PLASTIC SLATE TOR EOOFIN"G AND OTHER PURPOSES. Tbeprocesa of recomtractiDg Elate Stone from ft d it Intcg rated state wu PATENTED FEB. 21st, 1S65. It It combination of Pulverized Slate and Viscous Matter, (the (latter povrfiini qualities of geological aod 'chemical affinity for the formet,) and U a de veiopmtnl of one of the simple but unal terable tendencies of.nature. AS A ROOFING MATERIAL IT STANDS U5BIVALLED. A mastic It adspts lte!f to every shape and slupe. Non-combustible, impervious, Doa-eipan-ive and nndecaring. Frost does not Crack or Heat Dissolve it. litfonly Roiling Material everrdiscovered that will rcaUt the action of the element as lng;as the strocture it protf cts. BWns sns ceptibleof little if any wear from exposure and PERFECTLY FIRE - PROOF, It it omqaalled as a coating t-r railroad and faim buildings, bridges, bottoini of Yisstl?, vaults, ttc. 5I.lrtal;for sale by ALFRED OSBORN Sole Licensee for Nebraska, Douglas St. - - Omaha, Neb, myl ly Ha. TAB. t. I. ItlUii . B.CUT.B Tootle, Hanna & Clarlr, BANKERS, Dealers f j Gold Dust, Gold and Silver Coin, Exchange, U. S and other Stocks. DEPOSITS RECEIVED, and special attention given to Collections PIiATTSMOUTH, IT. T. ape djwtf Apothecaries Hall. ItEKI,WHITI3TGER & Co No. 135 Main St., NEBRASKA CITY, - Dealers in NEB DRUGS & MEDI.NES, Paints Oils, Putty .1 . Glass Patent Medicine of all kind. Urticles. Cta lionery, nd everything kept in rst-clai Drug Store, at Eastern price. A3- We are prepared to Oil all orders, and warrant cur goods to be fresh. apr.10'65 D. IS. JIc.lIECIIAIV. Dealer la Hardware, Cutlery IROX, XAILS, STdVES AXD TIX WARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Also. Airent for the Sale of the Celebrated MAGEB COOK STOVES, ASD BR ASCI, CKUOAS a CV .5 iSA t O. SIGN OP THE BIG PADLOCK MAIN STREET, Below the.Srymour House, on opposite side. NEBRASKA CITY, NEB. T oct25 Wm. II- Lcmkc, MERCHANT TAILOR ONE DOOR WEST OF NEW BAKERY, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. aee37 1865 tf $ HARDING & GO, POST OFFICX BUILDINQ NEBRASKA: CITY. - - N. T WHOLEPALB AVD RETAIL DEALERS IV SCHOOL BOOKS AKD STATIONERY Also Agents for all the priunlpal MA GA ZIXES and .YE TVS PA PER S. Forwbicb. Subscriptions are received at PubUsae rrtcea . WAGONS! X. R. PORTER & CO Are agents in this city for tHe sale of .theVelebrated rSouth Bend Wagons,' Hade by Studebaker Bros. They hav on hand food assortment, which will be replenished as fast a needed. They propose to sell at the very lowest ugnrrs. . Plattvrnouth, March FARTI For SALE CHEAP. The well knewn farm of S. H. Cummins, situate two miles west of Plaltsniouth, on the Denver road With the timber thereto, is for sal verr cheap. Apply to J. C. CUMMINS, on the adjoining farm. AJeo, lata I ami , bloek 14, Id r'tatt.asuru.. . mugll it GREAT REVOLUTION IN THE CHEAPER THAN r. A WICCIXIIORS E. A. WIGGENHORN & CO., At the'. New York Cah Store, offer tc the Stock cf DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HATS AND CAPS. ROOTS AND SHOES. YANKEE NOTIONS. HARDWARE, WOODEN-WARE, QUEENS WARE, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We give below the prices of a few . fame low rate?: The best Prints (Merrimac &. Cochecos) inc'uded, 15c per yard. Priuts for quilts and Lining, 9c per yard. New Style Printed Delaines. Hoc per yard. Denims and Striped Shiri'iig, 15c per yard. Bleached and Brown Muslin at Eastern prices. 1 Large Slock of White m .mm iconderjatiy We are Agents for the Best PLOWS and SEKD SOWERS in IVnrll TI p rJARriFM RITY fl IPPER PLOW, tamyles 111 tail f i on hand at our store. Cash paid for JJSFRemember the c!d corner. WM. R. PENICS, PENIGK & Caih Wholesale Q0(g Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Glass, Paints, Oils, Pure "Wines and Liquors,Coal Oil and Lamps, Stationery, &c. LNOS. 3&. 5 SECOND ST., ST. JOSEPH, MO- S-Ws are the Northwestern Wholefale Agents for Dr. D. Jayse A Scn.'and Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., nd can furtieb. their mediciues in ar.y quantities. jan28 ly J0H3 R. CLASS Clark 8l Plummer, (Successors to lootie, rranna ol C7o., DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Hardware, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Doors, FaLATTSlIOUTII, NEBRASKA. Keep on hand a full stock of all kinds of AGRICULTURAL MPLSMETS. Jlgents for the sale of Jackson, Michigan, Wagons. P. II. DORRINGTON, RbAL ESTATE AGENT, PLATTSMOUTH, ACL'., T itipt attention paid to the purchase and sal of R dl estate, and payment of Taxes, and all business pertaining to a grnervl Land Agency. Titles inves tigated. Refers by permission to H n.E. S. Dundy. Judge id Judicial Dist., Falls Ci'y, Nebraska; Major Kdw'd Burbank, Paymaster IT. S A.. Leavenworth, Kansas; lion. J. II. Burback, W.t A si tsor Nebraska, Falls City, Neb ; Hon. T. M. Mi,ui.rt, Plattsmouth, Neb., Col. R. R. Livingston, la e C .ebraska 1st Vet. Vols., Plattmouth, Neb.; M.;.' 3. H. W heeler, U. S. India.i AEent, Pawnee Agency; Cha's Ncttleton, No. Ill Broadway, New Yoik; Harvey, Deltrich A Brown, Waohiogton, D. C ; Tra-y. Maguire & Co.. Chicago, Ills.; K. G fitch. RiKrhester, N. Y-. Prof. Uenry Arling iale, ''Hartford Unireraity,"X. Y. oc23 Cnp.t. D. LABOO & CO., " . " Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Wines and Liquors, Alo a very cho'ce selection of Tobacco and Cigars,. iliin street, second door eat of 5eymour House. Nebracka City, Nebraska ' Are Just receiving a new stock of Genuine Oli mrbon, direct from Uoacbon county, Ky.. Bitter, Otgars, e. myl8 w PIANOS. PIANOS, Organs, MELODEONS. j. i1ivel.eer, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA, Dea'er io the celebrated Steck 4 McCammon Pianos, and o her Musical Instruments. S3All Instruments warranted Are years. octil ly II. C Worlhinton Attorney and Counselor at law. Offlce To Karbacb's Block, corner of Douglas and 13th etreets, Oibaha, Nebraska. auf!4 THE CHEAPEST. D. SCflNASSE. public the Largest and best selected articles and sell all other Goods at the and Colored Blankets at T luow I'riccs. -rnr bs - - - a Wheat and Corn. Plattsmouth, January 2 136S. TO!. LOVING. LOVING, Dealers (BOOK r LIPLCMUER. Groceries, Queensware, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Sash, tfee. Win. Stadelniniin & Co., One door west of Donelans Drug-store, Dealets in Ready-made Clothing, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HAT.7. CAPS. BOOTS. SHOES, TI2USKS, VALISES, and a general stock of OUTFITTING GOODS For the Plains; also, a large lot of RUBBER CLOTHIJTG. REVOLV ERS AJVD JTOTIOjYS. We bought low and will sell cheap for cash. Cal. and examine our stock before you buy any where eisel jyl 'Cd Wm. STADELUANN 4 CO. THOMAS C. CREJiSHAW, . rACRER or ASD DEALER 15 Saddles and Harness, BRIDLES, COLLARS, CURR1E Combs, Spurs, Lashes, Whips, $-c. Main Street, NEBRASKA CITY, - - N. T Energetic Men and Ladies wanted to can vass for the ORIGIN AND HISTORY BOOKS of the BIBLE, By Prof. Cahin E. Slowe, D. D. Showir.g what the Bible is not; what it is, and how to use it; tracing the history of each I'OoK np to its origin with the inspired authors, and coinplet-ly answering all It. fldel caviis and otjectiots to the criptarcs. It i, an ordinary library of Bib ical His tory in a single volume, brief, e-ear, accurate, con clusive and highly interesting A m'er piece of common sense. It is needed in every family where the Bible ia read, as well as by eveiy Sabbath School teacher, student and clergyman, and ueiug tba only book on the sut'Jecl ever published or sold in this country, agents can ea.ily see the advantage of canvassing for this work. Send for c.rciilat s con taining notices aod indorsements trom leading min isters of all denominations. Address ZEIGLF.R, McCCRDYACO , novi m4 No. 613 Olive Street, St. Louis. Mo. DR. M- H. M'CLUSKEY DENTIST' Will do all work io his line on short notice, EJOOe with Dr. Liviogstoo, July 6. Agents Wanted for Tli E BLUE-GOATS, SD HJir THEY LirED, FOUGHT asd dikd ron THE L'SIOS. K-lTil Scenes and Incidents in tho Great Bebsllion. ompiising Narrtivej ot Person il adventure, Thriliiu Incidents. Paring Exploits. Heroic Deed , Ai,ii,lTf'jI Ksc ipes. Life ill the Camp , r'leld Hrd Ilo-pilal; Adventures f ?(ie and Scouts, ToKetuer with the 5ongs, lia'l.-uN, Atieoiote, and Humor ous Incidents of the Wr. SPLEXDIDLY ILLUSTRATED, With oier 100 Fine roriraits and Beautiful Engravings. There is a certii'n of the war that will never g into the repular lii.-uries, nor b omboilied in ro rranee or poetry, which is a very real p irt oft, and will, if preserved, convey to succeetli"K generation, a better idea of the tplrit or the confl ct than many dry rfpbrt or careful r.jiratives of event, anj this prt 11 ay be called the possip. the fuo, and the pa ihos of the wr. 1 his i llti. irate the character of the ieai'es,the humor of the soldiers, the devotion 01 wemen, the bravery of mn. the pluck ofour heroes he ronini:co and hard.-hip of the service. The Valiant and Krave Hearted, the Picturesque and Dramatic, the witiy and Marvelous, the Tender and Pathetic, nl the whole Piinorarua of the War are here thrillingly portrayed iu a masterly wan ner, at once historic! and irmantic, r,ndeilrg it the most amide, un'que, brilliant 1 nd readable book that the war has called or :h. Amusement as ! as instruction mar he found in every page, as graphic detiil. brilliant wit, and au thentic lusto' y, are k:!. fully iuteiwoven in tlii work of litrrarv art. end for Circulars and a e our terms, and a fjil description of the work Ad Ires , - Chicago, IT. Ladies Repository, For 1808. I General Literary and Religious Maga zine for the Family- Publirhed by Pm Hitchcock. Cincinnati! and Chicago, CiRilos A Fobtiir, N, York, 200 Mulberry St. It is the purpose of the publisher cf this Mara r.ine to retain the nresent price, and to give Its read er, the full benrfitof anv decline they may And in tha cost rf nublication. bv enlarging and improving on the .Vaiiiaine itself Thev have determined to add sixteen p:ies to each rumber, making each number contain eighty pages. J nis emargemen rill be caual to four volumes of rcidiog matter. the modern tvle of bock making, wor:h one dollar and a quarter each; or, in other words, will furtii h the family witu as mucn reeling as nve (loiiiti in, vested in buoks, while the whole volume will far as much reading tor the family for 8, 50, at twenty dollars invested inbjoks containing Minilar reading matter. We now offer to thj pub tc the largest and b ste excufd Magazine in the Icitea States for tn sam- money. The Repository is a Christian family Magaiine and it will be our constant aim to maintain its nth character for rnre and el gant liti-rattire. It will be printed on 'he finest caieo-'en d paper, on beau'.i ful Antiq'ie type. Jacb numbnr will contain TWO ORIGINAL STEEL EXGliA VISGS, Executed in the highest style of the art. We pr. poe the widest ranee and the greatest variety possible In ihe literary matter of our pages: Es-ays, Disquisitions, Talc, Adventures irom real life. Biographical and Literary Sketches, Critiques, Poems, and papers on Practical Utility. Terms. 13 60 per year- or, $1,T5 per volume invariably in advance. The Repository for 19C? will be issued in two vel umes, commencing the first of January and the first of July jan 23 Unquestionably the best Sustained Work of the kind in the World- HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE- Critical Sot ice of fhe rres. The most popular month'y in tie world. New York Observer. r-r ',, if"i! eulosv to th hich tone and varied excellence of liar-n r s Magazine aj 'ur nal with a monthly circulation of about 170,000 copies in whose pag-s are to be found some of ihe choicest light and general reading of the day. Wt speak ot this work as an evidence of the culture if the American People; and the popularity it has ac quiied is merited Each numt-er contains fully 141 pages of reaJing matter, appropria'ely illustiatcl with wood-cuts; and it combines in itself the racy monthly and. the more philosophical quarterly, blended with the best features cf the tlaiiy j ui na 1 It has great power in the dissemination of a love of pure liiera'ure. Tml uer's Guide to American Literaluie, London. We can accouut for in success only by the sim ple fact that it meets precisely the popular taste, furnishing a variety of pleasing and iuttruitive reading for all. Zion's lieiald, Boston. Subscriptions- 186 8. The publishers l ave perfected a system of nuil inn by which they can supply the Magazine, Week ly, and Baza r promptly to those who prefer to re ceive their periodicals directly from thj Office cf Publication, . Tenns : Harper's Magazine, one year - - - 4 CO An extraeopy of either the Magazine, Weekly. r Bazsr will be supplied gratis for every Club of five subscribers at $4 each, in one remittance ; or six copies for $-0. Hack numbers can be supplied nt any time. A complete set. now comprising thirty-five vol umes, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by ex pres5, freight at expetife of puichaser, fjr $2 25 per volume. Single volumes by mail, postpaid, $1. Cloth cases, for biudlng, 55 cents, by mail, post paid. . Subscriptions sent fiom British North Ameri can Provincos must be accompanied with 24 cents additional, t j prepay b aited States postag . Address HAKPKU A BKOTHKKS, I'rankiin Square, New York. A Repository of Fashion. Pleas ure and Instruction. HARPER'S BAZAR- The publishers will commence on November 1st, the issu- of "Harper's Bazar," a Weekly illus trated Family Journal, devoted to Fashion and Home Literature. Their aim is twofuld : t supply the existing need of a Weekly Fashion Newspaper, and to comoine therewi.h a hrst-class literary jour nal, which will be indispensable t i every house hold. Arrangf-ments have been made, at an immense cost, with tbe most celebrated Fashion Papers of Europe, especially with i lie famous -Bazar" of Ber lin, which supplies the fashions to tbe lea-ling jour nals ol Paris, to furnish the same to them in ad vancr, so ibat henceforth the ftiticns will appear in Harper's Bazar simultaneously with their pub lication in Paris and Berlin an advantage enjoyed by no other jjurnal in tbe count. y. The patrons of Ilari er's Bzar will rtcelve every fortnight large i attern-plaUs, containing from forty to fifty full sized patterns, of ladies', misses', and children's bonnets, cloaks, diess s. underclothing, and other articles, accompanied with the necessary descriptions and directions, and occasionally an ele. gant colored fashion-plate of the sise of Harper's Weekly. Harper's Bazar will coctain 16 folio pages of tbe size of Harper's Weekly, printed on suei fine cal endered paper, and will be published weekly. SUBSCRIPTION'S. 18 68. The publishers have perfected a system of mailing by which they can supply the Magazine, Weekly, and liazar promptly toathoe who prefer to receive their periodicals Uiret t'y Irom the olfi e of publica tion Postmasters and others desirous of getting up Clubs will be supplied with a show-bill oh ap plication. The postage on Harper's Basar is 20 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscriber's post-office. Terms : narp'-r'a Bxr, one year - - - $4 00 Ad extra cony of eith- rth- Masazine, Wekly, or Bazar wi.l be sup lied gratis fr every Cub of Five subscriber, at t each, in me nmiitanve; or six Cupis tor t'JO back numbers cao be supplied at any time. . bubc-iptlon sent f.otn Briiish North Ameri can Provinces must he accompanied wiih 20- c--nts additional, to prepay Cnite-I Stales postage. Address HAKPs.R & BUOIHtltS, Franklin square. New York. DITELLI.VGS at all price Any persons wishing to purchase Farm-property, or Residences in town will find them for aaie at al prices. By DORRI5GTON, DlrT. JAL HrATS A9TWT. r rrrxmK. tov. a a PETKlt jiC.D VALLEEY, JR. VALLERYS '& (Successors to Slaitdc & Anderson.) We resnMf full- announce to our friend that we have turcbsd the entire stock ot goods of STACiE & ANDLRSON and that we are now able to aell tbfin EXCEEDS WCLY LOW PRICES. Our Motto I LARGE SALES & SMALL PROFITS. Oar Stock Dry-Goods and Groceries, Staple and Fancy Goods, Hardware and Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, And a large READY-MADE CLOTHIjXG, WOOD EX AND WILLOW WARE, IROjXAJS'D NAILS, And in fact, everything that a man wants. CGive us call and we guarantee yon entile "Agents for the ScJiuttler Wagon. g jan30 1S63 j. d. sinpsoy, W. iflCKEL Simpson, Mickelwait dr Co., Wholesale Receiving, Forwarding'and Commission Merchants, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Dealers Io GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, DOORS, SASH, WLXDOW-ULIXDS, GLASS, PIXE AXD COTTOXWOODLUMLtER, SHIXGLES, LATH, PICKETS, ETC., ETC. 1867. JSGT, AMISON, DOVEY & CO., North Side of -Slain Street, Have on hand the LARGEST STOCK of ' QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES. CLOTHING, &C Ever Offered in this Market. . LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS. In fact, everything the Farmer, Mechanic, Freighter or Emi grant wants. FLOUR, BACON, CORN, OATS, &C Thankful for past Patronage, we hope by strict attention to bus iness to merit a continnance of the same. Call and examine oar stock. Platttsmouth, April 10, lSt . tf Hardware, E. T. DUKE & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HARDWIRE i AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMEiYIS, Stoves, Tin, Sheet Iron, Brass, Japaned AND STAMPED WAKE STEEL 1 LOWS Of all kinds and sixes, which we warrant the Tin Roofing, Guttters and Spouting doYie on short notice. Are exclusive Agents in this County for the sale of Stewart's Celebrated Combination Coal or Wood Cook Stove. Give us a call we will not be undersold Main St., next door east of Masonic Block. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA P. . nCTFNtR. RUPFNER, goods at consists cf stock of satisfaction. VALLERYS Si RUFFXER. WA I T, ED WD BUTTERY. and Retail .VV t?.-l. Qv best io the market. VALLERT, g URLINGTON AND MISSOUKf RIVER RAILROAD. 1 8GG EASTWARD 18G6 Short and Qoick Route to CHCAGO AND THE EAST In connection with tho De Moines VaJ'ioy r-sj CU icago, Burlington and Quinsy Kailroad. Three trains leave Ottumwa daily est wv w Dcs Moiccs Valley traln-i. BDT YOUR TICKETS VIA 0TTUMWA and BURLINGT0S, FOR SALE AT 0MAaA'ATTSMOUT"- COUNCIL BLUFFS. NEBRASKA CITY, DES MOINES, KNOXVILLE, ALBIA, MONROE, PELLA, OSKALOOSA. EDUYVILLP,' OTTUMWA Il.iggage checked from OttumwJ u Chicago and the East. Passengers have choice of all the (rre t lines lea Inn North, East and South, and will find fck!s I. all ptiucipal points r:ast by all toutesat the Ottomwa ticket otiice of thi Company. ra.-o.eDKer will Hud tins route Quick, Pafe asi Jureiu its coiinH-tiin. C K.I'KIIKIN?, Superintendent. L. CaRPETI, General Fr-il,t an. I r.isrenirer At T UK SHORT ALL HAIL LIN5 EAST To Chicago, Jtrtroit, Tulrdo, St. ouit, Loapett: Indianamli, I'incinuuti, LcuriilH, Satltrill', Cairn, JV,j.Ai, loium'ut, IH1. ing, I'ittthurg , JJ'-JJulo, .i,nj,ira Fait. JutU burg, Baltimore. Uluiinjtwi, i'hilaiielphttt. Sew York, rtvn, dr., 1st), the old, reliable Central Kont the Hannibal & St. Jo. It. 11. rVTske tbe II A ST. Jo. R. R. ne of Mistrl River l'ackets from PLATTSMOUTH To St. Josep'i, where connections are mid. wit Two Daily Ezprcss Train On the If A .t. Joe. It. K , run ihrniiKh from Is la Joseph tjQuincy without rhsnKeof cars, CONNECTING AT QUINCY Wl h Chit-afro, nurlinpton A Qulo r. and Tole4. Wsha-h A Western l:ailic.d for all Ixjlots Asst. North and .SoLth For St. Louis Close connection made at JIAfUV with NORTH MISSOURI it R. for St Lcn-r, and at llaoulbal with Daily Mis. Kivi r Hsrk.-t for Ft. l.oui, nr-l. anu statprooms fre-, leaving t-tery evnn run anival rf trains from th- went, and arriving in tit. Loul nen niornl' g in esson for b siiirs, mu 1 to roonrtt with Chicago, Alton A St. I.oui-i, Terre llau e, Alton A til. Louis, and Ohio A Mis.i,kii'i Kallrcad-,for all pelaM Ka, North and South. NEW SLEEI'IXG CARS Run on Night Trains. - Huy your through ti.-k. ts via Itsnnhal A Si. Jo K. R. ul tl.eir ticket onices in t'luada, C'ouat-ii Blurts l'UtUin.)ulh. Nelrnska f'ilv, t-t. Joreph. at d on each l'ackt-t in the lino, and cnioy the con sciousness of havixg taki-n the short, ci.eap and quick r. utc eau- v. MKAI). (ion hup'i. I". II. GROAT (ien'l Ticket Agent. H. II. COl'ltrillGliT. Geu'l Kr'l Aft Hannibal & St. Joe 11 11 ksm Packet Line. One of the Coinrsnr Sti-.imTs leaves dallv fr" every point on the Missouri Kiver above St. Jo h, and arnve. at el. Jo-i'pn ! time to connect with tn. fxp'i-s ttaiu oa ti e Hannibal A -I. Jorph ltallrna.l for Hatinital, at hich place r'-nnrci iou i made th. ame cTeiiiiijt with one of the Keokuk Packet, wMih arrives in t line to connect with nest won iui; trains out of r-t. I.ouis for Cincinnati, 1 uiliaiiHpoli., Lou.s villc, Terre Haute, W.i-hin, ton City, U .iStimo'e, l'liiladciphia, N"W York, I'.oxton, ai d to alt .i..r KaMern, Northern and f.outh-rn Cit.eii. The aot. mentioned lines of eit-Eai.t Packet, are conc d.d by all travelers to b il l."t on ttir sr-trro waters TIIKoroil Tlt'KLTS For sale to Ft. Loui-i. und all raMcrn, Nortl err. asd Southern cit ie via the above Hues at Hctivi-r City, Um ha. Council Llutfs, I'lMttpiiiouth, Nrbi a-ka l tr and at all other principal t cket t-tSc-s i- tbe west. '-Mels Rud St it-rooiiis f.-.- R. V Jilli, Stip't K II. P. L , t-t Jn.xpli. II. Q. t'CK0i;tl.V. fc-'y It. It p L..f--t Jo., J. D. SIMPSON, Acem, p2j l'latUrooiith, Nebraska. 18(18. 16GS North Missouri RAILROAD LINE, TO SAIWT LOUIS. Two Daily Trains. BOm Dal y Trains orthe Ilatu ihal tc St. Joeih Railroad from the west make clote connection t Macon City with the hbove line, arriving ,n Louis and on re. ting directly with all morning end afternoon trains out of M. Lou'.-, f.r New Vong, I'm Ltnei.riniA. iioTOi, ATHiMjroji CiTr, Bai.timoiic, iUnri kbisok, FlTT'SftlOH, COLCMBCS, DAVTOM, ClMriX.VATTf, IntiiAasroLt.-', . CHtcsoi. Loiistill, Naslivu.La, And all'Points East North or South- The only direct and leKitiini'e route from th West to St. Louis &- the Kait. 7imr to the Eastern cities as Q UICK at can be made by any route, v:ith LESS CIAXGES. Tisket via the above line can be p.rcbs.'d at the Hannibal A St. Joseph ticket offices in tbe Weil. &?Fare is the same as by any other route. BARTON BATES, President JO UN' P. LAIRP, General Kuperintend'-nt. H, It. WfJKKLKR, tVn Ticket Agent. JOSEPH OAMBI.K, -n. Freight Agrnt P- H. EARLY, k-eni, St. Joseph. I M. DUNN, Ueuer.l Wetern Agent, jan, 23iy FURNITURE, AND Cabinet - Work ! II- TiOECK flaving enlarced hU Phop nnd SaU-s-room won'4 respectfully r!nitidlh people in this vicinity that he can furnish them w.tti the very best ruiuiti:r. Chairs, or o' her Cabinet-work, at the most reason able rates. I shall kc-p constantly on band a large assortment or .itrn Work, and am alto prepartd to manatactu-a anythia? in tny line on short D-t.cs A Urge a.-x-rirneiit of Keaoy-made Ci ttinj k pt at al! times. C.'l and examine my stock and priors JelUdd-w tf II. buLCK. Burned Out, BUT NOT DISCOUBAOED. T. W. Shryock is again . the old stand prer'd to wait upon his former easterners, and the publ;e generally. If yoa want anything n sbspe of smi te, or Chairs, give him a call. 3rd street near MaJa,Plattroilo'b, K. T. syIT.?f.