.
The cider was plain, plodding, dull and
pains-taking, but an honest and church
going man, whem no one could say a
word against, nor would go out of the
way to praise. Now tnis worthy man
had hardly ever aj peared in any socie
ty till his brother George, who was in
the navy, came home on a long fur
lough. George bad the peculiar dash insep
arable from the navy was manly,
generous, brave and accomplished.
He might not have been a model man,
as dull people accounted his brother,
hut he was above censure or repioach
of any kind, and the lady of whom I
speak at first admired and then lovd
him. She had good reason for Le!.. -
ing the sentiment to be mutual; bul, u
her family was rich, haughiy and ex
elusive, she was well convinced that he
would not dare to make any advances.
and she resolved, being old enough to
have a right ta think for herself. t
write him in a way not to be misunder
Accordingly she did so; butunfortu
nately, she had been misinformed as
to the name of her lover, and addressed"
her letter to William instead of George
Nothing could exceed the surprise and
delight of the little man upon receiving
this letter. He prepared himself in
the most seductive.manner to call upon
the lady, letter in hand.
She was aghast! Recovering herself
as test she could, she faltered out:
"Your name is William, then?'
The poor innocent was not penetra-
I I n fT rla ur a a f t 1 1 a, r nnaTno.Marl r a r
; . , , , j .
' tu're, and she she, too proud to ex
plain raug'it, as she believed, in the
snare of her own folly, forbore to do
so. She married hi'ni,
George, iadignant, and y H more in
eorrowthanin anger, joined his s'P
and never saw her again. He perished
at sea.
The lady took up her self-imposed
burden with a strong, brave spirit. She
made poor William a faithful, dutiful,
but certainly rather haughty wife,
vhom he never ceased to admire and
boast about. She kept her secret
buried In her own breast till he had
gone the way of all the earth, and then,
finding her own end approaching. 6he
revealed it, in a fit of weak confidence,
to her eldest daughter.
Now here was a woman living a life
loner ,:- L- : njii'S vim Ji
upon her conscience. How much no
bler, how much better worthy of a true
woman it had been, to have owned to
the truth bravely, and so abide the
In choosing a husband, it is easier to
say what a woman should not choose
than to say what she should; for the
best must and will depend on charac
teristics best known to herself. If she
is a strong woman, she may venture to
marry a weak man; but if weak her
self, let her beware of this, for she will
put her own life out at last, and ten to
one do the same ungracious office for
her husband; while a woman of noble
proportions will be more forbearing and
make up also, for some of his deficien
cies. Let not any woman marry a man
wiih insane blood in his reins.
Let her not marry one deformed at
birth; the disasters and accidental de
struction of any member by war or
otherwise, may excite her compassion
and be no impediment to her affection,
but congenial defect becomes heredi
tary, and by the laws of our being will
be repugnant to a wholesome minded
She cannot and will not marry a
She should not marry a diseased,
sickly man.
Neither will, a wise woman marry an
old man; for the true idea of marriage
is the union of youth, and health, and
beaut'; a thorough completeness of
spiritual, mental and physical life: and
everything short of this all but nauseous
to a sympathetic, penetrative mind, as
a violation of immutable laws.
She will not marry a man younger
than herself, not simply for the reason
to often advanced, that a woman grows
old sooner than a man, which is true
only because of the abuses of society;
for a woman of sound health and
cheerful mind, unswerved by the vul
gar and wicked passions of envy, jeal
ousy and malice, carries m tier own
breast a fountain of perpetual youth
and beauty. Let her be temperate in
all things; preserve her person fresh
as a rose; her mind undwarfed by
prejudice or idleness; her soul, with al)
its atlections and impulses, pure and
loving, and she may go enward to her
eighty, ninety, or a hunderd years
generally beautiful to the last, fit for
reverence and admiration, and worthy
to sit for one of Michael Angelo's Sib-
Moral obliquities of many kinds are
60 intaDgible that, unless carried to that
excess which show the best part of
manhood utterly corrupt and depraved,
a woman is not likely to know of them,
and she should be unwilling to listen to
common scandal; she must not trust
to any spy or inform, but rely upon his
truth and her own intuitions.
If she expects to find Chevalier Biy
ards, and Admirable Crichlons, and
immaculate Josephs ready for her ask
ing, she will most likely remain with
out a husband. She can oly hope for
an approximation to the ideal; but if
she is true-hearted, sincere to the core
unselfish aud lovely in her own life,
she will be sure to make-the dear one
whom she allows to be head of the re
public at home, not only a happy man,
tut a progressively good man, growing
into spiritual insight, advancing in dig.
nityjand manly worth, for she will be
his helpmate in building his house.
This is plain talk, but the subject
demands it, and the world is altogether
too squeamish in regard toil, and so
madness, deformity, df unknness and
disease go on accumulating, with all
their mental and moral and physical
obliquities, till the earth is a lazarhouse
and pestilent with crime
This is, much of it, due to that lalse
estimate' of woman in the world, which
regards her almost exclusively in the
nature cf sex instead of as God's best
und purest gift to man, to be his help,
his comfort and his iispiraiioa.
It is the woman that builds the
house, a:id therefore she would take
heed how she builds. When the world
grows wiser, it will tccepi her in her
higher aspect of v. isunt aa& forecast
moving like a queetin th? midist of
her household, her htsband kunvn 'n
tf.A rrafog ttKora a eiitot ...liK I
MN Mtw.? S-A A V A J Ulllt I LA VW HI
elders, known as the hrsband honored,
beloved aud exalted 'y a wife whose
price is above rubips.
In the tima !o-n-.a it will, bo "ho'1
iu cause me cueeif j tinyic mm ouaine
to see. a discordait marriage; for then
women will choos as well as be chos
en, and she w7 not lend herself to
any relation ouer than the true and
the holy, and ran will find his man
hood augmentd by marriage and the
beautiful and loly relations which it
In conclusion I thiak any woman
will not mam before she is twenty,
or by so doiig she loses thet fresh,
joyous, hopeful period of life, and a
very essential part of it for the sake ol
health, study, and consolidation of
character her girlhod; and she will
in after life be sure to mourn the loss
of this lovely perioc. She should be
twenty at the very leat when she mar
res, and, like a tru3 woman, ehe will
ook for a right marly man, who will
be handsome in her tyes, and represent
as nearly as possible her ideas of mas
culine perfection good sense, mental,
moral, and physical health; and, above
all, the certain and protec-
tiveness, always attractive in the eyes
of a woman.
The Democracy are peculiarly 'hefty'
nowTs-days in the way of "reaction."
Thy have just been having one of them
A - rU. IT ... 5
uunu lu uuiu. iiatiu i caticu
Thurman igto the U. S. Senate, on side
issues, they began to imagine it possi
ble to stand a square fight upon their
latest set of principles. They tried it
on in the eighth district the other day.
At the Fall elections, the Republicans
carried the District by something over
200 majority. The late terrible trag
edy, in which Congressman Hamilton
was the unfortunate victim, caused a va
cancy there. The "cops" saw their
chance and went in, Thurman especi
ally, with the laurels of his victory over
poor Vallandingbam, set jauntily upon
his brow, went in. He made a speech
on both sides of the currency question,
and most other questions in the Eighih
District. Then all the rebel guns were
loaded to the muzzle, and all the rebel
editors laid in a bushel of rooster wood
cuts and a barrel of fresh ink, and
breathlessly awaited the "reaction,"
It came. But like the Jackass artillery
that so signally discomfitted the noble
red man, it didn't shoot the way it
looked. Gen. Beatty, the Republican
candidate was elected by 1200 majority.
How are yuo, "reaction?" If the
Democrats have more of that article in
Ohio than they have use for, and we
we think they have, perhaps they
might spare a little of it to Pennsylva
nia. Commonwealth.
FEBRUARY 20, 18G8.
Tbe Clock at the Itock Island
One of the first practical advantages
conferred by our Chicago telescope is
that of furnishing the correct time, not
only for this city, but for other points in
ihe West. A mammoth clock, just
placed in the Arsenal at Rock Island,
will be connected with the Dearborn
Observatory by telegraph, and furnish
Chicago time to the people of that sec
tion. The clock is'in itself a wouder
the work of Mr. Hotchkiss, of New
r T. e - - i ,
xorst. us irame is eigat teet long,
three feet wide and seven feet high.
The maiu time wheel is three feet in
diameter, has 180 teeth, turns once in
twelve hours, has ihe figures on the
face, and a pointer raaikiDg the hour.
The second wheel is twenty-seven
inches, has 300 teeth, revolves every
hour and has the minutes on its face.
The third wheel turns once in three
minutes, and has the seconds pointed off
on it. The pendulum i thirty-two
feet Jong and vibrates in three seconds
and the ball, weighing 400 pounds, is
four feet in length by seven inches in
diameter. This pendulum, with its
great weight, is suspended from and
vibrates on a strip of steel about three
inches long, one and a half in width 3 J
lUUtlis of an inch in thickness. The
weight case is fifty-seven feet in height,
and reaches down through three stories
The cord on which the wheels are sus
pended is of wire, having six strands
of seven wires each. of this wire
cord or rope 250 feet are required for
the striking cylinder, and 120 for the
time. Lach of these cylinders is eight
een inches in diameter, and is grooved
spirally to receive the cord. The main
striking wheel is three feet in diameter,
2nd is provided with thirty-two steel
roiVei".! which operate with ihe revolu
tions or wheel, on the striking ap
n.u. TsL.' 'atter is connected with
thirty feet in leng.rXi-rt
wheel has thirty steel pin, wu! agate
This machinery, constituting the
clock proper, connects with, and ope-1
rates, two bevel wheels, on a vertical
shaft six feet in height. This latter
connects with a horizontal shaft, ten
feet in length, to the centre of the clock
room. From this centre, by means of
one bevel. wheel operating on four sim
ilar wheels, each of the four shafts
connects with the dials. These latter
are twelve feet in diameter. The
clock will run eight days. The wheels
are all of bronze, or gun-metal, highly
finished, and, with the steel shafting
and pinions, are exquisitly polished.
Severe Cold in Europe.
Paris letters, written ou the 15th
of January, says that the previous fort
night has been remarkable for the ex
treme cold which has visited every part
of the continent. In St. Petersburg
the thermometer fell low enough to
freeze the mercury; the Seine is frozen
at Paris, and the Saone and Rhone at
Lvons. The lake ec Uonstance is
nearly frozen over, and in Spain the
cold is so extreme in the mountains
that the wolves have been driven from
their accustomed haunts, and have been
seen at the very gates cf Cordova.
Even the sunnv coast of Southern
France has been visited by the ice
kiDg; Provence is covered with snow
and the olive trees have suffered much
In Tyrol such extraordinary quantities
of snow have fallen that many destruc
tive avalanches have already descended
into the valleys. Even in Italy the
railways have been blocked up, and in
Florence snow has fallen as it does
only once or twice in a century. On
January 2d, nearly all the shops were
closed, snow was ankle deep, cabs and
oranibusses ceased running, scarcely
any one ventured out, and the streets
were as silent as a tomb.
Death of Vert Old Persons.
Mrs. Lorey Clount died in Ripley,
Tiffal county, Miss , on the 5th instant,
aged 103 .years, 4 months and 25 days.
She had been a helpless sufferer for
nine years.
Thomas Gray died at Buffalo, last
week, at the age of 103. He was
born in Clare county, Ireland, in 1760.
and was in good health until three or
four monihs ago.
t"An exchange says: ."when
Mark Twain spoke of George .Francis
Train as an 'eminent old lady,' we don'1
suppose he had any idea that Francis
was going to England to be confined
The Eastern apers hare slated that
Mr. Charles Dickens is not coming to
Chicago. This must be a mistake.
Mr. Dickens is surely coming to Chi
cago. He would as soon- think of
dining without saying grace as to come
to America and not visit Chicago.
In one of his tales, or perhaps cne
of his letters, Mr. Dickens told hi
readers how he came to wear the name
of "Boz." It appears that "a younger
and favorite brother" was for some
family reason nicknamed "Mose and
that another member, having a very
bad cold, on one occasion, in attempt
ing to call "Mose," rendered the term
"Boz." Thereafter Boz became
familiar name in the Dickens family,
and Charles adopted it as his own title.
Some fifteen years ago, this younger
and favorite brother came to Chicago
to reside. He entered the office of the
Illinois Central Railroad Company,
and as long as health continued his
family lit-ed comfortably; but sickness
came, and with it penury and trouble.
Some two years ago Mr. Augustus N.
Dickens died, leaving his widow and
her large family unprovided for, stran
gers in a strange land.
One of the principal reasons for Mr.
Dickens coming to the LTuited States,
we are assured, was to visit the grave
of his brother, and to comfort the
heart of the widow and her orphans
with the sympathetic offerings of a
brother's heart. Those whj see Mr.
Dickens merely on the platform, and
know of him only as the recipient of
thousands of dollars for each evening's
performance, scarcely imagine tha.
while he is before them, the delineator
of ihe joys and sorrows of his own cre
ation, his thoughts are far away upon
ihe shores of Lake Michigan, where
es the unmarked grave of the play
mate of his his early days. While he
VWk lftjh;v1JV".Viuw ia.Rvstnp. New!
Nickleby family, it is impossible to
suppose that, like Ralph of that name,
he would forget the widow of his bro-
tiir whose youDg children would have
been su"er'D? ere ln"3 fr want of
.food, but for tie charity of Mr. Augus
tus Dickens' Am?i-'can friends. The
fate of fatherless children has been
delineated by Mr. Dickens toJ often
anu too grapuicany to uc iurguucu uj i
himself. The school at "Dotheboys
Hall" was made up of that class of
pupils. Does any one suppose that the
author could leave tbe children or his
brother to the probable chances of such
a life as that of "Smike?" Surely Mr.
Dickens must intend to visit Chicago.
Chicago Tribune.
A young ex-Confederate officer re
lates the following incident which oc
curred during the siege of Vicksburg.
It is the only accident of the kind we
ever heard of: He says that "during
the siege of the place he was on the
lines in front of the town. The sharp.
shooters on both sides were busily en
gaged. Suddenly a quick 'thud' sound
was heard above and there fell almost
at his feet a ball. A private in Wad
dell's Alabama battery secured it. An
examination showed that it was com
posed of two balls one from a Minne
musket, the other from a Belgain rifle.
"The point of the former had pene
trated the side of the latter to the rim.
Judging from appearances, the Minne
ball bad come the shorter distance.
The man who picked it up refused fifty
dollars for it. He said he had no use
for money he wanted the 'anomaly'
to carry home to his 'sweet heart. He
was killed in one of the subsequent bat
tles. We have often wondered why
the balls'that flew so thick should not
meet in the mid air, but this is the first
time we have ever been told or heard
of such .an occurrence."
Aar-"now," said Mr. A. to a
friend who wished to convey a matter
of importance to a Udy, without com
municating directly with her, "how
can you be certain of her reading the
letter, seeing you havo directed it to
her husband?'' "That I have managed
without the possibility of failure. She
will open it to a certainty, for I have
put the word 'private in the corner."
g"Well, wife, I doVt see how
they can send a letter on them wires
without tearing on 'em all to, bits."
"La, me, they don't send the paper,
but they send the writing in a fluid
AO. 4C.
"J. X." i'llOPIIESIETIf.
The Montgomery Advertiser records
the following recent prophetic utteran
ces of J. N. Free :
"Thad. Stevens will die in his bed
in Washington City, on the 12th day
of February, 186S, perfectly happy;
but the negroes and whites will have a
bloody fight at his burial.
"Ulysses S. Giant will be thrown
from his buggy on Maryland Avenue,
on the morning of March lft, 1868,
about 11 o'clock, his cigar will be driv
en down his throat and a portion of it
enter his lungs, developing a disease
from which he will never recover. He
will never be President; Andrew
Johnson will, but he will not long sur
vive his re-election.
"About dusk, on the 25th of July,
1SC8, Horace Greeley will be attacked
near the corner of Hudson street, by an
ttrmed, mad negrd, who will inflict se
rious wounds upon his head and face,
ncludinga severe gash in the right
groin. He will recover, but will disap
pear in 1869, and will never more be
heard of.
"Salmon P. Chase will, perish at sea.
on his way to Savannah, some lime in
the spring of the present year. The
Republican party will regret his loss
even more than Grant's
Before the year 1870 Charles Sum
ner will be driven from this country,
and after many years exile in Africa;
will return to Boston, where he will die
at a great age. After his death a tem
ple will ba erected to his memory, and
he will be worshipped as the God of
of beauty, purity aud courage'.
"September 16, 1868. The bones"
of A. Lincoln will this night be re
moved secretly to New England, for
safely from the western mob.
"October 4. 187S. Great mojruing
hroughout New England this day, and
crape to be worn for six months, for the
lJutler, wno oiea iasi evening, in oiuy
Sing prison, of cancer of the heart and
ower bowels. He was imprisoned v
falsety for theft. Four negro female
n various parts of Massachusetts wilt
commit suicide for grief over this be-
oved man."
The prophet above alluded to is
well known in Ohio and Indiana, where
he has lectured for the past six years..
Most people think he is "cracked" in
the skull.
A lire gorilla is now on its way fiom
Africa to the London Zoological So
ciety. It wes captured by a native
who suddenly came upon a family
group of the animals. The mother,
contrary to what might have been ex
pected, abandoned her "baby" and ran
off; the father showed fight, rushing
at the native open-mouthed, and receiv
ing a stab in the side Clin the spear
which caused him to retreat a little;
when the man, not waiting to receive
a second attack, snatched up the young,
one, and made his retreat home as soon
as possible. The gorilla is fed upon
goal's milk, raw tggs -jnd berries. A.
Mr. Walker, the possesser, writes:.
"Tbe grief of the little fellow when
first caught was quite touching to wit-,
ness; he could scarcely bare to be look-.
ed at, and, if at all annoyed by the,
presence of many people around him,,
would lie on the ground, with his face
buried in his hands, and sway his head
from side to side, as if in an agony of,
sorrow at loosing his parents; and even
cow, when left alone for any length
of time, he has relapses of the same '
kind, appears to be in great tribulation."
Frexch and English Scrgxby.
It is told of the late Sir Astley Coop-.
er that, on visiting Paris, he was asked
by the Surgeon en chief of the Empire
how many times he bad performed a
wonderful feat of Surgery. lie replied
that he had performed the operation
thirteen times.
"Ah but, Monsieur, I have done him
one hundred and sixty times. How; many,
times'did you save life?" continued the .
curious Frechman after he looked intd
the blank amazement of Sir Asiley'a
'I saved eleven out of ihe thirteen,"
said the Englishman. "How many
did you save out of - the one hundred
and sixtyf' . . .
"Ah, Monsieur, 1 lose dem all, but
de operation was very briltiantt'"