LOCAL NEWS- "Prairie chickens, dressed, have been' Belling at ten cents apiece. CProf. Miller arrived at homo last week, looking as hearty ad ever. Q5"The geniaMaco of Billy Mathis has been visible around town for the past week. 5?" A disasterous Cro in Chicago last week destroyed over $2,000,000 worth of property. CiTThey have organize! a Hook and Lalder Company inNebraska City we learn from the Xeiet. CThe Republicans of other portions of tbs State are organizing clubs. Let us be up and a doing in Cass. 38enators Tipton and Thayer have each favored us with important public doucments during the past week. TNews was received in this city last lhursJay that II. G. Worthington had been appointed U. S. District Judge for Nebraska. fcSrT. K. Hanna, Eq., left for Kan sas city, last week, where he will person ally superintend the Opening of their new Wholesnle House. Motto. Best goods and full weights is D. B. De Land & Co. 'a motto, hence they only recommend Best Chemical Salera tut. C5?"A greater amount of land has been taken in Nebraska, by actual set tiers, during this winter than any other season since the country was ecttled. For boots and shoes warranted to excel any offered in this market in quali ty and price, go to Clark & Plummer's. jSO (i?See advertisement of J. W. Jen nings in to-day's paper. People in tbo southern and western part of the county will do well to call on Mr. Jennings. f"Vm. H oodru3", Esq., has ja9t re ceived one of those superior Lamb Knit ting Machines, and is now ready to knit any number of stockings, socks, mitten?, etc. fThe American press and the peo ple have pretty generally denounced the British government for the arrent of George Francis Train. It is done on the principal that the U. S. Governmnt is bound to protect her meanest citizen in his rights. 7The I. O. ). F , Council R'.utt, Lodg? No. 49, Will hold un Anniversary Celebration in this city on the 27th day of April, ISuS. An invitation is extend ed to the Lodges in Omulii, Piittsrscnth. Nebrjfta City, Sidney and Lowis. -Von par til. ' G5r7. J. Hessr m making prepara tions to furnish the people of Nebiaska and western Iowa with his choice garden seed aeain this st rir.r. Those who use them or.ee think they must hare them every spring. Th-y 6ny Ilessev's garden seeds never fail to grow. s?"It renin I-i ono of old times to call in at Doom, Bro. &. Co's., north side of Main St , near the Co irt ilouse, and see the low prices at which they are selling Dry Good, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, o., Ac. They re selling the best brands of prints at 12 1-2 cM., and other goods in proportion. wl drove of 250 stock and beef cat tle, belonging to Mr. Richard?, passed through the ci'y yesterday, on the way to Missouri. Nebraska is the best st xk raising country in the Union , an J will noon supply Sc. Louis, ns well as Chica go, with beef. 2The St. Joseph Union has lately -changed hands, and the present proprie tors are determined to make it the lead ing Republican pqper of north west Mis souri. They start out by purchas:ng new presses and materia! throughout, end en larging the paper. We wish Ihetn suc cess, and believe they will a'tain it gTThey are about to have an Organ in Omaha. The Republican says it is tho first one constructed for a place west of tha Missouri river. Bliss you, Major; St. Luke's Church in this city has had an Organ for over a year and an ex cellent ono it is, too.. Tha one they are getting at Omaha was on exhibition at Bosten for two days. Tlie ''Irrepressible." On Monday last, the machine which I purchased of you got thrown from a wag on bottom up. I thought then I should see a Willcox & Gibbs Machine "out of order." Well, the "table" was shatter ed, but the "irrepressible" the machine itself was all right yet! Enough of the tab'U being left to apply the power, it ret right to work and performed as well as ever. Please send me a new table top. Geo. W. Leach, Bringhamton, March 7 lt57. 5CJark & PJummer hare jut receiv ed a large invoice of goods that they are el'Ing at foreign prices. Now is the time t3 make your purchases. j30 i7"Tbe St. Joseph fraZJcompliments the State of Iowa npe-n her financial con dition, and sja she, alone, of all the States, docs not owe a dollar. Iowa has never been demoralized by Demo cratic rule. She is eminently radical, and is about the only State that has stood square up to the principle of doing right and LeiDg just to all men. Any State will succeed by boldy advocating and carrying out these principles." (J"The lecture which was to have bocn last Monday evening was postponed for oae week. (nPDr7M. U."McCiuskey arrived at h)me last week, from a'professional tour in Iowa. CITIS is reported that Gov. Fletchsr is about to seize the Missouri Pacific Railroad in the name of the State. i Have you forgotten that Win. Stadelmann is selling clothing nt cost? Go soon if you would secure tho, very best of bargains, wl. iTD. II. Solomon, Esq , of Glen wood, was in the city last Monday and Tuesday on business connected with our mutual Railroad interests. Solomon is sanguine on the Railroad question. -w 5""Doom, Bro. & Co., have a well so lected stock of Groceries, which they are selling lower than the same quality of goods have been sold for many years. m m wl. 5?"IIon. J- E. Doom, will leave for the east next week for the purpose of lay ii.g in a large Vtook of goods for their new house in this city. They are selling large quantities of goods. All hands are kept busy about the Etore waiting on cus tomers. 5"Meesrs. Warbritton and Palmerton of Ashland, were in the city Monday evening. We learn from them that everything looks prosperous in and about Ashland. Thelyceum in that place has had up the question of female suf frage for discussion. ??We dislike to "dun" any of our patrons, for theyjare all fise people; but we intend purchasing some new material for your benefit, and would like to have those knowing themselves indebted to us call and pay up within tho next three days. C5?"Clark & Plumuier are selling goods at lately reduced prices without regard ta. cost. They are determined to keep up with the market. j30 C3"The people of the southern part of (he. county have been amusing and in structing each other during the long win ter evenings by public discussions of the various political issues of the day. We btlieve in this plan. Tlie more these questions are discussed the better thej will be understood. m 9 m CThe Photograph rooms of W. L. Thonine, Esq., have been closed for some time in consequence of sickness in the family of the operator; but the public will be pleased t' learn they are ngaia open, and everything in perfect order for tak ing those pictures for which this estal-lis-hinent is so justly noted. m (T"A letter has been received in this city from S. M. Hewlett, Esq., the great lecturer noted ns the second Gough, and thought by many to be tho superior of Gouh in which he announces thnt he will be here about the last of March, lie Las been engaged to lecture two evenirgs in this city. CSMaj D. II." Wheeler, left for Chi cago yesterday morning. He goes from Chicago to Michigan, where be will re mnin seme time visiting his friends and relations. The business of his office in this city will be under the siperinten dance of W. W. Erwin, Eq., during his absence. CST'LOST! Lost! JjOit, somewhere in this ciiy, a Key Stone, bound, with gold, upon which is engraved "Jacob Vallery, Nebraska Chapter No. 3., Plattsmouth, Nebraska." The finder will confer a, fa vor, and also be suitably rewarded by leaving it at tha store of Vallery's & Ruffuer. CTHmw to save money. Buy your groceries cf Clark & Piummer. For quality and price they defy competition. j30, CThcre has been a terrible grabbing for lard in this county for the past week or two, as many as four or five persons gjing t'i look at the same piece at the same time, each with the intention of buying. Our county clerk was kept busy nearly all last week making out and taking acknowledgements ofjleeds. And the great beauty of it is that it is all being bought for cultivation and im provement. Tnis looks healthy. m m (3?"We learn that a new and novel temperance society has been organized at Rock Bluffs in this county. A number of the "old settlers" have entered into a mutual obligation to the effect that they will not drink sufficient ardent spirits to cause the least intoxication, under the penalty of paying a fine cf2$l. for each transgression. They have made this ar rangement to be in force for the space of three months; and if they like it they will then either renew or improve upon it. (T"We dropped in at the new store of Doom, Bro. & Co., yesterday, thinking to have a little "chat" wi;b them in regard to business prospects etc., when lo, and behold, we found the room crowded with customers and every o ne about the place too busy to talk even with a "local." It appeared like the farmers wero aU taking a holiday, and thought it was the greatest fun in the world to get goods at such prices as they are sold at this house. 5?" A large cumber of families from New York and other eastern States have arrived In this county within the past few days. They are only the forerunners of the heaviest emmigration that Nebraska has ever had. We hope each one of them will, after due enquiry and personal in pection, write tojtheir friends whore main behind just what their opinions are in re gard to this State. We take the position that a knowledge of the fads is sufficient to settle Nebraska within five years. 5?"A fair representation of the "Lo" family was in the city yesterday C5THon. John Taffe, M. C. from Ne braska,, has our thanks for public documents. 57"The ladies of tho Parish Aid So ciety wil! hold a festival in the basement ro';nn of St. Luke's Chflrch c-o Thursday evening the i3th of February. (5?" Eighteen prisoners escnped! from the jail in St. Joseph, Mo., fast Saturdaj. During the nvelec Horace Fish, brother of the Sheriff, was shot and killed, and one prisoner severely wounded. CDoom, Bro. & Co., one door east of the Court Iljuso, have a large stock of dress goods, consisting of Merinoes, Poplins, Alapacas Sec, &e.t which they are selling very oheap. Call and see them. wl. CThe Brownville Adcertiser is urg ing the necessity for immediate survey and location cf the Atchison and Nebras ka R. R. That paper is right. The mat ter should be attended to now. The pco plo along the line should adopt the motto: "Never put off till to-morrrow whit should be done to-day." 5jTThe hoard of County Commission ers were in session last Monday and Tuesday. The qaestion of n, western road was up before them again, but was laid over until the next meeting. This road question is Attracting a great deal of attention, and we fear is causing some ill feeling in the community west of town. A lady in Omaha hits the editor of the Omaha Herald a blow which he has long deserved. Here is what she Omaha Jan. 30, 1S69. Editor Republican: Dear Sir: I have been apprinted a committee of three by the "old" ladies of a sewing circle just Marled, (of which I am a member) lo extt-nd a vote of thuaks through your pj per to the proprietors and managers of the Daily Unuld for their ino kind, respectful aji d honorable notice of our Society in thtir isufc of Sunday morning, 16 h inst. None but a true gentleman oould write such an article couched in such refined language. The ladies of Omaha oiht to and do appreciate such a man and the "old" ladies cf the Sewing So ciety would certainly feel it a great honor to have such a refined gentleman meet with them each time. Ore of "Th Old Ladie or Omaha." Only 26 years old. DIED- Junuary 30th, 1868, Edgar, son ofR. G. and Elizabeth Doom; aged two years and four days. In this city, Feb. 3d, 1868, Wilbcr Talbot, son of Geo. C. and V. E. Bktt, aged 3 years 7 months and 23 days. XOTICE. All persons owing U3 will please call and settle as we want to closa up our last years business. jan9tf Simpson, Mickelwait & Co. GREAT BAESGAEiS. Wm. Stadleman is closing out bis large stoca of clothing, furnishing goods, hats, caps, boots and ladies shoes, at less than has ever been offered in this market, ne is also paying the highest price for furs and hides. A'l those knowing themselves indebted will please call and settle, as I am set tling up all accounts. WM. STADLEMAN. riattsmouth, Jan. 7th, 1868. tf Desirable Property for Sale. One dwelling nouae, witn seven roams, cellar, barn, and 4 acres of ground well set with fruit trees, shrubbery, 5Lc. D. Marquette. Enouiro of S.Duke. Agnt 516 Plattsmouth Lodge No- 6, A. F.'& A-ET. KcfcMilHrcomniunications 1-t and 3 J .Mondays ofeach month, at 6 1 3 o'clock, p. m. Ji. K. LIVINGSTON", W. M. G. C. BETTS, See. Nebraska Chapter No- 3, B A- M. ltepaljr convocations 2d and 4th Tuetdayi of rh uoutb. at 6 12 o'clock p m. K. T. DTKE, H.P. O. C. BETTS. See. I. 0- 0. F. l'hitte Lodice, No. 7, meet every Saturday evening t tlie Cum Ho nae Hall. Hfothers o other Lodges re reprct fully invited to Visit this I.olpe. Byorderof 8. l)L'KE, N.C. BAM'L M. CUAPMAX .Rec.Sec'y. I. O: Q. T. ReguUrmeetlHpi every Tuesday evening. Traveling Teiuplars respectfully invited. J. W. BARNES, W.C.T. WM- L. WEI.L. W. S. TnOS. W. SHRTOCK, Lodge Deputy. t3yEXCELSIOR DE .REE LODOt, No 1. Platts mouth, hol.li regular meeting on the third Wednes day eveninas of efcch monin. B'o J. WKrl.ET BARNES, W D T. Bro. W. L. WLW, W D S Bister Rosa Davis, W DVT. J3-3TAROK 1.CT1 LODGE No. 8, Mt. Pleasant, bol ls regular meetings everv Saturday evening H. T. II LQUtS. W C. T. U. M. ROCNSKOILLE, W. 8. S. A DAVIS, Lodire Deputy. St. Luke's Parish Vestry. Regular meetings first Tneslay of every month, at 7 p. m., at the cfllre of D II Wheeler Rer.GtO.C. H TTS. D W Whkkleb, Clerk. Chaiiman. ESTRAY NOTICE TAK EN CP 'ti my farm, S! mile aouth-west of Platumouth, a red yearling ste.-r; line-back, crop cflT right ear and slit in left eir. Also a white and red colored calf, about six'mooth sold. I'iitismouih. Jan ii.i, ISO jn2J5 bAVCEL MAXWELL. CAME INTO the tubcribers inclosur?, Ei;ht Mile 'irove Precinct, one red ateer, while spot in f trehead and arbite und-r belly, supposed to be one year o'd last spring. ' j,n9r5 JOBS MCHARDeOX. TAKEN CP by the Subicriber oa ii'n premis" in R.rk r)ii!fi Pieeinrt on the 27th dy or Jano try A. D. I86S. yearling elf dea-rihed s lo lew : Black, with white face, 1iu-bvk and me whi;e oa , hi hehy. tto DVki or bra'id-i dicei-naMe. fe'-w6 J JHN U.ALLISON. TAKEN CP by tlie uleer-lier, living at Ught i Mile Grova. oca bull calf, mof-t y iel aoire wul e at out head and beily. - f.bwi pamiel ricnA3Dsry. HEW H. G. DOOM, J. E. DOOM, DOOM. BBO NORTH SIDE OF STREET, jXEAR THE COURT HOUSE Dealers in Dry-Goods, Hats, Boots, Caps, Glassware, Queens ware, Nails, &c., All of which we are prepared to sell as low as any House west of the Missouri River. We would especially call the attention of the public to our stock of FARM IMPLEMENTS, Cociie'.inglc part of Threshing Machines, Reapers and Mowers, Sulky and Revolving Rakes, Plows of all kinds, Cultiva tors, Nails, &c. jfc fyarrant every Jflachinc JVe Sell. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere DOOEV1, BRO & CO, Plattnnmtb, FeVy 5th,lSC3. 7 JUST RECEIVED And for snle at low figures, 10 a lt COFFEE, IS bhU SUGAR. S 6Ws DR Y AIILES, 5 lilt DR Y PEA CUES, SfC . 4c. Also, a large assortment of Pine Lumber, LA Til. SiriXGr.ES. IrOI2. WIXOOW SASH, WIXDO W Jil.lSDS, (i.ASS. VEJ1BX7. PLASTEX PAUM, IIAJJi, COAL OIL, Eto LEXINGTON COAL, 250 bushel., to which we Invite the attention of blacksmith's and others as to quality and price. We are Agents fur the GUOD1N COAL BANK, at Lex ington, and propose to furnish all the Coal this country wants at prices to suit. Also a large stuck of Rye, Bourbon and Star Whisky. Cherry, Easpberry, Blackberry acd Ginger Brandy. Ca'.l and see ns. MMPSOX, MICKELWAIT & CO. U6 63 trtf REGISTRAR'S NOTICE. 'n accordance with an act entitled "An Act tojrs ride for the rexis'iatim of voters . f th Stale.' Notice i hereby Riven to the voteit of I'iatlsiauuth City, Cass Connty. Nhia.v. tiiii a seion vl the ll gi.trarn of voters UITe held jit the j.flice of Maxwell Chapman, in said I ity, on Mod lay. the 10'h, Tufvdy, tlie llth, and Wednesday, ihe lith days of February, 163. f.r the purpore of making a complete Keiscy of lis lsal voters of platlsoiouth Cltv, for the cumins muulcirai election to be h-ld on February 20th, 1SC9 AM. JI CHAPMAN. ( janS0r'2 SHERIFF'S SAIiE. JOHN K'CKLT, 1 vs V AUGUSTUS MILLER. S Execution. Xotii-e Is hereby pi vn, tb.it, by virtue of ao Er ecutioo in the above ea itlei cau-e, i.sTijd cut of and under the Seal ofthe Clerk of the District l,Vj.-t of the 3d Judicial Dint ict, within cpd for 1 l.aie County, and State of Nrbraka, and to in directed, I will offer for sale at Public Aaction, to the hUii.' t and bet ti'U-r, at tSe front d r of tie Co irt House in the City of I'latlsmouth, County and Mate afore4jd. on 3IOXOA Y, Hi 2d day (f MarHt, A D 1S68, ltreen the hours of oufl aod two P. I.I. of ?ai4 day, ail right, title and interest of the abavo namid ie-fenl-i;t, A u;ustus Miller, in and to the following described real estate, to wit: Lot No. nine ('J) i Itlock No. thirty-niDe (39), rituated in the city of 1'lattsnouth, Cas County State of Nebraska. Given on Jcr my band, this 29:h day of January A. D. 186i?. J. W JOH5SO.V. jau80w4 Sheriff, Cass Co. Neb. ORDINANCE No, 69. An ordioance to amrnd an O dinance entitled "An Ordinance to authnriae ihe City CotiLCil of 1'latts mouth to borrow money for the pa po-e of ira.ilng and furti.sliin lies fir ramo:td runniurf from PUttmouth, t'a Cuuuty, Ncbralc i, to iuieritct the Uui 'n Pacific road in 3.ry County." Per. 1- it ordain-d by the City Council of tha City of Plattirooiith. That Sc. (1) of sai l t)rJinanc boainiendcd "o a- t" reaJ a f'ltlow: That an election be heid on the 20th "lay of February A. U." 1&0S; the pn Is to be opened at 0 a. in anil rloveil st 6 p ra of saiddt-y; lor the purpo e of voting on tho propo sition HUthor.aiUjf the City Council to h rrow money by i.suif R bouils to b- donated to the first Kilroad Company that will grade, build a railroad b idge across Platte Kiver nod furnish ties lor A ailroal rnnniux from l'iattsirjiu:h, Cass County, Nebraska, tn Intersect the Union 1'acillc Railroad at the nea est practical puint In Harp County. Sec 2 This Ordinnne to lake cT-ct an be in force from and after its publication accerdiuK to law. Dated Jan. 25th 186 i. YVILLET POTTENGKR, Attest Mayer. P. M. DORRINQTON', R-HKrder. jan 3) ORDINANCE No. G9. An Hi din:r.ce lo null ( He tfce Couiisi". 'to benow money for il.eiunlafe ot tie Ftry E. at Paul Wilcox, Ferry Franchise, with rigbtof way, of the Company. Rc. 1. Be it orbaincd by tho City Ccnncil ot the City of Plattsmouth,. Tint at the ram tin: and uniter the sanif re(?u'ati.s Hint is p-es i ibd .for holdir.R an electi. n by Untinanc No. 67; "An Or dinance to authorize- the City Council of l'lat f miuth tomorrow irt ny for the pm po of piaili- ft and furnithinft t i' fr a railroad runuioiufc from Platts mouth. Cf C unty to intetsect the l . P Kallrnad in Sarpy Cout-ty, Nebra-ka," 1 he followine prcpi sition be iImi .l mitud t befotd uE4-n. to it. Author isms Ihe t aid C ur.cil to i.nrir.w manry, not exceediiiK nire thou trrd I'olla, by ii-ruing bonds, for the purpose ot purthacirif the rerry Hoal, Paul Wilcox and Feiry FrnchiH and Kiabt of Way belonging to the Plattsmouth Kerry Company. rec. 2. Thi' Orainanc to tuke efl'sct and be in force, from and aftei its publicatin according .to 11W. tated Jan 27th. 1S6S W1LL1T POTTKNOBR, Attest. Mayor. F. M. DORRISGTON, Iieeorder. janSOw'J THOMAS W- SHRYOCK, CABINET MAKER, AKD DEALEB i- Furniture and Chairs. THIRD STREET. (Near Main,) PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. t3Fnnerals attended at the shortest notice. jan80 WOOL WORTH Sc CO., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, Binders ScPaperdealers, SAl.YT JOSEPH, MO., ocZ f rn KTEBTOX DOOM. CO. & Groceries, Notions, Shoes, Par nh am Souse, HARNEY STREET, OTTT1 gl3.l - TXTOT3- J. C. U1G BY, Proprietor. Prices Heduced! 0- C3rm Herold Has j-jst received a large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, cf all description', And a general assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. AllVlndiof OOUIST1CY IMiOJJ UOK Taken in exchange for G J- Cash paid for FCKS, HIDES, WIEA T, dec. I2G C. a. HEROLD. J. M. HINCHMAN, (Surcc.sor to Dunc'.aD k IltucbniaD,) Druggist & Apothecary, ccaleb irr DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, Dyes, Notions, Toilet Goods, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, 3PTJ11E WINES AMB LIQUOEIS Fur Mechanioal and Meliciaa putposes Keep constantly on han'l a futf and wtlt asrt ed stuck of PATENT MEDICINES- PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CarefuKy compounded by au experienced Dru?si?t None but the TUREST Medicines used. All gnou warranted as represented. Caland see. MAIN STREET. SOUTH S1DK. Terms Cash. HEAL ESTAT D. EC. Wheeler & , Real Estate Agen s. PLATTSMOUTH, N. T.f Offer for sale the follow ins Real Estate. Sec. T'p K . i e 80 80 60 6H 160 1( fei SO 8f 41 St l i ? East half northeast quarter Wet half tiorihwei-t quarter South haif northeast quart- r V jirh haif southeast quarter Northeast quarter Southwest quarter West half southeast quarter North half Southeast quarter West half northeast quarter Northwest quarter northwest qr Wert half southwest quarter 22 23 3-2 81 1 3 82 82 1G 3 18 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 11 12 12 10 It 11 12 10 11) r 12 II 11 11 11 11 12 12 13 11 11 14 11 13 1 3 IS 12 a 14 13 13 II li 12 12 12 East half foutheat quarter 4 South we quarter southeast quarter 4 South half noithwest quarter 13 Northwest quarter 22 East half -outhwest quarter 13 North half sou' hejst qua'ter 10 North half eotrhwest qiarter 10 West half onrthwe.-t quarter 8 Northeast quarter 21 Undivided half south west quarter 23 Eat-t half northw't quarter 1 Northwest quarter northeast qqarler 1 SO 4 I 5 I tw 6 S It Lots in the city of Plattsraoufj. Lot Block Lot Bioek" Lot BI tk 6 22 12 M 6 x23 8 28 8 23 6 48 6 3d 8 Si 8 36 10 57 10 90 8 93 9 128 1 12 4 12 4 i!9 6 88 S dS The north half of 8 47 THOMPSON'S ADDITION. Bast half of blocks 1, 4. 7, 6 and 10. South ha f of block . Lots 6 and 7 in block 5. West half sectioo 32, township 11, range 14. 1 acres under lence, 1 I 2 ftory frame boase, frood w and spring, and good run did? water. Heuty of til -b":Lr3r-Tw3 P'l's ?.TV. J.V3EES TICK, IMPORTER AND GROWER O? FL0WEB& VEGTflBLE SEEDS, ROCHESTER, N. Y. VICK'S ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE or SEEDX AND FLORAL QUIDS FOB 1P03, Is now published and rady to S'-nl out. It mikoi a work of about one nusDKED LaJtss rati a ton laiulOff full dscripiious of the Choicest Flowzrs and Yegetuhles Grotcn, with, plain directions for Fowiis Seed. Culture, &c. It -s beaatifullv Illustrated, with ranre tltrn OSS JWAUHED FIXE WOOD EXGIiAVIXOS of F.owers and Vesetah'0. nJ BEACTIFULCOLOKED PLATE Of FLOVTBR3. Well printed on the finest paper, and one of the mo-t b'-autiful as well as the uwJI instructive works ofthe kind published 3Sent all who apply, by mail, post paid, for Ten cents, w ilea ia not half the cosu- Aderesa JAUEd VICK, Richest jr. N. X- jacl4 Notice. Sealed proposals will be received by mr wntil 6 o'clock V. M. of Tuesday, Feb 'y. 4th, IS68, l-r tlie grading of Main Mrrtt, comjrUta. For specific-, lins aud lett'TS ot contract see Messrs- lilack, 1'arm'lee aud winterstiue, Committee ou llich- ways, , UKfu under my hand and sal. Jai.y fi'h. IsC. F. 2. DOIIKINGTON, Jac9w4 llecoider. PLOWS! PLOWS! C. E. F O B G Y , Msna.'ajlurtr of alt kind of Farming Implement's, Puch as the clebr.it -d Rod Breaking Tlows, Mould Board Brwkr-, bliir.na Plows. Sinis'le and Double Shovel", Cultivator- and llatrows. Repairing done on short notice All work warranted. Having had much experience in the bnsiness. I fi-cl asuircl that I can tfive general satisfaction. Flease give me a cali bUore i-urcliasing elsewhere. C. FORGT. rialtjmouth. Neb.. May 6th. ISf.T. " flouring AND WOOL- OARDIf.C. Ho! fr Fait Creek, where you can kill two birds with one stone, get your Gra:u Ground and Wool Cardel at the same time; Ihe machinery for bolh ia in nerfoct order. We use the Patent Machine Cards, which were run enough last year to establish their superiority over the oid kinil, as all who used the -, cm tiest'fv. The superiority of Mr. b. Twiss as a Car.K-r is well known, and his fervio s are still le taioed for the betiellt of the public. With the above ndvant: get we flatter ourselves tli.it we can make it to the i dTt"tageof all who want work in our line to jome mis way. D. 1EAK. Proprietor. my is S. TWIS3, Carder. a. HEsLrt, i. c nwis D. II. Wheeler & Co., Real Estate Agents, Commissioners of Deeds AND Tire and Life Ins, Ag'ts, PLATTSMOUTH, .V. T. Co'lections promptly attended to, and procee Is re mitted at current rates of Exchange. Taxes paid in We ern Iowa and 'jrasKator uon-reside:its. I itles to la id inve(tigat-d. Money loaned on Ileal Kstate secur.ties. Xand Warrants locate. CLAIM AGENTS. A . ects for collection of claims against Governruen for Soldiers, their widows and ruinot heirs. Ager.t for .he purchase and sale of LauUs aod City froier ty, easing of Tenements. II KFXU K.VCES Hon. S. H. Elbert, Denver City. C. T. Messrs Kountxe Bros., Omaha, Neb. " McCann &. M.'tcalf, Nebraska City. " G. F. Fillry. St. Lcnis, Missouri. Dr. Plo Lewis, Hoston, MassachusetU. H W Ditmaro. Chicago, Illinois. II M Magill, Cincinnati. Otiio. Toiiile A Uaona. Plattsrooiith. Nebraska. L U Rich, Three Rivers. Michigan. Hon F Fellows, llloomQekl, Wisconsin. Uor. T M Msrquett, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. I. Lewis. A '.to uey at Law, Uullalo, New York. ,'arter, H33S' y Ss. Curl, Dei Moines, Iowa, a' 3 d&wtf 3ST W JEWELRY STORE The snbicriher hsvine purchased the Red Stoie on 2d street, lately occupied by barpy and others, would respectfully inform tho oitirens of Plattsmouth and vicinity, that he has reStlcd the store aud opened a lat ge stock of A.ND FANCY ARTICLES For Ladles, Gents, Children, nd the rest of man kind, aid is prepared to do all kinls of WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING In the best manner, and wonld be hippy to serve his old and as many new customers as may give him their patronage, assuiiug them of their woik well done, at moderate price-, and on short time. 'Ihe stock-, embracirg every variety I gowis usually kpt at a first-class Jewelry Su.re, will be sold a low prices, and warranted of bvat woikmaustip and material, lie has a so a small stock ef FAMILY GROCERIES, which will be replenished from time to tinvs and old at the lowest figures. Having permanently lo cated in this city. I respectiuily solicit a share of pa tronage, and cordially invite all to call and examine the stoc!t on hand, as we would be p'.cased to serve you, and do not ask you to buy unlets we en make it for vour interest to patronize us. dec2Itf E. II. EATON". MILLC0X&(7IBBS cmmin II "mru E, i .rii n i ii iv ui.n i ubiiiiiu t iiri iiiiiwiHHM III The Champion! 1 I Jof 136 first pre 1! mium in two! J Jseasons. si " Tta EA9 m l ViJstronger ma lets liable to rip than the Lock Stitch.' "Judges' Report of Grand Trial." Send for the " Report," and Samples of work, containing both kinds of stitches on tbe same piece of goods. Agents wanted. X.. COKNELX & CO., Gen'l Agents, 138 Lake St., Chicago. F. P. 'I ODIX Agent, lia.tiL.outr., Srb decl9yl F AIBB AUK'S &TAVD1BD SCALES, CF ALL KINDS' Fairbanks, GreeDleaf 226 Lake St. Chicago 203 Jlirltt St , St. Louis 53Re careful to bay only the Genuine. myy22 TAKE NOTICE. Bounty Increased. Pensions due SoU diers and their heirs. F. M Dorringtoa h'l this day recelTcd froa t t, Department, the Law in full with new blanks.- ths collceiiori of additional Bounties and increased Pen sions, and ia ready to i rosectite a 1 1 such claims as may be ctrh."ted to bis care. Cal and exauiine. Fiistelaiiccd ia first served. F. sr. DORKIKCT T , nUmcu;h, Acg. IP, iga.j. CITY BAKERY AND CON FECT ,1 0 NE RY; :f. STADELMANIT. BREAD, CAKES, PFEP, ItCSK, Eta., Of ttie-beat quality, can be obtained at all time. woul't invite enpeClal attention lo tbe fact thai I have fitted up aa exrelb'iit ICE CREAM SAXOON In corneetion with the Bakery, where you can t accommodated at all tiuTe. . We.lrlinK parties supplied on ahtrt notice with anything in the line of Confectionery ur Pattry. Call aud see me. jelS iOTfCE. JAMES O'NFIL Is my authored Apent for the collection of all accounts due the indrripn d for medical services; his receipt will be valid fur tha payment of anv monies on said srcouTrta. August 14. Isti7. K. K. L1VINGSIOS, M.D. G It. McCAIiIiTJlif, ManuNcturer of and dealer in S!tdllcs and Ilurncss, Of every description, wholesale and retail. No. 130 Main street, between 5th and Cth streets, Ni braska City. jelS FALL TRADE 1867 PRATT & FOX Im;3rter and Manuae;urera' Ajents of HARDWARE CUTLERY, Large stocks of American Screw Co. Screws, Amis" Shovels and Spades, Douglas' Maniracturinc Co. Kdpe Tools, American Table Cutlery, Xi:!ul l':(t' ft Cutlery. ' Agents for HERRING'S SAFES, Forsyth's Scales and Trucks Orders Cl'.el at Factory Prices. Orders solicited. PRATT & FOX, Cor. Main and Washinfilon Ave., tepS Sm ST. LOUIS, SIO. Tremendous EXCITEMENT ! WH. IIERAIaO Uas moved into his new brick b-iildinj on tho t -tier of Main street and Levee, wheie he is taily re ret vine large additions to bis already expensive stock of GROCBHISS AND Xj x tr o jEs. r3 He oaVrs the vPry bet of bargains to customers, and reauesUi a call frun those who want anything la his line tj test the advantage! ia price w.th thua I others. Keiuembar tlia BRICK CORNER, and pivo hija a call if you wish to bay cheap. nova SHANNON'S Feed, Sale and Livery STABLE. MaiwSt., - Plattsmouth. I am prepared to accommodate the public wtt Horses, Carriages and Buggies, Also, a nice Hearse, On short notice ar.d rt usonsble terms. A Dack will' run to steamboat landits, and to all parts of the city when desired. iiS9 J, W. SHANNON. W. D. GAGE. W. R. DAVIS. CENTRAL STORE. Dry-Goods, Groceries, Provisions, BOOTS and JSlain Street, two doors above Fourth Where the public may find THE BEST OF GOODS, and prices as low as can be f-und in the c ty. We return thanks for the liben.l patronage we have received, ar.d hope to merit it ontinuaore. Oct. 3;, GAGE i DAVIS. wji. j. ford; upholsterer, PAPER-HANGER, &.C 2Iain street, - - Opposite Post Office, Will kefp on hand and make to order. Mattrss Picture Frames, Window Shades, Wall Paper, tc. (2TA!1 kinds of Turn in: executed ia good style, nov 7 '67. n3 Plattsmouth Mills. C. HEISEL, Proprietor. HaTe rreently bea repaired and placed to thor ough running order. Custcm work done oa abort noti.'c. 100,000 Bushels of Wheat Wanted imnediately, for which the highest mark price will be paid. aug28 tf BOARD And lodging By O. W, COIiVIN OAK BTKFEr. . - - PI ATT5M0CTB Two block aortawest of Brlrk chool-llouse. Piivate roorci furclsed If deMrtd. Illtrrds boird or w.th Ivjgirgt at irairtable rat;.. )az ! tf. 0